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Summary of ISAs

for ACCA P7 Students

The Essential Knowledge
Paul Merison

ISA 200 265
Basic concepts/issues affecting whole audit

ISA 300 330

Planning / Controls Assessment

ISA 402 580

Evidence and Completion

ISA 600 620

Reliance on work of others

Overview 2
ISA 700 720
Audit report issues

SSA 200 - 265

ISA 200 Objectives & Conduct of audit

ISA 210 Engagement Letters
ISA 220 Quality Control
ISA 230 Documenting the Audit
ISA 240 Fraud
ISA 250 Laws & Regs at clients
ISA 260 Communicating with TCWG
ISA 265 Reporting Significant Deficiencies in
Internal Controls to TCWG

ISA 200
Lots of technical terms to learn
As such, of minor importance to P7
Reasonable Assurance
High, but not perfect level of assurance

Something that could affect users decisions on FS

Sufficient Appropriate Evidence

Sufficient = enough, and depends on risk, judgment, quality of
evidence collected
Appropriate = relevant to assertions, reliable (e.g. from a 3rd
Party is better than from directors)

ISA 200 continued

Professional Judgment
Use your training and experience, and consult colleagues

Professional Skepticism (P7 important)

Questioning mind, be critical and do not assume client is right

Mistake caused by error, or deliberate fraud

Audit Risk
Risk of material misstatements, and auditor fails to detect
Assess risk, and respond to them (with audit work)

ISA 200 continued

Audits are not perfect LIMITATIONS

Heavy use of judgment

IAS often offers choice of accounting treatments
Directors have incentive to lie to auditors
Auditors cannot check everything
Fraud, Related Party Transactions hard to identify

In other words, REASONABLE assurance, not TOTAL!

ISA 200 continued

For an audit to take place, there are
Company using an acceptable FR framework
Directors accept responsibilities for:
To prepare FS under this FR framework
To maintain suitable IC Systems to protect FS
To provide auditors with all evidence

ISA 200 continued

Audit Standards structure

Required actions by auditor
Help for audits of smaller companies

ISA 210 Terms of Engagement

Only accept audit engagement if:
Preconditions in place (see ISA 200)
Terms understood by auditor and management

To ensure understanding of term


ISA 210 Engagement Letter

The terms of the audit assignment (contract)

Responsibilities of auditor and management

Which FR framework, and which audit standards
Limitations of an audit
Explanation of audit process
Explanation of communication with TCWG, and when
Whether experts, clients Internal Audit to help
Any liability restriction

ISA 220 Quality Control

Covers QC on each audit engagement
(A general QC standard ISQC1 covers QC
within an audit firm overall)
QC at acceptance / reappointment stage
E.g. check competence

Careful selection of staff for the team

Engagement Partner to ensure:
Supervision and Direction
Review of Work

ISA 220 Quality Control

Engagement Quality Control Review, by
independent partner, before sign-off (hot!)
For all Listed companies
Any other high risk clients

Lessons learned from Firms overall

monitoring (i.e. cold reviews) to be taken into
account on each audit assignment

ISA 220 Quality Control

ISQC1 QC at Firm overall:
QC comes from top leadership of partners
Pre-acceptance checks on ALL work
Ensure Ethics in place
Careful recruitment/training of Firms staff
Monitoring of work (cold review process) on
continual basis

ISA 230 - Documentation

Document everything, to show ISAs followed
Helps in planning and review of work
Helps in future quality control checks of audit files

An experienced auditor should be able to

understand work done, conclusions reached

Amount of documentation will depend on

size, complexity of client, risk, nature of work
done etc.

ISA 230 continued

All working papers should say:

WHAT work was done, and WHY

WHO did it, and WHO reviewed it
WHEN the work, and review, were done
HOW was work done
How JUDGMENT was used, if relevant

May STANDARDISE working papers

Helps quality, junior staff, review
May result in too mechanical approach, no judgment

ISA 230 continued

All working papers for current year audit
Whole process from draft FS to final FS


Working papers of use in future year audits
Organisation structure / info on company history
Long term documents (leases, grants, loans)
Control System description

ISA 240 - Fraud

Definition of fraud
Stealing assets of company
Fraudulent financial reporting (deliberate
misstatements or omissions in FS)

Responsibility to prevent and detect

MANAGEMENT and Those Charged with
Governance (TCWG)

