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In Srividya Upasana first step is Ganapathi.

Ganapathi mantra:
GANAPATI mantra meaning :
1. OM SRIM HRIM KLIM GLAUM GAM = Beejas of Ganapati
2. GANAPATAYE = Nama mantra
3. VARA VARADA = Giver of boons
4. SARVA JANAM = All people
5. ME VASHA MANAYA = brings under my control
6. SVAHA = Offer my desires for fulfilment into fire
God of wisdom, knowledge and new beginnings.
Ganesha the elephant-deity riding a mouse has become one of the commonest mnemonics for
anything associated with Hinduism. ...
He is the Lord of success and destroyer of evils and obstacles. ... The elephant head denotes
wisdom and its trunk represents Om, the sound symbol of ...
Ganesha is Vighneshvara or Vighnaraja or Vighnaharta (Marathi), the Lord of Obstacles, both of a
material and spiritual order.
He is popularly worshipped as a remover of obstacles, though traditionally he also places obstacles
in the path of those who need to be checked.
Lord Ganesha is embodiment of three virtues namely Buddhi, Siddhi and Riddhi known as wisdom,
spirituality and prosperity respectively.
Lord Ganesha is the personification of Buddhi Himself. The other two virtues are personified as
Goddesses and considered to be the consorts of Lord Ganesha. Most of the art works show
Ganesha flanked by two consorts who are named as Riddhi and Siddhi. It is believed that Riddhi and
Siddhi were daughters of Lord Brahma who himself conducted wedding ceremony of Lord Ganesha.
Parvati is a form of Devi, the Parashakti (Supreme Energy). In the human body She resides in the
Muladhara chakra as the Kundalini Shakti. It is said that when we purify ourselves, ridding ourselves
of the impurities that bind us, then the Lord automatically comes. This is why Shiva, the Supreme
Lord, came unannounced as Parvati was bathing.
Next step is Syama (Rajasyamala)....


24th November Rajasyamala homam at Prashant nagar,Malkajgiri, Secendrabad...

Syama :Matangi is one of the Mahavidyas, ten Tantric goddesses and a ferocious aspect of Devi, the Hindu
Divine Mother. She is considered to be the Tantric form of Sarasvati, the goddess of music and
learning. Like Sarasvati, Matangi governs speech, music, knowledge and the arts. Her worship is
prescribed to acquire supernatural powers, especially gaining control over enemies, attracting people
to oneself, acquiring mastery over the arts and gaining supreme knowledge.
Matangi is often associated with pollution, inauspiciousness and the periphery of Hindu society,
which is embodied in her most popular form, known as Ucchishta-Chandalini or UcchishtaMatangini. She is described as an outcaste (Chandalini) and offered left-over or partially eaten food
(Ucchishta) with unwashed hands or food after eating, both of which are considered to be impure in
classical Hinduism.

Matangi is often represented as emerald green in colour. While Ucchishta-Matangini carries a noose,
sword, goad, and club, her other well-known form, Raja-Matangi, plays the veena and is often
pictured with a parrot.
Syama : Raja Matangi is the Minister - Mantrini of Goddess lalitha Parameshwari. She was created by Lalitha
from HER sugar cane bow during HER battle with Bandasura. She rules the Empire(the Cosmos) on
behalf of Para Bhattarika Herself as indicated in Lalitha Sahasranam as
Mantrini Nyasta raajya dhoo and also bears the sovereign Mudra modiram (the ring of the Queen).
Matangi represents the mind and its activities. 'Vishanga', who represents the crooked mind was
killed by HER.
She has eight arms holding: paddy-past karmas, lotus-mind in worldly activity, paasha -love, ankusaanger, japa mala and books - knowledge, and the veena -yoga. Her right foot is down indicating must
do sadhana in the world by looking at her manifestation.
The devotees of Matangi is known to be blessed with Her grace of proficiency in poetry, Music,
Dancing and other fine artsthus they become highly learned in their chosen field.
Varahi : Varahi as a very powerful and active Goddess who destroys evil forces, protects spiritual aspirants,
and grants wishes. According to her mythology, she is commander of the forces of the mothergoddess, symbolizing the might of SriVidya (knowledge of yogas, rituals and devotional service). As
Varahi she destroys evil forces that obstructs the devotees progress, paralyses the enemies, and
leads the devotees ultimately to Sri-Vidyas. Varahi represents the new-moon and the illumination
aspects of the mother-goddess. Varahi is also said to be one of the Yoginis, taking the form of a boar.
She is said to lift up the earth with her tusks to confer benefits on all creatures.
About Sri Vidya.....
The concept of Sri forms the entire Hindu-buddhist civilization, directly or indirectly, quite often in
small segments and powers. However, even in this area of ancient civilizations, with the exception of,
say, one in half a billion people, no one really understands what Sri Vidya is because learning Sri
Vidya is not like mastering any of the sciences, it is mastering one's own self. It is God's science of
the universe, God's science of self-knowledge, that very self-knowledge where God within us also
knows Herself.
The highest tantric practices are the ten schools of mahavidya (the great knowledge), and among
them Sri Vidya is the most complete and comprehensive. (The practices related to the other nine
maha vidyas are subsumed, directly or indirectly, in Sri Vidya.)

