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1) __________________ refers to all types of relationship between all the parties
concerned with industry.
a.Industrial relations.
b. Human relations.
c.General relations.
d. All of these.
2) The scope of IR does not include
a.Employer and employee relation.
b. Employee and trade union relation.
c.Employer, employee and trade union relation.
d. Employee and customer relation
3) Dominant aspects of industrial relations are
b. Conflict
c.Both (A) and(B).
d. None of these.
4) Which of the following factor affecting IR?
a.Institutional Factors
b. Economic factors
c.Social factors
d. All of these.
5) Which of the following is not a part of the scope of industrial relations
a. Labor relations
b. Employer employee relations
c.Group Relation
d. None of these
6) Main aspects of industrial relations are
a.Promotion and development of healthy manager and labor relations
b. Maintenance of industrial peace and avoidance of industrial dispute
c.Development of industrial democracy
d. All of these
7) Which of the following factors not affecting industrial relations
a.Psychological factors
b. Political factors
c.Global factors
d. None of these
8) Which of the following is the approaches of industrial relation
a.Gandhian approach
b. System approach
c.Oxford approach
d. All of these
9) John Dunlop gave the
a.Gandhian approach
b. System approach
c.Oxford approach

d. All of these
10) Collective bargaining was considered as apex of IR system is concerned with
a.Gandhian approach
b. Systems approach
c.Oxford approach
d. All of these
11) Which of the following is an objective for IR?
a.To safeguard mutual trust
b. To raise productivity
c.To avoid industrial strike
d. None of these
12) Temporary closing down the undertaking with the intention of forcing workers to
accept the demand of the employer is called
b. Layoff
d. Retrenchment
13) The conflicts and dispute between employers and employees on any industrial
matters are known as
a.Industrial disputes
b. Human relations
c.Conflict relations
d. All of these
14) The phrase collective bargaining was first coined by
a. Sydney and Beatrice web
b. U.K.
c.Both A& B
d. None of these
15) Workers participated in management is highlighted in
a. Article 43A
b. Article 42 A
c.Both ( a) and (b)
d. None of these
16) Workers participated in management has _______________objectives
b. Psychological
c.Both A& B
d. None of these
17) __________ is the ultimate remedy for the settlement of industrial dispute
through the intervention by the third party appointed by the government
b. Voluntary Arbitration
d. Collective bargaining
18) The utility of non violence as the means of conflict resolution is the principle of
a. Gandhian approach
b. System approach
c.Both ( a) and (b)
d. All of these
19) A trade union is a continuous association of wage earners for the purpose of
maintaining or improving the condition of their working lives

a.Sydney & Beatrice web

b. G.D.H. Cole
c.Both A& B
d. None of these
20) A______ strives to protect maintain and improve economic, social and vocational
interest of their members
a.Trade union
b. Employer union
c.Both A& B
d. None of these
21) The objectives of trade union includes
a. Employee compensation
b. Working Condition
c.Recognition and participation
d. All of these
22) Which of the following is not a type of trade union
a. Craft union
b. Stable union
c.Company union
d. Industrial union
23) Which of the following is the method of trade union
a. Mutual insurance
b. Collective bargaining
c.Political action
d. All of these
24) The first union was recognized in
a. 1884
b. 1890
d. 1920
25) Theories of trade union includes
a. Industrial democracy
b. Social psychological
c.Capitalism approach
d. All of these
26) Which theory was given by Robert.F.Hoxie
a. Industrial democracy / Non revolutionary
b. Social Psychological
c.Capitalism Approach
d. Anti- Capitalism/Revolutionary
27) Which theory was given by Karl Max
a. Industrial democracy / Non revolutionary
b. Social Psychological
c.Capitalism Approach
d. Anti- Capitalism/Revolutionary
28) Who was the first trade unionist in India
a. Selig Perlman
b. N.M. Lokhanday
d. All of these
29) Structure of trade union is concerned with