Auditor responsibility
To assess risks of fraud (ISA 315) and respond (ISA 330)

ISA 240 continued

To Assess Risks of Fraud
Be aware of those who have MOTIVE + OPPORTUNITY
Discuss Fraud in audit planning meeting
Assess Internal Controls re. fraud

Audit Work/Response re Fraud Risks

Maintain prof skepticism

Ask clients Internal Audit and TCWG for info
Check all journal entries, and estimates for bias
Get a Mgmnt representation (ISA 580) all fraud suspicions
reported to auditors

ISA 250 Laws + Regs at Clients

Auditor responsibilities
Understand relevant laws and regs of client
Enquire of mgmnt / clients legal advisers
Inspect Board Minutes for discussion of breaches / new rules

To tell mgmnt / TCWG of any breaches of laws by

To report to external regulator / police as necessary
Consider effect on FS
Provision for fines/penalties
Accrual for legal costs
Serious breach potential Going Concern

ISA 260 Communicating with TCWG


As part of process to understand client

To agree audit / client responsibilities
Discuss ethical threats and proposed safeguards
Agree audit plan
Discuss audit findings at completion stage
Inform TCWG of any misstatements not corrected by
Explain proposed audit report
Difficulties experienced during audit

ISA 265 Mgmnt Letter to TCWG

Communicating significant deficiencies in ICS
Controls not working properly
Controls missing completely

Deficiencies / Consequences /
Recommendations for Improvement
Covering Letter
Only those problems found in normal audit process so
not comprehensive list of problems company has
Only for use by mgmnt no 3rd Party use of Letter

ISA 300 - 330

ISA 300 Planning
ISA 315 Understanding Entity & Environment
(to identify audit risks)
ISA 320 Materiality
ISA 330 Responding to Risks

ISA 300 Audit Planning

Why Plan

Time allocated to important areas of FS

To identify likely problems as soon as possible
Efficiency of audit process
To allow a review at the completion phase
To identify need for experts / specialist staff

Strategy v Detailed Plan

Strategy is overview, Plan is risk assessment / response

ISA 300 Strategy v Plan


What FR they use / reporting requirements (e.g. listed)

Timetable for audit
Client-relevant info from prior years / since last year
Interim Audit pre y/e? Stocktake to attend?
Resources needed (experts, 2nd partner for review?)


When to do risk assessment (Interim Audit?) and WHO and
What audit work to do in RESPONSE to these risks, and WHO
will do it (and WHEN!)

ISA 315 Identifying Risk

Understand Client and its Environment

Enquire of management
Analytical Procs (to see how figures inter-relate)
Inspect operations / website / mgmnt accounts
Last years audit papers

Info Required

Industry laws and regulations

Plans and accounting policies
Business model, key customers, suppliers, regulators

ISA 315 Risk Assessment (continued)

5 Elements of IC System
Control Environment
Mgmnt style, attitude, org. structure, ethics, HR policies,
training of staff

Control Procedures/Activities
CARCAP, from class notes!!

Info System
How transactions initiated, processed and recorded

Risk Assessment
Monitoring (by Internal Audit)

ISA 315 Audit Risk

Risk of material misstatement (FS Risk) and
substantive tests fail to detect them (D Risk)
Audit Risk = FS Risk x Detection Risk
FS Risk = Inherent Risk x Control Risk
IR and CR overall FS (e.g. Going Concern
Threats, poor Control Environment)
IR and CR specific ASSERTIONS (see next

ISA 315 - Assertions



ccurate Value

ISA 315 - Assertions


C ompleteness
O wnership (Rights & Obligations)
V aluation
E xistence



alues correctly disclosed
nderstandable / clearly presented and explained

ISA 315 Controls

Human error
Mgmnt override them

Computer Controls
General (passwords, back-ups, security, anti-virus)
Application (range limits, sequence checks)

ISA 320 - Materiality

An item is material if it could affect the decisions
of users of the FS
By SIZE (Quantitative)
0.5%-1% Revenue
1%-2% Assets
5%-10% Profit

By NATURE (Qualitative)
E.g. director pay

ISA 320 Materiality (continued)

Materiality affects
Assessment of importance of FS risks
Sample sizes

Performance Materiality
Smaller than Materiality, to recognise that during audit
process smaller misstatements will add up!