The goal of Sri Vidya is to give the aspirant a direct experience of the primordial life-force, or shakti,
that holds all the cells and molecules of the body in place. This life-force is endowed with intrinsic
intelligence; its vibration animates all creation; all forms of energy and matter emerge from it. And
because this shakti vibrates in all aspects of creation, there is a perfect synchronicity among all
forms of life. By unveiling the mystery of this life-force, Sri Vidya adepts are able to understand the
relationship between the different parts of the body, between the body and the mind, between
humans and plants, and ultimately between the microcosm and the macrocosm.
When the adepts discovered how to access this shakti and the domain of matter and energy
animated by it they were able to pinpoint the precise nature and characteristics of the forces
governing our anatomy and physiology as well as all other aspects of nature. And to communicate
this knowledge to those who had not had the direct experience, tantrics referred to these forces as
"deities," explaining that any deity (force) that dwells within us also dwells outside us. The deity that
governs the formation of the human fetus, for example,also governs the germination of a seed. By
knowing the nature of the force that regulates the development of the fetus we can also know the
nature of the force that regulates the sprouting of a seed, and vice versa. This is the basic premise
underlying all tantric thinking.
The tantrics developed another method of communicating their knowledge: yantras, or diagrams that
express a practice visually. Just as modern scientists have developed equations such as E=mc2 to
communicate their knowledge, so have the tantrics developed equations to communicate theirs yantras are equations expressed in the language of geometry. There are hundreds of yantras,some
simple, some extremely complex.The most comprehensive of all is Sri Yantra (also called Sri
Chakra), which contains the entire doctrine and practice of Sri Vidya.
Sri yantra:
Sri yantra, also known as Sri Chakra, is called the mother of all yantras because all other yantras
derive from it. In its three dimensional forms Sri Yantra is said to represent Mount Meru, the cosmic
mountain at the center of the universe.
The Sri Yantra is conceived as a place of spiritual pilgrimage. It is a representation of the cosmos at
the macrocosmic level and of the human body at the microcosmic level (each of the circuits
correspond to a chakra of the body).
The Sri Yantra is a configuration of nine interlocking triangles, surrounded by two circles of lotus
petals with the whole encased within a gated frame, called the "earth citadel". The nine interlocking
triangles centered around the bindu (the central point of the yantra) are drawn by the superimposition
of five downward pointing triangles, representing Shakti ; the female principle and four upright
triangles, representing Shiva ; the male principle. The nine interlocking triangles form forty three
small triangles each housing a presiding deity associated with particular aspects of existence

Man's spiritual journey from the stage of material existence to ultimate enlightenment is mapped on
the Sri Yantra. The spiritual journey is taken as a pilgrimage in which every step is an ascent to the
center, a movement beyond one's limited existence, and every level is nearer to the goal. Such a
journey is mapped in stages, and each of these stages corresponds with one of the circuits of which
the Sri Yantra is composed from the outer plane to the bindu in the center.
The Sri Yantra is a tool to give a vision of the totality of existence, so that the adept may internalize
its symbols for the ultimate realization of his unity with the cosmos.
The goal of contemplating the Sri Yantra is that the adept can rediscover his primordial sources. The
circuits symbolically indicate the successive phases in the process of becoming.
Ayur arogya maishwaryam balam pushtir mahatyasha
kavitvam bukti mukti cha chaturavrutti tarpanaat
By doing Ganapati Chaturavrutti Tarpanam regularly one is blessed with Ayuh- a long life, Arogyamgood health, Aishwaryam - dharmic wealth, Balam - strength, Pushti - lasting eminence, Mahat
Yashas-great honour and veneration , Kavitvam- Literary skills, Bukti - enjoyment of worldly life and
Mukti - Moksha ie salvation and liberation from the cycle of birth and death.
Sri Gurubhyonamaha
"Dattatreya Samarambham Svaprakasananda Madhyamaam
Amruthananda Paryantam vandey Guru paramparaam" ||
Calling volunteers across the World ...
No CASTE !!! No CREED !!! No AGE BAR !!!
Kamakhyamrutha Mission is calling Volunteers across world to participate in the Divine ritual
According to Lalithasahasranamam and Bhagavadgita
"Kshetra Swaroopa Kshtreysi Kshetra Kshetreya palini "...
As per Bhagavadgita who is aware of his / her body is called as God / Goddess.
"Deham Devalayo prokto Devo Jeevo Sanatana" ...
The meaning of above statements are human body is a temple and the soul in such body is Divine.

