Re DefiningTajakaVarshaphalChartsColor

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(Annual Solar Return Charts)


P.V.R. Narasimha Rao, USA

P .V.R Narasimha Rao is a software

engineer near Boston, USA. He has a
B.Tech. degree from IIT, Chennai and a
masters degree from Rice University,
Houston. He is a Sanskrit scholar with
Sanskrita Bhasha Kovida and Sanskrita
Bhasha Visharada degrees. He has been
studying Vedic astrology for 34 years.
Vedic astrology software "Jagannatha
Hora", MP3 audio of Jyotish lessons, PDF of
a textbook authored by him, do-it-yourself
manuals for rituals such as homam and
tarpana, can be freely downloaded at his


nnual solar return charts based on

Sun's return every year to his
exact natal position are popular in
Vedic and Western astrology.
Divisional charts of Tajaka varshaphal
never worked with any consistency for this
author with Lahiri ayanamsa. The
discovery of Pushya-paksha ayanamsa and
refinement of the definitions of some
divisional charts based on an independent
interpretation of Parasara and resulting
experimentation, made divisional charts
work reasonably well with Tithi Pravesha
charts, but not with Tajaka varshaphal
When this author broke from tradition,
went back to a teaching of Maharshi
Parasara in Vishnu Purana on solar years
and re-defined Tajaka varshaphal chart,

divisional charts of Tajaka varshaphal started showing more consistent patterns. The new
definition will be shared in this article with examples.


he basic idea of this research was inspired by a writing of Sri K.N. Rao, albeit in a
different context. In his article Jaimini Chara Dasa My approach 2 in Journal of
link, he wrote in 2010 November
that a particular pratyantardasa ended on Aug 17 th as per his calculations and on Aug 18th as
per Jagannatha Hora software. He showed that his calculation explained the event better.
Being also the author of the software in question, this author took a look into the
discrepancy. He noticed that Sri K.N. Rao was using mean tropical solar year (365.242 days),
while the default dasa year definition in the software (which can be changed by the users)
was true sidereal solar year (365.256 days). The gap accumulates every year and can change
dasa dates by a day as one gets older!
This made the author think of Tajaka varshaphal charts. Traditionally, they are based on
sidereal solar year (i.e. Sun returning every year to his natal position in the sidereal zodiac).
This author questioned it and experimented. That is how this research started.

Solar Calendar

solar year is of 365.242 days (tropical) or 365.256 days (sidereal). Tropical solar year
is the time period in which Sun traverses the tropical zodiac once. Sidereal solar
year is the time period in which Sun traverses the sidereal zodiac once.

For casting the varshaphal chart every year, astrologers now-a-days use sidereal solar year, i.e.
they find when Sun returns to his natal sidereal longitude. However, this is inconsistent with
the teachings of Maharshi Parasara to Maitreya in Vishnu Purana chapter 2.8.
Maharshi Pararsara taught Maitreya that a solar year consists of 2 ayanas and that each ayana
consists of 3 ritus (seasons).
This link to seasons clearly points to tropical zodiac. A solar year based on tropical
zodiac (i.e. the time Sun takes to complete exactly one rotation around the tropical
zodiac) is tied to seasons.
For example, when Sun enters tropical Aries, day and night are of equal length and it
is spring. When Sun enters tropical Cancer, day is the longest and it is summer (in
northern hemisphere). When Sun enters tropical Libra, day and night are of equal
length and it is autumn. When Sun enters tropical Capricorn, day is the shortest and
it is winter (in northern hemisphere).
If we take the sidereal zodiac, it is not tied to seasons. When Sun enters sidereal Aries
every year, he will be in the vicinity of particular stars associated with sidereal Aries,
but the season changes over the years!
Not stopping at that, Maharshi Parasara explicitly taught Maitreya that Uttarayana starts
when Sun enters Capricorn and the day length is the smallest then. When Uttarayana ends,
Sun leaves Gemini and enters Cancer and the day is the longest then. That makes it obvious
that Pararsara is referring to tropical signs here!

Sidereal vs Tropical Zodiac

s mentioned above, Maharshi Parasara clearly used tropical zodiac when defining
solar years in Vishnu Purana. When teaching divisional charts in Brihat Parasara
Hora Sastram, he taught how nakshatras are aligned to rasis and how navamsas
map to quarters of naksatras. So he used sidereal zodiac there.