a. On the basis off purpose

b. On the basis of membership structure
c.Both A&B
d. All of these
30) AITUC was established in
a. 1920
b. 1954
d. All of these
31) Such union destroying the present economic system by resorting the
revolutionary measures . The seek to abolish the wage system and private
a. Anarchist
b. Political union
d. Guerilla Union
32) Which of the following is not the characteristic of the trade union
a. Common Goal
b. Individual action
c.Both ( a) and (b)
d. All of these
33) Types of organization to which trade union are affiliated
a.The National Federation
b. The federation of union
c. Both ( a) and (b)
d. All of these
34) Which of the following is a function of trade union
a. Militant function
b. Fraternal function
c.Both ( a) and (b)
d. All of these
35) Techniques to achieve the objectives of organization are
a. Collective bargaining
b. Grievance Handling
d. All of these
36) Internal problem of trade union are
a. Migratory character
b. Homogenous character
c.Poor economic conditions
d. All of these
37) Which of the following factors are not the measures to strengthen the trade union
in India
a. Education of workers
b. Economic and social uplift
c. Effective leadership
d. None of these
38) The central trade union in India is/are

d. All of the above

39) The first president of AITUC was
a. Sarabhai and Banker
b. Gandhiji
c.Lala Lajpat Rai
d. All of these
40) Hind Mazdoor Panchayat(HMP) was established in
a. 1965
b. 1948
c. 1930
d. 1945
41) All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) has political link with
a. CPI
b. CPI(M)
c. BJP
d. All of these
42) The agreement arrived between the representative of a trade union and employer
is known as
a. Collective agreement
b. Mutual agreement
c.Both ( a) and (b)
d. None of the above
43) __________ denotes the absence of an employee when he is scheduled to work
a. Labor turnover
b. Absenteeism
c. Both ( a) and (b)
d. None of the above
44) Recognition of the trade union was made by the provision of
a. Trade union act ,1926
b. Industrial disputes Act , 1947
c. Code of discipline
d. Factories Act 1948
45) Which is not a structure of trade union of industrial organization
a. Craft union
b. General union
c.Industrial union
d. Consumers union
46) What should be the minimum number required to register a union
a. 100
b. 7
c. 6
d. All of the above
47) The basic function of the trade union is
a. To protect and promote the interest of the worker
b. Acquiring the control of industry by workers
c.Imbibing sincerity and discipline of workers
d. To provide cultural and recreational activities
48) Intra union rivalry means
a. Rivalry between union
b. Rivalry within the same union
c.Rivalry between union and management

d. All of the above

49) Which of the following is not the principle of Industrial relations policy
a. The code of conduct
b. Labor welfare activities
c.The code of discipline
d. All of the above
50) Which of the following is not a part of industrial relations
a. Government and employers
b. Trade unions, union federations or associations
c.Foreign companies
d. Labor courts and Tribunals
51) Which are the major causes of the origin in industrial relations
a. Industrialization
b. Emergence of factory system
c. Development of capitalist economy
d. All of the above
52) Which of the following are the major participants of industrial relations from the
a. Employers
b. Government
c. Unions
d. All of these
53) The international labor organization was established in
a. April 19,1919
b. May 20,1920
c.April 9, 1919
d. April 19,1949
54) Which of the following are the main causes of indiscipline
a. Wage differentials
b. Unreasonable work assignment
c. Non payment of Bonus
d. Any of the above
55) The main issues involved in industrial relations consists of
a. Collective bargaining
b. Machinery for settlement of industrial disputes
c. Workers participation in management
d. All of the above
56) Which of the following does not include the economic cause of dispute
a. Compensation like wages
b. Victimization of workers
c. Unjust lay off and retrenchments
d. Leave without pay
57) Which of the following are the non economic cause of dispute
a) Ill-treatment by staff
b) Sympathetic strike
c) Indiscipline
d) All of these
58) Which of the following can not be a cause of strike
a) Salary and incentive problems
b) Discontinuity in services due to overage
c) Wrongful discharge or dismissal of workmen

d) Dissatisfaction with company policy

59) Which of the following measures prove to be fruitful in improving industrial
a) Strong and stable unions
b) Workers participation in management
c) Mutual trust
d) All of the above
60) Which of the following cannot be categorized as the main aim of works
a) Giving greater participation to workers
b) Providing better opportunities outside the organization
c) Generating co-operative atmosphere for negotiation between parties
d) Ensuring close interaction between labour and management
61) By which of the following are the main implications summarized by ILO in
regard to workers participation in management
a) Workers are also creative and have innovative ideas
b) Workers are capable enough to give rational and logical justifications
provided they are well aware and well informed
c) Both A&B
d) Neither A and B
62) By which of the following methods workers participation can takes place
a) Staff or work council
b) Board level participation
c) Joint council and Committees
d) All of the above
63) The main objectives of workers participation in management
a) Elevating, the status of a worker in the society
b) Increasing the efficiency of the enterprise and establishing harmonious
c) For promoting solidarity among workers and tapping human talents
d) All of the workers
64) Which of the following can be considered as advantages or quality circles
a) Employees become involved in decision-making
b) Employees getting chances of production
c) Employees improve their communication and analytical skills
d) All of the above
65) Which of the following is not the principle of total quality management
a) High quality high cost
b) Measure the cost of quality
c) Manage by prevention, not correction
d) Meet the customers requirement on time, the first time and 100% of the time
66) Which of the following are the pre requisites of workers participation in
a) Profit linked pay
b) Pension-fund participation
c) Profit- Sharing and employees stock option schemes
d) All of the above
67) Which of the following are considered to be the bottlenecks of workers
participation in management
a) Employers cannot think beyond their knowledge and skills