By considering all these Shri Parasurama in his Parasurama Kalpa Sutra proscribed the ritual
Kalavahana. Our beloved Guruji Shri Amruthananda Saraswathi has simplified this to suite to current
world conditions.
As per Kalavahana, Every Cell (randramu) in the Human Body are the areas of the heighest density
of energy ("Shakthi Peetham") and therefore these are easiest places to exchange energy with the
Divine cosmic energy. Energy passes through these cells to your etheric energy field and onto the
Outside world, and from the outside world back through your auric layers to and through your Cells
and your body. This energy exchange is what gives you that psychic sense of your surroundings,
while flow of this energy is directly affected by your thoughts, emotions, health, and state of mind.
This cosmic energy influences everything you do, and go in and out of alignment and balance
naturally. From little stresses, minor illness, and leading the fast-paced lifestyles you do today, these
cells need to be realigned to eliminate dis-ease of the mind, body and spirit.
Kalavahana ritual allows you to feel energised and confident in all aspects of your life. You feel
inspired and life seems to flow. People are attracted to your positive energy and opportunities open
for you. By doing daily Kalavahana you are able to live in the moment and experience life to the
Our wish and mission is to Pass this simple and Effective daily Kalavahana to everyone in the
society, which helps them to realise the God / Goddess within.
There is No Registration Fee. You can spend time as per your convenience, No restrictions indeed.
---------Kalavahana is a ritual from proven, ancient wisdom of Srividya. The ritual helps in removing bodily
afflicitions,and transforming mental, social and spiritual status. Kalavahana invokes enough cosmic
energy for activating and balancing power centers in our body. Group rituals can be performed at
various places like schools, community halls, apartments, colonies.
--------- Regular practice relieves mental agony and gives eternal bliss
- Improves Memory power, thinking ability & concentration
- Gives peace of mind and stability
- Disturbances in studies,lack of growth in work, losses in business and family problems can be
considerably reduced
- Utilises time effectively
- Empowers recievers
- Education improvement -Improves Memory power,Thinking ability,Grasping Power,Concentration

and Communication skills

- Energy - Reduces tiredness, improves ability to work.
- Plants seeds of devotion at a tender age for positive thinking and stress free approach to life
- Helps in the Development of leadership qualities
- Improves relationship with teachers, parents & society
- Improves self reliance,will power and grit
- Makes successful career
- Helps students excel in literacy purs
Sri Vidya :
The goal of Sri Vidya is to give the aspirant a direct experience of the primordial life-force, or shakti,
that holds all the cells and molecules of the body in place. This life-force is endowed with intrinsic
intelligence; its vibration animates all creation; all forms of energy and matter emerge from it. And
because this shakti vibrates in all aspects of creation, there is a perfect synchronicity among all
forms of life. By unveiling the mystery of this life-force, Sri Vidya adepts are able to understand the
relationship between the different parts of the body, between the body and the mind, between
humans and plants, and ultimately between the microcosm and the macrocosm.
The tantrics developed another method of communicating their knowledge: yantras, or diagrams that
express a practice visually. Just as modern scientists have developed equations such as E=mc2 to
communicate their knowledge, so have the tantrics developed equations to communicate theirs yantras are equations expressed in the language of geometry. There are hundreds of yantras,some
simple, some extremely complex.The most comprehensive of all is Sri Yantra (also called Sri
Chakra), which contains the entire doctrine and practice of Sri Vidya.
This page was created with the approval and encouragement of Sri Amritananda of Devipuram India.
1. For most of us life is a stuggle: 90% tension and 10% happiness. We are all suffering from some
problem or other all the time whether created by ourselves or the society we live in. Society demands
conformity. We are punished if we do not conform to its standards. Most of the time we cant solve
our problem all by ourselves. We do need help. First, we do seek and get help from people known to
us. But the people we know are very limited, may be a thousand in the entire human population.
Next we consult internet to get help. Even that cannot solve if nature is disruptive. Nature can be
violent as for example in extremes of heat and cold, tsunamis, volcanoes, hurricanes, and
breakdowns of power and communications. Nature can also be wonderful and lovable when
controlled. We can get unlimited abundance and powers not only from people, but also from all of
nature when controlled. We call unseen controllers of Nature powers as Devas and Devis. To get
help form Nature, we have to follow its law: first we have to sow before we can reap. It means we
have to give first before we can get help from to controllers of nature. Help from Goddess Nature is
what we really need to solve all our problems and enjoy our life in peace. We have to move from I as
an individual to we as an individual. We have to join as a team and work towards a common goal.
One common goal can be empowering each one of us and the team. To achieve this goal, we can