End of audit
Aggregate all misstatements to assess overall effect

ISA 330 Responding to Risks

Control Tests (did controls operate throughout year)
Substantive Tests- using tests (AEIOU) to get evidence
(DADA3) to verify assertions (COVED) about balances
and disclosures

If CONTROLS good, reduce Sub Tests

Other responses to risks
Increase prof skepticism
Increase seniority of audit team staff

ISA 402 450

ISA 402 Service Organisations
ISA 450 Evaluating Misstatements

ISA 402 Service Organisations

Companies outsource some things
If this thing relates to numbers in the FS, may
be hard for auditor to get evidence
To get evidence about controls:
Get written report from the service providers own
external auditors
Just a description of the IC Systems (Type 1 Report)
Opinion on effectiveness of the IC Systems (Type 2 Report)

ISA 450 Evaluating Misstatements

This standard applies Materiality (ISA 320) to
the misstatements found during the audit.
Record ALL misstatements found (unless trivial)
Ask mgmnt to correct them, or explain why not
For misstatements they will not correct:
Add up to assess if combined effect is material
Get Mgmnt Rep to confirm they are not correcting them
purely due to immateriality

ISA 500 - 580

ISA 500 Evidence

ISA 501 Evidence: Specific Items
ISA 505 External Confirmations
ISA 510 Initial Audits: Opening Balances
ISA 520 Analytical Procedures
ISA 530 Sampling
ISA 540 Audit of Estimates
ISA 550 Audit of Related Parties
ISA 560 Subsequent Events
ISA 570 Going Concern
ISA 580 Written Representations

ISA 500 Audit Evidence

Sufficient Appropriate Evidence:
Sufficient = quantity, depends on risk, quality of
Appropriate = Relevant and Reliable
Relevant = to an assertion
Reliable = 3rd Party, auditor-obtained, original documents are
better than client-provided and oral

ISA 500 Audit Evidence

Types of audit test:

Analytical Procedures
Comparing current year with last year, Industry etc.

Enquiry and Confirmation

Ask questions and get written replies

Inspection (of documents, of assets)

Observation (of controls happening)
Recalc U lation

ISA 501 Evidence (Specific Items)

Attend client stocktakes

Liaise with Internal Audit if multi-location

May need to use experts (e.g. to assess WIP)
If count not y/e, attempt roll-back or roll-forward
At final audit, check stocktake list to final stock list

Legal Claims against company

Confirmation from clients lawyers on details
Written Rep from mgmnt / Board minutes on whether
they plan to fight it or settle out of court

ISA 505 External Confirmations

Positive confirmations
Must reply, either to confirm/dispute balance or to fill
in a balance

Negative confirmations
Reply needed only if disagreeing with balance

If mgmnt do not want auditor to contact a

Report it to Audit Committee
Get alternative evidence about this balance

ISA 510 New audit clients, Opening

Known as Initial audits
Audited by another firm last year, or;
Company never audited before

If Op Bals wrong, likely to affect current year?
If Comparatives wrong see ISA 710

Agree Op Bals to last years FS
Get working papers from the other firm
If last years audit report modified, may affect this year

ISA 520 Analytical Procedures

Used at:
PLANNING (ISA 315 covers this)
As a SUBSTANTIVE test (part of AEIOU)

Compare auditor EXPECTATION with DRAFT FS
If expectation uses predicted relationships, and is close to
draft figure, may be enough evidence in itself
Use prior year, Industry, budgets, ratios etc.

Completion Stage
To take account of figures (and expectations) changing
during audit

ISA 530 - Sampling

Sample has same characteristics as population
Then can EXTRAPOLATE results from sample to
population overall
Use statistical sampling (RANDOM + probability theory)

ISA 530 - Sampling

Lots of terms to know:
SAMPLING UNIT item being tested (e.g. an invoice)
STRATIFICATION break population into subpopulations (e.g. by value, or by age)
SAMPLING RISK risk sample is not representative
NON-SAMPLING RISK risk audit staff mess up test
ANOMALY error that is clearly a one-off (rare!!)
acceptable in a sample (based on Perf Materiality)

ISA 530 - Sampling

Random (best method)
Value-Weighted (random, where sampling unit is each
individual $)
Block (not good simple, as it picks a block of
transactions or balances, unlikely to be representative)
Haphazard (audit staff manual attempt to be random,
hard to avoid bias though)

