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The Collected Edition of the Works of John Smart Mill has been planned and
directed by an editorial committee appointed from the Faculty of Arts and Science
of the Umversity of Toronto, and from the University of Toronto Press. The primary
aim of the edition is to present fully collated texts of those works which exist in a
number of versions, both printed and manuscript, and to provide accurate texts
of works previously unpublished or which have become relatively inaccessible.

Editorial Committee

J.M. ROBSON, General Editor





Indexes to
the Collected Works of
John Stuart Mill

Edited by


Post-doctoral Fellow, J.S. Mill Project,

University of Toronto



University Professor and Professor of English,

Victoria College, University of Toronto


© University of Toronto Press 1991

Toronto and Buffalo

Printed in Canada

ISBN 0-8020-2769-5

London: Routledge
ISBN 0-415-06400-7

Printed on acid-free paper

Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data

Mill, John Stuart, 1806-1873.
Collected works of John Smart Mill
Includes bibliographies and indexes.
Partial contents: v. 33.
Index to Collected Works /
edited by Jean O'Grady with John M. Robson
ISBN 0-8020-2769-5 (v. 33).
1. --Collected works.
2. --Collected works.
3. --Collected works.
I. Robson, John M., 1927-
II. Tide.
B1602.A2 1963 192 C65-188-2 rev.

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

Mill, John Stuart, 1806-1873
Indexes, introduction by Jean O'Grady.
(Collected works of John Stuart Mill, vol. 33).
1. English philosophy, Mill, John Stuart, 1806-1873
I. O'Grady, Jean II. Robson, John M.
ISBN 0-415-06400-7

This volume has been published with the assistance of a grant

from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

INTRODUCTION, by Jean O'Grady vii

Alphabetical List of Titles in the Collected Works 1

Chronological List of Mill's Writings in the Collected Works 19

Index of Persons and Works 63

Subject Index 473


THISVOLUME,which incorporates in slightly modified and abbreviated form the

separate indexes of the individual volumes, consists of four sections: an
alphabetical list of all the writings in the Collected Works with their locations; a
chronological list of Mill's writings, also keyed to the Collected Works; an index
of persons and works referred to by Mill; and a subject index. Throughout, the
"word-by-word" order is used (except that "de," "la," and "le" are treated as part
of the following word), so that Church rates, for instance, comes before Churches.
Basic information on the form of the entry and the abbreviations used is given in
the headnote to each list. This introduction is intended as a more detailed guide,
explaining some of the dilemmas encountered and choices made in the process of
reducing the vast corpus of Mill's work to four lists.


THEALPHABETICAL LISTprovides a guide for those seeking the location of a known

work within the other thirty-two volumes of the Collected Works. It is divided into
two sections, Part A containing the works of Mill and Part B those of others,
specifically modern scholars who have contributed introductions to the volumes,
and friends and contemporaries of Mill whose works are in appendices to the
Collected Works. Because anyone using this list will also be consulting individual
volumes, brevity has been judged to be a virtue, and so rifles for works that
appeared in several parts are listed only once, with inclusive page numbers; the
precise page numbers for each part may be ascertained from the appropriate
volume's table of contents. For the same parsimonious reason, only the year of
publication is given.
In compiling this list it has been necessary to be somewhat arbitrary about what
constitutes a "work." The list includes all the books, pamphlets, articles, letters to
the editor, speeches, journals, parliamentary evidence, and so on that have
separate titles in the Collected Works. It does not, however, include the more than
: 2700 individual letters in the volumes of correspondence (Vols. XII-XVII and
XXXII), which may be located under the name of the correspondent in the Index of
; Persons and Works. Generally speaking, these letters are personal, while letters to
viii Introduction

the editor on public themes appear in the volumes of newspaper writings and thus
find their place in the Alphabetical List. This distinction is somewhat muddied by
the fact that some ostensibly personal letters were made public: as he became a
modest celebrity, Mill often received letters from strangers soliciting his views,
and he tended to answer them conscientiously with the full knowledge that they
might be published; his support added a certain cachet to a cause. Occasionally he
even used the vehicle of a private letter deliberately to reach a wider public, as is
the case in his responding to a request for comments on the American national debt
by a letter addressed, to avoid the appearance of presumption, to Charles Eliot
Norton rather than to the American people. 1 Other letters again were published
without his knowledge and consent, and to his chagrin. For the purposes of this
index, however, we have kept to the simple distinction that letters which appear in
the volumes of correspondence, whether or not later published, are excluded.
The Alphabetical List also excludes the list-like appendices provided in
different volumes of the Collected Works, such as those concerning textual
apparatus (textual emendations, descriptions of MSS, lists of Mill's signatures,
and the like), and the list of letters to Mill, with their locations, given in Vol.
XXXII. Two list-like appendices have, however, been included in Part A of the
Alphabetical List. The first is the list of the questions Mill provided for discussion
at different meetings of the Political Economy Club. The second is a list that Mill
himself kept of the 1700-odd despatches he wrote to India during the thirty-five
years he was employed at the East India Company's office (entered as "Indian
despatches" to facilitate its being found). This entry appears among Mill's works,
not so much because he compiled it himself over the years as because it stands for a
vast body of work that, in a world of inexhaustible forests, wealthy publishers, and
endlessly extensible library shelves, might have been printed in the Collected
Works, and whose existence demanded recognition in some form. Also included in
the Alphabetical List are alternative rifles sometimes used by Mill which users
might come across in their reading; cross-references are given to the title used in
the Collected Works.
The list identifies some works as "'joint productions," signalling them with an
obelisk and appending the name of the collaborator in parentheses. It has not
always been easy to identify the joint authors of periodical articles published
anonymously: Charles Buller's participation in "The Vixen, and Circassia," for
instance, was ascertained from the fact that Mill had written "J.S. Mill and C.
Buller" beside the article in the copy of the London and Westminster Review, not
now located, that he gave to Caroline Fox. 2 It has been even harder to distinguish

1LaterLetters ILL ], ed. Francis E. Mineka, Collected Works [CW], Vols. XIV-XVII
(Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1972), XVI, 1443-8; for the request for this
exl_ession of opinion, see ibid., 1376, 1466.
"_Seeheadnoteto the articleinMiscellaneous Writings, CW, XXXI (Toronto: University
of Toronto Press, 1989), 345.
Introduction ix

between the writings and joint writings of Mill, his wife Harriet, and later his
stepdaughter Helen Taylor, given the spiritual continuum of authorship and
thoughts in the Mill family. Mill's contention that during his association with
Harriet "all my published writings were as much her work as mine ''3 cannot be
ignored, but neither can it be taken at its face value; it must be tempered by the
knowledge of the touching humility and self-depreciation that mingle so oddly
with intellectual arrogance in Mill's character. It is evident that Harriet genuinely
shared in every aspect of her husband's intellectual life, and that together they
planned what was to be written next and how the ideas were to be developed. Like
many a loyal spouse, Harriet read the drafts, marked awkward passages, and
suggested revisions and additions. But whether she actually wrote much of Mill's
corpus, in the sense of shaping arguments, paragraphs, and sentences, remains a
vexed question. The pieces known to be hers have a characteristic breathless
vehemence (caused in part by a tendency to suppress the logical links in an
argument) and a robust impatience with fools that are alien to Mill's eminently
reasonable style. 4 The degree to which the critic credits Harriet with joint
authorship perhaps depends partly on his or her reaction to the claims of this
singular woman.
Leaving the reader to ponder this wider issue, however, we have generally
marked as joint productions with Hamet only those that Mill specifically so
designated. In his own record of his published work, the first of such writings is
"The Acquittal of Capt. Johnstone" (10 Feb., 1846), said to be "'a joint
production, very little of which was mine." Thereafter, during the period of close
collaboration before their marriage, nearly all of the letters to the newspapers on
domestic violence and day-to-day injustice to women are marked by a similar
phrase. So is the Principles of Political Economy, though in so designating it Mill

3Autobiography [A], CW, I (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1981 ), 251. In the
Introduction to "The Enfranchisement of Women" that he wrote for its republication in
Dissertations and Discussions shortly after Harriet's death, Mill said that "all the more
recent of these papers were joint productions": this would prima facie include "Early
Grecian History and Legend," "Vindication of the French Revolution of February 1848,"
"Dr. Whewell on Moral Philosophy," and "Grote's History of Greece." Later, Helen
proving almost as remarkable as her mother, he claimed that his best work was "the product
not of one intellect or conscience but of three, the least considerable of whom, and above all
the least original, is the one whose name is attached to it" (A, CW, I, 265).
4Many of her letters to Mill, three poems, and an early essay are published in F.A.
I-Iayek, John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor: Their Friendship and Subsequent Marriage
(London: Routledge, 1951 ). Some of her unfinished pieces on marriage and women's rights
are in Essays on Equality, Law, and Education, CW, XXI (Toronto: University of Toronto
Press, 1984), 375-92, and Mill News Letter, XVIII (Summer, 1983), 2-6. In her chief
work, "The Enfranchisement of Women" (CW, XXI, 393-415), Mill claims that his role
was "little more than that of an editor and amanuensis" ( ibid., 393), but it seems likely that
as editor he aided considerably in shaping the argument.
x Introduction

seems to give inordinate weight to the chapter "On the Probable Futurity of the
Labouring Classes," to which Harriet's contribution was considerable, and to
make light of his own work, most of the rest of the book, which was "purely
abstract and scientific, ''5 and, by implication, less remarkable. On Liberty is
marked as joint because the Autobiography describes it as "more directly and ,
literally our joint production than anything else which bears my name."6 Bending _,_
the rule a little in the name of common sense, we have marked an unpublished
letter to the editor of the Reasoner as joint since an extant letter of Harriet's _
outlines the way in which "the excessive fool" is to be set straight. 7 Finally, an ._
unpublished letter to a feminist newspaper on the subject of George Sand is called a --
joint production because, though Mill says nothing about it, the English version
speaks "_or myself and for all women of strong mind" and is signed "une
anglaise." The fact that both French and English versions are in Mill's hand shows
how much they worked as one.
After Harriet's death Helen Taylor took on some of the roles of her mother,
including that of helping to answer Mill's burdensome correspondence, s "I -_
thought the letters she wrote superior to mine," Mill wrote, going on to credit her
generally with many of the finest passages in his later speeches and writings. 9
Most of Helen's contributions, however, are in the volumes of Later Letters and so
not individually listed here; and it must remain for the user to detect, perhaps by
their positive tone and lack of self-doubt, passages that may be Helen's in the
public writings.


THE SECOr_DLIST, the Chronological, is designed to provide a detailed record of

Mill's writing life. It encompasses fewer works than the Alphabetical List (only
those written by Mill, alone or in collaboration), but gives more detail. In this list
each item is entered under the date of its publication. Every separate part of a series
is listed as it came out, even in the case of"French News," where 105 short articles
appeared over four years. Books and pamphlets are listed under the month, when
known, in which they were published, and periodical articles under the date
_A,CW, I. 257.
7Hayek,John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor, 126.
8Someof the letters in Hugh R. Elliot's Letters of John Stuart Mill, 2 vols. (London:
Longmaus, Green, 1910) are published as Helen's because they were kept in envelopes
markedby Mill "'for publication as Helen's," though they may be in Mill' s hand.
9,4,CW, I, 286. Cf. his reply to a correspondent who praised a sentence in his letteron !
women's suffrage:"It wasdictated to me as I wrote it word for word by my deardaughter.
We alwaysagreein sentimentsbut she sometimes canfind better wordsto put them inthan I
can myself." (LL, CW, XVII, 1540.)
Introduction xi

printed on the title page (although this did not always correspond to the actual date
of issue). The oral or written evidence that Mill gave to parliamentary committees
forms an exception to the pattern of listing under date of publication. Here the date
on which Mill gave the evidence is used, as this is both more significant in Mill's
life and more precise than the year date of the volumes of Parliamentary Papers.
Items for which only the year of publication can be ascertained are listed at the
head of the year.
The Chronological List also incorporates the descriptions Mill gave in the list he
kept of his publications--an early and very challenging example of a curriculum
vitae, and one that, in an age when such documents were not required submissions,
throws an interesting light on his sense of self-worth. This list is, of course, a
"work" of his, and so might have been included in the Collected Works on its own.
But there are good reasons to hesitate over that decision. The extant manuscript
must be assumed to be a copy of a list in Mill's hand that has been destroyed. _oThe
original cataloguer, C.J. Allen, then Keeper of Manuscripts in the British Library
of Political and Economic Science, affixed in 1960 the following note to the
The flu'stpage and the runningdates are in Helen Taylor's hand, the forms being
characteristicof her later style; the remainderis in thatof FannyErskine,who acted as
literarysecretaryto Helen Taylorin the summerof 1875.
The natureof the miscopyings, e.g., Chartafor Charter,Pembertinfor Pemberton,
MamboroughforFlamborough,Thee forFree, BunghamforBrougham,makeit probable
thatit was copied from a manuscriptby Mill and was not correctedby him.
It would seem therefore that the copy was made in 1875, afterMill's death.

Mistakes of the kind Allen mentions suggest that neither Mill nor Helen Taylor
checked the transcription, although her secretary seems to have been unfamiliar
with Mill' s ambiance and unfortunate in her attempts to decipher his handwriting.
Thus, while the list has been essential to editorial and scholarly work on Mill since
its discovery, its exact wording cannot be taken as authoritative. Furthermore,
there are gaps and other difficulties l_ that have led us to resist the temptation to
print it separately. 12 The information from it, however, is included whenever

1°BritishLibrary of Political and Economic Science. London School of Economics,

Mill-TaylorCollection, Vol. XXXVI.
nFor instance, the running dates supplied by Helen Taylor do not correspond to the
actual dates of entries, and there is occasional repetition. Another special problem is
presentedby the despatches Mill wrote to India as one of his main duties in the East India
Company, for which see n14 below.
12Itis available in the edition by Ney MacMinn, J.R. Hainds, and J.M. McCrimmon,
Bibliography of the Published Writings of John Stuart Mill (Evanston: Northwestern
UniversityPress, 1945;reissued New York: AMS Press, 1970). For a physical description
of the MS, see MacMinn's Preface, pp. vii-viii.
xiv Introduction

energy and industriousness: he wrote 841 works, 17from squibs to tomes, in the
course of a life-span not unusually long, not to speak of over 2700 letters and over
1700 official drafts; and he did so while suffering one serious depression and
intermittent periods of despondency. Few would dispute his modest claim, made
on his death-bed, that he had done his work. TM But the Chronological List will
probably prove the more interesting to scholars, for it brings into focus the works
Mill was writing contemporaneously. It is amusing to note, for instance, that Mill's
Statement on his marriage was followed shortly by an article on wife murder, or
that Mill both wrote in the Monthly Repository of April 1833 and reviewed the
number in the Examiner. Significant links can be seen between such works as the
two articles on the reform of the House of Lords and the review of Tocqueville on
democracy in America in 1835, or the article on Bentham and the review of the
Indian penal code in 1838. A clear chronology of writings allows us to interpret as
distorted by gloom such a comment as that of Mill to W.J. Fox in May 1833, that
he has been "idle of late," uninterested in what he understands, and probably
incapable of ever understanding anything that might be interesting. 19By that date
in 1833 he had published three long articles, an obituary, four argumentative
shorter articles, three news items, and five review notices!
In the Chronological List one can also study the rhythm of Mill's creative
career. His precocity is apparent in the early burgeoning of the list. Having tried
his hand with his first two letters to a newspaper in December 1822, he followed
them with twenty-six more the next year. Surely contemporary readers would have
been amazed to learn that the "Friend to Responsible Government" who argued for
the removability of judges, the "Wickliff" who defended religious freedom, the
"S." who discoursed on thorny points of economic theory, and a host of other
crusty letter-writers were all the same clever youth just turned seventeen. 2° In
1823 Mill was also writing speeches for debates, further sharpening the
argumentative and dialectical skills instilled by his father; and in 1824 the list
begins to include hefty articles for almost every number of the newly founded
Westminster Review. Mill scholars might expect to f'md this flood reduced to a

17The total depends on one's method of counting. I have counted speeches, private
journals, and joint works, but not wills or oral questions and answers to parliamentary
committees. I have not counted separately the different parts of works such as
Utilitarianismand Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy that were
eventually issued as a single work by Mill. If this seems to deflate the total unfairly, it is
reinflated by counting all the editorial notes to the London and Westminster Review
seplamtely;some are exceedingly brief.
SMiehaelSt. John Paeke, The Life of John Stuart Mill (London: Seeker and Warburg,
1954), 507.
19EarlierLetters [EL], ed. Francis E. Mineka, Vols. XII-XHI of CW (Toronto:
Universityof Toronto Press, 1963), XII, 157.
Z°l-letamed seventeen in May 1823.At this time he also began his fast and only job, with
the East India Company, but official duties interfered with authorship as little then as later.
Introduction xv

trickle during the "mental crisis" of the winter of 1826-27. Certainly there is a
blank in the second half of 1826; but the pace picks up again in 1827, and in May of
that year Mill published his first book, his edition of Bentham's Rationale of
Judicial Evidence. Since it had taken months to reduce Bentham's manuscripts to
order and to annotate them, evidently he had managed to keep plugging away at his
work, however heavy his spirit and unsatisfying the outcome. A real gap begins,
unexpectedly, in the fall of 1828--just the time when Mill began to read
Wordsworth and his spirits lifted--and continues until July 1830. During this
period he withdrew even from the debating society, and wrote nothing that was
published or has survived, but quietly digested the new influences that were
transforming and tempering his Benthamite creed.
The French Revolution of July 1830 ushered in a new period of activity. The
years 1830-34 were productive for Mill's journalistic output: in 1834 alone he
dashed off sixty-two pieces for publication, besides keeping private journals.
Hereafter the list reveals a gradual concentration on less numerous but weightier
periodical articles, especially for the London Review (later the London and
Westminster Review), which Mill edited from 1835 to 1840. While these articles
continued to appear Mill brought out his System of Logic in 1843 and his Essays on
Some Unsettled Questions in Political Economy in 1844. This pattern of increasing
mastery is, however, interrupted by another spate of journalism beginning in
1846, when immediate events called for desperate remedies. These short articles
Mill wrote on the Irish famine and on domestic cruelty testify to a continued
interest, which Harriet encouraged, in practical reforms and improvement of the
condition as well as the minds and hearts of the people.
After the publication of Principles of Political Economy in 1848 (preceded
understandably by a short gap), the list again reverses the expected pattern. During
the years of his marriage, 1851-58, Mill published very little, in spite of the
emotional security he must have attained; but after his bereavement, when one
might have thought his faculties would be paralyzed, there was an outpouring of
major works. We learn from the Autobiography and correspondence that many of
these projects were begun during the period of Mill's marriage, 21 and that the
manuscripts were regularly taken out, worked on, and then laid aside again.
Harriet particularly seems to have been an inveterate reviser and polisher; perhaps
that explains why so few works were brought to completion in the period, and why
she herself only finished one major essay in her lifetime. 22 At any rate, after her

21A, CW, I, 245; LL, CW, XIV, 152, and also 126, 142, 144, 165-6,168,190,212, 214,
218, 294, 348.
Z2Thefact that she was more fastidious than he is brought out amusingly in an interchange
of letters over the early draft of the Autobiography. Mill writes on 23 Jan., 1854, "What
there is of it is in perfectly publishable state--as far as writing goes it could be published
tomorrow" (LL, CW, XIV, 137). Shortly thereafter Harriet is gently chiding, "I feel sure
dear that the Life is not half written and that half that is written will not do" (Hayek, John
Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor, 196).
xvi Introduction

death Mill began to complete and publish these works in her memory--a motive
that was to dominate the rest of his life.23 Thereafter large works alternated with
small. The end of the list suggests that Mill was willing to address practical matters
such as land reform even in his last year, when he had won a secure reputation in
"the investigation of abstract truth, and the more abstract the better," that he had
long considered his proper element. 24


our THmDINDEXis a guide to the people and their writings referred to by Mill in
all of his letters and works except his translations. A consolidation of all such
indexes in pre,vious volumes, it is pared down to the author and short title of works
or to the person and his dates or other brief identification, followed by volume and
page references. The latter are also compressed, with "VI, 250-2" standing
sometimes for three short references at VI, 250, 251, and 252. As explained in the
headnote, these page numbers are followed by "q" when the work in question is
quoted, "e" when it is evidence before a parliamentary committee, and "rev"
when it is reviewed.
In citing names we have followed the practice of the Dictiona_ of National
Biography in listing English peers under their family names, with cross-references
from their rifles. French peers, however, are listed under their titles in the Gallic
manner. To preserve the distinction in style between English peers and their
spouses, and younger sons and their wives, and daughters of peers, the listing
Ward, Emily (Lady) is used for Lady Ward, whereas Hastings, Flora (Lady Flora)
is used for Lady Flora Hastings. Saints, many of whom had appeared under"S" in
previous volumes, have been redistributed under their forenames according to
standard practice, with their prescribed precedence over kings of the same name.
In the alphabetization of compound names or of the added surnames so frequently
adopted by the English, the DNB has again been our authority of choice, followed
by the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Generally a cross-reference has been given, but
it is difficult to foresee all cases in which this will be needed. An amusing example
of just such an unenvisioned need is found in the index to a French financial report
to which Mill himself contributed. His name appears to be missing from the index,
until it is eventually discovered under "S," as "Stuart-Mill, John"--just where the
French would expect him to be. Married women are indexed under their married

z_TbefLrst,On L/betty, was offered to Parker as early as 30 November, 1858,less than a

month after Harriet's death on 3 November. We learn from the Autobiography that every
sentence in it had been "several times gone through by us together, turned over in many
ways, and carefully weeded of any faults," yet that it still "never underwent her final
revision" (CW, I, 257-9).
_Letter to John Sterling (20-22 Oct., 1831), EL, CW, XII, 78.
Introduction xvii

names. Roman emperors and artists are indexed by their well-known names (Nero
or Raphael), with their full names if necessary in parentheses.
In many cases the language native to the name's possessor has been used
(Henry, Henri, or Heinrich). Common sense has set limits to this policy, however.
Ruskin's remarks in the introduction to the indexes of The Stones of Venice might
be cited as defence: "Various inconsistencies will be noticed in the manner of
indicating the buildings, some being named in Italian, some in English, and some
half in one, and half in the other. But these inconsistencies are permitted in order to
save trouble, and make the Index more practically useful. ,,25That is, as he goes on
to explain, the names most likely to be looked for by readers are chosen.
Maintaining the traditions of our previous indexes (which in hindsight perhaps
suffered from a trace of sansculottism), the titles Sir and Dr. are omitted.
Descending in the social scale, we find that eponymous tradesmen (such as
Debenham) are in the subject index if the reference is considered to be to the farm,
and in the Index of Persons only if they are introduced as an individual (Mr. Roby
of Fentons & Roby). We have hunted for identifying dates as far as time allowed;
for those, often of the proletariat, who have left few traces, an identifying tag has
been substituted ("a poacher," "a policeman").
Publication information for books and articles cited by Mill is not given, but
may be found in the fu'st footnote citation in each volume, as well as in the
bibliographical indexes, which may contain further nuggets of information. Those
books known to have been in Mill's library when it was donated to Somerville
College, Oxford, have been marked with an asterisk. 26To save space, entries have
been consolidated wherever possible under their general rifle (such as Bacon's
Essays or Plutarch's Lives), without the minute discrimination of different parts or
editions; more specific references are indicated parenthetically following the
applicable page number. Speeches, when three or more, appear chronologically at
the end of their author's listing. Pseudonymous characters such as "Buz Hum" and
"Philo-Puseyite" have been eliminated as authors, as has "Anon.," but their
writings are included. Anonymous books are indexed under their titles. Unsigned
periodical articles are listed under the journal they appear in, alphabetically by
rifle. Unsigned newspaper articles, however, are listed chronologically under the

2_TheStones of Venice, 3 vols. (London: Smith, Elder, 1853). Ill, 253.

26Mill'slibrary at Blackheath was apparently put into storage in the Pantechniconwhen
he soldthe house inJanuary 1872;a handwritten list of its contents, made by a clerk of the
Pantechnicon,still exists at Somerville College. In 1905 the books were retrievedfrom
storageandpresentedto SomervilleCollege onHelen Taylor'sbehalf.There is anotherlist
of the books,notidentical,madeby a librarianof Somerville in the 1930s. Books on these
fists andothersfoundinthe librarywitha Mill bookplatearemarkedas having belongedto
Mill;however,as the College soldsome of the books, notallthose onthe lists can he found
in thecollectiontoday.Books noton the lists orpresentinthat libraryarenotmarked,even
whenwe can be reasonablycertain Mill must have possessed themmas is the case with
bookshe reviewed in detail.
xviii Introduction

name of the paper. This apparently anomalous form of listing was used because the
titles of newspaper articles are often of no significance--they may be merely a
dateline, or the standard name of a news feature such as "Election Results"--
whereas the historical order provides a ready means of locating the article.
Anyone who has had occasion to consult Palmer's index to The Times and has had
to ponder whether the sought-after article might be under "S" for "Surprising
event," or under "D'" for "Didn't believe it, says boy," will agree that an
alphabetical order is not always an aid to clarity.
Mill's letters and other works contain a number of references to translations of
books--not surprisingly, since Mill was a friend of Sarah Austin, one of the
translators par excellence of nineteenth-century England-- and also to editions of
thinkers such as Plato or Reid being prepared by his friends and associates. Such
books have been indexed under both the editor or translator and the original author,
with the title in both cases in the language of the translation or edition cited. When
there is already an entry under the original author for the work in its native
language, the translated title immediately follows this. This policy of course
applies only to translators and editors mentioned by Mill himself, and not to those
supplied incidentally by the editors of the Collected Works.
The index of persons and works has as its most prolific author J.S. Mill himself.
The list of his works here cites his references to his own works, or quotations from
them, and is not to be confused with the somewhat similar Alphabetical List which
shows where those and all his other works may be found. The fact that a number of
his parliamentary speeches are listed here (under the titles used in the Collected
Works) makes this an important source for his parliamentary career. There are also
a number of translations of Mill's works. He naturally took an interest in these,
particularly in the monumental German edition that Theodor Gomperz was
agonizing and procrastinating over during the 1860s. The double arrangement of
entries under author and translator allows ready access to the work of such
translators and, at the same time, reveals under each of Mill's works the
translations appearing in his lifetime that we know he was aware of.
Parliamentary Papers and Statutes appear in a separate section at the end of this
index. In the interests of brevity, we have shortened the titles of these official
documents as much as seemed consistent with intelligibility. As with other entries
in this index, further information is available in the indexes of individual volumes,
which in this case yield the precise location within Parliamentary Papers. British
non-statutory documents have been subdivided into bills and other official
documents. The official documents pertaining to India proved to be puzzling to
classify. Enquiries of the British Parliament into Indian affairs seemed to belong
among English documents; letters sent out by the East India Company and the
Board of Control were also judged to be a part of English public life, and placed
under England. Letters, minutes, instructions, and reports written in India,
however, have been classed as Indian documents, even though these were almost
invariably written by English officials, were scrutinized by the East India
Introduction xix

Company at home, and at times were called for by the British Parliament. The
mixed batches of repo_xs and correspondence sometimes published among the
Parliamentary Papers under such titles as "Papers Relating to the Godavery
Anicut", falling between two stools, were placed among English documents.
Obviously the line of demarcation is wavering, and both sections should be
One of the chief labours of compiling an Index of Persons and Works has been
the smooth incorporation of the indexes to the Letters volumes (XII-XVII). As
users of the Collected Works are no doubt aware, these indexes were prepared by
Francis E. Mineka of Cornell, who used conventions differing in some respects
from those of the rest of the Collected Works. 27 For instance, he made two
indexes, a General Index and an Index of Correspondents, for both the Earlier
Letters and Later Letters. The index of correspondents has been interfiled with the
rest of the Index of Persons and Works, with the designation "Letter to," because
experience using the indexes has shown that it is useful, while checking references
for other purposes, to see whether Mill wrote to a person. It was then found that a
number of the references in Mineka's subject index repeat the page references of
the index of correspondents; the name of the correspondent, and details of his or
her personal life that emerge from the correspondence, were generally indexed in
the main index as well as being part of a "letter to" him or her. To save space and
annoyance, these overlapping references have been eliminated from the main
entry--although some have no doubt escaped detection.
In two other respects, the indexes to the Letters volumes have been shortened:
references to works and persons mentioned only in editorial notes have been
deleted, and so have references to the introductions. But in another way the
indexes have been expanded, since they now incorporate documentation that
would have been given in the original volumes, had they used the style of the
Collected Works. For books and articles, such details as publisher and page
numbers are given if these are not ascertainable from the volume or elsewhere in
the Collected Works. The listing is as brief as possible, with London understood as
the place of publication when none is given. For parliamentary speeches, volume
and column references in Hansard's Parliamentary. Debates are given where they
are lacking; the reference is understood to be to the long "3rd series" unless
otherwise indicated. The volumes themselves have also been perused to fred
citations not originally indexed by Mineka: these include quotations from the
Bible, recognizable quotations from other authors, and references to specific
speeches, Statutes, and Parliamentary Papers. Adding the publication details of
such references in the index, when for citations from the rest of the Collected
Works it has been omitted, creates a superficial inconsistency of listing that has

27Hisvolumesof the Earlier Letters were in fact almost ready for the press when CWwas
inaugurated.Comell University Press generously allowed the University of TorontoPress
to publishthemas partof the series.
xx Introduction

been tolerated for the sake of a more fundamental consistency of information.

Perhaps users of the Letters volumes will not be aware of the documentation thus
added in the index volume (unless they read this Introduction with preternatural
attention), but those working from the index listings to the volumes will be given
citations and details they would otherwise have missed.
Mineka's indexes to the Letters have among their many delightful features the
provision of details to make sense of the references to people ("goes to France,"
"never believed in God," "invited to dinner," etc.). Unfortunately, these details
have not found their way into the cumulative Index because they were so different
from entries found in other volumes. In a perfect world, the references to people in
the rest of the Collected Works might have been made parallel to Mineka's rather
than vice versa. Undoubtedly this practice would have constituted an improvement
over our simplelists of page numbers; a few of the cumulated entries, such as those
for Napoleon and Plato, are dauntingly long and dense. In an imperfect world,
however, time and money being limited, we have to present these few long entries
with apologies; they certainly were not envisaged when the comparatively simple
indexes to the larger works were being drawn up years ago.
Much time was spent both in supplementing the publication information in the
Letters volumes and in identifying and dating the individuals indexed simply by a
name in the earlier volumes. The magnitude of both these tasks is a compliment to
Mill. That he knew so many names is not necessarily a sign of his natural
bonhomie; many of them are mentioned as authors (that was one of the reasons for
putting people and books in the same index in the original plan of the Collected
Works). But the personal references are numerous enough to contradict, if that is
necessary, any picture of Mill as lonely and solitary. He co-operated with people
from all walks of life in pursuit of his goals--lords, parliamentarians, working
men, emigrants to Australia, pamphleteers. As for the references to books, Mill
was such a voracious reader that the bibliography comes close to indicating the
mainstream culture of the nineteenth century. His historical and classical allusions
suggest the amount of knowledge he could count upon in his readers (the "what
every schoolboy knows" that varies so much with different centuries), and his
references to contemporary works give a fascinating picture of what was being
read and discussed. To judge from the difficulty of finding out about them, some
pamphlets and obscurer works seem to have received their only known mention
here, so that a contribution is made to the bibliography of the period. For these
reasons the index may prove a useful basis for many further studies, not all of them
directly connected with Mill.


THISFINALINDEXl_*_l_sentS a merging of the nineteen separate subject indexes of

CW. Indexing being as much an art as a science, the indexes necessarily reflect the
Introduction xxi

very different approaches and temperaments of seven indexers over the course of
twenty-seven years 2s as well as the great differences in subject matter and form of
Mill's works. Choice of headings naturally varied, as did the judgment of what
constituted a significant reference; 29 and the nature of the texts made it inevitable
that what received a main entry in one volume might, in another, form only a
subhead to another term, be hidden in a phrase, or even for one reason or another
not be indexed at all. I have not embarked on the tempting but very expensive task
of re-indexing the works from a single point of view (and I speak as an individual
in this section, since such tasks do not lend themselves to joint production).
Rather, working with the references given by each index, I have standardized,
compressed, and redistributed them.3° A master list of all the headings used in the
volumes provided a ready means of determining whether synonyms, or terms
closely related to the one under consideration, had been used in different volumes.
Working on these combined groups of related headings, I hoped to get a sense of
Mill's thought on a given subject and then to itemize it under one chosen
heading. When I add that clarity, economy of space, and consistency were also
goals, and that the list of headings alone took up 196 typed pages, it will be
apparent that the finished product must fall short of the aim. Nevertheless, I
believe it gives a clearer picture than would be obtained by simply looking at each
volume in turn. In the process of constructing entries it was of course necessary to
look up many of the references, and thus they have been verified and, inevitably,
some errors in earlier volumes have been discovered and corrected. 31 But not
every reference has been individually re-checked, and it would be idle to hope that
no anomalies remain.
The choice of key words for the headings has been dictated partly by the existing
indexes and partly by utility. Indexers are sometimes reminded of Macaulay's
advice to the indexer of his History of England, to keep to proper names: "such
heads as Priestcraft, Priesthood, Party Spirit, Insurrection, War, Bible, Crown,

_Bruce Kinzer preparedthe indexesfor Vols. I, IX, XI, and XVIII-XIX; Julian Patrick
for Vols. II-III; R.I.K. Davidson for Vols. IV-V and X; Maureen Clarke for Vol. VI and
part of XX; R.F. McRae for Vols. VII-VIII; Francis Mineka for Vols. XII-XVII; and I
myselfforpart of Vol. XX, and Vols. XXI-XXXII. With the exception of the last, I should
like to extend heartfelt thanks to all these individuals, without whose work this volume
wouldnot have been possible.
29Theword "thought," for instance, probably a constant in philosophic discourse, had
seventy-fivedifferent phrasesand 120page references in the Hamilton (Vol. IX), as against
onein the Logic (Vols. VII-VIII) ("defined, 51 ").
_The chief exception to this practice was the Principles of Political Econoray (Vols.
II-UI), the in'stwork to be indexed at the Mill Project. Here I expandedthe rangeand added
a number of terms later found to be significant in Mill's work. Apart from this, and the
indexingof App. A of Vol. VI (previously unindexed) to bring it in line with other early
drafts in appendices. I have added references sporadically where necessary, or where
memoryprompted, to bring together similar passagesand ideas.
31Themost amusing is the fact that the references to the Fur trade in the Principles turned
outto be nothing of the sort, but a misprint for Free trade-- a disappointmentto Canadians.
xxii Introduction

Controversies, Dissent, are quite useless. Nobody will ever look at them .... ,32
The last sentence, if true, sounds the death-knell for the most ingenious index. But
readers of Mill are presumably at home with abstractions, and we hope they will
look at some very abstract headings such as Principles or Method, where some of
Mill's most interesting thoughts are found. The index avoids the minute
classification and subdivision of a subject found in some indexes, however, like
Cook and Wedderburn's monumental index to Ruskin's works. 33 One can only
marvel at the way these indexers deploy their subheads and sub-subheads under a
topic such as Art or Gothic architecture so that Ruskin's thought unfolds itself in a
clearer way than in the text; and one sympathizes with Cook in the satisfaction,
perhaps endemic to Ruskin scholars, of "finding orderevolve itself out of seeming
chaos. ,,34But Mill's thought is not lacking in clarity; the Collected Works indexes
are designed not so much to analyse ideas as to provide a check-list of them. They
were prepared according to the stringent advice of Henry Wheattey: "Wealth
should be found under W, Finance under F, and Population under P; and they
should not all be grouped under Political Economy, because each of these subjects
is distinct."3s Under Political economy, Logic, etc., will be found only what Mill
says about the nature of the disciplines themselves.
There is a saying current among indexers that "the index of a book should be
made by the author even if the book were written by some one else. ''36 Mill's
books lacked indexes, even when Harriet helped to write them, 37 but his own
words have been chosen for headings in preference to modem terms. Capitalism,
for instance, is not a term Mill uses, though he does speak of Capitalists: his term
for the economic system of free enterprise is Competition. Culture, again, is used
of an individual but not usually of a group in the modern sense, where Civilization
is the term. Admittedly the modern term Birth control is used in the index (people
seem to associate it with Mill), but most of his more general thoughts on limiting
births are given under Population. Cross-references are supplied from the modern
term when Mill's equivalent is not likely to be obvious.
32GeorgeOtto Trevelyan, The Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay, 2 vols. (Leipsig:
Lemmermann, 1876), II, 15On.
33"GeneralIndex," in John Ruskin, Works, ed. Edward Cook and Alexander
Wedderburn, 39 vols. (London: Allen, 1903-12), XXXIX.
34EdwardCook, "The Art of Indexing," in Literary Recreations (London: Macmillan,
1919), 76.
35HenryB. Wheatley,How to Make an Index (London: Stock, 1902), 70.
361bid., 109. Wheatley attributes the remark to the Spanish bibliographer Nicholas
Antonio (1617-84).
37His onlyknown remark onindexes bears out Antonio's saying. Thinking of anindexto
the Principles of Political Economy, he says, "but most Indexes of philosophical treatises
areso badly and stupidlydone, that unless I could have made it myself or got it made by a
politicaleconomist, I thought it better let alone." The methodical arrangementof the book,
and the detailed table of contents, he continued, made an index less necessary. (Letter to
J.E. Caimes, 4 Feb., 1865;LL, CW, XVI, 989.)
Introduction xxiii

An uninverted form of heading is generally used for names of organizations

("Bank of England,"" Society of Apothecaries,"" University of Paris"). When an
indexed phrase begins with an adjective, it is usually indexed under its noun,
especially when that noun is already a heading in its own right (Philosophical
Radicals are found under "Radicals," Rotten boroughs under "Boroughs").
However, I have put some phrases under the adjective when that seemed an
integral part of the phrase and the part a user would most probably look under
("Free trade," "Catholic emancipation," "Stationary state"). Drawing the line is
necessarily subjective; complete consistency cannot be claimed (is there such a
thing as partial consistency?), and both parts of a phrase should be checked.
To avoid scattered information, all similar references are under one head.
Previous Collected Works indexes, for good local reasons, sometimes had
"Freedom. See Liberty," sometimes "Liberty. See Freedom," and sometimes
used both terms depending on which Mill chose. I have put most of these references
under "Liberty," a term that seems particularly Mill's, and reserved "Freedom,
national," for what we would now call independence or liberation movements.
"Progress" and "Improvement" proved two of the most difficult terms to
disentangle; Mill obviously does not think of them as synonymous, yet sometimes
he uses both terms in the same passage to vary his vocabulary, and to index each
word as it occurred would be to dislocate his thought. "Progress of society" was
chosen for the tendency, not always entirely beneficial, for society to mature and
diversify, to spawn abundance of goods and complexity of organization, as time
passes. This is the process studied by the social scientist and lamented by the
nostalgic. The heading "Improvement" is reserved for the beneficial changes
sought by the visionary. As one might expect, this topic proved bulky, and so a
separate category was formed, "Improvement of mankind," for Mill's reflections
on his ultimate goal.
Where scattered information seemed inevitable, cross-references have been
inserted. For instance, under "Mathematics" there are some references to Mill's
contention that its axioms rest upon induction, but a reminder is given that Mill
develops this idea particularly in reference to Geometry. Another example,
perhaps more contentious, is seen in the indexing of the terms Mill used to describe
what he called the two great opposing schools of philosophy. One school is
associated with the terms a priori, ontological, metaphysical, German, transcen-
dental, of innate principles, intuitive, common sense, and Platonic, while the other
is variously described as a posteriori, analytical, psychological, of experience,
associationist, and Aristotelian. Mill's references ring so many changes on these
terms that information would be hopelessly scattered if indexing were strictly by
specific word. In this case I have tried to compromise between respecting Mill's
terminology and interpreting a little to bring together (under two or three terms,
with cross-references) his thoughts on a division that he considered to be
xxiv Introduction

Minor geographical references have been eliminated, where noticed, for

consistency. They had not been indexed in the Letters volumes, andproved far too
numerous to be indexed in the volume of Walking Tours (XXVII).
The lack of an entry for "J.S. Mill" conforms to the most extreme
recommendations of the anti-classification school of indexers. It came about,
however, not for doctrinaire but for historical reasons: all references to people in
the Collected Works volumes are in the Index of Persons and Works. Most aspects
of Mill's personal life are distributed throughout the index: parts of his
parliamentary career under "Parliament" and "Westminster," his botanical
interests under "Botany," his mental crisis under "Mental crisis," his attitude to
his work under "Writings" and "Letters," and so on. However, there remains an
area that has not been so indexed, for few readers could be expected to turn to
"Portrait" or "Photograph" when wondering whether Mill gave away a likeness of
himself, or to "Watch" to find out about his youthful sense of shame in losing one.
Such details demand to be placed under the heading Mill or nowhere. Fortunately,
most of them are found in the Letters volumes (other works such as the
Autobiography being notoriously austere), and these volumes do have an analytic
entry for Mill. Here one may find, for instance, under the subhead "Self-analysis"
in the Earlier Letters, a sensitive survey of the young Mill struggling to define
himself. There is also a subhead "Childhood and education" under which the
browser can learn of Mill's finding his first friend and of writing a Roman history
at the age of six. In the Later Letters entry for Mill there are 160 references under
the subhead "Health" alone (most of them actually to its absence)--it seemed
inappropriate either to transcribe them all into the Cumulative Index under
"Illnesses" or to break them down into categories of afflictions. Finally, the
subhead "Travels" allows one to see at a glance which countries Mill visited. So
useful did these long Mill entries prove that a similar one headed "Mill, J.S." has
been inserted into the volume of Additional Letters recently published and
otherwise differently indexed, to complete the survey of Mill's life as reflected in
his letters.
Within individual entries, I have generally aimed for brevity and broad general
outlines rather than minute particularity. The entry "Government" will stand as an
example of some of the difficulties faced, as it was used to test methods and
procedures. All the references under this heading, gathered together from the
different volumes, occupied sixteen pages of double-spaced typing and used 350
descriptive phrases, scarcely two of which were the same. There seemed little to be
gained by simply alphabetizing these phrases; the entry needed consolidation and
summary to be useful. Several means were found practicable to reduce this and
other large entries to manageable proportions: some particular aspects were made a
separate entry, with a cross-reference ("Centralization" was detached from
"Government," "Schools" from "Education"); subheads were formed; similar
descriptive phrases were combined under a more all-inclusive phrase; and
references that seemed insignificant in the larger view were downgraded to the
Introduction xxv

category of "mentioned," or in rare cases omitted altogether. To avoid

sub-subheads, what might have been a complex subhead was given a separate
entry ("Government, reform of," became the separate entry "Reform, parliament-
ary"; and "Land, tenure of," became "Land tenure"). Because of this splitting of
large entries, the directions under See also are to be taken seriously. They are kept
to a minimum to avoid discouraging the user, and represent not so much other
things one might be interested in as the location of material freshly detached from
the original heading.
Working out appropriate phrases constitutes the chief joy and challenge of the
indexer's task (to use a vocabulary that only indexers will not think wildly
inflated), but in the case of a cumulative index it has a negative aspect too: much of
the colour and wit of the original indexes is lost as phrases are brought together
under their lowest common denominator. I have interpreted the notion that every
index is allowed a joke to imply that a cumulative index is allowed several, and
have preserved intact a number of my predecessors' phrases for that reason. But
apart from these, some may perhaps judge that heterogeneous ideas have been
yoked by violence together in an effort to economize on phrases, and this without
any increment of wit. In Vol. XIII the French Revolution was delightfully indexed
as "a healthful shake-up to Europe"; for brevity's sake this and eight other
references were combined under the colourless "significance of." Under "Govern-
ment," the informative phrases "inadequacy of Bentham and JM's [James Mill's]
theory of," "JM's service to cause of good," and "influence of JM's essay on"
were telescoped into a laconic "JM's views on." Further, the free distinction made
in some indexes between "Bailey on" a topic (when he is actually quoted) and
"Bailey's idea of" (when Mill explains his ideas ) has been lost, and both have been
considered "Bailey on"; indeed, in some cases Bailey (and others) have dropped
out completely to merge in an entry for "misinterpretations of." (Those in search
of Bailey should look him up in the Index of Persons and Works.) The phrase "in
the Hamiltonian philosophy" is sometimes used to include the ideas of Hamilton's
disciple, Mansel.
A slightly different method of shortening entries was to use one general phrase
for a topic that occupies several pages. For instance, the reference under
"Radicals" to "principles and beliefs of, VI, 396-404," actually replaces seven
more detailed sub-entries: "and property, 399-401; leadership of, 404; and
labouring classes, 396-7; conservative principles of, 399, 400, 402; power of,
401; and middle classes, 402; and aristocracy, 402." These distinctions, useful
within a volume, would have made the task of looking up references very tedious
and disjointed. People in search of a specific phrase or idea, however, might go
from the Cumulative Index to the more detailed original indexes of the volumes.
Alternatively they might look up another key word; in this example they would
find an entry for "Radicals and" under "Property," "Labouring class," and
The heading "England" calls for special comment, since it is much compressed.
xxvi Introduction

"England" is like a default drive in the index--much of what Mill says applies to
his native land, unless otherwise specified. References like "Journalism in
England" or "the Poor Law of England" have been indexed simply under
"Journalism" or "Poor Law." Under "England" are found chiefly the characteris-
tics of English life and the peculiarities distinguishing it from other countries
umostly to its detriment, according to Mill.
As a result of the process of boiling down or simply bringing together references
from several volumes, some phrases are followed by a considerable string of
numbers. The recommendation against such strings by indexing authorities seems
more applicable to continuous works than to collections. Though an author is
unlikely to say virtually the same thing eight times in a work, he may well do so in
the course of writing letters to six of his friends, an article, and a book; and the
labour of discriminating minutely among a series such as Mill's twenty-two
references to the poor quality of English education would be ill repaid. To save
space, strings of more than ten numbers have not usually been repeated, though
they may belong under two different headings. The question of the place of religion
in education, for instance, is indexed only under "Education," with a note to that
effect under "Religion." Where the references are numerous or important enough
to warrant their being analysed further under a subhead, the reference is to that
subhead (so that those looking under "America" for "democracy in" are advised to
"see Democracy, American").
The elimination of some phrases means also that strings of references after such
phrases (under "France") as "and Spain" and (under"Spain") "and France" will
not always be exact reciprocals. Some of the numbers under one phrase will have
been subsumed under a more inclusive phrase, in this example perhaps (under
"France") "foreign policy of." Again, both key words should be checked when
searching for a very specific reference.
For an even greater level of abstraction, principal references have been added
wherever possible in.parentheses afterthe main headings. These "ready reference"
numbers indicate an essay, a chapter, or occasionally a smaller unit, of which the
heading is the subject, and provide a quick way of finding Mill's chief thoughts on
it. Since they indicate the whole essay in which the ideas are developed, they
include a sweep of pages not all of which will be found in the specific references
For the arrangement of the phrases within an entry, as well as of subheads,
alphabetical order is used rather than order of occurrence. The individual indexes
use the latter convention and, within volumes, it has some advantages, since it
suggests the way an idea develops within a specific text. But when the references
from different volumes are combined, this shape is obscured, and the advantages
of easy reference by way of the alphabet appear overwhelming--especially as
Mill did not write his works in the volume order of the Collected Works.
Occasionally, however, when all the sub-entries or subheads are aspects of a
Introduction xxvii

historical progression, a chronological order has been followed. Even more

occasionally, the subheads flout both alphabetical and chronological conventions
to appear in what seemed the most logical order. Under France, for instance, the
subheads "economy of," "foreign policy of," and "government of" are followed
by a subhead "July monarchy, 1830-48" (a particular government that Mill
treated in detail); "intellectual movements in" follows.
To make the alphabetical order more meaningful, some attempt has been made
to bring significant words to the beginning of the phrase. For this reason some
rather unprepossessing phrases of the form "relation of to improvement" (under
"Progress of society") have been preferred to the form "its relation to
improvement," which makes for pleasanter reading. However, the form "im-
provement, its relation to" has generally been rejected as too uncouth. In these
phrases, "not," "how," "when," and so on are counted as significant words. Short
forms such as JSM and HTM are alphabetized within entries under their first letter.
Individuals are alphabetized within entries by their surname, whether that is
considered sufficient (Aristotle, Bentham), or whether the In'st name is added for
identification (Adam Smith, Goldwin Smith). Dates, except in a chronological
entry, are alphabetized as if spelled out, though this rule has occasionally been
transgressed in order to place 1830 before 1840.
One of the amusements of long indexing hours has been to attempt to arrange
some of the ideas in a logical as well as an alphabetical sequence. Thus the word
"basically," not in itself of tremendous significance, is useful to bring to the front
of the alphabet a point that seems important: "Reformation, Protestant, basically a
struggle for liberty of thought." To avoid having the alphabetical order reverse the
historical, the Saint Simomans do not embark on their"later careers" before their
"trial," but rather have "subsequent careers" after their "persecution and trial." In
the same way there is something unsatisfactory in reading of a bill lust "defeated,"
then "discussed," and later "introduced"; better, it might be "advocated,"
"discussed," and at the end of the entry "voted down."
Pope's great goddess Dulness boasts of
How index-learningturns no student pale
Yet holds the eel of science by the tail.

Reading an index could be construed as a short-cut to learning only by the Colley

Cibbers of this world,as but the very acts of sorting, gathering, and arranging do
bring some of the characteristics of an author's work into view. Mesmerized
perhaps by modern critical theory, one notes ftrst some interesting and
occasionally puzzling silences. The Darwinian controversy, for instance, receives
very little public comment, although we know from his letters that Mill was

3SAlexanderPope, The Dunciad Variorum, with the Prolegomena of Scriblerus

(London:Gilliver, 1729), 83.
xxviii Introduction

interested in The Origin of Species. a9 Since he had never had a religious faith, Mill
was not as troubled by the implications of Darwinism as were some of his
contemporaries and was less drawn to write about it. Communism appears, but
Marxian communism was not an issue; Fourierism and Saint Simonism were the
better known communistic schemes of the day, and we know of only one brief
reference to Karl Marx. 4° Many political movements of the 1840s did not,
surprisingly, elicit any public comment from the eager student of social change.
He scarcely mentio,led the Anti-Corn Law League and he made no evaluation of
the agitation for the Ten Hours Act, passing up the opportunity of pointing out the
folly of placing restrictions on the labour of adults. More strangely, he devoted no
major article to the Chartists, although he shared many of their goals and had a
good deal of respect for them. It is perhaps not so surprising that the Exhibition of
1851 called forth_nly a passing reference many years after, for Mill was unlikely
to think it necessary to reinforce a euphoric national mood. But one might have
expected the Crimean War to bulk larger in the Index; here were some of Mill's
favourite themes--international law, aristocratic mismanagement, bumbling in
the army, and, through Florence Nightingale, the role of women. But perhaps
because he had chosen to live reclusively at this time, Mill made no public
Finally, most notable of all in view of Mill's professional employment, is the
paucity of references to the Indian Mutiny. 4_ Apart from a few necessary mentions
of the "present unhappy disturbances ''42 in his official pamphlets against the
transfer of India to the Crown, there was no public comment on this cataclysmic
event. Perhaps Mill felt constrained by his official position; perhaps he was not
inclined to open himself to charges of conflict of interest. Whatever the reason, not
until ten years after the Mutiny did he allude publicly to his disgust at the vengeful
glee, "almost disgraceful to humanity, ''43 with which some people boasted of

39LL, CW, XV, 695. Mill's two public allusions to evolution occur in his Inaugural
Address, where Darwin himself is not mentioned (CW, XXI, 242), and in a footnote added
in 1862 to the Logic (System of Logic: Ratiocinative and Inductive, Vols. VII-VIII of CW
[Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1973], VII, 498n-9n).
4°This favourable comment on a speech of Marx's in 1871, to which attention was drawn
by Mineka (LL, CW, XVII, 1754n), appears in AdditionalLetters (Toronto: University of
Toronto Press, 1991 ), 220.
41India itself is mentioned frequently but--apart from the chiefly "official" documents
in Vol. XXX--usually briefly. Indeed, given the difficulty of determining the extent to
which the despatches Mill wrote in East India House embody his own opinions, the
withdrawal of his offer in 1853 to write an article on the present mode of governing India
(now newly indexed under "India") is as tantalizing to Mill scholars as the arrival of the
person from Porlock is to Coleridgeans. (See CW, XIV, 106, 111-12, 163. )
42CW, XXX, 89. Cf. ibid., 164.
43The Petition concerning the Fenians (14 June, 1867), Public and Parliamentary
Speeches, Vols. XXVRI-XXIX of CW (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1988),
xxvm, 189.
Introduction xxix

its savage suppression. At that time he was in Parliament, active once again, and
vigorously attempting to prosecute those responsible for the atrocities in Jamaica.
Inclusions being less shadowy than omissions, they reveal more clearly
Mill's central interests. The enormous range of his concerns--a posteriori to
Zoroastrianism-- hardly needs comment. It will come as no surprise that "France"
is the single largest entry (even larger when combined with "French Revolution"),
or that "Government" is close behind. "Education," "Labouring class," "Law,"
and "United States" are all expectedly weighty subjects, "India" perhaps less
expectedly so. The number of references under "Co-operation" testifies to Mill's
belief that this was the coming mode of economic organization--a prediction
that history has not borne out. History has not yet pronounced on another topic to
which Mill referred frequently and even fervently--proportional representation
--though the particular form of "personal" representation advocated by Hare
seems unlikely to prevail.
These entries mark Mill as a man of his time; many more show him to be ahead
of it. We fred him anticipating twentieth-century concerns of varying degrees of
social significance. The academic job crisis, for instance, is glimpsed in his
concern for "Professors, retirement of aged," and how to facilitate it. He offers an
early contribution to the smoking-in-confined-spaces dispute under "Smoking (in
railway carriages)," taking a disdainful but tolerant view of offenders. Under
"House of Lords" we fred early references to the idea of life peers. In
twentieth-century terms Mill takes on not only shades of Red but also shades of
Green: there are entries for"Environment," "Parks," and "Industrial Smoke," and
under "Animals" are found protests against cruelty to them and commendation of a
scheme to establish a hospital for them (including birds). Under "Leisure" are two
references that nicely reflect Mill's outlook. In one he advocates a gospel of leisure
in place of Carlyle's gospel of work, on the grounds that most work in modem
society is grinding toil to produce unnecessary fopperies. In the other, he confesses
that to him the true meaning of leisure is choice of work.
Mill has sometimes been accused of inconsistency, but to an indexer, at least,
his inconsistencies are no more than might be expected of a man who began to
reason early and continued to do so as circumstances changed and new light
emerged. The index entries that most often clash with others are those from the
early debating speeches, where youthful dogmatism and the desire to annihilate
the opposition both preclude a balanced view. My impression is that, among
entries from Mill's mature years, there are remarkably few in which the rhetorical
situation leads to a substantial alteration of views stated elsewhere. Even entries
from the private letters harmonize with those from the published works; the
regathering of his scattered references serves to emphasize the coherence and
interdependence of his views.
But these matters await the further investigation of scholars. With the index
volume the publication of the Collected Works of John Stuart Mill is complete,
xxx Introduction

and the Mill Project comes to an end after more than thirty years. It was originally
undertaken with the goal of making Mill's writings available to scholars; and a
glance atthese indexes suggests that much interesting and significant work on Mill
remains to be done. The index volume will have served its purpose if it provides a
way into those writings and facilitates the first steps of many a new Mill project. _


ot_R rrl^SKs are due to Professor R.F. McRae for reading the subject index and
weeding it of some philosophical blunders. All the staff of the Mill Project over the
years have contributed to the Index of Persons and Works, but our chief debt here
is to Marion Filipiuk, the senior research assistant. We have been fortunate in a
consistency-loving editorial assistant, Rea Wilmshurst, whose input goes far
beyond the word-processor. Among student workers, Jannifer Smith-Rubenzahl
has researched countless missing biographies with quiet competence, and Oliver
Tsai has found missing publication information. Lastly, our respective spouses
have each taken an interest in the abstrusest problems of classification, and have
been living and valued examples of "Halves, better."


Alphabetical List of Titles in
the Collected Works

THIS LIST is in effect an index to the titles in the Collected Works [CW]. Det_led
information will be found in the headnotes to the items in the various volumes, and is not
here repeated. Part A gives Mill's writings; Part B the Introductions and writings by others
that have been included as ancillary items in CW. Works of joint authorship are included in
Part A, marked with an obelisk (t); the name of the collaborator is gwen in parentheses at
the end of the entry. The abbreviation "HTM" is used for Harriet Taylor Mill; for an
explanation of our interpretation of her "joint authorship" with Mill, see the Introduction,
viii-x above.
The entries consist of the titles used in CW, followed by the year of publication, and
volume and page references to CW. When other titles were used in the onginal publication,
cross-references are supplied: for example, "The Right and Wrong of State Interference
with Corporation and Church Property" (the title used m Vol. I of Dissertations and
Discussions [D&D]) is listed with the note, "'See Corporation and Church Property" (the
title used in Vol. IV of CW). Titles of books and pamphlets by Mill are given in italic type;
other items appear in roman type without inverted commas. Page references to material in
appendices in CW are given in italic type, and page references to material that represents
other versions of texts (such as manuscripts) are given in parentheses.
Discrete items that have the same titles are listed separately; however, titles that appear
repeatedly as parts of a series are given only once, with an indication of how often they are
repeated: the number of repetitions is followed by "pts" (for parts) or "s" (for speeches).
For example, the entry for"The Spirit of the Age" is completed thus:" (6 pts), 1831: XXI1,
227-316 passim"; that for the twelve speeches entitled "Election Petitions and Corrupt
Practices at Elections" ends: "( 12 s ), 1868: XXVIII, 262- 328 passim."


Absenteeism, 1825: XXII, 103-6.

t'Aequittal of Captain Johnstone, The, 1846: XXIV, 865-6 (with HTM).
Additional Guildford Stations, 1841: XXXI, 261.
tAddress to Friends of the Jamaica Committee, 1866: XXI, 427-9 (with other members
of the Committee).
Admission of Women to the Electoral Franchise, The, 1867: XXVIll, 151-62.
Advertisements Free of Duty, 1828: XXI1, 111-12.
6 Alphabetical Index

Conduct of the United States towards the Indian Tribes, 1831: XXII, 235-7.
Confiscation Scheme of The Times, 1833: XXIII, 566-8.
Considerations on Representative Government, 1861: XIX, 371-577.
Constitutional View of the India Question, A, 1858: XXX, 173-8.
Constraints of Commumsm, 1850: XXV, 1179-80.
Contagious Diseases Acts, The, 1871: XXI, 349-71.
Contest in America, The, 1862: XXI, 125-42. ?
Controversy on the Ballot, 1830: XXII, 209-11.
Cooperation, 1864: xxvm, 5-9.
Cooperation: Closing Speech, 1825: XXVI, 313-25.
Cooperation: First Speech, 1825: XXVI, 308.
Cooperation: Intended Speech, 1825: XXVI, 308-13. _
Cooperation: Notes, 1825: XXVI, 325-6. _
Corn Laws, The, 1825: IV, 45-70.
Corn Laws, The, 1832: xxm, 522-3.
tCorporal Punishment, 1849: XXV, 1138-41 (with HTM).
Corporation and Church Property, 1833: IV, 193-222.
Corporation Bill, The, 1833: XXIII, 628-34.
Correction of an Error in the Notes on the Species of Oenanthe, 1845: XXXI, 266.
Corrections and Additions in List of Plants in the Isle of Wight, 1842: XXXI, 263.
Corruption at Elections, 1864: XXVIII, 9-11.
Courts-Martial in Jamaica, The, 1867: XXVIII, 218-19.
Croix de Juillet, The, 1831: XXII, 308-10.
Cumulative Vote, The, 1871: XXIX, 409-11.
Currency and Banking, 1867: V, 599-611.
Cm'm_cy Juggle, The, 1833: IV, 181-92.
Currency Question, The, 1844: IV, 341-61.
Czar and the Hungarian Refugees in Turkey, The (2 pts), 1849: XXV, 1141-4.

Death of Charles Lameth, 1833: XXIII, 541-2.

Death of Hyde Villiers, 1832: XXIII, 533.
Death of Jeremy Bentham, 1832: XXIII, 467-73 (X, 495-8).
Death of Lafayette, 1834: XXUI, 716-17.
Death of the Abb6 Gr6groire, 1831: XXII, 317.
Deaths of Casimir P6rier and Georges Cuvier, 1832: XXIII, 462--4.
Debate on East and West India Sugars, The, 1823: XXII, 25-30.
Debate on the Petition of Mary Ann Carlile, The, 1823: XXII, 21--4.
De Laveleye on the Eastern Question, 1870: XXV, 1226.
De Quincey's Logic of Political Economy, 1845: IV, 391-404.
De Tocqueville on Democracy in America [I], 1835: XVffLI,47-90.
De Tocqueville on Democracy in America [II], 1840: xvm, 153-204.
Diary, 1854: XXVII, 639-68.
Discussion of the Contagious Diseases Acts, 1871: XXIX, 411.
Dissertations and Discussions (apart from the preface, all articles are listed separately
under theft rifles), 1859: X, 493-4.
Conduct- Examination 7

inJamaica,The (3s),1866:XXVIII,93-5, 105-13,123-4.
Dr.Croker'sOpinion,1828:XXII, I13.
Conviction,1846:XXIV, 875-7 (withHTM).
Dr.King'sLectureon theStudyofAnatomy,1834:XXXI, 323.
Dr.Whewellon MoralPhilosophy {D&D, H, 450-509).SeeWhewellon Moral
Donation(toHelenTaylor),1869:XXXI, 340--4.
Views ofFrenchAffairs,1846:XX, 295-316.

?EarlyDraftoftheAutobiography, 1854-55:I,4-258 (evenpages)(608-24)(with

EarlyDraftoftheLogic,1830-367:Vm, 955-1110.
EarlyGrecianHistory and Legend(D&D, ILl, 283-334).SeeGrote's History ofGreece
EastIndiaCompany's Charter, The,1852:XXX, 31-74.
Editorial NotesintheLondon andWestminster Review (22pts),1835-39:I,598-607.
Education Bill, The (2 s),1870:XXIX, 381-6,391-6 (610-13).
Education Bill, The, 1870:XXV, 1222-3.
Educational Endowments,1867:XXI, 207-14.
Effects ofGambling,1823:XXH, 77-9.
Effects of Periodical Literature, 1824: XXH, 100-2.
Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections (12 s), 1868: XXVIII, 262-328
Election to School Boards (2 s), 1870: XXIX, 396-401.
Electoral Districts, 1848: XXV, 1107-9.
Electoral Franchise for Women, 1866: XXVIII, 91-3.
Emigration Bill, The, 1831: XXII, 270-3.
Emigration from Ireland, 1847: XXIV, 1075-8.
Employment of Children in Manufactories, 1832: xxm, 398-401.
Endowments, 1869: V, 613-29.
England and Europe, 1864: XXV, 1205-8.
England and Ireland, 1848: XXV, 1095-1100.
England and Ireland, 1868: VI, 505-32 (535-43).
England's Danger through the Suppression of Her Maritime Power, 1867: XXVIII, 220-7.
English National Character, The, 1834: XXIII. 717-27.
tEnlightcned Infidelity, 1847: XXIV, 1082-4 (with HTM).
Errors and Truths on a Property Tax, 1833: XXIII, 549-54.
Errors of the Spanish Government, 1823: XXII, 39-42.
Essays on Government, 1840: XVIII, 149-52.
Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy, 1843: IV, 229-339.
Established Church in Ireland, The, 1868: XXVIll, 276-7.
Eugene Sue, 1847: XXV, 1089-91.
Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy, An, 1865: IX.
8 Alphabetical Index

Examination Paper in Political Economy, 1872: V, 764-5.

Exception to the Objections to Nominal Punishments, 1838: XXIV, 801-3.
Exchangeable Value (2 pts), 1822: XXII, 3-6.
Explanatory. Statement of the Programme of the Land Tenure Reform Association. See
Land Tenure Reform.
Extradition Treaties Act, The (4 s), 1866: XXVHI, 115-23 passim, 227-30. ._

Faversham Plants, 1858: XXXI, 282.

Fawcett for Brighton, 1868: XXVIII, 350-5.
Female Emigrants, 1832: XXIII, 419-20.
Fenian Convicts, The, 1867: XXVIII, 165-7.
Fenian Prisoners (2 s), 1868: XXVIH, 310-11,315-16.
tFew Observations on Mr. Mill, A, 1833: I, 589-94 (with Edward Lytton Bulwer). _
Few Observations'on Mr. Mill, A, 1842: I, 595.
Few Observations on the French Revolution, A (D&D, I, 56-62). See Alison's History of
the French Revolution.
Few Words on Non-Intervention, A, 1859: XXI, 109-24.
First Report of the Poor Law Commissioners, 1835: XXIV, 776-8.
Flower's Hymn of the Polish Exiles, 1833: XXIII, 554-5.
Flower's Mignon's Song and When Thou Wert Here, 1833: XXIII, 562-3.
Flower's Musical Illustrations of the Waverley Novels, 183 l: XXfi, 331-3.
Flower's Songs of the Months (2 pts), 1834: XXfiI, 702-3, 759-60.
Flower's Songs of the Seasons, 1832: XXIII, 436-8.
Fonblanque's England under Seven Administrations, 1837: VI, 349-80.
Fontana and Prati's St. Simonism in London, 1834: XXIII, 674-80.
France, 1831: XXII, 246-7.
France and the Quarterly Review, 1830: XXII, 172-80.
Free Discussion (3 pts), 1823: XXII, 9-18.
French Affairs, 1848: XXV, 1110-12.
French and English Journals, 1832: XXIH, 525-30.
French Elections, The, 1830: XXfi. 121-8.
French Law against the Press, The, 1848: XXV, 1116-18.
French News ( 105 pts), 1830-34: XXII, 180-XXIII, 748 passim.

Game Laws, The, 1826: VI, 99-120.

Gamier's Deutsches Leben, Kunst, und Poesie (2 pts), 1834: xxm, 746, 748-9.
General Fast, The, 1847: XXIV, 1073-5.
"tGeorge Sand, 1848: XXV, 1094-5 (1260-1) (with HTM).
Gladstone for Greenwich, 1868: XXV, 1219-20.
Gladstone, W.E. (2 s), 1866, 1868: XXVIII, 96-8,363-7.
Goldwin Smith, 1867: XXVUI, 130-3.
Gov_t of India Bill, The (3 s), 1868: XXVIII, 288-9,296-7,305-6.
Grant's Arithmetic for Young Children and Exercises for the Improvement of the Senses,
1835: XXIV, 785-7.
Grote's Aristotle, 1873: XI, 473-510.
Examination - Landed 9

Grote's History of Greece (5 pts), 1846-50: XXW, 867-75, 1084-8, 1121-34, XXV,
Grote's History of Greece [I], 1846: XI, 271-305.
Grote's History of Greece [1]], 1853: XI, 307-37.
Grote's Plato, 1866: XI, 375-440.
Guizot's Essays and Lectures on History, 1845 (1867): XX, 257-94.
tGuizot's Lectures on European Civilization, 1836: XX, 367-93 (with Joseph Blanco

Hare's Plan for the Metropolis, 1865: XXVIII, 11-13.

Herschel's Preliminary Discourse, 1831: XXII, 284-7.
Hickson's The New Charter, 1832: XXIII, 404-5.
History of Rome, 1812: I, 542-8.
House of Lords, The (2 pts), 1835: XXIV, 779-85.
Hutchinsia Petraea, 1858: XXXI, 278.

Ignorance of French Affairs by the English Press, 1830: XXII, 182-4.

Imprisonment for Costs on a Dismissed Charge (2 s), 1868: XXVIII, 314-15,333-4.
Inaugural Address Delivered to the University of St. Andrews. 1867: XXI, 215-57 (416-
Inclosure of Hainault Forest, 1866: XXVUI, 74.
Income and Property Tax, The (2 pts), 1852, 1861: V, 463-98,549-98.
India Bill (2 pts), 1853: XXV, 1189-96.
Indian Despatches (1823-58): XXX, 239-96; XXXII, 255 (Check List only).
Influence of Lawyers, The, 1827: XXVI, 385-91.
Influence of the Aristocracy, 1825: XXVI, 326-35.
Inhabitants of Queenborough, The, 1827: XXII, 108-9.
Intercourse between the United States and the British Colonies in the West Indies, 1828:
VI, 121-47.
Ireland, 1826: VI, 59-98.
Irish Character, The, 1832: XXIII, 397-8.
Irish Debates in the House of Commons, The, 1847: XXIV, 1058-62.
Isatis Tinctoria, 1841: XXXI, 258.

Jamaica Committee, The, 1866: XXVIII, 90-1.

James Mill on the Question of Population, 1824: XXII, 97-100.
James Mill's Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind, 1869: XXXI, 93-253.
Jeremy Bentharn's Rationale of Judicial Evidence, 1827: XXXI, 3-92.
Journal and Notebook of a Year in France, 1820-21: XXVI, 3-143; XXVII, 679-82.
Judicial Oaths, 1823: XXII, 30-3.

Labouring Agriculturists, The, 1830: XXII, 216-18.

Land Tenure Reform (2 pts), 1871, 1873: XXIX, 416-31.
Land Tenure Reform, 1871: V, 687-95.
I_amdedTenure in Ireland, 1848: XXV, 1112-15.
10 Alphabetical Index

Late (Early?) Flowering Plants, 1858: XXXI, 276-8.

Later Speculations of M. Comte, The. Part 2 of Auguste Comte and Positivism: X,
tLaw of Assault, The, 1850: XXV, 1172-6 (with HTM).
Law of Libel and Liberty of the Press, 1825: XXI, 1-34.
Law of Lunacy, 1858: XXV, 1198-9.
Law of Partnership, The, 1851: V, 459-62.
Lechevalier's Declaration, 1849: XXV, 1146-7.
Lecture Notes on Logic, 1820-21: XXVI, 191-253.
Lepidium Ruderale, 1859: XXXI, 282-3.
Leslie on the Land Question, 1870: V, 669-85.
Letter from the East India Company to the President of the Board of Control, 1858: XXX,
Letter to the Editor of the Edinburgh Review, on James Mill, 1844: I, 533-8.
Letters. Earlier Letters: XII-XIU; Later Letters: XIV-XVII; Additional Letters, XXXU.
Lettre _tCharles Duveyrier. See Comparison of the Tendencies of French and English
Leucojum Aestivum, 1858: XXXI, 278-9.
Lewin's The Fisherman of Flamborough Head, 1832: XXIII, 494-5.
Lewis's Remarks on the Use and Abuse of Political Terms, 1832: XXIII, 447-52.
Libel Bill, The, 1867: XXVII], 193-4.
Linaria Purpurea, 1858: XXXI, 281-2.
Local Charges on Real Property, 1868: XXVKI, 277-9.
Lodger Registration, 1868: XXVHI, 289.
Logic. See System of Logic.
London Review on Municipal Corporation Reform, The, 1835: XXIV, 769-74.
Lord Ashburton's Treaty, 1842: XXIV, 830-36.
Lord Brougham and M. de Tocquevilie, 1843: XXIV, 841-4.
Lord Brougham's Law Reforms, 1833: XXIII, 622-8.
Lord Chief Baron, The, 1866: XXVIII, 124-5.
Lord Durham and His Assailants, 1838: VI, 437-43.
Lord Durham's Retm'n, 1838: V1, 445-64.

M. Cabet, 1849: XXV, 1144-6.

M. de Tocqueville on Democracy in America (D&D, I, 470-4; I1, 1-83). See De
Tocqueville on Democracy in America [I] and [II].
Macaulay's Lays of Ancient Rome, 1843: I, 523-32.
tMeCulloch's Discourse on Political Economy, 1825: V, 757-60 (with William Ellis).
Maine on Village Communities, 1871: XXX, 213-28.
Malt Duty, The, 1866: XXVIU, 69-73.
Malt Tax, The, 1846: XXIV, 859-62.
Malthus's Measure of Value, 1823: XXI1, 51-60.
Married Women's Property, 1868: XXVIII, 283-6.
Martial Law, 1867: XXVI]I, 203-5.
Martineau's A Tale of the Tyne, 1833: XXIII, 638-42.
Marvellous Minisa'y, The, 1833: XXIII, 608-17.
Late - New 11

Meeting in the Tea-Room of the House of Commons, 1867: XXVIII, 219.

Meetings in Royal Parks (2 s), 1867: XXVHI, 215-17,236-8.
Memorandum of the Improvements in the Administration of India during the Last Thirty.
Years, 1858: XXX, 91-160.
Metropolitan Foreign Cattle Market, The, 1868: XXVIII, 332.
Metropolitan Government Bill, The, 1867: XXVIII, 230-1.
Metropolitan Poor Bill, The (4 s), 1867: XXVIlI, 134, 136-43.
Michelet's History of France, 1844: XX, 217-55.
Mignet's French Revolution, 1826: XX, 1-14.
Milnes's Poems, 1838: I, 503-16.
Milnes's Poetry for the People, 1840: I, 517-21.
Ministerial Crisis, The, 1866: XXVIII, 86-90.
Ministerial Manifesto, The, 1833: XXIII, 596-607.
Ministerial Measure Respecting the Bank, The, 1833: xxm, 576-83.
Minute on the Black Act, 1836: XXX, 11-15.
Mischievousness of an Oath, The, 1823: XXII, 42-3.
Miss Martineau's Summary of Political Economy, 1834: IV, 223-8.
Mile L6ontme Fay (2 pts), 1831: XXII, 307-8,310-11.
Modem French Historical Works, 1826: XX, 15-52.
Molesworth's Address to the Electors of Leeds, 1837: XXIV, 797-801.
Monster Trial, The, 1835: XX, 123-9.
Montesquieu, 1829: XXVI, 443-53.
Monthly Repository for April 1833, The, 1833: XXIII, 561-2.
Monthly Repository for December 1833, The, 1833: XXIII, 651-6.
Monthly Repository for January 1834, The, 1834: XXIII, 659-61.
Monthly Repository for June 1833, The, 1833: XXIII, 574-5.
Monthly Repository for March 1833, The, 1833: XXIII, 555-9.
Monthly Repository for September 1833, The, 1833: XXIII, 595.
Moral of the India Debate, The, 1858: XXX, 193-8.
Mr. Huskisson and the Jacobin Club, 1830: XXII, 140-1.
Mrs. Austin's Translation of M. Cousin's Report. See Reform in Education.
Municipal Corporations Bill, The, 1867: XXVIII, 162-5.
Municipal Corporations (Metropolis) Bill, The (3 s), 1868: XXVII1, 273-6, 290-5,
Municipal Institutions, 1833: XXIII, 585-90.
Municipal Institutions of France, The, 1831: XXII, 259-62.

Napier's The Colonies, 1833: XXIII, 647-51.

Nature. Essay I of Three Essays on Religion: X, 373-402.
Nature, Origin, and Progress of Rent, The, 1828: IV, 161-80.
Naval Dockyards, The, 1866: xxvm, 119-20.
Necessity of Revising the Present System of Taxation, 1833: XXIII, 545-8.
Negro Question, The, 1850: XXI, 85-95.
New Australian Colony, 1834: XXIII, 749-51.
New Colony, The (2 pts), 1834: XXIII, 733-4, 735-7.
New Corn Law, The, 1827: IV, 141-59.
12 Alphabetical Index

New England Woman's Suffrage Association, 1869: XXV, 1220-1.

New Ministerial Publications, 1828: XXII, 109-11.
Newraan's Political Economy, 1851: V, 439-57.
Nichol's Views of the Architecture of the Heavens, 1837: XXIV, 794-6.
Note on Benefactors of Mankind, 1833: xxm, 596.
Note on Browning's Pauline, 1833: I, 596-7.
Note on West Surrey Plants, 1856: XXXI, 274.
Notes on Plants Growing in the Neighbourhood of Guildford, Surrey, 1841: XXXI,
Notes on Some of the More Popular Dialogues of Plato (9 pts), 1834: XI, 39-238.
Notes on the Newspapers (7 pts), 1834: VI, 151-280.
Notes on the Species of Oenanthe, 1845: XXXI, 265-6.

Obituary of Bentham. See Death of Jeremy Bentham.

Observations on Isatis Tinctoria and Other Plants, 1856: XXXI, 266-8.
Observations on the Proposed Council of India, 1858: XXX, 179-83.
Ode to Diana, 1812: I, 549-50.
Of the Influence of Consumption on Production. Essay II of the Essays on Some Unsettled
Questions of Political Economy: IV, 262-79.
Of the Laws of Interchange Between NaUons. Essay I of the Essays on Some Unsettled
Questions of Political Economy: IV, 232-61.
Old and New Institutions, 1823: XXII. 72-4.
On Genres, 1832: I, 327-39.
On Hate's Plan, 1865: XXV, 1208-10.
tOn Liberty, 1859: XVIII, 213-310 (with HTM).
On Marriage, 1832-33?: XXI, 35-49.
On Profits, and Interest. Essay IV of the Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political
Economy: IV, 290-308.
On Punishment, 1834: XXI, 75-9.
On Reform, 1848: XXV, 1104-7.
On the Definition of Political Economy. Essay V of the Essays on Some Unsettled Ques-
tions of Political Economy: IV, 309-39.
on the Necessity of Uniting the Question of Corn Laws with That of Tithes, 1832: XXIII,
on the Words Productive and Unproductive. Essay III of the Essays on Some Unsettled
Questions of Political Economy: IV, 280-9.
Opening of the Prussian Diet, The, 1847: XXIV, 1079-82.

Paper Currency and Commercial Distress, 1826: IV, 71-123.

l'Papers on Women's Rights, 1847: XXI, 378-92 (with HTM).
Paragraph on France, 1831: XXII, 301.
Parliamentary Proceedings of the Session, 1835: VI, 295-308.
Parliamentary Reform, 1823: XXII, 64-6.
Parliamentary Reform (2 s), 1824: XXVI, 261-85.
Parliamentary Reform Bill, The, 1831: XXII, 276-7.
Parties and the Ministry, 1837: VI, 381-404.
New - Procedure 13

Peerage Question in France, The, 1831: XXIII, 341-5.

Pemherton's Lectures on Shakespeare, 1832: xxm, 464-6.
Penal Code for India, 1838: XXX, 17-30.
Perfectibility, 1828: XXVI, 428-33.
Periodical Literature: Edinburgh Review, 1824: I, 291-325.
Persecution for Religious Scruples, 1823: XXII, 46-8.
Personal Representation, 1867: XXVRI, 176-87.
Petition Concerning the Fenians, 1867: XXVIII, 188-90.
Petition for Free Trade, 1841: XXIV, 803-6 (V, 761-3).
Petition of the East-india Company, The, 1858: XXX, 75-89.
Phytologist; a Botanical Magazine, The, 1843: XXXI, 263-5.
Place's On the Law of Lihel, 1824: XXII, 91-4.
Plants Growing on or near Blackheath, 1857: XXXI, 276.
Plants Growing Wild in the District of Luxford's Reigate Flora, 1856: XXXI, 268-74.
Plants on Sherbom Sands, Blackheath. and Other Stations, 1858: XXXI, 279-80.
Plato (D&D, 1II, 275-379). See Grote's Plato.
Pleadings, 1824: XXII, 95.
Pledges (2 pts), 1832: XXIII, 487-94,496-504.
Poland, 1863: XXV, 1201-4.
Political Economy. See Principles of Political Economy.
Political Economy Club, Mill at the, 1840-65: XXXI, 407-10.
Political Progress, 1867: XXVIII, 127-30.
Polygonum Dumetorum, 1841: XXX1, 261
Poor Law Amendment Bill, The, 1834: XXIII, 713-16.
Poor Law Bill, The, 1834: XXIII, 743-4.
Poor Law Report, The, 1834: XXIII, 685-6.
Poor Laws, The, 1834: XXIR, 686-8.
Poor Rates as a Burden on Agriculture, The, 1846: XXIV, 862-4.
Poor Relief (2 s), 1868: XXVIII, 312,334.
Population, 1825: XXVI, 287-96.
Population: Proaemium, 1825: XXVI, 286-7.
Population: Reply to Thirlwall, 1825: XXVI, 296-307.
Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte, The. Part I of Auguste Comte and Posiuvism: X,
Postscript: The Close of the Session, 1835: VI, 309-17.
Postscript to the London Review, No. 1, 1835: VI, 289-93.
Poulett Scrope on the Poor Laws, 1846: XXIV, 923-6.
Practicability of Reform in the Law, 1823: XXII, 70-2.
Practical Observations on the First Two of the Proposed Resolutions on the Government
of India, 1858: XXX, 185-92.
Present State of Literature, The, 1827: XXVI, 409-17.
President in Council the Best Government for lnd/a, A, 1858: XXX, 199-204.
President's Message, The, 1833: XXIII, 543-5.
Primogeniture, 1826: XXVI, 335-40.
tPrinciples of Political Economy, 1848: II & HI (with HTM).
Procedure in the House: Amendments, 1868: xxvm, 265-6.
14 Alphabetical Index

Professor Leslie on the Land Question (D&D, IV, 86-110). See Leslie on the Land
Professor Sedgwick's Discourse (D&D, I, 95-159). See Sedgwick's Discourse.
Property and Taxation, 1873: V, 697-702.
Property in Land, 1832: XXIII, 459-60.
Prophecy, A (D&D, I, 284-6). See Ware's Letters.
Proportional Representation and Redistribution, 1868: XXVHI, 239-42.
Proposed Irish Poor Law, The (2 pts), 1847: XXIV, 1066-73.
Prospects of France, 1830 (7 pts): XXII, 128-202 passim.
Prospects of France, The, 1831: XXU, 295-301.
Provisional Government in France, The, 1848: XXV, 1091-3.
Public Education, 1867: XXVIII, 217-18.
Public Health, 1866: XXVH1, 114-15.
Public Schools (3 s), 1868: XXVIII, 289-90, 297-9, 304.
tPunishment of Children, 1850: XXV, 1176-8 (with HTM).
Puseyism (2 pts), 1842: XXIV, 811-22.

Quarterly Review on France, The, 1833: XXIII, 593-5.

Quarterly Review on French Agriculture, The (4 pts), 1847: XXIV, 1035-58 (11,
434-51 ).
Quarterly Review on Political Economy, The, 1825: IV, 23-43.
Quarterly Review on the Political Economists, The, 1831: XXII, 248-50.
Quarterly Review versus France, The, 1830: XXII, 168-72.
Question of Population (3 pts), 1823, 1824: XXII, 80-91, 95-7.
tQuestionable Charity, 1850: XXV, 1170-2 (with HTM).
Questions before the Select Commi_e on Extradition, 1868: XXIX, 542-71.
Questions before the Select Committee on Metropolitan Local Government, 1866, 1867:
XXIX, 437-542; XXXI, 389--406.

Radical Party and Canada: Lord Durham and the Canadians, 1838: VI, 405-35.
Rare Plants in West Surrey, 1841: XXXI, 258.
Rarer Plants of the Isle of Wight, 1841: XXXI, 262-3.
Rationale of Representation, 1835: XVIfi, 15-46.
Recent Combination of Journeymen Printers at Paris, The, 1830: XXII, 141-2.
tRecent Magisterial Decision, A, 1854: XXV, 1196-7 (with HTM).
Recent Writers on Reform, 1859: XIX, 341-70.
Recommendations of Candidates to Parliament, 1832: XXIII, 507-9.
Redistribution, 1867: XXVIII, 197-201.
Reform Bill, The (10 s), 1867: XXVILI, 143-232 passim.
Reform Debate, The, 1848: XXV, 1101-4.
Reform in Education, 1834: XXI, 61-74.
Reform Meeting m Hyde Park, The (5 s), 1866: XXVIII, 96-114passim.
Reform of Parliament, 1867: XXVIII, 167-74.
Reform of the Civil Service, 1854: XVIII, 205-11.
Registration of Publications, 1868: XXVIII, 287.
Regulation of the London Water Supply, The, 1851: V, 431-7.
Professor - Some 15

Reigate Plants, 1856; XXXI, 274-5.

Religious Persecution, 1823: XXII, 6-8.
Religious Sceptics. 1851: XXV, 1182-3.
Remarks on Bentham's Philosophy, 1833: X, 3-18.
tRemarks on Mr. Fitzroy' s Bill for the More Effectual Prevention of Assaults on Women
and Children, 1853: XXI, 101-8 (with HTM).
Reorganization of the Reform Party, 1839: V1,465-95.
Reply of the Brighton Guardian to the Examiner, 1831: XXII, 329-31.
Reply to Dr. Prati, 1834: XXIII, 689-91.
tReport on the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain, 1842:
XXIV, 822-30 (with an unknown collaborator).
Report to the General Court of Proprietors, 1858: XXX, 161-71.
Representation of the People (5 s), 1866: XXVIII, 54-86 passzm (XXIX, 599-603).
Representation of the People (Ireland), 1868: XXVIII, 287-8.
Representation of the People (Scotland) (2 s), 1868: XXVIII, 281-3.
Representative Government. See Considerations on Representative Government.
Reputed Thieves, 1823: XXII, 75-7.
Resurrection-Men, 1823: XXII, 48-50.
Review of the Session Continued, The, 1833: XXIII, 618-22.
Right and Wrong of State Interference with Corporation and Church Property, The
(D&D, I, 1-41 ). See Corporation and Church Property.
Right of Property in Land, The, 1873: XXV, 1235-43.
Romilly's Public Responsibility and the Ballot, 1865: XXV, 1212-17.
Royal Commission on Trades' Umons, The, 1867: XXVIII, 133-4.
Rules of the Booksellers' Association, The (2 pts), 1852: XXV, 1188-9.

Sale of Colonial Land, The, 1837: XXIV, 791-3.

"Sanitary" v. "Sanatory," 1847: XXIV, 1078-9.
Sarah Austin's Translation of Cousin, 1834: XXlII, 727-32.
Savings of the Middle and Working Classes, The, 1850: V, 405-29.
Scott's Life of Napoleon, 1828: XX, 53-110.
Sea-Fisheries (Ireland) Bill, The, 1868: XXVIII, 299.
Secular Education, 1850: XXVIH, 3-5.
Securities for Good Govemmem, 1823: XXU, 62-4.
Sedgwick's Discourse, 1835: X, 31-74.
Senior's On National Property (2 pts), 1835: XXIV, 753-9, 763-7.
Senior's Preface to the Foreign Communications in the Poor Law Report, 1835: XXIV,
Should Public Bodies be Required to Sell Their Lands?, 1873: XXV, 1232-5.
Silk Trade, The, 1826: IV, 125-39.
Slave Power, The, 1862: XXI, 143-64.
Smart's Outline of Sematology (2 pts). 1832: XXIII, 425-7,429-35.
Smith on Law Reform, 1841: XXl, 81-4.
Smoking in Railway Carriages (2 s), 1868: XXVII1, 328,333.
Society of Arts, The, 1871: XXV, 1226-7.
Some Derbyshire Plants, 1858: XXXI, 280-1.
16 Alphabetical Index

tSpanish Question, The, 1837: XXXI, 359-88 (with an unidentified collaborator).

Spirit of the Age, The (6 pts), 1831: XXI1, 227-316passim.
Spring Flowers of the South of Europe, 1860: XXXI, 283-9.
Stability of Society, 1850: XXV, 1180-2. lr

State of Ireland, The, 1868: XXVIII, 247-61.

State of Opinion in France, 1834: XXlU, 691-7.
State of Parties in France, 1831: XXIII, 336-41.
State of Politics in 1836, 1836: V1, 319-28.
State of Society in America. 1836: XVIII, 91-115.
tStatement of the Jamaica Committee (2 pts), 1866, 1868: XXI, 422-7, 429-35 (with
other members of the Committee).
Statement on Marriage, 1851: XXI, 97-9.
Sterling's The Election, 1841: XXIV, 806-11.
Straits Settlements. The, 1867: XXVIII, 135-6.
Street Organs, 1851: XXV, 1187.
Subjection of Women, The, 1869: XX1,259-340.
Sugar Refinery Bill and the Slave Trade. The, 1831: XXIII, 347-50.
tSuicide of Sarah Brown, The, 1846: XXIV, 916-19 (with HTM).
Sunday l_e,ctures Bill, The, 1867: XXVIlI, 190-3.
Supply--Post Office, 1868: XXVIII, 304-5.
Suspension of Habeas Corpus in Ireland, 1866: XXX,qII, 52-4.
System of Logic, A, 1843: VII & VIII.

Taine's De l'intelligence, 1870: XI, 441-7.

Tancred's Charity Bill, 1867: XXVIII, 206-7.
tTaylor's Statesman, 1837: X1X, 617--47 (with George Grote).
Technicalities of English Law, 1823: XXU, 60-2.
Tennyson's Poems, 1835: I, 395-418.
Theism. Essay III of Three Essays on Religion: X, 429-89.
Thornton on Labour and Its Claims (2 pts), 1869: V, 631-68.
Thoughts on Parliamentary Reform, 1859: XlX, 311-39.
Thoughts on Poetry and Its Varieties (2 pts), 1833: I, 341-65.
Three Essays on Religion, 1874: X, 369-489.
Todd's Book of Analysis, 1832: xxm, 411-16.
Tooke's Thoughts on High and Low Prices (2 pts), 1823: XXII, 18-20, 34-9.
Torrens's Letter to Sir Robert Peel, 1843: XXIV, 836-41.
Trade with India, 1828: XXX, 1-9.
Trades Unions, 1867: XXV_I, 144-5.
Trait6 de Logique, 1820-21: XXVI, 145-90.
Treaty Obligations, 1870: XXI, 341-8.
Treaty of 1856, The (2 pts), 1870: XXV, 1223-6.
Truck System (2 pts), 1830: XXII, 212-13,218-22.
Two Kinds of Poetry, The. Part II of Thoughts on Poetry: I, 354-65.
Two Publications on Plato, 1840: X1, 239-43.

Universities, The (2 s), 1826: XXV1, 348-58.

Spanish - Writings 17

Use and Abuse of Political Terms, 1832: XVIII, 1-13.

Use and Abuse of the Ballot, 1830: XXI1, 193-5.
Use of History, The, 1827: XXVI, 392-7.
Utilitarianism (3 pts), 1861: X, 203-59.
Utility of Knowledge, The, 1823: XXVI, 257-61.
Utility of Religion. Essay II of Three Essays on Religion: X, 403-28.

Value of Land, The, 1866: XXVIII, 100.

Verbascum Thapsiforme, 1862: XXXI, 320.
Views of the Pyrenees, 1833: I, 391-3.
Vindication of the French Revolution of February 1848, 1849: XX, 317-63 (394-400).
?Vixen, and Circassia, The, 1837: XXXI, 345-58 (with Charles Buller).

Wakefield's Popular Politics, 1837: XXIV, 787-91.

Wakefield's The New British Province of South Australia, 1834: XXIII, 738-42.
Walking Tour of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, and Surrey, 1828: XXVII,
Walking Tour of Cornwall. 1832: XXVII, 613-37.
Walking Tour of Hampshire, West Sussex, and the Isle of Wight, 1832: XXVII, 557-611.
Walking Tour of Sussex, 1827: XXVII, 455-75.
Walking Tour of Yorkshire and the Lake District, 1831: XXVII, 501-56.
Wallflower Growing on the Living Rock, 1860: XXXI, 283.
Walsh's Contemporary History, 1836: VI, 329-48.
Walter on the Poor Law Amendment Bill, 1834: XXII1, 707-13.
War Expenditure, 1824: IV, 1-22.
War with Russia, 1834: XXII1, 658-9.
Ware's Letters from Palmyra, 1838: I, 431-61.
Westminster Election, The (2 pts), 1865: XXV, 1210-12, 1217-18.
Westminster Election of 1865, The (7 s), 1865: XXVIII, 13-45.
Westminster Election of 1868, The ( 10 s), 1868: XXVIII, 319-70 passim.
What Is Poetry? Part I of Thoughts on Poetry: I, 343-53.
What Is to be Done with Ireland?, 1848: VI, 497-503.
Whately's Elements of Logic, 1828: XI, 1-35.
Whately's Introductory Lectures on Political Economy, 1831: XXI1, 327-9.
Whewell on Moral Philosophy, 1852: X, 165-201.
?Wife Murder, 1851: XXV, 1183-6 (with HTM).
Will, English (1853, 1872): XXXI, 327-37.
Will, French (1859, 1864, 1867): XXX1, 337-40.
William Lloyd Garrison, 1867: XXVII1, 201-3.
Wilson's History of Rome, 1834: XXIII, 663-4.
Women's Suffrage (3 s), 1869, 1870, 1871: XXIX, 373-81,386-91,402-9 (604-9).
Word "Destructive," The, 1835: XXIV, 760-3.
Word "Nature," The, 1823: XXII, 8-9.
Wordsworth and Byron, 1829: XXVI, 434-42.
Writings of Alfred de Vigny, 1838: I, 463-501.
Writings of Junius Redivivus (2 pts), 1833: I, 367-90.
18 Alphabetical Index


Cavaignac' s Defence, by Godefroi Cavaignac, 1831: XXV, 124 7-50 (trans. JSM).
Continuation of the Autobiography, by Helen Taylor, 1873: I, 625-7.
Civil Service Examinations, by Benjamin Jowett, 1854: XIX, 654-6.
Correspondence on the Principles of Political Economy, by John Elliot Cairnes. 1864-65:
1II, 1038-95 passim.
Death of Francis Place, authorship doubtful, 1854: XXV. 1262-5.
Enfantin's Farewell Address, by Barth61emy Prosper Enfantin, 1832: XXV, 1256-9
(trans. JSM).
Enfranchisement of Women, by Harriet Taylor Mill, 1851: XXI, 393-415.
Introduction, by Vincent Bladen: II, xxiii-lxiii.
-- by Alexander Brady: XVIII, ix-lxx.
-- by John C. Cairns: XX, vii-xcii.
-- by Stefan Collini: XXI, vii-lvi.
-- by Douglas Dryer: X, lxiii-cxiii.
by Marion Filipiuk: XXXII, vii-xlii.
-- by Joseph Hamburger: VI, vii-liii.
-- by F.A. Hayek: XII, xv-xxiv.
-- by Bruce L. Kinzer: xxvm, xiii-lxi.
-- by Robert F. McRae: VII, xxi-xlviii.
-- by Francis E. Mineka and Dwight N. Lindley: XIV, xv-xlviii.
• by Martin Moir: XXX, vii-liv.
, by Jean O'Grady: XXXIII, vii-xxx.
, by F.E.L. Priestley: X, vii-lxii.
, by Lionel Robbins: IV, vii-xli.
, by Ann P. Robson: XXII, xix-ciii.
, by John M. Robson: XXVI, xi-lv: XXXI, vii-l.
, by John M. Robson and Jack Stillinger: I, vii-liv.
, by Alan Ryan: IX, vii-lxvii.
--, by Francis E. Sparshott: XI, vii-lxxv.
Introductory Notice to Three Essays on Religion, by Helen Taylor: X, 371-2.
Land Tenure Reform Association: Public Lands and Commons Bill, authorship unknown,
1870: V, 766-7.
Notes on the Principles of Political Economy, by John Elliot Cairnes, 1864: 11I, 1042-55,
Notes on the State of Ireland, by John Elliot Cairnes, 1864: II/, 1075-86.
On Marriage, by Harriet Taylor, 1832-33?: XXI, 375-7.
Preface, by Francis E. Mineka: XII, vii-xii.
_, by Francis E. Mineka and Dwight N. Lindley: XIV, vii-xi.
Preliminary Remarks to "Chapters on Socialism," by Helen Taylor: V, 705.
Textual Introductions, by John M. Robson: II, lxv-lxxxvii; IV, xliii-lv; VI, liv-lxvi;
VII, xlix-eviii; IX, lxix-cii; X, cxv-cxxxix; XI, lxxvii-c; XVIII, lxxi-xcv; XX,
xciii-cxix; XXI, lvii-lxxxiii; XXII, cv-cxvii; XXVI, tvii-lxix; XXVUI, lxiii-lxxiii;
XXX, lv-lvii.
War and Peace, by Helen Taylor, 1871: XXIX, 615-17.


Chronological List of Mill' s Writings
in the Collected Works

THISLISTis based on the dates of pubhcation and, for unpublished works, on apparent dates
of composition. Speeches and questions and answers before parhamentary committees are
located by their dates of dehvery. Further information, including dates of subsequent
publication and later authorized editions and reprintings, will be found m the editorial notes
to each 1tern in the separate volumes of the Collected Works [CW]. All correspondence
except public letters is excluded, as are the titles of works known to have existed but not
extant. Only those posthumous works prepared for publication by Helen Taylor, Mill's
executor, are included.
The date of original publication is followed by the title in CW and, signalled by "JSM:",
the entry in the list of published writings kept by Mill himself. That list is preserved in a
scribal copy in the Mill-Taylor Collection (see the Introduction, xi-xii, for a detailed account
and a description of our editorial practice), which contains many errors and some gaps; the
substantive errors are here corrected, with the mistaken readings in footnotes, and
information to fill the gaps is given in square brackets. Often there is an inclusive entry in
Mill's list, covering several similar but not necessarily consecutive items; rather than repeat
the entry, we say, for example," [see entry for 6 Mar. above ]." When a work published in
Mill's lifetime is not in his record, the notation "Not on Mill's hst'" appears, and the
provenance is given. The abbreviations "(s)," "(j)." and "(pe)" are used to indicate
speeches, journals, and parliamentary evidence respectively; "HTM" signifies Harriet
Taylor Mill. As in the alphabetical list above, the locations in CW are given at the end of
each entry, with, when appropriate, the location of items in Mill's own collections,
Dissertations and Discussions [D&D] and Chapters and Speeches on the Irish Land
Question [C&S]. References to the Appendices are in italic. Writings in which someone
else collaborated with Mill are signalled by an obelisk (i'), as explained in the Introduction,
viii-x above.


History of Rome. I, 541-8.

Ode to Diana. I, 549-50.


May 1820 to July 1821. Journal and Notebook of a Year in France (j). XXVI. 3-143;
XXVII, 679-84.
22 Chronological Index

-- Trait6 de Logique. XXVI, 145-90.

-- Lecture Notes on Logic. XXVI, 191-253.


6 Dec. Exchangeable Value [ 1]. JSM: "Two letters in the Traveller of [6th Dec. ] and [ 13th
Dec. ] 1822 containing a controversy with Col. Torrens on the question whether value
depends upon quantity of labour. Signed S." XXII, 3-5.
13 Dec. Exchangeable Value [2]. JSM: [see entry for 6 Dec. ]. XXII, 5-6.


The Utility of Knowledge (s). XXVI, 257-61.

1 Jan. Religious Persecution. JSM: "A letter in the Morning Chronicle of 1st January 1823
on Free Discussion, signed, An Enemy to Religious Persecution." XXH, 6-8.
3 Jan. The Word "Nature." JSM: "A letter in the Republican of [3 Jan., 1823, ] on the word
Nature." XXII, 8-9.
28 Jan. Free Discussion, Letter I. JSM: "Three letters, signed Wickliff, on the same subject
[as that of 1 January, i.e. freedom of religious discussion], inserted in the Morning
Chronicle of 28th January[, 8th February and 12th February,] 1823." XXII, 9-12.
8 Feb. Free Discussion, Letter II. JSM: [see entry for 28 Jan. ]. XXII, 12-15.
12 Feb. Free Discussion, Letter III. JSM: [see entry for 28 Jan. ]. XXII, 15-18.
4 Mar. Tooke's Thoughts on High and Low Prices [ 1]. JSM: "A Notice of Part I of Mr.
Tooke's work on High and Low Prices, which appeared in the [Globe and] Traveller of
4th March 1823." XXII, 18-20.
9 May. The Debate on the Petition of Mary Ann Carlile. JSM: "Observations on the Debate
concerning the petition of Mary Ann Carlile, which appeared as a leading article in the
[Morning] Chronicle of [9th May] 1823." XXII, 21-4.
7 June. The Debate on East and West India Sugars. JSM: "Strictures on the Debate
concerning East and West India sugars, which appeared in the Globe and Traveller of
[7th June] 1823." XXH, 25-30.
25 July. Judicial Oaths. JSM: "A letter on I Judicial Oaths, signed No Lawyer, which
appeared in the [Morning] Chronicle of 23rd [sic] July 1823." XXII, 30-3.
9 Aug. Tooke's Thoughts on High and Low Prices [2]. JSM: "A notice of Part II of Mr.
Tooke's work on High and Low Prices, which appeared in the [Morning] Chronicle of
9th August 1823." XXII, 34-9.
12 Aug. Errors of the Spanish Government. JSM: "A letter on the errors of the Spanish
Government in the [Morning] Chronicle of 12th August 1823, signed M." XXII, 39-42.
15 Aug. The Mischievousness of an Oath. JSM: "A short letter signed A Lover of Caution
pointing out a case of the mischievousness of an oath, in the [Morning] Chronicle of 15th
August 1823." XXII, 42-3.
20 Aug. Blessings of Equal Justice. JSM: "A letter on publicity in judicature, and its
infraction by a Queen Square magistrate, in the [Morning] Chronicle of 20 August
1823." XXII, 43-6.

IMSreads "and".
1820-1824 23

26 Aug. Persecution for Religious Scruples. JSM: "A letter on the conduct of an Irish judge
in fining a witness for refusing to take an oath, in the [Morning ] Chronicle of 26th August
1823, signed the Censor of the Judges." XXII, 46-8.
1 Sept. Resurrection-Men. JSM: "A letter on the punishment of body-stealers, in the
[Morning] Chronicle of 1st September 1823, signed a Friend to Science." XXII, 48-50.
5 Sept, Malthus's Measure of Value. JSM: "A review of Mr. Malthus's pamphlet on the
'Measure of Value' which appeared in the [Morning ] Chronicle of 5th September 1823."
XXII, 51-60.
18 Sept. Technicalities of English Law. JSM: "A letter on the Technicalities of English
Law, which appeared in the [Morning] Chronicle of 18th September 1823. Not signed."
XXII, 60-2.
25 Sept. Securities for Good Government. JSM: "A letter on the advantages of a judicial
establishment consisting of judges removeable by the people, in the [Morning] Chronicle
of 24th [sic] September [ 1823]. Signed a Friend to Responsible Governments." XXII,
3 Oct, Parhamentary Reform. JSM: "A letter signed Quesnai, on the consequences of
denying the capacity of the people, in the [Morning] Chronicle of 3rd October 1823."
XXII, 64-6.
Atrocities of the Tread Wheel. JSM: "An article on the atrocities of the Tread Wheel
which appeared in the Globe & Traveller of 4th [sic] October 1823." XXII, 67-70.
8 Oct. Practicability of Reform in the Law. JSM: "A letter on the practicability of reform in
the law, which appeared in the [Morning] Chronicle of 8th October 1823. Not signed."
XXII, 70-2.
17 Oct. Old and New Institutions. JSM: "A letter on Old and New Institutions signed No
Worshipper of Antiquity, which appeared in the [Morning] Chronicle of 17th October
1823." XXII, 72-4.
30 Oef. Reputed Thieves. JSM: "A letter on the practice of sending reputed thieves to the
treadmill, signed the Censor of the Judges, which appeared in the [Morning ] Chronicle of
29th [sic] October 1823." XXII, 75-7.
9 Nov. Effects of Gambling. JSM: "An article on the evil consequences of gaming which
appeared in the Lancet of 9th November 1823." XXII, 77-9.
27 Nov. Question of Population [ 1]. JSM: "A letter on the necessity of checking
population, which appeared in the Black Dwarf of November 20th [sic] 1823, signed
A.M." XXII, 80-5.
10 Dec. Question of Population [2]. JSM: "A second letter on the same subject which
appeared in the Black Dwarf of December 10th 1823, signed A.M. '" XXII, 85-91.


1 Jim. Place's On the Law of Libel. JSM: "A review of Place's pamphlet on the Law of
Libel which appeared in the [Morning] Chronicle of January 1st 1824." XXII, 91-4.
5 Jim. Pleadings. JSM: "A short letter on Indictments, signed an Enemy to Legal Fictions,
which appeared in the [Morning] Chronicle of January 5th 1824." XXII, 95.
7 Jan. Question of Population [3]. JSM: "A third letter on the necessity of checking
population which appeared in the Black Dwarf of January 9th [sic] 1824, signed A.M."
XXU, 95-7.
24 Chronological Index

25 Feb. James Mill on the Question of Population, Black Dwarf. Not on Mill's list. XXII, ;:
Apr. Periodical Literature: Edinburgh Review. JSM: "An article on the Edinburgh Review,
in the second number of the Westminster Review." I, 291-325. i
July. War Expenditure. JSM: "An article in the third number of the Westminster Review,
on Mr. Blake's pamphlet on depreciation and war expenditure." IV, 1-22.
Aug. Parliamentary Reform [1] (s). XXVI, 261-71.
Parliamentary Reform [2] (s). XXVI, 271-85.
Oct. Brodie's History of the British Empire. JSM: "A review of Brodie's history of Charles
I and the Commonwealth, in the fourth number of the Westminster Review." VI, 1-58.
27 Dec. Effects of Periodical Literature. JSM: "A short letter on [Periodical Literature (?)]
which appeared in the Morning Chronicle of 1824." XXII, 100-2.


Population: Proaemium (s). XXVI, 286-7.

Population (s). XXVI, 287-96.
Population: Reply to Thirlwall (s). XXVI, 296-307.
Cooperation: First Speech (s). XXVI, 308.
Cooperation: Intended Speech (s). XXVI, 308-13.
Cooperation: Closing Speech (s). XXVI, 313-25.
Cooperation: Notes (s). XXVI, 325-6.
Jan. The Quarterly Review on Political Economy. JSM: "A review of an Article on
Political Economy in the Quarterly Review--in the fifth number of the Westminster
Review." IV, 23-43.
Apr. Law of Libel and Liberty of the Press. JSM: "An article on the Liberty of the Press, in
the sixth number of the Westminster Review." XXI, 1-34.
The Corn Laws. JSM: "An article on the Corn Laws also in the sixth number of the
Westminster Review." IV, 45-70.
July. "tMcCulloch's Discourse on Political Economy, Westminster Revtew. Not on Mill's
list. V, 757-60. (With William Ellis.)
16 Sept. Absenteeism. JSM: "A letter on Absenteeism, signed J.S., which appeared in the
[Morning] Chronicle of 16 September 1825." XXII, 103-6.
9 Dec. Influence of the Aristocracy (s). XXVI, 326-35.


Jan. The Game Laws. JSM: "'An article on the Game Laws, in the 9th number of the
Westminster Review." VI, 99-120.
The Silk Trade, Westminster Review. Not on Mill's list. IV, 125-39.
20 Jan, Primogeniture (s). XXVI, 335-40.
Feb. Ireland. JSM: "An article on the Cathofic Question which appeared in the
Parliamentary Review for 1825." VI, 59-98.
28 Feb. Catiline's Conspiracy (s). XXVI, 341-8.
Apr. Mignet's French Revolution. JSM: "A review of Mignet's History of the French
Revolution, in the 10th number of the Westminster Review." XX, 1-14.
1824-1828 25

7 Apr. The Universities [1] (s). XXVI, 348-54.

The Universities [2] (s). XXVI, 354-8.
19 May. The British Constitution [1] (s). XXVI, 358-71.
The British Constitution [2] (s). XXVI, 371-85.
July. Modem French Historical Works. JSM: "A review of Dulaure's History of Paris and
Sismondi's History of France, In the 1lth number of the Westminster Review." XX,
Oct. Paper Currency and Commercial Distress. JSM: "An article on Paper Currency and
Commercial Distress which appeared in the Parliamentary Review for the session of
1826." IV, 71-123.


The Use of History (s). XXVI, 392-7,

Jan. The New Corn Law. JSM: "An article on the New Corn Bill, which appeared in the
13th number of the Westminster Review." IV, 141-59.
311Mar. The Influence of Lawyers (s). XXVI, 385-91.
May. Jeremy Bentham's Rationale of Judicial Evidence. JSM: "The Preface, Additions
and Editorial Notes to the Rationale of Judicial Evidence by Jeremy Bentham." XXX1,
6 June. Blunders of The Times. JSM: "A letter on the blunders of the 'Times' newspaper
which appeared in the New Times of 6th June 1827, signed A.B." XXII, 106-7.
29 June. The Coalition Ministry (s). XXVI, 397-408.
20-30 July. Walking Tour of Sussex (j). XXVII, 455-75.
16 Nov. The Present State of Literature (s). XXVI, 409-17.
28 Dec. The Inhabitants of Queenborough. JSM: "A letter on the Queenborough case.
inclosing a subscription for the inhabitants of Queenborough, signed Ph., in the Times of
28th December 1827." XXII, 108-9.


Jan. Intercourse between the United States and the British Colonies in the West Indies.
JSM: "An article on the Commerce between the West-Indies and the United States of
America, which appeared in the Parliamentary review for the session of 1827." VI,
Trade with India. JSM: "An article on trade with India which appeared m the
Parliamentary Review for the session of 1827." XXX, 1-9.
Whately's Elements of Logic. JSM: "A review of Whately's Elements of Logic, in
the 17th number of the Westminster Review." XI, 1-35.
Feb. The Nature, Origin, and Progress of Rent. JSM: "A dissertation on Rent. in the notes
subjoined to McCulloch's edition of Smith's Wealth of Nations. (Some parts of this note
were however, altered by McCulloch. )" IV, 161-80.
15 Feb. The Church (s). XXVI, 418-27.
Apr. Scott's Life of Napoleon. JSM: "A review of Sir Walter Scott's Life of Napoleon
Bonaparte, in the 18th number of the Westminster Review." XX, 53-110.
2 May. Perfectibility (s). XXVI, 428-33.
26 Chronological Index

31 May. New Ministerial Publications. JSM: "'A squib on the Wellington ministry, headed
New Publications--and two following paragraphs in the Morning Chronicle of 31 st May
1828." XXII, 109-11.
3 June. Advertisements Free of Duty. JSM: "Another squib on the same subject, headed
Advertisements Free2 of Duty, in the Morning Chronicle of 3rd June 1828." XXII,
4 June. Dr. Croker's Opinion. JSM: "A third short squib on the same subject in the same
paper of 4th June consisting of two paragraphs, beginning, Dr. Croker's opinion on the
cause of the late ministerial dispute." XXII, 113.
5 June. Another Opinion of Dr. Croker's. JSM: "A fourth short squib, on the same subject
in the same paper of 5th June, only one paragraph concerning Dr. Croker." XXU,
3-15 July. Walking Tour of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, and Surrey (j).
XXVII, 477-99.
29 Sept. Compensation to the Shopkeepers on the Approaches to London Bridge. JSM: "A
leading article in the British Traveller of 27th [sic] September 1828 on the question of
compensation to the shopkeepers on the approaches to London Bridge." XXII, 114-16.
30 Oct. The Brunswick Clubs. JSM: "A letter signed Lamoignon 3 in the Morning
Chronicle of 30th October 1828 on the Brunswick Clubs." XXII, 116-20.


30 Jan. Wordsworth and Byron (s). XXVI, 434-42.

3 Apr. Montesquieu (s). XXVI, 443-53.


18 July. The French Elections. JSM: "A leading article on the French Elections in the
Examiner of 18th July 1830." XXU, 121-8.
19 Sept. Prospects of France, I. JSM: "A series of essays entitled the Prospects of France
and signed S---- in the Examiner of 19th Sept., 26th Sept., 3rd Oct., 10th Oct., 17th
Oct., 14th Nov., and 28th November, 1830, in all seven numbers." XXII, 128-34.
2,6Sept. Prospects of France, II. JSM: [see entry for 19 Sept. ]. XXII, 134-40.
Mr. Huskisson and the Jacobin Club. JSM: "Two short leading articles in the
Examiner of 26th Sept. 1830 headed 'Mr. Huskisson and the Jacobin Club' and 'The
recent Combination of the [Journeymen] Printers in Paris.'" XXH, 140-1.
The Recent Combination of Journeymen Printers at Paris. JSM: [see preceding
entry]. XXII, 141-2.
3 Oct. Prospects of France, 1]I [see entry for 19 Sept. above]. XXII, 142-6.
Answer to Bowring's Criticism of Prospects of France, II, Examiner. Not on Mill" s
list. XXII, 147-9.
10 Oct. Prospects of France, IV. JSM: [see entry for 19 Sept.]. XXII, 149-58.
17 Oct. Prospects of France, V. JSM: [see entry for 19 Sept.]. XXU, 158-63.

:'MSreads "Thee".
_MSreads "l.,amoignen".
1828-1831 27

24 Oct. Attempt to Save the Ex-Ministers. JSM: "A leading article in the Examiner of 24th
October 1830, beaded 'Attempt to save the ex-ministers.'" XXII, 163-8.
The Quarterly Review versus France. JSM: "A leading article in the Examiner of 24
Oct. 1830, headed 'The Quarterly Review and France.'" XXII, 168-72.
31 Oct. France and the Quarterly Review, Examiner. Not on Mill's list. XXII, 172-80.
7 Nov. French News [ 1]. JSM: "The summary of French affairs in the Examiner from 7th
November 1830 to 17th April 1831 inclusive: comprising several long articles." XXII,
14 Nov. Ignorance of French Affairs by the English Press. JSM: "A leading article in the
Examiner of 14th Nov. 1830 headed Ignorance of French affairs by the English press,"
XXII, 182-4.
_ Prospects of France, VI. JSM: [see entry for 19 Sept.]. XXII, 184-90.
--French News [2]. JSM: [see entry for 7Nov.]. XXII, 190-1.
21 Nov. French News [3]. JSM: [see entry for 7Nov.]. XXII, 191-3.
28 Nov. Use and Abuse of the Ballot. JSM: "A leading article in the Examiner of 28 Nov.
1830, headed, Use and Abuse of the Ballot. ''4 XX/I, 193-5.
Prospects of France, VH. JSM: [see entry for 19 Sept.[. XXII, 196-202.
French News [4]. JSM: [see entry for 7 Nov.]. XXII, 203-4.
5 Dec. The Ballot. JSM: "The first twelve paragraphs of a leading article on the Ballot, in
the Examiner of 5th December 1830." XXII, 204-7.
French News [5], JSM: [see entry for 7Nov.]. XXII, 207-8.
12 Dec. Controversy on the Ballot. JSM: "An article headed 'Controversy on the Ballot' in
the Examiner of 12th December 1830." XXI1, 209-11.
French News [6]. JSM: [see entry for 7Nov.]. XXll, 211-12.
19 Dec. The Truck System [ 1]. JSM: "An article headed 'Truck 5 System' in the Exarmner
of 19th December 1830." XXII, 212-13.
-- The Labouring Agriculturists. JSM: "An article headed 'The labouring Agricultur-
ists' in the Examiner of the same date." XXII, 216--18.
-- French News [7]. JSM: [see entry for 7Nov.]. XXII, 214-15.
26 Dec. The Truck System [2]. JSM: "An article headed 'Truck System' in the Examiner of
26th December 1830." XXII, 218-22.
French News [8]. JSM: [see entry for 7Nov.]. XXII, 222-3.


2 Jan. French News [9]. JSM: [see entry for 7 Nov., 1830]. XXII, 224-7.
9 Jan. The Spirit of the Age, I. JSM: "A series of Essays headed 'The Spirit of the Age' and
signed A.B., in the Examiner of 9th Jan., 23rd Jan., 6 Feb., 13th March, 3rd April, 15th
May, and 29th May 1831 ." XXII, 227-34.
_ French News [10]. JSM: [see entry for 7Nov., 1830]. XXII, 235.
Conduct of the United States towards the Indian Tribes. JSM: "A short article on the
conduct of the United States towards the Indian tribes, without beading, in the Examiner
of 9th January 1831." XXII, 235-7.

4Hereantiin the entriesfor 5 and 12 December the MS reads"Ballet".

5Hereand in the entryfor 26 Decemberthe MS reads"Track".
28 Chronological Index

16 Jan. French News [11]. JSM: [see entry for 7Nov., 1830]. XXII, 237-8.
23 Jan. The Spirit of the Age, II. JSM: [seefirst entry for 9Jan.]. XXII, 238-45.
France. JSM: "Paragraphs introductory to a series of letters from France, in the
Examiner of 23rd Jan. 1831." XXI/, 246-7.
--French News [ 12]. JSM: [see entry for 7 Nov., 1830]. XXII, 247-8.
30 Jan. The Quarterly Review on the Political Economists. JSM: "An article headed 'The
Quarterly Review on the Political Economists' in the Examiner of 30th January 1831."
XXII, 248-50.
French News [ 13]. JSM: [see entry for 7 Nov., 1830 ]. XXII, 250-1.
6 Feb. The Spirit of the Age, 111[Part 1 ]. JSM: [seefirst entry for 9 Jan. ]. XXI/, 252-8.
French News [ 14]. JSM: [see entry for 7 Nov., 1830]. XXII, 258-9.
13 Feb. The Municipal Institutions of France. JSM: "An article headed 'The Municipal
Institutions of France' in the Examiner of 13th Feb. 1830 [sic]." XXII, 259-62.
--French News (15]. JSM: [see entry for 7Nov., 1830]. XXII, 262-3.
20 Feb. The Budget. JSM: "An article headed 'The Budget' in the Examiner of 20th
February 1831." XXII, 263-9.
--French News [16]. JSM: [see entry for 7Nov., 1830]. XXII, 269-70.
27 Feb. The Emigration Bill. JSM: "An article headed 'The Emigration Bill' in the
Examiner of 27th February 1831." XXII, 270-3.
French News [17]. JSM: [see entry,for 7 Nov., 1830]. XXII. 273-6.
6 Mar. The Parliamentary Reform Bill. JSM: "Paragraphs on the Parliamentary Reform
Bill headed 'from a Correspondent' in the Examiner of 6th March 1831." XXII, 276-7.
--French News [18]. JSM: [see entry for 7Nov., 1830]. XXII, 278. ':
13 Mar. The Spirit of the Age, HI [Part 2]. JSM: [seefirstentryforgJan. ]. XXII, 278-82. [o
-- French News [ 19]. JSM: [see emryfor 7Nov., 1830]. XXII, 283-4.
20 Mar. Herschel's Preliminary Discourse. JSM: "Review of Herschel's Discourse on the
Study of Natural Philosophy, in the Examiner of 20th March 1831 ." XXII, 284-7.
--French News [20]. JSM: [see entry for 7Nov., 1830]. XXII, 287-8.
27 Mar. French News [21]. JSM: [see entry for 7Nov., 1830]. XXII, 288-9.
3 Apr. The Spirit of the Age, IV. JSM: [seefirst entry for 9 Jan. ]. XXII, 289-95.
10 Apr. The Prospects of France. JSM: "An article headed 'The Prospects of France, ' in the :.
Examiner of 10th April 1831 ." XXII, 295-301. _.
Paragraph on France, Examiner. Not on Mill's list. XXII, 301. __
17 Apr. French News [22]. JSM: [see entry for 7Nov., 1830]. XXII, 301-2.
24 Apr. Cavaignac's Defence (trans.), Examiner. Not on Mill's list. XXII, 303 (XXV,
-- French News [23], Examiner. Not on Mill's list. XXII, 303.
15 May. The Spirit of the Age, V [Part 1 ]. JSM: [seefirst entry for 9 Jan. ]. XXII, 304-7.
Mile L6ontine Fay [ 1]. JSM: "A paragraph on Mile l._ntine Fay, in the Examiner
of 15th May 1831." XXII, 307-8.
-- The Croix de Juillet. JSM: "An article on the Croix de Juillet in the Examiner of the
same date, standing as the summary of French news." XXII, 308-10.
22 May. Mile L6ontine Fay [2]. JSM: "An article on Mile L6ontine Fay in the Examiner of
22rid May 1831." XXII, 310-11. "
1831 29

29 May, The Spirit of the Age, V [Part 2]. JSM: [seefirst entry for 9 Jan. ]. XXII, 312-16.
$ June. Death of the Abbd Gr_goire. JSM: "An obituary notice of the abb6 Gr_goire in the
Examiner of 5th June 1831, included in the summary of French news." XXII, 317.
12 June. Attack on Literature. JSM: "A leading article headed 'Attack on Literature' in
answer to the Brighton Guardian; in the Examiner of 12th June 1831." XXII, 318-27.
Whately's Introductory Lectures on Political Economy. JSM: "A review of
Whately's Introductory Lectures on Political Economy; in the Examiner of the same
date." XXII, 327-9.
19 June. Reply of the Brighton Guardian to the Examiner. JSM: "An article headed 'Reply
of the Brighton Guardian to the Examiner'; in the Examiner of 19th June 1831." XXII,
July-Aug. Walking Tour of Yorkshire and the Lake District (j). XX-VII, 501-56.
3 July, Flower's Musical Illustrations of the Waverley Novels. JSM: "A review of Miss
Flower's Musical Illustrations of the Waverley Novels, in the Examiner of 3rd July
1831." XXII, 331-3.
21 Aug. French News [24]. JSM: "A short summary of French affairs in the Examiner of
21st August 1831." XXIII, 335-6.
28 Aug. State of Parties in France. JSM: "'An article headed 'State of Parties in France" in
the Examiner of 28th August 1831 ." XXIII, 336-41.
4 Sept. French News [25]. JSM: "The summary of French news in the Examiner from 4th
September 1831 to 15th July 1832 inclusive, missing only one Sunday (July lst) and
comprising many long articles." XXIII, 346.
-- The Peerage Question in France. JSM: "An article headed 'The Peerage Question in
France" in the Examiner of 4th September 1831 ." XXIII. 341-5.
11 Sept. French News [26]. JSM: [see entry for 4 Sept. ]. XXIII, 346-7.
18 Sept, The Sugar Refinery Bill and the Slave Trade. JSi: "An article headed 'The Sugar
Refinery Bill and the Slave Trade' in the Examiner of 18th September 1831." XXIII,
--French News [27]. JSM: [see entry for 4 Sept.]. XXIII, 351.
25 Sept. French News [28]. JSM: [see entry for4 Sept.]. XXIII, 351-5.
-- Dr. Whately's Elevation to an Archbishopric. JSM: "A paragraph in the Examiner
of 25th Sept. 1831 on Dr. Whately's elevation to an Archbishopric." XXIII, 356.
2 Oct. French News [29]. JSM: [see entry for4 Sept.]. XXIII, 356-7.
9 Oct. French News [30]. JSM: [see entry for4 Sept.]. XXIll, 357.
16 Oct. French News [31]. JSM: [see entry for4 Sept.]. XXIII, 357-9.
23 Oct. French News [32]. JSM: [see entry for4 Sept.]. XXIII, 359.
30 Oct. French News [33]. JSM: [see entry for4 Sept.]. XXIII, 359-63.
6 Nov. French News [34]. JSM: [see entry for4 Sept.]. XXIII, 363.
20 Nov. French News [35]. JSM: [see entry for4 Sept.]. XXIII, 364.
27 Nov. French News [36]. JSM: [see entry for 4 Sept. ]. XXIII, 364-7.
4 Dee. French News [37]. JSM: [see entry for4 Sept.]. XXIII, 367-71.
11 Dec. French News [38]. JSM: [see entry for 4 Sept. ]. XXIII, 372-3.
18 Dec. French News [39]. JSM: [see entry for4 Sept.]. XXIII, 373-6.
25 Dec. French News [40]. JSM: [see entry for4 Sept.]. XXIII, 377-80.
30 Chronological Index


On Marriage. XXI, 35-49.

1 Jan. French News [41]. JSM: [see entry for4 Sept., 1831]. XXIII, 381-7.
8 Jan. French News [42]. JSM: [see entry for4 Sept., 1831]. XXIII, 387-92.
15 Jan. French News [43]. JSM: [see entry for4 Sept., 1831]. xxm, 392-5.
22 Jan. French News [44]. JSM: [see entry for 4 Sept., 1831 ]. XXIII, 395-7.
-- The Irish Character. JSM: "Article on the Irish character in reply to a correspondent
signing himself 'Erinensis,'6 subjoined to the summary of French news, in the Examiner
of 22nd January 1832." xxm, 397-8.
29 Jan. Employment of Children in Manufactories. JSM: "An article headed 'Employment
of children in Manufactories' in the Examiner of 29th Jan. 1832." XXIII, 398-401.
-- French News [45]. JSM: [see entry for4 Sept., 1831]. XXIII, 401-3.
5 Feb. Hickson's The,New Charter. JSM: "A review of a pamphlet entitled 'The New
Charter '7 (by William Hickson), in the Examiner of 5th February 1832." XXIII, 404-5.
--French News [46]. JSM: [see entry for 4 Sept., 1831]. XXIII, 405-6.
12 Feb. French News [47]. JSM: [see entry for 4 Sept., 1831 ]. XXIII, 407-11.
19 Feb. Todd's Book of Analysis. JSM: "A review of a work entitled 'The Book of
Analysis, or a New Method of Experience 's by Tweedy John Todd, Esq. M.D.--In the
Examiner of 19th February 1832." XXIII, 411-16.
-- French News [48]. JSM: [see entry for4 Sept., 1831]. xxm, 417-19.
26 Feb. Female Emigrants. JSM: "A paragraph in answer to a letter from 'the female
operatives of [Todrnorden]' in the Examiner of 26th February 1832." XXIH, 419-20.
-- French News [49]. JSM: [see entry for 4 Sept., 1831]. XXIII, 421-2.
4 Mar. French News [50]. JSM: [see entry for4 Sept., 1831]. XXIH, 422.
11 Mar. French News [51]. JSM: [see entry for4 Sept., 1831]. XXIII, 423.
18 Mar. French News [52]. JSM: [see entry for 4 Sept., 1831]. xxm, 424.
25 Mar. Smart's Outline of Sematology [ 1]. JSM: "A review of a work entitled 'An Outline
of Sematology,' in two parts, the fast of which on the study of Metaphysics; both signed
A.B. In the Examiner of 25th March 1832 and 1st April 1832." XXIII, 425-7.
-- French News [53]. JSM: [see entry for4 Sept.. 1831]. XXIII, 427-9.
I Apr. Smart's Outline of Sematology [2]. JSM: [seefirst entry for 25 Mar.]. xxm,
-- French News [54]. JSM: [see entry for 4 Sept., 1831]. XXII1, 435.
8 Apr. Flower's Songs of the Seasons. JSM: "A review of Miss Flower's 9 'Songs of the
Seasons,' in the Examiner of 8th April 1832." XXIII, 436-8.
--French News [55]. JSM: [see entry for 4 Sept., 1831]. XXIII, 438-40.
15 Apr. French News [56]. JSM: [see entry for4 Sept., 1831]. XXIII, 440-1.
18 Apr. Comparison of the Tendencies of French and English Intellect. JSM: "A letter to
Charles Duveyrier, intended as introductory to a series of letters to the Editor of Le
Globe, the Saint Simonian paper at Paris. This was translated garbled in some passages
and published in'Le Globe' of 18th April 1832. The stoppage of the paper prevented any

6MS reads "Eviniensis".

7MSreads "Charts".
8MSreads "Experiences".
9MSreads "Flewers".
1832 31

continuation. The Enghsh original of this letter with an introductory paragraph appeared
in the Monthly Repository for November 1833, headed Comparison of the Tendencies of
French and English intellect." [See also entry at Nov. 1833. ] XXV, 1251-5,
22 Apr. Lewis's Remarks on the Use and Abuse of Political Terms. JSM: "A review of
George Cornewall Lewis's Remarks on the Use and Abuse of certain political terms. In
the Examiner of 22rd April 1832." XXIII, 447-52.
French News [57]. JSM: [see entry for 4 Sept., 1831 ]. XXIII, 452.
27 Apr. Enfantin's Farewell Address (trans.), Morning Chronicle. Not on Mill's list.
XXV, 1256-9.
29 Apr. French News [58]. JSM: [see entry for4 Sept., 1831]. XXIII, 453.
May. Use and Abuse of Political Terms. JSM: "A review of Geo. Comewall Lewis's
Remarks on the Use and Abuse of Political Terms, in the second number of Tait's
Edinburgh Magazine (May, 1832)." XVIII, 1-13.
6 May. The Close of the Session in France. JSM: '+An article headed 'Close of the Session'
in the Examiner of 6th May 1832." XXIII, 453-9.
-- Property in Land. JSM: "A paragraph in the same paper, on Properly in Land, m
answer to a Correspondent.'" XXIII, 459-60.
French News [59]. JSM: [see entry for 4 Sept., 1831]. XXIII. 460-1.
13 May. French News [60]. JSM: [see entry for4 Sept., 1831]. XXIII, 461-2.
May. Deaths of Casimir P6rier and Georges Cuvier. J SM: [see entry for 4 Sept., 1831 ].
xxm, 462-4.
27 May. French News [61]. JSM: [see entry for4 Sept., 1831]. XXIII, 464.
3 June. Pemberton's l° lectures on Shakespeare, JSM: "A notice of Mr. Pemberton's
Lectures on Shakespeare in the Examiner of 3rd June 1832." XXIII, 464-6.
--French News [62]. JSM: [see entry for4 Sept., 1831]. XXIII, 466-7.
10 June. Death of Jeremy Bentham. JSM: "An obituary notice of Jeremy Bentham in the
Examiner of 10th June 1832." XXIII, 467-73 (X, 495-8).
_ French News [63]. JSM: [see entry for4 Sept., 1831]. XXIII, 473-4.
17 June. French News [64]. JSM: [see entry for4 Sept., 1831]. XXIII, 474-84.
24 June. French News [65]. JSM: [see entry for4 Sept., 1831]. XXIII, 485-7.
1 July. Pledges [ 1 ]. JSM: "An article headed 'Pledges' in the Examiner of I st July." XXIII,
8 July. Lewin's The Fisherman of Flamborough Head. JSM: "A short notice of Miss
Charlotte Lewin's account of a Fisherman at Flamborough I1Head in the Examiner of 8th
July 1832." XXI]], 494-5.
French News [66]. JSM: [see entry for 4 Sept., 1831]. XXIII, 495-6.
15 July. Pledges [2]. JSM: "A second article headed 'Pledges,' in the Examiner of 15th
July 1832." XXIII, 496-504.
French News [67]. JSM: [see entry for 4 Sept., 1831 ]. XXIII, 504-5.
19 ,luly-6 Aug. Walking Tour of Hampshire, West Sussex, and the Isle of Wight (j).
XXVII, 557-611.
2 Sept. Recommendations of Candidates to Parliament. JSM: "Recommendations of
several candidates for seats in Parliament in the Examiner of 20 Sept. 1832. (Some were

_°MSreads "Pambertin's".
11MSreads "Mamborough".
32 Chronological Index

not mine. Mine were J. & E. Romilly) 2 C. Buller, T.H. Lloyd, Hyde Villiers, Hurt, 13
Hawkins, and W.H. Ord. )" XXIII, 507-9.
9 Sept. French News [68]. JSM: "'A summary of French affairs in the Examiner of 9th
September 1832." XXIII, 509-11.
Oct. On Genius. JSM: "An article in the 70th number of the New Series of the Monthly
Repository (for October 1832) headed (by the Editor) 'On Genius' and signed
'Antiquus.'" I, 327-39.
3-9 Oct. Walking Tour of Cornwall (j). XXVII, 613-37.
21 Oct. French News [69 ]. JSM: "The summary of French news in the Examiner from 21 st
Oct. 1832, to 24th Dec. of the same year, inclusive--comprising [ten articles]." XXIII,
28 Oct. French News [70]. JSM: [see entry for 21 Oct.]. XXRI, 517-19.
4 Nov. French News [71]. JSM: [see entry for21 Oct.]. XXIII, 519-22.
18 Nov. The Corn LAws. JSM: "Two paragraphs of observations on 14 a letter respecting the
Corn Laws; in the Examiner of 18th Nov. 1832." XXIll, 522-3.
25 Nov. French News [72]. JSM: [see entry for 21 Oct. ]. XXIII, 523-5.
Dec. Austin's Lectures on Jurisprudence. JSM: "A review of Austin's Lectures on
Jurisprudence in the 9th number of Tait's Edinburgh Magazine (December 1832)." XXI,
2 Dec. French and English Journals. JSM: "An article headed 'French and English Journals'
in the Examiner of 2nd December." XXIII, 525-30.
--French News [73]. JSM: [see ent_for 21 Oct. ]. XXIII, 530-2.
9 Dec. French News [74]. JSM: [see entry for21 Oct.]. XXIII, 532.
Death of Hyde Villiers. JSM: "Paragraph on the death of Mr. Hyde Villiers, 15in the
Examiner of 9th December 1832." XXIII, 533.
16 Dec. French News [75]. JSM: [see entry for21 Oct.]. XXIII, 533-4.
23 Dec. On the Necessity of Uniting the Question of Corn Laws with That of Tithes. JSM:
"An article headed 'on the Necessity of Uniting the question of Corn Laws with that of
Tithes.' Examiner, 23rd Dec. 1832." XXIII, 534-40.
--French News [76]. JSM: [see entry for 21 Oct. ]. XXIII, 540-1.


Jan. The Currency Juggle. JSM: "An article headed 'the Currency Juggle' in the 10th
number of Tait's Magazine, Jan. 1833. (N.B. The foot-note at the end is not mine. )" IV,
181-92; D&D, I, 42-55.
Thoughts on Poetry and Its Varieties [ 1]. JSM: "An article headed 'What is Poetry'
and signed Antiquus in the 73rd number of the Monthly Repository. (In Jan. 1833.)" I,
341-53; D&D, I, 63-77. [See also second entry for Oct.]
6 Jan. Death of Charles Lameth. JSM: "An obituary notice of Charles Lameth in the
Examiner of 6th Jan. 1833." XXIII, 541-2.

12MSreads "Rernilly".
13MSreads "H.d. Villiers, Huth".
_sMSreads"M.H. de Villiers".
1832-1833 33

13 Jan. The President's Message. JSM: "An article headed 'The President's Message' in
the Examiner of 13th January 1833." XXIII, 543-5.
Necessity of Revising the Present System of Taxation. JSM: "An article headed
'Necessity of revising the present system of taxation,' in the Examiner of the same date."
XXIH, 545-8.
27 Jan. Errors and Truths on a Property Tax. JSM: "An article m continuation of the
foregoing and headed 'Errors and Truths in a Property Tax' in the Examiner of 27th
January 1833, and signed A.B." XXIII, 549-54.
Feb. Corporation and Church Property. JSM: "An article on Corporation and Church
Property in the 10th number of the Jurist (in February 1833) printed also as a separate
tract and entitled 'Corporation and Church Property resumable 16by the State.'" IV,
193-222; D&D, l, t-41.
17 Feb. Flower's Hymn of the Polish Exiles. JSM: "A notice of Miss Flower's 'Hymn of
the Polish Exiles' in the Examiner of 17th February 1833." XXIII, 554--5.
17 Mar. The Monthly Repository for March 1833. JSM: "A notice in the Examiner of 17th
March 1833 of the number of the 'Monthly Repository' for the same month, incl.
[sic]." XXIII, 555-9.
31 Mar. French News [77 ]. JSM: "The summary of French affairs in the Examiner of 31 st
March 1833." XXHI, 560-1.
Apr, Writings of Junius Redivivus [I]. JSM: "A review of the writings of Junius
Redivivus 17in the 76th number of the Monthly Repository (for April 1833)." I, 367-77.
14 Apr. The Monthly Repository for April 1833. JSM: "A short notice in the Examiner of
14th April 1833 of the number of the Monthly Repository for the same month." XXIII,
21 Apr. Flower's Mignon's Song and When Thou Wert Here. JSM: "A short notice of two
of Miss Flower's TM songs, in the Examiner of 21st April 1833." XXIII, 562-3.
28 Apr. The Budget. JSM: "An article headed 'The Budget' in the Examiner, of 28th April
1833." XXlU, 563-6.
May. Note on Browning's Pauline. I, 596-7.
5 May. Confiscation Scheme of The Times. JSM: "An article headed 'Confiscation
Scheme of the Times' in the Examiner of 5th May 1833." XXIII, 566-8.
French News [78]. JSM: "The summary of French affairs in the Examiner of 5th
and 19th May 1833." XXIII, 568-71.
19 May. French News [79]. JSM: [see preceding entry]. XXIII, 572-3.
26 May. Beolchi's Saggio di Poesie Italiane. JSM: "A short notice of a selection of Italian
Poetry by Signor Beolehi, in the Examiner of 26th May 1833." XXIII, 573.
June. Remarks on Bentham's Philosophy and _'A Few Observations on Mr. Mill. JSM:
"The 'Remarks on Bentham's Philosophy' forming one of the Appendices to Bulwer's
'England and the English.' Some of the sentences of the Appendix entitled 'a few
observations on Mr. Mill' were originally mine, but so altered that I do not own it." X,
3-18,499-502, and I, 589-94. (With Edward Lytton Bulwer. )

16MSreads "reformable".
_THereand in the second entryforJune the MS reads "Rediwerus".
1sMSreads "Flouer's".
34 Chronological Index

Writings of Junius Redivivus [II]. JSM: "A review of 'The Producing Man's
Companion' by Junius Redivivus in the 15th number of Tait's Magazine (June 1833)." I,
16 June. The Monthly Repository for June 1833. JSM: "A notice of the Monthly
Repository for June 1833, in the Examiner of 16th June 1833." XXIII, 574-5.
311June. The Bank Charter Bill [ 1 ]. JSM: "A paragraph on the Bank Charter Bill, in the
Examiner of 30th June 1833." XXIII, 575-6.
July. Alison's History of the French Revolution [ 1]. JSM: "A review of Alison's History of
the French Revolution in the Monthly Repository for July and August 1833._' XX,
111-17. [See also entry for Aug. ]
7 July. The Ministerial Measure Respecting the Bank. JSM: "An article headed 'The
Ministerial Measure respecting the Bank' in the Examiner of 7th July 1833." XXIII,
21 July. French Nears [80]. JSM: "The summary of French news in the Examiner of 21 st
July 1833." XXIII, 583-4.
Aug. Alison's History of the French Revolution [2]. JSM: [see entry for July]. XX,
117-22; in part in D&D, I, 56-62, as A Few Observalaons on the French Revolution.
11 Aug. Municipal Institutions. JSM: "An article headed 'Municipal InsUtuUons' in the
Examiner of 1 lth August 1833." XXIII, 585-90.
18 Aug. The Bank Charter Bill [2]. JSM: "An article headed 'The Bank Charter Bill' in the
Examiner of 18th August 1833." XXIII, 590-2.
Sept. Views of the Pyrenees. JSM: "A note at the end of the Monthly Repository for
September 1833, being a notice of 'Views 19from the Pyrenees. '" I, 391-3.
1 Sept, The Quarterly Review on France. JSM: "An answer to a paragraph in the Quarterly
Review, standing as the summary of French news in the Examiner of 1st September
1833." XXIII, 593-5.
8 Sept. The Monthly Repository for September 1833. JSM: "A notice of the Monthly
Repository for Sept. 1833, in the Examiner of 18th [sic] Sept. 1833; . . . [see next
entry]." xxm, 595.
Note on Benefactors of Mankind. JSM: "[continuation of previous entry] and a
foot-note to an extract from the Repository in the Notabilia of the same paper." XXIII,
22 Sept. The Ministerial Manifesto. JSM: "A series of articles in reply to a ministerial
pamphlet which appeared in the Examiner of the following dates and under the following
titles: September 22nd 1833 'The Ministerial Manifesto '2° / September 29th 1833 'The
Marvellous Ministry' / October 6th 1833 'The Review of the Session continued' /
October 13th 1833 'Lord Brougham's 21 Law Reforms' / October 20th 1833 'The
Corporation Bill' (signed A.B.) / October 27th 1833 'Conduct of the Ministry with
respect to the Poor Law' (also signed A.B.) / November 10th 1833 'Conduct of the
Ministry with respect to the Post Office Department, and the payment of officers by
fees.'" XXIII, 596-607.
29 Sept. The Marvellous Ministry. JSM: [see entry for 22 Sept. ]. XXIH, 608-17.

tgMSreads "News".
2°MS reads"Manifests".
21MS _ "B_ghsln's".
1833-1834 35

Oct. Blakey's History of Moral Science. JSM: "A review of Blakey's 'History of Moral
Science' in the Monthly Repository for October 1833." X, 19-29.
Thoughts on Poetry and Its Varieties [2]. JSM: "An article headed 'The two kinds
of Poetry' and signed 'Antiquus' in the same number of the Monthly Repository." I,
354-65; D&D, I, 77-94. [See also second entry for Jan. ]
6 Oct. The Review of the Session Continued. JSM: [see entry for 22 Sept. ]. XXIII,
13 Oct. Lord Brougham's Law Reforms. JSM: [see entry for 22 Sept.[. XXIII, 622-8.
20 Oct. The Corporation Bill. JSM: [see entry for 22 Sept. ]. XXIII, 628-34.
27 Oct. Conduct of the Ministry with Respect to the Poor Laws. JSM: [see entry for 22
Sept. ]. XXIII, 634-8.
Martineau's A Tale of the Tyne. JSM: "A review of Miss Martinean's 'Tale of the
Tyne' in the Examiner of 27th October 1833." XXIII, 638-42.
Nov. Comparison of the Tendencies of French and English Intellect. JSM: "An article
headed 'Comparison of the Tendencies of French and English intellect' in the Monthly
Repository for November 1833, being the [original] of my letter to [Duveyrier]
published in the Globe with a new heading." xxm, 442-7. [See also entry for 18 Apr.,
10 Nov. Conduct of the Ministry with Respect to the Post-Office Department, and the
Payment of Officers by Fees. JSM: [see entry for 22 Sept.]. XXIII, 643-6.
24 Nov. Napier's The Colonies. JSM: "A review of Colonel Napier's Work on the Ionian 22
Isles, in the Examiner of 24th Nov. 1833." XXIII, 647-51.
15 Dec. The Monthly Repository for December 1833. JSM: "A review of the December
number of the Monthly Repository, in the Examiner of 15th December 1833." XXIH,
29 Dec. French News [81 ]. JSM: "The summary of the French news in the Examiner from
29th December 1833 to 16 February 1834." XXIII, 656-8.


$ Jan. French News [82]. JSM: [see entry for 29 Dec., 1833]. XXIII. 658.
War with Russia, Examiner. Not on Mill's list. XXIII, 658-9.
12 Jan. The Monthly Repository for January 1834. JSM: "A review of the January number
of the Monthly Repository of 12th January 1834." XXIII, 659-61.
French News [83]. JSM: [see entry for 29 Dec., 1833]. xxm, 661-3.
19 Jan. Wilson's History of Rome. JSM: "A review of (John Wilson's) 23History of Rome
in Lardner's Cyclopaedia, vol. 1, in the Examiner of 19th January 1834." XXIII, 663-4.
French News [84]. JSM: [see entry for 29 Dec., 1833]. XXHI, 664-70.
26 Jan. French News [85]. JSM: [see entry for 29 Dec., 1833]. XXIII, 670-4.
Feb. Notes on Some of the More Popular Dialogues of Plato: No. I, The Protagoras [ 1].
JSM: "Notes on some of the more Popular Dialogues of Plato, published in various
numbers of the Monthly Repository: viz. No. I. The Protagoras: part 1 in the M.R. for
Feb. 1834 / : part 2 in the M.R. for March 1834. No. II. The Phaedrus: part 1 in the

22MS re,ads "Joviarl".

_Parentheses in MS.
36 Chronological Index

M.R. for June 1834 / : part 2 in the M.R. for Sept. 1834. No. III. The Gorgias: part 1 in
the M.R. for Oct. 1834 / part 2 in the M.R. for Nov. 1834 / part 3 in the M.R. for Dec.
1834. No IV. The Apology of Socrates: part 1 in the M.R. for Feb. 1835 / part 2 in the
M.R. for March 1835." XI, 39-51.
-- The Charmides. 24 XI, 175-86.
-- The Euthyphron. XI, 187-96.
-- The Laches. XI, 197-209.
--The Lysis. XI, 210-21.
-- The Parmenides. XI, 222-38.
2 Feb. Fontana and Prati's St. Simonism in London. JSM: "An article on St. Simonism
being a review of the pamphlet entitled'St. Simonism in London' in the Examiner of 2rid
February 1834." XXIII, 674-80.
-- French News [86]. JSM: [see entry for 29 Dec., 1833]. XXIII, 680-2.
9 Feb. French News [87]. JSM: [see entry for 29 Dec., 1833]. XXIII, 682--4.
16 Feb. French News [88]. JSM: [see entry for 29 Dec., 1833]. XXUI, 684.
Mar. Notes on the Newspapers [1]. JSM: "Notes on the Newspapers: in the Monthly
Repository for March 1834, April 1834, May 1834, June 1834, July 1834, August 1834,
and September 1834." VI, 151-68.
Notes on Some of the More Popular Dialogues of Plato: No. I, The Protagoras [ 2 ].
JSM. [see entry for Feb. ]. XI, 51-61.
2 Mar. French News [89], Examiner. Not on Mill's list. XXIII, 685.
The Poor Law Report. JSM: "A paragraph on the Poor Law Report, in the Examiner
of 2rid March 1834." XXIII, 685-6.
9 Mar. The Poor Laws. JSM: "'An article headed 'The Poor Laws' in the Examiner of 9th
March 1834." XXIII, 686-8.
-- French News [90], Examiner. Not on Mill's list. XXIII, 688.
23 Mar. French News [91 ], Examiner. Not on Mill's list. XXIII, 689.
-- Reply to Dr. Prati. JSM: "A notice in answer to a letter from Dr. Prati, in the
Examiner of 23rd March 1834." XXIIL 689-91.
30 Mar. State of Opinion in France. JSM: "An article headed 'State of Opinion in France'
in the Examiner of 30th March 1834." XXIU, 691-7.
-- French News [92]. JSM: "The summary of French news in the Examiner of 30th
March 1834." XXIII, 698-9.
Apr. Notes on the Newspapers [2]. JSM: [seefirst entry for Mar.]. VI, 168-96.
6 Apr. French News [93]. JSM: "The summary of French news in the Examiner of 6th,
13th, 20th, and 27th April 1834." XXIII, 699-700.
13 Apr. French News [94]. JSM: [see preceding entry]. XXIII, 700-2.
21)Apr. Flower's Songs of the Months [ 1]. JSM: "A notice of the 'Songs of the Months' in
the Examiner of 20th April 1834." XXIII, 702-3.
French News [95]. JSM: [see entry for 6 Apr. ]. XXIII, 703-6.
27 Apr. French News [96]. JSM: [see entry for 6 Apr. ]. XXIH, 706.
May. Miss Martineau's Summary of Political Economy. JSM: "A review of Miss
Martineau's Summary of Political Economy in the Monthly Repository for May 1834."
IV, 223-8.

_l'his andthe next four dialogues wereprepared atthe samenine as the other"Notes onSomeof the
More PopularDialogues of Plato," but were not published.
1834 37

Notes on the Newspapers [3]. JSM: [seefirst entry for Mar. ]. VI, 196-218.
11 May. French News [97 ]. J SM:"The summary of French news in the Examiner of 11th
and 25th May 1834." XXIII, 706-7.
12 May. Walter on the Poor Law Amendment Bill. JSM: "A leading article m the Morning
Chronicle of 12th May 1834, on Mr. Waiter's pamphlet against the Poor Law
Amendment Bill." XXUI, 707-13.
The Poor Law Amendment Bill. JSM: "A leading article on the Poor Law
Amendment Bill in the Sun of 12th May 1834." XXIII, 713-16.
25 May. Death of Lafayette [see entry,for 11 May 1. XXIII, 716-17.
June. Notes on the Newspapers 14]. JSM: [seefirst entry for Mar. ]. VI, 218-44.
The English National Character. JSM: "A 'Letter from an Englishman to a
Frenchman, on a recent apology in the Journal des Ddbats, for the faults of the English
national character' in the Monthly Repository for June 1834. °"XXIII. 717-27.
Notes on Some of the More Popular Dialogues of Plato: No. II. The Phaedrus [ 1].
JSM: [see entry for Feb. ], XI, 62-80.
1 June. Sarah Austin's Translation of Cousin, Examiner. Not on Mill's list. XXIII,
French News [98]. JSM: "The summary of French News in the Examiner of Ist,
22nd, and 29th June, and 6th July 1834." XXIII. 732.
22 June. French News [99]. JSM: [see preceding entry]. XXIII, 733.
29 June. The New Colony [ 1 ]. JSM: "An article headed 'The New Colony' in the Examiner
of 29th June 1834." XXIII, 733-4.
French News [ 100]. JSM: [see second entry for 1 June]. XXIII, 735.
July. Reform in Education. JSM: "A review of Mrs. 25 Austin's Translation of Cousin's
Report on the State of Public Instruction in Prussia, in the Monthly Repository for July
1834." XXI, 61-74.
--Notes on the Newspapers [5]. JSM: [seefirst entry for Mar. ]. VI, 244-55.
6 July. The New Colony [2]. JSM: "An article headed 'The New Colony' and signed A.B.,
in the Examiner of 6th July 1834." XXIII, 735-7.
French News [101 ]. JSM: [see second entry for I June]. XXIII, 737-8.
2t1July. Wakefield's The New British Province of South Australia. JSM: "A review of
E.G. Wakefield's book on South Australia; in the Examiner of 20th July 1834." XXIII,
27 July. French News [ 102]. JSM: "The summary of French news in the Examiner of 27th
July 1834." XXIII, 743.
Aug. Notes on the Newspapers [6]. JSM: [see first entry for Mar. ]. VI, 255-70
2 Aug. The Poor Law Bill. JSM: "A leading article on the Poor Law Bill in the Morning
Chronicle of 2rid August 1834." XXIII, 743-4.
17 Aug. French News [ 103]. JSM: "The summary of French news in the Examiner of 17th,
24th and 31st August 1834." XXIII, 745-6.
24 Aug. Garnier's Deutsches Leben, Kunst, und Pocsie [ 1 ]. JSM: "A short paragraph in the
Examiner of 24th August, on Gamier's German periodical:'Deutsches Leben, Kunst mad
Poesie.'" XXIII, 746.
French News [104]. JSM: [see entry for 17Aug.]. XXIII, 746-7.
31 Aug. French News [105]. JSM: [see entry for 17Aug.]. XXUI, 747-8.

_MS reads "Miss".

38 Chronological Index

Sept. The Close of the Session. JSM: "An article headed 'The Close of the Session' in the
Monthly Repository for Sept. 1834." VI, 281-93.
-- Notes on Some of the More Popular Dialogues of Plato: No. II, The Phaedrus [2].
JSM: [see entry for Feb.]. XI, 80-96.
Notes on the Newspapers [7]. JSM: [seefirst entry for Mar.]. VI, 270-80.
14 Sept. Garnier's Deutsches Leben, Kunst, und Poesie [2]. J SM: "A notice of the fwst two
numbers of Garnier's German Periodical 'Deutsches Leben, Kunst und Poesie' in the
Examiner of 14th September 1834." XXIII, 748-9.
Oct. On Punishment. JSM: "An article headed 'On Punishment' being a review of an
anonymous work by Mr. Jevons of Liverpool; in the Monthly Repository of October
1834." XXI, 75-9.
-- Notes on Some of the More Popular Dialogues of Plato: No. Ill, The Gorgias [ 1].
JSM: [see entry for Feb. ]. XI, 97-119.
23 Oct. New Australian Colony. JSM: "A letter in the Morning Chronicle of 23rd Oct.
1834, signed A.B. and headed 'New Australian Colony.'" XXIII, 749-51.
Nov. Notes on Some of the More Popular Dialogues of Plato: No. HI, The Gorgias [2].
JSM: [see entry for Feb. ]. XI, 120-35.
-- Dr. King's Lecture on the Study of Anatomy. JSM: "A brief notice of Dr. King's
lecture on the study of anatomy; in the Monthly Repository for November 1834." XXXI,
Dec. Notes on Some of the More Popular Dialogues of Plato: No. HI, The Gorgias [3].
JSM: [see entry for Feb. ]. XI, 135-50.


3 Jan. Senior's On National Property [1]. JSM: "A leading article on a pamphlet (by
Senior) 26 entitled 'On National Property, and on the Prospects of the Present Admin-
istration and of their Successors'; in the Sun of 3rd January 1835." XXIV, 753-9.
4 Jan. Flower's Songs of the Months [2]. JSM: "A notice of Miss Flower's 'Songs of the
Months' in the Examiner of 4 January 1835." XXIV, 759-60.
6 Jan. The Word "Destructive." JSM: "A leading article on the word 'Destructive' in the
Globe of 6th January 1835." XXIV, 760-3.
Feb. Notes on Some of the More Popular Dialogues of Plato: No. IV, The Apology of
Socrates [ 1 ]. JSM: [see entry for Feb. 1834]. XI, 151-62.
6 Feb. Senior's On National Property [2]. JSM: "A leading article in the Morning
Chronicle of 6th (?) [sic] February 1835, on the 2rid ed. of Senior' s27pamphlet." XXIV,
12 Feb. Bribery and Intimidation at Elections. JSM: "A leading article in the Globe of 12th
February 1835 on the bribery and intimidation at elections." XXIV, 767-9.
Mar. Notes on Some of the More Popular Dialogues of Plato: No. IV, The Apology of
Socrates [2]. JSM: [see entry for Feb. 1834]. XI, 162-74.
Apr. Sedgwick's Discourse. JSM: "A review of Sedgwick's 'Discourse on the Studies of
the University,' headed 'Professor Sedgwiek's Discourse--State of Philosophy in

_MS reads"Senin".
zTMSreads "Scnin's".
1834-1836 39

England', in the first number of the London Review (April, 1835)." X, 31-74; D&D, I,
Postscript to the London Review, No. 1. JSM: "The Postscript to No. 1 of the
London Review." VI, 289-93.
17 Apr. The London Review on Municipal Corporation Reform. JSM: "A notice of the
Article on Municipal Corporation Reform in No. 1 of the London Review: in the Globe
[and Traveller] of 17th April 1835." XXIV, 769-74.
June. The Monster Trial. JSM: "An article headed 'The Monster Trial' in the Monthly
Repository for June 1835." XX, 123-9.
22 June. Senior's Preface to the Foreign Communications in the Poor Law Report. JSM:
"A leading article, in the Globe [and Traveller ] of 22nd June 1835, on Senior's Preface to
the Foreign Communications (Poor Law Report).'" XXIV, 774-6.
July. Rationale of Representation. JSM: "A review of Bailey's 'Rationale of Political
Representation' in the second number of the London Review (July 1835).'" XVIII.
15-46; in part in D&D, I, 467-70.
Tennyson's Poems. JSM: "A review of Tennyson's Poems in the same number of
the same work." I, 395-418.
Parliamentary Proceedings of the Session. JSM: "The article entitled 'Parliament-
ary Proceedings of the Session' in the same number of the same work." VI, 295-308.
8 Sept. First Report of the Poor Law Commissioners. JSM: "A notice of the First Report of
the Commissioners under the Poor Laws Amendment Act, printed as a leading article in
the Globe [and Traveller] of 8th September 1835." XXIV, 776-8.
Oct. Editorial Notes [1], [2], London and Westminster Review. Not on Mill's list.
I, 598-9.
De Tocqueville on Democracy in America [1]. JSM: "A review of De
Tocqueville's 'Democracy in America' in the third number of the London Review
(October 1835)." XVIII, 47-90; in part in D&D, I, 470-4, II, 34-5.
Postscript: The Close of the Session. JSM: "The article entitled 'Close of the
Session' in the same number of the same work." VI, 309-17.
9 Oct. The House of Lords [ 1]. JSM: "A letter signed A. on the Reform of the House of
Lords, in the Globe of 9th October 1835." XXIV, 779-82.
16 Oct. The House of Lords [2]. JSM: "A second letter signed A. on the Reform of the
House of Lords, in the Globe of 16th Oct. 1835." XXIV, 782-5.
23 Oct. Grant's Arithmetic for Young Children and Exercises for the Improvement of the
Senses. JSM: "A notice of Grant's'Arithmetic for young children' and'Exercises on the
Senses' in the Globe of 23rd October 1835." XXIV, 785-7.


Minute on the Black Act. XXX, 11-15.

Jan. State of Society in America. JSM: "An article entitled 'State of Society in America,'
being a review of works on the United States; in the fourth number of the London
Review." XVUI, 91-115.
l"Guizot's Lectures on European Civilization. JSM: "Part of the article 2s on

40 Chronological Index

Guizot's Lectures on European Civilization, in the same number of the same work." XX,
367-93. (With Joseph Blanco White. )
Editorial Notes [3]. JSM: "The note introductory to the article on Victor Hugo, in
the same number of the same work." I, 599-600.
Apr. Editorial Notes [4], [5 ], [6], [7 ], London and Westminster Review. Not on Mill's list.
I, 600-1.
Civilization. JSM: "An article entitled 'Civilization--Signs of the Times' in the
London and Westminster Review for April (No. 5 and 48)." XVRI, 117-47; D&D, I,
State of Politics in 1836. JSM: "An article entitled 'State of Politics in 1836,' and
headed 'Commencement of the Session'--'Progress of Reform,' in the same number of
the same review." VI, 319-28.
July. Walsh's Contemporary History. JSM: "An article headed 'Tories, Whigs, and
Radicals' being a Review of Sir John Walsh's 'Chapters of Contemporary History,' in the
London and Westminster Review for July 1836 (No. 6 and 49)." VI, 329-48.
-- Editorial Notes [8], [9], London and Westminster Review. Not on Mill's list. I,
Oct. Editorial Notes [ 10], London and Westminster Review. Not on Mill's list. I, 602.
-- On the Definition of Political Economy. JSM: "An article headed 'On the
Definition of Political Economy, and on the method of philosophical investigation in that
science'--running title 29 'Political Economy, what--Nature and Methods of Political
Philosophy.' In the London and Westminster Review for October 1836 (No. 7 and 50)
but written five years before, in the autumn 1831, rewritten in the summer of 1833." IV,
309-39. (See also 1844 below. )


Jan. Aphorisms: Thoughts in the Cloister and the Crowd. JSM: "A review of a book
entitled 'Thoughts in the Cloister and the Crowd'--running title: 3° 'Aphorisms.' In the
London and Westminster Review for January 1837 (No. 8 and 51 )." I, 419-29; in part in
D&D, I, 206-10.
Editorial Notes [ 11 ], [ 12], London and Westmmster Review. Not on Mill's list. I,
29 Jan. Wakefield's Popular Politics. JSM: "A notice of E.G. Wakefield's 'Popular
Politics' in the Examiner of 29th January 1837." XXIV, 787-91.
22 Feb. The Sale of Colonial Land. JSM: "A leading article in the True Sun of 22rid
February 1837, on Mr. Ward's intended motion 31 respecting the sale of land in the
colonies." XXIV, 791-3.
Apr. Fonblanque's England under Seven Administrations. JSM: "A review of Fonblan-
que's 'England under Seven Admimstrataons '32 in the London and Westminster Review
for April 1837 (No. 9 and 52)." VI, 349-80.

zgMSreads "to the".

_/dS reads "to the".
3_MSreads"on Milward's intended notion".
32MSreads"seven Administrators".
1836-1838 41

tTaylor's Statesman. JSM: "Part of the article on Taylor's 'Statesman' in the same
number of the same review." XIX, 617-47. (With George Grote. )
Editorial Notes [13 ], London and Westminster Review. Not on Mill's list. I, 603-4.
-- tThe Vixen, and Circassia. Not on Mill's list. XXXI, 345-58. (With Charles
29 Apr, Commercial Crisis in the United States of America, Guide. Not on Mill's list.
XXIV, 793-4.
July. Carlyle's French Revolution. JSM: "A review of Carlyle's History of the French
Revolution, in the same review [i.e., London and Westminster] for July 1837. (No. 10
and 53.)" XX, 131-66.
-- tThe Spanish Question. JSM: "Part of the article on Spanish affairs in the same
number of the same review." XXXI, 359-88. (With an unknown collaborator.)
6 Aug. Nichol's Views of the Architecture of the Heavens. JSM: "A notice of Nichol's
Architecture of the Heavens. in the Examiner for 6th August 1837." XXIV, 794-6.
Oct. Parties and the Ministry. JSM: "An article entitled 'Parties and the Ministry,' in the
London and Westminster Review for October, 1837 (No. 11 and 54)." VI, 381-404.
-- Armand Carrel. JSM: "An article entitled 'Armand Carrel' in the same number of
the same review.'" XX, 167-215; D&D, I, 211-83.
-- Editorial Notes [ 14], London and Westminster Review. Not on Mill's list. I, 604.
2 Dec. Molesworth's Address to the Electors of Leeds. JSM: "The whole (except a few
words at the beginning and end) of Sir W. Molesworth's 33 address to the Electors of
leeds reprinted in the Spectator of 3rd [sic] December 1837 and in the Morning
Chronicle of the following day." XXIV, 797-801.


Jan. Editorial Notes [ 15 ], London and Westminster Review. Not on Mill' s list. I, 604.
Ware's Letters from Palmyra. J SM: "A review of a book entitled 'Letters of Lucius
Piso from Palmyra' in the London and Westminster Review for January 1838. (No. 12
and 55.)" I, 431-61; in part in D&D, I, 284-6.
-- Radical Party and Canada: Lord Durham and the Canadians. JSM: "An article
entitled 'Lord Durham and the Canadians' in the same number of the same review." VI.
Apr. Writings of Alfred de Vigny. JSM: "An article on the 'Poems and Romances of Alfred
de Vigny' in the same number of the same review [ infact the next number ] ." I, 463-501;
D&D, I, 287-329.
Aug. Bentham. JSM: "An article on Bentham, in the London and Westminster Review for
August 1838 (No. 6)." X, 75-115; D&D, I, 330-92.
Milnes' s Poems. JSM: "A review of Mitnes' Poems in the same number of the same
review." I, 503-16.
Penal Code for India. JSM: "A review of the proposed Penal Code for India in the
same number of the same review." XXX, 17-30.
--- Lord Durham and His Assailants. JSM: "An article headed 'Lord Durham and his
Assailants' in the second edition of the same number of the same review." VI, 437-43.