This author's conclusion is that both tropical and sidereal zodiacs are needed:
Sidereal zodiac: Used for all matters related to space, i.e. definition of rasi chart and
divisional charts
Tropical zodiac: Used for all matters related to time, i.e. definition of months, seasons,
ayanas and years.

Tajaka Varshaphal Definition

Tajaka varshaphal chart is cast every year when Sun is exactly at the same tropical longitude
as at birth.

A Tajaka varshaphal chart can be judged just like the natal chart, except that it is effective for
just one year. Rasi chart can be used along with all divisional charts. One need not use various
Tajaka methods for judging this chart and can use standard Vedic astrology methods in rasi
and divisional charts.
Rasi Chart vs Divisional Charts: Rasi chart is like a combination of all floormaps of all floors in
a multi-storey building, while divisional charts are like different floors. If the northeast
corner has something in the combined floormap, it may be in any floor. Similarly, if the 5 th
house is strong in rasi chart, it may show childbirth, promotion in job, academic distinction,
successful mantra sadhana etc and we can check the 5th house in D-7, D-10, D-24, D-20 etc
(respectively) for further insights. Indications in rasi chart may be weak, but have to be
strong in the corresponding divisional chart.
at defines a method of picking the best nakshatra dasa
in a chart. This works well in natal charts and Tithi Pravesha charts, but does not work well
in Tajaka varshaphal charts. This author has not yet found a dasa system that works reliably.

Replicating Calculations
You can download Jagannatha Hora software from
and select Pushya-paksha ayanamsa. In addition, you will need to set some divisional chart

calculation options to follow this write-up. Some divisional charts are computed incorrectly
by people now-a-days.
In the main menu of Jagannatha Hora software (version 7.67 or higher), you can select
Preferences, Related to Calculations and Set Calculation Options as recommended by
author, to set divisional chart calculations as used in this write-up.

We will see a few examples that contrast:
(a) The old definition (return to natal sidereal longitude), Lahiri ayanamsa & standard
definitions of divisional charts
(b) The new definition (return to natal tropical longitude), Pushya-paksha ayanamsa &
reformed definitions of divisional charts
Example 1: Academic Distinction
Birthdata: 1970 April 4, 5:50:40 pm (IST), Machilipatnam, India (81e08, 16n10)
Event: He stood first in his state in 12th grade exams with a record score in May 1987 and also
got admission to Indian Institute of Technology.
Education is seen from siddhamsa (D-24) chart. Rasi & D-24 charts with the 2 approaches
above are shown below.

In the old rasi chart, the 5th house is not particularly strong, with 4th and 11th lord Mars in it.
But lagna lord aspects 5th and 5th lord is with 9th lord. There are some signs, but not strong. In
the old D-24 chart, the 5th house of distinction and recognition contains nodes. The 5th lord
Mercury aspects the 5th house, but he is debilitated. Lagna lord is weak in an adhisatru rasi.
Overall, the chart does not strongly explain academic distinction.

In the new rasi chart, lagna lord is in 5th with 9th lord and gives a raja yoga. That 5th lord and
yogakaraka Saturn has 79% aspect on 5th house. The 5th house is quite strong. In the new D-24
chart, the lagna lord Jupiter is exalted in the 5th house and that is a clear combination for
academic success, recognition and fame. Lord Moon is also placed in a mitra rasi. A
functional benefic in the 8th house gives sudden results of a beneficial nature.

Example 2: Childbirth
Birthdata: 1970 October 5, 12:32:20 pm (IST), 80e21, 15n49
Event: He had a child in 2000 September.
Saptamsa (D-7) chart shows progeny. Rasi & D-7 charts using the 2 approaches are shown

In the old rasi chart, lagna lord is in 5th house, aspected by Jupiter. Though 5th lord is in an
inimical sign and not particularly strong, this can indicate childbirth. In the old D-7 chart,
lagna lord Sun is in marana karaka sthana in the 12 th house. The 5th lord of children, Jupiter,
is retrograde in an inimical sign and 5 th house does not have any strong associations. Overall,
there are no clear indications of childbirth in the year.