b) Role of trade union is not satisfactory

c) Employers are unwilling to share power with workers representative
d) All of the above
68) Which of the following are the basic objectives of code of discipline
a) Maintain peace and order in the industry
b) Avoid work stoppage in industry
c) Promote options from all levels of management and employment
d) All of the above
69) The code of discipline is based on which of the following principles
a) No strike or lockout without prior notice
b) No deliberate damage to a plant or property of the establishment
c) Usage of existing machinery for settlement of disputes
d) All of the above
70) Which of the following is not a principle of industrial relations policy
a) The code of conduct
b) The code of discipline
c) Labour welfare
d) None of these
71) Which of the following matters are usually brought under collective bargaining
a) Working conditions
b) Labour welfare
c) Organizational matters
d) All of the above
72) Which of the following is not the most important aspects of the process of
collective bargaining
a) Negotiations
b) Confrontations
c) Discussions
d) Compromise
73) Which of the following are the main reasons of workers participation in
management not getting successful in India
a) Multiplicity of trade union and conflicts between them
b) Confusion and duplication of functions
c) Lack of education and training
d) All of the above
74) Who of the following is not associated with concept of industrial relations system
a) Frederick Taylor
b) R.A. Lestler
c) Dale yoder
d) Prof. Dunlop
75) Who defined industrial relations as Industrial relations may be defined as the
complex of inter relations among workers , managers and government
a) Dale yoder
b) Prof .Dunlop
c) Frederick Taylor
d) R.A. Lestler
76) ______________ is used to denote the collective relationship between
management and workers
a) Industrial relation
b) Social relation
c) Family relation

d) Personal relation
77) ___________ with the rules , laws and agreement through executive and judicial
machinery influences and shapes industrial relation
a) Society
b) Industry
c) Government
d) None of these
78) _____________ approach focus on the types of society in which organization
a) Lenin
b) Gandhian
c) Marxist
d) None of these
79) According to ___________approach industrial relations a social sub system
within the economic and political system
a) System approach
b) Human relation approach
c) Leadership approach
d) Group discipline approach
80) _____________ Having a protecting role of safe guarding workers interests
a) Trade unions
b) Management
c) International agencies
d) Society
81) _________or ______________regulates the relationship between workers
organization and employers organization
a) Society, Employees
b) NGOs , Government
c) Government, State Machinery
d) None of the above
82) _____________ is process in which representatives of workers and employees
are brought together before a third person or a group of person with view to come
to mutually satisfying agreement
a) Conciliation
b) Merger
c) Diversification
d) Expansion
83) _____________ is person appointed voluntarily if the dispute is not settled by
a) Bidder
b) Arbitrator
c) Nominee
d) Representative
84) _________________ is another name of compulsory arbitration
a) Adjudication
b) Amortization
c) Dissolution
d) Fraction
85) ______________ is the technique that has been adopted by unions and
management to reconcile their conflicting interests
a) Arbitration

