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The Fifth Experiment


1. The purpose
 To determine a constant of calorimeter
 To determine the calor of neutralization reaction

2. Theory
Thermochemistry is a subject that learn about the change of heat or calor from
chemical reaction. The energy which is participated the chemical reaction is organized as
calor. Calor or heat is the energy that moved because the differences of temperature.
Amount of calor which is extricable or absorbed in a chemical reaction is known as
enthalpy, which expressed with (H).

Enthalpy will permanently constant if no energy enter or out of substances. Rate of

enthalpy is not able to be determined except the change of enthalpy. Enthalpy’s change
happens because there is an energy movement between the system and the
surroundings. The system is a certain part which is became center of attention or center
of observation. While the surroundings is all of things that is out of system.

ΔHn constitutes quarrel between enthalpy’s product with enthalpi’s reactant. With
formula :
Explanation :
ΔH = Hp - Hr ΔH = The change of enthalpy
Hp = Enthalpy’s product
Hr = Enthalpy’s reactant

If H product is smaller than H reactant so will happen calor release. Value of ΔH is

negative or smaller than zero. If H product is bigger than H reactant so will happen calor
absorbance. Value of ΔH is positive or bigger than zero.

The chemical reaction was accompanied with the change in heat between the
system and the surroundings was based on this, the reaction of termochemistry was
grouped to the reaction eksoterm and the reaction endoterm.
 the reaction eksoterm was the reaction that release calor from the system to the
surroundings, so calor from the system decrease and the change of enthalpy
valuable is negative.
 the reaction endoterm was the reaction that absorb calor from the surroundings to
the system, so calor in the system increase and the change of enthalpy valuable is

The change of enthalpy depends on the beginning situation and the end situation. This
was based on the Hess’s law that said, the change of enthalpy reaction only depends on
the beginning situation and the end situation and not to depends on the running of
reaction. As a result there are possibility:
 if H2 > H1 So ΔH = H2-H1 > 0 (endoterm process)
 if H2 > H1 So ΔH = H2-H1 < 0 (eksoterm process)
 if H2 > H1 So ΔH = H2-H1 = 0 (adiabatic process)

The value of the calorimeter’s constant which is obtained by dividing the amount of heat
that was absorbed with the change of calorimeter’s temperature. The unit of the
calorimeter constant is J/C. The change of temperature could be determined through
the graph. The aim of the decisive trial of reaction heat of ΔH neutralization was to
determine neutralization heat of HCl + NaOH. This reaction was the reaction of acid with
the alkali that produce salt and water. Heat of neutralization reaction from acid and
alkali that were watery enough is able to increase the temperature of the calorimeter.

3. Instruments and Materials

a. Instruments :
Simple calorimeter
Graduated cylinder
Beaker glass
Eye dropper
b. Materials :
Hydrogen Chloride (HCl)
Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)

4. Procedures
a. Determine a constant of calorimeter
1) Preparing 50ml of water in the calorimeter and recording its temperature
(water A).
2) Preparing 50ml of water whose temperature is 10c higher than before
and recording its temperature (water B).
3) Mixing both of the water inside the calorimeter and recording its
4) Making the observation graphs and determining a constant of
b. Determine the calor of neutralization reaction
1) Input 20ml of HCl 2M into the calorimeter and recording its temperature.
2) Preparing 20ml of NaOH 2M into graduated cylinder and recording its
3) Mixing the NaOH into the calorimeter and recording its temperature for 5
minutes with the time hose ½ minute.
4) Making the observation graphs to get the change of its temperature as a
result from this neutralization reaction.
5) Counting the calor of neutralization reaction if the density of the solution
1,03 g/cm3 and his kind heat 3,96 J/gC.

5. Observation Data
a. Determine a constant of calorimeter
System Temperature (0C) Time (minute)
Water (a) 26 0
Water (b) 36 0
Mixture between water a and
31 0,5
water b

31 1
31 1,5
30 2
30 2,5
30 3
30 3,5
30 4
30 4,5
30 5

b. Determine the calor of neutralization reaction

System Temperature (0C) Time (minute)
HCl 2M 28 0
NaOH 2M 28 0
Mixture between HCl and NaOH 38 0,5
38 1
38 1,5
38 2
38 2,5
38 3
38 3,5
38 4
38 4,5
38 5

6. Observation Graphs and Calculating

a. Graph from a constant of calorimeter experiment
25 Water A
20 Water B

b. Graph from the calor of neutralization reaction experiment

25 HCl
20 NaO
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

c. Calculating
Determine a constant of calorimeter
TA = 26C = 299K
TB = 36C = 303K
299° K +303 ° K
First temperature = = 304K
Last temperature = 30C = 304K
T = last temperature – first temperature = -1K
c = 4,184 J/gK
 = 1 g/cm3
m =  . V = 100 grams