In the new rasi chart, lagna lord Saturn is in 5th house (longitude-wise). Though debilitated,
he is retrograde and gets neecha bhanga. The 5th lord Venus is closely conjoined with 7th lord
Moon (within 7) and gives raja yoga. Overall, 5th house is strong enough. In the new D-7
chart, lagna lord Moon and 5th lord (and yogakaraka) Mars are in own signs. The other 5th
lord Ketu is also strong in Pisces. With the strength of lagna lord and 5th lord, this chart can
very well explain childbirth in the year.

Example 3: Childbirth
Birthdata: 1972 May 14, 8:13:30 am (IST), Idar, India (73e00, 23n50)
Event: He had a child on 2004 May 22.
Saptamsa (D-7) chart shows progeny. Rasi & D-7 charts using the 2 approaches are shown

In the old rasi chart, 5th lord Jupiter is in lagna and aspects 5th house. That can indicate
childbirth. In the old D-7 chart, lagna lord Venus is well-placed in the 9th house. Though 9th
lord Mercury seems to aspect lagna, his aspect is only 30% based on actual longitudes, i.e.
Mercury at 29Ar07 is actually in the 8th house from lagna at 8Li00. Lagna contains Sun and
Moon who are not strong. The 5th lord Saturn is in 12th house. There are no strong indications
of childbirth.

In the new rasi chart, lagna lord Saturn is in 5th house with yogakaraka Venus. The other
lagna lord Rahu is with 5th lord Mercury. Lagna is aspected by Jupiter. Childbirth is quite
possible. In the new D-7 chart, 5th lord Venus is well-placed in lagna in an adhimitra rasi.
The 5th house contains exalted 9th lord Saturn. Though lagna lord is placed in 12th, he is in an
adhimitra rasi. Strong 5th house and 5th lord can give a child during the year.

Example 4: Childbirth
Birthdata: 1975 July 13, 4:02 pm (IST), Eluru, India (81e06, 16n42)
Event: She had a child in 2004 May.
Saptamsa (D-7) chart shows progeny. Rasi & D-7 charts using the 2 approaches are shown

In the old rasi chart, lagna lord Saturn is with 5th lord Venus and that can show childbirth.
But 5th lord Venus is in 6th house, in marana karaka sthana. That is not too auspicious. In the

old D-7 chart, lagna contains 9th lord Sun and lagna lord is exalted, though placed in the 8th
house. However, 5th lord Mars is in 6th. Overall, there are no strong indications of childbirth.

In the new rasi chart, lagna lord Mercury is with exalted karaka Jupiter and aspects 5 th house.
The 5th lord is in an adhimitra rasi with 9th lord. In the new D-7 chart, 5th lord Mercury and
7th lord Sun are closely conjoined, giving a powerful raja yoga, and aspect 5 th. Lagna lord
Rahu and 9th lord Venus are together in 9th house. Raja yogas involving all trine lords show
fortunate events in this area of life during the year. A raja yoga involving 5th lord and their
aspect on 5th house can explain childbirth.

More Examples
We have seen some comparisons of old vs new definitions. Now, we will use Pushya-paksha
ayanamsa, reformed definitions of divisional charts and the new definition of Tajaka
varshaphal and see more examples.

Example 5: Childbirth
Birthdata: 1970 April 4, 5:50:40 pm (IST), Machilipatnam, India (81e08, 16n10)
Event: He had a child in 1996 February.
Charts: Rasi & D-7 of 1995-96 Tajaka varshaphal chart are shown below.

In rasi chart, lagna lord Venus is with 5th lord Saturn, who is in moolatrikona. Other 5th lord
Rahu is in lagna. In D-7 chart, the 5th house is aspected by its lord Saturn. Lagna is aspected
by an exalted planet (Sun) and yogakaraka (Saturn). Lagna lord is in own house. Yogakaraka
and 5th lord, Saturn, aspects lagna and lagna lord, in addition to the 5 th house. The strength
and lagna and 5th house can show childbirth in the year.

Example 6: Childbirth
Birthdata: 1971 September 12, 8:25 am (IST), Guntur, India (80e27, 16n18)
Event: She had a child in 1996 February.
Charts: Rasi & D-7 of 1995-96 Tajaka varshaphal chart are shown below.

In rasi chart, karaka and 9th lord Jupiter is in 5th house and aspects lagna. That shows
promise. In D-7 chart, lagna lord Sun and 5th lord Jupiter are conjoined in the 7th house and
aspect lagna. In addition to this raja yoga, the 5 th house contains yogakaraka Mars. This is
quite conducive to an auspicious event like childbirth.