b) Collective bargaining
c) Court intervention
d) Social norms
86) ___________ refers to mental and emotional involvement of a person in a group
situation which encourages him to contribute to goals and share responsibilities in
a) Workers participation in management
b) Rehabilitation
c) Discipline
d) None of the above
87) __________ is a powerful weapon used by trade unions and their labour
associations to get their demand accepted
a) Strikes
b) Lockout
c) Picketing
d) Gherao
88) _____________ is a work stoppage in which an employer prevents employees
from working
a) Strike
b) Gherao
c) Picketing
d) Lockout
89) Work committee and joint consultation are the measures to encourage
___________ which will increase productivity and lead to greater effectiveness.
a) Rehabilitation
b) Workers participation in management
c) Discipline
d) Creativity
90) __________is a consultive body comprising of 100 or more persons , which aims
at giving greater participation to workers
a) Advisory committee
b) Managing committees
c) Work committees
d) None of these
91) ___________ are the rules and regulations which govern the conditions of
employment of workers
a) Standing orders
b) Policies
c) Advice
d) None of these
92) ___________is an authority appointed by the government to mediate dispute
between parties brought to his notice, enjoying the powers of a civil court
a) Arbitrator
b) Conciliation officer
c) Disciplinarian
d) None of these
93) ___________is constituted if the conciliation proceedings fail to resolve a
dispute by the government to investigate the dispute
a) A court of enquiry
b) A court of social justice
c) A court of norms

d) None of the above

94) When the process of collective bargaining fails, then the role of third party comes
to break the dead lock and this process is generally called
a) Conciliation/mediation
b) Arbitration
c) Intervention
d) None of the above
95) ________ has been the highest level of democracy in industrial relations
management and a privilege for the employees
a) Board level participation
b) Participation in management
c) Participation in solving problems
d) None of the above
96) _________ involves making the workers share holders of the company by
including them to buy equity shares
a) Participation through ownership
b) Participation in management
c) Board level participation
d) None of the above
97) _________ are the bodies comprising representatives from employers and
a) Management committees
b) Joint councils and committees
c) Discipline committees
d) None of the above
98) _____________ bring both the parties together and develop appropriate mutual
understanding and brings about a mature responsible relationship
a) Workers participation management
b) Harmony and co-operation
c) Following social norms and values
d) None of the above
99) In------------- method workers participation in management invites suggestions
and the reward is given for best suggestion
a) Participation through management
b) Participation through suggestion schemes
c) Participation by complete control
d) None of the above
100) The person appointed by the government to settle the dispute presented in
labour court is known as
a) Presiding officer
b) Officiate
c) Substitute officer
d) Arbitrator
101) Which one of the settlement is not relevant here for disputes?
a) Collective bargaining
b) Compulsory adjudication
c) Voluntary Arbitration
d) Reference to civil court
102) Reduction of labour force is called
a) Termination
b) Retrenchment

c) Layoff
d) Right sizing
103) The decision given by Arbitrator is called
a) Degree
b) Sentence
c) Award
d) Reward
104) In which five year plan removal of poverty received top priority
a) Second
b) Fourth
c) Fifth
d) Sixth
105) Which of the following National Level Federation was established in 1921
d) HMS
106) Which of the following methods are used in industrial relations system
a) Collective bargaining
b) Discipline procedure
c) Grievance redressal procedure
d) All of the above
107) Which of the following is not a objective of industrial relations
a) To enhance economic status of workers
b) To settle the disputes with workers neighbor
c) To regular production by minimizing conflict
d) To provide an opportunity to the worker to have a say in management decision
108) Which of the following is the exact meaning of lockout according industrial
dispute Act 1947
a) Temporary closing of a place of employment
b) Suspension of work
c) Refusal by an employer to continue to employ any number of persons
employed by him
d) All of the above
109) Which of the following is not a main purpose picketing
a) To stop workers to go to work
b) TO stop workers to take sick leaves
c) To tell the public about the strike
d) To persuade workers to take their union side
110) In __________ the workers acquire complete control of management through
election boards
a) Workers participation in management
b) Participation through complete control
c) Participation through partial control
d) None of the above
111) ___________ refers to the deep commitment, almost obsession of an
organization to quality
a) Production management
b) Human resource management
c) Total quality management

d) None of the above

112) ____________is a body which is composed of members representing the
central government , Trade union federation and employers organizations
a) Tripartite bodies
b) Bipartite bodies
c) Management committees
d) None of the above
113) ___________is the international organization responsible for drawing up and
overseeing international labor standards
a) Indian labor congress
b) Hind mazdoor Sabha
c) International Labor Organization
d) None of the above
114) Which of the following statement is true about an industrial dispute
a) The dispute may relate to employment
b) The dispute may relate to non employment
c) The dispute may between worker and worker
d) The dispute may between employer and government
115) Which of the following is not cause of industrial dispute
a) Demand for pay and benefit hike
b) Demand for hygienic and safe working conditions
c) Demand for better labor welfare
d) None of the above
116) When employees resort to unauthorized strike in violation of the labor contract
agreement it is called
a) Pen down
b) Tools- down
c) Sit in Strike
d) Wild cat strike
117) The strike organized to express solidarity with the striking employees in the
same organization, industry or region is called
a) Hunger strike
b) Sympathy strike
c) Tool down strike
d) All of the above
118) Which of the following dispute settlers cannot make a binding decision
a) Arbitrator
b) Adjudicator
c) Conciliator
d) Industrial tribunal member
119) One party gains at the expense of another norm refers to which type of
collective bargaining
a) Distribute bargaining
b) Integrative bargaining
c) Centralized bargaining
d) None of the above
120) A union may claim recognition for an industry in a local area , if it has the
membership of
a) 10% of the workers in that industry
b) 15% of the workers in that area
c) 25% of the workers of that industry in that area