33MS re.,a_s "Mileswoi_da's ''.

42 Chronological Index

-- Editorial Notes [ 16], [ 17], London and Westminster Review. Not on Mill's list. I,
16 Sept. Exception to the Objections to Nominal Punishments. JSM: "A letter in defence of
the last mentioned article 34 ["Lord Durham and His Assailants"], in the Examiner of
16th Sept. 1838." XXIV, 801-3.
Dec. Editorial Notes [ 18 ], London and Westminster Revtew. Not on Mill's list. I, 605-6.
-- Lord Durham's Return. JSM: "An article entitled 'Lord Durham's Return' in the
London and Westminster Review for December 1838 (No. 62)." VI, 445-64.


Apr. Reorganization of the Reform Party. JSM: "An article headed 'Reorganization of the
Radical [sic] Party' m the London and Westminster Review for April 1839 (No. 63)."
-- Editorial Notes [ 19], [20], [21 ], London and Westminster Review. Not on Mill's
list. I, 606-7.
Oct. Editorial Notes [22], London and Westminster Review. Not on Mill's list. I, 607.


Mar. Coleridge. JSM: "An article on Coleridge, in the London and Westminster Review
for March 1840 (No. 65)." X, 117-63; D&D, I, 393-466.
Apr. Calendar of Odours. XXXI, 257.
Sept. Two Publications on Plato. JSM: "A short notice of two publications on Plato, in the
Miscellaneous Notices of the Westminster Review for Sept. 1840 (No. 67)." XI,
-- Milnes's Poetry for the People. JSM: "A short notice of Milnes '35 Poetry for the
people, in the same number of the same review." I, 517-21.
-- Essays on Government. JSM: "A short notice of a book entitled 'Essays on
Government' in the same number of the same review." XV_I, 149-52.
Oct. De Tocqueville on Democracy in America [2]. JSM: "A review of Tocqueville's
'Democracy in America' in the Edinburgh Review for October 1840 (No. 145)." XVIII,
153-204; D&D, 13, 1-83.


Jim. Smith on Law Reform. JSM: "A short notice of a pamphlet on Law Reform by William
Smith, in the Miscellaneous Notices of the Westminster Review for January 1841. (No.
68.)" XXI, 81-4.
Jtm¢. Rare Plants in West Surrey. JSM: "Various lists of plants found in different parts of
England, in a monthly publication, called the Phytologist during 1841." XXXI, 258.
Isatis Tinctoria. JSM: [see preceding entry]. XXXI, 258.
17 June. Petition for Free Trade. JSM: "The Kensington Petition for free-trade, agreed to at

_MS reads "articles".

3_MSreads "Milne's".
1838-1843 43

a public meeting held on the 15th June 1841, and printed in the Morning Chronicle of
June 17th." XXIV, 803-6 (V, 761-3).
29 July. Sterling's The Election. JSM: "A notice of Sterling's Poem of the Election, in the
Morning Chronicle of July 29th 1841." XXIV, 806-11.
Aug. Notes on Plants Growing in the Neighbourhood of Guildford, Surrey. JSM: [see first
entry for June]. XXXI, 258-60.
Sept. Cnicus Fosteri. JSM:.[seefirst entry for June]. XXXI, 260.
-- Additional Guildford Stations. JSM. [see first entry for June]. XXXI, 261.
Nov. Polygonum Dumetorum. JSM: [see first entry for June]. XXXI. 261.
Rarer Plants in the Isle of Wight. JSM: [see flrst entt3'for June]. XXXI, 262-3.


A Few Observations on Mr. Mill, Encyclopaedia Britannica. Not on Mill's list. I, 595.
Jan. Corrections and Additions in List of Plants in the Isle of Wight, Phytologist. Not on
Mill's list. XXXI, 263.
Carpenter's Physiology. JSM: "A short notice of Dr. Carpenter's Principles of
General and Comparative Physiology, in the Westminster Review for January 1842 (No.
72)." XXXI, 323-4.
1 Jan. Puseyism [ 1 ]. JSM: "Two letters on Puseyism, signed Historicus, in the Morning
Chronicle of 12th [sic] and 13th January 1842." XXIV, 811-15.
13 Jan, Puseyism [2]. JSM: [see preceding entry.]. XXIV, 815-22.
20 Aug. tReport on the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain.
JSM: "The greater part of an article on Chadwick's 'Report on the Sanitary Condition of
the Labouring Population in Great Britain' in the Examiner of 20th August 1842."
XXIV, 822-30. (With an unknown collaborator. )
Oct. Bailey on Berkeley's Theory of Vision [ 1]. JSM: "A review of Bailey's 'Review of
Berkeley's Theory of Vision' in the Westminster Review for October 1842 (No. 75)."
XI, 245-65; D&D, II, 84-114. [See also May 1843.]
4 Oct. Lord Ashburton's Treaty. JSM: "A letter signed A on Lord Ashhurton's Treaty with
America, in the Morning Chronicle of 4th October 1842." XXIV, 830-36.


28 Jan. Torrens's Letter to Sir Robert Peel. JSM: "A review of Col. Torrens'36 Letter to Sir
Robert Peel 'on the Condition of the country' in the Spectator of 28th January 1843."
XXIV, 836-41.
Feb. Macaulay's Lays of Ancient Rome. JSM: "A review of Macaulay's'Lays of Ancient
Rome' in the Westminster Review for Feb. 1843 (No. 76)." I, 523-32.
20 Feb. Lord Brougham and M. de Tocqueville. JSM: "A letter signed A and headed 'Lord
Brougham and M. de Tocqueville' in the Morning Chronicle of 20th February 1843."
XXIV, 841-4.
Mar. A System of Logic. JSM: "A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive, being a

36MSreads "Torens'".
44 Chronological Index

connected view of the Principles of Evidence and the Methods of Scientific Investigation.
In 2 vols. 8vo." VII & VIII. 37
May. Bailey on Berkeley's Theory of Vision [2]. JSM: "A review of Bailey's 'Letter to a
Philosopher respecting Berkeley's Theory of Vision'; in the Westminster Review for
May 1843 (No. 77)." XI, 265-9; D&D, II, 114-19. [See also Oct. 1842.]
Dec. The Phytologist; a Botanical Magazine. JSM: "A short notice of 'The Phytologist' in
the Miscellaneous Notices of the Westminster Review for December 1843 (No. [79])."
XXXI, 263-5.


Jan. Michelet's History of France. JSM: "A review of Michelet's History of France in the
Edinburgh Review for January 1844 (No. 159)." XX, 217-55; D&D, II, 120-80.
Letter to the _.ditor of the Edinburgh Review, on James Mill. JSM: "A Letter to the

Editor in vindication 38of my father, in the same number of the same review." 1,533-8. !
20 Apr. The Bank Charter Question [1]. JSM: "A leading article on the Bank Charter
Question in the Morning Chronicle of 20th April 1844." XXIV, 844-7. :;
26 Apr. The Bank Charter Question [2]. JSM: "A second leading article on the Bank
Charter Question in the Morning Chronicle of 26th April 1844." XXIV, 847-52.
27 Apr. The Bank Charter Question [3 ]. JSM: "A third leading article on the Bank Charter
Question in the Morning Chronicle of 27th April 1844." XXIV, 852-6.
30 Apr. The Bank Charter Question [4]. JSM: "A fourth leading article on the Bank Charter
Question in the Morning Chronicle of 30th April 1844." XXIV, 856-9.
May. Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy. JSM: "Essays on some
unsettled Questions on Political Economy, in one vol. 8vo (four new ,39 though written in
1830, the fifth a reprint, with some alterations, from the article in the London and
Weslminster Review of October 1836)." IV, 229-339. [See also Oct. 1836. ]
June. The Currency Question. JSM: "An article headed 'The Currency Question' being a
review of pamphlets by Tooke 4° and Torrens on currency, in the Westminster Review for
June 1844 (No. 2)." IV, 341-61.


Feb. Notes on the Species of Oenanthe, Phytologist. Not on Mill's list. XXXI, 265-6.
Apr. The Claims of Labour. JSM: "A review of a book entitled 'The Claims of Labour' (by
Arthur Helps Esq.) in the Edinburgh review for April 1845." IV, 363-89; D&D, II,

37As indicatedabove, thts list does not includefu_qhereditions andreprints,which arealso omitted
fromMill's ownlist, with one exceplaon.Whenthe 2nded. of hisLogic appearedin 1846, he hadtwo
mucht_-visedchaptersoff-printed as a pamphlet,for the use of thosewhohad bought the 1sted. (and
evidently not foreseeing the major revisions still to come). On his list, following the entry for
"Duveyrier's Political Views of French Affairs" (Apr. 1846), he includesthatpamphlet, describingit
as"Two Chaptersof the'System of Logic,' viz. Book HI,ch. 18'On the Calculationof Chances,' and
BookHI, ch. 25 'On thegroundsof disbelief,' partiallyrewrittenfor theSecond Editionof the work."
3aMSreads "indication".
agMSreads "from news".
_MS reads "Torke".
1843-1846 45

Correction of an Error in the Notes on the Species of Oenanthe, Phytologist. Not on

Mill's list. XXXI, 266.
June. De Quincey's Logic of Political Economy. JSM: "A review of De Quincey's 41Logic
of Political Economy in the Westminster Review for June 1845." IV, 391-404.
Oct. Guizot's Essays and Lectures on History. JSM: "An article on Guizot's Essays and
Lectures on History, in the Edinburgh Review for October 1845." XX, 257-94; D&D,
II, 218-82.


13 Jan. The Malt Tax. JSM: "A leading article on the Malt Tax, in the Morning Chronicle
of 13th January 1846." XXIV, 859-62.
19 Jan. The Poor Rates as a Burden on Agriculture. JSM: "A leading article on Poor Rates
as a burthen on agriculture in the Morning Chronicle of 19th January 1846." XXIV,
10 Feb. tThe Acquittal of Captain Johnstone. JSM: "A leading article on the acquittal of
Capt. Johnstone of the '[Tory]' in the Morning Chronicle of 10th February 1846, a joint
production--very little of which was mine." XXIV, 865-6. (With HTM. )
Apr. Duveyfier's Political Views of French Affairs. JSM: "A review of Duveyrier's 42
political pamphlets in the Edinburgh Review for April 1846." XX, 295-316; in part in
XVIII, 201-4 and D&D, 11, 78-83.
4 Apr. Grote's History of Greece [ 1 ]. JSM: "A notice of the first two volumes of Grote's
History of Greece in the Spectator of 4th April 1846." XXIV, 867-75.
13 June. _'Dr. Ellis's Conviction. JSM: "A leading article on a verdict of manslaughter
against a hydropathic practinoner m the Morning Chronicle of 13th June 1846, very little
of this was mine." XXIV, 875-7. (With HTM.)
OCt. Grote's History of Greece [I]. JSM: "A review of the first two volumes of Grote's
History of Greece in the Edinburgh Review for October 1846." XI, 271-305; D&D, II,
$ Oct. The Condition of Ireland [ 1]. JSM: "A leading article on Irish affairs in the Morning
Chronicle of 5th October 1846." XXIV, 879-82
6 Oct. i'The Case of Private Matthewson. JSM: "A leading article on the case of Private
Thomas Matthewson, in the Morning Chronicle of 6th October 1846, a joint production
very little of which was mine." XXIV, 882-5. (With HTM. )
7 Oct. The Condition of Ireland [2]. JSM: "A second leading article on Irish affairs in the
Morning Chronicle of 7th October 1846." XXIV, 885-8.
10 OCt. The Condition of Ireland [3]. JSM: "A third leading article on Irish affairs in the
Morning Chronicle of 10th October 1846." XXIV, 889-92.
13 Oct. The Condition of Ireland [4]. JSM: "A fourth leading article on Irish affairs, in the
Morning Chronicle of 13th October 1846." XXIV, 892-5.
14 Oct. The Condition of Ireland [5]. JSM: "A fifth leading article on Irish affairs in the
Morning Chronicle of 14th October 1846." XXIV, 895-8.
15 Oct. The Condition of Ireland [6]. JSM: "A sixth leading article on Irish affairs in the
Morning Chronicle of 15th October 1846." XXIV, 898-901.

41MSreads "Luciney's'.
46 Chronological Index

17 Oct. The Condition of Ireland [7 ]. JSM: "A seventh leading article on Irish affairs, in the
Morning Chronicle of 17th October (the second leader)." XXIV, 901-4.
21 Oct. The Condition of Ireland [8 ]. JSM: "'An eighth leading article on Irish affairs, in the
Morning Chronicle of 21st Oct. 1846." XXIV, 904-7.
2,2Oct. The Condition of Ireland [9]. JSM: "A ninth leading article on Irish affairs in the
Morning Chronicle of 22nd OCt. 1846." XXIV, 908-10.
2,3OCt. The Condition of Ireland [ 10]. JSM: "A tenth leading article on Irish affairs, in the
Morning Chronicle of 23rd October 1846 (the second leader)." XXIV, 910-13.
26 Oct. The Condition of lreland [ 11 ]. JSM: "An eleventh leading article on Irish affairs in
the Morning Chronicle of 26th October 1846." XXIV, 913-16.
Oct. 5"TheSuicide of Sarah Brown. JSM: "A leading article on the suicide of one Sarah
Brown, in the Morning Chronicle of 28th Oct. 1846. A joint production." XXIV,
916-19. (With HTM.)
29 Oct. The Condition of Ireland [ 12]. JSM: "A twelfth leading article on Irish affairs in the
Morning Chronicle of 29th Oct. 1846." XXIV, 919-22.
31 (let. Poulett Scrope on the Poor Laws. JSM: "A leading article on Poor Laws, in the
Morning Chronicle of 31st Oct. 1846." XXIV, 923-6.
2 Nov. The Condition of Ireland [ 13]. JSM: "A thirteenth leading article on Irish affairs in
the Morning Chronicle of 2nd Nov. 1846." XXIV, 927-30.
3 Nov. The Condition of Ireland [ 14]. JSM: "A fourteenth leading article on Irish affairs in
the Morning Chromcle of 3rd Nov. 1846." XXIV, 930-2.
5 Nov. The Condition of Ireland [15]. JSM: "A fifteenth leading article on Irish affairs in
the Morning Chronicle of 5th Nov. 1846." XXIV, 932-5.
6 Nov. The Condition of Ireland [ 16]. JSM: "A sixteenth leading article on Irishaffairs, in
the Morning Chronicle of 6th Nov. 1846." XXIV, 935-8.
9 Nov. The Condition of Ireland [ 17]. JSM: "A seventeenth leading article on Irish affairs,
in the Morning Chronicle of 9th Nov. 1846." XXIV, 938-42.
11 Nov. The Condition of Ireland [ 18]. JSM: "An eighteenth leading article on hash affairs,
in the Morning Chronicle of 1 lth Nov. 1846." XXIV, 942-5.
12 Nov. The Appointment of Judges under the New Local Courts Act. JSM: "A leading
article on the appointment of judges under the new Local Courts Act, in the Morning
Chronicle of 12th November 1846." XXIV, 945-9.
16 Nov. The Condition of Ireland ] 19]. JSM: "A nineteenth leading article on Irish affairs in
the Morning Chronicle of 16th November 1846." XXIV, 949-52.
17 Nov. tThe Case of William Bum. JSM: "A leading article on the case of one William
Bum convicted of ill-treating his horse; in the Morning Chronicle of 17th Nov. 1846.
Very little of this was mine." XXIV, 952-4. (With HTM. )
19 Nov. The Condition of Ireland [20]. JSM: "A twentieth leading article on Irish affairs in
the Morning Chronicle of 19th November 1846 (peasant properties)." XXW, 955-8.
24 Nov. The Condition of Ireland [21 ]. JSM: "A twenty first leading article on Irish affairs
in the Morning Chronicle of 2,4th Nov. 1846." XXIV, 958-62.
25 Nov. The Condition of Ireland [22], JSM: "A twenty second leading article on Irish
affairs, in the Morning Chronicle of 25th November 1846 (the second leader)." XXIV,
27 Nov. The Condition of Ireland [23 ]. JSM: "A twenty third leading article on Irishaffairs,
in the Morning Chronicle of 27th Nov. 1846 (the second leader)." XXIV, 965-7.
1846-1847 47

30 Nov. The Condition of Ireland [24]. JSM: "A twenty fourth leading article on Irish
affairs, in the Morning Chronicle of 30th November 1846 (the second leader) (peasant
properties)." XXIV, 968-71.
2 Dec. The Condition of Ireland [25]. JSM: "A twenty fifth leading article on Irish affairs,
in the Morning Chronicle of 2nd Dec. 1846 (peasant properties)." XXIV, 972-5.
3 Dec. The Condition of Ireland [26 ]. JSM:" A twenty sixth leading article on Irishaffairs,
in the Morning Chronicle of 3 Dec. 1846 (peasant properties)." XXIV, 975-7.
7 Dec. The Condition of Ireland [27]. JSM: "A twenty seventh leading article on Irish
affairs, in the Morning Chronicle of 7th December 1846." XXIV, 978-80.
8 Dec. The Condition of Ireland [28 ]. JSM: "A twenty eighth leading article on Irish affairs,
in the Morning Chronicle of 8th December 1846." XXIV, 980-3.
9 Dec, The Condition of Ireland [29]. JSM: "A twenty ninth leading article on Irish affairs,
in the Morning Chronicle of 9th Dec. 1846 (peasant proprietors)." XXIV, 984-7.
11 Dec. The Condition of Ireland [30]. JSM: "A thirtieth leading article on Irish affairs, m
the Morning Chronicle of 1lth December 1846 (peasant proprietors)." XXIV, 988-91.
12 Dec. The Condition of Ireland [31 ]. JSM: "A thirty first leading article on Irish affairs, in
the Morning Chronicle of 12th December 1846." XXIV, 991-3.
15 Dec. The Condition of Ireland [32]. JSM: "A thirty second leading article on Irish
affairs, in the Morning Chronicle of 15th Dec. 1846." XXIV, 994-7.
16 Dec. The Condition of Ireland [33]. JSM: "A thirty tlurd leading article on Irish affairs,
in the Morning Chronicle of 16th Dec. 1846." XXIV, 997-1000.
17 Dec. The Condition of Ireland[34]. JSM: "A thirty fourth leading article on Irish affairs,
in the Morning Chronicle of 17th December 1846." XXIV, 1001-4.
19 Dec. The Condition of Ireland [35]. JSM: "A thirty fifth leading article on Irish affairs,
in the Morning Chronicle of 19th Dec. 1846 (the third leader)." XXIV, 1004-8.
22 Dec. The Condition of Ireland [36]. JSM: "A thirty sixth leading article on Irish affairs,
in the Morning Chronicle of 22rid Dec. 1846." XXIV, 1008-11.
23 Dec. The Condition of Ireland [37]. JSM: "A thirty seventh leading article on Irish
affairs, in the Morning Chronicle of 23rd Dec. 1846." XXIV, 1011-15.
24 Dec. The Condition of Ireland [38 ]. JSM: "A thirty eighth leading article on Irish affairs,
in the Morning Chronicle of 24th December 1846 (the second leader )." XXIV, 1015-17.
26 Dec. The Condition of Ireland [39]. JSM: "A thirty ninth leading article on Irish affairs,
in the Morning Chronicle of 26th December 1846." XXIV, 1017-20.
29 Dec. tThe Case of the North Family. JSM: "A leading article on the case of the North
family in the Vice Chancellor's Court, in the Morning Chronicle of 29th December 1846.
Very little of this article was mine." XXIV, 1020-3. (With HTM.)


1"Paperson Women's Rights. XXI, 378-92. (With HTM. )

1Jan. The Condition of Ireland [40]. JSM: "A fortieth leading article on Irish affairs, in the
Morning Chronicle of 1st January 1847." XXIV, 1024-6.
4 Jan. The Condition of Ireland [41 ]. JSM: "A forty first leading article on Irish affairs, in
the Morning Chronicle of 4 Jan. 1847." XXIV, 1026-30.
6 Jan. The Condition of Ireland [421. JSM: "A forty second leading article on Irish affairs,
in the Morning Chronicle of 6th Jan. 1847. (The second leader. )" XXIV, 1030-3.
48 Chronological Index

7 Jan, The Condition of Ireland [43]. JSM: "A forty third leading article on Irish affairs, in
the Morning Chronicle of 7th Jan. 1847." XXIV, 1033-5.
9 Jan. The Quarterly Review on French Agriculture [ 1]. JSM: "A fwst leading article in
reply to the Quarterly Review on French Agriculture, in the Morning Chronicle of 9th
Jan. 1847." XXIV, 1035-9.
11 Jan. The Quarterly Review on French Agriculture [ 2 ]. JSM: "A second leading article in
reply to the Quarterly Review, on French agriculture, in the Morning Chronicle of 1 lth
January 1847." XXIV, 1040-6 (II, 434-9).
13 Jan. The Quarterly Review on French Agriculture [3]. JSM: "A third leading article in
reply to the Quarterly Review, on French agriculture, in the Morning Chronicle of 13th
January 1847." XXIV, 1046-51 (II, 439-44).
16 Jan. The Quarterly Review on French Agriculture [4]. JSM: "A fourth leading article in
reply to the Quartrrly Review on French agriculture, in the Morning Chronicle of 16th
Jan. 1847." XXIV, 1051-8 (II, 444-51).
5 Feb. The Irish Debates in the House of Commons. JSM: "A leading article on the Irish
debates in the House of Commons, in the Morning Chronicle of 5th February 1847."
XXIV, 1058-62.
6 Feb. Austin on Centralization. JSM: "A leading article on Mr. Austin's article in the
Edinburgh Review on Centralization, in the Morning Chronicle of 6th Feb. 1847." r
XXIV, 1062-6. !
17 Mar. The Proposed Irish Poor Law [ 1]. JSM: "A leading article on the proposed Irish i
Poor Law, in the Morning Chronicle of 17th March 1847." XXIV, 1066-9.
19 Mar. The Proposed Irish Poor Law [2]. JSM: "A leading article on the same subject, in
the Morning Chronicle of 19th March 1847." XXIV, 1069-73.
23 Mar. The General Fast. JSM: "A leading article on the General Fast, in the Morning
Chronicle of 23rd March 1847." XXIV, 1073-5.
7 Apr. Emigration from Ireland. JSM: "A leading article on Emigration from Ireland, in the
Morning Chronicle of 7th April 1847." XXIV, 1075-8.
-- "Sanitary" v. "Sanatory." JSM: "A letter signed 'Orthographicus' in the Times of
7th April 1847 on the spelling of the word Sanitary." XXIV, 1078-9.
16 Apr. The Opening of the Prussian Diet. JSM: "A leading article on the opening of the
Prussian diet, in the Morning Chronicle of 15th [sic] April 1847." XXIV, 1079-82.
2 June. 1"Enlightened Infidelity, unpublished letter to the editor of The Reasoner. XXIV,
1082--4. (With HTM.)
5 June. Grote's History of Greece [2]. JSM: "A notice of the 3rd and 4th volumes of
Grote's History of Greece, in the Spectator of 5th June 1847." XXIV, 1084-8.
11 Dec. Eug6ne Sue. JSM: "A letter signed J.S. in the Examiner of 1 lth December 1847
remonstrating against an attack on Sue's novel of Martin l'Enfant trouv6." XXV,


What Is to be Done with Ireland? VI, 497-503.

lg Mar. The Provisional Government in France. JSM: "A letter signed J.S.M. in the
Spectator of 18th March 1848, on some proceedings of the Provisional Government of
France." XXV, 1091-3.
1847-1849 49

Apr. tPrinciples of Political Economy. JSM: "Principles of Political Economy, with some
of their applications to Social Philosophy. In 2 vols 8vo. A joint production with my
wife." II & Ill: in part in C&S, 1-96. (With HTM.)
after 9 Apr. tG-eorge Sand, unpublished letter to the editor of the Voix des Femmes. XXV,
1094-5, 1260-1. (With HTM.)
13 May. England and Ireland. JSM: "A letter signed M on 'England and Ireland" in the
Examiner of 13th May 1848.'" XXV, 1095-1100.
8 July. The Reform Debate. JSM: "A leading article on the Reform Debate ( 1st leader) in
the Daily News of 8th July 1848." XXV, 1101-4.
19 July. On Reform. JSM: "A leading article on Reform ( 1st leader), in the Daily News of
19th July 1848." XXV, 1104-7.
25 July. Electoral Districts. JSM: "A leading article on Electoral Districts and against Mr.
Talfourd's 43 speech, in the Daily News of 25th July 1848." XXV, 1107-9.
9 Aug. French Affairs. JSM: "A leading article on French affairs in the Daily News of 9th
August 1848." XXV, 1110-12.
12 Aug. Landed Tenure in Ireland. JSM: "A leading article on landed tenure in Ireland, in
the Daily News of 12th August 1848." XXV, 1112-15.
19 Aug. The French Law against the Press. JSM: "An article headed "from a
Correspondent' on the French law against the press, in the Spectator of 19th August
1848." XXV, 1116-18.
2 Sept. Bain's On the Applications of Science to Human Health and Well-Being,
Examiner. Not on Mill's list. XXV, 1118-20.


3 Mar. Grote's History of Greece [3]. JSM: "A first notice of the 5th and 6th volumes of
Grote's History of Greece, in the Spectator of 3rd March 1849." XXV, 1121-8.
10 Mar. Grote's History of Greece [4 ]. JSM:" A second notice of the same, in the Spectator
of 10th March 1849." XXV, 1128-34.
26 Mar. The Attempt to Exclude Unbelievers from Parliament. JSM: "A leading article on
the attempt to exclude unbelievers from parliament, in the Daily News of 26th March
1849." XXV, 1135-8.
Apr. Vindication of the French Revolution of February 1848. JSM: "A review of Lord
Brougham's 44 pamphlet on the French revolution, in the Westminster Review for April
1849." XX, 317-63,394-400; D&D, n, 335-410,555-63.
14 July. tCorporal Punishment. JSM: "A leading article on coIlaoral punishment, in the
Daily News of 14th July 1849. A joint production, very little of which was mine." XXV,
1138-41. (With HTM.)
3 Oct. The Czar and the Hungarian Refugees in Turkey [ 1]. JSM: "A letter signed J.S.M. in
the Daily News of 3rd October 1849 on the case of the Hungarian refugees in Turkey."
XXV, 1141-3.
6 Oct. The Czar and the Hungarian Refugees in Turkey [2]. JSM: "A letter on the same
subject and with the same signature but of which a part only was printed, in the Examiner
of 7th [sic] October 1849." XXV, 1143-4.
43MS reads "Talfurd's".
"*MSmuis "Bunghan's".
50 Chronological Index

30 Oct. M. Cabet. JSM: "A letter signed D in the Daily News of 30th October 1849 on M.
Cabet." XXV, 1144-6.
8 Dec. Lechevalier's Declaration. JSM: "A few words on M. Jules [Lechevalier's] letter to
[Dufaure] and [his Declaration]; in the Spectator of 8th December 1849." XXV,


Jan. The Negro Question. JSM: "A letter to the Editor of Fraser's Magazine, in answer to
an attack by Carlyle on the 'rights of negroes,' published under the signature D in Fraser's
Magazine for January 1850. Copied into the Daily News of 2nd Jan." XXI, 85-95.
2 Jan. The Californian Constitution. JSM: "A leading article on the Californian
Constitution, in the Daily News of 2nd January 1850." XXV, 1147-51.
5 Feb. tThe Case of Mary Ann Parsons [ 1]. JSM: "A leading article on a case of atrocity
near Bideford, in the Daily News of 5th Feb. 1850. Very little of this article was mine."
XXV, 1151-3. (With HTM.)
13 Mar, tThe Case of Anne Bird. JSM: "A leading article on the state of the law respecting
assault, in the Morning Chronicle of 13th March 1850. Very little of this was mine."
XXV, 1153-7. (With HTM.)
16 Mar. Grote's History of Greece [5]. JSM: "A notice of the 7th and 8th Volumes of
Grote's History of Greece, m the Spectator of 16 March 1850." XXV, 1157-64.
26 Mar. tThe Case of Mary Ann Parsons [2]. JSM: "A leading article on the Bideford case,
in the Morning Chronicle of 26th March 1850. Very little of this was mine." XXV,
1164-7. (With HTM. )
29 Mar. tThe Case of Susan Moir. JSM: "A leading article on the Coroner's Inquest on
Susan Moir,45 in the Morning Chronicle of 29th March 1850. A joint production." XXV,
1167-70. (With HTM.)
19 May. tQuestionable Charity. JSM: "A letter signed D in the Sunday Times of 19th May
1850, commenting on a paragraph in that paper headed 'Questionable Charity.' A joint
production." XXV, 1170-2. (With HTM.)
31 May. tThe Law of Assault. JSM: "A leading article in the Morning Chronicle of 31 st
May 1850 (except the second sentence) on the state of the law of assault. Very little of
this article was mine." XXV, 1172-6. (With HTM.)
2 Jane. tPunishrnent of Children. JSM: "A leading article in the Sunday Times of 2nd June
1850, headed 'Punishment of Children.' Very little of this article was mine." XXV,
1176-8. (With HTM.)
6 June. The Savings of the Middle and Working Classes (pc). JSM: "'Evidence before the
Select Committee of the House of Commons on Investments for the Savings of the
Middle and Working Classes' printed with their Report, forming No. 508 of the papers of
the Session of 1850." V, 405-29.
3 AUg. Constraints of Communism. JSM: "A letter signed D. and (improperly) headed
'Restraints of Communism' in the Lead_ of 3rd August 1850." XXV, 1179-80.
17 Aug. Stability of Society. JSM: "A letter signed C. and beaded 'Stability of Society' in
the Leader of 17th August 1850." XXV, 1180-2.
after 4 Nov. Secular Education (s). XXVIII, 3-5.

1849-1853 51


1 Feb. Religious Sceptics, unpublished letter to the editor of the Weekly Dispatch. XXV,
15 Feb. The Regulation of the London Water Supply. JSM: "A letter to the Metropolitan
Sanitary Association, in answer to an application for my opinion on the Water supply of
the Metropolis--dated 15 February 1851 and printed by the Association in a pamphlet
entitled 'Memorials on Sanitary Reform.'" V, 431-7.
6 Mar. Statement on Marriage. XXI, 97-9.
June. The Law of Partnership (pc). Not on Mill's list. V, 459-62.
28 Aug. tWife Murder. JSM: "A leading article in the Morning Chronicle of August 28th
1851, on some cases of wife murder. This, like all my newspaper articles on similar
subjects, and most of my articles on all subjects, was a joint production with my wife."
XXV, 1183-6. (With HTM.)
Oct. Newman's Political Economy. JSM: "A review of Newman's 46Lectures on Political
Economy in the Westminster Review for October 1851." V, 439-57.
28 Oct. Street Organs. JSM: "A letter headed 'Street Organs' and signed D in the Morning
Chronicle of October 28, 1851 ." XXV, 1187


5 Mar. The Rules of the Booksellers' Association [ 1]. JSM: "Two Letters on the Rules of
the Booksellers' Association, printed in two pamphlets on that subject circulated in 1852,
the one by Mr. John Chapman, bookseller, the other by Messrs. Parker." XXV, 1188.
The Rules of the Booksellers' Association [2]. JSM: [see preceding entry.]. XXV,
May. The Income and Property Tax (pc). JSM: "Evidence before the Select Committee of
the House of Commons on the Income Tax, printed with their Report, forming Vol. IX of
the papers of the Session of 1852." V, 463-98.
21-22 June. The East India Company's Charter (pc). JSM: "Evidence before the Select
Committee of the House of Lords on India Affairs, printed with their Report (No. 88 of
the sessional papers for 1852) ordered to be printed 29th June 1852." XXX, 31-74.
Oct. Whewell on Moral Philosophy. JSM: "A review of Whewell's Lectures on the History
of Moral Philosophy in England, & his Elements of Morality, in the Westminster Review
new series No. 4 for October 1852." X, 165-201; D&D, I1, 450-509.


after 10 Mar. tRemarks on Mr. Fitzroy's Bill for the More Effectual Prevention of Assauhs
on Women and Children. JSM: "A pamphlet (a few copies only printed for distri-
bution)--entitled 'Remarks on Mr. Fitzroy's Bill for the more effectual prevention
of assaults on women and children.' (In this I acted chiefly as amanuensis to my wife.'"
XXI, 101-8. (With HTM.)
23 May. English Will. XXXI, 327-8.
5 July. The India Bill, I. JSM: "An article headed 'The India Bill--from a Correspondent'
in the Morning Chronicle of 5th July 1853." XXV, 1189-94.

52 Chronological Index

7 July. The India Bill, II. JSM: "An article headed 'The India Bill No. II--from a
Correspondent' in the Morning Chronicle of July 7th 1853." XXV, 1194-6.
Oct. Grote's History of Greece [II]. JSM: "A review of vols. 9, 10 & 11 of Grote's History
of Greece, in the Edinburgh Review for October 1853." XI, 307-37; D&D, II, 510-54.


8 Jan.-15 Apr. Diary (j). XXVII, 639-68.

22 May. Reform of the Civil Service. JSM: "A paper on the proposed Reform of the Civil
Service, included among those printed in a Collection of papers thereupon, laid before
Parliament in the Session of 1854/5." XVIII, 205-11.
8 Nov. tA Recent Magisterial Decision. JSM: "A letter signed M. and headed 'A recent
Magisterial decision' in the Morning Post of Nov. 8, 1854." XXV, 1196-7. (With


May. Observations on Isatis Tinctoria and Other Plants. JSM: "Botanical Notes signed
J.S.M. in the second series of the Phytologist, No. 13, for May 1856, and in many
subsequent numbers." XXXI, 266-8.
June. Plants Growing Wild in the District of Luxford's Reigate Flora. JSM: [see preceding
entry]. XXXI, 268-74.
-- Note on West Surrey Plants. JSM: [see entry for May]. XXXI, 274
Oct. Reigate Plants. JSM: [see entry for May]. XXXI, 274-5.


Apr. Plants Growing on and near Blackheath. JSM: [see entryforMay 1856]. XXXI, 276.
12 June. The Bank Acts (pe). Not on Mill's list. V, 499-547.


Jan. Late (Early?) Flowering Plants. JSM: [see entry for May 1856]. XXXI, 276-8.
Feb. Memorandum of the Improvements in the Administration of India during the Last
Thirty Years. JSM: "A small Volume, entitled 'Memorandum of the Improvements in the
Administration of India during the last Thirty years'; printed by the E.I. Company and
also laid before the House of Commons; of this I was partly the author and partly the
Editor, the facts being furnished by the departments of the India House." XXX, 91-160.
9 Feb. The Petition of the East India Company. JSM: "The Petition of the East India
Company to the two Houses of Parliament against the intended _ure for depriving
them of the Administration of India; printed by the Company and presented in the Session
of 1858." XXX, 75-89.
7 Apr. Report to the General Court of Proprietors. JSM: "A report to the General Court of
the E.I. Company from the Court of directors upon the Two Bills Now 47 before
Parliament, relating to the Govemnw, nt of India; printed by the E.I. Company and also
laid before the House of Lords and forming No. 87 of the Lords Papers of the Session of
1858." XXX, 161-71.
4"_dSreads"New Bills Law".
1853-1859 53

Apr.-June. A Constitutional View of the India Question. JSM: "The following short
pamphlets on the India Bills and Resolutions of the Session of 1858 viz: A Constitu-
tional View of the India Question./Practical Observations on the first two of the pro-
posed Resolutions on the Government of India./A President in Council the best Govern-
ment for India./The Moral of the India Debate." XXX, 173-8.
Observations on the Proposed Council of lndia. Not on Mill's list. XXX, 179-83.
Practical Observations on the First Two of the Proposed Resolutions on the
Government of lndia. JSM: [see entry for Apr.-June]. XXX, 185-92.
The Moral of the India Debate. JSM: [see entry for Apr.-June]. XXX, 193-8.
A President in Council the Best Government for India. JSM: [see entry, for
Apr.-June]. XXX, 199-204.
May. Hutchinsia Petraea. JSM: [see entry for May 1856]. XXXI, 278.
24 June. Letter from the East India Company to the President of the Board of Control. JSM:
"The letter from the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Court of Directors to Lord
Stanley, respecting the third India Bill, dated 23rd June 1858, presented to the House of
Commons 24th June." XXX, 205-12.
July. Leucojum Aestivum. JSM: [see entry for May 1856]. XXXI, 278-9.
--Clifton Plants. JSM: [see entry for May 1856]. XXXI, 279.
31 July. The Law of Lunacy. JSM: "A letter signed P. and headed 'The Laws of Lunacy' m
the Daily News of July 31, 1858." XXV, 1198-9.
Sept. Plants on Sherhorn Sands, Blackheath, and Other Stations. JSM: [see entry for May
1856]. XXXI, 279-80.
--Some Derbyshire Plants. JSM: [see entry for May 1856]. XXXI, 280-1.
--Linaria Purpurea. JSM: [see emryforMay 1856]. XXXI, 281-2.
Oct. Faversham Plants. JSM: [see entry for May 1856]. XXXI, 282.


Feb. tOn Liberty. JSM: "'On Liberty' a small volume post48 8vo, published in February
1859." XVI_, 213-310. (With HTM.)
Thoughts on Parliamentary Reform. JSM: "A pamphlet entitled 'Thoughts on
Parliamentary Reform' published in the spring of 1859." XIX, 311-39; D&D, III, 1-46.
14 Feb. French Will. XXXI, 337-8.
Apr. Dissertations and Discussions, Vols. I-II. Not on Mill's list. "Preface," X, 493-4;
D&D, I, iii-vi. Other essays under their dates.
Recent Writers on Reform. JSM: "An article entitled 'Recent Writers on Reform'
being a review of writings by Austin, 49Lorimer and Hare; in Fraser's Magazine for April
1859." XIX, 341-70; D&D, HI, 47-96.
Lepidium Ruderale. JSM: [see entry for May 1856]. XXXI, 282-3.
Oct. Bain's Psychology. JSM: "A review of Bain's two treatises on the Mind, m the
Edinburgh Review for October 1859." XI, 339-73; D&D, III, 97-152.
Dec. A Few Words on Non-Intervention. JSM: "An article headed 'A few words on
Non-Intervention' in Fraser's Magazine for December 1859." XXI, 109-24; D&D, IlL

_MS reads "past".

4'_MSreads "Amten".
54 Chronological Index


May. Wallflower Growing on the Living Rock. JSM: [see entry for May 1856]. XXXI,
Oct. Spring Flowers of the South of Europe. JSM: "An article headed 'Spring Flowers of
the South of Europe' in the Phytologist for October 1860." XXXI, 283-9.


Apr. Considerations on Representative Government. JSM: "'Considerations on Represen-

tative_ Government' an 8vo Volume, published in April 1861." XIX, 371-577.
18 June. The Income and Property Tax (pe). Not on Mill's list. V, 549-98.
Aug. Botany of Spain [ 1]. JSM: "A series of papers entitled 'A few days Botanizing the
[sic] North Eastern Provinces of Spain in April and May 1860' published in the
Phytologist for August, October, November, December 1861 and January 1862."
XXXI, 289-99.
Oct. Utilitarianism [1]. JSM: "An Essay in five Chapters entitled 'Utilitarianism'
published in the three numbers of Fraser's Magazine for October, November and
December 1861. Reprinted as a separate work early in 1863." X, 203-26.
Botany of Spain [2]. JSM: [see entry for Aug. ]. XXXI, 299-304.
Nov. Utilitarianism [2]. JSM: [see entry for Oct. ]. X, 227-39.
Botany of Spain [3]. JSM: [see entry for Aug. ]. XXXI, 304-7.
Dec. Utilitarianism [3]. JSM: [see entry for Oct. ]. X, 340-59.
Botany of Spain [4]. JSM: [see entry for Aug. ]. XXXI, 307-11.


Feb. The Contest in America. JSM: "An article entitled 'The Contest in America' in
Fraser's Magazine for February 1862." XXI, 125-42; D&D, HI, 179-205.
Botany of Spain [5]. JSM: [see entry for Aug. 1861]. XXXI, 311-20.
Apr. Centralisation. JSM: "A review of M. Dupont White and M. Odilon Barrot's 5_
writings on Centralization, in the Edinburgh Review for April 1862." XIX, 579-613.
Oct. The Slave Power. JSM: "A review of Prof. Cairnes's 52work 'The Slave Power' in the
Westminster Review for Oct. 1862." XXI, 143-64.
Verbascum Thapsiforme, Phytologist. Not on Mill's list. XXXI, 320.


15 Mar. Poland. JSM: "A letter on Poland, signed J.S.M. in the Penny Newsman for
March 15, 1863." XXV, 1201-4.
Oct. Austin on Jurisprudence. JSM: "A review of Austin's Lectures on Jurisprudence in the
Edinburgh Review for October 1863 (omitted in its proper place). ,,53 XXI, 165-205;
D&D, HI, 21)6-74.

s°MS reads "Representable".

51MSreads "'Bant's".
52MSreads "Cairne's".
SaTheentry appears in the manuscript following the entry for the Examination of Sir William
Hamilton's Philosophy and the note saying that no recordhas been kept of printedletters(see the
Inmxluclion, xiii n above), and before the entryfor "Grote's Plato."
1860-1866 55


11 Jan. Codicil to French will. XXXI, 338-9.

28 Mar. Cooperation (s). XXVIII, 5-9.
4 Apr. Corruption at Elections (s). XXVIII, 9-11.
21 June. The Civil War in the United States. JSM: "A letter to the Philadelphia Sanitary
Paper dated May 25, 1864, reprinted in the Daily News of [July 25 ] and in the Newsman
of July 31, 1864." XXV, 1204-5.
1 July. England and Europe. JSM: "A letter headed 'England and Europe,' signed J.S.M.
in the Daily News of July 1st 1864." XXV, 1205-8.


Apr. An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy. JSM: "An Examination of Sir
W. Hamilton's Philosophy, and of the Principal Philosophical Questions discussed in Ins
writings. 8vo Volume, fast published in 1865." IX.
-- Auguste Comte and Positivism [ 1]. JSM: "Two articles on Comte's Philosophy in
the Westminster Review for April and July 1865, afterwards reprinted and published by
TrObner as a volume entitled 'Auguste Comte and Positivism. '" X, 263-327.
10 Apr. Hate's Plan for the Metropolis (s). XXVIII, 11-13.
28 Apr. The Westminster Election [ 1 ], unpublished letter. XXV, 1210-12.
29 Apr. On Hare's Plan. JSM: "A letter on Hare's System in the Spectator of April 29th
1865." XXV, 1208-10.
--Romilly's Public Responsibility and the Ballot. JSM: "Review of a pamphlet on the
Ballot s4 (by Mr. Henry Romilly) in the Reader of April 29, 1865; afterwards reprinted by
Mr. Henry Romilly, in a pamphlet replying to it." XXV, 1212-17.
July. Auguste Comte and Positivism [2]. JSM: [see second entry,for Apr. ]. X, 328-68.
3 July. The Westminster Election of 1865 [ 1] (s). XXVIII, 13-18 (XXIX, 594-9).
5 July. The Westminster Election of 1865 [2] (s). XXVIII, 18-28.
6 July. The Wnstmmster Election of 1865 [3] (s). XXVHI, 28-31.
8 July. The Westminster Election of 1865 [4] (s). XXVIII, 31-40.
10 July. The Westminster Election of 1865 [5] (s). XXVIII, 40-2.
-- The Westminster Election of 1865 [6] (s). XXVIU, 42-3.
12 July. The Westminster Election of 1865 [7] (s). XXVHI, 43-5.
22 July. The Westminster Election [2], The Times. Not on Mill's list. XXV, 1217-18.


12 Mar.-26 July. Questions before the Select Committee on Metropolitan Local

Government (pe). Not on Mill's list. XXIX, 437-542.
14 Feb. The Cattle Diseases Bill [ 1] (s). XXVRI, 47-9.
16 Feb. The Cattle Diseases Bill [2] (s). XXVHI, 50-2.
17 Feb. Suspension of Habeas Corpus in Ireland (s). XXVHI, 52-4.
Apr. Grote's Plato. JSM: "A review of Grote's 'Plato and the other Companions of
Socrates' in the Edinburgh Review for April 1866." XI, 375-440; D&D, III, 275-379.
12 Apr. Representation of the People [ 1 ] (s). XXVI]I, 54-8.

_MS reads "Ballet".

56 Chronological Index

13 Apr. Representation of the People [2] (s). XXVIII. 58-68 (XXIX, 599-603).
16 Apr. Representation of the People [3] (s). XXVm, 69.
17 Apr. The Malt Duty (s). XXVIII, 69-73.
25 Apr. Inclosure of Hainault Forest (s). xxvm, 74.
26 Apr. Representation of the People [4] (s). XXVIII, 74-5.
17 May. Chichester Fortescue's Land Bill (s). XXVI]I, 75-83; C&S, 97-107.
31 May. Representation of the People [5] (s). xxvm, 83-6.
23 June. The Ministerial Crisis (s). XXVIII, 86-90.
9 July. The Jamaica Committee (s). xxvm, 90-1.
17 July. Electoral Franchise for Women (s). XXVIII, 91-3.
19 July. The Disturbances in Jammca [1] (s). XXVIII, 93-5.
The Reform Meeting in Hyde Park [ 1] (s). XXVHI, 96.
21 July. W.E. Gladstone [1] (s). XXVIH, 96-8.
24 July. The Reform Meeting m Hyde Park [2] (s). XXVIlI, 98-100.
25 July. The Value of Land (s). XXVIII, 100.
26 July. The Reform Meeting in Hyde Park [3] (s). xxvm, 101-2.
30 July. The Reform Meeting in Hyde Park [4] (s). XXVIII, 102-5.
-- tStatement of the Jamaica Committee [ 1], Daily News. Not on Mill's list. XXI,
422-7. (With other members of the Committee. )
31 July. The Disturbances in Jamaica [2] (s). XXV]]I, 105-13.
2 Aug. The Reform Meeting in Hyde Park [5] (s). XXVIII, 114.
-- Public Health (s).xxvm, 114-15.
3 Aug. The Extradition Treaties Act [ 1 ] (s). XXVUI, 115-18.
4 Aug. The Extradition Treaties Act [2] (s). XXVIII, 119.
-- The Naval Dockyards (s). xxvm, 119-20.
6 Aug. The Extradition Treaties Act [3] (s). xxvm, 120-3.
10 Aug. The Disturbances in Jamaica [3] (s). xxvm, 123-4.
--The Lord Chief Baron (s). XXVIII, 124-5.
13 Oct. "tAddress to Friends of the Jamaica Committee, Examiner. Not on Mill's list. XXI,
427-9. (With other members of the Committee.)


Currency and Banking. JSM: "Answers, in French, to the Questionnaire of the Imperial
Commission d'Enqufite in Currency and Banking, printed 55 with their Report." V,
21 Jan. Codicil to French will. XXXI, 339-40.
Feb. Inaugural Address Delivered to the University of St. Andrews. JSM: "Inaugural
delivered to the University of St. Andrews on February 1st 1867." XXI, 215-57,
Dissertations and Discussions, Vol. m (as part of 2nd ed. ). Not on Mill's List.

55MSreads "published".
56Mill's written evidence is undated; the volume in which it appearedwas publishedin 1867.
However,the questionnaireto whichhe repliedwas agreedby theCommissionin February1865, and
its R_port,mentioningthereplies,was signedon 20 Oetoher1866, so Mill's evidencemayhe datedin
1866-1867 57

4 Feb. Political Progress (s). XXVIII, 127-30.

Goldwin Smith (s). XXVIII, 130-3.
15 Feb. The Royal Commission on Trades' Unions (s). XXVIII, 133-4.
8 Mar. The Metropolitan Poor Bill [ 1] (s). XXVII], 134.
--The Straits Settlements (s). XXVILI, 135-6.
-- The Metropolitan Poor Bill [2] (s). XXVIII, 136-8.
11 Mar. The Metropolitan Poor Bill [3] (s). XXVIII, 139-41.
14 Mar, The Metropolitan Poor Bill [4] (s). XXVIII, 141-3.
28 Mar.-30 Apr. Questions before the Select Committee on Metropolitan Local
Government (pe). Not on Mill's list. XXXI, 389--406.
8 Apr. The Reform Bill [ 1] (s). XXVIII, 143.
10 Apr. Trades Unions (s). XXVUI, 144-5.
11 Apr. The Reform Bill [2] (s). XXVHI, 145.
9 May. The Reform Bill [3] (s). XXVIII, 146-9.
17 May. The Reform Bill [4] (s). XXVIII, 150-1.
20 May. The Admission of Women to the Electoral Franchise (s). XXVIII, 151-62.
21 May. The Municipal Corporations Bill (s). XXVIII, 162-5.
25 May. The Fenian Convicts (s). XXVIII, 165-7.
-- Reform of Parliament (s). XXVIII, 167-74.
27 May. The Reform Bill [5] (s). XXVIII, 175-6.
30 May. Personal Representation (s). XXVm, 176-87.
4 June. The Bankruptcy Acts Repeal Bill (s). XXVIII, 187-8.
14 June. Petition Concerning the Fenians (s). XXVIII, 188-90.
19 Jnne. The Sunday Lectures Bill (s). XXVIll, 190-3.
25 June. The Libel Bill (s). XXVIH, 193-4.
27 June. The Reform Bill [6] (s). XXVIII, 194-6.
28 June. Redistribution (s). XXVff.I, 197-201.
29 June. William Lloyd Garrison (s). XXVBI, 201-3.
2 July. Martial Law (s). XXVIII, 203-5.
4 July. The Reform Bill [7] (s). XXVI/I, 205-6.
-- Tancred's Charity Bill (s). XXVIII, 206-7.
5 July. The Reform Bill [8] (s). XXVIII, 207-11.
The Case of Fulford and Wellstead (s). XXVIII, 212-13.
15 July. The Reform Bill [9] (s). XXVIII, 213.
16 July. Commodore Wiseman and the Turkish Navy [1] (s). XXVIII, 213-14.
22 July. Co_ Wiseman and the Turkish Navy [2] (s). XXVIII, 214.
_ Meetings in Royal Parks [1] (s). XXVIII, 215-17.
29 July. Public Education (s). xxvm, 217-18.
1 Aug. The Courts-Martial in Jamaica (s). XXVI]], 218-19.
2 Aug. Meeting in the Tea-Room of the House of Commons (s). XXVIII, 219.
5 Aug. England's Danger through the Suppression of Her Maritime Power (s). XXVIII,
6 Aug. The Extradition Treaties Act [4] (s). XXVIII, 227-30.
7 Aug. The Metropolitan Government Bill (s). XXVIU, 230-1.
$ Aug. The Reform Bill [10] (s). XXVIII, 231-2.
58 Chronological Index

9 Aug. Educational Endowments (pe). Not on Mill's list. XXI, 207-14.

12 Aug. East India Revenue (s). XXVIII, 233-6.
13 Aug. Meetings in Royal Parks [2] (s}. XXVIII, 236-8.


Feb. England and Ireland. JSM: "A pamphlet entitled 'England and Ireland' published in
February 1868." VI, 505-32 (535-43).
29 Feb. Proportional Representation and Redistribution (s). XXVIII, 239-42.
6 Mar. The Alabama Claims (s). XXVIII, 242-6.
12 Mar. The State of Ireland (s). XXVIII, 247-61; C&S, 108-25.
26 Mar. Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections [1] (s). XXVIH, 262-5.
2 Apr. Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections [2] (s). XXVIII, 265.
21 Apr. Procedure in 'the House: Amendments (s). XXVIII, 265-6.
Capital Punishment (s). XXVILI, 266-72.
5 May. The Municipal Corporations (Metropolis) Bill [ l] (s). XXVIII, 273-6.
7 May. The Established Church in Ireland (s). XXVIII, 276-7.
12 May. Local Charges on Real Property (s). XXVUI, 277-9.
12 May-16 June. Questions before the Select Committee on Extradition (pe). Not on
Mill's list. XXIX, 542- 71.
21 May. Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections [3] (s). XXVIII, 279-80.
28 May. Representation of the People (Scotland) [1 ] (s). XXVIII, 281-2.
8 June. Representation of the People (Scotland) [2] (s). XXVIII, 282-3.
10 June. Married Women's Property (s). XXVIII, 283-6.
12 June. Registration of Publications (s). XXVIII, 287.
15 June. Representation of the People (Ireland) (s). XXVIII, 287-8.
-- The Government of India Bill [ 1] (s). XXVIlI, 288-9.
Lodger Registration (s). XXVIII, 289.
16 June. Public Schools [1] (s). XXVIII, 289-90.
17 June. The Municipal Corporations (Metropolis) Bill [2] (s). XXVIII, 290-5.
22 June. The Government of India Bill [2] (s). XXVIII, 296-7.
23 June. Public Schools [2] (s). XXVIH. 297-9.
24 June. The Sea-Fisheries (ireland) Bill (s). XXVIII, 299.
25 June. Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections [4] (s). XXVIH, 299-300.
30 June. The Municipal Corporations (Metropolis) Bill [3] (s). xxvm, 300-1.
6 July. Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections [5] (s). XXVIII, 301-3.
7 July. Public Schools [3] (s). XXVIII, 304.
Supply--Post Office (s). XXVHI, 304-5.
$ July. The Government of India Bill [3] (s). XXVIII, 305-6.
10 July. Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections [6] (s). XXVIII, 306-7.
14 July. Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections [7] (s). XXVIII, 307-10.
15 July. 1"Statement of the Jamaica Committee [ 2 ]. Not on Mill's list. XXI, 429-35. (With
other members of the Committee.)
16 July. The Fenian Prisoners [ 1] (s). XXVIII, 310-11.
17 July. Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections [8] (s). XXVI]I, 311-12.
_ Poor Relief [1] (s). XXVIII, 312.
1867-1869 59

18 July. Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections [9] (s). XXVIII, 313-14.
21 July. Imprisonment for Costs on a Dismissed Charge [1 ] (s). XXVIU, 314-15.
The Fenian Prisoners [2] (s). XXVI]I, 315-16.
22 July. Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections [ 10] (s). XXVIII, 316-19.
--The Westminster Election of 1868 [ 1] (s). XXVm, 319-25.
23 July. Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections [ 11] (s). XXVIII, 325-6.
24 July. Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections [12] (s). XXVIII, 327-8.
-- Smoking in Railway Carriages [ 1] (s). XXVIII, 328.
--The Westminster Election of 1868 [2] (s). XXVUI, 329-32.
25 July. The Metropolitan Foreign Cattle Market (s). XXVIII, 332.
-- Smoking in Railway Carriages [2] (s). XXVIII, 333.
27 July, Imprisonment for Costs on a Dismissed Charge [2] (s). XXVIII, 333-4.
-- Poor Relief [2] (s). XXVUI, 334.
31 July. The Ballot, Daily News. Not on Mill's list. XXV, 1218.
22 Sept. Gladstone for Greenwich, The Times. Not on Mill's list. XXV, 1219-20.
22 Oct. Bouverie versus Chadwick, The Times. Not on Mill's list. XXV, 1220.
2 Nov. The Westminster Election of 1868 [3] (s). XXVIII, 334-41.
4 Nov. The Westminster Election of 1868 [4] (s). XXVIII, 341--4.
6 Nov. The Westminster Election of 1868 [5] (s). XXVIII, 344-7.
9 Nov. The Westminster Election of 1868 [6] (s). XXVIII, 347-50.
10 Nov. Fawcett for Brighton (s). XXVIII, 350-5.
11 Nov. The Westminster Election of 1868 [7] (s). XXVIII, 355-8.
13 Nov. The Westminster Election of 1868 [8] (s). XXVIII, 358-63.
14 Nov. W.E. Gladstone [2] (s). XXVIU, 363-7.
16 Nov. The Westminster Election of 1868 [9] (s). XXVIII, 367-8.
18 Nov. The Westminster Election of 1868 [ 10] (s). XXVIII, 369-70.


27 Feb. Donation to Helen Taylor. XXXI, 340-4.

Mar. James Mill's Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind. JSM: "The Preface and
many of the notes to the edition of 'Mill's Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human
Mind' published in 1869." XXXI, 93-253.
Apr. Endowments. JSM: "An article headed 'Endowments' in the Fortnightly Review of
April 1, 1869." V, 613-29; D&D, IV, 1-24.
May. The Subjection of Women. Not on Mill's list. XXI, 259-340.
1 May. Thornton on Labour and Its Claims [1]. JSM: "Two articles on Mr. Thornton's
book 'On Labour' in the Fortnightly Review of May 1, and [June 1,] 1869." V, 631-46;
D&D, IV, 25-85.
27 May, New England Woman's Suffrage Association, New York Tribune. Not on Mill's
list. XXV, 1220-1.
1 June. Thornton on Labour and Its Claims [2]. JSM: [see entry for I May]. V, 646-68.
10 July. The Cobden Club (s). XXIX, 371-3.
18 July. Women's Suffrage [1] (s). XXIX, 373-81 (604-9).
late 1869. The Case of William Smith, unpublished letter to the editor of the Daily News.
XXV, 1221-2.
60 Chronological Index

Dec. Chapters and Speeches on the Irish Land Question. 57 Not on Mill's List.


25 Mar. The Education Bill [1] (s). XXIX, 381-6 (610-13).

26 Mar. Women's Suffrage [2] (s). XXIX, 386-91.
4 Apr. The Education Bill [2] (s). XXIX, 391-6.
9 Apr. The Education Bill, Spectator. Not on Mill's list. XXV, 1222-3.
1 June. Leslie on the Land Question. JSM: "A review of Professor Cliffe Leslie's work on
the Land Systems of different countries, in the Fortnightly Review of June 1, 1870." V,
669-85; D&D, IV, 86-110.
1 July. Taine's De l'inteUigence. JSM: "A notice of Taine's 5s book "de l'Intelligence' in
the Fortnightly Review of July 1, 1870." XI, 441-7; D&D, IV, 111-18.
22 Oct. Election to School Boards [ 1] (s). XXIX, 396-8.
9 Nov. Election to School Boards [2] (s). XXIX, 398-401.
19 Nov. The Treaty of 1856 [1 ]. JSM: "A letter in the Times of Nov. 19, 1870 on the
threatened war with Russia." XXV, 1223-4.
24 Nov. The Treaty of 1856 [ 2 ]. JSM: "A further letter on the same subject in the Times of
Nov. 24, 1870." XXV, 1224-6.
30 Nov. De Laveleye on the Eastern Question, The Times. Not on Mill's list. XXV, 1226.
1 Dec. Treaty Obligations. JSM: "An article on "Treaty obligations' in the Fortnightly
Review of Dec. 1st 1870." XXI, 341-8; D&D, IV, 119-29.


12 Jan. Women's Suffrage [3] (s). XXIX, 402-9.

13 Feb. The Cumulative Vote (s). XXIX, 409-11.
23 Feb. Discussion of the Contagious Diseases Acts (s). XXIX, 411.
Mar. Land Tenure Reform. JSM: "The Explanatory Statement published with the Pro-
gramme of the Land Tenure Reform Association in March 1871." V, 687-95; D&D,
IV, 239-50.
10 Mar. The Army Bill (s). XXIX, 411-15.
27 Mar. The Society of Arts, Daily News. Not on Mill's list. XXV, 1226--7.
May. Maine on Village Communities. JSM: "A review of Maine on Village Communities
in the Fortnightly Review for May 1, 1871." XXX, 213-28; D&D, IV, 130-53.
13 May. The Contagious Diseases Acts (pc). Not on Mill's list. XXI, 349-71.
15 May. Land Tenure Reform [ 1] (s). XXIX, 416-24; D&D, IV, 251-65.
Nov. Berkeley's Life and Writings. JSM: "An article on Berkeley's Life and Writings, in
the Fortnightly Review for November 1871." XI, 449-71; D&D, IV, 154-87.


14 Feb. Codicil to English will. XXXI, 328-37.

6 May. Examination Paper in Political Economy. V, 764-5.

57IncludesPrinciples of Political Economy, Bk. II, Chaps. vi-x, "Chichester Fortesque'sLand

Bill" (17 May, 1866), and"The State of Ireland" (12 Mar., 1868).
_MS reads "Tarnme's".
1869-1879 61


1 Jan. Grote's Aristotle. JSM: "An article on Grote's Aristotle in the Formightly Review
for January 1st 1873." XI, 473-510; D&D, IV, 188-230.
4 Jan. Advice to Land Reformers. JSM: "An article headed 'Advice to Land Reformers' in
the Examiner of 4 January 1873." XXV, 1227-31; D&D, IV, 266-77.
11 Jan. Should Public Bodies be Required to Sell Their Lands? JSM: "An article headed
'Should public bodies be required to sell their lands?' in the Examiner of 1lth January
1873." XXV, 1232-5.
Mar. Property and Taxation, Fortnightly Review. Not on Mill's list. V, 697-702; D&D,
IV, 231-6.
18 Mar. Land Tenure Reform [2] (s). XXIX, 425-31; D&D, IV, 278-87.


19 July. The Right of Property in Land, Examiner. XXV, 1235-43.

Nov. tAutobiography. I, 1-290, 608-24. (Early Draft with HTM. )


Oct. Three Essays on Religion. X, 369-489.


May. Dissertations and Discussions, Vol. IV (as part of 3rd ed. )


Feb. Chapters on Socialism [ 1 ], Fortnightly Review. V, 703-27.

Mar. Chapters on Socialism [2], Fortnightly Review. V, 727-36.
Apr. Chapters on Socialism [3], Fortnightly Review. V, 737-53.
Index of Persons and Works

This index covers the works of Mill and those of others included in Collected Works, but not
introductions and editorial notes. Because detailed information is given in separate volumes
of Collected Works, the entries here are simplified. In the case of persons, the only
information given is that of the life span (or "ft." for more obscure people ), with occasional
identifications such as "(one of JSM's sisters)." Only short titles are given for works,
except when the full details are not given in other volumes, as explained in the Introduction,
xix-xx. An asterisk indicates works that are (or are known once to have been) in the Somer-
ville College collection of Mill's library, donated by his stepdaughter. JSM's quotations
from, and allusions to, his own works are listed here under Mill, J.S. The floes used are those
in CW and the Alphabetical List; speeches are interfiled alphabetically with other works in
lifts instance. Speeches by others, when three or more, are gathered together chronologically
at the end of the entry for the person who delivered them, and anonymous newspaper articles
are listed chronologically under the rifle of the journal. When Mill mentions a translated
work, its title appears under both translator and original author. Similarly, the works of
editors, when referred to by Mill, are indexed under both author's and editor's names.
Collections, such as Bacon's Essays, are listed under the main title, with parenthetical
signals of individual items following the references; when, however, separate items have
significance on their own, as in the case of Wordsworth's poems, these are given discrete
listings. The entries subsume different editions of the same work. Specific kinds of citation
are indicated in abbreviated form: "IV, 5q" means "quoted on page 5 of Volume IV"; "VI,
13e" means that the person cited is giving questions or answers in parliamentary evidence
on page 13 of Vol. VI; "X, 10-25 rev" means "reviewed on pages 10-25 of Volume X."
Page references are understood to include relevant notes on that page. References to
appendices are in italic type; those that repeat matter in the text are in parentheses after the
text reference, except when the repetition is in a different volume of the Collected Works.
The section given to Official Documents is divided into countries. First comes the United
Kingdom, and then other countries in alphabetical order. The national lists are divided, as
necessary, into non-statutary and statutary documents; in the case of the United Kingdom,
the former is further subdivided into Bills and other official documents. Under the United
States of America, federal and state documents are separated. The entries for statute law and
parliamentary documents use abbreviated rifles, but we have attempted to retain the phrases
that indicate the reason for the reference. In the case of major pieces of legislation often
grouped under a common term, such as "Corn Laws," this index includes specific
identifications, while the subject index gives the chief general references which include
PP is used as an abbreviation of Parliamentary Papers, EIC for East India Company,
66 Index of Persons and Works

JM for James Mill, JSM for John Smart Mill, HTM for Harriet Taylor Mill, and HT for
Helen Taylor.
Mythical characters are excluded, and references to fictional characters are treated as
references to the works in which they appear.

ABADIE, ARNAUD (1797--1870). ltin_raire topographique et historique des Hautes-

Pyrenees: I, 574,586; XXVI, 69-70, 72q, 98, 100, 102
--"Philosophical Biology": XVII, 1555
ABBOT,GEORGE(1562--1633): VI, 16
ABBOTT,CnAItLES (Btiron Tenterden) (1762-1832): X/ft, 30, 31q; XXII, 45n
Speech in the Debate on the Bill of Pains and Penalties ( 1 Sept., 1820): XXXI, 81
ABBOTT,JOSEPH(witness; ft. 1825): Evidence on the State of Ireland (PP): VI, 96
--Sight and Touch: IX, 240, 242n q; XV, 970; XXXI, 156
ABO-Ea-RAHMAN(d. 1832): XXXI, 355
AB_uL-MF.nD ( 1823-61 ): XXV, 1142
AaDY, EDWARDSTRUTT (1791--1846). Journal of a Residence and Tour in the United
States: XVIII, 93-115 rev, 103q, lllq
AB_L_, P_ (1079-1142): I, 606; IX, 61q; XX, 238,246, 248
JAMES(1776--1858): VI, 243,252, 254
Speech on the Edinburgh City Election (16 June, 1834): VI, 254q
ABt_LOF.EN,Lol_o. See Gordon, George
HENRY. See Neville, Henry


--La Grdce contemporaine (Paris: Hachette, 1854): XV, 659
ABRArI_ (Bible): XX, 283 (386)
ACHERY,LUCD' (1609-85), ed. Spicilegium: XX, 43q
(Earl of Gosford) ( 1776-1849): VI, 421-33 passim, 457; XXIV,
--Despatch to Lord Glenelg, 25 Aug., 1837 (PP): VI, 422q
-- Despatch to Lord Glenelg, 25 Oct., 1837 (PP): VI, 419n
-- "Reports of the Gosford Commission" (PP): VI, 421,429n
m, HENRYWENTWORTH(1815--1900). LETTERSTO"XXXII, 158-9, 223-4
The Harveian Oration: XXXII, 158
ACLAND,THOMASDYrdE( 1809--98): XVI, 1160-1, 1163, 1168; XVII, 1586. LETTERTO:
XVI, 1498-1501
Speech on the Elective Franchise Bill (30 May, 1866): XXVIII, 84
Speech on the Public Schools Bill (23 June, 1868): XXVIII, 298
Abadie - Adderley 67

ACOLLAS,EMILE( 1826--91 ). LETTERTO: XVII, 1831-2

_Manuel de droit civil, 3 vols. (Paris: Thorin, 1869-74): XVII, 1831
La r_publique et la contre-r_volution (Geneva: Richard, 1871 ): XVII, 1831
-- "Le probl_me social": XVII, 1831
ACUMENUS(in Plato): XI, 86
ADAM FREDERICK(1781--1853): XXIII, 648-51
ADAM JOHN (1779--1825): XV, 561
ADAMS MR. (clergyman; ft. 1849). "Poems of Alfred Tennyson": XIV, 36
ADAMS CHARLESFRANCIS(1807--86): XV, 823,827
ADAMSJoan (1735-1826): XVIII, 109; XXII, 254
ADAMS JOHN QUINCY (1767-1848): XVIII, 109; XXII, 254
ADAMS SARAHFLOWER(1805--48): XII, 213, 215; XXIII, 437-8,660
"The Luxembourg": XXHI, 660
-- "A National Gallery": XXIII, 654q, 660
ADAMS,WmL1AMBRIDGES("Junius Redivivus') (1797-1872): XII, 137, 140, 142,227:
XIV, 439; XXIII, 575; XXXII, 36. LETTERTO:XlI, 123--4
--"Beauty": I, 369
--"Coriolanus No Aristocrat": XII, 213
"Dr. Amott on Warming and Ventilation": XXXII, 36
-- "Junius Redivivus on the Conduct of the Monthly Repository": I, 369
-- "On the Condition of Women in England": I, 369
--"On the Conduct of the Police at the Late Meeting": xxm, 575
-- "On the Ministerial Plan for the Abolition of Negro Slavery": XII, 159
-- "On the State of the Fine Arts in England": I, 369
-- "Plan for the Better Housing of the Working Classes": I, 382n
-- The Producing Man's Companion: I, 367-77 rev, 379-90 rev, 384-9q; XII, 123,
137, 146
-- "Proposal for a National College of Language": XXIII, 575
-- The Rights of Morality: I, 383
-- A Tale of Tucuman: I, 367-77 rev, 376q
ADAMS,W.O. (schoolboy; ft. 1865). LETTERTO:XVI, 1116
ADCOCK, HERBERTBURROUGHS(Lieutenant; fl. 1866): XXVIII, 94

ADCltOV'r,GEORGE(author of pamphlet; fl. 1870). LETTERTO: XVII, 1734-5

ADDERLEY,CHARLESBOWYER(Baron Norton) (1814-1905): XIV, 109; XXVIII, 110,

On the Elective Franchise Bill (30 May, 1866): XXVIII, 84

On the Disturbances in Jamaica (31 July, 1866): XXI, 431q; XXVHI, 106. 110,
On the Representation of the People Bill (5 July, 1867): XXVIII, 208-9
68 Index of Persons and Works

_On the Elementary Education Bill (18 Mar., 1870): XXIX, 383-4
ADDINGTON,HENRY(Viscount Sidmouth) (1757-1844): XII, 28
ADDISON,CHARLESGl_ENSTREET (d. 1866). Damascus and Palmyra: I, 437
ADDISON,JOSEPH( 1672-- 1719): X, 114; XXVI, 415
Cato, a Tragedy: X, 12q
_ The Spectator: Vl, 93; XVl, 1474; XXI, 198 (No. 160); XXVIII, 72q (No. 583)
Untitled essay on faith and morality: XXII, 23
"Address from the London National Society for Women's Suffrage to Mr. Jacob Bright":
XVU, 1922-3
Address of the Land and Labour League: XXIX, 418-19
ADE, GEORGE(witness; ft. 1860): XIX, 496n
(late 5th c. B.C.): XI, 167, 396
ADELA(of France) (d. 1206): XX, 247
ADELAIDE(Queen of England) ( 1792-1849): VI, 419
AD_STUS (king of Argos; in Plato): XI, 86
ADPaAr_IV (Pope; Nicholas Breakspear) (d. 1159): XX, 244
AEAr_TODORUS (in Plato): XI, 167
AEL1AN,CLAUDIUS(ca. 170-235 A.D.). *Varia historia epistolaefragmenta: XI, 327n
AESCmNES(ca. 390-314 B.C.): XI, 167; XXV, 1126
Speeches: XI, 284, 389,398q; XII, 7; XXVI, 368,384
*Works: I, 15(14), 560-1
AESCHYLUS(525--456 B.C.): I, 532; II, 16; X, 42, 324; XI, 317; XlU, 466
-- AfirXvAov rpc_/co_u_ _rret. Aeschyli tragoediae septem: XXVI, 56
*Agamemnon: XXVI, 353
-- *Prometheus Bound: I, 333; XI, 280q; XXVI, 353
AESOP(ca. 600 B.C. ). *Aesop's Fables: I, 9 (8), 386, 421,552; VI, 365; XXI, 53, 112;
xxm, 483; XXVI, 375-7,438
AETIUS(d. 454 A.D.): XX, 263
The Age: XXVI, 448
AGISHI (of Sparta) (265-241 B.C.): XI, 300, 337n; XXIV, 872
DE LAS MAmSMAS( 1784--1842): XXIII, 560
AHMADALl (Nawab of Rampore) (d. 1840): XXX, 64
ARMEDKHAN (the Ousmai) (ft. 1741): XXXI, 353
Arlr,ff.D KrI^N (of Shunket6n) (ft. 1741): XXXI, 353
AINTRAIGUES. See Antraigues
(1832--96). A Collection of Treaties, Engagements,
and Sunnuds: XXX, 152
AKBAR,JELLADINMArIO_ED (Moghul emperor) (1542-1605): XV, 729; XVfll, 224
Adderley - Alison 69

AKBARII (King of Delhi; ruled 1806-37): XXXH, 61

ALAmCI (370--410 A.D.): XX, 275
ALBERT,PRINCECONSORT( 1819--61): XIV, 118, 136, 161
AI:BERTUSMAGNUS(Albert of Cologne) ( 1206-80?): Xl, 489
ALRIN,JOHN (fl. 1800). A Companion to the Isle of Wight: XXVII, 569,579,584,586q
ALBRET,JEANNED' (1528--72): XXI, 401
ALCAEUS(fl. ca. 590 B.C.): Xl, 315n
ALCImADES(ca. 450-404 B.C.):/ILl, 143, 166n, 316, 331,395; XVIH, 266; XIX, 460;
XXV, 1126, 1132, 1160
ALCUIN(735--804 A.D. ). Letter to Charlemagne: VI, 80q; XX, 248q
ALDERSON,EDWARDHALL ( 1787--1857): XXV, 1173-4
ALDRICH,HENRY(1647--1710). *Artis logicae compendium: I, 125 (124); IX, 415q; Xl,
20, 23, 29, 32q; XXVI, 279, 351
AL_GRE,MATHIEU(1807--82): XIV, 129, 146-7
ALEMBERT,JEAN LE ROND D' (1717--83): VIII, 800; XX, 67; XXVI, 169, 236
-- "Doutes et questions sur le calcul des probabilit6s": VII, 632-4q, 637q
-- *M_langes de litt3rature, d' histoire, et de philosophie: IX, 228,255n; XXVI, 157,
236,240 (Eclaircissemens), 243-4 (R6flexions sur l'histoire)
ALEXANDER[] (Pope; Orlando Bandinelli) (d. 1181 ): XX, 247
ALEXANDER(the Great) (356-323 B.C. ): VI, 77, 173; XI, 243, 312,323,336n; XIV, 384;
XIX, 532; XXVII, 557
ALEXANDERH (of Russia) ( 1818-81 ): XV, 652; XXV, 1202
ALEXANDEROFHALES(ca. 1185-1245): XXVI, 164
Glossa in quatuor libros sententiarum Petri Lombardi: XX, 247
ALEXANDER,PATRICKP_OCTOR (1823--86). Mill and Carlyle: IX, civ, 449n-51n q,
457n q, 460n q, 462n-3n q, 466n-7n
ALEXANDRE,M. (police agent; ft. 1832): XXIII, 390
ALFIERI,VITTORIO(Count) (1749-1803): H, 310n; XIV, 258,478
ALFORD,HENRY(1810--71): XVI, 1395
ALFREDTrIEGREAT(of England) (849-901 A.D.): X, 151; XX, 24; XXXH, 147
ALFRED,PranCE (of England) (1844-1900): XV, 812, 833
ALISON,ARCHIBALD(1757--1839). *Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste: XXXI,
--Sermons: I, 311n
ALISON,ARCHIBALD(1792--1867): XlI, 157
"Fall of the Throne of the Barricades": XX, 334
-- "France in 1833": XXIII, 664, 691
_History of Europe during the FrenchRevolution: XlI, 152, 155,157-9,162, 181;
XIII, 444, 551-2; XX, 111-22 rev, 115-16q
70 Index of Persons and Works


--"The Spanish Contest": XXXI, 379

ALLATT, MARYBUCKLE(sister of Henry Thomas Buckle; ft. 1867): XV1, 1233-4, 1490;
XVlI, 1619
ALLEN, MR. (chemist; ft. 1854): XIV, 138
ALLEN, MR. (poacher; fl. 1826): VI, 106
ALLEN, JOHN (1810--86): X'V, 671,675. LETTERTO: XVI, 1273-4
-- "Capmany, Questiones Criticas': I, 30In
"Cortes of Spain": I, 293-4q
-- "Democracy on Trial": XVI, 992
-- "Doctrine and Theory of Inspiration": XVI, 992
"The Later Writings of John Smart Mill": XVI, 992

Allgemeine deutsche Real-Encyclopddie: I, 602

ALLIER,JOSEPH(b. 1794): XKIII, 402

--Lawrence Bloomfield in Ireland (Macmillan, 1864): XVI, 1370

ALTHORP,LORD.See Spencer, John Charles
ALVANLEY, LORD. See Arden, William

ALVES,HENRY SCOTT(d. before Nov. 1859). LETTERTO: XXXH, 29

ALVES,NATHANIEL(of EIC; ft. 1837): XXXII, 36-7
AMAR, JEAN BAPTISTE ANDRg (1755--1816): VI, 401

-- Speech against the Girondists (3 Oct., 1793): XX, 106

AMAURY OF CHARTRES (d. 1205): XX, 247

AMBERLEY,LADY. See Russell, Katherine Louisa

AMBERLEY,VISCOUNT.See Russell, John, the younger
AMBROSE(St.) (ca. 340-97 A.D.). Epistola L/: XX, 241
American Quarterly Review. "The Rationale of Political Representation" ( 1836): XII, 310
AMMONIUSHERmAE (5th c. A.D. ). *Aramonii Hermiae in Aristotelis de interpretatione
librura commentarius: IX, 413q
AMos, ANDREW (1791--1860): XXXII, 21
AMos, SHELDON(1835--86). "Democratic Government in Victoria": XVI, 1515
Am_p,E, ANDI_ MARIE ( 1775-- 1836). "Essai d'une classification naturelle pour les corps
simples": XXVI, 54-5
_, JEAN JACQUESANTOINE(1800--64): II, 42; X, 354
_L'empire romain dRome, 2 vols. (Paris: L_vy, 1867): XVII, 1586
ANACHARSIS(ca. 6th c. B.C.): XI, 397n
Alison - Anson 71

ANACREON(ca. 520 B.C.). *Poems: I, 15 (14), 321,558; XI, 67,315n; XII, 7

ANAXAGORAS (ca. 500-428 B.C.): VII, 365; X, 276, 278; XI, 87,160, 286, 397n; XX,
(mid-6th c. B.C.): XI. 381
ANAXtMENES(mid-6th c. B.C.): VII, 359, 361,364-5; XI, 380
Ancient Universal History. See Universal Htstory
The Andalustan Annual ( "the Andalusian Sketchbook"): XXXI, 359-88 rev
ANDERSON,ELIZABETH(n6e Garrett) (1836-1917): XVII, 1773, 1789: XXVIII, 159
ANDERSON,GEORGEWILLIAM(1791--1857): XXX, 20-3, 28-30, 69, 116, 124
ANDERSON,JAMES(1739--1808). An Enquiry into the Nature of the Corn-Laws: II, 419
ANDERSON,JOHN (resident of Jamaica; ft. 1865): XXVIH, 94
ANDERSON,JOHN (runaway slave; ft. 1861 ): XXIX, 543
ANDERSON,WILLIAMWEMYSS(1802--77). Letter to George W. Gordon: XXI, 425
CHARLES(Earl of Yarborough) (1781-1846): XXVII, 585
GEORG(1812--93): XV, 955; XIX, 466n
ANDREADEE SARTO(1486--1531): XIV, 278,283,310, 313; XV, 477. 482
ANDREW,F.P. (of EIC; ft. 1856): XXXH, 99
ANDROCLES(a Greek slave): XXVI, 162
ANDROS (in Plato): XI, 124
(of Rhodes) (mid-lst c. B.C. ): XI, 5t0
ANGELICO,FRA ( 1387-- 1455): XIV, 289, 482
ANGLADA,JOSEPH( 1775-- 1833): I, 59 (58); XXVI, 132-43 passim
Annales de Chimie (Annales de Chimie et de Physique): I, 571; XXVI, 28
Annales de l'Association lnternationale pour le Progr_s des Sciences Sociales: XXXII,
Annales de Math_matiques Pures et Appliqu_es: XXVI, 173
Annales des Voyages. See Nouvelles Annales
ANNE (of England) (1665-1714): XXI, 252; XXXI, 304,367
ANNESLEY,FRANCIS(Baron Mountnorris) (1585-1660): VI, 32
The Annotated Book of Common Prayer. See Book of Common Prayer
Annuaire de l'association pour l'encouragement des _tudes grecques en France, IV
(1870): XVII, 1717
The Annual Register of Worm Events: I, 11 (10), 555
[Annual] Report of the British and Foreign School Society (1832): XII, 233
ANSAH, JOHN (ca. 1822-84): xm, 437
ANSELL, CHARLES(1794--1881). Evidence on Income and Property Tax (PP): V, 595
ANSELM(St.) (ca. 1033-1109). Proslogion seu alloquium de dei existentia: IX, 61q
ANSON, AUGUSTUSHENRY ARCHIBALD(1835--77). Motion on Ireland--Petition on
Fcnianism (14 June, 1867): XXVIII, 188-9
ANSON,GEORGE(1697--1762). A Voyage round the WorM: I, 11 (10). 555
72 Index of Persons and Works

ANSTER,JOHN (1793-1867): XII, 268

On Some Supposed Constitutional Restraints upon the Parliamentary Franchise
(Social Science Association, 1867): XVI, 1476
Plea of the Unrepresented Commons for Restitution of Franchise (Ridgway , 1866 ):
XVI, 1476
ANSTRUTHER,ROBERT(1834--86): I, 284; XVII, 1805
(ft. 393/2--361 B.C.): XI, 323
*Anthologia graeca: I, 15 (14), 561,568; XII, 10
ANTHONY,CHARLES(ft. 1867--85). Social and Political Dependence of Women: XVII,
ANTIOCHUSEPIPHANES(ft. 175--165/4 B.C.): XV, 896
ANTIPHO_(ca. 480-411 B.C.): XI, 167, 222, 327
ANTISTHENES(the Cynic) (ca. 450-360 B.C.): XI, 378,492; XXVII, 643
ANTONINUS.See Marcus Aurelius
--M_moire sur les dtats-g$n_raux: XX, 141n
AN_crus (ca. 400 B.C.): XI, 153,158-9, 162-4, 167,169, 171,393,398
APELLICON(d. ca. 84 B.C.): Xl, 510
APELT,ERNSTFRIEDRICH( 1812-59). Theorie derlnduction (Leipzig: Engelmann, 1854):
XV, 581
(ca. 140 B.C.): XI, 167,171
ArOLLONXUSOFPERGE(ca. 262 B.C.): X, 362
API_RLEY, CHARLESJAMES(1778--1843). "Of the Game Laws": VI, 115-16q, 120q
Apinus CLAODrOS(fl. 300 B.C.): VI, 213q
AI_LEOAR'rH, ROBERT(1834/5--1924): XVII, 1725; XXI, 369-71e
APPLETON,GEORGE(clerk in EIC; ft. 1858): XV, 567
APPLETON,JOHN (1804--91). LETTERTO:XV, 885--6
Appleton's Journal: XVI, 1505; XVII, 1569
AQtaNAS. See Thomas Aquinas
*The Arabian Nights: I, 13 (12), 403,556; VI, 364,366; VII, 35 (VIII, 980)
Arabian Tales, by Jacques Cazotte: I, 13 (12), 556
AgAC,O, DOUa_QUE FP,ANg:OIS( 1786-1853): VII, 427; XIII, 554, 565; XX, 321,332-3;
XXIII, 505,594
Letter to the Editor of Le National ( 15 June, 1833): XXIII, 594
ARANDA(Don Pedro Pablo Abarca de Boleo) (1718-99): VIII, 940; XIX, 382
ARANGIO,Dr_c,o (refugee; fl. 1838): XXXII, 42
AI_TUs (271-213 B.C.): XI, 337n
AC,B_SSEL, ROBERTD' ( 1047--1117): XX, 246
Anster - Aristotle 73

ARBUTHNOT,JOaN (1667--1735). *The History of John Bull: XXVI, 422

ARBUTHNOT,THOMAS(1776--1849): XXVII, 627
ARCHELAUS(413--399 B.C.): XI, 113, 118, 147
(287--212 B.C.): VIII, 760; IX, 482; X, 362; XXVI, 152
ARDEN, WILLIAM (Lord Alvanley) (1789-1849). Speech on Spain--Lord John Hay's
Despatches (21 Apr., 1837): XXXI, 370q
ARGENS,JEAN BAPTISTEDE BOYER, MARQUISD' (1704--71). Lettresjuives: XXVI, 354
ARGENSON,MARCRENI_DEVOYERD' ( 1771 --1842): XXII, 191,227; XXHI, 661,695-6
-- Speech on the Draft Address to the King (6 Jan., 1834): XXIII, 661,695
382, 453,540, 701
ARGOELLES, AGUSTfN (1776-1844): XXVI, 10; XXXI, 385
The Argus: XV, 766
ARGYLL, DUKE OF. Sec Campbell, George Douglas
ARGYLE, Campbell, Archibald

( 1474--1533): XIV, 251
-- *Orlando Furioso: XI, 284
Aris' s Birmingham Gazette: XVI, 1077
ARISTEmES(Aristides; the Just) (d. ca. 467 B.C.): XI, 147,322, 327,333,416, 417n;
XIX, 336, 494; XXIV, 1086; XXV, 1122, 1133; XXVI, 274
A_STIPPUS(the Cyrenaic) (philosopher; 4th c. B.C. ): XI, 378,392
(mid-4th c. B.C. ): XI, 114, 395
(ca. 504-492 B.C.): XI, 323
ARISTON(father of Plato; 5th c. B.C.): XI, 167
ARISTOPHANES (fl. 427-388 B.C.): II, 16; Xl, 326: XIV, 437; XXVI, 369-70, 385
-- *Acharnians: XI, 333q; XXV, 1122q
-- *Clouds: I, 15 (14), 559; XI, 153, 154; XII, 7
-- *Frogs: I, 15 (14), 561; XH, 7; XIV, 437
-- *The Knights: XI, 317q; XIX, 499q; XXV, 1126q; XXVI, 369-70, 385
-- *Plums: I, 15 (14), 558; XlI, 7
*The Wasps: XXV, 1126, 1132
AmSTOPHON(d. ca. 330 B.C.): XI, 98
ARISTOTLE (384--322 B.C.): I, 336-7,421; m, 969; IV, 212; vii, 46, 48n, 60n, 79, 95,
11 In, 144,566; VIII, 658n, 678,788,802,938,970-1,1043,1046; IX, cvii, 142, 152,
328,385,389, 395,489n, 494, 502; x, 66, 125,276, 292,301,309, 362; xI, 12, 23,
26, 84n, 94, 274,298,300,302,310n, 313,320,334,336n, 377-8, 382,386,410,415,
419,421,475-510passim; xm, 532,544; xIv, 237; xv, 696,959; xvI, 1068, 1501;
xvII, 1608, 1613, 1725, 1913-14; xvIII, 179, 235; six, 353; xx, 248, 273n; xxI,
74 Index of Persons and Works

225,229-30, 238,302; XXIV, 872; XXV, 1130, 1163; XXVl, 147, 187-9, 215,261,
286, 367; XXVII, 657; XXXI, 97, 103
-- *The "Art" of Rhetoric: I, 15(14), 563,584; VIH, 828q; XI, 486,504-5; XII, 8;
XVll, 1925; XVIII, 143n; XXl, 175,229; XXVI, 351-2
-- The Athenian Constitution: XXV, 1124
-- The Categories: VII, 46, 47n-8n, 77, 112n, 119; VIII, 989-90, 1002, 1030; IX,
345,413-16q; XI, 489,494
*Metaphysics: VII, 365-6q; VIII, 761, 1112n q; IX, 40q, 411q, 413q, 487q,
498q, 503q; XI, 380n q, 476,488,489-90q, 497-502,497-8q; XXXI, 103
-- *The Nicomachean Ethics: IX, 105n q, 349n q, 435, 503q; XI, 486, 504-5;
XVlII, 143n; XXI; 229; XXVl, 351-2
_Onlnterpretation (Delnterpretatione): IX, 411-13q; XI, 489° 492-3; XVII, 1925
*On Sophistical Refutations (Sophistici Elenchi): XI, 400q, 478q, 505,507
*On the Heavens (De Coelo): VIII, 761,798q; IX, 418q; XI, 476; XXVI, 229
*On the Soul (DeAnima): VII, 365n; IX, 15,155,356; X, 268q; XI, 501-2,504;
XXVl, 187-8
*Organon: I, 21(20), 565-6, 584; Xl, 477,486. 505; XII, 8
-- Parts of Animals (Historia Animalium): IX, 418q; XI, 486
-- *Physics: VIII, 657,761q, 761-2, 823; IX, 425; XI, 483; XVII, 1925; XXVI,
251; XXXI, 227
The Poetics: XI, 504
*Politics: XI, 504-5; XVlI, 1608, 1925; XVIII, 143n; XXl, 229, 269; XXIV,
872; XXV, 1129-30
*PostertorAnalytics (AnalyticaPosteriora): Xl, 12,505; XVlI, 1925; XXVI, 187;
XXXI, 103
*PriorAnalytics (AnalyticaPriora): VII, 156q, 171n; XI, 12q, 398; XVH, 1925;
XXVI, 204, 215-16
-- Topics (Topica): XI, 482,505; XVlI, 1925; XXVI, 163
ARISTOXENUS (b. ca. 375/60 B.C.). Elements of Harmony: Xl, 386n, 421n
AatKWmGHT,PdCHARD(1732--92): II, 96, 189, 344; IV, 156--7; XXIV, 837-8
ARLRS-DuFOUR,FRANCOIS BARTH_LEMY (1797-- 1872): XIl, 90, 93; XXlX, 372. LETTER
TO:XVII, 1769-70
AR_STE_D, H. (elector; ft. 1868). LETTERTO: XVI, 1429-30
AR_ANDRAO (Gaikwar of Baroda; ruled 1800-19): XXXII, 63
ARNAULD,ANTOINE(1612--94): IX, 152, 174; XVI, 1438-9
Des vrayes et des fausses iddes: IX, 175
_, and PIERRENICOLE(1625--95). *La logique, ou L'art de penser: VII, 5; VIH,
962; XXV/, 173,215,220, 241,279
(in English) *The Port Royal Logic, trans. Thomas Spencer Baynes: IX, 386n
ARNm, BEr'rINA YON(1785--1859): XVH, 1638
ARNOLD OF BRESCIA (d. 1155): xvm, 238
Aristotle - Athalin 75

ARNOLD, ARTHUR(1833--1902): XVII, 1639, 1855, 1888. LETTERTO: XVII, 1886

ARNOLD, EDWIN (1832--1904): XVII, 1888. LETTERS TO: XVI, 1074-5; XVII,
1886-7, 1893-4; XXXII, 160
ARNOLD,MATTHEW(1822--88). "Culture and Its Enermes": XVI, 1324
ARNOLD,THOMAS(1795--1842): XII, 92; XVI, 1246; XX, 217; XXI, 222
-- "Caius Octavius Caesar Augustus": XVII, 1586
*History of Rome: I, 531; XHI, 431,444,447,549,551
-- *Introductory Lectures on Modern History: XX, 226
ARNOLD,THOMAS,JR. ( 1823-1900 ). "Mill on Liberty": XV, 650
ARNOTT,NElL (1788--1874): VII, 480, 498n; XIII. 420, 656; XIV, 241; XXIX, 466
ARTAUD, JEAN BAPTISTE (1732-96): XX, 140
ARTAXERXES II (Mnemon) (ft. 405-359 B.C.): XI, 323

ARTEMISIA(ruled 353-350 B.C.): I, 460

ARTOIS,COMTED'. See Charles X (of France)
COMTESSED' (1756--1805): XX, 88
ASHBURNHAM, GEORGE (Earl) (1760-1830): XXVII, 469
ASHBURTON,LORDS.See Baring, Alexander; and Baring, William Bingham
ASHER,MR. (ft. 1843): XIH, 573
ASHWOOD,JANE (defendant; ft. 1823): XXII, 62-3
ASHWORTH,A.J. (clergyman; ft. 1871): XVII. 1819
ASHWORTH,HENRY(1794--1880): XVI, 1002
--Cotton (Manchester: printed Collins, 1858): XV, 549
-- A Tour in the United States, Cuba, and Canada: lIl, 1086-7, 1089-91, 1093;
XVI, 986
ASHWORTH,LILIASS. (of women's suffrage movement; ft. 1873). LETTERTO: xvgI,
ASKEW,HENRY(d. 1850): XXVII, 553
ASPASlA(fl. 450/445 B.C.): XI, 335; XXI, 314; XXV, 1125
TO: XVI, 1364-5
ASSAS,LOUISD' ( 1820-59): I, 471
ASSOLANT, ALFRED (1827--86). Le droit desfemmes (Paris: Anger, 1868): XVII, 1700
AS'FELL, JOHN HARVEY(1806--87): XIV, 180, 198
ASTELL, RICHARD WILLIAM (1804--64): xgv, 198
ASTELL, WILLIAM (1774--1847): XIV, 198

ASTLEY,PHILIP(1742--1814): XXV, 1139; XXVI, 36

ATAULF(d. 415 A.D.): XX, 275, 280
76 Index of Persons and Works

ATHANASIUS(St.) (293-373 A.D.): IV, 26

ATHELWOLD(908?--984 A.D.): I, 527
Athenaeum: XVII, 1898
Review of Grote' s History of Greece ( 10 Feb., 1849 ): XXV, 1126
Review of Louis Blanc's Historical Revelations (24 Apr., 1858): XV, 563
Review of On Liberty (26 Feb., 1859): XV, 597
Notice of Thoughts on Parliamentary Reform (5 Mar., 1859): XV, 601
Review of Bain's The Emotions and the Will (23 July, 1859): XV, 639
Obituary of John Austin (31 Dec., 1859): XV, 658
Review of The Coal Question (27 May, 1865): XXVIII, 71
Review of Ann Robertson's The Story of Nellie Dillon (8 Dec., 1866): XVII, 1547
ATHENAEOS(ca. 200 A.D. ): The Deipnosophists: XX, 237
ATKINS,AARON(clerk in EIC; ft. 1857): XXXH, 106-7,114
ATrdNS, JOHN(ca. 1760-1838): XXVI, 420
ATKINSON,MR. (ft. 1837): XII, 338
ATKINSON,HENRY GEORGE(1812--90). Letters on the Laws of Man's Nature and
Development, ed. Harriet Martineau (Chapman, 1851): XIV, 61-2
The Atlas: Xll, 274
ATTILA(ca. 406-53 A.D.): XXI, 140; XXV, 1107
ATTWOOD, MATTHIAS(d. 1851): IV, 185
ATTWOOD,THOMAS(1783--1856): HI, 563-4; IV, 275; XV, 514
-- Evidence on the Bank of England's Charter (PP): IV, 183-92 rev
-- A Letter... on the Creation of Money: XXII, 34
-- Prosperity Restored: XXH, 34
AOBER,DANIEL FRANCOISESPRIT(1782--1871 ). LeStocq (Paris: Troupenas, n.d. ): XH,
GEORGE(owner of a school; ft. 1845): IV, 378n
AUBRY-VITET,EUGRNE(1845-1930). "I2 suffrage umversel": XVII, 1729
AtJCrLAND, LOgD. See Eden, George
XXVI, 225
AUDRIVEAU-GouJON, M. (publisher; ft. 1872): XVII, 1899
xxm, 517-18,661,695-6
Speech on the Draft Address to the King (6 Jan., 1834): XXEII, 661,695
AuGIEg, EMILE (1820--89): La question dlectorale (Paris: Levy Fr6res, 1864): XV, 952
AUGUSrIrqE(St.) (354-430 A.D.): IV, 26; IX, 42q; XV, 648
Confessions: XV, 648q
Athanasius - Austin 77

De civitate dei libri XXII: VII, 364q

_De utilitate credendi: IX, 61q
AuousTffS (Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus) (63 B.C.-A.D. 14): Vl, 77; X, 466; XIV,
474; XVlI, 1586; XIX, 403,443; XXII, 293; XXVI, 49, 61
AULUS GELL_S (ca. 130 A.D. ). The Attic Nights: XXII, 166
XXI][I, 374, 386-7,421
AUP,XNOZEB(Aurungzebe) ( 1618-1707): VI, 77
AURELI^N (Lucius Domitius Aurelianus) (t"1.270-5 A.D.): I, 438,457-9
AUSTEN, JANE(1775--1817). Pride and Prejudice, 3 vols. (Egerton, 1813): XVI, 1475
Sense and Sensibility (Egerton, 1811 ): XVI, 1475
AUSTIN,CHARLES( 1799--1874): I, 77 (76), 79--81 (78-80), 97 (96), 99 (98), 101 (100),
105 (104), 110, 121 (120), 127 (126), 129 (128), 131 (130); Xll, 278; XXVI, 288,291,
296,298; XXXll, 4, 11, 197
--"Corn Laws": I, 121(120); XXlll, 522-3
AUSTIN, JoHt_ (1790-1859): I, 67 (66), 75-9 (74-8), 81 (80), 97 (96), 101 (100),
185q (184), 185-7 (184-6), 223q (222); XlI, 12-13, 51-3, 55, 72, 87,107, 119, 129,
134, 141,147, 152, 156, 169-70, 183,225,246, 292,296, 306, 321-2,333n, 334-5;
XlII, 461,463,485-6,573,599, 611,618,620,622,637-8,653-4,694,734; XIV, 4;
XV, 658,670; XVIII, 5n, 145; XXI, 54, 56-7, 167-9, 172-3, 179, 181-2,202-4;
XXVlI, 615-37passim; XXX, 227; XXXll, 3-4, 12-13, 21, 30-1, 65
LETTERSTO: XIII, 527--9, 579, 711--15, 730-1; XXXII, 69-71
--"Centralization": XlII, 706; XXIV, 1062-6 rev, 1063-5q
--"Disposition of Property by Will--Primogeniture": I, 99 (98); XXXII, 6
"Joint Stock Companies": I, 121(120)
*LecturesonJurisprudence: I, 185 (184), 187q (186), 268; XV, 674,822-3,889;
XVl, 1142-3; XVlI, 1625; XXI, 165-205 rev, 172q, 173n-4n q, 177q, 179-97q.
201q, 204q, 205n q, 245-6
Letter to The Times: xm, 734
"[Friedrich] List on the Principles of the German Customs-Unions": XIII, 506-7,
516, 521,528, 541-2
On the Uses of the Study of Jurisprudence: XXI, 165-205 rev, 173q
_A Plea for the Constitution: I, 187,263; XV, 658; XIX, 343-70 rev, 344-52q
The Province of Jurisprudence Determined: I, 185 (184); XII, 87,116-17,236;
XIII, 655, 712; XlV, 5; XV, 757,822; XIX, 343; XXI, 51-60 rev, 58-60q, 167, 169,
AUSTIN,JOrO,THAr_(father of John and Charles): I, 75-7(74-6)
AosrrN, Lucre. See Duff-Gordon, Lucie
AUSTIN, SARAH(n_e Taylor) (1793-1867): I, 186; Xll, 87, 101, 107, 114, 129. 135,
151-2, 170, 172, 199,233,246,284,333-4,360-1; XIII, 452, 515, 517,600,620-1,
624,637; XIV, 5; XV, 671,674,822; XVI, 1142; XXI, 167, 169,202; XXIII, 729;
XXVl, 44; XXVlI, 615-37 passim; XXXII, 3-4, 23
78 Index of Persons and Works

[AusTIN, S.]

LETTERS TO:XIl, 10--12, 51--3, 71--2, 116,291--3,396--7,306,321--2,333--5; xm,

485-7,506-7,521-3,541-3,571-3,622,653-5,733-4; XV, 674; XXXII, 12-13,
14-15, 30-1
"Autobiography of Heinrich Steffens": XIII, 542
Characteristics of Goethe, from the German of Falk, Miiller. etc.: I, 163q (162),
171q (170), 475q, 488q; XII, 81, 83, 86, 119, 129, 147, 173q, 181, 192q; XX, 183,
259; XXHI, 472; XXV, 1159, 1264
"Cousin's Report on the Prussian System of Education": XXIII, 730q
Fragments from German Prose Writers (Murray, 1841): XH1,522
"On the Changes of Social Life in Germany": xm, 521,572
_, trans. The Ecclesiastical and Political Histo_ of the Popes, by Leopold yon Ranke:
XII, 522; XX, 220
_, trans. England in 1835, by Friedrich yon Raumer: VI, 530; XII, 292; XXXII, 31
--, trans. History of the Reformation in Germany, by Leopold von Ranke (Longman
etal., 1844): XllI, 572
_, trans. Report on the State of Public Instruction m Prussia, by Victor Cousin: I,
186; VI, 229n; XII, 225; XXI, 61-74 rev, 64q; XXHI, 727-32 rev, 729-32q;
--, trans. Tour in England, Ireland and France, by Hermann Puclder-Muskau: XXII,
--, trans. Tour in Germany, Holland and England, by Hermann Ptickler-Muskau:
XII, 107; XXHI, 729
AVEMI'ACE(d. 1138): XX, 248
L'Avenir de Nice: XlV, 271
Av_RROI_S( 1126-98): VIII, 938; XX, 248
AVlCENNA(980--1037): VIII, 938; XX, 248
Avor_ova_, BAv,_v (Viscount Yelverton) ( 1736-1805): XXVIII, 111
AYLMER, ARTHUR(of London Debating Society; ft. 1827). LETTERTO:Xll, 20
AYLMER,LORD. See Whitworth-Aylmer, Matthew
AYRTON,ACTO_qSMEE(1816--86): I, 276; XV, 683-4; XVI, 1162, 1404; XIX, 352;
XXVIII, 230; XXXl, 390; XXXII, 168, 176

On the Cattle Diseases Bill (16 Feb., 1866): XXVIII, 50-1

On the Representation of the People Bill (17 May, 1867): xxvm, 150
On the Representation of the People Bill (27 May, 1867): XXVIII, 175-6
_On the Representation of the People Bill (27 June, 1867): XXVIII, 195
On the East India Revenue Accounts ( 12 Aug., 1867): xxvm, 234
_On Proceedings in the Committee of Supply (21 Apr., 1868): XXVIII, 266
_On the Government of India Act Amendment Bill (15 June, 1868): XXVIII, 288
On the Government of India Act Amendment Bill (8 July, 1868): XXVIII, 305
On the Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections Bill (22 July, 1868):
Austin - Bailey 79

AYTOUN,ROGERSINCLAIR(b. 1823). Motion on the Established Church, Ireland (7 May,

1868): XXVIII, 277

BABBA6E,CHARLES( 1792--1871 ). On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures: I1,

106q, 11 lq, 11 ln-3n q, 124-6q, 128-9q, 131-2q; III, 770q, 1008-10q, 1012; V, 414;
XII, 120. 134, 172, 203, 217
Reflections on the Decline of Science (Fellowes, 1830): XII, 120
BABEUF,FRAN_OlSNOI_L(1760-97): VI, 401; XX, 128; XXlIl, 673
BAmNGTON,CHARLESCARDALE(1808--95): XV, 667,948; XXXII, 148
*Manual of British Botany: XXXI, 284
BACCHVLIDES(ft. ca. 485-ca. 450 B.C.): XI, 315n
BACHAUMONT,LOUIS PETIT DE ( 1690-- 1771 ). Mdmoires secrets, 36 vols. (Adamson,
1777-89): XII, 209, 217-18
BACON,FRANCIS(Viscount St. Albans) ( 1561 - 1626): I, 165 (164), 424; IV, 328; Vl, 334:
VII, cxii, 305, 313,433,482; VIII, 835,879-80, 886; IX, 368,417-18,430, 485,
497n; X, 9-10, 83, 88, 119.171.174,266; XI. 12.93, 31 On, 34 I, 380,483,497; XIII,
566; XIV, 237; XV, 639; XVI, 1437; XVII, 1725; XVIII, 17; XIX, 621,623, 626,
627q; XX, 324; XXII, 282,285-6; xxm, 412,413-14; xxv, 1163; XXVl, 396,415;
XXVll, 657; xxvIII, 73; XXXll, 159
*"Apophthegms New and Old": I, 267n
--*De augmentis scientarum (The Advancement of Learning): VII, 10, 312q, 381;
VIII, 763-5,965,1109q; IX, 368; XI, 12-13q, 33, 93q, 482q; XIII, 520; XVlll, 194q:
XXI]I, 524q; XXVI, 169, 178,241
*The Essays or Counsels, Civill and Morall: Vl, 375q (Innovation); XX, 65q;
XXI, 332 (Marriage); XXIV, 901q (Revenge)
-- *"Filum Labyrinth, sive formula inquisitionis": VIII, 801q
Maxims of the Law: XXXI, 80q
*Novum Organum: I, 25q, 591; VI, 251; VII, 254, 272, 312-13q, 382. 582-3;
VIII, 651q, 660-1q, 677, 763q, 763-5, 769. 776q, 788q, 802q, 870-1. 872n, 875,
1077n q, 1093, l109q; IX, 321q, 368,423; X, 29q, 88, 11 lq, 379q; XI, 93q, 310n q,
370q, 379q, 380q, 411,480q, 482q, 485q; XII, 222q, 312q; XllI. 712q; XXI, 235. 240.
280q; XXiI, 322-3q; xxm, 412, 414q; xxv, 1163q, 1164q; xxxIl, 159 q
.... *"Of the Interpretation of Nature": VlI1, 801q
BACON,NICHOLAS(1509--79): XXll, 282
BADAMS,JOHN(d. 1833): XII, 138
BADEN,GRANDDUKEOF. See Frederick I of Baden
BAER, CONSIANTINO(economist; ft. 1856). Lerrv_ tO: XV, 516--17; XVII, 1901-2,
1904-5, 1931-2
_L'avereel'imposta: V, 699-702rev;XVlI, 1901-2, 1904-5, 1926, 1931-2, 1935
BAGErIOT,WALTER(1826--77): XVI, 1292, 1294, 1296, 1298--9: XVI1, 2010
"The English Constitution": XVI, 1053
Parliamentary Reform: XIX, 364
BAILEY,J. (elector; ft. 1868). LETTE_TO: XVI, 1429-30
80 Index of Persons and Works

BPdLEY, SAMUEL(1791--1870): XII, 246, 335; XV, 559. LETTERTO: XV, 824-5
_ A Critical Dissertation on the Nature, Measures, and Causes of Value: I, 123 (122)
-- Essays on the Pursuit of Truth, on the Progress of Knowledge, and on the
Fundamental Principle of All Evidence and Expectation: VII, 307
A Letter to a Philosopher, in Reply to Some Recent Attempts to Vindicate Berke-
ley's Theory of Vision: XI, 266-9 rev, 255n, 265,266-8q; XXXI, 156
_Letters on the Philosophy of the Human Mind: VII, 62n-3n, 342q; VIII. 649n q;
IX, 162n, 178; XV, 824; XVI, 1333-4
The Rationale of Polincal Representation: XIl, 258, 263; XVI, 1270, 1451;
XVIII, 17-46 rev, 19-22q, 25-6q, 28n-9n q, 30q, 33-41q. 55n; XIX. 481
A Review of Berkeley's Theory of Vision: VII, 8n; IX, 178, 236n, 242n-3n,
256n; XI, 247-65 rev, 251-3q, 255-6q, 261q, 264q, 265q; XIII, 542; XXXI, 156
-- Shakespeare's Dramatic Writings (Longman, et al., 1862): XV, 824
The Theory of Reasoning: VII, 170n, 203; VIII, 664n-5n
BAILLi_RE,GUSTAVEGERMER(1837--84): XVI, 1114, 1218; XVII, 1906-7
BMLLET.ADRIEN (1649--1706). La vie de Monsieur Des-Cartes: IX, 483q
BAILLEUL, JACQUES CHARLES 1762-1843). Examen critique de...
( Considdrations sur
les principaux dvdnemens de la rdvolut:on franfaise: XX, 57, 68n, 85q, 102-4q, 108
BAILLIE,JAMES(ca. 1737-93). Speech on the Slave Trade (2 Apr., 1792): XXII, 29-30q
BAILLIE,JOANNA(1762--1851): XlI, 285, 303
*Constantine Paleologus: I, 19n, 26,564,584
--Dramas, 3 vols. (Longman, etal., 1836): XII, 285
BAILLIE, MATTHEW(1761--1823): VI, 368
BAILLY, JEAN SYLVAIN(1736--93): XX, 80, 154; XXlI, 141

_Mdmoires de Bailly: XX, 6In q, 87n q, 89, 147n

BAILLY, JOSEPH (1779--1832): XII, 35
BAIN, ALEXANDER ( 1818-1903 ): I, 255n, 287; VII, 410n; VIII, 663q; IX, 9, 51, 216n; X,
298; SIR, 594-5, 611,621,628n, 638, 657, 665,667-8,702; XIV, 236; XV, 529,
664, 669, 734, 861, 865,875,954, 971; XVI, 1008, 1095-6, 1210, 1218-19, 1223,
1273, 1351, 1404; XVII, 1558, 1573, 1823, 1999; XXI, 243; XXV, 1119; XXXI,
102-3; XXXII, 75-6, 205
LETTERS TO:XIII, 487,549,558,595, 612-13, 617-18,662,704-5,707, 710, 715;
XIV, 76; XV, 580, 592, 606, 630-2, 639-41, 645-6, 695-6, 746, 752, 816-19,
836-9, 900-3, 926--9, 935-7, 970-2; XVI, 1323-5, 1332-4; XVII, 1612-13,
1623-4, 1718-21, 1755-6; XXXII, 155
_ The Emotions and the Will: I, 263,270,288; VII, 204n, 410n; VIII, 853; X, 246n;
XI, 341-73 rev, 362-72q; XV, 583n, 639, 670, 676, 680; XVI, 1212, 1474; XVII,
1602. 1722; XXXI, 102, 138, 140-1,155,160, 178, 192, 251; XXXII, 205
An English Grammar (Longman, et al., 1862): XV, 920, 926
"Grote's Plato": XVI, 1084
Bailey - Balwhidder 81

Logic: VII, cxvii, 38n q, 41 n, 47n-8n q, 76n q, 81,85n q, 86q, 95n q, 100n- In q,
104q, 141n-2n q, 159n, 166n-7n q, 181n-2n q, 227n q, 236q, 279n q, 352-3,375n q.
377n q, 448n-9n q, 451 q, 453n q, 487n-Sn q, 577q, 587,589n q; VIII, 676n q, 948n;
IX, 268,293n; XVlI, 1718, 1862
Mental and Moral Science: Xl, 476; XVI, 1324; XVlI, 1602; XXXl, 192q
The Methods of Debate: XV, 839
Notes to James Mill's Analysis of the Human Mind: XVl, 1320, 1323, 1332-4,
1506, 1512, 1533; XVlI, 1578, 1583, 1613, 1617; XXXI, 102-3,109, 111, 115-16,
122, 138, 153, 155, 157-60, 205,214, 217-18,250-1
On the Applications of Science to Human Health and Well-being: XXV, 1118-20
rev, 1119-20q
"On the Physical Accompaniments of the Mind": XV, 972
On the Study of Character (Parker, et al. , 1861 ): XV, 640-1,670,764; XVI, 1474
"On Toys": XlII, 499
"Phrenology and Psychology": XV, 640
-- *The Senses and the Intellect: I, 263,270, 288; VII, 62n, 410n; VHI, 853; IX, 5,
216-19q, 224,226-7q, 228, 231-4q, 235-6,240, 241-2q, 245q, 249; XI, 341-73 rev,
356-61q, 476,502; XIV, 244; XV, 530,540, 582-3,631,639, 670, 900, 926. 935-6;
XVI, 1474; XVII, 1602; XXXI, 102, 122, 139-40, 153, 164, 172q, 192; XXXII,
BAIN, FRANCESA. (n6e Wilkinson) (d. 1892): XV, 972; XXXII, 155
BAINES,EDWARD(1774--1848): Vl, 163--4; XH, 324; XVI, 1032, 1315
BA.tNES,EDWARD(1800--90). Letters... on State Education: XXIV, 971
BAJIRAO I1 (Peshwa of the Marathas) ( 1775-1851 ?): XXXII, 63
BAKER,ELIZABETrt(nurse; ft. 1853): XXI, 103
BAKER,THOMAS(labourer at the EIC; ft. 1856): XXXlI, 86
BALARD, ANTOINE JEROME(1802-76): XlH, 540, 547, 563, 568, 582, 595; XXVI,
135-42 passim
BALDWIN,ROBERT(1779?--1858): I, 97 (96)
BALDWIN,WILLIAM(ft. 1820S). The Newgate Calendar: I, 604
BALFOUR,WILLL_M(d. 1660): VI, 39
BALL, ALEXANDERJOHN (1757-1809): Vl, 269
BALLANCHE,PIERRE SIMON(1776--1847). Oeuvres, 6 vols. (Paris: Bureau de l'"Ency-
clop_die des connaissances utiles," 1833): XH, 191
Ballot, The: XII, 134
BALmERINO,BARON. See Elphinstone, John
BALSAMO,GIUSEPPE("Count Cagliostro") (1743-95): XXVII, 659
82 Index of Persons and Works

BALZAC,HONOR_DE (1799--1850): I, 470, 482; sin, 461; XlV, 345; xx, 183. 220
--Le pdre Goriot: I, 480
BANCROFT,RICHARD(1544--1610): X, 155
BANDIERA,ATTILIO(1817--44): XV, 532
BANDIERA,EMILIO(1819--44): XV, 532
BANDINELL1, BACCIO (1488--1560): XIV, 480
BANKES,GEORGE(1788--1856): XXII, 281
Reconsiderations on Certain Proposed Alterations in the Game Laws: VI, 99-120
rev, 109-12q
BANKES,HENRY (17,57--1834). Speech on the Elective Franchise in Ireland (26 Apr.,
1825): VI, 90-1
BANKES, WILLIAMJOHN(d. 1855 ): Speech on the Roman Catholic Clergy (29 Apr., 1825):
VI, 86
BANKS,JOSEPH(1743--1820): xxm, 739
BANNI SINGS, MAHARAORAJA (Rao of Ulwur) (d. 1857): XXX, 152-3
BARAN, ABBI_(philosopher). XXVI, 193-4
Histoire des ducs de Bourgogne: XX, 185
BAgBA,JEAN NICOLAS( 1769-- 1846): Xll, 257
BARCLAY,DAVm (b. ca. 1777). LETTER TO: xgI, 315
BARCLAY,JOHN( 1582--1621 ). Argenis: SIX, 635q
BARHAM, CHARLES FOSTER (1804--84): gig, 770, 1007
BARILLON D'AMONCOURT, (d. 1691 ): XX, 187

BAmNG, ALEXANDER( I st Baron Ashbttrton) ( 1774-1848): I, 101-3 (100-2); IV, 105-6;

XXII, 159; XXHI, 343; XXIV, 830-6; XXVI, 312,373
Speeches on the Bank Charter and Promissory Notes Acts ( 10 and 13 Feb.. 1826):
IV, 117-20, 118q
Speech on Supply--the Budget (19 Apr., 1833): xxm, 565
BARING,FRANCtS(1740--1810): XXVI, 312
BARING,FgANCISTI_OgNmLL (Lord Northbrook) (1796-1866): V, 464
_ Evidence on the Bank Acts (PP): V, 512q, 517q
Statement on Criminal Prosecutions (4 Aug., 1834): VI, 275
Speech on the Budget (30 Apr., 1841 ): XXIV, 805
B_a_ING,JOHN (grandfather of Alexander): XXVI, 312
Balzac - Barry 83

BARING,THOMAS( 1772-1848): XXVII, 600

BAglr_G, WrLL1AMBINOHAM(2rid Baron Ashburton) (1799-1864): XIV, 203
BAgrdHR,MR. (18th-c. litigant): XXI, 192
BAgLOW,MR. (ft. 1864): XV, 952, 954
BARNARD,FREDERXCK LAMPORT(1813--80). A Three Years" Cruise in Mozambique
Channel (Bentley, 1848): XIV, 214
BARNARD,J_d_ESMUNSON(1819-1904): XV, 983; XVII, 1729. LETTERS
TO:XVII, 1651,
1661-2, 1690-1
BARNARD,MRS. (wife of the above): XVII, 1661
BARr_AVE,ANTOINEPIEgREJOSEPHMAgIE (1761--93): XX, 73n, 78, 8On, 90, 94, 100;
xxm, 541-2
Speech on the Re-establishment of Royalty (15 July, 1791 ): XX, 79n
BARNES,THOMAS(ca. 1785-1841): XXHI, 708, 713
BARN_, THOMAS(b. 1813): XVI, 1226
BARNETT,ADOLPHUS(of Metropolitan Sanitary Association; ft. 1851 ): V, 432
PIERREANGECASIMIREMILE( 1799-1868): XlI, 119, 150; XXIII, 403,509,
_Eugdne, 2 vols. (Paris: Desessart, 1843): XIV, 298
BARRI_RE, BERTRAND DE. See Bar6re de Vieuzac

BMUtlgRE,PIERRE(professor; ft. 1864): XVI, 1184; XXXII, 147, 170

BARRETT,MICHAEL(1841--69): XXIX, 547, 554
TO:XVII, 1873-4, 1890
*A New View of Causation (Provost, 1871): XVII, 1873, 1890
BARRIRRE,JEAN FRANCOIS(d. 1868): "Notice stir la vie de madame Campan": XX,
68n-9n q
Collection des mdmoires. See Berville
MATTHEW(witness; ft. 1825). Evidence on the State of Ireland (PP): VI,
88n, 96
BARROT,CAMILLEHYACIlqTHEODmON (1791--1873): XII, 55, 64, 256, 281; XX, 201;
XXII, 181, 191-2, 208,224, 226-7, 275; XXlH, 341,505,658,661
. De la centralisation et de ses effets: XV, 724, 726; XIX, 581-613 rev, 586q

_On the Palriotic Associations (30 Mar., 1831): XXII, 299

On the Draft Address to the King (11 and 12 Aug., 1831): XXIlI, 341
On the Draft Address to the King (4 Jan., 1834): XXIII, 661
BARRUEL,AUGUSTIN( 1741 -- 1820). Mimoires pour servir d l'histoire du jacobinisme:
XX, 108
BARRy,MR. (fl. 1836): XII, 291,292
84 Index of Persons and Works

BARRY,M. MALTMAN(1842--1909). LETTERS TO:XVII, 1882-3; XXXII, 219

BARTHE, FI_LIX(1795-1863): XXII, 191; XXIH, 511,701
( 1796-1867): I, 434
BARTHOLINUS,CASPARUS( 1585 -- 1629). Enchiridion logicum ex Artstotele: IX, 415q
BARTLETT,WILLIAMHENRY(1809--54). Pictures from Sicily (Hall, Virtue, 1853): XIV,
352, 375,378, 394
FRA. (1472--1517): XlV, 283, 303,313,482-3
BASCANS,FERDINAND( 1801--61 ): XXHI, 363,372, 388,402
BASIADIS,KONSTANTINOS H. (literary man; ft. 1870). Speech on the Eighth Anniversary of
the Socidt6 littdraire h611enique de Constantinople (1870), in Gustave d'Eichthal's La
langue grecque, mdmoires et notices (Paris: Hachette, 1887), 282-306: XVII, 1725
BASTIAT,FR_D_RlC(1801--50): XVII, 1764
"Consid6rations sur le m6tayage": II, 1,299n-300n q
Harmonies dconomiques: II, 424; XVII, 1665
BASTIDE,JULES(1800--79): XII, 115, 122
BASTWICK,JOHN(b. 1595): VI, 22, 29
-- Flagellum pontificis et episcoporum latialium: VI, 22
-- The Letany of John Bastwick, Doctor of Phtsicke: VI, 22
-- Hpti_ ¢6v _lrurK6crtov, sive Apologeticus ad praesules anglicanos criminum
ecclesiasticorum in curia celsae commissionis: VI, 22
(brassfounder; fl. 1868). LETTERTO: XVI, 1483-4
BATHILDE(of France) (d. 680 A.D. ): XXVI, 10-11
BATTLEBAR,RICHARD(tl'adesmall; fl. 1823): XXlI, 62-3
BAUDE,JEAN JACQUES(1792--1862): XXH, 275
Speech on the Events of 14 February ( 18 Feb., 1831 ): XXII, 275
BAUVRmLART,HENRYJOSEPHLI_ON(1821-94). "John Stuart Mill": XV, 728-9
Review of Dupont-White's translation of On Liberty, Journal des Ddbats, 27 Apr.,
1861, 2-3: XV, 724
BAUaRY, JULES(1814--98): XIV, 477
NICOLAS( 1774-1848): XXH, 191
Proposition forDiminishing the Taxes on Newspapers ( 17 Sept., 1830 ): XXH, 191
BAYLE,PIERRE(1 647--1706). Dictionnaire historique et critique: IX, 425
BAYLEY, WILLIAMBUTTERWORTH (1782--1860): XIV, 181; XXXII, 51, 58
BAYLY,NATHANIELTHOMASHAYNES(1797--1839). Psychae: VI, 360q
BAYr,mS,THOMASSPENCER(1823--87): XV, 963; XVI, 1395
*An Essay on the New Analytic of Logical Forms: IX, 385q
_, trans. *The Port-Royal Logic, by Antoine Arnauld and Pierre Nicole: IX, 386n
Barry - Beaumont 85

BAZA_, CLAIRE(wife of the next; ft. 1830): XII, 93

BAZARD,SAINTAMAND(1791--1832): I, 173 (172); XH, 71, 73, 93, 140, 193
BAZLEY,THOMAS(1797--1885): XV, 836; XVI, 1226; XVII, 1597, 1604
BAzzI, GIOVANNIANTONIO(I1 Sodoma) ( 1477-1549 ): XIV. 310
BEADON,CECIL (1816--81): XXVIII, 234
BEAL, JAMES(1829--91): XVI, 999, 1025, 1035, 1059, 1067, 1072, 1129, 1221, 1250,
1488; XVII, 1555-7; XXIX, 444-59e; XXXH, 174, 179
LETTERS TO:XVI, 1005-7, 1031-5, 1091-2, 1125, 1523-6; XVII, 1555-7; XXXII,
168-9, 176-7
"Metropolitan Government": XVI, 1125
BEALES,EDMOND(1803-81): I, 278; XVI, 1198, 1429, 1436, 1458, 1471; XVII, 1629,
1650, 2013; XXVIII, 101-2, 104, 114, 343,346. LETTERSTO:XVI, 1186-7, 1291-2,
1455-6; XVII, 2012-13
Letter to The Times: XXVIII, 114
BEATTIE,JAMES(1735--1803): I, 19 (18), 565; X, 85-6
BEATTIE,WILLIAM(1793--1875). Life and Letters of Thomas Campbell: XXV, 1263q
BEAUCHAMP, HENRYDE (Duke of Warwick) (1425-45): XXVII, 592
"BEAUCHAMP,PHILIP." See Grote, George, Analysis
Speech on the Dorsetshire Labourers (18 Apr., 1834): VI, 207-8; XXIII, 705
BEAUFORT,DUKE OF. See Somerset, Henry Charles Fitzroy
35): XXII, 250
BEAUJEU,ANNE, DUCHESSEDE (1461--1522): XXl, 303
PIEggE AUGUSTINCARON DE(1732--99): XII, 203,218
-- *Le barbier de Sdville: IV, 206
*La foUe journde, ou Le mariage de Figaro: XIX, 427q; XXI, 325
*M#moires: XII, 209
"BEAUMONT,HARRY." See Spence, Joseph

BEAUMONT, THOMAS WENTWORTH (1792--1848): XIII, 410, 419, 421; XXXII,

BEALrMONT,WENTWORTHBLACKETT(1829--1907). Motion on the Election Petitions and
Corrupt Practices at Elections Bill (23 July, 1868): XXVIII, 326
272-3,280, 282-3,289, 304-5, 309-10, 317; XIH, 435; XXXII, 73
LETTERS TO; XV, 719-20; XVII, 1990-3

L'lrlande sociale, politique et religieuse: VI, 530; XI, 135n; XII, 301; XVII,
1990-3; XXIV, 897
86 Index of Persons and Works

-- Marie, ou L'Esclavage aux Etats-Unis: XII, 275; XVIII, 76q, 93-115 rev,
102-3q, 104n-5n q, lll-12q
BEAVER,PHILIP( 1766-- 1813). African Memoranda: I, 11,555
-- Dei delitti e delle pene: XXII, 323
BI_CHADE,JEAN (Bastille prisoner): XX, 146
BECHER,WILLIAMWRIXON(1780--1850). Evidence on the Disturbances in Ireland (PP):
VI, 96
BECKER,LYD1AERNEST1NE(1827--90): XVI, 1283; XVII, 1895
"Female Suffrage": XVI, 1270
BECKET. See Thomas a Becket (St.)
BECKET'r,JOHN (1777--1847): XII, 324
BEDFORD,JOHNTHOMAS(1812--1900): XXXI, 401-2e
BEECHER,HENRYWARD(1813--87): X'VII, 1566
The Beehive. Address of Condolence to Andrew Johnson (20 May, 1865), 1: XVI, 1043
BEESLY,EDWARDS. (1831-1915): XVI, 1297, 1455, 1458
BEETHOVEN,LUDWIGVAN( 1770--1827): I, 350; XIIl, 409,450; XVII, 1661; XXI, 302;
XXIll, 563; XXXI, 222
Egmont. Overtiire: I, 351
--Fidelio: I, 351q
BEGGS, THOMAS (1808--96): XVI, 1170, 1530; XXIX, 471-6e; XXXII, 169.
LETTERSTO: XVI, 1141-2, 1170, 1449-51, 1518-19
--Article on Cobden: XVI, 1141
"The House Accommodation of the People": XVI, 1141-2
-- "The Westminster Election," Morning Star (21 Nov., 1868), 5: XVI, 1449, 1518
BEHREND(merchant; fl. 1825): IV, 55, 56n, 67-8
BEKE, CHARLESTmSTON E. (1800-74): XVII, 2007
BEKE, JAMES(Commissioner of Sewers; ft. 1840s): XVII, 2007
BEKKER,IMMANUEL(1785--1871 ), ed. Scripta Graece omnia of Plato: XI, 39
B_.LANGER,CHARLES(1805--81). Voyage aux lndes-Orientales: XXXI, 345-58 rev
BEHSARIUS(ca. 505-565 A.D.): XIV, 312
The Bell (Kolokol): XXV, 1203
Letter from the Central National Polish Commiaee in Warsaw ( 1 Oct., 1862): XV,
848; XXV, 1203
BELL,ANDREW(1753--1832): XV, 552; XXI, 385; xxvm, 362
BELL, CHARLES(of the EIC; ft. 1856): XXXII, 87, 110
BELL, F_,NOS DXLLON(1821--98): XIH, 643
Beaumont - Bentham 87

BELL, GEORGE(merchant; fl. 1837)i XXXI, 347

BELL, ROBERT(1800--67): XIl, 274
BELLARMINE,ROBERT(1542-1621): XV, 647
BELLASYSE,HENRY(d. 1692): VI, 28
BELLINI, GIOVANNI(ca. 1431-1516): XIV, 310-11
BELLOC, ELIZABETHRAYNER(n6e Parkes) (1829-1925): XV, 683
BELMONTE,PRINCEDE (fl. 1855)i XIV, 352
BEM, JOSEF(1795--1850): XIV, 136
BEMIS,GEORGE(1816--78). Precedents of American Neutrality (Boston: Little, Brown,
1864): XV, 957
BENDYSHE,THOMAS(1827--86)i XVI, 1105
BENEDICT(St.) (480-547 A.D. )1 XX, 240, 249
BENEDICTXI (Pope) (1240-1304): XX, 244
BENEDICtXIV (Pope) (1675-1758): XIX, 382
BENEI_, FRIEDRICHEDUARD(1798--1854). System der Logik, 2 vols. (Berlin: Dimunler,
1842): xm, 584, 618
BENET, M. (physician at Hy_res; ft. 1854): XIV, 129
BENNETT,WILLIAMCOX (1820-95): XVII, 1916. LETTERSTO: XVI, 1422, 1440; XVII.
BENNIS,GEORGEGEARY(1790--1866)i XH, 279, 309
BENSON, RALPH AUGUSTUS(1828--86)i XVII, 1677-9, 1706; XXV, 1221; XXXH,
BENTHAM,CLARA (1802--29): I, 59 (58); XII, 10, 12; XXVI, 3-143passim
BENTn_, GEORGE (180(O84): I, 59 (58), 573; XII, 10, 12; XXVI, 3-143 passim;
Catalogue des plantes indig_nes des Pyrenees et du Bas Languedoc: XXXI, 317
_ An Outline of a New System of Logic (Hunt and Clarke, 1827): XII, 23
Labiatarum genera et species (Ridgway and Sons, 1832-36): xm, 578
BENTHAM,JEREMIAH (1712--92)i X, 81
BENTnAM,JEREMV(1748--1832): I, 11 (10), 55--9 (54--8), 65 (64), 67--73 (66--72), 83
(82), 89 (88), 91--3 (90--2), 97--115 (96--114)passim, 134, 137 (136), 154,162, 165
(164), 207 (206), 208n, 211-13,221 (220), 225-7 (224-6), 265,535-8,589-93,602,
616; II, 220, 392; HI, 809, 811,862, 883; VI, 303q, 306; VIII, 876n, 890; IX, 37; X,
5-18passim, 21,26, 54, 77-115passim, 119-21,127-8, 146, 150, 169-85passim,
190-201 passim, 207,209, 220n, 258n, 267,290, 300, 307,325,394, 406, 413-14,
494-502passim; XI, 61,387,405; XII, 4-5, 6n-7n, 23, 34, 112, 152, 172, 221,231,
359; XIII, 380, 405-6,458,576,598,600-2,639; XIV, 78; XV, 745,979; XVI, 1223,
1432; XVII, 1548; X'VIII, 7, 11-12, 36; XIX, 481,527, 623; XXI, 57, 167-8,245;
XXII, 48,323; XXHI, 448,467-73; XXV, 1263; XXV, 7, 37n, 46, 71n, 90, 409n,
88 Index of Persons and Works

444, 450-3; XXVll, 657; XXX, 21, 28,227; XXXI, 3-92passim; XXXll, 15, 66
LETTERS TO: XII, 3, 18-19
-- Analysis of the Influence of Natural Religion: I, 73 (72), 579; X, 406,413
"Bentham on Humphrey's Property Code": XXXI, 9
*Bentham' s Draught of a Code for the Organization of the Judicial Establishment
in France: XX, 362
*The Book ofFallacies: I, 25q (24), l13q (112), 117 (116), 121 (120), 221q (220);
vm, 695q, 742q, 823q; X, 14-15q, 81-2, 90q; XI, 31; XVll, 1897; XXII, 241;
xxm, 469,473; XXVl, 261n, 263,265,267,368,384
*Chrestomathla: I, 71 (70), 572; XXVI, 34
*The Constitutional Code: X, 106; XX, 362; XXI, 24; XXH, 40, 62-4,102, 130,
144, 184-5; XXIII, 489-90, 492, 503; X'XIV, 874
*Defence of Usury: Ill, 923; X, 81-2; xxm, 473
--Deomology, ed. John Bowring: X, 90, 98-9, 174; Xll, 236; XIV, 256
-- *Draught of a New Plan for the Organisation of the Judicial Establishment in
France: I, 119 (118); XXll, 64; XXIII, 470-1,473
*The Elements of the Art of Packing: I, 298; XXII, 92
*Essay. on the Influence of Time and Place in Matters of Legislation: X, 105,195
*"Essay on the Promulgation of Laws, and the Reasons Thereof, with a Specimen
of a Penal Code": X, 84<I
*A Fragment on Government: I, 71 (70), 119 (118), 577-8; VI, 72q; VIII, 732; X,
82, 496; XXl, 22; xxm, 469,471,473; xxvI, 309
*An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation: I, 67q (66), 67-9
(66-8), 71 (70), 577; X, 5q, 8, 85-6q, 94, 97, 110q, 175-6, 177-8q, 271q; XII, 13;
XIV, 235; XVII, 1765, 1782; XXI, 200; XXIH, 473
*Introductory View of the Rationale of Evidence: Xll, 362; xm, 368; XVlll,
294q; xxIv, 827
*Leading Principles of the Constitutional Code: XIX, 390
*Letters... on the Proposed Reform in the Administration of Civil Justice in
Scotland: VI, 324q; XIX, 521q; XXVIH, 233; XXX, 84, 181
*Panopticon: I, 71 (70), 578; XXIH, 473
*Paper on the preservation of grain: XXVI, 11, 12
*Papers Relative to Codification and Public Instruction: XXI, 56q, 171q; XXIII,
*Plan of Parliamemary Reform: I, 109q (108); VI, 3; X, 257q; XII, 62; XV, 956;
XX, 324; XXI, 32q, 59q; XXII, 154q, 194q, 277q, 326q; xxm, 695q; XXVl, 269,
330, 359-60, 365-6, 452; XXXI, 9q
*Principles of International Law: XXXI. 11
*Principles of Judicial Procedure: XXI, 174; XXXI. 21
*Principles of the Civil Code: II, 220; m, 811; x, 104n, 154. 197q; XX, 354;
XXllI, 410, 471
Bentham - Bdranger 89

*A Protest against Law-Taxes: XXXl, 50

*Rationale ofJudicialEvidence, ed. J.S. Mill: I, 117-19 (116-18); VI, 278q; VII,
598q, 627q; X, 95n q, 470; XII, 18-19, 361; XlII, 368q; XVII, 1558, 1565, 1573-4,
1578, 1583, 1586-7, 1602, 1613, 1617, 1711-t2, 1722, 1981-2, 1988, 1993-4; XIX,
441q; XXIII, 470, 473; XXX, 21; XXXlI, 7
*The Rationale of Punishment: VI, 258; XXH, 323; XXIII, 471
(in French) Thdorie despeines et des r_compenses, ed. and trans. Pierre Etienne
Louis Dumont: I, 71 (70), 578; XVII, 1812; XXIII, 470,473
*The Rationale of Reward: I, 115 (114); X, 113q; XIH, 369
* "Swear not at all" : XXlI, 12-15, 31-3, 43, 47; XXIII, 695-6
*A Table of the Springs of Action: I, 71 (70), 578; X, 12, 95q, 96, 109q
*Tactique des assemblies l_gislatives, suivie d' un Trait_ des sophismes politiques,
ed. and trans. Pierre Etienne Louis Dumont: I, 71 (70), 578; XVII, 1812; XXIII, 470,
*A Treatise on Judicial Evidence: XXXl, 3, 13-14q, 14-15, 17q, 57, 60q
(in French) Trait_ des preuvesjudiciaires, ed. and trans. Pierre Etienne Louis
Dumont: I, 71 (70), 117 (116), 578; XVII, 1812; xxm, 470, 473; XXXI, 3, 13, 51,57;
-- Trait_s de l_gislation civile etp_nale, ed. and trans. Pierre Etienne Louis Dumont:
I, 65-73 (64-70), 67q (66), 325,577q; X, 11,496; XVII, 1812; XXIII, 470, 473
"Vue g6n6rale d'un corps complet de 16gislation." See Trait_s de l_gislation civile
et p_nale
*The Works of JeremyBentham: X, 77-115 rev; XlI, 357-8: XVII, 1812
BENTHAM,MARIA SOPHIA(n6e Fordyee) (1765-1858): I, 57-9 (56-8); XXVI, 3-143
BENTHAM, MARY LOUISA.SeeChesnelde laCharbonnelaye,
Mary Louisa
BENTHAM, SAMUEL (1757--1831):I,57--9(56--8),
62;XII,5, 12;XIV, 260;XXVI,
3-143 passim.LETTERTO:Xll,6-I0
I,59 (58);
XH, 10;XXVI, 3-143passim
Municipal Corporations (Metropolis) Bill (17 June, 1868): XXVIII, 291,301
BENTINCK,GEORGEWILLIAMPIERREPONT (1803--86). Speech on the Financial Statement
(10 Feb., 1860), PD, Vol. 156, cols. 878-9: XV, 676
BENT[NCK,WILLIAMCAVENDISH(Lord William) (1774-1839): I, 77 (76); XXX,
BENTLEY,RICHARD (1662--1742):
BENTLEY, RICHARD ( 1794-1871
XXIII,573 rev
BRRANGER,CHARLES(economist; ft. 1851 ). "La libert6 et le monopole": II, 446n-7n q
BRRANGER,EMERI(d. ca. 1334): XX, 49
B_aO_NGER,PIERREJEAN DE (1780--1857): I, 532; XII, 55, 191
90 Index of Persons and Works

BI_RARD,AUGUSTE( 1796-- 1852): XXVI, 128- 37 passim

Bgl_t_, ETIENNE(1764--1839): XXVI, 41-4, 70-1, 73, 126-41 passim
BI_RARD,JACQUESETIENNE( 1789--1869): xm, 568; XXVI, 127-34 passim
BERCHET,AMBROGIO(1784--1864): XII, 15
BERCHET,GIOVANrqI( 1783-- 1851): XII. 15
(d. 1088). De sacra coena adversus Lanfrancum liber posterior: XX, 246
THOMAS(BGrenger de la Dr6me) ( 1785-1866):
xxm, 530-1,658
Speech on the Sunday Lectures Bill (19 June, 1867): XXVIII, 290, 294
Speech on th9 Representation of the People Bill (27 June, 1867): XXVIII, 195
Speech on the Elementary Education Bill (15 Mar., 1870): XXIX, 384
( 1750-- 1829): XX, 12
-- Letter on the Secret Ballot: XVI, 1042
BERKELEY, GEORGE(1685--1753): I, 71 (70), 578; VII, 58-9, 203; vm, 649, 928-30,
994, 1020, 1088; IX, 6, 10, 15n, 110, 152-3, 155,163n, 183, 195-6,209n, 307,362,
424, 493n; X, 46; XI, 348, 465; XRI, 542, 639; XXI, 60, 242-3; XXVI, 166, 415;
XXVII, 657; XXXI, 156
*Alciphron: XI, 365-6
*The Analyst: IX, 428; Xl, 467
*Commonplace Book: Xl, 453
*A Defence of Free-Thinking in Mathematics: IX, 428; Xl, 467
*An Essay towards a New Theory of Vision: IX, 230,242n-3n; XI, 247-69, 25 lq,
253q, 453-7; XVI, 1473; XXVI, 166; XXXI, 156, 163
*Passive Obedience: XI, 468
*Querist: XI, 469q
*Siris: Xl, 463,470q
*Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous: Xl, 459q, 465-6q; XVI, 1473;
XXVI, 166
*,4 Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge: VIII, 815-16q; IX,
304-5q; XI, 460-1q, 463q; XVI, 1473; XXVI, 166
Works, ed. Alexander Campbell Fraser: I, 627; X.l, 451-71 rev, 470q; XV, 970;
XVII, 1828, 1833
BEatrmLEV,ROnERT(1584--1656): VI, 29
(d. 1752). Recueil de voyages au nord: XXXI, 352q
B_ARI), LOUISROSED_tt_, (Bernard de Rennes) (1788-1858): XXII, 204
BE_, M. (Comte's protGg_;ft. 1844): XIII, 620, 632
BERNARD,SIMONF_Ng_alS (1817--62): XV, 836
BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX(St.) ( 1091-1153): XX, 246
Bdrard- Bethell 91


XXIH, 524; XXVI, 23-4
DE ( 1798-1870):
XIV, 229; XXIII, 461,464, 474, 573
BERRY,MARY(1763--1852). The Fashionable Friends: I, 605
-- Interjection during Tocqueville's Speech on the Address to the King (28 Jan.,
1843): XXIV, 843q
BERTHA(of Kent) (d. ca 616 A.D.): XXI, 327
BERTHELOT, MERCELINPIERREEUGI_NE(1827-1907). "La science id6ale et la science
positive": X, 264
BERTHOLLET, CLAUDE LOUIS, COMTE(1748--1822): I, 62; VII, 375; XIII, 651; XXH,
198; XXVI, 11-12
MARGUERITE(n6e Baur) (d. 1828): XXVI, 11-12
BERTIN,AMI_DI_E JOSEPH(b. 1805), and LI_ONMAUPILL_(fl. 1846). Notice historique et
statistique sur la baronie, la ville et l'arrondissement de Fougdres: II, 450q, 451; XXIV,
1057q, 1058
BERTIN,LOUISFgAN_OIS(l'ain6) ( 1766-1841 ): XXIII, 723
BRRTOLON1,ANTONIO(1775--1869). Flora italica: XXXI, 299
BERTRAND,ANTOINE(1749--1816): XX, 12
BERTR^NDDE BOgs (1140-1215): XX, 36n
particuliers: XX, 76n, 93n, 96, 107-8q
BERVlLLE,ALBINDE (Saint-Albin Berville) (1788-1868). Speech on the Freedom of the
Press (10 Aug., 1848): XXV, ll16q
--, and JEAN FRANCOISB_d_RE, eds. Collection des mdmoires relatifs d la
rdvolutionfranfaise: XII, 22, 138, 146, 180; XX, 5, 97n
, eds. Mdmoires historiques et militaires sur Carnot: XX, 101
_ Mdmoires de M. le baron de Besenval: XX, 92n, 139-40q, 147
BESLAY,CHARLES(1795--1878): HI, 774n, 1017
BESSBOROUGH, LORD. See Ponsonby, John William
BEST, WILLIAMDRAPER(Lord Wynford) (1767-1845): VI, 235, 250, 255n; XHI, 507;
XXXI, 81
Speech on the Law of Evidence (8 Mar., 1842 ), PD, Vol. 61, cols. 214-15: XlII.
BETHELL, RICHARD (Lord Westbury) (1800-73): HI, 885n
92 Index of Persons and Works

(1801--51 ): XXX, 148
BEUDIN, JACQUES F_LIX (1796-1850), ALEXA_DREDUMAS,et aL RichardDarlington: I,
BEULg, CHARLESERNEST(1826--74). "L'atelier de Phidias": XV, 745-6
Bevis of Hampton: XXVII, 610
BEXLEY,LORD. See VansiRa_, Nicholas
BEYLE,MARIEHENRI("Stendhal') (1783-1842): XIII, 458
"Les Cenci," Revue des Deu.r Mondes, 4th set., XI (1 July, 1837): XIV, 310
BmER, GEORGEEDWARD(fl. 1830). Christian Education: VII, 257n; HI, 1095; XXI,
BIBLE:I, 337; IV, 37"I;VI, 490; VII, 193; IX, 204n; X, 27-8, 144-5,159, 160-2, 300,
322,382,416; XII, 140, 194,265; SIR, 497,563; XIV, 39; XV, 696,737,753,895-6,
903; XVI, 1235-6; XVII, 1610-11, 1962; XIX, 397,570; XX, 34n, 238,386; XXI, 72,
74,296,379; XXII, 70; XXHI, 640; XXV, 1222; XXVI, 427; XXVII, 526; XXIX, 383;
XXXI, 77,361; XXXH, 53
-- New Testament: I, 41 (40), 337, 370; VIH, 626n; X, 65, 161,218, 416-17,
423-5,469, 487; XI, 437; XII, 101,182, 208; XIH, 415; XV, 696, 896, 903; XVIII,
248, 254-5; SIX, 397; XXIV, 1084; XXVII, 526; XXVIII, 4
Old Testament: I, 41 (40); X, 161,224, 396,416n; XI, 437; XIV, 348; XV, 895;
XVIH, 254; XIX, 397; XXIV, 869; XXV, 1174
--Acts: IX, 35q; X, 480n; XVHI, 236; XIX, 381q; XXVI, 361; XXVIII, 352
II Chronicles: I, 437q
Colossians: XVIII, 255; XX, 219q; XXI, 296q
I Corinthians: VII, 626n q; IX, 262q; X, 420q; XI, 421q; XIII, 401q, 446q, 466q,
520; XIV, 311-12q; XV, 635q; XVI, 1104q, 1500q; XXI, 69
-- 1] Corinthians: XXXII, 235 q
Daniel: XV, 896; XXII, 176q; XXV, 1098q; XXVl, 307
_ Deuteronomy: I, 329q; VI, 373q; XIX, 441q; XXl, 58; XXH, 170q, 172q; XXIH,
Ecclesiastes: XIII, 404q, 474q; SIX, 630q; XXVIII, 37
Ecclesiasticus (Apocrypha): XXIH, 490q, 589q; XXVI, 375
--.Exodus: X, 410q; XII, 352; XXl, 288; XXlI, 166; XXIV, 996q, 1068; XXVIII, 38
Ezekiel: VI, 367; XIII, 426q; XX, 228; XXV, 1096
_ Galatians: VIII, 1134q
Genesis: VI, 362, 374, 531; X, 27, 162, 435; XX, 145; 380q; XXI, 37q; XXIV,
898; XXVII, 650; XXVIII, 35,365
Hebrews: IX, 471q
Hosea: XXI, 69q
Isaiah: IV, 47q; X, 423q; XV, 895; XX, 145,155q, 165; XXI, 69q; XXlV, 965q;
xxvm, 24Sq,26Oq
Bethune - Bickersteth 93

James: XVIII, 248

Jeremiah: XV, 895
Job: VI, 373; IX, 44q; XX, 212q; XXII, 295q
John: VII, 150q; VIII, 1048q; X, 28q, 416q, 487; xm, 425q, XV, 903; XXIV,
812,908q; XXVII, 665q; XXXI, 63q
Joshua: X/V, 163q; XXII, 172q
Judges: X, 320; XV, 736-7; XXI, 302; XXIII, 558; XXVI, 279
Judith (Apocrypha): XX, 151
_I Kings: VI, 42q, 530; XXIV, 917, 1081; XXIX, 428
Lamentations: VI, 460q
-- Leviticus: X, 416n q
--Luke: V, 751; VI, 73q, 373; X, 417; XI, 242q; XV. 903; XVI, 1501; XVIII, 248;
XX, 166q; XXI, 68, 69q, 257,281,389; XXII. 310q; XXIII. 557q; XXV, 1099q, 1174;
XXVI, 58; XXVIII, 321,352
-- Mark: X, 29. 424; XV, 903; XXIV, 921
-- Matthew: I, 72; VI, 152, 167q, 373,398q; X, 288q, 417, 423; XI, 243q; XII,
100-1q, 141,210q; XV, 903; XVI, 1479q; XVIII, 236, 248-9; XX. 253; XXI, 87q;
XXII, 7, 31q, 135,211; XXIV, 902q, 965q, 972q, 1031, 1067, 1075q; XXV, 1096q.
1173-4; XXVI, 306(1, 389q, 401q; XXVIII, 321,352. 356, 363q; XXIX, 430; XXXI,
-- Numbers: I, 448
-- II Peter: I, 448
_ Proverbs: I, 335q. 421; V, 762q; VI, 165q; XV, 912q; XXI, 71q; XXllI, 616q;
XXIV, 804q; XXV. 1183q; XXVI, 278q; xxvm, 328
_ Psalms: VIII, 862q; IX, 439q; XVIII. 58q; XXII, 217q; XXIII, 418q; XXVI, 427
-- Revelation: X, 27,412
--Romans: X, 42,_1; XVI, 1501; XXI, 296q; XXIV, 909q
-- I Samuel: XI, 13n; XXVI, 279, 314
II Samuel: VI, 530; XX, 140q; XXIV. 1081; XX1X, 428
-- Susanna (Apocrypha): XXXI, 293
I Thessalonians: V, 457q
II Thessalonians: VI, 491q
I Timothy: XXII, 7
II Timothy: XXII, 7
Titus: XXI, 39q; XXII, 7; XXIII, 679q
Zechariah: XXXI, 386q
Biblioteca portatile del viaggiatore (Florence: Passigli, et al., 1829-30): XIV, 251,258
BICHAT, MArnE FRANCOISXAVIER( 1771-- 1802): VII, 473; X, 289

BICKERSTErn, HEr,mY (Baron Langdale) (1783-1851): VI, 326-7; XII, 169, 334q;
94 Index of Persons and Works

JANEELIZABETH(Lady Langdale) (d. 1872): XIV, 293
BICKLEY,JOSEPH(working man; ft. 1873). LETTERTO: XVlI, 1934
BIDGOOD, HENRY (of Westminster; fl. 1866): XXIX, 503e

BIEL, GABRIEL(ca. 1425-95): VIII, 753n

BIGGS,CAROLINEASHURST(1840--89): XVII. 1698, 1823-5, 1836, 1842-3, 1849, 1851,
BIGGS, JOSEPH(radical; ft. 1871): XVII, 1823, 1859-60
BIGNON,LOUISPIERREEDOUARD,BARON(1771--1841 ): XXlII, 378, 531-2,665
Amendment to the Address to the King (3 Dec., 1832): XXIII, 532
Speech on Foreign Affairs (7 Jan., 1834): XXIII, 665
( 1788-- 1864): I, 97 (96), 99 (98), 115 (114), 117 (116), 121 (120);
-- "Combination and Combination Laws": I, 121 (120)
--"County Courts": I, 121 (120)
--"Licensing System;--Public Houses": I, 121 (120)
(prob.) "M. Cottu and Special Juries": I, 97 (96), 298
"Moore's Fables for the Holy Alliance": I, 97 (96), 115q (114)
-- (prob.). "On Emigration": XX, 69n
-- "Periodical Literature: Quarterly Review": I, 97 (96), 298; XXXII, 5
"Prefatory Treatise on Political Fallacies": I, 121 (120); VI, 78-9, 80, 84n
-- "Travels of Duncan, Flint and Faux": I, 97 (96); XXXII, 5
-- "Vocal Music": I, 97 (96)
BINGMANN,DR. (translator; fl. 1869): XXXII, 205
rique et pittoresque de Paris: XX, 21n q
Biographie universelle, ed. Joseph Franf_ois Michaud (1767-1839) and Louis Gabriel
Michaud (1773-1858): VI, 160q; XIII, 407; XX, 80, 147q, 166q
BION (ca. 100 B.C.?): XIV, 401
BLOT,JEANBAPTISTE( 1774-- 1862). Essai de gdomdtrie analytique. See next title
-- Traitd analytique des courbes et des surfaces du second degrd: I, 575; XXVI,
129-32, 139
*Trait_ _l$mentaire d'astronomie physique (Paris: Bernard, 1805): XIV, 29
Bmo ANNE (b. ca. 1805): XXV, 1155
BInD CrmlSTOPHER(1778--1867). "Introduction": XX, 371n q
Brad GOLDING(1814--54): XIV, 113,127, 137,140, 182-3
Brad J.S. (ft. 1868). LETTERTO:XVI, 1476
Bmo ROBERTCURrtS (b. ca. 1815): XXV, 1152-3, 1164-7
(1788-1853): XXX, 98
BraD SARAH(b. ca. 1815): XXV, 1152-3, 1164-7
Bickersteth - Blackwood's 95

(d. 1857): XXX, 34-5
---- Evidence on the Government of India Act: (PP): XXX, 51
BIRKBECK,GEORGE(1776--1841): XVI, 1092, 1470; XXXH. 200
BIRKBECK,MORRIS(1764--1825): XX, 69n
Birmingham Gazette. Report of a Correspondent (1865): XVI, 1077
BIRT, DANIEL (d. 1878): XXIX, 500-3e
BISHOP,DANIEL(law officer; ft. 1823). Evidence on the Game Laws (PP): VI, 104n,
BISHOP,HENRY(b. 1792): XXlII, 744; XXIV, 778
BISSET.ANDREW(1803-99?): XH, 293, 315, 343,356; XIV, 34-5: XVI, 1286; XVII,
BLACK, ADAM(1784--1874): XII, 134, 366
BLACK,JOHN( 1783-- 1855): I, 91 (90), 107 (106); VI, 163,273. 340; XII, 109; XIII, 372;
XV, 978-80; XXII, 101-2; XXIll, 496, 502-4; XXIV, 811-22, 830; XXXII,
6-7. LETTER TO: xgiI, 482
BLACK, JOSEPH (1728-99). Lectures on the Elements of Chemlstry: I, 308
BLACK, WILLIAM HENRY (1808-72): XXIX, 490-1e
The Black Dwarf."Question of Population" (signed "A Friend to the'Lower Classes'") (7
Jan., 1824): XXII, 95-7
BLACKBURN, COLIN (1813--96). Charge to Middlesex Grand Jury in the Case of Governor
Eyre: XXI, 434; XXVIII, 302
BLACKBURNE, FRANCIS(1705--87). The Confessional: XXXI, 20
BLACKER,MAXWELL(witness; ft. 1822-25). Evidence on the Disturbances in Ireland
(PP): VI, 89n, 93n, 96
BLACKER,WILLIAM( 1775-- 1855). Prize Essay, Addressed to the Agricultural Committee
of the Royal Dublin Society: II, 144q; XXIV, 927-30q, 942, 974, 1046q
BLACKIE,JOHN STUART(1809--95): XlI, 342; XVI, 1045, 1054
"Traits and Tendencies of German Literature": XRI, 484
WILLIAM(1723--80): X, 82, 103, 151; XII, 53; XXH, 197; XXVI, 422
. *Commentaries on the Laws of England: I, 67 (66), 577; HI, 893q; XH, 13-14;
XlX, 575; XXI, 21,178,194-5; XXII, 197; XXIII, 393q; XXIV, 755; XXV, 1173q;
XXVI, 263,332, 377,388,422; XXVIII, 271q
BLACKWELL,ANNA (ca. 1817-1900). LETTERTO: xgv, 75
(1826-1902): V, 678; XVII, 1601; XXXII, 216
Mr. Mill's Plan for the Pacification of Ireland Examined: XXVIII, 258, 260
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine: I, 348q, 397-8; XII, 91,302n; XIII, 445,484; XVI,
1147; XVII, 1897, 2003; XXII, 175; XXIII, 691; XXVI, 414
96 Index of Persons and Works

DE ( 1777-1850): X, 323; XIH, 587,616-17,656
De l'organisation des animaux: VIII, 656, 675, 715,730
BLAIR,JAMES(of the Bank of Bombay: ft. 1870): XVH, 1737
BLAKE,ANTHONYRICHARD(witness; ft. 1825). Evidence on the State of Ireland (PP): VI,
87n, 88n
BLAKE,WILLIAM( 1774-1852). Observations on the Effects Produced by the Expenditure
of Government during the Restriction of Cash Payments: IV, 3-22 rev, 3-7q, 11-12q,
14-19q, 22n q
Observations on the Principles Which Regulate the Course of Exchange: IV, 188;
VI, 176; XXIV, 853
BLAKE, WILLIAMJOHN (1805-75): XV, 767
-- Letters to the Editor of The Times on JSM and the land question ( 19 and 23 May,
1871): XVII, 1822
BLAKEY,ROBERT(1795--1878). History of Moral Science: X, 21-9 rev, 23-7q; Xll, 177,
BLANC, CHRISTINE(n6e Graft; wife of the following): XVII, 1622
BLANC, JEAN JOSEPHCHARLESLOUIS(1811-82): II, 203,210; III, 775,788n; V, 728,
739; XIII, 740; XlV. 10, 15; XV, 760, 773,862, 958; XVI, 999. 1112, ll31, 1365;
XVII, 1694, 1913; XIX, 466n; XX, 321, 328. 332, 353-4; XXV, 1100; XXXII,
LETTERSTO:XIV, 23-4; XV, 503,513-14,516,531,545,562-3,600-1,861,867,
876-8,899-900,945,947,952, 954-5; XVI, 1022, 1112, 1123-4, 1367, 1416-17,
1486-7; XVII, 1608-9, 1621-2
"The Bouverie-Mill Controversy": XVI, 1471, 1486-7
"D_positions de M. Louis Blanc, repr6sentant du peuple" (29 May and 15 July,
1848): XX, 353
*Histoire de la rdvolution franfaise, 12 vols. (Paris: Langlois and Leclerq,
1847-62): XV, 878
-- *Historical Revelations (Chapman and Hall, 1858): XV, 545,562
The History ofTen Years, 1830-1840: VI, 499q
-- La rdvolution de fdvrier au Luxembourg: XX, 353
"Lettres de Londres": XV, 952, 955,958; XVI, 1123; XVII, 1608
_Lettres sur rAngleterre, 2 set., 4 vols. (Paris: Lacroix, Verboeckhoven, 1865-66,
and 1866-67): XVI, 1022
Organisation du travail: V, 716-19q, 727q, 730; XVI, 1319; XXV, 1100, 1146
BLANCHE(of Castile) (1188-1252): XXI, 303,401
BLAND, MILES (1736--1867). Algebraical Problems: IX, 476
Geometrical Problems: IX, 476
Blainville - Boileau 97

BLANQUETDU CAYLA,M. (Rector of University of Montpellier 1815 - 22): XXVI, 131

BLANQUETDU CAYLA, MME(wife of the above): XXVI, 131
BLANQtrl, LOUISAUGUSTE(1805--81): XXHI, 396, 421-2
BLAQUmRE,EOW^RD(1779-1832): XXVI, 89-90
BLIGNII_RES, Cl_LESTIN LE BARBIER DE (1822-1905): XVI, 1008, 11346; XXXH,
128. LETTER TO: XV, 768-70

-- Exposition abrdg_e et populaire de la philosophie et de la rdligion positives: X,

328-9; XV, 768, 884; XVI, 1008, 1046
BLOCK,MAURICE(1816--1901). "Congr_s international des sciences soclales": XV, 958
BLOMFmLO,CHARLESJAMES(Bishop of Chester) ( 1786-1857): xxm, 636, 744; XXIV,

On Roman Catholic Claims (29 Mar., 1825): VI, 81q

On Roman Catholic Relief ( 17 May, 1825): VI, 67q, 93q
On Labour Rate (3 July, 1833): XXIH, 636
BLOUr_T,CHARLESRICHARD( 1775-- 1840). Letter to the editor of the Sussex Advertiser:
VI, 274q
BLOUNT,MOUNTJOY(Earl of Newport) ( 1597?-1666): VI, 39
BLUNT,JOHNHENRY(1823--84), ed. The Annotated Book of Common Prayer. See Book of
Common Prayer
BOCCACCIO,GIOVANNI(1313--75). Decameron: XXI, 414
BOCCALINI,TRAJANO(1556--1613). Advicesfrom Parnassus: VI, 352
BOCKH.See Boeckh
"Middle-Class Schools for Girls": XVI, 1270
-- "Reasons for the Enfranchisement of Women": XVI, 1270
BODIN, FI_LIX(1795-1837): XH, 24
and LOUISAIX)LPHETHIERS(1797--1866).
, Histoire de la r_volutton franfaise,
Vols. I-II: XXV, 1436
BOE, SytvIus DE LA (1614--72): VHI, 793
BOECKH,AUGUST(1785-1867). The Public Economy of Athens: XVIH, 3; XXIH, 448
Ueber die vierjdhrigen Sonnenkriese der AlLen, vorziiglich den Eudoxischen: XI,
BoErmus, ANICIUSMANLIUSSEVERINUS(ca. 476-524 A.D. ). *De arithmetica: XXVI,
BOETmUS,HECTOR(1465?--1536): XI, 489
BOHME,J^KOB(1575-1624): X, 127
BOIGNE,BENOT LEBORGNE,colvrrE DE (1741--1830): XIH, 538
BOILE^U, JACQUES( 1751-1840): XX, 12
98 Index of Persons and Works

BOILEAU, PAUL LOUIS (ca. 1781-1879): XXVI, 106, 109-10

BOILEAU-DEsPI_AUX,NICOLAS(1636-1711 ): I, 572; XXVI, 34
-- *L'artpofftique: I, 575; XXVI, 133-4, 136, 21 lq
-- *"Epistre VI, _ Lamoignon": I, 573; XXVI, 43
BOIRAC,EMILE (1851--1917): XXXH, 231
BOISGUILLEBERT, PIERRELE PESANTDE (1646--1714). Factum de la France: XXIV,

BOISSlER,PIERREEDMOND(1810--85). Voyage botanique dans le midi de l'Espagne

pendant l'ann_e 1837: XXXI, 290,315
198; XXIII, 352
-- Essai sur la _,ie, les _crits et les opinions de M. de Malesherbes: XX, 75n, 93
BOISTE,PIERRECLAUDEVlcrOmE (1765-1824). Dictionnaire des difficult_s de la langue
franfaise: I, 573-4; XXVI, 48, 56, 60
BOITEAU,PAUL (1830--86). "Le Budget de 1865 et la situation financi6re": XV, 947
BOLEYN,ANNE (1507-36): I, 527
BOLINGBROKE.See Saint-John, Henry
BOLOGNA,GIOVANNI(1524--1608): XIV, 479
BOLTON, M.P.W. (1820-94). lnquisitio Philosophica: IX, cv, 29n, 35n, 52n q; XVI,
Le Bon Sens: XlI, 244, 257; XVII. 1959; XXlII, 505
DE ( 1754-1840): XXVI, 181, 187
--Recherches philosophiques: XXVI, 181,185, 187, 189
BONAPARTE, JOSEPHNAPOLI_ON( 1768-1844). Letter to the Chamber of Deputies: XXII,
NAPOLEON. See Napoleon I (of France).