Example 7: Childbirth
Birthdata: 1973 July 26, 9:48:10 pm (IST), Guntur, India (80e27, 16n18)
Event: She had a child in 2003 June.
Charts: Rasi & D-7 of 2002-03 Tajaka varshaphal chart are shown below.

In rasi chart, 5th lord Saturn is in 9th with a raja yoga with 7th lord and karaka, Jupiter, while
the 9th lord Venus aspects 5th. In D-7 chart, lagna contains a raja yoga between 9th and 10th
lords. Lagna lord is exalted in the 3rd house, i.e. the 11th house of gains from the 5th house of
children. Most importantly, 5th lord Jupiter is in 11th and aspects the 5th house. This can show
childbirth in the year.

Example 8: Childbirth (Barack Obama)

Birthdata: 1961 August 4, 7:24:20 pm (10 hrs west of GMT), Honolulu, Hwaii, USA (157w52,
Event: He had a child in 1998 July.
Charts: Rasi & D-7 of 1997-98 Tajaka varshaphal chart are shown below.

In rasi chart, lagna lord Venus is in 11th house with 5th and 9th lords Rahu and Mercury and
aspects 5th. In D-7 chart, 5th lord and yogakaraka Venus is in lagna. He is strong in an
adhimitra rasi. He can give a child in the year.

Example 9: Childbirth
Birthdata: 1972 June 1, 4:15 am (IST), Machilipatnam (81e08, 16n10)
Event: She had a child in December 1996.
Charts: Rasi & D-7 of 1996-97 Tajaka varshaphal chart are shown below.

In rasi chart, yogakaraka Venus is in 5th house aspected by karaka Jupiter in moolatrikona.
The 5th house from Jupiter contains its lord Mars. In D-7 chart, 5th house contains yogakaraka
Venus and 5th lord conjoins lagna lord Rahu in 9th house. There is also an exchange between
5th and 9th lords. Childbirth is well explained.

Example 10: Marriage

Birthdata: 1970 October 5, 12:32:20 pm (IST), 80e21, 15n49
Event: He got married in January 1999.
Charts: Rasi & D-9 of 1998-99 Tajaka varshaphal chart are shown below.

In rasi chart, yogakaraka Saturn is in the 7th house marriage. In D-9 chart, lagna lord Jupiter
is in the 7th house with the the 9th lord Sun, giving a raja yoga. The exchange between 7 th lord
Mercury in 9th and 9th lord Sun in 7th is also conducive. Navamsa chart has excellent
combinations to show an auspicious event in the year.

Example 11: Marriage

Birthdata: 1972 June 1, 4:15 am (IST), Machilipatnam (81e08, 16n10)
Event: She got married in July 1993.
Charts: Rasi & D-9 of 1993-94 Tajaka varshaphal chart are shown below.

In rasi chart, the stronger 7th lord Ketu is in lagna in an adhimitra rasi. The 9 th lord Saturn is
in moolatrikona with aspect on lagna lord Venus and on the 7 th house. In D-9 chart, the 7th
house contains 9th lord and yogakaraka, Mars. The 7th lord Saturn in 5th and lagna lord Sun in
11th are in close samasaptaka. This can very well explain marriage in the year.

Example 12: Marriage

Birthdata: 1976 April 25, 2:32 am (IST), Vijayawada, India (80e37, 16n31)
Event: He got married in February 2001.
Charts: Rasi & D-9 of 2000-01 Tajaka varshaphal chart are shown below.

In rasi chart, lagna lord Jupiter and exalted 9 th lord Sun are together giving a raja yoga. The
7th lord Mercury is in the 5th house (longitude-wise) closely conjoined by exalted karaka
Venus. In D-9 chart, 7th house contains yogakaraka Saturn and 7th lord Mars is exalted in 9th.
The exchange between 7th lord Mars and 9th lord Saturn gives a raja yoga. Lagna lord is
exalted in 11th. There are powerful indications of marriage in the year.

Example 13: Marriage

Birthdata: 1975 July 13, 4:02 pm (IST), Eluru, India (81e06, 16n42)
Event: She got married in February 2001.
Charts: Rasi & D-9 of 2000-01 Tajaka varshaphal chart are shown below.