ISA 540 Audit of Estimates

Estimates include:
Uncertain future events
Valuation of items (e.g. assets)

If estimate does not turn into actual, this does

NOT mean the estimate was bad at that time!
How management measures them
The models used (if relevant)
Expert used / Assumptions used / level of uncertainty

ISA 540 Audit of Estimates

Audit work on estimates

Prior year v actual (to assess their methods)

Post y/e latest events
Assess mgmnts estimation methods
Auditor expectation v the estimate
Assumptions used by mgmnt realistic?
Get a Written Rep confirming best estimate
Audit the expert (if one used)! (ISA 620)

ISA 550 Related Parties

Audit team should discuss related parties at
planning, as part of fraud assessment
Enquiry of management as to whether all RP
told to audit team, and all RPT disclosed in FS
Compare to p/y FS list of RPT disclosed
Assess company controls to highlight RPT
Read AGM and Board Meeting Minutes for
discussion of RPT

ISA 550 Related Parties

Clues it is a RPT:
No obvious business logic to transaction
Strange price or payment terms
Non-commercial basis (i.e. not arms length)

If discover RPT yourself (client did not tell

you), inform Audit Committee
Increase scepticism when dealing with RPT

ISA 560 Subsequent Events

The audit of IAS 10 matters (EARP / PBSE)
PBSE are events between y/e and date FS signed
Give evidence of companys position at y/e, then
Do not give such evidence, then NON-ADJUSTING
If non-adjusting, could be so significant to need

SSA 560 Subsequent Events

The problem is this sometimes the event
that happens BEFORE FS are signed is not
discovered until AFTER FS are signed.
But if the event was before FS were signed, it
is an IAS 10 EARP and may be adjustable, or

ISA 560 Subsequent Events

Auditor audits as normal (active duty) up to
date audit report is signed (after FS signed).
After that date, duty becomes passive.
If a EARP is DISCOVERED after FS and Audit Report
signed (but event OCCURRED before FS signed), assess
if it is:
Non-adjustable, but disclosable

Ask Board if they plan to correct the FS (they should do)

ISA 560 Subsequent Events

If directors change the FS:
Check the correction done properly
Check they changed nothing else!
The IAS 10 applicable date has now moved forward to the
later date the new revised FS are signed so audit the gap
Sign new audit report, with Emphasis of Matter to explain that
the FS were revised, and the initial audit report can be ignored

If directors refuse to change FS:

Get legal advice
Speak at AGM
Consider resignation

ISA 570 Going Concern

Auditor must:
Assess if Going Concern basis of preparation is correct
Assess any disclosures of GC threats


FS normally prepared under GC assumption

This means company expected to continue for > 1 year
If not, use alternative basis of preparation
Disclose any significant GC threats in a FS Note

ISA 570 Going Concern

Indicators of GC problems

Net liabilities
Loans need to be repaid soon (or other big outflows)
Suppliers denying credit
Loss of key staff / products / markets
Legal claims / regulatory investigations
New competitors
Losses / poor cash position
Ratio analysis looks bad

ISA 570 Going Concern

Audit Work

Review forecasts (and whether assumptions realistic)

Mgmnt Accounts since y/e for latest results
Loan agreements
Board Minutes
Get a Written Representation
Recent orders received
Correspondence with bank
Availability of cash / assets to sell (or use for secured

ISA 570 Going Concern

If not a GC, but they used GC basis of prep:
Adverse Opinion

If a GC, but there are threats not disclosed:

Except for qualified opinion, or Adverse, depending
on the nature of the missing disclosure

If a GC, with threats, which ARE disclosed in

Unmodified opinion, plus Emphasis of Matter

ISA 580 Written Representations

Confirmations from management of:
Responsibility for FS and IC System
All evidence given to auditors
To support other evidence

Specific matters (e.g. a legal case)

Going Concern
All fraud issues told to auditors
All contingent liabilities disclosed
That any uncorrected misstatements are immaterial
All estimates are best estimate

ISA 600 - 620

ISA 600 - Audit of Group FS (inc. reliance on
work of Component Auditors)
ISA 610 Reliance on work of internal audit
ISA 620 Reliance on auditors expert

ISA 600 Audit of Group FS

Group auditor fully responsible for opinion
If other firm audited a sub (component auditor),
cannot mention this fact in audit report

