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G.R. No.

L-67422-24 October 31, 1984

HONORABLE JUDGE GREGORIO U. AQUILIZAN, Presiding Judge of the Regional
Trial Court, 12th Judicial Region, Branch XVI, Kabacan, North Cotabato,

asked the private complainant searching questions and this is reflected on pages 4 to
12 of the transcript.

ABAD SANTOS, J.:+.wph!1


This is a petition for certiorari which was posted on March 22, 1984, in Cotabato City by
speed airmail but was received only on April 26, 1984. The petitioner is accused of rape
in three cases filed in the court presided by the respondent judge. The private
complainant is the same in all the three cases but the rapes were alleged to have been
committed on different dates, namely: February 10, 1982, March 17, 1982 and April 10,

The statement of the respondent judge that he wanted to protect the right of the
accused to a speedy trial is not appreciated. He "protected" the rights of the
accused by holding a trial in the absence of the latter's counsel. If an accused has a
"protector" like the respondent judge, there is no need for a fiscal or a private
prosecutor. It may not be amiss to state in this connection that the accused did not
complain of delay in the trial of his case probably because he was not there. At any rate
if the respondent judge had wanted to expedite the trial he should have appointed a
temporary counsel for the accused.

The petition seeks to annul the proceedings which were conducted by the respondent
judge and to disqualify him from the case. Because the verified petition imputed serious
irregularities to the respondent judge, this Court issued a temporary restraining order on
May 21, 1984, restraining him from further proceeding with Criminal Case Nos. 13, 14
and 15.
In the comment which the respondent judge was required to submit, he said that he had
already decided the three cases. (Petitioner Wilson Valdez was convicted of rape in
each of the three cases and was sentenced to three reclusion perpetua plus indemnity.)
The decision is dated April 2, 1984, but the petitioner claims that it was promulgated on
May 3, 1984, without the presence of his counsel and even of the Fiscal; that no
notice was issued in respect of the promulgation; and that no copy of the decision
was given to the defense counsel of record.
The private complainant was to be cross- examined inasmuch as her direct examination
had been finished at the previous hearing, the private prosecutor, Atty. Norberto Ela,
was absent.
On June 23, 1983, a hearing was scheduled. The transcript for that day shows that
Fiscal Camilo Fulvadora appeared for the prosecution but private prosecutor Ela, was
absent. Also absent was Atty. Jorge Zerrudo, counsel for the accused. The
transcript does not show whether or not the accused was brought to court.
Notwithstanding the absence of counsel for the accused and probably the
accused himself, the respondent judge continued his "cross-examination" of the
private complainant.
In his memorandum the respondent judge claims that he "did not proceed with
the trial but merely sought clarifications on vital aspects taken up in the hearing.
The explanation of the respondent judge is belied by the transcript which shows that he

ISSUE: WON the respondent judge manifest grave abuse of discretion which amounts
to lack of jurisdiction

The hearing on the three cases was resumed. On that day. the private complainant was
still on cross-examination. Without any request from the parties, the respondent judge
decided to hold the hearing in his chamber "due to delicadeza." Present in the chamber
were counsel for the accused, the fiscal and the stenographer only; the accused was
not allowed to go inside.
The respondent judge claims, however, "that the accused together with his guard were
at the door of a make-shift room, so-called judge's chamber." This might well have been
the case but the accused was entitled as of right to be inside the room because it was
his liberty and honor which were at stake. On August 31, 1983, the respondent judge
announced, "We will hear this in chamber."
It is obvious from the foregoing that the respondent judge did not manifest the requisite
cold impartiality which the petitioner deserved.
The petition which questions the actuations of the respondent judge and seeks his
disqualification was received by him on March 29, 1984. Prudence dictated that he
refrain from deciding the cases or at the very least to hold in abeyance the promulgation
of his decision pending action by this Court. But prudence gave way to imprudence; the
respondent judge acted precipitately by deciding the cases on April 2, 1984, and
promulgating his decision on May 3 of the same year. All of the acts of the respondent
judge manifest grave abuse of discretion on his part amounting to lack of jurisdiction
which substantively prejudiced the petitioner.
WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby granted. The decision in Criminal Case Nos. 13,
14 and 15 of the respondent judge is set aside; the aforesaid cases shall be transferred
to Branch XVII of the Regional Trial Court in Kidapawan for trial de novo which shall
also resolve the petitioner's motion for release on recognizance under Sec. 191 of P.D.
No. 603. No costs.

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