In rasi chart, 7th lord Mercury is in 7th house. He gives raja yogas due to conjunction with 5th
lord Mars and 9th lord Sun. In D-9 chart, lagna lord Mercury (debilitated, but retrograde) is
conjoined with 7th lord in own sign, while the 5th lord Venus and 9th lord Saturn are in
samasaptaka. This makes the chart powerful to give marriage.

Example 14: Marriage

Birthdata: 1961 August 4, 7:24:20 pm (10 hrs west of GMT), Honolulu, Hwaii, USA (157w52,
Event: He got married in October 1992.
Charts: Rasi & D-9 of 1992-93 Tajaka varshaphal chart are shown below.

In rasi chart, lagna lord Sun is in 1 st house and 7th lord Saturn is in 7th house (both longitudewise) and in samasaptaka. In D-9 chart, 7th lord Venus is in own sign and conjoins lagna lord
Mars, while the 7th house is occupied by 9th lord Jupiter. The 7th house is strong enough to
give marriage in the year.

Example 15: Marriage

Birthdata: 1975 January 23, 9:45 am (IST), Bombay Santa Cruz, India (72e50, 19n05)
Event: She got married in 2007 June.
Charts: Rasi & D-9 of 2007-08 Tajaka varshaphal chart are shown below.

In rasi chart, 5th lord Jupiter is in lagna and aspects the 7th house. Taking the 7th house as
lagna, lagna lord Venus and yogakaraka Saturn are in samasaptaka. In D-9 chart, 9th lord
Venus is in moolatrikona in 9 th. He is in samasaptaka from lagna lord Saturn and also 7 th lord
Sun (longitude-wise). This can show marriage in the year.

Example 16: Going abroad

Birthdata: 1970 April 4, 5:50:40 pm (IST), Machilipatnam, India (81e08, 16n10)
Event: He left his motherland and went to US for masters in 1991 August.
Charts: Rasi & D-4 of 1994-95 Tajaka varshaphal chart are shown below.

In rasi chart, 9th and 12th lord Mercury in in 7th, while 7th lord Mars is in 9th. The badhaka lord
Sun aspects 12th. In D-4 chart, 9th and 12th lord Jupiter is in 7th, while the 7th lord Venus is with
karaka and badhaka lord Rahu. Other badhaka lord Saturn aspects 9 th and 12th lord Jupiter in
7th. There are strong indications of going abroad in the year.

Example 17: Going abroad

Birthdata: 1970 April 4, 5:50:40 pm (IST), Machilipatnam, India (81e08, 16n10)
Event: He left his motherland in 1994 November and ended up settling abroad.
Charts: Rasi & D-4 of 1994-95 Tajaka varshaphal chart are shown below.

In rasi chart, 7th lord Saturn and 12th lord Mercury are together and 9th lord Jupiter aspects
them. In D-4 chart, 9th and 12th lord Mercury, 7th lord Mars and karaka Rahu are conjoined in
a watery sign (Sc). The badhaka lord Sun is in 12th. There are strong indications of going
abroad in the year.

Example 18: Going abroad

Birthdata: 1975 July 13, 4:02 pm (IST), Eluru, India (81e06, 16n42)
Event: She left her motherland and went to US for masters in 1997 August.
Charts: Rasi & D-4 of 1997-98 Tajaka varshaphal chart are shown below.

In rasi chart, 9th lord Ketu is in 12th, as 12th lord and karaka Rahu aspects 12th. Other 9th lord
Mars and other 12th lord Saturn are in samasaptaka. In D-4 chart, 12th lord Ketu is in 12th in a
watery sign. Other 12th lord joins 9th lord Sun. The 7th and badhaka lord Mercury and 12th lord
Ketu have kartari on lagna. There are good indications of going abroad in the year.

Example 19: Going abroad

Birthdata: 1972 May 14, 8:13:30 am (IST), Idar, India (73e00, 23n50)
Event: He left his motherland and went to UAE for work in February 2002.
Charts: Rasi & D-4 of 2001-02 Tajaka varshaphal chart are shown below.

In rasi chart, lagna lord Mercury is in 12th with the 7th and badhaka lord Jupiter and 9th lord
Saturn. The 12th lord is exalted in a watery sign. The other 9 th lord and karaka Rahu is in
lagna and aspects the 7th house. In D-4 chart, 9th lord Venus is in the 12th house (longitudewise). Lagna is closely conjoined by karaka Rahu. The 7th and badhaka lord Jupiter has 96%
aspect on lagna. There are strong indications of going abroad in the year.