BONHAM,MR. (fl. ca. 1840): XXXII, 244

BONIFACEVIII (Pope) (ca. 1235?- 1303): VI, 82; XIII, 596; XX, 234,239,245,247, 251,
253; XXIV, 819
BONNE_ER, AUBIN (attacker of Bastille): XX, 144-5
BONNER,EDMUND( 1500?--69): X, 155
BONNET,CHARLES(1721--93): IX, 487
BONNET,JACQUESVICTOR(1814--85). "La variation des prix": XVII, 1642
BONNIAS,I'IENm (b. 1800): X/fill, 396, 421-2
BONNYCASTLE,JOHN (1750--1821). An Introduction to Algebra: I, 559; XII, 7
BONTEm'S, AtZXANDmE(Saint Simonian; ft. 1831): Xll, 71
BONTEMS,JOHN FRANCIS(of Common Council of London; ft. 1867): XXXI, 398e
The Book of Common Prayer: I, 161 (160), 460; VI, 25-6, 182, 192, 271; XXI, 296;
XXll, 165q; XXIV, 808,813-14; XXVI, 355,427; XXVII, 526; XXVIII, 49q; XXXI,
Boileau - Bourgoing 99

BOOgER, F_DEVaC (working man; ft. 1870). LETTERTO: XVIl, 1771

BOULE, GEORGE(1815--64). An Investigation of the Laws of Thought: XVII, 1862-3;
XXXlI, 153
BOONE, WILLIAM ( 1795 ?- 1870): XVII, 1986


BOOTH, JAMES(1796--1880): XXXII, 11
BOOTT, FRANCIS(1792--1863): XVIII, 109
CnAUaOgO, DUCDE (1820--83): XXI1, 269; XXVI, 113
BORDi_RE, HENRI (1825-89). LETTER TO: XXXlI, 120-1
SR. (merchant; ft. 1855): XIV, 343,346
BORGIA,CESARE( 1476-- 1507): XIX, 598
BORG1AS(the family): X, 386
JEAN FRAN(_OIS LOUIS CLAIR ( 1795-1822): XXV. 1250
BORTHWICK,W. (Political Agent of the EIC; ft. 1840): XXXH, 56
BOSSANGE, HECTOR (b. 1795): XIII, 580
BOSSUET, JACQUES BI_NIGNE(1627--1704): X, 324; XV, 647; XXVI, 55
BOSWELL, JAMES(1740--95). *Life of Johnson: VIII, 829; IX, 183; XVIU, 8q, 237-8
BOTH, JAN (1618--52): XXVII, 565

BOUCHETTE,ROBERTSHOREMILNES(1805--79). Letter to Lord Durham: VI, 453n-4n q

BOUGAINVILLE, LOUISANTOINEDE ( 1729-- 1811 ): I, 13 ( 1O--12 )
BOUILLI_, FRANCOIS CLAUDE AMOUR, MARQUIS DE (1739--1800). Mdmoires de M. de
Bouilld, sur la rdvolution franfaise: XX, 75n-6n, 93-4
BOULET, MME(music teacher', fl. 1820): XXVI, 39-60 passim
380, 386, 392,421-2
-- Letter to Louis Philippe: XXIII, 392
--Mdmoire prdsentd au roi: XX, 141n
BOURBONS.See Louis XVIII and Charles X
BOURDEILLE, PIERRE DE, SEIGNEUR DE BRANTOME (1540-1614). Les vies des dames
galantes: XXI, 312
EDMUNDD. (of the EIC; ft. 1850s): XIV, 128; XXXII, 97
See Labourdoanaie, Francois Rdgis, comte de
BOURGES,M. (book collector; ft. 1868): XVI, 1467
BOUROOING,ADOLPHEDE (ft. 1837). L'Espagne: XXXI, 384q
100 Index of Persons and Works


BOURKE,RICHARD(1777--1855). Evidence on the State of Ireland (PP): VI, 89n, 96
-- Evidence on the State of the Poor in Ireland (PP): XXIV, 939-40q
BOURKE,RICHARDSOUTHWELL (Lord Naas, later Earl of Mayo ) ( 1822-72): XVI, 1272;
XVII, 1560; XXXII, 199
-- Speech on the State of Ireland (10 Mar., 1868): XXVIII, 248, 250, 252, 254,
259-60, 310
BOURKE,THOMASFRANCIS(b. 1840): XVI, 1272, 1274-5; XXVIII, 166-7, 171-3
XXIII, 474
(1769-1845): xxm, 744; xxIv, 778
BOURRIENNE,LOUIS ANTOINEFAUVELETDE (1769--1834). Mdmoire sur Napoldon, 10
vols. (Paris: Ladvocat, 1829): XII, 141
BOURY, ADDLE(b. ca. 1813): XXUII, 532,667
BOUVATTIER,FRAN9OIS(ca. 1772-1856): XXllI, 389-90
BOUVERIE,EDWARDPLEYDELL(1818--89): XVI, 1423, 1435, 1441, 1455, 1465, 1471,
1502, 1511; KXV, 1220; XXXII, 201. LETTERSTO: XVI, 1453-4, 1460-4
-- Letters to JSM (25 Sept. and 13 Oct., 1868): XVl, 1453, 1471; XXV, 1220;
XXXII, 201
-- Speeches on the Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections Bill (21 May
and 6 July, 1868): KXVlII, 300-2
BOUVERIE,WILLIAMPLEYDELL(Earl Radnor) (1779-1869): Vl, 473; XXII, 210-11
Louis (1780-1855): XXIII, 369,381-4, 387-8
-- Letter to the Editor of the Constitutionnel (20 Dec., 1831 ): xxm, 381
Five Letters on the Events in Lyons (22-26 Dec., 1831 ): XXlII, 381-2,383q, 387
BOWEN,CHARLES(txadesman; ft. 1851): XXV, 1187
BOWEN,FRANCIS( 1811--90): KVlI, 1722. LETTERTO: XVI, 1182
"John Smart Mill on the Theory of Causation": XIV, 149
-- Lowell Lectures, on the Application of Metaphysical and Ethical Science to the
Evidences of Religion: VII, 354q, 356n q
BOWEN, GEORGEFERGUSON(1821--99): XIV, 409--10, 411-12, 414, 416, 419--21,
424--5,460, 468; XVI, 1046
-- "Essay on the Ionian Admimstration": XIV, 413
_Handbook for Travellers in Greece: XlV, 401,412, 413,415,424
_lthaca (Corcyra: Hermes, 1850): XIV, 413
BOWIE, HENRY (d. 1885). LETTERTO:XVI, 1049
BOWmNG,JOHN (1792-1872): I, 93 (92), 95-7 (94-6), 101 (100), 135 (134), 536; Vl,
157; XII, 66, 164, 236, 357; xm, 592; xIv, 175; xv, 528; xvII, 1993-4; XXlI,
147-9. LETTERSTO: Kit, 23-4; XXKII, 7-8, 11, 25
Bourguinon - Bray 101

Deontology .... From the MSS of Jeremy Bentham: X, 90, 98-9, 174; XH, 236;
XIV, 235
-- Letter to the Editor of the Examiner: XXH, 148q, 149
"Memoirs of Bentham": I, 535-7q, 538; XH, 357; xm. 598.601
BOWRING,MRS. (wife of the above): XIV, 175
BOWRING,THEMlSSES(two daughters of the above): XIV, 175
BOWYER,GEORGE_1811--83): XIV, 196-7,202; XXVIII, 276
-- Speech on the A/abama Claims (6 Mar., 1868): XXVIH, 243,246
BoYER, ABEL (1667--1729): XV, 677
JEANBAPTISTE(1765--93): XX, 12
BOYLE,ROnERT(1627--91): X, 287n
BgACCHICE.M. (notary at Avignon; ft. 1872): X-VH, 1916
BRACE,CHARLESLORING(1826--90): XV, 983: XVII, 1564, 1834, 1863, 1896. LETTERS
TO:XVI, 1064; XVII, 1797-1800, 1837-8
--"America": XVI, 987
-- The Races of the Old World (New York: Scribner, 1863): XV, 983
Bradford Review. Review of Dissertations and Discussions: XV, 678
BRADLAUGH,CHARLES(1833--91): I, 289; XV, 840; XVI, 1433-5, 1449-52, 1456-9,
1465, 1478-9, 1492, 1500-2, 1507-8, 1522-3; XVII, 1541. LETTE_ TO: XVI,
1487-8; XVH, 1605-6; XXXII, 206, 225-6
BRADLEY,CHARLES(Dissenter; ft. 1834): VI, 232
BRADLEY,MARYLOUISA(Dissenter; ft. 1834): VI. 232-3
Bradshaw's Continental Railway, Steam Navigation and Conveyance Guide: XV, 865
BRAG<;,MR. (ft. 1817): XII, 6
BRAHE,TYCHO(1546-1601 ): VIH, 652; X. 122; XX, 228
B_STON, JOHN(1577--1654): VI, 29
BRAND,HENRYBOffVERIE(1814--92): XV, 814; XVI, 1171, 1355-6
TO:XVII, 1699-1701, 1874-5
BRANDIS,CHRISTIANAUGUST(1790--1867). Handbuch der Geschichte der Griechisch-
R6mischen Philosophie: VII, 364q
BRANNON,GEORGE(ft. 1820S). Vectis Scenery: XXVII, 590
PIERREDE BOURDEILLE, Anne DE (1540--1614). Mdmoires: XX, 50
BRAY,WILU_M (1736--1832), ed. "Private Correspondence between King Charles I and
His Secretary of State, Sir Edward Nicholas": VI, 5n, 40
102 Index of Persons and Works

BRAYNE,WILLIAM(d. 1657): XXl, 92

JEAN JACQUESDE(1751--1840): XX, 12
JOHNCABELL(1821--75): SIX, 484; XXI, 157
BRENTANO, FRANZ CLEMENS (1838--1917). LETTERS TO: XVll, 1875--6, 1888--9,
1896-7, 1902, 1904, 1907-8, 1914-15, 1927-9, 1934-5, 1944-5, 1950-1
-- "Auguste Comte und die positive Philosophie": XVII, 1876
--Die Psychologie des Aristoteles: XI, 504; XVII, 1876, 1888, 1902
--Psychologte vom empirischen Standpunkt: XVII, 1928, 1934-5
-- Von der mannig[achen Bedeulung des Seienden nach Aristoteles: XI, 494-5;
XVll, 1914
( 1565-- 1613). Elementa logicae: I, 21 (20), 567; XH, 8
-- Tractatus quidara logici de praedicabilibus, et praedicamentis: IX, 414q
89q, 91n, 94

On the Representation of the People Bill (9 and 17 May, 1867): XXVlll, 148-9,
-- On the Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections Bill (22 May, 1868):
On the Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections Bill (17 July, 1868):
On the Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections Bill (22 July, 1868):
BREWER,JAMESALEXANDER( 1818--86). *A New Flora of the Neighbourhood of Reigate,
Surrey: XXXI, 274-5,275q
BREWER,JAMESNORRIS(fl. 1799--1829). A TopographicalandHistoricalDescription of
the County of Oxford: XXVII, 482n
BREWER,WILLIAM(d. 1881): XVI, 1114, 1488; XXVIII, 13-14, 15; XXXII, 194
BREWSTERANDCO. Letter to employees: XVII, 1671-2
BREwSTER,DAvm (1781-1868): XUl, 500, 528; XV, 639
-- "Decline of Science in England and Patent Laws": XXlI, 171-2q
"The Sight and How to See": XXXI, 156
BREWSTER,HENRY (1824--87): XVII, 1671
BmI_ES, JOHN HENRY(1832--1906): XXI, 358-9e. LETTERTO: XVl, 1328-30
, trans. A General View of Positivism, by Auguste Comte: X, 329; XVI, 995
BRIDGEWATER TREATISES.See Chalnmrs, On the Power... of God, and Prout, Chemistry
BRIDLE,WILLIAM(Governor of Ilchester Gaol; ft. 1822): XXII, 68
Brayne - British 103

BRIDPORT,LADY(d. 1874): XIV, 353

BRIER,MR. (merchant; ft. 1854): XIV, 169
BRIGGS,MESSRS.(proprietors of Whitwood Colliery; ft. 1860s): HI, 774-5,903; XV,
BRIGHT,HENRY(1814-73). Speeches on the Usury Laws Repeal Bill ( 15 Feb., 1826). IV,
121-2q, 123
BRIGHT,JACOB(1821--99): XVI, 1245, 1269, 1312; XVII, 1604, 1628, 1683, 1843,
1918-19, 1922

--On the State of Ireland (12 Mar.. 1868): XXVIII, 248

-- On the Married Women's Property Bill (10 June, 1868): XXVHI, 284
-- On the Women's Disabilities Removal Bill (1 May, 1872), PD, Vol. 211, cols.
1-15: XVII, 1895
BRIGHT.JOHN( 1811-89): I, 276,279,285; Ill, 1032n; XIV, 221; XV, 654-5, 851; XVI,
1063, 1129, 1138, 1192, 1207-8, 1272, 1284, 1406, 1489, 1503; XVII, 1548: XIX,
488,511; XXV, 1263; XXVIH, 201,246; XXXII, 178

--On the Confiscation of Land in Oude (6 May, 1858): XXX, 197

-- On the Representation of the People Bill (7 June, 1860), PD, Vol. 159, cols.
88-102: XV, 714
--"'On America, I" (4 Dec., 186t): I, 267
--On the Cattle Diseases Bill (14 Feb., 1866): I, 276n-7n; XXVIH, 47
-- On the Habeas Corpus Suspension Bill, Ireland ( 17 Feb., 1866): XXVIII. 52-3
-- On Presenting a Petition on Fenianism (3 May, 1867): XXVIII, 188-9
-- On the Representation of the People Bill (5 July, 1867): XXVIII, 207,209-11
--On the Representation of the People Bill (15 July, 1867): XXVIII, 213
In the Royal Hotel, Birmingham (24 July, 1868): XXV, 1218
BRIGHT,URSULA(n6e Mellor; wife of Jacob): XXIX, 388-9
Brighton Guardian: VI, 273-4; XII, 91
-- "Literature and Patronage" (8 and 15 June, 1831): XXII, 318-27, 321-5q,
BRINE, JAMES(Dorsetshire labourer; ft. 1834): VI, 207

BRINTON, WILLIAM (1823-67): XVI, 1231

BON CLAUDE(1785--1844): XXIH,
BRISSOT, JACQUES PIERRE(1754--93): I, 346; XX, 98, 100, 104, 108; XXII, 317
British and Foreign Medical Review. Review of Carpenter's Principles of General and
Comparative Physiology: XXXI, 324
British and Foreign Review: XII, 348; XIII, 410, 532; XVH, 1960, XX, 371n; XXXII,
104 Index of Persons and Works

British Controversialist and Literary Magazine: XXXII, 155

"Modem Logicians: John Smart Mill": XXXII, 156
British Critic: XIII, 603-4, 617
The British Luminary and Weekly lntelligencer: XXII, 93
British Medical Journal. "Ladies Not Admitted": XXVIII, 160
The British Press. "Lady Caroline Lamb" ( 11 Aug., 1823): XXII, 44
British Quarterly Review. "Mill's System of Logic": VH, 147n q, 206n-7n q; VIII,
1111-16, 1112-13q, 1115-16q
BRITTEN,J. (fl. 1858). LETTERTO: XV, 555
BROADWOOI),JOHN (1732--1812). Letter to John Broadwood and Sons: XVII, 1877
BRODIE,GEORGE( 1786?-- 1867). A History of the British Empire, from the Accession of
Charlesl, to the Restoration: I, 99n; VI, 1-58 rev, 10-1 lq, 20-2q, 32nq, 41-2q, 44q,
45n q, 47-8q, 52q
BROI)RICK,CHARLES(Archbishop of Cashel) (1761-1822k XXXI, 362
"The Irish Land Question": V, 677
192; XXII, 136, 144; XXIII, 512, 515,665,698,700-I
--"De la juridiction administrative": XXIII, 515

-- On Primogeniture (4 Apr., 1826): xxm, 515

On the State of France (13 Sept., 1830): XXII, 144
On the Draft Address to the King (7 and 8 Jan., 1834): XXIII, 665
BROGLiE,VICTORFRANgOIS,OUCDE (1718--1804): XX, 12, 86, 89q, 144
BRONTg, CHARLOTTE(1816--55): XV, 630
BROOKE,HENRV( 1703 ?--83). The Fool of Quality: I, 13 (12 ), 556
BROUGHAM,HENRYPETER( I st Baron Brougham and Vaux) ( 1778-1868): I, 93 (92), 129
(128), 203 (158); IV, 399; VI, 163,196, 258, 265-6,272-3,277-9,342, 377,434,
443,460; XII, 140, 145,151,232,234, 241,261,267; xm, 570; xIv, 7, 13, 15; xv,
618, 668, 785; xvI, 1316, 1401; XVIII, 108; XX, 319-20; XXII, 201,320; XXIII,
362,620-30; XXlV, 759, 772-3,841-4,947; XXV, 1219, 1263; XXVI, 275,298-9,
404--5,427; XXXII, 66
-- "Constitutional Association": I, 302q
-- "The Crisis of the Sugar Colonies": I, 303,305-6q
--"Dallas's History of the Maroons": I, 308q
"Dangers of the Constitution": I, 294-6q
Discourse on Natural Theology (Knight, 1835): XII, 267
"Dr. Black's Lectures": I, 308-9q
British - Brougham 105

"Early Moral Education": I, 306-7q

Evidence on the Law as Regards Libel and Slander (PP): VI, 261
-- "Kararnsin's Travels in Europe": I, 324
"Kotzebue's Travels in Italy": I, 324
--"Kotzebue's Travels to Paris, etc.": I, 324
"Last Session of Parliament--House of Lords": VI, 401
"The Late Revolution in France": XXH, 201
--Letter to the Marquess of Lansdowne . . . on the Late Revolution in France: I, 264;
XX, 317-63 rev, 319-24q, 329-30q, 334q, 336q, 339-42q, 347q, 353q, 356-7q, 36tq
Letter to Tocqueville: XXIV, 842-3
-- "Liberty of the Press and Its Abuses": I, 298-9q
--"Mr. Burke--Dr. Laurence": VI, 368q
-- "Parliamentary History": I, 120n
--Political Philosophy: XV, 923; XX, 321,324
-- "State of Parties": I, 314-15q
-- Thoughts upon the Aristocracy (Hooper, 1835): XI1, 276

--Motion on the Education of the Poor (28 June, 1820): I, 203 (158); XXIII, 362
On Unlawful Societies in Ireland (15 and 18 Feb., 1825): VI, 73n, 74, 75
On Roman Catholic Claims (1 Mar., 1825): VI, 79
-- On the Elective Franchise in Ireland (26 Apr., 1825): VI, 91q. 92
-- On the Catholic Clergy of Ireland (29 Apr., 1825): VI, 79n q
On the Established Church in Ireland (14 June, 1825): VI, 98q
On the Bank Charter, and Promissory Notes Acts ( 13 Feb., 1826): IV, 118q
On the Corn Laws (1 Mar., 1827): IV, 148
-- On Trade with India ( 15 May, 1827): XXVI, 405
On the Court of Chancery (22 May, 1827): XXVI, 404
On the Address on the King's Speech (29 Jan., 1828): VI, 247-8q, XXI, 66-7q
-- On the State of the Courts of Common Law (7 Feb., 1828): VI, 214, 312: X, 115n;
XXIII, 621
--On Reform in the Courts of Law (29 Apr., 1830): XXIV, 947
On Abolition of Chancery Sinecures (2 Aug., 1832): XXIII, 623
On National Education (14 Mar., 1833): VI, 200, 226; XXI, 64-5, 71
On Local Judicatures (28 Mar., 1833): XXII1, 622
On Courts of Local Jurisdiction (9 July, 1833): XXIII, 627; XXIV, 947
On Municipal Corporations (22 Aug., 1833): XXIII, 628-34; XXIV, 772
On the Court of Chancery Regulation Bill (27 Aug., 1833): XXIII, 624
On Jewish Disabilities (3 Mar., 1834): VI, 192
On the Sale of Beer Bill (15 Apr., 1834): VI, 213-14
On the Progress of Education (16 Apr., 1834): VI, 199, 200-1,225
106 Index of Persons and Works

On Dissenters (12 May, 1834): VI, 225q, 227,230
On the Church of Ireland (6 June, 1834): VI, 253
On Prison Discipline (20 June, 1834): VI, 258
On Introducing a Petition on Stamp Duties (3 July, 1834): VI, 261
On Poor Laws' Amendment (21 July, 1834): VI, 265-6
On Appellate Jurisdiction ( 14 Aug., 1834): VI, 278
-- On the Business of Parliament (5 June, 1837): XXVIII, 274
On the Affairs of Canada ( 18 Jan., 1838): VI, 434
On the Address from the Throne (2 Feb., 1843): XXIV, 842q
BROUGHAM,WILLIAM(2nd Baron Brougham and Vaux) (1795-1886): VI, 196, 23t-2;
xxm, 628. LETTERTO:XVI, 1316
-- Speeches on a Bill for a Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages (7 Mar. and 13
May, 1834): VI, 196
BRowrq, MIss (fl. 1820): XXVI, 10-11
BROWN, CHARLESBROCKDEN(1771--1810): I, 434
-- Arthur Mervyn: I, 434n
-- Edgar Huntly: I, 434n
-- Ormond: I, 434n
-- Wieland: I, 434n
BROWN, FRAIqCIS(warehouse pensioner of the EIC; fl. 1850s): XXXlI, 86
BROWN,HENRY (artisan; ft. 1833). Saint Monday: XXIII, 653
BROWN, JOHN (1715-66). "An Essay on Satire": VIII, 829q
*Essays on the Characteristics: X, 87, 170
An Estimate of the Manners and Principles of the Times: X, 87n
BROWN,JoHr_ (1735-88). The Elements of Medicine: VIII, 793
BROWN,JOHt_(1800-59): I, 266
--Last Speech (2 Nov., 1859): XXI, 133n
BROWN,SARAH(ca. 1827-46): XXIV, 916-19
BROWN,THOMAS(animal benefactor): V, 620-1
BRoWN, THOMAS( 1778-- 1820): VII, 61n, 335; vm, 649, 830,994; IX, 10, 17, 115-16,
153, 168-9, 171-2, 183, 196-7, 217n, 239, 291, 294, 362, 440, 490n, 493n, 497,
498n; X, 21,46, 130, 298; Xlll, 448; XXI, 240, 243; XXII, 286; XXVII, 657; XXXI,
96, 98; XXXII, 8
"Belstmw's Philosophy of the Mind": I, 324q
*Inquiry into the Relation of Cause and Effect: I, 71 (70), 579; VII, cxiv, 356n,
625; VIII, 758, 817, 838
Lectures on the Philosophy of the Human Mind: I, 71 (70); VII, cxiv, 62n, 200-1;
VIII, 769,995, 1075-7; IX, 15, 155-9,163-8,167n q, 174-6, 219-21,221n q, 224,
225n, 424; X, 267; XI, 261,352,360; XII, 52; XIII, 441,477,528; XVI, 1473; XXXI,
96-7q, 98, 99q, 113,237; XXXII, 8
Brougham - Buchanan 107

--Observations on the Nature and Tendency. of the Doctrine of Mr. Hume (Edinburgh:
Mundell, 1805): xm, 441
BROWSE, MR. (consul at Copenhagen; fl. 1834): II, 287,295n
BROWSE, DENIS(ca. 1763--1828): XXII, 89
-- Evidence on the State of Ireland (PP): VI, 85n q
BROWSE, DOr_aNICK(1787--1860). Evidence on the State of Ireland (PP): VI, 88n, 96
BROWSE, GEORGESAMUEL(Viscount Montagu) (1769-93): XXVII, 564
BROWSE, TrtOMAS(1605--82). *Pseudodoxia Epidemica: VIII, 750q
BROWSING, OSCAR(1837-1923). LETTERTO: XVI, 1320-1
BROWSING, ROBERT(1812-89). Paracelsus (Wilson, 1835): XIII, 393
--Pauline: I, 596-7rev, 596q; XII, 157,159, 162, 174, 185
--Sordello (Moxon, 1840): xm, 393
-- Stratford (Longman, 1837): xm, 393
BROWNLOW,CHARLES(1795--1847). Speech on Unlawful Societies in Ireland ( 14 Feb.,
1825): VI, 95q
--Speech on Catholic Relief (19 Apr., 1825): VI, 81-2
BROWNRIGG,ELIZABETH(d. 1767): XXV, 1153, 1169-70
CHARLESEDWARD(1817--94): XVl, 994
-- *Course of Lectures on the Physiology and Pathology of the Central Nervous
System: VII, 476-7q
"On the Relations between Muscular Irritability, Cadavenc Rigidity, and
Putrefaction": VII, 421-5q
BRUCE,MR. (ft. 1855): XIV, 418
BRUCE, HENRYAUSTIN (1815--95): XVI, 1314; XVII, 1678, 1705
JAMES (1730-94). Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile: I, 437n q
BRUMMELL,GEORGEBRYAN("Beau") ( 1778 - 1840 ): XXH, 159
BRUNEL, M. (physician at Hy6res; ft. 1854): XIV, 129
BRUNEL,MARCISAMBARD( 1769-- 1849): XXV, 1263
BRUNELLESCHI,FILIPPO(ca. 1377-1446): XIV, 481. 483
BRUNO,GIORDANO(ca. 1548-1600): XIII, 411
BRUTUS,LUCIUSJUNIUS (fl. 509 B.C.): I, 529n; X, 112
BRUTUS,MARCUSJUNIUS(ca. 78-42 B.C. ): I, 213 (212), 495; VI, 187; IX, 462n; XXVl,
BRYANT,CORNELIUS("resurrection mail"; fl. 1823): XXII, 48-50
BRYANT,MARYANN (witness; ft. 1850): XXV, 1168q
BRYANT,WILLIAMCULLEN(1794--1878): XV, 938,983
BUCCLEUCH,DUKE OF. See Scott, Walter Francis
BucER, MARTIN(1491--1551): XX, 375
BUCHANAN, WALTER(1797--1877): V, 594--5e
108 Index of Persons and Works

BUCHEZ,PHILIPPEJOSEPHBENJAMIN(1796--1865): m, 1028; XIH, 510; XIV, 10

-- Introduction d la science de l'hlstoire: XIH, 475
and PROSPER CHARLES ROUX, eds. L'histoire parlementaire de la rdvolution
franfaise: XH, 220,257,282, 337; XIII, 444; XX, 141, 142q, 143, 146, 149, 151q,
153, 155-6q; XXXII, 32
BUCHHEIM, CARL ADOLF (1828--1900). LETTER TO: XVI, 1386-7
BUCKALEW,CHARLESROLLIN(1821--99). Cumulative Voting: Speech of... July I1,
1867 (Washington: printed at the Congressional Globe office, 1867): XVI, 1322
BUCKINGHAM,DUKESOF. See Grenville, Richard; and Villiers, George


On Impressnaent (15 Aug., 1833): XXHI, 639

-- On Impressment of Seamen (4 Mar., 1834): VI, 178
On the Sale of Beer Act ( 16 May, 1834): VI, 234
BUCKLE,HENRYTHOMAS(1821--62): X, 287n, 322; XV, 732, 787,790, 820, 844-5;
XVI, 1220; XXXH, 127. LETTERTO: XVI, 1490
"Fragment on the Reign of Elizabeth," ed. Helen Taylor: XVI, 1233, 1258, 1295
History of Civilization in England: VIH, 931-2, 933q, 934-6; XV, 703; XVI,
1137, 1233, 1472
-- *Miscellaneous and Posthumous Works, ed. Helen Taylor: XV. 953,964; XVI,
1233, 1408, 1481-2, 1490; XVII, 1619, 1782, 1784-5, 1888, 1896; XXXII,
BUCKLE,JOHN(cousin of Henry; ft. 1864): XV, 964; XVI, 999
Speech on the Corn Laws (2 May, 1826): XXVI, 381
-- Speech on the New Administration ( 11 May, 1827): XXVI, 401
BUFFIER,CLAUDE(1661--1737): XV, 647
-- Speech on the Draft Address to the King (6 Jan., 1834): XXIH, 661
BULLEt, ARTHURWILLI_ (1808--69): VI, 455n; XXVII, 622
BULLEt, BARBARAISABELLA (n6e Kirkpatrick; mother of JSM's friend Charles) (d. 1849):
XIV, 19-20; XVII, 1987
BULLEt, CHARLES( 1774-- 1848): XII, 117, 119, 129, 147,152,293; XVII, 1987; XXVII,
576, 616, 633
BULLEt, CHARLES(1806--48): I, 105 (104), 133 (132), 178n, 203 (202), 205 (204), 225
(224); VI, 324,327,443,457,463; XII, 87, 114, 119, 128-9, 134, 145,152, 156, 166,
171,173, 198, 201,211,225,238,242, 246, 278, 317,327,334, 364; XIIL 390-1,
393,399-400, 430, 437; XIV, 20, 31; XVII, 1977-8, 1987-9; SIX, 563; XXIII,
508,636; XXIV, 769; XXVII, 576n, 616n, 633; XXXII, 11, 27-8, 31, 64
Buchez - Bulwer-L ytton 109

"Internal Reforms m the Commons": XII, 141

"Journal by Frances Anne Buffer": XII, 273
"Letters of a German Prince [Piickler-Muskau]": XII, 107
"'Mirabeau': XII, 197
"Napier on the Ionian Islands": I, 601q
On the Necessity of a Radical Reform: XXIII, 508
"Restoration of the Bourbons": XI], 119, 130, 132
"The Working of the Reform Act": XII, 135, 141

On the Ministerial Plan for the Abolition of Slavery ( 11 June, 1833): XXIII, 604
On the East-India Company's Charter ( 19 July, t833): XXIII, 606
On Employment for Agricultural Labourers (5 Aug., 1833): XXIII, 636
On the Record Commission ( 18 Feb., 1836): VI, 324
On Municipal Corporations (Ireland) (20 Feb., 1837): VI, 457
BULLER,FRANCIS( 1746-- 1800 ). An Introduction tothe Law Relative to Trtals at Nisi Prius:
XXXI, 55q
_ Judgment in the Case ofR. v. Archer (25 Jan., 1788): XXI, 32q
BULLER,JOHN (1771--1849): XXIII, 508; XXVII, 616
BULWER,WILLIAMHENRYLYTTONEARLE(Baron Dalling and Bulwer) ( 1801-72): I, 131
(130); KIV, 266, 342; XVII, 1959
La France: soclale, politique et litt_raire, 4 vols. (Paris: Fourmer, 1834- 36): XlI,
239, 304-5,309,317
Lytton) (1803-73): I, 131 (130), 207 (206); Vl, 346, 480; XII, 91, 94-5, 105,111,
246, 251; xm, 371-2, 391; KIV, 342; XV, 577, 694; XVI, 1050; XKIH, 717-27;
XXV, 1198, 1263; XXXlI, 15
LETTERSTO: XlI, 311-14,318-19, 336-7; XIII, 379-83, 578-9
_Athens, lts Rise and Fall: XII, 278,313,318, 337; XX, 160
"Courts of British Queens": XII1, 381,383, 385
-- Cromwell (1836), in his Dramatic Works (Sannders and Otley, 1841): XlI, 331
"Death of Goethe": XII, 105
(prob.) "The Defeated Copyright Bill": XIII, 495
_Devereux: XlI, 91; XXII1, 719
_Duchesse de la Vallidre (Saunders and Otley, 1826): XII, 318-19
*England and the English: I, 207 (206); XII, 172, 175,180, 184,236; XVIII, 34;
XXlI1, 717-27
Ernest Maltravers: I, 604
"Gray's Works": XII, 319, 336, 339
110 Index of Persons and Works

-- Last Days of Pompeii (Bentley, 1834): XII, 249
--"Letters of Charles Lamb": XII, 341
--Paul Clifford: Xll, 91; XXIII, 719
--Pelham: XII, 91; XXIII. 719; XXXII, 15
-- "The People's Charter": VI, 485q
"Position and Prospects of Government": XIH, 379-80, 381q, 382n
"Prose Fictions and Their Varieties": XH, 251
--"Sir Thomas Browne": XII. 311
On Vacation of Seats on Acceptance of Office (1 May, 1834): VI, 221
On Stamps on Newspapers (22 May, 1834): VI, 237
On Canada (23 Jan., 1838), PD, Vol. 40, cols. 393-9: XIII. 370
-- On the Representation of the People Bill (26 Apr., 1860), PD, Vol. 158, cols.
143-66: XV, 697,699
--On the Representation of the People Bill (13 Apr., 1866): XXVIII, 59, 61-2
BULWER-LYTTON,ROSINA DOYLE WHEELER (formerly Bulwer; later Lady Lytton)
(1802-82): XXV, 1198
BULVCERLv'rroN, EDWARDROBERT.See Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer
BUr_YAN,JOHN(1628--88). Pilgrim's Progress: XIV, 324
MICHELANGELO. See Michelangelo

PmLn'PE ( 1761-- 1837): VI, 401
Buva3uav, Mm. CnARLOTrE A.M. (of women's suffrage movement; ft. 1871 ): XVII,
1823, 1850-1, 1860, 1921
BURDETT,Pm_NCIS(1770--1844): I, 101 (100); XXH, 211-12; XXV, 1263
--To the Middlesex Freeholders' Club (6 Feb., 1807): XXV, 1263
In Presenting a Petition on Catholic Claims (1 Mar.. 1825): VI, 76q, 77
On the Established Church in Ireland (14 June, 1825): VI, 97
On Parliamentary Integrity (10 Feb., 1834): VI, 157
To a Deputation of the Electors of Westminster (6 May, 1837): XXXI, 362q
BURDY,JOHN (d. 1865): XXVIII, 94
BURGERSDb'K,FRANCOPETRI (1590--1635). *Institutionum Logicarum libri duo: I, 21
(20), 567; IX, 413q; XI, 27n; XII, 8
BURGESS,HE_,rRY(manufacturer; ft. 1826). Evidence on the Circulation of Promissory
Notes (PP): IV, 94-5q
A Letter to the Right Hon. George Canning: IV, 95n
BURGESS,THOMAS(1756--1837). A Letter... on the Origin of the Pelasgi, and on the
Original Name and Pronunciation of the Aeolic Digamma: XX, 62
Bulwer-Lytton - Burns 111

Vindication of the Late Bishop of St. Asaph 's Edition of the Lacedaemonian Decree:
XX, 62
Bt_GUNDV, DUKE OF. See Charles le T6m6raire.
BURIDAN,JEAN (ca. 1290-ca. 1358): IX, 451n, 468; XXXII, 1
BURKE, EDMUND(1729--97): I, 311, 317,424; IV, llS; IX, 160; XI. 325; XII, 250-1,
277; XV, 595; XIX, 351,621,623; XXIV, 757; XXVI, 384,450; XXVIII, 45: XXXI,
-- *An Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs: XXVI, 263,332, 377
--A Letter... on the Affairs of America: XVIII, 21q
*Letter... on the Duration of Parliaments, and a More Equal Representation of
the People: XXIII, 502
Mr. Burke's Speech on Presenting . . . a Plan for the Better Security of the
Independence of Parliament: XVIII, 21-2q; XXVIII, 45q
-- *Mr. Burke's Three Letters . . . on the Prospects for Peace with the Regicide
Directory of France: XXII, 122q
*Reflections on the Revolution in France: X, 142q; XX, 35q, 40q, 86; XXVI, 276,
376; xxvm, 342; XXXI, lo6q
--Speech on American Taxation (19 Apr., 1774): XXIV, 767q
--*Speech on a Motion . . . for a Committee to Inquire into the State of the
Representation of the Commons in Parliament: XXVI, 269q
-- Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents: XXII, 62, 120; XXIV, 757q,
865q; XXVI, 260, 263,265,267. 368, 384
BURKE,LUKE(d. 1885): XV, 841
BURKE,POCnAXDO'SULLIVAN (1838-1922): I, 279; XXIX, 547, 554-5
BURLAMAQUI, JEAN JACQUES (1694-1748). Principes du droit naturel: XX, 345
-- Principes du droit politique: XX, 345
BURN, WILLIAM(waggoner; ft. 1846): XXIV, 952-4
BUXNET,GILBERT(1643-1715): XXI, 60
Bishop Burnet's History of His Own Time: I, 11 (/0), 555
The Memoires of the Lives and Actions of James and William, Dukes of Hamilton
and Castleherald: VI, 5n, 26q
BUm,IETT,ALFREDW. (ft. 1867). LETTr_ TO:XXXII, 178
BU_ETT, BISHOP(naval lieutenant; ft. 1827): XXVI, 406
BU_ETT, E.L. (ft. 1870): XVII, 1753. LET'rEXTO:XVII, 1752-3
BURNrrz, GUSTAV(ft. 1863) and GEOR6 VAm_ENI_AI'P(1809--86). Methode, beijeder
Art von Wahlen sowohl der Mehrheit als den Minderheiten die ihrer Stgirke entsprechen-
de Zahl yon Vertretern zu sichern (Frankfurt: Sauerl_ndcr, 1863): XV, 919
BuRNs, J. DAWSON(ft. 1868). LETTEXTO:XVI, 1480
112 Index of Persons and Works

BURNS, ROBERT(1759--96): I, 19(18), 350n q, 532,565; XVIH, 101; XXI, 233

-- *"Scots wha hae wi Wallace bled": XXI, 252
*The Vision: XXVHI, 222q
*Works: XXVI, 439
BURNS, WILLIAM(ft. 1830S). The New Era of Christianity (Rowland Hunter, 1831 ): XH,
BURON. See Rodriguez Bur6n
BURRARD-NEALE, HARRY(1765--1840): XXVII, 594
BURROW,HARRIET(JSM's cousin) (b. 1817): XII, 6; XIII, 473
BuRRow, HARRIET(JSM's grandmother): XIV, 220, 231; XXVI, 19, 26. LETTER
TO: XlI,
BURROW,JOHN (JSM's cousin): XIH, 473,643
BURT, STEPHENJOHN (surgeon; ft. 1850): XXV, 1176-7q
BURTON,EDWARD(1794--1836). An lntroducnon to the Metres of the Greek Tragedtans:
XXVI, 353
BURTON,HENRY(1578--1648): Vl, 29
-- For God, and the King: VI, 22
BURTON,JOHNHILL (1809--81). LETTERSTO:XII, 361-2; XlII, 368-9; XVII, 1981-2,
1988-9, 1993-4
Political and Social Economy (Edinburgh: Chambers, 1849): XIV, 67, 71
BURTON,RICHARDFRANCIS(1821--90): XV, 839-40; XXXII, 104-5
First Footsteps in East Africa (Longman, et al., 1856): XV, 841
The Guide-book: A Pictorial Pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina (the author, 1865):
XV, 841
The Bury Times: XXXII, 225
BUSHE, CHARLESKENDAL( 1767-- 1843): VI, 95n
BUSK, MARYMARGARET(n6e Blair) (1779-1863). "Literature of Childhood": I, 606
BUTET, PIERREROLANDFRAN_:OIS(1769--1825). Abrdgd d' un cours complet de ldxico-
graphie: XXVI, 170
BtrrLER, CRARLES(1750-1832): XII, 112
BUTLER,EDW/_gDC. (Colonel; fl. 1855): XIV, 416, 419-20
BUTLER,JAMES(Duke of Ormonde) (1610-88): VI, 48-9, 52n
BUTLER, JOSEPH(1692--1752): X, 21, 64n, 65, 172; XXI, 60
The Analogy of Religion: I, 41 (40); VII, 630; X, 64q, 469; XlV, 30; XV, 814,
Burns - Cabanis 113

BUTLER, JOSEPHINE(n6e Gray) (1828-1906): XXIX, 388-9. LETTERSTO:XVII, 1569:

XXXII, 204
BUTLER, RICHARD(Earl of Glengall) (1794-1858). Speech on Encumbered Estates
(Ireland) Bill (31 July, 1848): XXV, ll14q
BUTLER,SAMUEL(1612--80). *Hudibras: IV, 206q; X, 445q; XI, 30q: XX, 98q; XXHI,
BUTLER,ToaY (d. 1865): XXVIII, 95
WILLIAM(son-in-law of James Weir Hogg; ft. 1854): XIV. 181
BUXTON,CHARLES(1823--71): I, 281; XVI, 1039
-- "The Liberal Dilemma": XV, 977; XVI, 998
-- Motion on the Disturbances in Jamaica (31 July, 1866): I, 282n: XXVIH, 105-7
-- Speech on International Maritime Law (2 Mar., 1866): XXVIII, 224
BUXTON,THOMASFOWELL(1786--1845): XIII, 412,456; XVII, 1947
-- The African Slave Trade (Murray, 1839): XIII, 415
-- An Inquiry. Whether Crime and Misery Are Produced or Prevented, by Our Present
System of Prison Discipline: XXVI, 278
(1760--94): XX, 106
BYNG, JOHN(1772--1860): VI, 161q
BYRON, GEORGEGORDON (Lord) (1788-1824): I, 149-51 (148-50), 153 (152),
163 (162), 434, 467,474n; II, 392; X, 92; XI, 279; XII, 146; XIV, 275; XVII, 1680:
XX, 183; XXVI, 434-42 passim
-- *The Age of Bronze: XXIV, 807
-- *Beppo (Murray, 1818): XIII, 541
-- *Cain: XXVI, 438-9
*ChiMe Harold's Pilgrimage: I, 151 (150): XXVI, 436q, 438-9: XXVII, 630q
*Don Juan: I, 376; IX, 27n; XIII, 541; XXVI, 438-9; XXVII, 625q
*"The Dream": I, 439
*The Giaour: I, 151 (150); XXVI, 436,438-9
*Lara: I, 151 (150); XXVI, 438
*Manfred: I, 151 (150); XI, 279; XXVI, 439
*Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice: XXVI, 436
• *Parisina: XXVI, 435n, 436
*The Prisoner of Chillon: XXVI, 437
*The Siege of Corinth: XXVI, 435n, 437
*Works, e,d. Thomas Moore: Xl, 279q, 280
BYRON,JOHN(d. 1652): VI, 39-40, 44

C.D. (poulterer; ft. 1823). Evidence on the Game Laws (PP): VI, ll0q, l13q
CABALA.See Kabbalah

CABANIS,PIERREJEAN GEORGES(1757--1808). *Rapports du physique et du moral de

l'homme: XX'VI, 187, 189
114 Index of Persons and Works

CABELL, WILLIAM (1786--1853). LETTERSTO: XVII, 1958, 1960--1; XXXII, 13-14,

17-18, 22, 24-5, 28-9, 33-4, 36-41, 48-51, 55-61
CABET, EaqENNE( 1788--1856): II, 203; XIV, 10;XXIlI, 482,495, 511,688; XXV, 1145
-- Letter to the editor of the Constitutionnel: XXHI, 511
Voyage en lcarie: IH, 1028
CAPE, M. (Avignon landowner; fl. 1862): XV, 791-2
CAESAR,GMUS JULIUS( 100--44 B.C. ): VII, 321 n, 605; VIII, 749,937, 941; IX, 281; X,
362; XI, 284; XH, 10; XIV, 313; XIX, 532; XX, 224. 236; xxm, 394; XXlV, 870;
xxvI, 50; XXVlI, 557
*Commentariorum de bello gallico: I, 13 (12), 557; XX, 194, 236n-7n q
"CAGLIOSTRO." Balsamo, Giuseppe
(1743-1816). Traitd de trigonomdtrie rectiligne et sphdrique, trans.
N.M. Chompr6: XXVI, 35, 41
CAlAPHAS(in Bible): XVIII, 236
C_RD, JAMES(1816-92). The Irish Land Question: V, 677q
CAIRNES,ELIZA CHARLOTTE(n6e Alexander; wife of John Elliot): XVl, 1284, 1506, 1508;
XVII, 1587, 1593, 1617, 1666, 1677, 1702, 1705, 1765, 1833-4, 1862-3, 1880, 1896,
1903-4, 1910, 1927, 1933, 1943; XXXII, 237
CAIRNES,JOHN ELLIOT(1823--75): I, 626; XV. 680, 778,787,830; XVl, 1008. 1062,
1418, 1483; XVll, 1601, 1613, 1658, 1745, 1879; XXI, 145-6; XXXH, 118, 218,
224, 237
LETTERSTO: XV, 554, 596--7, 617-18, 727-8, 738-9, 750-2, 767-8, 783-5,
806-7,809-11,820-1,835-6, 851-2.865,908-13, 917-18,920-1,929-30,933-4,
947-9, 957-9,964-9, 975-7,983-4; XVI, 985-7. 989-90, 993-4, 1001-3, 1009,
1011-12, 1017-19, 1026-7, 1057-8, 1077-8, 1094-5, 1101-2, 1133-5, 1143,
1148-9, 1156, 1166, 1175-8, 1183-5, 1235, 1239, 1271-2, 1283-5, 1293-8,
1313-15, 1368-9, 1372-3, 1405-7, 1417, 1464-7, 1506-8; XVII, 1587-9, 1593,
1616-17, 1663-8, 1676-7, 1701-2, 1704-5, 1708-9, 1713-14, 1745, 1747, 1764-5,
1827-34, 1862-3, 1879-80, 1887-8, 1894-6, 1902-4, 1909-10, 1925-7, 1932-3,
"The American Revolution": XV, 806, 811,829
"Bastiat": XVlI, 1764
"'Capital and Currency": m, 1058-9, 1067; xv, 975-6
"The Cause of the Inequalities in the Pressure of the Income Tax": HI, 1050
-- The Character and Logical Method of P olitical Economy (Longman, et al., 1857):
XV, 554; XVI1, 1664, 1702, 1704
"Colonization and Colonial Government," in Lectures Delivered before the Dublin
YoungMen's Christian Association (Dublin: Hodges, Smith, 1865), 273-326: XV, 965
"Co-operation in the Slate Quarries of North Wales": HI, 1089; XVI, 987
"The Cry for War with Russia": XVII, 1783
"The Effects of the Gold Discoveries": XV, 909
"Essay towards an Experimental Solution of the Gold Question": XXXII,
Cabell - Cairns 115

-- Essays in Political Economy, Theoretical and Applied (Macmillan, 1873 ): XVII,

1909, 1943
-- "Fragments on Ireland": m, 1084
-- "Ireland": HI, 1057; XV, 910, 920
--"Ireland in Transition": XVI, 1134
-- "Irish Education": XVI, 1094
-- "Judge Longfield on Ireland": XV, 977
"The Laws, According to Which a Depreciation of the Precious Metals Consequent
upon an Increase of Supply Takes Place": XXXII, 118
-- Lectures on slavery: XV, 738-9
-- Letters to the editor of The Times on the effects of recent gold discoveries:
XV, 881-2, 890-1,898-9
-- "Liberalism and Democracy": XVI, 1057
"Mr. Mill and the Land Question": XVII, t822
-- "Negro Slavery and the American Civil War": XV, 783
--"New Theories in Political Economy": XVII, 1863
-- "A Note": XVII, 1747
-- Notes on the State of Ireland for JSM (in PPE, CW, m, lO56-8): H, 332n-3n q,
334-6q; XV, 949,959,967,975,983; XVI, 985,989, 1002, 1009, 1018
-- Notes on political economy for JSM (in PPE, CW, m, lO42-55, lO58-72 ): xv,
-- "Our Defences: A National or a Standing Army": XVII, 1795-6; XXXII,
-- "Our Financial Burthen": XV, 949,959
-- "Political Economy and Land": XVII, 1676, 1704; XXXII, 218
*Political Essays (Macmillan, 1873): XVII, 1909
-- Review of Loring's Neutral Relations of England: XV, 909-10, 916-17
Review of R.H. Patterson's The Economy of Capital: XVI, 994
*The Slave Power: I, 266, 268; XV, 738,750, 767,783-5,787,789, 794,797,
801,807, 811,829, 835,867; XXI, 143-64 rev, 146-57q; XXXII, 132
Some Leading Principles of Political Economy (Macmillan, 1874): XVII, 1894.
1903, 1909, 1943
"The Southern Confederacy and the African Slave Trade": XV, 820-1
Speech on Women's Suffrage (26 Mar., 1870), m Report of a Meeting of the
London National Society for Women's Suffrage (the Society, 1870), 9-13: XVII,
1697-8, 1701, 1704
"Statistical Society of Dublin": XV, 977
"University Education in Ireland": XVI, 1133-4
University Education in Ireland (Macmillan, 1866): XVI, 1156, 1178
CAmNES,WILLIAMHENRy (1827--89): XVI, 1271
CAIRNS, HUGH MACCALMONT(Earl) (1819-85): XVI, 1t49
116 Index of Persons and Works

-- Speech on the Extradition Treaties Act Amendment Bill (3 Aug., 1866): XXVIH,
CALAS,JEAN (1698--1762): I, 301; XXH, 126
CALDERWOOD,HENRY(1830--97). The Philosophy of the Infinite: IX, 92, 93n
-- "The Sensational Philosophy--Mr, J.S. Mill and Dr. M'Cosh": IX, ciii
CALI-IOUN,JOHN CALDWELL(1782--1850): XIV, 156, 163, 172-3,175,289
*"A Discourse on the Constitution and Government of the United States": XIV,
142; XIX, 558
CALIGULA(Gaius Caesar) (12-41 A.D.): XIX, 600; XXI, 286
CALIXTUSII (Pope) (d. 1124): XI, 283; XXIV, 870
CALL, WATHENMARKWILKS (1817-90). "St. John's Gospel": XVI, 1046
CALLERALL, P. (working mail; fl. 1868). LETTER TO: XVI, 1456--7

CALL1AS(son of Hipponicus) (5th c. B.C. ): XI, 154

CALLICLES(in Plato): XI, 97-150 passim, 396, 397n; XXV, 1162
CALLOT, JEAN MArnE (1749--96): XVI, 1123


CALVERT, JOaN MITCmNSON (1801--42): XIII, 428, 452, 463, 469; XXXII, 43, 58.
CALVIN,JoHr_ (1509-64): XVIII, 249
CAMBON, JEAN (b. ca. 1758): XXVI, 127-8
CAMBRIDGE,PdCHARDOWEN (1717--1802). "To Mr. Fitz-Adam": XXIH, 590q
Cambridge Problems: IX, 476
CAMBRONERO, MANUELMASlA ( 1765-- 1834): XXVI, 20-- 1
CAMDEN,LORDS.See Pratt, Charles; and Pratt, John Jeffreys
CAMERON, CHARLES HAY (1795-1880): XXX, 20-3, 28-30, 69, 116, 124;
CAMERON,DUGALDEDWARD(solicitor; ft. 1866): XXIX, 505-9e
CAMPAN, JEANNELOUISEHENRIETTEGENEST( 1752-1822). M_moires sur la viepriv_e de
Mar, e Antoinerle: XX, 68n-9n q, 75n-6n, 8On, 85q, 157
CAMPBELL, ALEX D. (self-improver; ft. 1870). LETTER TO: XVIl, 1702
CAMPBELL.ALEXANDER.See Glynn-Campbell; and Owen, Robert
CAMPBELL,ARCHIBALD(Earl of Argyll) (d. 1685): VI, 36, 52-3
CAMPBELL,COLIN (Baron Clyde) (1792-1863): XXX, 196
A Dissertation on Miracles: VII, 631; X, 470; XV, 814
CAMPBELL, GEORGE (1824-92). LETTERS TO: XXXlI, 209,214-16

_ThelrishLand: XVII, 1658, 1666-7; XXXiI, 209, 214-15

"The Irish Land Question": XVII, 1667, 1676; XXXII, 215 q
Cairns - Canning 117

"Tenure of Land m India": XVII, 1658, 1666; XXXII, 209

CAMPBELL,GEORGEDOUGLAS(Duke of Argyll) (1823-1900): XV, 835,910, 917,921;
XVII, 1537, 1548, 1733, 1738; XXVIII, 201; XXIX, 371; XXXII, 212
-- "On the Economic Condition of the Highlands of Scotland," Journal of the
Statistical Socle_. of London, XXIX (Dec. 1866), 500-35: XVII, 1537
-- Speech at a Meeting of the National Bible Society in Edinburgh, The Times, 22
Jan., 1863, I0: XV, 829,885
-- Speech on the Civil Service (13 Mar., 1865), PD, Vol. 131, col. 668: XIV,
CAMPBELL,JOHN(Earl of Loudon) (1598-1663): VI, 28
CAMPBELL,JOHN(Baron) (1779-1861): IlI, 885; VI, 181-2, 224,248n, 274; X, 102;
XIII, 368; XIV, 161; XVII, 1991; XXIlI, 591-2,624, 636; XXV, 1176, 1177-8q
-- Speech on the Chancery Office Bill (22 Aug., 1833): XXIII, 624
-- Speech on the Law of Libel (18 Mar., 1834): VI, 191, 192
CAMPBELL,JOHN(resident of Liverpool; ft. 1866). LETTERTO: XVI, 1155-6
THOMAS(1777--1844): I, 525; XII, 124; XIII, 557; XXV, 1263
-- "The Exile of EriE": I, 21 (20), 567
-- "Gertrude of Wyoming": I, 21 (20), 567
--"Hohenlinden": I, 21 (20), 567
"Lochiel's Warning": I, 21 (20), 566-7
CAMUS, ARMANDGASTON(1740--1804): XX, 73n
The Canadian Portfolio. See Roebuck, John Arthur, et El.
Motion on Parliamentary Reform (1 July, 1867): XXVIII, 317
CANDOLLE,AUGUSTINPYRAMUSDE ( 1778--1841 ). Prodromus systematis naturalis regni
vegetabilis: XXXI, 260, 281,292, 303
Th_orie _l#mentaire de la botanique: VIII, 700q
CANNING,CHARLESJOHN (Viscount, later Earl) (1812-62): XV, 773; XVI, 1202-3;
XVII, 1562; XXX, 120, 195-8
CANm_G, GEORGE(1770--1827): I, 103 (102), 121 (120); IV, 118, 151; VI, 123, 312,
352; XX, 193; XXII, 61,86, 110; XXV, 1101-2; XXVI, 285,333,379,398-408,409n
"Correspondence... Relative to Commercial Intercourse between America and
the British West Indies" (PP): VI, 123-47, 126q, 129q, 144q
, and GEORGEELLIS. "New Morality": XX, 78
_On the Freehold Estates Bill (28 Jan., 1807): XXII, 61
...... On the Indemnity Bill ( 11 Mar., 1818): XX, 78
On Sir Francis Burdett' s Motion for a Reform of Parliament ( 2 June, 1818): XXVI,
118 Index of Persons and Works

-- To His Constituents at Liverpool ( 18 Mar., 1820): XXV, 1101
On Lord John Russell's Motion for a Reform of Parliament (25 Apr., 1822): XXII,
196; XXV, 1101; XXVI, 285
On the Address from the Throne (3 Feb., 1825): VI, 70q
-- On Unlawful Societies in Ireland (15 Feb., 1825): VI, 73
_On the State of Ireland (26 May, 1825): VI, 84q
_On the Established Church in Ireland (14 June, 1825): VI, 97q, 98
--On the Silk Manufacture (13 Feb.. 1826): IV, 128q
-- On the Corn Laws ( 1 Mar., 1827): IV, 144-5,149-50
On the New, Administration (3 May, 1827): XXVI, 399,402-4
On the Publication of Libels (31 May, 1827): XXVI, 405-6
On the Dissenters' Marriage Bill (19 June, 1827): XXVI, 399
CANNING,STRATFORD (Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe) (1786-1880): XXXII, 99
Canons and Constitutions Ecclesiastical Gathered and Put m Forme for the Government of
the Church of Scotland: VI, 25-6
CAPEL, GEORGE (clergyman; ft. 1868). LETTER TO: XVI, 1408
Letter to Mill, VIII, 935n-6n q
CAPET, HUGH. See Hugues Capet
CAPMANY Y DE MONTPALAU, ANTONIODE ( 1742-1813). Questiones criticas sobre varws
puntos de historia econGmica, politica, y militar: I, 301
CAPODISTRIAS, GIOVANNI ( 1776-1831 ): XlX, 567
CAPPER,Mg. (clothing merchant; ft. 1854): XIV, 169
CARACCI,AGOSTINO(1557--1602): XlV, 270
CARACCI,ANNmALE (1560--1609): XlV, 270, 295; XXlll, 654
CARACCI,LODOVICO(1555-1619): XlV, 270
AJUDI CAROLINA(actress; fl. 1850s): XIV, 475
CAgAFA, ANTONIO(1646--93): XXI, 66q
MICHELANGELO AMERIGHIDA(1569--1609): X, 136n; XlV, 310n
CARBERY,LORD. See Evans-Freke, John
CAR_NEL, ANTOINEFRANgOIS(1779--1861 ): XXII, 227
Etudes dldmentaires de philosophie: IX, 281n q; XXXl, 193-6q
CAgDAINE,M. (member of the French National Guard; ft. 1789): XX, 156
CAgDWELL,EDWARD( 1787-- 1861 ): XX, 369
CARDWELL,EDWAgD(Viscount) (1813-86): XXI, 430
"Despatch from the Right Hon. Edward Cardwell, M.P., to Lieut.-Gen. Sir H.K.
Storks" (PP): XXI, 424q, 426(t; XXVIII, 110Cl
CA_W, JOHN EDWARD(1785?--1868): XXVII, 565
Canning - Carlyle 119

C_EW. RANDOLPH.See Crewe, Randolph

-- "Commercial Associations of France and England": Ill, 899-900q, 902-3q, 904,
905-6q, 919-21, 1056
_ Essay on the Rate of Wages: HI, 945-6q
-- The French and American Tariffs Compared: XXl, 132, 138
-- The Past, the Present, and the Future: II, 426q
-- Principles of Political Economy: II, 424; XIII, 658-9
--Principles of Social Science: llI, 919-21. 1056; XV, 968; XVII, 1589, 1713; XIX,
468n q
CAREY,WILLIAM(Bishop of Exeter) ( 1769-1846). Speech on Catholic Claims ( 13 Apr.,
1825): VI, 81q
CARLETOrq,HENRY(1785--1863): XI_, 193-4. LETTERTO: XV, 540-1
-- Liberty and Necessity: XV, 540
CARLILE, of Richard Carlile; ft. 1820s): I, 89 (88); XXVI, 419-21
JANE (wife

CARLILE, MARYANN (b. 1794): I, 89 (88); XXII, 21, 24; XXVI, 419-21
CARLILE, RICHARD(1790--1843): I, 89 (88); XIII, 562; XV, 979; XXII, 8-9, 21-4;
XXVI, 419-21; XXXI, 54; XXXII, 6
EARLOF. See Howard, George William Frederick

CARLOMAN(grandson of Louis I) (866-84 A.D): XX, 19

CARLOSMAmA ISIDRODEBOURBON,DON( 1788-1855 ): XII, 278; XXXI, 359-88passim
-- "Royal Decree" (20 June, 1835): XXXI. 365n
CARLYLE, JANEWELSH(1801--66): XII, 85,103,107, 114, 121,129-30, 135,141,147,
152, 156, 173, 177, 184, 197, 203, 209, 348; XIH. 548; XVI, 1157; XXXII,
57. LETTER TO: XIII, 461
CARLYLE,JOHN AITKEN( 1801--79): XII, 74, 103n, 114, 161-2, 172-5, 182. LETTER
XXXlI, 43--4
CARLYLE,THOMAS(1795--1881): I, 154, 163, 181--3 (180--2), 215 (214), 253,607; Xl,
387,433; XII, 85-6, 101,293,299q, 334-5,337,343,357; XIII, 389,401,405,408,
409q, 425q, 436,442,446,449,452,463,467,552-3,556q, 558,565,666q; XIV, 23;
XV, 665,896; XVII, 1657, 1841n, 1967, 1999; XX, 113-14,133-66passim, 215,225,
227n; XXV, 1095-1100; XXVII, 644. 653,656,667; XXXII, 32, 44
LETTERSTO:XII, 73-4, 102-7, 110-14, 116-21,125-30, 132-5, 137-41,143-7,
148-56, 161-4, 169-77, 180-4, 190-7, 199-209, 216-20,223-5,252-3,257. 260,
277-9,307,328,339--41,346-7; XlII, 414,670,743; XV. 556-7; XVI, 1157; XVII,
1590; XXXII, 48, 57, 66
*"Biography": I, 330q, 593q; XII, 104q, 197q; XX, 113-14q, 137q, 162q; XXI.
*"Boswell's Life of Johnson": I, 182; XII, 104, 113,202; XVIII, 138; XX. 113n,
137q; XXVII, 644q
*"Burns": XlI, 85; XIII, 666; XX, 137q
120 Index of Persons and Works

*"Characteristics": I, 145 (144), 329; VII, 13q; XII, 202; XX, 162q, 215q, 261n q
*Chartism: IV, 370; XXXH, 48
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: I, 18In, 183q (182),
370q, 597q; XX, 114q, 161,182-3,201q
*"Corn Law Rhymes": I, 353n q; VHI, 800n q; XH, 104, 118-19, 202
*"Count Cagliostro": XlI, 173, 176
*Critical and Miscellaneous Essays (1839), 2nd ed., 5 vols. (Fraser, 1840): XIII,
514; XV, 579
*"Death of Goethe": XH. 105, 111; XXVII, 651
--*"Diderot": XII, 129, 132, 141, 146, 153
*The French Revolution: I, 135 (134), 225 (224); XII, 252-3,257, 277,322,
339-41,343, 347-8; Xlll, 427,446, 562; XX, 131-66 rev, 133q, 138-57q, 163q,
165-6q, 169q, 219, 261q; XXXlI, 44
-- *"Goethe": XlI, 85; XXVII, 651
--"Goethe's Faust": XXVH, 651
*"Goethe's Helena": XII, 85; XXVII, 651
*"Goethe's Works": XlI, 104, 110, 118-19; XXVII, 651
Inaugural Address as Rector of Edinburgh University (2 Apr., 1866): XVI, 1157
*"Jean Paul Friedrich Richter": I, 169 (168); XlI. 85
Letter to Hamilton Hume: XXl, 428n
_ Letters to JSM: XII, 107q, 143-4q, 149q, 161q, 173q, 176q, 184q, 195q, 207q,
208q, 218q, 223-5q, 299q, 347q
*"Life and Writings of Wemer": I, 169 (168); XII, 85
*The Life of John Sterling: I, 159 (158)
_ "Lockhart's Life of Scott": XII, 357
*"Memoirs of Mirabeau": I, 214n, 603,607; XIl, 307, 333-4
*"Memoirs of the Life of Scott": I, 607; XVHI, 233q
*"The Nibelungen Lied": XX, 219q
*"Novalis": VIII, 843q; X, 214q, 336q; XI, 466q
"Occasional Discourse on the Negro Question": XXI, 87-92q, 94q, 95; XXXII,
Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, 2 vols. (Chapman and Hall, 1845): xm,
*On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History: X, 407-8q; xm, 475;
XVIH, 269; XXI, 255; XXV, 1097; XXVII, 653,666
*"Parliamentary History of the French Revolution": I, 604,607; XII, 257,337;
*Past and Present: IV, 370, 372q, 379q; X, 347q; XIIl, 641; XXl, 90; XXV,
1099; XXVII, 656-7
"Repeal of the Union": XXV, 1095, 1096-9q, 1100
Carlyle - Carpenter 121

-- *SartorResartus: I, 145 (144), 173 (170-2), 183 (182); IX, 423q; X, 214q, 333q;
XII, 85,176, 202; XX, 215q; XXI, 90; XXXH, 55q
"Schiller, Goethe, and Madame de Stall": XXVII, 651
*"Signs of the Times•': VI, 164; XII, 85; XXI, 90
*"State of German Literature": XII, 85; XX, 137q; XXVIL 653
*"Taylor's Historic Survey of German Poetry, •' Edinburgh Review, LIII (Mar.
1831), 151-80: XH, 85
-- "Thoughts on History": XX, 113q
-- *"Varnhagen yon Ense's Memoirs": I• 607
*"Voltaire": xm, 401
• *trans. "The Tale", by Goethe: XII, 130
C_NAC, JAM_ PdVETr (1785-1846): XXX, 34-5; XXXII, 29, 37-8, 63
JOSEPH(1782--1858): XXVII, 625,632, 634-5


CARNOT, LAZARENICOLASMARGUERITE( 1753-1823): XX, 101,109n, 177; XXVI, 244
-- De la correlation des figures de g_om_trie: XXVI, 244
-- G_orn_trie de position: XXVI, 244
-- M_moire sur la relation qui existe entre les distances respectives de cinq points
quelconques pris dans l'espace: XXVI, 244
-- Le minist_re de l"instruction publique et des cultes, depuis le 24 f_vrier jusqu ' au 5
juillet 1848: XX, 335,337
CAROLINE(of England) ( 1768-1821 ): I, 101 (100); XX, 201; XXVI, 25, 36, 37n; XXXI,
C_OTO, GIOVANNIFI_NCESCO (1480--1555): XIV, 487
CARPENTER,LANT (1780--1840): XH, 158n; XIII, 523; XXXI, 324
CARPENTER, MARY (1807--77): I, 285; XVII, 1744. LETTERSTO:XVI• 1302• 1339-41,
1359; XXXII, 199, 212
Suggestions on Prison Discipline and Female Education in India: XXXII,
TO:XIII, 657-8;
XVII, 1868-9, 1999
Epidemic Delusions: A Lecture (Manchester: Heywood, 1872): XVII, 1868
Principles of General and Comparative Physiology: VII, 374n; VIII, 1121n;
XXXI, 323-4 rev
Principles of Human Physiology: VII, 374n; XIV, 108, 111; XVI, 1323; XXXI,

The Unconscious Action of the Brain: A Lecture (Simpkin, 1871 ): XVII, 1868
"What Is Common Sense?": XVII, 1868
122 Index of Persons and Works


CAm_, WILLIAMOGLE (1802/3--56): XXXH, 11
CAVa_EL,JEAN BAPTISTENICOLASARMAND(1800--36): VI, 380; XII, 194-7, 219.
239-40, 255,262, 272, 281,309,346, 349, 353; XIH, 731-2; XV, 642,644; XVII,
1978; XX, 169-215,202q, 212q, 214q; XXIII, 389, 428,466-7,481,510, 525-30,
666, 668-9, 685,688, 700, 717, 719, 725,733,737, 747; XXIX, 570-1; XXXII,
28, 32-3
-- "De la guerre d'Espagne en 1823": XX, 180q, 188, 195
-- "De l'Espagne et de sa r6volution": XX, 180, 188, 195
-- "Du flagrant d61it en mati_re d'impression et publication d'6crits": XX, 197;
XXIII, 428
-- "Du nougeau proc6s entre la r6publique et le tiers-parti": XX, 206-7
--Extrait du dossier d' un pr_venu de complicitd morale dans l'attentat du 28 juillet:
XX. 207,208; XXIX, 571
--Htstoire de la contre-r_volution en Angleterre: XX, 178q, 187q, 221
-- "Irlande.--Rappel de l'union.--Lois sur la presse": XXIII, 526
-- "La r6volution et le tiers-parti": XX, 207
-- "Ouverture de la session de 1834": XXIH, 747
-- "Qu'il faut craindre de rendre les mod6r6s violens en se moquant de la mod6ration":
XX, 200; XXIII, 510
Speech in defence of the Nattonal de 1834 (23 Aug., 1834): XH, 256; XXHI, 747
-- Speech m the Chamber of Peers ( 16 Dec., 1834): XII, 254, 256; XX, 198
Unheaded article (30 Oct.. 1833): XX, 207
CAm_EL, MARIEMADELEINE(n6e Dubuisson; mother of Armand): XX, 181q, 182
CARREL,NICOLASAPa_ANO(father of Armand): XX, 172
CARRIER,JEAN BAPTISTE(1756--94): X, 386; XVI, 1123
CAaRINGTON,LORD.See Smith, Robert
CAPdUNGTON,NATHAN(litigant): XXI, 24
CAI_OLL, CHARLES(1737--1832): XXIH, 542
CARROLL,GEORGE(1811--60): XXIV, 952-4
C_rE, THOMAS( 1686-- 1754). An History of the Life of James, Duke of Ormonde: VI, 5n,
7, 48n-9n, 52n
"CARTOUCHE".See Bourguinon, Louis Dominique
JOaN (1740--1824): VI, 340; XHI, 370; XX, 180; XXVI, 10; XXXl, 367

CAttY, LtJcaus (Viscount Falkland) (1610?-43): VI, 46; XH, 106

CASALE, MARCHESE(Sicilian; ft. 1855): XIV, 387
CASEY, JOSEPHTHEOBALD(Fenian; ft. 1867): XXIX, 547, 554-5
Cassell's Illustrated Family Paper: XVI, 1147
CASTLE, WILLIAM (b. ca. 1805): XXVIII, 314-15,333
Carr - Cazelles 123

CASTLEREAGH, LORD AND LADY. See Stewart, Robert and Emily Anne
CATECHISM. See Book of Common Prayer
CATHELINEAU, JACQUES (1759--93): XX, 117; XXIII, 474
CATHELINEAU,JACQUESJOSEPH( 1787-- 1832): xxm, 474
CATHERINEII ("The Great" of Russia) (1729-96): XIX, 382; XXI, 304, 401
CATHERINEDE' MEDICI(1519--89): XII, 352; XXI, 300
CATILINE (Lucius Sergius Catilina) (ca. 108-62 B.C.): VI. 185; XIV, 313; XXVI, 48,
49n, 50-1, 53-4, 341-8 passim
CATO,MARCUSPORCIUS(234--149 B.C.): I, 495; vm, 799,824; XXVI, 331,343
CATOR, JOHN (of Penge; fl. 1827): Vl, 249
CATULLUS, GAIUSVALERIUS(fl. 60--55 B.C. ): I, 532
CAUTLEY, PROBYTHOMAS( 1802--71 ): XXX, 127
CAVAIGNAC, GODEFROILOUISELI_ONORE ( 1801-45): XII, 194, 196-7,207,218,255-6;
XX, 128,200n, 207; XXII, 302-3; xxm, 407,683
-- Speech in His Defence on a Charge of Conspiracy (15 Apr., 1831): XII, 194:
XXII, 303; xxm, 407; xxv, 1247-50q
CAVAIGNAC,LOUISEUGi_NE(1802-57): XIV, 32-3; XXV, 1111
CAVAN1LLES,ANTONIOJOSl_(1745-1804). lcones et descriptiones plantarum, quae RUt
sponte in Hispania crescunt: XXXI, 290
CAVIl,HYGINAUGUSTE( 1794-- 1852). and ADOLPHEDITTMER( 1795-- 1846). Les soirdes
deNeuilly, 2 vols. (Paris: Moutardier, 1827): XII, 139, 149
CAVEL,HENRI(.9) (Saint Simonian: ft. 1830s): XII, 108
CAVEND1SH, HENRY(1731--1810): XVIH. 164n
-- "Experiments on Air, Read Jan. 15, 1784": XXXI, 96
CAVENDISH, WILLIAM (F..arl of Newcastle) (1592-1676): VI, 44
CAVENDISH, WILLIAM (7th Duke of Devonshire) (1808-91): XV, 565
CAVENDISH, WILLIAMGEORGESPENCER(6th Duke of Devonshire) t 1790-1858): XXlI,
159; XXVI, 337; XXVII, 507

CAZELLES, EMILE IIONORI_ (1831-1907)o LETTERS TO: xvgI, 1609-10, 1612. 1652

, trans. L'assujettissement des femmes, by J.S. Mill (Paris: Guillaumin, 1869):

XVII, 1609, 1612, 1907
, trans. La circulation de la vie, by Jacob Moleschott (Paris: Balli6re, 1866): XVI,
, trans. La philosophie de Hamilton, by J.S. Mill (Paris: Balli6re, 1869):
XVI, 1218; XVII, 1652, 1907
_, trans. Les premiers principes, by Herbert Spencer: IX, 250n; XVI, 1218
124 Index of Persons and Works

CAZILLAC,M. ("Rey Regis") ( 18th-c. medical observer). Histoire naturelle et raisonnde

de l' t_me: IX, 237-8
CAZOTTE, JACQUES (1719-92). Arabian Tales: I, 13 (12), 556
CECIL,ROBERt AgrHUR TALBOt GASCOVNE(Lord Cranbome, later Marquis of Salisbury)
(1830-1903): XXVIH, 187
"The Theories of Parliamentary Reform": XVIII, 353-5

On the Representation of the People Bill (13 Mar., 1866): XXVIII, 56

On Electoral Statistics (23 Mar., 1866): XXVIH, 113
On the Representation of the People Bill (30 May, 1867): XXVHI, 186-7
On the East India Revenue Accounts ( 12 Aug., 1867): XXVIII, 235
CECIL, WILLIAM (Earl of Salisbury) (1591-1668): VI, 52n
CECIL, WILLIAM (L_rd Burghley) ( 1520-98): XXII, 282
CELLINI, BENVENUTO (1500-71): XIV, 480
Vita di Benvenuto Cellini: XXVII, 648
CENCl, BEATRIce (1577--99): XIV, 310
CENCI, LUCREZIA (d. 1599): XIV, 310

Le Censeur Europ_en: XII, 164; XHI, 664; XX, 109n; XXIII, 355,522,669, 692
CEPHALUS(ft. 390--370 B.C. ): XI, 222
*The History and Adventures of the Renowned Don Quixote: I, 13 (12), 556; XVI,
1475; XXXI, 380n
CHABRY,LOUISON(Parisian; fl. 1789): XX, 155
CHADWaCK,EowIr4 (1800-90): I, 283; V, 627; XII, 38, 156, t99,200, 211,233,292;
XIII, 478; XV, 733-4, 888; XVI, 1007, 1221, 1367, 1401-2, 1421-3, 1427-8,
1431-3, 1453, 1455-6, 1460-5, 1486-7, 1491-2, 1495, 1507, 1511; XVII, 1708,
1735-6; XXHI, 743-4; XXIV, 778, 822; XXV, 1201-4; XXVII, 477-99 passim;
XXVIH, 139; XXIX, 391,394-5,529-35e; XXXII, 15, 124, 180,201
LETTERSTO: XII, 16-20, 244; XlII, 402, 473,485, 516, 523-4, 719-22, 724-5;
XIV, 55, 192-3; XV, 528,549,567-8,584-95,604-5,654-5,720-1,736, 847-8,
850, 856-8, 918, 920, 923-4, 929, 932-3, 938, 946-7, 960-1; XVI, 988-9,
999-1000, 1025, 1035, 1038-9, 1049-51, 1058-60, 1066-7, 1071-2, 1075-6, 1097,
I128-9, 1147, 1168, 1172, 1178-80, 1185, 1187-8, 1190, 1224-5, 1250, 1254-6,
1262, 1269, 1292, 1294-6, 1298-9, 1310-11, 1325-6, 1335, 1350-3, 1355, 1365-6,
1381, 1413, 1426, 1429-30, 1435-6, 1441, 1457-60, 1470-2, 1476, 1481, 1484,
1487-91; XVII, 1594-5, 1629-30, 1724-5, 1770, 1788, 1792, 1796, 1929-30,
1999-2000, 2007, 2009-11; XXXII, 75-6, 83, 135,243
"Address on Economy and Trade": XV, 960; XVI, 1097
Address on Railway Reform (National Association for the Promotion of Social
Science, 1865): XVI, 988
--Address to the University of London: XVI, 1310, 1325
"The Chief Methods of Preparing for Legislation": XV, 584, 590; XVI, 1262
Cazillac - Chadwick 125

Draft Resolutions: XVII, 1792-3, 1796

"Education of the Young for Military Service": XVI, 1224
Evidence on Metropolitan Local Government (23 July, 1866) (PP): XVI. 1178
-- "Life Assurances": XVII, 1955; XXXII, 83
_"Limited Liability between Individuals," Penny Newsman (5 Apr., 1863), 8: XV,
"The London General Omnibus Company": XV, 586
"Medical Charities in France": XVI, 1431
-- "Movement for International Economy of Military Expenditure": XVII, 1630
"On the Application of Sanitary Science to the Protection of the Indian Army": XV,
"On the Application of Sanitary Science to Public Works of Irrigation, and Works
for the Relief of Towns": XV, 736
"On the Economy of Telegraphy as Part of a Public System of Postal
Communication": XVI, 1326, 1413
"On the New Education Bill": XXIX, 391-3
"On the Progress of the Principle of Competitive Examination for Admission into
the Public Service": XV, 568
"On the Suggestions Afforded by the Application of the Cumulative Vote": XXIX,
On the Supply of Water to the Metropolis: XlV, 55
"Our Best Military Model": XVII, 1788
Paper on schoolboard elections: XVII, 1770
"Papers Relating to the Reorganization of the Civil Service" (PP): XIV, 192-3
"Powers to Clerks, Overlookers, and Workers to Share Profits," Penny Newsman
(12 Apr., 1863), 8: XV, 857
"Preventive Police : VI, 257q; XVI, 1431; XVII, 1955
Regulations of Labourers Engaged in the Construction and Working of Railways
(Knight, 1846): XVII, 1999
"Report on Dwellings Characterised by Cheapness Combined with the Conditions
Necessary for Health and Comfort--Class 93": XVI, 1292
Report... on the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain
(PP): XII, 516, 523-4, 641; XVI, 1456; XXIV, 822-30 rev, 825-9q
"Report on the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain; a
Supplementary Report" (PP): XXVIII, 139-40; XXIX, 529-30
• "Results of Different Principles of Legislation and Administration m Europe": XV,
.... "The Sanitary Condition of Berlin": XVII, 1929
"Sanitary Principles of Cottage Improvement": XVII. 1630
"Shall the Abettors of the Practice of Assassination Be Countenanced in England?"
Penny Newsman (27 Mar., 1864), 1: XV, 932-3
126 Index of Persons and Works

"Sur les unions ouvritres et leur organisation en Angleterre": XVI, 1326, 1335
"Two Papers Submitted to the [Education] Commission by Mr. Chadwick, as to
Half-Time Teaching and Military and Naval Drill, and on Time and Cost of Popular
Education on a Large and Small Scale" (PP): XV. 720-1,733-4; XVI. 1168; XVII,
1806; XXI, 209, 210, 212,213-14q
"Les unions ouvritres en Angleterre au point de vue criminel": XVI, 1326
CHADWICK,MARION(1844--1928): XVI, 1224
CRADWICK,RACHELDAWSON(nte Kennedy; wife of Edwin Chadwick): XIII, 721-2.
CHAEREPHON(in Plato): XI, 97-150passim, 155
CHALMERS,THOMAS( 1780--1847): 1I, 67n, 75-7, 418; IH, 570-1,576,697,725,735-6,
741,841; X, 151; XII, 237,274-5; XlII, 638
Considerations on the System of Parochial Schools in Scotland: VI, 259; XX, 229
On Political Economy: HI, 735; XII, 231,236; XIV, 91-3
-- On the Power, Wisdom and Goodness of God: VII, 367n, 465
On the Use and Abuse of Literary and Ecclesiastical Endowments: VIII, 703n


CHAMBERS, RICHARD (15887--1658): VI, 20
CHAMBERS, ROBERT 1802- 71 ). *Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation (Churchill,
1844): XIII, 657, 677-8
CHAMBERS, THOMAS(1814--91). Motion for a Select Committee on Conventual and
Monastic Institutions (28 Feb., 1854), PD, Vol. 131, cols. 53-77: XIV, 175
CHAMBERS,WILLIAMF. (1786-1855): XIV, 198
Chambers' Cyclopaedia: XVI, 1325; XXXI, 103
CHAMEROVZOW, LOUIS ALEXIS (of the Jamaica committee; fl. 1860s): I, 282n
•Maximes, pens_es, caractdres et anecdotes: I, 423-4
CHANDOS,LORD. See Grenville, RIchard
CHAN_qNG,WILLIAMELLERY(1780--1842): XIV, 7; XV, 844; XVH, 1965
Remarks on the Disposition Which Now Prevails to Form Associations: XII, 49
La chanson de Roland: XX, 43
VICTORDE( 1787-- 1859 ): XXII, 163--8, 177,
215, 223, 225--6; xxm, 373
CHAPI_, AUGUST JOANNY (printer; ft. 1867). LETTERS TO: XVI, 1265, 1356
CHAPELIER, ISAAC REN_ GUILE (1754-94): XX, 90, 100

CHAPlV_N,MR. (cooper; ft. 1854): XIV, 131

Chadwick - Charles 127

CHAPMAN,HENRY(1770--1863): XV, 888

CHAPMAN,HENRYBREWER(1841--66): XV, 766, 845,888; XVI, 1135
CHAPMAN,HENn'_ SAMUEL(1803--81): XH, 274, 293; XXVIII, 10; XXXH, 244.
LETTERS TO: Xll, 284, 294-6; Xlll, 640-3,684-8,708-10, 731-3; XIV, 30-4; XV,
557-60, 764-6, 844-5,888-9; XVI, 1135-7; XVH, 1685-6, 1971
-- The Safety Principle ofJoint-Stock Banks (Macrone and Effingham Wilson, 1837 ):
XVll, 1971
CHAPMAN,JOHN (1821--94): XIV, 65, 71, 126, 134-5, 139, 177, 189; XV, 807,822;
XVI, 1007, 1120, 1418
LETTERSa'O: XIV, 67--9, 72, 76-7, 79, 98-9, 101, 104, 497-8; XV, 643-4, 727,
732-3,735,788-90, 792,798,808,849, 875-6,880-1,884-7,978; XVI, 990,995,
1000-1, 1004, 1008, 1022, 1024-5, 1030, 1036, 1082-4, 1216, 1218-20, 1226-33,
1238-9, 1242, 1245, 1312-13, 1390, 1430, 1488-9, 1532-3; XVH, 1544, 1563-5,
1614, 1617-18, 1672, 1706; XXXII, 80-1,202
--"Equatorial Africa, and Its Inhabitants": XV, 732
-- Functional Diseases of the Stomach. Part 1: Sea-sickness (Trtibner, 1864): XVI,
, and MARYANN EVANS("George Eliot"). Prospectus of the Westminster Review,
WR, LVII and I (Jan. 1852), iii-vi: XIV, 67-9q, 71-2, 77, 79q
CHA_S (400-330 A.D.): VIII, 941
CHARLEMAGNE (ca. 742-8t4 A.D.): XI, 283-4; XV, 729; XVIII, 224; XIX, 419; XX,
24-5, 27, 32, 43,227, 276-81,288-9,357,393; XXI, 303; XXIV, 870; XXVI, 213
CHA_ES V (Holy Roman Emperor) (1500-58): I, 460, 528; XIV, 364; XIX, 381; XXI,
CHARLESI (of England) (1600-49): V, 481; VI, 3-56 passim, 26q; VHI, 778; X, 155;
]Kill, 412,416; XVI, 1275; XX, 69, 221; XXI, 402; XXVI, 427; XXVll, 469
CHARLESII (of England) ( 1630-85): IV, 401 ;V, 479-80; VI, 23n, 58,255-6; X, 155; XI,
467; XVIII, 283; XX, 178, 186, 221; XXll, 47; XXVII, 455; XXIX, 417
CHAnLESII (of France) (839-888 A.D.): XX, 279
CrIA_ES HI (of France; "le Simple") (879-929 A.D.): XX, 19
CHARLESIV (of France; "le Bel") (1294-1328): XX, 49
CHAPXESVffl (of France; 'TAffable") (1470-98): XX, 52; XXI, 303
CHARLESIX (of France) (1550-74): XXlll, 695
CHARLESX (of France) (previously Comte d'Artois; 1757-1836): VI, 312,418; XH, 57,
59-61; XIX, 608; XX, 88, 90, 101, 141, 175, 186, 189-92, 305; XXll, 125, 129,
131-2, 135,139, 169-71,173,184,223-4,260, 275,296; XXIII, 352,367,386,402,
418,463,475,478-9,483,505,515,518,520, 525,542, 571,691,694, 696n; XXV,
M_moire pr_sent_ au roi: XX, 141
CHARLES HI (of Spain) (1716-88): VIH, 940
CHARLES,COMTEDE FLANDI_ ("le Bon") (1083-1127): XX, 24n
128 Index of Persons and Works


CHARLES EDWARD LOUIS PHILIP CASIMIR (the Young Pretender) (1720-88): XXXI.
CHARLESFELIX(Duke of Savoy; King of Sardinia) ( 1765-1831 ): XXIV, 989
CHARMIDES(in Plato): XI, 175-8, 185-6
CHARTERIS,FRANCISRICHARD( Lord Elcho, later Earl of Wemyss) ( 1818-1914): KVl,
CHARTERS, EMIL1A(d. 1855): XlV, 314
t (1808--73): XV, 982; XVI, 1325
EUPHI_MON(1798--1873): XII, 343, 346; XKIH, 717-27
-- Review of Bulwer's England and the English: XXIII, 717-27,719-22q, 724q,
CHASSINAT. i. (physician at Hy_res; ft. 1854): XIV, 129
CHATEAUBRIAND, FRANCOIS RENI_. VICOMTE DE(1768--1848): I. 487; X, 92; XIX, 582;
XX, 190, 226; XXII, 23, 153; XXlll, 487,495,517-18
-- De la restauration et de la monarchie _lective: XXV, 1248
Itin_raire de Paris d, Jerusalem: XVIII, 103q
_ltaly, Its Agriculture, &c.: II, 298,303-7q, 435,443
Voyages agronomiques en France: XXIV, 1041-2, 1046, 1050
CHATtlAM,LORD. See Pitt, William (the elder)
CHATTERTON,THOMAS( 1752--70): I, 484,496

CHAUFFARD, A. ( fl. 1860s ), trans. Train de laprocedure criminelle, by Karl Joseph Anton
Mittermaier: XVII, 1558, 1600
CHEDZOY,CHARLES(warehouse pensioner of the EIC; ft. 1850s): XXXII, 86
CHEETHAM,JOHN(1802--86): XVI, 1298
CHEETt_M, JOHNFREDERICK(1835--1916): XVl, 1298
LORD. See Thesiger, Frederick
Cm_MENT,BARBOTDE (captain of artillery; ft. 1840). LETTERTO: XIV, 236--8
CH_SmNT, L. DE (positivist; ft. 1873). LETTERTO"XVll, 1942-3
CME_mVIX,HENRY(b. 1842). LETTERTO: XV, 895-6
CHENEVlX, RICHAgD (1774--1830). "Comparative Skill and Industry of France and
England": XXII, 308q
"English and French Literature": I, 310, 311q, 320q; XXII, 308q
"History and Prospects of English Industry": XX, 17
Charles - Childebert 129

"State of Science in England and France": I, 310

, and FRANCISJEFFREY."French Poetry": I, 310
CH_NIER, ANDR_ MARIE(1762--94): I, 494--5
Oeuvres posthumes: I, 494, 495q
CI-mNU,JACQUESETIENNEADOLPHE(of French Provisional Government; ft. 1840s): XX,
--D6position: XX, 322
CHENUT,LOUISVICTOR(adjoint to mayor of Nancy, France; ft. 1831 ): XXII, 263

"Des associations ouvri6res": III, 779n-80n q, 782n-3n q

Prdcis de la science dconomique, 2 vols. (Paris: Guillaumin, 1862): XV, 896-7;
XVII, 1664, 1666, 1677, 1705, 1713
CHESELDEN, WILLIAM(1688--1752). "An Account of Some Observations Made by a
Young Gentleman, Who Was Born Bhnd": IX, 232n q, 236,236n q; XI, 263-5,264q,
267,267n-8n, 454,457
XXVI, 24
-- Notice sur Henri 1V et sur la conservation du berceau de ce prince: XXVI, 78
40, 42, 76
CHESNELDELACHARBONNELAYE, MARYLOUISA(n6e Bentham ) ( 1797-1865 ): I, 59 (58);
XII, 10, 12; XXVI, 8, 19, 26-7, 32, 4O, 42, 47, 76, 94, 123-4
CHESSON, FREDERICKWILLIAM(1833/34--88): I, 282n; XVI, 1192; XVII, 1604; XXI,
422,429; XXXlI, 179. LETTERS
TO: XVI, 1404, 1416; XVII, 1606-7
CHETWYNDE, GEORGE ( 1783 - 1850 ): XXVI, 274
CHEVALIER, MICHEL(1806--79): XII, 96, 119, 140, 150, 194; XVII, 1665; XXIII, 403,
444, 509, 677; XXV, 1263; XXIX, 371-2; XXXH, 181
-- "Direction nouvelle/t donner h la politique ext6rieure": XXIII, 444; XXV, 1263
Lettres sur l'Amdrique du Nord: XVIII, 177
--Lettres sur rorganisation du travail: III, 772n q, 1012q; XIV, 185
"Rapport verbal sur... Les consummations de Paris": II, 448n-9n q
CHEVERT, FRANCOIS DE (1695-1769): I, 471
"CHEW CHASE." See Percy, Thomas, Reliques
Chicago Tribune: XVI, 1127
"John Smart Mill and the Chinese" (14 Dec., 1869): XVII, 1695-6
CmCHESTEg,CHARLES(1795--1847): XXXI, 371
CmLD, JOSaAH(1630--99): VI, 130
CmLDEBERTm (d. 711 A.D.): XX, 19
130 Index of Persons and Works

CHILD_mCI (ca. 437--81 A.D.): XX, 223n

CHILD_mCIII (d. ca. 751 A.D.): XX, 19
CHILLINGWORTH, WILLIAM ( 1602-44): VII, 5n; XXlI, 16
CHILPERICII (d. 720 A.D.): XX, 19
reuses: XX, 141
CHOLAT, M. (attacker of the Bastille; ft. 1789): XX, 145
"'England and Brittany": XII, 362-3
--"Works of Mrs. Trollope": I, 604
CHORLEY, WILLIAM BROWNSWORD(1833--1904). Handybook of SocMl Intercourse
(Longman, et al., 1862): XV, 841
CHOUNEUS, THOMAS (ft. 1635). CoUectiones theologicarum quarundam conclusionum:
VI, 21
CHRIST.See Jesus
Christian Examiner.
"Democracy on Trial": XVI, 992
"'Doctrine and Theory of Inspiration": XVI, 992
--"The Later Writings of John Smart Mill": XV, 842, 844; XVI, 992
CHRISTIE,HUGH (1710--74). A Grammar of the Latin Tongue: XXI, 221-2
CHRISTIE,WILLIAMDOUGAL(1816--74): I, 283; XV, 974; XVII, 1772, 1845. LETTERS
TO:XV, 955-6; XVI, 1245, 1331, 1337, 1348-9, 1353-4, 1370-1, 1380-4, 1387-8,
1392-3, 1397-1400, 1403-4, 1408-9, 1415-16, 1421, 1425; XVII, 1773, 1793,
1825-6; XXXII, 150-1, 165-6, 192-3, 195
"Amendment of Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections Bill": XVI,
1398, 1399; XXXII, 192
The Brazil Correspondence: XXXH, 150
"Corruption and Cost of Elections": XVI, 1337, 1353, 1421
"Election Petitions": XVI, 1381
_Electoral Corruption and lts Remedies: XVI, 1348, 1382, 1421; XXVIII, 263,
265; XXXII, 165
_A Letter... in Reply to the... Speech on Brazil, and in Self-Defence (Uxbridge:
n.p., 1863): XV, 956
Letters on British policy in Brazil: XV, 955
*A Life of Anthony Ashley Cooper, 2 vols. (Macmillan, 1871): XVH, 1825
Notes on Brazilian Questions: XXXH, 150
_ Suggestions . . .for the Restraint of Corruption at Elections: XV, 923-4; XXVIII,
10, 11; XXXII, 165
Child_ric - Cincinnatus 131

JOHN (Carlile's shopman; ft. 1825): XXXI, 54
CHPaSTOPHER, ROnERTADAM(later Hamilton-Nisbet) (1804-77). Speech on Repeal of the
Corn Laws (10 June, 1845): XXIV, 863
CHUDLEIGH,ELIZABETH( Countess of Bristol) ( 1720- 88): XXXI, 40n
CHURCH,JOHN (ft. 1820S). Evidence on the Disturbances in Ireland (PP): VI. 89n. 96
CHURCH,PdCHARD(1784-1873): XIV, 432-3,441,451-2
Church and State Gazette. "Sterling and the Sterling Club": XIV, 22
Church of England Quarterly Review: XII, 322
CHURCHILL,CHARLES (1731-64). The Rosciad: XXXI, 385q
CHURCHILL,JOHN(Duke of Marlborough) (1650-1722): XX, 367; XXXI, 304
CHURCHILL,SARAH(Duchess of Marlborough) ( 1660-1744): XV, 511
CHURCrlWARD,JOSEPHGEORGE(magistrate; ft. 1850s): xxvm, 232
CICERO,MARCUSTULLIUS( 106--43 B.C.): I, 532; XI, 510; XII, 30q; XIV. 147,482; XV,
633,866; XVII, 1585-6, 1725; XVIII, 245; XXV, 1215; XXVI, 347,352,413; XXXI,
-- *Brutus sive de claris oratoribus: X, 145q
-- *De divinatione: IV, 41q, 344q; XXH, 175q; XXVII, 651
-- *"De domo sua ad pontifices oratio": XXII, 119q
-- *De fato: XXVI, 197
-- *Definibus bonorum et malorum: VIII, 771q, 797q, 812-13q, 823-5q; X, 87
-- *De legibus: XIV, 147
-- *De natura deorurn: VII, 364q; XVII, 1585-6; XXVIII, 229
-- *De officiis: X, 421; XXIV, 832q
-- *De oratore: VI, 337; XIII, 450q; XX, 188
-- *De partitione oratoria: I, 15 (14), 563; XII, 8
-- *De senectute: XlX, 577q
-- *Epistolarum adAtticum: I, 15 (14). 49q (48), 563; XI, 378q; XII. 8; XVII, 1586:
XVIII, 251q; XX, 22q; XXVIII, 158q
-- *Epistolarum adfamiliares: I, 575-6; XV, 633q; XVII, 1586; XVIII, 164q;
XXVI, 137, 138
*In C. Verrem invective septem: I, 15 (14), 558; XXI, 7
-- *Orations: XlI, 7; XVII, 1586
-- *Pro A. Cluentio habito oratio: XXIII, 489q; XXIV, 1016q
*Pro archiapo_ta: I, 15 (14), 558; XH, 7; XV, 866
*ProMilone: I, 575: XXII, 292; XXVI, 114, 125, 126, 127
*Topica: I, 15 (14), 563; XII, 8
C_4ASUE, GIOVANNI(1240-ca. 1302): XIV, 281,482
CrotON(ca. 507-450 B.C.): XI, 133, 141, 143,334,435; XXV, 1124
Cn_CINNATUS,LUCIUSQUINCrIus (ft. 458 B.C.): I, 528; XX, 9
132 Index of Persons and Works


The Circular: XVII, 1908-9
CLABON,JOHN MOXON(1815-98): X1X, 496n
CLAIRAUT,ALEXISCLAUDE( 1713--65): VH, 222; XXVI, 227
-- "Quatre probl_mes sur de nouvelles courbes": XXVI, 227
CLARE,RICHARDDE (Earl of Pembroke and Strigul) (d. 1176): X, 136n; XXIV, 920
CLARENDON,EARLSOF. See Hyde, Edward; and Villiers, George William Frederick
CLARK,JAMES(1788--1870): XIV, 128-39passim, 144-55passim, 160, 169, 170, 174,
177,179, 181-3,189-90, 194-210passim. 218,225. 279, 283,285,294-6,304,323,
417, 472; XV, 678; XVI, 1408; XXIV, 877
Treatise on Pulmonary Consumption (Sherwood, et al., 1835): XIV, 199
CLARK,RICHARD(of Jamaica; ft. 1866): XXVlII, 95
CLARK,THOMAS(1801--67): XV, 903; XVI, 1332
CLARK, WILUAM (of St. George's vestry; ft. 1866): XXIX, 498-9e
CLARK, WILLIAM HENRY (member of Reform Club 1847-71): XV, 955; XXXlI,
-- "The Existing Poor Law of England": XXXII, 223
CLARKE,EDWARDGEORGE( 1841 --1931 ). A Treatise on the Law of Extradition: XXVIII,
CLARKE, SAMUEL(1675--1729): IX, 152; X, 21, 85

CLARKE,SAMUEL(d. 1865): XXI, 423,428,430; XXVIII, 95

CLARKSON,E. (fl. 1837). "School of Design": XII, 338
CLARKSON,THOMAS(1760--1846): X, 188; XXI, 141
CLAUDE (Claude Gel6e, called Lorrain) (1600-82): I, 353n; XIV, 312; XXlI, 332;
XXVII, 565
CLAUDIUSCAESAR(10 B.C.-54 A.D. ): XI, 285n
CLAVI_RE,ETIENNE(1735--93): XX, 101, 108
CLAY, CLEMENTCLAISORNE( 1816--82). "Address... Delivered before the Chunnenug-
gee Horticultural Society of Alabama": XXI, 150q
CLAY, HENRY(1777--1852): XVIII, 109
"Extract of Instructions to Albert Gallatin': VI, 144, 146
CLAY, JAMES(1804--73): XXVIII, 84
CLAY, WILLIAM(1791--1869): XII, 166, 242, 256; XIX, 352; xxm, 734
CLEAVE,JOHN (reformer; ft. 1830s): VI, 480
CLFASr_NES (ca. 565-500 B.C.): XI, 326--7; XXlV, 1086, 1088; XXV, 1132, 1161
C_I_CEAU, GEORGES( 1841-- 1929 ), trans. Auguste Comte et le positivisme, by J.S. Mill
(Paris: Ballic_e, 1868): XVI, 1004, 1046, 1114; XVII, 1906
C inq-M ar s - Cobbe 133

CLEMENTV (Pope) (ca. 1264-1314): XX, 244; XXIV, 819

CLEMENTVI (Pope) ( 1291-1352 ). Letter to King John and Queen Joanna of France: XX,
CLEMENTXIV (Pope; Giovanni Vincenzo Ganganelli) ( 1705-74): XHI, 710; XIX, 382
CLEMENT,AMBROISE(1805-86). Recherches sur les causes de l' mdtgence: II, 290n q;
XXIV, 1049q
N1COLAS( 1778-1841 ): I, 62; XXVI, 9
CLEOMENESIII (d. 219 B.C.): XI, 300, 337n; XXIV, 872-3
CLEON(d. 422 B.C.): XI, 323, 331; XIX, 460; XXV, 1126-8, 1160
Speech on the Mytilean Revolt: XXV, 1128
CLEOPATRA (queen of Egypt 51-30 B.C. ): I, 438; IV, 401
CLERK, GEORGERUSSELL(1800--89): XXX, 118; XXXH, 87, 94, 112. LETTERS
XXXII, 102-5, 107
CLERK,GODFREY(b. 1835): XXXII, 107
CLERK,JOHN (Lord Eldin) (1757-1832): XII, 112
CLEVELAND, AUGUSTUS (1755--84): XXX, 153
CLIFFORD,ANNE (Countess of Dorset, Pembroke and Montgomery) (1590-1676)'.
XXVII, 508
CLIFFORD,MARe (d. 1767): XXV, 1153, 1170
CLXNTON,DEWITT ( 1769--1828): XVIII, 111
CLINTON,HENRYPELHAMFmNNESPELHAM(Duke of Newcastle) ( 1785-1851 ): IV, 185;
VI, 366; XIV, 409; XVIII, 127; XXII, 211
Complaint (3 Dec., 1830): XXII, 210-11; XXIV, 1031; XXV, 1173q
-- A Letter to the Right Hon. Lord Kenyon: XXII, 118-19
CLINTOr_,HENRY(reformer; ft. 1860): XV, 683
CLITON,GUILLAUME(1102--28): XX, 34n
CLIVE,EDWARD(Earl of Powis) (1754-1839): XXIII, 507
CLIVE, ROBERT(Lord Clive) (1725-74): XIX, 532
CLIVE, ROBERTHENRY(1789--1854): XXIII, 507
CLOTAIREI (of France) (498-561 A.D.): XX, 223
CLOTmD^ (of the Franks) (475-545 A.D. ): XXI, 327
CLOTWO_THY,JOI_N (Lord Masserene) (d. 1665): VI, 50, 52
CLOVISI (of France) (ca. 466-511 A.D.): XX, 24, 52, 223,280, 290; XXI, 327
CLoVIs Ill (682-95 A.D.): XX, 19
CO^TES, THOMAS(solicitor; ft. 1820s). LETTERTO:XIII, 742
ConBE, FRANCESPOWER(1822--1904): XVI, 1284, 1374, 1475; XXXII, 182. LETTER
XVII, 1566
"The Defects of Women, and How to Remedy Them": XVII, 1566
134 Index of Persons and Works

-- Female Education: XV, 787
COBBETT, JAMESPAUL( 1803--81 ): XII, 66

COBBETT,WILLIAM( 1762--1835): I, 101 (100); m, 576; IV, 185; vI, 95,274,400; xII,
66, 124, 359; xv, 980; XXl, 30; XXlI, 123; xxv, 1264; XXVl, 285,303; XXXl, 49
--Cobben's Sermons: XXVII, 600
-- Cobbett's Weekly Political Pamphlet: XXVI, 406
-- Cottage Economy: XXVH, 600
-- "The Petition of the Nobility, Gentry, and Others of the County of Norfolk": VI,
361-2q, 400q; XXIII, 567q; XXIV, 762q
-- "Rural Ride": XXVI, 303-4
-- A Treatise on Cobbett's Corn: XXVII, 600
_, ed. Cobbett's Weekly Political Register: XV. 980; XXVII, 600
--, and JOHN WmGHT (1770?--1844), eds. The Parliamentary History. of England:
VI, 10n, 12n-18n, 28n-9n, 33n, 35n, 38n-9n, 44n-5n, 47n, 50n-In, 355n; XXI, 26;
XXXI, 346, 361
COBDEN,RiCHARD(1804--65): XHI, 710; XV, 912, 919,926; XVI, 1028, 1037, 1048,
1141; XVII, 1597; XIX, 511; XXV, 1219, 1263; XXVIII, 3, 4, 97; XXIX, 371-3

*On National Representation (6 July, 1848): XXV, 1102, 1108q

-- *At Rochdale (18 Aug., 1859): XXVIII, 240
-- *At Rochdale (23 Nov., 1864): XXIX, 418
COCHRANE,JOHN (d. 1695?): VI, 37
COCHRANE,JOHN GEORGE(1781--1852): XII, 132, 137, 146, 197; XXXH, 14
90). Speech on Civil Service Examinations (5 June, 1860): XlX, 531n
COCHUT, PIERRE ANDRl_ (1812-90): HI, 777. LETTER TO: XXXII, 126
COCKBURN, ALEXANDER JAMES EDMUND (Lord) (1802-80): I, 133 (132)

-- Charge of the Lord Chief Justice of England... . in the Case of the Queen against
Nelson andBrand: I, 282; XXI, 431q, 433q; XXVIII, 203-4
COCKBURN,HENRYTHOMAS(Lord) (1779-1854). "Nomination of Scottish Juries": I,
297n q
-- "Office of the Public Prosecutor": XXXI, 49
COCKER,EDWARD( 1631 --75). Cocker's Decimal Arithmetick: XX, 165
CODE CIVIL DES FRANgAIS,CODE NAPOLI_ON. See under France, Statutes (1807)

COGAN, ELIEZER(1762--1855): X, 21
COGHLAN,WILLIAMM. (1803-85): XXXII, 100, 104
COHEN, LEW EMANUEL(ft. 1834): VI, 274, 276
CORN, GUSTAV (1840--1919). LETTER TO: XXXII, 188-9
Cobbe - Coleridge 135

COKE,EDWARD(1552--1634): VI, 14; XXlI, 60, 282; XXVIII, 276q

The First Part of the Institutes of the Lawes of England: XXI, 22, 173; XXII, 60q;
xxm. 469q; XXXI, 42-3q, 82
Judgment in the Case de Libellis Famosls, 1606: XXI, 21
COKE, GEORGE(Bishop of Hereford) (d. 1646): VI, 39
COKE, THOMASWILUAM (Earl of Leicester) (1752-1842): XXII, 281
COLAM,JOHN (1827--1910). LETTERTO:XVI, 1285, 1423-4
COLBERT,JEAN BAgrISrE (1619--83): XIV, 258; XIX, 410, 438,602
COLBORNE,JOaN (1778--1863): VI, 454n, 462
-- "An Ordinance to Provide for the More Speedy Attainder of Persons Indicted for
High Treason" (PP): VI, 454n
COLE,HENRY(1808--82): xm, 555; XXVII, 551-611 passim; XXXI, 259. LETTERS TO:
XH, 50-1; xm, 386-7, 419-22, 424, 534-5,565,613-15,658,704: XIV, 124;
XVII, 1998; XXXII, 15-18, 26-7, 33, 38-9, 46-7, 49-50.56, 62,241-2
"Modem Wood Engraving": xm, 386
--"The Postage Stamp": XHI, 421
-- "Uniform Penny Postage": XXXII, 38-9
--, and RICHARDREDGRAVE(1804--88). Addresses of the Supermtendents of the
Department of Practical Art (Chapman and Hall, 1853): XIV, 124
COLE, MAlUAN(n6e Bond; wife of Henry). LETTERTo: XVII, 1959-60
COLEPEPER,JOaN (d. 1660): XXII, 281
COLERtO_E, HENRYNELSON(1798--1843). I, 424n
-- "Preface" to The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Colertdge: X, 161-2q
COLEmlX;E, JOaN DuKE (Baron) (1820-94): XVI, 1315; XVII, 1678
COLERIDGE,JOaN TAYLOR(1790--1876): XVII, 1678
COLEmlX;E, SAMUELTAYLOI_(1772--1834): I, 77 (76), 161 (160), 163 (162), 169--71
(168--70), 227 (226), 303,364n, 398,408,424n, 510; VI, 402; VIII, 685,755n, 792n,
830; X, 42, 77-8, 119-63,299,494; XlI, 84-5,100.168,221,225,231; XHI, 405-6,
408-9, 411,452-3,475,639; XX, 165, 261; XXII, 318,320,323; XXVI, 429-30,437
-- *Aids to Reflection: VIII, 814q; X, 128q, 159q; XII, 85
*BiographiaLiteraria: I, 355q, 414n q, 136n; VI, 354q; VIII, 770q, 755n, 885q;
X, 129q, 158q; XI, 354; XIII, 434; XVII, 1660
--"Christabel": I, 408,423; XIII, 556; XXVI, 437
*Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit: X, 162n; XII, 265; XV, 896; XVII, 1962
"Dejection, an Ode": I, 139q (138)
*First Lay Sermon [The Statesman's Manual]: X, 119q; XIX, 444q
*The Friend; VIII, 774-5q; X, 126q, 151q, 158-9q; XII, 79, 85; XIII, 411-12;
XX, 202q; XXI, 187; XXII, 323q
Letters, Conversations. and Recollections: I, 424n
"Lewti, or the Circassian Love Chaunt": XXVI, 437
136 Index of Persons and Works


"Lines on an Autumnal Evening": XXVI, 437

*The Literary Remains: I, 171 (170), 424n; X, 144q, 150q, 155q, 158-62q; XI,
-- *On the Constitution of the Church and State According to the Idea of Each, and
Lay Sermons: IV, 220-1; X, 135n-6n q, 146-9q, 150-2q, 155q; XII, 75-6, 221; xm,
408-9; XIX, 384; XXV, 1109
-- "On the Principles of Sound Criticism Concerning the Fine Arts": XXXI, 223
"Pitt": X, 155; XVIII, 30q
_Poems: XII, 245; XIII, 556; XVI, 1475
-- "Preface to Christabel": Xl, 216n
"The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere": I, 408; XII, 100q; xm, 556; XXVII, 582q
-- *SecondLay Sermon: VI, 283q; VIII, 807q; X, 155n q, 156-7q; XIX, 458q, 572q;
XXIII, 697; XXVI, 429-30; XXVIII, 82; XXXI, 50q
Specimens of the Table Talk of Samuel Taylor Coleridge: I, 424n; X, 121q, 160q;
XXV, 1109
"Work without Hope": I, 143-5q (142-4)
_, trans. Wallenstein, by Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller: XlI, 127; XX,
136; XXV, 1108q
COLETn, JEAN. See Kolettis, John
COLF^X, SCHUYLER(1823--85): XVI, 1486
COLLEGr_O,GIACINTOI_OVANA _ (1794--1856): XVII, 1899
COLLmR, ROBERTPO_TT (Lord Monkswell) (1817-86): XVI, 1366; XXI, 431-2.
LETrEP.STO:XVII, 1677-8, 1705-6
Colliery Guardian. "Our Supply of Coal" (27 May, 1865): XXVIII, 71
COLLINGWOOD, CUTHBERT (Baron) ( 1750-1810): VI, 269
COLLINS,ANTHONY(1676-1729): XXVI, 388
COLLINS,ARTHUR( 1682?-- 1760), ed. Letters and Memorials of State: VI, 5n, 32n, 46n
COLLINS,DAVID( 1756-1810). An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales: I,
COLLINS,JOHN RaCHARD(chemist; ft. 1866): XXIX, 497-8e
COLLINS,MICHAEL(clergyman; ft. 1825). Evidence on the Disturbances m Ireland (PP):
VI, 93, 96
COLLS,JOHN FLOWERDEW(1801--78): I, 57n
COLMAN,CItARLESFREDERICK (JSM's brother-in-law): XIV, 220, 231,234; XVII, 1939.
LETTERSTO:XIV, 219, 232-3
COL_N, HENRY (JSM's nephew): XVII, 1936, 1939, 1949; XXXI, 331-2
COL_N, MARION("Minnie"; JSM's niece): XVII, 1939, 1946, 1949; XXXI, 331-2
COLMAN,MAR_¢ELIZABETH(n_e Mill; one of JSM's sisters) (1822-1913): I, 36n, 53;
XIII, 564, 588, 623, 721,726; XIV, 6, 197, 103; XXXI, 331-2; XXXII, 17, 52.
LETTERSTO:X'V, 547,584-5,589; X3rIl, 1794, 1939, 1946, 1949
Coleridge - Comte 137

"The Philosophy of Trade," Westminster Review, XLVII] (Oct. 1847), 110-18:

XIII, 719
COLMAN,STUART(JSM's nephew): XVII, 1939, 1946, 1949; XXXI, 331-2. LETTER
XVII, 1936
COLONNA,Famo (1567-1650): VIII, 700
COLQUaOUN, MISS (sister-in-law of Thomas Thomson): XXVI, 44
COLTON,CALEBCHARLES("O.P.Q.') (1780?-1832): XX, 125; XXlI, 204
-- Announcement of Prospectus for Le Bun Seas: XXHI, 505
-- Article on the French Peerage: XXlIl, 365n q
-- "France. Important Trial... of Count Kergorlay... for a Pohtlcal Libel": XXII,
--Lacon: I, 422-3
Letter on French Language: XXIII, 395
COLUMBUS,CHRISTOPHER (1451--1506): VH, 302n; VIII, 819
COLUMNA.See Colonna, Fabio

COLVIN,JOHN(1794--1871): XXX, 127

COLVIN,JOaN RUSSELL( 1807--57): XXX, 115, 118
--"Report on the Administration of Public Affairs in the North-Western Provinces":
XXX, 115q, 127q
COMBE,GEORGE(1788--1858): X, 378; XH, 275
--A System of Phrenology (Essays on Phrenology): XXVI, 433
COMINES, PHILIPPEDE ( 1447-1511 ): XX, 185
(Marcus Aurelius Cominodius Antoninns) ( 161-192 A.D. ): VII, 197; VIII,
A Complete Collection of State Trials. See Howell
The Complete Ready Reckoner: VI, 106n
COMTE,ANDRIENNE(n6e Say) (1795-1857): XII, 22, 164, 190; XXVI, 7
COMTE, AUGUSTEMARIE FRANg:OISXAVIER(1798--1857): I, 173 (172), 219--21, 231
(230), 271; IH, 1041; VII, 341-2, 495,504, 560n; VIII, 859, 915, 1142; IX, 17,
216n-17n, 299, 472; X, 263-368passim, 406; XI, 443; XH, 34-5; XIII, 500, 516,
622, 653, 658,662, 673-6, 690, 695,714, 739, 741-2; XIV, 90, 139,236-37,294;
XV, 537, 768-9,824,839,875,880, 884,887,903,908,931,934-5; XVI, 1046-7,
1063, 1085-6, 1117, 1219; XVII, 1664, 1747, 1943; XX, 185; XXVII, 645; XXXII,
152, 159
LETTERSTO: XIII, 488-93, 501-4, 508-11, 517-19, 524-7, 529-32, 538-40,
545-7, 552-5, 559-63, 565-8, 574-7, 579-82, 584-95, 597, 599-600, 604-11,
615-17, 619-21,624-6, 630-9, 646-8, 650-2, 655-7, 663-72, 677-82, 691-4,
696-8, 702-4, 716-19
*Appel aux conservateurs: X, 328n
138 Index of Persons and Works

-- *Catdchtsmepositiviste: X, 323,328n, 329, 335-6q, 340q, 342q, 346-7q, 357q
(in English) The Catechtsm of Positive Religion, trans. Richard Congreve: X, 328
-- *Cours de philosophie positive: I, 217-19 (216), 231 (230), 255n; VII, 299q,
488-9q, 497q, 621q; IX, 10, 216n-17n, 300, 472; X, 263-327 rev, 294-6q, 298q,
300- lq, 303-4q, 312q, 321q, 328-9,330q, 332,359, 363q, 366; XH, 363; Xm, 389,
486, 489, 493,501,510, 517-18, 525,529-31,539-40, 545,552,554-5,559-62,
567,574, 581,584, 591,617, 620-1,625,630, 648, 656-7, 664, 673,677-8, 695,
703; XIV, 77-8; XV, 756, 935; XVII, 1653, 1988; XX, 228; XXVlII, 222
-- (in English )A General View of Positivism [Preliminary. Discourse ], trans. John H.
Bridges: X, 329; XVI, 995
-- (in English) Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte Freely Translated and Con-
densed, trans. Harriet Martineau: XIV, 78, 126, 134-5, 139
-- Discours 'sur l' ensemble du positivisme (Paris: Mathias, 1848): XHI, 738
--Discours sur l'esprit positif (Paris: Carilian-Goeury and Dalmont, 1844): XIII,
"Lettre philosophique sur la comm6moration sociale" (2 June. 1845 ): XIII, 670-1
--*Synthdse subjective: VIII, 615n-16n; IX, 472n q; X, 328n, 346q, 352q, 355-7q,
_Systdme de politique positive ( 1824): I, 173 (172), 219,615; X, 301-2q; XH, 23,
35-7, 92,223, 363; XEII, 489
*Systdme de politique positive, ou Traitd de sociologie ( 1851-54): I, 221; IX, 314;
X, 232, 282-3q, 286n-7n q, 309n q, 324n q, 328n, 329, 331q, 335-6q, 343-5q,
349-53q, 355-6q, 358-9q, 361-2q, 365-6q; XIH, 493,547,587,615. 619,636-7;
XIV, 149, 294; XVlII, 227; XXVlI, 646
-- *Traitd _ldmentaire de g_om_trie analytique (Paris: Cadlian-Goeury and Dalmont,
1843): XllI, 562, 576, 580
*Traitd philosophique d'astronomie populaire (Paris: Carilian-Goeury and Dal-
mont, 1844): XIII, 581,626, 646, 665,668,674
COMTE,CAaOLINE (n6e Massin; wife of Auguste Comte): X, 311; XHI, 546; XVI, 1046
COMTE, FRANCOIS CHARLES LOUIS (1782--1837): XH, 164-5, 179, 190, 281; XllI, 664;
XX, 10911;XXII, 283; xxm, 355,510-11,522, 669; XXXlI, 21. LETTERS TO: XII,
21-2, 24-5
"Considerations sur 1'6tat moral de la nation fran_aise": XXIII, 692q
De l' impossibiliti d' dtablir un gouvernement constitutionnel sous un chef militaire,
et particulidrement sous Napoldon: XX, 109n
(in German )Ober die Unmi_glichkeit einer konstitutionellen Regierung unter einem
militarischen Oberhaupte, besonders unter Napoleon, hans. T. yon Haupt: XX, 109n
Histoire de la Garde nationale de Paris (Paris: Sautelet, 1827): XII, 22
Speech in Chamber of Deputies (13 Sept., 1831): XXIII, 355
Traitd de ldgislation (Paris: Sautelet, 1826): XII, 164
COMYNS,JOHN(d. 1740). A Digest of the Laws of England: XXXl, 24
Comte - Conner 139

CONDI_, LOUIS JOSEPH DE BOURBON, PRINCE DE ( 1736-1818 ). Mdmoire prdsent_ au roi:

XX, 14In
CONDILLAC, ETIENNEBONNOTDE ( 1714/15-80): I, 71 (70); VII, 29, 175-6, 606; VIII,
976,1020; IX, 152,208n, 264n, 440,487; X, 129,499,500; XI, 93.95,355,445; XII,
36, 237; XIII, 492,562; XX, 67, 183; XXVI, 147, 180, 240-4; XXVII, 657
Cours d'_tudes. See De l'art de penser
-- *De l'art de penser: I, 65 (64), 576; XXVI, 165,242
-- *De l'art de raisonner: I, 65 (64)
-- *Essai sur l'origine des connmssances humaines: I, 65 (64); XXVI, 178,180-1,
187,240, 242
-- *"Grammaire": XXVI, 243
-- *"Introduction au cours d'6tudes": XXVI, 240, 242
*Lalogique: I, 65 (64); VII, 134, 176q; VIII. 1041,1061q; IX, 440n; XXVI. 149,
179, 181,189, 215q, 241q, 242-3
-- *Traitd des sensations: I, 65 (64), 576; XXVI, 154, 165, 187
-- *Trait_ des syst_mes: I, 65 (64)
DE( 1743-94): X, 500;
XX, 67, 100, 106, 108, 185; XXIII, 519
-- Esquisse d'un tableau historique des progrds de l'esprit humain: VIII, 832q; XXl,
399; XXVI, 429-30
--Rapport et pro jet de ddcret sur l'organtsation gdndrale de l'instruction publique:
XXIII, 519
-- Vie de monsieur Turgot: I, 115-17 (114-16), 117q (116); VII, 18q; XVI, 1497;
XXII, 74
-- Vie de Voltaire: XX, 66; XXVI, 341q
CON_dCIUS(550/1--478 B.C. ): VIII, 938
CONGLETON,BARON.See Parnell, Henry Brooke
--India: XXX, 83
-- "Mr. Huxley on M. Comte": XVII, 1653
--, trans. Catechism of Positive Religion, by Auguste Comte: X, 328
CONGREVE,WILLIAM(1670--1729). *The Way of the WorM: XXVII, 649
CONINGHAM, WILLIAM (1815--84): XV, 814; XVI, 1465; XXVIII, 350-3,355
CONINCTON,JOHN(1825--69). "Grote's Histo_ of Greece': XI, 309n
CONNELL,MR. (pawnbroker; fl. 1823): XXH, 46-8
CONNER,WILLIAM(Irish land reformer; fl. 1849). LETTERTO: XIV, 36-8
_ A Letter... on the Rackrent System of lreland: H, 328n; XIV, 36
Two Letters to the Editor of the Times, on the Rackrent Oppression of Ireland: H,
328q; HI, 994q; XIV, 36
The True Political Economy of Ireland: il, 328n
140 Index of Persons and Works

CONOLLY,ARTHUR (1807--42). Journey to the North of lndia: XXXI, 352q

CONOLLY,JoHN (1794-1866): XXXII, 21
CONSEIL,LOUISPROSPER(1796--1834): XXIII, 669, 685,700, 733
-- Mdlanges politiques et philosophiques extraits des m_moires et de la correspon-
dance de Thomas Jefferson: XXIII, 669
CONSm_NT, PROSPERVICTOR(1808-93): XIV, 9-10, 21, 34; XXV, 1145
--Destin_e sociale: V, 719-27q, 748n
--Le socialisme devant le vieux monde: 11I, 1028, 1031; XIV, 21
198; XXII, 156, 203,214, 227; XXIII, 486-7
-- Proposition tendant _ rendre libre les professions de libraire et d'imprimeur ( 11
Sept., 1830): XXII, 193,203
-- Speech in the Chamber of Deputies (6 June, 1820): XXII, 156
CONSTANTINEI (228?--337 A.D.): I, 435-6; X, 138; XVIII, 237
CONSTANTINE PAVLOVICH(Grand Duke of Russia) ( 1779-1831 ): VI, 414
Le Constitutionnel: XH, 194; XXIII, 529, 531,677
--"Service du duc de Berry" (15 Feb., 1831): XXH, 269
-- "Bulletin de la journ6e" ( 16 Feb., 1831 ): XXII, 269
-- "Opinion de la presse d6partementale sur le nouveau minist6re" (14 & 15 Oct.,
1832): XXIII, 519
--"Des poursuites contre la presse" (16 Mar., 1833): XXIII, 668
-- "Paris" (26 Mar., 1834): XXIII, 698q
--"Tribunal de premi6re instance de la Seine" (15-17 Apr., 1834): XXHI, 704

Constituzione politica del Regno delle Due Sicilie: XXVI, 58


--Mdmoire prdsentd au roi: XX, 14In

Conversations-Lexicon. See Allgemeine deutsche Real-Encyclopddie
"CoNwAY,DERWENT," See Inglis, Henry David

CONWAY,EDWARD(Viscount) (d. 1631 ): VI, 28

CONWAY, ELLENDAVIS (n6e Dana; d. 1897): XVI, 1166, XVII, 1941; XXXII, 237
CoNwAY, MONCUREDANIEL (1832--1907): XVI, 1078. LETTERSTO: XVI, 1105-7,
1143-4, 1166, 1305; XVII, 1941-2; XXXII, 237
-- "The American 'Radicals' and Their English Censors": XVI, 1147
"The Great Westminster Canvass": XVI, 1144, 1147
"New England": XVI, 1243
*Republican Superstitions as Illustrated in the Political History of America (King,
1872): VII, 1942
Conolly - Cormenin 141

CONYN(;HAM,FRXlqCISN^'rnANIEL (Marquis of Conyngham) ( 1797-1876): VI, 516-17

"To the Editor of The Times": VI, 516n-17n
CooK, JAMES(1728--79): I, 11 (10)
CooK, JOHN(1808-69): XVI, 1396
COOK, JOHNDOUGLAS(1808?--68): XVI, 1058
COOK, SAMUELEDWARD(later Widdrington) (1787-1856). Sketches in Spain during the
Years 1829, 30, 31, & 32: XXXI, 359-88 rev, 386q
COOKE,HENRY(1788-1868). Evidence on the State of Ireland (PP): VI, 88n, 96
CoopE, WILLIAMJOH_q(1809-70): XXXII, 52-3
CooPER, ANTHOr_YASHLEY(1st Earl of Shaftesbury) (1621-83). XXH, 199
CooPER, Ar_THOrqVASHLEY(3rd Earl of Shaftesbury) (1671-1713): X, 21, 85-6, 170;
Xl, 466; XIV, 338
CoopER, ANTHONYASHLEY(7th Earl of Shaftesbury) (1801-85). "Lord Shaftesbury on
the Russian Note": XXV, 1225-6q
COOPER,CHARLESPURTON( 1793-- 1873 ): XIII, 614
CooPER, JAMESFENIMORH(1789--1851): I, 434; XVIII, 112
COOPER,WILLIAM(ft. 1860S). "Report from Rochdale: Free Speech and the Wholesale
Society": HI, 789n q
The Co-operator: XV, 821,924, 926; XVI, 1028, 1161, 1275; XXXH, 188
NICOLAUS(1473-1543): VII, 272; VIII, 776-7; IX, 333,487; XXVI, 251
De revolutionibus orbium coelestium libri VI: XXVI, 251; XXXl, 164-5
COPLESrON,EDWARD(1776-1849): VIII, 797; XII, 281
-- "State of the Currency": XXII. 19-20
COPLHY,JoHr_ SINGLETOrq(Lord Lyndhurst) (1772-1863): VI, 250, 255,369; XH, 27;
XIII, 507; XV, 618,668; XXH, 282; XXIV, 947
Speech on Courts of Local Jurisdiction (9 July, 1833): XXIV, 947-8
COQUELIN,CHARLES(1802--52): HI, 899-900, 902-4, 905n
, and GILBERTURBAN GUILLAUMIN,eds. Dictionnaire de l'dconomie politique
(Paris: Guillaumin, 1851-53): XIV, 98
CORBET,JOHN (1594--1662): VI, 16
CORDAY,MARIEANNE CHARLOTTE DE (1768--93): IX, 462n; xxm, 524
CORINNA(fl. 500 B.C.): XI, 315; XXI, 314
DE (1788--1868): XII, 262,280-1,349;
XXII, 191,227; XXIII, 397,522
De la responsabilitd des agents du gouvernement: XXIII, 522
Du conseil d'dtat: XXHI, 522
Letter to Casimir P6rier: XXIII, 405
Questions de droit administratif: XXlII, 522
Three Letters on the Civil List: XXIII, 391
142 Index of Persons and Works

CORNEILLE,PIERRE(1606--84): I, 484,570; XXVI, 21, 26, 46, 47

Cornhill Magazine: XV, 661
The Cornish Guardian and Western Chronwle. Leading article (13 June, 1834): XXI,
CORNWALLIS,CnAgLES (Marquis and Earl) ( 1738-1805): XVII, 1536; XXX, 95, 97, 100,
104, 108, 111-12

--On the State of Ireland (12 Mar., 1868): XXVIII, 256-7

-- On the Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections Bill (18 July, 1868):
-- On the Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections Bill (24 July, 1868):
CORREGGIO,ANTONIOALLEGRIDA (ca. 1489-1534): VI, 249,328; XIV, 312,319,476,
CORRIE, WILLIAM(1806--81): XXIX, 443e; XXXI, 389-90e; 398-401e. LETTERTO:
XXXII, 163
ColutV, MR. (secretary to Irish Linen Board): II, 113n
CORTES,HERNANDO( 1485-- 1547): I, 528
CORYTON,WILLIAM(d. 1651): VI, 19
COSENS,FREDERICK (witness; ft. 1860): XIX, 496n
COSIN, JOHN (1594-1672): VI, 29
COSTELLO,AUGUSTINEF. (d. 1909): XVII, 2015-16; XXVIII, 310, 315
COSTELLO,THOMAS(witness; ft. 1825). Evidence on the State of Ireland (PP): VI, 88n, 96
COTTENHAM, LORD. See Pepys, Charles

COTTON,ARTHURTHOMAS(1803--99). Extracts from the Report on the Godavery Anicut

(17 Apr., 1845) (PP): XXX, 130
COTTON,FnEDEmCCONYERS( 1807--1901 ): XXX, 130
COTTON,JOHN (1784--1860): XIV, 181; XXX, 35
COUCY, ENGUERRAND DE (d. 1104): XX, 31, 48
COULAr46ES, PIEru_ PHILWgE E_ANUEL, MARQUISDE (ft. 1650S). "Extrait d'un
manuscrit.., intitul6: Relation de mon voyage d'Allemagne et d'Italie ez arm6es 1657
et 1658": XX, 376
COULSON,WALTER (1794--1860): I, 89 (88); XIV, 34-5; XV, 528; XXII, 213; XXIII,
526, 528,744; XXI'V, 778; XXXII, 11. LETTERTO:XIV, 51-3
"Game Laws": I, 121 (120)
"Silk Trade": I, 121 (120); IV, 258n
COUt,SON, WILLIAM(1802--77): XIV, 113,127,137, 140, 147, 183; XV, 660,664,673,
675,678, 684
COUPLER, MAJOR(ft. 1862): XV, 774
Corneille - Courtney 143


Etudes sur la science sociale ( Paris: Guillaumin, 1862): XV, 899
Traitd thdorique et pratique d'dconomie politique (Paris: Guillaumin, 1858): XV,
899; XVII, 1664, 1666, 1676, 1705, 1713
Traitd thdorique et pratique des opdrations de banque :XIV, 143,156, 163, 171-2,
185, 189; XXXH, 82
• trans. Principes d'_conomwpolittque, by J.S. Mill: XIV, 84, 100, 143; XV, 580,
753; XVII, 1906; XXXII, 82,234
Le Courier: XII, 61
The Courier and Evening Gazette: VI, 359-60q; XXIII, 527-9; XXXII, 6q
Leading article on parliamentary reform (2 Jan., 1817): XXVI, 406
Leading article (26 Oct., 1832): XXIII, 527
"Recommendations of the Poor Law Commissioners" (24 Feb., 1834): XXIII, 686
Leading article on the Poor Law Bill (2 May, 1834): XXIII, 715q
Leading article on the New Colony in South Australia ( 1 July, 1834): XXIII, 742q
COURIERDE MgRg, PAULLOUIS(1772--1825): I, 119 (118); VIII, 693n q; XII, 254-5,
271; XVI, 1047; XX, 196,371n; XXII, 159; XXIII, 467
-- *"Lettres au r6dacteur du Censeur, Lettre II": XXII, 159
*Prospectus d'une traduction nouvelle d'Hdrodote: XX, 222n q
-- Simple discours de Paul-Louis. vigneron de la Chavonnidre: XXIII, 467
Le Courrier Franfais: XII, 122
-- "De la paix et de la guerre" (17 Jan., 1831 ): XXII. 248
_"Effet de l'expos6 des motifs de M. P6rier" (29 Aug., 1831): XXIII, 343
Unheaded leader (11 Sept., 1831): XXIII, 355
-- "Int6rieur: Paris, 26 novembre" (27 Nov., 1831 ): XXIH, 368q
-- Unheaded leader (1 Mar., 1832): XXIII, 461q
"Tactique du nouveau minist_re" ( 16 Oct., 1832): xxm, 519
COUgTENAY,LOUlSA (promoter of women's education; ft. 1871): XVII. 1850-2
Speech on the Roman Catholic Clergy (29 Apr., 1825): VI, 86
"CouRTENAY, WILLIAM." See Tom, John Nichols
"Report on the State of the Law and Practice in Respect to the Occupation of Land in
Ireland" (PP): II, 318q, 330n-In q; Ill, 992-3q, 994n, 997-1000q
COURTNEY,LEONARDHENRY(Baron Courtney of Penwrith) ( 1832-1918): XV, 851,907;
XVI, 1239, 1372, 1465, 1495; XVII, 1884, 1895, 1910, 1932. LETTERS TO: XV, 742;
XVII, 1775, 1778-80, 1883; XXXII, 237
Review of Cairnes' The Slave Power: XV, 802
"The Recognition of the South": XV, 802
"Southern Independence": XV, 802
144 Index of Persons and Works

CouRrois, AUGUSTE(1783--1847): XXVI, 38

COURTOIS,F_LIX(1790--1865): XXVI, 38
COURTOIS,HENRI( 1786-- 1848): XXVI, 38
COURTOIS,ISAAC(1743--1819): XXVI, 38
CotmTols, Louis ( 1775-1837): XXVI, 38
COUSIN,VICTOR(1792--1867): VIII, 1061; IX, 33,143,152,495; X, 263,444; XI, 443;
XII, 36, 197,218,225; XIII, 492,509; XVII, 1581; XX, 193,262,370n; xxm, 516,
521,589,727-32. LETTERSTO: sag, 198-9, 232-4; XIII, 517
-- *Cours d'histoire de la philosophie morale au dix-huitidme sidcle: VII, 60, 60n-
In q, 62n
-- *Cours de philosophie: Histoire de la philosophie du dix-huitidme sidcle: IX,
138-40, 142; XI, 345
*Cours de philosophie : Introduction £_r histoire de la philosophie: IX, 34-7, 39,
40n-ln, 43q, 44, 47, 51-5, 55n q, 56n, 59, 62, 64, 79, 83-4, 91n, 120, 136-7,447
-- Fragmens philosophiques: XI, 355
-- Philosophie de Locke: VHI, 770q
-- Rapport sur l' dtat de l' instruction publique darts quelques pays de l'Allemagne, et
particulidrement en Prusse: XXIII, 572,589q, 727-32
-- (in English) Report on the State of Public Instruction in Prussia, trans. Sarah
Austin: I, 186; VI, 229n; XlL 225; XXI, 61-74 rev, 64q; XXIII, 727-32 rev, 729-
32q; XXXII, 23
_, trans. Oeuvres de Platon: VIII, 780; XI, 42n, 203n
COVENTRY, JOHN (d. 1682): I, 527

Coventry Herald. "Work and Wages": XV, 841

COWELL, JOHN WELSFORD (1795-1867): XVI, 1239
COWELL, SCIPIO (d. 1865): xxvm, 95

COWEN, JOSEPH (1800--73): XVI, 1086

COWLEY, LORD. See Wellesley, Henry Richard

COWPER, EDWARD(1790--1852): XIV, 88

COWPER, THOMASA. (1819-1902): V, 766. LETTERSTO: xvgI, 1733-4, 1736-9,
1884-5, 1888
--Bank of Bombay: XVII, 1733, 1736, 1883-4, 1886-8
COWPER,WILLIAM(1731--1800): XlI, 318
"Account of the Author's Treatment of Hares": I, 21 (20), 565
_ Poems: I, 19, 21 (20), 565; XVI, 1474
The Task: XXII, 296q
"Tiroeinium": XXl, 83-4q
Speech on the Elementary Education Bill (18 Mar., 1870): XXIX, 382
Cox, JACOBDOLSON(1828--1900): XVI, 1098
Courtois - Crew 145

Cox, SAMUELSULLIVAN(1824--89): XXXII, 164. LETTERSTO: XVI, 1158-9, 1305-6

COX, TRAVERS(traveller; ft. 1855): X1V, 338-9, 342
Cox, WILLIAMHAYWARD( 1804--71 ): XX, 369
CRABBE,GEORGE(1754--1832): XXIV, 808; XXVI, 442
Poetical Works: XII, 258
CRACKANTHORPE, MONTAGUEHUGHES(formerly Cookson) (1832-1913). "The Ameri-
can Belligerents: Rights of Neutrals": XV, 802
CRAIG, ISA. See Knox, Isa
CRAIK,GEORGELILLIE ( 1798-1866): XII, 299; XV, 605
CRAKANTHORP, RiCHARD(1567--1624). Logicae librt quznque: IX, 414q; XI, 26q, 27n
CRANBORNE, LORD. See Cecil, Robert
CRANMER,THOMAS(1489--1556): XXHI, 463; XXIV, 808
CRAssus (ca. 115-53 B.C.): VIII, 941
CRATYLUS(late 5th c. B.C.): XI, 429
CRAUFURD,EDWARD HENRY JOHN (1816--87). Motion on the Election Petitions and
Corrupt Practices at Elections Bill (25 June, 1868): XXVIII, 300
CRAWFORD,WILLIAM(1788-1847): XII, 289
Report on the Penitentiaries of the United States (PP): XVIII, 106
CRAWFORD,EARLOF. See Lindsay, Ludovic
CRAWFURD,JOHN ( 1783--1868): XVI, 1110
History of the Indian Archipelago (Edinburgh: Constable, 1820): XIII, 433
CRAWLEY,FRANCIS(1584-1649): VI, 29
CRAWLEY,FRANCISEDWARD( 1803--32): XXVII, 478-99 passim; XXXII, 12, 14
The Crayon: XV, 652-3
CREE, THOMASS. (economist; ft. 1869). LETTERTO: XVII, 1602-3
CREEVEY,THOMAS(1768--1838). Speech on Special Juries (28 May, 1823): XXII, 93-4
Speech on the Roman Catholic Clergy (29 Apr., 1825): VI, 86
CRELLIN,MR. (friend of D'Eichthal; ft. 1832): XII, 94
CRELLIN,MRS. (f]. 1832): XII, 109
1247--8, 1484--5
CR_MIEUX,ISAACADOLPHE(1796--1880): XX, 321, 332, 333n
CRESSWELL,MRS. (tradeswoman; ft. 1854): XIV, 151
ANDREA(1808-79). LETTERTO:XXXlI, 174-5
• , ¢xl. Manchester... Libraries. Index-Catalogue: XXXH, 174
CREW, JOHN (1598--1679): VI, 28, 52n
146 Index of Persons and Works

CREWE,RA1qDOLPlt(1558--1646): VI, 16
CPdBB,TOM (1781--1848): XXVI, 373
ClUT1AS(ca. 460--403 B.C. ): Xl, 166n, 175-86 passim, 327,385; XXV, 1132, 1162
ClUTOBULUS(in Plato): XI, 167, 171
CRITON(in Plato): XI, 167, 171
CROCKETT,DAVID (1786--1836). A Narrative of the Life of David Crockett, Written by
Himself(Limberd, 1834): XII, 357
CROESUS(King of Lydia) (ruled 560-546 B.C. ): X, 466; Xl, 295,299; XX, 222n; XXIV,
CROKER, JOHN WILSON (1780--1857): XII, I06, 340; XIII, 396n: XXII, 109, 111,
113-14; XXlII, 593-5; XXIV, 1052, 1058
"Agriculture in France--Division of Property": II, 433q, 436q, 438; VI, 528q:
Sill, 707,724; XXIV, 1037, 1038-42q, 1043-6, 1048-9, 1050q, 1051, 1052q
"Foreign Policy": XIII, 465
--"The French Revolution--February 1848": XX, 334
"French Revolution of 1830": XXHI, 593q, 691
"'Poems by Alfred Tennyson": I, 397-8,406n-7n, 412n, 416n
, and JOHN GIBSON LOCKHART ( 1765-- 1835 ). "The Revolutions of 1640 and 1830":
XX, 115
CRO_tn_roN, CAROLINAANNA (d. 1892): XVII, 1922
CROM_VrON, JOSEeMWtLLIAM(classmate of James Bentham Mill; ft. 1851 ): XIV, 60; XV,
726. LETTER TO: XXXH, 169
CROMWELL, OLIVER(1599-1658): VI, 47, 48n, 49, 54, 56-7,346; VIII, 778; XX, 136,
224; XXIV, 906,961; XXV, 1098; XXVII, 458,484; XXVIH, 338
CROSFIELD,MR. (fl. 1866): XVI, 1162
CROSFIELD,J. (of Lake District; ft. 1850s): XV, 536
CROSTHWAITE, DANIEL(ca. 1776-1847): XXVII, 532
CROUSAZ, JEAN PIERRE DE (1663-1750): IX, 152
CROWE,EvRE EVAr_S(1799-1868): XIV, 18, 20
CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE( 1792-- 1878): XXlI, 110
CTESIPHON (4th cent. B.C.): XXIII, 597
CrEsrppus (in Plato): XI, 210-21 passim
CUOWORTn,RALPH(1617--88): X, 21
The True Intellectual System of the Universe: IX, 50n
CUFFEY,WILLIAM(d. 1870): XXV, 1102
CULLEN, FRANCISJAMES(Ensign; ft. 1865): XXVIII, 94, 218
CULLEN, PAUL (Archbishop of Dublin) (1803-78): XIV, 303-4, 309
CtrMBERLANO,DUKEOF. See Ernest Augustus
Crewe - Daily News 147

CUNIN-GRIDAINE, LAURENT ( 1778-1859): H, 445; XX, 301

Speech on the Customs Bill (28 Apr., 1841 ): XXIV, 1052q
CUNmNOHAM, HENRY FRANCIS(Falmouth artist; fl. 1837-49): XRI, 442; XXXII,
CUNNINGHAM,JOHN(1819-93). "Mill's Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philo-
sophy": IX, civ, 21n, 22n
Currency, Self-Regulating and Elastic (signed "A British Merchant") (Longman, et al.,
1855): XV, 519. LETTERTOAUTHOR OF: XV, 514-15
CURREYWILLIAMSAMUEL(witness; ft. 1825). Evidence on the State of Ireland (PP): VI,
88n-9n, 96
CURmE, FREDERICK(1799--1875): XXXlI, 102-5, 107, 110-13
CLmmE, JOHN (witness; ft. 1825). Evidence on the State of Ireland (PP): Vl, 96
CURRIE,RAIKES(1801--81): XIII, 672, 678
CURTElS,EDWARDJEREMIAH(1762--1835 ). Speech (21 May, 1824): IV, 48n q
CURnS, EDMUND(b. 1822): XXV, 1184q, 1185, 1186q
CORNS, GEOROEWILLI_ (1824--92): XV, 835,949
-- Nile Notes ofa Howadji (New York and London: Harper, 1851 ): XV. 949
CURTIS,HESTER(charwoman; ft. 1851 ): XXV, 1184-6
CURTIS,PATRICK( 1740-- 1832): XXIV, 755
CURTIS, WILLIAM(1746--99): XII, 51
-- Flora Londinensis: XII, 50-1; XXXI, 278
CURTIUS,M. (sculptor; ft. 1780s): XX, 9
CURTIUS,ERNST(1814--96): XV, 780
_Altische Studien (G6ttingen: Dieterich, 1862-65): XV, 780
CURTIUS,MARCUS(d. 362 B.C.): XVl, 1334
CURWEN,JOHN CHRISTIAN( 1756-- 1828): XXVII, 513,555
119, 128,523n; VIII, 1035; XII, 112; XVII, 1937; XXI, 311; XXIII, 364-5,462-4
Lefons d' anatomie comparde: XXVl, 250
12 rdgne animal distribud d' aprds son organisation: VII, 139q; vm, 640q, 656,
730, 1044q
CYRUS(the Great, King of Persia) (reigned 558-528 B.C. ): I, 439; XI, 311; XX, 222n


DAC,OBERTHI (d. 715 A.D.): XX, 19
Daily News: XlV, 18, 20, 227; XV, 652, 802, 892-3,910, 956, 974, 983; XVI, 991,
1060, 1075, 1139, 1235, 1272, 1367, 1408, 1424, 1479; XXV, 1089; XXXII, 150,
201-2, 217-8
• "The Republic of France" (3 Mar., 1848): XXV, 1092-3
148 Index of Persons and Works

[Daily News]
"Latest from Paris" (7 Mar., 1848; 2nd ed.): XXV, 1092-3
-- Leading article on religion in France (29 Oct., 1849): XXV, 1144-6, 1145q,
-- Leading article on interference of the Prince Consort in politics (24 Dec., 1853 ), 4:
XlV, 118
--Articles on the law of lunacy (26 and 28 July, 1858): XXV, 1198
-- Leading articles on Thoughts on Parliamentary Reform (8 and 21 Feb., 1859), 4:
XV, 601
-- Review of Cairnes's The Slave Power ( 11, 14, 17 June, 1862): XV, 785
-- "England and America" (27 Nov., 1862): XV, 809
-- Account of the Anti-Slavery Meeting at Liverpool ( 19 Jan., 1863): XV, 828,831
-- Account o(Fawcett's paper on recent gold discoveries (31 Aug., 1863): XV, 881
--"Trade and Finance" (18 Apr., 1864): Ill, 1047
-- Report on the situation in America (18 July, 1864): XV, 948
-- "The Danish Electoral System" (30 and 31 Aug., 1864): XV, 954
-- Leading articles on Judge Longfield ( 1 and 3 Dec., 1864): HI, 1042
-- Leading article on Hare's paper (20 Mar., 1865): XVI, 1020
-- Leading articles commenting on JSM's influence (21 and 23 Oct., 1868): XVI,
--Leading article critical of JSM (28 Nov., 1868): XVI, 1494
-- Leading article on trades' unions ( 18 Mar., 1869): XVII, 1577
-- Leading article on Thomton's On Labour (2 Apr., 1869): XVII, 1588
--"The Police Courts. Thames" (25 Dec., 1869): XVII, 1679; XXV, 1221q, 1222
"The Ladies' National Association for the Repeal of the Contagious Diseases Acts"
(31 Dec., 1869): XVII, 1707
-- Leading article on the case of Constable William Smith (18 Jan., 1870): XVII,
1679; XXXII, 217-18
-- "Assize Intelligence: Joyner and Wife v. Dashwood and Others" (2 Mar., 1870):
XVII, 1705
-- "The Cry for War with Russia" (22 Nov., 1870): XVII, 1783
Unheaded notice (25 Mar., 1871): XXV, 1227
Daily Telegraph: XV, 888;XVI, 1075-6, 1272, 1481;XVII, 1887-8;XXXII, 160-1,202
--Articles on Brompton Oratory (6 and 9 Jan., 1865): XVI, 996
"The Negro Insurrection" (29 Nov., 1865): XXXII, 160
"Governor Eyre" (30 Nov. 1865): XXXII, 160
-- Leading article on field SlXn'ts(3 Nov., 1869): XVII, 1674
TO: XVgI, 1682
OF. See Ramsay
DALL,CAROLINEWELLS(n_ Healey) (1822-1912). LETTER
TO:xxxn, 127-8
-- Woman's Rights under the Law: XXXII, 127-8
DALLAS,ROBERT( 1756--1824): XXXI, 81
Daily News - Daubid 149

DALLAS,ROBERTCHARLES(1754--1824). History of the Maroons: I, 308

DALTON,MR. (tradesman dealing with JSM and HTM; ft. 1854): XIV, 131
DALTON,JOHN (1766--1844): Vl, 241; VH, 221. 375,473; VHI. 1086
DAMAS,ANNE, BARONDE (1785--1862): XX, 180
DAMON(fl. 5th C. B.C.): XI, 197,206, 208
DAMPMARTIN,ANNE HENRI CABET, VICOMTEDE (1755--1825). Ev_nemens qui se sont
passes sous rues yeux pendant la r_volution franfaise: XX, 74n q, 96
DANGERr'IELD,JOHN (solicitor; ft. 1866): XXIX, 486-9e
DANIEL,GEORGE( 1789-- 1864). The Modern Dunciad: XXVI, 417
DAmELL, JOHN FREDERICK(1790--1845): XXIll, 415
-- Meteorological Essays and Observations: XXIII, 415
DANTEALmHmRI ( 1265--1321 ): I, 499; X, 324; XIV, 251,258,273,369,401,477; XX,
252; XXI, 254
-- *Dame's Divine Comedy: The Inferno: XVlII, 235q; XXVIII, 280q
--Purgatorio: XX, 252
DANTON, GEORGESJACQUES(1759-94): XII, 138-9, 146; XIV, 172; XX, 12, 80n;
XXIII, 542
-- Speech to the Legislative Assembly (2 Sept., 1792): XIV. 172q
DARBLAY,AIlvll_STANISLAS(1794--1878): m, 774n
DAmus I (of Persia, called the Great) (521-486 B.C. ): X, 321; XI, 80, 121,213; XX, 222;
XXIII, 394
DARIUSII (of Persia) (ca. 424-405 B.C.): XXV, 1158
DARLINGTON,LORD. See Vane, William Harry
DARNELL, THOMAS(d. 16407): Vl, 16
DARO, PIERREANTOINENOI_LBRUNO,COMTE(1767--1829). Notions statistiques sur la
librairie: XXII, 156
DARWIN,CHARLESROBERT( 1809--82): XV, 774; XVI1, 1570, 1937
*On the Origin of Species: VII, 498n-9n; XV, 695; XVI, 1505; XVII, 1553-4,
_The Variation of Animals and Plams under Domestication, 2 vols. (Murray, 1868):
XVlI, 1567
DARWIN,ERASMUS(1731--1802): IX, 487; XXXI, 98
*Zoonomia: VIII, 769q; XXXI, 98
DAUBII_,JvLm VICTOmE(1824--74). LETTERTO: XVII, 1714-15
La femme pauvre au XIXe si_cle (Paris: L'Acad6mie de Lyon, 1859): XVII,
1700, 1714
150 Index of Persons and Works

DAU_UISSON.See Aubuisson de Voisins

Speech Presenting the Report of the Education Committee to the National
Convention (19 Oct., 1795): XXIH, 385,520
Speech on the Municipal Government Bill (31 Jan., 1831 ): XXII, 262
DAURE, M. (JSM's fencing master; fl. 1820): XXVI, 51, 112
DAVENPORT,MR. (chemist; ft. 1854): XIV, 140
DAVENPORT,DAVIES(1757--1837). Speech on the Usury Laws Repeal Bill (15 Feb.,
1826): IV, 122q
DAVENPORT,HUr/WHREY( 1566-- 1645): VI, 29
DAVID, F_LICmN (1810-76): XXIII, 676
DAVID, JACQUESLOUIS(1748--1825): I, 353n; XXVI, 10-11
DAVIDOFDINAN (d. 1209): XX, 247
DAVIES,EDWARD( 1756-- 1831 ): XXII, 318
Celtic Researches, on the Origin, Traditions, and Language of the Ancient Brttons:
XXH, 318
DAVIES,JoHrq LLEWELLYN(1826--1916): X, 219n q; XV, 615
DAVIES,SARAHEMILY(1830--1921): I, 285; XXVlII, 159. LETTER
TO:XVlI, 1891--2
On the Application of Funds to the Education of Girls: XXVIII, 159
DA VINCI, LEONARDO(1690--1730): XIV, 311,313
DAVIs, JEFFERSON( 1808--89): XVI, 1057; XXI, 141
DAVIS,JOHN SCARLETT(1804--45). Fourteen Views in Lithography: XXVlI, 507
DAvis, PAUUNAKELLOGGWmGHT ( 1813--76): XXl, 395. LETTERS TO:XVII, 1669-71,
DAVISON,JOHN (1777-1834). Evidence on Foreign Trade: (Silk and Wine) (PP): IV,
DAVY,HUMPHRY( 1778--1829): VII, 265,479; VIII, 775; XXlI, 286; XXlII, 343; XXVI,
"The Bakerian Lecture on Some Chemical Agencies of Electricity": XXVl, 301
.. The Collected Works, ed. John Davy: XI, 261
-- "On the Action of Acids on the Salts Usually Called Hyperoxymuriates": XXVI,
"Some Experiments on a Solid Compound of Iodine and Oxygene": XXVl, 176
DAVY, JOHN (1790--1868), ed. The Collected Works of Humphry Davy: XI, 261
XXVII, 601
DAWlrdNS,ELLEN(d. 1865): XXVIII, 95
Daubuisson - De Meer 151

DAWSON,MR. (travelling companion of JSM; ft. 1855): XIV, 433,435,437,440, 448,

DAWSON,GEORGERORERT(1790-1856): XXII, 111-13
-- Speech on Roman Catholic Relief (19 Apr., 1825): Vl, 83
DAY, ROBERt(witness; ft. 1824). Evidence on the Disturbances in Ireland (PP): Vl, 85n,
88n-9n, 96
DAY, THOMAS(1748--89). The History of Sandford and Merton, 3 vols. (Stockdale,
1783-89): XVI, 1469
DEAKIN,RICHARD(1808--73): XIV, 290, 294-305 passim, 309, 314, 332
DEANE,MR. (hardware merchant; ft. 1854): XIV. 248
DEASY,TIMOTHY(ca. 1838-88): XXIX, 555
D_bats. See Journal des D_bats
La D_cade Philosophique, Littdraire et PoHtique: XXIII, 525
DECAZES,ELIE, DUC (1780--1860): XXII, 136, 199; XXHI, 379
D_claration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen: XX, 126, 127q, 205-6; xxm, 661,672q
ALPHONSE(1797--1871). Aux industriels: XXIII, 411
DEER, S_PHEN (poacher; ft. 1867): xxvm, 199, 212
DEFOE, DANIEL ( 1659?-- 1731 ): XXII, 321
The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe: I, 13 ( 12 ), 556;
XIV, 290,340
DEFOURNAUX,M. (Parisian employer; ft. 1865): m, 772n-3n
DE FREYNE,ARTHURFRENCH(Baron) (1795-1856): XXIV, 1032-3
Memorial to the Board of Works: XXIV, 1029q, 1032
D'EICHTHAL. See Eichthal
DELABORDE. See Laborde


DELAPALME,EMILE(1793--1868). Concluding speech at the trial of Raspall and Kersausle

(21 Dec., 1833): XXIII, 657
DELAFORTE, MICHEL ( 1806-72): XII, 108
DELASALLE. See Lasalle


DE L'ISLE, BROCK(Bailiff of Guernsey; ft. 1840s): lI, 272-3

DELOLME, JOHN LOUIS (17407-1807): X, 151
DELOmVm,MAroON(1612--1741): I, 484
DELORT,JOSEPH(b. 1789). Histoire de l'homme au masque defer: XX, 62
DE MEER, RAMON(Baron) (b. 1787): XXXI, 372
152 Index of Persons and Works

DEMETRIUSPHAL_a_US (b. ca. 350 B.C.): Xl, 336n

DEML, PETER(editor ofDer Urwdhler; fl. 1868). LETTERTO:XVI, 1389
La D_mocratie Pacifique. "Protestation de la colonie icarierme _tNauvoo" (22 Sept.,
1849): XXV, 1145q
DEMOC_TUS(b. ca. 460 B.C.): VIII, 786; IX, 152, 421; Xl, 44n, 428
DEMODOCUS(6th c. B.C.?): XI, 167
DE MORGAN,AUGUSTUS( 1806--71 ): IX, 428; X, 289n; XI, 468; Xll, 366; XIV, 227; XV,
808-9; XVI, 1008, 1290; XVII, 1862; XXXll, 153
LETTERSTO: XlV, 48--9, 496-7, 501; XV, 808--9, 859-60, 962--3, 972--3; XVI,
988, 1022-3, 1084, 1088-9, 1107-8, 1286-7, 1293, 1436--9, 1467-8; XVll, 2003-5
The Differential and Integral Calculus: VII, 615
The Elements of Algebra: VII, 615; IX, 429; XV, 960
Elements of Trigonometry and Trigonometrical Analysis (Taylor and Walton,
1837): XV, 959-60, 962; XVI, 1023
*FormalLogic: VII, 143n q, 170n-3n, 17In q, 173n q, 207n q, 239n q, 592n q;
VIII, 808n q, 1113q; IX, 403q; XIV, 48q; XVll, 2005q; XXXll, 153
"On Infinity, and on the Sign of Equality": XV, 962
"On the Early History of the Signs + and -": XV, 973
-- "On the Structure of the Syllogism": XVII, 2003
"On the Symbols of Logic": IX, 399n, 400n q; XIV, 48
"Statement m Answer to an Assertion Made by Sir William Hamilton": XVll, 2004
"A Theorem Relating to Neutral Series": XV, 962
--Trigonometry and Double Algebra (Taylor, Walton and Maberly, 1849): XV, 962,
973; XVI, 988
DE MORGAN,GEORGECAMPBELL(1841--67): VII, 599n-600n; XVI, 1023, 1084, 1383
DEMOSTHENES (384-322 B.C.): I, 532, 584; Xl, 243, 298, 312-13, 317; XlI, 7-8;
XVIll, 245; XIX, 458; XX, 224; XXI, 229,231,254; XXll, 292; XXIll, 597; XXIV,
868; XXV, 1126; XXVI, 261,286, 352,405,413
*"Against Timocrates": XVlll, 238
*Contra Lacritum: XI, 389
*De corona: I, 333,561; XI, 312; XlI, 7; XXIII, 597
*De falsa legatione: XXlI, 292; XXVI, 368,384
*Demosthenis et Aeschinis quae exstant omnia: I, 15 (14), 14n, 23 (22), 25 (24),
*Orations: XII, 8; XX, 196
*Philippics: Xll, 7; XXlV, 823
DENISON,JOHNEVELYN(later Viscount Ossington) ( 1800-73): XVI, 1149
DENMAN, GEORGE (1819-96). Speech on the Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at
Elections Bill (6 July, 1868): xxvm, 303
Demetrius - Desprat 153

DENMAN, THOMAS (Baron) (1779-1854): XXII, 24,267-8; XXXI, 7, 59-60

--"Law of Evidence": I, 117 (116); XXXI, 7, 51-2q, 57-8, 59-62q, 65-7q

Speech on the Petition of Richard Carlile (8 May, 1823): XXH, 24q
Speech on Prison Discipline (20 June, 1834): VI, 258
DENT, WILLIAM (banker; ft. 1854): XIV, 181
DE QUINCEY, THOMAS (1785--1859): XII, 152
"Dialogues of Three Templars on Political Economy": XII, 179
"French Revolution": XXII, 175

The Logic of Political Economy: HI, 456-7, 462-3q, 466, 468, 474q; IV,
393-404 rev, 393q, 396-404q; XVI, 1255
--"Mrs. Hannah More": XH, 213
"On the True Relations to Civilisation and Barbarism of the Roman Western
Empire": X, 140n q


DERVILLI_ ET CIE. LETTERS TO: XV, 635-8,641,646, 651,655
DESAINTEVILLE, B.E. (Frenchman living in London; ft. 1830-48): XIIl, 737-8
--"The Polytechnic School of Paris": XIII, 737
DESCARTES, RENI_ ( 1596--1650): I, 484; Il-l, 1072; IV, 212; VII, 87,222,260,263,300n,
318,364,368,490,499; VIII, 752,771-2,813,1097; IX, 152,474,478,483-5,493n,
497n; X, 38n, 171,266, 271,359, 367-8,441; XI, 341,451; XXII, 239-40; XXVI,
147, 187; XXVII, 657

-- Discours de la mdthode: XXVI, 225q, 234q

*Dissertatio de methodo: VIII, 751q; IX, 141-2,502; X, 444q; XXVI, 162, 193,

-- Lettres de Mr Descartes: IX, 50n

*Meditationes de prima philosophia: VIII, 771 q; XXVI, 187
*Principiaphilosophiae: VI, 332; IX, 28n q, 29n, 50n, 155,198,297,422; XXVI,

Regulae ad directtonem ingenii: IX, 483q

DESCLOZEAUX, M. (French mathematician; ft. 1868): XVI, 1468
DESFONTMNES, RENI_ LOUXCHE( 1750-- 1833). Catalogus plantarum Horti Regii Parisien-
sis: XXXI, 300
DESHUr'r_s (bodyguard to Louis XVI): XX, 156-7

Le vieux Cordelier, journal politique (Paris: Baudouin Fr_res, 1825): XII, 138,
150, 175
DESODOARDS. See Fantin des Odoards

DESPOIS, EUGI_NE ANDRg (1818--76). "'Les pontes _t Ath_nes": XV, 746

DESPRAT, ETIENNE (Saint-Simonian; ft. 1830s): XII, 109-10
154 Index of Persons and Works

DES RIVII_RES, RODOLPHE (1812--47). Letter to Lord Durham: VI. 453n-4n q

DESSULIEE, MAHARAJA MIZRA (Rao of Kutch) (1815-60): XXX, 152

Motion to abolish the death penalty ( 17 Aug., 1830), Moniteur ( 18 Aug., 1830),
918-19: XI1, 61
-- Speeches on the Budget of 1832 (25 and 27 Jan., 1832): XXIII, 405
521; KXVI, 11,240
--*Eldments d'iddologie: XVII, 1668; XXV1, 1 l, 166-7,185-6, 187q, 199-200,

DETANT, M. (Calais innkeeper; ft. 1820): XXVI, 4

DETANT, MLLE (daughter of the above): XXVI, 4-5
DE TOCQUEVILLE. See Tocqueville
DETROSmR, ROWLAND (1800?--34): XlI, 147, 171, 183; XVl, 1253
Deutsche Viertelsjahrs-Schrifi. "'Die Besoldungsfrage, ihr Charakter und ihre L6sung":
XV, 893
Deutches Leben, Kunst, und Poesie: XXIII, 746, 748-9 rev
DE VERE, AUBREY THOMAS (1814--1902). LETTER TO: XlIl, 730
"Colonization": XXV, 1156-7
English Misrule and Irish Misdeeds (Murray, 1848): XIII, 730
DEVEREUX, HUMPHREY B. ( 1812- 80). "Public Works in the Presidency of Madras": XIV,

DEVEREUX, ROBERT (Earl of Essex) (1566-1601): VI, 38, 40, 48,415n

DEV1LLE, JEAN MArnE JOSEPH (1787--1853). Annales de la Bigorre: I, 575; XXVI, 113
DE VILLI_LE. See Vill61e

DEVON, LORD. See Courtenay, William Reginald

DEVONSHIRE, DUKE OF. See Cavendish, William George Spencer
DEWAR, MR. (writer on ethics): X, 21
D'HAUSSONVILLE. See Haussonville

DIAZ DEL CASTILLO, BERNAL ( 1492-- 1584). The True History of the Conquest of Mexico:
I, 528q
"The Free West," Macmillan's, VI (July 1862): XV, 795
"The New England States," Macmillan's, VI (Aug. 1862): XV, 795
"Notes of a Tour through the Border States," Macmillan's, VI (June 1862): KV,

"The Outlook of the War," Macmillan's, VI (Sept. 1862): XV, 795

_Rome in 1860: XV, 795,797; XXXII, 132
Six Months in the Federal States: XV, 795-7,801; XXI, 162; XXXlI, 132
Des Rividres - Diogenes 155

"Three Weeks in New York," Macmillan's, V (Apr. 1862): XV, 795

"Washington during the War," Macmillan's, VI (May 1862): XV. 795
DICKENS,CHARLES(1812--70): XH, 343; XlIl, 480: XVII, 1740
_ Bleak House (Bradbury and Evans. 1853): XIV, 190: XVH, 1844
Dombey and Son (Bradbury and Evans. 1848): XIV, 7
DICKSON,JAMES(of Greenwich; fl. 1868): XVI, 1440; XXV, 1219
DXCKSON,Wn_L1AMMARTIN(1827--89). LETTERTO: XVI, 1098-1101
_ Absolute Equality before the Law: (Cincinnati: Clarke, 1865): XVI, 1098, 1158
Dlctionnaire n_ologzque: Xll, 191
DXDEROT, DENIS (1713--84): I, 309; VI, 493; X, 323n, 500; XIII, 509,671: XX, 67, 68n,
183; XXVI, 169, 180
*"Lettre _tMademoiselle ***": XXVI, 169
--, and JEANLE RONDD'ALEMBERT(1717--83), eds. Encyclop6die. ou Dictionnaire
raisonn_ des sciences, des arts et des m_tiers: Xll, 177; XX, 67n; XXVI, 169
DIErmCH, PAUL HENPO(Baron d'Holbach) (1723-89): XIII, 671
DI_BY, GEORGE(1612--77): VI, 42, 44
-- The Lord Digby's Apology: VI, 44q
DIGBY,KENELM(1603--65). A Late Discourse... Touching the Cure of Wounds by the
Power of Sympathy: VIH, 779
DIC,GES,DUDLEY(1583--1639): VI, 15
I_C;WEEt),CLARAESTHER(n6e Mill; one of JSM's sisters) (1810-86): I, 7 (6), 35n, 53,
555-7, 560,562--4,568-9; XH, 5-6, 10-11; XHI, 475, 481,513,573,588,603,623,
629, 721,726; XIV, 7, 82-3, 135,204, 219, 231; XVII, 1994; XXVI, 19, 22, 26, 32,
38, 44, 46, 52n, 71,126; XXVII, 496; XXXII, 17, 52
LETTERSTO: XH, 307-8; XlII, 417-20; XlV, 82
DILKE,CHARLESWENTWORTH(1789-1864): Xll, 353-4; Xlll, 400, 565
DILKE,CHARLESWENTWORTH(1843--1911): V, 766; XVI, 1488; XVII, 1577, 1616-17,
1698-9, 1753, 1766-7, 1852, 1872, 1940. LETTERSTO: XVII, 1559-63, 1565-6,
1577, 1691, 1698-9, 1702-3, 1711-12, 1716-17, 1727-33, 1741-2, 1746-8,
1766-7, 1780, 1797, 1806, 1808, 1844-5, 1871-2, 1889-90, 1905-6, 1939-41
_ Greater Britain: 2 vols. (Macmillan, 1868): XVII, 1559-61, 1562-3q, 1589q
DILKE,KATHARINEMARYELIZA (n6e Sheil) (d. 1874): XVII, 1872
DmLVCY_,LEWaSLLEWEI.LYN(1814--92): XV, 669-70
DIOCLETIA_(Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus) (d. 313 A.D. ): XXIII, 690
DIOGErCES (the Cynic) (400-323 B.C.): IX, 482; XXV, 1148; XXVI, 175; XXVII, 643
DIooE___s OFAPPOLOmA(fl. 440/425 B.C.): VII, 365
DIOGENESLAERTIUS(ft. early 3rd cent. ). *Lives of Eminent Philosophers: I, 9 (8), 553;
XI, 44nq, 242,382,425q; XII, 181q; XXI, 186q; XXV, 1148; XXVI, 175; XXVH, 666
156 lndex of Persons and Works

