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Gleden G.



1. Contour Map
The distinctive characteristic of a topographic map is that the shape of
the Earth's surface is shown by contour lines. Contours are imaginary
lines that join points of equal elevation on the surface of the land above or
below a reference surface such as mean sea level. Contours make it
possible to measure the height of mountains, depths of the ocean bottom,
and steepness of slopes.
A topographic map shows more than contours. The map includes
symbols that represent such features as streets, buildings, streams, and
2. Isopach Map
An isopach map illustrates thickness variations within a tabular unit,
layer or stratum. Isopachs are contour lines of equal thickness over an
area. Isopach maps are utilized in hydrographic survey, stratigraphy,
sedimentology, structural geology, petroleum geology and volcanology.
An isopach map displays lines of equal thickness in a layer where the
thicknesses are measured perpendicular to the layer boundaries. Isopach
maps in geology are also referred to as True Stratigraphic Thickness (TST)
3. Lithofacies Map

(or lithological-paleogeographic maps), maps that represent spatial

changes in the lithological composition and thicknesses of sedimentary
and sedimentary-volcanogenic rocks of a certain geological age
depending on tectonic conditions and on the physicogeographic
conditions of their sedimentation.
Lithofacies maps represent, within the region being mapped, the
distribution of land and sea during a particular geological age, the
presumed relief of the land and sea floor, the position of the valleys of
ancient rivers, the areas of various types of continental, lagoon, and
marine sediment accumulations, the climatic zonation that existed within
the particular territory, and many other characteristics of the
physicogeographic conditions in the past.


Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 08 Mar. 2016.

Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 08 Mar. 2016.

"What Is a Contour Map? How Is It Helpful?" What Is a Contour Map? How

Is It Helpful? Web. 08 Mar. 2016.
"Lithofacies Maps." Lithofacies Maps. Web. 08 Mar. 2016.

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