Example 20: Going abroad

Birthdata: 1971 April 27, 6:31 am (IST), Andheri (Bombay), India (72e50, 19n07)
Event: He left his motherland and went to US for masters in 1995 January.
Charts: Rasi & D-4 of 1994-95 Tajaka varshaphal chart are shown below.

In rasi chart, karaka Rahu closely conjoins lagna, in a watery sign. The 9 th and badhaka lord
Moon is in 12th, while the 7th and 12th lord Venus is strong in 7th. In D-4 chart, karaka Rahu
closely conjoins lagna, in a watery sign. The 9 th and badhaka lord Moon is in 9 th itself. The
7th and 12th lord Venus is in 12th from lagna lord Mars. There are strong indications of going
abroad in the year.

Example 21: Job promotion

Birthdata: 1970 April 4, 5:50: 40 pm (IST), Machilipatnam, India (81e08, 16n10)
Event: He got a job promotion in September 2008.
Charts: Rasi & D-10 of 2008-09 Tajaka varshaphal chart are shown below.

In rasi chart, 10th lord Sun is in the 5th house of recognition, while the 5 th lord is strong in
moolatrikona. In D-10 chart, lagna lord Sun is in the 5th house in a close samasaptaka with
10th lord Venus. Yogakaraka Mars is also with him, though not close enough. These raja
yogas on the 5th-11th axis can explain job promotion in the year.

Example 22: Job promotion

Birthdata: 1970 April 4, 5:50:40 pm (IST), Machilipatnam, India (81e08, 16n10)
Event: He got a job promotion in September 2008.
Charts: Rasi & D-10 of 2008-09 Tajaka varshaphal chart are shown below.

In rasi chart, 10th lord Mars and 7th lord Sun are with exalted 9th lord Venus and give a raja
yoga. The 5th lord Mercury is in lagna. In D-10 chart, 5th lord Mercury is exalted in 5th house
of recognition. He is in samsaptaka with the 9th and 10th lord Saturn in 11th. This rajayoga on
the 5th-11th axis can explain job promotion in the year.

Example 23: Job loss

Birthdata: 1970 April 4, 5:50:40 pm (IST), Machilipatnam, India (81e08, 16n10)
Event: He lost job when a start up downsized operations in August 2002.
Charts: Rasi & D-10 of 2002-03 Tajaka varshaphal chart are shown below.

In rasi chart, 12th house of losses is strong with karaka of livelihood Saturn in it. The 10 th
house contains debilitated and combust Mercury, karaka of intellectual professions. In D-10
chart, the 10th lord Mars is in the 8th house of anxiety, changes and breaks. Karaka Mercury is
in 12th house. Lagna lord is debilitated. There is a chance for a break in career in the year.

Example 24: First job

Birthdata: 1970 April 4, 5:50:40 pm (IST), Machilipatnam, India (81e08, 16n10)
Event: He started his career in December 1993.
Charts: Rasi & D-10 of 1993-94 Tajaka varshaphal chart are shown below.

In rasi chart, 10th lord is strong in his moolatrikona in the 11 th house. The 10th house is
aspected by lagna lord Mars and 9th lord Jupiter. In D-10 chart, lagna and 10th lord Mercury is
exalted in lagna. The 5th lord Saturn has 86% aspect on Mercury. Strength of lagna and 10 th
can show a beginning in career.

Example 25: Going back to work

Birthdata: 1971 September 12, 8:25 am (IST), Guntur, India (80e27, 16n18)
Event: After staying home to raise kids for several years, she went back to work in February
Charts: Rasi & D-10 of 2008-09 Tajaka varshaphal chart are shown below.

In rasi chart, 10th lord Mercury is exalted and conjoins the 9th lord Venus. In D-10 chart, 10th
house is very strong its lord Mercury. He gives raja yogas with 7 th lord Jupiter and 9th lord
Venus. The 6th house of service is also strong with its lord in it. Strength of 6 th and 10th
houses can restart career during the year.

Example 26: Elected President (George W Bush)

Birthdata: 1946 July 6, 7:25:30 am (EDT 4:00 west of GMT), New Haven, CT, USA (72w56,
Event: He was elected as the president of US in 2000 December.
Charts: Rasi & D-10 of 2000-01 Tajaka varshaphal chart are shown below.