Qrelease = Qabsorb
m . c . T = Ccal . T
−418,4 J
Ccal = = 418,4 J/K
−1° K

Determine the calor of neutralization reaction

solution = HCl = NaOH = 1,03 g/cm3
VNaOH = 20ml
mNaOH = NaOH . VNaOH = 20,6 grams
VHCl = 20ml
mHCl = HCl . VHCl = 20,6 grams
msolution = 20,6 g + 20,6 g = 41,2 grams
c = 3,96 J/gK
First temperature = 28C = 301K
Last temperature = 38C = 311K
T = 10K

Qsolution = msolution . c . T = 1631,52 J

Because Qsystem = Qsolution + Qreaction

0 = Qsolution + Qreaction
Qreaction = - Qsolution
Qreaction = - 1631,52 J

nHCl = M . VHCl = 40mmol

nNaOH = M . VNaOH = 40mmol
nsolution = . 40 mmol = 40mmol
−1631,52 j
The calor of neutralization reaction (H) = = - 40788 J/mole.
40 mmol

7. Data Analysis
a. Determine a constant of calorimeter
In this experiment, preparing 50ml water into the calorimeter and other water are
heated in glasses beforehand, up to in the temperature 36 0C, then was put inside calorimater
that was filled cold water, afterwards shook it.

In ½ first minute, the temperature that was gotten 31 0C. This temperature is constant
until 1,5 minutes, then the following temperature decreased to 30C until 5 minutes. And the
constant temperature that was gotten as big as 30 0C.

Those two waters mixture fast because they had same characteristics and density as
the result that was easy to gather. In this case, first water experienced endoterm reaction
because of rising the temperature from 26 0C to 300C, with the change in the temperature
40C. Whereas the second water experienced eksoterm reaction because of declining the
temperature of water from 360C to 300C with the change in the temperature as big as 6 0C.

An amount of water that the mass and its temperature was known, it was mixed
with the of water whose higher temperature along with knowing also its volume. If one
calorimeter did not absorb heat in this mixture, then the heat which was given by the water
whose high temperature must be same as the heat which was absorbed by water whose low
temperature. In this case the change of temperature before intermixture and the
temperature after the intermixture really must be paid attention.

After calculating the observation data, we get result as a constant of calorimeter is

418,4 J/K.
Qrelease = Qabsorb
m . c . T = Ccal . T
−418,4 J
Ccal = = 418,4 J/K
−1° K

b. Determine the calor of neutralization reaction

In this experiment, the first temperature of HCl and NaOH are same that is 28C.
Then put both of them into the calorimeter, the temperature will be increase to 38C. That
temperature is known as the last temperature.

From the observation data, we know that the proccess is eksoterm. The calor or heat
releases from the system to the surroundings. The calorimeter which is used in this
experiment is simple calorimeter or constan-pressure calorimeter, because the pressure is
constant so the change of calor for the proccess (Q reaction) is same with the chenge of enthalpy
Qsystem = Qsolution + Qreaction
0 = Qsolution + Qreaction

Qreaction = - Qsolution

The determination of calor neutralization by adding up the calorimetry heat with

neutralization heat, then enthalpy neutralization was gotten by dividing the results of
neutralization heat with the number mole of the solution. After calculating the observation
data, we get result as the calor of neutralization reaction is - 40788 J/mole.
−1631,52 j
(Hn) = = - 40788 J/mole.
40 mmol
The price is minus or smaller than zero because the process is eksoterm.

8. Conclusion
a. Thermochemistry is a subject that learn about the change of heat or calor from
chemical reaction.
b. The law of energy conservation explain that energy can’t be created and to be
destroyed, only able to be changed a form to the other form.
c. The chemical reaction was accompanied with the change in heat between the
system and the surroundings was based on this grouped to the reaction eksoterm
and the reaction endoterm.
d. The change of enthalpy depends on the beginning situation and the end
e. The reaction eksoterm is the reaction that release the heat from system to
f. The reaction endoterm is the reaction that absorb the heat from surroundings to
g. The value of the constant calorimeter is got by dividing the amount of heat that
was absorbed by calorimeter with the change of calorimeter’s temperature

Qrelease = Qabsorb
m . c . T = Ccal . T
−418,4 J
Ccal = = 418,4 J/K
−1° K
h. The value of the calor of neutralization reaction is got by dividing the results of
neutralization heat with the number mole of the solution

−1631,52 j
(Hn) = = - 40788 J/mole.
40 mmol

9. Bibliography

Brady, James. E. 2002. Kimia Universitas Azas dan Struktur. Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara.

Chang, Raymond. 2003. Kimia Dasar. Jakarta: Erlangga.

Petrucci, Ralph. 1997. Kimia Dasar, Prinsip dan Terapan Modern. Jakarta : Erlangga.

Tim Kimia Dasar. 2008. Petunjuk Praktikum Kimia Dasar 1. Jakarta : Universitas
Negeri Jakarta.


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