DlON (d. 354 B.C.): XI, 243, 311; XIV, 113

DIONYSIUS(the elder, of Syracuse) (ca. 430-367 B.C. ): XI, 311; XIV, 387,397; XX, 224;
XXIV, 868
DIONYSIUS(the younger, of Syracuse) (ruled 367-343/2 B.C.): XI, 243,311
DioNYsiUs OF HALICARNASSUS (late 1st c. B.C.). On Literary Composition (De Com-
positione Verborum ): XI, 386
The Roman Antiquities: I, 15 (14), 17 (16), 542,544n, 546n, 555,584; XII, 10;
XXXI, 44
(in Plato): XI, 393
The Directory; or, The Ancient and Present State of Tunbridge Wells: XXVII, 471-2
DIRIK, ASPASIA(Italian actress, ft. 1855): XIV, 475
DISRAELI,BENJAMIN(Lord Beaconsfield) (1804-81 ): I, 261,277,283-4,288; XV, 577,
626,672,684, 693-4; XVI, 1019, 1199, 1215, 1256, 1274, 1337, 1349, 1368, 1383,
1398, 1416, 1423, 1471, 1488, 1493, 1497, 1502; XVII, 1548, 1798, 1917, 1927;
XXVIII, 10, 93-4, 108-9, 147-9, 151,170-1,175, 187,197-8,237,265,279-80,
336n, 338-9,345-6, 355-6, 365; XXX, 203; XXXII, 195
-- Coningsby: XX, 299q; xxvm, 20, 57
--Henrietta Temple: XX, 164n
--Sybil, 3 vols. (Colbum, 1845): XIV, 28, 29
Vindication of the English Constitution: XXVIII, 10
-- On the State of Ireland ( 16 Feb., 1844): XXVIII, 247-8
On National Representation (20 June, 1848): XXV, 1102
-- On the Government of India (No. 2) Bill (26 Mar., 1858): XXX, 163-4, 181
-- On the Address in Answer to Her Majesty's Speech (7 June, 1859), PD, Vol. 154,
cols. 122-46: XV, 626, 694
-- On the Representation of the People Bill (19 Mar., 1860): XIX, 452
On the Customs and Inland Revenue Bill (8 May, 1862): xxvm, 220q
On the Representation of the People Bill (27 Apr., 1866): XXVIII, 93
On the Redistribution of Seats Bill ( 14 May, 1866): XXVIH, 76
-- On the Outbreak in Jamaica ( 19 July, 1866): XXI, 423,424, 431; xxvm, 108,
110, 113
Resolutions on the Representation of the People ( 11 Feb., 1867): I, 288
-- On the Representation of the People Bill ( 6 May, 1867 ): xxvm, 146, 147, 150
On the Representation of the People Bill ( 17 May, 1867 ): xxvm, 150, 168, 170q,
Answer to Question on Business of the House (23 May, 1867): XXVIII, 169
On the Representation of the People Bill (27 May, 1867): XXVHI, 175
On the Representation of the People Bill (30 May, 1867): XXVIII, 187
_On the Representation of the People Bill (31 May, 1867): XXVIH, 210
On the Representation of the People Bill (24 June, 1867): XXVIH, 197-8
Dion - D6ring 157

On the State of Ireland (26 July, 1867): XXVIII, 247-8

On the Parks Regulation Bill (29 July, 1867): XXVIII, 237-8
On the Representation of the People Bill (8 Aug., 1867): X21_VIII, 232
At the Corn Exchange, Edinburgh (29 Oct., 1867): XXVIII, 345,356
On the Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections Bill (13 Feb., 1868):
Reply to Question on Public Business (20 July, 1868): XXVIII, 316,327
D'Isl_Eta, ISAAC(1766-1848). "The Royal Society": VI, 255-6
DITTMER, A. See Cav6

DIXON,CHARLESGEORGE(1795--1857): XXX, 131, 153

DIXON,W. (fl. 1867): XVI, 1251
DIXON,WILLIAMHEPWORTH(1821-79). "The Literature of the Lower Orders": XXV,
1089q, 1090q
DOANE,P,JCHARD( 1805--48): I, 83 (82); XII, 15; XVII, 1989, 1994; XXVI, 7, 16, 18, 21,
52n, 56, 71; XXXH, 5, 7. LETTERSTO: XXVI, 25n, 60n, 71n, 94n
DODIrqGTON,GEORGEBUBa ( Baron Melcombe) ( 1691 - 1762 ): XVIH, 78
DoosoN, MR. (assistant registrar at JSM's marriage; ft. 1850s): XIV. 96
DobsoN, JOHN GEORGE (1825--97). Statement on Motion on the Established Church,
Ireland (7 May, 1868): XXVIII, 277
-- Statement on the Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections Bill ( 14 July,
1868): XXVIII, 308-9
DOHERTY,JOHN (1783--1850). Evidence on the State of Ireland (PP): VI, 96
-- Speeches on Unlawful Societies in Ireland ( 11 and 25 Feb., 1825): VI, 94q
DOHRN,ANTON (1840--1909): XVI, 1357, 1391. LETTERSTO: XXXlI, 186, 208
DOLCINO,FRA (of Novario) (d. ca. 1307): XVIII, 238

DOMAT, JEAN (1625-96). Oeuvres: XXX, 19

DOMENICHINO, ZAMPIER! ( 1581-1641 ): XIV, 312
Domestic Prospects of the Country under the New Parliament: VI, 381-404 rev, 388q;
XXIV, 799-800q
DomNic (St.) (1170-1221): IV, 156; IX, 249
DOMITIAN(d. 96 A.D.): V, 713; VII, 197; VIII, 1073; X, 385
DONALOSON, MR. (d. 1865): XXVIII, 94
DONATELLO (Donato di Nicolo di Betto Bardi) (ca. 1386-1466): XIV, 479
DONIZETTI,GAETANO(1798--1848). La Favorita: XIV, 257
DONNE, WILLIAMBODHAM(1807--82). The History of Rome (Society for the Diffusion of
Useful Knowledge, 1841): XIII, 549
DONOVAN,ALEXANDER(1775/6--1846): XXVII, 465
DOglNG, J.M.H. (ft. 1820s). J.W.v. Gi_the's Leben (Weimar: Hoffmann, 1828): XHI,
158 Index of Persons and Works

DORISLAUS,ISAAC(1595--1649): VI, 57n

DOUBLEDAY,THOMAS( 1790-- 1870): II, 155n--6n
DOUGLAS, WILLIAMROBERTKEITH(ca. 1783--1859). Speech on East and West India
Sugars (22 May, 1823): XXII, 28-9q
DOUGLASS, FREDERICK (18177--95): XIV, 49
DOULTON, FREDERICK (1824--72): XVI, 1269

DOWNTON,JOHN (writer at the EIC; fl. 1850s): XXXII, 109

DOYLE,JAMESWARREN(1786-1834). Evidence on the State of Ireland (PP): VI, 82-3,
DOYLEY, THOMAS (1774--1855): VI. 273
DRAKE,FRANCIS(1540?--96): I, 11 (10), 13n
D (1801--46): XXIV, 875-7
DE (1766--1829): XX, 72n
DREW, GEORGEHENRY( 1817-- 1906): XXIX, 504-5e
DREw, HENRYTHOMAS(messenger of the EIC; fl. 1850s): XXXH, 89
DRINKWATER,WILLIAM(boy; fl. 1851 ): XXV, 1187
DRIVER,MR. (auctioneer; fl. 1820s): VI, 359-60
Droit des Femmes: XVII, 1700
DROUET, JEAN BAPTISTE (1763--1824): VI, 401
HENRY(1786--1860): IV, 198; XII, 79; XXH, 327; XXXII, 19
Dialogues on Prophecy: XXlI, 229
DRYDEN,JOHN (1631--1700): XlV, 393
Alexander's Feast: I, 19 (18), 565; XXIV, 1009q
King Arthur: XXIV, 831q
_Poems: I, 19 (18), 565; XVI, 1474
DRYSDALE,GEORGER. (1825-1904). The Elements of Social Science: XVII, 1611, 1768;
XXXII, 225-6
Dublin Evening Post. Leading article on Irish Land Reform ( 1 Dec., 1846): XXlV, 980,
Dublin Review: XVII, 1922
Dublin University Magazine. "Christian Ethics and John Stuart Mill": XV, 640
DUBOYS, JEAN JACQUES (1768-1845): XXIH, 667
Du CAMP, M. (rhetoric teacher in Toulouse, ft. 1820): XXVI, 19, 36-41 passim, 48,
Du CAMP,MAXI_m (1822-94). "Les hospices _tParis. 1: Les enfans assist6s": XVII, 1838
Du CANE, Cn_L_ (1825-89): XV, 684
Motion on Commerical Treaty with France (21 Feb., 1860), PD, Vol. 156, cols.
1475-96: XV, 684
Dorislaus - Dumont 159

XX, 193,302; XXIII, 701-2
Du ACHILLE(friend of Jacques Pierre Brissot; ft. late 18th c. ): XX, 100n

DUCOS, (1765-93): XX, 106

DUFF. See Grant Duff
DUFFERIN,LORD.See Blackwood, Frederick

DUFF-GORDON,LUCIE(n6e Austin) (1821-69 J:XII, 293; XIV, 293; XV, 671,675,678,

682; XVII, 1625; XXXII, 13, 15
DUFFY, CHARLESGAVAN (1816--1903): I, 272; XIV, 71; XXVIII, 10; XXXlI,
232. LETTERSTO: SlY, 57-8, 71; XVI, 1111-12, 1191, 1203-5
DUGDALE.WILLIAM(1605-86). A Short View of the Late Troubles in England: VI, 45n q
DUGGAN,MALACHI(minister; ft. 1820s). Evidence on the Disturbances in Ireland (PP):
VI, 85n
Du GUESCLIN, BERTRAND (ca. 1320-80): XX, 43
Du HAMEL,JEAN BAPTISTE(1624--1706). Philosophia vetus et nova ad usum scholae
accommodata: IX, 415q
DUIGNAN, WILLIAM HENRY (d. 1914). LETTERS TO: XVlI, 1649, 1948
DULAU,M. (bookseller; ft. 1840s): XIII, 579
DULAURE,JACQUESANTOINE(1755--1835). Histoire physique, civile et morale de Paris:
I, 99n; XX, 15-52 rev, 21n q, 22-3q, 31q, 33q
DULONG,FRANCOISCHARLES(1792--1834): XXlll, 682--4
DULONG,Prorate LOUIS (1785-1838): XV, 928
, and ALEXISTBt_RRSEPETIT (1791--1820). Recherches sur la mesure des tem-
pdratures et sur les lois de la communication de la chaleur (Paris: L'Acad6mie royale
des sciences de l'Institut de France, 1818): XV, 928
DUMAS,ALEXANDRE(the elder) (1802-70). Antony: I, 480
Richard Darlington: I, 480
DUMAS, JEAN(1696--1770): XVI, 1467
Du MOLART.See Bouvier-Dumolart
DUMONT,PIERREETIENNELOUIS( 1759-1829): I, 67-9 (66-8), 71 (70), 117 (116), 325,
602-3; XII, 164; X/V, 112; xxm, 470, 473; xxxI, 3
_Souvenirs sur Mirabeau: I, 603; XII, 120, 134
_, trans. Tactique des assembldes ldgislatives, suivie d'un Traitd des sophismes
politiques, by Jeremy Bentham: I, 71 (70), 578; XVII, 1812; XXlII, 470, 473
160 Index of Persons and Works

_, trans.
XVII, 1812;XXIII,470,473
by JcrcmyBentham:I,71 (70),117(116),
578;XV][I,1812;XXIII,470,473;X_XI, 3, 13,51,57;XXXII, 4
, trans.Trait_s
de I_gislation
etp_naIe,by Jcrcmy Bentham:I,65-73
(64-70),67q (66),325,577q;X, II,496;XVII, 1812;XXilI,470,473
XX, 12,I01
--La vie et les mdmoires du gdn_ral Dumouriez: XX, 89, 93, 97, 103
DUNCAN,JOHN (solicitor; ft, 1850s): m, 902n q
DUNDAS,HENRY( I St Viscount Melville) ( 1742-1811 ): XXIII, 481; XXX, 38
DUNDAS,ROBERt SAUNDERS(2nd Viscount Melville) ( 1771 - 1851 ): XXXII, 20
DUN_RMLtNE, EARLOF. See Seton, Charles
DUNI_aL (King of Cumbria) (d. 945/6 A.D.): XXVII, 527
DUNMORE (DUNMURE), JOHN (fl. 1634): VI, 25

DUNN, HENRY(1800--78): XII, 233

DUNNING, JOHN(Baron Ashburton) ( 1731-83): X, 82
DUNNING, THOMASJOSEPH(fl. 1860S). Trades" Unions and Strikes: Ill, 934n
CHARLESPIERREJOSEPH( 1786-1862): I, 62; XIX, 583; xxm,
--De la libertd du travail: II, 35, 11 In q; Ill, 945-6q, 948n; XHI, 664,687, 710n
DUNS, JOANNESSCOTUS(1265/6--1308): VIH, 753n; XXVI, 163
DUNSTAN(St.) (Archbishop of Canterbury) (924/5-88 A.D. ): XXII, 72-3
XII, 344; XHI, 461,557; XIV, 10: XX, 183; XXI, 315; XXV, 1094-5
Le compagnon du tour de France. 2 vols. (Pans: Perrotin, 1841 ): XIlI, 461
Leone Leoni: I, 480
Letter to the Editor: XXV, 1094-5
Lettres d'un voyageur, 2 vols. (Paris: Bonnaire, 1837): XlIl, 461
Valentine, 2 vols. (Paris: Dupuy, 1832): xm, 461
DUPIN,ANDR_MARIEJEANJACQUES ( 1783-1865): Xll, 54, 61; XX, 189; XXIl, 159-60;
XXIH, 345,496, 511,515,521,524, 530-2, 658, 746
DuPIN, CHAttLESPIERREFRAN(_OIS,BARON( 1784-1873): xxm, 345,370, 375,378,424
Speeches on Transit and Warehousing (8 Dec., 1831 ): X/OIl, 375
DUPL/_A, MARTIN SIMON, BARON DE (1777-1834): XXVI. 79-84
DUI"LEIX,JOSEPHFgAN_OIS(1697--1763): XIX, 603
DUPONT, PAUL FRANg:OIS(1796--1879): m, 773n, 1015-16
DUPONTDEL'Eom_, JACQUESCHARLES( 1767-- 1855): XIl, 54, 61 ;XX, 198,320-- 1,332,
333n; XXII, 153, 181,211,224, 226-7; XXilI, 378,658,684
Dumont - Duveyrier 161


Speech on the Colonies ( 13 May, 1791 _:XXVI, 227q
555-6, 596, 641-2,644-5, 655-7, 689,690-2,700, 714-15,721-4, 724, 728-9,
736-7,740-1,745-6,753,760-1,776; XVII, 1863-5
La centralisation: XV, 655, 689-90, 721, 724-5, 729; XIX, 581-613 rev,
598-9q, 611-13q; XXXII, 129
-- Essai sur les relations du travail avec le capital (Paris: Guillaumin, 1846): XV,

--L'individu et l'itat: X, 556q; XV, 555,656,721,724; XIX, 581-613 rev, 590-8q

passim, 607q, 610-12q; XXXII, 129
-- Rdpublique ou monarchie (Paris: Guillaumin, 1871 ): XVII, 1863
--, trans. Le gouvernement reprdsentative, by J.S. Mill: XV, 723-4, 736-7,740-1,
745,753,769; XXXII, 128-9
--, trans. La libertd, by J.S. Mill: XV, 644
DUPONT-WHITE, MME (wife of the above): XVII, 1865
DUPORT, ADRIENJEANFRAN(_OIS (1759-98): XX, 78, 80n; XXII, 155; XXIII, 541-2
DUPOTY, MICHEL AUGUSTE (1797-1864): XX/X, 570
DUPRL M. (Avignon mason; ft. 1859): XV, 636
DURAND,EUGI_NE(fl. 1850S). Grenadilla: XIV, 253
DURAND,JOHN(1822-1908): XV, 652-3
DOPER, ALBRECHT( 1471 --1528 ): XXVII, 565
DURHAM,LORD.See Lambton, John George
DUROZOIR,CHARLES(fl. late 18th c.). Biography of Turgot: XX, 80, 147q, 166q
DuguY, VICTOR(1811--94): XVI, 1045
DUSAULX,JEANJOSEPH(1728-99). De l'insurrection parisienne: XX, 143-7, XX, 152q
DUSSARD,HmPOLYTE(1798--1876): XII, 115, 122, 185, 256, 282; XHI, 687, 738;
, trans. Principes d'dconomiepolitique, by J.S. Mill: X/V, 84, 100, 143; XV. 580,
753; XVII, 1906; XXXlI, 82,234
Du TREU, PmLLIPUS(ft. 1600S). *Manuductio ad logicam: I, 21 (20), 125 (124), 567;
IX, 413-14q; Xl, 20, 27n; XH, 8
DUVAL,JEANMAURICE(baron) (1778-1861): XXIH, 435,518-19
Du VAL D'EPRI_MESNIL, JEAN JACQUES (1745-94?): XX, 7, 74
(1785--1852). Le bourgmestre de Sardam: XXVI, 113
DUVEYRIER,CHARLES( 1803--66): HI, 1011 ;XII, 71,94-5,106, 110, 120. 133. 140. 150;
XIII, 627, 684; XVI, 1016, 1046, 1193; XXHI, 403,442-7, 509; XXV, 1251-5.
162 Index of Persons and Works

Letrres politiques: IV, 382n; XVIII, 200; XX, 295-316 rev, 301-3q, 308-12q,
-- La pairie dans ses rapports avec la situation politique: XVIII, 201q, 202; XX,
297-316 rev, 299q, 303-5q
DWYER, MR. (Sergeant-Major; fl. 1830s): XXXI, 387, 387n
DYER, MR. (magistrate; ft. 1823): XXlI, 79
DYorr, PdCHARD(1808--91). Speech on the Representation of the People Bill (25 June,
1867): XXVIII. 200

EADY, DR. (quack; ft. 1824): XXII, 232

EARLE,WALTER_f]. 1627): VI, 16
EASTINDIACOMPANY,internal correspondence to the Secretary to the Board of Control.
LETTERS TO: XXXlI, 87-9, 94, 101-2, 112. See also letters to Cabell, William; Finance
and Home Committee; and Waterfield, Thomas
East London Observer: XXIX, 492
EASTWlCK,WILLIAMJOSEPH( 1808--89): xgg, 181; XXXII, 112-13
EATON, CHARLOTTEANN WALDIE(1788--1859). Rome in the 19th Century, 3 vols.
(Edinburgh: Constable. et al., 1820): XIV, 313-14, 323
EBBS,GEORGE(son of William): XXV, 1197
EBBS, MATILDA(wife of William): XXV, 1197
EBBS, WILLIAM(shoemaker; ft. 1854): XXV, 1197
EBRINGTON,LORD.See Fortescue, Hugh
TheEcho: XVII, 1886, 1888
The Economist: V, 432; XV, 652,783; XVII, 1781
"Regulation of the Supply of Water" (19 Jan., 1850), 61-2: XIV, 55
"The Reform Bill and Mr. Hate's Proposed Clause" (17 Mar., 1860): XV, 693
"The Russian Note" (19 Nov., 1870), 1393-4: XVII, 1781
EDEN, ANTHONYHENLEY(3rd Baron Henley) (1825-98): XVI, 1435, 1451, 1478
EDEN, GEORGE(Earl of Auckland) (1784-1849): XXX, 22, 35; XXXII, 55-6, 59
EDEN, ROBERTHENLEY(2nd Baron Henley) (1789-1841). A Plan of Church Reform:
XXIII, 537
Et_AR (of England) (944-975 A.D): I, 527; XX, 47n; XXXlI, 147
EriE, FREDEmCKMILNES(of the Chicago Tribune; ft. 1860s): XVI, 1150-1
EDOE,JOHN(surgeon; fl. 1850): XXV, 1165n q, 1166
EDOER,EBENEZER(fl. 1862). LETTERTO: xg, 792--4
"Social Freedom": XV, 792-3
EDGEWORTH,ELIZABETH(n6e Sneyd) (d. 1797): I, 321
EDGEWORTH,F_NCtS BEAUFORT( 1809--46): XIII, 439-40
HONORA(n6e Sneyd) (d. 1780): I, 321
Duveyrier - Eichthal 163

EDGEWORTH,MAmA (1767--1849): I, 312

Moral Tales for Young People: I, 59 (58)
Popular Tales: I, 13, 59 (58), 556; XVI, 1469
EtmEWOnTH, RICHARDLOVELL ( 1744-1817). Memoirs: I, 321
Edinburgh Encyclopaedia: XII, 8
Edinburgh Review: I, 93 (92), 95 (94), 97 (96), 99 (98), 103,169 (168), 215 (214), 227
(226), 291-325 rev, 398,535,538,590; IV, 47; VI, 368; Xll, 155, 179, 312, 364;
XIII, 397,429-31,435,445,479,498-9, 505,551,572,602,644,654-5,660,701;
XIV, 31, 63,421; XV, 643,645,908,910, 921; XVI, 1062; XVII, 1631; XVIII, 20,
113; XXI, 136; XXIII, 446,575; XXIV, 923; XXXH, 6, 65
"Memoirs, etc. of Sir Thomas More": I, 321
"Observations on the Residence of the Clergy": I, 306q
EDMUNDI (of England) (922?-946 A.D.): XXVII, 527
EDMUNDS,JAMES( 1832--1911 ): XVI, 1418
EDWARDI (of England) (1239-1307): XI, 284; XX, 38,292
EDWARDII (of England) ( 1284-1327): XIX, 437; XXH, 280
EDWARDHI (of England) ( 1312-77): XX, 234; XXII, 87-8
EDWARDVII ( of England) ( 1841 - 1910 ): XXVII], 346
EDWARD(the Black Prince) ( 1330-76): XX, 36n, 43
EDWARDTHECON_SSOR (of England) (d. 1066): XX, 25
EDWARDS,EDWARD(ft. 1820S). "Currency": VI, 400
EDWARDS,ERNEST(1837--1903): XVI, 1240
EDWARDS,JAMES(Westminster elector; ft. 1868). LETTERTO: XVI, 1477
EDWARDS,JOrtN C. (secretary of Manchester Union; ft. 1862): XV, 811
EDWARDS,JONATHAN(1703--58): IX, 440
-- A Careful and Strict Enquiry: XVI, 1065
EFFIAT,D'. See Cinq-Mars
(EINHARD)(ca. 770-840 A.D.). Early Lives ofCharleraagne: XI, 283
FX;P._MONT,LORD. See Wyndham, George O'Brien
EICH.ORN, JOHANNGoYrnttED (1752-1827). Antiqua historia ex ipsis veterum scripto-
rum graecorum narrationibus contexta: XX, 368n
Antiqua historia ex ipsis veterum scriptorum latinorum narrationibus contexta:
XX, 368n
BAROND' (uncle of Adolphe and Gustave): XII, 73-4
EICHTHAL,ADOLFHESALI_3MAN D' (1805--95): XII, 26, 31, 38, 50, 54, 70-1, 73-4, 92,
109, 120, 190-1,193,203,209,218-20,329,343,349; XIII, 404,413,457,465,488,
497; XV, 869, 932; XVI, 1110; XVI1, 1682. LETTERTO:XIll, 648-9
164 Index of Persons and Works

De la monnaie de papier et des banques d' _mission (Paris: Guillaumin, 1864 ): XV,
EICHTHAL, EUGI_NED' (1854--1936): XllI, 649; XVI, 1253
ElCHTHAL,GEORGESD' (son of Gustave): XVI, 1253; XVlI, 1597, 1682, 1726
EICHTHAL,GUSTAVED' (1800--86): I, 173 (172), 614; XII, 74, 106. 133,140, 150, 169,
171, 282; xm, 649; XVl, 1249-50. 1254; XVlI, 1816; XXVlI, 478-9; xxxII,
LETTERS TO: XlI, 26--8, 30--50, 70--3, 88--9, 90--6, 107--10, 241--4, 329, 348--9;
XIH. 378-9, 403-4, 412-13, 415-16, 43,'-3. 438-9, 455-7, 464-8, 472, 487-8,
496-7; XV. 868-70, 931-2; XVl, 1016-17, 1045-6, 1053-4, 1109-10, 1192-3,
1200-1, 1229, 1252-3, 1261, 1288-9, 1317;XVl]. 1591-2. 1597, 1603-4, 1610-11,
1682-3, 1717z-18, 1725-6, 1761-2, 1787-8, 1796, 1820-1
"L'association pour l'encouragement des 6tudes grecques en France": XVlI, 1592
"Condition de la classe ouvri_re en Angleterre": XII. 26, 31
De la pronunciation nationale du grec: (Paris: Lain_, 1869): XVlI, 1597
--De l'unit_ europ_enne (Paris: Truchy, 1840): XHI, 465,467
-- De l'usage pratique de la langue grecque (Paris: Hachette, 1864): XVl, 1045,
--Les deur mondes (Leipzig: Brockhaus, 1837): XII, 329,343, 348; XIII, 404,465
Etude sur les origines bouddhiques de la civilisation am_ricaine (Paris: Didier,
1865): XVI, 1045, 1109
Les _vangiles, 2 vols. (Paris: Hachette, 1863): XV, 868-70, 903; XVl, 1017;
XVlI, 1611
Histoire et origine des Foulahs ou Fellans (Paris: Dondey-Dupr_, 1841 ): XIII, 456
"Lettre de Gustave d'Eichthal": XV, 932
"Observations stir la r6forme progressive et sur l'6tat actuel de la langue grecque":
XVlI, 1726
"Voltaire et la question grecque en 1770": XVII, 1592
, with ISMAYLUImAIN. Lettres sur la race noire et la race blanche (Paris: Paulin,
1839): xm, 403-4, 413
EICHTHAL,MMED' (mother of Adolphe and Gustave): KII, 328; XIIl, 404
FaCHTHAL,M. D' (father of Adolphe and Gustave) (d. 1840): XIII, 404, 412,455
ELCHO, LORD. See Charteris, Francis
ELmN, LORD. See Clerk, John
ELOON, LORD. See Scott, John
ELFLED^ (mistress of King Edgar): I, 527
ELFRIDA(945--1000 A.D.): I, 527
ELm, JACOBJOB( 1746-1825?): XX, 145-7
JAVlER (1767--1822): XXlI, 41--2
ELIOT,EDWARDGRANVILLE(Earl of St. Germans) (1798-1877): XXlII, 508
Eichthal - Ellis 165

"ELIOT, GEORGE." See Evans, Mary Ann

ELIOT, JOHN(1592--1632): VI, 15, 18; XXII, 281
ELIZABETH I (of England) ( 1533-1603): H, 233n; m, 955n; VI, 9; VII, 602-3; VIII. 892;
Xl, 301; XII, 352; XVII. 1633-4; XVIII, 29n, 238; XIX, 437,481; XX. 293,348;
XXI, 123, 302,401; XXIV, 873, 1073; XXVII, 455; XXXI, 364
ELLICE,EDWARD(1781--1863): VI, 186; xm, 371-2,391
Speech on Military Flogging (21 July, 1834): VI, 268.270
Speech on the Affairs of Canada (25 Jan.. 1838): VI. 416q
ELLICE,EDWARD( 1810--80): XXXII, 4--5
ELLICE,RUSSELL(1799--1873): XlV, 122, 142, 178, 181
ELLIOT, JOHN. See Eliot, John
ELLIOT,THOMASFREDERICK(1808--80): XlI, 17, 86, 340
The Canadian Controversy: VI, 405-35 rev, 420-lq
ELLIOTT,EBENEZER(1781--1849): I. 519; XH, 185
Corn Law Rhymes: I, 348q. 467; XH, 104-5,202; XXIII, 595
"Famine in a Slave Ship": XXIII, 595
-- "The Press": xm, 556
"The Ranter": Xlll. 452
ELLIOT'r, J.H. (merchant; fl. 1840s). Credit the Life of Commerce: HI, 908- lOq
ELLIOTT,JOHN ARTHUR(author; fl. 1868). LETTERSTO: XVl, 1380; XXXH, 191
ELLIS, CHARLESROSE (1771-1845). Speech on East and West India Sugars (22 May,
1823): XXII, 26-7, 28q, 29
ELLIS,GEORGE(1753--1815 ), ed. Specimens of Early English Metrical Romances, 3 vols.
(Longman, et al., 1805): XVI, 1474
ELLIS, GEORGEJAMESWELBORE AGAR (1797-1833). The True History of the State-
Prisoner Commonly Called "The Iron Mask" : KX, 62
ELLIS,JAMES(ca. 1802--81): XXIV, 875-7
ELLIS, JOHN (1789--1862): V, 413-14e
ELLIS, THOMASFLOWER(1796--1861). "Whewell's Mechanical Euclid--Principles of
Mathematical Reasoning": VII, 228n
ELLIS,WILLIAM(1800--81): I, 83 (82), 99 (98), 125 (124), 129 (128); XV, 724; XXVI,
317; XKXI, 327-36passim; XXXI1, 4-6, 8. LETTERTO: Kill, 728; XV, 724-5
"Charitable Institutions": XXXH, 5
"Employment of Machinery": IH, 736n
"McCulloch's Discourse on Political Economy": V, 757
-- Philo-Socrates, 4 vols. (Smith, et al.. 1861-64): XV, 725; XVlI, 1770
"Political Economy": XXXlI, 5
166 Index of Persons and Works

ELLISON,MR. (English clergyman in Toulouse; fl. 1820): XXVI, 55n, 56

ELLISON,THOMAS(1833--1904). Slavery and Secession in America (Low, et al., 1861 ):
XV, 802
ELMORE,JOHNRICHARD(ft. 1820S). Evidence on the Disturbances in Ireland (PP): VI, 96
ELPHINSTONE,JOHN (Baron Balmerino) (d. 1649): VI, 25
JOHN (Baron) (1807-60): XXX, 144; XXXII, 104
ELPmNSTONE,MOUNTSTUART ( 1779-- 1859): XXX, 112-13; XXXII, 22, 121
ELTON,CHARLESISAAC( 1839-- 1900). A Treatise on Commons and Waste Lands: XXIX,
EMERSON,RALPHWALDO(1803--82): XH, 169, 171, 183; XIV, 15-16; XXVIII, 33;
TO: XVI, 1306-7, 1326-7
-- Lecture on England (27 Dec., 1848): XIV, 15-16
Representative Men (Bohn, 1850 ): XV, 676
EMERSON,WILLIAM(1701--82). The Elements of Optics: I, 566; XH, 8
EMERY, MICHEL PARTICELLI D' (1596-1650): XXIV, 1048n
EMMETT,ROBERT(1778--1803): XXVIII, 166, 189
EMPEDOCLES (ca. 490-430 B.C.): VII, 365; XI, 210, 380

EMPSON, WILLIAM(1791--1852): XII, 92, 94--5; XlV, 31, 104; XXIII, 574-5; XXXlI,
12. LETTER TO: XXXlI, 67
"Illustrations of Political Economy: Mrs. Marcet--Miss Martineau": XXIII,
--"Jeremy Bentham": I, 535-8q; XXXII, 67
Review of John Bowring's Memoirs ofJeremy Bentham: Xlll, 598,601-2
"Sir John Walsh's Contemporary History": VI, 342
ENCKE,JOHANNFRANZ (1791--1865): VII, 426, 499
ENCOMBE,LORD.See Scott, John
Encyclopaedia Britannica: XII, 8
"Fluxions": I, 563
The Encyclopaedia Metropolitana: I, 125 (124); xm, 544; XVII, 1586, 1997
Encyclopddie. See Diderot, Dems
ENFANTIN,AUGUSTIN(1793--1827): XXV, 1258
ENPAr,rrIN,BARTHI_LEMY PROSPER( 1796--1864): I, 173 (172); XII, 71, 73, 92, 96, 106,
109, 119-20, 140, 150, 161,193-4; XV, 869; XXIII, 403,509, 676. 690. LETTERTO:
XIV, 496-7
Letter to Hoart, Bruneau, Rog6, and Massol: XXlII, 690
Mdmoire prdsentd au roi: XX, 14In
English Churchman. Article on the Sterling Club (29 Mar., 1849): XlV, 22
Letters on On Liberty (signed "R.P.") ( 15 Sept.-1 Dec., 1859): XV, 640
Ellison - Essex 167

The English Leader: XV, 943, 951

Englishman's Magazine. "Extraordinary Case of the Royal Associates of the Royal Society
of Literature": XXH, 318q, 325q
Englishwomen's Journal: XV, 667,683
ENSOR,GEORGE(1769--1843): XXVI, 1-13 passim, 26-7, 44-5, 50-1
--An Inquiry Concerning the Population of Nations: XXVI, 10-11
-- Radical Reform: XXVI, 10-11
Reply . . . to an Article... on Radical Reform: XXVI, 10-11
ENTICK,JOHN ( 18th-c. litigant): XXI, 24
ENTRAGUES.See Antraigues
EPAMINONDAS (ca. 418-362 B.C. ): VIII, 941; XI, 311,332; XIV, 458,461
EPmALTES(Athenian statesman; 5th c. B.C.): XI, 327
(b. ca. 60 A.D. ). Discourses: XIX, 355q
EPICURUS(341--270 B.C.): I, 337; VII, 49; VIII, 991; IX, 152; X, 87,209-10; XI. 61,
477; XX, 166; XXVII, 666
EPIGENES(in Plato): XI, 167
83). M_moires et correspondance de madame d'Epinay: I, 309
EPR_MI_NIL.See Du Val d'Epr_mesnil
ERASMUSDESIDERIUS(1466--1536). Moriae encomium: XXII, 110
ERATOSTHENES (ca. 280--200 B.C. ): XXVI, 246-7
ERIGENA.See Johannes Scotus
ERLE, WILLIAM( 1793-1880 ): XVI, 1232
ERNESTII (Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha) ( 1818-93): XV, 833
ERNESTAUGUSTUS(Duke of Cumberland and King of Hanover) ( 1771-1851 ): VI, 366,
418-19; X, 21; XII, 27,278; XVII, 1975
ERSKINE,JAMES(of the EIC; ft. 1830s): XXXII, 34
(in Plato): XI, 86
ESCHER,ALBERTG. (engineer; ft. 1840s). Evidence on the Influence of Training and
Education on the Value of Workmen (PP): II, 108-10q
ESCHE_,_Y,FRANCOISLOUIS,COMTED' ( 1733-- 1815). La plu'losophie de la politique: XX,
ESPARTERO, BALDOMERO (1792--1879): XXXI, 371-2
TO:XVI, 1495-7
Essays and Reviews: XV, 778; XVII, 1673
Essays on Government: XVIII, 151-2 rev and q
ESSER, W_LrIELM (1798--1854). System der Logik: IX, 323n q, 354q, 355, 384q,
407-8q, 494
ESSEX,EARLOF. See Devereux, Robert
168 Index of Persons and Works

ESTCOURT, THOMASGRLMSTON BUCKNALL(1775--1853). Speech on Admission of the

Dissenters to the Universities (20 June, 1834): VI, 260q
EST_VILLE, PI_RONNED' (d. ca. 1332): XX, 49
ETHELBERT (of Kent) (552?-616 A.D.): XXI, 327
ETIENNE,CHARLESGLrmLAUME(1777--1845): XXIH, 530-2, 658
EUCLEIDES(the Megaric) (ca. 450-374 B.C.): Xl, 378
EUCLID(ft. ca. 300 B.C. ): X, 42; Xl, 26; XV, 758; XXlI, 242
--Elements of Geometry: I, 15 (14), 559,562; IV, 35,327; IX, 62,441; XlI, 7, 87;
XXVI, 33-4, 39, 41,356
EUCLIDES(archon 403 B.C. ): XI, 309
OGNE(d. 1103): XX, 29
Euooxus (ft. ca. 4th c. B.C.): Xl, 388
EULER,LEONHARD(1707--83): XVIII, 143; XXVI, 215,352, 357
--Einleitung in die Analysis des Unendlichen (Berlin: Reimer, 1835-36): XII, 8
-- Elements of Algebra: I, 559; VIII, 826q; XH, 7
-- lntroductio in analysiu infinitorum: I, 563
--Lettres dune Princesse d'Allemagne sur divers sujets de physique et de philosophie:
XXVI, 215-17
EUOENUS(of Paros; in Plato): XI, 85, 155
EURIPIDES(480--406 B.C.): I, 532; II, 16; XJ, 86, 160n, 317; XH, 7; XIII, 469; XXVI,
*Antiope: XI, 122
*The Bacchanals: XXVII, 666
*Hecuba: XXVI, 353
-- *Medea: I, 15 (14), 561; XlI, 7
*Phoenissae: I, 15 (14), 558; XII, 7
EUSTACE,JOHNCHETWODE(1762?--1815). A Classical Tour through Italy (Mawman,
1813): XIV, 304, 314
EUSTIS,GEORGE(ft. 1862): XXI, 130
(ft. 230 B.C.): Xl, 393
EtrrHYPtlRON(in Plato): XI, 187-96 passim
EVANS, GEOgOEDE LACe (1787-1870): XVI, 1005; XVII, 1964; XXV, 1212; XXXl,
364-88 passim
Farewell Speech to the Army (17 June, 1837): XXXI, 372
EVANS,HOWARD(1839--1915): XVII, 1884
EVANS,MARYA_N ("George Eliot") (1819-80): XlV, 177
Prospectus of Westminster Review. See Chapman, John, Prospectus
_, trans. The Life of Jesas, by David Friedrich Strauss: XVII, 2007
Estcourt - Examiner 169


Speech on the National Debt (16 Aug., 1832): XXIII, 552
EVANs-FREKE,JOHN (Baron Carbery) ( 1765-1845). Evidence on the State of Ireland
(PP): VI, 93n, 96
EVELYN,JOHN ( 1620-- 1706). Memoirs Illustrative of the Life and Writings of John Evelyn:
(Colburn, 1818): XVII, 1590
Evening Courant (Edinburgh). Unheaded leader on Hate's plan of representation (23 Apr.,
1859): XV, 618
Evening Mail. "Election Intelligence-- Southwark" (26 Nov.- 10 Dec., 1860): XV, 716
EVERETT, ALEXANDERHILL (1790--1847). "Men and Manners in America": XVIII,
93-115 rev, 108-10q
EVERETT,EDWARD(1794--1865). "Prance Piiclder Muscau and Mrs. Trollope": XVIII,
107-8q, 112-13q
EWART, WILLIAM (1798-1869): V, 412e, 414e, 416-19e; XVII, 1976
-- Speech m Presenting a Petition on Free Trade--Corn Laws ( 19 Mar., 1834): VI.
-- Speech on Admission of the Dissenters to the Universities (20 June, 1834): VI, 260
An Exact Collection of All Remonstrances, Declarations, Votes. Orders. Ordtnances,
Proclamations, Petitions, Messages, Answers, and Other Remarkable Passages: VI,
34n, 39n, 41n-2n
The Examiner: I, 179 (178), 18On, 205 (204), 381,627; VI, 174, 241,252, 314n, 316,
340,351-2,370,374,378-80,390,400; XII, 95-6, 103,105, 110, 112-13,121,125,
134, 198-200, 240, 246, 257,288,292-3,328; XIII, 370, 372, 375,382, 397,478,
511; XIV, 147, 152, 159, 161,166; XVII, 1932-3, 1949; XX, 125; XXH, 304; XXXII,
--"Police: Queen-Square" (17 Aug., 1823): XXH, 43
-- "'Foreign Intelligence. Belgium" (21 Nov., 1830): XXH, 192
-- Letter to the Editor (signed "W.M.J.") (26 Dec., 1830): XXII, 219-21q
-- "Tribunal of First Instance, Paris. Suit for Annulling the Will of the Duke of
Bourbon" (25 Dec., 1831): XXIH, 380
-- Letter to the Editor tsigned "Erinensis") (Jan. 1832): XXIII, 397q
-- Letter to the Editor (signed "The Female Operatives of Todmorden') (2 Feb.,
1832): XXIII, 419-20
--"Goethe" (8 Apr., 1832): XII, 105
-- "Westminster Review--Landlords' Claims" (letter to the editor, signed "A
Claimant of Justice') (6 May, 1832): XXIII, 459
"A Plan for Admitting Foreign Corn" (letter to the editor, signed "W.P.G. ") ( 18
Nov., 1832): XXIlI, 522-3
-- "Foreign Intelligence. France" (12 Jan., 1834): XXIII, 665
"The Inquisition" (16 Feb., 1834): VI, 157
"The Spoiled Cabinet" (9 Mar., 1834): VI, 182q
170 Index of Persons and Works

[The Examiner]
"Tithe Commutation" (20 Apr., 1834): VI, 197
"Much Ado about Nothing" (25 May, 1834): VI, 241
"The Government and the Peers" (15 June, 1834): VI, 252
"Public Money Applied to Private Prosecution" (20 July, 1834): VI, 274q
"Military Misrule" (27 July, 1834): VI, 268-9q
Leading article on the prosecution of the Brighton Guardian ( 10 Aug., 1834 ): VI,
-- "Lord Durham and His Assailants" (26 Aug., 1838): I, 223; XXIV, 801
-- "Reasoning for Nominal Punishments" (2 Sept., 1838): XXIV, 801
"Mr. Thomas Tooke on the Currency Principle" (13 Apr.. 1844): IV, 343n
-- "Currency Crochets" (27 Apr., 1844): IV, 343n
"Revolutionized Paris" (11 Mar., 1848): XXV, 1092-3
"The Attacks on Prince Albert" (28 Jan., 1854): XIV, 136
"The Socialist Conference of the Society of Arts" (4 Feb., 1854): XIV, 152
"Report of House of Commons" ( 18 Feb., 1854): XIV, 161
Article on marriage contract bill (8 Apr., 1854): XIV, 202
-- Obituary of Sir William Molesworth (27 Oct., 1855): XIV, 500
-- Review of JSM's On Liber_ (20 Aug., 1859): XV, 638
-- Review of JSM's England and Ireland (22 Feb., 1868): XXXII, 190
EXAMINER'S OFFICE, members, East India Company. LETTER TO: XV, 570

The Exchange: XV, 802

EXELMANS,RIgMIJOSEPHISIDORE, COMTE (1775-1852). Speech in the French House of
Peers (16 Dec., 1834): XX, 198
The Express: XVI, 1401
Extracts... as to the Administration and Operation of the Poor-Laws: XII. 156, 164, 172,
175; XXI/I, 634-5,712; XXlV, 789-90
EYRE, EDWARDJOHN (1815--1901): I, 281--2, 289; XVI, 1208, 1365-7, 1404-5,
1410-12, 1416--17, 1521, 1523; XVII, 1829; XXI, 422-35; XXVIII, 91, 94, 109,
ll0n, l13n, 118,343; XXXII, 160-1
"Despatch to the Rt. Hon. Edward Cardwell, M.P.": XXI, 425, 428, 430q;
XXVIII, 118; XXXII, 161
Letter to Brigadier-General Nelson: XXI, 425,430
Letter to the Editor of The Times: XXl, 434
EYRE,JOHN ( 1754-- 1803). "Moore's Translation of Anacreon": I, 321

F^sgE, M. (nephew of Etienne B6rard; ft. 1820): XXVI, 133

FaBRE, FgAr_OtS XAVIERPASCAL(1766--1837): XlV, 261
TO: XVII, 1952-3
F^BmOUS, GAIUSLUSONUS (ft. 282 B,C.): XXVI, 331
FABYAN,ROBERT(d. 1513 ). The New Chronicles of England and France: Xl, 284; XXIV,
Examiner - Fawcett 171

FAGETDE BAURE, JEAN JACQUES(1755--1817). Essais histortques sur le B_arn: I, 574,

586; XXVI, 72q
FAmFAX, THOMAS(Baron) ( 1612-71 ): VI, 48, 55-6
FALCONER,THOMAS(1805-82): I, 206, 214; XII, 249-50, 263,268-9, 270n, 286-7,
290,295,331,333; XVII, 1963, 1967; XXXII, 26, 32. LETTERSTO:XII, 273-4,293-4
FALK, JOHANN DANIEL (1768--1826). Goethe aus ndherem persOnlichen Umgange
dargestellt. See Sarah Austin, Characteristics of Goethe
FALrd,AND,VISCOUNT. See Cary, Lucius
FANE, ROBERTGEORGECECIL ( 1796-- 1864). Bankruptcy. Reform... Letters IV. V. VI.
VII: m, 912n q
_"Report from the Select Committee on the Law of Partnership" (PP): III, 896-7q,
899n, 902n q
FANTINDESODOARDS,ANTOINEETmNNE NICOLAS(1738--1820). Htstoire philosophtque
de la r_volution de France: XX, 75n
FARADAY,MICHAEL(1791--1867). ExperimentalResearches in Electricity: VII, 411,413,
_Lectures on the Various Forces of Matter and on the Chemical History. of a Candle:
IX, 488-9q
"On the Condensation of Several Gases into Liquids": VII, 580
FA_, WILLIAM(1807--83): XXIX, 459-67e
FAUCHE, MR. (British consul at Ostend; ft. 1830s): II, 287,295n
FAUCHER,Lt_ONAm_JOSEPrt(1803--54): XH, 269; XX, 337
_Recherches sur l'or et l'argent: m, 1067
FAUCHET,CLAUDE(abb6) (1744-93): XX, 146
l_FI_LIX(1780-1859): XXIII, 441
Histoire de la Gaule mdridionale: XXXII, 32
FAVRE, JULES GABRIEL CLAUDE ( 1809--80)" XVI, 1224; XVII, 1609
Speech on the Freedom of the Press ( 10 Aug., 1848): XXV, 1116
FAWCETT,HENRY(1833--84): XV, 642-3, 668-9, 671,683,686, 691,736. 851,910;
XVI, 1114, 1132, 1215, 1232, 1283, 1293, 1405-6, 1425, 1464-5; XVII, 1629, 1636,
1646, 1665, 1716, 1736, 1850, 1893; XXVIII, 65,350-5passim; XXIX, 427; XXXlI,
140, 167
LETTERS TO" XV, 672-3,688,692-3,698-9,701-2,705-6,715-16,737-8,744,
776-8, 786-8, 852, 859-60, 876-7, 889-91,893-4,906-7,949-50, 957,973-4;
XVI, 996, 1019, 1030-1, 1130-1, 1266, 1279, 1290-1, 1417-18, 1482-3. 1511-12;
XVII, 1579-80, 1625, 1631-2, 1647-8, 1657-9, 1753-4, 1776-7, 1782-3. 1943-4
"Co-operative Societies": XV, 716
"Corporate Property in Land": XVII, 1926
"'Dr. Whewell on the Method of Political Economy": XV, 706
The Economic Position of the British Labourer (Macmillan, 1865): XV, 950; XVI,
172 Index of Persons and Works

[FAwcETT, H.]
*Manual of Political Economy (Macmillan, 1863): XV, 744,776-7,787, 851-2,
859-60, 891,950, 957
--Mr. Hare's Reform Bill: XV, 672,678,680, 682, 688,693-4,699,701,942; XVI,
1052; XIX, 454
-- "On the Economical Effects of the Recent Gold Discoveries": XV. 744
-- "On the Effects of the Recent Gold Discoveries": XV, 881
"On the Method of Mr. Darwin in His Treatise on the Origin of Species": XV, 744
-- "On the Present Prospects of Co-operative Societies": XV, 777
-- "A Popular Exposition of Mr. Darwin's 'Origin of Species'": XV, 716
"Strikes, Their Tendencies and Remedies": Ill, 932-3; XV, 686, 688,692,698,
735,744; XV-L 1130
-- "What Can Be Done for the Agricultural Labourers?": XXVIH, 352

--At the Edinburgh meeting of the NAPSS (10, 12, 13, 14 Oct., 1863): XV, 890
--At Brighton on Parliamentary Reform (13 Sept., 1864): XV, 958,966
--On Agricultural Women and Children (2 Apr., 1867): XXVHI, 352
--On the Tests Abolition (Oxford) Bill (10 Apr., 1867): XXVIH, 352
_On the Agricultural Children's Education Bill (14 May, 1867): XXVIH, 352
--On the Oxford and Cambridge Universities Education Bill (5 June, 1867):
--On Trinity College Dublin (18 June, 1867): XXVIII, 352
On University Education in Ireland ( 10 July, 1868): XXVIII, 352
-- On the Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections Bill (18 July, 1868):
I, 283-4; XVI, 1384, 1522; XXVIH, 313-14, 316, 326-8,333,343,352, 354
-- On the Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections Bill (24 July, 1868):
.xXTIH, 327-8
Motion for a Select Committee on the Inclosure Act (20 Apr., 1869): XXIX, 427
FAWC_TT,Mn.LICENT(n_e Garrett)( 1847-1929): XVI, 1266, 1284; XVH, 1631, 1636,
1647-8, 1657-8, 1673, 1698, 1797, 1850, 1921, 1923-4; XXXII, 182. LETTERSTO:
XVH, 1668, 1785-6, 1811
"The Medical and General Education of Women": XVI, 1417, 1512
Political Economy for Beginners (Cambridge: Macmillan, 1870 ): XVH, 1665
FAY, JEANNE LOUISE BAHOr_(dite l_k.ontine; Mme Joly) (1810-76): XXII, 307-8,
310-11; XXIII, 465
FAYLE,JOSHUA(1834?--88). LETTERTO: XVl, 1036
Federalist. See Hamilton, Alexander
FELL,JOHN (1625--86). Grammatica rationis, sive institutiones logicae: IX, 415q
FELLOWr.S,ROBERT( 1771--1847): XII, 297
487; X, 54, 324, 459; XV, 647; XX, 140; XXVI, 226
Fawcen - Fielding 173

*Tdl_maque: XXVI, 226

FENWICK,ISABELLA (d. 1856): XXVII, 540, 548
FErC_CK, JOHN(1645?-97): VI, 33n
lI (of Naples) (1810-59): XIV, 317,319, 324
FERDXNANO VII (of Spain) (1784-1833): I, 293; IV, 49; XX, 89, 179; XXII, 39, 126;
XXXI, 380, 384-6
FERGUSON,ADAM(1723--1816): VII, 554; X, 21
*The History of the Progress and Termination of the Roman Republic: I, 15 (14),
558; XII, 9; XIII, 566, 638
Principles of Moral and Political Science: VIII, 801
FERGUSON,ROBERT( 1799-- 1865): XIV, 305,449
FERGUSSON,JAMES (1832--1907). Speech on the Representation of the People Bill,
Scotland (8 June, 1868): XXVIR, 283
FEm_BOSCHI,JANESTUART(n6e MiU; one of JSM's sisters) (1816?-83): I, 36n, 53; XH,
6, 11,293; XI_, 721,726; XlV, 6,220; XV, 584; XXVI, 19, 26, 32, 38, 46, 52n, 71,
126; XXVII, 496; XXXH, 17, 52. LETTERSTO: XIV, 60; XV, 583,726-7; XVI, 1079
FERRA_)SCHI,MARCUSPAUL(JSM's brother-in-law): XIV, 6-7
(1810--1900), trans. Principi di economicapolitica, by J.S. Mill:
FERRAS,MME (landlady; fl. 1820): XXVI, 104-5
FERRELL,W.H. (of the London Debating Society; ft. 1828). LETTERTO:XH, 21
JAMESFREDERICK ( 1808--64): IX, 7; Xl, 343; XIV, 246-7; XV, 670; XXI, 463
"Berkeley and Idealism": XI, 266
*Institutes of Metaphysic: VII, 63n; XIV, 246-7; XV, 817,836-9
FERRIRRES, CHARLESELIE, MARQtnSDE (d. 1804). Mdmoires: XX, 73n-6n, 85n, 87n,
88q, 91q, 94, 96q, 10On, 107q, 108
FEnRON,JOURDAN(d. 1333): XX, 49
FEUCrI_RES,MME DE. See Dawes, Sophia
FEUGUERAY, HENRI ROBERT (1813--54). L 'association ouvridre, industrielle et agricole:
HI, 776-9q, 783n q, 784-5q; XIV, 185; XXXII, 81
FICHTE, IMMANUEL HERMANN VON (1796--1879). Amhropologie (l.,eipzig: Brockhaus,
1856): XV, 902, 937
FICHTE,JOHANNGOTTLIEB(1762-1814): I, 260; XI, 345,387
Die Bestimmung des Menschen: IX, 151
*The Characteristics of the Presem Age: I, 171
FtDLER,W.C. (temporary writer at the EIC; ft. 1850s): XXXII, 111
FmLD, DAVIDDUDLEY(1805--94): XVI, 1314, 1342
FmLv, S_nc_ (army officer; ft. 1865): XXVIH, 94
FIELDING,HENRY(1707--54): I, 119 (118); XII, 302; XVI, 1475; XXVl, 415
.... *Amel/a: XXII, 44-5
174 Index of Persons and Works

*The History of Jonathan Wild: xxm, 665
-- *The History of Tom Jones: VI, 155,359; XXII, 115q
-- *Joseph Andrews: XX, 164
*Tom Thumb: XXHI, 608q
FIESCHI, GIUSEPPEMARCO(1790-1836): XX, 178,205,208; XXIX, 571
FIl_V16E, JOSEPH (1767-1839): XII, 282; XIX, 582; XXII, 188n
Correspondance et relations de J. Fidvde avec Bonaparte: XII, 250-1,277,279,
282-3,286-7, 290
-- Correspondance politique et administrative: XII, 250, 277; XXH, 159q, 187-8,
188q, 245q; XXIII, 384q; XXX, 176
Fife Herald: XD, 222, 232, 276n
FILIC_A (FILICAIA), VINCENZlODA(1642--1707): XIV, 258,477
"All'Italia, Sonnetto 1": XX, 376n q
FILLONEAU, M. (fl. 1835): XII, 281,286,337
68, 83-7, 89-90, 92, 95-7, 102, 105-14
FINCH, HENEAGE (Earl of Aylesford) (1647?-1719): XXXI, 58
FINCH, JOHN (Baron) (1584-1660): VI, 29
FINCH, WILLIAM(d. 1613). "Observations... Taken out of His Large Journall": XXI, 26
FINDLATER, ANDREW (1810--85): I, 287; XVI, 1332-3; XXXI, 103
Notes to JM'sAnalysis: XVI, 1512, 1533; XVII, 1578; XXXl, 103,133
FINLAISON,JOHN (1783--1860): XXXII, 83
FINLAY, GEORGE (1799-1875): XIV, 401,430-3,452; XV, 780. LETTERS
TO: XV, 812,
FISCHER,ERNSTKUNOBERTHOLD ( 1824-- 1907). A Commentary on Kant's Critick of Pure
Reason. See Mahaffy

-- "Educational Endowments": V, 616-17q

FIrmAN, EDWARD( 1845-- 1936). LETTERTO: XVII, 1584
FITZGERALD,AUGUSTUSFREDERICK(Duke of Leinster) (d. 1874). Evidence on the
Disturbances in Ireland (PP): VI, 96-7
FITZGERALD,EDWARD(Lord Edward) (1763-98): XXVIII, 166, 189
FITZGERALD,THOMAS(1819--91): XVI, 1283
FITZGERALD, THOMAS JUDKIN. See Judldn-Fitzgerald, Thomas
WILLIAM(Bishop of Killaloe) (1814-83), ed. Analogy, by Joseph Buffer:
XV, 813
FITZGERALD,WILLIAMVESEY(Baron) (1783-1843). Speech on the Elective Franchise in
Ireland (9 May, 1825): VI, 89
FITZJA_, EDOUARD,DUCDE (1776--1838): XXIII, 487,495,517
Fielding - Flower 175

FITZROV,HENRY(1807--59): IH, 766n, 1035; XIV, 186, 196; XXI, 101-8 passim
Speech on the Better Prevention and Punishment of Aggravated Assaults upon
Women and Children (10 Mar., 1853): XXI, 103, 105
-- Speech on the Government of India Bill ( 17 June, 1858): XXX, 203
FITZROV,ROSERT(1805--65): xm, 642,684
MR. (teacher of English in Toulouse; ft. 1820): XXVI. 48, 57
FITZWZLLIAM, CHARLESWILLIAMWENTWORTH (Lord Milton, later 3rd Earl Fitzwilliam)
(1786-1857): IV, 159; VI, 473; xxm, 620

_On the Game Laws Amendment Bill (31 May, 1824): VI, 108q
--On the Elective Franchise in Ireland (9 May, 1825): VI, 88
--On the State of the Corn Laws (18 Apr., 1826): XXVI, 381
_On Trade with India (15 May, 1827): XXX, 5q
--"Address to the Landowners of Great Britain on the Corn Laws" (Feb. 1831 ): XII,
--On the Corn Laws (30 Apr., 1833): XXIII, 620
FITZWILLIAM,WILLIAMWENTWORTH ( 2nd Earl Fitzwilliam) ( 1748-1833 ): XXVI, 337
FLACHAT,CHRISTOPHE ST_HANE MONY(also Mony-Flachat) ( 1810-84): XII, 140, 194;
XIII, 432; XXIII, 677
FLAXMAN,JOHN( 1755-1826): XXVII, 565
FLEM_G, DIANALE (ride Howard; widow of Michael): XXVII, 519-20, 522
FLEMING,Eow_ (d. 1865): XXI, 423; XXVIII, 95
FLEMING,HENRY(d. 1876): XIV, 18
FLEMING,RICH^RO(1791-1857): XXVII, 525
FLEMING,WILLIAM(1791--1866): XII, 335
FLETCHER,ANDgEW ( 1655-- 1716). An Account of a Conversation Concerning a Right
Regulation of Governments for the Common Good of Mankind: XXI, 252q
FLETCHER,GEORGE(writer; fl. 1840s): xm, 430, 432, 447,482, 498; XIV, 83
"Helo'ise and Abelard": I, 606
J.H. (ft. 1868). LETTERTO: XVI, 1477-8
FLINT,CHJ_LES (complainant; fl. 1824): XXVI, 274
FLOCON,FERVINANO(1800--66): XX, 321,332
FLORUS,DI_I'^NIUS (d. 860 A.D.). "Querela de divisione imperii post mortem Ludovici
Pii": XX, 280
FLOWER,ELIZA (1803--46): I, 195 (194), 619; XlI, 213, 215, 228. 298; XXII, 331-3;
XXIII, 436-8,554-5,563,661,703
- Hymn of the Polish Exiles: XXIII, 554-5 rev, 555q
Mignon's Song: XXIII, 562-3 rev, 563q
176 Index of Persons and Works

.Musical lllustrations of the Waverly [sic] Novels: XXII, 331-3 rev, 333q; xxm,
-- Songs of the Months: XVI1, 1959-60; XXIII, 660-1, 702-3 rev; XXIV,
759-60 rev
--Songs of the Seasons: XXIII, 436-8 rev, 554-5,703
When Thou Wert Here: XXIIl, 563 rev
FLOWER, SARAH.See Adams, Sarah Flower
FLOYER, JOaN (1811--87). Speech on the Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at
Elections Bill (24 July, 1868): XXVIH, 328
FOLLEN, KARL (1796--1840): XVII, 1965
FONBLANQUE, ,ALBANYWILLIAM( 1793-1872): I, 91 (90), 99 (98), 107 (106), 131 (130),
179 (178), 205 (204); VI, 314n, 340, 351-80passim; XII, 86, 113, 121,125-6, 134,
151,156, 159, 162, 171,195,198, 199-201,211,219,288. 292, 323,359; XHI, 391,
423; XV, 979; XVII, 1947, 1968, 1976, 1978; XXXII, 17-18
LETTERS TO: XlI, 246,251,259-60,297,299,326-8; XIII, 369-71,372-7,478-9,
-- "The Adminisl_ation": XII, 259
-- England under Seven Administrations: VI, 351-80 rev, 356-78q; XII, 299,
-- "The Government and the Peers": XXIV, 791q
-- Leading articles on the war question, Examiner: XVII, 1995-6
"The London Review," Examiner (10 May, 1835, 289-90): XII, 259
--"Look before You Leap": xm, 375q, 382
-- "Mr. E. Bulwer and Mr. Grote," Examiner (28 Jan., 1838), 50: xm, 369-71
"The Opening of the Session," Examiner (5 Feb., 1837), 81: XII, 326
"The Spectator and Ourselves": xm, 372,382
-- "Tory Radical Consistency": XIII, 372,382
"The Unreported Meeting": VI, 373-6q
The Life and Labours of Albany Fonblanque: VI, 353; XXI, 397

, and JOHN AYRTON. Medical Jurisprudence: XXII, 69q

FONBLANQLr_, MRS. (n6e Keane; wife of Albany): XXXII, 17

(Saint-Simonian; fl. 1830s): XII, 203; XXIII, 675-6, 679,
, and GIOACCHINOPRATI(1790-1863). St. Szmonism in London: xxm, 674-80

FONTENELLE, BEaN_XD LE BOVIER DE (1657--1757): X, 359

-- *Digression sur les amiens et les modernes: IV, 366q; XIII, 711; XXl, 220
Flower - Foscolo 177

*"Eloge de Monsieur Leibnitz": VH, 368n q

*Entretiens sur la pluralitd des mondes: XXVI, 57
FORBES,CHARLES(1774--1849): XXX, 40
FORBES,Joi.lr_ (1801-40): XXX, 35, 40
FORD,HENR_"(Jamaican official; ft. 1865): XXVIH, 94
FORDYCE,GEORGE(1736--1802): I, 59 (58)
Foreign Quarterly Review: XII, 141
-- "German Literature of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries," VII] (Oct. 1831 ),
347-91: XII, 85
The Foreign Review and Continental MisceUany: I, 169 (168); XII, 85, 103n
FORMAN,JACOBGILBERT(ft. 1850S). "Women's Rights Convention at Worcester, Mass. ":
XIV, 49; XXl, 395-6q, 400, 415q
FORSTER(FosTER), MR. (American spiritualist; ft. 1860s): XV, 782
FORSTER,CHARLES(1815--91). Statement on Ireland--Petitton on Fenianism (14 June,
1867): XXVIII, 188
FORSTER,JOHN (Baron Oriel) (1740-1828): XXXI, 49
FORSTER,JOHN (1812-70): XlI, 251
-- "Literature of the Lower Orders": XXV, 1089-90q
--"The Moral Epidemic": XXV, 1089-90q
FORSTER,TI-1OM^SFuRLY (1761-1825). *Flora Tonbrigensis: XXVII, 471-2
FORSTER,WILLIAM(1818--82): XV, 826
FORSTER,WILLIAMEDWARD(1818-86): XV, 851; XVII, 1779-80; XXIX, 392

-- On the Slaveholders' Rebellion (1863): XXXH, 142

On Ireland -- Petition on Fenianism ( 14 June, 1867): XXVIH, 189
On the Alabama Claims (6 Mar., 1868): XXVIII, 245-6
--On Public Business (20 July, 1868): XXVIH, 316, 327
On the Endowed Schools Bill (15 Mar., 1869): XVII, 1586
On the Elementary Education Bill (14 Mar., 1870): XXIX, 383-4
On Women on Educational Boards (16 June, 1870): XXIX, 401
FORTESCUE, CI-IICHESTER SAMUEL PARK1NSON (later Parkinson-Fortescue; Baron Carling-
ford) (1823-98): I, 280; XVI, 1177, 1179-80, 1294
HUGH ( Lord Ebrington, later 2nd Earl Fortescue ) ( 1783-1861 ): VI, 252
FOItTESCUE,HUGH (Lord Ebringtun, later 3rd Earl Fortescue) (1818-1905). Public
Schools for the Middle Classes (Longrnan, et al., 1864): XVI, 1097
The Fortnightly Review: I, 290, 625-7; XVI, 1327; XVII, 1785, 1795, 1892
FORTUNE,ROBERT(1813--80): XXX, 150
FOSCOLO,UGO (1778-1827): XXIII, 573
178 Index of Persons and Works

FOSTER,JOaN LESLIE(d. 1842). Evidence on the Disturbances in Ireland (PP): VI, 85n q,
88n q, 89n, 96
Speech on Roman Catholic Claims (1 Mar., 1825): VI, 78
-- Speech on the Elective Franchise in Ireland (9 May, 1825): VI, 89
FOSTER,THOMASCAI_'d'BELL(1813--82): XXIV, 887-8
"The Condition of the People in the Highlands of Scotland": XXIV, 887-8,891,
899, 909, 981
--Letters on the Condition of the People of Ireland: XXIV, 887
FOTrmRGILL,JOHN (1712--80): VIII, 780
FOUCH_, JOSEPH(1763--1820): XX, 174-5q
FOULIS, DAVID(d. 1642): VI, 22
FotrLIS, HENRY'(1638--69): VI, 22
FOULON,MME (fl. 1835): XII, 282, 287
-- Philosophie de chimie: XXVI, 57
FOURIER,FRANCOISMARIECHARLES( 1772-- 1837): I, 175 (174), 614; Ill, 1028, 1031 ;V,
446,727-8,730,737-8,747,748n; X, 323; XI, 329,387; Xll, 133-4, 140, 193; XIV,
9-11, 21-2,298; XVI1, 1609; XXV, 1100, 1162
-- Thdorie des quatre mouvements et des destinies g_n#rales: V, 722-3q; XV, 961
FOURNEL,C_ClLE (n6e Larrieu; wife of the next): XII, 93, 120
FOURNEL, MARIEJI_R6MEHENm (1799--1876): Xll, 93, 120, 193; XXIII, 676
FOX, ANNA MAmA (1816--97): xm, 425,436, 440, 475, 512, 521,623; XVI, 1217;
XXXIl, 52, 57. LETTER TO: XIIl, 603--4

Fox, CAROLINE(1819--71): XIII, 425,426n, 436, 440, 442, 475,512, 521,564, 623;
XVI, 1217; XXXII, 52, 57. LETTERTO; XIII, 603-4
FOX, CHARLES(printer; brother of W.J. Fox): Xll, 185; XlV, 20
Fox, CHARLES(of Trebah) ( 1797-1878): XIII, 453,588
Fox, CHARLESJAMES(1749--1806): I, 177 (176), 317; Ill, 1028; IV, 115; VI, 135, 346
Fox, GEORGE(1624--91): X, 323n
Fox, HENRY RICHARDVASSALL(Baron Holland) (1773-1840): xm, 456; XVlI1, 41;
XXVI, 275,398-9
Fox, JANEGURNEY(n(_e Bacldlouse) (d. 1860): XllI, 623
Fox, MARIA (n6e Barclay) (1786-1858): XlIl, 475, 481, 512-13, 520; XKXlI,
52, 57
Fox, ROBERTBARCLAY(1817--55): XIII, 425,623; XXXII, 52, 57. LEa"rE_ TO: XIII,
425--8, 435--8, 440--2, 447--8, 452--5, 468--70, 473--5, 480--1, 512--13, 520--1,
543--5, 548, 563--4, 569--70, 588, 602--3, 623, 725--6
Foster - Francis 179

Fox, ROBERTWERE( 1789-1877): XIII, 425,438,441,475,481,512-13,520; XXVII,

620; XXXII, 52, 57. LErrE_ TO:XIII, 436; XVI, 1217; XXXII, 58
Fox, SARAHHUSTLER(1800--82): XIII, 453,588
Fox, WILLIAMJOHNSOr_( 1786--1864): I, 205 (204), 382; VI, 227n, 255n; XH, 92, 115.
118, 126-7, 133, 149,202,210-11,223,246, 365; XIV, 10, 20; XXIII, 555-6, 559,
561,574,595,652, 655,659,702; XXIV, 760; XXXII, 243
LETTERSTO: XH, 97-8, 121-2, 142-3, 157-60, 177-8, 184-9, 198, 213-15,
225-9, 298,319-20, 331; XIV, 38-40
"An Autumn in London": XII, 127
"Bulwer's Tragedies": XII, 318n, 319-20, 331
-- Dedication to the Monthly Repository for 1833: xxm, 652q
--Finsbury Lectures (Fox, 1835-38): XH, 298
"Forwards or Backwards?": xxm, 659
Lectures, Addressed Chiefly to the Working Classes, 4 vols. (Fox, 1845-49): XIV,
--"Local Logic": xxm, 574
--"The London Review. No. l/": XVIII, 56n
-- "Men and Things in 1823": I, 96; XXXII, 5
-- "'Pauline: A Fragment of a Confession," Monthly Repository., n.s. VII (Apr.
1833), 252-62: XII, 174
-- "The Poetical Works of Leigh Hunt": XH, 143
-- "The Poor and Their Poetry": XH, 104
-- "Poor Laws and Paupers": XXIII, 574
-- "Postscript to the Monthly Repository for the Year 1833". XXIII, 655-6q
--"Present State of Music--Dr. Grotch's Lectures," Westminster Review, XV (Oct.
1831), 320-34: XII, 210
--"Religious Prosecutions": XII, 210; XXI, 8
"S.T. Coleridge and Poetry," Westminster Review, XII (Jan. 1830 ), 1-31: XII,
"Sandown Bay": XXVII, 572, 582
"Tennyson's Poems," Westminster Rewew, XIV (Jan. 1831 ), 210-24: XH, 210
"A Victim": XII, 142; XXIII, 556, 557-9q, 561-2
XXIII, 365,380, 467,560
FoY, S_SASaaEN MAX_tmmN, COMTE(1775-1825): XX, 177; XXIII, 365, 380, 467,
F_NClS (St.) (1182-1226): X, 324; XX, 249
F_NCaS IV (Duke of Modena) (1779-1846): XXII, 289
FRANCIS,A.M. (ft. 1869). LETTERTO:XVII, 1598-9
F_NClS, PHILIP(prob.) ( 1740-1818) ("Junius"). *Junius : Including Letters by the Same
Writer, under Other Signatures: I, 381; XX, 196
180 Index of Persons and Works

PRANCK,SEBASaTAN(1499-ca. 1543). Paradoxa ducenta octoginta: XXI, 66q

FP,AN_OISI (of France) (1494-1547): I, 460; XX, 253,341; XXI, 312, 402
FRANCONLANTONIO(1737--1836): XXVI, 36-8
FRANCONI,HENnaMINEr'rE (1779--1849): XXVI, 36-8
FPO,NGOPULO,DR. (English vice-consul; ft. 1855): XIV, 467
FPa_NKLIN,BENJAr,_N(1705/6--90): X, 354; XVIII, 101; XIX, 468n
-- Letter to Benjamin Webb: XXVIII, 73q
FI_,NKS, HENRV(fl. 1865). LETTERTO: XVI, 1080
FRANKS,JOaN HENRV (labourer; ft. 1824): XXVI, 282
FRANZ,JOANNCHRISTOPrIAUGUST(fl. 1840s). "Memoir of the Case of a Gentleman Born
Blind": IX, 231n-4n q
FPO,NZ JOSEPHI (of Austria) (1830-1916): XV, 652; XXV, 1202
FRASER,ALEXANDERCA_BELL ( 1819-- 1914): I, 627
-- "'Berkeley's Theory of Vision": IX, 232n-3n q, 240, 243n; XV, 970
-- "Mr. Mill's Examination of Sir W. Hamilton's Philosophy": IX, civ-cv, 29n q,
31-2q,32n-3n, 187n q; XV, 970
--, ed. The Works of George Berkeley: I, 627; XI, 451-71 rev, 470q; XV, 970;
XVII, 1828, 1833
FRASER,JAMES(d. 1841 ): XH, 103, 347
F_SER, JAMES(1818--85): XXIX, 392, 397,400
FRASER,JOHN (1792--1864): XIV, 412
FIO_SER,WILUAM (ca. 1805-52): XII, 103, 129,138,146,149,155,180, 191,197,203,
FRASER,WILLIAMAUGUSTUS(1826--98). London Self-Governed: XXIX, 491
--"On the Suggestions Afforded by the Application of the Cumulative Vote": XXIX,
Fraser's Magazine: I, 182,263,266, 268; XII, 146, 202; XIII, 723; XV, 645,652,671,
807; XXI, 158; XXIII, 691; XXXH, 80, 118, 129, 154
"Bacon's Philosophical Works" (signed "G.D.H."): XV, 639
-- "The Reforms of the Future": XV, 919
F_YSSINOUS, DENIS, COMTE(6v6que de Hermopolis) (1765-1841). Speech (26 May,
1826): XX, 189
Speech (4 July, 1826): XX, 189
F_t_nicK II (Holy Roman Emperor) (1194-1250): XIV, 380; XX, 248
I (of Prussia) ( 1657-1713): VIII, 603
FREDEmCKII(of Prussia; "the Great") ( 1712-86): I, 11 (10), 471; XVII, 1799; XVIII, 42;
XIX, 382; XX, 165; XXI, 1079
I (Grand Duke of Baden) (d. 1907): XIX, 466n
Franck - Fry 181

FREDERICK AUGUSTUS(Duke of York) (1763-1827). Speech on Roman Catholic Claims

(25 Apr., 1825): I, 12On; VI, 83-4
FREDERICK WILL1AMII (of Prussia) (1744-97): VI, 236; XX, 78
FREDERICK WILLIAMHI (of Prussia) (1770-1840): XXIV, 897, 1079-81
WILLIAMIV (of Prussia) ( 1795-1861 ): XXIV, 1079-82
Speech at the Opening of the Diet (11 Apr., 1847): XXIV, t079-82
FREDERICK WILL1AM(Elector of Brandenburg; "the Great Elector") (1620-88): XXIV,
FREELING,FRANCIS( 1764-- 1836): xxm, 645
FREEMAN,EDWARDAUGUSTUS(1823--92). "The Cry for War with Russia": XVII, 1783
The Growth of the English Constitution: XVII, 1903
-- History of Federal Government: SIX, 555n
--"The Morality of Field Sports": XVII, 1673
FREEMAN,ROBERT(Kensington vestryman; ft. 1866): XXIX, 493-4e
The Freeman's Journal. See The Public Register
FREIRE,MANUEL(1765--1834): XXII, 42
Der Freisinnige: Freiburger politische Blf2tter: xxm, 748
FgI_MONT,JOHNCHARLES(1813--90): XXl, 132
FRI_M¥, flkRNOULD (b. 1809): XVSI, 1830
FRENCH,MR. (witness; ft. 1699): XXXI, 56
FRENCH, FITZSTEPHEN (1801-73). Announcement Concerning the Treasury Minute (26
Dec., 1846): XXIV, 1029q
FRI_VlLLE.See Villot de Fr6ville.
FRIEND, CHARLES(clerk at the India Office; ft. 1868). LETTERTO: XVI, 1468-70
FRITOB,M. (translator; ft. 1826): H, 248n
JEAN(1338--14107). Chroniques: XX, 36n, 185
FRONTINUS,SEXTUSJULIUS(ca. 40-103 A.D.). The Stratagems: I, 527-8
FRORIEP,ROBERT(1804--61): IX, 248
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth, 12 vols.
(Parker, 1856-70): XVII, 1633
"The Eastern Question": XVII, 1775
The Nemesis of Faith (Chapman, 1849): XIV, 16
FRY,ELIZABETH(1780-1845): XXI, 385
182 Index of Persons and Works

FRY, H_ERT (1830--85). LETTERTO: XV, 513

FRY, THOMASHENRY(of Holborn" ft. 1866): XXIX, 443e
FULFOI_D,HENRY(poacher; ft. 1867): XXVIII, 199-200, 212
FOLLARTON,JOHN (1780?--1849). On the Regulation of Currencies: Ill, 516-17q,
551-2q, 662q, 662-4,670n, 671-2q, 674-7q, 678n q, 684, 1071-2
FULLER, HIRAM (1814--62). "North and South; or, Who is the Traitor?" Fraser's
Magazine, LXVI (Nov. 1862), 647-62: XV, 807
"North and South: The Controversy in a Colloquy," Fraser's Magazine, LXVI
(Sept. 1862), 299-318: XV, 807
-- "North and South: The Two Constitutions," Fraser's Magazine, LXVI (Oct.
1862), 433-48: XV, 807
-- "UniverSal Suffrage in the United States": XV, 807
FULLER,JoHr_ (Islington vestryman; ft. 1866): XXIX, 521-2e
FUNCK, JOHANN (1518--66). Chronologia: XI, 285n
FURNIVALL,FIEDEmCKJAMES(1825--1910): Ill, 1032-7; XIV, 149, 159,164, 166, 172,
180, 185, 188, 195. LETTERSTO: XIV, 50-1, 53-4, 89, 157, 162, 191, 235; XV,
529-31,569,615,714; XVI, 1263-4; XVII, 1810, 1812-13; XXXII, 81
FVFE, ALEXANDEXGORDON(Jamaican magistrate; ft. 1865): XXVIII, 94
FYZOOLAKHAN(d. 1794): XXX, 64

G.H. (poulterer; fl. 1825). Evidence on the Laws Relating to Game (PP): VI, l13q
GABELLI,AmSTIDE (1830--91). L'uomo e la scienze morali: XVII, 1683
GAE_ER, JouAm_ GUSTAV( 18th-c. traveller). "Nachrichten von denen an der westlichen
Seite der Caspischen See... befmdlichen V61kem und Landschaften": XXXI, 357n
DE (1820--93): XV, 671
GAIUS(Roman jurist): XXI, 197
GALEN, CLAUDIUS( 129-- 199 A.D.): XXVI, 215
GALtANO, ANT6NIO ALCAL/i ( 1789-- 1865): XXXI, 385
GALmERr, LC-ON(b. 1810): XII, 344
GALmNANI, JorI_ ASTHOreV ( 1796-- 1873), and WILLIAMG. ( 1798-1882): XII, 281,
283,286, 290
Traveller' s Guide through France: XIV, 121
Galignani's Messenger: XIV, 261,269,282,338,343,374,376,394,403,468,488; XV,
655,667; XVI, 1272
Unheaded article (24 Oct., 1832): XXIII, 526q
GALILEOGALILEI (1564--1642): X, 144, 266, 287n; XI, 483; XIV, 477; XXII, 328;
XXVI, 396
Dialogo . . . sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo tolemaico, e copernicano:
XXXI, 164-5
Fry - Gamier 183

Sidereus nuncius: XXXI, 164-5

GALL,FRANZJOSEPH( 1758-- 1828): VII, 498n; VIII, 860; X, 360; XIH, 519,525, 531-2.
--Sur lesfonctions du cerveau, 6 vols. (Paris: Baill6re, 1825): XlH, 519
-- and JOHANN CASPARSI'UgZrlEIM (1776--1832). Anatomie et physiologte du
syst_me nerveux en g_n_ral: XIII, 511; XXVI, 196
GALLATIN,ALBERT(1761--1849): I, 121 (120); VI, 123, 144-6: XVIH, 111
Correspondence between Great Britain and the United States, Relative to
Commercial Intercourse between America and the British West Indies (PP): VI, 123-47
"Extract of Despatch to Henry Clay" (27 Oct., 1826): VI, 144, 146
GALLIANO.See Galiano
GALLIENUS(Publius Licinius Egnatius) (ca. 218-268 A.D.): I, 438
xxm, 429
GALLOWAY, ALEXANDER(engineer; fl. 1798-1835): XXV, 1263
GALLOWAY, ARCHIBALD(1780?--1850): XIV, 13; XXXH, 79
GALT, JOHN(1779--1839): XXHI, 529
-- ("Micah Balwhidder"). Annals of the Parish: I, 81 (80); X, 210n
--Ringan Gilhaze: XX, 57
GALVANI,LumI (1737-98). "De viribis electricitatis in motu musculari commentarius":
XXXl, 28
GALWAY,VISCOUNT.See Monckton-Arundell, George
GAMA,V^SCO DA(1469?--1524): XXIV, 1087
GAMBmR,JAMES(Baron) ( 1756-1833 ): XXXI, 363
GAgAX, DOMINIQUE JOSEPH, COMTE (1749-1833): XXllI, 520
Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette. LETTER
TO: XXXlI, 146--7
"Twenty-five Years' Work in Ireland" (signed "An Irish Landlord"): m. 1077.
1078n, 1081, 1088; XVI, 985

G_.DrNER, STEPHEN(1493?-- 1555): X, 155

GARDNER,MR. (American traveller; ft. 1855): XlV, 342
GARmALDI,GIUSEPVE(1807-82): VI, 520; XV, 651,795-6,939,942; XVI, 1037, 1275;
XXXII, 132-3
GARmER, JOSEPHHEINRICH(ca. 1800-55): XII, 255,293,355-6; XXIII, 746, 748-9
"C.aspar Hauser": XXIII, 749
"Character and Manners of the German Students": I, 598; XVII, 1965
"Government and People of Austria": I, 598
"Heinrich Heine": XXIII, 748
- "Translators of the Faust": XII, 268
184 Index of Persons and Works

GARNWm, JOSEPHHEINlUCH (1813--81). Traitd d'_conomie politique (Paris: Gamier,

1860): XVlI, 1664, 1666
GPmmEB-PAGi'S, ETmr_NEJOSEPHLOUIS(1801-41 ): XH, 280-1; XXHI, 482,495, 511
Letter to the Editor of the Constitutionnel: XXlH, 511
GAmqmR-PAG_S,LOUISA_TOmE (1803--78): XVI, 1224; XX, 321. 332
Speech in the French National Assembly (24 Oct., 1848): XX, 328
G_iRETT, ELIZABETH.See Anderson, Elizabeth
GARRETT,RHODA(1841--82): XVII, 1811
GARRISON,WILLIAMLLOYD (1805-79): I, 266; XIV, 49; XVI, 1107, 1284; XXVIH,
GARVlE,WILLIAM(barrister; fl. 1868): XVI, 1404
-- Life of Charlotte Brom_ (Smith, et al., 1857): KV, 628-9
GASPARIN, AGI_NOR ETIENNE,COMTEDE ( 1810-71 ). Les Etats-unis en 1861 (Paris: Levy,
1861): XV, 750
--La rdpublique neutre d'Alsace (Geneva: C-eorg, 1870): XVII, 1795
GASSENm, PIERRE(1592--1655): IX, 487
--lnstitutio logica: XXVI, 215
GATHORNE-HARDY, GATHORNE(Earl of Cranbrook) (1814-1906): XVI, 1250, 1254-6;
XXVlH, 134, 136-7, 140-3,200, 333
On the Metropolitan Poor Bill (8, 11, and 14 Mar., 1867): XXVIH, 139-43
-- On the Representation of the People Bill (27 May, 1867): XXVIII, 176
on the Uniformity Act Amendment Bill (29 May, 1867): XXVIII, 192q
-- On Martial Law --Charge of the Lord Chief Justice (2 July, 1867): XXVIII, 203-5
on the Representation of the People Bill (4 July, 1867): XXVIII, 176
-- On the Case of Fulford and Wellstead (5 July, 1867): XXVIII, 212
-- Statement on Imprisonment for Costs on a Dismissed Charge (21 July, 1868):
XXVIII, 314-15
G^ULTIER, EDOUAt_DCAmLLE (1745--1818). M_thode pour analyser la pens_e et pour
faire des abr_g_s: XV, 594, 605
GAUTIER,JEAN ELm (1781--1858). Speech on the Sinking Fund (11 Jan., 1831): XXII,

GAtrvru, HEm ALPHONSE(1815--41). Letter to Lord Durham: VI, 453n-4n q

GAVEAUX,PIE_ (1761-1825). Le bouffe et le taiUeur: XXVI, 73
GAWLFm,HEr,mr (1766-1852): XXlII, 744; XXIV, 778
GAY, JorlN (1699-1745). Dissertation Concerning the Fundamental Principle and
Immediate Criterion of Virtue: XXXI, 98
GAY-LUssAc, JOSEPHLotns (1778-1850). "Rccherehes sur l'acide prussique": XXVl,
Gamier - Gerson 185

"Sur les combinaisons du soufre avec les alcalis": XXVI, 136

GAYOTDE PITAVAL,FRANqOIS(1673--1743). "Urbain Grandier": I. 476n
GAvWOOD,JOHN(child; d. 1853): XXI, 103
La Gazette de France: I, 465; XX, 21n; XXH, 152
"Plus de concessions.--Point de r6action" (10 Aug., 1829): XXII, 124q
Gazette des Tribunaux: XIII, 566
_"Paris, 30 aoflt" (31 Aug., 1832): XXIII, 511
GAZl MUHAMMAD(Kazi Mollah) (ca. 1793-1832): XXXI, 355-7
GELI_E,Sce Claude
GELLIUS,AULUS (b. ca. 130 A.D.). The Attic Nights: XXVI, 162, 212
GEMINUS(b. ca. 80 B.C.): VIII, 798
GENGHISKHAN (1162--1227): XX, 24; XXI, 140
GENOUDE,ANTOINEEUGgNE DE ( 1792-1849): I, 465
GENSONNI_,ARMAND(1758--93): XX, 102-3, 106-8
GEOFFREYOF MONMOUTH(1100?--54). The British Histo_: XI, 284
A Geographical, Statistical and CommercialAccount of the Russian Ports of the Black Sea,
the Sea of Asoph and the Danube: XXXI, 345-58 rev
GEORGE(St.) (d. 303 A.D.): X, 103; XIV, 440
GEORGEI (of England) (1660-1727): XI, 467
GEORGEII (of England) (1683-1760): XI, 467
GEORGEHI (of England) (1738-1820): VI, 371; XXI, 31; XXXI, 364
GEORGEIV (of England) (1762-1830): I, 387: VI, 371-2; IX, 160; XH, 27; XXI, 31;
XXII, 281,319; XXVI, 37,285
Sp_,ch from the Throne (3 Feb., 1825): VI, 70q, 71
Speech from the Throne (4 Feb., 1830): XXHI, 621
GEORGE,HENRY(1839--97): XVII, 1689. LETTERSTO: XVII, 1653-5, 1756-7
"The Chinese in California": XVII, 1654
GEORGEL,JEANFRANqOIS( 1731-- 1813 ). M_moires: XX, 79n, 108
GEORGET(French revolutionary): XX, 145
GgRARD,BALTHASAR(1558--84): IX, 461
G_-_, MAURICEETENNE, COMTE( 1773--1852): XII, 61; XXII, 203; XXIII, 516,743
GERGONNE,JOSEPHIZhEZ(1771-1859): I, 59 (58), 64n; XII, 11; XXVI, 131-43 passim,
145-253 passim
"Essai sur la thdorie des ddfmitions": XXVI, 173
(Duke of Dorset) (1767-I843): XXVII, 465
GERSON,LEVI BEN (1288-1344): IX, 400n-In q
186 Index of Persons and Works


GERVINUS,GEORGFRIEDmCH( 1805--71 ): XVI, 1357, 1391
GHIRLANDAIO,DOMENICO(1449--94): XIV, 283,481-3
GIBB, JAMES(Glasgow convict; ft. 1838): VI, 486
GIBBON, EDWARD(1737--94): IX, 482; XXV, 1136-7
-- The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: I, 11 (10), 437,438-9q, 457q, 554;
XI, 337n; XVI, 1474; XX, 134, 136, 264; XXI, 152q
-- "Memoirs of My Life and Writings": IX, 495-6q
GIBSON,THOMASMILNER( 1806--84 ). Speech on the Situation in America (22 Jan., 1863 ):
XV, 829, 885
-- Speech'on Registration of Publications (12 June; 1868): XXVIII, 287
GII_RA,PAUL(1816-61): XXXI, 337-40
GIFFORD,ROBERT(Baron) (1779-1826): XXI, 30
GILBERT,GEOFFREY(1674-1726 ). The Law of Evidence: XXXI, 7n, 41q, 83q
-- "Ode imit_ de plusieurs pseaumes": I, 494q
GILBERT,WILLIAM(1540--1603): VII, 498n
GILDAS(ca. 516--570 A.D. ). Opus novum: XX, 263
GLEES,JOSEPH(1832--1930). LETTERTO: XVII, 1829-30
GILL, GEORGE(surgeon; fl. 1860s-70s): XVI, 1471, 1476, 1481, 1484, 1488. LETTERTO:
XXXII, 230
GILLRAY(GILRAY), JAMES ( 1757-- 1815): XXXII, 35-6
-- The Apples and the Horse-Turds (cartoon): VI, 369q
GILPIN, BERNARD(1517--83). "A Sermon": XXX, 220q
GILPIN, CHARLES(1815--74): XVI, 1450, 1478; XXVIII, 171,272. LETTERTO: XVI,

-- Motion on the Capital Punishment within Prisons Bill (21 Apr., 1868): XXVIII,
266, 268-9, 271-2
GILPIN, WILLIAM(1724-1804). Remarks on Forest Scenery: XXVII, 595-7,599, 607
GINGUENI_,PIERRELOUIS (1748-1816): XXllI, 525
GIORGIONE( 1477-1510): XIV, 311
GIOTTO(Giotto di Bondone) (1267?-1337): XIV, 281, 411,475,478, 481
Gn,Ps, GEORGE(1791-1847): VI, 421-2, 425,432
-- "Extract of Minute of Proceedings [of Canada Commissioners] on Monday, 14
March 1836" (PP): VI, 427-8q, 431q
GIRARD,JULESAUGUSTINlb. 1825). "Hyp_ride": XV, 746.
Gervais - Gladstone 187

GIRARmN, EMILEDE (1806--81): XII, 309n; xm, 732; XV, 642; XX, 212n
GI_ULT-DuvlvmR, CHARLESPIERRE( 1765-- 1832). Grammaire des grammaires: I, 571;
XXVI, 33-5, 38, 40-1, 43, 48, 55-6, 60
GIVaaNG, MR. (builder; fl. 1860): XV, 662,666
GIRODDE L'AIN, LOUIS GASVARDAM_DI_E(1781--1847): Xll, 56, 57, 62; XXII, 190;
XXHI, 460-1
NE, THOMAS(1794--1852): VI, 212; X, 21; XII, 166
--Speech on Church Rates (21 Apr., 1834): VI, 212
GISQUET,HENm JOSEVH( 1792-- 1866): Ill, 773n-4n, 1016
Proclamation to the Inhabitants of Paris (2 Apr., 1832): XXIII, 441
GLADDING, ROBERT(bookseller; fl. 1866): XXIX. 489-90e, 493
GLADSTONE, CATHERINE (n6e Glynne; wife of William) (1812-1900): XVI, 1152
GLADSTONE, JOHN ( 1764-- 1851 ). Evidence on the Circulation of Promissory Notes (PP):
IV, 93q
GLADSTONE, WILLIAMEWART ( 1809-98): I, 103 (I02), 278-80; m. 809n, 815n, 871,
1044, 1062. 1073, 1093n; v, 462-75e. 586; XHI_ 416.442; xIv, 374; xv, 612, 630,
675-6, 678, 687,812,910, 917, 921; xvI, t002, 1061, 1170, 1177, 1221, 1244-5.
1269, 1294, 1331, 1335, 1355, 1366, 1368, 1408, 1422, 1433, 1440-1, 1450, 1458,
1463. 1465, 1478, 1483, 1485-6, 1488, 1493, 1495, 1497, 1502, 1511, 1514-15;
xvII, 1548n, 1588, 1595, 1712, 1724, 1732-3, 1767, 1829, 1917, 1927; xxv, 1209,
1219-20; xxvm, 42, 56-8, 71,89, 97-8,170-1,323,336.338,345-6,349,354-6,
360-1,363-9; xxxi, 168; xxxii, 165,195,198-9,230
LETTERSTO: XV, 632, 913-16; XVI, 1081-2, 1152, 1159, 1162, 1171, 1179-80,
1330; XVlI, 1615
-- The State in Its Relation with the Church: XlI1, 408.411
"Ward's Ideal of a Christian Church": XIII, 665

On the Financial Statement and the Budget (18 Apr.. 1853), PD, Vol. 125, cols.
1350-1425: XIV. 105
On the Financial Statement (6 Mar., 1854), PD, Vol. 131, COIN.399-404: XIV,
At Newcastle (7 Oct., 1862), The Times (8 Oct., 1862), 7: XV, 803
On the Customs and Inland Revenue Bill (4 May, 1863), PD, Vol. 170, cols.
1072-1102: XV, 892, 919
_On the Borough Franchise Bill (11 May, 1864): XXVIII, 58, 152, 356, 360, 365
In Manchester (14 Oct., 1864), The Times (15 Oct., 1864), 8: XV, 977
On the Church Establishment (Ireland) (28 Mar., 1865): XXVIII, 360, 366
At Chester (1 June, 1865): XXVIII, 22q
On the Habeas Corpus Suspension Bill, Ireland (17 Feb., 1866): XXVIII, 75
On the Representation of the People Bill (12 Mar., 1866): XXXlI, 165
On the Representation of the People Bill ( 12 Apr., 1866): XXVIII, 56
188 Index of Persons and Works

On the Budget (3 May, 1866), PD, Vol. 183, cols. 365-411: XVI, 1162, 1171
On Foreign Policy (20 July, 1866): XXVIII, 98
-- On the Representation of the People Bill ( 11 Apr., 1867): XXVIII, 145
_On the Established Church (Ireland) (7 May, 1867): XXVIII, 360, 366
On the Irish Church Establishment (23 Mar., 1868): XXVIII, 356, 366
On the Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections Bill (18 July, 1868):
On the Elementary Education Bill (18 Mar., 1870): XXIX, 382, 384
To a deputation urging recognition of the new French republic (28 Sept., 1870):
XVII, 1766
--On Real'Estate Intestacy (16 Feb., 1871): XXIX, 418
On Education at Liverpool College (23 Dec., 1872): XVII, 1930
GLAMORGAN, EARLOF. See Somerset, Edward
GLANVILLE,JOHN ( 1586--1661 ). Speech to Both Houses of Parliament (22 May, 1628):
I, 197 (196)
Glasgow Herald: XVl, 1455. LETTERTO: XXXll, 173
Account of JSM's Inaugural Address (2 Feb., 1867): XXXII, 173
GLAUCON(in Plato): XI, 396
GLEICHEN, BARONDE (ft. 1857): XVIII, 239
GLEN, WILLIAm(d. 1852): XlI, 103, 114, 119, 129, 135, 146-7, 156

GLENELG, LORD. See errant, Charles

GLENGALL, LORD. See Butler, Richard

GLENmE, GEORGE(d. 1845): XIlI, 665

GLENNIE, JOHN STUART. See Stuart-Glennie

Le Globe (Paris): XII, 71, 73, 88-94, 96, 106, 109; XXlII, 442-4, 446-7, 677, 696;
XXV, 1251-3, 1255, 1257
_ Leading article (13 Aug., 1830): XXII, 134, 148
_ Leading article on the Chamber of Deputies (17 Aug., 1830): XXII, 274
"S6ance d'avant-hier _ la cour des pairs" (24 Nov., 1830): XXIII, 696q
--"La eom6die de quinze ans" (22 Apr., 1831): XXIII, 696q
"Convocation" (20 Apr., 1832), 1: XI1, 108
The Globe and Traveller: I, 89 (88), 91 (90); VI, 337,359-60q; XII, 230, 240, 246,254,
256, 260, 276n, 278; XIII, 389; XXII, 213; XXIII, 526, 528; XXIV, 1008-9, 1030,
1033; XXXI1, 27
"Liberty of the Subject" (30 Sept., 1823): XXII, 79
Leading article on the Russian threat to India (10 Apr., 1828): XXIII, 665-6q
Leading article on the truck system ( 16 Dec., 1830): XXII, 213
Leading article on patronage of authors ( 16 June, 1831 ): XXII, 331
U_,adeA report (20 Sept., 1831 ): XXIII, 356
Gladstone - Godwin 189

_"French Papers" (27 Oct., 1831): xxm, 360-2q

--Leading article on French primary education (27 Oct., 1831): XXIII, 360q, 362q
Leading article on French affairs (24 Nov., 1831 ): XXIII, 365n q
--Leading articles on French affairs (23, 25, 29 Oct., 1832): XXIII, 526
Leading article on French Affairs (28 Mar., 1834): xxm, 698(1
"Poor Laws, British and Foreign" (22 June, 1835): XXIV, 776
Leading articles on the Municipal Corporations Bill (22 and 25 June, 1835): VI,
"Poor Law Report--Union of Parishes" (9 Sept., 1835): XXIV, 778
Leading articles on the House of Lords (29 Sept.-9 Oct., 1835): XXIV, 779-85
-- "Suicide at Waterloo-Bridge" (23 Oct., 1846): XXIV, 917q
Leading article on relief in Ireland ( 15 Dec., 1846): XXIV, 1008-9q, 1008-11
Leading article on Ireland (22 Dec., 1846): XXIV, 1016q
--Leading articles on waste lands in Ireland (5 and 6 Jan., 1847): XXIV, 1030-3q,
I.#.ading article in answer to the Morning Chronicle (7 Jan., 1847): XXIV, 1037-8
--Review of Fawcett' s pamphlet on proportional representation ( 11 Apr., 1860): XV,
HENRY'(Duke of) (1639-60): VI, 55
Iphigenia in Aulis: XX, 147
GLYDE,LAVINGTON (1823--90): XXXII, 127
GLYDE,MR. (farmer; fl. 1817): XII, 5
GLYN, GEORGEGRENFELL(Baron Wolverton) (1824-87): XVI, 1330, 1355-6, 1366,
1436; XVII, 1717
GLYNNE,JOHN (1603--66): VI, 50, 52
GODARD D'AucOUR DE SAINT-JUST, CLAUDE (1769--1826). Le calife de Bagdad: XXVI,
GODDU,ToussAncr H. (1793-1879). Letter to Lord Durham: VI, 453n-4n q
GODE_OY IV, DE BOUmLON(1060--1100): XXII, 258
GODERICH,LORD, _ Robinson,
GODKIN,EDWIN L.(1831-1902).LETTERTO:XVI, I055--6
"AristocraticOpinionsofDemocracy":XVI, I055
Letter from America: XV, 851
GODLEY,JOHN (witness; ft. 1825). Evidence on the State of Ireland (PP): VI, 96
GODLt_Y,JOHN ROBERT( 1814--61 ). Letters from America: II, 175-6q
GODWIN(Earl of Wessex) (d. 1053): XX, 25-6
GODWIN,P_[E (1816-1904): KV, 983. LETT_S TO: XVI, 1051-3; XVII, 1535
190 Index of Persons and Works

GoDwin, WILLIAM(1756--1836): X, 21, 170; XlI, 359; XXV, 1263

*ThingsAs TheyAre: I, 434n; VI, 359q; XX, 157, 299; XXI, 12q; XXII, 231;
xxm, 338, 455, 598, 644; XXV, l102q; XXVI, 359q, 371q, 383q; XXVHI. 34q;
XXXI, 59q
GOETHE,AUGUSTVON(1789-1830): XIV, 302
GOETHE,JOHANt_WOLFGANGYON (1749--1832): I, 161--3 (160--2), 169 (168), 171
(170), 260, 424, 474n, 475,477, 488; IX, 486n, 489; X, 92; XII, 105, 108,111-12,
118-19, 127, 173,303,342; XIII, 445,446,576,582; XIV, 302,360; XX, 184; XXI,
255; XXI]I, 426, 563; XXVII, 645-6, 651-2, 655
-- *Aus meinem Leben. Dichtung und Wahrheit: I. 324; XXVII, 655
-- *Egmont: XIII, 522
-- *Faust:,XII, 268, 342; XXXI, 365n
*Italienische Reise: XIV, 339, 344-6, 360, 368,375,393,405
*Die Leiden des jungen Werthers: VI, 366
*"Manfred, a Dramatic Poem by Lord Byron": Xl, 279q, 280
-- *"The Tale," trans. Carlyle: XII, 130
*Torquato Tasso: I, 346
-- *Versuch die Metamorphose der Pflanzen: VII, 523n
-- *West-i_stlischer Divan: XXVII, 645-6<t
-- *Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre: XX, 151q, 379: XXIII, 563q
-- *"Zeit und Zeitung": XXVI, 416q
GOEZMAN,L.V. (1730-94). Mdmoires: XII, 209
GOLDNI':Y,GABRtEL( 1813-- 1900). Speech on the Representation of the People Bill (4 July,
1867): XXVIII, 205
GOLDSMXD, FRANClSHESRY (1808--78). Motion on the Extradition Treaties Act Amend-
ment Bill (6 Aug., 1866): XXVIII, 119
GOLDSr.flTH,HUGHCOLVILL(1789--1841 ): XXVII, 626
GOLDSMITH,OLIVER(1728--74): I, 19 (18), 119 (118), 565; X, 114; XlI, 318; XX, 214;
XXII, 332; XXVI, 415
The Citizen of the World (Newbery. 1762): XVI, 1474
The Deserted Village: XXlV, 887q, 1006
The History of England: XX, 367
_ Poems: XVI, 1474
Retaliation: XXVIII, 73q
She Stoops to Conquer: VI, 365q
The Vicar ofWakefieM: XVI, 1475; XXIV, 1070
GOMMRE,JEAN REN_ (1745-1805): XX, 12
GOM_RZ, EUSE (n_.e yon Sichrovsky) (1848-1929): XVI, 1357; XVII, 1655
GOMI'ERZ,Pml.i_ ( 1782-1857): XXXII, 108
Godwin - Gordon 191

GOMPEI_Z,THEODOR(1832--1912): XV, 818-19,878; XVI, 1008; XXXH, 137. LETTERS

TO: XIV, 238-9; XV, 581,589, 739-40, 786, 854-5,858,861-3,865-6, 873-5,
953-4;XVI, 1196-7, 1356-7, 1374-5, 1391-2;XVII, 1615-16, 1655;XXXH, 90-1.
108-9 (XV, 539), 115 (XV, 569-70), 117 (XV, 613), 118-19 (XV, 621), 119-20
(XV, 625), 123-5, 131-3 (XV, 795-6), 133-5 (XV, 809), 136. 140 (XV, 862),
143 (XV, 882-3), 149-50 (XV, 944-5), 150 (XVI, 1040), 205 (XVII, 1583)
"Die angebliche Platonische Schulbibliothek und die Testamente der Philoso-
phen": XVI, 1392
_Die Apologie der Heilkunst: XXXII, 108
Griechische Denker: XV, 569, 809; XXXH, 108, 115
_Herkulanische Studien: XVI, 1040, 1196, 1357; XXXII, 152
-- *Philodemi Epicurei de ira liber: XV, 953-4; XXXII. 149
-- Review of new editions of Herodotus: XV, 581
Series of articles on the Hungarian question: XV, 739
--Traumdeutung undZauberei: (Vienna: Gerold's Sohn, 1866): XVI, 1392
-- "Zu den griechischen Tragikem": XV, 569; XXXH, 108, 115
"Zu Euripides": XV, 569; XXXII, 108, 115
--, ed. Gesammelte Werke of J.S. Mill (Leipzig: Fues, 1869-80): XVI, 1356-8,
1391-2; XVII, 1583, 1616; XXXII, 90, 119, 134,208
, trans. System der deductiven und inductwen Logik, by J.S. Mill (Vols. II-IV of
Gesammelte Werke): XIV, 238; XV, 809,818; XVI, 1356-7, 1374-5; XXXII, 90-1,
--, trans. Uber die Freiheit, by J.S. Mill (in Vol. I of Gesammelte Werke): XV, 589,
621,625,720, 739-40; XXXII, 119-20, 125
GONDRAN,M. (Captain of the Gardes Fran_aises; ft. 1789): XX, 157q
GoocH, THOMASSHERLOCK ( 1767-1851 ): XXII, 110, 281
GOOD,JOaN MASON(1764-1827). Letter to J.C. Hippisley: XXII, 67-8, 68q
Inquiry into the Causes Wtu'ch Have Retarded the Accumulation of Wealth and
Increase of Population in the Southern States: XV, 980-1
GOODMAN,GODFREY(Bishop of Gloucester) (1583-1656): VI, 39
GOODWIN,JOHN(d. 1869): XlV, 337-54 passim, 372,374, 378
GORI_N, CHARLES WILLIAM (1817--63): XV, 698
GORDON, EDWARDSTRATHEARN ( 1814-79). Speech on the Representation of the People,
Scotland (8 June, 1868): XXVIH, 282
GORDOr_,Fg_NCES (Lady William; n6e Ingram) (d. 1841): XXVII, 536, 548-9
GORDON,GEORGEHAMILTON(Earl of Aberdeen) ( 1784-1860): XIV. 60. 116, 192,320;
XVIII, 318,330; XXXI, 381
Speech on Foreign Affairs (20 July, 1849): XXV, 1143
GORDON,GEORGEWILLIAM( 1818-65): XXI, 422-35; XXVIII, 95, 118
192 Index of Persons and Works

GORDON,ROBERT(1786--1864). Speech on the Usury Laws Repeal Bill ( 15 Feb., 1826):

IV, 122-3q
GORDON,ROBERT(1791--1847): XXXlI, 40. LETTERTO: xxxgI, 42-3
GORDON, WILLIAM(Lord William) (1744-1823): XXVII, 534,536
GORE, ARTHUR (student; ft. 1854). LETTER TO: XiV, 145-6

(of Leontium) (ca. 480-380 B.C. ): XI, 85, 97-150 passim, 154, 394
GORING, GEORGE (1608--57): Vl, 44

GORmE, JOHN (1829-92): XXI, 426, 432

GOSCHEN,GEORGEJOACHIM(Viscount) (1831-1907): XVII, 1571; XXV, 1231-2
"Seven Per Cent": III, 652n

On the Representation of the People Bill, and the Redistribution of Seats Bill (3 l
May, 1866): XXVIII, 86
On Emigration of Paupers (4 Mar., 1869L PD, Vol. 194, col. 627: XVII, 1571
--At the Colston Dinner, Bristol (13 Nov., 1872): XXV, 1228, 1231-2
GOSFORD,LORD.See Acheson, Archibald
PARFAIT( 1795-- 1859), ALEXANDREDUMAS,et al. Richard Darling-
ton: I, 480
GOUDCHAUX,MICHEL(1797--1862). "EMposition de M. Goudchaux, _ titre de renseigne-
merit (25 juillet)": XX, 328
GOUGER,ROBERT( 1802--46): XXH. 272; xxm, 734; xxvIII, 16
GOULBURN,HENRY(1784--1856): VI, 358, 369; XXH, 111-13,268; XXXI, 361

On Unlawful Societies in Ireland ( 10 and 25 Feb., 1825): VI, 71q, 73-4q, 95q
On Roman Catholic Relief ( 19 and 21 Apr., 1825): VI, 83
On the Elective Franchise in Ireland (26 Apr., 1825): VI, 90
On Roman Catholic Clery (29 Apr., 1825): VI, 86
On Admission of the Dissenters to the Universities (20 June, 1834): VI, 260- I q
GOUm_AY, VINCENTDE (1712--59): XXH, 155
GOUTANT,MME (landlady; ft. 1853): XIV, 115
GOUVlON,JEANB^PTISTE(d. 1792): XX, 151-3
GOWAN,GEORGEEDWARD(of the EIC) (d. 1865): XKKII, 40
COWER. See Leveson-Gower
GRACCHUS,GAIUSSEMPRONIUS(153--122 B.C. ): V, 681; XXIII, 664; KXVI, 383
GRACE, STUART(clerk; ft. 1868). LETTERTO: XVI, 1396--7
P_ruvienne: XXVI, 250
GRAFTON,RICHARD(d. 1572). Grafton's Chronicle: XI, 284; XXIV, 870
GRAHAM,GEORGEJOHN(1801-88): I, 83 (82), 99 (98), 125 (124), 126n; VIII, 816n;
Gordon - Grant 193

XH, 16--17, 20, 79, 87; xm, 640,685; xvII, 1967; xxvII, 455-75 passim; XXXIl,
4, 14--16. LETTERSTO: XVI, 1286, 1296; XVII, 1602; XXXlI, 175
"Law Abuses": XXXH, 7
"Poor-Laws in Ireland": I, 601
GRAHAM,JAMES(Earl of Montrose) (1799-1874): VI, 36-7, 57n
GRAHAM,JAMESROBERTGEORGE(1792--1861): VI, 179, 185,243,344,472; XIV, 60,
116, 374; XV, 532; XXIH, 639, 641-2, 655; XXIV, 762
Corn and Currency: VI, 174, 184, 400

On Impressment (15 Aug., 1833): VI, 178; xxm, 600, 639,641,655

In Moving an Amendment on Impressment of Seamen (4 Mar., 1834): VI, 179-80
On the Corn Laws (6 Mar., 1834): VI, 184, 223
On the Trade of Coopers ( 13 Mar., 1834): Vl, 207
GRAHAM,JOHN (1792--1861). Speech on Maynooth College (17 Apr., 1845), PD, Vol.
79, cols. 914-29: XIII, 663
GRAHAM,THOMAS(1805--69). "Liquid Diffusion Applied to Analysis": VII, 474-5,475q
"Notice of the Singular Inflation of a Bladder": VII, 478
GRAHAM, WILLIAM (1817-85): XVII, 1682
Motion on the Representation of the People Bill (Scotland) (28 May, 1868):
Grammaire des Grammaires. See Girault-Duvivier
GRAMONT,ANTOINE, DUC DE (1604-78). Mdmoires: XX, 376
GRANDVILLE,AmSTIDE LOCQUETDE (1791--1853): xxm, 517
GRANT,MISS (Horace Grant's sister): XVI, 1044
GRANT, ALEXANDER(1826--84). "The Opium Revenues of India": XV, 909
Review of Bain's The Senses and the Intellect, Saturday Review, I ( 1 Dec., 1855),
84-5: XV, 631
GRANT, CHARLESI Lord Glenelg) (1778-1866): VI, 452n-3n, 456n; xm, 383n; XXV,
"Despatch . . to the Earl of Gosford" (22 May 1837): VI, 418q
Speech on Roman Catholic Relief (10 May, 1825): VI, 92
Speech on the Affairs of Canada (18 Jan., 1838): VI, 427-8q, 430n q, 433q
GRANT,HORACE(1800-59): XII, 17,279; XIII, 398; XlV, 388; XV, 614; XVII, 1990;
XXIV, 787; XXVII, 455-75 passim, 478-99 passim, 501-67 passim; XXKII,
12, 16, 27,241. LETTERSTO: XV, 601-2; XVII, 1965-7; XXXII, 44
_ Arithmetic for Young Children: VII, 257n; VIII, 1095n; XXIV, 785-7 rev
Exercises for the Improvement of the Senses: XXIV, 785-7 rev
Second Stage of Arithmetic: VII, 257n
GRAm, JAMES(1802--79). The Great Metropolis (Satmders and Otley, 1836): XVII, 1977
GRA/cr, JOHN PE'rm_ (1807-93): XXI, 429; XXVIII, 234; XXX, 120; XXXII, 214
Speech to the Legislative Council of Jamaica (16 Oct., 1866): XXI, 429-30
194 Index of Persons and Works

GRANT, OLIVER(fl. 1840): Xlll, 418

GRAN_, ULYSSES(1822--85): XVI, 1466, 1486
GRANT, WILLIAM(1752--1832): Xll, 112
GRANT, WmLIAM (d. 1865): XXI, 423; XXVIII, 95
GRANTDUFF, MOUNTSTOARTELPmNSTONE(1829--1906): XV, 607; XVI, 1148, 1296,
1298, 1404. LETTERSTO: XXXlI, 138, 180, 186-7, 192,203
Speech on the Representation of the People Bill (30 May, 1867): XXVIII, 186
GRANVILLE,EARL. See Leveson-Gower, Granville George
GRATrAN, HENRY (1746--1820): I, 317; XXI, 252
--Speech on Parliamentary Reform (15 May, 1797): VI, 340q; XXII, 236q
GRATTAN,THOMASCOLLEY(1792--1864). "Leopold and the Belgians": I, 606
GRAY, ASA (1810-88). LETTERTO: XV, 520
GRAY, JOHN (1816-75): XVI, 1274; XXXII, 183
--Lectures on the Nature and Use of Money: Ill, 562n q
GRAY, THOMAS(1716--71): XH, 336
*"The Bard": I, 19 (18), 565; VI, 257q
*An Elegy Wrote in a Country Church Yard: I, 19 (18), 565; XXI, 254
-- *"Letter to Dr. Wharton" (18 Oct., 1769): XXVII, 526q, 535
-- *Poems: XVI, 1474; XXI, 233
GRAY, WILLIAM(d. 1865): XXVIII, 94
Greek Anthology. See Anthologia graeca
GREELEY,HORACE( 1811-72): XVI, 1314
Editorial on women's suffrage, New York Daily Tribune: XVI, 1305
"Mill on Protection": XVII, 1840-1
GREEN, HENRY(of Bombay; ft. 1852). LE_R TO: XIV, 87-9
GREEN,M.S. (in the EIC army): XXXlI, 92
GREEN,WILLIAM( 1761-- 1823). A Description of Sixty Studies from Nature: XXVII, 526q
GREENE, ARTHURW. (ft. 1861). LETTERSTO: XV, 753-6, 758-9
GREENE,OCTAVIUS(of the EIC; ft. 1814-47): XXVI, 355
GREENE, THOr,IAS(1794--1872): V, 414e
GREENmLL-RUSSELL,ROBERT(ca. 1763-1836): XXVII, 484
GREENING,EDWARDOWEN (1836--1923): XXXlI, 188-9. LETTERSTO: XVI, 1166-7,
( 1830--1909): XXXII, 192
GREG, SAMURL(1804-76). Two Letters... on the Capabilities of the Factory System:
Grant- Grey 195

GREG, WILLIAMRATHBONE(1809--81): XIV, 126; XV, 587-8

GRgC,OIRE,HENRI (abb6) (1750-1831): XX, 177; XXII, 317
GREGORYI (St.; "the Great") (ca. 540-604 A.D.). Homilartum in Ezechielem pro-
phetam: XX, 23q
GREGOBYVII (Pope; "Hildebrand") (ca. 1025-85): VI, 82; X, 142; XIII, 602; XX, 224,
238-9, 242-3,246-7,249; XXIV, 819
GREGORYIX (Pope) (1145-1241): XX, 39
GREGORYXVI (Pope) (1765-1846): XXlII, 423,429
GREGORYOFTOURS(St.) (538-94 A.D.): XX, 23,223q
Historia septem dormientum: XXIV, 1002
GREGORY,JOHN(1724--73). A Comparative View of the State and Faculties of Man: XXII,
GREGORY, WILLIAM HENRY ( 1817-92); XVI, 1153
-- Speech on International Maritime Law (2 Mar., 1866): XXVIII, 224
GREGSON,JOHN(1806--79): XIV, 137, 145; XV, 678-80, 684, 687,726
GREGSON,ROBERTS. (JSM's solicitor; ft. 1870s): XVII, 193 l; XXXI, 328,337. LETTER
TO: XVII, 1877
GRENFELL,PASCOE(1761-1838): XXVII, 493
Speech on the Bank Charter, and Promissory Notes Acts ( 13 Feb., 1826): IV. 118q
de France: XXXI, 284, 286,294, 299-300, 303-5,313
Buckingham and Chandos) (1797-1861 ). Speech on Agricultural Distress (21 Feb.,
1834): VI, 171
CHANDOS( 1st Duke of Buckingham and
Chandos) (1776-1839): XXVI, 408
Speech on Church Temporalities (Ireland) (17 July, 1833): XXIII, 608
Essay on the Supposed Advantages of a Sinking Fund: XXIV, 765-6
Speech on Fox's East India Bill (21 Nov., 1783): XXV, l161q
GRESSET,JEAN BAFrlSTE LOUIS(1709--77). Le m_chant: XIX, 349q
GREY,CHARLES(2nd Earl Grey) ( 1764-1845 ): I, 179 (178 ); VI, 221,224, 251-2,263-5,
274, 285,292, 316, 339,344-5,347,379, 412, 467,480; XII, 241; XX. 329; XXII.
320; xxm, 508,588,620; XXV, 1103; XXVII, 574; XXXI, 386
Latter to Lord Ebrington (31 May, 1834): VI, 252q, 343q; XII1, 480q
"Secondary Punishments--Transportation": VI, 258

On a Petition from the Society of the Friends of the People (6 May, 1793): XXVI,
264, 272-3
196 lndex of Persons and Works

[GREY, C.]
-- On the Corn Laws ( I May, 1826): VI, 174q, 400q
--On Parliamentary Reform (3 Oct., 1831): XXIH, 588q; XXIV, 800q
-- On Church Temporalities (Ireland) (17 July, 1833): XXIII, 608q
On the Dissenters (3 Mar., 1834): VI, 195
-- In Presenting the Cambridge University Petition (21 Mar., 1834): VI, 196
--On the Church of Ireland (6 June, 1834): VI, 252-3,264q
On Suppression of Disturbances (Ireland) (4 July, 1834): VI. 262
GREY, CHARLESEDWARD(1785-1865): VI, 421-2,425
"A Minute Delivered to the Secretary by Sir Charles Grey" (PP): VI, 432
Remar_ on the Proceedings as to Canada, in the Present Session of Parliament:
VI, 405-35 rev
GREY, F__WARD(Bishop of Hereford) (1782-1837). Speech on Jewish Civil Disabilities
(9 June, 1834): VI, 251q
GREY, GEORGE (1799--1882): V, 432; XV, 775; XXXH, 60. LETTER TO: XlV,
-- Speech on the State of the Mauritius (15 Feb., 1836): VI, 326
Statement on the Inclosure of Hainault Forest (25 Apr., 1866): XXVIH, 74
GREY, GEORGEEDWARD(1812--98): XVH, 1686
GREY, HENRYGEORGE(Lord Howick, later 3rd Earl Grey) ( 1802-94): I, 131 (130); VI,
207,209-10, 344,474; xm, 528; xIv, 32, 161,320, 409; xv, 584-8,668-9,672,
697, 699; XVII, 1968-9; XXII, 271; XXV, 1142; XXVI, 359. LETTERSTO: XV,
939-42; XVI, 1169-70
--Parliamentary Government Considered (Bentley, 1858): XIV, 161; XV, 939-40,

-- At Newcastle (11 Apr., 1826): XXVI, 359

--on Emigration (22 Feb., 1831): XXII, 271
on the Corn Laws (7 Mar., 1834): VI, 186
--on the Dorsetshire Labourers (18 Apr., 1834): VI, 207-10, 212; XXIH, 705q
On the Sale of Beer (23 Apr., 1834): VI, 212-13
In Moving an Amendment to the Sale of Beer Act (16 May, 1834): VI, 233
--On the Ballot (2 June, 1835): VI, 299; XXIV, 798
On the Public Distress (7 July, 1842): XIIL 528
GREY, MARIA GEORGINA (1816--1906): XVII, 1856
GREY, WILLIAMDE (Baron Walsingham) (1719-81 ): XXXI, 40q
GREY, ZACItAgY(1688-1766). Critical, Historical and Explanatory Notes on Shakspeare:
XI, 285n q
GRIFFIN,DANIEL(ca. 1801-63). An Enquiry into the Mortality Occurring among the Poor
of the City of Limerick: XXIV, 828n q
Grey - Grote 197




GRIFFITH,RICHARDJOHN ( 1784-- 1878). "Return of the Probable Extent of Waste Lands in

Each County in Ireland" (PP): Ill, 997-8; XXIV, 963-4q, 996; XXVIH, 253
GRIMM,FRIEDRICHMELCHIOR,BARONVON (1723--1807). Correspondance littdraire,
philosophique et critique: I, 110
GROOT,HUGODE (Grotius) (1583-1645). The Jurisprudence of Holland: XXVI, 387
GROSE,FRANCIS( 1731 ?--91 ): XII, 362
GROSSER,JULIUS (German publisher; I"1.1860s): XVI, 1357. LETTER TO: XVI, 1358
GROSVENOR,HUGH LUPUS (4th Earl Grosvenor, later 3rd Marquis, then 1st Duke of
Westminster) (1825-99): XXVIR, 145
Motion on the Representation of the People Bill ( 12 Apr., 1866): XXVIII, 56-7,
GROSVENOR,RICHARD(3rd Earl Grosvenor, later 2nd Marquis of Westminster) (1795-
1869): V, 453n
Speech on Jewish Civil Disabilities (9 June. 1834): VI. 251
GROSVENOR,ROBERT (2nd Earl Grosvenor, later 1st Marquis of Westminster) (1767-
1845): XXlII, 613,614
GROSVENOR,ROBERTWELLESLEY(1834--1918): XVI, 1006, 1050, 1059, 1067, 1072-3,
1075; XXV. 1212; XXVIII, 40, 54, 90, 320. 324-5. 329,340. 344, 347
-- Speech on the Representation of the People Bill (12 Mar., 1866): XXVIII, 54-5
GROTE,GEORGE(1762--1830): I, 75 (74)
GROTE,GEORGE(1794--1871): I, 72, 75--7 (74--6). 91 (90), 93 (92), 101 (100), 110, 123
(122), 125 (124), 134, 166n, 203 (202-4), 287,567, 626; VI, 314n, 346.434; XH,
13-14, 20, 95, 134, 165, 170-1, 201, 234, 242, 246. 256. 273, 274-5, 293, 300,
324-5, 327,345,365; XIII, 370, 373,377,400, 453,523,542, 572-3,633-4, 636,
638,656-7, 664, 666, 671-2, 678-80, 682, 691-4, 696, 709. 714; XlV, 109, 123,
133,140, 221,236,407,409,453; XV, 505,583,592,670,734, 746, 816, 818,833,
855,858,863,866,874-5,878,880; XVI, 1000, 1008, 1312, 1375; XVII, 1573. 1602,
1872-3, 1878, 1913-14, 1975; XXIII, 734; XXIV, 867-75, 1084-8; XXV, 1121-34,
1157-64; XXXl, 100, 103; XXXII, 136, 142, 152, 205
LETTERSTO:XH, 14-15; XIII, 679,690; XlV, 3; XV, 577-8,761-4,779-81; XVI,
1010, 1015, 1067-9, 1095-7, 1115-16, 1120-1, 1144-5, 1t60, 1209-11, 1219-20,
1222-3, 1259-60, 1297, 1501-2, 1526-7, 1533; XXXlI, 1-7,147
("Philip Beauchamp"). *Analysis of the Influence of Natural Religion, on the
Temporal Happiness of Mankind: I, 73 (72), 579; X, 406,413
.Aristotle: I, 627; Xl, 475-510 rev, 478q, 489q, 492-4q, 496-501n q, 508q, 509q;
XVI, 1223; XVII, 1873, 1889, 1902, 1908, 1910, 1913-14, 1925
Essentials of Parliamemary Reform (Baldwin and Cradock, 1831 ): XII, 170
- "Grecian Legends and Early History": Xl, 279-81q, 286-7q
- *A History of Greece: I, 99 (98), 202; HI, 1045; VIII, 942; XI, 273-305 rev,
274q, 275n q, 277-8q, 284-5q, 287q, 292-3q, 296-303q, 309-37 rev. 311q,
198 Index of Persons and Works

316-20q, 325-6q, 334-6q, 377-8,383,388,510; XIII, 690, 699; XIV, 3, 104; XV,
511,839; XVI, 1474; XVII, 2003; XIX, 411 ; XXIV, 867-75 rev, 872-5q, 1084-8 rev,
1085q; XXV, 1121-34 rev, 1123-33q, 1157-64 rev
-- "'Institutions of Ancient Greece": I, 99 (98)
"John Stuart Mill on the Philosophy of Sir William Hamilton": IX, cv, 58n,
400n-ln q, 491n-2n q, 497n-8n q; XVI, 1120, 1144, 1334; XXXI, 100
--Notes to JM'sAnalysis: XVI, 1501, 1512, 1526, 1533, 1565, 1578, 1583; XXXI,
. *Plato and the Other Companions ofSokrates: XI, 377-440 rev, 380n q. 381-2q,
389-90q, 392-3q, 410-15q, 423-5q, 427-3 lq, 433-4q, 500n- In, 510; XV, 639,645,
763-4, 781, 818, 954, 959, 972; XVI, 1010, 1040, 1061, 1067-8, 1083, 1095,
1115-16, 1120, 1160, 1211, 1226, 1391-2, 1414; XVII, 1586; XXXII, 152
"Psychology of Aristotle": XI, 476-7,502, 504
-- Statement of the Question of Parliamentary Reform: I, 75 (74)
_, and JOHN STUARTIVIILL."Taylor's Statesman": I, 424n; XII, 334

On the Suppression of Disturbances (Ireland) (27 Feb., 1833): I, 202-4

On the Ballot (25 Apr., 1833): I, 202
On the Ballot (2 June, 1835): VI, 301,313
At a Reform Dinner (23 Jan., 1837): XII, 324
On the Affairs of Canada (16 Jan., 1838): I, 204; VI, 434
On the Affairs of Canada (23 Jan., 1838): VI, 434
On the Affairs of Canada (29 Jan., 1838): I, 204
GROTE,HARRIET(1792--1878): XII, 20, 95,287; XI]I, 377,453-4, 523,572,672; XIV,
123, 133; XV, 875; XVI, 1015, 1096, 1120; XVII, 1590, 1836, 1867; XXXII, 147.
LETTERSTO: XII, 14-15; XIII, 699; XV, 734, 863,879-80; XVI, 1000; XVII. 1878;
XXXII, 1-7
*Personal Life of George Grote (Murray, 1873): XVH, 1878
GROTE, JOHN ( 1813--66 ). *An Examination of the Utilitarian Philosophy (Cambridge:
Deighton, et al., 1870): XVII, 1875
*Exploratio Philosophica: VII, 63n; XVI, 1095
GROTE,MARY SELINA(niCe Peckwell; George Grote's mother): I, 75 (74)
GROVE,WILLIAMROBERT( 1811--96). *On the Correlation of PhysicalForces: VII, 333n;
VIII, l120n-2n
GUADET,JOSEPH(1795--1881 ). De la representation nationale en France (Paris: Dentu,
1863): XV, 952
GUAI)ET, MARGUERrrEELIE (1758--94): XX, 102-3, 105-8
, et al. "Lettre 6crite au citoyen Boze, par Guadet, Vergniaud et CJensonn6": XX,
"GUARD, Trr_ot>o_ DE LA." See Ward, Nathaniel
Guardian. Review of On Liberty: XV, 639
Grote - Guizot 199

Review of Bain's The Emotions and the Will: XV, 639

DOMENICO(1804-73). XIV, 281
(1787--1866): VI, 389q; XXH, 127, 163-8, 177,215,223. 225-6; xxm, 373
Discours d'installation comme procureur-g6n6ral de Lyon (26 Oct., 1829): XXII,
GUI_ROULT,AIX)LPHE(1810--72): XV, 932
GUERRY,ANDRI_MICHEL(1802--66). Essai sur la statistique morale de la France (Paris:
Crochard, 1833): XIV, 5
-- Statistique morale de l'Angleterre comparde avec celle de la France (Paris:
Bailli_re, 1864): XIV, 5
GUGENMUS,STEFAN(1740--78): XXIV, 976
GUGY, LOUIS (1770-1840): VI, 426
(Carlist leader; ft. 1837): XXXI, 369
GmBERT(Abbot of Nogent) (1053-1124): XX, 31q
L'historia d'Italia: VI, 352
Opere inedite, 10 vols. (Florence: Passigli, et al., 1857-67): XV, 533-4
The Guzcle: XIII, 614
GUIDO(of Siena) (ft. ca. 1221): I, 352n
GUIDORENI (1575--1642): XIV, 300-1,312-13; XXII, 332
GUILBERT, ARISTIDEMATHIEU( 1804-63): XIl, 244,276,343,348; XVII, 1959. LETTERS
TO:XII, 247,254-7,260-3,268-70, 279-83,285-7,289-90,310-11,337-8,349;
XVlI, 1962
GUtLLAUME(ft. 1258): XX, 32
GUmLAUME,EMILE(ft. 1840S): XIR, 568
GUn.LAUMEDE NOGARET(d. 1313): XX, 244
GUILLAUMIN,GmBERT URBAIN (1801--64): XIV, 84, 100, 143; XV, 580, 685, 689;
XXXII, 126. LETTERSTO:XlV, 97-8; XXXH, 128-9
, and CHARLESCOQUELIN(1802-52), eds. Dictionnaire de l'dconomie politique
(Paris: Guillaumin, 1851-53): XIV, 98
GUILLAUMIN, MLLE (daughter of Gilbert Urbam Guillaumin): XXXII, 129. LETTERTO:
XXXII, 234-5
GUmL_MOT,HERCUmSGILBERTMARIE (publisher; ft. 1834): xxm, 733
GUIUAm), AUGUSTE(1799--1874): XX, 128; XXII, 302--3; XXlII, 683; XXV, 1248
GUmOT, ELlS^BETH SOPHIE(n6e Bonieel) (1764-1848): XIII, 654
GumoT, Fl_N(_:OiSPtERmSGOILLAUmS(1787--1874): I, 128; X, 92; XII, 61,164; XllI,
200 Index of Persons and Works

407,433,438-9,442,452,472,509, 511,518,639, 651,653--4,683, 714, 731; XVII,
1581, 1778-9; SIX, 608; XX, 134n, 185,188, 190, 192-3,227-31,259-94 (367-93)
passim, 301-2; XXlI, 136, 144,160, 203-4,235,237,288; XXHI, 448,512-13,515,
520, 522, 531; XXIV, 844
-- *Cours d'histoire moderne: X, 39-40q, 140n; XII, 259,264, 267,270-1,280,
284; XIII, 407,427,431,434, 454-5,457,519,618,683; XVIII, 94, 197; XX, 186,
228-31, 257-94 (367-93) rev. 267q (392q), 268q (381-2q), 271-3q, 275-88q,
(385-9q), 293-4q, 375-8q, 381q, 389-92q; XXRI, 513
De la ddmocratie en France. (Janvier 1849): XIV, 5, 7; XX, 328n-9n q
Despatch to Metternich on the Incorporation of Cracow (3 Dec., 1846): XXI, 348
-- *"Du r6gime municipal clans l'empire romain, an cinqui6me si6cle de l'6re
chr6tienne":'I, 436; X, 140n
. *Essaissurl'histoiredeFrance:XIII, 519;XX, 136, 186,227,229,257-94 rev,
263-4q, 266q, 291-3q, 371; XXIII, 513
_ Histoire de la rdvolution d'Angleterre: XX, 187,221,227; XXIII, 513
_, ed. Collection des radmoires relatifs d la rdvolution d'Angleterre: XX, 221

On the State of France (13 Sept., 1830): XXII, 144

On the Press (8 Nov., 1830): XXlI, 204
On the Public Disorders and Good Government (19 Feb., 1831 ): XXIII, 519
GuIZOT, MARGUmUTEANna_e ELmE (n_e Dillon) (1804-33): XXlI, 160
GugooN, JOHN (co-operator; ft. 1860s). Account of an experiment in agricultural
co-operatiou: XVI, 1161
"Agricultural Co-operators": XVI, 1161
GURNEY, HENRYCECIL (1819?--79): XIV, 116, 127-9, 133, 135, 146, 156, 160, 168,
170; XV, 573-4, 582, 624; XVI, 1271. LETTERSTO: XIV, 204; XV, 571-2, 575-6
G_Y, HtmsoN ( 1775-1864). Speech on the Bank Charter, and Promissory Notes Acts
(13 Feb., 1826): II, l14n, l17q
GUI_EY, MR. (minister; ft. 1872): XVII, 1877, 1931
Gu_EY, RUSSELL(1804--78): XVII, 1678; XXVIII, 284--5
Speech on the Disturbances in Jamaica (31 July, 1866): XXVIII, 118
GUI_EY, SAMUEL(1816--82). Evidence on the Bank of England Charter (PP): IV, 351
Guaowsga, ADXM(1805--66): XXXII, 163. LETTERTO: XVI, 1113-14
_Diary: XVI, 1113-14,1138;XXXH, 163
GURWOOD, JOHN (1790-1845),ed.Dispatches
oftheDuke ofWellington:
XVH, 1973
XIV, 361;XXXl, 295,297,
GUSTAVUSADOLPHUS(Gustavus II of Sweden) (1594-1632): VI, 404; SIX, 437
LouIS BERNARD(1737-1816): VIII, 704; XX, 12
Guizot - Halley 201

JEANNE.See Laisn_, Jeanne
HACKET,PETER(Glasgow convict; ft. 1838): VI, 486; XVIII, 112
HADFIELD,GEORGE(1787--1879): I, 276
HADmEN(Publius Aelius Hadrianus) (76-138 A.D. ). "Address to His Soul": X, 427
HAGUE,JOHN(engineer; ft. 1820s): XXV, 1263
HAJI. See Taylor, Algernon
HALDtMAND,WILLIAM(1784--1862). Evidence on the Expediency of the Bank Resuming
Cash Payments (PP): IV, 85q
HALE,MATTHEW(1609--76): XXH, 71
An Analysis of the Law: XXI, 194
Historia placitorum coronae: VI, 33
Judgment in the Case of K. v. Taylor, 1676: XXU, 7q
HALE, WmLIXM(manufacturer; ft. 1826). Evidence on the Silk Trade (PP): IV, 133q
HALES,JOHN(b. 1839). LETTERTO:XVII, 1821-2
HALI_VY,LI_ON(1802--83): XII, 35
HALL,MISS(daughter of Robert and Agnes Hall): xm, 723
HALL,AGNESCROMBIE(1777--1846): xm, 723
HALL, ANNA MARIA(1800--81). "Heads of the People": XHI, 402,403
The Juvenile Budget: I, 606
HALL, BASIL(1788--1844): XXII, 168-9, 172-80
Notice on democracy: XII, 310
HALL, BENJAMIN(Baron Llanover) (1802-67): XXIX, 444,461,531
HALL,DICK(d. 1865): XXVIII, 94
HALL, HENRY(1789--1875): XXX, 153

HALL,HERBERTBYNG (1805--83). Spain: XXXI, 372

HALL,JAMES(1761--1832): VII, 389
HALL, JOSEPH(Bishop of Norwich) (1574-1656): VI, 39
HALL, ROBERT(1763--1824): sin, 723
HALL,ROBERT(1764--1831): XII, 258; XXII, 16

HALL, THOMASJAMES(1788--1876): XXVIII, 116

HALLAM,HENRY(1777-1859). The Constitutional History of England: XXI, 227; XXII,
View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages: XVI, 1474; XX, 34, 38n, 40q,
HALLEY,MR. (shopkeeper; fl. 1860): XV, 679
202 Index of Persons and Works

HALLIDAY,CHARLES(b. 1822): XXV, 1184-5

HALSTED,MRS. M.C. (ft. 1871). LETTERTO:XVII, 1800
HAmLCARBARCA(d. 229 B.C.): XIV, 361
HAMILTON,ALEXANDER(1757--1804): XV, 966; XVI, 1176, 1187
, with JorlN JAY( 1817-94) and JAMESMADISON( 1740/1-- 1836). *The Federalist:
XIX, 555,558
HAMIL'rON,CHARLES(1753?--92). *The Heddya or Guide: XVIII, 255-6q
HAMILTON, CL^UO (Lord Claud) (1813-84). Speech on Conventual and Monastic
Institutions (28 Feb., 1854): XIV, 175; XXVII, 658
HAMIt.TOr_,EHZABETri ( 1758-- 1816). The Cottagers of Glenburnie: VI, 364
HAMILTON,JAMBS(Marquis of) (1606-49): VI, 26, 36, 53
HAUaLTON, JA_n_S (1769-1829). History, Principles, Practice and Results of the
Hamiltonian System: I, 123 (126)
HA_LrON, JOHN CHURCH(1792-1882): XV, 966
HAMILTON,MAY Mol_as (granddaughter of Alexander Hamilton): XVI, 1176, 1187
HAMILTON,THOMAS(1789--1842). Men andManners in America: XVIII, 97,108, 110q
The Youth and Manhood of Cyril Thornton: XVIll, 97, 110
HA_LrON, WILLIAM(Earl of Lanark, later Duke of Hamilton) ( 1616-51 ): VI, 36, 50-2
HA_LTON, WILLIAM(1788--1856): I, 268--71; VII, 63n, 206, 277-8; X, 267,444; XI,
342-3,477,501n; XII, 173; xm, 528; xv, 520, 746, 752, 763,816-17,837. 839,
901-2, 927, 934, 936, 972; XVl, 1096, 1223; XVII, 1613, 1863, 2004; XXI, 243;
xxxI, 117, 150; XXXH, 207
"Contribution towards a History of the Doctrine of Mental Suggestion of
Association": XI, 495-6q
Discussions on Philosophy and Literature, Education and University Reform: I,
269; VII, 18n q, 59q, 59n-60n q, 160n, 170n q, 17In, 172-3q, 251n q, 276q; IX, 4,
13q, 18-20q, 29n q, 34-44q, 51-62qpassim. 66q, 76n-7n q, 79q, 91q, 94q, l13q,
l16q, 136q, 154-5q, 157q, 161,163-4q, 168-9q, 174n, 259-60q, 290n q, 316n, 321q,
348n, 350q, 352,395-6q, 396n q, 40In q, 416n, 418q, 420q, 421n, 424q, 428,438n,
442-3q, 444n, 463n q, 470-87qpassim, 492n, 496n, 498n q; XI, 426
"Dissertations on Reid": I, 269; IX, 3, 13-16q, 18q, 21q, 22, 26-8q, 29-30, 33n
q, 61q, 63n q, 65n q, 76q, 79, 80q, 113-14q, l17q, l18n q, 123n q, 129n q, 131,
132-4<1, 136q, 138-9q, 142q, 153n q, 155-6q, 168, 172-5q, 214n q, 216n, 219-20q,
234-5q, 237-9q, 251n, 255n q, 296n q, 31 In q, 334, 362n q, 422n, 423n-4n q, 437,
447q; XXXl, 121,155
"Distinction of the Primary and Secondary Qualifies of Body": Vii, 503n-4n q
• "'Foot-notes to Reid": IX, 21-2q, 26n q, 29-30, 76n, l12n q, 129n q, 138n q,
172-3q, 236n q, 302q, 307n, 322-3q, 356n, 373q, 421nq, 424q, 442-4q, 448,463n q,
Halliday - Hansard 203

_Lectures on Metaphysics andLogic: I, 268-9; VII, 15n q, 17In, 355-6q; VIH,

817; IX, cvii, 3, 16-24q, 30n, 31q, 48q, 61-2q, 65q, 76-84q, 86n, 89, 110-76q
passim, 188-9q, 193q, 223-4q, 228-30q, 251-4q, 256q, 260q, 272-97q passim,
302-38q passim, 342-69q passim, 372-85q passim, 391-3q, 399n-448q passtm,
464q, 473n, 481, 486-503q passim; X, 296n; XV, 519, 900; XVl, 1323; XXXI,
117-18, 193-6q
"Notes to [Whewell's] Letter": IX, 477
"On the Philosophy of the Unconditioned; in Reference to Cousin's Infinito-
Absolute": VII, 60n; VIII, 734n q
"Study of Mathematics--University of Cambridge": IX, 470-1,477,482; XVIII,
142n; XXI, 236
, ed. Works of Dugald Stewart: XXXII, 19-20
HAMILTON,WILLIAM(b. ca. 1826): XXV, 1141
HAMMET,JAMES(Dorsetshire labourer; fl. 1834): VI, 207
HAMMOND,ANTHONY( 1758-- 1838): XXXII, 1-2
HAMMOND,EDMUND (later Lord Hammond) (1802-90): XXIX, 542-8e, 561-3e;
XXXII, 93, 98
HAMMOND,ROBERT(1621--54): Vl, 51
HAMPDEN,EDMUND(ft. 1627): VI, 16
HAMPDEN,JOHN(1594--1643): Vl, 23, 40--2, 47,415n, 417; XX, 121, 136; XXII, 281;
XXVI, 409n, 447
HAMPDEN,RENN DICKSON(1793--1868): XII, 302
JOHN (Viscount Hampden) (1749-1824): XXVlI, 485
HANCOCK,WILLIAM NEILSON (1820--88). Impediments to the Prosperi_ of Ireland:
V, 683n
Handbook for Travellers in France (Murray, 1848): XlV, 115, 211,214, 218,222,224,
228,252, 284
Handbook for Travellers in Greece (Murray, 1854): XIV, 401,412-13,415,424, 478,
482; XV, 509
Handbook for Travellers in Northern Italy (Murray, 1853): XIV, 478,482
Handbook for Travellers in Southern Italy (Murray, 1853); XIV, 309, 315,325-8
(1685--1759): XXl, 255
HANDLEY,BENJAMIn (ft. 1834). Speech on Poor Laws' Amendment (16 June, 1834):
Vl, 252q
HANKEY,FREDERICK( 1774-- 1855): XIV, 418
I'IANKEY,THOMSON(1805--93): V, 534--9e
HANNAH,JOHN (1818--88): XXI, 355-6e
HANNmAL(ca. 249-183 B.C.): XV, 854
HANS_,D, THOMASCURSON( 1813--91 ): XVI, 1277
204 Index of Persons and Works

Hansard's Parliamentary Debates: I, 121 (120)

HANSON,RICMA_ DAVIES(1805-76). The Jesus of History: XVII, 1610
HANSON,WILLIAM(of Reigate; ft. 1850s): XXXI, 270
HANW^Y,JONAS( 1712--86). An Historical Account of the British Trade over the Caspian
Sea: XXXI, 353q
HTd'SnURGS:XVI, 1197
HAReORD,EDWARD(Baron Suffield) (1781-1835). Considerations on the Game Laws:
VI, 99-120 rev, 103-4q, 109-10q
-- Speech on the Game Laws (20 Feb., 1824): VI, 108q
Lette_ to the editor concerning the A/abama and other ships (4 Nov., 1863), The
Times (7 Nov., 1863), 7: XV, 910, 929
HARDENBERG, FmEDRICHLEOPOLDVON("Novalis") ( 1772-1801 ): VIII, 843q; X, 214q,
336q, 407-8
--Novalis Schriften: Xl, 466q; XIV, 272
HARDENBERG,KARL AUGUST YON, PRINCE(1750--1822): II, 329; III, 995; VI, 515;
XXIII, 728; XXIV, 1080-1
-- Hardenbergs Verffassungsentwurf fiir Preuszen vom 3 Mai 1819: XXIV, 1081
HARDINGE,HENRY(Viscount) (1785-1856): XIII, 681; XXXI, 362,368
-- Speech on the Affairs of Spain (17 Apr., 1837): XXXI, 362q, 367-8
HARDINGE,WILLIAMHENRY (of the Royal Irish Academy; fl. 1865): III, 1075
HARDOUIN(b. ca. 1789): XXII, 302; XXII1, 407
HARDWICKE,LORD. See Yorke, Philip
HARDY,ALFRED(1813--70): XV, 680; XVII, 2014
HARDY, ARTHUR(1817--1909): XIV, 136; XV, 510, 680. LETTERSTO: XV, 503--4,
510--12, 581--2, 619--20
( 1851-- 1934). LETTER
TO: XVll, 2014.
HARDY EDWARD(HTM's brother): XII, 188-9; XVII, 2014
HARDY GATHORNE.See Gathome-Hardy, Gathorne
HARDY.HARRIET(HTM's mother): XIV, 262; XV, 680
HARDY.JOHNBRAITHWAITE (of the EIC army; ft. 1857): XXXII, 107
HARDY THOMAS(1752--1832): XXV, 1262
HARDY.THOMAS(ca. 1775-1849): XH, 229; XV, 678-9; XVH, 1641
HARDY,WILLIAM(1807--87): XV, 671
TO: XVSI, 1727, 1735-6
HARDYNG,JOaN (1378-1465). The Chronicle of Ion Hardying: XI, 284; XXlV, 870
HAIu:., AUGUSTUSWILLIAM.See under Hare, Julius Charles
HARE, JULIUSCHARLES(1795--1855): XIII, 726; XIV, 318
Hansard' s - Hare 205

*"Memoir of John Sterling": I, 159 (158); XIV, 23

_ , ¢xl. *Essays and Tales, by John Sterling: XIII, 726
_, et al., trans. History of Rome, by Barthold Georg Niebuhr: I, 17 (16), 526, 531,
584; XI, 276-7,304, 328,330; XX, 219, 232; XXIII, 663; XXIV, 869, 1086; XXVII,
_, and AUGUSTUSWILLIAMHARE(1795-1855), Guesses at Truth: I, 424n
HARE, KArrmmNE (daughter of Thomas Hare): XV, 919,970; XVI, 1140, 1260, 1342;
XVlI, 1698, 1825, 1850-2, 1856; XXXlI, 182-3
HARE,T_tOMAS(1806-91): XV, 594. 630, 632, 654,672-3,675,678,680,682-3,686,
689, 698-9, 702, 706, 766, 777, 787-8, 844, 877, 891-2, 905,940-2, 952, 954-5,
966, 973--4; XVI, 997-9, 1013, 1030-1, 1039, 1042, 1048, 1052-3, 1063, 1106,
1129, 1131, 1142, 1169, 1249, 1278, 1290, 1301, 1314, 1420, 1508;XVlI, 1818, 1823,
1825, 1850, 1852; XXV, 1208; XXVIII, 181,186; XXlX, 409-11 passim, 477-85e;
XXXII, 118, 127, 159,233
LETTERS TO:XV, 598--9, 605--6, 612--13, 618--21, 626--7, 632--5, 642--3, 653--4,
665--6, 668--9, 693--8, 702, 717, 730, 779, 799--800, 825--6, 918--19, 969--70; XVl,
990-1, 1020-1, 1060-1, 1132, 1138-40, 1162, 1214-16, 1243-4. 1253, 1256-7,
1260, 1267, 1273, 1341-2, 1372; XVII, 1628-9, 1729-30; XXXII, 196
"An Appeal in the Metropolitan Constituencies for a Larger Choice": XVI, 1020
-- "Corrupt and Pernicious Influences at Elections". XXVIII, 12-13; XXIX, 477-8
-- "The Election of Representative or Governing Bodies by Exhaustive Majorities":
XV, 779q, 787
Evidence on Metropolitan Local Government (PP): XXIX, 422
"A Grouping of Parliamentary Electors": XVl. 1215
"Ideal of a Local Government for the Metropolis": XXI-X, 477-8, 483-4
"Individual Responsibility in Representative Government": XVI, 1139
"The l.and Tenure Question": XV, 9t9
"Minorities, Cumulative Voting and Personal Representation": XVl. 1260
On an Organization of the Metropolitan Elections: XXV, 1208
"On the Application of a New Statistical Method to the Ascertainment of the Votes
of Majorities": XV, 717
"On the Mode of Electing Representatives in Parliament and Municipalities": XV,
626, 634, 653
"On the Suggestions Afforded by the Application of the Cumulative Vote, and by
the Other Incidents of the School Board Elections": XXIX, 409-11 passim
- "The Reform Bill": XV, 693
"The Reforms of the Future": XV, 919
"Representation in Practice and Theory": XV, 653,664-5,667,777
"Representation of Every Locality and Intelligence": XV, 665,777
"Such an Organization of the Metropolitan Elections as Would Call into Exercise
the Greatest Amount of the Knowledge and Judgement of the Constituencies": XVI.
206 Index of Persons and Works

"Suggestions for the Improvement of Our Representative System: The University
Elections Act of Last Session": XV, 777
-- *A Treatise on the Election of Representatives, Parliamentary and Municipal: I,
262-3,284; XV, 594, 597-9,603,605-6,608,612-13,616-18,620,656, 690, 942,
969; XVI, 991,997-8, 1015-16, 1024, 1042, 1048, 1052, 1063-4, 1129, 1131-2,
1216, 1266; XIX, 339n, 343-70 rev, 367-70q, 452-66,477. 481,495-6,518; XXV,
1208; XXVIII, 37, 181,207-8,239-42; XXXII, 118, 127, 151, 159,233
-- Usque ad Coelam. Thoughts on the Dwellings of People, Charitable Estates,
Improvement and Local Government in the Metropolis: XV, 799; XVI, 1140, 1142;
XXlX, 477
-- "What Conditions or Limitations Ought to Be Imposed upon the Power of
Disposing in Perpetuity of Property?": XVI, 1215
HARE, WmUAM (labourer at the EIC; fl. 1856): XXXII, 86
HARE_qC(ft. 1119): XX, 4In
HARFIELD, JAMES (fl. 1824): XXXII, 4-5

HARGREAVES, JAMES(d. 1778): 1I, 96

HARLEY,EDWARD(1624--1700): VI, 50, 52
HARRING,HARROPAUL ( 1798-- 1870): XXllI, 749
-- Poland under the Dominion of Russia: XXIlI, 749
HARmNGTON,JAMES( 1611--77): XXlII, 394
HARRIS,EMMA(Dissenter; ft. 1834): VI, 232
HARRtS, GEORGEFRANCIS( 1810--72): XXX, 103
HARRIS,JAMESEDWARD(2nd Earl of Malmesbury) (1778-1841 ): XXVII, 575
-- Speech on the Game Laws Amendment Bill ( 11 May, 1827): XXVI, 408
-- Speech on the Progress of Education (16 Apr., 1834): VI, 201q
HAggis, JAMESHOWARD(3rd Earl of Malmesbury) (1807-89). Letter to the Civil Service
Commissioners (PP): XIX, 531
HARRIS,WILLIAMCORNWALLIS(1807--48). The Highlands ofAethiopia (Longman, et al. ,
1844): XIII, 644

HARRISON,MR. (printer; ft. 1840s): III, 1029-30

HAamsoN, FREDERIC( 1831--1923): I, 282n; XV, 735; XVI, 1243; XXVIII, 134. LETTERS
TO: XVI, 1281; XVII, 1612, 1816, 1949
-- "The Iron-Masters' Trade-Union": XVI, 1053
-- Letter to the Daily News on builders' pay: XV, 735
--Martial Law. Six Letters to the "Daily News": XVI, 1281
HARRISON, ROBERT (1820--97). LETTERS TO" XV, 978-80; XXXII, 193
HARRISON,SAMUELBEALEY(1802--67). Evidence: I, 116; XXXI, 7n, 75-6q, 86q
HAggtsos, THOMAS(Parliamentarian; ft. 1620s): VI, 8, 56, 57
HAlU_OWnY,LORD. See Ryder, Dudley
HARTLEY,DAVID(1705--57): I, 34n, 65n, 107 (106), 209 (208), 538,589-90, 595; VII,
Hare - Hay 207

14, 57; VIII, 787n, 854,967, 993; IX, 9, 17,250,487,493n; X, 21,23-4, 26, 48n, 97,
127,130,298; XI, 247,341-2,347,352,354-5, 451; XII, 237; XIII, 639; XVI, 1218;
XVII, 1722; XXI, 243; XXVII, 657; XXXI, 98-9, 102
*Observations on Man: I, 71 (70), 125-7 (124-6), 578; VII, 560q; IX, 278,283,
363; X, 13; XIV, 236; XVI, 1212, 1334; XXXI, 98-9, 101-2, 118,121-2, 139,244-5
ROBERT(d. 1875): XVII, 1568
HARVEY,DANIELWHITTLE( 1786-1863): VI, 250, 255; XII, 365; XXI, 31
Speech on Church Rates (21 Apr., 1834): VI, 212
HARVEY, G. (fl. 1866). LETTER TO: XXXH, 166

HARVEY, W.L. (on JSM's election committee; ft. 1865). LETTER TO: XVI, 1076-7

HASLAM,ANNA MAmA (n_e Fisher) (ca. 1830-after 1918): XXXII, 183

TO: XVl, 1363--4; XXXll,
--The Marriage Problem. By Oedipus: XVI, 1363; XXXII, 183
HASLERIG,ARTHUR(17th-c. Parliamentarian): Vl, 40-2, 47
FREDERIK(1722--52): HI, 1023
HASTINGS,FLORAELIZABETH(Lady Flora) (1806-39): XXIV, 877
HASTINGS,FRANCISRAWDON(Marquis of, previously Earl of Moira) ( 1754-1826): XXX,
-- "Minute . . . on the Revenue Administration of the Presidency of Fort William"
(PP): XXX, 95,223
HASTINGS, GEORGE (1825--1917): XV, 890. LETTER TO: XV, 701
HASTINGS, WARREN(1732--1818): XXX, 64, 69
HATCHARD,MR. (nurseryman; ft. 1832): XXVII, 599-600
HAUSER,CASPAR(1812?--33): XI, 350; XXIII, 749
Sdnat: SIX, 584
HAVLIN, THOMAS (fl. 1866). LETTER TO: XXXlI, 160

HAWES,BENJAMIN(1797--1862): XIX, 352

Speech on the Poor Law Amendment Bill (9 May, 1834): XXHI, 715
Speech on Italian Refugees (1 Aug., 1849): XXV, 1142
HAWKESWORTH, JOHN (17157--73). An Account of the Voyages . . . for Making Dis-
coveries in the Southern Hemisphere: I, 11-13 (I0-12), 555-6
HAWKINS,JOHN HEYWOOD(1802--77): Xll, 211; XXHI, 509; XXVlI, 574
Speeches on Parliamentary Reform (19 Apr. and 19 Sept., 1831): XXIH, 509
HAWKINS, WILLIAM(1673--1746). A Treatise of the Pleas of the Crown: XXI, 21
HAY,GEORGE(Marquis of Tweeddale) ( 1787-1876): I, 7
HAy, JOHN(Lord John) (1793-1851): XXXI, 369, 378
208 Index of Persons and Works

HAY, WILLIAMMONTAGU( 1826-- 1911 ). Speech on the Government of India Act Amend-
ment Bill (22 June, 1868): XXVII-I, 296-7
HAYDN, FRANZJOSEPH(1732--1809): XXI, 315
HAYES,CHARLES(storekeeper of Leeds; ft. 1868). LETTERTO: XVI, 1361-2
HAYS, JOHN (corn dealer; ft. 1820s). Observatzons on the Existing Corn Laws: IV, 47-70
HAYWARD,ABRAHAM(1801--84): I, 133 (132), 604--5; XII, 199; XIII, 367; XIV, 293;
XXVI, 391; XXXII, 11
HAYWARD,JOHN (draper; fl. 1868). LETTERTO: XVl, 1522--3
HAYWOOD,WILLIAM(1821--94): XXXI, 398e
HAZARD, ROWLAND GIBSON (1801--88): III, 1089-90, 1092; XVI, 987, 993, 996.
LETTERSTO: XV, 981--2, 984; XVI, 991--2, 1065--6, 1117--18, 1211--14; XVII,
1721-4, 1907_ 1942
--"Contraction vs. Expansion": XV, 982
Freedom of Mind in Willing (New York: Appleton, et al., 1864): XV, 981 ; XVI,
987,991,996, 1065; XVII, 1722
--Language (Providence, R.I.: Marshall, Brown, 1836): XVI, 991-2; XVII, 1722
-- Our Resources (New York: Triibner, 1864): XV, 981-2; XVI, 987,991,996;
XVH, 1722
--"Review of Edwards on the Will": XVI, 1065
-- *Two Letters on Causation and Freedom in Willing, Addressed to John Stuart Mill
(Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1869): XVI, 1066, 1211-14; XVII, 1721-4
HAZARD,ROWLAND,JR. (1829--98): XVII, 1723
HAZLERm. See Haslerig
HAZLITT, WILLIAM(1778-1830): XI1, 127,359; XXVI, 415
(prob.) "'Coleridge's Christabel": I, 398
"The Drama. No. IV": XXVI, 270, 348,405, 411
*Lectures Chzefly on the Dramatic Literature of the Age of Elizabeth: I, 311 n
"Schlegel on the Drama": I, 312q
-- The Spirit of the Age: VI, 62q, 250q, 264q; XXII, 228q, 238q, 252q, 278q,
289q, 304q, 312q; XXEII, 598q
-- "The Spirits of the Age (No. HI): The Late Mr. Home Tooke": XXVI, 282
HEAD, EDMUNDWALKER(1805--68): XX, 369
-- "The American Revolution": XV, 807
HEAD, FRANCISBOND (1793--1875): VI, 453
HEAD, GEORGE( 1782-- 1855): II, 272
HEAPa'%W.E. (1826-88). Plutology (Longman, et al., 1864): XV, 930
HEATHCOAT,JOHN (1783--1861): I, 386
HEBER,REGINALD(1783--1826): xxm, 356
Hay - Henley 209

HECATAEUS(ca. 550--490 B.C. ): XI, 287

HECKENS.MR. (member of a deputation from Heligoland; fl. 1868): XXXII, 192
HEGEL,GEOR_ WmHELMFmEDRICH(1770--1831): VII, 6On, 10In; IX, 19, 33n, 65, 68,
95, 98, 152, 486; X, 171,289; XI, 344, 381,425, 50011;XHI, 470-1,509, 576, 652;
XV, 817; XVI, 1324; XVII, 1935; XX, 261
Vorlesungen aber die Geschichte der Philosophie: IX, 47q
Wissenschafi der Logik (Nuremberg: Schrag, 1812-16): XVII, 1935
HEILBRONN,ALEXANDER(accused of forgery; fl. 1850s): XXIX, 563
Buch der Lieder: XXIII, 748
HEINECCIUS,JOHANNGOTTL1EB( 1681-- 1741 ). *Antiquitatum romanarum jurispruden-
tiara syntagma: I, 67 (66), 577
*Elementa juris civilis secundum ordinem institutionum: I, 67 (66), 577; XXI,
*Elementa juris civilis secundum ordinem pandectarum: I, 67 (66), 577; XXI, 183,
197; XXXI, 92
HEINEMANN,RICHARDNATHAN(professor of languages; ft. 1869): XVII, 1616
HELOiSE(1101--64): I, 606; XX, 246; XXI, 315
HELPS, ARTHUR (1813-75): XIV, 143,156; XV, 669; XXXlI, 127. LETTERS
1709-10, 2000-2
CasimirMaremma (Bell and Daldy, 1870): XVII, 1709
-- The Claims of Labour: IV, 365-89 rev, 365q; XIII, 643
Essays Written in the Intervals of Business: IV, 380
Friends in Council (Whittingham, 1853): XIV, 143; XVII, 2000
Realmah (Macmillan, 1868): XVII, 1709
The Spanish Conquest in America: XIX, 571
Thoughts in the Cloister and the Crowd: I, 419-29 rev, 425-9q; IV, 380; XVII,
1709; XVIII, 250q
HELV_TIUS, CLAUDEADRIEN( 1715-71 ): VIII, 866, 1020; X, 48n, 54, 86, 131. 500; XX,
66, 183
_De l'esprit: I, 71 (70), 578,587; X, 110; XIl, 177; XIIl, 526, 605; XXI, 405-6;
XXVI, 189; XXXl, 367
HI_NAULT, CHARLESJEAN FRANCOIS (1685-1770). Nouvel abrdgd chronologique de
rhistoire de France: I, 573; XII, 191,203,209,219; XX, 139q; XXVI, 49, 51,53-4
HENDERSON, JAMES(Glasgow reformer; ft. 1868). LETTERTO:xgI, 1431-3
HENLEY, V, 480-6e, 492-4e
On the Representation of the People Bill (27 June, 1867): XXVIII, 194, 196
- On the Representation of the People Bill (4 July, 1867): XXVIII, 205
210 Index of Persons and Works

-- On the Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections Bill ( 13 Feb., 1868):
XXVlII, 302
On the Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections Bill (24 July, 1868):
XXVHI, 327
HENNELL,SAMUEL(of the EIC army; ft. 1850s): XXXII, 93
HENNESSEY,PATmCK (of the Land and Labour League; ft. 1870). LETTERTO: XVlI,
HENRII (of France) (1005-60): XX, 32
HENRIIV (of France) (1553-1610): II, 275,296n; III, 1004; XIX, 437; XX, 61n, 152;
XXI, 401; XXIV, 958; XXVI, 10-11, 77-8,238; XXXI, 372
HENRIETTAMARIA (of France, Queen of England) (1609-69): VI, 11, 21, 44-6
HENRYIV (Holy Roman Emperor) ( 1050-1106): XX, 247
HENRYI (of England) (1068-1135): XX, 4In, 47,292
HENRYH (of England) (1133-89): m, 578; xx, 28, 35,239,244
HENRYHI (of England) (1207-72): XlX, 437
HENRY V (of England ) ( 1387-1422): XX, 234
HENRY VI (of England) (1421-71): XXVlI, 469
HENRY VII (of England) (1457-1509): I, 473
HENRYVIII (of England) (1491-1547): V, 484; VI, 9, 11; XI, 467; XX, 253; XXIV,
817-18, 1073
HENRY OF ALMAIN (1235-71): XX, 49
HENRY, DAVID (ft. 1774). An Historical Account of All the Voyages Round the World,
Performed by English Navigators: I, 13 (12), 555
HENRY, ROBERT(1718--90). The History of Great Britain: XX, 48n
HENRY,THOMAS(1807--76): XXI, 432; XXV, 1187; XXIX, 548-58e, 560-2
HEPPEL. GEORGE HASTINGS (1793-1845): XIV, 496-7,501
HERACLITUS(early 5th c. B.C. ): VII, 365; XI, 381-2, 425-6, 498,500n; XIII, 411
HERACLIUSH (of Georgia) (d. 1798): XXXl, 349
The Herald: VI, 369; XVII, 1596
HERAUD, JOHN ABRAHAM(1799-1887). "T. Carlyle's French Revolution": XI1, 339
and WILLIAMMAGINN(?) "Critical Illustrations of Lord Byron's Poetry": XII,
146, 339-40
TO: XVI1, 1808, 1822, 1869--71, 1945; XXXII, 235-6
Speech on the Army Regulation Bill ( 13 Mar., 1871 ), PD, Vol. 204, cols. 1947-8:
XVII, 1808
HERBERT, FLORENCEAMABEL(n6e Cowper) (d. 1886): XVII, 1822, 1945
Henley - Herschel 211

HERBERT,GEORGE(1593--1633). "The Pulley": VI, 333q

HERBERT,HENRYHOWARDMOLYNEUX(4th Earl of Carnarvon) (1831-90). "Circular
Despatch to Colonial Governors... on the Subject of Martial Law" (PP): XXI, 434
HERBERT,HENRY JOHN GEORGE(3rd Earl of Cal-narvon) (1800-49). Portugal and
Galhcia, with a Review of the Social and Political State of the Basque Provinces: XXXI,
Speech on Admission to the Universities ( 1 Aug., 1834): VI, 271
HERBERT,PHILIP(4th Earl of Pembroke) ( 1584-1650): VI, 52n
HERBERT, SIDNEY (1810--61): XIV, 293,374
Speech on National Representation (6 July, 1848): XXV, 1102
HERBERT,THOMAS(1606--82). Memoirs of the Two Last Years of the Reign of That
Unparallell'd Prince... King Charles I: VI, 51,52n-3n, 55-6
VON(1744--1803): X, 139; XX, 185; XXlH, 448
--Briefe, das Studium der Theologie betreffend: I, 136n
ldeen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit: XX, 261
HERFORV,EDWARD(1815--96). LETTERSTO: XIV, 43-6, 241-4
-- "On Some Fallacies of Political Economy": XIV, 241
HERHAN,LOUISETIENNE( 1768-- 1853): XXHI, 745
HI_RICOURT,JENNY(feminist; fl. 1860 ). La femme affranchte (Brussels: Lacroix, 1860 ):
XVII, 1700
(2nd c. B.C.): XVI, 1115
HEgMOTtMUS(of Clazomenae) (6th c. B.C. ): VII, 365
(in Plato): XI, 98
(ca. 484-420 B.C.): I, 532; XIV, 28,450; XXlV, 869; XXV, 1121
*History: I, 9 (8), 45 (44), 553; VIII, 749: X, 320n; XI, 282n q, 295, 325q,
390n q; XX, 222,368-9; XXI, 337; XXIV, 1087; XXVII, 595; XXXI, 350n q
HERON,ROBERT(1765--1854). Speech on Vacation of Seats on Acceptance of Office
(1 May, 1834): VI, 221-2
HERRIES,JOHNCHARLES(1778--1855): VI, 369; XXH, 111,268
HERSCHEL, JOHN FREDERICK WILLIAM(1792--1871): VH, cxiv, 341. 498n; XHI, 583,
618, 648,677-78,680, 683; XXH, 250n, 284, 286; XXIV, 795. LETTERSTO:XIH,
583--4, 673-7, 688--9, 694-5, 698--700
Outlines of Astronomy: VII, 427n, 428q; X, 354n; XIIl. 647,665
A Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy: I. 217 (216); VII,
250n- In q, 284n, 406q, 414-17q, 420q, 426-8q, 484n q; XllI, 583,647; XXII, 250n,
284-7 rev, 287q
Presidential Address to the British Association for the Advancement of Science:
XIII, 673q, 674q
"Quetelet on Probabilities": VII, 203q, 531q
212 Index of Persons and Works

"Whewell on the Inductive Sciences": VII, 248n-50n q, 257n q, 344; XIII, 639,
HERSCHEL,WILLIAM(1738--1822): XXIV, 795
HERTFOgD,3gO MARQUIS OF. See Seymour-Conway
HERTFORD,lST MAgQUISOF. See Seymour, William
HERTZ, FANNV(feminist; ft. 1871 ). LETTERTO: XVII, 1793
HEgZEN, ALEXANDERIVANOVICrt(1812--70): XV, 607,848; XXV, 1203
HESIOD(fl. 700 B.C.): I, 532; XI, 173,276, 286, 288, 295; XXIV, 869, 871
"Eoiai": XI, 305n
-- Theogony: XI, 281
Works atlztDays: XI, 178q, 215q
HENRY( 1792-- 1849): XIII, 533
HETZENDOgF,DR. (ft. 1869): XXXII, 204
HEUCK, A. (ft. 1838). "Bermerkungen tiber ein vierzehnj_ihriges Miidchen ohne
Extremititen": IX, 248
HEVENrNGHAH,JOHN (fl. 1627): VI, 16
HEWn'T, JAMES(Lord Lifford). Speech on the Tenure (Ireland) Bill (1868) (12 Mar.,
1868): VI, 516n
WILL1AM(1822--94): V, 583-4e
Speech on the Bank Charter and Promissory Notes Acts ( 14 Feb., 1826): IV, 117q
HEVHAN, PETER(1580--1641): VI, 16
I-hBnERT,JOaN TOMLINSON(1824--1908): XVI, 1384, 1388, 1403, 1459
Speech on the Representation of the People Bill (9 May, 1867): XXVIII, 146
I-hcKs, JAMES(d. 1858): XXIV, 876
HICKSON,WILLIAMEDWARD(1803--70): I, 227 (226); XlII, 420, 422, 424, 449, 543,
551,571; XIV, 10; XV, 717; XVI, 1178, 1180; XVII, 1710, 1967; XXIII, 404; XXIX,
538-40e; XXXII, 50, 59, 168
LETTERS TO:XIII, 716,719,724,726-7, 737-8; XlV, 7, 13-14, 24, 35-6, 46-8,
55-7, 61-3, 65-7, 69-73, 76-8, 81-2; XV, 602,614; XVI, 1037, 1044-5
"The Corporation of London and Municipal Reform": XV, 682
Evidence on Metropolitan Local Government (PP): XVI, 1178
"Fallacies on Poor Laws": XII, 319-20
"The French Republic": XX, 334
"Hand-Loom Weavers" (PP): XXIX, 539
"History and Exposition of the Currency Question": XIII, 726
"Life and Immortality": XIV, 77-8
The New Charter: XXlII, 404-5 rev
Time andFaith: (Groombridge, 1857): XV, 602
(n6e yon Einem; wife of the above): XVI, 1044. LETTER
TO: xvgI,
Herschel - Historia 213

HIERONI (of Syracuse) (ft. 478-467/6 B.C. ): XXVIH, 229

HILDERIC.See Child6ric I
(1807--65). The History of the United States of America: XXV, 1174
HILDYARD,ROBERTCHARLES(1800--57): I, 130; V, 528-34e
HILL, MR. (resident of Guernsey; ft. 1840s): lI, 272
HILL, MR. (money-lender; ft. 1873): XVH, 1939
HILL, ALFRED( 1829-- 1907 ). "Co-operative Societies": XV, 894
HILL, DAVID(1786--1866): XIV, 122-3,331,399, 401; XVII, 1967; XXXII. 110
HILL,EDWIN(1793--1876). Criminal Capitalists (Cincinnati: National Congress on Peni-
tentiary and Reformatory Discipline, 1870-71 ): XVI, 1523
HILL, FRANKHARRISON(1830--1910): XVI, 1235; XVII, 1588, 1621, 1657. LETTERS
XVII, 1679; XXXII, 217-18
HILL, FREDERIC(1803--96): XXIX. 411
HILL, JANE DALZELL (n_.e Finlay) (d. 1904); XXXII, 218. LETTER TO: XVIl, 1621
HILL, MATTHEWDAVENPORT(1792--1872): XII, 297; XVI, 1077
-- Letter to Henry Pitman (21 May, 1865), Co-operator ( 15 June, 1865), 37: XVI,
-- Speech at Hull (22 Oct., 1833): VI, 155
HILL, ROWLAND(1795--1879): XV, 682; XIX, 439
HILL, WILLIAM(d. 1865): XXVIII, 94
MR. (ft. 1630): VI, 20
HINCKS,FRANCIS(1807--85): XIX, 566
Hints on the Case of Canada,for the Consideration of Members of Parliament: VI, 407-35

HINXt,tAN, EDWARD(b. 1810): XXVIII. 199-200, 212-13

HIPPARCHUS (d. 514 B.C.): X, 362; XXIV, 1085-6
HIPPASUS(early 5th c. B.C. ): VII, 365
HIPPIAS(d. 490 B.C.?): XI, 46ff., 85, 154,389,392-3,409, 417n; XXIV, 1085-6
I-hPPISLEY.See Good, John Mason
Hlppo (5th c. B.C. ): VII, 359, 365
HIPPOCRATES (in Plato): XI, 45-51
HIppocRATEsOF Cos (ca. 460-380 B.C.): X, 278; XI, 45, 87; XIII, 658; XXXII, 108
HIppoNICUS(in Plato): Xl, 154
(in Plato): XI, 210-21 passim
Histoire de la rdvolution par deux amis de la libertd: XX, 73n, 75n, 93, 95n, 100, 104-5q,
142-7 passim, 152-7q passim
L'histoire parlementaire de la rdvolution franfaise. See Bouchez
Historia de vita Caroli Magni et Rolandi: XXIV, 870
214 Index of Persons and Works

Historical Register: xm, 658

Historisch-geographisch-statistisches Gemiilde der Schweiz: II, 258n-9n q, 278n q, 393q;
HI, 690-1; XXIV, 1016q, 1054; XXVIII, 259q
The History of the Republick of Holland: I, 17 (16), 558, 583
HOADLEY,BENJAMIN(Bishop of Winchester) (1676-1761): XXI, 60
HOARE, HENRY(1807--66): XXIX, 486
HOARE,HENRYAINSLIE (1824--94): XVI, 1511
HOBART,GEORGEROBERT(later HA_n'DEr_) (Earl of Buckinghamshire) (1789-1849):
XXVII, 485
HOB^RT, MILES (d. 1632): VI, 16
HOB^RT, VEP.E HENRY (Baron) (1818-75): XVI, 1131-2, 1315. LEa'r_m To: XIV,
106-7; XVI. 1366
-- "Bribery at Elections": X_, 1215
-- "Parliamentary Reform": XVI, 1131-2
-- Remarks on the Law of Partnership Liability (Parker, 1853): XIV, 106-7
HOBBY, THOMAS(1588--1679): I, 167, 538,589--90: VII, l12n, 175; VIII, 827, 889,
1061; X, 21, 38n, 83,122, 169, 172,269, 359; XI, 247,250, 341,451,466,491,497;
XII, 366; XIII, 530,581,639; XVIII, 17; XXI, 58,204, 243; XXII, 66; XXHI, 394;
XXVII, 657; XXXI, 97, 129, 134, 150
-- *"Computation or Logic": I, 21 (20), 125 (124), 567-8; VII, 24q, 79, 90-3,
95-7q, 99, 144, 176-7; VIII, 734q, 817, 1010-14, 1023n--4n, 1028, 1046; XI, 494;
XII, 8; XXXI, 137, 181
-- *Elementorum philosophiae Sectio prima, De Corpore: X, 6
-- *The English Works, ed. William Molesworth: xm, 581; XVII, 1987, 1989
-- *Leviathan: V, 715q, 749q; VIII, 827q; XIX, 645q; XXI, 226q; XXII, 66, 74;
XXVI, 33; X/EKI, 129-30, 133
-- *Opera philosophica quae Latine scrips# omnia, ed. William Molesworth: XIII,
*"Physics, or the Phenomena of Nature": VII, 10In; IX, 51; XI, 371q
-- Philosophical Rudiments Concerning Government and Society: XXVI, 188
-- Tripos: I, 165-7q (164); IX, 441n
HOBHOUSE,ARrHOR ( 1819-- 1904). "On the Limitations Which Should Be Placed on
Dispositions of Property to Public Uses": XVII, 1629-30
HOBHOUSE, JoriN C^M (Baron Broughton de Gyfford) (1786-1869): XVII, 1970;
XXIII, 399; XXV, 1263; XXXII, 37
-- Speech on Corporation Reform (1 July, 1835): VI, 308n
-- Speech to His Constituents at Nottingham, The Times (27 Apr., 1835), 5: XII, 261
Ho_soN, TOmAS(Cambridge hosteler, originator of"Hobson's choice"): XXI, 281 q, 282
Hoe_m, Louis LAZAP..E(1768-97): VI, 518; XX, 178; XXIII, 616
HO_ES, J.H. (ft. 1868). LETTERTO: XXXII, 198-9
HOIX_ES,TrIOMASLAW (1776-1857): VI, 472
Historical - Holroyd 215

HOIX;SKIN,THOMAS( 1787-- 1869). Labour Defended agamst the Claims of Capital: VI,
Motion on the Representation of the People Bill ( 17 May, 1867 ): XXVIII, 150-1,
168, 170, 175
HOOARTH,WILLIAM(1697--1764): XXXII, 36
HOGG,JAMESMACNAUGHTENMC'GAREL(1823-90). Speech on the Municipal Corpora-
tions (Metropolis) Bill (17 June, 1868): XXVIII, 30
HOGG,JAMESWEIR(1790--1876): XIV, 178, 181
HOLCROFT,THOMAS,SR. (1745-1809): XH, 230
THOMAS,JR. (d. 1852): XH, 137-8,230
HOLDEN,GEORGEKENYON(1806--79): XV, 777, 825, 844; XVI, 1520; XVII, 1598.
LETTER TO: XVI, 1419-20
HOLDSWORTH, JOSEPH(ft. 1866). On the Extension of the English Coal-fields: XXVIH, 71


HOLINSHED, RAPHAEL (d. ca. 1580). Holinshed's Chronicles: XI, 284; XXlV, 870
HOLKARH, TAKOJIRAO (Maharaja of Indore) ( 1832-86): XXX, 152
LORD. See Fox, Henry Richard Vassall

HOLLAND,GEORGECALVERT(1801--65): xm, 695

HOLLAND, HENRY (1788--1873): XIII, 695
HOLLAND,HENRYTHURSTON(Viscount Knutsford) ( 1825-1914): XXIX, 558-61e, 571e
HOLLES,DENZIL(1599--1680): V'I, 18, 40-2, 47, 49-50, 52
ROGER(Dissenter; fl. 1834): VI, 232
HOLLOND,ELLENJULIA(n6e Teed) (1822-84): XVI, 1348
HOLMAN,HENRYMARTIN(fl. 1841). "Additions to Luxford's Reigate Flora": XXXI,
268n 271
GEORGE( 1760-- 1838).

