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The Human Population

Section 1

Chapter 9
The Human Population
Section1, Studying Human Populations


The Human Population

Studying Human Populations

Demography is the study of the
characteristics of populations,
especially human populations.
Demographers study the historical
size and makeup of the populations
of countries to make comparisons and
Demographers also study properties
that affect population growth, such as
economics and social structure.

Section 1

The Human Population

Section 1

Studying Human Populations

Countries with similar population trends are often
grouped into two general categories: developed and
developing countries.
Developed countries have:
higher average incomes
slower population growth
diverse industrial economies
stronger social support systems

The Human Population

Studying Human Populations

Developing countries
lower average
simple and
rapid population

Section 1

The Human Population

Section 1

1. What is Demography and why do you think it is
2. What is the difference between Developed Countries
and Developing Countries?
3. Which one do you live in and how do you know that?
4. Name one other country that is not like yours and how
do you know that it is a developed or developing

The Human Population

Section 1

The Human Population Over Time

The human population underwent exponential growth
in the 1800s, meaning that the population growth rates
increased during each decade.
These increases were mostly due to increases in food
production and improvements in hygiene that came
with the industrial and scientific revolution.
However, it is unlikely that the Earth can sustain this
growth for much longer.

The Human Population

World Population Over Time

Section 1

The Human Population

Section 1

1. What is exponential growth?
2. When and why did the human population experience
3. Do you think this is a good thing or a bad thing and

The Human Population

Age Structure
Age structure is the classification of
members of a population into groups
according to age or the distribution of
members of a population in terms of age
groups and helps demographers make
Countries that have high rates of growth
usually have more young people than
older people.
In contrast, countries that have slow
growth or no growth usually have an even
distribution of ages in the population.

Section 1

The Human Population

Age Structure
Age structure can be graphed
in a population pyramid, a
type of double sided bar graph.
The figure on the right shows
typical age structures for
countries that have different
rates of growth.

Section 1

The Human Population

Section 1

1. What is an age structure?
2. How are they graphed?
3. What do you think the United State graph would look
like and why?

The Human Population

Section 1

Warm UP 4/6/16
1. What is the difference between Developed Countries
and Developing Countries?
2. Which one do you live in and how do you know that?
3. What is exponential growth? When and why did the
human population experience this?
4. Do you think this is a good thing or a bad thing and
5. What is an age structure? How are they graphed?

The Human Population

Survivorship is the
percentage of newborn
individuals in a population that
can be expected to survive to
a given age.
It is used as another way to
predict population trends.
To predict survivorship,
demographers study a group
of people born at the same
time and notes when each
member of the group dies.

Section 1

The Human Population

The results of these studies
are then plotted on a graph
and might look like one of the
types of survivorship graphs.
With your Partner answer these
2 questions:
What do you notice about the
What do you think these lines

Section 1

The Human Population

Wealthy developed countries such as Japan
and Germany currently have a Type I
survivorship curve because most people live to
be very old.
Type II populations have a similar death rate at
all ages.
Type III survivorship is the pattern in very poor
human populations in which many children die.
Both Type I and Type III may result in
populations that remain the same size or
grow slowly.

Section 1

The Human Population

Fertility Rates
A fertility rate is the number of births
(usually per year) per 1,000 women of
childbearing age (usually 15 to 44).
Replacement level is the average
number of children each parent must
have in order to replace themselves.
This number is slightly more than 2
because not all children born will
survive and reproduce.

Section 1

The Human Population

Section 1

Fertility Rates
A graph of historical fertility rates for the United States is
shown on the next slide.
In 1972, the total fertility dropped below replacement
level for the first time in US History.
Fertility rates remained below replacement level for most
of the 1990s, but recently has been growing partly
because the children of the baby boom grew up and had

The Human Population

Fertility Rates

Section 1

The Human Population

Section 1

1. What is fertility rate?
2. What is Replacement level?
3. Why do you think the fertility rate in the U.S. dropped
below the replacement level?
4. Where do you think the fertility rate is today and why?

The Human Population

Section 1

Migration in general, is any
movement of individuals or
populations from one location to
Movement into an area is
immigration and movement out of
an area is emigration.
The populations of many developed
countries might be decreasing if not
for immigration.

The Human Population

Section 1

Declining Death Rates

The dramatic increase in Earths human population in the
last 200 years has happened because death rates have
declined more rapidly than birth rates.
Death rates have declined mainly because more people
now have access to:
adequate food
clean water
safe sewage disposal

The Human Population

Life Expectancy
Life expectancy is the average length
of time that an individual is expected to
Life expectancy is most affected by
infant mortality, the death rate of
infants less than a year old.
Expensive medical care is not needed
to prevent infant deaths. Infant health is
more affected by the parents access to
education, food, fuel, and clean water.

Section 1

The Human Population

Life Expectancy
The graph shows that
average life expectancy
worldwide has increased
to more than 67 years old.
But, new threats, such as
tuberculosis and AIDS are
arising as populations
become denser.

Section 1

The Human Population

Section 1

The Demographic Transition

The demographic transition is the general pattern of
demographic change from high birth and death rates to
low birth and death rates, and observed in the history of
more-developed countries.
The theory behind the demographic transition is that
industrial development causes economic and social
progress that then affects population growth rates.

The Human Population

Section 1

Stages of the Transition

In the first stage of the demographic transition, a society
is in a preindustrial condition.
The birth rate and the death rate are both at high
levels and the population size is stable.
In the second stage, a population explosion occurs.
Death rates decline as hygiene, nutrition, and
education improve.
But, birth rates remain high, so the population grows
very fast.

The Human Population

Section 1

Stages of the Transition

In the third stage, population growth slows because birth rate
As the birth rate becomes close to the death rate, the
population size stabilizes.
However, the population is much larger than before the
demographic transition.
In the fourth stage, the birth rate drops below replacement
level, so the size of the population begins to decrease.
It has taken from one to three generations for the
demographic transition to occur.

The Human Population

Section 1

Women and Fertility

The factors most clearly related to a decline in birth rates
are increasing education and economic independence
for women.
In the demographic transition model, the lower death rate
of the second stage is usually the result of increased
levels of education.
Educated women find that they do not need to bear as
many children to ensure that some will survive. They
may also learn family planning techniques.

The Human Population

Section 1

Women and Fertility

Women are able to contribute to their familys increasing
prosperity while spending less energy bearing and caring
for children.
As countries modernize, parents are more likely to work
away from home.
If parents must pay for child care, children may become
a financial burden rather than an asset.
All of these reasons contribute to lower birth rates in both
developed and developing countries.

The Human Population

Section 1

Write an 8 sentences summing up the section on the back
of the notes.

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