d) 30% of the workers in similar industry

121) Who among the following advocated the trusteeship theory of trade union
a) N.M. Lokhande
b) B.P. Wadia
c) G.L.Nanda
d) M.K. Gandhi
122) A person is qualified to be chosen as a member of the executive or any other
office bearer of the registered trade union if he attained the age of
a) Fifteen years
b) Eighteen Years
c) Twenty one years
d) Twenty five years
123) Which of the following is method of union recognition
a) Secret ballot
b) Membership verification
c) Check-off system
d) All of the above
124) Workers do join trade unions find out the incorrect reason out of the following
a) To attain economic security
b) To improve bargaining power
c) To ventilate their grievances
d) To satisfy their family needs
125) The first to introduce the term collective bargaining
a) Sydney & Beatrice web
b) Samuel Gompers
c) Clark kerr
d) Robert Hoxie
126) Recognition of trade union is made by the provision of
a) Trade union Act 1926
b) Industrial dispute Act 1947
c) Code of discipline
d) Factory Act of 1948
127) Which is not a structure of Trade union of Industrial organization
a) Craft Union
b) General Union
c) Industrial union
d) Consumers Union
128) A trade union should be registered as per the law must have
a) 20% of the workers
b) 150 workmen
c) Minimum 17 persons
d) None of the above
129) Which of the following not a characteristic of trade union
a) Voluntary Association
b) Inter Mediary
c) Common Goals
d) Individual actions
130) Employees join unions to fulfill their needs
a) Social
b) Economic
c) Esteem

d) All of these
131) What should be the minimum number of persons required to register a trade
a) 6
b) 7
c) 8
d) 9
132) Any communications and notices concerning registered trade union may be
addressed to its
a) Head office
b) Government
c) President
d) None of the above
133) Trade unions not only take care of wages and salaries of the workers but also
provide valuable _________ and _____________ to the workers
a) Notice, information
b) Information, Advice
c) Suggestion, Notice
d) None of these
134) ___________ are the bodies comprising representatives from employers and
a) Management committees
b) Joint councils and committees
c) Discipline committees
d) None of the above
135) ___________________is the term used for the workers/employees who are the
members of the trade unions or employee association
a) Unorganized labour
b) Organized labour
c) Uneducated labour
d) None of these
136) Which of the following is not right of registered unions
a) Right to employ anyone without consulting the management
b) Right to collect membership fees within premises of the organization
c) Right to raise issues with the management
d) Right to discuss members grievances with employer
137) ______________ is technique that has been adopted by unions and
management to reconcile their conflicting interests
a) Negotiation
b) Collective bargaining
c) Enforcement
d) None of these
138) __________ refers to the mental and emotional involvement of a person in a
group situation which encourage him to contribute to goals and share
responsibilities in them
a) Workers participation in management
b) Rehabilitation
c) Discipline
d) None of the above
139) _____________is a powerful weapon used by Trade unions and other labour
organizations to get their demands accepted