On Commitments by Magistrates (2 Mar., 1824): XXVI, 274; XXXI, 48

On Commitments and Convictions (27 May, 1824): XXVI, 274; XXXI, 48
On the State of the Corn Laws ( 18 Apr., 1826): XXVI, 381
HOLMES, JOHN (1815--94). LETTER TO: XV, 545-6
"The Economic and Moral Advantages of Co-operation in the Provision of Food":
XV, 545
HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL ( 1809--94): XVl, 1164


JR. (1841-1935): 1164. LETTERS TO: XXXll,
166-7, 168
216 Index of Persons and Works

HOLT,FRANCISLUDLOW(1780-1844). The Law of Libel: I, 298; XXI, 15, 18q, 20, 21q,
23-30q, 32q
HOLT, JOHN ( 1642-- 1710 ): XXI, 31 ; XXXI, 58
Charge to the Jury in the Trial of John Tutchin (1704): XXI, 28-9q
Judgment in the Trial of Beare ( 1698): XXI, 21
The Book of Reform (Wilson, 1833): XIV, 494
War Notes: XIV, 494
HOLYOArd_,AUSTIN (1826--74). LETTERTO:XVI, 1433
HOLYOAKE,GEORGEJACOB(1817-1906): XIV, 134-5; XV, 596, 606, 686; XVIII, 239;
XXIV, 1082-4; XXV, 1179
LETTERSTO: XIII, 707-8,741; XIV, 100; XV, 505-6,509-10, 593,597,814-15,
875,887, 91i, 943,951,966-7; XVI, 1039, 1086-7, 1242-3, 1259, 1425-6; XVII,
1630-1, 1815, 1876-7, 1948, 2002; XXXII, 171
The Liberal Situation (Newcastle Weekly Review, 1865): XVI, 1039
"One of the Consequences Considered" (signed "Ion"): XXV, 1179q
Self-help by the People: HI, 786-9q, 790-1,794n q, 1032; XV, 569, 714
HOME, HENRY(Lord Kames) (1696-1782): X, 21
_ Essays on the Principles of Morality and Natural Religion (Edinburgh: Kincaid and
Donaldson, 1751): XIII, 566
Sketches of the History of Man: XXH, 32
HOMER(ca. 700 B.C. ): I, 438,499,525,529n, 532; X, 323-4,464; XI, 71,92, 141,173,
286,494; XII, 218,225; XIII, 466; XX, 151; XXI, 302; XXII, 158; XXIV, 869,871,
875, 1085; XXVI, 56
-- *The Iliad: I, 13-5 (12-14), 19 (18), 525,557, 583; VI, 194; XI, 99q, 123q,
162q, 202q, 277,283,287-97,294n q, 296q, 316,392; XIX, 612; XX, 57, 145,210;
XXI, 327q; XXII, 158; XXIV, 875; XXV, 1099q; XXVII, 632; XXXI, 132
*The Odyssey: I, 15 (14), 412,560; X, 427; XI, 147, 167q, 177q, 209q, 214q, 281,
283,290-2,294, 316, 392; XH, 7; XIV, 366q, 419; XX, 57; XXH, 294q; XXIV, 875,
1056; XXXI, 132
HOr_ORXTV,M. (physician at Hy_res; ft. 1854): XIV, 129
HOOK,THEODORE EDWARD(1788-1841): XII, 350; XXII, 134
HOOK,WALTERFARQUHAR( 1798-1875): XVI, 1304
HOOKE,N^THANIEL(1664--1738). Roman History: I, 11 (10), 15, 17 (16), 543n--4n,
546n, 554, 583--4; XII, 3; XVI, 1474
HOOKE,ROBERT(1635--1703). Micrographia: VII, 254q; VIII, 1093q; IX, 222q, 237q
BEECHER( 1822-- 1907): XVII, 1566, 1631- 2. LETTER TO:XVll, 1650
HOOKER,RICHARD(1554?--1600): XIX, 626
Of the Lawes of Ecclesiasticall Politie: VIII, 79(Xl; XXI, 178
HOOKER,WmLIXMJACKSON( 1785--1865): XII, 50; XXXI, 280. LETTERS TO:XH, 67-70
*The British Flora: VIII, 701q; XII, 50, 69; XXXI, 280
Holt- Horton 217

I-lOOPER,HENRY (bookseller and publisher): XII, 342, 344-5, 351, 384; XVII, 1971,
1974, 1987
HOOPER,RICHARD(witness; fl. 1850): XXV, 1152q
HoOSON, EDWARD(co-operator; ft. 1862): XV, 811
HOPE, ALEXANDERBERESFORD.See Beresford-Hope, Alexander
HopE, HENRYTHOMAS(1808--62): XXVll, 616
HOPKINS, WILLIAM (fl, 1648): V'I, 52
HopPus, JOHN (1789-1875): XXXlI, 21
HORACE(Quintus Horatius Flaccus) (65-8 B.C.): XII, 7; XIV, 308; XVII, 1586; XXI,
231,233; XXII, 275
*Arspoetica: I, 15 (14), 245, 498,561; XII, 280q, 350q; XVIlI, 33q; XXlll,
431q; XXIV, 1075q
*Carmen saeculare: I, 15 (14), 19 (18), 532, 561
-- *Carmina (Odes): I, 15 (14), 19 (18), 532,561,583,586; II, 229q; X, 382q;
XI, 327q, 416q; XVIII, 42q; XXII, 275q; XXVI, 43, 46, 51-2, 56; XXXl, 362q
-- *Epistles: I, 15 (14), 421,561; X, 63-4q; Xlll, 457q; XIV, 132; XVIII, 157q;
XXl, 229; XXVIII, 67q
*Epodes: I, 15 (14)
*Satires: I, 15 (14), 421,561; VI, 261q, 364q; XXI, 229, 412q; XXV, I192q;
XXVI, 137
HORDAIN,ADAM DE (d. 1348): XX, 49
HORN, J. EDOUARD(1825--75). "L'association co-ol_rative et le cr6dit populaire": XV,
HORNE,RICHARDHERRY(Hengist) (1803-84): XII, 298,320, 341n; XIII, 402
HORNE,WILLIAM(1774--1860): XXIII, 591-2
HORNER,FRANCIS(1778-1817): I, 129 (128); IV, 115, 117; VI, 342
_, and NICHOLASVANSITTART( 1766-1851 ). Resolutions Proposed to the House of
Commons, on the... High Price of Bullion: XXIV, 853
HORNER,LEONARD(1785--1864): IV, 381; XlI, 26, 72
HORSLEY,SAMUEL (1733-1806). Speech on the Treasonable Practices Bill (11 Nov.,
1795): VI, 355q
The Speeches in Parliament: SIX, 469q; XX, 334; XXI, 17q
HORSMAN,EDWARD(1807--76): V, 478e, 495-6e; XV, 684; XXVIII, 56

_On the Seizure of the Alexandra (24 Apr., 1863): XV, 860
_On the Representation of the People Bill (12 Mar., 1866): xxvm, 56
_On the State of Ireland (12 Mar., 1868): XXVIII, 258
HoRrn, SAMUEL(accused murderer; ft. 1853): XXII, 107
HORTON,GEORGE(of the General Register Office; ft. 1865): XXlX, 467-71 e
_The Municipal Government of the Metropolis: XXlX, 460-2,467-9
218 Index of Persons and Works

HORTON,JOHN WILMOT(1784--1841): XII, 88; XXIH, 736

-- An Inquiry into the Causes and Remedzes of Pauperism (Lloyd, 1830 ): XII, 63

-- On the Conduct of Charles Somerset (8 May. 1826): XXVI, 405-6

-- On Emigration (17 Apr., 1828): XXHI, 736
--on the New South Wales Bill (18 Apr., 1828): XXIII, 736
HOSrdNS, MR. (magistrate; fl. 1834): VI, 245
HOSKINS,G.A. (ft. 1830s). Travels in Ethiopia (Longman, etal., 1835): XII, 363
Visit to the Great Oasis of the Libyan Desert (Longnmn, et al., 1837): XII, 363
HOSPICES D'AVlGNON, administrators of. LETTERS TO: XV, 904, 906; XVI, 1141, 1347,
HOTHAM,BEAUMONT( 1794-- 1870). Speech on the Representation of the People Bill (27
June, 1867): XXVIII, 196
HOTHAM,JOHN (d. 1645): VI, 28, 44
HOUEL, M. (sergent de ville in Paris; ft. 1832): XXIH, 407
HOUGHTON,LORD.See Milnes, Richard Monckton
HOUSSAIE,MATHmU DE (d. 1333): XX, 49
HOUSSAYE,ARSt_NE(1815--96): XVI, 1131
HOVEDEN,ROGERDE. See Roger of Hoveden
HOWARD,BENJAMINCHEW ( 1791-1872). Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the
Supreme Court of the United States: XXI, 161
HOWARD,BERNARDEDWARD( 12th Duke of Norfolk) ( 1765-1842): XXVI, 275; XXVII,
459, 465,551
HOWARD,GEORGEWILLIAMFREDERICK (Earl of Carlisle) ( 1802-64): XIV, 426; XXI, 415
HOWARD,HENRYFITZALAN- (15th Duke of Norfolk) (1847-1917): XXIX, 438-9
HOWARD,JAMES(1821--89): XXV, 1242
-- Continental Farming and Peasantry: V, 685
HOWARD,JOHN (1726--90): X, 422; XXI, 94; XXHI, 419; XXVI, 447
HOWE, JOHN H. (d. 1873): XXXII, 233
HOWE,JULIA WARD(1819--1910): XVII, 1786; XXV, 1221
HoWE, RICHARD(Earl) (1726-99): xxm, 419
HOWELL,A. (SOilof John Howell): XXXH, 86
HOWELL, GEORGE (1833--1910): XVI, 1102, 1342, 1464, 1534; XVII, 1673, 1725.
LETTERSTO:XVI, 1102, 1318, 1393, 1534; XVII, 2010-13
HOWELL,JOHN (messenger at the EIC) (d. 1856): XXXII, 84, 86
HOWELL,THOMASBAYLY(1768-- 1815), and THOMASJONESHOWELL(d. 1858), eds. *,4
Complete Collection of State Trials: I, 298q; VI, 1In, 16n- 17n, 20n-3n, 25n, 29n-30n,
39n-40n; XXI, 22-3q, 28-9q; XXII, 47, 92q; XXVIII, lllq; XXXI, 40n, 49, 58
HOWlCK, LORD. See Grey, Henry George
Horton - Hugues Capet 219

HOWITT,WILLIAM(1792--1879): XVII, 1819

"The Necessity for Agricultural Co-operation": XVI, 1161
The Rural and Domestic Life of Germany: H, 263-4q, 328-9q; XXIV, 968,
969-71q, 985
The Rural Life of England: IV, 387n-8n q; XH, 362-3
HOWLEY,WILLIAM(Archbishop of Canterbury) ( 1766-1848): VI, 249-50,369; XXIV,
--A Charge Delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of London: VI, 249q
-- Speech on the Bill of Pains and Penalties against Her Majesty (7 Nov., 1820): VI,
249q; XXHI, 393q
Speech on Dissenters (12 May, 1834): VI, 230q
HUBBA_, JOHN GELL1BRAND(1805--89): V, 551-61e, 595-7e; XV, 757
"Report on Income and Property Tax" (PP): HI, 817n-18n q; XXVHI, 43
"Memorandum submitted by the Chairman" (PP): V, 554-98 passim, 584q;
HUBBERT,THOMAS(ft. 1647--57). A Pill to Purge Formality: XXlI, 117q; XXIV, 945q
HUBER, ERNST RUDOLPH(1750--1822), ed. Dokumente zur deutschen Verfassungsge-
schichte: VI, 515
HUBER, VIKTORAIM_ (1800-69). "The Cit6s Ouvn_res in France": XV, 615
-- Die gewerblichen und wirtschafllichen Genossenschaften der arbeitenden Klassen
in England, Frankreich und Deutschland: HI, 782n-3n

HUGH CAPET. See Hugues Capet

HUGHES,THOMAS(1822--96): XV, 802; XVI, 1026-7, 1030, 1060, 1063, 1132, 1200,
1278, 1301, 1396; XVII, 1672, 1726; XXXII, 157. LETTERSTO: XVI, 1221-2, 1264-5;
XXXII, 190
-- Address to the Electors of Lambeth (6 May, 1865): XVI, 1060, 1063
--"Another Glimpse of Masters and Men": XVI, 1019, 1030
-- "Opinion on American Affairs": I, 267
-- "The Struggle for Kansas," in John M.F. Ludlow's A Sketch of the History of the
United States (Cambridge: Macmillan, 1862), 319-80: XV, 802
HUGHES,WILLIAMLEWIS(Lord Dmorben) ( 1767-1852): XXII, 72
Speech at the Meeting of the Chester Whig Club (9 Oct.. 1823): XXlI. 72.74
"HuGrlSON, DAVm." See Pugh, David
HuGo, VICTORMARIE,VICOMTE ( 1802--85): I, 472; XII, 262,283,290,343-4; XIV, 212;
XX, 188n
"A lajeune France": XXII, 156q, 180q, 309q
_Le roi s'amuse: XXI, 312
Letter to Lord Paimerston: XIV, 212
HUGtJESCAPET(of France) (946-996 A.D. ): XIX, 416; XX, 27, 30, 32,289; XXVl, 238
220 Index of Persons and Works

HULIN, PIERREAUOUSTIN(1758--1841): XX, 145-7

HULrON, WILLIAM( 1787-- 1864). "Correspondence with Lord Althorp": VI, 366-7
HU_O,NN, JEAN GEORGES(1780--1842): XXlII, 378,410
HOMBLOT-CONr_, ARNOULD(1776--1845): XXII, 189
XXXl, 360
HUMBOLDT,KArL WILHELMVOW( 1767-- 1835). *The Sphere and Duties of Government:
I, 260-1; XVIII, 215q, 261-2q, 274, 300-1q, 304
Hu_, DAVID( 1711--76): I, 293; IV, 184; VI, 3-4; VII, 357; VIII, 769,1119; IX, cvii, 1,
6, 134, 151,183,217n, 294, 296-7,448,493n, 498n; X, 21, 27, 48n, 80-1, 85, 86n,
127, 170, 266-7,497; XI, 44n, 341,443,451,462,466; XlII, 566n, 638; XV, 723;
XVI, 1388; XXI, 243; XXlII, 471; XXV. 1136-7; XXVI, 415; XXVII, 657; XXXI, 98
-- *DialogUes Concerning Natural Religion: XXIV, 1083
--"Essay on Miracles": VIII, 623,625,627,630-1,1151; X, 470-3,477; XV, 814;
XXXI, 31
-- "Essay on Money": m, 511,564-5
-- *Essays and Treatises on Several Subjects: I, 71 (70), 293,578-9; X, 44n q ("Of
Civil Liberty"); XVIII, 21q ("Of Commerce"); XXXI, 237
-- *The History of England: I, 11 (10), 527q, 554; VI, 3-58q passim, 493-4; XVI,
1118q, 1474; XX, 4, 19, 47-8q, 134-6,221,239,367; XXI, 227; XXII, 72-3,264q;
XXV, 1137; XXVI, 423; XXXII, 147
-- *An Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding: VIII, 838, 852; IX, 135q,
165n-6n q, 299, 498n-9n; XVI, 1473
*Treatise of Human Nature: XVI, 1388; XXIII, 471
HUME, HAMILTON(of the Eyre Defence Committee; ft. 1866): XXI, 428
HU_E, JOSEPh (1777-1855): I, 55 (54), 93 (92), 101 (100), 203 (202); V, 464e.
466-79e, 486-92e, 498e; VI, 159, 165,308n, 314n, 326-7, 340, 434; XII, 5, 165,
256, 324--5, 345; XIII, 377; XlV, 413; XVI, 1471; XlX, 634; XXII, 21-4, 268;
XXIII, 508,617; XXV, 1102, 1263; XXVI, 285,405-6,409n; XXVIII, 220; XXXII,
1-2, 242
-- On Economy and Retrenchment (27 June, 1821): VI, 340
--Presenting the Petition of Mary Ann Carlile (26 Mar., 1823): XXII, 21
-- Presenting the Petition of Richard Carlile (8 May, 1823): XXII, 22q, 22-4
On Special Juries in Presenting a Petition by John Hunt (28 May, 1823): XXH, 93
On the Roman Catholic Clergy (29 Apr., 1825): VI, 86
-- On the Established Church in Ireland ( 14 June, 1825): VI, 97
On the Publication of Libels: (31 May, 1827): XXVI, 405-6
-- On the Truck System ( 14 Dec., 1830): XXII, 212-13
On the Ministerial Plan of Parliamentary Reform (2 Mar., 1831 ): XXIV, 790
On Reform of the Church of Ireland ( 14 Mar., 1833): XXIII, 605
On the East-India Company's Charter ( 17 and 19 July, 1833): xxm, 606
Hulin - Huskisson 221

_On theBudget(14Feb.,1834):VI, 162

_On theCorn Laws (6 Mar.,1834):VI, 186
on CriminalProsecutions
On Spain(5Feb.,1836):VI, 326;XXVIII,220
_On theAffairs
ofCanada(16and 17Jan.,1838):VI,434
On National
(20June,1848):XXV, 1101-4,1107
HUME, MAmA (n6eBurnley; wifeofJoseph):
XlI,287;XXVI, 45
HuswnmsYS, JAMES (d.1830):XXXI, 9
-- Observations
on theActualState
Laws ofRealProperty:
HUNT, GEORGEWARD (1825--77): XVII, 1917
Speech on Supply--Post Office Service Estimates (7 July, 1868 ): XXVIII, 304-5
HUNT, HENRY(1773--1835): VI, 371--2; XXVl, 285
_ Memoirs: I, 575; KXVI, 126
HUNT, JAMESHENRYLEIGH(1784--1859): XII, 135, 143, 152, 298n. LETTERSTO: XII,
330, 332-3,341,358-9; XIII, 383-4, 417
--"Explanation and Retrospection--The Examiner Twenty Years Ago": XII, 358-9
"Lady Mary Wortley Montagu": XII, 328,330, 332; xm, 743
-- A Legend of Florence: xm, 417
-- "New Translations of the Arabian Nights": XIII, 403
-- "The Tower of London": xm. 384
HUNT, JOHN (ft. 1824): XKI, 31
HUNTER,HENRY(fl. 1811). The History of London, and lts Environs: IX, 18
HUNTER,THOMAS(Glasgow convict; fl. 1838): VI, 486
HUNTER,WILLIAMALEXANDER(1844--98): XVl, 1325; XVlI, 1818, 1835, 1850, 1852,
1855--6, 1861, 1917, 1923
HUNTINGTOWER,LORD. See Manners, William
HURLY,JOHN(Kerry Clerk of the Crown; ft. 1845). Evidence on the Occupation of Land in
Ireland (PP): II, 318q
HUSKISSON, WILLIAM(1770--1830): I, 103 (102); IV, 132; VI, 140-1, 312; XXII, 29,
104-5, 110-13, 140-1; XXVI, 401,409n; XXVlII, 97; XXX, 4, 9
Discours prononc_ par M. Huskisson: XXII, 140
Letter to an Anonymous Friend: XXII, 141
The Question Concerning the Depreciation of Our Currency Stated and Examined:
IV, 188; VI, 176; KXIV, 853
On Resumption of Cash Payments ( 11 June, 1822): XXII, 34
.... On East and West India Sugars (22 May, 1823): XXII, 29q
On Colonial Trade (21 Mar., 1825): Vl, 140q, 141-3
On the Bank Charter and Promissory Notes Acts (10 Feb., 1826): IV, 119
222 Index of Persons and Works

On the State of the Silk Trade (23 Feb., 1826): IV, 139
On the Shipping Interest of the Country (7 May, 1827): XXVI, 407
-- On Trade with India (15 May, 1827): XXX, 4-6q
HUTCHESON,FRANCIS(1694--1746): X, 21, 85
"An Inquiry Concerning the Original of Our Ideas of Virtue or Moral Good":
XXXI, 237
HUTCmNSON,SARA(1775--1835): XXVII, 520
HUTCHISON,ROBERT(Mayor of Liverpool; ft. 1863): XV, 835-6
HUTH, ALFREDHENRY(1850--19t0): XV, 790, 815,819
HUTH, AUGUSTA' W. (d. 1899): XV, 790; XVII, 1619. LETTERS TO: XV, 815,819-20,
953; XVII, 1619
HUT8, EDWAgD(1847--1935): XV, 790, 815,819
HUTH, HENRY(1815-78): XVII, 1619. LETTERTO:XV, 790-1
HUTT, WILLIAM(1801-82): XXIII, 509
HUTTON,PdCHARDHOLT( 1826--97): XVI, 1030, 1211 ;XXXII, 136-7. LETTERTO:XVI,
-- "Mill and Whewell on the Logic of Induction": VII, 331n-3n q, 354q, 359-60q,
541q, 541n-2n q, 629n; VIII, 664n
HUXLEY,THOMASHENRY (1825--95): XV, 975; XVI, 1018, 1026, 1395, 1398; XVII,
1572. LETTERSTO:XVI, 1087, 1092-3, 1154-5, 1184; XVII, 1571-2
"Emancipation--Black and White": XVI, 1058
"On the Physical Basis of Life": XVII, 1653
--"The Scientific Aspects of Positivism": XVII, 1653
HUYGHENS, CHRIST1AAN (1629-95): VIII, 799; XHI, 673-5
HvACIr,rrr_E, PI_RE.See Loyson, Charles
HYDE, EDWARD(Earl of Clarendon) (1609-74). The History of the Rebellion and Civil
Wars in England: VI, 6, 34, 36-7, 42q, 44-5q, 46, 48, 50
The Life of Edward, Earl of Clarendon: VI, 7, 47q; XXVI, 421q; XXVIII, 362
"Lord Digby": VI, 42q
HYDE, EDWARD(b. 1844): XXV, 1176-7q, 1178
HYDE(HIDE), NICltOLAS(d. 1631): V'I, 16
HYDEDE NEUVmLE,JEAN GUILLAUME,B_ON ( 1776--1857): XXII, 157-8; xxm, 487,
HYI'ATIA(ca. 370--415 A.D.): XXI, 315
HYPERBOLUS(d. 411 B.C.): XI, 331; XIX, 460; XXV, 1126, 1160
(390--322 B.C.): XV, 746

I.K. (poulterer;ft. 1823). Evidence on the Laws Relating to Game (PP): VI, ll0q, 111nq,
Huskisson - Irving 223

Imo_mMKHAN. See Muhammad Ibrahim Khan

IB_HhM, PASHA(1789--1848): XIV, 458
ICrINUS (5th c. B.C.): XIV, 464
ILIFF, WILLIAMTIFFIN (Medical Officer of Health; ft. 1866): XXIX, 499-500e

Illustrated Weekly News: XVI, 1439

IM-THtrRN, EDUAaO (1813--77). Der Kanton Schaffhausen: II, 258n, 278n q; XXIV,
1016q, 1054; XXVIII, 259q
lnddependance Beige: XVI, 1139
Index Librorum Prohibitorum, XlV, 314
Industrial Partnership Record: XXXlI, 189
INGHAM,BENJAMIN(winery proprietor; ft. 1850s): XlV. 354, 363. 367
INGLIS,HENRYDAVID ("Derwent Conway") (1795-1835): XXXI, 361,381
--Rambles in the Footsteps of Don Quixote: XXXI, 380n
-- Spain: XXXl, 359-88 rev, 382q, 384-5q
Spain in 1830: XXXl, 380-1
-- Switzerland, the South of France, and the Pyrenees, in 1830: II, 256-8q, 273;
XXlV, 984-6q, 987-8, 1010
INGLIS,ROBERTHARRY(1786--1855): X, 149
-- Speech on Oaths of Catholic Members ( 11 Mar., 1834): VI, 188
INGaAM,WILLIAM(gamekeeper; ft. 1823): VI, 106
INNES, MR. (ft. 1840): xm,
INNOCENTIH (Pope) (1160-1216): XX, 239,245,247-9
Inquirer. "Mr. Carlyle on the Negroes" (8 Dec., 1849): XXI, 95q
Institutes. See Heineccius
An Introduction to the Latin Tongue: I, 13 (12), 556; XVIII, 31q
II'mCRATES(fl. 390--355 B.C.): VIH, 941
I_LAND, WILLIAMW. (1832--1909). LETTERTO:XVI, 1282
I_TON, I'IENRY(1611--51): Vl, 8, 49, 56--7; XXH, 282
The Irishman. "George Francis Train's Levees" (18 July, 1868): XXVlII, 315
IRVINE, ALEXANDER(1793--1873): I, 627; XV, 704-5, 867; XVI, 1085, 1280, 1295;
XVII, 1827; XXXI, 266; XXXII, 120-1. LETTERTO:XVII, 1946
"Address to the Contributors, etc.": XXXI, 283
British Botany: XXXI, 266-7
"C.alamintha Nepeta, Clairv.": XXXI, 282
*The Illustrated Handbook of the British Plants: XXXI, 280; XXXII, 120-1
Introduction to the Science of Botany: XXXl. 280
IRVING,EDWAI_ (1792--1834): XlI, 79, 120, 182; XXVl, 415
Babylon and Infidelity Foredoomed of God: XXH, 229
224 Index of Persons and Works

IRVING,WASHINGTON("Geoffrey Crayon," "Diedrich Knickerbocker") (1783-1859):

XVIII, 109
-- Chronicles of Wolfert's Roost and Other Papers: XXI, 161q
*History. of New York... by.Diedrich Knickerbocker: XVIII, 112
-- The Sketch-Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent.: XXVII, 611
"The Stout Gentleman": XXVll, 611
I (of Castile; of Spain) (1451-1504): HI, 955n; XYd, 401; XXXI, 305
II (of Spain) ( 1830-1904): XXXI, 360-88 passim
ISAMBERT, FRANCOISANDRI_(1792-1857): XXU, 191,215, 227
-- Speech on the Municipal Government Bill ( 1 Feb., 1831 ): XXH, 262
ISMAELBEG (Ismael Bey) (d. ca. 1740): XXXI, 349
ISMAILInN AL-SHARIF(Mouley Ismael) (Sultan of Morocco) ( 1645/6-1727): XXVI, 332
ISN_tD, MAXIMIN(1755--1825): XX, 105
(436--338 B.C.): XI, 300, 394
*Opera omnia: I, 9 (8), 553; Yd, 389; XXVI, 368, 384
Italia e Popolo: XIV, 271

JACKSON, ANDREW ( 1767-1845): xvm, 110; XXl, 132; XXH, 236; XXIH, 543; XXIV,
-- "The President's Message" (9 Dec., 1830): XXH, 236
-- "The President's Message" (4 Dec., 1832): XXHI, 543q, 543-5
-- Proclamation by the President of the Umted States: XVIII, 77
JACKSON,GEORGE(1785--1861): XXVI, 9
JACKSON,JOHN(1801--48): XIIL 387
JACOB,JOHN(1812--58): XXX, 154
JACOB, WILLIAM (1762?-- 1851). "Ensor's Radical Reform: Restoration of Usurped
Rights": XXVI, 10-11
-- Evidence on the Depressed State of the Agriculture m the United Kingdom (PP):
IV, 56nq
"Funding System": VI, 174
JACOBI,FRIEDRICHHEINRICH( 1743 -- 1819 ). David Hume iiber den Glauben, oder ldealis-
mus und Realismus: IX, 487q, 488
JACOBY,JOHANN(1805--77): XVI, 1224
JACOTOT, JOSEPH (1770-1840): XXIV, 786-7
-- Enseignement universel, langue maternelle: XXIV, 786
SIMONED_ PAUL(1779--1858):
MARIE(1751--1838): XXH, 317
Irving - Jeffrey 225

JAMAICACOr,L_nTTEE.Statement. See JSM, "Statement"

JAMES(St.; the apostle): I, 528
JAMESI (of England) (1566-1625): VI, 10-12, 15-16, 24; Xl, 367; XXVII, 474
First Speech to Parliament: VI, 10n
Speech (14 Jan., 1604): VI, 10-11q
JAMESII (of England) ( 1633-1701 ): VI, 78; Xl, 467; XHI, 416; XX, 186, 192, 221,330;
XXlI, 132; XXV, 1181; XXVII, 474
JAMES,EDWARD(1807--67): XXl, 422; XXVIII, 111
JAMES,EDWIN (witness; ft. 1860): XIX, 496n
JAMES,WALTERCHAaLES(Baron Northbourne) (1816-93): XXL 356-7e, 368e
JAMESON,ANNA BROWNELL( 1794-- 1860 ): XXXII, 199
-- Communion of Labour: XXXII, 199
JAMESON,WILUAM (1815--82): XIII, 685
JAMIESON,JOHN (1759-1838): XXII, 318
Etymologwal Dictionary of the Scottish Language: XXlI, 318
JANET, PAUL ALEXANDRERENI_ (1823-88). "Mill et Hamilton: Le probl_me de
l'existence des corps": XVII, 1652
JANSKLM. (Saint-Sirnonian; fl. 1830s): XII, 71
JARMAN,THOMAS(1800--60). A Treatise on Wills (Sweet, 1844): XIV, 35
JARS,AZqTOINEGABRIEL(1774--1857): XXIII, 345, 387
JARVtS,WILLIAM(criminal; ft. 1853): XXI, 107n
JAUBERT, HIPPOLYTEFRAN(3OIS,COMTE(1798--1874). Speech on Entailed Properties (24
Aug., 1831): XXHI, 380
JAY, JOHN (1817--94): XVIII, 110. LETTERTO:saga, 740-1; XVII, 2008

JEANII (of France) (1319-64): XX, 43q

JEANNE(of France and Navarre) (1273-1305): XXXI, 379
JEANNE D'ARc. See Joan of Arc

JEANS,JOHN JOSHUA(d. 1877): XIV, 391-2, 394

JEBB,JOHN (Bishop of Limerick) (1775-1833): XVII, 1962
JEFFERSON,THOMAS(1743--1826): VI, 404; XII, 130; XV, 827; XVIII, 100, 109-11;
SIX, 438,641; XXH, 174; xxm, 669
_ Inangural Speech (4 Mar., 1805): XXII, 179
_ Notes, on the State of Virgmm: XXI, 155q
JEFFREy,FRANCIS(Lord) (1773-1850): XXVI, 414-15
_, "Alison's Sermons": I, 31 In
"Bentham, Principes de ldgislation par Dumont": I, 325
_. "Correspondance liR6raire et philosophique de Grimm": I, 309
_. "Dispositions of England and America": I, 300-1q
"Edgeworth's Memoirs": I, 321
226 Index of Persons and Works

--"France": I, 302n
--"Hazlitt on Shakespeare": I, 309, 319
--"'Ivanhoe": I, 320
-- "Leckie on the British Government": I, 313q
-- "Madame de Sta_l--sur la litt6rature": I, 316-18q; XXVI, 414
-- "Millar's View of the English Government": I, 305-6q
-- "Montgomery's Poems": I, 324n q
--"Moore's Poems": I, 321
-- "Poems by W. Wordsworth": I, 324, 398
-- "Scott's Marmion: A Poem": I, 320
--"Southe_"s Thalaba": I, 303-4q
-- "Wordsworth's White Doe": I, 324
, and RICHARDCHENEVIX."French Poetry": I, 310
JEFFREYS,GEORGE(Baron) (1648-89): XXVI, 274
JEFFRYS,GEOR_3E(Baron Jeffreys of Were) (1648-89): XXXI, 58
JEHANGIR(Mogul Emperor) (1569-1627): XXl, 26
JENKINS,RICHARD(1785--1853): XXXII, 51, 58
JENKINSOIq,G. (ft. 1868): XVI, 1415
JENKINSON,ROBERTBANKS(Lord Liverpool) (1770-1828): XIII, 374; XXIII, 582,607,
623; XXVI, 379; XXXII, 20
_On Criminal Law (18 July, 1820): VI, 258
--On Unlawful Societies in Ireland (3 Mar., 1825): VI, 74n
On Roman Catholic Relief ( 17 May, 1825): VI, 64q
On the Bank Charter and Promissory Notes Acts (17 Feb., 1826): xxm, 607
JENYNS, SOAME(1704--87): X, 21, 170
_ A Free Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of Evil: X, 87
JEPHTHA(Bible): X, 320
JEgE_AH (Bible): XV, 895
JEROME(St.) (ca. 340-420 A.D. )' IV, 26; XIV, 489; XXXI, 309
JERVIS,JOHN(1802--56): XXVIH, 333
JESUS: VI, 251; VIII, 938; X, 16, 28, 144, 218, 227, 376, 422-5, 481,484-8; XI,
149-50, 314; XII, 101,141,182, 208,340; XIII, 415,453; XIV, 27; XV, 754, 763,
895; XVI, 1479; XVII, 1646; XVIII, 235-6, 249,255-6; XX, 248, 253; XXII, 31,
257; XXIV, 812, 817; XXV, 1174; XXVI, 123, 260, 447; XXVIII, 362-3; XXXII,
JEVONS,THOMAS(1835--82). Remarks on Criminal Law: XXI, 77-9 rev, 78q, 79q
Jeffrey - Johnstone 227

JEVON$, WILLIAM STANLEY (1835-82): XXXlI, 164. LETTER TO: xxxaI, 153
The Coal Question: XXVIII, 70-1; XXXII, 165
_ Pure Logic: XVII, 1862; XXXH, 153, 165
A Serious Fall in the Value of GoM Ascertained: XXXII, 164
The Theory of Political Economy (Macmillan, 1871 ): XVII, 1862
JOANOF ARC (Jeanne d'Arc) (1411-31): XX, 152; XXl, 302; XXVI, 15
JOANNE,ADOLPHELAURENT( 1823--81 ). ltmdraire descnptifet htstorique des Pyrdnies:
XXXI, 317q
JOCELYN, ROBERT (Earl Roden) (1788-1870): X, 146n
-- Speech on Unlawful Societies in Ireland (7 Mar., 1825): VI, 95q
JOSANNESSCOTUS(Erigena) (800-877 A.D. _: XX, 272
JOHN(St,; the apostle): X, 412; XIV, 312; XV, 903; XVI, 1017, 1046, 1110; XXVI, 32
JOaN (of England) ( 11677-1216): XIX, 437; XX, 29, 239,292
JO.N, RICHARDEDUARD(1827--89): XV, 621; XXXII, 119
John Bull: XXH, 134
JOHNS, W.L. (ft. 1867). LETTERTO: XVI, 1230
JOHNSON,ANDREW(1815--80): XVI, 1057, 1099-1100, 1118, 1159, 1165
"Mr. Mill On Representative Government": XV, 732
JOHNSON,JOHN (baker; tl. 1850): XXV, 1169q
JOHNSON,REVERDY(1796--1876): XVII, 1601
JOHNSON,SAMUEL( 1709--84): I, 182, 311 ; m, 889; vii. 5n; V1]l, 829; X, 82, 170; XII,
106; XlII, 387; XVIa, 8q, 138,237-8; XXVll, 629
"Lines added to Oliver Goldsmith's Traveller": XXV, 1138q
London, a Poem: IX, 103
"Preface to Shakespeare": I, 319q; XX, 135
_Rasselas: VII, 26q; XVI, 1474
Review of A Free Enquiry into the Nature and Origin of Evil: X, 87
The Vanity of Human Wishes: XXII, 110
JOHNSON,WILLIAM(police informer; ft. 1823): XXII, 60
JOHNSON,WILLIAMAUGUSTUS( 1776-1863). Speech on the Elective Franchise in Ireland
(9 May, 1825): VI, 88
JOHNSTON,ANDgEW(1798--1862): XVIH, 40
JOHNSTON,ANDREW( 1835 - 1922): XVII, 1884
JOHNSTON,CHARLES(1833--72). Travels in Southern Abyssinia (Madden, 1844): xm,
JOHNSTON,WILLIAM( 1829-- 1902). Motion for the Repeal of the Party Processions Act ( 18
Feb., 1869), PD, Vol. 194. col. 122: XVll, 1588
JOHNSTONE,GEORGE(b. 1812): XXIV, 865-6
228 Index of Persons and Works


( 1818-1900 ). "Guerre d' Am6rique-- campagne de 1'arm6e du Potomac": XV, 802
JOLIF_, WILLIAMGEORGEHYLTON(1800--76). Speech on the Cattle Diseases Bill (16
Feb., 1866): XXVIII, 51
JOLLIVET,THOMASMARIE ADOLPHE(1799--1848). Speeches on the Budget of 1832 (24
Jan., 1832): XXIII, 405
JONES. MR. (ft. 1863). LETTERTO:XV, 848
JONES. EDWARD(1823-1908). LETTERTO: XVII, 1549--50
JONES. F.W. (co-operator; fl. 1863). LETTERTO: XV, 864
JONES. HENRY(teacher; fl. 1868). LETTERTO:XVI, 1413-14
JONES. J. (ft. 1866). "Our Future Coal-fields": XXVIII, 71
JONES. JOHN (watchmaker and London vestryman; fl. 1867): XXXI, 404-6e
JONES. JOHN GALE (1769--1838): I, 129 (128); XXVI, 297-8, 300-2
JONES, LLOYD( 1811--86): XVII, 1673, 1770; xxvm, 9
-- Speech on Cooperation (28 Mar., 1864): XXVIII, 9
JONES, RICHARD(1790--1855): XV, 699; XXXII, 19
--An Essay on the Distribution of Wealth: II, 247-9q, 283q, 302, 305, 311; IV, 394
JONES, THOMAS(co-operator; fl. 1865). LETTERTO: XVI, 1020
JONES,THOMASMASON(reformer; ft. 1867): XXVIII, 174
JONNi_S,MOmSAUDE. See Moreau de Jonn_s
JONSON,BEN (1573?--1637). Bartholmew Fayre: XXIII, 362
JORANT,JEAN BAPTISTE(procureur du roi; ft. 1831 ): XXII, 251
JOSEPH(St.): XIV, 379
JOSEPHU (Emperor of Austria; Holy Roman Emperor) ( 1741-90): XIV, 280, 382; XIX,
JOSEPH(son of Jacob): XX, 380
JOUBEnT,CHARLES(conspirator; ft. 1830): XX, 179
JOUDOU,J.B. (fl. 1818). Guide des voyageurs ,_Bagn_res-de-Bigorre: I, 574; XXVl, 69
JOOFFROY,THI_ODORESIMON(1796--1842): X, 263; XI, 443; xxm, 522
-- M_langes philosophiques: IX, 491
Le Journal de Paris. "Elections du 12 juillet" ( 16 July, 1830): XXH, 134, 148
Journal de St. Petersburgh: XXlII, 698
Journal desD$bats: XlI, 346; xm, 465,467; XX, 190; XXII, 152; XXHI, 516, 529,723;
XXXlI, 129
"Paris: 28 octobre" (29 Oct., 1833): xxm, 662
Leading article on Juries (10 Nov., 1833): XXHI, 666
Leading article on Verifying Elections (7 Aug., 1834): XXHI, 746
Le Journal des Economistes: XlH, 738; XV, 799; XVII, 1655, 1770; XXXII, 128-9.
Joinville - Kant 229

Le Journal du Commerce: XXll, 204

JouY, VICTORJOSEPHETIENNEDE (1764--1846): I, 310
JOWET'r,BENJAMIN(1817-93): XIV, 203; XV, 819
Letter in "Report on the Organisation of the Permanent Civil Service" (PP; CW,
XIX, 654-5): XIV, 206n; XVIII, 210q
_, trans. *Dialogues of Plato (Oxford: Clarendon, 1868-71): XV, 959
JOYCE,MR. (ft. 1855): XIV, 407,409,413,418
JOYCE, ARTHURJOHN(1815-70). "The Progress of Mechanical Invention": II. 125n q
JOYCE,JEREMIAH( 1763-- 1816). Scientific Dialogues: I, 21 (20), 567
JUDGE, MARK HAYLER (1847-1927). LETTER TO: XVII, 1809-10

JUDICA,GABRIELE(Baron) (1760-1835): XIV, 382

JULIAN(Flavius Claudius Julianus; the Apostate) (331/2-363 A.D. ). XX, 224; XXVI, 8-9
JULIANE (fl. 1119): XX, 4In

JULIE, MLLE (maid to Sara Bentham; ft. 1820): XXVI, 32, 61n
"JuNIUS." See Francis, Philip
"JuNIUS REDIVlVUS." See Adams, William Bridges
The Jurist: I, 191 (190); XlI, 80, 117
-- Statistique agricole de la commune de Vensat (Puy-de-Dfme ): XXIV, 1054-5q
Genera plantarum: XXVl, 171
JUSTINIANI (483--565 A.D. ). Institutes: X, 376q. See also Heineccius
JUVENAL(ca. 60-140 A.D.): XII, 8
*Satires: I, 14n, 25,566; X-IX, 426q; XXlI, l19q; XXlii, 488q; XXVI, 302q
JtJXON, WILLIAM(1582--1663): Vl, 29n, 53n


KAMES,LORD. See Home, Henry
KANE,ROnERTJOaN ( 1809--90): XXV, 1112-15
"The Large or Small Farm Question": XXV, 1112, 1113-15q passim
KANT,IMMANUEL( 1724--1804): VII, 14, 59-60, 116n; VIII, 830, 967. 994; IX, 1,9-10,
23, 25, 27, 29, 39n, 41,56, 66, 88n, 143,147n-Hn, 154,175,179,207,207n-Hn, 241,
313n, 320n, 334,355,364,449n, 466n, 485,493n; X, 125, 127,171,266,445-6; XI,
93,341,346, 451,461; XlI, 303; XIII, 407,412, 509, 576; XVI, 1223; XVlI, 1881,
1954, 1956; XVIII, 304; XX, 183; XXVI, 147,445n; XXVlI, 657
Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten: X, 159q, 207q, 249q
230 Index of Persons and Works

Idee zu emer allgemeinen Geschichte: XX, 261
Kritik der praktischen Vernunfi: IX, 488
--Kritik der reinen Vernunfi: IX, 27n, 135,154n, 260, 360,374n; XXI, 242; XXVI,
165-6, 189
(in English) *Critique of Pure Reason, trans. Francis Haywood: IX, 154n
--Logic: IX, 356, 369n
-- Metaphysik der Sitten: IX, 467
-- Metaphysische Anfangsgriinde der Rechtslehre: XXI, 205
KARAMZIN, NIKOLAIMmHAILOVICH( 1766-- 1826). Travels from Moscow: I, 324
KARSLAKE,EDWARDKENT (1820--92). Speech on the Married Women's Property Bill ( 10
June, 1868): _XVIII, 284, 286

On Parliamentary Reform (20 May, 1867): XXVIII, 162

-- On the Married Women's Property Bill (10 June, 1868): XXVIII, 285-6
On the Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections Bill (14 July, 1868):
KAY, JOSEPH(1821-78). The Social Condition of the People in England and Europe: H,
260n q, 264-7q, 286q, 348q; VI, 528
KAYE, JOHN WXLLIAM (1814--76): XXXII, 85,121
-- "Mountstuart Elphinstone": XXXH, 121
KAzI MOLLAH.See Gazi Muhammad
KEATS,JOHN ( 1795--1821 ): XIV, 302; XVI, 1475
KEBLF.,JOHN (1792--1866): XXIV, 811-22
The Chrzstian Year: XXIV, 811
(1573--1609). Systema logicae: IX, 415
KEEN, BENJAMIN (London Debating Society member; ft. 1828). LETTF.R
TO: XII, 24
KEILL, JOHN ( 1671-1721 ). Introductiones ad veram physicam et veram astronomiam: I,
564; XII, 8
KEILY, JOHN (Irish cleric; ft. 1825). Evidence on the State of Ireland (PP): VI, 96
KELLAND,PHILIP( 1808--79): XXIX, 407-8
KELLY,ARTHURIRVCIN(witness; ft. 1825). Evidence on the State of Ireland (PP): VI, 88n,
KELLY, FITZROY( 1796-1880): XXVIII, 124
-- Resolution on the Malt Duty ( 17 Apr., 1866): XXVIII, 72
KELLY,OLIVER(Irish doctor; ft. 1825). Evidence on the State of Ireland (PP): VI, 87n-8n
KELLY, THOMASJ. (1833-1907): XXIX, 555
Kant - King 231

KELLY,WALTERKEATlNG(ft. 1834), trans. The History of the Popes, by Leopold von

Ranke: XX, 220
KELSALL,THOMASF. (1799-1872). LETTERTO: XVII, 1815-16
KEMBLE, JOHN ]VIITCHELL(1807--57): XIII, 471, 542. LETTERSTO: xm, 410-11,
439-40, 475-6, 490,515,532, 627-8,632-4; xxxII, 45-6, 66, 69
-- "The State of the Nation": XXXII, 46
KEMblETER, FRED DE (Belgian translator; ft. 1839), trans. Traitd d'dconomie nationale,
by Karl Rau: II, 150,288n q, 292q
KEMP, THOMASREAD (17817--1844): XXVH, 465
KENEALY, EDWARDVAUGHANHYDE (1819--80): XXV, 1173, 1176-7
KENNEDY,JOHNPITT (1796--1879). Digest of Evidence... [on] the Occupation of Land
in Ireland: II, 315n q, 330n q; IH, 998n q, 999q
KENYON,GEORGE(Lord) (1776-1855): I, 600-1; XVllI, 127
KENYON,LLOYD(Baron) (1732-1802). Judgment in the Trial of Topham, 1791: XXI, 21
KEPLER, JOHANNES(1571--1630): I, 165; VII, 292-8, 300n, 302-4, 317, 342-3,461,

490,492,494-5,517; VIII, 647-8, 651-2,798,863,872; IX, 474,487; X, 122,287n,

288,293; XX, 228; XXIII, 414
Harmonices mundi libri v (Linz: Plancus, 1619): xm, 673-6
KER, ALAN (1820--85): XXI, 433
KERGORLAY, LOUISFLORIANPAUL,COMTEDE ( 1769-- 1856). Letter Denouncing the New
Regime of Louis Philippe: XXII, 204
KERSEY,JOHN (1616--907). The Elements of... Algebra: I, 561; XII, 7
KERVERSEAU,FRANCOISMARIE(d. 1825), G. CLAVEL1N(ft. 1790). et al. Histoire de la
r_volation de France: XX, 73n, 75n, 93, 95n, 100, 104-5q, 142-7 passim, 152-7q
KEy, THOMASHEWlTT ( 1799-1875): XV, 820; XVl, 1194
KIEmaAYER,MICHAELYON(1755--1828): Vl, 450
KILGOUR,HENRY (Scottish author; ft. 1870). LETTERTO: XVlI, 1758-9
LORD.See Montagu, Edward
RICHARDTOmN (1792-1879):
KING, MR. (parish officer; ft. 1834): VI, 245q
KING,DAVID(1819--94): XXXII, 225. LETTERTO:XVII, 1768
Christianity v. Secularism: XXXII, 225
232 Index of Persons and Works

KING,GEORGE(Earl of Kingston) (1771-1839). Evidence on the State of Ireland (PP):

VI, 96
Speech on Unlawful Societies in Ireland (3 Mar., 1825): VI, 74n
KiNG, P.S. (printer; ft. 1869). LETTERTO: XVII, 1622
KING,PETER(Baron) (1776-1833): IV, 158-9; VI, 81
Speech... Respecting Guineas and Bank Notes: IV, 188; VI, 176
Thoughts on the Restriction of Payments in Specie at the Banks of England and
Ireland: IV, 188; Vl, 176; XXIV, 853
KiNG, THOMAS(1802--39). The Substance of a Lecture Designed as an Introduction to the
Study ofAngtomy: XXXI, 323 rev
KING, WILHELMINA(nEe Mill; JSM's eldest sister) ( 1808-61 ): I, 7 (6), 13 (12), 36n, 53,
555-7, 560,562-4,568-9; XII, 5-6, 10-11,307; XIII, 721,726; XIV, 140, 195,220;
XXVI, 19, 22, 26, 32, 36, 38, 44, 46, 52n, 71, 126; XXVII, 496; XXXII, 17, 52.
KING, WILLIAM(Archbishop of Dublin) (1650-1729): X, 21
KINGHAN,JOHN(Irish educator; ft. 1785): IX, 225n
The Invasion of the Crimea: XV, 848
CHARLES(1819--75): m, 1032; xIv, 52; xv,
KINGSLEY, 630-1,661; xvII, 1742-5;
XXXH, 14l. LETTERSTO: XV, 633; XVII, 1742-5
"The Agricultural Crisis": XIV, 51-3, 53q
KINGSLEY,FANNY(n6e Grenfell) (d. 1891): XVII, 1744-5
KINGSLEY, HENRY (1830--76): XXI, 428
KINGSTON,DUCHESSOF. See Chudleigh, Elizabeth
KINGSTON,MRS. (musical friend of the Mill family; ft. 1830s): XXX!I, 18
Kim.OCH, GEORGE(1775--1833): XXVI, 8, 10
KiNNAmO, ARTHURFITZGERALD(1814--87). Speech on the Sunday Lectures Bill (19
June, 1867): xxvm, 192-3,193q
KiNNEAR, JOHN BOYD (1828-1920): XVI, 1394-5, 1400. LETTERS TO" XVI, 1093-4,
1103-4; XVII, 1749-50, 1757
Principles of Reform (Smith, et al., 1865): XVI, 1093, 1104
"Redistribution of Seats": XVI, 1372
Speech on Proportional Representation (29 Feb., 1868): XXVHI, 239-41
I(_AND, WILLIAM(servant; ft. 1851): XXV, 1184
KLA_OTH, HEINRlCHJULR3Syon (1783-1835). Tableau historique, g#ographique, ethno-
graphique et politique du Caucase: XXXI, 350n
Travels in the Caucasus and Georgia: XXXI, 351
, ffans. "Rapport officiel sur les op6rations de guerre contre les montagnards
Musulmans du Caucase": XXXI, 354,355-6q
KL_BER, JEAN BAPTISTE(1753--1800): XX, 178
King - KOrner 233

KLINGEMANN,MR. (acquaintance of the Austins; fl. 1842): xm, 541

KNAPF,ANDREW(ft. 1820S), and WILLIAMBALDWIN(fl. 1820s). TheNewgate Calendar:
KNATCHBULL,EDWARD(1781--1849): VI, 233,235,271-2; XXII, 281; XXVI, 380
KNELLER,GODFREY(1646--1723): XXVII, 565
The Knickerbocker: I, 433
DIEDRICH." See Irving, Washington
KNIGHT,CHARI._ (1791-1873). The Menageries: VI, 356-7q
The Rights of Industry: IV, 385q
KNmHT, RaCHARDPAXOqE(1750--1824). An Analytical Essay on the Greek Alphabet:
XX, 62
An Analytical Inquiry into the Principles of Taste: VIII, 676
, ed. Carmina Homerica, llias et Odyssea: XX, 62
KNI_I-IT-BRuCE,JAMESLEWIS(1791-1866): XXIV, 1020-3, 1021q
KNIGHTLEY,RAINALD(1819--95). Speech on the Representation of the People Bill (28
May, 1866): XXVIII, 90
KNIGHTON,WILLIAM(ft. 1838). Memoirs (Bentley, 1838): XIII. 381
KNONAU,MEYERVON. See Meyer von Knonau
KNOX,ALEXANDER( 1757-- 1831 ). Remains of Alexander Knox (Duncan, etal.. 1834-37):
XVII, 1962
Thirty Years Correspondence between John Jebb and Alexander Knox (Duncan,
1834): XVII, 1962
KNOX, JOHN(1505--72): VI, 477; X, 143; XVIII, 249,266; XX, 224; XXIV, 819
KNox, ISA (n6e Craig) (1831-1903): XV, 683-4. LETTERTO: XV, 939
KNOX, WILLIAM(Bishop of Derry) ( 1762-1831 ). Evidence on the State of Ireland (PP):
Vl, 88n
KNOX, WILLIAMSTUART(1826--1900). Question on the Riots in Hyde Park (2 Aug.,
1866): XXVIII, 114
Question on the Meeting in the Tea-Room (2 Aug., 1867): XXVIII, 219
KOCH,CHRISTOPHE GUILLAUME DE ( 1737 --1813). Abrdg_ de 1' histoire des traitds de paix
entre les puissances de l'Europe: XX, 372
Tableau des rdvolutions de l'Europe: XX, 372
KOCK,CHARLESPAULDE (1794--1871): XII, 257,261-2, 269
KOE,JOHN HERBERT(1783--1860): XH, 5
KOHL,JOHANNGEORG(ft. 1859). Kitschi-Gami: X, 274
KOLEI'TIS,JOHN(Jean Coletti) (1788-1847): XIH, 649
GENNAIOS(1800--68): X1V, 423
KOLOKOTRONES. THEODORE(1770--1843): giN, 423
KORAN:VII, 186; X, 417; XlX, 612; XXI, 296; XXVI, 225; XXXI, 354-5, 36l
KORNER,KARLTHEODOR(1791--1813): XIH, 471
_ Leyer und Schwerdt: I, 467; XHI, 471
234 Index of Persons and Works

FERDINANDVON(1761--1819): XXVI, 24
-- Travels from Berlin, through Switzerland, to Paris: I, 324
Travels through Italy: I, 324
LOUIS(1807-55). Letter to the editor of the Ddmocratie Pacifique: XXV,
KRUG, WILHELMTRAUGOTT(1770--1842): IX, 174, 327, 415

_Logik: IX, 286n, 325q, 337n, 356, 379,410, 412q, 494

KUNTH, CARL SIGISMUND(1788--1850). Enumeratio plantarum omnium hucusque cog-
nitarum: XXXI, 292
KYLLMANN,EDWARD(brother of Max): XVII, 1661. LETTERTO: XVI, 1267
KYLLMANN, M6x (1832-67): XV, 810, 852, 891-2; XVI, 1008, 1016, 1019, 1245,
1267-8; XVII, 1544; XXXII, 138, 151. LETTERSTO: XV, 812-13, 839-41; XVI,
997-9, 1062-63
KYLLMANN,PHILIPPINE(wife of Max): XVl, 998, 1268, 1532-3; XVII, 1544. LETTERS
TO:XVI, 1508-10; XVH, 1551-2
KYNE (KYAN) (Father; Roman Catholic priest; ft. 1855): XIV, 297, 299, 302, 309-20

L.M. (a poulterer; ft. 1823). Evidence on the Laws Relating to Game (PP): VI, 110q, 111n
PAULJOSEPHXAVIERTRAMIERDE (1799--1860): XXIH, 482,495, 511
Letter to the editor of the Constitutionnel: XXIII, 511
LABOUCHERE,HENRY (Baron Taunton) (1798-1869): XVI, 1168, 1172; XXXII,
Letter to the Chairman of the Irish Board of Public Works: XXIV, 902, 934-5.
1027-8, 1027q
LABOUCHERE, HENRYDU _ ( 1831-1912). Motion on the Public Schools Bill ( 16 June,
1868): XXVIH, 290
DE (1811--83): XIX, 466n, 584n
"De la constitution des Etats Unis: Le droit electoral": XVI, 999
LA BRUYI_RE,JEAN DE (1645-96): II, 442
_Les caractdres: I, 573; XVIII, 81-2; XXIV, 1048-9; XXVI, 47
LACHES(in Plato): XI, 197-209,409
LACLOS.See Choderlos de Laclos
JEAN(Bastille prisoner): XX, 146
XXIV, 958
Kotzebue - Lagarmitte 235

*Histoire de France pendant le dix-huitidme sidcle: XX, 146q

-- *Histoire de l'assemblde constituante: XX, 90q
LACROIX,M. (friend of G.C. Lewis; ft. 1837): Xll, 321
Biography of Clairaut: XXVI, 227
Eldmens d'algdbre: I, 575; XXVI, 131
*Trait_ du calcul diff_rentiel et du calcul integral: I, 572; XXVI, 34, 45
LACY, LOUISDE (1775-1817): XX, 89
LAENNEC,RENI_THI_OPHILE ( 1781 -- 1826). A Treatise on the Diseases of the Chest, trans.
J. Forbes (Longman, et al., 1834): XIV, 199

( 1757-1834): I, 179 (178); VI, 235-7,467-8; XII, 22.58, 64-7; XX, 78, 80, 90.97,
150q, 154, 155,157,198; XXII, 141,152-3, 165,178,224,226-7,248; xxm, 542,
658,716-17; xxv, 1249; xxvm, 132; xxxi, 174
-- Letter to the Electors of Meaux: xxm, 395; xxv, 1248
-- "Lettre du g6n6ral La Fayette an chevalier d'Archenholz": XX, 78n

-- Explaining His Resignation as Commander of the National Guard (27 Dec., 1830):
XXII, 226
--On External Affairs (28 Jan., 1831): XXlI, 300
-- On the Events of 14 February (20 Feb., 1831): XXII, 298q; XXIII, 341q
L'affaire du collier, 2 vols. (Paris: various publishers, 1785-86): XII. 191. 203,209
LAmTTE, JACQUES ( 1767-1844): XII, 57-8; XX, 177, 198; XXII, 181,190,203,207-8,
288; XXRI, 378,402,460, 466, 483,505,524, 560, 570

-- In the Chamber of Deputies (5 June, 1820): XXII. 156

--On the Tax Bill (15 Nov., 1830): XXII, 203
-- In the Chamber of Deputies (26 Nov., 1830): XXll, 207
-- In Presenting the Budget ( 11 Feb., 1831 ): XXII, 270
On the Budget of 1832 (23 Jan., 1832): XXIII, 402
-- On the Sinking Fund (27 Feb., 1833): xxm, 570
LAFFI'I'FE, PIERRE (1823-1903): X, 359
LA FONTAINE, JEAN DE (1621--95): xm, 400
_ Fables choisies raises en vers: I, 569-70; XX, 87; XXVI. 20-1,33, 37, 40, 45.60,
LAFONTAINE, JOSEPH PIERRE (1792-1858): xxm, 456
XX, 9, 87
LAGAgmTTE, HENRi ( 1807--34): XII, 108
236 Index of Persons and Works

LAGRANGE,JOSEPHLOUIS, COMTEDE (1736--1813): VI, 332; X, 314; XI, 468n; XVIII,

143; XXVI, 352, 357
-- Thdorie des fonctions analytiques: I, 575; XXVI, 129, 182
Speech on the Corn Question (13 Dec., 1831 ): XXIII. 378
LAHARPE,JEAN FRANCOIS DE (1739-1803). Lycde, ou Cours de littdrature ancienne et
moderne: I, 573; XXVI, 46-7

LAING,MALCOLM(1762--1818). The History of Scotland: VI, 37n, 58; XX, 57

LAING, MARIANNE(a relative of HTM): XIV, 136; XV, 668
LAING,SAMUEL(1780--1868): XIH, 450; XXIV, 971
_Journal of a Residence in Norwa3,: If, 260q, 281n q, 285q: XXIV, 1008
--Notesofa Traveller: H. 105-6q, 261-2q, 284q. 364-5q; xm, 541,622; xxIv,
-- Observations on the Social and Political State of the European People in 1848 and
1849: II, 294n q
-- A Tour in Sweden (Longman, et al., 1839): XIII, 450
LAING,SAMUEL( 1812- 97 )." Letters from the Continent (Nos. I- V)," Monthly Chronicle,
VI (Sept.-Dec. 1840), 196-224,289-315,399-433. 505-31; VII (Jan. 1841 ), 11-37:
XIII, 450
_National Distress: III, 769-70q, 1007-8q, 1089; XVI, 987
On International Maritime Law (2 Mar., 1866): XXVIII, 224
On the Representation of the People Bill (13 Apr., 1866): XXVIII, 208
On the Representation of the People Bill (20 May, 1867): XXVIH, 161
On the East India Revenue Accounts ( 12 Aug., 1867): XXVIII, 233
LAIRD, MACGREGOR(1808--61), and R.A.K. OLDFIELD(fl. 1830s). Narrative of an
E_rpedition into the Interior of Africa (Bentley, 1837): xm, 415
LAISNI_,JEANNE(b. 1454?): XXVI, 6
LALANDE,ARMAND(1820--94). LETTERSTO:XVII, 1595-6, 1606
I._LANDE, JOSEPHJI_R6MELE FIL_N_AISDE (1732--1807). Astronomie: XXVI, 57
DE( 1751--1830): XX, 83, 86, 90, 104q
I.,M.OR,JOHN (1814--56). LETTE_ TO:XIV, 90-4
_Money and Morals (Chapman, 1852): XIV, 90-2, 91q
LA LUZERNE, C_SARHENRI, COmE DE (1737--99): XX, 9, 86-7

LAMACHUS(in Plato): XI, 206

XXVI, 168-9
Florefranfoise: XXVI, 168-9
Lagrange - Lambton 237

Histoire natureUe des animaux sans vertdbres, 7 vols. in 8 (Paris: Verdi_re,

1815-22): xm, 678
Syst_me des animaux sans vertdbres: XXVI, 168-9
LAMARQUE, JEANMAXIMILIEN(1770-1832): VI, 160q; XII, 112; XX, 200; XXlI, 247;
XXHI, 355,473,510,683
-- Speech on War ( 15 Jan., 1831 ). XXII, 247
731; XIV, 12-13, 33; XV, 562; XX, 188n, 321,332, 339-41,343; XXV, 1092
-- "Discours au peuple envahissant l'int6rieur de l'h6tel de ville" (25 Feb., 1848):
XX, 333
-- "Discours au peuple rassembl6 en armes dans la salle du tr6ne" (25 Feb., 1848):
XX, 333
Histoire des Girondins: XIIl, 739; XX, 355-6q (399-400)
_Lettre aux dix d_partements: XX, 338,341
-- Manifeste aux puissances: XX, 340, 341q (397-8), 342q, 343-4, 348 (398)
-- R6ponse _ une deputation de gardes du commerce ( 11 Mar., 1848): XXV, 1092
-- Rdponse d une ddputation des citoyens irlandais (3 Apr., 1848): XX, 342-3q
-- Rdponse _une ddputation des Polonais (11 Mar., 1848): XX, 342q (398)
LAMB,CAROLINE(Lady Caroline) (1785-1828): XXH, 43-4, 63
LAMa, CHARLES(1775--1834): XII, 280, 302
-- *Specimens of English Dramatic Poets Who Lived about the Ttme of Shakespeare
(Moxon, et al., 1835): XlI, 268,271; XVI, 1475
LAMB,WILUAM(Lord Melbourne) ( 1779-1848 ): I, 605; VI, 270-1,274-5,297- 8,344,
379, 388, 412, 460, 495; XH, 260-1, 299, 325; XIII, 399, 472; XXII, 43-5, 63;
XXIH, 701; XXlV, 758,765,818; XXXl, 369

On Unlawful Societies in Ireland (15 Feb., 1825): VI, 75q

On Admission of Dissenters to the Universities ( 1 Aug., 1834): VI, 270q, 270-1
_ At Derby (1 Dec., 1834): V'I, 292
_On the Corn Laws (3 May, 1841), PD, Vol. 57, cols. 1374-5: XlH, 472
LAMBERT,MRS. ELIZAeETH(of Tunbridge Wells; fl. 1868). LETTERTO:XVI, 1492
LAMBERT,JOHANNHEINRICH(1728--77). Neues Organon: VII, 170n q; XIH, 461
LAMBERT,JOHN (1619--83): VI, 57
LAr,mESC.See Lorraine, Charles
LA_mrON, Jomq GEORGE( 1st Earl of Durham) ( 1792-1840): I, 158, 223-5 (222-4); VI,
243, 408, 414, 416, 426, 429-31,433, 439-43, 447-64, 473, 479, 481; XH, 238,
241-2; XIlI, 372-6, 379, 381-2, 389-94, 396, 426--7,479; XVII, 1987-9; XXlV,
-.. Despatch to Lord Glenelg (PP): VI, 452n-3n q, 456n q, 462q
238 Index of Persons and Works

-- "'An Ordinance to Provide for the Security of the Province of Lower Canada" (PP):
VI. 439-43 rev; 442q, 452; XIH, 391; XVII, 1989; XXIV, 801
-- "A Proclamation": VI, 452n q, 457q, 459,460-3,460q, 461q; Xlll, 390; XVlI,
Speech on the Elective Franchise in Ireland (9 May, 1825): Vl, 90
-- Speech on the Suffrage (19 Oct., 1834): VI, 488-9
-- See also under United Kingdom: Parliamentary Papers, "Report on the Affairs of
British North America" (1839)
Essai sur l'indiff#rence en matidre de religion: XX, 390
XXIII, 541-2
Histoire de l'assemblde constituante: XX, 140q
xxm, 541-2
Speech on Bamave (10 Mar., 1832): XXIII, 542
LAMIRANDE,SUREAU(extradited forger; ft. 1866): XXVIII, 228; XXIX, 562
NICOLASDE (1648--1724): XXH, 120
LAMONT,JAMES(1828--1913): XVI, 1405
LAMY, ARMANDFRAN(}O1S (1781-1839). Speech on the Bill to Fortify the Capital (22
Apr., 1833): XXIII, 594
LANCASTER,JOSEPH(1778--1838): XV, 552; XXI, 385; XXIII, 360-1,456; XXVI, 427;
LANCELOT,CLAUDE (ca. 1615-95), and Louis ISAACLEMAiSTREDE SACY(1613-84).
"Le jardin des racines greeques": XXVI, 226
The Lancet: XVI, 995
LANDI, GIOVACCmNO(Italian peasant; ft. 1835): II, 307n
LANDOR,WALTERSAVA6E (1775--1864). Imaginary Conversations: XlX, 629q
--Letter to the editor of The Examiner (24 Dec., 1853 ), 919: XlV, 118
LANDP,-_N,JOHN(d. 1865): XXVIII, 94
DE (sub-prefect in Meurthe; ft. 1831 ): XXH, 263
LANEPaC(LANAmQ, EARL OF. See Hamilton, William
LANF_Y, PIERRE(1828-77): XVII, 1610, 1612, 1863; XlX, 584n
LANG, MRS. (servant to Caroline Lamb; ft. 1823): XXlI, 43-5, 63
LANG,JAMESST_CaAN (in the EIC army; fl. 1840s): XXXlI, 61
LANGDALE,LoRD. See Bickersteth, Henry
Lambton - Lasalle 239

LANGHORNE, JOHN (1735-79), andWILLIAM LANGHORNE (1721--72),

I, II(10),555


ft.1868):XXXII, 198.LETTERTO:XVI, 1198
du royaumedeFrance:XXVI, 16
Revue desDeux Mondes,XLIH (15Feb.,1863),960-91:XV, 856
XII,38,54,67,73;XVI, I054,1224

XVI, 1038;XXIX, 451,489
LA NOUE, FRANqOISDE (1531--91):
XX, 43q
LANSDOWNE, MARQUIS OF.SeePetty-Fitzmaurice,
487;X, 314;XVIH, 143;XXll, 198,242;XXVI, 11,239,352,357
-- Essaiphilosophique
sur lesprobabilit_s:
vm, 534q, 543q,546,553,630n,
-- *Exposition
du syst_me
du monde:I,576;VIII,507-8,517n;XIII,677-8;XV,
754;XXVI, 138-41
-- Trait_
de m_caniquec_leste:
X, 42;XIV, 29;XV, 754;XXVI, 239
XXII, 307
LAPWORTH (tradesman;ft.1857):XV. 523
LARABIT,MARIE DENIS (1792--1876):xxm, 355
Ramus) (1515-72):
XI,405;XXVI, 168
-- Dialecticae
XXVI, 168
XX, 222
XX, 146
LA ROCHE DE GLUY (Lordof)(14thc.):XX, 49
DUC DE (1613-80). *R_flexions:
I,423,425;xm, 468
1827):XX, 91q
on theMunicipal
(I Feb.,1831):XXII, 262
PIERRE(1756-1837):XVI, 1323;XXXI, 134
XI, 355;XVI, 1323;XXXI, 134q
DE (1651-1719):xxm, 360
240 Index of Persons and Works


XXIII, 355
-- Mdmorial de Sainte Hdldne. Journal of the Private Life and Conversations of the
Emperor Napoleon at St. Helena: XXV, 1248; XXVI, 421

LATIMER,HUGH (1485?--1555): X, 143; xxm, 463

LATINGRAMMAR.See An Introduction to the Latin Tongue
THABAUDEDE(called Henri). See Ch6nier,
(1823-71). Letter to the Earl of Clarendon (PP): XXIX, 544
LATROBE. CHARLESJOSEPH(1801-75). The Rambler in North America: 1832-1833:
XVIII, 93-115 rev, 114-15q
LAUD, WILLIAM(1573--1645): VI, 8, 19-20, 22-3, 34; sin, 416, xx, 299; XXH, 14
LAUDERDALE, DUKE OF. See Maitland, John

LAUGEL, AUGUSTE(1830--1914). "Les causes et caract6res de la guerre civile aux

Etats-Unis": XV, 750
LAUK, EVA (Estonian girl born without limbs; ft. 1830s): IX, 248-9
LAUNAY,BERNARD RENI_ JOURDAN DE (1740-89): XX, 143-4, 144q, 145-7
LAURENCE,JUSTIN( 1794-- 1863): XXIII, 352
LAUZENT,JEAN ANTOINE(1763--1833): XXVI, 10-11
LAURENZA, DR. (Italian friend of Mazzini; ft. 1858): XV, 548
LAVALLI_E,JOSEPH,MARQUISDE BOIS-ROBERT(1747-1816). Histoire de l'ortgine, des
progrds, et de la ddcadence des diverses factions qut ont agitd la France depuis le 14
juillet, 1789, jusqu' ft l' abdication de Napoldon: XX, 91q, 108
LA VAUGUYON, PAUL FRAN(_OIS,DUCDE (1746-1828): XX, 9, 87
1627-8, 1637-8, 1784, 1919-20; XXXII, 224
--Etudes d'dconomie rurale. La Nderlande: Vl, 528; XVI, 1406; XVlI, 1628
--Etudes et essais (Paris: Hachette, 1869): XVII, 1628
-- "Les formes primitives de la propri_t6": XVII, 1919
-- "The Land System of Belgium and Holland": V, 684-5
-- "M. de Laveleye on the Eastern Question": XVII, 1784
-- "On the Causes of War, and the Means of Reducing Their Number": XXXII,
"La propri6t6 primitive et les Allemands en Suisse': XVII, 1919
-- La Prusse et l'Aurriche depuzs Sadowa: XXXII, 224
--La question du grec et lard,forme de l'enseignement moyen (Paris: Lacroix, et al.,
1869): XVll, 1628
LAVELEYE,MMEDE (wife of Emile): XVII, 1642
Las Cases - Layard 241


-- "D6nombrement de la population de 1856": m, 437
Economie rurale de la France deputs 1789: II, 152q, 290n- I n q, 293q, 435,436q,
437,442q; XV, 773; XXVIII, 259-60; XXXI, 293
Essai sur r _conomie rurale de l'Angleterre, de I'Ecosse et de l'lrlande: II, 280q,
448; m, 1075n
-- "L'Irlande en 1867": VI, 528q
-- "Royer-Collard, orateur et politique": XIX, 608q
LAVERGNE,MME DE (wife of the above): XVII, 1642
LAVOISIER,ANTOINELAURENT(1743-94): I, 65 (64); VII, 441; VHI, 704; X, 122, 289,
295; xm, 651; XXII, 324
"Consid6rations g_n_rales sur la nature des acides": XXVI, 176, 230
--M_thode de nomenclature chimique: XXVI, 176
LAVOISIER,MARIEANNE PIERRETTE(n6e Paulze; wife of the above): I, 309
LAW, EDWARD(Baron Ellenborough) (1750-1818): I, 297-8; IV, 184; XXl, 18, 20:
XXlI, 92q; XXXI, 49, 82
-- Charge to the Jury in the Trial of William Cobbett, 1804: XXl, 22q, 30q
LAW, EDWARD(Earl of Ellenborough) ( 1790-1871 ): XXII, 115; XXV, 1191; XXX, 72,
166, 195-7
-- Speech on the East-India Company's Charter (21 Apr., 1831 ): xxm, 601
-- Speech on the Government of India (29 Apr., 1858): XXX, 203
LAW, PdCHAItD(1733--1806): IV, 184
Law Magazine. "Events of the Quarter": XXH, 318n
LAWFORD,EDWARD(solicitor to the EIC; fl. 1833): XXXII, 17
LAWLER,JAMES(witness; ft. 1825). Evidence on the Disturbances in Ireland (PP): VI,
89n, 96
LAWRENCE,HENRY(d. 1865): XXI. 423,428; XXVIII, 95
LAW_NCE, JOHNLAmD MAIR (Baron)(1811-79): VII, 1537, 1560; XXX. 115-16;
XXXII, 199
"'Report on the Administration of Public Affairs in the Punjaub Territories": XXX,
LAWRENCE,SOULDEN(1751--1814): XXXI, 74q
LAWRENCE,THOMAS(1769--1830): I, 352n
LAWSON,JAMESANTHONY(1817-87). Five Lectures on Polincal Economy: V, 449
LAYARD,AUSTENHENRY (1817--94): KV, 716
Speech on Russia and the Porte ( 17 Feb., 1854), PD, Vol. 130, cols. 831-60: XIV,
242 Index of Persons and Works

-- Speech on the Expiring Laws Continuance Bill (6 Aug., 1867): XXVIII, 228
LAYRIEU (LARRIEU), M. (Toulouse dancing master; ft. 1820): XXVI, 34-51 passim
LAYrON, JOHN (Islington vesa-y clerk; ft. 1866): XXIX, 509-12e, 513
The Lender: XIV, 301

--"Marriage" (13 July, 1850): XXV, l181q

--"Right of the Suffrage" (signed "Homo.") (27 July, 1850): XXV, 1182q
LEADER, JOHN TEMPLE ( 1810--1903): VI, 434-5,442-3; XH, 317,323,339,365,377;
XVII, 1969, 1977, 1989. LETTER TO: XXXII, 243

--On the Affairs of Canada (22 Dec., 1837): VI, 418q

--On the Affairs of Canada (22 Jan., 1838): VI, 434

-- On Canada--Declaratory and Indemnity Bill ( 14 Aug., 1838): VI, 442

L_ANS, HAt, NOT DE (d. 1332): XX, 49
LI_ANS, PIERRE DE (d. 1332): XX, 49
LEAR, EDWARD ( 1812-- 88). Journals of a Landscape Painter in Southern Calabria and the
Kingdom of Naples: XIV, 355, 404,409,418
LEATHAM, WILLIAM HENRY (1815--89): IH, 550n
LEATHERLAND, JOHN A. (1812-ca. 1877). LETTER TO: XVI, 1167
-- Essays and Poems, with a Brief Autobiographical Memoir (Tweedie, 1862): XVI,

ImAvrrr, JOSHUA (1794--1873). An Essay on the Best Way of Developing Improved

Political and Commercial Relations between Great Britain and the United States
(Macmillan, 1869): XVII, 1590

LEBEAU, CHARLES (1701--78). Opera lat/na: I, 574,586; XXVI, 57, 59-60

LE BLOND, ROBERT (friend of G.J. Holyoake; ft. 1856): XV, 505
LE BRUN, M. (French farmer; ft. 1780s): II, 274
LECHEVALIER, JULES (1800--50): XII, 93, 133, 193

LECI'IEVALIER-SAINT ANDRI_, ANDRI_ LOUXS JULES (socialist, son of the above): XXV,
1146-7; XXXII, 81

-- Declaration: XXV, 1146-7, 1147q

-- Five Years in the Land of Refuge: XXXIl, 81
Rapport sur les questions coloniales: XXV, 1146
LECKIE, GOULD FRANCIS (ft. 1812). Essay on the Practice of the British Government:
I, 313

LECKY, WILLIAM EDWARD HARTPOLE (1838--1903). History of European Morals from

Augustus to Charlemagne: XVII, 1692-5; XXXII, 206
LECLMRE, EDME JEAN (1801--72): XXV, 1093
--De l'organisation du travail (Paris: Huzard, 1848): XIV, 54

Des ameliorations qu' il serait possible d'apporter dons le sort des ouvriers peintres
en bdtiments: V, 415; XIV, 54; XX, 315
Layard - Leighton 243

"M. Leclaire of Paris": HI, 770-2q, 773-4, 1010, 1011-14q, 1016-17; XXV,
R_partition des b_n_fices du travail en 1842: IV, 382n-3n
LECLERC,JEAN (1657--1736). Ars critica: XXXI, 24
LECLERCQ,MICHEL THI_ODORE(1777--1851 ). Proverbes dramatiques, 4 vols. (Paris:
Lebigre-Duquesne, 1823-26): XII, 191,269
LECOINTRE,LAURENT( 1750-- 1805 ). "D6positions": XX, 156q
LEDRUROLLIN,ALEXANDREAUGUSTE(1807--74): XX, 321,332, 336,339; XXIX, 570
Bulletins de la rdpublique, minist_re de l'int_rieur: XX, 336-7
LEE, HENRY( 1765-- 1836). Caleb Quotem and His Wife.r: VI, 368
LEE, NATHANIEL(1653?--92). The Rival Queens: XX, 149
LEE, ROBERTEDWARD( 1807--70): XVI, 1057
LEEMAN,GEORGE(1809-82). Motion on the Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at
Elections Bill (23 July, 1868): XXVIII, 326
LEFEBVRE,ARMAND(1800--64): XIII, 413
LEGENDRE,ADRIENMARIE (1752--1834). Elements de g_om_trie: I, 571; XXVI, 26,
33-47 passim
morale desfemmes (Paris: Sandr6, 1848): XIV, 12
LEGOYT,ALFRED (1815--85). "Recensement de la population de la France en 1846": II,
288n-9n q; XIH, 724-5
LEmNIZ, GOTTmEO WILHELMYON(1646--1716): VII, 87, 95,364, 367-9, 368q; VIII,
752,758n, 771,1013; IX, cvii, 152,295,320, 440,485,499; X, 171,367-8,434,441,
446; XI, 445,451; XX, 376; XXVI, 147,235; XXVII, 657; XXXI, 129
-- Dissertatio de stilo philosophico Nizolii: XXXI, 129q
*Esprit de Leibnitz: VHI, 767
--Essais de th_odic_e: IX, 372, 419, 499-500, 500q, 502; X, 390n
Meditationes de cognitione, veritate et ideis: IX, 319q, 320
La monadologie: IX, 500, 502
Nouveaux essais sur l'entendement humain: VIII, 756q
Opera urania: VII, 239n q, 360
Second _claircissement du syst_me de la communication des substances: XXVI,
Syst_me nouveau de la nature et de la communication des substances: XXVI, 189
"Trois lettres _tMr. Remond de Montmort": X, 158q
Troisi_me dclaircissement: IX, 501q
LEICESTER,EARLOF. See Sidney, Robert
LEIGHTON,ALEXANDER(1568--1649): VI, 13, 21
_An Appeal to the Parliament: VI, 21
244 Index of Persons and Works

LEINST_, DUKE OF. See Fitzgerald, Augustus Frederick

LEITCH, JOHN(ft. 1844), trans. Introduction to a Scientific System of Mytholo_', by Karl
Otfried Mfiller: XI, 288,289q
LELY, PETER( 1618--80): XXVII, 565
LE MARCHANT,DENIS (1795--1874): XXIII, 597,600, 610, 614,619-20, 627,637
-- The Reform Ministry, and the Reformed Parliament: VI, 286; XXIII, 597-617 rev,
618-38,627q, 643-6
LEMmE, M. (Saint-Simonian; ft. 1831 ): XII, 94
LEMOINNE,JOHNEMILE(b. 1814). Article on Sir William Molesworth: XIV, 500
LEMON,CHARLES(1784--1868): XXVII, 619
LENNARD,THOMASBARRETT(1788--1856). Speech on the Petition of Richard Carlile
(8 May, 1823): XXII, 24q
LENNOX,COMTE(1795--1836): XXIII, 417
LENNOX,CHARLESGORDON(Duke of Richmond) ( 1791-1860): VI, 344; XXIII, 636-7;
XXVII, 566-7

-- On Employment for Agricultural Labourers (13 June, 1833): xxm, 636

--On the Post-Office (16 Aug., 1833): XXIII, 600
-- On Oaths (20 Mar., 1834): VI, 188
LENTHALL,WILLIAM(1591--1662): VI, 50
LENTH[RIC, PIERRE(1793--1849): I, 59 (58), 575; XXVI, 129-42 passim
LEOX (Pope) ( 1475-1521 ): XX, 224
LEOFRIC(Earl of Mercia) (d. 1057): XX, 25-6
LEON(of Salamis) (in Plato): XI, 166
LEONARDO DA VINCI (1452--1519): XIV, 483; XXVII, 648
LEONIDASAG1AD(of Sparta) (ft. 488-480 B.C, ): VII, 333n; XIV, 443; XVIII, 71; XIX,
651; XXVI, 10-11
LEOPOLDII (Holy Roman Emperor) (1797-1870): XIV, 279; XIX, 382
LEOPOLDI (of Belgium) ( 1790-1865): XV, 833; XXIII, 699
LEOPOLDII (of Belgium) (1835-1909): XIV, 118
LEOPOLDII (Grand Duke of Austria) (1747-92): XIV, 280; XX, 101
_ Letter to Louis XVI (3 Dec., 1791): XX, 101
Letter of 17 Feb., 1792: XX, 80n
LEROUX,PIERRE(1798--1871): m, 1028; Xll, 93, 133, 140, 194; xIv, 10; xxIII, 677
De l'humanitg (Paris: Perrotin, 1840): xm, 497
LESAGE,ALMNREN_ ( 1668-1747). L'histoire de GilBlas de Santillane: IV, 212; VI, 224;
XVI, 1475; XXVII, 471
L_Lm, DAVID(d. 1682): VI, 36
L_Lm, JOHN (1766--1832). The Philosophy of Arithmetic: VII, 257n; VIII, 1095n
Rudiments of Plane Geometry: VII, 251 q
Leinster - Leveson-Gower 245

LESLIE,THOMASEDWARDCLIFFE(1826--82): XV, 726-7,733,767. 778,787,849; XVI.

1062, 1222, 1293, 1295, 1297; XVII, 1628, 1810, 1889, 1892, 1895, 1899-1900,
1903. LETTERSTO: XV, 702-4, 746-7, 756-8, 857, 881-2, 897-9; XVII, 1557-8,
1599-1601, 1642-3, 1706-7, 1805-6, 1857-9
"Changes in Prices": XVII, 1557
"The Distribution and Value of the Precious Metals in the Sixteenth and Nineteenth
Centuries": XV, 897-8,950
"Financial Reform": XVII, 1857
"The Future of Europe Foretold in History": XV, 702
"Income-Tax Reform": XV, 733,756-7
"The Land System of France": V, 685
Land Systems and Industrial Economy of Ireland, England, and Continental
Countries: V, 671-85 rev, 671-85q passzm; XVH, 1707; XXX, 220q
-- "The Law of Patents": XVI, 1062
"The Military Systems of Europe": XVI, 1351; XVII, 1805
--"Modem Phases of Jurisprudence in England": XV, 758
-- Review of Chanffard's translation of Karl Mittermaler, Erfahrungen: XVH, 1558
-- "A Visit to La Creuse, 1868": XVH, 1557-8, 1599-1600
-- "The Wealth of Nations and the Slave Power": XV, 785
--"Westphalia and the Ruhr Basin": XVH, 1558, 1599-1600
LESSlNG, GOTTHOLD EPHRAIM( 1729--81 ). Die Erziehung des Menschengeschlechts:
XX, 261
L'ESTRANGE,ROGER( 1616-- 1704). Fables of Aesop and Other Eminent Moralists: XXIV,
905; XXVII, 578
LETHBRIDGE,THOMAS.See Buckler-Lethbridge, Thomas
LETHERBY,HEr_RY(1806--76): XXXI, 397-8e
LETRONr_E,JEAN ANTOINI_(1787--1848). "Essal sur le plan et la disposition g6n6rale du
labyrinthe d'Egypte": I, 574; XXVI, 110
A Letter to the Earl of Durham. See "Marvell Redivivus"
LEVASSEUR,GODEFROY(French artillery captain; ft. 1831). Testimony at the trial of
Cavaignac, Guinard, et al.: XXII, 302q
LEVASSEUIt,PIERREEMmE (1828--1911). Cours d'_conomie rurale, industrielle et
commerciale: XVII, 1611
LEVASSEUR,RENI_ (ft. 1820s). M_moires de Ren_ Levasseur (de la Sarthe) ex-
conventionnel (Paris: Rapilly, 1829-31): XII, 138, 146, 149
XVI, 1151
The Reformers' Reform Bill (TrObner, 1866): XVI, 1151, 1154
LEVESON-GOWER, FRANCXS (later Egerton, later Earl of EUesmere) (1800-57). Speech on
the Roman Catholic Clergy (29 Apr., 1825): VI, 86
, trans. Faust: a Drama, by Goethe, and SchiUer's Song of the Bell: XXXI, 365n
246 Index of Persons and Works

LEVESON-GoWER,GEORGEG_ANVILLE( 1st Duke of Sutherland) ( 1758- t833): xxm,

GRANVmLEGEORGE(2nd Earl Granville ) ( 1815-91 ): XIV, 184; XXI,
Speech on the Civil Service ( 13 Mar., 1854), PD, Vol. 131, cols. 655-62: XIV,
184, 187
Lt_vY, MlCrIEL( 1821--75): XVII, 1566
LEWALD-STAHR,FANNY( 1811--89): XVII, 1700. LETTERTO: XVII, 1703-4
Far und wider die Frauen (Berlin: Janke, 1875): XVII, 1700-3
LEWES, AGNES(n6e Jervis) (1822-1902): XIII, 463. 466, 558-9
LEWES, CrtARLESLEE ( 1843--91 ): XIII, 558
LEWES,GEOI_3EHENRY(1817--78): XIH, 499,517,527. 537,568,667; XV, 903; XVI,
1195; XVII, 1913. LETTERSTO:Xm, 448-9, 463-4, 466-7,470-l, 483-4, 557-9;
XVII, 2003
Aristotle: IX, 489n q; X, 301q; XI, 484,497
--Biographical History of Philosophy (Knight, 1845): XHI, 559, 627-8; XVH,
--"Character and Works of Gothe": XHI, 557-8
-- "A Chat with Anacreon on Beauty and Happiness," Monthly Chronicle, VI (Oct.
1840), 316-24: XIII, 476
"Errors and Abuses of English Criticism": XIII, 559
-- "French Drama": XllI, 476
"Hints on Dramatic Versification," Monthly Chronicle, V (May 1840), 461-70:
XlII, 476
"Home's Gregory VII," Monthly Chronicle, VI (July 1840), 17-32: XIII, 476
"Leigh Hunt's Legend of Florence," Monthly Chronicle, V (Mar. 1840), 201-11:
XIII, 476
--"Modern French Historians": XIII, 471,475
-- "Modem Metaphysics and Moral Philosophy of France": XHI, 591
"Mr. Grote's Plato": XI, 383-4
-- "The Old English Dramatists," Monthly Chronicle, VI (Sept., Oct., Dec. 1840),
225-37,350-61,545-58: XIII, 476
"Percy Bysshe Shelley": XIII, 448
"The Philosophy of Art: Hegel's Aesthetics": XIII, 463,470-1
Ranthorpe (Chapman and Hall, 1847): XVII, 2003
"Social Despotism of Austria," Monthly Chronicle, V (June 1840), 500-8: xm,
-- "Spinoza's Life and Works": XlII, 558
-- "The State of Criticism in France": XIII, 483-4
LEWlN, CHAr.Loa'rE ( 1796-- 1875). The Fisherman of Flamborough Head: XXIII, 494-5
LEwis, GEORGECORNEWALL(1806--63): V, 501-11e; Xll, 246, 301,321,334; XIII,
Leveson-Gower - Liddell 247

506, 517,527,542,622,699; XIV, 108, 112, 142, 163,413; XV, 639,670,674; XIX,
497n; XX1H, 447-52; XXVIII, 275. LETTERSTO: XH, 360-1; XIII, 515-16; XIV,
34-5, 104, 106-8, 113-14; XV, 607-8
"Endowment and the Voluntary Principle": XII, 322
_An Essay on the Influence of Authori_ in Matters of Opinion (Parker, 1849): XH,
-- An Examination of Some Passages in Dr. Whately s Elements of Logic: XVIII, 3;
xxm, 448
--"French Revolution of 1830": XXII, 183
"Grote's Histo_ of Greece": XI, 309n
-- "The Irish Church Question": I, 598-9, 601
--On Local Disturbances in Ireland: I, 601; XII, 301
-- "On the Applicability of the Principle of Authority to Quesuons of Religion": XII,
--Remarks of the Use and Abuse of Political Terms: XH, 105, 179n, 205; XVIII,
3-13 rev, 4-12 q passim; XXHI, 447-52 rev
--, trans. A History. of the Literature of Ancient Greece, by Karl Otfried MOiler:
XI, 291n; XIII, 515
--, and HENRY TUFNELL (1805--54), trans. The Public Economy of Athens, by
August Boeckh: XVIII, 3; XXIH, 448

--On the Artizans' and Labourers' Dwellings Bill (27 Mar., 1867): XXVIII, 294
On the Municipal Corporations (Metropolis) Bill (17 June, 1868): XXVIH, 301
On the Poor Relief Bill (27 July, 1868): XXVIII, 334
LEwis, THOMASFRANKLAND(1780--1855): xvm, 3; XXIV, 743-4, 776
Evidence on the State of Ireland (PP): VI, 85n q
LEWIS,WILLIAM(1592--1667): VI, 50, 52
LEY, ARTHUR(brother-in-law of HTM): XIV, 214, 314; XV, 504
LEY, CAROLINEHARDY(HTM's sister) (1821-64): XIV, 262; XV, 504, 510-11. 680
LEY, JAMESSMITH(father of Arthur): XIV. 314

LEY, WILLIAM(probably brother of Arthur). LETTERTO: XlV, 245-6

L'HI_RITIER,JI_ROMEHONORI_(member of National Guard; ft. 1789): XX, 156-7
L'H6PITAL, MICHEL DE (ca. 1505-73): XXl, 304
LIANCOURT, DUC DE. See La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt

LIclmuS, GMus (ft. 361 B.C.): XX, 64-5

L1DDELL, CAROLINE E. (suffragist; ft. 1866). LETTER TO: XVl, 1163

LIDDELL,HENRY GEORGE(1811--98), and ROBERTSCOTT(18t 1-87). A Greek-English

Lexicon: XI, 493n
248 Index of Persons and Works

L,mBER,FRANCIS(1800--72). Reminiscences of an Intercourse with George Berthold

Niebuhr: XVIII, 97
The Stranger in America: XVIII, 93-115 rev, 101n q, 103n q, 106n q, 113q
LIEmG, GEORGYON(Baron) (1827-1903): XXXII, 108
LtEBIG,JUSTUSYON(Baron) ( 1803-73): VII, 479; XIII, 669; XXXII, 108
-- Animal Chemistry: VIII, 1136-8
Organic Chemistry: VII, 220. 407-10, 408q, 475-6; VIH, 1132-6, 1132--4q,
JOHANNJOSEPHVON(Prince) (1760-1836): VI, 450
LIFFORD,LORD. See Hewitt, James
LILLO, GEORGE(1693--1739). The London Merchant: VI, 359; XVIH, 281
LINCOLN,Am_HAM (1809--65): XV, 800-1, 810, 835, 911, 957, 966, 968, 974, 982;
XVI, 1003, 1038-9, 1042-4, 1051, 1057, 1063, 1066, 1118; XVH, 1608; X IX, 484;
XXI, 130-2, 135, 140
_Emancipation Proclwru2tion: XV, 827; XVII, 1608; XXI, 139; XXVIII, 202
-- "Letter to the Workingmen of Manchester, England": XV, 841
LINDET,ROBERT( 1746-- 1825): Vl, 40 1
LINDLEY, CAROLINE (friend of HT; fl. 1860s): XVIl, 1710. LETTERS TO: XXXSI,
LI/qDLEY,JOHN( 1799--1865): XXXII, 146
-- *An Introduction to the Natural System of Botany: VIII, 717
LaNDSAY,DAVID(Bishop of Edinburgh) (d. 1641?): VI, 25
LIrCDSAY,LOOOVlC(Earl of Crawford) ( 1600-52?): VI, 36
LINI_EY, EARLOF. See Montague, Bertie
LISGAma, JOHN( 1771-1851 ): XX, 239
L_NAEUS (VOWLINNI_),CARL( 1707--78): VII, 129; VIII, 700, 705, 713,725,732, 1037
Fandamenta botanica: XXVI, 170-1
_ Systema naturae: XXVI, 170-1
LaO_E, PIERRE(French journalist; ft. 1830s): XXIII, 428,571
"Intfrieur. Paris, 1 avril 1833": XXIII, 571q

LIST,FRmDRICH(1789--1846): xm, 506, 516, 521,528,541-2

The Literary Gazette. Review of Prati and Fontana, St. Simonism in London: XXHI, 679
Review of Benjamin Disraeli's Henrietta Temple: XX, 164n q
LITrLETON,EDWARDJotiN (Baron Hatherton) (1791-1863): VI, 186; XXH, 212
Speech in Moving a Resolution on Tithes (Ireland) (20 Feb., 1834): VI, 168
LITre, MAYJSm.mNPAUL EMILE(1801--81): X, 264, 329; XI, 444; XIII, 647, 651,
655-6, 658; XV, 753,945; XVI, 1004, 1008, 1010, 1030; XVII, 1581, 1943; XXXII,
129, 150. LETTERS TO: XIII, 741-2; XVI, 1046-7
Lieber - Locke 249

*Auguste Comte et la philosophie positive: X. 284-5,290, 293n, 306n, 311n,

328n, 329; XV. 839, 849,875,880, 884, 887,903; XVI, 1046
"Hughes Capet": XVl, 1054
"Notice biographique [sur Armand Carrel]": XX, 167-215 rev, 178-9q, 188q,
196-7q, 212q, 214q
-- Paroles de philosophie posittve (Paris: Delahays, 1863): XV, 884
LIYrROW,AUGUSTEVON(n6e Bischoff) (1819-90). LETTERSTO: XXXII. 228,234
LIVERPOOL,LORD.See Jenkinson, Robert Banks
Liverpool Albion: XVI, 1307
LIVINGSTON,EDWARO( 1764-- 1836): X, 196
-- A System of Penal Law for the United States of America: XVIII, 77
LIVINGSTONE,DAVID(1813--73) and CrlARLESLIVINGSTONE( 1821--73 ). Narrative of an
Expedition to the Zambest (Murray, 1865): XVl, 1126
Le livre jaune: XVII, 1627
Le livre rouge: XXH, 139
LIvY (Titus Livius) (59 B.C.-17 A.D.): Xl, 329; XlI, 7.9; XIV, 28
-- *Ab urbe condita libri: XX, 3,368-9
--Livy: I, 15 (14), 17 (16), 528,529n, 531-2,544n, 560, 584; Vl, 173q, 213q,
217q; XX, 37, 65
LLANOVER,LORD. See Hall, Benjamin
LLOYD,DAVID(1635--92). Memoires of... Those... That Suffered... for the Protestant
Religion and the Great Principle Thereof'. VI, 55
LLOYD,HUMPHREY(1800--81). The University of Dublin (Hodges, et al., 1868): XVI,
LLOYD, JOHN HORATIO(1798--1884): XXIII, 508; XXVI, 358
Locrt, JoI_Ir_(1781-1868): XXXII, 23-4, 30
LOCKE,JOHN( 1632-- 1704): I, 209 (208), 332; IV, 184; VII, 14, 29, 57, 59, 87, 110, 112,
175,305,606; VlH, 649,769,770,822-3,967, 976,993--4, 1017, 1061, 1119; IX, 1,
14-15, 28n, 110, 139, 152, 155,169,362,449n, 493n; X, 21, 37, 54, 83,122, 127-30,
144, 169, 171,441,494,499; XI, 19, 84n, 93, 95,222,247, 341-2,345,347,443, 451,
457-8,491; XHI, 517,530; XV, 723,771,793; XVII, 1998; XVllI, 7,143,304; XXl,
58-9, 204, 242-3; XXlI, 244,286; XXVl, 193,388,445n; XXVlI, 657; xxvm, 73;
xxxI, 97
*An Essay Concerning Human Understanding: I, 71 (70), 578, 587; VI, 228; VII,
115; VIII, 640q, 1019; IX, 28n, 141q, 201,302,324,373,448n q; X, 45-50, 49q, 62n,
125, 129-30; Xl, 53q, 457; XXI, 59q; XXII, 244; XXVl, 157, 187, 193; XXXI,
25-6q, 32, 124, 144-5, 159, 161,212
*Letter to Thomas Molyneux: XXXI, 159
• *Of the Conduct of the Understanding: XI, 5 lOq
*"Several Letters to Anthony Collins, Esq.": XI, 251q; XXVl. 388q
- *Some Thoughts Concerning Education: xvm, 141q
250 Index of Persons and Works

-- *Two Treatises of Government: VI0 165q; XII, 165q; XVIH, 10
LOCKE. JOHN(1805--80): XXXI, 389
Speech on the Metropolis Local Management Acts Amendment Bill (26 Feb.,
1862): XXVIII, 230
-- Speech on the Elective Franchise Bill (30 May, 1866): XXVIII, 84
LOCKHART,JOHN GIBSON(1794--1854): XII, 81,340, 357; XH], 495,529; XXII, 173
LOCKHART,JOHNINGRAM( 1765-1835). Speech on the Game Laws Amendment Bill ( 11
Mar., 1824): Vl, l16q
LOCOCK, SIDNEY(1834-85): XIV, 452,460
LOFTUS,ADAM( 1568?-- 1643): VI, 31
(ft. 1869). LETTERTO: XVII, 1554-5
LOMBARD,PETER(ca. 1100-60): XX, 248
LOMBE, EDWARD(1800-52): XIV, 24, 35, 62, 78
London and Westminster Revtew (1836-40; see also London Review and Westminster
Review): I, 207-9 (206-8), 213-15 (212-14), 217 (216), 221-7 (220-6), 229 (228),
616; XII, 299-322passim, 330-66passim; XIII, 367-435passim, 543; XIV, 500; XV,
844; XVII. 1962-3, 1973-81; XXXII, 26, 31-2, 35-6, 46-50, 244
London Dispatch: XII, 320
London Figaro: XVII, 1754
London Gazette: VI, 184
Order in Council on Colonial Trade, dated 3 May, 1826 (30 June, 1826): VI.
123-7, 143-4
-- "Lord Chamberlain's-Office, March 9, 1847" ( 12 Mar., 1847): XXIV, 1074
-- The Times' Announcement for 5 Feb., 1867 (6 Feb., 1867): XXVIII, 136
London Magazine: Xll. 126, 179
London Review (1829): VI, 257n; XII, 248; XVII, 1955
London Review (1835-36; later London and Westminster Review, q.v.): I, 207-9
(206-8), 624; XII, 198, 209-12, 216, 222-3, 225-6, 230, 235-9, 242, 245-51
passim, 254,258-98 passim; XIII, 672; XIV, 500; XVII, 1961-2; XXIV, 769; XXXII,
26, 31
London Review of Politics, Literature, Art and Society (1860-69): XV, 802
-- "Four Singers": XV1, 1517
Review of Hate's Usque ad coelum: XV, 799
-- Review of JSM's On Liberty: XV, 678
LONDONDERRY, LORDS.See Stewart, Charles William; and Stewart, Robert
LONG, GEORGE( 1780--1868): XXV, 1155
LONG, JOHN ST. JOHN (1798--1834): XXH, 232
LONG, WALTER(17th-c. Parliamentarian): VI, 16, 50, 52
LONGAYROU,i. (fl. 1820): XXVl, 16-18
LONGFIELD,MOUNTIFORT(1802--84): XV, 965,977; XVII, 1709; XXXII, 19
Locke - Louis III 251

_"Address by the President [of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland ]":
H, 333; HI, 1040, 1042, 1073-4, 1079-80
"The Tenure of Land in Ireland," in Systems of Land Tenure in Various Countries
(Cobden Club, 1870), 1-91: XVII, 1709
LONGINUS,CASSIUS(ca. 213-73 A.D.): I, 435,438,443,445,457
LONGMAN,MRS. (wife of William): XXXH, 162
LONGMAN,THOMASNORTON(1771-1842): I, 97 (96)
LONGMAN,THOMASNORTON(1804--79): I, 97 (96), 272
LONGMAN,WILLIAM(1813--77): I, 272; XII, 121, 129, 134, 141, 155; XIH, 443,601;
XV, 968; XVI, 1035, 1095, 1490, 1518; XVII. 1569, 1573, 1885; XXXlI, 174, 189,
194, 227
LETTERSTO: XV, 921-2, 963-4; XVI, 996-7. 999, 1040-1, 1152-3, 1161, 1251,
1295, 1336, 1351, 1388; XVII, 1573, 1808-10, 1815, 1819-20, 1826; XXXII,
156, 162-3, 170
LONGMANSANDCOMPANY:XV, 900, 903,953; XVI, 1387, 1408, 1517, 1529. LETTERS
TO:XVII, 1811-12, 1922
LONSDALE,LORD. See Lowther, William
LOPES,LOPESMASSEY( 1818-- 1908): XVI, 1498
-- Motion on Local Charges on Real Property ( 12 May, 1868): XXVIII, 277,279
LOPEZDEGOMARA,FRANCISCO ( 1510?--55 ?). The Pleasant H istorie of the Conquest of the
Weast India, Now Called New Spayne: I, 528
LORIMER, JAMES (1818-90): XV, 639, 643; XVI, 1087. LETTERS TO: XV, 599-600,
-- Constitutionalism of the Future (Edinburgh: Black, 1865): XVl, 1139
--Equal Representation (Stanford, 1859): XV, 600, 643
--"Mr. Mill on Representative Government": XV, 747
-- Political Progress Not Necessarily Democratic: I, 263; XV, 600; XIX, 343-70
rev, 353q, 355-7q, 368q, 499n q
The Umversities of Scotland: (Edinburgh: Kennedy, 1854): XVI, 1087
LORING,CHARLESGREELEY(1794-1868). England's Liabili_for lndemni_,: XV. 933
Neutral Relations of England and the United States (Boston: Spencer, 1863): XV,
909-17 passim, 921,929
LORR_aN,CLAUDE. See Claude

LOTHAIREI (Emperor of the West) (795-855 A.D.): XX, 24

LOTHAn_ II (of Lorraine; one of the grandsons of Louis I) (826-69 A.D. ): XX, 19
Lout)oN, EARLOE. See Campbell, John
Louis I (of France; "le D6bonnalre" or "le Pieux") (778-840 A.D. ): XX, 32, 279
LOuis II (Roman Emperor; "le Jeune"; one of the grandsons of Louis I) (825-75 A.D. ):
XX, 19
Louis II (of France; "le B_gue"; one of the grandsons of Louis I) (846-79 A.D. ): XX, 19
Louis HI (of France; one of the grandsons of Louis I) (ca. 863-82 A.D.): XX, 19
252 Index of Persons and Works

Louis V (of France) (967-87 A.D.): XX, 290

Louis VI (of France; "le Gros") (1081-1137): XX, 30-1
Louis VII (of France; "le Jeune") (ca. 1121-80): XX, 239, 247
Louis IX (of France; "St. Louis") (1214-70): XI, 283; XX, 33, 44, 48-50, 239,250-1,
289; XXI, 303,401; XXIII, 520; XXVI, 71,241
Louis XI (of France) (1423-83): II, 296n; HI, 1004; XVIII, 167; XX, 254; XXI, 303;
XXVI, 224
Louis XII (of France) ( 1462-1515): II, 296n; m, 1004
Louis Xill (of France) (1601-43): I, 473,483; VI, 13, 27
Louis XIV (of France) ( 1638-1715): I, 65 (64), 472; II, 441,442n; III, 945; VIII, 696n;
X, 405; XI, 335; XII, 177,218; XIV, 230; XVIII, 82-3,167; XIX, 416,443; XX, 49,
222, 293,299n, 346; XXIII, 394; XXIV, 1048; XXV, 1125; XXVI, 13, 49
Louis XV (of France) ( 1710-74): I, 65 (64); XX, 50, 138; XXI, 334; XXIII, 394; XXIV,
757q; XXVI, 13-14, 227
Edit du roi, concernant la soci_td des j_suites: XX, 189; XXII, 125
LOuis XVI (of France) ( 1754-93): I, 65 (64); XII, 22; XVI, 1497; XX, 6-9, 12, 6In, 70,
72n-3n, 75, 78, 80-1, 85n, 87, 87n q, 88, 90, 91q, 92-4, 96-7, 99-102, 105-7,121,
127, 139, 141-2, 153, 155-6, 157q, 166, 177n, 252; XXI, 286; XXII, 317; XXIII,
376, 421,479, 673; XXVI, 6, 141,207, 396
-- "D6claration des intentions du roi" (23 June, 1789): XX, 72n, 88, 90, 101
-- "D6claration du roi, concernant la pr6sente tenue des 6tats-g6n6raux" (23 June,
1789): XX, 72n, 88, 90. 101
-- "Discours prononc6 par le roi h l'assembl6e nationale" (4 Feb., 1790): XX, 96
-- Lettre de M. Montmorin, _crite par ordre du roi aux ambassadeurs pros les
souverains _trangers (23 avril 1791): XX, 97
"Proclamation du roi" (12 Nov., 1791): XX, 11
"Proclamation du roi _ tousles Fran_ais _ sa sortie de Paris" (22 June, 1791 ): XX,
-- "Refus de sanction du d6cret contre les pr_tres non assermenr_s" (20 Dec., 1791 ):
XX, ll
"'R6glement du roi pour la convocation des 6tats-g6n6raux h Versailles" (24 Jan.,
1789): XX, 142q, 143
"R6ponse du roi/l l'assembl6e nationale" (11 July, 1789): XX, 8
Louis XVII (Louis Charles, dauphin de France) (1785-95?): XX, 99, 104, 106-7, 153,
Louis XVIII (of France) ( 1755-1824): I, 301,489-90; XII, 60, 130, 132; XIX, 582; XX,
72n, 101,129, 174-7,186; XXII, 124-5,131,135,171,197-8,260,288; XXIII, 352,
402, 418,505, 515,520,525,542, 571,669, 691,694,696n; XXV, 1249,1250; XXVI,
14, 24
M_moires de Louis XVIII (Paris: Mme-Delaunay, 1832-33): XII, 217
Louis PmLn_E (of France) (1773-1850): H, 445,449; VI, 236-7; X, 362; XlI, 59-61,
Louis V- Lowe 253

65, 122, 251,278; XIII. 731-2; XIV, 233; XIX, 587,599,608; XX, 125, 129, 175,
180n, 193, 198-201,315, 321-30; XXII, 130, 139, 144, 151-3,164, 171,190. 208,
223-4, 226, 238, 248, 250-1,263, 273-5, 278, 283,288, 298, 301,303, 308-9;
XXHI, 338-9,344-5,351,353,358-9,365-8,373-4,386,391-2,394-6,402.408,
411,453,457,460, 464,474-5,481-5,487,495,505,516,518,523,525,532,561,
747; XXIV, 1039, 1052, 1056; XXV, 1110, 1116, 1250; XXIX, 533; XXXI, 376,378n,
Adresse du roi (20 Apr., 1831 ): XXH. 303
-- Discours du tr6ne ( 19 Nov., 1832): XXIII, 524,531-2
Discours du tr6ne (23 Dec., 1833): XXIII, 656,661,665
Discours du tr6ne (31 July, 1834): XXHI, 746-7
letter to the Belgian Government (25 Jan., 1831 ): XXH, 250
_ Letter to the duc de Bourbon (20 Aug.. 1829): xxm, 392
Proclamation du duc d'Orl6ans (31 July, 1830): XXIII, 453q
Proclamation du roi ( 15 Aug., 1830): XXII, 297q
R6ponse _tl'adresse en r6ponse au discours du _'6ne ( 16 Aug., 1834): XXIII, 747
-- R6ponse du roi h une adresse de la ville de Gaillac (29 Jan., 1831 ): XXII, 263
Louis I (of Bavaria) (1786-1868). A Selection from the Poems of Louis the First, King of
Bavaria, Imitated m English Verse, by G. Everill: XH, 345
LoUIS, JOSEPH DOMINIQUE,BARON (1755-1837 ): XII, 61; XXH, 288; XXIH, 384
Speech on Presenting the Budget of 1832 (19 Aug., 1831): XXlII, 346,480
-- Researches on Phthisis, trans. W.H. Walshe (Sydenham Society, 1846): XIV, 199
LouiSE (of Savoy) ( 1476-1531 ): I, 460; XXI, 402
XXI, 122
LoUVEL, LOUTSPIERRE(1783--1820): XX, 177; XXVI, 23-4
LoVELACE, GEORGE(Dorsetshire labourer; ft. 1834): VI, 207
LoVELACE, JAMES (Dorsetshire labourer; ft. 1834): VI, 207
LoVELACE, JOHN (Baron) (ca. 1638-93): XXVII, 494n
LoVELL, WALTER(solicitor; ft. 1868). LETI'ERTO: XV][, 1331-2
LoVETT, WILLIAM(1800--77): VI, 480, 489; XIH, 727-9. LETTERS TO: xm. 533-4;
XVIl, 1996
P/an, Rules and Regulations of the National Association for Promoting Political
and Social Improvement of the People (Watson, 1841 ): XVII, 1996
Low, DAVm (1786-1859): SIN, 51
Appeal to the Common Sense of the Country Regarding the Present Condition of the
Industrious Classes (Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1830): XIV, 51
LOWE,JOSEPH(d. 1831): I, 63 (62); XII, 12; XXVI, 59
254 Index of Persons and Works

LOWE, ROBERT(later 1st Viscount Sherbrooke) ( 1811-92): V, 584-91e, 592; XVI, 1057,
1148, 1183-4, 1294, 1299, 1352-3, 1507; XVII, 1595-6; XXVIII, 56, 63, 67-8, 74,
87,249; XXXII, 217
-- Middle Class Education: V, 626

--On Lighthouses (15 Apr., 1858): XXX, 177q

--Of Resignation (18 Apr., 1864): XXVIII, 68
-- On the Borough Franchise Extension Bill (3 May, 1865), PD, Vol. 178, cols.
1423-40: XVI, 1057
On the Cattle Diseases Bill (14 Feb., 1866): I, 276n-7n; XXVIII, 47-8
-- On the Cattle Diseases Bill (16 Feb., 1866): XXVIII, 51-2, 52q
--On the Representation of the People Bill ( 13 Mar., 1866): XXVIII, 56, 63, 67, 87
On the Tenure and Improvement of Land Bill, Ireland (17 May, 1866): XXVIII,
On the Representation of the People Bill (31 May, 1866): XXVIII, 87
On the Representation of the People Bill (4 July, 18677: XXVIII, 207-8, 211
On the State of Ireland (12 Mar., 1868): XXVIII, 247,249,255-9
On the Married Women's Property Bill (10 June, 1868): XXVIII, 284
LOWE, WILHELM (1814--86): XVI, 1157
LOWTH, ROBERT(1710--87): XXII, 16
LOWTHER, JAMES(1840--1904). Motion on the Public Schools Bill (23 June, 1868):
XXVHI, 298
LOWTHER,WILLIAM(LOrd LOnsdale) (1787-1872): XXII. 112
LOYD,LEWIS(1768-1858). Evidence on the Ctrculation of Promissory Notes (PP): IV,
LOYD, SAMUELJONES(Lord Overstone) (1796-1883): Ill, 665; XV. 857; XXIX, 486.
LETTERSTO: XgV, 92, 97, 99-100; XV, 529-30, 689-90
-- Evidence on the Bank Acts (PP): V, 542
-- Thoughts on the Separation of the Departments of the Bank of England: IV, 344- 7;
XXIV, 855-6
LOYOLA,IGNATIUS(1491--1556): I, 221
LOYSON,CHARLES("P6re Hyacinthe") (1827-1912): XXXlI, 181
-- "De la soci6t6 conjugale, base de la soci6t6 domestique": XVI, 1229
-- "De la soci6t6 domestique dans le plan g6n6ral de la soci6t6 humaine": XVI, 1229
LUBBOCK,JOHN (1834--1913): XVI, 1029, 1299, 1395, 1398; XVII, 1906
-- Speech on Hate's Plan, The Times (21 Apr., 1865), 10: XVI, 1060
LUCAN(Marcus Annaeus Lucanus) (39-65 A.D.): X, 136n; XIII, 484; XXI, 231
LUCAS,FREDERICK ( 1812--55): I, 272; XlV, 57,293-304passim, 309, 311,315-21,328,
331-2; XVI, 1044. LETTERTO:XIV, 58-9
LUCAS,MARGARET(n6e Bright) (1818-90): XXlX, 388-9; XXXlI, 182-3
Lowe - Lunford 255

LUCAS,SAMUEL( 1811 --65): xm, 389; XVI, 1037, 1044; XXVIII, 5. LETTERTO'XXXII,
GABRIEL(adopted son of Mirabeau), ed, Mdmoires of Mirabeau: XX,

LUCIAN(2nd c. A.D.): VIII, 798

*Aov_auof_ _c_izocr_'tiwq dTrav'ra. Luciam Samosatensis opera: I, 9 (8), 553,
--Lucian (Greek and English): XXVI, 20, 22, 26, 53, 113, 135. 140
-- "Athletics": Xl, 397n-8n q
"The Consonants at Law": I, 572; XXVI, 34, 52
"The Downward Journey; or, The Tyrant": I, 572; XXVI, 35, 52-3, 133
"The Dream; or, The Cock": I, 572; XXVI, 33
--"Hermotimus; or, Concerning the Sects": I, 570; XXVI, 21, 22, 27, 52
-- "Icaromenippus; or, The Sky Man" I, 573; XXVI, 47, 52, 137
"Menippus; or, The Descent into Hades": I, 572; XXVI, 35-6, 39, 52
-- "The Parliament of the Gods": I, 573; XXVI, 54, 58
-- "Philosophies for Sale": I, 571; XXVI, 29, 32, 52
"Prometheus": I, 572; XXVI, 41
-- "Zeus Catechized": I, 572; XXVI, 40
"Zeus Rants": I, 573; XXVI, 51-2
LUCgETIUSCARUS,TITUS (ca. 98-55 B.C.): I, 43 (42); IX, 15; Xll, 8, 10; XVI, 1303,
*De rerum natura: I, 15 (14), 532,563; XXI, 254
LUCULLUS,LUCIUSL. (d. 56/7 B.C. ): XIV, 319
LUDLOW,EDMUND(1617?--92). Memoirs: VI, 6, 45n
XXXII, 173-4, 178-9,216-17
"The American Crisis": I, 267; XV, 802
British India (Macmillan, 1858): XV, 664
_"'Labour and the Poor'": XXV, 1156-7
"Moral Aspects of Mr. Tennyson's 'Idylls of the King'": XV, 664
A Sketch of the History of the United States from Independence to Secession
(Cambridge: Macmillan, 1862): XV, 802
LOGO,FRANCIS(philosopher): VIII, 753n
Lull, BERNADINO (1470--1532): XlV, 489
LuKE (St.): XV, 903
LUKE,HENRY FRANCIS(army captain; ft. 1865): XXVIII, 94
LUNFORD,MR. (legal associate of W.E. Hickson; ft. 1840): XXXII, 59
256 Index of Persons and Works

LUNSFORD,THOMAS(1610?--53?): VI, 39-44 passim

LUSHINGTON, CHARLES (fl. 1838). Dilemmas of a Churchman: VI, 492

LUSmNGTON,EDMUNDHENRY(1766-- 1839): XXH, 93-4

LUSmNGTON,EDMUNDL. (1811-93): XIII, 409
LUSmNGTON,JAMESLAW (1779--1859): XXXH, 37-8

--On Unlawful Societies in Ireland (14 Feb., 1825): Vl, 73

On the Court of Chancery (22 May, 1827): XXVI, 404
On Oaths of Catholic Members (11 Mar., 1834): Vl, 187
LUSmNAN, M.W. (of the Metropolitan Sanitary Association; ft. 1851 ): V, 432
LUSK, ANDREW(1810.--1909): XVI, 1415; XXXII, 195
LUSK, ROBERT(relative of Andrew Lusk): XXXII, 195
LUTHER, MARTIN(1483--1546): VIII, 937; IX, 440; X, 138; XI, 387,414; :Kill, 664;
XVIII, 238; XIX, 381; XX, 375; XXIV, 813,819, 821
LUXEMBOURG.See Montmorency-Luxembourg
LUXFORD,GEORGE(1807--54). "'Botanical Notes": XXXI, 264
-- Editor's Note, Phytologist: XXXI, 280
-- A Flora of the Neighbourhood of Reigate, Surrey: XXXI, 268-71
LYALL,ALFRED( 1795-- 1865): XIV, 293
LYALL,GEORGE(1784--1853). Speech on the Merchant Seamen's Widows' Bill (21 May,
1834): VI, 237
LYCAN(in Plato): XI, 158, 169, 171
LYCURGUS(ft. 650 B.C. ): VIII, 938; X, 409; XI, 80,299-302; XVlii, 42; XXIV, 871-3,
LYELL, CHARLES(1797--1875). The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man
(Murray, 1863): XV, 839
-- Travels in North America: II, 175n, 226n q
LYNDHUEST,LORD. See Copley, John Singleton
LYNES,MR. ANDMRS. (employed by JSM and HTM): XIV, 248, 250
LYNN, FRANK (fl. 1870). LETTER TO: XVII, 1696-7
LYON, GEORGEFRANCIS(1795--1832). The Private Journal . . . during the Voyage of
Discovery under Captain Parry (Murray, 1824): XIII, 433
LYSANDER(d. 395 B.C.): XXV, 1158
LYSANIAS(in Plato): XI, 167
LYSXAS(in Plato; d. ca. 380 B.C.): I, 15 (14), 557; XI, 62-96passim; XIV, 306
LYSlCLES(Greek commander): VIH, 941
LYSlMACHUS (in Plato): XI, 197-209 passim
LYSLS(in Plato): XI, 210-21 pass/m
Lunsford - Maccall 257


_ Letters to The Guardian (19 Apr., 10 May, 7 June, 28 June, 1865): XVI, 1081
The Testimony of Scripture to the Authori_ of Conscience and of Reason
(Macmillan, 1861-62): XVI, 1080
LYTTON, EDWARDROBERTBULWER (1St Earl of Lytton) (1831-91). Report on the
Election of Representatives for the Rigsraad ( 1 July, 1863), PP, 1864, LXI, 578-99:
XV, 952,954-5,958
LYTTON.See also Bulwer-Lytton

MABERLY, WILLIAMLEADER(1798--1885): IV, 110; XIV, 127

-- Observations sur l'histoire de France: XX, 371
McADAM, JOHrqLOUOON(1756-1836): XXVI, 277
MACARTY, JUSTIN(witness; ft. 1825). Evidence on the Disturbances in Ireland (PP): VI,
89n, 96-7
MACAULAY,CATHARINE(n6e Sawbridge) (1731-91). The History. of England, from the
Accession of James I to That of the Brunswick Line: VI, 23n, 58
MACAULAY, THOMASBABINGTON ( 1800--59): I, 79 (78), 129 (128), 131 (130), 526; XII.
311-12; xm, 446, 495, 542, 663; X/v, 203, 243-4, 332, 431; Xv, 684; XVII,
1969-70; XXVII, 653; XXX, 20-3passim, 28-30, 69, 116, 124; XXXI, 101
"Bentham's Defence of Mill: Utilitarian System of Philosophy": I, 165 (164 ), 167
(166), 594; XXXI, 101
*Critical and Historical Essays: I, 165,536-7; XIV, 332; XXXI, 101
"Dumont's Recollections ofMirabeau": XII, 155; XX, 115
TheHistory of England: V, 679; XIV, 5-6; XV, 511; XVI, 1474; XXI, 227
*"John Dryden": VIII, 937q; XXIl, 330q
-- *Lays of Ancient Rome: I, 523-32 rev, 527-32q; XIII, 557
"Lord Bacon": VII, cxii
"Mill's Essay on Government: Utilitarian Logic and Politics": I, 165 (164), 167
(166), 594; XVIII, 20q, 22; XXXI, 101
. "Southey's Colloquies on Society": XIV, 28-9
Speech on Copyright (5 Feb., 1841), PD, Vol. 56, cols. 344-57: XlII, 495
Speech on Maynooth College (14 Apr., 1845), PD, Vol. 79, cols. 646-58: XlII,
"Utilitarian Theory of Government, and the 'Greatest Happiness Principle'": I, 165
(164), 167 (166), 594; XXXI, 101
MCCAFFERTY,JOHN (b. 1838): XXVIII, 166-7,171-3
MCCALL,JOHN (Mitts George McQuarry McCall) (d. 1865): XXVIII, 94
*The Elements of Individualism: I, 260
258 Index of Persons and Works

McCARTHY,JUSTIN(1830--1912): XVI, 1219

--"Mr. Buckle's History of Civilisatton in England": XV, 732; XVI, 1220
"Voltaire's Romances and Their Moral": XVI, 1220
Me'CLOnE, JOHN (Fenian; ft. 1867): XXVIII, 166-7, 171-3
MACCORMAC,HENRY(1800--86). LETTERtO: XVI, 1124-5
McCosH, JAMES(1811--94). An Examinatzon of Mr. J.S. Mill's Philosophy: VIII, 577q,
589n-90n q; IX, ciii, 63n-4n q, 72n-3n q, 75n, 146n q, 166n, 201q, 208n-9n, 216n q,
217n, 225n q, 23 ln-2n q, 237n q, 240, 242n, 244,246q, 247,261n q, 262n, 269,284n
q, 317n q, 337n, 338n q, 374n-5n, 391n q; XXXI, 155
-- "Mill's Reply to His Critics": IX, cvii, 74n-5n, 208n-9n q, 247-8q, 248n-9n,
262n, 284r t q, 285n q
MCCRIE, THOMAS(1772--1835). The Life of John Knox: I, 11 (10), 555
MCCULLOCH,JOHNRAMSAY( 1789-1864): I, 103 (102), 129 (128); II, 45,267,283; Ill,
752,818n, 838,890n; IV, 32n, 260,345; XH, 17,170; xm, 444; xIv, 86, 93; xxxII,
2, 6, 10, 18, 20-1
"Complaints and Proposals Regarding Taxation": XXXII, 20
-- "Corn Laws and Trade": IV, 51
--A Dictionary... of the Various Countries, Places, and Principal Namral Objects
in the WorM: 1I, 267q; m, 445-6q; xxIv, I053q
A Discourse on the Rise, Progress, Peculiar Objects, andlmportance, of Political
Economy: V, 757-60 rev, 760q; XXIlI, 720q
-- "Disposal of Property by Will": I, 99 (98); XXlV, 950q, 984q, 989q; XXV,
1229q; XXXII, 6
-- Evidence on the Disturbances in Ireland (PP): XXII, 103, 105
-- Historical Sketch of the Bank of England: XXIV, 851,855-6
--"Labour": IV, 166n
On the Succession to Property Vacant by Death (n.p., 1848): III, 890n
--"Political Economy": IV, 25, 38q, 40-2
-- "Price of Foreign Corn--Abolition of the Corn-Laws": IV, 53-4, 56q, 57-8,
68-9; XXXlI, 2
-- The Principles of Political Economy: II, 302q; m, 889-90q; IV, 280-2; XXlll,
"Profits": IV, 180
-- "Prussian Commercial Policy": XXXlI, 20
"Ricardo's Political Economy": XXXlI, 20
-- "State of the Currency, the Bank of England and the Country Banks": XXIV,
A Treatise on the Principles and Practical Influence of Taxation and the Funding
System: m, 859n q
"Value": IV, 164
McCarthy - Mackintosh 259

"Wine Trade of France": XXXII, 20

McCuLLOUGH, HUGH ( 1808--95): XVI, 1066
MACDONALD,ALEXANDER( 1821-81 ): XVI, 1435, 1455, 1458
MACDONALD, JAMES (1784--1832): XXVII, 600

MACDONELL, JOHN(supporter of women's suffrage; ft. 1871 ): XVII, 1850

A Survey of Political Economy (Edmonston and Douglas, 1871 ): XVII, 1863
MACDONELL, RANDLEPATRICK(witness; ft. 1825). Evidence on the Disturbances in
Ireland (PP): VI, 93n, 97
MAcDONNELL, JAMES(Dublin barrister; ft. 1868). "Marriage Settlements: Their Social
and Economic Effects": XVI, 1466, 1508
McDONNELL, RANDAL (Irish court official; ft. 1864): HI, 1074

McDOWELL, WILLIAM (b. 1794): XXXII, 52-3

McENTAC,GART,MR. (editor; ft. 1830): XXIH, 529

McFARLAND,JAMESE. (of the Trent affair; ft. 1862): XXI, 130
ELIZA (wife of Patrick): XXV, 1221
MACGOVERN,PATRICK(labourer; ft. 1869): XXV, 1221q
MR. (ft. 1834): II, 236n
MACHALE,JOHN (Archbishop of Tuam) ( 1791-1881 ): XIV, 304
-- Letter to Lord John Russell (21 Aug., 1846): XXIV, 980
MACHIAVELLI,NICCOLO( 1469--1527): X, 290; XIV, 477; XV, 533; XIX, 621-2; XXVI,
369, 385; XXVII, 650
*Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio: XXV1, 369q, 385q; XXVll, 650
Istoriefiorentine: XXVII, 650
ll principe: XXVII, 650
MACKAY,CHARLES(1814--89): XV, 893
"The Civil War in America": XVI, 1002-3
MACKAY, ROBERT WILLIAM (1803--82). The Tiibingen School and Its Antecedents
(Edinburgh: Williams and Norgate, 1863): XV, 903
MCKENNA,JOSEPHNEALE(1819--1906): XVI, 1406
MCKENNIE,THOMAS(assistant f'tre-lighter at the EIC; fl. 1850s): XXXII, 86
MACrdSNZm,ROWLAND(ft. 1832): XII, 110
MAcrarcrosn, JAMEs (1765-1832): XII, 112; XXIII, 512
- "De l'Allemagne, par Madame de Sta61": I, 31 In
-. Dissertation on the Progress of Ethical PhilosoplD,: I, 103 (102), 211 (210);
XXXI, 226, 233,238(]
"France": I, 306
260 Index of Persons and Works

-- The History of England: VII, 151-2q; VIII, I049q; XVIH, 41-2q; XIX, 374(I,
380q; XX, 356; XXV, 1148q
--"Parliamentary Reform": I, 75 (74)
Vindiciae gallicae: VI, 30q: XXII, 39-40q, 74q
MACKSON,HENRYG. (ft. 1868). LETTERTO:XVI, 1512-13
MCLAREN,AGNES(1837--1913): XXIX, 408-9
MCLAREN,CHARLESBENJAMINBRIGHT(Baron Aberconway) ( 1850-1934): XVH, 1817
McLAREN,DUNCAN( 1800--86): I, 276; XVII, 1539, 1628-9; XXIX, 408-9. LETTERS
XVII, 1539-40. 1817; XXXH, 227
--Speech on Local Charges on Real Property (12 May, 1868): XXVIII, 279
-- Speech on Supply--Post Office (7 July, 1868): xxvm, 304
McLAREN, PRISCILLA(n6e Bright) (1814-1906): XVII, 1539; XXIX, 388-9, 408-9.
COLIN( 1698-- 1746): XVI, 1467 -8
MACLEAN,ALEXANDER(of the EIC m Madras; ft. 1840s): XXXII, 79
MACLEAN,ANDREW(b. ca. 1814): XXV, 1184-5. 1185q
MACLEAN,DONALD(1800--74): I, 131 (130); XXXI, 360-1,365n, 368
Speech on the Affairs of Spam (18 Apr., 1837): XXXI, 360, 362,365n, 378n
MACLEAN,JOHN (1825--91). Protection and Free Trade: XVII, 1589
MACLEAN, MARY ANN. See Watson, Mary Ann
MCLEAN, WILLIAM(Glasgow convict; fl. 1838): VI, 486
MACLEOD, HENRYDUNNING ( 1821-- 1902): XV, 851,907
MACLEOD,JOHNMACFHERSON ( 1792--1881 ): VII, cxiv; XXX, 20-3, 28-30, 69, 116, 124
MACMICKING,ROBERT(fl. 1840S). Recollections on Manilla and the Philippines: m,
774n q
MACMILLAN,ALEXANDER(1818--96): XVI, 1363; XVII, 1700
Macmillan's Magazine: XV, 661,664, 667,679, 684, 802, 910; XVI, 987
MACNAUGHrEN,ELLIOTT(1807--88): XIV, 180-1; XVII, 1598; XXXII, 95
McNEIL, RICHARD(Glasgow convict; ft. 1838): VI, 486
MACNEILE,HUGH (1795--1879): XII, 79
-- The Abominations of Babylon: XXH, 229
Popular Lectures on the Prophecies: XXH, 229
MCNEILL, JOHN(1795--1883). LETTERTO: XIV, 246-7
MAcNEVEN, WILLIAMJAMES( 1763-1841 ): XXII, 104
McNuTT, ALEXANDERGAI.LATIN(1802--48): Sill, 486
JAMES("Ossian") (1736-96). Fingal: XX, 113

MACREADY,WILL_M CHARLES( 1793-- 1873): XIII, 522

ALEXANDER( 1791 --1865 ): XIV, 452- 3
Mackintosh - Maitland 261

MACRONE,JOHN (ca. 1810-37): I, 603. LETTERTO: XI1, 331-2

GEORGE(guide in Athens; ft. 1855): XIV, 436,441
MADDEN,JAMES(bookseUer; fl. 1860s): XVI, 1512
MADGE,R.C. (working man; fl. 1868). LETTERTO: XVI, 1513-15
MArinE, THOMAS(1786--1870): XII, 13; XXVII, 516,519-20, 532-3,536
MAmSON, JAMES(1750/1--1836): XVIII. 100, 109, lll
MAGELLAN,FERDINAND(ca. 1480-1521 ): I, 12n
MAGENDXE,FRANqOIS( 1783-- 1855 ): VII, 452
MAGINN, W1LLIAM(1793-1842): Xlll, 723; XXIH, 708; XXXII, 5
"To Christopher North, Esq., on the last Westminster Review": XXXII, 5
--"Specimens of the Art of Governing 'by Commission'": XXIII, 631q, 633q
Magna Carta: VI, 353; XXIV, 873
-- Motion on the State of Ireland ( l0 Mar.. 1868): I, 280
Mahabharat: XI, 282
--, intro, and trans. A Commentary on Kant's Crinck of Pure Reason, by Kuno
Fischer: IX, civ, 27n, 145n-6n q, 207n-Hn q, 225n q, 240-1q, 242-3. 244q, 263n,
266n q; XXXlI, 184
MAHOMET(570--632 A.D.): VIII, 938; XVIH, 41; XIX, 416; XXV, 1097
MAriON, LORD. See Stanhope, Philip
MAILLARD,MARIEJULIEN STANISLAS(attacker of the Bastille): XX, 146-7, 152-5
MAILLEFER,PIERREMARTIN(b. 1799): XXII, 246,288, 301; XXIII, 347
-- "Foreign Intelligence" ( 14 Mar., 1831 ): XXII, 288
"Foreign Intelligence" (2 Apr., 1831 ): XXII, 301
"Foreign Intelligence" (31 Aug., 1831 ): xxm, 347
MAISE, HENRY JAMESSUMNER (1822--88): XXI, 203; XXX, 215, 227. LETTERSTO:
XVII, 1536-9, 1813, 1946
*AnciemLaw: lI, 219n;V, 751;XXI, 169-70, 182,184,185-7q, 246; XXX, 215
Review of Cairnes's "Political Economy and Land": XVlI, 1676
Village-Communities in the East and West: I, 626; XXIX, 427; XXX, 213-28 rev,
216-21q, 225-8q
derations sur les rapports du physique et du moral de l'homme: IX, 237
MAre, JOHN( 1702/3--69 ). An Introduction toLatin Syntax: I, 568-9; XI1, 10;XXI, 221-2
MAISTRE,JOSEPH,COMTEDE (17547--1821): X, 324; Sill, 413,509,617,665
MAITLAND,JOHN (Duke of Lauderdale) (1616-82): VI, 50-2
MAIrLANO,THOMAS(1759-- 1824): XXIH, 649-50
262 Index of Persons and Works


GEORGE (b. 1868). Rent No Robbery: V, 452n-3n

MALCOLMHI (of Scotland) (d. 1093): XX, 47

MALCOLM,JAMESPEELER( 1767-- 1815). Londinium redtvivum: X_X, 18
MALCOLM, JOHN ( 1769-1833). The History of Persia: XXXI, 354
MALDEN,HENRY(1800--76). The History of Rome. Division 1, to 390 B.C. (Society for
the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, 1830): XIll, 549
MALEBRANCHE, NICOLASDE (1638--1715): IX, 152; X, 26; XI, 462, 465; XVI, 1438;
XXVI, 228
_Recherche de la v6rit_: VII, 368q; VHI, 734q, 771; IX, 204n; XI, 457; XXVI,
166, 187, 190, 193, 247
MALLESON,ELIZABETH(n6e Whitehead) (1828-1916). LETTERTO: XXXII, 172
MALLESON, WILLIAMT. (member of JSM's election committee; ft. 1860s): XVI, 1489,
1529, 1530. LETTERSTO: XVI, 1529-31; XVII, 1688-90
Letter to the editor of The Times (21 Dec., 1868), 5: XVI, 1530
MALLET, CHARLESAUGUSTE(1807--76): xm, 587,632
MALLET,EDOUARD( 1805-- 56). Recherches historiques et statistiques sur lapopulation de
Gen_ve: XXIV, 827-9q
MALMESBURY,LORDS.See Harris, James Edward; and Harris, James Howard
MALONE,SYLVESTER ( 1822-1906 ). Tenant- Wrong Illustrated in a Nutshell: VI, 517n

MALTBY,EDWARD(1770--1859): XII, 77
MALTHUS,THOMASROBERT( 1766--1834): H, 67n, 154, 155n-6n, 158,162,345-6, 353,
359,370; HI, 570, 576, 581,753; IV, 25-34, 36-42; V, 449,728; VI, 91-2; VIII, 829;
IX, ll0n; XH, 236; XIII, 643,736; XIV, 26, 88; XV, 590; XXII, 318; XXIV, 989,
1070; XXVI, 286; XXXII, 5-6, 20
-- Definitions in P olincal Economy (Murray, 1827): XH, 239
AnEssay on the Principle of Population: I, 107 (106); IV, 35. 366-9; V, 758; XIV,
91; XXII, 88q, 96, 98; XXVI, 286-307passim
An Inquiry into the Nature and Progress of Rent: H, 419; IV, 174, 179-80; V, 758;
XXll, 58
The Measure of Value Stated and lllustrated: IV, 28, 31; XXII, 51-60 rev, 54-9q;
"Newenham and Others on the State of Ireland": XXIV, 893
"Political Economy": IV, 25-43, 25-6q, 29-35q, 37-43q; XXXII, 6
Principles of Political Economy Considered with a View to Their Practical
Application: II, 343n q; IV, 28; XXII, 58
MALYON,MR. (JSM's gardener; ft. 1854): XIV, 172, 176, 181
MANCrmSaT_t,LORD. See Montagu, Edward
MANDEWLLE,BERNARDDE (1670--1733): X, 21, 60; XI, 466; XXVI, 415
MANES(Mani) (the Persian) (ca. 215/16-276/7 A.D.): I, 448
Major - Maratta 263

MANFl_D (of Sicily) (ca. 1232--66): XX, 248

MANGLES,FRANK(of the EIC; ft. 1850s): XXXH, 111
MANGLES,ROSSDONNELLY( 1801-77): XIV, 181; XV, 567; XXXll, 87, 92-5, 98-105,
"Administration of Justice in India": XIII, 483
MANNERS,JOHNJAMESROBERT(Lord John; later Duke of Rutland) ( 1818-1906): IV, 383;
XX1V, 926, 1067
Speech on the Poor Relief (Ireland) Bill ( 15 Mar., 1847): XXIV, 1072
MANNERS,WILLIAM (Lord Huntingtower) ( 1766-1833): VI, 374-5

--Anetent and Medieval India (Allen, 1869): XVII, 1686-7

MANSEL, HENRYLONGUEVILLE(1820--71): IX, 30n, 52, 57, 89-90, 207, 262, 465-6;
XVI, 1070, 1090, 1223, 1241; XVI1, 1612-13, 1653
The Limits of Religious Thought: I, 270; IX, 34n-5n, 45n, 47q, 91-103q passim.
107n-8n, 383n; XV, 817; XVI, 1047, 1068, 1081
The Philosophy of the Conditioned: IX, ciii, cv-cvii, 22n, 24-107q passtm,
123n q, 124n, 493n q; XXXI, 155
-- "The Philosophy of the Conditioned: Sir William Hamilton and John Smart Mill":
XVI, 1138, 1145, 1147
-- Prolegomena Logica: IX, 195n, 262-7q, 269, 271, 297-366q passim, 367,
370-1,376, 409n, 448, 448n q, 465q, 467,468q, 469
-- "Supplementary Remarks on Mr. Mill's Criticism of Sir William Hamilton": IX,
cvi-cvii, 29n, 35n, 50n, 74n, 77n q, 85n, 93n, 103n q, 107n q; XVI, 1324
MANSELL,MR. (tradesman, ft. 1854): XIV, 132
Mansell & Co. "sReport of the Important Discussion Held in Birmingham, August the 28th
and 29th, 1832: IV, 185
MANSFIELD,LORD. See Murray, William
MANSFIELD, WILLIAM ROSE (1819--76): XVII, 1537, 1560
Minute on the Introduction of a Gold Currency into India (Bombay: Education
Society's Press, 1853): XV, 950
MANTEGNA,AND_A (1431--1506): XIV, 487
MANUEL,JACQUESANTOINE(1775--1827): XX, 177; XXII, 125-6; XXIII, 486-7
Speech in the Chamber of Deputies (5 June, 1820): XXII, 156
Speech on Intervention (26 Feb., 1823): XXH, 125-6
MArOVARtNG,GEORGE(publisher of Westminster Review; ft. 1860): XV, 789
MANZAROS,N. (1795-1875): XIV, 419
MANZONI, ALESSANDRO (1784--1873): X, 323; XXIII, 573
(1743--93): XXIII, 524
Avis au peuple: XX, 146
MARAr'rA,CAm.O ( 1625 - 1713): XIV, 295
264 Index of Persons and Works

MARBLE,MANTON(1835--1917). LETTERTO: XVII, 1540-1

MARCEAU,F_N_'OXS SI_VERIN(1769--96): XX, 178
MARCET,JANE (1769--1858). Conversations on Political Economy: XXI, 315
MARCHAIS,ANDR]_LOUISAUGUSTIN(1800--57): XII, 95--6, 121--2
MARCHAL,PIERREFRAN_:OIS(1785--1864). Speech on the Municipal Government Bill
(29 Jan., 1831): XXII, 262
SIMI_ON(1806--55). Letter to Lord Durham: VI, 453n-4n q
MARCUSAURELIUSANTONINUS(121--180 A.D. ): I, 532; VII, 197; VIII, I073; X, 422;
XI, 397; XIV, 303; XV, 602; XVIII, 236-7
*Meditations: X, 416; XXVlII, 251
MARGARET(of Austria) (1480-1530): I, 460; XXI, 303,402
MARGARET(Duchess of Parma) (1522-86): XXI, 303
MARGOT,FRANCOIS(b. 1796): XXIlI, 487,495
MARIAlI (of Portugal) (1819-53): XXXl, 376
MAmA CHRISTINADE BOURBON(of Spain) (1806-78): XXXI, 376,378, 384-5
MAlUAHENRIETTA(of Belgium) ( 1836--1902): XIV, 118
MARIALOUISA(Duchess of Parma ) ( 1791 - 1847): XXH, 289
MARIATHERESA(of Austria) (1717-80): XX, 165; XXI, 401
MARIEADI_LADE(" Madame") ( 1732 - 1800 ): XX, 88
MARIEANTOINETTE(of France) (1755-93): I, 65 (64); XII, 352; XX, 6, 75, 80, 90, 94,
106, 142, 156q; XXKI, 106
1131; XX, 321,332
MARIEDE ST. ELIE (Sister; ft. 1862). LETTERTO: XV, 806
MARIO, ALBERTO(1825--83): XVI, 1037
MARIO, JESSIEWHITE (1832--1906): XVI, 1037
MARIOTTE,EDME(ca. 1620--84): X, 287n
MARIUS, GAIUS(155-86 B.C. ): XIV, 368; XXVl, 344, 347
MAIOORmANKS,DUDLEYCOUTTS( 1820--94 ). Speech on the Government of India Bill (30
June, 1853): XXV, 1193q
MARK(St.): XV, 903
DUKE ANDDUCHESSOF. See Churchill, John and Sarah
MARMONTEL,JEANFRAN_'OIS(1723--99). *M_moires d'un p_re: I, 145 (144); VI, 357q;
XX, 75n
MARNE, THOMAS DE (baronofPicardy;
ft.If00):XX, 31
MAmO_ST, Am_AND (1801--52):
XIII,488,492,511,547,587,616,632,731;XX, 321,
332;XXlII,362,402;XXXII, 65.LETTERTO:XIII,735-6
Marble - Martineau 265

MARRYAT,FREDERICK(1792--1848): I, 490
MARRYAYr,JOSEPH( 1758-1824). Speech on East and West India Sugars ( 22 May, 1823 ).
XXII, 26-8q
Speech on the Labour Rate (5 Aug., 1833): XXIII, 636-7q
MARSH,HESeERT(1757--1839). Horae Pelasgtcae Part the First: XX, 62
MARSHALL,MR. (tradesman; ft. 1854): XIV, 136, 188
MARSHALL,GEORGE(d. 1865): XXl, 433
MARSHALL,JAMESGARTH( 1802--73): XIV, 134, 161 ;XV, 543; XVI, t249. LETTERSTO:
XIV, 123-4; XVI, 1248-9, 1322, 1478
Minorities and Majorities: I, 261 ; XIV, 101- 2, 123-6, 161; XV, 969; XIX, 330,
The New Franchise: XVI, 1322
MARSHALL,JOHN (1765--1845): l, 119-21 (118-20); XH, 202; XXVll, 553
MARSHALL,JOHN ( 1797 --1836 ): XII, 202
MARSHALL,RICHARD(builder; ft. 1868). LETTERTO: XVl, 1478
MARSHALL,WILLIAM (1745--1818). A Revww . . . of the Reports to the Board of
Agriculture; from the Midland Department of England: XXX, 220
--A Review . . . of the Reports to the Board of Agriculture from the Southern and
Peninsular Departments of England: XXX, 220
WILLIAM( 1796-- 1872 ): Xll, 202
XXlI, 134, 153, 189, 203; XXRI, 456, 516. 569
MARTIN,ALEXANDRE("M. Albert") (1815-857): XX, 321-2, 353
MARTIN, JOSEPH CALIXTE (alias Riancourt) (commissioner of the 1848 Provisional
Government: ft. 1848): XX, 336
XXII1, 747; XXIX, 568
MARTIN,SAMUEL(1801-83): XXV, 1184q
MARTINEAU,FRANCESBAILEY(women's rights activist; ft. 1869): XXIX, 388-9
MARTINEAU, HARRIET(1802--76): XII, 140-1, 145, 152, 197, 209, 236, 342, 351-6:
XlV, 53, 177; XXlll, 554,575,638-9; XXIX, 388-9
- "The Brewing of the American Storm": XV, 802
The Charmed Sea: XXlII, 554
.... "Domestic Service": xm, 386
Household Education (Moxon, 1849): XVI, 1469
- Illustrations of Political Economy: XXI, 315
.... "Martyr Age of the United States": xm, 389
- "Miss Sedgwiek's Works": XH, 343,349,351
-"The Moral of Many Fables": IV, 225-8 rev, 228q
266 Index of Persons and Works

The Parish: XXIH, 574
Retrospect of Western Travel ( Saunders and Otley, 1838): XUI, 367
Soctety in America: I, 433q, 434, 435q, 459; XII, 342
-- Suggestions towards the Future Government of India: XXX, 83
_A Tale of the Tyne: XXIH, 638-42 rev, 639-41q
"The United States under the Presidentship of Mr. Buchanan": XXI, 136
, trans. Positive Philosophy, by August Comte: XIV, 78, 126
MARTINEAU,JAMES( 1805--1900): XH, 246,258,264, 281,301,389; XV, 693-4; XVI,
1211, 1219, 1222. LETTERSTO: XH, 247,264-5; XIII, 476-7; XVI, 1180-1; XVII,
1961-2, 1965-6
-- "Bentham's Deontotogy": XH, 236
"Catholic and Protestant Claims to Infallibility": XII, 264n, 301-2; XVII,
1961-2, 1966
--Introductory Lecture (Simpkin, Marshall, 1841 ): XIM, 477
"John Smart Mill": XV, 638,640
"Life of Channing": XIV, 7
"On the Life, Character, and Works of Dr. Priestley": I, 591n; VII, 481; VIII,
857-8q; XH, 236-7,258; XVII, 1961; XXIII, 561-2
The Rationale of Religious Inquiry (Whittaker, 1836): XVII, 1966
MARVELL, ANDREW (1621--78): I, 385; XIX, 500; XXHI, 494,596
"MARVELLREDIVIVUS."A Letter to the Earl of Durham on Reform in Parliament, by
Paying the Elected: VI, 465-95 rev
MARX,HEIIqRICHKARL(1818--83). "Working Men and the War": XXXII, 220
MARY(mother of Jesus): XX, 246, 251
MARYI (of England) (1516-58): XVIH, 238
MARYII (of England) (1662-94): XXII, 132
MARY(of Hungary) (1505-58): XXI, 303
MARY(of Scotland; "Queen of Scots") ( 1542-87): VI, 10; XII, 352; XVII, 1633; XXVI,
MARY(Princess Royal of England and Princess of Orange) (1631-60): VI, 45
Marylebone Penny Readings: XVI, 1453
GUml ( 1402-29): XIV, 482-3
MAscARor_, JULES (1634-1703). Oraisonfun_bre de Turenne: I, 572-3; XXVI, 43, 46
MASLAMA(Mushlimah) (d. 739 A.D.): XXXI, 352
MASON,JAMESMURRAY(1798--1871): I, 267--8; XXI, 130
MASON,WILLL_r,tSHAW ( 1774-1853). A Statistical Account... oflreland: HI, 1076
MASSE,M. (ft. 1832): XXIR, 532
MAssEY, MR. (banker; ft. 1854): XIV, 132
M artineau - M aurice 267

MASSEY,WILLIAMNATHANIEL(1809--81): XV, 698; XXI, 351-5e, 363e

"Mr. Massey, M.P., Upon the Indian Mutinies": XVIII, 240n-In q
Speech on the Representation of the People Bill (22 Mar., 1860): XV, 698
MASSlNGER,PHILIP (1583-1640). *A New Way to Pay Old Debts: X, 103
*The Plays of Philip Massinger: XVI, 1474
MASSON,CHARLES("James Lewis"; fl. 1830s): XXXII, 24
MASSON,DAVID( 1822-1907): xn'I, 628; XV, 873,879,888,894,908; XVI, 1111, 1395;
XXIX, 407; XXXII, 69. LETTERTO: XVI, 1363
"Politics of the Present, Foreign and Domestic": XV, 664
Recent British Philosophy: IX, civ, 30, 207q, 492n q, 498n
MASSON,LUC HYACINTHE(1811-80). Letter to Lord Durham: VI, 453n-4n q
JOHN (1781--1862): XIV, 181


MATILDA( of England) ( 1080-1118 ): XX, 47

(St.): XV, 903

MATTHEWSON, JoHlq THOMAS(b. 1823): XXIV, 882-5

MATTmAS,THOMASJAMES(1754--1835): XXII, 318
-- Pursuits of Literature: XXH, 318
MAUDSLAY, HENRY ( 1771-- 1831 ): XXV, 1263