create a simple team building fun event near our own homes.
2. How can we design such an event? Suppose we first draw a geometrical diagram which can
attract all benign powers of nature . Such power diagrams are well known in all cultures as mandalas
or chakras. Let us put each participants life force into a light placed in its centre. Into that light, we
call powers of Fire, Sun and Moon, and all elements including time. Then we invite the unending
happiness flowing from blending all feminine graces and masculine powers. Then we invoke
compassion into eyes, music into speech, nectar of love into its heart and creative powers into its
womb. We share in fun what we have and get what we really need to solve our problems. Suppose
100 of join as a team. Each one of us gives one unit of life energy into the center light. When we take
it back into us, every one of us receives 100 units of pure life energy. The team receives 100x100 life
energies. Such is the potency of power working in team work. By letting go of alienation from each
other, we glow with love, grace and power, sharing and caring for each of us. Our life becomes that
much easier because all around us are fields of love, light and laughter.
3. We call such event Siri Jotis meaning abundant lights: emitting rainbow shades of love. The
procedure is easy to learn and easy to do. It comes from ancient wisdom called Srividya, It is time
tested. It can be learned in just a day and done in 4 hrs once a month. 1 hr for drawing, one hr for
decoration with lights, flowers and snacks, one hr for calling in powers of nature along with its
controllers, and one hr of fun and sharing with music and dance. It is spreading like an expanding
like a wave front enveloping our globe. Interested to learn more? Please make sure you visit the
website . Devipuram is spelled as d e v i p u r a m.
Realize: who you really are, the importance of your body and how it is related to the universe.
Feel: the state of love in yourself, and everything that surrounds you to make yours the meaning of
Understand: why it is more blessed to give than to receive by experiencing divine presence in all
Transform: yourself, life and world by realizing love and mind

Everyone contains the powers of God/dess within them; this ritual is a

means of removing the veils and conditioning that hide this basic truth. It
is tantric in nature; it relies on imagery and mantra to awaken hidden
energies in the body/mind complex. This ritual comes from ancient
wisdom, it connects you to power. It solves your self made problems and
those made by society. You will sing and dance your way through life. You
will be wealthy, creative and radiate divine light and love to all. It is a form

of the Sri Chakra puja, it honors the God/dess in each participant moving
us closer to the revelation of the intrinsic truth of the divinity within us all.
This puja combines the Mantra (sound form) and Yantra (geometric form)
through the vehicle of Tantra.
We gather as community, draw and decorate a central yantra with flowers
and grains, then offer our individual lights to the central flame. We
cultivate the powers of fire, sun and moon in our own bodies as well as
the five elements in our chakras. Through internal cultivation and group
ritual experience our energies are purified and amplified by the Sri Yantra.
We then bring this energy back into ourselves revealing our own true
divine nature. The effects are exponentially and cumulative with each
ritual. A number are being offered locally culminating in a weekend on the
How and Why of puja and The Process of Empowerment through the
lens of science, art and tradition.
Check to RSVP,
find location details , any schedule changes or additional dates that may
be offered.
This is part of a series of puja culmination on a weekend equinox retreat
(9/20-22 SW PDX) on 'The How and Why' of puja and 'The Process of
Empowerment' through the lens of science, art and tantric tradition.
Also: 9/8 7pm Ganesha Chaturti Homam, N. Portland
If you can not attend but wish to sponsor flowers for these beautiful pujas
please use the paypal link below, your name will be included in the
sankalpa(statement of intent) at the beginning of the ritual and you can
share in the blessings of the puja!
7 pm FULL MOON TANTRIC EMPOWERMENT RITUAL: We gather as a kuala (tantric
community) around the central yantra we have created and decorated as a group. We call
upon the forces of the cosmos, first the celestial lights of Fire, Sun and Moon, followed by
the wild aspects of the five elements, then followed by the forces that control them. We bring
these forces into our bodies, from the base to the crown. Then we invite in the nectar,
bringing the grace of Siva and Shakti into our crown and the Goddesses of Speech
(Saraswati), Love (Lakshmi) and Passion (Devi) into their respective homes in our physical
bodies; mouth, breast, genitals... Now that our vessel has been cleansed and purified we

transfer our own divine energies into center of the chakra where they are energized and
amplified and receive worship by the group. If 20 of us each put in one unit of energy, we
each receive 20 units back!
We select a willing participant to embody Divine Mother for the evening, then we invoke
Divine Mothers presence into this vessel that has now been prepare to hold this energy. We
will then worship Her with intimate services accompanied by tantric interpretations in
English by Devipuram GurujiAmrittananda , decoded and accessible to all. Dont miss this
rare opportunity!

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