a) Strikes
b) Lockout
c) Picketing
d) Gherao
140) When workers are dissuaded from work by stationing certain men at the factory
gates such a step is known as
a) Strike
b) Lockout
c) Picketing
d) Gherao
141) ___________ represent individual workers when they have a problem and also
offer legal representation
a) Socialism
b) Trade Unionism
c) Communalism
d) None of these
142) In ___________ union representatives discuss with management with the
issues which affect people working in an organization
a) Negotiation
b) Beater
c) Meeger
d) None of these
143) Which of the following is a hall mark of the hot stove approach to disciplinary
a) Provides warning
b) Happiness immediately
c) Give consistent consequences
d) All of the above
144) The causes for unsound functioning of Indian trade unions are
a) Multiple union
b) Intra union and inter union rivalry
c) Category wise union
d) All of the above
145) ________________ refers to the relationship and trust between labor and
management negotiators
a) Collective bargaining
b) Integrative bargaining
c) Inter organizational bargaining
d) Attitudinal structuring
146) How many parties are involved in collective bargaining
a) 3
b) 4
c) 2
d) 5
147) ______________ is focused on workers educational and has established an
Institute of Indian labor in Calcutta
a) International Labor Organization
b) National Front of Indian Trade Union
c) World Trade organization
d) None of the above
148) The day to day operations of All India Trade Union Congress are carried out by
the _____________ at the National and state levels
a) Secretariat

b) Department
c) Cabinet
d) None of these
149) Negotiations and collective bargaining are the tools for _________ to
accomplish the objectives
a) NGOs
b) Social organization
c) Government
d) Trade union
150) At present there are ___ central trade union organization in India
a) 12
b) 13
d) 15
151) Which of the following are the main causes of indiscipline
a) Wage differentials
b) Unreasonable work assignment
c) Nonpayment of bonus
d) Any of the above
152) Which of the following is not a reason for joining trade unions
a) Great bargaining power
b) Minimize discrimination
c) Good contact with politicians
d) Platform for self expression
153) Business and uplift union are types of
a) Revolutionary unions
b) Reformist unions
c) Political unions
d) None of these
154) Which section empowers the appropriate government to appoint a person to be
registrar of trade unions
a) Section3
b) Section 4
c) Section5
d) Section9
155) If the workers of different categories form into a union that union is called
a) Industrial union
b) General union
c) Craft union
d) None of these
156) The center of Indian Trade Union (CITU) was organized in
a) 1970
b) 1980
c) 1948
d) 1990
157) Registration and conciliation of trade union is governed by
a) Trade unions Act, 1926
b) The Industrial Disputes Act,1948
c) The factories Act, 1948
d) None of the above
158) By which of the following methods workers participation can take place in
a) Staff or work councils
b) Board level participation
c) Joint councils and committees
d) All of the above

159) Which of the following are essential pre requisites of workers participation in
a) Free flow communication and information
b) Mutual trust between parties
c) Avoidance of participation of outside trade unions
d) All of the above
160) Which of the following are considered to be the bottle neck of workers
participation in management
a) Employers cannot think beyond their knowledge and skills
b) Role of trade unions is not satisfactory
c) Employers are unwilling to share power with workers representatives
d) All of the above
161) Which of the following are the basic objectives of code of discipline
a) Maintain peace and order in industry
b) Avoid work stoppage in industry
c) Promote opinions from all levels of management and employment
d) All of the above
162) Which of the following approaches assumes that voluntary negotiations between
employers and employees are a means of settling disputes
a) Marxist approach
b) Giri approach
c) Gandhian approach
d) System approach
163) Trade union perform functions relating to
a) Society
b) Organization
c) Members
d) All of these
164) Which of the following is not the most important aspect of process of collective
a) Negotiations
b) Confrontations
c) Discussions
d) Compromise
165) Which of the following is not a principle of industrial relations policy
a) The code of conduct
b) The code of discipline
c) Labor welfare
d) None of these
166) Which of the following matters are usually brought under collective bargaining
a) Working conditions
b) Labor welfare
c) Organizational matters
d) All of these
167) The main aim of International Labor Organization(ILO) is to
a) Promote rights at work
b) Strengthen dialogue on work related issues
c) Enhance social protection
d) All of the above
168) According to --------------------- the main function of Trade unions is to raise the
moral and intellectual standards of labor through reformatory measure.

a) Abraham Linkon
b) Lenin
c) Mahatma Gandhi
d) Bal Gangathar Thilak
169) By which of the following methods workers participation can take place in
a) Staff or work councils
b) Board level participation
c) Joint councils and committees
d) All of these
170) Industrial relations is a set of functional interdependence of all walks of life as it
involves the issues related to
a) Economic and occupational
b) Social and physiological
c) Technological and political
d) All of the above
171) Who of the following is not associated with the concept of industrial relations
a) Fredrick Taylor
b) R.A Lester
c) Dale Yoder
d) Prof.Dunlop
172) ______________ condemned the system of private ownership and believed in
replacing existing social order
a) Trade union
b) Revolutionary Union
c) Productive Union
d) None of these
173) Managerial associations are commonly referred to as _________ and registered
under Trade unions Act 1926
a) Workers Association
b) Employers Association
c) Officers Association
d) None of these
174) _________ are formal groups of employers set up to defend, represent or
advice affiliated employers and to strengthen their position in society.
a) Workers Association
b) Employers Association
c) Officers Association
d) None of these
175) Both employers and employees associations come under the purview of
a) Trade union
b) General union
c) Industrial union
d) Government
176) Employers association came into existence as a result of the formation of
_________ after the first world war
a) Hind Mazdoor Sangh
b) Indian labor Congress
c) International labor Organization
d) None of these

