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Annotated Bibliography

Blumberg, M. (2015) 2015 Canadian Federal Budget - How will it affect the Canadian charitable
This article explains how charities are assisted by the government, and how to work with them to
help your charity. The author highlights the topic of taxation laws on charities and what they
have to do to get exempted from taxation. The article also goes more into what charitable
organizations can do with an investment to support their charities effectively. I liked that
everything was organized under its own heading. The audience that the writer is talking to are
people that are looking to start a charitable organization. The author does not list any sources, he
just provides links to the same web sites many times in the page.
Ewing, M, E,. Gano-Overway, L, A,. Branta, C, F,. Seefeldt, V, D. The Role of Sports in Youth
Development. Paradoxes of Youth and Sport. State University of New York Press, Albany.
Retrived From:
This article demonstrates the importance of youth sports, and exactly why the non-profit I am
developing is necessary to Canadian society. As the article states, organized sport is nothing
short of a blessing, as it develops physical skills [], improve fitness; learn social and
emotional skills; develop moral values; and acquire a better sense of self. Without these
qualities in children, particularly children in urban environments, developmental delays occur as
early as adolescence, when entering socially challenging situations such as post-secondary
education, and when entering the workforce.
Fraser-Thomas, J.L., Cote, J., Deakin, J. (January 23rd, 2007). Youth sport programs: an avenue
to foster positive youth development. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy. 10 (1). Retrived
As more of a logistics standpoint, I used this source to develop the program design in terms of
funding and role-players in the organization. Specifically, the author outlines the roles of policymakers, [] coaches and parents who can foster positive youth development. This research
and planning is essential to creating a non-profit that will be successful not only in terms of core
values and theory, but logistically and financially.

Giannoulakis, C. (2014). Sponsorship of non-profit sporting events: The case of the well-being
festival. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 23(4), 244-252. Retrieved from
This article explains steps you need to think about before you start contacting sponsors for a nonprofit organization in sections of marketing, awareness, having a sponsorship plan and
fundraising. According the the author, the main problem is that non-profit organizations (NPOs)
do not bring up the need for sponsorship and thus cannot fund themselves. The article suggests
that the people behind the NPOs should consider everything from knowing the significance for
starting their charity to evaluating how and in what form the external company will give to the
organization. That way, when its presented to the sponsor, they would be more willing to come
on board. I liked how the article thinks for you and gives people who are starting an organization
the right tools to access the right sponsors.
Newsom, D., & Haynes, J. (2008). Writing the PR plan: Defining success for your
organization.Public Relations Tactics, 15(2), 16.
This article is a sample of how to build your brand for any kind of company. There are twelve
steps to create a solid plan followed by six ways to perfect your document and make sure its
ready to be executed. It describes why the writer is supposed to know the objectives of the
company to make the audience aware of the reason the organization started so they can stand by
the cause fully. The author also pointed out that even though the initial campaign is important,
you must know the reaction of the audience and make sure you collect data on what people liked
and/or did not like about the campaign and if they received the right message that was originally
created by the company. I liked that we have learned this in class and that its similar to the
PAIBOC analysis. Although, I disliked that the article was too broad and didnt just apply to
what our project is about.
Pitter, R. Andrews, D,L. (April 20th, 2012). Serving Americas Underserved Youth: Reflections
on Sport and Recreation in an Emerging Social Industry. Quest. 49 (1). Retrived From:
This article was particularly helpful in the distinction between urban and rural youth in terms of
their social and community involvement with organized play. Urban distress is an increasing
problem due to the lack of youth engagement, and this article addresses some of the results when
youth are engaged in organized play. Programs that address crime prevention, juvenile
delinquency, and other social ills are beneficial to not only the youth that are participants, but
the communities they are a part of. This article also focuses on the interesting relationship
between sport consumption and provision, popular conceptions of race and class, [as well as]
urban decline.

Monique Clarke

Adam Del Plavignano

Stephen DiNallo

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