Must understand all subs in the group

For material subs in group:
If not the auditor, must discuss audit with the subs
auditors (the component auditor)
Must review audit work of this component auditor

Consider materiality both at Group level, and

for each Sub

ISA 600 Audit of Groups

Bear in mind errors at subs could add up to a
material error at Group level
Ensure all audit teams in group audit are
aware of fraud issues, and Related Parties
Ensure Group Auditors audit methods in use
by all auditors of all subs
May have to tell component auditors to do additional
work, to comply with group audit methods

ISA 600 Audit of Groups

If component auditor is overseas:
Check whether they follow a Code of Ethics
Is their audit work subject to external monitoring
Which audit standards do they follow

In other words, can you rely on the quality of their


ISA 600 Audit of Groups

Audit of Consolidation Process
Check each Subs FS to consolidation schedule
Assess classification of each component (i.e. is it a Sub,
an Associate, a JV etc)
Cancel out intra-group transactions
Check Goodwill calculation, and assess if impaires
Check the schedule adds up!!
Check Forex retranslated in line with IAS 21
Check adjustments ok for different policies, different
year ends

ISA 610 Using work of Internal Audit

If client has Internal Audit, its work may be
relied upon by External Audit
External auditor retains responsibility in full for audit
Only rely if IA work relevant, properly planned and
documented etc.
Assess IA
Competent / qualified staff?
Work done with due professional care

ISA 610 Using the work of Internal

Other considerations:
Communicate with IA to help assess risk of material
misstatement in FS at planning
For judgment areas of FS, and high risk areas, do not
rely much on IA work, EA should do it themselves
Do not use IA to help with 3rd Party confirmations
Communicate plans to rely on IA to TCWG (ISA 260)
Where relying on IA work, reperform some first to
ensure it is reliable

ISA 620 Reliance on Experts

Auditor may use an expert to help audit
If hire OWN expert, not clients, easier to:
Get independence
Control their work


ISA 700 - 720

ISA 700 Audit Reports

ISA 705 Modified Opinions
ISA 706 Emphasis of Matter & Other Matter
ISA 710 Comparative figures
ISA 720 Other Information

ISA 700 Auditors Report

Content required:

Title (including word Independent)

Introduction (listing the FS audited)
Responsibilities (of management and auditor)
Description / Basis
How work done
Whether sufficient appropriate evidence obtained

Whether FS are true and fair

Report on Other Legal Matters

Those matters required by your specific government

ISA 705 Modified Opinions

4 Modified Opinions

Qualified Except for material misstatement

Qualified Except for lack of evidence
Adverse opinion (not a true and fair view)
Disclaimer (we do not give an opinion)

Adverse and Disclaimer if pervasive:

Pervasive = affects many balances, or a single balance /
disclosure in a fundamental way

ISA 705 Modified Opinions

Above Opinion
Basis for qualified / adverse / disclaimer of opinion
Describes why opinion being modified
E.g. the IAS being breached and financial effect
E.g. the missing evidence and reason it is missing

When modifying, inform TCWG (see ISA 260)

ISA 706 E of M and OM Paragraphs

Additional communication to shareholders, on
matters that are audit related.
However, no effect on audit opinion
Emphasis of Matter

Where something in FS needs to be highlighted

Extra paragraph under Opinion
Refer to the FS Note being highlighted
Make clear opinion not modified

Other Matter
Same as E of M, except the matter to be highlighted is NOT
in FS, and is INCORRECT (eg error in Chairman Statement)

ISA 706 E of M and OM paragraphs

Emphasis of Matter examples:
Audit Report revised and reissued (as per ISA 560)
(note, this example very unlikely in exam)
Major Going Concern threat disclosed correctly in FS

Other Matter example:

Inconsistency in Other Information (ISA 720)

ISA 710 - Comparatives

Relates to prior year figures in current year FS
Make sure b/f = c/f from last year
Ensure consistent accounting policies with last year

Audit Report issues

Prior year modified opinion unresolved, means
comparatives are / might be wrong so report it!
Can modify opinion if this year you find a mistake in last
years figures

ISA 720 Other Information

Credibility of audited FS may be undermined
by inconsistent info within the Other Info
Read the Other Information pre-audit report
If problem, tell TCWG
May need to get legal advice
Other Matter paragraph
May need to resign

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