177) Which of the following measures prove to be fruitful in improving industrial

a) Strong and stable unions
b) Workers participation in management
c) Mutual Trust
d) All of the above
178) Which of the following cannot be categorized as the main aims of works
a) Giving greater participation of workers
b) Providing better opportunities outside the organization
c) Generating co-operative atmosphere for negotiation between parties
d) Ensuring close interaction between labor and management.
179) ________ is a person appointed voluntarily if the dispute is not settled by
a) Bidder
b) Arbitrator
c) Nominee
d) Representative
180) _________is focused on workers education and has established an institute of
Indian labor in Calcutta
a) International Labor Organization
b) National Front of Indian Trade Union
c) World Trade Organization
d) None of the above
181) The day to day operations of AITUC are carried out by the ______ at the
national and state levels
a) Secretariat
b) Department
c) Cabinet
d) None of these
182) Negotiations and collective bargaining are the tools for _________ to
accomplish the objectives
a) NGOs
b) Social Organization
c) Government
d) Trade Union
183) The __________ consultative machinery comprises two parties via employees
and employer
a) Bipartite
b) Tripartite
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above
184) Which one of the following not a type of conflict
a) Interest disputes
b) Grievance disputes
c) Recognition disputes
d) None of these
185) Which of the following is not true in case of causes of industrial conflicts
a) Industrial factors
b) Management attitude towards workers
c) Government machinery

d) None of the above

186) In India ___________ arbitration is enforced because collective bargaining was
not used for regulating wages and other conditions of employment
a) Compulsory
b) Mediation
c) Conciliation
d) Investigation
187) Which of the following functions of trade unions are related to trade unions
a) To present and strengthen trade union democracy
b) To improve financial position of trade unions
c) To curb inter union rivalry
d) All of the above
188) Workers committee is to be constituted in an industry which is employing________or more employees
a) 75
b) 90
c) 100
d) 804
189) __________ is the term used for the workers or employees who are the
members of trade unions or employee association
a) Un-organized labor
b) Organized labor
c) Uneducated labor
d) None of these
190) Which of the following is not a part of primary strikes
a) Sympathetic strikes
b) Tools down- Pen down
c) Stay away strikes
d) Protest strikes
191) _________ are the rules and regulations which govern the conditions of
employment of workers
a) Standing orders
b) Policies
c) Advice
d) None of these
192) Which area Industrial Relations does not cover
a) Economic development
b) Role of management, union and government
c) Collective bargaining
d) Machinery for resolution of industrial dispute
193) __________ refers to the kind of rivalry present within the establishment as
there is provision in law of being more than one union in a plant
a) Intraunion rivalry
b) Unionism
c) Socialism
d) None of these
194) _________ are the bodies on which the representation is entirely of the
a) Staff and work councils
b) Management committee

c) Mentors and councilors

d) None of the above
195) ________ is a sort of insurance covers to members to fight against irrational ,
arbitrary and illegal actions of employees
a) Collective strength
b) Industrial strength
c) Social strength
d) None of these
196) It is one of the ______ function to protect labor against victimization and
a) Trade unions
b) Social groups
c) Government
d) None of these
197) The first organized trade union in India named as _______ was formed in the
year 1918
a) Delhi labor union
b) Bombay labor union
c) Madras Labor Union
d) None of these
198) The main functions of __________is resolve the difference existing between
the management and the workers
a) Collective bargaining
b) Co-operation
c) Agitations
d) None of the above
199) Which of the following method had not been given a statutory form in India
a) Conciliation
b) Mediation
c) Voluntary arbitration
d) Adjudication
200) The concept of unions came in to existence as a result of employees
a) Problem of communication
b) Dissatisfaction among workers
c) Longing for belongingness
d) Change in technology

Answer Key
41 .A





56. B




60. B
195. A

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