MAUDSLEY,HENRY(1835--1918). The Physiology and Pathology of Mind (Macmillan,

1867): XVI, 1323-4
MAUGUIN,FRANCOIS( 1785-- 1854): XIl, 256', XX, 201; XXII, 192; XXIII, 337,352,661

--On the Franchise (30 Aug., 1830): XXII, 162

On War (15 Jan., 1831): XXII, 248
On the Patriotic Association (29 Mar., 1831 ): XXII, 299
On Free Trade (20 Oct., 1831): XXIII, 363
On the Disturbances in Paris (19 Dec., 1831): XXIII, 389
On the Budget of 1832 (26 and 27 Jan., 1832): XXIII, 405
On the Draft Address to the King (3 Jan., 1834): XXIII, 661
MAULE,FOX (Baron Panmure) (1801-74): XIV, 116
MAUPERTtaS,PmRRELOUIS MOREAUDE (1698--1759). "Examen philosophique de la
preuve de l'existence de Dieu employ6 clans l'Essai de cosmologie": XXVI, 167
MAtn_Lg, LgON. See Bertin, Am6xl6e
MAUImR,GEORGLUDWK;YON(1790--1872). Geschichte der Dorfverfassung in Deutsch-
/and: XXX, 216-18
Geschichte der Fronh_fe, der Bauernh6fe und der Hofverfassung m Deutschland:
XXX, 216-18
Geschichte der Markenverfassung in Deutschland: XXX, 216-18
MAURICE, CHARLES EDMUND (1843-1927). LETTER TO: XVll, 1897-8
268 Index of Persons and Works

MAURICE,FREDERICKDENISON(1805--72): I, 133, 159--61 (158--60), 163 (162), 169n;

XII, 79, 87, 101; Xm, 411; XIV, 23; XV, 615,667; XVI, 1019; XVII, 1698, 1744,
1880, 1898; XXI, 358e. LETTERSTO:XVI, 1047-8; XVII, 1997-8
The Conscience (Macmillan, 1868): XVII, 1897
_Eustace Conway: XII, 224; XVIII, 139-40q
The Kingdom of Christ (Rivington, 1842): XIII, 544; XVII, 1997
"Life of Theobald Wolfe Tone": XVII, 1897
"Lord Macaulay": XV, 684
"Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy": I, 532; XIII, 544; XVII, 1997
"The New School of Cockneyism": X-VII, 1897
-- "The, Pelican Island. By James Montgomery": XVII, 1897; XXI, 315
Subscription No Bondage ( signed "Rusticus "): X, 149n
"A Supplementary Sheet to Bentham's Book of Fallacies": XVII, 1897
MAURY,JEAN SIFFREIN,ABBI_(1746--1817): XX, 89n
MAUSOLUS(377--353 B.C.): XI, 324
MAWBY,J. GEORGE(working man; ft. 1866). LETTERSTO:XVI, 1153, 1181-2, 1199
MAXhVaANUSI (M. Aurelius Valerius Maximianus) (ca. 240-310 A.D. ): XXIII, 690
MAY, FLORENCE(1845--1923). LETTERSTO:X'VI, 1377-9, 1472-5
MaY, THOMAS(1595--1650). The History of the Parliament of England: VI, 6
MAY, THOMASERSKINE (Baron Farnborough) (1815-86). A Treatise on the Law,
Privileges, Proceedings and Usage of Parliament: XXVIII, 108
MAYHEW, ELLEN(witness; ft. 1851): XXV, 1185
MAYNARD,JOHn (1592--1658): VI, 50, 52
MAYNE,RaCHARD(1796--1868): XXVIH, 114; XXXI, 391,406e
MAYNWARING,ROGER(1590--1653). Religion and Allegiance: VI, 16-17
MAYO,AUGUSTFREDERICK(1821--69): XV, 653,669-70, 680
MAYO, LORD.See Bourke, Richard
MAZARIN, JULES(1602--61): II, 441n-2n
MAZHAREFFENDI(disciple of A. Comte; ft. 1843): XIII, 577,582, 592, 617
MAZURE, FRAN(_OISANTOINEJEAN (1776--1828). Histoire de la r_volution de 1688 en
Angleterre: XX, 187,221
MAZZINI, GIUSEPPE (1805-72): XIII, 378,548,570; XIV, 292n; XV, 713,932-3; XVI,
1312; XVII, 1759-60, 1879-80, 1978; XXXII, 41-2. LETTERS TO" XV, 548,552-3

"Lives of Sarpi": XV, 534

"Prince Napoleon Louis Bonaparte": XIR, 389; XV, 534
Mechanics' Magazine: I, 382; All, 137
Maurice - Mercier 269

Medical Gazette. Review of Carpenter's Principles of General and Comparative Phy-

siology: XXXI, 324
Medical Mirror: XVI, 1352-3
Medical Times and Gazette. "Female Candidates at Apothecaries' Hall": XXVIII, 160
MEDICa,CArrmmNE DE (1519--89): XIV, 294
MEDICI,GIULIANOm (1453--78): XlV, 480
MEDICa,LORENZODI (1449--92): XIV, 480; SIX, 443
MEDWIN,JAMES(bootmaker and London vestryman; ft. 1867): XXXI, 391--4e
MERE1VmTALl. See Mohammed Ali
Mgnt.rL, ETIENNEHENRI(1763--1817). L'irato, ou L'emportd: XXVI, 73
MEIDIAS(ft. 347 B.C.): XXV, 1132
tMILIPP (1497-1560): XX, 375
MELBOURNE, LORD. See Lamb, William
MELES1AS ( father of the Thucydides who opposed Pericles; in Plato ): XI, 197- 209 passim,
334; XXV, 1124
MELETUS(MELITUS) (accuser of Socrates; in Plato): XI, 151-74passim, 187-96passim.
393,398; XVIII, 235
MELLY,GEORGE(1830--94): XVI, 1403; XVII, 1585, 1672
MELVILL, HENRIETTA(1816--1900): XIII, 521
MELVILL, JAMESCOSMO(1792--1861): XXXII, 57, 99, 241
-- Evidence on the Operation of the Act 3 & 4 Wilham IV, c. 85 (PP): XXX, 51
MELVILL,PmLtP (1817-54): XIII, 564

MELVILLE, W.H. LESLIE(member of the Court of Directors of the EIC; ft. 1850s): XIV,
Mdmoires sat lesprisons (Paris: Baudoum fr6res, 1823): XII, 138, 149
The Memorial to the Government Concerning a Chair of Political Economy in the
University of Edinburgh: XXXII, 20
MI_NARD, LOUIS NICOLAS ( 1822-1901 ). LETTER TO: XV, 580

MENCE,RICHARD(fl. 1820S). The Law of Libel: XXl, 1-34 rev, 16q, 19q, 21q
MENDIZABEL, JUAN ALVAREZ(1790--1853 ): XXXl, 385
(in Plato): XI, 210-21 passim
MENON(patrician of Thessaly): XI, 409
MENOTTI,Cmo (1798-1831 ): XXIII, 429
MENZEL,WOLFGANG( 1798-- 1873). Die deutsche Literatur (Stuttgart: Franckh, 1828):
XII, 342
MERCmR,HENRI(French diplomat; ft. 1855): XIV, 425
MEacma, LOuis S_BASaaEN(1740--1814): XII, 230
"Newton": XXVI, 231-2
270 Index of Persons and Works


MEREDES,AMELIA(witness; ft. 1850): XXV, 1167-9q
M_mc-LILANDE, HENRIETTE( 1798-- 1867 ): XXXII, 15
MI_glLHOU,JOSEPH(1788--1856): XXll, 181, 283, 288
-- "Essai historique sur la vie et les ouvrages de Mirabeau": VI, 172q
PROSPER(1803--70): XX, 185
MEPdVALE,CHARLES(1806--74): XXXII, 154. LETTERTO: XV, 766-7
-- The History of Rome under the Emperors: XHI, 549; XVI, 1474
MERIVALE,HERMAN(1806--74): XlII, 701; XV, 766, 966; XXXII, 47, 100
--"Carlyle, The French Revolution": XIlI, 446
--"The,Late Dr. Arnold": XHI, 551
MERLE, GIBBONS(ca. 1796-1855): XXIII, 526, 529
-- Letters as Paris correspondent of the Globe (21 and 27 Oct., 1832): XXlII, 526
MERRETT, ANNE (b. 1819): XXV, 1170

MERSENNE,MARtN(1588--1648): IX, 483

MERVILLE.See Vallet de Merville
--Etude sur l'association des irides: IX, 25011;XI, 444; XV, 971
Messager des Chambres: XXH, 153

METELLA, CAECILIA (f]. 55 B.C. ): XIV, 308

The Metropolitan Quarterly Magazine: XVII, 1897

_DerKanton Zurich: H, 258n q, 393q; HI, 690-1; XXlV, 1054q
MEYERSEER,GIACOMO( 1791 --1864). Le prophdte: XIV, 489
--Robert le diable (Paris: Schlesinger, 1831 ): XIV, 489
MEYNELL,VILLIERS(b. 1801): XlV, 341,343,351,353-4, 386
MIALL, EDWARD(1809--81): XVI, 1355
MICHAUD,JOSEPHFRAN(_OIS(1767--1839), and Louis GABRIELMICHAUD(1773--1858),
eds. "Biography of Jean Maximilien Lamarque": VI, 160q
(Michel de Bourges) (1798-1853): XXIII, 657-8
MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI ( 1475--1564): X, 136n; Xll/, 565; XIV, 270, 279, 288-9,
298,300-1,305,477,479-80; XXI, 302; XXVII, 648
MICHELET, JULES ( 1798-1874): X, 92, 139; XIII, 432-3,438,442; XV, 691. LETTER TO"
XIII, 596
--Histoire de France: XIII, 431,488,498, 504-5,549,595-6, 601-2, 612-13;
XX, 217-55 rev, 235-53q passim
Mercy-Argenteau - Mill, H.T. 271

*Histoire romaine: r_publique: XIII, 431,444,498,505,549,551; XX, 232

Introduction _ r histoire universelle (Paris: Hachette, 1831 ): xm, 475
_Lepeuple: II, 279n q, 296n q, 441n-2n q; III, 1004q; XXIV. 1048n q
MICHELL,RICHARD( 1805--77): XX, 369
MINAS(the Phrygian; in Plato): XI, 83
MIE, AUGUSTE(1801--85): XXIH, 705,745
MIGNE, JACQUESPAUL, ABBI_(1800--75). Dictionnaire de th_ologie et de philosophie
scolastiques: XVI, 1438
XXXII, 122-3, 139
Histoire de la r_volutionfranqaise: I, 99n; XII, 22; XX, 1-14 rev, 6-14q passim,
57, 73n q, 80n, 100q, 116
-- (in English) History of the French Revolution: XX, 1-14 rev
MIGUEL,MAmA EVAmST(of Portugal) (1802-66): XXIII, 527; XXXI, 376, 377
MII_US (in Plato): XI, 389
MILES,TOMMY(alias Tom Bell) (d. 1865): XXVIII, 94
MILL, GEORGEGROTE (one of JSi's brothers) (ca. 1825-53): I, 53; XII, 304, 306,
307-8; XlI1, 429,448,450,452,475,481,523,564,576,629,708; XIV, 10, 15, 20,
203; XXVII, 496; XXXII, 68-9. LETTERSTO: XlV, 6-7, 59--60, 73-5
MILL.HARRIET(n6e Burrow; JSM's mother) ( 17827-1854): I, 6.36n, 52, 57n, 610,612;
XII, 6; xm, 429,442.481,629: xIv, 61,152-3.195,204,219-20,231,234; xvII,
1994; xxvI, 19, 26, 32, 38, 46, 52n, 71,126; XXVII, 496; XXXI1, 17, 52
LETTERSTO: XH, 308; XIH, 392,398-9; XIV, 83,197,207-8
MILL, HARRIETISABELLA(one of J SM' s sisters ) ( 1812-97): I, 7 (6), 36n, 53; XII, 5- 6,
11,307; XIH, 419-20,475, 481,513,588,623,629, 721,726; XIV, 83, 135,222, 231;
XV, 768; XXVI, 19, 26, 32, 38, 46, 52n, 71,126; XXVlI, 496; XXXII, 17, 52
LETTERSTO:KV, 785-6, 884; KVI, 1023-4, 1027, 1074; XVI1, 1620
MILL, HARRIETTAYLOR(n_,e Hardy; JSM's wife) (1807-58): I, 5, 183 (182), 193-9
(192-8), 213 (212), 234n-5n, 237-41 (236-8), 240n-ln, 247 (246), 249-61
(250-8), 263-5, 616-23; IH, 1026-37; XII. 158-9, 178, 185-8. 189q, 213-15,
227-9, 253, 298, 307,320; xm, 486-7, 523; XIV, 82, 207. 246; XV, 504. 571-8,
580-2, 598, 601-4, 610, 615,619-20, 629-30, 635-8, 641, 646, 651,655, 663,
670-77passim, 680, 685; XVII, 1640-1, 1997; XVllI, 216; XXl, 37-40, 99, 393-4;
KXVlI, 641-5,652, 654-6.660; XXXl, 327-8, 336; XXXII, 23, 91,108, 115. 128
LETTERSTO: XlI, 114, 227-8; XIV, 3-6, 8-23, 42-3, 49-50, 96-7, 108-23.
125-204, 208-34, 247-494; XV, 506-9, 521-7, 530, 535-9, 563-7
*"Enfranchisement of Women" (CW, XXI, 393-415): XIV, 13, 55-7, 62, 65-6,
69, 75, 177, 189-90; XV, 509; XVl, 1059, 1106-7, 1270, 1289, 1451, 1476; XVlI.
1610, 1670, 1747-8; XXXH, 128
272 Index of Persons and Works

MILL, HENRY(one of JSM's brothers) (1820-40): I, 53; XH, 306-8, 366; xm, 399,
417-20, 425,428-9,432, 435,455,576; xvII, 1994; XXVl, 71,126; XXVlI, 496;
XXXlI, 52. LETTEaSto: XlI, 303-5; xm, 743
MILL, JAMES(JSM's grandfather). See Milne, James
MILL, JAMES(JSM's father) (1773-1836): I, 5-57 (4-56), 61-77 (60-76), 78n, 8On,
83-5 (82--4), 89-115 (88-114), 116n, 118n, 120n, 126, 139-41 (138-40), 154,
165-9 (164-8), 189 (188), 193 (192), 203-15 (202-14), 221 (220), 535-8,589-95,
608-14,616; IX, 9,217n, 299,493n; X, 48n, 80,267,298,425; XI, 247,352; XII, 9,
22, 72,120, 136,147, 158,162, 167,170, 172,210,234,236,246,253,260,288,292,
296-7,299-300, 304-6, 311-12, 315,320,334, 359; XIII, 407,566, 598-600, 602,
618; XIV, 74-5, 93; XV, 547, 558,978-9; XVI, 1120-1, 1144; XVII, 1948, 1956,
1966; XXII, 97; XXV, 1263; XXVI, 3-143 passim, 427; XXVII, 496,642; XXVIII,
15; XXXI,'93-253passim; XXXII, 1-5 passim, 9, 17, 21, 26, 31, 33, 66-7
LETTERSTO: XII, 12-14, 54-67
-- *Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind: I, 71 (70), 127 (126), 213 (212),
233 (232), 270,287-8,578,590,593,595; VII, 40n-ln, 44n, 62, 64q, 80; VIII, 649,
664n, 852, 853n, 854, 971,985,995; IX, 67, 115-16q, 199. 252-3q, 253-9, 282q,
283; X, 24, 130n; XI, 342, 361,367,458n, 494; XH. 237; XIII, 406; XIV, 104, 193;
XV, 649; XVI, 1320, 1323, 1332-4. 1388, 1473, 1501-2, 1506, 1512, 1518, 1526-9,
1533; XVII, 1547, 1564-5, 1573-4, 1578, 1587, 1593, 1602, 1613, 1617, 1641,
1711-12, 1722, 2008; XXIII, 433; XXXI, lllq, 124q, 130-1q, 133q, 136q, 138q,
140q, 142q, 146q, 148-9q, 154q, 156q, 163-4q, 170-2q, 176q, 186q, 191q, 201q,
204q, 216q, 228q, 231q, 252q; XXXH, 205-7
"Aristocracy": I, 209 (208); Xll, 284; XVIII, 99
--"The Ballot": I, 135 (134)
-- "The Ballot--A Dialogue": I, 209 (208); XII, 251; XVIII, 25
--"Beggar": XV, 979
-- "The Church and Its Reform": I, 209 (208), 598-9; XH, 268; XVII, 1962-3
--"Colony": XXlI, 97-100q
Commerce Defended: III, 576
"Dispatch Accompanying the Government of India Act, 1833": XXX, 51
-- "Education": I, 594; Xl, 510q; XlV, 236; XVII, 1812
--ElementsofPoliticalEconomy: I, 31 (30), 65 (64), 73 (72), 123 (122), 125 (124),
213 (212), 568, 585, 594; II, 27n-Sn; III, 589-90q, 818n; IV, 16n, 32n, 33-4q,
65-6q, 236; V, 758; XII, 8, 15; XIII, 642; XVI, 1388; XVII, 1948; XVIII, 12; XXlI,
3-6; XXXI, 100; XXXII, 5
*A Fragment on Mackintosh: I, 103 (102), 211 (210); Xl, 466n; XIV, 30; XVI,
1388; XVII, 1765, 1782, 1987; XVIII, 22q; XXXl, 227q, 233-9q, 240
"Government": I, 107q (106q), 109q (108q), 129 (128), 165 (164), 167 (166),
177 (176), 585, 594; XVIII, 12q; XXI, 24; XXlI, 40, 62-6, 101, 130, 144, 184-5;
XXI][I, 489-90, 492, 503; XXlV, 874; XXVI, 11-12, 45
-- *The History of British India: I, 5 (4), 7 (6), 9 (8), 16, 27-9 (26-8), 213 (212),
562-3,582-3; II, 321-2q; X, 320; XIII, 413,415; XlV, 353; XV, 558; XVI, 1512;
Mill, H. -Mill, J.S. 273

XVII, 1641; XIX, 331n-2n q, 332q; XXI, 4n; XXII, 195q, 206; XXVI, 9, 45, 137;
XXXI, 50, 99
"Jurisprudence": I, 69 (68), 576-7, 594; XVII, 1812; XXI, 200
"Law of Nations": XVII, 1812
"Law Reform": I, 209 (208); XU, 274-6
"Liberty of the Press": XXI, 4-5q, 13-14q, 17q; XXII, 12
Miscellaneous writings: XXXI, 99-100
*"Periodical Literature: Edinburgh Review" (Part I): I, 93-7 (92-6), 95q (94q),
293,321,324; VI, 102; XXII, 101-2q; XXVI, 416; XXXH, 5
*"Periodical Literature: Edinburgh Review on Parliamentary Reform": I, 297
*"Periodical Literature: Quarterly Review": I, 97 (96); XXXII, 5
-- "Prisons and Prison Discipline": XXII, 67-70
*"Robert Southey's Book of the Church": I, 99 (98); XXXII, 5
-- Schools for All, in Preference to Schools for Churchmen Only: XXI, 63q
*"State of the Nation" (1826): I. 99 (98); IV, 144n; VI, 400
--"State of the Nation" (1835): I, 209 (208); VI, 291
-- "Summary Review of the Conduct and Measures of the Imperial Parliament": I,
121 (120); VI, 400
-- "Theory and Practice": I, 209 (208)
-- "Whether Political Economy Is Useful?": I, 209 (208)
MILL,JAMESBENTHAM(one of JSM's brothers) (1814-62): I, 53; XII, 5,247,260, 293;
XIH, 418; XIV, 123, 140; XV, 785-6; XVI, 1023-4, 1027, 1074; XXVI, 19, 26, 32,
38, 52n, 71,126; XXVU, 496; XXXII, 31. LETTERS TO:XIII, 705; XIV, 192; XV, 574
MILL, JANE. See Ferraboschi
MILL, JOHN STUART(1806--73).
*"The Admission of Women to the Electoral Franchise": I, 276. 285; XVI, 1270,
1276, 1280, 1282-3, 1331-2, 1476, 1516, 1521; XXVIII, 143, 145
"Advice to Land Reformers": I, 627; XVII, 1932
"Affairs of the Guicowar': XXXII, 54
*"Alison's History of the French Revolution": XII, 152, 157-9, 162. 172, 175, 181
"Aphorisms--Thoughts in the Cloister and the Crowd": XII. 322; XVII, 1709,
- *"Appendix" (D&D): X, 109n
- *"Armand Carrel": I, 217 (216); XII, 346,349,351; XV, 644; XVII. 1977-8
-- *Articles in the Examiner: I, 179 (178), 205 (204)
- "The Attempt to Exclude Unbelievers from Parliament": XIV, 18.20
*AugusteComteandPositivism: I, 271-2; llI, 1041; IX. 217n; XV. 849. 875,880,
884. 886-7, 931,954, 965, 972, 978; XVI, 990, 995, 1001. 1004, 1008-11, 1022,
1024-5, 1030, 1036, 1040, 1083, 1085-6, 1096, 1117, 1133, 1137-8, 1140, !161:
XVII, 1913; XXXI1, 152, 164
274 Index of Persons and Works

(in French ) Auguste Comte et le positivisme, trans. Georges Cl6menceau (Paris:
Balli&e. 1868): XVI, 1004, 1046, 1114; XVlI, 1906
(in German) August Comte und der Positivismus, trans. Elise Gomperz, in
Gesammelte Werke, ed. Theodor Gomperz. IX: XVI, 1114
"Austin on Centralization": XlII, 711
*"Austin on Jurisprudence": I, 185,268; XV, 889
*"Austin's Lectures on Jurisprudence": I, 191 (190); XII, 116-17, XVIII, 134q
*Autobiography: I, 245, 290n, 625; XIV, 137-8, 142, 149, 154-5, 159, 163,
165-6, 168, 190; XVI, 1121; XVIII, 145; XXXl, 329, 334
"L'avere e l'imposta." See "Property and Taxation"
*"B_ley on Berkeley's Theory of Vision": VII, 8n; IX, 256n; XlII, 542, 549,
551; XXXI, 156
--"Bain's On the Application of Science to Human Health and Well-being": XXXII,
*"Bran's Psychology": I, 263; XV, 631,639,645. 670
-- "The Bank Acts": HI, 680n q; XV, 692-3
-- *"Bentham': I, 225-7 (224-6); X, l19q, 494; XH, 358; XIH. 405-6, 558;
XXXll, 54
"Berkeley's Life and Writings": I, 627; XVII, 1828, 1833
*"Blakey's History of Moral Science": XII, 177. 181
-- "Blessings of Equal Justice": XXXll, 7
--"The British Constitution" (speech): XVllI, 44n-5n q
"'Brodie's History of the British Empire": I, 99 (98); XXXII, 5
--"Capital Punishment" (speech): I, 275
*"Carlyle's French Revolution": I, 225 (224), 603--4; XII, 339; ]Kill, 427
-- "The Case of Mary Ann Parsons": XXV, 1168
"The Case of William Smith": XXXlI, 217
--"The Cattle Diseases Bill" (speech): I, 276n-7n
"Cavaignac's Defence": XlI, 194
"Centralisation": XV, 715,721,724-6, 729,753,761,764
Chapters and Speeches on the Irish Land Question: XVII, 1666-8
"Chapters on Socialism": I, 290,625
"Chichester Fortescue's Land Bill" (speech): I, 279-80; VI, 512q; XVI, 1170;
XVlI, 1665, 1667
*"Civilization": I, 187q (186q), 211 (210); XH, 303, 360
*"The Claims of Labour": XIII, 643-5, 654, 660-2, 684; XX, 315; XXV,
*"The Close of the Session in France": XlI, 105
*"Coleridge": I, 225-7 (224-6); VIII, 921-4q; IX, 208n-9n; X, 494; xm,
405-6, 408, 411; XXXII, 54
Mill, J.S. 275

Collected Works fin German), ed. Theodor Gomperz. See Gesammelte Werke
Comment on Bentham in Bulwer's England and the Enghsh: XII, 152, 172
*"Comparison of the Tendencies of French and English Intellect": XII, 109
"The Condition of Ireland": 1.243 (242); XIII, 705-9; XIV, 21; XV. 919; XXIV,
904-5,907,927,938,942,968. 973-4,983,988. 999, 1004. 1011, 1016. 1025, 1030,
*"The Confiscation Scheme of The Times": XII, 154
*Considerations on Representanve Government: I, 199,201,249, 265. 272,277,
288-9,625; XV, 559,690, 716,721,724,727-8,730-2,747. 753. 760-1,799,921,
941,963,965,969; XVI. 992, 998, 1014, 1035, 1040-1, 1044, 1061, 1063, 1216,
1266, 1270, 1332, 1391, 1451; XVII, 1561. 1595, 1819; XXV, 1216; XXVIII. 30,
84-5. 331; XXIX, 492; XXXII, 123-5, 129-30, 163. 174-5
-- (in French) Le gouvernement repr_sentatif, trans Charles Dupont-White: XV.
723-4,736-7, 740-1. 745,753,769" XXXII, 128-9
-- (in German) Betrachtungen iiber Repriisentativverfassung, trans. Franqois Wille:
XVI, 1157, 1357
-- *A Constitutional View of the India Question: I, 249
-- *"The Contest in America": I, 268; XV, 764, 767,774, 776, 783,809; XVII,
1691; XXXII, 129. 134
--"Cooperation" (3 speeches): I, 129 (128); XXVI. 306
--"The Corn Laws": I, 99 (98); IV, 136, t44n; XXXII, 2
-- *"Corporation and Church Property": l, 191 (190); XII, 80. 117. 142. 146.
149, 167; XXI, 65-6q
-- "The Courts-Martial in Jamaica": I. 281-2; XXI, 423n
*"The Currency Juggle": I, 191 (190); VI. 175-6q; Xll. 130-1, 133; XKIH,
*"The Currency Question": Xlll, 630
-- *"Death of Hyde Villiers": XII. 133
*"Deaths of Casimir P6rier and Georges Cuvier": XII, 105
"Debate on Petition of Mary Ann Carlile": I. 91 (90)
"Defence of the French Revolution of February, 1848." See "Vindication of the
French Revolution of February, 1848'"
*"De Quincey's Logic of Political Economy": V. 641-2q
*"De Tocqueville on Democracy in America [I]": I, 201: XII, 249, 263,272,
283-4, 288; XVI, 1055; XVIII, 18n, 94, 99, 106, 108, 174-5q
*"De Tocqueville on Democracy in America [II]": I, 201,227; XII, 249; XIII,
431,435,441,443-5,447,454,457, 514; XVI, 1055; XIX, 380q; XX, 305-8q
"Diary": XIV, 128, 137
"Disputes between the Rao of Cutch and Certain Wagur Chiefs": XXXII,
• *Dissertations and Discussions: I, 191. 201,205, 211,221,225,227,263-4,287;
276 Index of Persons and Works

[MILL, J.S.]
XlII, 411,426,429,443,447,503,514-15. 520-1,547,661; XIV, 190,347-8; XV,
579,599,631,633,638,644,653,656,673,678; XVl. 992, 1271. 1391, 1452; XVII,
1610, 1748; XXXII, 54, 128, 175,231
--"The Disturbances in Jamaica" (3 speeches): I, 281-2; XVl, 1205-6, 1521, 1523;
XXI, 423
*"Duveyrier's Political Views of French Affairs": XIII. 627. 632,634,701; XVlH,
201-4q, XXXII, 69
"The Education Bill" (speech): I, 290; XVII, 1703
"Educational Endowments" (PP): XVl, 1172, 1187, 1190
"Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections" ( 12 speeches): I, 283; XVI,
1383-4, 1522; XVlI, 1871-2
"Electoral Franchise for Women" (speech): XVI, 1179, 1516, 1521
--"Endowments": I, 290; XVlI, 1591
-- "England and Europe": XV, 946
-- *Englandandlreland: I, 280, 287; XVI, 1366, 1369, 1372. 1384, 1406: XVlI,
1601, 1666; XXVlII, 254-61 passim; XXXII, 189-90, 194. 209,215
"England's Danger through the Suppression of Her Maritime Power" (speech): I,
*"The English National Character": XlI, 344
*"Errors and Truths on a Property Tax": XH, 141
*Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy: I, 123-5 (122--4), 189
(188), 234n; H, 49n; m, 589-90q, 596-9q, 632n-4n q, 701,851-6q; VII, 445-6q:
Vffl, 901-3q; XH, 79, 178-9, 211-12,222, 231,235,360; XHI, 623-4, 626,627,
630. 642,644,658-9, 736; XIV, 94, 142; XV, 517,568,873,903; XVl, 1309, 1357;
XVlI, 1999, 2006
*An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy: I, 268-71; VII, cxvi. 15n,
6On, 63n, 98n, 173n, 272n, 279n, 356n; VIII, 650n, 752n, 755n-6n, 843n; XI, 458n;
XV, 746,752,763,809, 816-17,837,866,889,900-2,907,929,945,954.963; XVl,
997, 1011, 1040-1, 1046-7, 1056, 1061, 1065, 1068, 1079, 1089-91, 1095, 1117,
1120. 1144-5, 1147, 1161, 1223, 1238-9, 1271, 1324, 1333, 1529q; XVlI, 1613,
1711, 1787. 1879; XXXI, 117-18q, 169-70; XXXII, 149-50. 152-3. 174-5,207
(in French) La philosophie de Hamilton, trans. Emile Honor6 Cazelles: XVI, 1218;
XVlI, 1652, 1907
--"Exchangeable Value": 1, 89 (88)
"The Fenian Prisoners" (speech): XVII, 2015-16
*"A Few Words on Non-Intervention": I, 263; XV, 638, 646, 652, 655,727;
XXVlII, 17
*"Flower's Mignon's Song and When Thou Welt Here": XH, 154
*"Flower's Musical Illustrations of the Waverley Novels": xxm, 436
*"Flower's Songs of the Months": XII, 215,246
*"Fonblanque's England under Seven Administrations": XlI, 359
*"Fontana and Prati's St. Simonism in London": XH, 203; XXlII, 689q
Mill, J.S. 277

"Free Discussion": I, 89-91 (88-90); XXXII. 6

*"French and English Journals": XlI, 133
*"French News": XII, 95-6, 105.112-13, 119, 125. 133,154.209. 218: XIH.
454; XX, 125-8; XXIII, 397,690-1
"The Game Laws": I, 99 (98); XXXlI. 8
*Gesammelte Werke, ed. and trans. Theodor Gomperz: XVI. 1356-8. 1391-2;
X'VII, 1583, 1616; XXXII, 90, 119, 134,208
"Grote's Aristotle": I, 627; XVII. 1908. 1910. 1913, 1925. 1929
"Grote's History of Greece" [Spectator]: Xl, 309n-10n q. 318-20q. 327-9q,
331-6q; XIII, 690, 699; XIV. 3. 17-18, 104. 107-8, 111,113. 123. 126. 142, 163;
XXV, 1128
*"Grote's History of Greece" [Edinburgh Review]. XIII. 690. 699,704; XIV. 3.
104, 107-9, 111,113, 123, 126, 142. 163; XXV. 1128
*"Grote's Plato": I, 287: IX, 46n; XVI. 1010, 1061-2, 1068. 1083. 1095.
1115-16, 1120, 1143, 1145, 1159-60, 1271; XVII. 1586
-- *"Guizot's Essays and Lectures in History": XlII. 431. 575. 618,630, 646. 683;
XX, 231n
-- "Guizot's Lectures on European Civilization" (with Joseph Blanco White): XII.
259,264, 267, 280, 284-5, 290; XIII, 454; XVIII, 94
*"Herschel's Preliminary Discourse": I, 217 (216); XlII, 583
"The History of Rome" [childhood exercise]: I. 17 (16), 583; XlI, 3-4n
-- *Inaugural Address Delivered to the Untversit3' of St. Andrews: I, 287; XVl,
1227-8, 1230, 1235, 1237-8, 1251, 1304. 1357, 1391; XXXII, 173-5. 208
-- (in German) Rectoratsrede: XXXII. 186
-- "The Income and Property Tax" (PP): XV. 692-3,742
--"The Influence of the Aristocracy" (speech): I, 131 (130); XXVI, 359, 364
-- "Intercourse between the United States and the British Colonies in the West
Indies": I, 121 (120)
"Ireland": I, 121 (120)
"Isatis Tinctoria": XXXI, 259
*James Mill's Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind: I, 287-8; XI. 458n:
XVI, 1502, 1506, 1512, 1517-18. 1526-7q, 1528-9, 1533; XVII, 1547. 1565,
1573-4, 1578, 1583, 1587, 1602, 1613, 1617, 1711-12, 1722; XXXII, 205-7
*Jeremy Bentham's Rationale of Judicial Evidence: I, 117-19 (116-18); VI.
278q; VII, 598q, 627q; X, 95n q, 470; XII, 18-19,361; XHI, 368q; XVII, 1558, 1565.
1573-4, 1578, 1583. 1586-7, 1602, 1613, 1617, 1711-12. 1722, 1981-2. 1988.
1993--4; XIX, 441q; xxm, 470, 473; XXX, 21; XXXH, 7
Journal and Notebook of a Year in France, 1820-21: I, 57n, 585; XH, 10-11
"Judicial Oaths": XXII, 43
- "Land Tenure Reform" (speech): I, 626
- "The Later Speculations of Auguste Comte." See Auguste Comte and Positivism
"Law of Libel and Liberty of the Press": I, 99 (98)
278 lndex of Persons and Works

--"The Law of Partnership': XIV, 185-6; XVI, 1200
-- Lecture notes on Logic: XXVI. 131-43 passim
-- "Leslie on the Land Question": I, 626; XVII, 1558. 1739
-- *"Letter from the East India Company to the President of the Board of Control":
I, 249
-- Letter to the Editor of the Edinburgh Review, on James Mill: XlII, 598-600, 602,
618; XXXII, 67
-- Letters [various personal letters]: I, 183 (182), 219, 273-4, 286n; XX, 176n,
201-2q, 21Mn-5n q; XXV, 1220; XXVIII. 19
-- *"Lewis's Remarks on the Use and Abuse of Political Terms": VII, 153n-4n q;
VIII, 1050n q; XII, 105
--"Local Charges on Real Property" (speech): XVI, 1498; XXVIII, 313
-- "Lord Brougham and M. de Tocqueville': XlII. 570
-- *"Lord Durham and His Assailants": I, 223 (222); V-I, 452; XIII, 389; XVII,
1987, 1989; XXIV. 801q
-- *"Lord Durham's Return": I, 223 (222), 225 (224); XIII, 391. 426; XVII, 1989
-- *"Macaulay's Lays of Ancient Rome": XIV, 287
--"Maine on Village Communities": I, 626; XVII, 1813
-- "The Malt Duty" (speech): I, 277
*"Martineau's A Tale of the Tyne": VI, 178-9q; XII, 197,209
*"The Marvellous Ministry": XII, 181; XXlII, 647
--"Meetings in Royal Parks" (2 speeches): I, 279
-- *Memorandum of the Improvements in the Administration of lndia during the Last
Thirty Years: I, 249
-- "The Metropolitan Government Bill" (speech): I, 276; XXXII, 177-9
-- "Metropolitan Local Government" (PP): XVI, 1162
-- "The Metropolitan Poor Bill" (speech): I, 276
*"Michelet's History of France": XIII, 431,488.498.505,595-6,601-2,612;
XV, 691; XVI, 1386
"Mignet's French Revolution": I, 99 (98); XX, 18; XXXII, 123
*"Milnes's Poems": Xlii, 384
*"The Ministerial Manifesto": VI, 286; XII, 181
*"The Ministerial Measure Respecting the Bank": XII, 167
*"Miss Martineau's Summary of Political Economy": VIII, 903-4q
*"Mlle. Lb.ontine Fay": XXIII, 465
--"Modem French Historical Works": I, 99 (98)
"Molesworth's Address to the Electors of Leeds": XII, 365
*"The Monthly Repository for April 1833": XII, 154
*"The Monthly Repository for December 1833": Xll, 209
-- *"The Monthly Repository for January 1834": XII, 209,215
Mill, J.S. 279

*The Moral of the India Debate: I. 249

"The Municipal Corporations Bill": XVI, 1125, 1131; XXVIII, 230; XXXII,
*"Municipal Institutions": Xll, 172
-- *"Napier's The Colonies": XII, 197
"Nature". See Three Essays on Religion
-- *"Necessity of Revising the Present System of Taxation": XII, 133, 141
-- *"The Negro Question": XXXII, 80
--"New Corn Law": I. 99 (98)
-- *"Newman's PoliticalEconomy": XlV. 71-2, 76, 78
-- "Note on Browning's Pauline": XlI, 157. 159, 162, 174, 185
-- "Notes on Plants Growing in the Neighbourhood of Guildford, Surrey": XXXI,
*"Notes on Some of the More Popular Dialogues of Plato": I, 207 (206); XII, 185,
189, 218,222q, 237; XV, 959
--*"Notes on the Newspapers": I, 205 (204); VI, 284q; XH, 213-15,218,226-7
-- "Notes on the Species of Oenanthe": XXXI, 266
-- *Observanons on the Proposed Council of lndia: I, 249
--"Ode to Diana": I, 19 (18), 583
-- "Of the Laws of Interchange between Nations": XVII, 2006
-- *"On Genius": XH, 98, 117-18; Xlll, 449
-- *On Liberty: I, 245,249,257-61 (256-8), 272; IX, 459n; XIV, 294. 300, 320,
332, 348; XV, 519, 534, 539, 550. 578. 580-1. 593, 596-8, 603, 606, 613, 615,
630-3,638,640-2,644-5,650-1,656, 678,686,689-90, 714-15. 721,724. 921,
964; XVI, 1035, 1044, 1050-1, 1061, 1063, 1080, 1124, 1412, 1479. 1492; XVII,
1815, 1820, 1831; XlX, 534n; XXXII, 108,117, 119-20, 163. 174-5
(in French) *La libertd, trans. Dupont-White: XV, 644
(in German) Ober die Freiheit, trans. Theodor Gomperz: XV. 589, 621,625,720,
739-40; XXXH, 119-20, 125
(in German) Ober die Freiheit. trans. F. Pickford: XV, 621,739-40; XXXII,
(in Italian) La libertd: XVI, 1037
(in Russian): XV, 740
*"On the Definition of Political Economy": XH, 178-9, 211-12,360; Xm, 626;
XIV. 94
- *"On the Necessity of Uniting the Question of Corn Laws with That of Tithes":
Xll, 133
"Paper Ctugeftcy and Commercial Distress": I, 121 (120)
- *"Parties and the Ministry": I, 217 (216); VI, 410; XH, 351,353,360; XIH,
370, 372; XVII, 1976-8
280 Index of Persons and Works

[MILL, J.S.]
"Periodical Literature: Edinburgh Review" (Part II): I, 95n (94n), 96n-7n, 99
(98); XXXII, 5
*"Personal Representation" (speech): I, 276, 285; XVI, 1132; XXVIII, 207
"Petition for Free Trade": XIII, 478
*"The Petition of the East India Company": I, 249; XV, 549,560-1; XXX, 207
"Plants Growing Wild in the District of Luxford's Reigate Flora": XXXI, 274
.... *"Pledges": I, 180n; XII, 112-13,288; XVIII, 41n q
"Poland": XV, 847-8
"Population" (3 speeches): I, 127 (126)
"The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte". See Auguste Comte and Positivism
*"Postscript.--The Close of the Session": XII, 273
-- "Postscript to the London Review": VI, 297; XII, 259
*Practical Observatwns on the Ftrst Two of the Proposed Resolutions on the
Government of lndia: I, 249
-- *A President in Council the Best Government for India: I, 249; XVII, 1561
--*Principles of Political Economy: I, 122n, 234n, 241-5 (240--4), 255-7 (254-6),
272,620-I;V, 407,414-16,415q, 432,452n, 465,479,486,587q, 589q, 635n q, 643;
VI, 512q, 528n; XIII, 626, 630-1,642,664, 682, 698. 702-8,712, 716. 723-4.727,
731,735--40; XIV, 5, 8-9, 11, 14-24, 37, 59, 83-91,142,149, 157-66passim, 172,
176,180, 185-95. 227,240-4; XV, 516-17,519,525-6,529, 531,534-5,556, 568,
597,610,616,721,728,744,775,777,794,875,887-8, 911,922,949,959,964,968,
972,975-6, 981,983; XVI, 985, 989, 993, 1002, 1009, 1018-19, 1035, 1040-1,
1043-4, 1061, 1063, 1t50-2, 1214, 1251, 1338, 1377, 1388-9, 1419-20, 1520-1;
XVII, 1547, 1587, 1665, 1740, 1819, 1830, 1939, 2005-8; XIX, 534n; XXV, 1179;
XXVHI, 30q, 36, 81q. 259q; XXIX, 418q, 425q; XXXlI, 74, 116, 126, 130, 163,
(in French) *Principes d'_conomie politique, trans. Hippolyte Dussard and Jean
Gustave Courcelle-Seneuil: XIV, 84, 100, 143; XV, 580, 753; XVII, 1906; XXXII,
(in German) *Grundsiitze der politischen Oekonomie, trans. Adolph Soetbeer:
XIV, 84-5, 87; XVI, 1391
(in Italian) Principf di economzca politica, trans. Francesco Ferrara: XIV, 84
Programme of the Land Tenure Reform Association: I, 626; XVH, 1629, 1714,
1716, 1741-2, 1749-50, 1756, 1808-11, 1815, 1820, 1885, 1899; XXV, 1228-9,
1234, 1238, 1241n, 1243; XXIX, 416-31 passim
"Property and Taxation": XVH, 1905, 1926, 1931-3
*"Prospects of France": XH, 288; XlII, 454
"The Quarterly Review on French Agriculture": H, 434-51q; xm, 707,724
"Quarterly Review on Political Economy": I, 99 (98)
*"Radical Party and Canada: Lord Durham and the Canadians": I, 223 (222); VI,
442,452,457; XIII, 368, 370, 373,375,379
*"The Rationale of Representation": XH, 258; XVIII, 54n q, 71
Mill, J.S. 281

"Recent Changes in Native Education" [draft of despatch]: XVII, 1969-70

*"Recent Writers on Reform": I, 263,288-9; XV, 593,599-600,613,619; XIX.
339n q, 449n-500n q; XXXII, 118
*"The Reform Bill" (speech): I, 277,284
"The Reform Meeting in Hyde Park" (5 speeches): I, 278; XVII, 2013
"Reform of Parliament": VI, 521q; XVI, 1275; XXVIII, 175
*"Reform of the Civil Service": XIV, 205-6; XVIII, 306
*"The Regulation of the London Water Supply": XIV, 55
*"Remarks on Bentham's Philosophy": I, 207 (206); Xll, 152, 172, 236; XVIII,
*"Reorganization of the Reform Party": VI, 408; XIII, 397: XXVHI, 29
"Report on the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain"'
XIII, 524
-- *Report to the General Court of Proprietors: I, 249; XXX, 207
"Representation of the People" (5 speeches): I, 275,277-8; XVI, 1485
"Rules of the Booksellers' Association [2]": XXXII. 80
"The Sale of Colonial Land": XII, 331
"The Savings of the Middle and Working Classes": XIV, 50-1,332; XV, 692-3:
XVI, 1200
*"Scott's Life of Napoleon": I, 99 (98), 135 (134); XH, 21-2, 24, 217; XVH,
1831; XX, 4
"Securities for Good Government": XXXII, 7
*"Sedgwick's Discourse": I, 209 (208), 227; X, 494; XII, 235. 238, 245: XIII,
429,678; XVII, 1962
"Should Public Bodies Be Required to Sell Their Lands?": I, 627; XVII, 1932
"The Silk Trade": I, 99 (98)
*"The Slave Power": I, 266; XV, 789, 792, 794-5,797-8,807,811; XXXH,
*"Smart's Outline of Sematology": XH, 105
"The Spanish Question": XVII, 1964, 1972, 1976
: *"The Spirit of the Age": I, 181 (180); XII, 71, 80, 85-6
_"The State of Ireland" (speech) I, 280; XVII, 1665. 1667
- *"State of Society in America": I, 433; XVIH. 76n
- "Statement of the Jamaica Committee" (1866): XVI, 1206
- "Sterling's The Election": XHI, 482
- *The Subjection of Women: I, 253n, 265,290; XIV, 190; XV, 716; XVI, 1505;
XVII, 1569, 1587, 1593, 1613-16, 1618, 1622-3, 1633-4, 1637, 1640, 1645-6, 1658,
1670, 1673, 1684, 1695, 1704, 1727, 1751, 2016; XXXI1, 207-8
- (in French) *L'assujettissementdesfemmes, trans. Emile Honor6 Cazelles: XVH.
1609, 1612, 1907
(in other languages): XVII, 1648, 1699
282 Index of Persons and Works

"Suspension of Habeas Corpus in Ireland" (speech): I, 277
*A System of Logic: I, 125 (124), 167-9 (166-8), 177 (176), 189-91 (188-90),
215-19 (214-16), 229-35 (228-34), 243 (242), 246,255 (254), 259,270-1,627; IX,
cviii, 68, 75n, 216n-17n, 262n, 271,300,324, 369n, 390,416,439n, 450n q, 465q; X,
238,293n, 470; XI, 494; XII, 79-80, 211,235,238,340,345-6, 348; XHI, 388,390,
406,412,448-50,455,474-85passim, 491-506,513-32passim, 541,543,547,561,
564,567,569,573-87 passim, 591,595,603,612,617,620, 626,632, 642,667-8,
673,676, 683,688-9, 694-5,698-700, 702, 709, 723,730-1; XIV, 27, 29, 142,
145-6,149, 185,193,239,244,409,413; XV, 568,570,647-8,706n, 718,722,738,
752, 754, 775,781,808,813-14,816, 895,902-3,922; XVI, 1041, 1084, 1095-6,
1107, 1152, 1241, 1336, 1360, 1408, 1437-9, 1473; XVII, 1558, 1711, 1719, 1734,
1756, 1765-6, 1772, 1819. 1833, 1862, 1879, 1890, 1978, 1988, 1995-6, 1998, 2004,
2006; XX, 298; XXVII, 649; XXXI, 151, 175, 177; XXXll, 64-5, 90-1, 115-16,
130, 134-5,156, 205,207
(in German) Die inductive Logik, trans. J. von Schiel ( 1849): XIV, 238
(in German) System der deductiven und inductiven Logik, trans. Theodor Gomperz:
XIV, 238; XV, 809, 818; XVI, 1356-7, 1374-5; XXXII, 90-1, 115. 134-5,205
(in German) System der deductiven und inductiven Logik, trans. J. yon Schiel
(1862): XXXII, 133
"Taine's De l'intelligence": I, 626; XVII, 1752
--"Taylor's Statesman" (with George Grote): I, 424n
-- *"Tennyson's Poems": XlI, 178,245
"Thornton on Labour and Its Claims": I, 290; XVII, 1574-5, 1582, 1587, 1602-3,
*Thoughts on Parliamenta_ Reform: I. 261-3,274,288-9; XIV. 126,218,222;
XV, 559, 584, 592, 595-6, 601,603,606, 619, 656, 667; XIX, 353, 356, 491-9q;
XXVIII, 35, 84; XXXlI, 118, 138
*"Thoughts on Poetry and Its Varieties": I, 205 (204), 365n; VII, 481; XH, 133,
146, 149, 162, 177, 188,231,247; XIII, 449,463; XV, 653; XVII, 1961
*Three Essays on Religion: I, 245,290,625; XIV, 104, 111, 131, 137, 142, 144,
147, 149, 152, 165, 178, 183, 190, 195
"Trade with India": I, 121 (120)
"Trait6 de logique": I, 59n, 587
"Treaty Obligations": I, 626; XVII, 1775, 1785
"The Treaty of 1856": I, 626; XVII, 1775, 1780, 1783
"The Two Kinds of Poetry." See "Thoughts on Poetry"
*"Use and Abuse of Political Terms": VIII, 818q; XlI, 105,205; XVII, 1957
*"Use and Abuse of the Ballot": XXlI, 205
Utilitarianism: I, 245,265-6; VIII, 855n, 951n; IX, 460n; XlV, 212, 214, 222;
XV, 640, 645,695,716,743-5,751,761,763,825,839,846-7,849,923; XVI, 1327,
1414; XVII, 1781-2, 1875; XXVII, 663; XXXI, 241-2; XXXII, 138-9, 144, 205
(in French) L'utilitarisme, trans. P.E. de la Friche (Laura de Peyronnet): XVII,
1787, 1906
Mill, J.S. 283

-- (in German; projected translation by Gomperz): XV. 850,883n; XVI, 1391

(in German) Das Natzlichkeits-princip, trans. Adolph Wahrmund: XXXII,
144, 205
*"Vindication of the French Revolution of 1848": I, 264; XIV, 7, 10, 13-15, 18,
23; XV, 545
-- *"Walsh's Contemporary Htstory": VI, 401
-- "War Expenditure": I, 99 (98); IV, 41
--"Ware's Letters from Palmyra": NXXII, 36
-- "The Westminster Election of 1865" (7 speeches): I, 274; XVI, 1074-5; XXXII,
--"The Westminster Election of 1868" (10 speeches): XVI, 1479-81; XXV, 1218
-- "What Is Poetry?" See "Thoughts on Poetry"
-- "What Is to Be Done with Ireland?": Vl, 507q
-- "Whately's Elements of Logic": I, 99 (98); VII, 143-4q, 147; VIII. 1045-6q,

*"Whately's Introductory Lectures on Political Economy": XXXII, 19

*"WheweU on Moral Philosophy": I. 227; X, 494; XIV, 98, 99; XV, 570: XXXII,
_ Will: XIV, 128, 137, 144-5, 159, 180
"Women's Suffrage" (2 speeches): I, 290, 625; XVII, 1796
--"Wordsworth and Byron" (speech): I, 153 (152), 163 (162)
"Writings of Alfred de Vigny": I, 224; XIII, 464
*"Writings of Janius Redivivus": I, 191 (190); XII, 137, 142, 146, 148-9, 155, 175
, trans. "Enfantin's Farewell Address": XII, 109; XV, 869
Accusation of Pericles [childhood exercise ]: I, 75 (74); XII. 13
Botany notes: XXVI, 66-7
Catalogue of plants growing in the area of Bagn6res-de-Luchon: XXVI, 107
Catalogue of plants that grow on the Pic du Midi: XXVI, 95
Catalogue of Surrey plants, XIII, 577
Chemistry notes of Anglada's lectures: XXVI, 132-43 passim
Defence of Pericles [ childhood exercise ]: I, 75 (74); XII, 13, 15
Dialogue on government: I, 585; XXVI, 11-12, 20-1, 39-40, 45,132; XXVII,
History of the Roman Government [childhood exercise]: I. 584; XH, 9
History of the United Provinces [childhood exercise]: I, 583; XII, 9
- Itinerary of mute from Bagu_res-de-Bigorre to Toulouse: XXVI, 95
- Journal of 1835 Rhine tour: Xll, 267
Jug True [childhood exercise]: XH, 15
Livre g6ographique et statistiqne: XXVI, 22, 29-30, 36-7, 39-41, 48, 60, 66-7
284 Index of Persons and Works

[MILL, J.S.]
Notes of Austin's lectures: XVI, 1142-3
Notes on area around Bagneres-de-Bigorre: XXVI, 70
Notes on zoology taken in Provenqal's lectures: XXVI, 132-43 passim
Table of price of commodities in French towns visited: XXVI, 67
Tables of logic, XXVI, 71
Themes: XXVI, 139-42
-- Trait6 de logique [an earlier version]: XXVI, 127
Translation of Cicero's Pro Milone: XXVI, 114
Treatise on political economy: XlII, 742
Treatise'on the definition of political economy: XXVI, 54
-- Treatise on the utility of size in land and industry: XXVI, 54
-- Treatise on value: I, 586; XXVI, 47
MILL, WILLIAMHODGE(1792--1853): XIV, 343
MILLAR,JOaN (1735-1801): XIII, 638
*An Historical View of the English Government: I, 11 (10), 305,555; XIII, 683;
XX, 46, 51-2
-- Observations Concerning the Distinction of Ranks in Socie_': XX, 51
MILLARD,WILLIAM(a "resurrection man"; fl. 1823): XXII, 48-50
MILLEt, MR. (b. ca. 1789): XXII, 302; XXllI, 407
MILLET,RENI_PmLIPPE( 1849-- 1919). "Le patti radical en Angleterre: un manifeste de M.
Stuart Mill": XVII, 1888
(d. 1856): XXX, 20-3, 28-30, 69, 116, 124
MILLEVOYE,CHARLESHUaERT ( 1782-- 1816): I, 310
MILHSGEN, JAMES( 1774-- 1845): XXlI, 318
MILLOT,CLAUDEFRANgOISXAVIER(1726--85). Eldmens de 1 'histoire de France, depuis
Clovisjusqu'd Louis XV: I, 569; XXVI, 20
MILLS, ARTHUR(1816--98). LETTERS TO: XV, 546-7
India in 1858: XV, 546, 547
MILLS,CXARLES(ft. 1800--25): XlV, 307
MALLS,CHAgLES(1825--95): XIV, 181; XV, 523; XVII, 1548; XXXlI, 95
MILLS, JAMES(ft. 1849): XXV, 1139
MILLS, JOHN (1821-96). LETTERTO:XVI, 1214
The Bank Charter Act and the Late Panic: XVI, 1214
MILLS, P.L. (ft. 1871). LETTERTO:XXXlI, 230
MILLS, WILLIAM (1793-1834): XXVI, 126
MILMAN, HENRYHAnT (1791--1868). "Grote's History of Greece": XI, 303
MILNE, JAMES(JSM's grandfather): I, 5 (4)
Mill, J.S. - Mirabeau 285

MILNE,JAMES(1754--1839): XII, 335

MILNI_R-GmsoN,THOMAS( 1806--84): XV, 885
MILNES,ANNABEl.(Lady Houghton) (d. 1874): XVI, 1301
MiLr_s, RICH^RDMONCKTON (Baron Houghton) ( 1809-85): XVI, 1301, 1315; XXXII,
48, 64. LETT_-RS
TO:XIII, 706; XVI, 1299, 1301
"American Philosophy. Emerson's Works": XIII, 424; XXXII, 48
Memorials of a Residence on the Continent, and Historical Poems: I, 503-16 rev,
513-16q, 519
--Poems of Many Years: I, 503-16 rev, 505-13q, 519; XIlI, 384
Poetry for the People and Other Poems: I, 517-21 rev, 519-22q
-- Selections from the Poetical Works of Lord Houghton (Murray, 1863): XV, 932
MILo (oF CROTON^)(fl. late 6th c. B.C.): VII, 79; VIII, 970
MILTIADES(ca. 540--489 B.C.): XI, 133,141,317n, 435; XXIV, 1084
MILTON,LORD.See Fitzwilliam, Charles William Wentworth
MILTON,JOHN(1608-74): I, 19 (18), 364n, 370,483-4,532,564; XIV, 91; XVI, 1383;
XXI, 252; XXII, 332; XXIII, 394, 558, 596; XXVI, 413,437; XXVIII, 73
-- *Areopagitica: XX, 165
-- *Artis Logicae Plenior lnstitutio: XVIII, 4
-- Comus: XVI, 1474
--*The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce: XXIII, 558,679
-- *Eikonoclastes: VI, 45n
"II Penseroso": I, 354n q; XVI, 1474
--"L'Allegro": XVI, 1474
--Lycidas: XVI, 1474; XXI, 320q
-- *"Of Education": I, 414n q
_ParadiseLost: I, 483-4,499n q; VI, 33n q, 178q, 186; VII, 26n q; VIII, 974q; IX,
42q. 198q, 488q; X, 42; XI, 153-4q, 157q, 394q; XIH, 439q; XVI, 1474; XIX,
629-30q; XXI, 407; XXII, 316q; XXIII, 587q, 642q; XXIV, 1086q; XXV, 1128q;
xxw, 390q
Paradise Regained: XII, 83; XX, 172q
The Reason of Church Government: Xll, 299; XX, 138q; XXIII, 438q
Sonnet XI, "A Book was Writ of Late": X, 72q
Sonnets: XVI, 1474
ESPOZY (1781-1836): XX, 180
MIO_,',XNDREDE S^INTE-M^RIE(bodyguard of Louis XVI; ft. 1789): XX, 157q
MmABEAU,HONO_ G^B_EL R1QUETI,COMTE DE (1749-91): I, 602-3; VI, 346; XII,
139, 197;XX, 8, 90, 95,116, 140, 160, 170, 187,203; XXII, 141,214; XXHI, 541;
XXVI, 383
M_moires: X, 412q; XII, 220; XX, 148q, 161; XXIV, 1049
- Oeuvres de Mirabeau: XX, 8, 72n-3n, 80, 88, 117q
286 Index of Persons and Works

MmABEAU, VICTORRaQUETI,M_QUIS DE (1715--89): lI, 442; X, 412; XX, 148q, 161;

XXIV, 1049
MITCHEL,JOHN(1815-75): VI, 501
-- The History of Ireland: XXVIII, 249
MITCHELL,ALEXANDER(1831--73). Motion on the Election Petitions and Corrupt
Practices at Elections Bill (26 Mar., 1868): XXVIII, 262
MITCHELL,CHARLES(d. 1865): XXI, 423; XXVIH, 94
MITCHELL, GEORGE(of the EIC; fl. 1850s): XXXII, 86
I_IlTCHELL, HENRY (1830-1902). LETTER TO: XXXII, 197-8
MITCHELL, HENRYSADLER(vestry clerk of White,chapel; ft. 1866): XXIX, 491-3e
MITFORD,JOHNFREEMAN(Baron Redesdale) ( 1748-1830). Considerattons... Respect-
ing the Court of Chancery: XXXI, 8q
MITFORD,MARYRUSSELL(1787--1855): XlI, 353
MITFORD,WILLIAM(1744--1827): XX, 224
-- *The History of Greece: I, 15 (14), 99 (98), 557-8; X, 45; XI, 275,305n, 336;
XII, 9; XXII, 292; XXIV, 867-9; XXV, 1125; XXVI, 352-3,367
MITHAECUS(in Plato): XI, 143
MITORY,MISS (blind woman; fl. 1750): XXVI, 156
MITTERMAIER, KARLJOSEPHANTON( 1787-- 1867). Erfahrungen giberdie Wirksamkeit der
Schwurgerichte in Europa (Erlangen: Enke, 1864-65): XVII, t558, 1600
MOBERLY, GEORGE (1803--85): XX, 369
MOHAMMED(MEHEMET)ALl (1769--1849): XIIl, 451,454; XlV, 302; XXIH, 676
MOHL,ROBERT(1799--1875): XVI, 998; XIX, 466n
MOHS, FRIEDmCH( 1773-- 1839): VIH, 701,725
MOIR (the son of Alexander): XXV, 1169q
Mum, ALEXANDER(baker; fl. 1850): XXV, 1168-70, 1169q, 1173
Mum, GEORGE(1800--70). "Prussia": XXIII, 728
MOtR, SUSAN(d. 1850): XXV, 1168-69q, 1170
MOLL MArnmu Lotas, COMTE(1781--1855): XX, 301; XXlI, 199
MOLESCHOYr,JACOBM. (1822-93): XV, 902
--La circulation de la vie, trans. Enfde Honor6 Cazelles (Paris: Germer-Baillitre,
1866): XVI, 1217-18
MOLESWORrH,WILLIAM( 1810--55): I, 203 (202), 205 (204), 207 (206), 215 (214), 616,
624; VI, 327,435; XII, 202, 225-6,242,248,251,254, 256, 259,269, 295-8, 311,
317,319,323-4,326--7,334-5,364-5; XlII, 371,377,400,453,587,633,636,638,
656, 672,680-2,690-4,696, 714; XIV, 497-501; XVII, 1963; XIX, 352,566; XXlV,
770, 801
LETTERS TO: XlI, 315; XIII, 388, 390-1,446; XIV, 105; XVII, 1967-9, 1973-7,
1977-9, 1987-90, 1995-6
Mirabeau - Moniteur du Commerce 287

Letter to the editor of the Examiner: XII, 323

"Life in the Penal Colonies": XVH, 1975
"New South Wales": XIV, 500; XVII, 1975
"On Dreaming": XIV, 500
"Orange Conspiracy": I, 600-1; XH, 274, 299
"Orange Societies in Great Britain": XII, 274, 299; XVII, 1975
"Report on System of Transportation": XVH, 1979, 1988
"Retrenchment--Military Abuses ," London Review, I and II (July 1835 and Jan.
1836), 383-402,417-44: XIV, 500
-- "Sierra Leone": XVII, 1975
--"Terms of Alliance between Radicals and Whigs": XII, 315-16, 321; XVlI, 1968
--, ed. The English Works of Thomas Hobbes: xm, 581; XVH, 1987, 1989

--On Nationa/Education (13 June, 1834): XXI, 64q, 66-7q

-- On the Affairs of Canada (23 Jan., 1838): VI, 434
-- On Colonial Administration (6 Mar., 1838), PD, Vol. 41, cols. 476-512: XIH,
--On Railways--lreland (15 Feb., 1847), PD, Vol. 89, cols. 1406-11: XIH, 709
MOLIRRE,JEAN BAPTISTEPOQUELIN(1622--73): I, 570; X, 343: XVI, 1437; XVIH, 82;
XXVI, 21-2
-- Ddpit amoureux: XXVI, 73
-- L' amour m_decin: VI, 450
-- L'estourdy: XXVI, 19
-- Le bourgeois gentilhomme: XXH, 250q
-- Le malade imaginaire: VII, 66, 66n q; VHI, 822q, 996q
-- Les femmes savantes: I, 126q
MOLLETT,J.F. (Chartist; ft. 1840). LETTERSTO:XIH, 727-9
MOLLEVAULT,ETIENNE(1744--1816): XX, 12
MOLLnqGER,DAVm (d. 1787): XXlV, 976
MOLYNEUX,THOMAS(1661--1733): XXXl, 159
MOLYNEUX,WILLIAM(1656--98): XI, 457; XXVI, 388
Speech on the Representation of the People Bill (20 May, 1867): XXVHI, 161
MONCI_IFF, JAMES(Baron) ( 1811-95): XV, 775
MONGAULT,NICOLASHUSEaT( 1674--1746 ), ed. Lettres de Cicdron d Atticus: I, 15 (14),
MONGE, GASPARD,COMTEDE PAUISE (1746--1818). *Application de l'analyse ft la
g_om_trie: VIII, 948
Le Moniteur du Commerce. "Du jury consider6 comme institution politique" (9 Nov.,
1833): XXE[I, 667
288 Index of Persons and Works

Le Moniteur Grec: XHI, 649

Le Moniteur Universel [Moniteur]: XHI, 456; XXIII, 517
--"Convention" (3 July, 1815): XXHI, 376
-- Unheaded leader (5 Jan., 1827): XXII, 126q
Telegram (6 July, 1831 ): xxm, 387q
-- Unheaded article (15 July, 1831): XXIH, 372-3q, 389
-- Report on Insurrection in Lyons (24 Nov.. 1831 ): XXIII, 372
-- Report on Re-establishment of Order in Lyons (7 Dec., 1831 ): xxm, 372
-- "'Ministre de la justice. Circulaire" (2 July, 1832): XXHI, 505
--Trial of Pierre Antoine Berryer (15-17 Oct., 1832): XXHI, 517
-- Adresge en r6ponse an discours du tr6ne (4 Dec., 1832): XXHI, 532
Proclamations of the Provisional Government Banning the Assembly of Peers (24
Feb., 1848): XXV, 1092
-- Decree of the Provisional Government Abolishing Hereditary Titles (29 Feb.,
1848): XXV, 1092
Decree of the Provisional Government Lowering the Hours of Labour (2 Mar.,
1848): XXV, 1092
Proclamation of the Provisional Government Providing for a Constituent Assembly
(5 Mar., 1848): XXV, 1092
Tl-m MONKOF ST. GALL(d. 640 A.D. ). Early Lives of Charlemagne: XI, 283
MONK, GV.OR6E(Duke of Albemarle) (1608-70): VI, 57-8
MONKS,ALBERT(ca. 1849-53): XXI, 103
MONKSWELL,LORD.See Collier, Robert
MONROE,JAMES(1758--1831): XVIII, 109, 111
MONSELL,WILLIAM(Baron Emly) (1812-94): XVI, 1283-4, 1313-14, 1406
MOHSlGNY,PIERREALEXANDRE(1729--1817). Rose et Colas: I, 491
JOHN(Lord) (1809-41): VI, 374-5
MONTAGU,VISCOUNT.See Browne, George Samuel
MONTAGU, EDWARD(Lord Kimbolton, later Earl of Manchester) (1602-71): VI, 40-2,
MONTAGU,MARYWORa'LEV(Lady Mary) (1689-1762): xm, 743
MONTAGU,RaCHALO( 1577--1641 ). Appello Caesarem: VI, 12
MONrAGU, RORERr (Lord Robert) (1825-1902): XVI, 1215; XXVIH, 206, 332
--On the Representation of the People Bill (13 Apr., 1866): XXVIll, 208
On the Elective Franchise Bill (30 May, 1866): XXVHI, 84
On Supply--Civil Service Estimates (29 July, 1867): XXVIII, 217-18
MONTA6u-SCoTT, HENRYJAMES(Baron Montagu of Boughton) (1776-1845): XXVII,
MONT^6UE, BERTm(Earl of Lindsey) (1607-66): VI, 53n, 55
Moniteur Grec - Monti 289

MONTAmNE,MICHELDE (1533--92): xm, 386

XXIH, 460-1
Speech on Education Bill (24 Oct., 1831 ): XXIII, 360-2q
Speech on Deputies' Civil List (4 Jan., 1832): XXHI, 392q
MONTEAGLE, LORD. See Spring-Rice


I, 310n; IX, 358n; X, 109,290; XVII, 1812; XVIII, 57; XX, 13; XXVI. 443-4,450-1 ;
XXVlI, 657
-- *Considdrations sur les causes de la grandeur des Romains. et de leur ddcadance:
KXII, 120; XXVI, 250, 347
_De l'esprit des loix: m, 501q, 503- x, 378; xIv, 147; xvIIl, 1loq; xx, 70,281
(384); XxI, 5n q, 178; XXVl, 450-I
Lettres persanes: XXVI, 249-50
MONTEORT,GuY DE(d. 1228): XX, 49

MONTFORT, SIMONDE (Earl of Leicester) (d. 1265): XXI, 271

France: XII, 209, 217-18; XX, 68n, 72n, 75n, 79n, 89-91n q, 94, 140-1, 165
JAMES(1771--1854). The Wanderer of Switzerland: I, 324
ROBERT(1807--55). The Omnipresence of the Deity: I, 398
Monthly Chronicle: XIIl, 379,397,450, 476
The Monthly Repository and Review of Theology: I, 205 (204), 329, 369,382; XII, 97-8,
117-18, 133, 142, 155, 157, 160, 185, 198, 210-11, 216, 217, 341; XVII, 1958;
XXllI, 555-9 rev, 561-2 rev, 574-5 rev, 595 rev, 651-6 rev, 659-61 rev, 702-3;
XXIV, 760; XXVII, 572
"The Case of the Dissenters": XXllI, 659-60q
"Characteristics of English Aristocracy": XXIII, 595,596n q
"Church Reform, Considered as a National and Not a Sectarian Question": XXIII,
"On Female Education and Occupations": XIl, 160
- "On the Intellectual Influences of Christianity": I. 329; XII, 117
Review of Victor Cousin's Report on the State of Public Instruction in Prussia,
trans. Sarah Austin: XXI, 63
"Saint Monday": XXIII, 652-4q
- "Some Considerations Respecting the Comparative Influences of Ancient and
Modern Times on the Development of Genius": I, 329,333-4; XII, 117
-- "To Kathleen": XXlII, 562q
MomMy Review. Review of Sir Walter Scott's Life of Napoleon Buonaparte: XX, 55
MONrL VINCENZO(1754--1828): XXIII, 573
290 Index of Persons and Works


de la conjuration de L.P.J. d" Orl_ans: XX, 79n
XXHI, 516, 542
ing): XX, 74n

MONTMOmN, ARMAND MARC DE, COMTE DE ST. HEREM (ft. 1780S): XX, 9, 86--7, 106
OF. See Graham, James
MON_'-FLACHAT. See Flachat

MOODY, CHARLES (poacher; ft. 1867): xxvm, 199, 212

MOORE, JOHN (1761--1809): I, 317; XXXI, 372
MOORE, JOHN ARTHUR (1791-1860): XIV, 181
MooRE, JOHN HAMILTON (d. 1807). A New and Complete Collection of Voyages and
Travels: I, I2n, 556
MooRE, MARY ANNE (wife of Robert): XXV, 1184
MOORE, ROBERT THOMAS (b. 1811 ): KXV, 1184
MOORE, THOMAS (1779--1852): I, 115 (I14), 321; XII, 124, 342; XXI, 252; XXVl, 415
[?] "Coleridge's Christabel": I, 398
The Fudges in England (Longman, et al., 1835): XII, 297
Travels of an Irish Gentleman in Search of a Religion (Longman, et al., 1833):
XII, 264n

, ed. Byron's Works: XI, 279q, 280

MOOREHOUSE, JOHN (butcher; ft. 1850): m, 787
MOOSHERRAF BEGUM (of Joura): XXXll, 56
MORAN, BENJAlmN (1820--86): m, 1086-8, 1090-1; xvI, 985
MORAND, M. (professor of French literature at MontpeUier; ft. 1820): XXVI, 132, 134-5
MORE, HANNAH (1745--1833): XII, 213
MORE, THOMAS (St.) (1478-1535): I, 266n-7n; XXII, 322,323; xxm, 463
A Fruteful and Pleasaunt Worke of the Beste State ofa Publyque Weale, and of the
Newe Yle Called Utopia: XXII, 322; XXX, 220q
MORE^u, CI_.SAR(1791-1861). Rise and Progress of the Silk Trade in England: IV,
127-39 rev

MORE^U, JEAN VICTOR MARIE (1763--1813): XVIII, 103n

MOnEAU DE JONN_S, ALEXANDRE (1778--1870): II, 288n
MORELLET, ANDRe, ABBg (172%1819): XX, 140
Mimoires inddites (Paris: Ladvocat, 1821): XII, 191,218

"Remarques stir un ouvrage intitul6: Abrdg_ d'un cours complet de ldxicogra-

phle": XXVI, 170
Montjoie - Morning Chronicle 291

MORGAN,H. (of the EIC: ft. 1850s): XXXII, 95
MORGAN,SYDNEY(Lady) (1783-1859). "The French Revolution": XX, 163-4q
MOraER,DAVID RICHARD(1784--1877): XXIV, 775
MOPaN,ANTOINE(b. 1800): XVI, 1132
De la reprdsentation des minoritds (Geneva: Cherbuliez, 1862): XV, 800
MORLA,FRANCESCODE (ft. 1520): I, 528
MotlEY, HENRY(1822--94): XVI, 1126
MORtEY, JOHN (d. 1776). An Essay. on the Nature and Cure of Scrophulous Disorders:
VIII, 779
MORLEY,JOHN(later Viscount Morley of Blackburn ) ( 1838-1923 ): I, 290; XVI, 1326-8,
1338; XVII, 1600, 1631-2, 1783, 1813, 1828, 1833, 1895; XXXI, 334. LETTERSTO:
XVI, 1113, 1202-3, 1497; XVII, 1673-4, 1745, 1774-5, 1777-8, 1784-5, 1794-6,
1889, 1892-3; XXXH, 173
"England and the Annexation of Mysore": XVI, 1202
-- "England and the War": XVII, 1774
"New Ideas": XVI, 1113
-- "Old Parties and New Policy": XVI, 1496
-- "The Political Prelude": XVI, 1496
MORLEY,ROSE (n6e Ayling; Viscountess Morley) (1840-1923): XVII, 1777
MORLEY,SAMUEL(1809--86): XVI, 1192
The Morning Advertiser: XIV, 227; XVI, 1035
"Religious Views of Mr. Mill" (3 June, 1865): XVI, 1068, 1071, 1074-5, 1483
"Mr. Mill and His Supporters" (28 June, 1865): XVI, 1069-71, 1074-5, 1483
The Morning Chronicle: I, 89-91 (88-90), 243 (242); VI, 163,182,273,337,340, 379,
459; XII, 260, 292-3; XIH, 649, 705,707; XIV, 261,301; XV, 979-80; XXI, 34;
XXII, 204; XXHI, 370, 446; XXIV, 830, 842; XXXlI, 6
--"Worcester... Before Mr. Justice Park. Forgery" (22 July, 1823): XXIl, 30-3
"Police" (14 Aug., 1823): XXII, 42
"Police. Queen Square" (15 Aug., 1823): XXII, 43
"Imposition of a Fine for Refusing to Take a Judicial Oath" (22 Aug., 1823): XXII,
"Disturbers of the Dead" (25 Aug., 1823): XXII, 48
"Police News. Hatton-Garden" (9 and 16 Sept., 1823): XXll, 60
"Revision of the Magistracy" (signed "A True Friend of Morality and Social
Order") (22 Sept., 1823): XXII, 62
• "Liberty of the Subject" (signed "Vindex") (20 Oct., 1823): XXll, 75
"Pleadings" (signed "G.J.G. Gray's Inn") (26 Dec., 1823): XXII, 95
"Pleadings" (signed "Hibernicus")(3 Jan., 1824): XXII, 95
Leading article on the case of John Franks (3 Aug., 1824): XXVI, 282
292 Index of Persons and Works

[The Morning Chronicle]

Leading article on periodical literature ( 16 Dec., 1824): XXII, 101-2
Editorials on Irish absentee landlords (7 and 14 Sept., 1825): XXII, 102-5
--"Absenteeism" (signed "A. ") (12 Sept., 1825): XXII, 102-5
-- Letter to the Editor (signed "T.G. ") (28 Jan., 1826): IV, 134n q
Leading article on elections (16 Oct., 1829): VI, 355-6
"Suicide" (29 Jan., 1830): XXXII, 9
-- Article on the fall of the Bourbons (14 Oct., 1830): XXII, 169-72q
Leading article on the budget (12 Feb., 1831 ): XXII, 267
Unheaded report (17 Sept., 1831): XXIH, 356
--Leading article on literary pensions (3 June, 1831 ): XXII, 325q
Leading article on French language (9 Jan., 1832): XXIH, 395
Articles on France ( 10 and 24 Mar., 1832): XXIII, 429
-- Leading article on pledges (10 July, 1832): XXIH, 496, 499-504
Leading article on attendance in the House of Commons ( 12 Feb., 1834): VI, 158
-- Report on the House of Commons debate ( 15 Feb., 1834): VI, 162
_ Leading article on the leeds election (17 Feb., 1834): VI, 163
Leading article on the Dudley election (1 Mar., 1834): VI, 182
Leading article on Mr. Rawlinson (4 June, 1834): VI, 245-6q
Leading article on South Australia (9 July, 1834): XXIII, 738,739q
-- "An Old Tory Magistrate an Oppressor of the Poor" (23 July, 1834): VI. 267q
Leading articles on the case of Major Pitman (24 July and 5 Aug., 1834 ): VI, 267,
Leading article on Lord Brougham and poor laws (25 July, 1834): VI, 266
_ Leading article on unity among the reformers (2 Jan., 1835): XXIV, 763
Leading article on the Tithes Bill (21 Mar., 1836): VI, 325
_ l.,eading article on Canadian affairs (12 Jan., 1838): VI, 420
Leading article attacking JSM (29 Jan., 1838): XIH, 370
_ Leading article attacking Radicals (5 Mar., 1838), 3: xm, 382
Leading article on Canadian affairs (30 July, 1838): VI, 455n
-- leading article on Lord Durham (20 Aug., 1838): I, 223
Leading article on Canada (17 Oct., 1838): VI, 459
Leading article on the Oxford professorship of poetry (3 Dec., 1841): XXIV,
"On the Oxford Professorship of Poetry" (signed "A Philo-Puseyite") (18 and 24
Dec., 1841): XXIV, 811-12, 814( 1
Two letters on Puseyism (signed "Miso-Jesuit") (23 and 30 Dec., 1841 ): XXIV,
Leading article on the Puseyites (5 Jan., 1842): XXIV, 815-16, 821
Leading article on the Webster-Ashburton Treaty (3 Oct., 1842): XXIV, 831,833,
Morning Chronicle 293

"The Cold Water System" (6 June, 1846): XXIV, 875

"The Hydropathic System" (10 June, 1846): XXIV, 875
"Central Criminal Court" (22 June, 1846): XXIV, 875
"State of Ireland" (signed "N.") (21 Oct., 1846): XXIV, 904q, 904-6, 907q
"Police Intelligence. Mansion House" (11 Nov., 1846): XXIV, 952q, 953-4
"Waterford County Meeting" (17 Nov., 1846): XXIV, 959
"The Public Works Drainage" (20 Nov., 1846): XXIV, 964
"The County of Waterford Meeting" (21 Nov., 1846): XXIV, 960-1q
"Ireland. Project for Public Emigration" (30 Nov., 1846): XXIV, 972
"Ireland" (4 Dec., 1846): XXIV, 978
"Ireland. The Public Works--Official Return" (5 Dec., 1846): XXIV, 978
"Ireland. County of Galway" (10 Dec., 1846): XXIV, 992
"Deplorable Neglect of Tillage" (15 Dec., 1846): XXIV, 1000q
"Treasury Minute" (21 Dec., 1846): XXIV, 1027-30, 1028q, 1030, 1033-4
Leading article on the new Prussian constitution ( 10 Feb., 1847): XXIV, 1080
-- Leading article on the Anti-Gold Law League (15 Oct., 1847): XVII, 2006
-- "Police Intelligence--Friday. Marylebone" (9 Feb., 1850): XXV, 1155
-- "Assize Intelligence. Western Circuit--Exeter, March 22" (25 Mar., 1850):
XXV, 1164-6q, l170q
--"The Inquest on Mrs. Moir" (28 Mar,. 1850): XXV, 1168-9(1
"The Murder in Brydges-Street" (29 Mar., 1850): XXV, 1169
-- "Assize Intelligence. Crown Court" ( 15 Aug., 1851 ): XXV, 1184q
"Assize Intelligence. Crown Court" (16 Aug., 1851): XXV, 1184, 1185
"Assize Intelligence. Central Criminal Court--Monday" ( 19 Aug., 1851 ): XXV,
1183q, 1185
_"Central Criminal Court--Friday" (23 Aug., 1851): XXV, 1185q
"Police IntelligencewFriday. Bow Street" (25 Oct., 1851): XXV, 1187
Leading articles on the Report on the Organization of the Civil Service (23, 24,
and 27 Feb., 1854): XIV, 175
Morning Herald and Daily Advertiser: VI, 235; XII, 16; XIV, 16; XXVI, 391; XXXI,
Leading article on the Lyons disturbances (28 Nov., 1831 ): XXIH, 369n
"The Riband Trade of Coventry" (28 Nov., 1831 ): XXHI, 369n
Leading article on the Beer-House Bill ( 19 May, 1834): VI, 235
Leading article on the established church and dissenters (19 May, 1834): VI, 235
Leading article on Lord Wynford's Observance of Sabbath Bill ( 19 May, 1834):
Vl, 235
_ Leading article on omnibuses (19 May, 1834): VI, 235
- I.x,ading article on the Poor Law Bill ( 19 May, 1834): VI, 235q
Articles on James Anthony Froude's The Nemesis of Faith (6 and 9 Mar., 1849):
XIV, 16, 22
294 Index of Persons and Works

The Morning Post: I, 130; VI, 366; XlV, 261; XXII, 134; XXIV, 811; XXXI, 365n
Unheaded item of French News (4 Sept., 1830): XXII, 149
"Private Correspondence. Letter from our Correspondent at Paris" (19 Nov.,
1830): XXII, 192
Parliamentary Report (20 Mar., 1834): VI, 193
Leading article on law reform (3 Feb., 1854), 4: XIV, 161
-- Leading article on the crisis with Russia (4 Feb., 1854), 4: XIV, 150
Leading article on government plan for appointments to public offices ( 11 Feb.,
1854), 5: XIV, 156-7
Leading article on the Jewish Disabilities Bill (14 Mar., 1854), 5: XIV, 185
-- Article on the Marriage Contract Bill (5 Apr., 1854), 4: XIV, 197
Letters to the editor on the currency question (4, 6, 7, 11, 20, 21, and 24 Nov.,
1856): XV, 514
The Morning Star: XVI, 1219, 1426
-- Leading article favourable to abolitionism (6 Oct., 1862): XV, 802
-- Leading article on the bill for municipal reform (19 July, 1867): XXXH, 179
MORREALESE,IL (Pietro Novelli) (1603-47): XIV, 352, 354, 487
MORRILL,JtrSTINSMITH (1810--98): XXI, 132
MORRIS,HEr_Y (b. 1837): XXVIII, 94, 218
MORRIS,MOWB_Y (1819-74): XVII, 1884
Mo_ss, JAMES(shoemaker; fl. 1850): XXV, 1152q, 1153
MOIa_dSON,JAMES(1790--1857): XVII, 2000
MO_aSON, WALTER(1836--1921): V, 766; XVI, 1404; XVII, 1629
-- Speech on Proportional Representation (29 Feb., 1868): XXVIII, 242
MOlUUSON,WmLtAM H_tr'SON (ft. 1830S). Observations on the System of Metallic
Currency Adopted in This Country (Capes, 1837): XV, 950
MO_TT, Roast (priest at Skibbereen; ft. 1825): VI, 93
MogTmL_d_O,VINCENZO( Marchese de Villarena) (1806-88). Guido per Palermo e per
suoi dintorni: XI-V, 347q
MORTON(Mo_TON), THOMAS(Bishop of Durham) (1564-- 1659): VI, 39
MORTON,THOMAS(1764?--1838). Speed the Plough: VI, 158q; XXI, 332-3
MORTON, WILLIAM (fl. 1870). LETTER TO: xvgI, 1951

MOSCHUS(ft. 150 B.C.): XlV, 401

MOSES(Bible): I, 499-500; X, 159; XIII, 496-7; XVIII, 41
MOSHEnVl,JorlAlqN LOgEIqZ VON(ca. 1694-1755). An Ecclesiastical History: I, l 1 (10),
MOSSMAN,X. (ft. 1860s). "La Question Admires"trative en Allemagne," Revue German-
ique etFranfaise, XXVII (Oct. 1863), 193-226: XV, 893
MossoP, HENRY(1729?--74?): XXXI, 385
800-5,826-31; XVI, 1164-5
Morning Post- Mailer 295

History of the United Netherlands (New York: Harper, 1860-67): XVI, 1474;
XVII, 1634
MOTT, LUCRETIACOFFIN(1793--1880): XVII, 1670
MOTTERSHEAD,THOMAS( 1826-- 84): XVII, 1770
MOUNIER,JEAr_JOSEPH(1758-1806): XX, 83, 85-6, 90, 109n
MouNmR, L. (fl. 1847), and MAUmCE RUmCHON (1766--1849). De l'agriculture en
France, d'aprds les documents officiels: If, 433-51; XHI, 724-5; XXIV, 1037-58,
1041q, 1050q, 1052q, 1055q
MOUNTNORRIS, BARON. See Annesley, Francis
Le Mouvement: XXIII, 428
MOXON,EDWARD(1801-58): XII, 135
(1756-91): I, 149 (148), 350; Xlll, 409; XXI, 302,315-16; XXIl, 333; XXXI, 222
-- Don Giovanni: XXXll, 15
-- Le nozze de Figaro: I, 350
MOZLEY,ANNE (1809--91). LETTERTO (?): XXXIl, 208
"Mr. Mill On the Subjection of Women": XXXII, 208
MUDGE,RICHARDZACHAR1AH ( 1790-- 1854 ): XXIV, 833
MUDGE,WILLIAM(1762--1820): XXVII, 538
MUELLER. See Miiller

MUGGERIDGE,RICHARDM. (ft. 1840). "Hand-Loom Weavers" (PP): H, 381-2q

MUHAMMAD SAIYIDKHAN (Nawab of Rampore) (d. 1855): XXX, 64-5, 152

MULGRAVE, LORD. See Phipps, Constantine Henry

MULLENS, RICHARD (solicitor; fl. 1860): XXIX, 563e
MOLLER, EMILE (fl. 1850): SlY, 439

MOLLER, FRANZ (1840-64): XXlX, 556

MOLLER,FgmDmCn MAX (1823-1900): XV, 834, 858

Lectures on the Science of Language: Xl, 404n q; XVI, 1160
MOLLER,JOHANNESYON(1752--1809): XX, 185n
Vier und zwanzig Biicher allgemeiner Geschichten besonders der europiiischen
Menschheit: XXlII, 448
MOLLER,JOHANNESPETER(1801--58). Elements of Physiology: IX, 246-7q; XI, 355
MOLLER,KARLOTFmED(1797--1840): XlII, 516, 522
- TheHistoryandAntiquitiesoftheDoricRace:XVllI, 3;xxm,448;XXIV, 1087
- History of the Literature of Ancient Greece, trans. George Comewall Lewis: Xl,
291n; XlII, 515
- *Introduction to a Scientific System of Mythology: Xl, 288,289q
296 Index of Persons and Works

MOLLER, MAX. See MOiler, Friedrich Max

Wirksamkeit. See Sarah Austin, Characteristics of Goethe
MOLLER,WmHELM(1794-- 1827): XXI, 871
MULLINS,JOHN (d. 1865): XXVIII, 94
MU_ADY, WILLtAa_( 1786-- 1863): XXV, 1264
MUNDELLA,ANTHONYJOHN(1825--97): V, 666; XVII, 1726; XXI, 368-9e
Speech on the Elementary Education Bill (18 Mar., 1870): XXIX, 383
MUNRO,THOMAS(1761--1827): XXX, 63, 97, 101, 144
MURArOPa,LODOVICOAr_roNlo (1672-1750). Annali d'Italia: XX, 234
MtntcmSON, 'MR. (of the EIC; ft. 1830s): XXXII, 13
MURCmSOr_,RODERICK IMPEY(of the Eyre Defence Committee; ft. 1860): XXI, 428
MURPHY, MR. (of the National Political Union; ft. 1830): XII, 115
MURRAV,CH_ES AUGUSTUS(1806--95): XXXII, 107, 113
MURRAY,DArnEL (Archbishop of Dublin) (1768-1852): VI, 82
Evidence on the State of Ireland (PP): VI, 87n
MURRAY,GEORGE(1772-1846): XXII, 110, 113; XXHI, 735; XXIV, 754
"Napier's Peninsular War": I, 603
MURRAY,JAME_S (d. 1835): XII, 67
MtrRRAY,JAMESERSIGNE(1810--44). A Summer in the Pyrenees: XXXI, 317
MUP.tAY, JOHN (1778--1843): I, 231 (230); XII, 279, 282-3, 286-7, 290, 316; XIH,
513,523,527,572; XXIV, 806. LEYrERSTO:XII, 276-7; XIH, 493-4, 497-8,500;
XVII, 1996
Handbooks for Travellers. See under titles.
MURRAY,JOHN (1808--92): XXIV, 806
MURRAY,LINDLEY(1745--1826). English Grammar: VI, 91; XXII, 110
_An English Spelling Book: XXH, 110, 112-13
MURRAY,WlLL_M (Earl of Dysart) (1600?-51): VI, 37
Mtrt_¥, WILLIAM(1 St Earl of Mansfield) (1705-93): VII, 190
-- Speech for the Plaintiff in the Case of Omychund v. Barker, 1744: XXI, 192q
MURray, Wn_LI_a_ DAVID (Lord Stormont, later 4th Earl of Mansfield) (1806-93).
Speech on the Ministerial Plan of Parliamentary Reform (2 Mar., 1831): XXIV, 790
MU_RXV_, THOMASMOORE (or James Musgrave) (1775-1854). "Sir R. Phillips on the
Office of Sheriff": I, 297n
MUSHEr, MARGARET(1799--1885): XXXH, 9
MUSHEr, ROBERT(1782--1828): XXXII, 8
A Series of Tables, Exhibiting the Gain and Loss to the Fundholder, Arising from
the Fluctuations in the Value of the Currency, from 1800 to 1821: m, 568
MUSnLt_nBH.See Maslama
Mus_l-r, JOHN l_'I'n'
ft.1850):XIV, 181
MUSTON, ALEXIS JEAN Bid_ns_ (1810-88). LETTER TO: _II, 1786-7
M_iller - Napoleon 297

MUTEL, AUOUSTE(1795-1847). Flore du Dauphind: XV, 659

MY_TIS(Greek poetess): XI, 315n; XXI, 314

NAAS,LORD. See Bourke, Richard Southwell

NAaxS(King of Sparta 207-192 B.C.): X, 385
NADAUD,MAgTIN (1815--98): !I1, 1034; XIV, 172
NAnm QULI BEG (known as Nadir Shah) (1687-1747): XXI, 286; XXXI, 349, 353
NALSON,JOHN(1638?--86). An Impartial Collection of the Great Affairs of State: VI, 28n
NAPmR,CHARLESJAMES(1782--1853): XXIII, 615,647-51; XXV, 1191
The Colonies: I, 601; XII, 197; XXIH, 615,647-51 rev, 651q
NAPIER,JOSEPH(1804--82). LETTERS TO:XV, 813, 831-2
Speech on Conventual and Monastic Institutions (28 Feb., 1854): XIV, 175;
XXVII, 658
NAPIER,MACVEY(1776--1847): XII, 117, 129, 134; Sill, 541-2, 572, 595,602, 612,
630, 655,699; XIV, 31; XXlI, 12; XXXII, 20, 67
LETTERSTO: XIII, 429-32, 443-5,447,479-80, 482-3,498-500,504-5,548-9,
551-2, 598-601,618-19,643-6, 660-3,683-4, 700-1,704-5
NAPIER,MACVEY,JR. (ca. 1807-93): XII, 134; XUl, 499,549; XIV, 128
NAPmR, WILLIAMFRANCISPATI_CK(1785--1860): XlI, 77--8; XV, 679; XXIII, 647;
TO: XVII, 1964, 1972-3, 1979-86
-- "The Duke of Wellington": I, 604; Xll, 351; XVII, 1973, 1979-86; XXXII,
_History of the War in the Peninsula: I, 603; XV, 679; XVII, 1964; XVIII, 123;
XXlH, 647; XXXI, 387-8
Letter to [T. George] Shaw (28 Sept., 1835): XXXI, 388q
"Reply to the Third Article in the Quarterly Review on Colonel Napier's History of
the Peninsular War": I, 603
Speech at the Devizes meeting (31 Sept., 1831 ), Globe (7 Oct., 1831 ), 4: XII, 78
NAPOLEON I (of France) (1768-1821 ): I, 63 (62), 65 (64), 471-2,490; HI, 627n; IV, 6,
10, 196; VI, 77,232, 346,450; VIII, 885,944; X, 362; XII, 60, 128, 139, 141,151,
251,277,279, 350; XIV, 228,276, 292,302; XV, 611,765; XVI, 1199; XVII, 1799;
XVIII, 42, 123, 196; XIX, 601; XX, 55, 57, 89n, 109n, 160, 174-5,193,211,277,
310-11,325,344,370; XXl, 345,407; XXlI, 127, 135, 154-5, 185,199, 215, 247,
250, 260, 288,299, 307,315; XXIII, 338,352, 354-5,364, 367,384,417-18, 456,
476, 482, 484, 505, 515,520, 525, 570, 657,681,684, 694, 699, 701; XXlV, 966;
XXV, 1099, 1247-8; XXVI, 13-14, 269, 282, 373,421; XXVII, 467; XXVIII, 225
.... "Allocution de l'empereur aux membres du corps 16gislatif pr6sens/l l'audience du
ler janvier 1814": XX, 207q
D6claration au peuple fran_ais (22 June, 1815): XXlII, 482
I)6cret imp6rial, en notre palais royal de Milan, le 17 d6cembre, 1807: XXVIII,
298 Index of Persons and Works

--Letter to General Count Lemarois (9 July, 1813): xxm, 614q
-- M#moires pour servir d l'histoire de France sous Napoldon: XX, 194
-- Proclamation to the Imperial Guard and the Army ( 1 Mar., 1815 ): XXII, 132, 199q
NAPOLEON IJ (Francois Joseph Charles Napol6on Bonaparte, duc de Reichstadt)
(1811-32): XXll, 22, 251; xxm, 482
NAPOLEONIIl (of France) (1808-73): I, 245; VI, 501; X, 344, 359; XlV, 12, 32-3, 95,
116, 164,256,269,301,303,453,488; XV, 548,553,560,610,628, 651-2,667,722,
795,798,892; XVI, 993-4, 1254, 1387; XVII, 1542. 1718, 1754, 1774, 1777, 1779.
1800; XVIII, 228n; XIX, 327,583,601; XXI, 132, 344; XXV, 1142; XXVIII, 117,
216; XXIX, 546, 551,568; XXXII, 132-3
NARES,EDWARD( 1762--1841 ): XX, 369
N_d_VAEZ,RAMONMAmA ( 1800--68): XXVIII, 173; XXXI, 371
NASm-UD-DAULA(Nizam of Hyderabad 1829-57): XXXII, 60, 67-8
NASlR-tsD-DINHAIDAR(King of Oudh) (d. 1837): XXXII, 37
NASR-EI>-DIN(Nasirud-Din) (Shah of Persia) (1829-96): XXXlI, 101
NASSE,ERWIN(1829--90). Ueber die minelalterliche Feldgemeinschaft: XXX, 216-18,
-- (in English) *On the Agricultural Community of the Middle Ages, trans. Henry
Ouvry: XXIX, 427
The Nation (Ireland): XXlV, 922, 965-7
-- "Every Man His Own Landlord" (24 Oct., 1846): XXIV, 922q
--"Waste Lands--Peasant Proprietors" (14 Nov., 1846): XXIV, 965-7q
The Nation (U.S.A.): XVI, 1466
LeNational: Xll, 146, 194-5,197,220,240, 344, 353; XIII, 571,647,731-2,735; XIV,
12; XX, 170, 179, 182, 194-201 passim, 206,210, 212, 214; XXIII, 389,481,510,
525-30, 666-9, 685,700, 745,747
-- Verdict of the Tribunal of Correctional Police ( 15 Sept., 1830): XXII, 142q
_ Leading article (24 Sept., 1830): XXlI, 146
_"Adresse de la ville de Nancy au roi" (17 Jan., 1831): XXII, 248,251,263
_ Articles on the Disturbances in Paris (15, 16, 17, and 18 July, 1831): XXlII, 372
"Compte rendu par41 membres de la chambre des d_put6s _ Ictus commettans" (28
May, 1832): XXIII, 466, 483
-- "Banquet allernand _ Paris" (28 May, 1832): XXIII, 467q
"Des correspondances des journaux anglais" (31 Oct., 1832): XXI]I, 525-7q, 528
_ Leading article (14 Mar., 1833): XXIII, 667-8
Unheaded article on the Pistol Plot Trial (14 Mar., 1.833): XXl[II, 667-8
Unheade.d article on Le Nationa/'s Sentence (21 Mar., 1833): xxm, 668
Le National de 1834: XXIII, 666, 668-9, 685,700, 733, 745,747
Notice of Summons ( 10 Jan., 1834): XXIII, 669
Napoleon - Nemours 299


admission of women to degrees, NAPSS, Transactions (1863): XV, 890

Transactions ( 1859): XV, 684
National Review: VII, 331n; XV, 694; XXXII, 138-9
"Cerebral Psychology: Bain": XV, 631
-- "Mill on Liberty": XV, 631
-- "The Slave Power and the Secession War": XV, 785,787
NAUDET,JOSEPH(1786-1878): XXIII, 521
NAUDIN,M. (French judge; ft. 1830s): XXHI, 511
NAUSICYDES(in Plato): XI, 124
159-60, 187-8
-- Conseil de l'Association R_formiste [de Gendve ] . . .R_forme du sysMme _lectoral:
XXXH, 159
--La question _lectorale en Europe et en Am_rique: XXXlI, 187
NEAL, JOHN (1793--1876): I, 434--5
-- Brother Jonathan. I, 435n
-- Logan, a Family Htstory: I, 435n
--Randolph: I, 435n
--Seventy-six: I, 435n
NEALE,HARRYBUI_,nRD. See Burrard-Neale
NEATE, CHARLES(1806-79): XVI, 1134; XXXH, 161
--A Plain Statement of the Quarrel with Canada: VI, 405-35 rev. 415n-16n q

-- On the Malt Duty (17 Apr., 1866): XXVHI, 70

On the Meetings in Royal Parks Bill (22 July, 1867): XXVIII, 215
On the Expiring Laws Continuance Bill (6 Aug., 1867): XXVIII, 228
_On the State of Ireland (10 Mar., 1868): XXVlII, 248,261
On the Capital Punishment within Prisons Bill (21 Apr., 1868): XXVIII, 272
NECKER, JACQUES(1732--1804): I, 62; VIII, 700; XX, 6, 9, 71n, 73-4, 80, 86-7. 140,

"Extrait du rapport fait au roi dans son conseil, le 27 d6cembre 1788": XX, 142
NECKER, LOUISESUZANNE(rl_e Curchod) (d. 1794): XX, 9
NEFI_'ZER,AUGUSTE(1820--76). "La Vie de Jesus par M. Ernest Renan": IX, 136n q
NELSON,ALEXANDERABERCROMBY (1816-93): XXI, 423,425,430-5; XXVIH, 94-5
NELSON, HORATIO(Viscount Nelson; Duke of Bront_) (1758-1805): I, 317; VI, 269;
XVIII, 209
NELSON,WOLFRED(1794--1873). Letter to Lord Durham: VI, 453n-4n q
300 Index of Persons and Works


NEPOS, CORNELIUS(ca. 99-24 B.C.): XII, 10
Excellentium imperatorum vitae: I, 13 (12), 556-7
NERO,LUCIUSDO_CnTIUS AHENOBARBUS (later Nero Claudius Caesar) (37-68 A.D): I,
435-6; V, 713; VII, 197; VIII, 1073; XI, 285n; XXl, 18; XXIII, 694; XXVI, 332;
XXXl, 305
NERVA(Emperor) (d. 98 A.D.): XIV, 306
NESBITT,WILLIAM(1824--81): XVI, 1405, 1417
-- "'The Irish Education Question" (1860): XV, 727-8
"The Irish Education Question" (1868): XVl, 1368
NEUMANN,F'RANZERNST( 1798-- 1895). Ein Kapital... iiber mechanische Wiirmetheorie
(Konigsberg: Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1854-55 ): XV, 928
NEVIL, EDWARD(Baron) (d. 1705): XXXI, 56
NEVILLE,HENRY(Earl of Abergavenny) (1755-1843): XXVII, 465,472
New Monthly Magazine: I, 382; XH, 91, 118, 127
TheNew Times: XXII, 106, 116
-- Leading article on the New London Bridge (24 Sept., 1828): XXII, 114-15
New York Evening Post: XV, 983
New York Herald: XV, 934
New York Tribune: XVII, 1541, 1680
--Article on emigration to Kansas (19 Oct., 1854): XXI, 139q, 156q
New York World: XVII, 1540
NEWCASTLE, DUKE OF. See Clinton, Henry Pelham
NEWCASTLE, EARL OF. See Cavendish, William


-- Speech on the Established Church, Ireland (7 May, 1868): XXVIII, 277

NEWENHAM, WILLIAM HENRY WORTH (witness; fl. 1825). Evidence on the Disturbances
in Ireland (PP): VI, 96
NEWMAN,EDWARD(1801--79). *,4 History of British Ferns: XXXI, 264
"A History of the British Lycopodia and Allied Genera": XXXI, 264,266
Address to President Lincoln and Resolutions of the Working Men of Lancashire:
XV, 810, 813
"English Policy in India": XXX, 83
-- Lectures on Political Economy: V, 441-57 rev, 443-7q, 449-54q, 456n q, 457q;
XIV, 71-2, 88
Letter to James Beal, Daily News (3 May, 1865), 5: XVI, 1060, 1063
"Professor Newman on the Maine Law": XV, 686-7
Neophyte - Nichol 301

Reply to "Newman's Political Economy": XIV, 78

NEWMAN,JOHNHENRY( 1801 --90): xm, 416; xxIv, 811 - 22; xxxii, 154
The Arians of the Fourth Century: XXIV, 814
The Church of the Fathers: XXIV, 814
Lectures on the Prophetical Office of the Church: XXIV, 814
Remarks on Certain Passages in the Thir_-Nme Articles: XXIV, 814
NEWMARCH, WILLIAM(1820-82): XV, 767; XVI, 1158-9: XVII, 1797. LETTERTO: XV,
"Address on Economy and Trade": XVII, 1844
-- "Commercial History and Review of 1865": XVI, 1159; XXXII, 164
"Paper presented by Mr. Newmarch, 5 June 1857. Bills of Exchange (Inland Bills ),
England and Wales" (PP): III, 550
--, and THOMASTOOKE(1774--1858). A History of Prices... 1848-56. HI, 550n
EARLOF. See Blount, Mountjoy

NEWPORT,JOHN(1756-1843). Evidence on the Disturbances in Ireland (PP): VI, 96

NEWTON,ISAAC(1642--1727): I, 165,332; IV, 212; VI, 332, 334; VII, 7n, 218,239-40,
291,317; vm, 818,937, 1085; IX, 92, 152,297,434,449n, 487-8; X, 266,273,288,
441,459; XI, 310n; XIH, 673-5,695; XVII, 1553; XVIII, 143', XX, 228; XXI, 236;
XXII, 11,172, 239-40, 286, 323; XXIII, 414-15,424; XXV, 1163; XXVI, 212-13,
231-2, 236, 352, 357,381,384; XXVIII, 73
--Arithmetica universalis: I, 561; XII, 7
-- "Letter III to Dr. Bentley": VIII, 754q, 767
-- Optics: VII, 241,502-3,556n; XXXI, 239
*Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica: I, 564; VI, 332; VII, 220,
300n-ln, 483,490,492-5,496q; VIII, 872; 1087, 1132, 1134-6; IX, 191,420,421n
q, 476; X, 23; XlII, 673-5,695; XXii, 323; XXVI, 236, 251-2; XXXI, 95-6
NEWTON,WILLIAM(1822--76): XVI, 1456
XXIII, 365, 376, 380
(1797--1883): XIV, 12; XXV, 1094
"Candidature de George Sand" (6 Apr., 1848): XXV, 1094
Comment on George Sand ( 10 Apr., 1848): XXV, 1094
ArUS (father of Nicias; ft. 5th century B.C.): Xl, 334; XXV, 1123
NICERArOS(son of Nicias; in Plato): XI, 208
NICHOL, JOHN (1833--94): XVI, 1426, 1429, 1436; XVII, 1683. LETTERSTO: XV,
699--700, 775; XVI, 1273, 1308, 1421-3, 1427-8; XVII, 1632-4, 1789-91
NICnOL, JOHNPRINGLE(1804--59): XII, 131, 142, 147, 179,246, 274, 335,345; XllI,
409, 436, 621; XIV, 23; XV, 641; XVII, 1958, 1990; XXIV, 795; XXXII, 21, 25,
58, 62. LETTF_aXStO: XII, 136--7, 164-7,209--12, 220-3,230-2, 234-9,245,274-6,
322--4, 363--6; XIII, 738-40
302 Index of Persons and Works

--"British Taxation and Expenditure," Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, I (Aug. 1832),
571-80: XII, 136
-- "Comparative Mortality of Different Populations": XH, 212, 222
-- "Dr. Chalmers as a Moralist, Economist, and Politician," Talt's Edinburgh
Magazine, II (Nov. 1832), 189-95: XH, 136
-- "Fallacies Concerning Tithes," Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, II (Dec. 1832),
316-22: XH, 136
--"Incidence of Tithes": XH, 136; XXXII, 21
-- "Ireland in the Nineteenth; Scotland in the Sixteenth Century," Tait's Edinburgh
Magazine,,II (Oct. 1832), 84-92: XII, 136
--"Ireland, Tithes, and Mr. Stanley," Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, I (Sept. 1832),
725-31: XH, 136
--"The Ministry and the People," Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, II (Oct. 1832), 5-19:
XII, 136
-- "On the Effects of Abolition and Commutation of Tithes," Tait's Edinburgh
Magazine, II (Mar. 1833), 695-700: XII, 167
-- "Parliamentary Report on the State of Ireland," Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, III
(Apr. 1833), 1-22: XII, 167
-- "Political Economy for Farmers": XII, 167; XXXII, 21
"Rae's New Principles of Political Economy in Refutation of Adam Smith": XH,
232; XXXH, 26
"Scotland Taxed because of Church-of-Englandism," Tait's Edinburgh Magazine,
I (May 1832), 235-6: XII, 136
-- "The State of Discovery and Speculation Concerning the Nebulae": XH, 237,
"Tithes, and Their Commutation": XH, 237
-- Views of the Architecture of the Heavens: VII, 508n; XII, 344; XXIV, 794-6 rev,
NlCHOLASI (of Russia) (1796-1855): XIV, 150, 302, 376; xxm, 698; XXIV, 965;
XXV, 1141-4; XXXI, 348, 356
"Proclamation of the Emperor of Russia": VI, 414q
NICHOL^SII (of Russia) ( 1868-1918): XVlH, 307
NICHOLAS,EDWARD(1593--1669): VI, 5, 40
NICHOLLS,GEORGE(1781--1865): m, 997n; XXIH, 743-4; XXIV, 776
"Report... on Poor Laws, Ireland" (PP): XXIV, 899
NICHOLS,ANTHONY(17th-c. Parliamentarian): VI, 50, 52
NICHOLSON, (of Southport; ft. 1868). LETTER TO: XVI, 1409


NICHOLSON, (of Liverpool; ft. 1869).
NICHOLSON,WILLIAM(1816--65): XV, 558
NICaAS(d. 413 A.D; also in Plato): XI, 114, 197-209, 316, 319n, 326, 331,334-6, 395;
XIV, 384; XIX, 460; XXV, 1123-8, 1158, 1160-1
Nichol - Nogaret 303

NICOLAS,MICHEL(1810--86). Etudes critiques sur la Bible (Pans: L6vy fr6res, 1863):

XV, 903
NlCOLE,I_ERRE.La logique. See Arnauld, Antoine
NICOMACHUS(of Gerasa) (d. ca. 196 A.D. ): XXVI, 246-7
(in Plato): XI, 167
NIEBUHR,BARTHOLDGEORG (1776--1831): I, 526; XIV, 303; XVIII, 97; XX, 225;
XXIV, 1086; XXVII, 654
*The History of Rome, trans. Julius Charles Hare, etal.: I, 17 (16), 526,531,584;
Xl, 276-7,304,328,330; XX, 219,232; XXIH, 663; XXIV, 869, 1086; XXVII, 654
-- Lectures on Ancient History, trans. Leonhard Schmitz: XI, 331
The Life and Letters: H, 271n q
-- "On Xenophon's Hellenica," trans. Connop Thirlwall: Xl, 242-3q, 323
-- *R6mische Geschichte (Berlin: Reimer, 1812-32): XHI, 529
NIGHTINGALE,FLORENCE(1820--1920): I, 285; XVII, 1880, 2009; XXIX, 388-9.
LETTERSTO:XV, 706-12,788; XVI, 1302-3, 1343-6
-- *Notes on Nursing (Harrison, 1859): XV, 707; XVII, 2009-10
"Observations... on the Sanitary State of the Army in India" (Stanford, 1863):
XV, 788
--"Paper No. XVI," Report of the Committee Appointed to Consider the Cubic Space
of Metropolitan Workhouses: XVI, 1255
-- *Suggestions for Thought to the Searchers after Truth among the Artizans of
England: XV, 706, 708-10; XXI, 319
NIMMO, ALEXANDER (1783-1832). Evidence on Emigration from the United Kingdom
(PP): XXIV, 938-40q
Evidence on the Disturbances in Ireland (PP): VI, 96
"NIMROD."See Apperley, Charles James
NISAaD,MME(wife of the following): XII, 255,262,269,280-1,283,286-7,343; XIR,
NISARD,JEAN MAgr£ N_a'OLt_OND_sml_ (1806-88): XII, 255,262, 269, 280-1,283,
286-7,342-3; XllI, 484
"Armand Carrel": VI, 380n; XX, 167-215 rev. 172-3q, 181-2q, 186q, 194-5q,
203q, 208-14q
"Early French Literature": I, 602; XII, 262
*Etudes de moeurs et de critique sur les podtes latins de ladecadence: I, 602; X, 92
"Lamartine": XlI, 262; XX, 188n
"Victor Hugo": I, 599-600; XII, 262, 285,290; XX, 188n
NOEL,BAPTISTWPaOTHESLEV (1798--1873): VI, 480, 492; XVI, 1426
NOEL,EDWARD(ca. 1796-ca. 1876): XIV, 439-40
NOEL,ERNEST(1831--1931): XVI, 1426
NOEL,GERARDJAMES(1823--1911 ): XVII, 1731
NOG*RET,GUILLAUMEDE (d. 1303): XXlV, 819
304 Index of Persons and Works

Nonconformzst. Review of Hare's Usque ad coelum (30 July, 1862), 661: XV, 799
NORFOLK,DUKESOF. See Howard, Bernard Edward: and Howard, Henry FitzAlan-
NORMAN,GEOROEWAgOE (1793--1882): m, 665; xIV, 97
-- An Examination of... the Pressure of Taxation in This and Other Countries
(Boone. 1864): XV, 949
-- Letter to Charles Wood, Esq., M.P., on Money: XXIV, 855, 856
-- Remarks upon Some Prevalent Errors, with Respect to Currency. and Banking: IV,
344-5; XXIV, 850-1,855-6
NOgMAN,SmELLA (n_e Stone) (1808-87): XIV, 97
NOP,_aANBY,LORD.See Phipps, Constantine Henry
NORRIS,EDkVIN(a messenger at the EIC; ft. 1850s): XXXII, 89
NORRIS,SISSONC. (Rhodesian expert on mining; ft. 1860s). LETTERTO:XVII, 1734
NORTH,ARABELLA(sister of Dudley North, the elder): XXIV, 1020-3
NORTH, DUDLEY(1641-91): XXH, 322
--Discourses upon Trade: XXH. 322-3
NORTH, DUDLEY(the elder) (d. 1845): XXIV, 1020-3
NORTH, DUDLEY(the younger) (b. 1840): XXIV, 1020-3
NORTH, FRED_UCg (Earl of Guilford) ( 1766-1827): VI, 371
NORTH, HELEN MARGARET (b. 1842): XXIV, 1020-3

NORTH, JOHNHENRY(ca. 1788-1831 ). Speech on Unlawful Societies in Ireland ( 14 Feb.,

1825): VI, 95q
NORTH, SARAH(widow of Dudley North, the elder): XXIV, 1020-3
NORTH, SARAH(the younger) (b. 1839): XXIV, 1020-3
North American Review.
"American Political Ideas": XVI, 1119
"The Conditioned and the Unconditioned": XV, 972
"Mill on Hamilton": IX, 31q, 32n
"Miscellaneous Notices, No. 11. Westminster Review": XXXII, 5
"Philosophy of Time and Space": XV, 972
-- Review of Tocqueville's De la ddmocratie en Amdrique: XlI, 310
Reviews of JSM's Principles of Political Economy ( 1848 and 1864): xm, 740-1;
XV, 933
"The Sanitary Commission": XV, 938
North British Review: XV, 748
JA__.S ( 1746-1831 ): XXVII, 565
NORTHCOTE, STAffORDHENRY(Earl of Iddesleigh) ( 1818-87): V, 575-83e; XIV, 175;
XV, 835; XVI, 1291; XVII, 1548; XXVIII, 35, 88,233, 300

On the Representation of the People Bill (14 June, 1866): XXVIR, 88

Nonconformist - O' Brien 305

On the Elective Franchise Bill (30 May, 1866): XXVIII, 84

On the East India Revenue Accounts (12 Aug., 1867): XXVIII, 233
On the Municipal Corporations (Metropolis ) Bill ( 17 June, 1868 ): XXVIII. 300-1
The Northern Whig. "Landlords and the Poor--A New Poor Law for Ireland" (15 Dec.,
1846): XXIV, 1007-8q
NORTON,CHARLES ELIOT (1827--1908). LEYrERS TO: XVI, 1119, 1375-6, 1433-4,
1441-8, 1454-5, 1485-6, 1493; XVII, 1618-19, 1739-40
"American Political Ideas": XVI, 1119
NORTON,GEORGECHAeeLE( 1800--75 ): XXV, 1196-7
Judgment on William Ebbs's case: XXV, 1197q
NORTON,SUSANRIDLEV(n6e Sedgwick) (d. 1872): XVII, 1740
Nottingham Review. "The Marriage Ceremony" ( 16 May, 1834): VI, 232-3q
NouveUes Annales des Voyages, de la G_ographie et de l'Histoire: I, 574-5; XXVI,
110, 127-9
"NOVALIS." See Hardenberg, Friedrich von

NUGENT,FULrd-:SOUTrrVCELL GREVILLE(1821--83). Speech on the Tenure and Improve-

merit of Land Bill, Ireland (30 Apr., 1866): XXVIII, 82
NUGENT,GEORGE( 1757-- 1849): XXVII, 493
NUGENT, GEORGE THOMASJOHN (Lord Westmeath) (1781-1871). Evidence on the
Disturbances in Ireland (PP): VI, 96
--Letter to the Editor of The Times (1 Oct., 1846): XXIV, 913
NUNNELEY,THOMAS(1809--70). On the Organs of Vision: IX, 232n-3n q, 236n-7n q;
XI, 454, 457
Nuyr, DAVID(1810--63): XIII, 465,573

"O.P.Q." see Colton, Charles Caleb

The Oak: XVI, 1410
OAKELEY,FREDERICK (1803-80): XX, 369
OASTLER,PdCHARD( 1789-- 1861 ): VI, 485
OATES,MR. (consul at Messina in 1855): XIV, 394, 399-400, 403
OATES,JOHN (d. 1865): XIV, 354,372, 374-6, 392, 402
O'BRmN, MICHAEL(d. 1867): XXIX, 555
O'BRIEN, RICHARDBAPTIST(1809--85). "Limerick Declaration" (23 Dec., 1867): VI, 510
O'BRIEN, WILLIAM(of the London Debating Society; ft. 1826): XXVI, 358-71 passim,
374, 379
O'BRmN, WILLIAMSMITH(1803--64): VI, 500-1
- Evidence on the State of Ireland (PP): VI, 88n
- "The Landed Proprietors of Ireland. Letter lII: Drainage and Reclamation of
Lands": XXIV, 981-3q, 985q
306 Index of Persons and Works

-- "The Landed Proprietors of Ireland. Letter IV: Drainage and Improvement of
Land": XXIV, 1009q, 1010
The Observer: XXII, 45n
OCKHAM,WILUAMOF (d. ca. 1349): IX, 418q
O'CONNELL, DANIEL(1775--1847): I, 203 (202); VI, 83, 153, 165, 172-4, 215,262,
264-5,314, 346, 411,417,479,488,495,501; XII, 214; XIII, 374,619,710; XXIV,
994, 996, 1032
-- Evidence on the Disturbances in Ireland (PP): VI, 96

--On the Doneraile Conspiracy (12 May, 1830): xxm, 602q, 609q
-- On the Parliamentary Reform Bill (22 July, 1831 ): XXVH, 615
-- On Reform of the Church of Ireland ( 14 Mar., 1833): XXIII, 605-6
-- On the East India Company's Charter (19 July, 1833): XXIH, 606
--On National Education (30 July, 1833): XXHI, 730
--On Libel Law (18 Feb., 1834): VI, 165-6, 192,261
-- On Tithes (Ireland) (20 Feb., 1834): Vl, 169
On Agricultural Distress (21 Feb., 1834): Vl, 166n, 172, 174-5
--On Oaths of Catholic Members (11 Mar., 1834): VI, 186-7
--On Repeal of the Union (22 Apr., 1834): VI, 214-15
--To the Trades Political Union (5 Oct., 1835): XH, 278q
O'CONNELL, J[OHN?] (ft. 1870). LETTERTO: XVII, 1680-1
O'CONNOR, FEARGUS(1794--1855): VI, 479
O'Cor_oR, CHARLESOWEN (1838--1906): XVl, 1296
O'CONOR, DENIS MAURICE(1840--83): XVl, 1296
OCTAVIA(Jufius Caesar's daughter) (d. 11 B.C. ): XI, 285n
ODENATUS(ruler in Palmyra; fl. later 3rd c. A.D.): I, 438-9
ODGER,GEORGE(1820--77): I, 275; XVI, 1342, 1427, 1485, 1501, 1511, 1514; XVII,
1568, 1643, 1688-90, 1708, 1725, 1759, 1770, 1821; XXVlH, 335,343. LETTERS
XVH, 1697, 1816

O'DONNEL, ARNOUT(b. 1804). "Democracy in America, by Mons. A. de Tocqueville":

XIH, 445
O'DONNELL, ROBERT(NCO; ft. 1846): XXIV, 882-5
O'DONOGHUE,D^NmL (1833--89): XVl, 1274, 1294; XVlI, 1588. LETTER
TO:XVl, 1207-8
Motion for an Amendment on the Address to Her Majesty (8 Feb., 1866): I, 276
Speech on the Representation of the People Bill (27 Apr., 1866): XXVlH, 82-3
O'DmSCOL,JOHN (ft. 1825). Evidence on the Disturbances in Ireland (PP): Vl, 93n, 96,
O' Brien - Orldans 307

O'FERRALL,RICHARDMORE(1797--1880): XIV, 304; XXV, 1142

Essai sur la situation russe: XV. 805,848,852

OGDEN, CHARLES RICHARD (1791--1866): VI, 453n
OGDEN,WILLIAM(Manchester printer; ft. 1818): XX, 78
O'HANLON,HUGHFRANCIS(ft. 1860S). A Criticism of John Stuart Mill's Pure ldeahsm:
IX, civ, 203n-7n q
OKEN,LORENZ(1779--1851): X, 289
OLDFIELD,R.A.K. Narrative of an Expedition. See Laird
OLDHAM,MARYANN (nurse; fl. 1853): XXl, 103
OLIFFE,JOSEPH(1809--69): XV, 575
OLIPHANT,JAMES(1796--1881): XIV, 158, 178, 181
OUPHANT,JOHNSTEWART(of the EIC; ft. 1850s): XXXII, 111
OLIPHANT,MARGARET(n6e Wilson) (1828-97). LETTERTO (?): XXXII, 208
--"Mill's The Subjection of Women": XXXII, 208
OLIVIER,M. (French theatre owner; ft. 1820): XXVI, 54-5
OLLIVlER,EMILE(1825--1913). Discours (Paris: Panckoucke, 1864): XV, 943
OLLIVmR,ROBERTWILBY(theatre ticket agent; ft. 1867). LETTERTO:XVI, 1287
LAW ( 1822-1903): II, 247
-- The Cotton Kingdom: XXI, 134, 136
OMARI (Abou Hafsa Ibn al Khattab) (ca. 581-644 A.D.): XXVI, 225
O'MEARA,BARRY(1786--1836): XVII, 1985
OMYCHUND,MR. (litigant; ft. 1744): XXI, 192
Once a Week: XV, 661; XVI, 1104
O'NEILL, CONBACACH(Lord Tyrone) (1484?-15597): XXIV, 961
OPlE, JOHN(1761--1807): XXVII, 566
ORAAy LECUMBERRI, MARCELINO ( 1788-- 1851 ): XXXI, 372
ORCAGNA,ANDREA(1308--68): XIV, 480
ORD,WILLIAM(1781--1855): XXIII, 509
ORb, WILLL_.MHENRY(1803--38): xxm, 509; XXVII, 574
OROE(later ORDE-POWLETT),THOMAS(Baron BoRon) ( 1746-1807): XXVII, 575
ORInAsIus(ca. 320-400 A.D.): VIII, 779
HENRI,DUCD' ( 1810--42): XH, 339; XX,
212q; XXII, 152; XXIH, 372
308 Index of Persons and Works

ORLI6ANS, LOUIS PHILIPPE JOSEPH, DUC D' (1747-93) (Philippe Egalit6): XX, 9, 78-81,
90, 95, 141; XXVI, 6
ORLEANS,PmLIPPE, DUC D' (1674--1723): XXVII, 659
COMTES AND DUCS D'. See also Aumale; Louis Philippe; Paris
ORMATHW^ITE,LORD. See Walsh, John Benn
ORME,EUZA (1848--1937): XVII, 1823-4, 1842, 1850-1
ORMONDE,EARLOF. See Butler, James
ORTHAGORAS (m Plato): Xl, 48
OSBERN(fl. 1090). "Vim Sancti Dunstani": XXll, 72-3

On the Labouring Poor (Ireland) Bill ( 1 Feb., 1847): XXIV, 1059

--On the Representation of the People Bill, Scotland (28 May, 1868): XXVIII, 281
-- On the Russian Invasion of Hungary (21 July, 1849): XXV, 1143
"OssIAN." See Macpherson, James
O'SULLIVAN, DANIEL(ft. 1868): XVII, 1605, 1608
O'SULLIVAN, MORTIMER(1791?--1859). "State of Ireland": XXIV, 1072q
OTHO, MARCUSSALVIUS(Roman Emperor) (32-69 A.D.): I, 26,584-5
OTHO(OTTO) (of Greece) (1815-67): XIV, 453; XV, 778,780; xxm, 611
OTLEY, JONATHAN(1766--1856). A Concise Description of the English Lakes: XXVII,
526q, 537
OTTOIV (Holy Roman Emperor) (ca. 1182-1218): XX, 239
OTWAY,THOMAS(1652--85). *Venice Preserv'd: XX, 69q
OUDEGHERST, PIERRED' (1540-92). Annales de Flandre: XX, 34n q
OUSELEY,WILLIAM(1767--1842): XXII, 318
-- The Oriental Collections: XXH, 318
-- Persian Miscellanies: XXII, 318
OUTRAM,JAMES(1803--63): XXX, 153-4; XXXII, 99, 113
OUVRY,HENRYAII_ (1813-99): XVII, 1885
, trans. *On the Agricultural Community of the Middle Ages, by Erwin Nasse:
XXIX, 427
OVANS,CHARLES(ca. 1793-1858): XXX, 34-5, 153
OVERSTONE, LORD. See Loyd, Samuel
OVID (Publius Ovidius Naso) (43 B.C.-A.D. 17): XII, 7, 10; XlIl, 556
*Art of Love and Other Poems: XXVI, 414q
*Metamorphoses: I, 15 (14), 560; VIII, 766q; IX, 287q; XlI, 7; XXI, 247q
OWEN, Joan (Bishop of St. Asaph) (1580-1651): VI, 39
OWEN, MORGAN(Bishop of Llandaff) (1585?-1645): VI, 39
OWEN, ROBERT(1771--1858): I, 127--9 (126--8), 175 (174), 179 (178), 382n, 387,614;
V, 446, 728,737-8; VI, 486; IX, 453; X, 252; XI, 329, 387; XlI, 47, 49, 73,193; XIV,
Orldans - P akington 309

10, 22, 33,188; XV, 597; XVII, 1948, 1975; XX, 126,354; XXI, 77; XXH, 22; XXHI,
671,678; XXV, 1162; XXVI, 288-9, 307-8,325
"The Address... Denouncing the Old System of the World, and Announcing the
Conm_ncement of the New": XXI, 48-9
*The Book of the New Moral WorM: IV. 373; V, 724-5q
Letters to the Editor of The Times: VI, 210
-- A New View of Society: XXI, 71; XXVI, 289, 299
Report to the County of Lanark. of a Plan for Relieving Public Distress: XXIH,
678; XXVI, 288-97 passim, 300, 308-9, 313,315,323-6
, and ALEXANDERCAMPBELL.Debate on the Evidences of Christianity: XXI, 48-9
OWEN, ROBERTDALE(1801--77). An Outline of the System of Education at New Lanark:
XXVI, 325-6

OXENSTIERNA,AXLE(1583--1654): IV, 113q

OXLEY,CHARLESLYSTEN(naval lieutenant; ft. 1865): XXVIH, 94

P .... JULESDE (fl. 1820S). Review of Programme du cours du drottpublic: I, 573;

XXVI, 47-8
GUISEPPE( 1790-- 1826): XX, 180q
PACHES(d. 427 B.C. ): XI, 243,323
PACISLGIOVANNI( 1796-- 1867). La Niobi: XXXII, 28
PAGE,THOMAS(ft. 1825). Evidence on the Laws Relating to Game (PP): VI, 107q
PAGgS,JEANPIERRE( 1784-- 1866). Speech on the Budget of 1832 (24 Jan., 1832 ): XXHI,
PAGET, CLARENCEEDWARD(1811--95). Speech on Supply--Navy Estimates (1 Mar.,
1866): XXVHI, 120
PAGET,EDWARD(1775--1849): XXVII, 497
PAIGNON,EUGRNE(b. 1812). Review of Dupont-White's translation of On Liberty: XV,
PROSPER(1804--78): XV. 689
PAISE, THOMAS(1737--1809): I, 293; XXII, 321
*The American Crisis, No. I: XX, 163q
PAJOL,CLAUDEPIERRE, COMTE ( 1772-1844 ): XX, 200-1; xxm, 510-11
Report on the Funeral of General Lamarque: XXIH, 510-11
PAKINGTON,JOHN SOMERSET (later Baron Hampton) (1799-1880): XV, 693-4, 699;
XXI, 360-8e, 369e; XXVlH, 35, 51, 84-5,284
Speech on the Representation of the People Bill (22 Mar., 1860): XV, 693,694;
XIX, 452n
310 Index of Persons and Works

-- Speech on the Representation of the People Bill (31 May, 1866): I, 277n; XXVIII,
84, 85
PALEY, WILLIAM(1743--1805): I, 209 (208); X, 7, 21, 27, 37, 48n, 65, 69, 169-70,
172-3; XI, 467; XVIII, 143; XXI, 59; XXII, 16; XXXI, 19
-- *Horae Paulinae: (Faulder, 1790): XIV, 28
_Natural Theology: I, 74,579, 587; IX, 192; X, 426, 447
*The Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy: V, 474; X, 45, 50, 52-6, 68q,
70q, 145; XVII, 1881; XXI, 59; XXXl, 19q, 59
-- *A View of the Evidences of Christianity in Three Parts: IX, 192
PALFREY,JO_INGORHAM( 1796-- 1881 ): XXVIII, 33. LETTERTO; XV, 869- 70
-- *History of New England, 4 vols. ( New York: Hurd and Houghton, 1858- 75): XV,
-- Papers on the Slave Power (Boston: Merrill, et al., [ 1846]): XV, 869-70
PALGRAVE,FRANCIS(1788--1861). "Goethe's Life of Himself(Part I)": I, 324
--"Progress of Historical Enquiry in France": XIII, 471
-- The Rise and Progress of the English Commonwealth: XX, 370-1
PALISSOTDE MONTENOY, CHARLES(1730--1814). Les philosophes (Paris: Duchesne,
1760): XII, 177
PaUMallGazene: XVI, 1139, 1281; XXXII, 192
PALMER,JOHNHORSLEY( 1779-1858): xxm, 701
PALMER,"RADICAL" (NATHANIEL?)(1779--1854): XII, 13
PALMER, ROUNDELL(later Earl of Selbome) (1812-95): XVI, 1315
PALMEgSTOr_, LORD.See Temple, Henry John
Pandects: XlV, 482; see also Heineccius
PANIZZI, ANTHONY(1797--1879). "Michelet's Histoire de France": XX, 234
PAOLI,PASQUALE(1725--1807): I, 11 (10)
"Paper of Observations and Suggestions on Several Clauses of the East-India Bill": xxm,
PAPlNEAU,LOUISJOSEPH(1786--1871 ): VI, 414-17,426,441,453n, 456
"House of Assembly's Address to Lord Gosford, 30 Sept., 1836" (PP): VI, 425q
"House of Assembly's Address to Lord Gosford, 25 Aug., 1837" (PP): VI, 422q
PAPlNI, VALENTE(Italian peasant; ft. 1835): II, 307n
PAI_LUS (in Plato): XI, 167
PAINT, NARCISSE(1794--1842): xxm, 680-1
P_r,rNrN, DOMNIOUE( 1665-- 1741 ): H, 168
PARIS,JOHN AYRTON(1785--1856). Pharmacologia: VIH, 692n q, 693-4q, 750q, 766-
7q, 778q, 779-80q, 783n-4n q, 792-3q
Pakington - Partridge 311


Jurisprudence: XXII, 69q
PARIS,MATTHEW(1200--59). Angli historia major: XX, 29, 248q, 250q
Paris, ou 12 livre des cent-et-un (Paris: Ladvocat, 1831-34): XII, 139
Paris rdvolutionnaire : XII, 197,218
PARK, JAMESALAN (1763--1838): XXII, 30, 33
PARKER, JOHN HENRY (1806--84): XlH, 572

PARKER,JOHN WILLIAM(1792--1870): I, 231 (230); IIl, 1029-30, 1032-7; XIII, 513,

515,520, 523,527,541,564, 571-2, 624,627,635,642, 644; XIV, 14-15, 17, 59,
104, 142, 149, 157, 159, 162-3, 176, 180, 182; XV, 618, 621, 627, 631-2, 638.
645-6,660-1,669,688,695,714,788,861,887,889,900,903; XVII, 2007; XXXII,
91, 118-19, 127-8, 139
LETTERSTO; XHI, 505-6, 514-15,624,627-8,723-4; XIV, 83-4, 164; XV, 519,
568,578-9, 582-3, 630, 638-9,652-3,774-5. 849; XVII, 1998-9. 2006; XXXII,
64-5, 74, 80, 117-18, 129-30, 138
PARKER, JOHN WILLIAM, JR. ( 1820-60): XXI, 87n q. LETTERS TO: XlV, 130, 244-5; XV,
PARKER,THOMAS(Earl of Macclesfield) (1666?-1732): XXXI, 69
PARKES,HENRY (1815--96): XXXII, 126. LETTERSTO: XV, 743--4, 791
*Parliamentary History and Review: I, 121-3 (120-2), 132; IV, 106, 122; XXIII, 523
--"Foreign Dependencies, Colonial Trade Bill" (1825): VI, 142
--"Corn Laws" (1826): XXHI, 522-3
PARMENIDES (b. ca. 515 B.C.; also in Plato): Xl, 222-38passim, 381-2, 412, 426
PARNELL,HENRY BROOKE(1776--1842): VI, 243; XVII, 1969
• "The Bank Charter": XKIII, 580n-In
On Financial Reform: Xll, 221; XXlll, 612
Speech on the Bank Charter and Promissory Notes Acts ( 14 Feb., 1826): IV, 109q,
PARSONS,MR. (butcher dealing with JSM and HTM: ft. 1854): KIV, 134-5
PARSONS,GRACE(mother of Mary Ann): XXV, 1152
PARSONS,MARY ANN (1835-50): XXV, 1152-3, 1164-7
PARSONS, WILLIAM (Earl Rosse) ( 1800-67): V, 678; XVlII, 164n

PARTOUNEAUX, LOUIS, COMTE (1770-1835): XXVI, 19, 35, 37

PARTOUNEAUX, "TONIN" (b. 1800): XXVI, 35, 37
PARTOUNEAUX,MME (wife of Louis): XXVI, 35, 37, 43
J. ARTHUR(d. 1891). LETTERTO: XVl, 1189--90
On Democracy, Its Factors and Conditions (Triibner, 1866): XVl, 1189
312 Index of Persons and Works

PASCAL,BLAISE(1623--62): I, 119 (118)

*De r esprit g_om_trique: XXXI, 134
*Pens_es: I, 423
PASCAL,EUGI_NE(Avignon architect; ft. 1859): XV, 636-8
-- Speech on Behalf of the Chamber of Peers (7 Aug., 1830): XXH, 139q
PASSY,FRI_DI_mC(1822-1912): XVI, 1317. LETTERTO: XXXll, 181
PASSY,HIPFOLYTEPHILIBERT(1793--1880): xm, 687; XXIV, 1056
"Des changements survenus darts la situation agricole du D_partement de l'Eure":
H, 292-3q, 302n, 449-50; XXIV, 1043n, 1056-7, 1056q
_Des_ystdmes de culture: II, 145n-7n q, 151q, 437n; XXIV, 1045, 1054-5q
PASTA,GIUDITTANEGVa(1798-1865): IV, 281,285-6
PASTEUR,LOUIS(1822-95): IX, 280
PATERSON,JOHN(Edinburgh solicitor; ft. 1865): XVI, 1074
PATTEN, GEORGE (1801--65): XXXH, 4


JOHN(of Liverpool; fit 1863): XV, 831
PATTISON,MARK(1813--84). "Grote's Plato": XVI, 1068
-- "J.S. Mill on Hamilton": XVI, 1068
PAUL(St.) (d. ca. 66 A.D. ): VIII, 938; X, 144, 159,275,324,424, 487; XIV, 27-8,313;
XVIII, 236, 255; XIX, 381; XXIV, 1084; XXXII, 235q
PAUL(of Samosata) (ft. 260-72 A.D. ): I, 445
PAULIN,J.B. ALEXAND_ (1796-1859): XII, 286-7, 290, 337; XX, 200; xxm, 372,
388,428,510, 666, 668. LETTERTO: XXXXI, 32-3
Unheaded leader in Le Ntuiona/(31 Dec., 1833): XXIII, 666
PAULL,SAMUEL(lawyer; ft. 1861). LETTERTO:XV, 749
PAULUS,HEINmCtt EBERHARDGOTTLOB( 1761-- 1851 ): XI, 287; XVII, 1998
PAYENS,Mlt. (member of a deputation from Heligoland; ft. 1868): XXXII, 192
PAVNE,J. HORNE(lawyer; ft. 1868): XXI, 426, 432
PAYNE, RICHARD ( 1810--90): XXVIII, 199-200


PAYNTER,JOHN (1791--1847): XXVII, 625
PEABODY,GEORGE(1795--1869): XV, 799; XVII, 1564
PEACHEY,WILLIAM(ca. 1763-1838): XXVII, 534
PEACOCK,GEORGE(1791-1858): XV, 988
_A Treatise on Algebra: VII, 291n, 615; XII, 363; XVI, 988
PEACOCK,THOMASLOVE(1775-1866): XlI, 246, 269, 293-4, 342; XIV, 123,331,417;
XVII, 1967; XX, 164; XXXII, 39, 64, 241
"The Epicier": XII, 262, 289-90
"French Comic Romances": XlI, 262
Pascal - Peel 313

PEARCE,HENRY(Tmro hotel proprietor; ft. 1830s): XXVII, 624

PEARCE,JOHN (Falmouth hotel proprietor) (d. 1837): XXVII, 624
PEARCE,JOSEPH(member of the Cornwall hotel-owning family; fl. 1830s): XXVII, 624
PEARCE,WILLIA_ (Falmouth hotel proprietor) (ca. 1792-1847): XXVII, 624
PEARS,EawIr4 (1835-1919). "The Elementary Education Bill": XXIX, 393

PEDROIV (of Portugal, and Pedro I of Brazil) (Duke of Braganza ) ( 1798-1834 ): XXlll,
527; XXXI, 376-7, 387
(1823--1906): V, 412-13e
PEEL, LAWRENCE ( 1799-1884): XXVIII, 284
PEEL, ROBERT(1788--1850): I, 103 (102); m, 567, 589n, 660, 857, 1031, 1069: IV,
344-7, 356-7,359n; V, 507,530, 592,607,702; vI, 101,163,171,300, 322.338,
341,359, 366, 374, 403-4, 411,425,495; X, 146, 149; XII, 27,238, 240-2,256,
261-3; xm, 374, 416,434,439,486,507,642,663,686; xIv, 21; xvII, 1858; xIx,
438,633; xx, 193,300; xxII, 18, 68, 112; XXHI, 621; XXIV, 753,755-6,758,761,
766,818,832,836,845-6,859,895-6, 1059-60; XXV, 1100, 1102; XXVI, 311,399;
XXVIII, 97,345; XXXI, 8-9, 45, 57,361,367

-- On the Game Laws Amendment Bill ( 11 Mar., 1824): VI, 102q, 107q, 113q, 114
-- On the Address from the Throne (4 Feb., 1825): VI, 82n q
--On the Game Laws Amendment Bill (17 Feb., 1825): VI, 101
On Unlawful Societies in Ireland (18 Feb., 1825): VI, 74
on Roman Catholic Claims (1 Mar., 1825): VI, 78, 79q
_on the Game Laws Amendment Bill (7 Mar., 1825): VI, 101
On Roman Catholic Relief (21 Apr., 1825): VI, 83
On the Roman Catholic Clergy (29 Apr., 1825): VI, 86
On the Established Church in Ireland (14 June, 1825): VI, 97-8
On the Bank Charter and Promissory Notes Acts (13 Feb., 1826): IV, 120q
On the Pem'yn Disfranchisement Bill (28 Mar., 1828): VI, 377
on the Corn Bill (1828) (29 Apr., 1828): VI, 358
On Supply (19 Apr., 1833): xxm, 565
_On Free Trade--Corn Laws (19 Mar., 1834): VI, 193-4
On Church Temporalities and Tithes (4 July, 1834): VI, 262q
An Address to the Electors of the Borough of Tamworth ["Tamworth Manifesto"]
(17 Dec., 1834): XII, 245; XXIV, 755,764(t
At the Mansion House (23 Dec., 1834): SIX, 628q
_At Tamworth (4 Sept., 1835): XVIH, 105-6
-. A Correct Report of the Speeches Delivered by... Sir R. Peel on His Inauguration
into the Office of Lord Rector of the University of Glasgow (Murray, 1837): XIII, 434
_ At Glasgow (13 Jan., 1837): XVIII, 156q
-- On the Address in Answer to the King's Speech (31 Jan., 1837): XXXI, 367-8
314 Index of Persons and Works

[PEEL, R.]
On the Irish Registration Bill (15 Apr., 1844): XXIV, 845-6
--On Maynooth College (18 Apr., 1845), PD, Vol. 79, cols. 1024-42: XIH, 663
On the Repeal of the Corn Laws (27 Jan., 1846): XXIV, 860
On the Labouring Poor (Ireland) Bill (2 Feb., 1847): XXIV, 1059
On the Irish Rate-in-Aid Bill (30 Mar., 1849), PD, Vol. 104, cols. 87-117:
XIV, 21
PEEL, ROBERT(1822-95): XVI, 1183-4
PEEL, W1LLIAM(fl. 1820s). Speech on the Game Laws Amendment Bill ( 11 Mar., 1824):
VI, 107-8q, 116-17q, 118
PEISANDER(late 5th c. B.C. ): XI, 327
PELAGIUS(ca. 360-ca. 420 A.D.): VIII, 836; XX, 247
PEMBERTON,CHARLESREECE("Pel. Verjuice") (1790-1840): XlI, 160; XXIII, 464-6
-- "Autobiography of Pel. Verjuice": XXIII, 575. 595,655,660
--"St. Valentine's Day": XII, 215
PEMBROKE,EARLSor. See Clare, Richard de; Herbert, Philip
Official Documents
PENNEFATHER, RICHARD (1773-1859): XXII, 46-8
PENNINGTON,FREDERICK( 1819-- 1914): XVII, 1855
PENNINGTON,GEORGEJAMES(fl. 1840S). An Essay on the Pronunciation of the Greek
Language (Murray, 1844): XVI, 1045
PENNINGTON,MRS. (suffragist; fl. 1872): XVII, 1916
PENNY, MR. (poacher; ft. 1823): Vl, 106
Penny Magazine: I, 329; X, 39n; XXlII, 505
The Penny Newsman: XV, 888,918,938,961; XXXlI, 145
-- Articles on Poland (1 Feb., 22 Feb., 1 Mar., and 8 Mar., 1863): XXV, 1201
The People's Charter: XIH, 533; XXV, 1107

Pt_PIN D'HI_RISTAL (d. 714 A.D.): XX, 24

PEPOLI, COUNTCARLO ( 1796-1881 ): XIII, 378

PEPYS, CHARLESCHRISTOPHER(Lord Cottenham) (1781-1851): XXIV, 948, 1023
PERCEVAL,SPENCER(1795--1859). Speech on the General Fast (26 Jan., 1832): Vl, 373q,
PERCY, ALGERNON(10th Earl of Northumberland) (1602-68): Vl, 52n
-- Letter to the Earl of Leicester ( 10 Dec., 1640): VI, 32n
PERCY, GEORGE(5th Duke of Northumberland) (1778-1867): XXIX, 438-9
PERCY, HENRY(9th Earl of Northumberland ) ( 1564-1632): XXVlI, 565
PERCY, HUGH (3rd Duke of Northumberland) (1785-1847): XXIII, 343,588
Peel - Peter 315

PERCY,THOMAS( 1729-- 1811 ). *Reliques of Ancient English Poetry: I, 526

ISAAC(1806--80): XIH. 432
PI_REIRE,JACOBEMILE(1800--75). "Examen du budget de 1832": XXlll. 411
PEmCLES(d. 429 B.C.): I, 75 (74), 587; XI, 48, 52, 86-7,103, 114, 133,141,143,298,
311,316-27 passim, 331-5,395,435; XVIll, 266; XIX, 438,460; XX, 224; XXIV,
868, 1086; XXV, 1122-4, l127-34passim, 1160-1; XXXI, 110
--Funeral Oration: Xl, 318-19q, 377,397n; XXV, 1129
cooperation: Ill, 785n; XXz, 943
PI_RIER,CASIMIRPIERRE(1777--1832): XII, 58, 112; XVlll, 4q; XX, 177,197-8; XXII,
181,190,288,302; XXIII, 339,341-2,351-2, 363-5,372. 377,381-2. 387-8,390,
395, 397,403,405,417-18. 421,423, 428,435,439, 441,453,460-4, 467. 484,
514-15,518, 520

On Being Elected President of the Council of Ministers ( 18 Mar., 1831 ): XXlII,

417-18q, 481q
-- On the Disturbances in Lyons (26 July, 1831 ): xxm, 388
On Abolishing the Hereditary Peerage (27 Aug., 1831 ): XXII], 341-5,343q
On the Events in Lyons ( 17 Dec., 1831 ): XXII1, 381,418q
_On the Disturbances in Paris (21 Dec.. 1831): xxm, 390
On the Budget ( 13 Mar., 1832): XXIII, 428q
-- On the Disturbances in Grenoble (20 Mar., 1832): xxm, 435,518
RICHARD (1623-73). The Royal Martyr: Vl, 7, 54-6
PERRON,PIERRECUELLIER(ca. 1755-1843): XIH, 538
PERROT,GEORGE(1832--1914). "Souvenirs d'Asie-Mmeure," Revue des Deu_ Mondes,
XLIV (1 and 15 Apr., 1863), 571-608 and 896-929: XV, 856
PERRY,MR. (Irish field botanist; fl. 1855): XIV, 407. 413-15,418. 429,432
PERRY,JAMES(1756--1821): I, 91 (90); XVII, 1985
Speech on the Married Women's Property Bill ( 14 May, 1857): XXVIII, 284
PERSIGNY,JEANGILBERTFIALIN, DUCDE (1808-72). "Rapport au Prince Pr6sident de la
R6publique Fran_aise": H, 437n
PERSIL, JEAN CHARLES(1785--1870): XXlI, 204; XXlll, 407, 511. 666, 701, 706
Speech before the Cour royale de Paris (4 Nov., 1833): xxm, 666,701
Speech introducing the projet de loi relative au d6tenteurs d'armes ( 15 Apr., 1834):
XXIII, 706
PERSIUS(Aulus Persius Flaccus) (34-62 A.D. ). Satires: IX, 286q
PERSOON,CmtlSTIAANHENmK (ft. 1805). Synopsis plantarum: XXXI, 292,302
PERUGINO, PIETRO (Ca. 1445-1523): XIV, 297, 311,313,477,482-3

PESTALOZZ1, JOHANNHEINRICH(1746--1827): I, 260; IV, 215; XXI, 65

PETER(St.) (d. ca. 64 A.D.): XIV, 313; XX, 253; XXVl, 35,226
316 Index of Persons and Works

PETER(the Hermit) (ca. 1050-I 115): XXII, 258

PETERI (of Russia) (1672-1725): VHI, 892; XIX, 419; XXXI, 349
See Leopold H.