In rasi chart, 5th lord Mars joins 4th lord Venus and karaka of power Sun. There is a raja yoga
between 7th lord Saturn and 9th lord Jupiter and they aspect the 5th house. In D-10 chart, lagna
and 10th lord Jupiter is exalted in 5th house. The 5th lord Moon and the 9th lord Mars are
together in 10th. This exchange between 5th and 10th lords clearly shows power. With exalted
8th lord in lagna, it came after a lot of worries.

Example 27: Re-elected President (George W Bush)

Birthdata: 1946 July 6, 7:25:30 am (EDT 4:00 west of GMT), New Haven, CT, USA (72w56,
Event: He was re-elected as the president of US in 2004 November with a comfortable
Charts: Rasi & D-10 of 2004-05 Tajaka varshaphal chart are shown below.

In rasi chart, 5th lord and yogakaraka Mars is close to lagna. The 5th house is aspected by a
planet in own house (11th lord Venus in 11th). In D-10 chart, 5th lord Mercury is exalted, joined
by 10th lord Rahu, and they give a raja yoga. Yogakaraka Saturn is in own house in 9 th house
and 7th lord has 100% aspect on him. Moon and Jupiter giving Gaja-Kesari yoga closely aspect
exalted 5th lord. These factors clearly indicate keeping power.

Example 28: Re-elected President (Barack Obama)

Birthdata: 1961 August 4, 7:24:20 pm (10 hrs west of GMT), Honolulu, Hwaii, USA (157w52,
Event: He was re-elected as the president of US in 2012 November with a comfortable margin.
Charts: Rasi & D-10 of 2012-13 Tajaka varshaphal chart are shown below.

In rasi chart, 5th lord Venus is in lagna in an adhimitra rasi and 9th lord Saturn is exalted in
the 5th house. In D-10 chart, lagna lord Sun and yogakaraka Mars are conjoined in the 10th
house. Yogakaraka Mars and an exalted 7th lord Saturn aspect the 5th house while the other 7th
lord Rahu occupies the 5th house. The yogas in rasi and D-10 show retaining political power in
the year.

Example 29: Back to Power (Indira Gandhi)

Birthdata: 1917 November 19, 11:05 pm (IST), Allahabad, India (81e51, 25n27)
Event: She became the Prime Minister of India again on 1980 January 15.
Charts: Rasi & D-10 of 1979-80 Tajaka varshaphal chart are shown below.

In rasi chart, 5th lord Jupiter and yogakaraka Mars conjoin in lagna giving a powerful raja
yoga and Jupiter aspects the 5th house. The 10th lord Venus aspects the 10th house. In D-10
chart, 9th lord Mercury and 10th lord Moon conjoin in the 5th house of power and karaka Sun
joins them. The 5th lord and yogakaraka Saturn is in own house, while the 6 th lord (of rivals)
Jupiter is debilitated. This shows regaining political power.

Example 30: Sudden Limelight (Swami Vivekananda)

Birthdata: 1863 January 12, 6:32:50 pm (LMT, 5:54 east of GMT), Calcutta, India (88e30, 22n40)
Event: He came to limelight with a famous speech at the parliament of religions in 1893
Charts: Rasi & D-10 of 1893-94 Tajaka varshaphal chart are shown below.

In rasi chart, lagna lord Venus and 5th lord Mercury are conjoined in the 8th house, suggesting
sudden limelight. Yogakaraka Saturn has 85% aspect on Mercury and 90% aspect on Venus.
In D-10 chart, lagna lord Sun is in 10th house, while the 10th lord Venus is in 5th house. Exalted
yogakaraka Mars aspects lagna and the 5th lord Jupiter aspects lagna lord Sun in 10th. These
factors can suggest limelight during the year.


ajaka varshaphal charts or annual solar year charts are re-defined in this write-up
based on the definition of solar years taught by Maharshi Parasara to Maitreya in
Vishnu Purana. Using Pushya-paksha ayanamsa, reformed definitions of
divisional charts and the new definition of Tajaka varshaphal charts, the efficacy of these
charts to see the major events in a year is illustrated in this write-up.
It is hoped that intelligent and sincere students and researchers of this divine subject will
take this knowledge further and contribute to a renaissance in Jyotish and other knowledge
related to rishis.

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