PETERS,WILLIAM( of the EIC; ft. 1850s): XXXII, 90, 113-14

PRTIONDE VILLENEUVE, JI_ROME ( 1756-94): XX, 12, 100, 105q, 106-7
PETIT, ALEXISTa_RI!SE (1791-1820): XV, 928
PETO,SAMUEL MORTON (1809-89): XVI, 1298
PETRARCH,FRANCESCO(1304--74): XIV, 251,258, 273
PI_TRESKOU,ALEXANDRE (Walachian student of political economy; ft. 1861 ): XV, 736-7
PETRONILLA (of Aragon) ( 1137-64): XXXI, 379

PETRONIUSARBITER(mid-lst c. A.D.). *Satyricon: XXI, 231q

PETTY, WILLIAM (Earl of Shelburne) (1737-1805): VI, 135
PETTY-FITZMAURICE, HENRY(3rd Marquis of Lansdowne) ( 1780-1863): IV, 110-11; VI,
265; XIII, 709; XX, 320; XXHI, 636; XXVI. 398-9,427; XXXII, 66
-- Statement of a Plan of Finance: XXIII, 406

On the Roman Catholic Question (17 May, 1819): XXVI. 399

-- On Employment for Agricultural Labourers (13 June, 1833): XXlII, 636
On the Church of Ireland (6 June, 1834): VI, 253
-- On the Destitute Persons (Ireland) Bill (15 Feb., 1847), PD, Vol. 89, cols.
1324-7: XlII, 709
PETTY-FITZMAURICE, HENRY THOMAS(Earl of Shelburne, later 4th Marquis of Lans-
downY) (1816-66): XXXII, 87
PEYRONNET, LAURA DE. See Russell, Laura
PEYRONNET, PIERREDENIS, COMTEDE ( 1778-1854): XXII, 126q, 127,163-8, 177,215,
223,225-6; XXlII, 373
PEZENAS, ESPRITDE (fl. 1770s). Histoire critique de la ddcouverte de la Iongttude
(Avignon: Offray, 1775): XVI, 1467
PHAEDRUS(in Plato): XI, 62-96 passim
PHAEDRUS(ft. 27 B.C.-50 A.D.). *Fabularum Aesopiarum: I, 15 (14), 557; XII, 10
PHANAGARA,MR. (Greek judge; fl. 1855): XIV, 460
Pharmacopaea Londinensis: XXlV, 950
PREmIAS(ca. 500-430 B.C.): I, 333; II, 16; X, 324; XI, 45; XIV, 464, 467; XV, 745
Pm_Ln,S, ROBERT(1586?--1638): VI, 14
PHILIPn (of Macedon) (ca. 382-336 B.C.): I, 11 (10); Xl, 243,284, 312; XlV, 384,447;
XV, 947; XVII, 1726; XX, 224; XXl, 231; XXlV, 868
PmLm H (of Spain) (1527-98): VIII, 885; XlI, 9, 352; XVII, 1633
PmLIP V (of Spain) (1683-1746): XXXI, 379-80
PRmlv_ I (of France) (1052-1108): XX, 27, 29
Peter - Phipps 317

PHILIPPEI1 (of France; "Philippe Auguste") ( 1165-1223): XX, 33, 35-6, 36n, 50n, 239,
PHILIPPE IV (of France; "le Bel") ( 1268-1314): XX, 38, 50n, 239,244,251-2,289; XXI,
286; XXIV, 819; XXXI, 379
PHILIPPE,COMTEDE MONTES(son of Philip I of France) (ft. 1110): XX, 29
PHILIPS,MR. (chemistry lecturer at Sandhurst; ft. 1819): XII, 9
PmLIPS,GEORGERICHARD( 1789-- 1883 ). Speech on Special Juries (28 May, 1823 ): XXII,
PHILLIPPS,CHARLESSPENCERMARCH(1815--69). "Alison's History of Europe": XIII,
PHILLIPPS,LUCYF. MARCH("An Inquirer") (fl. 1866-83). The Battle of the Two Philo-
sophies: IX, ciii, 38n, 46n-7n q, 49n, 124q, 141n q, 147n q, 441n, 447n q, 451-2q,
458n-9n q, 466n q, 492n q, 493n
PHILLIPS, SAMUELMARCH(1780--1862). A Treatise on the Law of Evidence: I, 116;
XXXI, 7n, 22q, 39, 40-2q, 44-5q, 49, 51,53q, 54-5.56q, 68-70q, 73, 74q, 78-83q,
86-8q, 89
PHILLIPS, ALEXANDER (Jarrlaicarl; fl. 1865): XVII, 1605; XXVIII, 95
(1767--1840): XIX, 642
-- Essays on the Proximate Causes of the General Phenomena of the Universe: XXII,
-- Protest against the Prevailing Principles of Natural Philosophy: XXII, 239-40
PHILLIPS,THOMAS(1770--1845): XXVII, 566
PHILLIPS,WENDELL(1811--84): I, 266; XIV, 49; XVI, 1143, 1314
-- Letter to John Stuart Mill: XXI, 133n q
-- Two Speeches at the Annual Meeting of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society,
Liberator (10 and 17 Feb., 1865), 21 and 26: XVI, 1105-6
-- Speech at the American Anti-Slavery Society, Liberator ( 19 May, 1865), 78: XVI,
PmLt.POTTS,HENRY(1778--1869): XII, 106; XXIV, 813
PmLO JUDAEUS(ca. 30 B.C.--45 A.D.): X, 487; XIII, 515,532
Philological Museum: XII, 181
PmLOPOEMEN(d. 182 B.C.): XI, 337n
Philosophy; or, The Science of Truth: VII, 34n-5n
PmLpo'rrs, HE_n_Y.See Phillpotts, Henry
PmNN, THOMAS(1814--66): XIX, 496n
Speech on Mr. Fitzroy's Bill (10 Mar., 1853): XXI, 105-6
_, CONSTAN_NEHENRY(Lord Mulgrave, later Lord Normanby) ( 1797-1863): VI,
411-12, 474; XII, 423
The English in France (Sannders and Otley, 1828): XII, 132, 139
- A Year of Revolution (Longnum, et al., 1857): XV, 562, 804
318 Index of Persons and Works

PHOCION(402/1-319 B.C.): Xl, 336n

PHRANARAI(of Siam) (ft. ca. 1680): XX, 145
PI-IRYNICHUS (d. 411 B.C.): XI, 322, 328q
*Phytologist: XXXI, 264-5
--"Notes of a Day's Botanizing about Tring, Herts, June 29, 1855": XXXI, 267
PIANO, DONATODEL (1698--1785): XIV, 383
PIC_D, ADOLPH(French clerk; ft. 1860s): XXIX, 548
PICAgO, AUGUSTE (Avignon author; ft. 1850s-60s): XV, 772; XVI, 1008; XXXII,
PICAgD, Lotas BENOiT (1769--1828). Le Gilblas de la rdvolution (Paris: Baudouin fr6res,
1824): XII, '139
PICKERING, WILLIAM (1796-1854): XHI, 408
PICKFORD,F. (fl. 1860), trans. Ober die Freiheit by J.S. Mill: XV, 621,739-40; XXXII,
PICOTDELAPEYROUSE, PHILIPPE( 1744-- 1818). Htstoire abrdgde desplantes des Pyrdn_es:
I, 574,587; XXVI, 96, 97n, 126
PII_EON, THOMAS(cattle dealer; ft. 1823): XXII, 30
PIERgOTOU(servant to the Samuel Benthams; fl. 1820): XXVI, 21, 24, 25n, 29, 31n, 37,
54, 60n
PIERs, WILLIAM(Bishop of Bath and Wells) (1580-1670): VI, 29, 39
PILGghSt,GEORGE(gamekeeper; ft. 1867): XXVIII, 199-200, 212
PILrdNGTON,JAMES(1804--90): XXVIII, 272
PILLET, REN_ MARTIN (1762--1816). L'Angleterre rue d Londres et dans ses provinces:
XXIV, 1039
PIM, JONATHAN(1806--85): m, 1074, 1079, 1088, 1092-3
The Condition and Prospects of Ireland (Dublin: Hodges and Smith, 1848): XVI,
985, 1001-2, 1406
-- The Land Question in Ireland (Dublin: Hodges and Smith, 1853): m, 1074n
-- On the Connection between the Condition of Tenant Farmers and the Laws
Respecting the Ownership and Transfer of Land in Ireland (Dublin: Hodges and Smith,
1853): HI, 1074n; XVI, 985, 1001-2, 1406
PINARD,MARIEOSCAR(1801--67): XXlII, 657--8
PtNDAR(ca. 518-446 B.C.): XI, 315,390n q; XII, 7; XXI, 314
*Carmina: I, 532, 560
-- Odes: IX, 499n q; XI, 122q; XXXI, 132q
PINDEMONTE, IPPOLITO(1753--1828): xxm, 573
Phocion - Plato 319

PINNOCK,WILLIAM(1782--1843). A Catechism of Sacred Geography: I, 460

Pinnock' s Catechism of Drawing: I, 460
PIOLA,DOMENICO (1627--1703): XIV, 487
PioMno, SEBASTIANDEL(ca. 1485-1547): XIV, 309
Pmor_, ALEXIS(1689-1773): XX, 67
(d. 527 B.C.): XI, 291,299,327; XXIV, 871, 1085
PITMAN,HENRY (1826--1909): Ill, 789n; VI, 267, 272-3; XVI, 1019, 1028, 1275;
XXXII, 188-9. LETTERSTO:XV, 821; XVI, 1016, 1160-1, 1163
PITMAN,JOHN(ft. 1820--32). Panorama of Constantinople: XXVH, 568
PITT, WILLIAM(the elder; Earl of Chatham) (1708-78): VI, 178; XIV, 331; XIX, 438;
XXIII, 641; XXV, 1216
-- Speech on the Motion to Remove Walpole ( 13 Feb., 1741 ): XXV, 1127
Speech on Impressment (22 Nov., 1770): VI, 178; XXHI, 641
PITT, WILLIAM(the younger ) ( 1759-1806): I, 317; IV, 115, 121; V, 474,479,486, 591;
VI, 135,312,346,404; X, 155; XX, 343; XXI, 26; XXHI, 406,480,512,643; XXVl,
384; XXX, 56
Speech on Fox's Motion on the East India Bills (18 Nov., 1783): VI, 33n q
PITTACUS(ca. 600 B.C.; also in Plato): XI, 54q; XIX, 403; XXIV, 1086
Plus VII (Barnab_ Chiaramonti; Pope) (1742-1823): XXVI, 58
Plus IX (Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti; Pope) ( 1792-1878): VI, 523; XIII, 710; XIV,
292, 297,302-3,308,313,317,376,492
PLACE, ELIZABETH. See Adams, Elizabeth
PLACE,FRANCIS(1771-1854): XII, 124, 327-8; XIV, 76-7; XXI, 3; XXV. 1262-5;
XXXII, 7. LETTERS TO: XII, 244, 324-6; XVll, 1956
Autobiography: XXV, 1264
"Historical Narrative 1838": VI, 486
On the Law of Libel: XXI, 1-34 rev, 33q; XXII, 91-4 rev
PLATr_ER,ERNST(1744--1818). Philosophische Aphorismen: IX, 223-4q, 224-5,227,
PLATO(427--347 B.C.): I, 25 (24), 49 (48), 67 (66), 69 (68), 115 (114), 153 (152), 207
(206), 336-7,370,438; m, 969; vii, 79,621; viii. 677,802, 815,876n, 938,970-1;
IX, 502; X, 16, 54, 60, 90, 172,271,278,373,441; XI, 39-45, 61-2, 84n, 93-6, 167,
171,186, 210, 222-4, 238,241-3,282. 298,300-2, 310, 314, 320, 329, 332,336n,
337-400passim, 451,463,466, 470, 475-7,480, 483,487-94, 506; Xll, 185,189,
203,218,222q, 237; xm, 515,520, 532, 544; xIV, 18,428; xv, 793,818,838-9;
xvI, 1067-8, 1084, 1096, lll5-16, 1120; XVll, 1586. 1725; xvm, 7, 235; xIX,
618; XXI, 225,229-30,254; XXIV. 869; XXV, 1130, 1162-3; XXVI, 147, 175, 187,
238,352; xxvII, 657; xxxI, 103,362; xxxll, 152
*Apology (Apo/og/a): I, 9 (8), 554; IX, 129-30; XI, 151-74 (JSM's trans.),
153n q, 399q, 403,435; XVI, Ill5, 1120; XVIII, 235; XXVI, 390q; XXVIll. 76
320 Index of Persons and Works

-- The Apology .... the Crito, and Part of the Phaedo, ed. William Smith: XI, 241-3

*Charmides: Xl, 53n, 175-86 (JSM's trans.), 187,407-8,439n

-- *Cratylus: I, 9 (8), 554; XI, 393,429
-- *Critias: XI, 385-6
*Crito: I, 9 (8), 554; XI, 241,417n
-- *Dialogues: X, 88; XVIII, 251
-- *Epinomis. XI, 385-6, 421
--*Erastae: XI, 407
*Euthydemus: XI, 393,435
Euthydemus et Gorgias, ed. Martin Joseph Routh: XI, 39
-- *Euthyphron: I, 9 (8), 553-4; XI, 187-96 (JSM's trans.), 406
*Gorgias: I, 25 (24), 568; IV, 312; VI, 179; VII, 150; VIII, 780, 1048; XI,
97-150 (JSM's trans.), 390n q, 394-6, 394-5q, 399, 401q, 407,413,415-16, 418,
419q, 422-4,435q; XlI, 8; XVI, 1061 ; XIX, 508; XXII, 256; XXV, 1122, 1128, 1162,
XXXI, 180
-- *Greater Hippias: XI, 389,392,407,409
-- *Hipparchus: XI, 407
-- *Laches: XI, 186-7, 197-209 (JSM's trans.), 407,409
*Laws: X, 437; XI, 385-6,395,397n q, 414,417n, 418,424,434-5,438; XIV,
28; XXII, 292
-- *Lesser Hippias: Xl, 389, 392-3
*Lysis: Xl, 210-21 (JSM's trans.), 389,407-8
-- *Meno: XI, 398q, 407,409, 422q, 430q, 435; XXVI, 187
-- *Minos: Xl, 407
-- Oeuvres de Platon, trans. Victor Cousin ( 1822-40): VIII, 780; XI, 42n, 203n q
*Parmenides: Xl, 222-38 (JSM's trans.), 381,385,412-13, 508; XVI, 1116;
XXXl, 103,141
*Phaedo: I, 9 (8), 554; VII, 361n q; X, 437,460; XI, 412-13,422-5,431; XVI,
1115; XXXI, 103
*Phaedrus: IX, 2-3; Xl, 62-96 (JSM's trans.), 291,407,412-14, 423,430q,
463; XVIII, 6
*Philebus: XI, 387,413-14, 418,420q
*Platonis scripta Graece omnia, ed. Immanuel Bekker: XI, 39
*Protagoras: I, 25 (24), 568; VIII, 813n; X, 205; XI, 39-61 (JSM's trans.), 106n,
197,328-9, 389-91,395,401n, 407-8,413,417-19; XlI, 8; XV, 764; XXVIII, 76;
XXXI, 180
-- *Republic: I, 25 (24), 321,373,568,585; V, 741; VII, 150; VIII, 1048; IX,
45n-6n, 457n; Xl, 77n, 285,301-2, 386,396-7,399--400q, 407, 41 lq, 412,414, 416,
418-21,426n, 428, 430, 434-9,438q, 505; XII, 8; Xlll, 520; XIX, 484, 498,610(t,
641n q; XX, 314; XXl, 176,270, 399; XXlII, 678; XXV, 1130; XXVI, 307; _,
34; XXXI, 103, 141
Plato - Plummer 321

*Second Alcibiades: XI, 435

*Seventh Epistle: XI, 405n, 431
*Sophist: VIII, 825; IX, 44n q; X, 320n; XI, 385,397q, 400-2,405,407,426n q.
428,429(t; XXVI, 239
*Statesman: X, 320n, 391,425; XI, 385,405,407,432-4; XVI, 1116; XXVI, 239
*Symposium: XI, 414; XXXI, 103
*Theaetetus: I, 9 (8), 554; XI, 385,391,407,409, 417n, 426,428-30, 430q,
50In; XVI, 1061, 1116; XVIII, 6; XXXI, 180
*Timaeus: IX, 419; XI, 385-6,413,420n; XV, 754
(in English) The Works of Plato, trans. F. Sydenham and Thomas Taylor: XI, 42
PLAUTUS,TITUS MACCIUS(d. 184 B.C. ). Rudens; or, The Rope: XXIV, 982q
PLAYFAm,JOHN (1748--1819): XlI, 364; XXVI, 352, 357
--Dissertation Second: Exhibiting a General View of the Progress of Mathematical
and Physical Science: VIII, 754q, 760q, 777q, 816q
_Elements of Geometry: I, 559,562; VII, 145, 160-1,166, 191-2, 215-16, 229,
230q, 255,617,618n; VIII, 961,1046-7,1054-5,1057.1069-70,1083,1091n, 1104;
XII, 7-8
PLAYFAIR, LYON (1818--98). LETTER TO: XVl, 1386
-- "On the Declining Production of Human Food in Ireland": V, 676
PLIMSOLL, SAMUEL (1824-98): XVI, 1362
PLtNY(the Elder) (ca. 23-79 A.D.). *NaturalHistory: I, 437q; VI, 194: VII, 313,628;
VIII, II10; XXIV, 1016q; XXVIII, 160q, 269q
PLOT, ROBERT(1640--96). The Natural History of Oxfordshire: XXVII, 482n
PLOTINUS(204-270 A.D. ). Operum philosophicorum omnium: IX, 39-40
PLUMMER, JOHN (1831--1914): XV, 892; XVI, 1252-3, 1288; XXXII, 193-4. LETTERS
TO:XV, 609-10,616-17,794,841,855,868,873,879,887-8,894,908,923,930-1,
938-9,943,945,952-4; XVI, 995-6, 1021, 1029, 1042, 1048, 1053, 1078, 1082-3,
1089, 1104, 1121-2, 1146-7, 1173-4, 1176-7, 1185-6, 1188-9, 1200-1, 1236,
1249-50, 1254, 1307, 1358-9, 1396, 1409-10, 1424-5, 1479, 1504; XVII, 1546-7,
1631-2, 1754, 1817, 1924-5, 1941, 1950; XXXIl, 145-6
"Co-operation in Lancashire and Yorkshire": HI, 785n-6n, 790q
---- "Decimal Notation": XV, 887-8
"Distress at the East End": XVI, 1358
"On the Past and Present Aspects of Co-operation": XV, 887-8
Our Colonies: XV, 923; XXXlI, 145
"Our Wayside Poets: John Askham--J.A. Leatherland": XV, 930
Reduction of the Hours of Labour (Tweedie, 1859): XV, 609
"Remarkable Men: Members of the New Parliament, No. I. John Smart Mill":
XVI, 1089, 1200
The Story of a Blind lnventor (Tweedie, 1868): XVI, 1424
Strikes: Their Causes and Their Evils (Tweedie, 1859): XV, 609
322 Index of Persons and Works

"The Transportation Question": XV, 930
-- "The Workmg Men's International Exhibition": XVII, 1754
PLUMMEt,MARe ANN (n6e Jenkinson; wife of John): XVI, 1479, 1504; XVII, 1631-2,
1754, 1924-5, 1941, 1950; XXXH, 146
PLU_LVrgE.JOHN PEMBERTON (1791--1864). Speech on the Address to Her Majesty (20
Jan., 1847): XIIl. 709-10; XXlV, 1074
-- Speech on Roman Catholic Claims (1 Mar., 1825): VI, 79
-- Speech on the Elective Franchise in Ireland (26 Apr., 1825): VI, 89q
PLUTARCH(fl'. A.D. 50-120): XIV, 447
--Lives: I, 11 (10), 115 (114), 386,555; VI, 132 (Pompey); IX, 281 (Caesar); XI,
300, 326; XHI, 450q (Demosthenes); XIV, 368 (Caius Marius); XVI, 1474; XX, 215,
224; XXIII, 342, 394, 497, 716-17; XXIV, 872; XXV, 1122, 1124; XXVI, 152
(Marcellus); XXXI, 44 (Alexander). 351 (Pompey)
--Moralia: VIII, 761q; XXIV, 1002
-- llepi crag&or ayw3fflq ("On the Education of Children"): I, 559
POCHIN,HE_qRYDAVIS(1824-95): XVI, 1488
POCKLINGTON, JOSEPH.See Senhouse, Joseph Pocklington
PoERIo, CARLO(1803--67): XIV, 321
POINSOT,Louts ( 1777-1859): XIII, 587, 651
POmET, PETER(1646--1719): IX, 151
POLE,THOMAS(1753--1829). Observations Relative to Infant Schools: I, 307n q
The Policy of England towards Spain: XXXI, 359-88 rev, 382q, 383q, 383-4q
POLmNAC, JULES, DUCDE (1743--1817): XX, 88
XIX, 608; XXll, 123-4, 135-7, 139, 148, 162-8, 177, 183, 215,223,225-6, 288;
XXIII, 373,457,483
XX, 7, 88
(Italian guide, brother of the following; fl. 1850s): XIV. 386,387
PoIarl, RAFFAELE(Italian author and dealer in antiques; ft. 1850s): XlV, 375,386
Political Portraits, Reprinted from the Daily News (Strahan, 1873): XVII, 1943
POLK,JAMESK_OX (1795-1849): XIII, 687
POLLARD-UROUHART, WILLIAM( 1815--71 ): V, 591-4e; XXXII, 183
POLLEX_N, HENRY( 1632--91 ): XXXI, 58
POLLIO,TREBELLIUS(fl. end 3rd c. A.D.). The Thirty Pretenders: I, 438-9q
POLLOCK, WILLIAMFREDERICK(1815--88): XVI, 990, 1001, 1011, 1015, 1018, 1026
POLLOK, ROBERT(1798--1827). The Course of Time (Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1827): XIl,
POLUS(ft. ca. 427 B.C.; also in Plato): XI, 85, 97-150passim, 394-6
Plummer- Pope 323

POLYBIUS(ca. 200-120 B.C.): XlI, 7; XlX, 353; XXVI, 367

Histories: I, 15 (14), 561
POLYCHRONOr_3ULOS, ELIAS (Greek inn-keeper and guide; ft. 1855): XIV. 424, 436
POLYCLEITUS(in Plato): XI, 45
O JOS]_DE CARVALHOY.MELLO(1699-1782): XIX, 382
(1721--64): XX, 165
POMPEY(Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus) ( 106-48 B.C. ): VI, 132; XIV, 313; XXXl, 351,353
--Discoursprononcd fi l'Acaddmiefranfoise (Paris: Brunet, 1760): Xll, 177
(58); XXVI, 20--1, 24, 27, 30--1, 56
27, 31-2, 34
POMPIGNAN.LOUISELEFRANC,MARQUISEDE (n6e de Beaumont-Baynac) (wife of Jean
Louis Georges Pompignan): XXVI, 20-1, 27-9, 31-2
POMPONE, HUGH DE (seigneur de Cr6cy) (ft. 12th c.): XX, 30
PONCE,JOHN (ft. 1630S). Annotation in Duns Scotus, Opera omma: IX, 418q
PONCELET,LOUIS (b. ca. 1803): xxm, 407
PUNSDE L'_ULT, ANDPO_ ( 1772-1853): XXII, 263

PONSONBY,JOHN WILLIAM(Lord Bessborough) (1781-1847): XXIV, 900, 902, 932,

XXHI, 542
taire de physique cdleste (Paris: Carilian-Goeury and Dalmont, 1840): XIV, 29
POOLEY, THOMAS(labourer; ft. 1850s): XVIII, 239
The Poor Man's Guardian. Leading article on the Reform Bill (26 May, 1832): VI, 161
• Leading article on labour and capital (3 Aug., 1833): VI, 485q
POPE, ALEXANDER (1688-1744): X, 21; XXIIl, 590; XXIV, 808; XXVI, 437
- *The Dunciad: XX, 62; XXVl, 408,417
*An Essay on Criticism: VI, 362q
*An Essay on Man: I, 115 (114); VIH, 834q; X, 384q, 388-9q; XIX, 622q; XX,
224q; XXl, .241q; xxm, 596q
-. *Moral Essays: VII, 456q; XXIII, 574q; XXVII, 659q
*Poems: XVI, 1474
*Satires and Epistles of Horace Imitated: X, 82q
- *Windsor Forest: XXVII, 478
-- , et al. *Memoirs of... Martinus Scriblerus: XXXI, 360
- , trans. *The Iliad of Homer: I, 13-15 (12-14), 19 (18), 557, 583; XVl, t474
- , trans. The Odyssey of Homer: XVI, 1474
324 Index of Persons and Works

POPE, F_DElUCK (barrister; fl. 1854): XlV, 216-18, 226-7, 232, 234, 248, 264, 266,
274,277,280-1,292,297.318, 322,401
POPE, SAMUEL(ft. 185Os). Letter to Lord Stanley (26 Sept., 1856): XVIH, 288q
Le Populaire: XXIH, 688
PORCHESTER,LORD. See Herbert, Henry John George
PORLmR, JOANDIAZ (1785-1815): XX, 89
POm'HYRY(233-ca. 300 A.D.): Xl, 23
-- lsagoge: VII, 11 In q, 119; VIII, 1017n q, 1030
POnSENNA,Lags (King of Clusium in Etruria) (late 6th c. B.C. ): XlV, 287
Port Royal Logic. See Amauld
-- Proposition... relative _tla c616bration forc6e des dimanches et des f6tes f6 Dec.,
1831): XXIII, 375
-- Proposition . . . relative au deuil public du 21 janvier (6 Dec., 1831): XXIII,
375-6, 421,479
-- Proposition... relative au travail des f6tes et dimanches ( 11 Feb., 1832): XXlIl,
PORTER,GEORGER. (1792-1852): XII, 220
PORTMAN,EDWARDBERKELEY(Viscount) ( 1799-1888): V, 453n
Post-Office London Court Guide: XXXH, 198
The Post-Office London Directory (issued annually): XXXII, 198
POTHIER,ROBERTJOSEPH(1699--1772). Oeuvres: KXX, 19
POTTER,EDMUND( 1802-83): XV, 891
POTTER,GEORGE(1832--93): XVI. 1458
POTTER,JOHNPHILLIPS( 1793-- 1861 ): xm, 515
"The Diffusion of Knowledge amongst the People": XKIII, 660
-- "The Philosophy of Socrates": XIII, 515,532; XXXII, 66
POTTER,THOMASBAYLEY(1817--98): I, 276; XV, 891; XVI, 1350, 1352; XVII. 1597,
1604, 2010; XKVlII, 128. LETTERSTO: XV, 924-6; XVI, 1012-14, 1028; XXXII,
POTTINGER, HENRY ( 1789-1856): XXX, 63
POoSSIN, GAsP_ato (formerly Gaspard Dughet) (1613-75): XIV, 312
POusmN, NICOLAS(ca. 1594-1665): XIV, 263
(1768-1822): XXVI, 143
POU_N, ROI_O (professor in MontpeUier; ft. 1843): XRI, 568,595
POWELL,MR. (Blackheath neighbour of JSM and HTM): XIV, 180, 182, 188, 195; XV,
POWELL, BADEN (1796--1860). Essays on the Spirit of the Inductive Philosophy: VII,
333n, 367n; VIII, 566n-7n q
The Order ofNature (Longmans, 1859): XV, 695-6
Pope - Price 325

POWELL,FRANCISSHAm' (1827-1911 ). Speech on the Representation of the People Bill

(17 May, 1867): XXVIII, 150
POWELL,THOMAS(Irish major; ft. 1825). Evidence on the Disturbances in Ireland (PP):
VI, 96
POYNTZ,ELIZABETHMARY(n6e Browne) (wife of William): XXVlI, 564
PRAED,WINTHROPMACKWORTH(1802--39): I, 131 (130); XXIII, 337
Speech on Parliamentary Reform (24 Aug., 1831 ): XXaI, 337q
PRATAPSINGH (Rajah of Sattara) (d. 1847): XXX, 34
PRAT1,GIOACCHINO(1790--1863): XII, 203; xxm, 675-6,679,689-91,689-90q
PRAtt, MR. (Essex poacher; fl. 1823): VI, 106
PRATT,CHARLES(Lord Camden) (1714-94): X, 82; XXl, 25
Charge to the Jury in the Case of Entick v. Carrington, 1704: XXl, 24q
PRATT,HENRY MARCH(officer in the Indian Army; b. 1838): XVII, 1728
PRATT,HODGSON( 1824-- 1907). LETTERTO; XXKH, 229
PRATT,JOHN JEFFREYS(Earl and Marquis of Camden) (1759-1840): XXVII, 471
PRATTEN,WILLIAMSIMS(Westminster elector; ft. 1860s): XVI, 1481. LETTERSTO: XVl,
1410--12, 1415; XVll, 1947
The Preamble. "Lord Durham's Return" (Nov. 1838): VI, 445-64 rev
PREBBLE, MR. (British traveller; ft. 1855): XlV, 418,421,424, 432-3,435
PRELLER,LUDWIG (1809--61), and AUGUSTHEINRICHRATTER(1791--1869). Historia
philosophiae Graeco-Romanae: VII, 364<t
PRESCOTT,WILLIAMGEORGE( 1800--65 ): I, 81 (80), 123 (122), 125 (124); XIV, 123, 130;
XV, 660; XXXlI, 3, 7
P_SCOTT, WILLIAM HICKLING(1796--1859). History of the Reign of Ferdinand and
Isabella (Boston: American Stationers, 1838): XVI, 1474
History of the Conquest of Peru: III, 975
The Press. Notice of Bain's The Emotions and the Will: XV, 639
La Presse: XlIl, 571; XXV, 1093
PRESSENSI_, EDMONDDEHAULTDE (1824-91): XV, 750; XIX, 584n, 611
CHARLES( 1794-- 1880). Evidence on Income and Property Tax (PP): V, 590,597
LUCmN ANATOLE("Lucien Sorel") (1829-70). Les anciens par(is:
XIX, 584-5
PmAULX, OSMONDDE BEAUVOm( 1805--91 ): XlI, 240
PRICE,MR. (tradesman dealing with JSM and HTM; ft. 1854): XlV, 172
PRICE,PdCHARO(1723--91): X, 21, 85; XXXI, 17
-"On the Importance of Christianity": XXXl, 16-18
PlUCE,ROSE(1768-1834): XXVlI, 635
326 Index of Persons and Works

PmcE, SAMUELGROVE( 1793-1839): XXXI, 361,368

-- Speech on Spain ( 10 Mar., 1837): XXXI, 360
PRIDEAUX, FRANCISWILLIAM(d. 1871): XIV, 42; XXXlI, 90, 113-14
PmESTLEY,JOSEPH(1733--1804): VII, 481; X, 21, 122, 130; XXllI, 561-2; XXXI, 98
-- *An Examination of Dr. Reid's Inquiry into the Human Mind: VII, 577q
--Hartley's Theory of the Human Mind: I, 125-7 (124-6); VII, 560n; XXXI, 98
PRIESTLEY, RICHARD(London bookseller; ft. 1820s): XI, 39
PRIEUR DE LA MARNE, PIERRE LOUIS (1756-1827): xxm, 542n


PRINSEP, HENRYTHOBY(1793-1878): XIV, 181

The Printing Machine: XII, 299
PRIOR,JAMES( 1790?-- 1869). Life of Oliver Goldsmith (Murray, 1837): XII, 318
PRIOR,THOMAS( 1682?-- 1751 ): XI, 471
Proceedings of the Royal Horticultural Society, London, IV (1864), 93-4: XV, 948
Procds en cour d'assises, 27 et 28 aoat 1832 (Paris: Carpentier-M6ricourt, 1832): XII,
120, 133, 146, 150
A Proclamation for a Generall Fast to Bee Held throughout This Realme of England ( 14
Feb., 1629): KXIV, 1073
PROCOPIUS(ca. 326-366 A.D. ). Procopius: XXXI, 351
PRomcos (b. ca. 470/460; also in Plato): Xl, 46-61 passim, 85, 154, 178, 207, 389,
391-2; XXV, 1162
--"The Choice of Hercules": XI, 329, 391
Le Producteur: XlI, 34-5, 40, 47
Programme of the Land Tenure Reform AssocMtion. See under Mill, John Stuart
Prospective Review. "The White Lady and Undine": XXXII, 72
PROTAGORAS (ca. 490--420 B.C.): VII, 60n; X, 205; XI, 42-61 passim, 44n q, 85,389,
392-3,395,401n, 425q, 426-8,501n; XV, 818; XX, 273n; XXXII, 108
PROUDF(_T, ANN (victim of assauh; ft. 1853): XXI, 107
PROUDHON, PIERREJOSEPH(1809--65): m, 1027, 1031; v, 651; xIV, 21, 32-4; xvii,
1609-10, 1859
--Qu'est-ce la propriety? 2 vols. (Paris: Pr6vot, 1841-48): XIV, 8
PROUT,WILLIAM( 1785--1850): XIV, 113
-- Chemistry, Meteorology, and the Function of Digestion, Considered with Refe-
rence to Natural Theology: VIII, 751n-2n q, 821q
PROVANADI COLLEGNO, GIACrUTO(1794-- 1856). Carta geologica d'Italia (Paris: Audri-
veau Goujon, 1846): XVII, 1899
PROVENqAL,JEAN MICHEL (1781--1845): I, 59 (58); XlI, 11; XXVI, 132-43passim
PROVENCE,LotnSE MArnE Jos_mtINE, COMTESSE DE("Madame") ( 1753-1810): XX, 88
PtUSSL_NCODE. See under Statutes, Prussia
PRYME, GEORGE(1781--1868): XXXll, 19
A Letter to the Electors of Cambridge: VI, 381-404 rev
Price - Quantamissa 327

A Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on the Principles of Political Economy:

PRYNNE, WILLIAM (1600-69): VI, 13, 22, 29
Histrio-Mastix: VI, 22
News from Ipswich: VI, 22
PSEUDO-XENoPHON.Xenophontis qui inscribttur libellus Athenaion politeia: XXV, 1132
PTOLEMY(Claudius Ptolemaeus; ft. 2nd cent. A.D. ): VII, 260, VIII, 1097; IX, 333; X,
122; XXII, 11; XXIII, 424; XXVI, 251
Almagesmm: XXVI, 251
The Public Register; or, The Freeman' s Journal. "Location on the Waste Lands" ( 17 Oct.,
1846): XXIV, 908q, 910q
POCKLER-MUSKAU, HERMANNLUDWIGHE1NR1CH ( 1785-- 1871 ). Tour in England, Ireland
and France, trans. Sarah Austin: XXIII, 729
--Tour in Germany, Holland and England, trans. Sarah Austin: XII, 107; XXIII, 729
PUFENDORF, SAMUELVON (1632-94). *Le droit de la nature et des gens: XX, 345
PUt3H,DAVID ("David Hughson"). London: XX, 18
POIS_GtrR,COMTEDE, See Puys6gur
PUJADE,JEANANTOINE(Bastille prisoner): XX, 146
PULLER,C.VaSTOPnER WILLIAM GILES ( 1807--64): V, 505e, 542-7e

PULLING, ALEXANDER (1813--95): I, 283; XXVIII, 300; XXXI1, 192

"Electoral Bribery and Corruption"' XVI, 1384, 1397, 1400, 1404
"The Law of England Relating to Purity of Elections": XXXH, 192
Our Parliamentary Elections (Hardwicke, 1866): XVI, 1384
Punch: XIV, 437
PtrPIROFER,JOHANN ADAM(ft. 1830s). Der Kanton Thiirgau: If, 258n, 259n q: XXIV,
Puranas: XXIV, 869
PURCHAS,SAMUEL(1575?--1626). Purchas His Pilgrimes: I, 556
PUSEV,EDWARDBOUVERIE(1800--82): XIII, 416; XXlV, 811-22; XXVII, 643
Patience and Confidence the Strength of the Church (Parker, 1837): XIII, 416
Putnam's Magazine: XVII, 1566
PIERRELouis DE CHASTENET,COMTEDE (1727--1807): XX, 9, 86-7
PYM,JOaN (1584-1643): Vl, 23, 40-2, 47; XXII, 282
(6th C. B.C.): VII, 359; XI. 381
(in Plato): Xl, 222

Qu_N, RICHARD(1800--87): XIV, 195,204

WILLIAM(d. 1859): XIII, 437
328 Index of Persons and Works

Quarterly Review: I, 93 (92), 97 (96), 215 (214), 293,309,398,590; X, 45; XI, 43, 47n;
XII, 316; XIH, 445-6, 465,479-80. 528, 683; XV, 672; XVII, 1973; XVIH, 112;
XXII, 169, 173,248; XXHI. 446, 593,691; XXIV, 762, 806
--"Socialism": XIH, 446
-- "Tours in America": XVIH, 115
The Quebec Gazette: VI. 445-64 rev
XXII, 40
QUt_LEN,HYACINTHELOUIS, COMTEDE (1778--1839): XXlI, 269, 317
QUERY MARTINEZ,JOSl_(1695-1764). Flora Espafiola: XXXI, 290
QUESNAY,FRANCOIS(1674--1774): XXII, 66
-- Sur l"homme: II, 288n q
QUINTILIAN(Marcus Fabius Quintilianus) (33-100 A.D. ): XII, 8
-- *lnstitutio oratoria: I, 14n, 25 (24), 421,566; XX, 188; XXI, 229; XXIII, 450-1 ;
XXVI, 413q
La Quotidienne: XXII, 152, 177

RABAUTSAINT-ETmNNE, JEANPAUL (1743--93): XX, 12, 73n

RABELAIS,FRANqOIS(1494--1553): XI, 149q; XX, 50
RACINE, JEANB_rISTE (1639-99): I, 487, 500, 570; XXVI, 20-1, 46-7, 56
-- *Athalie: I, 500
-- *Esther: I, 500
*Les plaideurs: XXI, 69q
_IFFE, ANN ( 1764-- 1823). The Mysteries of Udolpho (Robinson, 1794): XVI, 1475
RADCLIFFE,GEORGE(1593--1657): VI, 30
RADFORD,JOHN (tradesman; ft. 1867): XVI, 1251
RAONOR,LORD. See Bouverie, William Pleydell
RAE, JOHN (1796-1872). LETTERTO: XIV, 240-1
"Polynesian Languages": XIV, 241; XV, 834
Statement of Some New Principles on the Subject of Political Economy: II, 129q,
162-70q; m, 869n-70n q, 918; xIv, 240
-- "Thoughts on the System of Legislation Which Has Prevailed in the Hawaiian
Islands for the Last Forty Years": XV, 834
RAE, WILLIAMFRASER(1835--1905): XVI, 1026, 1058, 1062; XXXII, 211
LETTERSTO: XVl, 1064, 1105, 1126, 1174, 14(X)--I; XVII, 1589-90, 1624, 1708,
1853; XXXII, 211
"The Future of Reform": XXXII, 211
_"The Hopes and Fears of Reformers": XXXII, 211
"Reform and Reformers": XXXII, 211
Quarterly Review - Ratcliffe 329

"Taine's History of English Literature": XVI, 1026

Westward by Rail: XVII, 1624, 1708; XXXII, 218
RAGHUJIIIl (Raja of Nagpur) (1818-53): XXXH, 60
RAGLAN, LORD. See Somerset, Fitzroy
RAGUSA,MR. (Palmero landlord; ft. 1855): XIV, 338, 355-6, 390
RAINFORD,EDWARD(Holborn bookseller; fl. 1840): XIlI, 433,438
RAMADGE,FRANK(1793--1867): XIV, 173-4, 198-203,285,294, 296, 304; XV, 678
The Curability of Consumption (Longmans. 1850): XIV, 171,190
Ramayun: XI, 282
The Rambler: XV, 1474
RAMSAY,GEORGE(1800--71). An Enquiry into the Principles of Human Happiness and
Human Duty (Pickering, 1843): XIII, 579
RAMSAY, GORDONDUBERRY(d. 1866): XXI, 426,433
RAMSAY,JAMESAIqDREWBROWN(Marquis and Earl of Dalhousie) (1812-60): VI, 414;
XVI, 1202; XXVII, 656; XXX, 100, 148,204, 209
"Minute by the Governor-General of India, Concurred in by the Commander-m-
Chief" (PP): XXl, 120
RAMSAY,SUSANGEORGIANA(Marchioness of Dalhousie) (1817-53): XXX, 148
RAMUS.See La Ram6e
RANKE,LEOPOLDYON( 1795-- 1886). Die r6mischen Piipste, ihre Kirche und ihr Staat lm
16 und 17 Jahrhundert: XX, 220, 249
(in English) The Ecclesiastical and Political History of the Popes of Rome during
the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, trans. Sarah Austin: XIH, 522; XX, 220
(in English) The History of the Popes, Their Church and State in the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, trans. Walter Keating Kelly: XX, 220
History of the Reformation in Germany, trans. Sarah Austin: XIII, 572
R_a'nAEL (Raphael Sanzio) (1483-1520): I, 333,352; XH, 275; XIII, 441; XIV, 270,
278,295,297-8,305,309-10,312-13,478,481,483,489; XVII, 1662; XXI, 316;
XXII, 324; XXV, 1240
Transfiguration: XIV, 299,305
RAPIIqDE THOYRAS,PAUL DE (1661--1725). L'histoire d'Angleterre: XX, 221
RApp,GEORGE(d. 1847): II, 202
Rapport de la commission d' enqu_te sur l' insurrection qui a _clat_ dans la journ_e du 23
juin et sur les _v_nements du 15 mai [1848]: XX, 339
"Rapport officiel sur les op6rations de guerre contre les montagnards Musulmans du
Caucase", trans. H.J. Klaproth: XXXI, 354,355-6q
RASPAIL,FRANgOISVXNCENT(1794--1878): XXHI, 396, 421-2, 656-7
RATCLIFFE. See Radcliffe, George
330 Index of Persons and Works

RATHBONE, PHILIPHENRY(1828-95). LETTERSTO: XVl, 1531-2; XVII, 1544-5

RATHBONE, WILLIAM, JR. (1819--1902): XVI, 1162, 1342. LETTER TO: XV, 904--6
RATTAZZl,URBANO(1808--73): XV, 796; XXXII, 133
RAU, MISS (daughter of Karl; ft. 1852): XIV, 96
RAU, KARL DAVID HEINRICH (1792--1870): XXIV, 968,971,975-7. LETTERS TO: XIV,
86-7, 94-6
Lehrbuch der politischen Oekonomie: XXIV, 968
(in French) Traitd d'dconomie nationale, trans. F. de Kemmeter: II, 150, 288n q,
Ueber die Landwirthschaft der Rheinpfalz: II, 265q, 266, 29 In q; XXIV, 968, 971,
England im Jahre 1835: XXIV, 897
(in English) England in 1835, trans. Sarah Austin: VI, 530; XII, 292; XXXII,
RAVAILLAC,FRANCOIS(1578--1610): IX, 461,462n; XXVI, 10-11
RAWLINSON,JOHN (ca. 1778-1847) : VI, 245-6q, 247
RAy, JOHN (1627--1705): VI, 20; XII, 50; KXXl, 274
-- Synopsis methodica stirpium Britannicarum: XXVII, 482n
RAYMOND,ROBERT(Baron) (1673-1733): XXXI, 86q
Speech in the Trial of Richard Francklin ( 1731 ): XXl, 29q
-- Speech in the Trial of Thomas Woolston (1729): XXI. 29q
RAYNAL, GmLLAUMETHOMASFRANCOIS( 1713--96). Histoire . . . des Europdens dans
les deux lndes: VII, 357q
RAYNOUAgD,F_NqOIS JUSTMARIE (176t-1836): I, 310
--, ed. Choix des poesies originales des troubadours: XX, 36n q
PEA. See Ray
READ, ALEXANDER(d. 1804): XXX, 97
READ, CLARESEWELL(1826--1905). Speech on the Election Petitions and Corrupt Prac-
flees at Elections Bill (24 July, 1868): XXVIII, 327
TheReader: XV, 974-5,984; XVI, 986,990,994, 1011-12, 1015, 1017-8, 1026, 1029,
1057-8, 1105, 1237, 1394
"Criticism on Crutches": XVI, 1062
"The Edinburgh Review": XVI, 1062
"Travellers' Tales": XVl, 990, 1001, 1003
READE, ALEXANDER.See Read, Alexander
REAL, FI_LIX(1792-1864): XXlll, 530
The Reasoner. XVII, 1876-7; XXlV, 1082--4
Belfast Resolutions (8 May, 1859): XV, 683
R athbone - R ffmusat 331

Reasons for a Legislative Measure . . . to Limit and Regulate the Hours during Which
Young Persons May Be Employed to Labour in Flax-Spinning Mills throughout Scot-
land: XXIII, 399
Rebellion Record: XV, 946
REBOUL,HENRIPAUL IR_N_E(1763--1839): XXVI, 97n. 122, 124
"Nivellement des prmcipaux sommets de la chaine des Pyr6n6es": XXVI, 97n
Record. Articles on the Sterling Club (8 Mar., 1849 et seq. ): XIV, 16, 23
-- "'Mr. J.S. Mill and His Supporters" (2 June, 1865): XVI, 1068, 1071
-- Leading articles charging JSM with irreligion ( 14, 19, 26 June, 1865 ): XVI, 1069,
REDESDALE,LORD.See Mitford, John Freeman
REEVE.HENRY(1813--95): XII, 335; XIV, 421 ; XV, 606,616,631,639,643q, 729, 753,
761,764, 776; XVI, 1096, 1115, 1145. LETTERSTO:XIH, 680-1; XV, 725-6,822-3;
XVI, 1142-3; XVII, 1574-7, 1582; XXXII, 73
-- "Popular Education in England": XV, 729
La Rdforme. Unheaded leader on Press Law ( 12 Aug., 1848): XXV, 1117
RI_GIS,REY. See Cazillac
REGNARD,JEAN FRANt_OIS(1655--1709): I, 571; XXVI, 28
RErtOBOAM(Bible): VI, 42n
REICHENSPERGER, PETERFRANZ( 1810--92). Die Agrarfrage aus dem Gestchtspunkte der
Nationaliikonomie, der Politik und des Rechts (Tner: Lintz, 1847): II, 260n, 266
REID, ANDREW 1869): XVII, 1658.
(fl. LETTERS TO: XVII, 1643-5, 1649-51

REID, JOHN (1809--49): XVII, 1999

REID,THOMAS(1710--96): I, 71 (70), 269,579; VII, 14, 61n-2n, 235n, 263,287n. 306,
326, 577; VIII, 768-9, 830, 967, 994, 1119; IX, 1,62, 109-11, 113, 119, 123, 128,
137-8, 143,151,153n, 155,157, 168-9, 175,183, 196-7,216, 239, 250, 257,493n;
X, 6, 86, 125, 129-30; XI, 3,247,251,341,343,443,477: XlII, 638; XX, 183; XXI,
463; XXVII, 657
Essays on the Active Powers of Man: VII, 353n, 357-8q; IX, 356n q, 440q, A44q,
468; X, 266n; XI, 356
Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man: VII, 338; VIII, 768-9; IX, 69n q, 75,
111-12q, 113,137n q, 162,172-4q, 190, 257,323q, 328q, 498n; XI, 13n, 343-4,356
Essays on the Powers of the Human Mind: XI, 13n, 343-4, 356
*An lnquiry into the Human Mind: lX, 72n q, 74n, 169-71q, 172,175,234n, 257,
356, 421; X'V, 936; XVI, 1096
REINHART, CHARLESFR_DI_I_C,COMTE(1761-1837): xxm, 521
REMBRANnT(Rembrandt Harmens van Rijn) (1606-69): I, 352n; X, 136n
REMOUET(Parisian printer; ft. 1849): IH, 779n
RI"_tUSAT,FRAN_:OISMARIECHARLES,COMTEDE (1797--1875). Politique lib_rale: XIX,
332 Index of Persons and Works

Speech on the Budget (20 Jan., 1832): XXIII, 401q
RENAN,ERNEST(1823-92): XV, 926
RENDLE,WILLIAM( 1811--93): XXIX, 540-2e
Fever in London: XXIX, 540-2
London Vestries, and Their Sanitary Work: XXIX, 540-1
RENDLESHAM, BARONS.See Thelusson, Peter Isaac; and Thelusson, Frederick
RENI, GU]DO. See Guido
RENNIE,GEORGE(1791--1866): XXIII, 529
RENNIE,JdHN (1794--1874): XX1H, 529
RENOUARD,AUGUSTlN CHARLES(1794--1878). Discours sur la Loi relative a la
composition des cours d'assises (8 Jan., 1831 ): XXII, 238
RENOUVIER,CHARLESBERNARDJOSEPH(1815-1903). "Critique g6n6rale: L'infim, la
substance et la libertC': XVII, 1652-3
R£OLE(attacker of the Bastille): XX, 145
"Report and Circular of the Law Department of the NAPSS on Measures to Check Bribery
and Corruption at Elections": XV, 951
Report of a Meeting of the London National Society for Women's Suffrage (NSWS,
1869): XVII, 1700-1
Reports and Prospectus of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge: XXII, 243
Le Rdpublicain: XX, 100
The Republican: XXII, 8
-- Latter to the Editor (signed "Gallus"; 29 Nov., 1822): XXII, 8
La R$publique: XIV, 143,156; XXXII, 82
Retrospective Review: I, 94n
REVANS,JOHN(Secretary to the Poor Law Commission; ft. 1854). LETTERS
TO:XIV, 242,
--Evils of the State oflreland: II, 317-18q; XII, 317; XVII, 1992
A Per Centage Tax on Domestic Expenditure, w Supply the Whole of the Public
Revenue: HI, 832-3; XIII, 733
REVANS, SAMUEL(1808-88): XlII, 643,688; XVI, 1196. LETTERSTO: XIV, 242, 245
"The Safety Principle of Joint-Stock Banks": XVII, 1971
REVELL,MAJOR(founder of the National Political Union; ft. 1832): Xll, 115
RI_VILLE,ALBERT(1826--1906). "De la libert6 et du progr_s _ propos des anciens et des
modemes": IX, 458n q
The Revolution: XVII, 1700
La Revue Britannique: XH, 344
La Revue de Paris: XlI, 262
La Revue des Deux Mondes: XlI, 150; XV, 652, 655, 657,659, 750, 760, 763, 935;
XVII, 1573; XlX, 584
La Revue des Economistes: XlIl, 687
Rdmusat - Rich 333

La Revue Encyclop_dique: XII, 133-4, 140, 194; XXIII, 677; XXVI, 48

La Revue Franfaise. "De la politique de la France" (1829): XXII, 224q
La Revue Nationale: XV, 760, 799; IX, 584
REy, Louis (1837-1936). LEa'TEnTO:XV, 770
I_Y_AUD, MARIEROCHLOUIS(1799-1879). Economistes modernes (Paris: L6vy fr6res,
1862): XVII, 1665
REYNAUD,JEAN (1806--63): XII, 133, 140, 194; XXIII, 677
"De la soci6t_ saint-simonienne," Revue Encyclop_dique, LILI (Jan. 1832), 9-36:
XII, 194
REYNOLDS,JOSHUA(1723--92): XXI, 317; XXVII, 565
*Discourse VII (1776): XXI, 319n q
REYNOLDS,SUSANNAHFRANCES(Mrs. George William; ft. 1840s). Gretna Green: XXV,
RHAM, WILLIAMLEWIS (early 19th-c.). Outlines of Flemish Husbandry: II, 145n q.
267-70q, 279
RIANCOURT.See Martin, Joseph Calixte
RICARDO,DAVID(1772--1823): I, 31 (30), 55 (54), 75 (74), 89 (88), 93 (92). 103 (102),
128, 538, 614; II, 80, 341, 392, 413, 426--8; HI, 457,472,479,589, 648,727,823,
1052. 1055n, 1056, 1094; IV, 10-I1, 30, 37, 69, 115-16, 151n-2n, 172, 394, 398,
401;V, 447-8,642,759;VI, 91,130; IX, 110n;XII, 170-1,178;XIII, 458,659,731,
736; XIV, 88, 93, 198; XV, 859, 968; XVII, 1910; XX, 193; XXII, 323; XXVI, 409n;
XXVII, 657; XXXI, 100; XXXII, 10
Essay on the Influence of a Low Price of Corn on the Profits of Stock: II, 419; IV,
174, 179
The High Price of Bullion: I, 31 (30), 569; IV, 188; VI, 176; XXIV, 853
Observations... on the Depreciation of Paper Currency: IV, 188; VI, 176
On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation: I, 31 (30), 123 (122), 568,
585; HI, 477-8q, 636q, 1052, 1055; IV, 31-2q, 35,152n, 174, 232-6, 241,293-5,
297,299, 393; V, 758; XII, 8; XIII, 642, 659-60; XXII, 3, 53; XXXI, 100; XXXI,
Proposals for an Economical and Secure Currency: IV, 188: VI, 176
Reply to Mr. Bosanquet's Practical Observations on the Report of the Bullion
Committee: I, 31 (30), 569; IV, 188; VI, 176; XXIV, 853

-- On aMotion for aCornmittee on the Agricultural Disla'ess (18 Feb., 1822): VI, 131
- On East and West India Sugars (22 May, 1823): XXII, 25-6
On Free Discussion (1 July, 1823): XXII, 33
RICARDO,JOaN LEWIS(1812-62): V, 472e, 474e, 496-8e
RICClOLI,GIOVANNIBATTISTA(1598--1671 ). Almagestum novum: XXll, 11
RICH, EDW_,D (Earl of Warwick, Earl Holland) ( 1673-1701 ): XXXI, 56
334 Index of Persons and Works

RICHARDI (of England; "Coeur de Lion") ( 1157-99): XX, 34-6, 47, 185,226
RICHARDII (of England) (1367-1400): XIX, 437; XXII, 280
RICHARD(Earl of Cornwall) ( 1209-72): XX, 49
RICHARDS,MR. (registrar at JSM and HTM's marriage in Weymouth, 1851): XIV, 96
RICHARDSON,JOHN (1796--1852). Movements of the British Legion: XXKI, 359-88 rev,
RICHARDSON,SAMUEL( 1689--1761 ): XXVI, 415
Clarissa, 7 vols. (Richardson, 1748): XVI, 1474
*The History of Sir Charles Grandison: XVI, 1474; XX, 22
483-4; H, 296n; HI, 1004; Vl, 404; XVIII, 167; XIX, 416
-- Maxiraes d' _tat: XIX, 441q
RICHERAND,BALTHASARANTHELME( 1779-- 1840). Elements of Physiology: XXXI, 106
RICHMOND,DUKESOF. See Lennox, Charles Gordon; and Smart, James
RICHTER, JEAN PAUL FRIEDmCH(1763--1825): XII, 118; XIII, 582; XV, 523
RICHTER,JOHN (d. 1830): XXV, 1262
RICKARDS,GEORGEKETTILBY(1812-89). "Trades' Unions": XVlI, 1576
RICKETTS,MORDAUNT(of the EIC; ft. 1833): XXXII, 17
RIDDELL, THOMAS ALEXANDER (of the EIC; f]. 1857): XXXlI, 104
RIDDLE, WILLIAM (fl. 1870). LETTER TO: XVll, 1771

RIDLEY, NICHOLAS (1500--55): XXIII, 463

RIGBY, EDWARD( 1747-- 1821 ): H, 298n, 303n

RIGG, MARY (witness; ft. 1851): XXV, 1185
RIGG, THOMAS(witness; fl. 1851): XXV, 1185
RIGNY, HENRIGAUTHIER,COMTEDE (1782--1835): XXll, 288; XXIII, 700
Speech on the Supplementary Credit for the Navy (26 Mar., 1834): XKIII, 699
RINALDI, ODORICO( 1595-- 1671 ). Annales ecclesiastici: XX, 234
RING, W. I. (captain in the EIC army; ft. 1856): XXXII, 92
RINTOUL, ROBERTSTEPHEN(1787--1858): XlI, 254, 365; XlII, 391,699; XVI1, 1976,
RWON, LoRD. See Robinson, Frederick John
RITTER, AUGUSTHEINRICH(1791--1869). Geschichte der Philosophie alter Zeit: VII,
-- Vorlesungen zur Einleitung in die Logik (Berlin: Trautwein, 1823): XIV, 45 l
RITTER,KARL( 1779-- 1859). Die Erdkunde im Verhi_lmis zur Natur und zur Gesclu'chte des
Menschen: XXKII, 32
(in French) Gdographie gdndrale comparde, trans. E. Buret and Edouard Desor.
RIVET, JEAN CHARLES[Revel] (1800-72): XVII, 1565-6
Richard I - Robespierre 335

RlVtER,VINCENT (1771--1838): XXIII, 441

ROBERTII (of France; "le Pieux") (ca. 970-1031 ): XX, 32, 238
ROBERTS,MR. (tradesman dealing with JSM and HTM; ft. 1854): XIV, 131, 136,140, 148
ROBERTSON,ALEX^NDEa (d. 1856). Speech on East and West India Sugars (22 May,
1823): XXIl, 27q
ROBERTSON,ANNE ISABELLA(Irish suffragist; ft. 1870): XVII, 1785-6
-- Society in a Garrison Town (Newby, 1869): XVlI, 1546-7
-- The Story of NeUy Dillon (Newby, 1866): XVII, 1546-7
-- Women's Need of Representation (Dublin: Irish National Society for Women's
Suffrage, 1873): XVlI, 1546-7
ROBERTSON,GEORGECROOM(1842--92): XVl, 1181, 1211. 1222. LETTERSTO: XVII.
1634-5, 1818-19, 1823-5, 1834--7, 1842-3, 1845-6, 1848-57, 1859-61, 1866-7,
1880, 1886, 1899-1900, 1913-19, 1921-24, 1927, 1938
ROBERTSON, JOHN (ca. 1811-75): I, 215 (214); XII, 332-3,337,364; XIII. 381,383-4,
388, 392, 398, 412, 417, 420. 430. 432; XVII, 1971, 1974, 1976-8. 1986, 1993,
XXXII. 46-7
LETTERSTO: Kit, 338-9,342-6,349-57,362-3; XIII, 367,371-2,385-6,388-9,
391-4. 396-7,399-400, 402-3,422-3,485; XXXII, 35-6
-- "The Arctic Discoveries": XHI, 386
"Caricatures": KII, 362; XIII, 430; XXXII, 35-6
"Congregational Dissenters": XII, 350, 364; xm, 430; xvII, 1977
-- "Criticism on Women": xm, 396
--"History of Hanover": XH, 346; XVII, 1975, 1978-9
"Irish Humour and Pathos": I, 606
"Lives of Bacon": XII. 284
"Miss Martinean's Western Travel": I, 605; XIII, 367q
"Oliver Cromwell": XIII, 408,430
"Shakespeare": XII, 333
"Transactions of the Statistical Society of London": XII, 344, 363; XllI, 430
"Works of Theodore Hook": XII. 350-1
ROBERTSON, WILLIAM (1721--93): XXII, 292; XXVI, 383-4
- *The History of America: I, 11 (10), 554; XVI, 1474; XX, 134
-- *The History of Scotland: I, 11 (10), 554; XX, 134
*The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V: I, 11 (10),554; XVl, 1474;
XX, 134; XXII, 292q; XXVI, 368, 383-4
123; XII, 139, 150, 196; XX, 5.12, 126-7,347; xxm, 418,478-9,501,662,672-3;
xxvI, 285; XXVlI1, 109-10
336 Index of Persons and Works

D_claratton des droits de l'homme et du eitoyen propos_e par Maximilien
Robespierre 24 avril, 1793: XX, 126q, 127,205; XXIII, 672q
Discours sur le I_cret sur les f6tes d6cadaires (7 May, 1794): XXIH, 478-9
ROnINET, JEANFPa_N_OISEUGi_NE(1825-99). *Notice sur l'oeuvre et sur la vie d'Auguste
Comte: X, 328n, 329, 346; XV, 884, 886
ROBINSON,DANIEL(manager of the Irish Waste Land Society; ft. 1840s). "Report... to
the Directors of the Irish Waste Land Improvement Society" (PP): lI, 331n-2n q; HI,
ROnINSON,D_vm (d. 1849). "Letter... on the Spirit of the Age": XXII, 229
ROmNSON,F_DEPaCK JOHN (Viscount Goderich, later Earl of Ripon) (1782-1859): VI,
344; XXlIl, 620, 650-1,735; XXVI, 409n

-- On the Bank Charter Amendment Bill ( 14 Apr., 1826): XXIII, 607

...... On the New Administrauon (2 May, 1827): XXVI. 401
On the Corn Bill (25 May, 1827): XXVI, 401
On the Corn Laws (14 May, 1833): XXIII, 620
ROBINSON,GEORGERICHARD(d. 1850). Speech on Taxation (24 Mar., 1836): VI, 326
ROBINSON,HENRYCRABS (1775--1867). "Goethe's Works," Monthly Repository, n.s.
VI-VII (June 1832-May 1833): XII, 127
ROBISON,JOHN(ft. 1800S). Elements of Mechanical Philosophy (Edinburgh: Constable,
1804): I, 564; XII, 8
RoBY, JOHN ( 1793-1850): IV, 95
Rochdale Equitable Pioneers' Co-operative Socie_'s Almanack for 1861: HI, 789q
Rochdale Observer. "Co-operative Manufacturing Companies": III, 790q
ROCHE,ACHILLE(1801--34): XII, 149; XXIH, 428
ROCHE,EUGENIUS(1786--1829): XXIH, 529
ROCHE-GuYoN,GuY DE LA(d. 1109): XX, 31
ROCHETTE,PAUL(ft. 1830S). "Proc6s des quinze": XXIH, 397
ROCHFORT,JOHNSTAUNTON(witness; ft. 1825). Evidence on the State of Ireland (PP):
VI, 88n, 89n, 96
ROCK,EDWARD(of the EIC; ft. 1856): XXXII, 86
RODEN,Lot, x). See Jocelyn, Robert
RODRIGUES,BENJAMINOLINDE(1794--1850): XH, 119; XXIII, 403,509,676
RODRiGUEZBUR6N, MME (wife of Tonu_): XXVI, 12, 13, 18
ROUgtGUEZBUR6N, TONL_S(Spanish author resident in France; ft. 1820): XXVI, 8-13
ROE13UCK,JOHN ARTHUR (1801--79): I, 83 (82), 99 (98), 125 (124), 127 (126), 129
(128), 131 (130), 133 (132), 153--9 (152--8), 178n, 203 (202), 206; VI, 191,200-3,
Robespierre - Roebuck 337

327,384-6,389,396,420-1; XlI, 20, 64, 87, 116,128,134. 165-6, 171. 198-9,201,

203, 211-13,233,238,242,246,256,273-4,317,324,326,334,338,365; XIlI, 370,
372, 377,640, 709; XIV, 34, 376; XV, 860; XVI, 1459, 1471; XVII, 1957, 1959,
1975-6, 1978; XIX, 563n; XXIV, 770; XXVI, 341-8 passim, 418-27 passim, 434n,
436; XXVIII, 16; XXXII, 14, 16
LETTER TO: xxxgI, 26
-- "Affairs of Canada," London and Westminster Review, XXIII (Oct. 1835),
269-91: XIII, 377
-- "British Dominions in North America," Westminster Review, XV (Oct. 1831 ),
367-74: XIII, 377
--"Canada": VI, 420; XIII, 377
-- "The Canadas and Their Grievances": VI, 420; XIII. 377
--"Children's Books": XlI, 210q
-- "Jean Jacques Rousseau": XII, 128
-- A Letter to the Electors of Bath, on the Municipal Corporation Reform Bill: VI,
-- "Lord Durham's Administration in Canada": VI, 452n, 453n q, 455-6,458n
-- "Municipal Corporation Reform": XXIV, 769-74 rev, 770-4q
-- "National Education": XII. 145
--"Organic Reform": XIV. 66
-- "Politics of Lower Canada," Westminster Review, XIII (July 1830), 45-69: XIII,
"The Reforme_t Parliament": XII, 145
--"Timber Trade": IV, 148
--, et aL The Canadian Por_olio: VI, 405-35 rev, 417q, 425,426q
_, et aL Pamphlets for the People (Ely, 1835): XII, 270, 274. 296

On National Education (30 July, 1833): I, 203 (158); VI, 200; XII, 233: XXIII,
On Free Trade--Corn Laws (19 Mar., 1834): VI, 193
On the Canadas (15 Apr., 1834): VI, 202
On Newspaper Stamps (22 May, 1834): VI, 237
On National Education (3 June, 1834): VI, 200, 254; XII, 233; XXI, 63
- On the State of the Mauritius (15 Feb., 1836): VI, 326
On the Address in Answer to the King' s Speech (31 Jan., 1837), PD, Vol. 36, cols.
28-41: XlI, 324, 326
- Onthe Vixen(17Mar., 1837): XXXl, 345,346,348
_On Canada (14 Apr., 1837): VI, 433
- On the Affairs of Spain ( 19 Apr., 1837): XXXI, 373
Against the Puritanical Observance of Sunday (7 June, 1837): I, 158
-- On the Affairs of Canada (5 Feb., 1838): VI, 458
338 Index of Persons and Works

--On the Labouring Poor (Ireland) Bill (1 Feb., 1847): XXIV, 1059-60
_On the Conduct of Admiral Wilkes (23 Apr., 1863), PD, Vol. 170, cols. 576-9:
XV, 860
On the Habeas Corpus Suspension Bill, Ireland (17 Feb., 1866): XXVHI, 54
ROEBUCK,ZIPPORAH(n6e Tickell; John Roebuck's mother; fl. early 1800s): I, 154
ROEDERER,PIERRELOUIS, COMTE(1754--1835): XXlII, 520, 542
Louis XII et Franfois ler: XX, 33, 37n-8n, 43q, 48q, 51n
ROGEROF HOVEDEN(fl. 1174--1201 ). Annalium: XX, 35

ROGERS,MR. (magistrate; fl. 1823): XXH, 75-6, 79

*The History of Agriculture and Prtces in England: XXXlI, 137
ROGERS,SAMUEL(1763--1855): XlII, 456, 655
-- "The Boy of Egremond": XXVII, 508

(1764-1836): xxm, 374

(1766-1846): xxm, 374
ROLANDDE LA PLATIERE,JEAN MARIE( 1734--93): m, 945n q; XX, 12, 101-2, 108
ROLANDDE LAPLATIRRE,MARIEJEANNE(n6e Phlipon) ( 1754-93): XII, 172, 174, 184;
XX, 68n-9n
-- *Appel d l' impartiale postdrit& I, 346q
_Mdmoires de Madame Roland: XlI, t38-9, 164, 203; XIX, 644q; XX, 68n-9n,
ROLANDI,PETER(London bookseller; ft. 1855): X1V, 298; XV, 526
ROLLIN,CHARI.ES( 1661-- 1741 ): XX, 224
The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonmns,
Medes and Persians, Macedonians, and Grecians: I, 11 (10), 552,555
ROLT, JOHN (1804--71): XXl, 423
-- Speech on the Representation of the People Bill ( 17 May, 1867): XXVIII, 150
ROMA, CANDIANO,COUNT(Regent of Corfu; ft. 1855): XlV, 419
ROraANO,GIULIO(ca. 1499-1546): XIV, 310, 485-6
ROldlLLY,CHARLES(1808--87): XXXlI, 11,14
ROMILLY,EDWARD(1804--70): I, 203 (202); XXIII, 507
ROMILL¥, HENRY(1805--84). Public Responsibility and Vote by Ballot: XXV, 1212-17
rev, 1214--16q
RO_LLY, JOHN (Baron) (1802-74): I, 79, 105 (104), 121 (120), 131 (130), 203 (202);
XII, 72, 134, 165; XV, 674; XVI, 1007, 1315; XVII, 1867; XXIII, 507
ROYALLY,SA_JEL ( 1757--1818): I, 105 (104); VI, 342; XV, 595; XXlI, 323; xxm, 507;
xxv, 1263; xxvI, 275
Roebuck - Rossetti 339

"Bentham on Codification": XXI, 190q

Observations on the Criminal Law of England: XXII, 323
ROMILLY,WILLIAM(d. ca. 1154): XXVII, 508
ROMNEY,GEORGE(1734--1802): XXVII, 565
ROMULUS(son of Maxentius; 4th c. A.D. ): XIV, 308
ROr_CHAUD,LOUISDE( 1816--87). Phidias, sa vie et ses ouvrages (Paris: Gide, 1861 ): XV,
RONNIGER,JANE (author and editor; ft. 1870s): XVII, 1916
ROPER,WILLIAM(fl. 1620S). The Mirrour of Vertue in Worldly Greamess; or, The Life of
Syr Thomas More: I, 266n-7n
ROSA,SALVATOR(1615--73): I, 353n; XIV, 260, 312; XXVII, 565
ROSALIA,SANTA (1130--60): XIV, 340
ROSCELINUS(ca. 1050-1120). "Ad Petrum Abaelardum epistola": XX, 246
ROSCOE,WILLIAM( 1743--1831 ): XXII, 318
-- *The Life of Lorenzo de Medici: XXII, 318
--, ed. The Works of Alexander Pope: XXH, 318
"RoscOMMON, FRANCIS."Letters for the Press: XVIII, 41q
ROSE,GEORGEHENRY(1771--1855): XX_TI, 600-2
ROSE,GEORGEPITT (1797--1851 ): XXVII, 600

ROSE, JOSEPH(London baker; ft. 1823): XXII, 60

ROSE, PHILIP(1816--83): XXVIII, 264, 307
Evidence on the Probable Increase of the Number of Electors in the Counties and
Boroughs of England and Wales from a Reduction of the Franchise (PP): XXVIII, 264q,
Evidence on the Corrupt Practices Prevention Act (PP): XXVIII, 307q, 343
ROSECRANS,WILLIAM(1819--98): XV, 890
ROSEN. See Rozen

Ross, MR. (landlord of JSM and HTM's Blackheath house): XIV, 248; XV, 662,666,673,
Ross, ALEXANDER(b. 1777): XXXII, 40-1
Ross, CHARLES(1799-1860): XII, 345
"Political History of France since the Restoration": XXII, 168-72, 169-74q,
Ross, CHARLES(1799-1860). Speech on Trade with India (15 May, 1827): XXX, 5
Ross, CHARLES (1800-84). LETTER TO: XVI, 1173
ROSS, JANET(R(_¢Duff-Gordon) ( 1842-1927): XV, 671. LETTERTO: XV, 658
ROssE, LORD.See Parsons
ROSSETTI,GABRtELI(1783--1854): XXIII, 573
340 Index of Persons and Works

Rossl, JOHNCHARLESFELIX (1762--1839): XXVII, 565

ROSSINI,GmACCHINOANTONIO(1792--1868). Cenerentola: XIV. 306
--La gazza ladra: I, 351
-- Tancredi: I, 351
ROSSITER, WILLIAM (d. 1897): XVII, 1645. LETTERS TO: xxxgI, 184, 193-4,210, 226
-- *An Elementary. Handbook of Physics: XXXH, 226
ROTH, ALBRECHTWILHELM(1757-1834). Tentamenflorae germanicae: XXXI, 297
ROTHSCHILD,KARLMAYER(Baron) (1788-1855): XlV, 322,328-9, 332
NATHANMEYER(1777--1836): IV, 86, 184n
-- Evidence on the Bank of England Charter (PP): IV, 351
ROTHWELL, RICHARD(witness; ft. 1820s). Evidence on the Depressed State of the
Agriculture of the United Kingdom (PP): IV, 19-20
ROTTIERS,BERNARDEUGI_NEANTOINE(] 771--1858). ltin_raire de Tiflis d Constantino-
ple: XXXI, 351q, 353,354q
ROUHER,EUGI_NE(1814--84): XVI, 1225
ROUNDELL, CHARLESSAVILLE(1827--1906): XVI, 1395; XXVIII, 132-3
ROUS,M., SR. (of Montauban; ft. 1820): XXVI, 20, 54, 57
Rous, M., JR. (son of the above): XXVI, 54, 57
Rous, JOHN(ironmonger; ft. 1821 ). Evidence on the Depressed State of the Agriculture of
the United Kingdom (PP): IV, 19-20
ROUSSEAU, JEAN JACQUES ( 1712-78): I, 487; IV, 211; V, 651-2; VIII, 827,866; X, 110,
123,299, 304, 376, 395; XI, 387; XII, 128; xvm, 7, 10, 155,253; XX, 66-7,371n:
XXI, 187; XXII, 320; XXIII, 675; XXVI, 257; XXVII, 657
*Discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l' indgalitd parmi les hommes: XXV,
1117; XXVI, 257
*Du contrat social: XX, 141; XXII, 120
*Julie, ou La nouveUe Hdloi'se: XXII, 320
ROUTH, MARTINJOSEPH(1755-1854), ed. Platonis Euthydemus et Gorgias: XI, 39
ROUTH,MATTHEW(soldier; ft. 1846): XXIV, 884q
Rouv_, PIEgRE AUGUSTIN(b. ca. 1803). LETTERTO: xxxgl, 228
RoY, ANTOINE,COMTE(1764--1847): XXII, 157-8, 199
Speech on Salverte's Proposition (3 Feb., 1832): XXIII, 409
RoY, RAMMOHUN(1774--1833): XXXII, 66
ROYCI_UND,P_MCHUND (broker; ft. 1860s): XVII, 1737
Rossi - Russell 341


ROYER-COLL^RD,PIER_ PAUL (1763--1845): X, 263; Xl, 443; XX, 192; xxm, 522
Speech in the National Assembly: XIX, 608q
ROYLE,JOHN FORBES(1799--1858): XIII, 685; XIV, 248,250; XXX, 149; XXXII, 64.
LETTERSTO: XIV, 41-2, 59
The Fibrous Plants of lndia: XXX, 149-50
On the Culture and Commerce of Cotton in India, and Elsewhere: XIV, 41-2;
XXX, 149
-- Review of the Measures Which Have Been Adopted in India for the Improved
Culture in Cotton: XV, 549; XXX, 149
RUBENS,PETERPAUL(1577--1640): I, 353; X, 136; XIV, 270, 311; XXVII, 648
RUBICHON,MAURICE.De l'agriculture en France. See Mounter
RUDDIMAN,THOMAS( 1674-- 1757). The Rudiments of the Latin Tongue: XXI, 221
RUGE, ARNOLD(1802-80): XXXII, 91. LETTERSTO:XV, 598; XVI, 1233-4
RUNDALL,WHARTON(writer in the EIC; ft. 1856): XXXII, 86, 92, 102, 109, 1 I1
ROPPELL,EDUAItD(1794--1884). Reise in Abyssienien (Frankfina-am-Main: Schmerker,
1838-40): XIII, 479, 482
RUSDEN, HENRYKEYLOCK(1826--1910): XXXII, 233. LETTERTO: XVIl, 1750-1
RUSHWORTH, JOHN (fl. late 17th c.). Historical Collections: VI, 6-7.20n, 25n, 48
RUSKIN, JOHN(1819--1900): XIV, 312; XV, 667; XXI, 317,428; XXVII, 645
--Modern Painters: XI, 363-4; XIV, 312; XXXI, 224-6, 320
The Seven Lamps of Architecture (Smith, Elder, 1849): XIV, 251
(aspiring teacher; fl. 1858): XV, 556-7
RUSSELL.MRS. (wife of William Thomas Russell; ft. 1820): XXVI, 22, 36, 43, 57
RUSSELL.ARTHURJOHNEDWARD(Lord Arthur) (1825-92): XVII, 1906
RUSSELLFRANCIS(son of William Thomas Russell): XXVI, 22-59 passim, 112
RUSSELLJOHN(Lord John, later 1st Earl) ( 1792-1878): I, 278-9; V, 432; VI. 232,390,
408-11,413,421-3,428,435; X, 153; XII, 168,261,299, 325, 365; XIII, 375-7,
382, 707,709; XIV, 13, 59-60, 152, 159, 169, 188,331-2, 344, 488; XV, 550, 694,
802-3,885-6,904; XVI, 1139, 1306; XVII, 1594-5, 1820, 1979, 2013; XIX, 316-18,
347, 352,452; XXII, 276; XXIV, 776, 911,920, 923, 937-8, 1059, 1071-2, 1075;
XXV, 1099-1100, 1135-8, 1142; XXVI, 398-9,404; XXVII, 574; XXVIII, 57,201;
XXX, 28; XXXII, 8, 88
"Address to the Electors of the Southern Division of the County of Devon": VI, 298
An Essay on the History of the English Government and Constitution from the Reign
of Henry VII to the Present Time (Longman, 1865): XVI, 1021
- Letter to Joseph Hume: XXV, 1142
342 Index of Persons and Works

-- Memoirs of the Affairs of Europe from the Peace of Utrecht: XXXII, 8
-- On the New Administration ( 11 May, 1827): XXVI, 403
-- On the Test and Corporation Acts (7 June, 1827): XXVI, 403
-- On the Ministerial Plan of Parliamentary Reform ( 1 Mar., 1831 ): XXIV, 790
-- At Torquay (18 Sept., 1832): VI, 410
-- On Duration of Parliaments (23 July, 1833): XXIII, 600
-- On Dissenters' Marriages ( 10 Mar., 1834): VI, 196
-- At Totaes (2 Dec., 1834): VI, 292
--On the Church of Ireland (7 Apr., 1835): VI, 301
-- On the Ballot (2 June, 1835): VI, 299
--On the Affairs of Canada (6 Mar., 1837): VI, 417,421
-- On Criminal Law (23 Mar., 1837), PD, Vol. 37, cols. 709-33: XVII, 1979
-- On Canada (14 Apr., 1837): VI, 433
-- Corrected Report of the Speech of Lord John Russell, at the Dinner Given on His
Election for Stroud, on Friday. July 28, 1837: VI, 381-404 rev, 410
_On the Address in Answer to the Queen's Speech (20 Nov., 1837): VI, 408-11;
XII, 240q, 360, 365; XIH, 376-7; XXIV, 798-9; XXV, 1102; XXVIII, 57
On the Affairs of Canada ( 16 Jan., 1838): VI, 418,421q, 422,428,435,458; XIlI,
-- On the Corn Laws (7 May, 1841); XXlV, 805
--On the State of Ireland(25 Jan., 1847): XIII, 709; XXIV, 1027, 1030, 1033, 1058,
1061-2, 1072
-- On the Poor Relief (Ireland) Bill ( 12 Mar., 1847): XXIV, 1071q, 1075q
-- On the Poor Law Administration Bill ( 17 June, 1847), PD, Vol. 93, cols. 675-8:
XHI, 721
-- On National Representation (20 June, 1848): XXIV, 1101-2
--On the Parliamentary Oaths Bill (19 Feb., 1849): XXV, 1135-8
--on Public Business (10 Feb., 1853): XXI, 106
-- On Education m Scotland ( 23 Feb., 1854 ), PD, Vol. 130, cols. 1185-9: XIV, 169
-- On Prosecution of the War (5 June, 1855), PD, Vol. 138, cols. 1469-81: XIV, 488
On Conspiracy to Murder (9 Feb., 1858), PD, Vol. 148, cols. 1035-49: XV, 550
--on the Government of India (No. 3) Bill (26 Apr., 1858): XXX, 181
--At Newcastle (14 Oct., 1861): XV, 802-3; XXI, 159
RUSSELL,JOHN (Viscount Ambedey) (1842-76): XVI, 991, 1000, 11304, 1008, 1050,
1305-6, 1326, 1338, 1395; XVII, 1698; XXXII, 178,225. LETTERS
TO:XVI, 1007-8,
1015-16, 1024, 1494-5; XVII, 1585-7, 1692-5; XXXII, 151
"Clerical Subscription in the Church of England": XVI, 1000
"Education at Public Schools": XVI, 1000
-- "Political Economy": XVI, 1008
Russell - Saint-Cricq 343


On Parliamentary Reform (31 Jan., 1865): XVI, 991

To the Electors of Leeds ( 16 Mar., 1865): XVI, 1016
On the Sunday Lectures Bill (19 June, 1867): XXVIII, 190-1
On the Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at Elections Bill (17 July, 1868):
xxvm, 311
RUSSELL, KATHERINELOUISA(Lady Amberley; n6e Stanley) (1842-74): XVl, 1495;
VII, 1587, 1695, 1698. LETTERSTO: XVI, 1174-5, 1179; XXXH, 177-8
-- "The Claims of Women": XVlI, 1774
RUSSELL,LAURA(Lady Arthur, n6e de Peyronnet; "P.E. de la Fnche") (d. 1910), trans.
L'utilitarisme, by J.S. Mill: XVlI, 1787, 1906
RUSSELL, RACHEL (Lady) (1636-1723). Letters of Rachel. Lady Russell (Longman,
etal., 1853): XIV, 152
RUSSELL,RICHARD(resident of Islington; ft. 1867): XVl, 1305. LETTERSTO: XVI,
1251-2, 1257-8, 1261-2
RUSSELL,RICHARD(b. ca. 1809): XXVl, 22-59passim, 112
RUSSELL,WILLIAM(Lord William) (1639-83): XXXI, 58
RUSSELL,WILLIAM(1798--1850): XXVII, 484
RUSSELL,WILUAM (son of William Thomas Russell; ft. 1820): XXVI, 22-59 passim,
112, 114
RUSSELL, WILLIAMHOWARD (1820--1907). "The Civil War in America": XXI, 135,
RUSSELL,WILLIAMTHOMAS(b. 1776): XXVI, 19-60passim, 112, 114
RUTHERFORTH, THOMAS ( 1712-71 ): X, 21

RUTTY,JOHN(1698--1775), and THOMASWIGHT(n. 1750s). A History... of the People

Called Quakers in Ireland: I, 11 (10), 555
RYAN, EDWARD( 1793-- 1875): XXX, 14
RYDER,DUDLEY(Lord Harrowby) (1762-1847). Speech on Roman Catholic Relief ( 17
May, 1825): Vl, 92

8_ DE BANDEIRA, BERNARDO(Prime Minister of Portugal after 1847 rebellion): XXI, 122

SACKVILLE,GEORGEJOHNFREDERICK(Duke of Dorset) ( 1794-1815): XXVlI, 474
SACKVaLLE,THOMAS(Earl of Dorset) (1536-1608): XXVlI, 474
SACY,Louis DE. See lancelot, Claude
SADLER,MICHAELTHOMAS(1780-1835). Ireland: XXII, 217
SAIDIBN SULTAN(of Oman; the Imam of Muscat) (ruled 1804-56): XXXlI, 100
SAINTS.See under their forenames
ST. AtmYN, JOHN (1758--1839): XXVlI, 623,633
ST. AUBYN, JULIANA(n_e Vinicombe) (ca. 1769-1856): XXVII, 633
xxm, 370, 435
344 Index of Persons and Works

Speech on the Customs Bill (25 June, 1822): XXII, 157
Speech on the Corn Bill (23 Mar., 1832): XXIII, 435
ST. CROIX,M. (Captain; ft. 1840): XI][I, 418
ST. ETIENNE,RABAUT(fl. 1789): XIX, 613q
ST. GERMANS.See Eliot, Edward Granville
ST.-I-ItLAn_, AGLAg (counsel for Enfantin; ft. 1830s): XII, 120
SAINTHILAL_, ETIENNEGEOV_OY (1772-1844): VII, 523n; XVII, 1937
SAINT-JOHN,HENRY(Viscount Bolingbroke) (1678-1751 ): X, 21; XXVI, 396,415
ST. JOHN,OLIVER(ca. 1598-1673): VI, 47
DE (1767--94): I, 495: V, 737
ST. LAWl_NCn, WILLIAMUUCK TmSTRAM(Earl of Howth) (1827-1909): XXIV, 884q,
DE ( 1750-- 1807): XX, 12
St. Petersburgh Gazette: XXXI, 358
(172), 615; XII, 33, 37, 40, 89, 92, 108, 133, 15 I:XV, 931; XX, 126, 185,203,370n;
XX[II, 403, 417-18, 442-8, 509, 671, 674-80, 689-91, 696, 719, 722; XXV,
1251-5, 1257
Doctrine Saint-Simonienne (Nouveau Christianisme ): XII, 106q, 151q; XXIII,
653; XXIV, 863q
-- Nouveau christianisme, dialogues entre un conservateur et un novateur: I, 372;
XII, 73
, et al. Opinions littdraires, philosophiques et industrielles (Paris: Bossange p_re,
1829-30): XII, 35
SAINTSIMON, LOUISDE ROUVROY,DUCDE (1675--1755). *M_moires (Paris: Sautelet,
1829-30): XlI, 218
SAINT-VIctOR. See Bins de Saint-Victor

SAINTE-BEuvE, CHARLESAUGUS'nN (1804--69). "M. de Vigny": I, 472

SALISBURY,EARL OF. See Cecil, William
SALISBURY, MARQUIS OF. See Cecil, Robert Arthur

SALLUST(Gaius Sallustius Crispus) (86-35 B.C.): XlI. 10q

*"Jugurtha": Ill, 10
-- *Opera omn/a: I, 15 (14), 557, 586
*"The War with Catiline": XII, 10, 30q; XXVI, 48, 50-1, 53-4, 344, 347q
SALOblONS,DAVID (1797--1873): XVI, 1154; XXVIII, 367
SALTER, JONATHAN (of St. Pancras vestry; ft. 1866): XXIX, 494-7e
SALVADOR,JOSEPH(ft. 1830S). L'histoire des institutions de Mo[se et du peuple h_breu:
XIII, 468, 487,496-7; XIX, 397
Saint-Cricq - Saturday Review 345

J$sus-Christ et sa doctrine (Paris: Guyot and Scribe, 1838): XIH, 468, 487,
496-7; XV, 870; XVII, 1998
Motion to Transfer the Remains of Great Men to the Pantheon: XXIII, 419
Proposition relative _ la r_vision de l'article 23 de la charte constimtionnelle (9
Aug., 1831): XXIII, 339
Proposition pour la reprise _ une autre session des travaux 16gislatifs non terminus
darts la session pr_c&lente (7 Dec., 1831): XXIII, 376, 386, 391,409,479, 571,583
E BLAKE(d. 1876): XV, 956
SANCHEZ,FRANCISCO(1523--1601). *Minerva, Hive De causis latinae linguae commen-
tarius: IX, 476
SANCHIOLI,GIULIA (ft. 1855): XIV, 490
"SAND, GEORGE." See Dupin, Amandine Aurore
SAND, KARL LUDWIG(1795--1820): XXVI. 24
SANDERSON,ROBERT(1587--1663): VI, 53n
-- *Logicae artis compendium: I, 572; IX, 414q; XXVI, 35, 37
-- "The Sixth Sermon ad Populum .... April 15, 1627": XXII, 22-3q
SANDFORD,GEORGEMONTAGUWARI_N (1821--79). Speech on the Alabama Claims (6
Mar., 1868): XXVIII, 243-4, 246
SANUTO,MARINO( 1466-- 1533): XX, 25 lq
SAPOR.See Shapur I.
SAPPHO(7th-6th c. B.C.): XI, 67,351n; XIV, 421; XXI, 314
(in Plato): XI, 143
SARRUT,GERMAINMARIE(1800--83): xxm, 402
SARUP SINGH (Maharana of Odeypore) (d, 1861): XXX, 123
The Satirist: Sill, 396
SATTLER,WILHELMFERDINAND(German philologist; ft. 1868): XVI, 1357, 1391
Saturday Review: XV, 661,664,667,671,673-4,680,687,799,802,829,892,958,975,
977; XVI, 1053, 1058, 1139, 1395
Review of Louis Blanc's Historical Revelations (8 May, 1858): XV, 563
Review of JSM' s On Liberty ( 12 Feb., 1859): XV, 597
Review of JSM' s Dissertations and Discussions (9 and 16 July, 1859 ): XV, 631
"American Prospects" (3 Jan., 1863): XV, 828
"The Church and Mr. L/ncoln" (3 Jan., 1863): XV, 828
"America" (10 and 17 Jan., 1863): XV, 828
346 Index of Persons and Works

[Saturday. Review]
--"Carnival of Cant" (24 Jan., 1863): XV, 828
Article on the Partnership Law Amendment Bill (4 Apr., 1863): XV, 857
"America" (5 Sept., 1863): XV, 910
"Fawcett's Manual of Political Economy" (26 Sept., 1863): XV, 891
Review of Gomperz's edition of Philodemi Epicurei de ira liber (20 Aug., 1864 ):
XV, 953-4
"England and the United States" (18 Mar., 1865): XVI, 1019
"Mr. Mill on the Philosophy of Comte" (15 Apr., 1865): XVI, 1036
"Ireland" (7 Mar., 1868): XVI, 1373
"The Bribery Bill" (25 July, 1868): XVI. 1425
"Women's Rights" (21 May, 1870): XVII, 1730
SAUL. See Paul (St.)

SAUNDERSON. See Sanderson

SAUVAGE,M. (JSM's French teacher; ft. 1820): XXVI, 40-60 passim, 114
SAVAGE,JOHN (d. 1875): XXIX, 535-8e
SAVAGE,MARMION(1803--72): XII, 299
Review of The Fudges in England: Xll, 297
SAVlLE,THOMAS(Earl of Sussex) (1590?-1658?): VI, 46
SAVONAROLA,GmOLAMO(1452--98): KIV, 38,482; XV, 726; xvm, 238
SAWYER,ROBERT(1633--92): XXXI, 58
SAY, ALFRED(SOn of J.B. Say) (b. ca. 1807): XII, 14-15; XXVl, 7, 9
SAY, ANDRIENNE.See Comte, Andrienne
SAY, HORACEEMILE (1794--1860): XII, 22, 54; XIII, 687; XXVI, 7, 9, 12
SAY, JEANBAPT1STELI_ON(1767--1832): I, 61--3 (60--2), 310-11; II, 45-6, 59, 80; III,
466, 576, 1055n; XII, 12, 22, 25, 54,164,236; XIII, 664; XIV, 93; XVII, 1664; XXII,
323; XX][II, 522, 524-5; KXVI, 7-14passim, 22, 26; XXXlI, 21
Cours complet d'_conomie politique pratique: II, 123q; XXXII, 9, 10q
*Traitd d'dconomiepolitique: I, 575,586; IV, 321; V, 758; XXVl, 47, 137-8
SAY, (Ill_ Gourdel-Deloche; wife of the above) (d. 1830): XII, 22; XXVI, 7, 9, 12;
SAY, L_ON (1826-96): V, 718
SAY, OCTAVIE(1804--65): XII, 22; XXVI. 7, 9, 12
SAYAJIRAO (Gaikwar of Baroda; ruled 1819-47): XXXII, 38
Saturday Review - Schopenhauer 347

SCARLET'r,JAMES(Baron Abinger) (1769-1844): VI, 351; X, 61

SCAtLET'r, PETERCAMPBELL(1804--81): XV, 812
SCHEFFER,ARNOLD(ca. 1797-1853): XXIII, 668-9
SCHEIBLER,CHttSTOPH( 1589-- 1653). Opera philosophica: IX, 40(0
SCHELLING,FttEDttCH WILHELMJOSEPHVON(1775--1854): VII, 60n; IX, 19, 33n, 42,
52n, 56n, 68, 152, 486, 495; X, 171; XI, 341; XII, 168; XIIl, 509,652; XV, 817
SCHC.RER, EDMONDHENtt (1815-89): XV, 763
ScI-nEL,J. VON(ft. 1840S--60S), trans. Die induktiveLogik, by J.S. Mill ( 1849): XIV, 238
--, trans. System der deductiven und inductiven Logik, by J.S. Mill ( 1862): XXXII,
SCHILLER,JOHANNCHRISTOPH FttEDttCH VON( 1759-1805): I, 163 (162); XH, 127,303;
XIII, 582; XX, 184; XXV, 1108-9
*Geschichte des dreissigjiihrigen Kriegs: XVI, 1474; XX, 137
*WaUenstein: XX, 134, 136-7
(in English) The Piccolomini; and The Death of Wallenstein, trans. Samuel Taylor
Coleridge: XII, 127; XX, 136; XXV, 1108q
"Introduction to Plato's Apology of Socrates," trans. Connop Thirlwall: Xl, 151,
241; XH, 181
--"On the Worth of Socrates as a Philosopher," trans. Connop Thirlwall. XI, 41,241;
XII, 181
SCHLESINGER, MAX (1822--81 ): XV, 863
SCHLOSSER, FttEDRICH CHRISTOPH(1776-1861 ). Geschichte des achtzehnten Jahrhun-
derts und des neunzehnten: XX, 220
-- Universalhistorische Uebersicht der Geschichte der allen Welt: XX, 220; XXIH,
SCHMALZ,THEODORANTON HEINttCH (1760--1831 ). Economie politique, trans. Henri
Jouffroy Fritob: II, 248n
SCHMID,HEINttCH ( 1799-- 1836). Versuch einer Metaphysik der inneren Natur: IX, 25 ln,
273n-4n q
iae criticae secundum Kantium expositio systematica: XII, 303
SCHMIDTS,M. (student; ft. 1850s): IX, 246
SCmVaTZ,LEONHARD(1807--90): XVI, 1184
_, trans. Lectures on Ancient History, by Barthold Georg Niebuhr: Xl, 331
SCSOELL,MAXIMILIANSAMSONFttEDttCrl (1766--1833), ed. Histoire abregde des traitds
de pair, entre les puissances de 1'Europe, depuis la pair de Westphalie, by Christophe
Guillaume de Koch: XX, 372n
WILLIAM(1809-67): XV, 856. LETTERTO:XVI, 1193
SCHONEN, AUGUSTEJEAN MAttE, eAtON DE (1782-1849): XXIH, 379, 658
SCHOPENHAUER, ARTHUR(1788--1860). Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung: IX, 248q
348 Index of Persons and Works

SCHgEmER,CHARLES(1826--84). Speech on the Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at

Elections Bill (22 July, 1868): XXVIII, 331,343
SCHRODER-DEvRIENT, WlLHELMINE (1804-60): I, 351; XXRI, 465; XXXII, 15
SCHULZE-DEUTZSCH,I-IERMA_ (1808--83): XV, 907; XVI, 1224
SCHUYLF.R,GEOROELEE (1811-90): XVI, 1176, 1187, 1215-16
SCHUYLF.g,GEOROINA(daughter of the above; ft. 1866): XVI, 1176, 1187
SCHUYLER,LOUISALEE (1837--1926): XVI, 1176, 1187
SCHWERZ,JOHANNNEPOMUKHUBERT(1759--1844), ed. Landwirthschafiliche Mittheil-
ungen (Stuttgart and Tiibingen: Cotta'schen Buchhandlung, 1826): II, 292n
SclplO AFRICANUS,PUBLrOSCORNEUUS(237--183 B.C. ): XlV, 307; XX, 37-8
ScwIO ASIATICUS(ft. 208--184 B.C.): XIV, 307
Scnno BARBATUS(fl. 298 B.C.): XIV, 307
The Scotsman: XII, 91
--"French Ministry" ( 10 Nov., 1830): XXH, 183
-- Leading article on secular education in Ireland (29 Jan., 1866): XXXII, 161
SCOTT, BENJAMIN(1814--92): XVI, 1262; XXIX, 443-4e; XXXI, 390-1e, 402-4e;
XXXH, 174. 179
ScoTT, EDWARD( 1752/3-- 1842). LETTERTO: XXXII, 44-5
SCOTT, JoHN (lst Lord Eldon) (1751-1838): I, 298; IV, 151; VI, 82n, 359; VII, 447q;
VIII, 711q, 1020q; X, 146; XXI, 189; XXVI, 368, 384; XXXI, 55

--On the Unitarian Marriage Bill (4 May, 1824): XXXI, 55

--On Roman Catholic Claims (5 May, 1825): XXVI, 368, 384
On Roman Catholic Relief (17 May, 1825): VI, 71; XXVI, 368,384
--On the Abolition of Slavery (7 Mar., 1826): XXVI, 368,384
-- On the Dissenters' Marriages Bill (26 June, 1827): VI, 341
SCOTT JOHN (1803-59): X-V, 548
ScoTT JOHN (Lord Encombe, later 2nd Lord Eldon) ( 1805-54): VI, 250
ScoTT JOHN (Irish radical; ft. 1860): XV, 683
ScoTr LOtqSA MARY(n6e Anwyl) (d. 1812): XXXII, 45
ScoTT ROBERT.Greek-English Lexicon. See Liddell
ScOTT WALTER(1771--1832): I, 19--21 (18--20), 15i, 320, 472, 481, 525--6, 565; If,
392; VI, 356; XII, 112,357; XVI, 1475; X'_'l][I, 108, 112; XX, 184, 221,226; XXII,
331-3; xxm, 343,436-8; xxIv, 760; xxvI, 415,436-7; xxxII, 227
--"Amadis de Gaul, [translations] by Southey and by Rose": I, 309q
-- The Bride of Lammemtt_r: XXII, 333; xxm, 556q
-- Guy Mannering: XXII, 332
-- The Heart of Mid-lothian: XIX, 375q; X/_[I, 332
_lvanhoe: VI, 3; XX, 184, 226
Schreiber - Secker 349

_ A Legend of Montrose: XXII, 332

The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte: I, 99n, 135 (134); XII, 21-2, 24; XIX, 613q;
XX, 53-110 rev, 66-99qpassim, 109n q
Marmion: I, 526
_ Old Mortality: VI, 3; XX, 57, 164
The Pirate: XXII, 332
Poetical Works (Longman, et al., 1820): XVI, 1475
Redgauntlet: xxm, 647q
_Rob Roy: VI, 402q; XXI, 92q; XXXI, 364q
Thoughts on the Proposed Change of Currency (by"Malachi Malagrowther"): IV,
The Vision of Don Roderick: XXXI, 366n q
-- Waverley: XX, 55, 164; XXII, 333
-- Woodstock: XXII, 333
SCOTT,WALTERFRANOS (Duke of Buccleuch) (1806-84): XXIX, 438,459
SCOTUS,DUNS. See Duns Scotus
SCOTUS ERIGENA. See Johannes Scotus

SCROPE,GEORGEJULIUSPOULET'r(1797--1876): XXII, 248-50; xxm, 736; XXIV,

911-13,923-6, 928,942-5,991, 10(O-7, 1069-73
-- "The Edinburgh Review and Mr. Poulett Scrope": XXIV, 923.926
--How Is Ireland to Be Governed?: XXIV, 1013q, 1014-15
-- Letter to Lord John Russell (20 Oct., 1846): XXIV, 911-12 q, 913,923
-- Letter to Lord John Russell (7 Dec., 1846): XXIV, 999
-- Letter to the Editor of the Morning Chronicle (9 Dec., 1846 ): XXIV , 991-3q, 1004
-- Letter to the Editor of the Morning Chronicle ( 14 Dec., 1846): XXIV, 1004-7,
-- Letter to the Editor of the Morning Chronicle ( 17 Mar., 1847): XXIV, 1069-73,
Letters to the Right Hon. Lord John Russell, on the ExpedienQ' of Enlarging the
Irish Poor-Law: XXIV, 911,923,942-5,978-9, 991-2
"The Political Economists": XXII, 248-50
"Poor-Laws in Ireland": XXIV, 942-5,942-3q
Principles of Political Economy: XXIV, 893
Speech on the New Colony (30 June, 1834): XXIII, 736
Speech on Waste Lands (Ireland) (28 Apr., 1846): XXIV, 911
S_ances et Travaux de l'Acad_mie des Sciences Morales et Politiques: XXXII, 130
XXIII, 351,700
Letter to the Belgian Government (25 Jan., 1831 ): XXII, 250
SEcl_R, ISAACONSLOW( 1799-- 1861 ): XXV, 1139-41
350 Index of Persons and Works

SECRETAN,Joarq JAMES(author; ft. 1824): XXXH, 4

SEDGWlCK,ADAM(1785--1873): XXVII, 534
--A Discourse on the Studies of the Universi_. :I, 209 (208); X, 33-74 rev, 36-45q,
48-52q, 57-72q, 494; XII, 235,238, 245; Xlll, 429
Four Letters to the Editors of the Leeds MercuD': X, 36n
-- "The Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation": XHI, 677-8
SEDGWICK,CATHERINEMARIA (1789-1867): XlI, 343,349
SEELEY, ROBERTBENTON(1798--1866) (prob.). "Whig Foreign Policy": XXIH, 691
(1803-87). Speech on Supply (1 Mar., 1866): XXVHI, 119-20
S_GUR, LOUIS'PHILIPPE,COMTEDE (1753--1830): I, 310
SEKUNDER(Begum of Bhopal) (1816-68): XVII, 1687
SELBY,W.B. (of the Indian Navy; fl. 1856): XXXII, 93
SELDEN,JOaN (1584--1654): VI, 16; XXH, 282
SELIMPASHA(fl. 1854): XIV, 136
SELWYN, CHARLESJASPER(1813--69). Speech on the Bankruptcy Acts Repeal Bill
(4 June, 1867): XXVIII, 187
SEMII_mS (of Assyria) (fl. 800 B.C.): I, 438
SENECA,LUCIUSANNAEUS(ca. 3 B.C.-65 A.D.): X, 136n
SENEFELDER,ALOIS (1771--1834): XXXI, 38
(1804--74): XXVII, 540, 548
SEmOR, MR. (bookseller; ft. 1840): XlII, 445
SENIOR, NASSAUWILLIAM(1790--1864): H, 347-8, 400; HI, 620, 712, 1064; XII, 147,
234,248-9,268,310,334; XIH, 541,709; XIV, 31, 35,241,337; XV, 720,807,850,
920; XVI, 1431; XVII, 1969; XXH, 216, 218, 327; XXIH, 744; XXIV, 766,775-6,
778, 923,930; XXXII, 17, 19
LETTERSTO: XVII, 1955; XXXII, 47, 124-5,244
Correspondence and Conversations of Alexis de Tocqueville with Nassau William
Senior from 1834-1859: XXXII, 124
-- "France, America, and Britain," Edinburgh Review, LXXV (Apr. 1842), 1-48:
XIII, 701
"Grounds and Objects of the Budget": XIII, 481,483
*An Introductory Lecture on Political Economy: XXXII, 19
"Ireland": XIII, 619
-- "J.S. Mill on Political Economy": II, 37n q
"The Law of Nations," Edinburgh Review, LXXVII (Apr. 1843), 303-73: XIH,
A Letter to Lord Howick, on a Legal Provision for the Irish Poor: XXIV, 775
Secretan - Seymour 351

"Letter... on the Third Report... into the Condition of the Poor in Ireland" (PP):
XXIV, 993
On National Property: XXIV, 753-9 rev, 753-8q, 763-7 rev and q
*An Outline of the Science of Polittcal Economy: m, 843-4, 846, 1043; xII, 295
"Proposals for Extending the Irish Poor Law": XXlV, 923,930
"Report--On the State of Agriculture": IV, 151n-2n
Statement of the Provision for the Poor, and of the Condition of the Labouring
Classes, in a Considerable Portion of Amertca and Europe: II, 236n q, 286-7q,
347-50q; XXIV, 774-6 rev, 775q
Suggestions on Popular Education: XXXII, 124-5
Three Lectures on the Cost of Obtaining Money: HI, 616; XXXII, 19
-- Three Lectures on the Rate of Wages: XXII, 216-18q
Three Lectures on the Transmission of the Precious Metals from Country. to
Country: XXXII, 19
-- Three Lectures on the Value of Money: HI, 522q
Two Lectures on Population: XXXlI, 19
SERMON,THOMAS(master of Bideford workhouse; ft. 1850): XXV, 1152q
SERTOgrOS,QUINTUS(d. 72 B.C. ): XX, 237
SETH6S(ft. ca. 700 B.C.): X, 320n
SETON,CnAgLES (Earl of Dunfermline) (d. 1673): VI, 28

SEVENE, LOUIS (1758--1828): XXVI. 130

SEVERN, JOSEPH (1793--1879): XXXII, 43


_ Lenres: _1II, 181

SEWARD, WILLIAM HENRY (1801--72): XV, 765,783
"Despatch to Mr. Adams" (27 Aug., 1866): XXVIII, 245-6
Letter to Lord Lyons (26 Dec., 1861 ): XXI, 130, 131n q
SEWEL,WILLIAM( 1654-- 1720). The History of the... . People Called Quakers: I, 11 (I 0),
SEWELL, WILLIAM (1804-74). "Carlyle's Works": XIII, 446
"Memorials of Oxford": XIII, 385
SEXTIUS,LUCIUS(ft. 375-368 B.C.): XX, 64-5
SEXTUSEron_cos (ft. 2nd/3rd c. B.C. ). Against the Logicians II: IX, 39-40
Outlines of Pyrrhonism: IX, 383n q
SEYI_OUR,FRANCIS(Baron) (1590?-1664): VI, 14
352 Index of Persons and Works

SEYMOUR,WILLIAM(lst Marquis of Hertford) (1588-1660): Vl, 53n, 55

SEYMOuR-Couw^Y, FRANCISCHARLES(3rd Marquis of Hertford) (1777-1842): XXII,
SGOUTAS,LEONtDAS(1820--78): XVI, 1096-7
SBADWELL,LANCELOT(1779--1850): Vl, 370
SHAE_q,WtLLIAM(1821--87): I, 282n; XVl, 1367; XXI, 425,427,431-2
LORD.See Cooper, Anthony Ashley
SHAHJEHAN(Begum of Bhopal) ( 1838-1901 ): XVII. 1687
SHAHSHUJA (King of Afghanistan) (1780?-1842): XXXH, 60-1
SHAKESPEARE, WILLL_M( 1564--1616): I. 19 (18), 26,309, 312, 319--20,346--7,564; IV,
401; XIII, 450; XVl, 1475; XX, 134-5,367; XXl, 252,302,414; XXIH, 426,464-6;
XXVlI, 65_; XXVlII, 73; XXXI, 110
*As You Like It: XXlV, 827; XXVlI, 499q; XXXI, 356q, 363q
-- *Coriolanus: I, 386; XXV, 1263q
*Cymbeline: XI, 284
-- *Hamlet: VI, lllq; VIll, 852; X, 7q; XI, 224q; XII, 100q, 124q, 134q, 292q;
XIH, 529q, 661; XVIII, 103n q; XX, 114, 122; XXlI, 176q, 325q; XXIII, 393q,
466; XXlV, 1080q; XXXl, 110
-- *Henry IV, Partl: I, 435; XX, 145,164; XXVlII, 89; XXXI, 110, 173-4
-- *Henry IV, PartH: I, 434q; Vl, 132q; XX, 161, 164; XXIV, 792q, 942q, 970q
*Henry the Eighth: Vl, 152q; XXI, 414
-- *Julius Caesar: I, 213 (212); Vl, 372q; XXVlH, 251q; XXXI, 59q
-- *King John: I, 435
-- *King Lear: XI, 284,285n q; XXVI, 343
-- *Love's Labour's Lost: XXII, 89q; XXIII, 577q
-- *Macbeth: I, 139 (138); VI, 161q; IX, 408-9; X, 139q; XH, 150q; XIV, 224; XX,
143,145; XXH, 169q; xxm, 462q, 466,608q; XXVlI, 596q, 649q
*Measure for Measure: I, 399, 401; VI, 440q; XXHI, 528q, 602q; XXlV, 764q
*The Merchant of Venice: XXlH, 466
-- *A Midsummer Night's Dream: XX, 135q, 224q
*Othello: I, 408n q, 473,498; Vl, 107q, 307q; VII, 314q; VIII, 1110q; XX, 145,
149; XXI, 55q; XXH, 297q; XXV, 1l13q; XXVIH, 147q; XXlX, 378q
*Romeo and Juliet: VIII, 852n; XXVHI, 245
*The Tempest: XXIII, 558
-- *Twelfth Night: IX, 464q; XX, 333q
*The Two Noble Kinsmen: XXVI, 408
SHAPtlR(SAPoR) I (of Persia) (A.D. 241-272): I, 438-9
SHARP,CHARLES(of the Liverfmol Institute; ft. 1870). LETTERTO: XXXlI, 222-3
SxARP, G.W. (ft. 1867). LETTERTO: XVI, 1275
SHIn,P, GaASVmLE (1735--1813): XXl, 141
Seymour - Shirreff 353

MR. (tradesman dealing with JSM and HTM; ft. 1854): XIV, 150, 162, 169,
SHATrUCK,DAVIDO. (of Mississippi; ft. 1841 ): XIII, 486
SHAW, CHARLES(1795--1871). Personal Memoirs and Correspondence: XVII, 1972;
XXXI, 359-88 rev, 387-8q

SHAW,T. GEORGE(brother of Charles): XXXI, 388


On the Alabama Claims (6 Mar.. 1868): XXVIII, 245

On the Married Women's Property Bill ( 10 June, 1868): XXVIII, 284
On the Sea Fisheries Bill, Ireland (25 June, 1868): XXVIII, 299
SHAW-LEFEVRE,JOHN GEORGE(1797--1879): XIV. 203; XXIII, 743-4; XXIV, 776
SHEE, WILLIAM(1804--68): I, 133 (132)
SHEIL,JUSTIN(1803--71): XXXII, 101
SHEIL, RICHAgOLALOR(1791--1851): VI, 155-7; XXlII, 526
SHELBURNE,EARLOF. See Petty, William
SHELLEY,JOHN (1771--1852): VI, 117n-18n; XXVII, 465
Speech on the Game Laws Amendment Bill (11 Mar.. 1824): VI, 117q, 118
SHELLEY,JOHN VILLIERS(1808--67): XVI, 1072; XXV. 1212
SHELLEY,MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT (1797-1851). Frankenstein: XI, 348
SHELLEY,PERCYBYSSHE( 1792-1822): I, 195 (194), 358-60,363-4,413-14. 467,497,
619, 623; lI, 392; III, 1030; XII, 336, 348; XlII. 448-9; XIV. 19. 275,302,332; XVI.
1475, 1517; XXI, 233; XXIV, 1023
The Cenci: I, 363
Epipsychidion: I, 497q
"Hymn to Intellectual Beauty": XXl, 254
"Ode to Liberty": XIV, 290q
"Stanzas Written in Dejection, near Naples": X/V, 321q
SHEPHERD,JOHN (1792--1859): XIV, 13, 181; XXX, 35; XXXII, 79
SHEPHERD,SAMUEL( 1760-- 1840 ): XXl, 30-- 1q
SHEVaDAN,ELIZABETHANN (n6e Linley) (1754-92): I, 154
- Speeches on Summing up the Evidence on the Second, or Begum Charge (3, 6, 10,
and 13 June, 1788): XXVI, 420q
Srmva_AN, JOSaAH(of the Amnesty Committee; ft. 1869). LETTERTO:XVII, 1559

SHILL, RICHARD.See Sheil, Richard

The Shilling Magazine: XVI, 1037
SRIRREFF,EMILY(1814--97): XVI, 1481, 1490; XVII, 1619
354 Index of Persons and Works

SHIRREFF,PATRICK(ft. 1830). A Tour through North America: XVIII, 113n

SHOBERL,FREDERICK(fl. 1830S), trans. History. of the French Revolution, by Louis
Adolphe Thiers: XX, 143n
SHORT,Bon [pseud.] (ft. early 1800s). Twelve Short Standing Rules . . . at the Game of
Whist: XXII, 109
-- Hoyle Abridged: A Treatise on Backgammon: XXII, 109
Hoyle Abridged: A Treatise on the Game of Chess: XXII, 109
SHORTER, THOMAS(1823-99): XV, 531
SHORT'r,JOHN(1840-1932). LETTERTO: XVII, 1707
SHREWSBURY, EARLOF. See Talbot, Henry John
SHRIVES,C. (of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants, fl. 1873). LETTERTO:
XVII, 1951'-2
SICARD, ROCH AMBROISECUCURRON, ABBI_(1742--1822). Eldmens de grammaire
gdn_rale appliques d la langue franfaise: XXVI, 199
SIDGVOCK,HENRY( 1838-- 1900). LETTERSTO: XXXII, 180-1, 185
-- The Ethics of Conformi_ and Subscriptwn: XXXII, 180, 185
SIDMOUTH, LORD. See Addmgton, Henry

STONEY,ALGERNON(1622--83): XX, 121; XXVI, 447

SIDNEY,PHIUP (1554--86): XXXl, 364
-- The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia (Ponsonbie, 1590): XVI, 1474
SIDNEY,ROBERT(Earl of Leicester ) ( 1595-1677): VI, 32n
PHILIPPJAKOB( 1789--1845): XlI, 251
Le Sidcle: XX, 303
-- Unheaded leader (29 Dec., 1846): H, 437; XXIV, 1043
SIEY_S, EMMANUELJOSEPH. COMTE(1748--1836): XH, 278; XX, 90, 96q, 106, 141;
XXII, 141; XXHI, 520, 542
-- "Ddlib_rations _ prendre dans les assembl6es de ballliages": XX, 141
-- Qu' est-ce que le tiers _tat?: XX, 141q
SIONORELLI,LUCA(1441--1523): X-IV, 288,483
SILSEY,MR. (friend of D'Eichthal; ft. 1831 ): XII, 73
SIM, JOHN (ca. 1812-93): XXXI, 283
SIMeoN, JOSEPHJI_R6ME,COMTE(1749--1842): XXII, 199
SIMEON,RICHARDGODIN (1784--1854): XXVII, 569,574
SIMIOT,ALEXANDREETIENNE(1807-78?). Rdforme de notre systdme d'_lection (Bor-
deaux: Gounouilhou, 1862): XV, 955
SIMONOFTOURNAI(ft. 1184--1200): XX, 248q
SmtoN, JULES(1814--96): XV, 972; XVI, 1224; XVII, 1694. LETTERSTO:XVI, 1401-2
L' ouvridre: XVII, 1700
SIMOND,LOUIS ( 1767-1831 ). "France": I, 301-2q
Shirreff - Smalley 355

SIMONIDES(of Ceos) (ca. 557-468/7 B.C. ): XI, 315n; XlII, 387; XIV, 428; xxvm, 229
"Human Imperfection": XI, 54q
SIMPSON,GEORGE( 1792-- 1860 ): XIII, 386
SIMPSOr_,JOHN(1788-1873): I, 154
SIMPSON,RICHARD(witness; fl. 1825). Evidence on the Disturbances in Ireland (PP): VI,
SIMPSON,THOMAS( 1710--61 ). The Doctrine and Applications of Fluxions: I, 564; XII, 8
Select Exercises for Young Proficients in the Mathematicks: I, 568; XII, 8
_ A Treatise of Algebra: I, 562; XII, 8
SIMSON,ROBERT( 1687-- 1768): XXVI, 352, 357
*Sectionum comcarum: I, 561; XII, 7
SINCLAm,GEORGE(1790--1868). Speech on the East-India Company's Charter (17 July,
1833): XXIII, 606
SINDm^, DAULATRAO (Maharajah of Sind) (1780-1827): XXXII, 28
SINDIA,JlnJI Rno (Maharaja of Gwalior) ( 1835-86): XXX, 152
SING, GOPAL(sub-inspector of schools, North-West Provinces; ft. 1856): XXX, 148
SINNETT,FREDEPaCK(1831--66): XIV, 133. LETTERTO: XV, 541-2
SISMONDI,JEAN CHARLESLt_O_qARDSL_ONDEDE (1773--1842): H, 67n, 371; IIl, 570,
574,576,741,869, 922; XlV, 91; XXIV, 951,988-91, 1008, 1011
Etudes sur l' dconomie politique: II, 227n- 8n q, 254-6q, 298- 300(1, 311 n- 12n q;
XIV, 91. XXIV, 951,988q, 990q, 1011
Histoire desFranfais: I, 99n; XX, 15-52 rev, 20- lq, 30- lq, 34n q, 39q, 40n-ln
q, 45q, 49q, 50n q, 276
*Histoire des rdpubliques italiennes du moven _ge: XIV, 133,144,273,484
--Nouveauxprincipes d' dconomiepolitique: II, 256n q, 284-5q, 311 n q, 348n-9n q,
369q; V, 718; XIV, 91; XXlV, 988-9q
-- Tableau de l'agriculture toscane (Geneva: Paschoud, 1801 ): XIV. 484
(Earl of Northumberland) (d. 1055): XX, 24
Sketches and Eccentricities of Colonel DavM Crockett (Rich, 1834): XlI, 357
SrdtqNER,ROBERT(Bishop of Oxford) (1591-1670): VI, 39
SKIPPON,PHILIP(d. 1660): VI, 48
SLACK,HENRYJAMES(1818--96): I, 282n; XIV, 57, 61-2, 65-6
SLANEY,ROBERTAGLIONBY(1791--1862): HI, 786, 904n; V, 407-10e, 418-29e
SEATER,AnI_HAM (b. 1765): XXIV, 925
SEATER,PHILIP(warehouse pensioner of the EIC; ft. 1850s): XXXII, 86
SLEEMAN, WILLIAM HENRY (1788--1856). Rambles and Recollections of an Indian
Official: XI, 288n, 290n
SLIDELL, JOHN (1793--1871): I, 267--8; XXI, 130


TO:XVII, 1541-2; XXXII, 201-2
"The English Elections": XVII, 1541
356 Index of Persons and Works

-- "The Lesson of the English Elections": XVII, 1541
SMART,BENJAMINHUMPHItEY( 1786?- 1872). An Outhne of Sematology: VH, 115n q;
XXllI, 425-7 rev, 429-35 rev, 432-3q
SMILES,SAMUEL(1812--1904). "Workmen's Benefit Societies": xxvm, 29
S_rH, Ao^M ( 1723-90): If, 4-5, 7, 29, 66, 116n, 127-8, 138-9, 162n, 349n, 405; III,
456,465n, 472-3,579-81,592, 597,642,648,733-5,753,830, 833,923, 1044; IV,
25-7, 29-30, 32, 37, 149, 214-15,395; V, 411,718; VI, 130: VIII, 782; X, 21, 26,
150,290,305; XI, 247,469; XII, 264; XIII, 638,643,659; XIV, 93; XVII, 1812; XXI,
65; XXII, 323; XXVII, 657
*Essays on Philosophical Subjects: X, 288q
-- *An lr#tuiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: I, 31 (30), 242,
569; H, 116-18q, 122q, 124-6q, 300- I q, 34911,380-92q, 404q; m. 733-4q, 805-6q,
924-5q, 932q, 1044; IV, 26-7, 163-4, 164q, 168-9, 174,177-80,238q, 293q, 300q,
301,312, 367; v, 657q, 758; viii, 805; xI, 439; XHI, 626, 631,642, 708; XXI, 65;
XXIV, 755q; XXXH, 219
*"Of the External Senses": XI, 253q
*"The Principles Which Lead and Direct Philosophical Enquiries; Illustrated by the
History of Astronomy": XXI, 25q
*The Theory of Moral Sentiments: XXI, 13; XXXI, 230-1; XXXII, 193
Suara, ALEXAND_l_(commission agent; ft. 1849): XXV, 1139-41
SMITH,GOLDWIN( 1823--1910): I, 281n-2n; III, 1075n; XV, 820, 828,909; XV1, 1192,
1206, 1222, 1416; XXVIII, 130-3 passim; XXXII, 145. LETTERTO:XVI, 1404-5
-- The Empire: XV, 784, 965; XXXII, 145
--"England and America": XV, 809-10, 820, 828; XXVIII, 130
"The Prospects of Peace in America": XVI, 994
-- Speech at the Union League Club, New York City (12 Nov., 1864): XV, 974
War Ships for the Southern Confederacy: XXXH, 142
SMrra, HENrtY(of Taunton; ft. 1820s). Speech at a Public Meeting (30 Jan., 1826): IV,
129n q
SJ_.ITH,HENRr BOYNTON(1815--77). "Mill's Examination of Hamilton's Philosophy":
IX, eiv, 58n q, 187n q
SMarH, JAMESEDWARD(1759--1828): XXXI, 259
The English Flora: XII, 67-8; XIV, 361; XXXI, 278,282
Flora Britannica: XXVII, 472, 495
S_rn, JOHS (1580--1631). Advertisements for the Unexperienced Planters of New
England, or Anywhere: VI, 447q
SuarH, JorIN (1767-1842). Speech on the Currency (15 Feb., 1826): IV, 109q
Speech on the Ministerial Plan of Parliamentary Reform (4 Mar., 1831 ): XXIV,
S_rr_, JoriN ABEL (1801--71): V, 416-20e, 422-8e; XXVII, 460
Motion on the Sale of Liquors on Sunday Bill (27 Mar., 1867): XXVIII, 191
SmaUey - Smith 357

SMITH, JOHN ORRIN(1799-1843): XH, 387

SMITH,JOHN PYE (1774--1851 ): VI, 480
SMITH,JOSEPH(1805--44): XVIII, 290; XXVIl, 667
SMITH,LEVESON(ca. 1802-27): I, 130
SMITH, MARTINTUCKER(1803--80): V, 516e; XIV, 181
SMITH,N.S. (ft. 1820), trans. The Expedition of Cyrus into Persta, by Xenophon: XX,
SMITH,OCTAVIUSHENRY( 1796--1871): XVl, 1228
SMITH,RICrtARD(translator; ft. 1835). XIH, 369
SMITH,RICHARDBAIRD( 1818--61 ). Revenue Reports of the Ganges Canal for the Year
1855-56: XXX, 128
SMITH,ROnERT(Baron Carrington) ( 1752-1838): XXVII, 488
SMITH,ROBERTVERNON(Baron Lyveden) (1800-73): I, 130; XIV, 413
SMITH,RUSSELL(bookseller; ft. 1840): XIII, 438
SMITH,SAMUEL(1587--1620). Aditus ad logicam: I, 21 (20), 567; IX, 414q; XII. 8
SMITH,SYDNEY(1771--1845): XIII, 655; XIV, 431
_Ballot (Longman, et al., 1839): XIV, 227
"Bentham's Book of Fallacies": VI, 331
"Female Education": XI, 275n-6n q; XXI, 401n q
--"The Game Laws": VI, l12q
"Ireland": I, 306
"Madame d'Epinay": I, 309q
Speech at Taunton (12 Oct., 1831): VI, 383
"Travellers in America": I, 300
"Walcheren Expedition": I, 308
SMITH, THOMAS (of Nottingham; ft. 1872). LETTER TO: XVII, 1910-12

The Law of the Revolution: XVII, 1910-11

(1788--1861): XII, 211
"Education": I, 96
"The Factories": I, 602
SMITH, VERNON. See Smith, Robert Vernon
SMITH,WILLIAM(1756--1835). Speech on Trade with India (15 May, 1827): XXX, 3
SMITH,WILtaAM (1813--93). LETTERTO: XXXII, 170
_, ed. Plato: The Apology of Socrates, the Crito, and Part of the Phaedo: Xl, 241-3

SMITH,WILLIAM (police constable; ft. 1869): XVII, 1677-9, 1705-6; XXV, 1221:
XXXII, 217-18
SMITH,WILU^M HENRY(1808-72): XII, 293; XIII, 511. LETTERSTO:XV, 542; XVII,
358 Index of Persons and Works

[SMITrl, W.H.]
_Athelwold (Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1842): XIII, 511-12; XVII, 1997
*A Discourse on Ethics of the School of Paley (Picketing, 1839): XIII, 511
"J.S. Mill on Our Belief in the External World": IX, civ, 20In q, 240,244q; XVI,
-- "The Poets of Our Age, Considered as to Their Philosophic Tendencies," London
and Westminster Review, III & XXV (Apr. 1836): XII, 303
Remarks on Law Reform: XIII, 511; XXI, 81-4 rev, 8374 q
*Thorndale (Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1857): XV, 542
-- "The Visible and Tangible": XVII, 2003
S_nTN, WlLLX^raHENRY(1825--91): I, 275, 289; XVI, 1050, 1067, 1072, 1085, 1495,
1497. 1522, 1526, 1531; XVII, 1541; XXVIII, 15, 25-6, 40-1,44-5,336, 339,348,
SrvUTZIO,MR. (London agent; ft. 1872). LETTERTO: XVII, 1877-8
SMOLLETT,TOaIAS GEORGE( 1721--71 ). The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle: VI, 160
-- A History of England: XXII, 45
SMYTrtE, MR. (ft. 1859): X/O_H, 118
SNELL, THOMASGEORGE(ft. 1868): XVII, 1716-17
SNOOKE,WILLIAMDREW(1787--1857). Flora Vectiana: XXVII, 588-9, 592
SOAMES,JAMES(ft. 1868): XVI, 1489
The Social Economist: XVI, 1425
SOCRATES (469--399 B.C. ): I, 49 (48), 115 (114); VIII, 938; IX, 45n, 129-30,484, 502;
X, 16, 90, 205,212,276,422,441-2; Xl, 39-238passim, 241-2,286,298,309-10,
314,320,327,329,336n, 377-440passim, 480-1,483,506; XlI, 181; xm, 515,532;
xv, 764; xvI, 1057, 11t5, 1120; XVIlI, 6, 235, 241,251; xx, 273n; XXI, 314;
XXIIl, 425; XXlV, 873; XXV, 1122, 1130, 1162-4; XXVI, 197; XXVII, 663;
SODEN, HENRY (fl. 1865). LETTER TO: XVI, 1043-4
SOETBEER,ADOLPHGEORG(1815-92): XIV, 87; XVI, 1391. LETTER1"O:XIV, 84-5
_, trans. Grundsdtze derpolitischen Oekonomie, by J.S. Mill: XlV, 84-5, 87; XVI,
SOLAGES, LE COMTE DE (Bastille prisoner): XX, 146

La Solidaritd (Neuch_tel): V, 709

SOLLY, EDWARD (fl. 1821). Evidence on the Depressed State of the Agriculture of the
United Kingdom (PP): IV, 53, 54-5q, 56n
SOLLY, HENRY(1813--1903): XiV, 111. LETTERS TO:XV, 852-3; XVI, 1350
SOLOMON(Bible): I, 421,428,437; XV, 912; XXVI, 381
SOLON(ca. 638 B.C.-559 B.C.): VI, l17n; Xl, 80, 92, 201,295, 313, 326--7, 397n;
XVIH, 42; XlX, 403; XX, 160; XXIII, 342; XXIV, 1085-6, 1088; XXV, 1161
Smith - Southev 359


CHARLESHENRY(1767-1831 ): XXVI, 406
SOMERSET,EDWARD(Earl of Glamorgan) (1601-67): VI, 49, 51
FITZROYJAMESHENRY(Baron Raglan) (1788-1855): XlV, 253,269,332
HENRYCHARLESFITZROY(Duke of Beaufort) (1824-99): XXVIIL 362
SOMERVILLE, MARYFAIRFAX( 1780-1872): XXI, 315. LETTERSTO:XVL 1373--4, 1382,
1394; XVII, 1622
SONDER,OTTOWILHELM( 1812--81 ). Flora Hamburgensis: XXXI, 294
SOPHOCLES (ca. 496-406/5 B.C.): I, 532; II, 16; X, 42; XL 86, 317; XIV, 392, 401:
XXVI. 353
_Ajax: I, 15 (14), 561; XII, 7
_Electra: I, 15 (]4), 558; XH, 7
Oedipus the King: IX, 465; XIV, 446
-- Oedipus at Colonus: IX, 465
--Philoctetes: I, 15 (14), 561; XI, 392; XII, 7
(in Plato): XI, 197
SOREL,A6NES (ca. 1422-50): XX, 165
SOREL,LUCIEN.See Pr6vost-Paradol
SOUCHET,M. (Parisian tavern-keeper; ft. 1830). Letter to the Prefect (25 July, 1831 ):
xxm, 389-90
SOULAVlE,JEANLOUISGIRAUD( 1752-- 1813). M_moires historlques etpolitiques du r_gne
de Louis XVI: XX, 93, 106q
XIH, 650; XX, 189; XXH, 127,203; XXIH, 363,372-3,428-9,515-16, 593,684,
-- Speech on the Budget (13 Mar., 1832): XXIH, 429q
SOUTH,JOHN FLINT ( 1797-- 1882): XIV, 223
SOUTH,ROBERT( 1634-1716): XXVI, 415
--A Sermon Preached at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Nov. 9, 1662: V1, 430q;
XXIII, 540q; XXV, 1098q; XXVIII, 230q
SOUTHAMPTON, EARLOF. See Wriothesley, Thomas
SOUTHERN,HENRY(1799--1853): I, 95--7 (94--6), 135 (134)
(prob.). "Barante, Histoire des ducs de Bourgogne": XX, 18
(prob.). "The Chronicles of Froissart": XX, 18
(prob.). "Court of Louis XIV and the Regency": XX, 18
(prob.). "Monflosier's French Monarchy": XX, 18
(prob.). "Private Memoirs of Madame du H ausset" : XX, 18
SOUTHEY,ROBERT(1774--1843): I, 303,487; XII, 80, 82-4, 91,100, 168,342; XXVI,
413; XXVII, 532-3,536, 540, 548,551; XXXII, 6
360 Index of Persons and Works


The Book of the Church: I, 99 (98); XXXII, 6

The Curse of Kehama: I, 427
"Doctrine de Saint Simon; New Distribution of Property": XII, 90
"Inquiry into the Poor Laws": IV, 27q
, "Moral and Political State of the British Empire": XXII, 275
"Poetry by Mary Coiling": XH, 104
Sir Thomas More: XII, 82; XXH, 229; XXVII, 532, 549
-- Thalaba the Destroyer: I, 303
A Vision of Judgement: XXXII, 6
SOUVESTRE,EMILE(1806--54): XII, 362
_Les derniers Bretons (Paris: Charpentier, 1836): XH, 363
SPAGNOLETTO, RIBERA, JUSEPE DE (1588--1656): X, 136n
SPANgaE,MR. (EIC counsel; ft. 1840): XXXH, 60
The Spectator: VI, 316,385,390; XII, 254; XIV, 147,150, 152, 159,161,217,221,226,
234; XV, 852, 910, 958, 983; XVI, 1019_ 1139, 1280; XVII, 1976. 1978, 1980;
XX1V, 997-1000; XXXII, 214. LETTERTO: XXXiI, 136-7
--"Brunswick Agitation in the County of Kent" (16 Oct., 1828): XXII, 116
--"News of the Week" (1 Jan., 1831): XXII, 226q
--"The King of the French and the Duke of Bourbon' s Will" (24 Dec., 1831 ): XXIII,
"The Duke of Bourbon's Will" (31 Dec., 1831): XXIII, 387,392
Review of Bulwer's La Valli_re (7 Jan., 1837): XII, 318-19
"Conservative Ascendancy" (12 Aug., 1837): xm, 372-3
Leading article on the Canadian Rebellion (13 Jan., 1838): VI, 426
-- Leading article on Lord Durham ( 10 Nov., 1838): VI, 460q
Review of Bailey on Berkeley's Theory of Vision (8 Jan., 1842): XI, 262
Review of Smith's Athelwold (5 Mar., 1842): XIII, 512
"The Irish Confiscation" (12 Dec., 1846): XXIV, 997-1000, 998q
"The Irish Land Question" (letter to the editor, signed "B.F. ") (12 Dec., 1846):
XXIV, 1001-3q
"A Plan of Colonization for Ireland" (Supplement) (3 Apr., 1847): XXIV, 1075- 8
--"News of the Week" (11 Mar., 1848): XX, 334n; XXV, 1091, 1092-3q
Review of James Anthony Froude's The Nemesis of Faith (10 Mar., 1849): XIV,
"The Stories about Prince Albert" (14 Jan., 1854): XIV, 136, 161
"Some Thoughts for Next Summer" (28 Jan., 1854): XIV, 143
Account of the Meeting on Education in Edinburgh (28 Jan., 1854): XIV, 143-4
"The Position of Prince Albert" (4 Feb., 1854): XIV, 161
Southey - Spencer 361

Obituary of Sir William Molesworth (27 Oct., 1855): XIV, 500

Review of Louis Blanc's Historical Revelations (24 Apr., 1858): XV, 563
Review of JSM's On Liberty ( 12 Feb., 1859): XV, 597
"The Policy of a Negro Army for the North" ( 13 Dec., 1862): XV, 811,820
"Zampoyski and Wielopolsld" (7 Mar., 1863): XXV, 1204
"Metropolitan Elections" ( 15 Apr., 1865): XXV, 1208-10
"Mr. J.S. Mill on Sir William Hamilton" (27 May, 1865): XVI, 1070
"Mr. J.S. Mill on Free Will and Necessity" (10 June, 1865): XVI, 1068
"The Record on the Westminster Election" ( 10 June, 1865): XVI, 1068
--"Mr. Mill on the Irish Land Question" (22 Feb., 1868): XXXH, 190
"New Political Economy" (27 Mar., 1869): XVII, 1588
-- "The Secularists in Full Cry" (2 Apr., 1870): XXV, 1222q
-- Letters on the Poor-Laws: XXXII, 74-5

A Plea for Pure Democracy: XXXII, 126-7

-- "Representation of Minorities": XXXII, 127
SPENCE,JAMES(b. 1816): XV, 828-9
SPENCE,JOSEPH(" Sir Harry Beaumont" ) ( 1699-1768). Moralities: I, 171 (170)
SPENCE,THOMAS(1750--1814): I, 387
-- The Meridian Sun of Liberty: XXIII, 709
SPENCE,WILLIAM(EIC messenger; fl. 1850s): XXXII, 114
SPENCER,EDMUND(ft. 1830S). Travels in Circassia, Krim Tartary, etc. (Colburn, 1837 ):
XII, 345
SPENCER,HENRY (ft. 1640s). "Letters to His Lady, Dorothy": VI, 46n
SPENCER,HERaERT( 1820-- 1903): VII, cxv; IX, 51,143n, 216n; X, 298, 301; XV, 647-8,
664,695,937; XVI, 986, 1003, 1008, 1018, 1026, 1154--5, 1210, 1219, 1226-8, 1259;
XXXI, 102, 159; XXXII, 168
LETTERSTO:XV, 576-8, 603, 608-9, 733-4, 846-7,934-5,974-5; XVI, 1001,
1004, 1010-11, 1015, 1029, 1061-2, 1089-91, 1110-11, 1145-6, 1191-2, 1217-18,
1237, 1260, 1270, 1299-1300, 1394-5, 1398-9, 1504-6; XVII, 1555, 1614-15,
169-21, 1731-2, 1944; XXXII, 122
*The Classification of the Sciences: X, 265,280n-In q, 284, 287n q, 316q; XV,
935; XVI, 1011
*Education: Intellectual, Moral, and Physical (Manwaring, 1861 ): XV, 733, 931;
XVII, 1746
*Essays: Scientific, Political and Speculative (Longman, eta/., 1858): XV, 908,
*First Principles: IX, 10; XV, 664,733,817-18,837,846, 901,927,936; XVI,
1398, 1414, 1505, 1528-9; XVII, 1555, 1570; XXXII, 122
362 Index of Persons and Works

-- (in French) Les premiers principes, trans. Emile Honor6 Cazelles: IX, 250n; XVI,
*"The Genesis of Science": X, 284-5,286, 287n q; XV, 908
-- Letter to JSM: VII, 270n
"Mill versus Hamilton--The Test of Truth": VII, 269q, 272q, 278-9q; IX, cv,
143n, 144n-5n q, 381n q; XVI, 1061, 1089-90
--"Over-Legislation": XV, 603
Principles of Biology, 2 vols. (Williams and Norgate, 1863-65): XV, 664; XVI,
1145-6, 1154-5, 1505, 1528-9; XVH, 1555, 1570
-- The Principles of Psychology: VH, 62n, 178n-80n. 262-4q, 266-7q, 268n-9n q,
269, 270q,'273-5q, 371-2; IX. 227-8q; XI, 342n, 367; XV, 540, 647,664,818,901,
935-6; XVI, 1218, 1334, 1474, 1528-9; XVII, 1555, 1570; XXXI, 102, 139-40,
159-60, 184,205-10q, 211
Social Statics: X, 257n-8n; XIV, 62, 67, 71; XV, 888; XVI, 1270, 1334
"Universal Postulate": XV, 540
SPENCER, JOHNCHARLES(Lord Althorp, later 3rd Earl Spencer) (1782-1845): VI, 155,
203,365-7,473; XII, 151; XVII, 1991; XXII, 213,265; XXIH, 548,565, 581,591-2,
597-607,608-23,631,633,635-8,643-6; XXIV, 759; XXVI, 398-9
"Correspondence with William HuRon" (1831): VI, 367q
-- "Letter to the Governor and Deputy Governor of the Bank of England" (PP):
XXIH, 592

On the Truck System (14 Dec., 1830): XXII, 213

On Supply--the Budget ( 11 Feb., 1831 ): VI, 347; XXII, 265,268; XXIII, 548,
--Report on the Budget (14 Feb., 1831): VI, 347
-- On the Ministerial Plan of Parliamentary Reform ( 1 Mar., 1831 ): VI, 343
On the General Fast (26 Jan., 1832): VI, 372
_ On Being Elected (15 Dec., 1832): XXIII, 540n
On Sinecures (14 Feb., 1833): XXHL 600, 645-6
-- On Supply (6 Mar., 1833): XXIII, 611
--On Supply (t9 Apr., 1833): VI, 162; XXIII, 564-6, 612
On House and Window Taxes (30 Apr., 1833): VI, 162; XXIH, 613-14, 646
On the Renewal of the Bank Charter (31 May, 1833): XXIII, 592
On Irish Church Temporalities (18 June, 1833): XXIH, 600, 645
On Newspapers--the Post Office (28 June, 1833): XXIII, 644
On the Bank of England Charter (28 June, 1833): XXIII, 607
On the Bank Charter (3 July, 1833): XXIH, 581
On Employment for Agricultural Labourers (5 Aug., 1833): XXIII, 636
On the Inhabited House Duty (7 Aug., 1833): VI, 162; XXlII, 646
--On Sinecures (15 Aug., 1833): XXIH, 646
Spencer - Spring-Rice 363

_On the Budget (14 Feb., 1834). VI, 160-1,162, 195q

On Mr. Sheil--Character of Irish Members ( 14 Feb., 1834): Vl. 156
On Agricultural Distress (21 Feb., 1834): VI, 171-2
_On Timber Duties (4 Mar., 1834): VI, 153n
_On the Corn Laws (7 Mar., 1834): VI. 186
On Church Rates ( 18 Mar., 1834): VI, 196
On Commutation of Tithes (England) (15 Apr., 1834): VI, 197
On the Poor Laws ( 17 Apr., 1834): VI, 203; XXHI, 711 q
--On Church Rates (21 Apr., 1834): VI, 211
-- On Poor Laws Amendment (14 May, 1834): VI, 238
On Danish Claims (16 May, 1834): VI, 237
--On Stamps on Newspapers (22 May, 1834): VI, 237,298
--On the Beer-House Bill (1 Aug., 1834). VI, 272q
--On the Character of Irish Members (5 Feb., 1834): VI, 155
--On Local Courts (11 Feb., 1834): Vl, 153n
-- On Poor Laws (23 May, 1834): VI, 238
--On Criminal Prosecutions (4 Aug., 1834): VI, 275
--On Supply (5 Aug., 1834): VI, 275
SPENCER,JOHN POYNTZ(Sth Earl Spencer) (1835-1910): XVII, 1783
SPENCER,LAVIN1A(Lady; n6e Bingham) (1762-1831 ): I, 556
SPENCER,ROBERT(Earl of Sunderland) (t640-1702): XX, 189
SeEt_SER,EDMUND(1552?--99): XIII, 556
-- *Works: XVI, 1474
-- *The Faerie Queene: I, 19 (18), 565; III, 1075n; VIII, 852
(of Borsythenes) (ca. 285/265-ca. 221 B.C.): XXIV. 873

SVINOZA.BARUCN(later Benedict de) (1632-77): VIII, 752; IX, 485; X, 171,336; XI,
451,466; XIV, 247; XXVII, 657
--Ethica: VIII, 770q
SPIatDON(St.) (ft. 325 A.D.): XIV, 411
SVOVl:ORTH, MARKrtAM(b. ca. 1824): XXVIII, 307,331
Svorra, Louis (1784-1859): XXHI, 563
SPOONER,RICHARD(1783--1864): V, 580-2e; X, 149
SPRING-RIcE, STEPHEN EDMUND (1814-65): XlV, 46-7
SPlUNC,-RICE,THOMAS(Baron Monteagle) (1790-1866): VI, 298; XIII, 730; XIV, 46,
124, 126; XXlII, 734. LETTERTO:XIV, 101-3

_- On Unlawful Societies m Ireland (25 Feb., 1825): VI, 94n-5n q

In Presentation of a Petition on Dissenters' Grievances (24 Mar., 1834): Vl, 196
- On Supply (14 Apr., 1834): VI, 199
364 Index of Persons and Works

On Repeal of the Union (23 Apr., 1834): Vl, 214-15
On Criminal Prosecutions (4 Aug., 1834): VI, 274-5
-- On the Ballot (7 Mar., 1837): VI, 375q
-- On the Civil Service (13 Mar., 1854): XIV, 184; XVIII, 208q
SPURZHELM, JOHANN CASPAR (1776--1832): XHI, 526, 616
487; XX, 13, 68n, 85n, 371n; XXI, 315; XXII, 136
Considdrations sur les principaux ivdnemens de la rdvolution fr anf oise : XII, 253;
XX, 65q, 72n, 75n, 81n, 85, 88-9, 93q, 102, 104q, 108
-- De l'Allemagne: I, 311n
-- De la littdrature considdrde dans ses rapports avec les institutions sociales: I, 316n
-- *Delphine: XXI, 279q
STAFFORD,JOHN(fl. 1823). Evidence on the Game Laws (PP): VI, 106-7q
STAHL, GEORG ERNST (1660-1734): X, 289
-- Fundamenta chymiae: I, 309
STALLARD,JOSHUAHARRISON(physician; ft. 1867): XVI, 1250, 1256
STAMP,MARY(Devon maidservant; fl. 1834): VI, 267
The Standard: VI, 451; XIV, 16; XVI, 1496; XVII, 1596; XXII, 195,205,209; XXIV,
--Leading article (14 Oct., 1830): XXII, 170q
-- Leading articles on the ballot (21 and 25 Oct., 1830): XXII, 195
--Leading articles on France (8 and 9 Nov., 1830): XXII, 192
-- Leading articles on the ballot (30 Nov., 8 Dec., and 11 Dec., 1830): XXII, 205-6,
Leading article on Indians in the U.S.A. (4 Jan., 1831): XXII, 236
Telegraphic dispatch from Marseilles (3 May, 1832): XXlII, 461
"Foreign Intelligence" (16 Dec., 1833): XXIII, 662
-- Leading article on the Reformers (2 Jan., 1835): XXIV, 762
-- "Morning Newspapers" (5 Jan., 1835): XXIV, 762
-- Leading article on party names (12 Jan., 1835): XXIV, 764q
Leading article on the Durango Decree (28 Mar., 1837): XXXI, 365n-6n q
Articles on James Anthony Froude's The Nemesis of Faith (6, 9, and 13 Mar.,
1849): XVI, 16, 22
"Law Intelligence. Court of Queen's Bench" (13 May, 1850): XXV, 1176-8q
-- Leading article on land tenure reform (25 Nov., 1872): XXV, 1232
STANFmLD,JOHN (Dorsetshire labourer; ft. 1834): VI, 207
STANFIELD,THOMAS(Dorsetsetshire labourer; ft. 1834): VI, 207
STANGER, MARY (II(_ Calvert) (1804-90): XXXH, 58
Spring-Rice - Stanley 365

STANHOPE,PHILIPHENRY(Viscount Mahon, later Earl Stanhope) ( 1805- 75). "Lord John

Russell, The Causes of the French Revolution": XX, 115
Speech on the Affairs of Spain ( 18 Apr.. 1837): XXXI, 363q, 364,366q

STANLEY, CATHERINE (n_.,e Leycester) (1792-1862): XV, 781. LETTER TO: XXXlI, 246

(Countess of Derby) (1599-1664): XXI, 402
STANLEY,EDWARDGEOROEGEOFFREY SMITH( 14th Earl of Derby ) ( 1799-1869): I, 261,
279; VI, 243,343-4; XH, 256; xm, 642, 685; xv, 550, 560, 669, 672,699; xvI,
1030, 1177, 1272; xxIII, 526, 602, 609, 735; xxIv, 756; XXVIH, 165-7, 171-3,
356, 366; XXX, 163, 181, 197-8

On Tithes (Ireland) (14 Feb. and 8 Mar., 1832): xxm, 609q

--On Arrears of Tithes (Ireland) (16 Apr., 1832): VI, 153
-- On the Emancipation of Slaves (14 May, 1833): xxm, 602
--On Oaths of Catholic Members (11 Mar., 1834): VI, 187
--On the Canadas (15 Apr., 1834): VI, 202
_On Church Rates (21 Apr., 1834): VI, 211-12
-- On the Municipal Corporation Bill ( 15 June, 1835): VI, 304-5
On the Treaty of Paris (22 May, 1856): XXVIH, 222
--On China (24 Feb., 1857), PD, Vol. 144, cols. 1155-94: XV, 528
-- On the Treaty Relative to the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg (4 July, 1867): XXI, 344
STANLEY, EDWARDHENRY(15th Earl of Derby) (1826-93): I, 249; XV, 567,644, 925;
XVI, 1149, 1290; XXVIII, 25, 35, 59-60, 117, 121-3,213-14, 225,229,284; XXX,
203,207-8,212; XXXII, 115
Letters to the Secretary of the United Kingdom Alliance: XVIH, 287
On the Government of India (7 June, 1858): XXX, 208
..... On the Government of India Bill (24 June, 1858): XXX, 203
On the Representation of the People Bill (21 Mar., 1859), PD, Vol. 153, cols.
405-24: XV, 612
To Constituents at King's Lynn (19 Oct., 1864): XV, 961
At the Meeting of the National Association for the Promotion of the Social Sciences
(10 Apr., 1865): XXV, 1209
On the Representation of the People Bill (12 Apr., 1866): XXVIII, 59
On the Extradition Treaties Act Amendment Bill (3 Aug., 1866): XXVIII, 117
On the Extradition Treaties Act Amendment Bill (6 Aug., 1866): XXVIH, 120,
- On Turkey and Crete (28 Mar. 1867): XXVIII, 214
On the Navy--Commodore Wiseman and the Turkish Navy (16 July, 1867):
366 Index of Persons and Works

-- On the Expiring Laws Continuance Bill (6 Aug., 1867): XXVIII, 229-30
At Brighton (22 Jan., 1868): VI, 528
_On theAlabama Claims (6 Mar., 1868): XXVIII, 244-6
STANLEY,EOwA_o Jonr_ (1802-69): XHI, 371
STANLEY, EDWARDLYULPH (Baron Stanley of Alderley) (1839-1925): XVII, 1884.
STANSFELD,CAROLINE(n6e Ashhurst) (d. 1885): XVI, 1284; XVII, 1849
STANS_LD, JAMES(1820--98): XV, 814, 932-3; XVI, 1226, 1292; XVII, 1849; XXXII,
TO; xvgI, 1594
STAPLETON, JOHN (of Plymouth; fl. 1871). LETTERS
TO:XVH, 1839-40, 1847-8
STAPLETON, PHILIP (1603-47): VI, 50, 52
The Star: XV, 893; XVI, 1247, 1255, 1272, 1529-30
STARK,HUGH (of the EIC; ft. 1840s): XXXH, 67. LEX'rERTO:XXXH, 79
STARKE,MARIANA(1762?--1838). Travels in Europe between the Years 1824 and 1828,
2 vols. (Leghorn: Masi, 1828): XIV, 286-7,291,326-7,334, 367,374, 389, 405
STARKEY,THEOPHILUS WILLIAM(clerk to JSM's solicitor; ft. 1872): XXXI, 337
STARKIE,THOMAS( 1782-- 1849). A Practical Treatise of the Law of Evidence: I, 116;
XXXI, 7n, 47n, 52, 85n, 89
STASINUS(of Cyprus; in Plato). Fragment 20: XI, 193q
Statement by the Council of the University of London, Explanatory of lts Nature and Objects
(Taylor, 1827): XII, 26
La statistique de la France: XXIV, 1039
STATIUS,PUBLIUSPAPtNUS(ca. A.D. 45-96). Thebais: X, 418q
Statuta selecta e corpore statuorum universitatis Oxoniensis: XXII, 14, 32-3, 43
MARIE(Russian princess; ft. 1868). LETTERTO:XVI, 1527-8
An Analysis of Mr. Mill's System of Logic: XV, 922; XXXII, 116-17
STEFFENS,HEINRICH (1773--1845). Was ich erlebte: Aus der Erinncrung niederge-
schrieben, 10 vols. (Breslau: Max, 1840-44): XlII, 542
STEIN, HEINRICHFgIEDmCH KARL, BARONVON(1757--1831): II, 329; HI, 995; V, 752;
VI, 515; XXIII, 728
STErNTRAL,S. ALFRED(1826--1910): XVI, 1503-4; XVII, 1604, 1683
"STENDHAL."See Beyle, Henri
"STENTORTELLTRUTH."The Herald; or, Patriot-Proclaimer: XXII, 62
STEPHEN(St.) (d. ca. 35 A.D.): X, 385; XIX, 381
S_N (of England) (10977-1154): I, 527; XX, 26
STEPHENOFTotras (ft. 1189): XX, 35
STEPHEN,JAM_S(1758--1832): XII, 86
Stanley - Sterling 367

STEPHEN,JAMES( 1789--1859): XII, 86.92, 94, 159; XHI, 506-7, 521 ;XIV, 184. LETTER
TO:XXXII, 41-2
Lectures on the History of France (Longman, et al., 1851 ): XVI, 1474
"The Port-Royalists": XHI, 483
"Works of the Author of The Natural History of Enthusiasm": XXXH, 54-5
STEPHEN,JAMESFITZJAMES(1829--94): XV, 787-8; XVII, 1600; XXI, 425,427,431;
XXVIII, 111. LETTERSTO: XXXH, 148-9, 154, 206-7
"Dr. Newman's Apologia": XXXII, 154
"Dr. Pusey and the Court of Appeal": XXXH, 154
"England and America": XV, 891
-- "English Jurisprudence": XV, 757; XXI, 169, 176n
-- Essays by a Barrister: XXXII, 207
-- "Merivale's Sermons on the Conversion of the Roman Empire": XXXII, 154
"Mr. Mansel's Metaphysics": IX, 71n-2n q, 266
"Mr. Spencer on Mr. Mill": XVI, 1091
-- "The Privy Council and the Church of England": XXXII, 154
"The Study of History": VIII, 941-2q; XXXH, 148
"What Is the Law of the Church of England?": XXXlI, 154
--"Women and Scepticism": XXXH, 154
STEPHEN,LESLIE(1832--1904): XV, 893
-- Letters from America to Henry Fawcett: XV, 876, 889
-- Review of Heam's Plutology: XV, 930,934
STEPHENS,EDWARDBELL(ft. 1837). The Basque Provinces: XXXl, 359-88 rev
STEPHENS, JOSEPH RAYNER (1805-79): VI, 479, 485
STEPHENSON, GEORGE ( 1781 - 1848): m, 926; xIx, 468n; XXI, 222

STERLING,CHARLOTTE(n6e Baird) (d. 1863): XXXII, 43

STERLING,EDWArd_(1773--1847): XII, 91, 96, 347; xm, 408-9, 603,628
STERLING,EDWAgOC. (b. 1831 ): XIH, 463,583
STERLING,HESTER(n6e Coningham) (d. 1843): XlIl, 582-3
STERLING,JOHN (1806--44): I, 133, 153, 159 (158), 161--3 (160--2), 169n, 215 (214);
XII, 225,293,300; xm, 386-7,418,428,441-2,448,455,469,475,480,512, 523,
529,540-1,569,602-3,623,628-9,637; XIV, 16; XVII, 1898; XXVI, 419-20,423,
443-53 passim; XXXII, 11, 43, 52-5
LETTERSTO: XII, 28-30, 74-88, 98-102, 167-8; xm, 401-2, 405-9, 411-12,
428-9, 445-6, 450--2, 461-3,555-7, 582-3,628-30, 634-5; XVlI, 1994
"Abelard to Heloise": I, 605-6
Arthur Coningsby (EITmgharn Wilson, 1833): XH, 151, 174, 180, 224
-- "Carlyle's Works": I, 607; xm, 401-2, 405,408
-- The Election: xm, 482, 541; XXIV, 806-11 rev, 807-1 lq, 820q
368 Index of Persons and Works

--"The Egyptian Vision": XIII, 462
-- *Essays and Tales, ed. Julius Charles Hare: XlH, 726
-- "Montaigne and His Writings": I, 606-7; XIH, 386, 407
"Poems by Alfred Tennyson": XllI, 555
"Simonides": I, 606; XIH, 387-8,407; XVIH, 266q
Stratford (Moxon, 1843): XHI, 412
STERLING,SUSANNAH(n6e Barton) (d. 1843): XH, 88, 102; XHI, 463,513,582
STERNE,LAURENCE(1713--68): XXVI, 415
-- *The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy: XX, 164
--A Skntimental Journey: I, 490-1; XVI, 1475
STESICHORUS (ca. 640-555 B.C.): XI, 71
STEUART,HENRYSETON (1759--1836). The Planter's Guide: XXHI, 739
STEUART, JAMES DENHAM (1712--80). An Inquiry. into the Principles of Political
Oeconomy: X, 119q
STEVENS, THADDEUS ( 1792-1868): XVI, 1446
STEWART,MR. (St. Andrews student; ft. 1869): XVH, 1574
STEWART,CHARLESWILLIAM(Lord Londonderry) (1778-1854): VI, 366
STEWART,DUGALD(1753--1828): I, 71 (70), 579; VII, 263,287n, 306,560,577; VHI,
649n, 830, 1091, 1101, 1119; IX, 110, 119,127,143,155,183,196-7,216,250,252,
255-6, 278n, 282,421,470,490n- ln, 493; X, 6, 21,129-30; XI, 93,247,261,341,
343,477; XIIl, 528; XXI, 240,463; XXVH, 657; XXXI, 163
-- Collected Works, ed. William Hamilton: XXXII, 19-20
_ Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind: I, 189-91 (188-90); IV, 311; VII.
190-2,226-9,282q; VlH, 640n q, 783q, 1069-70; IX, 254q, 278,280-1; Xl, 11,261;
XlI, 43; XXXI, 163,218,245
Philosophical Essays: VII, 152; VIII, 675-8q, 1049; IX, 127-8
Some Account of a Boy Born Blind and Deaf'. XXVI, 154
STEWART,ErmLYANNE (Lady Castlereagh; n6e Hobart) (1772-1829): Vl, 356
STEWART,JOHN (Earl of Traquair) (d. 1659): VI, 27
STEWART, JOHN (1805--60): XXVII, 594
STEWART,MATTHEW(1717--85): XXVI, 352, 357
Propositiones geometricae: I, 562; XII, 7
STEWART, ROBERT(Viscount Castlereagh) (1769-1822): VI, 135,356; XXIII. 645,683;
XXVI, 378-9
STEWART, WILLIAM (I"1. 1830): xxlgl, 529

STIOANT, WILLIAM (1825--1915). LETTER TO" XIV, 235--6

STmLING,JAMESHUTCHISON(1820--1909). TheSecretofHegel, 2 vols. (Longman, etal.,

1865): XVI, 1324
_Sir William Hamilton: IX, cv q, 27n q, 13In q
STOKER, ELIZABETH (J. Bentham's housekeeper; ft. 1820): XXVI, 45
Sterling - Sturm 369

STOLDT,MR. (member of a deputation from Heligoland; fl. 1868): XXXlI, 192

STONE, MR. (acquaintance of JSM: ft. 1850s?). LETTERTO: XXXII, 245
STONE,LUCY(1818-93). LETTERTO: XVI, 1385-6
STORKS,HENRYKNIGHT (1811--74): XXI, 424n, 426
STORR,JOHN STEPHENS( 1829--95): XVI, 1114, 1141
_ Memoir of the Life of the Rev. Robert Sto_" (Cambridge: Macmillan, 1862): XVI,
-- Uncle Tom's Cabin: XXI, 136, 284
EARLOF. See Wentworth, Thomas
STRANGE,DR. (living in Naples; ft. 1855): XlV, 318,321,323,330, 331,370. 472
-- *The Life of Jesus CriticaUy Examined, trans. Mary Ann Evans ("George Eliot")
(Chapman, 1846): VII, 2007
STREET,THOMASGEORGE(editor of the Cour_er; ft. 1810-20): xxm, 529
STRODE, WILLIAM(1599?--1645): VI, 16, 40
STROHMEIER, URS PETER(1805--45). Der Kanton Solothurn: XXIV, 1054
STRUT'r,EDWARD(Baron Belper) ( 1801-80): I, 79 (78), 105 (104), 121 (120), 203 (202);
VI, 210-11; XII, 198,202, 211,246, 333,336; xm, 742: xxxII, 15
STUART, CHARLES(Baron Stuart de Rothesay) (1779-1845): XXVII, 601-2
STUART, GILBERT (1742-86). A View of Society in Europe (Edinburgh: Bell and Murray,
1778): Xlll, 683
STUART,HENRY(Lord Darnley) (1545-67): XXVI, 342
STUART,JAMES(Duke of Richmond) (1612-55): VI, 53n, 55
STUART,JAMES(1780--1853): VI, 455n
STUART,JAMESFRANCISEDWARD("The Old Pretender") (1688-1766): IV, 210
STUART,JANE(n6e Leslie-Melville) (d. 1829): I, 7 (6)
STUART,Joan (1753--1821): I, 5--7 (4--6); XII, 315
STUART,WILLIAM(of Liverpool; ft. 1847): XIH, 722,725


VI, 101-2, 107-9, 116-17; XXII, 281
Speech in Introducing the Game Laws Amendment Bill ( 17 Feb., 1825): VI, 101
STUDDERT, MR. (Irish middleman; ft. 1860): VI, 516
STUltGE,JOSEPH(1793-1859): xm, 533
STURGE,JOSEPH(1847--1934). LETTERTO:XVII, 1783-4
STUaM,CHARLES(1803--55): XIII, 555
370 Index of Persons and Works

STURT, CHARLES(1795--1869): XXIII, 739

SUAREZ, FRANCISCO(1548--1617): XV, 647
SUE, EUGENEMARIE JOSEPH(1804--57): I, 475; XX, 220; XXV, 1089-91. LETTERTO:
XIII, 736
-- Le juif errant: xm, 736; XXV, 1091
Martin, l'enfant trouv_: XlII, 736; XXV, 1090-1
--Mathilde: XXV, 1091
Les mystdres de Paris: XXV, 1090
SUETONIUS(Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus) (b. ca. 70 A.D.): XX, 23
-- *C. Suetonius Tranquillus, et in eum commentarius: XXVl, 61
_De vita Caesarum: VIII, 749q; XII, 126q; XVI, 1102, 1165; XVII, 1685; XXVl,
Praeter Caesarum libros reliquiae: XXlV, 908q
SUFFXELO,BARON. See Harbord, Edward
SUGDEN, EDWARDBURTENSHAW(Baron St. Leonards) (1781-1875): XXH, 282
SUGER,ABBI_(ca. 1081-1151): XX, 23
SULLA, LUCIUSCORNELIUS(138--78 B.C.): XI, 510; XVIII, 191; XXVl, 344
SULLIVAN,WILLIAMlOP,BY (1821-90). University Education in Ireland (Dublin: Kelly,
1866): XVI, 1156
SUMNER, CHARLES (1811-74): XVII, 1834, 1863; XXVIII, 33
-- "The Trent Case and Maritime Rights," The Times (1 Feb., 1862): XV, 783-4
Speech on the Alabama Claims ( 13 Apr., 1869): XVII, 1601
SUMNER,HOLME.See Holme-Sumner, George
SUMNER,JOHNBIRD (1780--1862): XXIII, 744; XXIV. 778
The Sun. Leading article on Lord Durham (20 Aug., 1838): I, 223
Sunday Times. "Questionable Charity" (5 May, 1850): XXV, 1170-2, l171q
SUNDERLAND.See Spencer, Robert
SUSSEX,EARL OF. See Savile, Thomas
SUTHERLAND,lST DUKE OF. See Leveson-Gower, George Granville
SUTHERLAND,JAMES(of the EIC; ft. 1840s): XXXlI, 61
SUTTON,CHARLES(1775--1828): VI, 369
SWABEY,MAURICE(1785--1864): XXII, 63, 75-6, 79
SWEDEN'BORG,EMANUEL(1688--1772): X, 127
Swwr, JONATHAN(1667--1745): X, 103; XXVI, 396, 415; XXXII. 54q
*A Full and True Account of the Battle... between the Ancient and the Modern
Books: XXI, 220
Sturt- Tait 371

*"The Grand Question Debated: Whether Hamilton's Bawn Should be Turned into
a Barrack or Malt-House": XXXI, 363q
*Gulliver's Travels: I, 149 (148); IV, 155q, 186q; VI, 32, 128, 137; VIII, 978,
1042; XI, 429q; XlX, 473q; XXl, 293
*A Letter to a Young Clergyman: XXl, 231q
*A Tale of a Tub: XI, 493n q; XXVI, 279
SYDENriAM,LORD. See Thomson, Charles Edward Poulett
SYDENHAM,F. (ft. 1800S), and THOMASTAYLOR(fl. 1800S), trans. The Works of Plato:
XI, 42
Sydney Mornmg Herald: XXXlI, 145
SYKES,DANmL (1766--1832): IV, 122
SYKES,EMELIA(acquaintance of HTM; fl. 1854): XIV, 168
SYKES,WILLIAMHENRY( 1790-- 1872): XIV, 5, 123, 134, 148-9, 156, 168, 177, 181 ;XV,
523,527; XXXlI, 87, 90, 92-5, 98-101
SYLLA.See Sulla
II (Pope) (ca. 940/5-1003): XX, 239
SYMMONS,EDWARD(fl. 1648). The First Sermon . . . The Ecclesiasticall Selfe-seeking:
SYr,tO_qDS,ARTHUR(1806/7--77). "Progress of Law Reform": XXIV, 947

TABOUELLE,R. HENRY(French translator; fl. 1868). LETTERTO: XXXH, 189-90

TACHILETmNNE PASCHAL(1795--1865): VI, 455n
TACITUS,CORNELIUS(ca. 55-120 A.D. ): I, 14, 25 (24), 26,532,566.584-5; XlI, 8;
XIV, 28; SIX, 621-2; XX, 23; XXI, 229,254
*Agricola: I, 532; XX, 215q
*The Annals: VI, 360q; XVIII, 12q, 289q
-- *Germania: XX, 284 (387)
TAltMASPII (T_im_p) (Shah of Persia) ( 1704-40): XXXI, 349
TAINE, HIPPOLYTE(1828--93): XVI, 1008, 1046. LETTERSTO: XV, 722-3; XVII,
1711-13, 1751-2
_. De l'inteUigence: IX, 250n; XI, 443-7 rev, 444q; XVII, 1711, 1752. 1786
Histoire de la litt_ramre anglaise: XI, 443; XVI, 1026
"Philosophie anglaise contemporaine--John Stuart Mill et son syst6me de
logique": VII, 575n; XV, 721-3
*Le positivisme anglais, _tude sur Smart Mill: X, 264
Review of JSM's La philosophie de Hamilton, la'ans. E.H Cazelles: XVII, 1652,
TAIT,PETERGUTHRIE( 1831--1901 ). "The Dynamical Theory of Heat": XV, 970-1
-- "Energy": XV. 970-1
- "Energy, and Prof. Bain's Logic": XVII, 1719
372 Index of Persons and Works

TAIT. WILLIAM(1793--1864): XII, 127, 149, 165,217, 219; XVlI, 1987. LETTERSTO:
XII, 130--1, 137, 142, 147--8, 174, 178--9. 212--13. 357--8; xm. 540-1. 621. 623-4,
627,640, 644,702; XVlI. 1957-9. 1962-3
--"The Destructives": XXHI, 607
-- "The Ministers and the Bank Charter": XXlll, 580n-ln
Tait's Edinburgh Magazine: I, 191 (190); Vl, 174, 400; XII, 118, 127-8, 131. 178-9,
198,210, 212-13,216, 232; XllI, 640. 644, 702; XVlI, 1957-8; XXIII, 580n-In
-- "The Bank Charter": IV, 192n
--"The Decline and Fall of the Empire of Fashion": Xll, 213
--"London Sights--The Streets": XH. 213
-- Notice of Browning's Pauline: XH, 174
TALBOT,GEORGE(1816--86): XIV, 302
TALBOT, HENRYJOHNCHETWYND(Earl of Shrewsbury and Talbot) ( 1803-68): XIV, 352;
XXI, 428
TALFOURD,THOMASNOON (1795--1854): XIII, 495; XXl, 285; XXV, 1108, 1165-6q,
1167-8, llT0q
-- "Hazlitt's Lectures on the Drama": I, 31 In
-- "The Late William Hazlitt": XIV, 127
-- Speech on the Custody of Infants (25 Apr., 1839): XXIV, 918
Speech on National Representation (6 July, 1848): XXV, 1108q, 1109
TALLACK, WILLIAM (1831-1908). LETTERSTO: XVI, 987, 1362
Vl, 468; XII, 147; XX, 140; XXH, 155; xxm, 395-6, 519-20, 542
-- Rapport sur r instruction publique: XXlII, 519
Tamworth Manifesto. See Peel, Robert, An Address
TAPNER, MR. (d. 1854): XIV, 212
TAPPS, GEORGEIVlSON(1753--1835): XXVlI, 600
TAPPS-GERvls, GEORGEWILLIAM( 1795-- 1842): XXVII, 600
TARDIVETDU REPMRE (royal bodyguard; ft. 1789): XX, 156
TARRANT,JAMES(messenger at the EIC; ft. 1850s): XXXII, 89
TASSO,TORQUATO(1544--95): XlIl, 556
*Aminta: XIV, 258,261,273
*Jerusalem Delivered: XIV, 258,261,273
The Tatler: I, 381-2
TAUNTON,LORD. See Labouchere, Henry
T^VERNIER,M. (Bastille prisoner): XX, 146
TAYLOR,ALGERNON(1830--1903): XIV, 13, 73-4, 115, 122, 125,128-9, 131, 134-6,
TaiL- Taylor 373

138-9, 141,152, 166, 180, 201,220; XV, 521,531,542, 550, 582, 660, 662,664-8,
673,678-82,684, 772; XVH, 1877; XXXI, 329, 331,338. LETTERTO: XVII, 1931
TAYLOR,CLEMENTIA(n6e Doughty) (1811-1908): I, 285; XVI, 1284, 1308, 1373, 1409.
1476; XVII, 1551, 1566, 1636, 1700, 1708, 1743, 1818, 1824, 1836, 1843, 1849,
i 1851-2, 1855, 1860, 1916, 1918; XXIX, 381; XXXll, 182,206. LETTERS TO: XVII,
1648-9, 1697-8
TAYLOR.DAVID(grandfather of John Taylor) (fl. 1810s): I, 193 (192)
TAYLOREDWARD(1784--1863): XII, 16
TAYLORELLEN (n6e Gurney) (d. 1864): XV, 665; XVlI, 1877
TAYLORGEORGE( 1771 --1851 ): XXVII, 536, 548
TAYLORHARRIET.See Mill, Harriet Taylor
. TAYLORHELEN (1831--1907): I, 237 (236), 251, 264--5. 268. 282n, 286--7, 290. 626;
XlV, 115, 125, 127, 135, 139, 149. 181-2. 204, 226,255. 271. 280. 306, 317; XV,
523-5,527,575,580, 724. 729. 746. 753,761,855,862-3,873. 879-80. 883,939,
961; XVI, 1015. 1024. 1028. 1079. 1096, 1222, 1284. 1299-1300, 1342, 1352. 1359.
1363, 1390, 1417-18. 1502, 1508-10; XVII. 1540, 1549. 1551-2. 1571. 1575. 1606.
1631, 1640, 1656-7, 1661. 1663, 1687, 1698. 1704, 1740, 1744-6, 1788, 1806, 1817.
1827-8, 1832-3, 1836, 1880, 1892, 1909. 1912-13, 1918, 1924, 1927. 1941. 1943,
./ 2013; XXXI, 289-320 passim, 327-44 passim; XXXIl, 117, 129. 131-3,140, 143-55
passim, 173,200, 205,211-12, 218,228,234, 237
-_ LETTERS TO:XV, 571-3,621-5,659-71,673-88,704-5. 867; XVI. 1084-5, 1274,
1280-1, 1475, 1481-2; XVII, 1826-7
-- "The Election of Representatives": XVI. 1064
-- "A Few Words on Mr. Trollope's Defence of Fox-Hunting": XVII, 1701; XXXII,
--"Greece": XV, 847
-- "Greece and the Greeks": XV, 808
-- "The Greek Kingdom and the Ioman Islands": XV, 856
"The Ladies' Petition... June 7th, 1866": XVI, 1216, 1218, 1220, 1233, 1235,
1270, 1276-7, 1280, 1283, 1451, 1476
"Mr. Stansfeld and M. Mazzini": XV, 933
"Nurses Wanted": XVI. 1064
"Servia and the House of Commons": XV, 858
.... "Sir Thomas More on the Politics of To-Day": XVII, 1745
Speech on Women's Suffrage (26 Mar., 1870), in Report of a Meeting of the
London National Society for Women's Suffrage (LNSWS, 1870), 21-5: XVII, 1698
, Yd. "Fragment on the Reign of Elizabeth from the Posthumous Papers of Mr.
Buckle": XVI, 1233, 1258, 1295, 1490
, Yd. Miscellaneous and Posthumous Works, by Henry Thomas Buckle: XV, 953.
964; XVI, 1233, 1408, 1481-2, 1490; XVII, 1619, 1782, 1784-5, 1888, 1896; XXXH,
374 Index of Persons and Works

TAYLOR,HENRY(1800--86): I, 130; XII. 104, 107, 159, 167-8q, 335, 340, 361; XIV,
156; XXVII, 536, 540, 548; XXXII, 31. LETTERSTO: XV, 731-2; XVII, 1969-70
--Philip yon Artevelde: L 424n; XIX, 617, 647
*The Statesman: I, 424n, 426n q; VI, 394q; XII, 334; XlX, 617--47 rev, 621-31q,
634-9q, 641-6q; XXXII, 31
TAYLOR,HERBERT(1827--90): XII, 308; XIV, 10, 13, 170, 398; XV, 504
TAYLOR,ISAAC(1759--1829): XXXII, 54
TAYLOR,J. (n6e Mills) (step-mother of Henry Taylor; fl. 1831 ): XXVII, 540,548
TAYLOR,JEREMY(1613--67): XXII, 16; xxm, 394
TAYLOR,Jom_ (1779-1863): XXVII, 619
TAYLOR,JO_/N(1796-1849): I, 193-5 (192--4), 237 (236), 247 (246), 618; XII, 187-9,
227; XlW, 3, 74; XVII, 1641. LETTERTO: XII, 115
TAYLOR,JOHNCYPRIAN( 1862-- 1939): XXXl, 329-31
TAYLOR,MARY( 1863/4-- 1918 ): XXXI, 329--32
TAYLOR,PETERALFRED(1819--91): I, 281n; V, 766; XVI, 1154, 1228, 1405; XVII.
1644, 1849; XXI, 429. LETTERS
TO: XV, 823,942; XVII, 1604-5, 1607-8, 1759-60;
XXXII, 196-7
Motion for an Address on the Case of Fulford and Wellstead (5 July, 1867):
-- Motion on the Poor Relief Bill ( 17 July, 1868): XXVIII, 312
TAYLOR,R.S. (major in the EIC army; ft. 1850s): XXXII, 107
TAYLOR,RICHARD(1781-1858): XXXII, 66
TAYLOR,RICHARD(1810--83): XXVII, 619
TAYLOR,ROBERT(1784-1844): XXVI, 420
TAYLOR,THOMAS(fl. 1800S), and F. SYDENHAM(ft. 1800S), trans. The Works of Plato:
XI, 42
TAYLOR,WmLIAM CoordE (1800-49): XI][I, 513-15
(1767--1849): XII, 5
TEETGAN,ALEXANDERT. (poet; ft. 1868). LETTERTO:XVI, 1517
TELL, WILHELM(legendary Swiss patriot): XIV, 493
TEMPLE,FREDEVaCK(1821--1902): XVII, 1586
TEI_LE, HENRYJOHN (Viscount Palmerston) (1784-1865): I, 249, 263; XIII, 448,
451-2, 456-7,459,478, 570, 687; XlV, 116, 117,331,344, 453; XV, 532-3, 543,
548,550, 626, 646,680; XlX, 326n, 347; XXI, 117; XXIII, 619-20; XXIV, 774, 830;
XXVIII, 89, 351, 353, 356, 359-61,365; XXX, 84; XXXI, 345-6, 349; XXXlI,

On Poland (28 June, 1832): XXIII, 698

On the Prussian Tariff (15 Aug., 1833): XXIH, 619-20
Taylor- Thackeray 375

On the Vtxen (17 Mar., 1837): XXXI, 345

On the Affairs of Spain ( 19 Apr., 1837): XXXI, 365n q
On the Russian Invasion of Hungary (21 July, 1849): XXV, 1143
On the Ballot (13 June, 1854), PD, Vol. 134, cols. 66-71: XIV, 218,221
Of Explanation (16 Feb., 1855), PD, Vol. 136, cols. 1421-31: XIV, 344
-- On Leave to Introduce a Bill on the Government of India (12 Feb., 1858): XXX,
84, 87-8, 163-4, 181,203
-- On the Isthmus of Suez Canal ( 1 June, 1858): XXI, 116
_On the Affairs of Poland (27 Feb., 1863): X-XV, 1206
-- On the Affairs of Poland (6 July, 1863): XXV, 1206
TEMPLE,WILLIAM(fl. 1814). *"An Essay upon the Ancient and Modem Learning": XXl,
Le Temps: XVI, 1224
--"Bulletin" (23 Aug., 1834): xxm, 747-8q
TENNANT, CHARLES (1796-1873): XXlI, 272
--A Letter... to Sir George Murray, on Systematic Colonization: XXll, 272-3
-- Letters Forming Part of a Correspondence with Nassau William Senior, Esq.
Concerning Systematic Colonization: XXII, 272-3
-- Utilitarianism Explained and Exemplified (Longman, et al., 1864): XV, 923
TENNANT, SMITHSON(1761-1815): VII, 428
TENNENT, JAMESEMERSON(1804--69). Speech on Repeal of the Union (24 Apr., 1834):
VI, 215
TENNYSON,ALFRED(Lord) (1809-92): XII, 177-8, 245', xm, 555-7; xv. 661
-- Poems: I, 395-418 rev, 401-13q; VIII, 691q; XI, 420n q; XIII, 404q, 556-7;
XlV, 36, 382; XV, 664
--Poems, Chiefly Lyrical: I, 395-418 rev, 399-401q, 408-9q, 414q
TENNYSON,EMILY(Lady; n6e Sellwood) (1813-96): XV, 661
TENORE,MICHELE(1780--1861). Catalogus plantarum horti regii Neapohtani: XXXI,
TENTERDEN,Logo. See Abbott, Charles
TERENCE(Publius Terentius Afer) (d. 159 B.C.): XII, 10
*Comoediae: I, 15 (14), 557
TERTULLIAN(b. ca. 170 A.D. ). Apology: XVIII, 249q
TESTE,JEANBAP'nSTE(1780--1852): XXIII, 532
Testimony of the Yearly Meeting of the Society of Friends (Leeds: Packard, 1840):
XlII, 453
TETRICUSI (of Gaul) (ft. 268-73 A.D.): 1, 457
-- The Irish Sketch-Book. By Mr. M.A. Titmarsh: HI,997n; XXIV, 898q
Review of Carlyle's The French Revolution: Xll, 347
376 Index of Persons and Works

THAER,ALBRECHTDANIEL( 1752-- 1828). Grundsiitze der rationellen Landwirthschafi, 2

vols. (Berlin: Realschulbuchhandlung, 1809-12): II, 267
THALES(of Miletus) (6th c. B.C.): VII, 359, 361,364-6; VIH, 761,786; X, 323; XI,
THE^ETETUS(in Plato): XI, 409, 430
THEAGES(in Plato): XI, 167,395
THEAmON(in Plato): XI, 143
TrmLUSSON,FREDEmCK(4th Baron Rendlesham) (1798-1852): IV, 119n
THELUSSON,PETERISA^C(1St Baron Rendlesham) (1761-1808): IV, 199
THEMISTOCLES (ca. 527-ca. 460 B.C. ): VIII, 937,941; XI, 103,133,141,143,333,435;
XIX, 419', 438,458; XXII, 174; XXV, 1122
THEOBALD lI, COMTEDE CHAMPAGNE("le Grand") (ft. 1125): XX, 30
THEOBALD, HENRY STODDY (1847--1934): XVI, 1261, 1288. LETTER TO: XKXH,
THEOBALD,WILLIAM(1798--1870): XVl, 1261; XVII, 1989
THEOCmTUS(ca. 310-25 B.C.): XII, 7; XIV, 339, 347,369,401
-- *Oe.oKpdrov, M6o'xov, Bgtovo¢;, J_Oxlxgov 7"a et)ptoKdta,_vot: I, 15 (14), 560:
XIV, 339, 347,361,369,401
TH_OOOmC(King of the Ostrogoths) (ca. 454-526 A.D. ): XX, 275,280
THEOVO_tIS(in Plato): XI, 82, 85
THEODOSn.lSI (ca. 346--95 A.D.): XX, 241
THEOIX)/'mES(in Plato): Xl, 167
TmEOIX)TUS(in Plato): XI, 167
(d. 287 B.C.): Xl, 510
TI-mRAMENES(d. 404 B.C.): XI, 334; XlX, 460; XXV, 1124
T_ROIGNE DE M_mCOURT, ANNE JOS_PHE(1762-1817): XX, 152, 155
THESIGER,FREDERICK(Baron Chelmsford) (1794-1878). Speech on the Extradition
Treaties Act Amendment Bill ( 19 July, 1866): XXVlII, 116
XII, 230, 239-40, 291; XXXII, 27-8
TmBAUT, AUTONFmEDmCH JUSTUS(1774--1840): XXI, 204
TrnElmY m (of Neustria and Burgundy) (652-91 A.D.): XX, 19
TrUElmY IV (of Neustria) (713-87 A.D.): XX, 19
M. (servant of Louis XVI): XX, 103
TmElmY, JACQUES NICOLASAUGUSTIN(1795--1856): KX, 181q, 221, 226--8, 231,
233--4, 275, 370n
Thaer - Thomas _ Becket 377

*Dix ans d'_tudes historiques: XX, 226q

Histoire de la conqu_te de l'Angleterre par les Normands: XX, 35-6, 181,221 n,
: 226
_Lettres sur l'histoire de France: XX, 185,222n-3n q, 226, 245,289
R_cits des temps m_rovingiens: XX, 227, 234q, 241
i TrHERS,LOUISADOLPHE(1797-1866): XH, 54, 220, 291; XIH, 448,451,454, 459-60,
462,468,472; XIV, 12; XVII, 1581, 1816; XIX, 584; XX, 185,193,221; XXIII. 496,
_ De la propridtd: II, 290n
--Histoire de la rdvolutionfranfaise: XII, 126, 139. 271,279, 292; XX, 116, 143n,
185; XXIII, 515
(in English) History of the French Revolution, trans. Frederick Shoberl: XX, 143n
Leading article in Le National (4 Feb., 1830): XX, 332q
-- Speech in the Chamber of Deputies (14 Jan., 1837): XXXI, 378n q
THIEIkSCH,BERNHARD(1794--1855). Ueber das Zeitalter und Vaterland des Homer
(Halberstadt: Helm, 1832): XII, 243
TrtIRLWALL,CONNOP(t797--1875): I, 129 (128), 131 (130); VI, 260; XI, 41; XII, 181;
Xlll, 442; XIV, 23; XXIV, 868; XXVI, 297-8,300, 302-5,307,386
The History of Greece: XI, 242, 275,281-2q, 330; XXIV, 867-9
-- Letter to the editor of the Spectator in defence of JSM ( 17 June, 1865): XVI, 1070,
-- A Letter to the Rev. Thomas Turton . . . on the Admission of Dissenters to
Academical Degrees: VI, 260; XVIII, 142
"Socrates, Schleiermacher. and Delbrueck": XI, 151n
_, trans. Introduction to The Apology of Socrates, by Friedrich Schleiermacher: Xl,
151,241; XII, 181
• trans. "On the Worth of Socrates as a Philosopher," by Friedrich Schleiermacher:
XI, 41,242; XH, 181
_, trans. "On Xenophon's Hellenica," by Barthold Georg Niebuhr: XI, 242-3q, 323
_, and JULIUS CHARLESHARE (1795--1855), trans. History of Rome, by Barthold
Georg Niebuhr: I, 17 (16), 526, 531,584; XI, 276-7, 304, 328,330; XX, 219,232;
XXIII, 663; XXIV, 869, 1086; XXVII, 654
Thirty-nine Articles. See Book of Common Prayer
TmSTLEWOOO,ARTHUR(1770-1820): XXII, 45n
THOM,ADAM (1802--90): VI, 443,455n, 463
THOM,AL_X^NDER(1801--79). Thorn's Irish Almanac and Official Directory of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, for the Year 1863: III, 1074, 1084
THOr_,JOHNHAMILTON(1808--94): XIII, 384. LET'rE_sTO: Xlll. 477, 666; XXXH, 72
, ed. *The Life of Joseph Blanco White: XIII, 666
THOM,JOHN NICHOLS.See Tom, John Nichols
THOM_ _, B_.¢r_r (St.) (ca. 1118-70): X, 142; XX, 239,244, 247; XXIV, 819
378 Index of Persons and Works

THOMAS_ KEMPIS(ca. 1380--1471 ). De imitanone Christi: X, 335q

THOMASAQOlr_AS(St.) (ca. 1225-74): XI, 489; XX, 239; XXVI, 163-4
THOMAS,MR. (Palermo banker; ft. 1855): XIV, 352
THOMAS,ANTOINELI_ONA_O(1732-85). "De Mascaron et de Bossuet': I, 573; XXVI, 55
THOMAS,RACHEL(matron of Bedford College; fl. 1854-79): XVII, 1946, 1949
THOMAS,W. (ft. 1850). "Speaking Out": XXV, 1180-1q
THOMASON,JAMES(1804--53): XXX, 65-6, 142-3
THOMMEREL,J.P. (of Paris; ft. 1840): XXXII, 69
THOMPSON,MR. (fl. 1840): XIII, 440
,JosEPH PARmSH( 1819--99). England during Our War: XV, 797
MARY(suffragist; ft. 1867). LETTERTO:XVI, 1300
MATTHEWWILLIAM(1820--91): XVI, 1355
THOMPSON,THOMASPE_ONET (1783--1869): I, 135 (134), 207 (206); VI, 386, 396;
XII, 91,95, 127, 216; XIH, 382; XIV, 500; XVH, 1640-1; XXXII, 20-1. LETTERTO:
XVI, 1206-7
--"Absenteeism in Ireland": XXXII, 21
-- "Archbishop of Dublin on Political Economy": XXXII, 19
--A Catechism on the Corn Laws: IV, 143-59 rev, 152-8q; VI, 177-8q, 400; XII,
--"Edinburgh Review and the 'Greatest Happiness Pnnciple'": I, 165 (164)
--An Exposition of Fallacies on Rent, Tithes, &c.: IV, 151n-2n; XII, 127
-- Instructions to My Daughter for Playing on the Enharmonic Guitar (Goulding and
D'Almaine, 1829): XII, 127
--Letters of a Representative to His Constituents: VI, 381-404 rev, 385q
"Parliamentary Reform": VI, 399q
"Property Tax": XXXH, 21
-- Review of his own Instructions to My Daughter: XII, 127
--"Saint-Simonianism": XII, 94, 129
Speech on India--the Annexation of Oude (16 Feb., 1858): XXVIII, 189
_, and JEREMYBENTHAM(1748--1832). "'Greatest Happiness Principle'": I, 165
WILLIAM(1785--1833): I, 129 (128); XXVI, 291,313-25 passim
Appeal of One Half the Human Race, Women: I, 129 ( 128 ); XXVI, 314, 321
An Inquiry into the Principles of the Distribution of Wealth: I, 129 (128)
THOMSON,ALFRED(of the London Debating Society; fl. 1828): XII, 25
THOMSON,ARCHIBALD(of the London Debating Society; ft. 1828). LETTERTO: XlI, 25
THOMSON,CHARLESEDWARDPOULETT (Baron Sydenham) ( 1799-1841 ): I, 131 (130);
XXlII, 348,636
Thomas d Kempis - Thouret 379

Speech on Employment for Agricultural Labourers (5 Aug., 1833): XXHI, 636

Speech on the Corn Laws (7 Mar., 1834): VI, 186
THOMSON,JAMES(1700--48). The Castle of Indolence: VIII, 852
"Winter" (The Seasons): I, 19 (18), 564,583--4
, and DAVID MALLET (1705?--65). "An Ode" ["Rule Britannia"]: XXI, 252;
XXIV, 921q
THOMSON,ROBERT(clergyman; ft. 1868): XVI, 1470-1
THOMSON,THOMAS(1773-1852): I, 12; XXVI, 32, 44
A System of Chemistry: I, 21 (20), 167 (166), 562,586; XII, 9; XXVI, 32, 35-6,
39-40, 42
THOMSON,WILLIAM. See Watson, Robert, The Htstory of the Reign of Philip I11
THOlUN,ERNEST(b. 1834): XVII, 1700
THORNTON,EDWARD(1799--1875): XIV, 99, 100; XXXH, 245
THORNTON,HENRY( 1760-- 1815). *An Enquiry into the Nature and Effects of the Paper
Credit of Great Britain: HI, 531-4q; IV, 90-1q, 188; VI, 176
-- Substance of Two Speeches... on the Report of the Bullion Committee (7 and 14
May, 1811): IV, 188; VI, 176
THORNTON,WILLIAMTHOMAS(1813--80): H. 365; Ill, 608; XlV, 47, 122-3; XV, 528,
660, 777, 939, 958; XVI, 1008, 1019, 1028, 1085, 1283, 1506; XVII, 1825, 1850,
1852, 1909; XXIV, 899,927; XXXI, 327-41 passim; XXXII, 97, 188,198
LETTERSTO: KV, 574-5,707-8,718,747,760, 772-4.782,853-4,891-3; XVI,
1300-1, 1318-20; XVII, 1547-9, 1656-7, 1780-2, 1912-13
--"Anti-Utilitarianism": XVll, 1765
--"Co-operation in Lancashire and Yorkshire": XV, 907-8
-- "Equity Reform": XIV, 46
-- Old-Fashioned Ethics and Common-Sense Metaphysics (Macmillan, 1873 ): XVII.
-- On Labour: V, 633-68 rev, 636q, 638-40q, 642n q, 647-52q, 657-8q, 663q,
665q, 667-8q; XVI, 1318; XVlI, 1547, 1574-5, 1582, 1587, 1616
*Over-Population andlts Remedy: II, 350q; Ill. 997-1000q; V, 633,680; XVII,
1588; XXIV, 898-9q, 911,927,940, 942, 962-3
A Plea for Peasant Proprietors: II, 272-3q; Ill, 1081; V, 633; VI, 528; XV, 930,
"Stray Chapters from a Forthconung Work on Labour. I. The Claims of Labour,
and Its Rights": XVI, 1318
"Strikes and Industrial Co-operation": XV, 892,894
_ Zohrab . . . and Other Poems (Longman, et al., 1854): XlV, 132, 139-40
THOU, JACQUES AUGUSTEDE (1553--1617). Historia sui temporis: XXI, 66q

Thoughts on the Ladies of the Aristocracy. See "Tomkins, Lydia"

380 Index of Persons and Works

THOUVENEL,EDWARDANTOINE(1818--66). Dispatch to the French Minister at Washing-

ton (3 Dec., 1861): XV, 784
(1782--1831 ): xxIn, 684
-- Speech on the Municipal Government Bill (31 Jan., 1831): XXII, 262
(ft. ca. 400 B.C.): XI, 155n, 309; XIV, 430; XXV, 1158
TngASY_CHUS (in Plato): XI, 82, 85, 87, 394, 396-7
THUCYDIDES(ca. 460-399 B.C.): XI, 300, 329-30; XII, 7-8; XXIV, 869, 1087; XXV,
1121, 1159; XXVI, 367
-- *History of the Peloponnesian War: I, 8, 15 (14), 26,421,532,553,585; VIII,
750, 828n; XI, 317n q, 318-19q, 322,323n q, 327,328q, 377,397n; XIV, 388; XX, 3,
368; XXI,'229, 231; XXII, 292; XXV, 1123, 1126-8, 1129q
THUCYDIDES(son of Melesias) (d. ca. 420 B.C.): XI, 334; XXV, 1123-4
THURIOT DE LA ROZII_RE, JACQUES ALEXIS (1753-1829): XX, 144q, 146-7
THURN,EDUARDIM. See Im-Thurn, Eduard
THURSFIELD,JAMESRICHARD(1840--1923). "Mr. Grote's Plato": XVI, 1083, 1116
THURTELL, JOHN (1794-1824): XXlI, 77-9
THWAITES,MR. (proprietor of the Morning HeraM; ft. 1827-43): XII, 16
THWPdTES,JOHN (1815--70): XXVIH, 231; XXIX, 437-43e, 537; XXXI, 395-7e
TmALDI, M. (Italian worker in Paris: fl. 1857): XXIX, 568, 570
TICKELL,MARY(n6e Linley) (1758-87): I, 154
TICKELL,RICHARD(1751--93): I, 154
TIECK,JOHANN LUDWIG(1773--1853): XHI, 582; XIV, 259
TIERNEY,GEORGE(1761--1830): XXVI, 398-9
Speech on the Promissory Notes Bill (17 Feb., 1826): IV, 122q
Speech on the State of the Currency (26 May, 1826): IV, l17q
TILLOTSON,JOHN (Archbishop of Canterbury) (1630-94): XXl, 60; XXH, 16
TIMARCHUS(b. ca. 390 B.C. ): XI, 389
The Times: IV, 371 n; VI, 183,202-3,224-5,252, 316, 351; XH, 39, 91,201,341; XlII,
456,641,645,649,705,709,734,740; XIV, 17, 59,169,242,261,293,301,478; XV,
783,829, 830, 844, 892-3; XVI, 1031, 1123-4, 1173-4, 1272; XVII, 1596, 1884.
1910, 1976, 1980, 1996; XXI, 158; XXH, 106, 130, 182-3, 195,225, 236-7, 320;
XXHI, 335-6,346, 407,419,422,446, 466, 483-4, 500, 515,527, 529-30, 566-8,
653,723; XXIV, 762,881,885-8,930-1,981; XXV, 1232; XXXlI, 132, 202
"Police; Queen-Square" (11 and 15 Aug., 1823): XXII, 43
-- "The Late Convictions under the Vagrant Act" (20 Oct., 1823): XXlI, 75
"The Money Market" (13 Mar., 1827): XXII, 107
"New Ministry and Mr. Canning" (4 and 9 Apr., 1827): XXVI, 406
Leading article on the Corn Bill (28 May, 1827): XXlI, 106-7q
Thouvenel - The Times 381

"Meeting of the Inhabitants of Queenborough" (26 Dec., 1827): XXII, 107-8

_ Leading articles on France (ll, 13, and 19 Aug., 1829): XXII, 183
Leading article on France ( 14 Aug, 1829): XXII, 156, 180, 309
Paragraph reporting W.E. Tooke's suicide (28 Jan., 1830): XXKII, 9
Leading articles on the ballot (8 Mar., 12 July, 23 Aug., and 30 Aug., 1830)' XXII,
Leading article on France (17 June, 1830): XXII, 123,225
-- Leading articles on France (4 Aug. and 4 Nov., 1830): XXII, 183q
--Leading article on France (13 Sept., 1830): XXII, 130, 149-50q, 151q
Untitled reply to a letter on Mr. Huskisson (22 Sept., 1830): XXII, 140-1q
Leading article on French affairs (10 Nov., 1830): XXII, 182-3
-- Leading article on France (17 Nov., 1830): XXII, 192
-- Private correspondence from Paris (24 Dec., 1830): XXII, 226q
-- Leading article on French affairs (29 Dec., 1830): XXII, 226q
-- Leading article on President Jackson's Message (5 Jan., 1831 ): XXII, 236q
--Leading article on the budget (12 Feb., 1831 ): XXII, 267
-- Leading article on the affairs of France (25 Feb., 1831 ): XXII, 275
-- Leading article on French affairs ( 11 May, 1831): XXII, 308-9
--"Pension List" (2 June, 1831 ): XKII, 319-20
-- Unheaded article on literary pensions (3 June, 1831 ): XXII, 320
--Leading article on French affairs (19 Aug., 1831 ): XKIII, 335-6
-- Letter from Paris Correspondent (9 Sept., 1831 ): XKIII, 346
-- Unheaded article on the insurrection at Lyons (2 Dec., 1831 ): XXIII, 368q
-- Articles on the suit for annulling the will of the Duke of Bourbon (21, 27, and 28
Dec., 1831): XXIII, 387, 392
-- Letter from Pads Correspondent (6 Jan., 1832): xxm, 395,407
Leading article on France (17 Jan., 1832): XXIII, 396q
Leading article on persecutions of the press in France (6 Feb., 1832): XXIII, 409
_ Leading article on French affairs (15 Feb., 1832): XXllI. 418
"Private Correspondence" (1 and 2 Mar., 1832): XXllI, 422q
Leading article on the French expedition to Italy (6 Mar., 1832): XXII1, 423
Express from Pads (5 Apr.. 1832): xxm, 439
Leading article on French affairs (l June, 1832): XXIH, 466q
Extraordinary express from Paris (7 June, 1832): XXIII, 484q
-- Telegraphic despatches from Pads (8 June, 1832): XXIII, 474
Leading article on France (9 June, 1832): xxm, 483q
- Leading article on pledges ( 11 July, 1832): XXIII, 500
_ I.,eading article on the Saint-Simonians (31 Aug., 1832): XXHI, 510q
_ I.eading article on the French Ministry (17 Oct., 1832): XXIII, 515
Letter from Pads (20 Oct., 1832): xxm, 527
382 Index of Persons and Works

[The Times]
-- Leading article on Destructives (8 Dec., 1832): XXIII, 607,656; XXIV, 761
-- Leading article on property tax (2 May, 1833): XXIII, 566-7q, 568
-- "The Bank of England" (14 Aug., 1833): xxm, 591-2
-- Leading article on the Municipal Corporation Bill (26 Aug., 1833): XXHI, 631
--Letter to the Editor (signed "Detector") (28 Aug., 1833): XXIlI, 629
--Leading article on the Saint-Simonians (8 Nov., 1833): XXIII, 677q
--"Private Correspondence" (Paris; signed "Y. ") (11 Nov., 1833): XXIII, 662
-- Leading articles on Turkey ( 1 and 2 Jan., 1834): XXIII, 658-9
-- Leading article on British foreign policy ( 17 Jan., 1834): VI, 161q; XXIII, 665q
-- Leading articles on the Post Office (5 and 7 Feb., 1834): VI, 157-8
--"Recommendations of the Poor Law Commissioners" (24 Feb., 1834): XXIII, 686
-- Leading article on the Poor Law Commissioners' Report (25 Feb., 1834): VI,
203-5; XXIII, 686-7
--Leading article on the Dudley election (1 Mar., 1834): VI, 182
-- Leading article on trades unions (15 Mar., 1834): VI, 188
--"St. Petersburgh, March 16" (28 Mar., 1834): XXIII, 698
-- Leading article on registration of instruments affecting land (2 Apr., 1834): VI, 224
--Leading articles on the strike at Derby (14 and 18 Apr., 1834): VI, 210q, 211q
--Leading article on the Canadas (19 Apr., 1834): VI, 202
--Leading article on the Poor Laws (19 Apr., 1834): VI, 203
-- Leading article on the tailors' strike ( 1 May, 1834): VI, 220
--Leading articles on the Poor Laws (5 and 8 May, 1834): XXIII, 713q, 715q
-- "Poor Law Report--Emigration" (signed "Anglicanus") (8 May, 1834): XXHI,
-- "The Poor Laws" (8 May, 1834): XXIII, 708q
-- Leading article on the Poor Law Bill (14 May, 1834): VI, 239q
-- l.e.ading articles on the Poor Law Bill (20 and 23 May, 1834): VI, 240
-- "Men of Science and Letters" (22 May, 1834): VI, 241-2
-- Leading article on the ministry (9 June, 1834): VI, 252
-- Leading article on the South Australian Association (2 July, 1834): XXIH, 736
-- Leading article on the Poor Law Bill (23 July, 1834): VI, 266
-- Leading articles on radicals (12 and 26 Dec., 1834): XXIV, 762q
--"The Destructive Party" (1 Jan., 1835): XXIV, 762
--Review of Bulwer's The Duchesse de la Valli_re (5 Jan., 1837), 3: XII, 318-9
-- "Guizot's l.e,ctures on European Civilization" (21 Aug., 1837): XX, 230
-- Leading article on the Criminal Code for India (2 Apr., 1838): XXX, 30
Letter to the Editor (4 Apr., 1838): XXX, 30
"Mr. T.B. Macaulay" (6 Apr., 1838): XXX, 30
Letter to the Editor (signed "Z") (7 Dec., 1842): XI]II, 559
The Times 383

Leading articles on agricultural labourers (1, 16, 19 Oct., 1844): XIII, 641
Leading article on railway speculation (8 Nov., 1845): XIII, 686
Leading article on the Anti-Corn-Law League ( 19 Dec., 1845): XXVIII, 3
Leading article on the trial of Captain Johnstone (7 Feb.. 1846): XXIV, 866q
"The Water Cure" (10 June, 1846): XXlV, 876q, 877
Leading article on the Irish Poor Law ( 19 Aug., 1846): XXIV, 881,885,887
Leading article on Poor Laws ( 1 Sept., 1846): XXIV, 886,930
"Court-Martial at Hounslow" (30 Sept., 1846): XXIV, 884q
"Child Stolen by Its Own Father" (19 Oct., 1846): XXIV, 917
-- Leading article on Irish Poor Laws (27 Oct., 1846). XXIV, 930
-- Leading article on Poulett Scrope and the Edmburgh Revtew (27 Oct., 1846):
XXIV, 923,926
-- Letter from Irish Correspondent (20 Nov., 1846): XXIV, 1019
-- "Neglect of Agriculture" (3 Dec., 1846): XXIV, 978
-- "'In the Matter of the Petition of Arabella Frances North and Others" (23 Dec.,
1846): XXIV, 1021-3q
--"'Sanatory' v. 'Sanitary'" (signed "H.") (6 Apr., 1847): XXIV, 1078q, 1079
-- "The French Republic" (28 June and 11 July, 1848): XXV, 1111
-- Leading articles on France ( 19 July and 7 Aug., 1848 ): XXV, 1110-11
--"The State of the Continent" (7 Aug., 1848): XXV, 1110-11
--Leading articles critical of Louis Blanc (7 and 12 Sept., 1848): XIU, 740
-- Review of America Compared with England (25 Jan., 1849): XIV, 10
-- Leading article in support of Peel's plans for Ireland (31 Mar., 1849): XIV, 21
-- "Alleged Attempt to Assassinate the Queen" (21 May, 1849): XXV, 1141
-- "Central Criminal Court, June 14. The Charge of Shooting at Her Majesty" (15
June, 1849): XXV, 1141
--"Police. Southwark" (6 July, 1849): XXV, 1139-40q
-- "Horrible Cruelty" (2 Feb., 1850): XXV, 1151, 1152-3q, 1164-7
-- "Spring Assizes. Western Circuit" (25 Mar., 1850): XXV, 1166
-- "Summer Assizes. Western Circuit" (7 Aug., 1850): XXV, 1167
--"Conference at the Mechanics" Institution on Secular Education" (31 Oct., 1850):
XXVIII, 3-5 passzm
-- Leading article on the education question (4 Nov., 1850): XXVIII, 3
-- Article on the Norfolk circuit (21 Mar., 1853): XXI, 107
_ Article on the police courts (25 Mar., 1853): XXI, 105n q
_ l.,eading article on rumours about Prince Albert (18 Jan., 1854): XIV, 136
"Mr. Cobden on Education" (19 Jan., 1854): XIV, 143
"National Public School Association at Manchester" (20 Jan., 1854): XIV, 143
I.,eading articles in favour of secular education (20, 21, 28 Jan., 1854): XIV, 143
384 Index of Persons and Works

[The Times]
--'National Education in Scotland" (28 Jan., 1854): XIV, 144
-- Leading articles on the Report on the Organization of the Civil Service (4 and 9 Feb.
and 14 Mar., 1854): XIV, 156, 175, 184q
--Leading article on parliamentary reform (11 Feb., 1854): XIV, 157
-- Leading article on convents (29 Mar., 1854): XXVIH, 43q
-- "Police. Lambeth" (6 Nov., 1854): XXV, 1197q
Leading article on the situation at Sebastopol (11 Dec., 1854): XIV, 280, 282
Leading articles in support of Earl Grey (29 and 30 Jan., 1855): XIV, 320
-- Leading article on Lord John Russell's support of Lord Raglan (9 Feb., 1855):
XIV, 332q,
-- Leading article on newspaper stamps (13 Feb., 1855): XIV, 332
-- Leading article on the state of affairs ( 1 May, 1855): XIV, 453
Obituary of Sir William Molesworth (23 Oct., 1855): XIV, 500
--"The Educational Franchise" (19 Dec., 1857): XlX, 325n-6n
-- "Indian Home Government" (letter to the editor; signed "Hadjee"; 31 Dec., 1857).
XXX, 83
--"The Government of India" (letter; signed "Indophilus"; 21 Jan., 1858): XXX, 83
--Leading articles on the trial of Dr. Bernard (19 and 20 Apr., 1858): XV, 836
-- Articles on the treatment of lunatics (27 and 28 July, 1858): XXV, 1198
-- Articles on the annexation of Savoy ( 10 Feb., 1860): XV, 676
--Leading article on parliamentary reform (23 Mar., 1860): XV, 694
-- "Mr. Layard and His Constituents" (22 Nov., 1861 ): XV, 777
-- Leading articles on the Revised Educational Code ( 13 Feb.-27 Mar., 1862): XV,
-- "'New South Wales" (17 Feb., 1862): XV, 777
Notice of the death of Catherine Stanley (7 Mar., 1862): XV, 781
-- Leading articles on competitive examinations for the civil service (22 Mar., 3, 19,
21 Apr., 19 Sept., 1862): XV, 829
--Reports of sixth annual meeting of National Association for the Promotion of Social
Science (6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 June, 1862): XV, 787
Judgment in the case of Dr. Williams (26 June, 1862): XV, 778,786
--"Murderous Assault" (18 July, 1862): XXVIII, 272
-- "America" (26 July, 1862): XXI, 162
"The Civil War in America" (8 Sept., 1862): XV, 795; XXXlI, 132
Leading articles against abolitionism (7 and 21 Oct., 1862): XV, 801
Report of President Lincoln's message to Congress (16 Dec., 1862): X'V, 810
-- Account of a subscription for Lancashire (16 Dec., 1862): XV, 810
"The Civil War in America" (3, 14, 15 Jan., 1863): XV, 828
Leading articles on slavery in America (6 and 24 Jan., 1863): XV, 828
The Times 385

"Foreign Intelligence: France. (From Our Own Correspondent. )" (25 Feb., 1863):
XXV, 1202
"Proposed Market at Leicester Square" (27.28, and 30 Apr., 1863): XXIX. 487
Manifesto of the Negro Committee, dated 16 July, 1863 ( 12 Aug., 1863): XV, 877
-- Leading articles on Britain's fitting out ships for a belligerent (28 Aug. and 7 Sept..
1863): XV, 885,910
-- Articles on the recent gold discoveries (31 Aug.-12 Sept., 1863): XV, 881-2,
Letters to the Editor on the effects of recent gold discoveries (signed "W.M.J.') (3
and 12 Sept., 1863): XV, 881,890-1
--Discussion of Cobden's speech to his constituents (27 Nov., 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18,
21, 22 Dec., 1863): XV, 912, 919
-- Account of Lincoln's New Year's Day levee ( 19 Jan., 1864): XV. 917
"Royal Horticultural Society" (22 Jan., 1864): XXXII, 146
Leading article advocating the abolition of slavery (24 Mar., 1864): XV, 934
Leading article on foreign policy (14 July, 1864): XXXII, 150
-- Leading article on the Brazilian question ( 19 July, 1864): XV, 956
"Foreign Intelligence: France" (24 Nov., 1864): m, 785n q
--"Australia" (14 Dec., 1864): 111, 1090-1
Leading article on the probability of war ( 15 Mar., 1865): XVI, 1019
"Election Intelligence. Westminster" (4 and 6 July, 1865): XVI, 1075-6
Advertisement by J.S. Mill's Committee (18 July, 1865): XXV, 1217
"Foreign Intelligence: France" (28 Dec., 1865): XVI, 1139
-- "The Jamaica Committee" (16 Jan., 1866): XXI, 422-3; XXVIII, 11 lq
"Parliamentary Intelligence. House of Commons, Friday, June 8" (9 June, 1866):
XVI, 1175-6, 1179; XXVIII, 91
"Ex-Governor Eyre at Southampton" (23 Aug., 1866): XXI. 428
"Extraordinary Case of Extradition" (17 Sept.. 1866): XXVIII, 228
"Mr. Goldwin Smith on the Political History of England" (16 Jan., 1867):
"The Distress of East London" (21 Jan., 1867): XXVIII, 142
"Mr. Goldwin Smith on Cromwell" (22 Jan., 1867): XXVIII, 130
"Mr. Goldwin Smith upon Pitt" (29 Jan. and 5 Feb., 1867): XXVIII, 130
"The Metropolitan Poor Bill" (7 Mar., 1867): XXVIII, 141
Articles on the Jamaica prosecutions (12 Apr. and 23 July, 1867): XXI, 432
"Prosecution of Ex-Govemor Eyre" (28 Feb., 1868): XXI, 432
"Ex-Govemor Eyre" (3 June, 1868): XXI, 429
"Election Intelligence. Greenwich" (17 Sept., 1868): XXV, 1219
- Leading article on JSM's efforts on behalf of Chadwick (21 Oct., 1868): XVI,
1471, 1481
386 lndex of Persons and Works

[The Times]
-- "The Duke of Beaufort and the West Gloucester Election" (4 Nov., 1868):
-- Leading article on election results (19 Nov., 1868): I, 278-9
-- Leading article on election results (28 Nov., 1868): XVl, 1494
-- Leading article on Mill's defeat (23 Dec., 1868): I, 278-9
-- Leading article on the Education Bill (21 Mar., 1870): XXIX, 384
-- Leading articles on the Treaty of 1856 (16, 17, 18 Nov., 1870): XVII, 1775-7,
--"Lord Granville's Answer to the Russian Circular" (17 Nov., 1870): XXI, 348
"The Treaty of 1856: Prince Gortschakoff's Note" (18 Nov., 1870): XXI, 344,
347-8; XXV, 1223-6
"Our Best Military Model" (20 Dec., 1870): XVII, 1788
-- Letters on JSM and the land question (19 and 23 May, 1871): XVlI, 1822
--"Floods in the Tyrol" (11 July, 1871): XVII, 1827
"The Scott Centenary at Edinburgh" ( 10 Aug., 1871 ): XXXlI, 227
-- Leading articles on corporate property in land (22 and 29 Nov., 1872): XVII, 1926;
XXV, 1228, 1231-2
TIMOLEON(ca. 411-337 B.C.): VI, 187; VIII, 941; XI, 311; XXIV, 868
TIMUR(Tamurlane) (1336-1405): XX, 24
TmAN, M. (French musician; ft. 1820): XXVI, 72
TISANDER(in Plato): XI, 124
TIsIAs (in Plato): XI, 85, 89
TITE, WILLIAM( 1798-- 1873): V, 512-- 16e, 523e, 541e; XVI, 1177; XXXI, 399e; XXXII,
TITIAN (Tiziano Vecelli) (1488-1576): I, 352; XIV, 270, 310-13, 319, 411,487,489;
XXV, 1240; XXVII, 565
465-6, 599-600; X, 109, 325; XII, 268-9, 275,282; XlII, 441,454, 462; XIV, 14;
XV, 719, 765; XVI, 1055, 1106; XVII, 1565, 1812, 1962; XXIV, 841-4; XXXII,
LETTERSTO: XIl, 265-6,271-3,283-4, 287-9, 300-1,304-6, 308-10, 316-17;
XllI, 433-5,457-60, 535-7,570-1,612-13; XV, 517-18
-- *L'ancien r_gime et la r_volution: XV, 517-18, 719; XVIII, 274; XXXII,
-- *De la d_mocratie enArrMrique: I, 199-203, 211 (210), 227; XII, 249, 259, 261,
263,272, 283-4, 304-5,309-10, 316, 342; XlII, 431,433-4, 445,457-8; XV, 518;
XVI, 1055; XVlII, 18n, 49-90 rev and qpassim, 94, 96-7, 102, 106,108-9, 112-13,
153-204 rev and q passim, 219q; XlX, 468,557, 582-3,618; XX, 184; XXI, 147q;
XXV, 1130q; XXVlII, 66-7; XXX, 176
"Discours prononc_ _tla chambre des d6put6s, le 27 janvier 1848": XX, 326-8q
The Times - Tooke 387

lnstitut Royal de France .... Discours . . . prononc_ darts la s_ance publique du

21 avril 1842 (Paris: Firmin-Didot fr_res, 1842): ]Kill, 536
Letter to Lord Brougham: XXIV, 842-4
*Oeuvres et correspondance in_dite: XV, 719-20
"Political and Social Condition of France: First Article": I, 600; Xll, 286, 300,
304; XXXII, 124
Speech on the Address to the King (28 Jan., 1843): XXIV, 842-4q
TOCQUEVlLLE,MARY(n6e Mottley) (d. 1864): XII, 283,310; XIII, 537
TODD,HENRYJorIN (1763-1845): XXII, 318
TODD,ROBERTBENTLEY( 1809--60): XV, 674
TODD,TWEEDYJOHN(1789-1840). The Book of Analysis. XXIII, 411-16 rev, 413-15q
TODD,WmUAM (Gateshead grocer; fl. 1865). LETTERSTO:XVI, 1017, 1276
-- Parliamentary. Reform (Newcastle-upon-Tyne: printed at the Chronicle Office,
1865): XVI, 1017
TODMAN,MR. (tradesman dealing with JSM and HTM; fl. 1854): XIV, 131-2
TOLLER,J.H. (deputy coroner in Bideford; fl. 1850): XXV, 1152
ToM, JOHN Nxcnot,s ("William Courtenay") (1799-1838): VI, 488
"ToMKINS,LYDIA." Thoughts on the Ladies of the Aristocracy: XII, 276; XVIII, 56n
TOrtE, THEOBALDWOLe'E( 1763--98): XXVIII, 189
TOOKE,Jonr_ HORNE( 1736-- 1812): X, 245n; XXII, 321 ;XXV, 1262; XXVI, 282; XXXI.
-- E_r_a _'r_Oo_vr_; or, The Diversions of Purley: XI, 425q; XXIII, 433; XXXI, 103
TooI_, PVaSCmLA(n_e Combe; wife of Thomas): XH, 49
TOOKE,THOMAS( 1774--1858): I, 83 (82), 103 (100); HI, 549,567, 661-4,673,678, 714;
IV, 61; V, 545; XII, 19, 44, 49, 245; XIlI, 444-5: XIV, 93; XV. 551-2; XVI, 1158;
XVII, 2006; XXXII, 3, 9, 122
Considerations on the State of the Current3': III, 1061n: IV, 77q, 86, 92n q, 109.
Evidence on the Depressed State of the Agriculture of the United Kingdom (PP):
V, 567
*A History of Prices: II, 343n; HI, 466n q, 467n, 547q, 1067n; IV, 343,350-1q;
XVI, 1158
_ An Inquiry into the Currency. Principle: III, 537q, 547-50q, 657-8q, 1066q; IV,
343-61 rev, 352q, 357-61q; XHI, 727; XIV, 93-4; XXIV, 856-9
*On the Bank Charter Act of 1844: V, 501-2
Report on the Bank of England Charter (PP): m, 661-2q
Report on the Depressed State of the Agriculture of the United Kingdom (PP):
IR, 467n
-. Thoughts and Details on the High and Low Prices of the Last Thirty Years: IV, 4-5,
8q, 13, 19-20, 21q, 74n, 97n q; XXII, 18-20 rev, 34-9 rev, 38q
, and WILLIAMNEWMId_CH(1820-82). *A History of Prices, and of the State of the
Circulation, during the Nine Years 1848-1856: m, 550n
388 Index of Persons and Works

TOOKE,WILLIAM(1777--1863): XH, 72; XIII, 742

TOOKE, WILLIAMEYTO_ (1806-30): I, 83 (82), 99 (98), 105 (104), 161 (160); XH, 19,
30-1, 43-6, 49, 245,333; XVI, 1201; XXVII, 478; XXXII, 3, 9-10
-- "'Memoirs of the Affatrs of Europe": XXXII, 8
TORERO, COUNT. See Queipo de Llano
TORMASO_, ALEXANDER(1752--1819): XXXI, 357
TORQUEMADA,THOMAS(1420--98): XI, 415
TORRENS,ROBERT( 1780--1864): III, 604n, 665, 1066; IV, 399-400; XH, 236; XXII, 3;
XXHI, 736; XXIV. 836-41; XXVII. 574
-- The Budget: IV, 231 ; XIII, 624
-- Colonizanon of South Australia: XXIV, 840
-- The Economists Refuted: IH, 589n
--"Exchangeable Value": I, 89 (88); XXII, 3, 5-6
-- An Inquiry into the Practical Working of the Proposed Arrangements for the
Renewal of the Charter of the Bank of England, and the Regulation of the Currency: IV,
343-61 rev, 347q, 353n q, 360-1q; XXIV, 855-6
-- A Letter to the Right Honourable Robert Peel . . . on the Condition of England:
XXIV, 836-41 rev, 837q, 838q, 840q
--"Political Economy Club": I, 89 (88); XXII, 3-6, 4q
-- Speech on the New Colony (30 June, 1834): XXIH, 736

--On International Maritime Law (2 Mar., 1866): XXVIII, 224

-- On the Metropolitan Poor Bill (8 Mar., 1867): XXVIH, 138
-- On the Artizans and Labourers' Dwellings Bill (20 Nov., 1867): XXVIII, 294
TORRUOS,Josl_ MAmA (1791--1831): XII, 102
TomuJOS, MME (wife of the above): XII, 102
-- Histoire de France, depuis la revolution de 1789: I, 65 (64), 576; XII, 22; XX,
74n-5n, 8In, 91q, 93,105q, 117,157q
TOU_AY, Lotns (Parisian cartwright; ft. 1789): XX, 144-5
TOURNEFORT, JOSEPHPITTONDE ( 1656-1708): VIII, 700, 713,793; XXVI, 122
TOURN1ER,FRANCOIS(1"1.1832): XXlII, 517
TRACY.See Desmtt de Tracy.
TRAILL, JAMES(1794--1873): xxm, 744; xxIv, 778
"I'R_N, GEORC;EFRANCIS(1829--1904): XXVIII, 315. LEttER TO: XVII, 2015-16
"I'g_Alq (Marcus Ulpius Trajanus) (A.D. 53-117): XIV, 447
Tooke - Trollope 389


"Doctrine d'association de M. Charles Fourier," Revue Encyclop_dique, LII]
(Feb. 1832), 271-300: XII, 134<t
TRANT,WILLIAM(of Bermondsey; ft. 1870s). LETTERSTO:xvn, 1756, 1765-6, 1772-4,
1920-1; XXXII, 220
TRAQUAIR,EARL OF. See Stewart, John
TRASK,JAMES(Yeovil Poor Law Guardian: ft. 1868). LETTERSTO: XVI, 1389-90, 1393
TRAVASSOS VALDEZ, Josl_ LOcIo (1787-1862 ): XXXI, 385
Traveller. See Globe and Traveller
TRAVlS,DR. (physician in Nice; ft. 1854): XIV, 160, 170
TREBY,GEORGE(1644?--1700): XXXI, 56
TREITT,NESTOR(Parisian lawyer; fl. 1868): XXIX. 566-71e
-- Evidence on the Disturbances in Ireland (PP). VI, 96
TREVELYAN,CHARLESEDWARD (1807--86): XIV, 175, 180, 184q, 187-8, 193, 203;
XVlI, 1548, 1572-3; XVlII, 201; XXIV, 1027: XXVlII, 88. LETTERSTO:XIV, 178-9,
205-7; XXXII, 130-1
-- Letter to the Commissioners of Public Works: XXIV, 1027
TREVELYAN,GEORGEOTTO( 1838-- 1928). "Letters from a Competition Wallah": XV, 909
"TREvOR, MIss" (stage name of Helen Taylor, q.v. )
The Trial of George Jacob Holyoake, on an Indictment for Blasphemy: XXIV, 1082
Le TribunaL: xxm, 525
La Tribune: XII, 122; XXIII, 363,402,486,505,571,666,705. 745
"Eure-et-Loire" (7 July, 1830): XXII, 134, 148
Leading article on the Chamber of 1830 ( 14 July, 1830): XXII, 134, 148
Articles on the disturbances in Paris (16 and 17 July, 1831): XXIII, 372
"Cour d'assises de la Seine" (30 Nov., 1 and 2 Dec., 1831 ): XXIII, 389
"Cour d'assises de la Seine. Affaire de la Soci_t_ des Amis du peuple" (13 Jan.,
1832): xxm, 396
_ Leading article on the new ministry (24 Oct., 1832): xxm,519
Leading article on the Dulong affair (30 Jan., 1834): XXHI, 682-3
G, MR. (poaching shoemaker; shot in 1816): Vl, 106
_R, SARAH(1741--1810). An Abridgment of the New Testament: XXVlI, 526
TROLLOPE,ANTHONY(1815--82): XVl, 1395
TROLLOPE,FRANCES( 1780-- 1863). Domestic Manners of the Americans: XVlII, 112,
390 Index of Persons and Works

TRONELLER,M. (of Lyons; fl. 1832): XXHI, 387

TROUGHTON,EDWARD(1753--1835): XXVI, 43
TROBNER,JOHNNICOLAUS( 1817--84): XV, 861,899; XVI, 990. 1008, 1036, 1083, 1096,
1159.1161, 1233, 1270. LETTERS TO:XVI, 1114, 1133, 1137-8, 1140, 1276-7, 1280,
1282-3; XXXII, 164
True and False Democracy (Boston: Prentiss and Deland, 1862): XV, 891
The True Sun: I, 382; X[I, 137,320, 331
TRUELOVE, EDWARD ( 1809-99): XVIII, 239. LETTER TO; XVI, 1263

TRUEMAN.MR. (St. H61ier chemist; ft. 1854): XIV, 210, 212

TUCKER,ABRAHAM(1705--74): IX. 152
TUCKER, TILGHMANM. (d. 1859): XllI, 486
TUFNELL,EDWARDCARLETON(1806--86): XIII, 721; XVIII, 3; XXI. 213-14q
TUFNELL, HENRY (1805--54), and GEORGECORNEWALLLEWIS(1806--63), trans. The
Public Economy of Athens, by August Boeckh: XVlII, 3; XXIII, 448
TULLIS,ROBERT(of Fife; fl. 1835): XII, 276
TULLOCH,JOHN (1823--86): XV, 670; XVI, 1428. LETTERSTO: XVI, 1227-8; XVII,
1552-3, 1573-4
-- Theism: VII, 340q, 363-4,366. 369q
TURGOT,ANNE RORERTJACQUES,BARONDEL'AULNE ( 1727--81 ): I, 115 (114); If, 302;
IV, 139, 211-12,335; VI, 404; IX, 100; X, 290; XII, 78; XIV, 93; XVI, 1497; XVII,
1664; XIX, 623,641; XX, 67, 80, 166; XXI, 204; XXII, 74, 110, 155; XXVI, 396-7,
"A Monsieur de C[ondorcet] stir le livre De l'esprit": XX, 66
TURNER,MR. (poacher; ft. 1816): VI, 106
TURNER,CHARLES(of Liverpool; ft. 1858): XXV, 1198
TURNER, CHARLESCOLVILLE(Bideford surgeon; fl. 1850): XXV, 1164-5q
TURNER,JOHN LEE (messenger at the EIC; fl. 1850s): XXXII, 89
TtmNER, JOSEPHMALLORDWILLIAM(1775--1851): I, 352; XXI, 317; XXVII, 566, 636
TURNER,MARY JANE (wife of Charles): XX-V, 1198
TURNER, SHARON(1768--1847): XKII, 318
History of England: KX, 221n
*The History of the Anglo-Saxons: XX, 221n; XXII, 318
Ttml, IN (Archbishop of Rheims) (d. ca. 800 A.D.): History of Charles the Great and
Orlando, trans. T. Rodd: Xl, 283; XXIV, 870
TURPIN,RICHARD(1706-39): XX, 29; XXI, 137
TL_TON, THOMASEDWARDMICHELL(1790--1854): VI, 443,463
TUSON, EDWARDWILLIAM(1802--65): XIV, 223,226, 23 l, 233,305
TWEEDDALE, LORD. See Hay, George
Troneller - Usiglio 391

TWESTEN,AUGUST DETLEV CHRISTIAN(1789--1876). Die Logik, msbesondere die

Analytik (Schlesswig: K6nigliche Taubstummeninstitut, 1825): XIII, 461
TWESTEN,KARL(1820--70): XVI, 1224
TwISS, HORACE( 1787-1849): XII, 345
Speech on the Game Laws Amendment Bill (31 May, 1824): VI, 116-17q
Speech on Roman Catholic Relief (10 May, 1825): VI, 92
Twlss, TRAVERS (1809--97): XX, 369
TYCHO.See Brahe
TYLER,JOHN(1790--1862): XXIV, 833
TYLER,WAT (d. 1381): xvm, 166
TYNDALL,JOHN(1820--93): XV, 871,975; XVI, 1018, 1026, 1398; XVII, 1893-4
Heat Considered as a Mode of Motion: XV, 902,927
--"On Force": XV, 971
TYRONE,LORD. See O'Neill, Con Bacach
TYRTAEUS(ca. 640 B.C. ). Elegies: XXII, 110
-- War-Songs: I, 467

UEBERWEG,FRIEDRICH( 1826--71 ): XVI, 1115

-- Untersuchungen fiber die Echtheit und Zei_olge Platonischer Schrifien: Xl, 386
ULFILAS(Ulphila) (ca. 311-383 A.D.): XXI, 315
ULLOA,ANTONIODE (1716--95): II, 166
ULPIAN(Domitius Ulpianus) (d. 228 A.D.): X, 253q
Ur_IACKE,CROFTON(1783--1852): XXXI, 7n
The Unitarian Chronicle and Companion to the Monthly Repository: xxm, 556
L' Univers: X_l, 467
TO:XVl, 1352
An Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present: I, 17 (16), 558,583
UPTON,RICHARD(clerk at the EIC; ft. 1850s): XXXII, 111
UPTON,WT (writer at the EIC; ft. 1850s): XXXII, 92, 102, 109, 111
TO: XVI, 1205-6, 1208
Turkey and Its Resources (Saunder and Otley, 1833): XII, 244
URQUHART,HARRIETANGELINAFORTESCUE (wife of the above): XVI, 1205, 1209
Essays on Subjects of Political Economy (Aberdeen: Wyllie, 1850): XIV, 130
"The Irish Tenant-Right Question": XIV, 125, 130, 134
The Life and Times of Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan (Edinburgh: Blackwood,
1852): XIV, 130
USIGLIO,ANGELO(1803--75): XXXlI, 41--2
_, and GItrSEPPEMAZZINI (1805-72). "Italian Literature since 1830": XII, 350-1:
XV, 534; XVII, 1978
392 lndex of Persons and Works


VALDEZ. See Travassos Valdez


VALENTIN, GABRIELGUSTAV( 1810--83). "Ueber die subjectivien Geftihle yon Personen":

IX, 247
VALEN_NE, BENJAMIN(d. 1652?): VI, 16
VALERIAN(Publius Licinius Valerianus) (Emperor 253-60 A.D. ): I, 439
VALERIUSFLACCUS,GAIUS (d. ca. 90 A.D.): XXXI, 351n q

VAN DER STRATE, BERTHOLF (fl. 1127): XX, 34n

VANDYCK, ANTHONY(1599--1641): I, 352; XIV, 270; XXVII, 565

VANCE, ALEXANDER (fl. 1868). LETTER TO: XVl, 1220

VANCE, JOHN (d. 1875): V, 511-12e

-- Question on Ireland (21 July, 1868): XXVIII, 315
VANE, HENRY(the elder) (1589-1655): VI, 39; XX, 136
VANE, HENRY (the younger) (1613-62): VI, 8, 47, 57

VANE, WILLIAMHARRY(Lord Darlington) ( 1766-1842): XXVI, 275

VANSITTART, GEORGE (1745-1825): XXVII, 493
NICHOLAS(Baron Bexley) ( 1766-1851 ): IV, 100; XXII, 270; XXVII, 493
VARDON,THOMAS(d. 1867): XVI, 1264
(VARIGNY), ROUPHDE (fl. 1789): XX, 156-7
VASEY,POOLEI-IIcK__AN(ca. 1762-1834): XXVI. 137
VASQUEZ,GABRIEL( 1549-- 1604): VIII, 753n
VATTEL,EMERICHDE (1714-67). Le droit des gens: XX, 345
1048; XXXI, 312
-- Projet d'une dixme royale: XXIV, 1048
VAUGHAN,JAMES(1814--1906): XXI, 423
VAUTHIER,LOUISLI_GER(1815--1901): XIV, 100
VAUX, CLOTmDEDE (n6e Marie) (1815-46): X, 331-2, 342, 345; XIII, 670, 703
Vedas: SIX, 407, 612
VEITCri, JOHN(1829--94): IX, 30n
Memoir of Sir William Hamilton: IX, cvii-cviii, 503n; XVII, 1612
Vadier - Vigny 393

VELIAMINOV,ALEXEI(1783--1838): XXXI, 356

VELLY,PAUL FRANCOIS(1709--59): XX, 222n, 223n q
VENABLES,GEORGESTOVIN(1810--88). "The State and the Church": Xlll, 411
VENN, JOHN (1834--1923): XXXH, 153. LETTERSTO: XVI, 1360-1, 1376-7; XVII,
1574, 1881-2
The Logic of Chance: VII, 547n, 630; XVI, 1360
VERDI, GIUSEPPEFORTUNINOFRANCESCO (1813--1901). ll trovatore: XIV, 396
VERE,HORACE(Baron Vere of Tilbury) (1565-1635): XXXl, 364
VERGNIAUD,PIERREVICTURNIEN(1753--93): XX, 102, 103q, 105-7
VEgmNON, M. (physician at Hy6res; ft. 1854): XIV, 129, 156
VERNEY,MR. (tradesman dealing with JSM and HTM; fl. 1854): XIV, 188
VI_RON,EUGRNE(1825-89). Review of Dupont-White's translation of JSM's Representa-
tive Government: XV, 799
VERUS,LUCIUSAURELIUS( 130-- 169 A.D.): XV, 602
VESEY,THOMAS(1803-75): V, 495e
VESPASIAN(Titus Flavius Vespasianus) (9-79 A.D. ): I, 435; XIV, 28
VICKERY,MR. (law officer; ft. 1816): VI, 106
VICO, GIOVANNIBATISTA(1668-1744): Xffl, 648; XX, 185
Principi di una scienza nuova: VIII, 913; XIIl, 648
V1CTOIRE~LouISE("Madame"; the younger daughter of Louis XV): XX, 88
11 (of Sardinia and Italy) ( 1820-78): XV, 713; XX, 345
VICTORIA (of England) (1819-1901): VI, 389; XII, 352; XIV, 182,478; XV, 951, XVI,
1272, 1274, 1287-8; XIX, 370, 481; XXI, 270, 302,378,423-4; XXIV, 798; XXV,
1141, 1186; XXVIII, 87, 93,100, 172,215-16
Letter to the Secretary of War: XIV, 293
"'A Proclamation for a General Fast": XlII, 709q; XXlV, 1073-4q
Speech from the Throne (1 Feb., 1844): XXIV, 845
Speech from the Throne (31 Jan., 1854): XIV, 147; XXVII, 648,662
VICTORIAADELAIDEMARYLOUISE(Princess Royal; of Prussia) ( 1840-1901 ). LETTER
XVII, 1675
VIEUSSEUX,ANDRI_(1789/90--1858). Italy and the Italians in the Nineteenth Centur3'
(Knight, 1824): XIV, 322-3
VIGER, JACQUES (1789--1858). Letter to Lord Durham: VI, 453n-4n q
VIGNERTE, JEAN JACQUES (1806--70). Speech before the Cour d'assises de la Seine (19
Dec., 1833): xxm, 657q
VIGNY,L_ON PIERRE,COMTEDE (1737--1816): I, 471
VIGNY,VICTORALFRED,COMTEDE( 1797-1863): I, 465--501 passim; XlII, 464; XX, 185
Oeuvres: I, 463-501 rev
394 Index of Persons and Works

--Chatterton: I, 498
--Cinq-Mars: I, 472-6, 474n-86n q, 481-7,498
La mar_chale d'Ancre: I, 498
-- Le More de Venise, Othello: I, 498
--Pogmes: I, 498-500, 500-1q
-- Souvenirs de servitude militaire et de grandeur militaire: I, 471-2q, 486-8,
489-92q, 494q
--Stello: I, 486-8,494-8,497q
VILATE, JOACHIM( 1768-95 ). Causes secretes de la journ$e du 9 au 10 thermidor an H:
XII, 150, 175; XXIII, 542q
VmLAm_, HENRY(1835--1900). LETTERSTO:XVlI, 1550--1, 1626; XXXII, 211,213-14
VILLAm, PASQUALE(1826--1917): XIV, 266, 478,481,483; XV, 780-1; XVII, 1684,
1807; XXXII, 130-1. LEa_rERSTO: XIV, 239-40, 243-4; XV, 521,531-2, 549-51,
560-2, 603-4, 610-12, 627-8, 634, 651, 712-13, 770-1; XVII, 1578-9, 1627,
1683-4, 1806-8, 1872-3, 1878-9, 1898-9
--L'istruzione elementare nell'lnghilterra e nella Scozia (Turin: Dalmazzo, 1864):
XVI, 1037
--L'ltalia, la civilM latine e la civilM germanica (Florence: Le Monnier, 1861 ):
XV, 770
--Niccolo Machiavelli e i suoi tempi (Florence: Successori Le Monnier, 1877-82):
XVII, 1807, 1873
--Saggi dt storia, di critica e di politica (Florence: Cavour, 1868): XIV, 239
-- *Saggio sul'origine della filosofia della storie: XIV, 240, 243
*La storia de Girolamo Savonarola e de' suoi tempi: XV, 533,611,726, 781;
XVI, 1037; XVII, 1578; XXXH, 131
--"Sulla Libertd per J.S. Mill": XV, 651
608; XX, 179, 190, 229; XXII, 125-6, 137, 153,191, 199; xxm, 367,407,462-3
VILLEMA1N, ABEL FRANqOlS(1790--1870): XX, 193, 262, 302,370n; XXIII, 516
VILLERMI_, LOUIS REN_ (1782--1863). Tableau de l'_tat physique et moral des ouvriers
employ_s dans les manufactures de coton, de laine et de soie: If, 290n; XXIV, 1049
VILLIAUMI_, NICOLAS (1818-77). LETTER TO: XV, 534--5

-- Nouveau traiM d'_conomie politique: HI, 772q, 773n-4n q, 779n-83n q,

1015-20q; XV, 534-5
VILLIERS,CHARLESPELHAM(1802--98): I, 79 (78), 129 (128), 131 (130), 132; XIV, 34,
Speech on Bonded Corn (9 May, 1838): Vl, 470q
VILLmRS,GEORGE(1st Duke of Buckingham) (1592-1628): VI, 11-12, 15, 18
--Address to Both Houses of Parliament (24 Feb., 1624): Vl, 12
VILLIERS, GEORGE (2nd Duke of Buckingham) (1628-87). The Rehearsal: I, 397q;
XXV, 1207
Vigny - Volney 395

VILLIERS,GEORGEWILLIAMFREDERICK (4th Earl of Clarendon; Baron Hyde) ( 1800-70):

I, 131 (130), 132; VI, 157; Ill, 91; XIV, 304; XVI, 1182; XXIX, 412; XXXII,
93, 98-9. LETTERTO: XVI, 1158
Letter to Lord Cowley ( 10 Jan., 1866): XXVIII, 121
Letter to Lord Palmerston (6 Apr., 1856): XXVIH, 221
-- Letter to the British Ambassador at St. Petersburg (27 Dec., 1853): XIV, 150
-- Speech on the Extradition Treaties Act Amendment Bill ( 19 July, 1866): XXVIII,
VILLIERS,THOMASHYDE(1801--32): I, 79 (78), 131 (130), 132; XII, 90-1, 94, 145;
xxm, 508,533; XXVII, 594
-- Speech on the Truck System (14 Dec., 1830): XXII, 213
VILNOT,M. (avocat-gdndral; ft. 1832): XXIII, 517
VINCENTDE BEAUVAIS(ca. 1190-ca. 1264). Speculum historiale: XI, 283
VINCENT DE PAUL (St.) (1576-1660): X, 324
VINCENT,HENRY ( 1813--78): VI, 489
VIRCHOW,RUDOLPH(1821-1902). Untersuchungen iiber die Entwickelung des Schiidel-
grundes: XXI, 311
VIRENQUE,JOSEPHGUILLAUME( 1759-1829): XXVI, 136, 139-43 passim
VIRGIL(Publius Virgilius Maro) (70-19 B.C.): I, 532; XI, 284; XIV, 401; XVI1, 1586;
XX, 173; XXl, 233; XXV1, 21, 23; XXXI, 134
*Aeneid: I, 15 (14), 81 (80), 103 (102), 532,560,586; VI, 279q, 380q; IX, 17q;
Xl, 284; XII, 7; XXVI, 47-8; XXVIII, 270q
(in modern Greek) Aeneid, trans. Bulgaris: XXVI, 57
Bucolics, See Eclogues
*Eclogues: I, 15 (14), 560; VII, 346q; XH, 7, 10; XXVI, 33-5
*Georgics: I, 532,572; XXl, 254; XXVI, 36, 38, 40
VITET,LOUIS (1802-73): XX, 185
*Les barricades: XX, 134
-- *Les _tats de Blois: XX, 134
*La mort de Henri III: IX, 134
VIVmN, ALEXANDl_EFI_NqOIS (1799--1854): XXIII, 372, 388
VIZETELLY,HENRY(1820--94): XII, 387
VOGT,KARL CHIUSTOPH(1817--95). Vorlesungen aber den Menschen (Geissen: Ricker-
'sche Buchhandltmg, 1863): XV, 902
La Voix des Femmes: XIV, 12; XXV, 1094-5
VOLrdtOVSKY,V.D. (1778-1841): XXXI, 356
XXVI, 243-4
396 Index of Persons and Works


--."Histoire": XXVI, 244q

-- Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte: XXXI, 350n q
VOLTA,ALESSANDRO(1745--1827). "On the Electricity Excited by the Mere Contact of
Conducting Substances": XXXl, 28
VOLTAIRE, FRAN(_OIS MARIEAROUETDE (1694--1778 ): I, 59 (58), 119 (118), 213 (212),
320-1,372,487,570; VI, 493; X, 80, 138,323n, 359,500; XI, 387; XII, 151q, 176,
193,255; xm, 401,434, 497,508q, 509; xv, 696; xvI, 1220',xvm, 155; xx, 67,
220-1,371n; XXH, 323; XXIH, 528; XXVI, 21-2, 26-8, 31, 34,212-13q
-- *Candide: VI, 116q; X, 26, 390n; XXHI, 528
*Chariot: XX, 71q
-- *Commentaire
f sur le livre Des ddhts et des peines: XXII, 323
-- *Correspondance gdndrale: XH, 176-7
--*Dictionnaire philosophique: I, 110; XV, 696
-- *"Discours aux Velches": XX, 150q
-- *L'enfant prodigue: XX, 228q
-- *Essais sur les moeurs: I, 569; XXVI, 38-41,43
-- *La Henriacle: XXVI, 21 lq
-- *"Histoire": XX, 185
-- *L'homme aux quarante dcus: XXII, 323
-- *"Lettre XXII. Sur M. Pope et quelques autres po6tes fameux": XXXI, 163q
-- *Micromdgas: IX, 17-18
-- *?Canine:XXVI, 253q
-- *Prdcis du sidcle de Louts XV: XXH, 323
-- *La princesse de Babilone: X, lOOq
*"Prix de la justice et de rhumanit6": XXII, 323
-- *La pucelle d'Orlians: I, 320
*"Traductions": XX, 222n
VOLTERRA, DANIELE DA ( 1509-66): XIV, 283





-- Die dltere Geschichte der r6mischen Staates untersucht: xxm, 663
WADDILOVE, ALFRED "Is It Expedient to Remove Restrictions
(1806--90). on the
Admissibility of Evidence in Civil and Criminal Cases?": XXXII, 158
WADE, JOHrq(1788-1875). The Black Book: XXII, 117, 139
Volney - Walker 397

WAGSTAFFE,THOMAS(ft. late 17th c. ). A Vindication of King Charles the Martyr: VI, 5n,
WArn_UND, ADOLPH (1827--1913), trans. Das Niitzlichkeits-princip, by J.S. Mill:
XXXII, 144, 205
WAILLY,LC-orqDE(1804-63). Review of Dupont-White's translation of JSM's On Liberty:
XV, 721
WAKEI_ELD,EDWARD( 1774-- 1854 ): XII, 236
_ An Account of lreland (Longman, et al., 1812): XVII, 1992
WArd_ELD, EDWARDGIBBON(1796--1862): I, 225 (224); II, 116-18, 120, 130n, 143,
149-50, 325,376; III, 735-6,742-3,921,958-9,965-6, 1044n, 1046, 1072, 1087;
IV, 394; VI, 443,455-6, 463; VIH, 807; XII, 87,274; XIII, 390-1,642,660, 687;
XV, 51 I, 976; XVII, 1598, 1988-9; XIX, 563; XXIH, 544,734,739: XXIV, 788,790,
792,840, 914. LETTERTO: Xlll, 737
--England and America: VI, 483q; XVIII, 100; XXHI, 671q, 734, 742n; XXIV,
788-9, 790, 792
-- Facts Relating to the Pumshment of Death tn the Metropolis: XII, 88; XXlV,
--"The French Canadians": VI. 456
-- The Hangman and the Judge. VI, 258; XXIV, 788
--A Letter from Sydney: XXII, 272-3; XXVIII, 16
-- Letter to the Editor (signed "Kangaroo"): XXHI, 749-50
-- The New British Provinces of South Australm: XXHI. 738-42 rev and q; XXD/,
--Plan of a Company to Be Established for the Purpose of Founding a Colony in
Southern Australia: XV, 511,976; XVII, 1992; XXIlI, 544; XXIV, 789, 840, 914;
Popular Politics: XXIV, 787-91 rev, 788-9q
Proposal... for Founding a Colony on the Southern Coast of Australia: XXIII,
544; XXIV, 789, 840, 914
Sketch of a Proposal for Colonizing Australasia: XXIII, 544; XXIV, 789,840, 914
A Statement... of a Proposed National Society, for the Cure and Prevention of
Pauperism, by Means of Systematic Colonization: XXHI, 544; XXIV, 789-90, 840, 914
Swing Unmasked: XXIV, 789
• *View of the Art of Colonization (Parker, 1849): XIII, 737
WAKEMAN, MAURICE (1801-70). LETTER TO: XVI, 1108-9
WAKLEY,THOMAS(1795--1862): VI, 250,255; XII, 365; XIII, 370; SIN, 198
• Motion on the Address in Answer to the Queen's Speech (20 Nov., 1837). VI, 409
WALEY, JACOB (1818-73): XVI, 1293, 1297. LETTER TO: XXXII, 116

WALFORD, EDWARD(1823--97): XVI, 1104. LETTERTO: XVI, 1240

WALIDI (675--715): XXXI, 352
WALKER,MR. (friend of the Mills; ft. 1812): XII, 3
398 Index of Persons and Works

WALKER,CLEMENT(d. 1651 ). The History oflndependency: VI, 7, 54-5

WALKER, GEORGE(journalist; fl. 1868). LETTER
TO: XVI, 1366-7
WALKER,GEORGE(1824--88): XXIX, 372
"The Bank Charter Act. No. V": m, 682q
WALKER,GEORGEWILLIAM(clerk to JSM's solicitor; ft. 1853): XXXI, 328
WALKER. HENRY (fl. 1640): VI, 42n

WALKER,ROBERTJAMES(1801-69). Jefferson Davis and Repudiation: XXI, 141n

WALKER,THOMAS( 1822--98 ). XVI, 991
WALL, JOSEPH (1737--1802): XVI, 1206-7

WALLACE, ALFREDRUSSEL(1823--1913). LETTERSTO: XVll, 1741, 1746, 1814

Ma!ay Archipelago (Macmillan, 1869): XVII, 1741
WALLACE, JOHN (b. 1771 ): XXVI, 44

WALLACE,ROBERT(1831--99): XXIX, 408

WALLACE.WILLIAM(1768--1843): I, 21, 566: XII, 8
-- "Conic Sections": I, 563. 566; XII, 8
--"Fluxions": I, 566; XlI. 8
...... "Geometry": I, 562; XII, 8
WALLER,WILL1AM( 15977-- 1668): Vl, 50, 52
WALLIS, JOHN (1616-1703). lnstitutio logicae: IX, 415q
WALPOLE, HORACE (4th Earl of Orford) (1717-97): IX, 482; xvm, 78
WALPOLE,ROBERT( 1st Earl of Orford) ( 1676-1745 ): XXV, 1127
WALPOLE, SPENCERHORATIO(1806--98): I, 278; XXVIII, 102, 119, 134, 29O, 298.
LETTER TO" XVl, 1231-2
-- "Reform Schemes": XV, 665,667

-- On the Proposed Public Meeting in Hyde Park (19 July, 1866): XXVlII, 96
On the Reform Meeting in Hyde Park (24 July, 1866): xxvm, 99
On the Reform Meeting in Hyde Park (26 July, 1866): xxvm, 101-2, 104
WALSH, JOHN BENN (Lord Ormathwaite) (1798-1881 ): VI, 329-48 passim
Chapters of Contemporary History: VI, 329-48 rev, 331-47q
-- Speech on the Ministerial Plan of Parliamentary Reform (2 Mar., 1831 ): XXIV,

An Elementary Treatise on Metallic Currency (Dublin: M'Glashan, 1853): XIV,

WALSINGHAM, FRANCIS(ca. 1530--9O): XXII, 282
WALTER, FERDINAND(1794-1879). Geschichte des riJmischen Rechts (Bonn: Weber,
1840): Kin, 549, 551
WALTER,HUBERT(d. 1205): XX, 36
Walker- Ward 399

WALTER,JOHN ( 1776-- 1847): XXIII, 707-13

_ A Letter to the Electors of Berkshire, on the New System for the Management of the
Poor: XXIII, 707-8, 709-13q
WALTER,JOHN (1818--94): XIH, 641
Speech on the Representation of the People Bill (30 Apr., 1860): XV, 697, 699
WALTHER,CHARLESSTEWART(architect: ft. 1868). LETTERTO: XVI, 1464
WALTON, WILLIAM (1784-1857): XXXI, 364-5

-- A Reply to the Anglo-Christino Pamphlet, Entitled "The Policy of England towards

Spain": XXXI, 359-88 rev, 364q, 368q
WARBURTON,GEORGE(major; ft. 1825). Evidence on the Disturbances in Ireland (PP):
VI, 93n, 96
WARBURTON,HENRY(1784--1858): I, 203; VI, 346, 434; XlI, 165,202,256, 328,336,
365; XIII, 373,377; XXIII, 507

--On the Repeal of the Malt Duty (27 Feb., 1834): VI, 255
-- On Supply (5 Aug., 1834): VI, 275-6
--On the Affairs of Canada (17 Jan., 1838): VI, 434
WARBURTON,WILLIAM(1698--1779): XXH, 16
-- The Divine Legation of Moses: XI, 8
-- The Doctrine of Grace: XXH, 24q
WARD,ALEXANDER(retired clerk at the EIC; ft. 1850s): XXXII, 109
WARD,EDWARD(1638--1714): XXXI, 56, 58
WARD,EMILYELIZAnETH(Lady; n6e Swinbume) (d. 1882): XIV, 414-15
WARD, HENRYGEORGE(1797--1860): VI, 480; XIV, 407. 409-10, 413-14,417,419;
XV, 764, 793
-- The First Step to a Poor Law for Ireland: XXIV, 793

On the Record of Divisions in the House ( 11 Feb., 1834): VI, 158

On the Disestablishment of the Irish Church (27 May, 1834): VI, 244,252, 254;
XXIV, 764
On the Sale of Colonial Lands (31 Jan., 1837): XXIV, 792-3
On the Affairs of Spain ( 18 Apr., 1837): XXXI, 367-8q
On East India Policy (22 Mar., 1838): XXX, 30
WARD, JOHN (1805--90). "Diffusion of Knowledge in France: Necessity of Public
Instruction": XXIII, 362
WARD,MARY(d. 1865): XXVIII, 95
WARD, NATnANIEL ("Theodore de la Guard") (1578-1652). The Simple Cobbler of
Aqqawam in America: XXII, 220q
WARD,THOMASHUMPrIRY( 1845-- 1926 ). LETTERTO: XVII, 1822- 3
400 Index of Persons and Works

WARD, WILLIAMGEORGE (1812--82): xm, 665; xiv, 304; xviI, 1922. LETTERSTO:
XIV, 25-30; XV, 646-50; XVI, 1041-2, 1078-9, 1238-42; XVII, 1583-4
-- "Doctrinal Decrees of a Pontifical Congregation.--The Case of Galileo": XVI,
--"Mr. Mill on the Foundation of Morality": XVII, 1875
--"Mr. Mill's Denial of Necessary Truth": VII, 575-7,576q; VIII, 753n; IX, cviii,
74n, 165n-6n q, 261n, 267-71q; XVII, 1875
-- On Nature and Grace: IX, 164n-5n; XV, 647; XVl, 1079
-- Review of JSM's Logic: XllI, 603-4,617n
--"Science, Prayer, Free Will. and Miracles": XVI, 1238-40
WARDLAW,RALPH(1779--1853): VI, 480
WAROROP,JAMES(1782--1869). "Case of a Lady Born Blind": XI, 265
WARE, JAMES(1756--1815). "Case of a Young Gentleman, Who Recovered His Sight
When Seven Years of Age": Xl, 265
WARE. JAMES REDDING (journalist; ft. 1868). LETTER TO: XVI, 1439-40
-- "Trade Unions": XVI, 1439
WARE, WILLIAM ( ]797--1852). Letters of Lucius Manlius Piso from Palmyra: I, 431-61
rev, 440-58q passim
WARE, WILLIAMROBERT(1832--1915): XVI, 1244; XVII, 1729
WARNER, HIRAM(1802--81 ). Speech on Slavery in the Territories ( 1 Apr., 1856): XXl,
WARNER,JOHN(Bishop of Rochester) (1581-1666): VI, 39
WARNER RICHARD(1763-1857). A Tour through Cornwall: XXVlI, 622
WARREN MR. (Royston bookseller; ft. 1848). LETTERTO: XVII, 2008
WARREN JOHN (ft. 1837--69): XVII, 2015-16; XXVIII, 310, 315
WARREN JOSIAH(ca. 1798-1874). Equitable Commerce: I, 260q, 261
WARTON THOMAS(1728--90). The History of Enghsh Poetry: XI, 284n q
WARWICK DUKE OF. See Beauchamp, Henry de
WARWICK LORD. See Rich, Edward

WARWICK,PHILIP(1609--83). Memoires of the Reigne of King Charles 1: VI, 53n

WASHINGTON,GEORGE( 1732-99): Vl, 417,449; IX, 100; X, 422; XV, 842; XVlII, 100,
109, 111; XIX, 438, 64I; XX, 170; XXIII, 716
-- The Writings of George Washington (Boston: American Stationers' Company,
1834-37): XVlI, 1986
WASON, PETERRIGBY(1798--1875): XIX, 496n-7n; XXVIII, 124
WATERFIELD, THOMAS NELSON (1799--1862): XXXIl, 101. LETTERS TO: xxxgI, 63.
67-8, 79, 92-5, 98-101, 103-4, 111, 113
WATKIN, EDWARDWILLIAM( 1819-- 1901 ). Speech on the Expiring Laws Continuance Bill
(6 Aug., 1867): XXVI[II, 227-8
Ward- Weekly Dispatch 401

WATKINS,JOHN (photographer; ft. 1865): XVI, 1240. LETTERTO: XXXH, 156-7

WATKINS,JOSHUA(d. 1871 ): XXV, 1168q
WATSON, DAVID MCBURNIE (d. 19027: XVII, 1655, 1662, 1696: XXXII, 213.
1553-4, 1567
-- *A Compendium of the Cybele Britannica (Longman, et al., 1868-70): XVII,
-- "Some Account of the Oenanthe pimpinelloides": XXXI, 265
WATSON,MARYANN (common-law wife of Andrew MacLean): XXV, 1184-5
WATSON,RICHARD(1737--1816): XXII, 16; XXXI, 20
-- A Letter to the Members of the Honourable House of Commons, Respecting the
Petition for Relief in the Matter of Subscription: XXXI, 20
WATSON,ROBERT(1730?--81). The Htstory of the Reign of Philip H, King of Spare: I,
11 (10), 17 (16), 554,583
--, and WILLIAMTHOMSON(fl. late 18th c. ). *The HistoD' of the Reign of Philip 111,
King of Spain: I, 11 (10), 17 (16), 554,583
WATSON,THOMAS( 1792-- 1882): SIN, 198
WATT, CHARLESKINNEAR(theological student at St. Andrews; ft. 1860s). LETTERTO:
XVI, 1122-3
WATT, JAMES(1736--1819): H, 42, 189, 344; IV, 157; XIX, 468n; XXIV, 837-8
WATTS, GEORGEFREDERICK ( 1817 - 1904 ): XVII, 1940

WATTS, ISAAC(1674--1748): XII, 210

--Logick: XI, 8q, 19q. 20
WATTS,JOaN (b. 1747): XXII, 79
(clerk at the EIC; fl 1850s): XXXH, 84-6, 89
WAUG8, BENJAMIN( 1839-- 1908). LETTERTO:XXXII, 226-7
TO:XXXH, 189
WEBB,ROBERTHOLDEN(1806--80). Flora Her(fordiensis (Pamplin, 1849): XIV. 41
H ( 1795 --1878). "Der Tastsinn und das Gemeingefiihl': IX, 240
WEBER,JOSEPH(b. 1755). Mdmoires concernant Marie-Antoinette: XX, 140q. 150q
Oberon: I, 149 (148)
MR. (tradesman dealing with JSM and HTM; fl. 1854): XIV, 131, 140
WEBSTER,DANIEL ( 1782--1852): XVIII, 109, I 1 In; XXIV, 830-6
WEDGWOOD,FRANCESJULIA( 1833-- 1913). "Female Suffrage in Its Influence on Married
Life": XVII, 1923
WEED, THURLOW(1797--1882). "Mr. Thurlow Weed upon England": XV, 797
The Weekly Dispatch: XII, 320
-- "The Round of the Clerical Circle" (26 Jan., 1851 ): XXV, 1182q
402 Index of Persons and Works

WEGUELIN, THOMAS MATTHIAS (1809--85): V, 523-8e, 547e

WEIR, WILLIAM( 1802--58): XlII, 479,482, 490
-- "RiJppel's Travels in Abyssinia": XllI, 479, 482
WELCH, DAVID. See Welsh, David
WELLES,GIDEON(1802--78): XXI, 130
WELLESLEY,ARTHUR(1St Duke of Wellington) (1769-1852): I, 317; IV, 196; VI, 171,
250, 263,316, 321,352,356, 363-4,366,369-71,399,411,449,469; XII, 27,106,
241: XIII, 374; XVII, 1973, 1979-80, 1983; XVIII, 209; XIX, 532; XX, 330; XXII,
109-13,182,204,258; XXIII, 508,601,643; XXIV, 755,758,790; XXVI, 373,448;
XXXI, 368,377-8
--Despatches, Correspondence, and Memoranda: XXIV, 756
-- The Dispatches of Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington (Murray, 1834-38):
XVII, 1973
-- Letter to Dr. Curtis: XXIV, 755
-- On Petitions to the Crown (25 Jan., 1821 ): XXII, 117
-- On the Address in Answer to the King's Speech (2 Nov., 1830): VI, 480
--On the Poor Law Amendment Act (7 Apr., 1837): VI, 398
--On Spain (21 Apr., 1837): XXXI, 368, 369q
-- On the State of Ireland (27 Nov., 1837): VI, 412
--On the Affairs of Canada (16 Jan., 1838): VI, 414-15
--On Flogging in the Army (11 Aug., 1846): XXIV, 882; XXV, 1177-8
WELLESLEY, ARTHURRICHARD(2nd Duke of Wellington) (1807-84): VI, 399
HENRYRICHARDCHARLES( Earl Cowley) ( 1804-84): XXVIII, 121; XXXII,
WELLESLEY,RICHARDCOLLEY(Marquis) (1760-1842): XVI, 1203; XXX, 56, 98,204,
209. LETTER TO: SiX, 300
WELLINGTON, DUKE OF. See Wellesley, Arthur

WELLS, DAVID AMES (1828-98): XVII, 1590, 1805. LETTER TO: XVl, 1309

-- Report... on the Industry, Trade, Commerce, &c., of the United States for the
Year 1869 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1869): XVII, 1805
WELLS, WILLIAMCHARLES(1757--1817). An Essay on Dew: VII, 414

WELl.STEAD,MARK(alleged poacher; ft. 1867): xxvm, 199, 212

WELMISLEY, EDWARD (fl. 1866). LETTER TO: XVl, 1 146

WELSH, DAVID (1793-1845). An Account of the Life and Writings of Thomas Brown:
WELSH, ELLEN (b. ca. 1848): XXV, 1155
WELSH, GRACE(d. 1842): XllI, 513
WELTER,JEANJOSEPH(1763-1852) and Louis JOSEPHGAY-Luss^c (1778-1850). "Sur
tm acide nouveau forrr_ par le soufre et l'oxigene": XXVI, 136
Weguelin - Westminster Review 403

WEMYSS-CHARTERIs-DouGLAS, FRANCIS(1818--1914). Speech on Parliamentary Reform

(15 July, 1867): XXVIII, 213
WENTWORTH,THOMAS(Earl of Stratford) (1593-1641): VI, 5, 14, 19, 22, 29-35, 39;
XIII, 412; XX, 136; XXII, 281; XXIV, 920
The Earl of Strafforde's Letters and Despatches: VI, 5, 28n, 31
CARL(1847--66): XXXII, 205
WERTHEIMSTE1N,JOSEPHINEVON(n6e Gomperz) ( 1820-94): XV, 796, 866; XVI, 1392;
XXXII, 108, 115, 145,152, 205. LETTERTO:XXXII, 142-3 (XV, 878-9)
WESLEY,JOHN( 1703--91 ): XHI, 387; XVI, 1206; XX, 224; XXIII, 556,559; XXIV, 821
-- The Journal of the Rev. John Wesley: V1H, 779-80
A Letter to the... Lord Bishop of Gloucester: XXII, 24q
WESLEY,MEHETABEL(1697--1751): XII, 142; XXIII, 556-9,561
WESLEY,SAMUEL(1662--1735): XXHI, 557-9
WESLEY,SUSANNAH( 1669/70-- 1742): XXIII, 557-9
WESSEL,EDUARD(1822--79): XV, 862-3, 866, 878-9; XVI, 1356, 1391-2; XXXH,
140, 142-3, 145,152, 205
WEST, BENJAMIN (1738--1820): XXVII, 566
WEST,EDWARD(1782--1828). Essay on the Application of Capital to Land: II, 419; IV,
174, 179-80; V, 758
WEST,JOHN(1756--1817). Elements of Mathematics: I, 559-60; XII, 7; XXVI, 20, 33-4,
39, 47-8, 52, 352, 357
WEST,THOMAS(1720-79). A Guide to the Lakes: XXVII, 526q
WESTBURY, LORD. See Bethell, Richard

WESTERN, CHARLESCALLIS (Baron) (1767-1844). Observations on the Speech of the

Right Hon. W. Huskisson: XXII, 34
WESTERTON,CHARLES( 1813--72): XVI, 1025, 1050, 1059, 1072; XXXH, 155. LETTERS
TO:XVI, 1069-71, 1073-4
WESTLAKE,ALICE (n6e Hare; wife of the following): XVII, 1823-4, 1856
WESTLAKE, JOHN (1823-1913). LETTER TO" XVii, 1762-4
"Is It Desirable to Prohibit the Expert of Contraband of War?": XVII, 1763
WESTr,_ATn, LORD. See Nugent, George

Westminster Review: I, 93-103 (92-102), 110, 115 (114), 121-3 (120-2), 132, 135-7
(134-6), 207-9 (206-8), 227 (226), 234n, 264,268,271. 587; VI, 174,354. 400; XII,
24, 91-2, 127, 216, 248, 289, 296-8, 312; XIII. 476. 551, 724; XIV, 24, 56-79
passim, 90. 126; XV, 534. 643-4, 732, 746, 798,802; XVI, 1007-8, 1226-8, 1245,
1268-9, 1312, 1532-3; XVII, 1544, 1552, 1564. 1614. 1617, 1672, 1955. 1957: XXV.
1263; XXXII, 2, 6-8, 20-1, 56, 81,202. See also London Review and London and
Westminster Review
404 Index of Persons and Works

[Westminster Review]
-- "Gregory of Nazianzum": XIV, 66, 69, 70, 73, 78
-- Herbert Spencer's Social Statics: XIV, 62q
-- "Martineau and Atkinson on Man's Nature and Development": XIV, 61-2
--"National Duty": XVII, 1564
-- "Political Economy": XXXII, 19
--"Present State of France [1832]": XXHI, 504-5
--"Reason and Faith": XIV, 78q
--"St. Simon and His Disciples": XV. 870
--"Theism": VII, 364q, 368
WESTMORLAND, HENRY( 1822--81 ): XXl, 425
THOMAS( 1774-- 1845): XXVII, 544

--On Unlawful Societies in Ireland (18 Feb.. 1825): VI, 74

-- On Roman Catholic Claims ( 1 Mar., 1825): VI, 78q
-- On Roman Catholic Relief ( 10 May, 1825): VI, 86
WEYLAND, JOHN (1774-1854). A Letter on the Game Laws: VI, 99-120 rev. 103q
--A Second Letter on the Game Laws: VI, 99-120 rev
WEYROTHER, FRANZ VON (1754-1806): VI, 450

-- Motion on the Church of England f23 May, 1865): XXVIII, 37

WH_tNCLIFFE, LORD.See Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie
WHATELY, RICHARD (1787-1863): II, 317n; IX. 497,498n; XII, 77, 92; XIII, 701,715;
XVII, 1992, 2004; XVIII, 3; XXI, 145; XXII, 327-9; XXIII, 356,434-5; XXIV, 913,
938; XXXH, 19
-- *Elements of Logic: I, 99n, 125 (124), 189 (188), 231; VII, cxii n q, cxiv, 4, 32n,
72n q, 83, 85, 142, 142n q, 143q, 166, 178n, 185q, 186n, 187, 195-6, 203-4q, 206,
307-10,308n q, 321n q, 431,554; VIH, 744-5q, 801. 803,804n, 809-1 lq, 814-15q,
818-21q, 827-9q, 961, 1007, 1009, 1045, 1058, 1068, 1106-7; IX, 316n, 348-50,
352,354,359, 362,410q, 426; XI, 3-35 rev and q; XII, 23, 92, 248; XXI, 223,225q;
XXHI, 356, 434
--Elements of Rhetoric: VII, cxii n; VIII, 797q; XI, 22n, 30; XIII, 701; XXIII. 356.

-- Introductory Lectures on Political Economy: IIl, 455. 1043; XXI, 225q; XXIl,
327-9 rev; XXIII, 356, 434; XXXII, 19
-- On the Errors of Romanism: XXIII, 434
--Remarks on Transportation: XXIII, 738-9q
Speech on the Poor Law (Ireland) (26 Mar., 1847), PD, Vol. 91, cols. 465-76:
XlII, 711
-- Thoughts on Secondary Punishments: VI, 258
WHATELY,WILLIAM(1795--1862): XXV, 1177q, 1178
Westminster Review - White 405

WHATMOUGrLJom_ (messenger at the EIC; fl. 1850s): XXXII. 105-6

WHEATSTONE,CHARLES(1802--75). "Contributions to the Physiology of Vision": XI. 267
"Willis on Reed Organ Sounds": XII, 351
WHEWELL,WILLIAM (1794--1866): I, 231 (230); VII, 54n. 240n, 263, 341-2; VIII,
645-8,650n, 652, 653n, 656n, 662n; IX, 143. 486; X. 166-201 passim, 292,494; XI,
247; XIH, 513. 617, 635; XV, 570, 705-6, 828. 901. 906; XVI. 1437: XXXI1,
115,207. LETTERTO: XVl, 1056--9
*The Doctrine of Limtts: VII, 615
An Elementary. Treatise on Mechanics: IX. 496n
_ Elements of Morality: X, 167-201 rev. 184n q, 190n q, 192-3q, 200q; XIII. 684
"Grote's Plato": XVI, 1160
*History. of the Inductive Sciences: I, 215-17 (214-16); VII, cxiii, 284n, 294n,
342n; VIII, 652,677n, 726n q, 761-2q, 798-9q. 823q; IX, 68: X, 167; XII, 342; XIII.
528; XVII, 1995
-- *History of Scientific Ideas: VII. 233q, 237q. 242-4q, 247q, 250q. 292; VHI,
699-701q, 717-18q, 720, 721q, 722,725q; IX. 68
-- Lectures on the History. of Moral Philosophy in England: X, 167-201 rev, 171-6q,
178q, 180-91q, 195-9q
-- The Mechamcal Euclid: VII, 227-9,228q, 231
-- *Novum Organon Renovamm: IX, 68
-- Of Induction, with Especial Reference to Mr. J. Stuart Mill's System of Logic:
I, 231 (230); XIH, 639,648
-- "On the Fundamental Antithesis of Philosophy": VII, 245
-- *On the Philosophy of Discovery: VII, cxiv n, 88n q, 203,235n q, 244-5q, 247q,
287n q, 300n-2n q, 303-4q, 305,321q, 429-30q. 430-3. 449q, 495,501-2q, 503,
504n q; VIII, 726n q, 872n q, 928n, 929n q, 1111; IX, 68
--The Philosophy of the lnductive Sciences: I, 231 (230); VII, 53q, 150,228,284n,
294n. 301n, 394n; VIII, 651n, 658n q, 707q, 713n, 822n q, 1119; X, 167,169; XIII.
528,639; XVII, 1995
Thoughts on the Stud), of Mathematics: IX, 477; XVIII, 142
"To the Editor of the Edinburgh Review": IX, 477
Whig Club, Instituted in May, 1784, by John Bellamy: VI, 33n q; XXVIH, 251q
WmTAKER,THOMASDUNHAM( 1759-- 1821 ). The History and Antiquities of the Deanery
of Craven: XXVII, 508n
WHITBREAD,SAMUEL(1830--1915): XVI, 1403
WHITE,MR. (magistrate; fl. 1823): XXH, 43-6, 63
WHITE, GILBERT(1720--93): XXVlI, 559,561
-" The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne: XXVII, 559, 561
WHITE, HORACE(1834--1916). LETTERSTO: XVl, 1126--7, 1338--9; XVlI, 1695-6
WHITE, I. (warehouse pensioner of the EIC; fl. 1850s): XXXII, 86
406 lndex of Persons and Works

WHITE, JAMES (1809--83): XXVIH, 352

WHITE, JOSEPHBLANCO(1775--1841): XII, 92; XIII, 477. LETTERSTO: XH, 248-50,
258-9, 263-4, 266-8,270-1,280-1,285,301-3; xm, 384-5
--"Crabbe's Life and Works": XII, 258,263
-- "Godoy, Prince of the Peace": I, 600
*The Life of the Rev. Joseph Blanco White, ed. John Hamilton Thorn, 3 vols.
(Chapman, 1845): XIII, 666
-- Observatwns on Heresy and Orthodoxy (Mardon, 1835): XII, 270, 302
-- "Recent Spanish Literature": XII, 249
-- Second Travels of an Irish Gentleman in Search of a Religion (Dublin: Milliken,
1833): XIV, 264, 302; XVII, 1961-2
--, and JOHNSTUARTMILL."Guizot's Lectures on European Civilization": XII, 259,
264,267,270, 280,284-5,290; XIII, 454; XVIII, 94
WHITE, MARY(1767--1839): XXVII, 559
BULSTRODE(1605--75). Memorials of the English Affairs: VI, 6-7, 54;
XIH, 670
WHITEMAN,JOHNC. (sometime Director of the EIC; ft. 1854): XIV, 181
WHITESIDE,JAMES(1804--76). Speech on the Elective Franchise Bill (30 May, 1866):
xxvm, 84, 92
WHrrGIFr, JOHN(15307-1604): X, 155
WHITING, JAMES(ca. 1777-1871 ). LETTERTO:XIII, 550
A Letter on the Present State and Future Prospects of Agriculture: IV, 47-70 rev,
63-5q; XXXII, 2-3

-- On East and West India Sugars (22 May, 1823): XXII, 25, 28
Substance of a Speech Delivered... on the 28th April, 1825: IV, 70n
--On the State of the Corn Laws (18 Apr., 1826): XXVI, 381
-- On the Trade between Great Britain and India (15 May, 1827): XXX, 3-4q, 6q
On the Amendment of the Poor Laws (16 June, 1834): VI, 252
WHITTLE, JAMESLOWRY(fl. 1860S). Freedom of Education (Dublin: Hodges, Smith,
1866): XVI, 1156
MATTHEW(Lord Aylmer) (1775-1850): VI, 414, 455n
WHY'rE(DE WITT) (Bastille prisoner): XX, 146
WHVTE, JOHNJAMES(1806-89): XXIV, 882-4
WmLOPOLSrd,ALEXANDER(1803--77): XXV, 1204
WIGGEItS,GUSTAVFRmDIUCH(1777--1860). A Life of Socrates: XI, 241-3 rev and q
WiC3H'r,THOMAS(of Cork; ft. 1750s), and JOHNRUTTY(ft. 1750s). A History of... the
People Called Quakers in Ireland: I, 11 (10), 555
White - Williams 407

WIGHTMAN,WILLIAM(1784--1863): XXV, 1184, 1185q

WIGNEY,ISAACNEWTON(ft. 1830S). Speech on the Case of the Brighton Guardian (4
Mar., 1834): VI, 275
HENRYWILLIAM(1807--73). "Jamaica": XVI, 1238
SAMUEL(1805--73): I, 131 (130); XIV, 23; XXXH, 53
WILLIAM(1759-1833): X, 188; XIII, 412
WILDERSPIN, SAMUEL (ca. 1792-1866): XXVI, 427
-- The Infant System: XXl, 72q
WILKES,CHARLES(1798--1877): I, 267--8; XXl, 130
WILKES,JANE ANNE (fl. 1851): XXV, 1183q

WILKES,JOHN (1727--97): XXVII, 494

JOHN WILLIAM(b. 1829). "The Republic of Andorre": XXXI, 317q
WILKINSON,CHARLESW. (of Walworth; fl. 1869). LETTERS
TO:XVII, 1659-60. 1662-3
WILrdNSON,JOSIAH(barrister; ft. 1860s): XXIX, 505
WILKS,JOHN (1776--1854). Speech on Parochial Registration (28 Mar., 1833): VI, 180
WILLCOCKS, RICHARD (Irish major; fl. 1825). Evidence on the Disturbances in Ireland
(PP): VI, 87n, 96
1801, 1840-1; XXXII, 231-2
--"Women's Sphere": XVII, 1801
WILLE, ARNOLD(1811--96), trans. Betrachtungen iiber Reprgisentattvverfas-
sung, by J.S. Mill: XVI, 1157. 1357
WILLIAMI (of England) (1027?-87): VIII, 941; XX, 26, 47n
WILLIAM1II (of Orange and then of England) ( 1650-1702): VI, 33n, 78; XII, 9; XIX, 419;
XX, 330; XXII, 280; XXV, 1181; XXVII, 494; XXVIII, 251
WILLIAM IV (of England) ( 1765-1837): VI, 221,241, 313,372; XlI, 27, 151,242; XXII,
288,319; XXIII, 395,700, 710; XXIV, 758,764-5,798; XXXI, 376-8
Prorogation of Parliament ( 15 Aug., 1834): VI, 279q
Speech from the Throne (4 Feb., 1834): VI, 151, 152-3q, 168,171,195,264
WILLIAMI (of the Netherlands) (1772-1844): XXIII, 524; XXIV, 835
WILLIAMI (of Orange) (1533-84): VI, 404; XIX, 419
WILLIAM1I (of Orange) (1626-50): VI, 45
WILLIAMOFMALMESBURY (d. 1143?). Gesta regum anglorum: I, 527,527n q; XX, 47n
WILLIAMS, ARTHUR JOHN ( 1836-1911 ). LETTER TO: xxxgl, 158

WILLIAMS, CHARLESJAMESBLASIUS(1805--89). "On the Use and Administration of

Cod-Liver Oil in Pulmonary Consumption": XIV, 194
WILLIAMS,ISAAC(1802--65): XXIV, 821
Hymns Translated from the Parisian Breviary (Rivington, 1839): sin, 416
408 Index of Persons and Works

WILLIAMS,JAMES(of the EIC; ft. 1830s): XXXII, 33-4, 38

WILLIAMS,JOHN (Bishop of Lincoln) (1582-1650): Vl, 22, 39
WmLIAMS, OWEN ( 1764-- 1832): XXVII, 493
WILUAMS, ROWLAND(1817--70): XV, 778,786
WILLIAMS,THOMAS(ft. 1830S). Our King!--A True British Sailor!: VI, 372
WILLIAMS,WILLIAM( 1789-- 1865). Letter to the Editor of The Times: XXHI, 490-1 q
WILUAMSON,ALEXANDER(ft. 1820--45): XIII, 668-9, 672
WmLMER,MR. (Liverpool bookseller; ft. 1835): XII, 264, 281
WILLOCK, HENRY(1788/9--1858): XIV, 181; XXXII, 56
WILLOCK,JOHN HENRY (clerk at the EIC; ft. 1850s): XXXII, 103
WILLOUGHBY,JOHN POLLARD(1798--1866): XV, 664,666; XXX, 153
W1LMOT-HORTON,ROBERTJom_. See Horton, Robert John
WILSON, MRS. (ft. 1846): XXIV. 1020
WILSON, DANIEL(1778--1858): VI, 74
--Enquiry into the Principles of Representation (Melbourne: Fairfax, 1857): XVl,
--"Principles of Representation': XVl, 1091
WILSON, EDWARD(1830--95): XV, 680
WILSON, EFFINGHAM(1783--1868): VI, 258; XII, 183. LETTERTO: XXXII, 23
WILSON, HENRY Bmsrow (1803-88). Notice of d'Eichthal's Etudes sur les origmes
bouddhiques: XVl, 1045
WILSON, HENRYJOSEPH(1833--1914): XVlI, 1850
WILSON, HORACEHAYMAN(1786--1860): XVI, 1512. LETTERSTO: XXXII, 23-4, 30
-- "Education of the Natives of India": XXXII, 30
WILSON,JAMES(1805--60): V, 477-9e, 485-7e
WILSON,JAMES(fl. 1866): XXlX, 522-9e
WILSON, JOHN ("Christopher North") (1785-1854): I, 416n; XI1, 91-2
-- "Christopher in His Cave": I, 505
-- "Tennyson's Poems": I, 397-8,416n
WILSON, JOHN (ft. 1834--66): XII, 87, 121, 156, 211,240, 246; XXIII, 663; XXXII,
History of Rome: XXIII, 663-4 rev
WILSON,JOHN (of Liverpool; ft. 1863). LETTERTO:XV, 832-3
WtLSON, ROSFmTTHOMAS(1777--1849): XX, 179
WILSON, THOMAS(ca. 1767-1852). Speech on the Currency (23 Feb., 1826): IV, 114n q
WILSON, TttOMASMARYON(1800-69): Vl, 249
Williams- Wood 409

WILSON,WmLIAM (d. 1896): XlV, 283,472, 475-81 passim, 486,492

WINDEBANKE,FgANCIS(1582--1646): VI, 29
WINDHAM(WYNDHAM), WILLIAMHOWE(1750--1810): I, 317; XXVI, 384
Speech on the Defence of the Country (22 July, 1807): VI, 185q; XXHI, 631q;
XXVI, 339q; XXVIII, 153q
WlNIXSOR,CHARLES(of New York; ft. 1865): XXIX, 549, 564
WINES, ENOCHCoae (1806-79). LETTER
TO: XVI, 1419
WINTER,MRS. (tradeswoman dealing with JSM and HTM; fl. 1854): XIV, 148, 151,155,
WINTER, PETERYON(ca. 1755--1825). II ratto di Proserpina: I, 351
-- Speech on the Inclosure Law Amendment Bill (23 Feb., 1871): XXIX, 421
WIRGMAN, THOMAS (1769-1840). LETTERS TO: xvgI, 1954-6
-- Principles of the Kantesian or Transcendental Philosophy (Treuttel and Wtirtz,
1824): XVII, 1954

WODEHOUSE, BERKELEY(1806--77): XIV, 419,468,470

WODEHOUSE,EDMOND(1784--1855). Speech on the Corn Laws (22 Feb., 1842): XXIV.
859-60q, 862q
-- Prolegomena ad Homerum: XXIV, 871
WOLFF, CHRISTIAN(Freiherr yon) (1679-1754): IX, 295
--Elementa matheseos universae: XXVI, 235
WOLFF, JOSEPH (1795--1862): XXXII, 43
WOLLASTON, WILLIAM (1659--1724): X, 21, 86
WOLLASTON, WILLIAMHYDE(1766--1828): I. 386; VII. 389,428

The Woman's Journal: XVII, 1700

WOOD,MRS. (mother of William; ft. 1869): XVII, 1576
WOOD,CHARLES( 1800--85): V, 469e, 474-80e, 484e, 487e, 491e, 495e, 517-23e: XI_V,
164; XV, 661,666, 814-15; XXV, 1190-2
Letter to the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the East India Company: XXV,
1190, 1192q, 1194
Speech on the Labouring Poor (Ireland) Bill ( 1 Feb., 1847): XXIV, 1061q
Speech Introducing the Government of India Bill (3 June, 1853 ): XXV. 1192, 1194
WOOD,JOHN (1790-1856): VI, 156
WOOD, SAMUEL N. (1825-91). LETTER TO: XVI, 1278-9
410 Index of Persons and Works

WOOD, THOMAS(1661--1722). An Institute of the Laws of England: XXI, 21

WOOD, WmtaAM (pottery worker; ft. 1860s): XVI. 1286, 1293; XVII, 1647-8, 1658.
LETTERSTO: XVI, 1257, 1266-7, 1277, 1290, 1364, 1369-70, 1383, 1427; XVII,
1567-9, 1575-6, 1584-5, 1636-7, 1646-7, 1672-3
-- "Octroi Taxes and J.S. Mill's Opinion Thereon": XVII, 1830
WOODHOUSE,JOHN (Sicilian wine merchant; ft. 1855): XIV, 363
WOODS,JOSEPH(1776--1864). The Tourist's Flora: XXXI, 292. 316
WOOLER, THOMAS JONATHAN (1786?--1853): XXH, 80, 95
-- "The Black Dwarf to A.M. ": XXH, 95-7, 96q
-- "The Black Dwarf to 'A.M.' against the Preventive System": XXH, 85, 86q, 87,
-- "Further Inquiry into the Principles of Population": XXII, 97
-- "Inquiry into the Principles of Population": XXII, 80-5, 82-3q, 85q
-- "Practical Endeavours to Apply the System of Mr. Malthus, in Checking
Population": XXII, 84-5q
-- A Verbatim Report of the Two Trials of Mr. T.J. Wooler: XXI, 30-1q
WOOLLCOMBE, THOMAS(1800--76): XIII, 388; XIV, 498; XVII, 1987
WOOLSTON, THOMAS ( 1670-1733): XXI, 29
CATHERINE(1808--12): XXVII, 526
WORDSWORTH, CHRISTOPHER (1807-85). *Greece, Pictorial, Descriptive and Historical
(Orr, 1839): XIV, 419,445
--Memoirs of William Wordsworth: IX, 488q
WORDSWORTH,DOROTHY(1771--1855): XII, 82; XXVII, 512,515,520, 526
-- "Address to a Child, during a Boisterous Winter Evening": XXVII, 520
-- "The Cottager to Her Infant": XXVII, 520
-- "The Mother's Return": XXVII, 520
WORDSWORTH,MARY(n6e Hutchinson) (1770-1859): XH, 82; XXVH, 520
WORDSWORTH, WILL1AM(1770--1850): I, 149--53 (148--52), 163 (162), 303, 324,
358--60, 398, 467, 487, 519; IX. 488q; X, 92; XII, 80-2, 84, 88-9, 348; XIII, 469,
474, 556; XVI, 1475; XVIII, 4n-5n; XX, 165; XXI, 254; XXIV, 941; XXVl, 410,
434-42 passim; KXVII, 519-29 passim, 536-7,582; XXVIII, 73; XXKII, 12
*"Alice Fell": XXVl, 435n
-- *"Andrew Jones": XXVI, 442
-- *"Character of the Happy Warrior": XXVI, 442
-- *"Complaint of a Forsaken Indian Woman": XXVI, 438
*A Description of the Scenery of the Lakes in the North of England: lI, 253n q;
XXIV, 941q; XXVII, 528,538
Wood - Wordsworth 411

*"Essay, Supplementary to the Preface": I, 365n q, 496q; XXVI, 435n

*The Excursion: I, 151 (150), 428,594q; VI, 173q; X. 127q; XXVI, 440; XXVII,
*"The Farmer of Tilsbury Vale": XXVI, 438
*"The Female Vagrant": XXVI, 438
*"The Force of Prayer": XXVII. 508
*"The Fountain": XXVI, 442
.. *"Hall, Zaragoza": I, 467
*"Her eyes are wild, her head is bare". XXVI, 438
*"I grieved for Buonapartd": XXlII, 728q
*"I wandered lonely as a cloud": XIH, 623q; XXVI, 435n
*"Influence of Natural Objects": XXVI, 437,440
*"The Kitten and the Falling Leaves": XXVI, 437
*"Laodamia": XXVI, 442
*"The Last of the Flock": XXVI, 438
-- *"Lines, Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey": XI, 421q; XIII, 469q;
XXVI, 441
*"Lines Left upon a Seat in a Yew-tree': XXVI, 442
-- *"Michael, a Pastoral Poem": XXVI. 442; XXVII, 524
-- *"A Morning Exercise": XXVI, 437
-- *"Nutting": XXVI, 437
*"Ode. Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood": I, 153
(152); XI, 423q; XXVI, 437,441
-- *"Ode to Duty": XXVI, 441,442
-- *"The Old Cumberland Beggar": XXVI, 442
*"Personal Talk," "Continued,"" Continued," and" Concluded" (" MisceUaneous
Sonnets, Pt. 1, nos. xxxviii-xli"): XXVI, 442
*"Peter Bell": XXVI, 442
--Poems (1815): I, 151-3 (150-2)
-- *"A Poet's Epitaph": XXVI, 442
-- *"Power of Music": XXVI, 438
*Preface to The Excursion: XXVI, 440
.... *"Preface to the Second Edition of the Lyrical Ballads": I, 151 (150), 344. 358,
362n, 417q; XXVI, 435n
*"Resolution and Independence": I, 494q; XXVI, 436q, 437; XXVII, 605q
*"The Reverie of Poor Susan": XXVI, 438
.... *"Rob Roy's Grave": VI, 363q; XXXI, 360q
- *"Rural Architecture": XXVII, 529
*"The Sailor's Mother": XXVI, 438
412 Index of Persons and Works

-- *"The Solitary Reaper": XXVI, 438
*Sonnet XIII of"Sonnets Dedicated to Liberty" ("0 Friend! I know not which way
I must look"): XX, 177
*Sonnet XXXVI of The River Duddon, "After Thought": I, 594q
*"The Sparrow's Nest": XXVII, 520
*"Stray Pleasures": XXVI, 438
*"To a Butterfly": XXVII, 520
*"To a Highland Girl": XXVI, 438
*"To B.R. Haydon, Esq.": I, 343q, 355q
*"The Two Thieves": XXVI, 442
-- *"The Vaudois": I, 467
*"The Waggoner": XXVII, 526q, 528,530
*"Weak is the will of Man, his judgment blind": XXI, 39q
*"The White Doe of Rylstone": XXVII, 508
*"Yew Trees": XXVI, 437; XXVII, 537
The WorlangMan: XVI, 1121, 1147, 1188-9, 1200-1, 1236; XXXII, 171
WORTLEY.See Stuart-Wortley.
WOTTON, MR. (co-trustee with JSM of his mother's estate; fl. 1854): XIV, 231
WRAY, MR. (news-vendor; fl. 1854): XlV, 150; XV, 662,667
WRE1GHT, HENRY (d. ca. 1840): XXI, 212
WREN, MATTHEW(Bishop of Ely)(1585-1667): VI, 29, 39
WRIGHT,MR. (French teacher in Clonmall; ft. 1798): XXVIH, 111
WRIGHT, MR. (tradesman dealing with JSM and HTM; ft. 1854): XIV, 167, 178
WRIGHT, CHAUNCEY (1830-75). Letter to C.E. Norton: XVII, 1739-40q
WRIGHT, ROBERT(Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield) (1560-1643): VI, 39
WRIGHT, WILLIAM(Mehetabel Wesley's husband): xxm, 558-9
WRIOTHESLEY,THOMAS(Earl of Southampton) ( 1607-67): VI, 53n, 55
WUNDT, WILHELM MAX (1832-1920). Beitrdige 2ur Theorie der Sinneswahrnehmung"
IX, 247
WYNDHAM,GEORGEO'BRIEN (Earl of Egremont) (1751-1837): KXVlI, 456,565-6
WYNN, CHARLESWATKINWILLIAMS( 1775-- 1850). Speech on Irish Church Property ( 13
May, 1833): XXIV, 754<!
Speech on the East-India Company's Charter (13 June, 1833): XXX, 41-2
WYSE, GEORGE(1793--1867): XIV, 425
WYSE, THOMAS ( 1791-1862): KIV, 401,410, 413,418,420,424-6,430-3,451-6,473;
IV, 779, 781
Wordsworth - Young 413


WYSE, WINIFREDEMARY (d. 1908): XlV, 425; XV, 779

XENOPHANES(6th c. B.C.): XI, 426

Fragment 9: XI, 286q
XENOPHON(ca. 430-ca. 355 B.C.) (see also Pseudo-Xenophon): X, 41; XI, 300, 320,
378; XVI, 1115, 1120; XlX, 618; XXV, 1130-1, 1159
*The Anabasis of Cyrus: I, 9 (8), 552-3; XI, 311; XIV, 113; XX, 223q
(in English) The Expedition of Cyrus into Persia, trans. N.S. Smith: XX, 222-3q
*Apology: XI, 398; XVI, 1115, 1120
*Constitution of the Lacedaemonians: XXV, 1131-2
*Cyropaedia: I, 9 (8), 553
*Hellenics: I, 15 (14), 561; XII, 7
-- *Memorabilia (Memorials of Socrates): I, 9 (8), 24n, 49 (48), 553; IX, 484; XI,
166n, 392n q, 393,399q, 40In q, 407q, 409n, 417n q, 418,432q. 480; XXV, 1130,
-- *Oeconomicus: XIX, 617q
XERXESI (of Persia) (d. 465 B.C. ): VII, 333n; XI, 121; XV, 947; XXIV, 868; XXV, 1134;
XXVII, 559, 595

YA_OROUGH, LORD. See Anderson-Pelham

YEH, MING-CH'EN (d. 1858): XV, 528
YORK,DUKE or. See Frederick Augustus
YORKE, PHILIP (Earl of Hardwicke and Viscount Royston) ( 1690-1764): XXKI, 80

YORKE,PHILIP (Lord Hardwicke) ( 1757-1834). Speech for the Plaintiff in the Trial of
Richard Francklin, 1731: XXI, 29q
YOUMANS,EDWARDLIVINGSTON(1821--87): XVI, 1504--5. LETTERSTO: XVl, 1517--18,
1528--9; XVII, 1569-70
"Mill on the Woman Question": XVII, 1573
YOUNG, ARTHUR( 1741-- 1820): XXIV, 956-8,968
A Tour in Ireland: KXIV, 939q, 963
*Travels, during the Years 1787, 1788, and 1789 [in France]: I, 571; II, 273,
274-5q, 276,278,283,291n, 298n q, 301-5q; XX, 66, 8In, 148-50q; XXIV, 957-8q,
968, 985, 1004q, 1018, 1049, 1061q; XXVI, 30
YOUNG,E.W. (ft. 1867). LETTERTO: XVI, 1327-8
YOUNG,EDWARD( 1683-- 1765). Two Epistles to Mr. Pope: XXVl, 417
YOUNG,GEORGE( 1819--1907). Speech on Introducing a Bill to Abolish the Annuity Tax
(4 Mar., 1870): XXXII, 220
YOUNG,JAMES(1782--1848): XXVI, 10--11
414 Index of Persons and Works

YOUNG, JOHN ( 1781-- 1829). Lectures on Intellectual Philosophy (Glasgow: Reid, 1835):
XVII, 1961
YOUNG,JOHN (1807--76): XIV, 412,414, 416, 419-20
YOUNG, JOHN (warehouse pensioner of the EIC. ft. 1850s): XXXH, 86
YOUNG,MRS. R.E. (artist; ft. 1831 ) Views in the Pyrenees: I, 393 rev
YOUNG,THOMAS(1773--1829): VII, 502
YOUNG,WILLIAM(1773--1848): XIV, 412
YULE, HENRY(1820--89): XXX, 127
YUNG, M.E. (fl. 1861 ). "La libert6 modeme": XV, 721-2

ZANEZZI,JEAN (Italian street-organ player in London; ft. 1851 ): XXV, 1187

ZEr_O (of Elea) (b. 490 B.C.): I, 337, 532; IX, 424-6; XI, 222-38 passim, 382, 506;
XXIV, 873
ZEr_OBIA(of Palmyra; ruled 267-272 A.D.): I, 435,438-9, 445,457-60
ZEUXn'PUS(in Plato): XI, 48
ZEUXaS(in Plato): XI, 101
ZINCKE,FOSTERBARHAM(1817--93). "The Elementary Education Bill": XXIX, 392
ZONARAS,JOANNES(fl. 12th cent.). Elr_zolz_ _wropuow. XXXI, 351
(Persian sage): XV, 754



An Act for the More Speedy and Effectual Relief of Creditors (23 June, 1649): VI, 56
An Act Touching Recording Conveyances and Incumbrances (7 Aug., 1649): VI, 56
An Act for the Taking Away of Common Recoveries ( 15 Apr., 1652): VI, 56
"A Bill for the Provisional Establishment and Regulation of Trade and Intercourse between
•.. Great Britain and.., the United States of North America" (3 Mar., 1783): VI, 135
"A Bill to Relieve Certain Persons Dissenting from the Church of England, from Some
Parts of the Ceremony Required by Law in the Celebration of Marriages" (28 June,
1819): VI, 323
"A Bill... to Deprive Her Majesty Caroline Amelia Elizabeth of the Title, Prerogatives,
Rights, Privileges, and Exemptions of Queen Consort of This Realm" (7 July, 1820):
XXVI, 25-6, 36, 37n
"A Bill to Alter and Amend Certain Parts of an Act... Commonly Called The Marriage
Act, Affecting Certain Dissenters" (22 Apr., 1822): V1, 323
"A Bill to Amend the Laws for the Preservation of Game" (23 Feb., 1824): VI, 10In, 113n
"A Bill to Amend the Laws for the Preservation of Game" (21 Mar., 1825): VI, 99-120
United Kingdom--Bills 415

"A Bill to Provide for the Removal of the Disqualifications under Which His Majesty's
Roman Catholic Subjects Now Labour" (23 Mar., 1825): VI, 76-84
"A Bill... to Declare Unlawful the Setting of Spring Guns, and Other Offensive Engines"
(28 Mar., 1825): VI, l17n-18n
"A Bill to Regulate the Exercise of the Elective Franchise in Counties at Large, in Ireland"
(22 Apr., 1825): VI, 84, 87-91
"An Act to Secure the Independence of the Judges in This Province [Lower Canada]" (20
Mar., 1826): VI, 433
"A Bill for Granting Duties of Customs on Corn" (29 Mar., 1827): XXVI, 399, 408
"A Bill for Granting Relief to Certain Persons Dissenting from the Church of England, in
Respect of the Mode of Celebrating Marriage" (14 May, 1827): VI, 341; XXVI, 399
"A Bill to Amend the Laws Relating to the Customs" (8 June, 1827): XXVI, 407
"A Bill to Permit, until 1st May, 1828, Certain Corn, Meal, and Flour to be Entered for
Home Consumption" (19 June, 1827): XXII, 106
"A Bill to Exclude the Borough of Penryn . . . from Sending Members to Serve in
Parliament, and to Enable the Town of Manchester .. to Send Two Burgesses to Serve
in Parliament" (20 Feb., 1828): XXVI, 448
"A Bill for the More Easy Recovery of Small Debts in the County Courts of England and
Wales" (13 June, 1828): XXII, 115
"A Bill for Establishing Courts of Local Jurisdiction" (21 June, 1830): XXIV, 947
"A Bill... for Settling Controversies by Arbitration" (30 Nov., 1830): XXIll, 625
"A Bill... for Establishing Courts of Local Jurisdiction" (2 Dec., 1830): XXIll, 627
"A Bill to Consolidate and Amend the Laws Prohibiting the Payment of Wages in Goods"
(16 Dec., 1830): XXII, 212-13,220
"A Bill to Facilitate Voluntary Emigration to His Majesty's Possessions Abroad" (22 Feb.,
1831): XXII, 270-3
"A Bill to Amend the Representation of the People in England and Wales" ( 14 Mar., 1831 ):
XXll, 261,276-7,283-4,288; XXI_, 508, 696; XXIV, 790; XXV, 1101, 1103
"A Bill to Amend the Representation of the People in England and Wales" (25 June, 1831 ):
XII, 75, 80; XXlI, 316, 324, 326-7; XXIII, 348,358; XXV, 1101, 1103
"A Bill... for Settling Controversies by Arbitration" (23 Aug., 1831 ): XXIII, 625
"A Bill to Continue and Amend the Provisions of the Acts for Allowing Sugar to Be
Delivered out of Warehouse to Be Refined" (29 Sept., 1831 ): XX_I, 348
"A Bill to Amend the Representation of the People in England and Wales" ( 12 Dec., 1831 ):
xxm, 488,499,514; XXIV, 799,800, 846; X'XV, 1101, 1103
"A Bill to Regulate the Labour of Children and Young Persons in the Mills and Factories of
the United Kingdom" (17 Jan., 1832): XXIll, 601
"A Bill to Regulate the Labour of Children and Young Persons in the Mills and Factories of
the United Kingdom" (5 Mar., 1833): XXIII, 601
"A Bill to Alter and Amend the Laws Relating to the Temporalities of the Church in
Ireland" (11 Mar., 1833): VI, 347; XXIII, 605
"A Bill... for Establishing Courts of Local Jurisdiction" (28 Mar., 1833): VI, 153; XXIII,
627,629; XXIV, 947
416 Index of Persons and Works

"A Bill... for the Further Amendment of the Law" ( 16 Apr., 1833): XXIII, 625
"A Bill to Alter and Amend the Laws Relating to the Temporalities of the Church in
Ireland" (22 Apr., 1833): XXIII_ 605
"A Bill for Establishing a General Register for All Deeds and Instruments Affecting Real
Property in England and Wales" (13 May, 1833): VI, 180; XXIII, 627-8
"A Bill to Effect a Commutation of Tithes in England and Wales" (17 May, 1833): VI,
"A Bill [as Amended by the Committee] to Alter and Amend the Laws Relating to the
Temporalities of the Church in Ireland" (25 June, 1833): XXIII, 605
"A Bill for Effeeting an Arrangement with the East India Company" (28 June, 1833)'
XXIU, 606
"A Bill for Living to the Corporation of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England
Certain Privileges" (5 July, 1833): XXIII, 576-83, 590-2,601
"A Bill... for the Regulation of the Proceedings and Practice of Certain Offices of the High
Court of Chancery" (19 July, 1833): XXIII, 624
"A Bill . . . for Appointing a Chief Judge in Chancery, and for Establistung a Court of
Appeal in Chancery" (19 July, 1833): XXIII, 626
"A Bill to Explain and Amend an Act . . . for the Better Employment of Labourers in
Agricultural Parishes" (29 July, 1833): XXIII, 634,636
"A Bill [as Amended by the Committee] to Regulate the Labour of Children and Young
Persons in the Mills and Factories of the United Kingdom" ( 1 Aug., 1833): XXIII, 601,
633-4; XXIX, 394
"A Bill to Amend an Act... to Permit the General Sale of Beer and Cyder by Retail in
England" (15 Aug., 1833): XXIII, 637
"A Bill [as Amended by the Committee] . . . for the Regulation of the Proceedings and
Practice of Certain Offices of the High Court of Chancery" ( 17 Aug., 1833): XXIII, 624
"A Bill to Secure the Liberty of the Press" (25 Feb., 1834): VI, 165-6, 192
"A Bill to Abolish Compositions for Tithe s in Ireland" ( 27 Feb., 1834 ): VI, 168-70, 188n,
"A Bill for Granting Relief in Relation to the Celebration of Marriages to Certain Persons
Dissenting from the United Church of England and Ireland" ( 10 Mar., 1834): VI, 195,
"A Bill for the Public Registering of All Deeds, Conveyances, Wills and Other
Incumbrances" (13 Mar., 1834): VI, 222-4
"A Bill for Establishing a General Register for All Deeds and Instruments Affecting Real
Properly in England and Wales" (14 Mar., 1834): VI, 222-4
"A Bill for the Commutation and Redemption of Tithes in England and Wales" ( 17 Apr.,
1834): VI, 196-9
"A Bill for the Amendment and Better Administration of the Laws Relating to the Poor in
England and Wales" (18 Apr., 1834): XXIII, 707-16, 735,743; XXIV, 777; XXIX,
"A Bill to Remove Certain Disabilities Which Prevent Some Classes of His Majesty's
United Kingdom--Bills 417

Subjects from Resorting to the Universities of England" (21 Apr., 1834): VI, 259-60,
"A Bill for the Relief of His Majesty's Subjects Professing the Jewish Religion" (25 Apr.,
1834): VI, 192, 276
"A Bill . . . for the Better Observance of the Lord's Day, and for the More Effectual
Prevention of Drunkenness" (6 May, 1834): Vl, 235
"A Bill to Establish a General Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages m England" ( 14
May, 1834): VI, 196, 231-2
"A Bill for the Abolition of Church Rates" ( 19 June, 1834): VI, 21 l
"A Bill... to Alter and Amend the Appellate Jurisdiction of the House of Lords" ( 14 Aug.,
1834): VI, 277-8
"A Bill Concerning the Marriages of Persons Not Being Members of the Umted Church of
England and Ireland" (30 Mar., 1835): VI, 323; XII, 270
"A Bill for the Better Regulation of Ecclesiastical Revenues, and the Promotion of
Religious and Moral Instruction in Ireland" (7 July, 1835): VI, 301
"A Bill to Provide for the Nomination and Appointment of Parish and Township Officers,
within... This Province [Lower Canada]" ( 14 Dec., 1835): VI, 423
"A Bill to Authorize the Consolidation of the Trusts of Turnpike Roads in... England" (9
Feb., 1836): VI, 324
"A Bill for the Commutation of Tithes in England" ( 11 Feb., 1836): VI, 325
"A Bill for the Regulation of Municipal Corporations and Borough Towns in Ireland" ( 16
Feb., 1836): VI, 324
"A Bill for Registering Births, Deaths and Marriages in England" ( 17 Feb., 1836): VI, 323
"A Bill for Marriages in England" (17 Feb., 1836): VI, 323
"An Act to Continue for a Limited Time the Acts Relating to the Incorporations of the Cities
of Quebec and Montreal [Lower Canada]" (12 Mar., 1836): VI, 424
"A Bill for Carrying into Effect the Fourth Report of the Commissioners Appointed to
Consider the State of the Established Church in England and Wales" (8 July, 1836): VI,
"A Bill to Reduce the Stamp Duties Payable on Newspapers" (19 July, 1836): VI, 326
"A Bill for the Regulation of Municipal Corporations and Borough Towns in Ireland" (8
Feb., 1837): VI, 393
"A Bill to Promote the Observance of the Lord's Day" (4 May, 1837): I, 158
"A Bill to Make Temporary Provision for the Government of Lower Canada" ( 17 Jan.,
1838): VI, 405-35 rev
"A Bill to Abolish Compositions for Tithes in Ireland" ( 13 June, 1838): VI, 394
"A Bill to Amend the Law Relating to the Custody of Infants" (25 Apr., 1839): XXIV, 918
"A Bill to Amend the Law of Copyright" (29 Jan., 1841), PP, 1841, Sess. 1, I, 429-40:
XlII, 495
"A Bill to Amend the Laws for the Importation of Corn" (4 Mar., 1842): XIII, 507; XXIV,
418 Index of Persons and Works

"A Bill... for Improving the Law of Evidence" ( 10 June, 1842), PP, 1842, II, 343-6:
XIII, 507
"A Bill to Regulate the Issue of Bank-notes" (24 May, 1844): XXIV, 845,852
"A Bill to Amend the Laws Relating to the Importation of Corn" f9 Mar., 1846): XIII, 710;
XXIV, 860
"A Bill for the Better Relief of the Destitute Poor of Ireland" (25 Mar., 1846): XXIV.
881-2, 912, 1007-8
"A Bill for Promoting the Reclamation of Waste Lands in Ireland" (5 June, 1846): XXIV,
"A Bill to Make Further Provision for the Relief of the Destitute Poor m Ireland" (25 Jan..
1847): ]Kill, 709, 713; XXlV, 1058, 1066-73, 1076-7
"A Bill to,Facilitate the Improvement of Landed Property in Ireland" f8 Feb.. 1847):
XXlV, 1068-9

"A Bill for the Better Security of the Crown and Government of the United Kingdom" (7
Apr., 1848): XXV, 1117-18
"A Bill for the Establishment of the 'Farmers' Estate Society of Ireland'" (25 July, 1848):
XXV, 1113
"A Bill to Alter the Oaths to Be Taken by Members of the Two Houses of Parliament Not
Professing the Roman Catholic Religion" (23 Feb., 1849): XIV, 13, 18, 30, 185; XXV,
1135-9, 1136q
"A Bill to Promote the Secular Education of the People in England and Wales" (26 Feb.,
1850), PP, 1850, H, 461-70: XIV, 38
"A Bill for the Correction and Reformation of Juvenile Offenders" (6 Mar., 1850): XXV,

"A Bill to Prevent the Assumption of Certain Ecclesiastical Titles" (14 Feb., 1851 ), PP,
1851, Ili, 61-6: XIV, 59
"A Bill to Prevent the Forcible Detention of Females in Religious Houses" ( 11 Mar., 1851 ).
XXVII, 658
"A Bill... to Regulate the Sale of Arsenic" (7 Apr., 1851 ), PP, 1851, VI, 3-6: XIV, 63-5
"A Bill to Extend the Right of Voting for Members of Parliament" ( 12 Feb., 1852): XIX,
"A Bill for Establishing an Office for the Benefit of the Ballast-Heavers of the Port of
London" (19 Apr., 1852), PP, 1852, I, 17-38: X'IV, 89
"A Bill for the Better Prevention and Punishment of Assaults on Women and Children" ( 10
Mar., 1853): 1/I, 766n; XIV, 186; XXI, 101-8 rev, 104q
"A Bill to Facilitate the Recovery of Personal Liberty in Certain Cases" (12 May, 1853):
XXVII, 658
"A Bill to Provide for the Government of India" (9 June, 1853): XXV, 1190-6
"A Bill to Abolish in England and Wales the Compulsory Removal of the Poor on the
Ground of Settlement" ( 10 Feb., 1854), PP, 1854, VI, 243-6: XIV, 147
"A Bill Further to Amend the Laws Relating to the Representation of the People in England
and Wales" (16 Feb., 1854): I, 261; XIV, 117, 147-8, 159-60, 164, 174, 184, 186;
XV, 694; XIX, 313n, 318,330, 452; XX'VII, 662
United Kingdom--Bills 419

"A Bill to Make Further Provision for the Education of the People in Scotland" (3 Mar.,
1854), PP, 1854, II, 317-36: XIV, 169, 206
"A Bill to Make Further Provision for the Good Government and Extension of the
University of Oxford" (17 Mar., 1854), PP, 1854, V, 291-308: XIV, 147, 188
"A Bill to Amend the Law Regarding Actions for Criminal Conversation" (5 Apr., 1854),
PP, 1854, II, 121-4: XIV, 196-7
"A Bill... for the Further Amendment of the Process, Practice. and Mode of Pleading in
and Enlarging the Jurisdiction of the Superior Courts of Common Law" (2 June, 1854),
PP, 1854, I, 473-96: XIV, 147
"A Bill... to Permit Foreigners to Be Enlisted... in Her Majesty's Forces" ( 18 Dec.,
1854), PP, 1854-55, II, 319-24: XIV, 269
"A Bill to Amend the Laws Relating to Savings Banks" (27 Feb., 1857 ), PP, 1857, Sess. 1,
I, 397-406: XV, 524
"A Bill to Amend the Laws with Respect to the Property of Married Women" ( 14 May,
1857): XXVIII, 284; XXIX, 378
"A Bill to Amend the Law Relating to Conspiracy to Murder" (10 Feb., 1858), PP,
1857-58, I, 495-8: XV, 548,550, 560
"A Bill for the Better Government of India" ( 12 Feb., 1858): XV, 549-50, 560-1,708;
XXX, 78-81, 89, 161-71 passim, 181,203,210
"A Bill to Transfer the Government of India from the East India Company to Her Majesty
the Queen" (26 Mar., 1858): XXX, 161-71 passim, 175,203
"A Bill to Extend the Franchise in Counties in England and Wales" (27 Apr., 1858): XIX,
"A Bill for the Better Government of India" ( 17 June, 1858): XXX, 203,207-12,208q,
"A Bill to Amend the Laws Relating to the Representation of the People in England and
Wales" (28 Feb., 1859): I, 261; XV, 594, 599,627; XIX, 313,319,328
"A Bill Further to Amend the Laws Relating to the Representation of the People in England
and Wales" (1 Mar., 1860): XV, 626-7,676, 699,904; XXVIII, 58
"A Bill to Grant Additional Facilities for Depositing Small Savings at Interest" ( 11 Feb.,
1861): XXVIII, 365
"A Bill to Render Legal Certain Marriages of Affinity" ( 11 Feb.. 1862): XXVIII, 26
"A Bill to Amend the Law Relating to Partnerships" (19 Feb., 1863), PP, 1863, Ill,
203-16: XV, 856-7
"A Bill to Extend the Franchise in Counties in England and Wales" (23 Feb., 1864), PP,
1864, I, 551-4: XVI, 1032
"A Bill to Enable Owners and Occupiers of Property in Certain Districts to Prevent the
Common Sale of Intoxicating Liquors" (10 Mar., 1864): XXVIII, 26-7
"A Bill to Extend the Parliamentary Franchise in Cities and Boroughs in England and
Wales" (21 Feb., 1865), PP, 1865, I, 75-8: XVI, 1032
"A Bill for the Commutation of Church Rates" (21 Feb., 1865): XXVIII, 35
"A Bill to Substitute an Oath for the Oath Required to Be Taken by the Statute... for the
Relief of His Majesty's Roman Catholic Subjects" (21 Mar., 1865): XXVIll, 35
420 Index of Persons and Works

"A Bill to Allow the Charging of the Excise Duty on Malt According to the Weight of the
Grain Used" (19 May, 1865): XXVIII, 31
"A Bill to Enable... the Erection of Dwellings for the Labouring Classes" ( 12 Feb., 1866 ).
PP, 1866, III, 245-50: XVI, 1155-6
"A Bill for Consolidating the Acts Relating to 'The Gas Light and Coke Company'" (12
Feb., 1866), Journals of the House of Commons, 121 (1866), 49: XVI, 1173, 1176-7
"A Bill to Amend the Law Relating to Contagious or Infectious Diseases in Cattle ( 12 Feb.,
1866): XXVHI, 42-52 passim
"A Bill to Provide for the Abolition of Religious Tests in... the University of Oxford" ( 13
Feb., 1866), PP, 1866, V, 369-72: XVI, 1156
"A Bill to Empower the Lord Lieutenant... of Ireland to Apprehend and Detain... Such
Persons ks He . . . Shall Suspect of Conspiring against Her Majesty's Person and
Government" ( 16 Feb., 1866): XXVIH, 52-4
"A Bill to Provide Better Dwellings for Artizans and Labourers" (20 Feb., 1866): XXVIII,
274, 294
"A Bill to Extend the Elective Franchise for Cities and Boroughs in England and Wales" (22
Feb., 1866): XXVIH, 84
"A Bill to Render Legal Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister" (6 Mar., 1866): XXVIII,
"A Bill for the Better Settling the Real Estates of Intestates" ( 13 Mar., 1866 ): XXVIII, 346
"A Bill to Extend the Right of Voting at Elections of Members of Parliament in England and
Wales" ( 13 Mar., 1866): I, 275,278; XVI, 1126, 1138-9, 1148, 1154, 1168-9, 1175.
1178, 1180, 1460, 1485; XVH, 2012; XXVIII, 54-69passim, 87-90passim, 171,355,
XXXH, 165, 169
"A Bill to Amend and Consolidate the Law Relating to Bankruptcy in England, and to
Abolish Imprisonment for Debt" (16 Apr., 1866): XXVHI, 187
"A Bill Further to Amend the Law Relating to the Tenure and Improvement of Land m
Ireland" (30 Apr., 1866): XXVIH, 75-83 passim
"A Bill for the Redistribution of Seats" (7 May, 1866): XXVIH, 83-4; XXIX, 469,489,
"A Bill to Amend the Law Relating to the Public Health" (6 June 1866): XXIX, 500
"A Bill . . . to Provide Better Dwellings for Artizans and Labourers" (18 June, 1866)'
XXVIII, 274, 294
"A Bill... to Amend the Law Relating to the Public Health" (29 June, 1866): XXVIII,
"A Bill... for the Amendment of the Law Relating to Treaties of Extradition" (26 July,
1866): I, 283; XXVIH, 116-17
"A Bill to Amend the Law of Libel, and Thereby to Secure More Effectually the Liberty of
the Press" (8 Feb., 1867): XXVIII, 194
"A Bill to Provide Better Dwellings for Artizans and Labourers" ( 12 Feb., 1867): xxvm,
"A Bill to Exempt Associations of Workmen from Certain Disabilities for a Limited Time"
(14 Feb., 1867): XXVIII, 144
United KingdomDBills 421

"A Bill to Provide for the Carrying into Effect Capital Punishments within Prisons" (14
Feb., 1867): XXVIH, 272
"A Bill to Promote the Improvement of Land by Occupying Tenants in Ireland" ( 18 Feb.,
1867): I, 279; XVI, 1272
"A Bill to Make Better Provision for the Raising of Money... [for] Works of Permanent
Improvement in the Metropolis" (26 Feb., 1867): XXXI, 395
"A Bill for Regulating the Hours of Labour for Children, Young Persons, and Women
Employed in Workshops" ( l Mar., 1867): XXVIII, 238
"A Bill... for the Establishment in the Metropolis of Asylums for the Sick, Insane, and
Other Classes of the Poor, and of Dispensaries" (7 Mar., 1867): XVI, 1250, 1254-6,
1262; XXVIII, 134, 136-43 passim
"A Bill to Repeal Enactments Relating to Bankruptcy in England" ( 14 Mar., 1867 ): XVI,
1281; XXVIII, 187
"A Bill Further to Amend the Laws Relating to the Represe.ntation of the People in England
and Wales" (18 Mar., 1867): XXVIH, 143,145-51 passzm. 164-87passim, 194-201
passim, 205-11 passim
"A Bill... for Regulating the Traffic in the Metropolis" (27 Mar., 1867): XXXI, 393
"A Bill to Amend the Act... for Preventing Certain Abuses and Profanations on the Lord's
Day" (2 Apr., 1867): XXVHI, 190-3
"A Bill to Provide for the More Effectual Prevention of Corrupt Practices and Undue
Influence at Parliamentary Elections" (9 Apr., 1867): XXVIII, 148
"A Bill for the Better and More Effectually Securing the Use of Certain Royal Parks and
Gardens for the Enjoyment and Recreation of Her Majesty's Subjects" (3 May, 1867): I,
279; XXVIH, 215-17,237-8
"A Bill for the Establishment of Municipal Corporations within the Metropolis" (21 May,
1867): XVIH, 162-5,230, 273,291; XXXII, 177,216
"A Bill . . . for Confirming a Scheme of the Charity Comnussioners for the Several
Charities Founded by the... Will of Christopher Tancred" (25 June, 1867): XXVIII.
"A Bill [as Amended in Committee] Further to Amend the Laws Relating to the
Representation of the People in England and Wales" (9 July, 1867): XXVIII, 213,232
"A Bill for Regulating the Hours of Labour for Children, Young Persons, and Women
Employed in Workshops" (16 July, 1867): XXVHI, 354
"A Bill to Continue Various Expiring Laws" (26 July, 1867): XXVIH, 227-30
"'ABill for the Better Government of the Metropolis" (6 Aug., 1867): XXVIH, 163,
230-1,273; XXXII, 177-9, 216
"A Bill to Provide Better Dwellings for Artizans and Labourers" (20 Nov., 1867): XXVHI,
"A Bill to Confirm a Provisional Order under 'The Drainage and Improvements of Lands
(Ireland) Act, 1863'" (22 Nov., 1867): VI, 531
"A Bill for the Establishment of a Foreign Cattle Market for the Metropolis" (5 Dec.,
1867): XXVHI, 329,331,332
422 Index of Persons and Works

"A Bill for the Amendment of the Representation of the People in Scotland" (17 Feb.,
1868): XXVHI, 281-3; XXXII, 193-4
"A Bill to Repeal Certain Tests and Alter Certain Statutes Affecting the Constitution of the
Universities of Oxford and Cambridge" (18 Feb., 1868): XXXII, 196
"A Bill to Provide for Carrying out of Capital Punishment within Prisons" (20 Feb., 1868 ):
XXVIII, 266-72 passim
"A Bill... for Amending the Laws Relating to Election Petitions, and Providing More
Effectually for the Prevention of Corrupt Practices at Elections" ( 13 Feb. and 16 Mar.,
1868): XVI, 1137, 1348-9, 1380-1, 1383-4, 1387-8, 1392, 1398, 1403-4, 1409,
1522; XVII, 1871-2; XXVIII, 262-5,279-80, 300-3,306-19 passtm, 326-30,343;
XXXH, 190-2, 195
"A Bill to Amend the Representation of the People in Ireland" ( 19 Mar., 1868): XXVIII,
"A Bill to Enable Her Majesty's Postmaster General to Acquire, Work, and Maintain
Electric Telegraphs" (1 Apr., 1868), PP, 1867-68, II, 331-8: XVlI, 1598
"A Bill to Amend the Law with Respect to the Property of Married Women" (21 Apr.,
1868): XXVIII, 283-6; XXIX, 379
"A Bill to Amend . . . the Act for the Better Government of India" (23 Apr., 1868):
XXVHI, 288-9,296-7, 305-6
"A Bill to Amend the Laws Relative to the Coast and Deep Sea Fisheries of Ireland" (30
Apr., 1868): XXVHI, 299
"A Bill for the Creation of a Corporation of London" (7 May, 1868): XXVIII, 273-6
passim, 290-1
"A Bill to Provide for the Establishment of Municipal Corporations within the Metropolis"
(7 May, 1868): XVI, 1496, 1502; XXVIII, 273-6passim, 290-5,300-1,349-50
"A Bill... to Make Fmther Provision for the Good Government and Extension of Certmn
Public Schools in England" (22 May, 1868): XXVIII, 290, 298-9, 304
"A Bill... to Amend the Law Relating to Railways" (28 May, 1868_: XXVIII, 328,333
"A Bill to Amend the Law of Registration so Far as Relates to the Year 1868" ( 11 June,
1868): XXVIII, 289
"A Bill to Make Further Amendments in the Laws for the Relief of the Poor" (23 June,
1868): XXVIH, 312, 334
"A Bill to Amend the Law Relating to Endowed Schools and Other Education_
Endowments in England" (18 Feb., 1869), PP, 1868-69, U, 331-56: XVH, 1586
"A Bill to Enable Owners and Occupiers of Property in Certain Districts to Prevent the
Common Sale of Intoxicating Liquors" (22 Feb., 1869): XVI, 1480; XXVIII, 340, 344
"A Bill to Amend the Law with Respect to the Property of Married Women" (25 Feb.,
1869): XVII, 1618, 1624; XXIX, 379
"A Bill to Put an End to the Establishment of the Church of Ireland" ( 1 Mar., 1869), PP.
1868-69, Ill, 85-116: XVII, 1579-80, 1588, 1593, 1613, 1625
"A Bill to Consolidate and Amend the Law of Bankruptoy" ( 15 Mar., 1869), PP, 1868-69,
I, 65-114: XVII, 1602
United Kingdom--Bills 423

"A Bill to Amend the Law Relating to Trade Combinations and Trade Unions" (9 Apr.,
1869): XXVIII, 341
"A Bill... Enabling Peers Created for Life, under Certain Limitations and Restrictions, to
Sit and Vote in the House of Lords" (9 Apr., 1869), Sessional Papers of the House of
Lords, 1868-69, VI, 9-10: XVII, 1594-5
"A Bill to Disable Daniel O'Sullivan, Esq., from Holding... the Office of Mayor or Justice
of the Peace . . . in the City of Cork, or Elsewhere in Ireland" (5 May, 1869), PP,
1868-69, IV, 165-8: XVII, 1605, 1608
"A Bill... to Extend and Improve the Parochial Schools of Scotland, and to Make Further
Provision for the Education of the People of Scotland" ( 16 June, 1869), PP, 1868-69,
IV. 187-216: XVII, 1613
"A Bill to Remove the Electoral Disabilities of Women" (16 Feb., 1870): XVII, 1698,
1712, 1727-8, 1730-1, 1744; XXIX, 391
"A Bill to Provide for Public Elementary Education in England and Wales" (17 Feb.,
1870): XVII, 1699, 1702-3; XXV, 1222-3; XXIX, 381-6, 391-2
"A Bill to Amend the Law Relating to Procedure at Parliamentary Elections" (9 May,
1870), PP, 1870, IlI, 611-34: XVII, 1724
"A Bill to Amend the Act... to Abolish the Annuity Tax in Edinburgh and Montrose"
(ll July, 1870): XXXII, 220
"A Bill... to Amend the Law Relating to the Qualification of Practitioners m Medicine and
Surgery" (13 July, 1870), PP, 1870, II, 695-714: XVII, 1755
"A Bill to Amend the Law Relating to Inclosures of Commons" (14 Feb., 1871 ): XXIX,
"A Bill for the Better Regulation of the Regular and Auxiliary Land Forces of the Crown"
(16 Feb., 1871): XXIX, 411-15
"A Bill to Disafforest the New Forest" (21 Mar., 1871), PP, 1871, IV, 317-50: XVII,
"A Bill to Abolish Tests, and Alter the Constitution of the Governing Body in Trinity
College and the University of Dublin" (7 Feb., 1872 ), PP, 1872, VI, 461-6: XVII, 1893
"A Bill to Remove Electoral Disabilities of Women" (7 Feb., 1872 ), PP, 1872, VI, 507-8:
XVII, 1895, 1915, 1917-19
"A Bill to Provide for Preservation of Ancient National Monuments" (7 Feb., 1873), PP,
1873, I, 25-40: XVII, 1906
"A Bill for the Improvement of the Relations between Landlord and Tenant" (13 Feb.,
1873): XXV, 1242



Organized by date of publication in PP (or elsewhere), then alphabetically. Documents

originating with the Court of Directors of the EIC and reports of Briush commissioners on
424 Index of Persons and Works

Indian affairs are listed here; documents originating in India are under India: Official

"Out Letters (Ireland)": VI, 531
"Treaty with the Nawaub Vizier, Saadit Ali": XXI, 120
"Treaty between the East India Company and the Peshwa" (31 Dec., 1802): XXXII,
"Reports .'.. into the Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites, and Emoluments Lately Received in the
Several Public Offices": xxm, 643
"Orders in Council" (1807), PP, 1808, X, 51-70: XV, 804
"Reports from the Select Committee on the Affairs of the East India Company": XXX,
"Papers... Relating to the Correspondence with America, on Certain Orders in Council":
"Report... on the High Price of Gold Bullion": IV, 188; VI, 176
"Reports . . . into the Nature and Extent of the Several Bogs in Ireland, and the
Practicability of Draining and Cultivating Them": XXIV, 928,939
"Definitive Treaty of Peace and Amity between His Britannic Majesty and His Most
Christian Majesty" (30 May, 1814): XXIH, 350
"A Treaty of Peace and Amity between His Britannic Majesty and the United States of
America" (1814): XXIV, 835
"'Convention of Commerce, between Great Britain and the United States of America"
(1815): VI, 134-5, 138
"Treaty with the Peishwa" (13 June, 1817): XXXII, 63
"Minutes of Evidence... on the Expediency of the Bank Resuming Cash Payments": Iv',
"Petition of the Merchants of London": I, 101-3 (100-2)
United Kingdom--Parliamentary Papers 425

"Minutes of Evidence . . . on the Depressed State of the Agriculture of the United
Kingdom": HI, 467n; IV, 19-20, 54-7
"Second Report... Relative to Foreign Trade: (Silk and Wine Trade)": IV, 133q
"Report... [on] the State of Ilchester Gaol": XXII, 68
"Correspondence with Foreign Powers Relative to the Slave Trade: The United States":
XXIV, 843
"A Letter... to the Visiting Magistrates of the Several Gaols and Houses of Correction,
Where Tread Wheels Have Been Established": XXII, 68
"Report... on the Laws Relating to Game": VI, 99-120
"Report... on the Criminal Law of England": XXXII, 2
"Return of Persons Committed under the Vagrant Laws": VI, 119
"Minutes of Evidence... [on] the Disturbances in... Ireland" (Commons): VI, 66, 82,
87; XXVI, 363
"Minutes of Evidence... [on] the Disturbances m... Ireland" (Lords): VI, 66, 82, 87,
93n, 96-7; XXVI, 363
"Reports... [on] the State of Ireland": VI, 66, 82, 87; XXVI, 363
"Return of the Number of Persons Confined in the Different Gaols of Great Britain, for
Offences against the Game Laws": VI, 107
"Communications... Relating to an Alteration in the Exclusive Privileges Enjoyed by the
Bank of England": XXHI, 582,607
"Report... into the Practice of Chancery": XXXI. 8
"Correspondence between Great Britain and the United States, Relative to Commercial
Intercourse between America and the British West Indies": VI, 123-47 rev
"Minutes of Evidence... on the Circulation of Promissory Notes": IV, 93-5
"Eighteenth Report... [on] the Collection and Management of... Post Office Revenue":
XXIII, 643,644-5
"First Report... [on ] the Practice and Proceedings of the Courts of Common Law": XIH,
368: XXIII, 621
Letterfrom the Board of Control to the Court of Directors ( 13 Oct., 1829): XXX, 72-3
"Reports... [on] the Law of England Respecting Real Property": VI, 224; XIII, 368:
XXIII, 621
426 Index of Persons and Works

"Report... on the State of the Poor in Ireland": XXIV, 939-40q
"Reports... [on ] the Present State of the Affairs of the East India Company": XXX, 77-8
"Convention between France and Great Britain for the More Effectual Suppression of the
Traffic m Slaves" (1831): XXIV, 842
"Award of the King of the Netherlands, upon the Disputed Points of Boundary under the
Fifth Article of the Treaty of Ghent": XXIV, 834-5
"Extract Letter... from the Court of Directors to the Governor in Council of Fort St.
George,' (18 May, 1825): XXX, 144
"Extract Public Letter to Bengal" (18 Feb., 1829): XXX, 112
"Letter . . . on the Formation of a Board of Commissioners for Education in Ireland":
"Report... [on] the Present State of the Affairs of the East India Company . . . with
Minutes of Evidence": XXX, 77-8; XXXII, 25
"Report... [on] the Bank of England Charter... with Minutes of Evidence": llI, 661-2;
IV, 183-92, 351; XXIII, 577
"Report . . . upon the Judicial Establishments and Procedure in Ceylon": XXX, 21;
XXXH, 51
"Correspondence and Minutes... on the Subject of the Renewal of the Bank Charter":
XXIH, 591
"Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland": XXIII, 617
"Letter... to the Commissioners for Inquiring into the Poor Laws": XXIlI, 603,635q,
636, 637q
"protocols of the Conferences between the Plenipotentiaries of Austria, France, Great
Britain, Prussia, and Russia": XXXI, 375
"Report... on Army and Navy Appointments": XXIII, 617
"Report... on Municipal Corporations": XXHI, 585,589
"Report... on the Sale of Beer": xxm, 637
"Reports... [on] the Employment of Children in Factories": XII, 172, 175,233; XIII,
641; XXI , 634, 641
"Resolutions... on the Bank Charter": XXIH, 576-83,590-1
"Supplementary Slave Trade Convention between France and Great Britain": XXIV,
"Correspondence... Relative to the Claim of Certain Bankers on the King of Oude": XXV,
"Dispatch Accompanying the Government of India Act, 1833": XXX, 51
United Kingdom--Parliamentary Papers 427

"First Report on Commercial Relations between France and Great Britain": XXXH,
"First Report... on Criminal Law": XIII, 368; XXIH, 621; XXX, 28
"Petition... for Removal of Jewish Disabilities": VI, 251
"Petition... for Repeal of the Corn Laws": Vl, 193
"Petition... to Open the University [of Cambridge] to Dissenters": VI, 196
"Report from the Committee of Privileges": VI, 156
"Report... on Divisions of the House": VI, 158
"Report... [on] Sinecure Offices": XXBI. 646
"Report... [on] the Administration and Practical Operation of the Poor Laws". II, 236n q,
286-7q, 347-50q; IV, 227; VI, 172,201,203-5,252; XH, 233; XIII, 368; XXI, 105;
XXHI, 538,686-7,744; XXIV, 774-6,778,887,945,987: XXVIll, 139; XXIX, 394,
"Report... on the Penitentiaries of the United States": XVlH, 106
"Report... on the State of Educauon": VI, 254; XXI, 63, 67
"Second Report... on the Business of the House": Vl, 248q
"Treaty between His Majesty, the Queen Regent of Spain, the King of the French, and the
Duke of Braganza, Regent of Portugal": XXXI, 367-8, 373,376-7q, 378-9
"First Annual Report of the Poor Law Commissioners for England and Wales": XXIV,
"First Report... [on] the Condition of the Poorer Classes in Ireland": Vl, 402
"First Report... [on] the Expediency of Substituting Declarations in Lieu of Oaths": VI,
"First Report... [on] the Municipal Corporations of England and Wales": VI. 402; xm,
368; XXl, 67; xxIIl, 631; xxIv, 770
"First Report... [on] the State of the Established Church with Reference to Ecclesiastical
Duties and Revenues": VI, 325
"Second Report... [on] the Amount of Advances Made by the Commissioners of Public
Works in Ireland": XXIV, 922
"Second Report... [on] the Commercial Relations between France and Great Britain":
XXXII, 25, 26
"Report... on Salt, British India": XXX, 107
"Report... on the Disposal of Lands in the British Colonies": XXIV, 793
"Report... on the Record Commission": Vl, 324
"Second, Third, and Fourth Reports... [on] the State of the Established Church with
Reference to Ecclesiastical Duties and Revenues": VI, 325
"Third Report . . . [on] the Condition of the Poorer Classes in Ireland": Vl, 402. 508;
XXIV, 913,938-40q
428 Index of Persons and Works

Papers Relative to the Affairs of Lower Canada: VI, 405-35 rev
"Reports... [on] the Grievances Complained of in Lower Canada": VI, 421-2, 422-4q.
426-8q, 429,429n-30n q, 431q, 432,457
"Reports... on the Poor Law Amendment Act": VI, 402
"Revenue Department Despatch No. 3, 20 Feb. 1833": XXX, 125
"Second Report... [on] the Condition of the Poorer Classes in Ireland": VI, 402
Correspondence Relative to the Affairs of Lower Canada: VI, 405-35 rev, 418q, 419n,
Correspondence Relative to the Affairs of Lower Canada, Upper Canada, Nova Scotia, and
New Brunswick: VI, 405-35 rev
"Papers Relating to Lower Canada": VI, 439-41,442q
"'Fourth Annual Report of the Poor Law Commissioners for England and Wales": XXIV,
"Draft of an Ordinance for Abolishing Censorship in Malta," PP, 1839, XVII, 826-69:
XII, 333
"Fifth Annual Report of the Poor Law Commissioners": XXIV, 822
"First Report... [on] the Best Means of Establishing an Efficient Constabulary Force in the
Counties of England and Wales": XXIX, 529
"Report on the Affairs of British North America, from the Earl of Durham": I, 223-5
(224); Vl, 425,457-9; XIII, 393,427; XIX, 563; XXXII, 43
"Report... on Banks of Issue," PP, 1840, IV: XIII, 444
"Report... on the North-Eastern Boundary of the United States": XXlV, 833,834
"Evidence of Employers of Labourers on the Influence of Training and Education on the
Value of Workmen": H, 108-10q
"Hand-Loom Weavers. Report of the Commissioners": H, 381-2q
"Letter from the Governor-General of India... on the Subject of Slavery in the East
Indies": XXX, 124
"Report of the Indian Law Commissioners on Slavery": XXX, 124
"Second Report... on South Australia": XXIH, 750
"First Report of the Children's Employment Commission (Mines)": XlH, 641; XXlV,
822, 829
"Correspondence... [on] the Deposition of the Raja of Sattara": XXX, 34
"Report... [on] the Law of Defamation and Libel": Vl, 261
United Kingdom--Parliamentary Papers 429

_ "Treaty between Her Majesty and the Umted States of America, Signed at Washington":
! XXlV, 830-6; XXlX, 543,564
"Report . . . on the Operation of [5 & 6 Victoria, c. 99 and on] . . . the State of the
Population in the Mining Districts," PP, 1844, XV1, 1-70: XIH, 641
"Extract of a Despatch... from the Court of Directors to the Governor-General in Council"
(3 July, 1844): XXX, 107
"Report... [on] the Occupation of Land in Ireland": II, 318q, 330n-2n q: Ill, 992-3q,
994n, 997-1000q; XXIV, 890, 963
"Resolution of l0 Oct., 1844 [on education in India]": XXX, 148
"Report... on Andover Union": XXIV, 924
"Return of the Total Population of G-rear Britain in 1831 and 1841": XXIV, 863
"An Account of Loans Advanced by the Imperial Treasury for Public Works in Ireland...
England and Scotland... since 1800": XXV, 1098; XXVII1, 252
"Report... on Colonization from Ireland," PP, 1847, V1, 1-866: XIII, 730
"Reports... on Settlement, and Poor Removal," PP, 1847, XI: XIII, 722
"Treasury Minute" ( l Dec., 1846), PP, 1847, LVI, 365: XXIW, 1026-30, 1028q, 1033-4
"An Accoum Showing the Imports into the United Kingdom of Sugar, Molasses, Rum,
Coffee, and Cocoa, from the West Indies and British Guiana, for... 1831 to 1847":
XXI, 89
"First Report . . . [on] the Means Requisite for the Improvement of the Health of the
Metropolis," PP, 1847-48, XXXI/, 1-56: XIII, 725
"First and Second Report of the Metropolitan Sanitary Commission": XXIX, 529-30
"Letter from the Court of Directors to the Governor-General of India" (22 Apr., 1846)":
XXX, 109
"Reports... on Commercial Distress": V, 523
"First Report... on Ceylon and British Guiana": XXI, 89
"Despatches... Relating to the Admission of Foreigners into the Island of Malta": XXIX,
"Minutes of Evidence... on the Savings of the Middle and Working Classes": V, 407-29q
"Report... on the Operation of the Laws of Settlement and Removal of the Poor": XXV,
"Letter from the Court of Directors to the Governor-General of India" ( 1 Sept., 1841 ):
XXX, 127
430 Index of Persons and Works

"Letter from the Court of Directors to the Governor-General of India" (5 Dec., 1849_:
XXX, 128
"Letter from the Court of Directors to the Governor in Council in Fort St. George" (8 Jan.,
1851): XXX, 130
"Letter from the Court of Directors to the Governor-General of India" (25 Apr., 1851 ):
XXX, 128
"A Petition of the Female Inhabitants of the Borough of Sheffield": XXI, 415
"Report... on the Law of Partnership": III, 896-7q, 899n, 902n q
"Convention between Great Britain and France, for the Mutual Surrender of Criminals" (28
May, 1852): XXIX, 544
1852 '
"Minutes of Evidence... on Income and Property Tax": V, 465-98q
"Returns... Relative to the Affairs of the East India Company": XXX, 40, 46
Revenue Despatch to Madras (22 Sept., 1852): XXX, 108
"Despatch of the Court of Directors, 13 August, 1851, on the Settlement of the
North-Western Provinces": XXX, 99q
"First Report... [on] the Law of Divorce," PP, 1852-53, XL, 249-74: XIV, 161,197
"First Report... upon the System of Superintending and Executing Public Works in the
Madras Presidency": XXX, 129
"Letter from the Court of Directors to the Government of India" (30 Jan., 1850): XXX, 135
"Official Correspondence on the System of Revenue Survey and Assessment... in the
Bombay Presidency": XXX, 101, 158q, 159
"Report on the Census of 1851 ": XXIX, 459
"Reports... [on] the Better Government of Her Majesty's Indian Territories": XXX, 78
"Account of Exports to, and Imports from, East India Company's Territories, 1849 to
1852," PP, 1854, LXV, 332-5: XIV, 99-100
"Despatch from the Court of Directors of the East India Company to the Governor-General"
(19 July, 1854): XXX, 136, 144-6
"New York Industrial Exhibition: General Report of the British Commissioners": XlX.
"Report... [on] the Existing State of the Corporation of the City of London": XXVIII,
230, 275; XXlX, 447, 501
"Report on the Organisation of the Permanent Civil Service": XlV, 175, 178-80, 183--4,
187-8, 193,205-7; XVII, 1548, 1572; XVIII, 201,207-11,210q; XXVII, 662,666;
XXVIII, 88; XXXII, 130
"Reports... on the Army before Sebastopol," PP, 1854-55, IX: XIV, 376
United Kingdom--Parliamentary Papers 431

"Declaration Respecting Maritime Law" [Declaration of Paris]: XVI, 1153, 1199;
XXVII1, 220-7 passim; XXIX, 412
"Draft of Treaty between the East India Company and the King of Oude": XVII, 1537;
XXI, 120; XXX, 224
"General Treaty between Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, Sardinia and
Turkey" (30 March, 1856): XVH, 1777-9, 1781; XXI, 344-5,347; XXV, 1223-6
: "Reports... [on] the Reform of the Judicial Establishments, Judicial Procedure, and Laws
of India": XXX, 114
"Despatch from the Court of Directors to the Governor-General of India" (24 Sept., 1856 ):
XXX, 120
"Letter from the Court of Directors to the Governor-General of India" (5 Nov., 1856):
XXX, 109
; "Letter from the Court of Directors to Government of Fort St. George" ( 17 Dec., 1856):
XXX, 103-4
"Letter from the Government of India to the Hon. Court of Directors" (14 May, 1857):
XXX, 120
; "Ordinance of the Government of Labuan, for Facilitating the Apprehension and Surrender
; of Certain Offenders Escaping to Labuan from the Dominions of the Sultan of Borneo" (4
i Feb., 1857): XXIX, 560
"Papers Relative to the Mutinies in the East Indies": XXX, 78
"Report from the Select Committee on Bank Acts; Together with the Proceedings of the
Committee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix and Index": HI, 550,680n q; V, 503,522,
531,536, 540
"Return... Showing the Measures Taken since 1847 to Promote the Cultivation of Cotton
in India": XXXII, 113-14
"An Account of Gross Public Revenue and Expenditure from the Year 1851 to the Year
1857": XXVIII, 70
"An Account of the Expenditure for the Axmy, Navy, Ordnance, and Militia from
1851-1857": XXVIll, 70
"Correspondence between the First Lord of the Treasury and the Directors of the East India
Company Respecting Legislative Measures to Be Proposed for the Future Government of
Her Majesty's Dominions in India": XXX, 78, 163-4
"Correspondence Relating to the Education Despatch of 19 July, 1854": XXX, 146
"Despatch from the Court of Directors to the Governor at Madras" (30 Sept., 1857): XXX,
"Despatch from the Court of Directors to the Governor-General of India" (4 Nov., 1857):
XXX, 120
"A Letter from the Court of Directors of the East India Company to the Governor-General of
India" (5 May, 1858): XXX, 196
432 Index of Persons and Works

"Letter from the Court of Directors to the Governor-General of India" (25 Nov., 1857):
XXX, 78
"Papers Relating to the Proclamation Ordered to Be Published in Oude": XXX, 195-7
"Proceedings or Communications from the Court of Directors of the East India Company to
the Governor-General of India Relating to the Proposed Proclamation of Lord Canning":
XXX, 196-7
"Regulations... for the Examination of Candidates for Appointment to the Civil Service of
the East India Company," PP, 1857-58, XLIII, 65-8: XIV, 202
"Resolutions... upon the Government of India" (30 April, 1858): XXX, 187-8q, 189,
190q, 191-2
"Fouah Report of Her Majesty's Civil Service Commissioners": XIX, 531

"Report... [on] Corrupt Practices at Elections for the Borough of Wakefield": XIX, 497n
"Report... on Masters and Operatives," PP, 1860, XXII, 443-576: XV, 692
"Report... on the Corrupt Practices Prevention Act": XIX, 497n q; XXVIH, 307,308q
"Report... on the Gas (Metropolis) Bill": XXIX, 454
"Treaty of Commerce between Her Majesty and the Emperor of the French" (23 Jan.,
1860): XXI, 132
"Despatch in the Public Works Department of the Court of Directors to the Governor-
General of India" (9 Sept., 1857): XXX, 131
"Report... on Income and Property Tax": HI. 817n-18n q; V, 549-98q; XV, 733
"Report... [on] the State of Popular Education in England": XXI, 209n, 212
"Second Report... on Metropolis Local Taxation": XXVIII, 163; XX1X, 446,448,455
"Third Report... on Metropolis Local Taxation": XXVIH, 164
"Minute... on Education Establishing a Revised Code of Regulations": XXVIII, 68
"Miscellaneous Statistics of the United Kingdom (Part IV)": XXXH, 135
"Treaty between Her Majesty and the United States of America for the Suppression of the
African Slave Trade" (7 Apr., 1862): XXl, 162
"Correspondence... Respecting the Insurrection in Poland": XXV, 1203
"Correspondence... Respecting the Plunder of the Wreck of the British Barque Prince of
Wales": XXXII, 150
"General Report on the Census of 1861": XXIX, 459
"Report... on Education," PP, 1865, VI: XVI, 1097
"Report on the Tenure and Improvement of Land (Ireland) Act": VI, 530; XXVIII, 80
"Seventh Report of the Medical Officer of the Privy Council": XXIX, 500
United Kingdom--Parliamentary Papers 433

"Supplement to the Twenty-Fifth Annual Report of the Registrar-General of Births,

Deaths, and Marriages in England": XXIX, 465
"Memorandum of the Conference at the Foreign Office": XXVIII, 122
"Papers Laid before the Royal Commission of Inquiry by Governor Eyre": XXI, 422
"Papers Relating to the Disturbances in Jamaica": XXI, 422
"Petition for Extension [of the Elective Franchise] to All Householders without Distinction
of Sex": I, 285; XVI, 1164, 1175; XXI, 270; XXVHI, 91
"Report of the Jamaica Royal Commission": XXI, 422,424, 430-1: XXVIII, 106-7
"Reports... on Metropolitan Local Government": I, 276; XVI, 1178, 1180; XXVIH,
162-3,230; XXXII, 168
"Returns of the Total Number of Voters in Every Borough and City in England and Wales in
Which There Was a Contest at the Last Election": XXVIII, 62-3
"Copy of the Proceedings of the Courts Martial Recently Held in Jamaica upon Ensign
Cullen and Assistant-Surgeon Morris": XXVIII. 218
"Correspondence Respecting British and American Claims Arising out of the Late Cwil
War in the United States": XXVIII, 244
"Correspondence Respecting the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg": XXVIII, 225-6
"Reports on Metropolitan Local Government": XXXI, 399, 404; XXXH, 174, 176
"Reports... [on] the Organization and Rules of Trades Unions and Other Associations":
XVH, 1622; XXVIH, 144
"Treaty Relative to the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg" ( 11 May, 1867): XXI, 344
"Convention between Her Majesty and the King of the French, for the Mutual
Surrender... of Persons Fugitive from Justice" ( 13 Mar., 1843): XXVIII, 117; XXIX,
"Further Correspondence Respecting British and American Claims Arising out of the Late
Civil War in the United States": XXVIH, 244
"Minute... on Education Relating to Scientific Instruction": XXVIH, 217-18
"Petition for Revision of Sentences Passed upon the Fenians": XXVIII, 188-9
"Report... [on] Education in Schools in England": V, 624-9; XVI, 1168, 1172, 1187,
1190; XVII, 1586; XXI, 209-14
"Report... on Extradition": I, 283; XXIX, 542-71; XXXII, 171,196
"Report... [on] Railways in Ireland": VI, 531
"Eleventh... Report... [on] the Organisation and Rules of Trades' Unions and Other
Associations," PP, 1868-69, XXXI, 235-723: XVII, 1577, 1582
"Report... [on] the Failure of the Bank of Bombay," PP, 1868-69, XV, 1-50: XVH,
1733, 1736-7
"Retx_... on the Inclosure Act": XXIX, 427
434 Index of Persons and Works

"Second Report... [on] the Railways m Ireland": VI, 531

"Treaty between Great Britmn and Spain, Respecting Quedah" (6 May, 1869): XXIX,
"Third Report . . . on the Employment of Children, Young Persons, and Women in
Agriculture," PP, 1870, XIII, 1-172: XVII, 1736
"Army Estimates of Effective and Non-Effective Services, for 1871-72": XXIX, 412
"Report... upon the Administration and Operation of the Contagious Diseases Acts":
XXIX, 411
"Royal Warrant... to Cancel and Determine All Regulations Authorizing the Purchase or
Sale or,Exchange for Money of Commissions in the Army": XXIX, 412
"Second Report... [on] the Sanitary Laws in England and Wales": XXXII, 223
"Return of the Order in Council of 7 Jan., 1864, and 29 Feb., 1868, as to the Government of
Heligoland": XXXlI, 186-7, 192


(Private Acts come after the Public Acts of a Session)

20 Henry HI, Statutes of Merton, c.9. He is a Bastard That is Born before the Marriage of
His Parents (1235): XXXII, 42
23 Edward HI, Stat. I, c. 1. Every Person Able in Body under the Age of Sixty Years, Not
Having to Live On, Being Required, Shall Be Bound to Serve Him That Doth Require
Him (1349): IlI, 929; XXII, 87
-- c. 2. If a Workman or Servant Depart from Service before the Time Agreed upon,
He Shall Be Imprisoned (1349): HI, 929; XXII, 87
c. 3. The Old Wages, and No More, Shall Be Given to Servants ( 1349): III, 929;
XXII, 87
c. 5. If Any Artificer or Workman Take More Wages than Were Wont to Be Paid,
He Shall Be Committed to the Gaol ( 1349): HI, 929; XXII, 87
-- c. 8. He That Taketh More Wages than Is Accustomably Given, Shall Pay the
Surplusage to the Town Where He DweUeth (1349): III, 929; XXII, 87
25 Edward IIl, Stat. 1, c. 1. The Year and Day's Wages of Servants and Labourers in
Husbandry (1350): XXII, 87
c. 2. How Much Shall Be Given for Threshing All Sorts of Corn by the Quarter
(1350): XXII, 87
-- c. 3. The Wages of Several Sorts of Artificers and Labourers (1350): XXlI, 87
c. 4. Shoes, &c. Shall Be Sold as in the 20th Year of King Edward the 3d ( 1350):
XXlI, 87
United Kingdom--Statutes 435

c. 5. The Several Punishments of Persons Offending against This Statute ( 1350):

XXII, 87
Stat. 5, c. 2. An Act for Declaration of Treasons ( 1350): VI, 415
4 Henry IV, c. 4. The King Will Grant No Lands, &c. but to Such as Shall Deserve Them
(1402): XXlW, 756q, 764q
4 Henry VII, c. 13. Clergy Shall Be Allowed but Once. A Convict Person Shall Be Marked
with the Letters MorT (1487): XXXI, 56
c. 19. An Act for Maintenance of Husbandry (1487): VI, 19-20
26 Henry vm, c. 1. An Act Concerning the King's Highness to Be Supreme Head of the
Church of England ( 1534): IV, 209n
27 Henry vm, c. 20. For Tithes to Be Paid throughout This Realm (1535): XXII, 221;
xxm, 534-40; xxIv, 816-17
32 Henry vm, c. 7. For the True Payment of Tithes and Offerings (1540): XXII, 221;
XXlII, 534-40; XXlV, 816-17
-- c. 42. For Barbers and Surgeons ( 1540): XXII, 48
33 Henry VI/I, c. 20. An Act for Due Process to Be Had in High Treason in Cases of Lunacy
or Madness (1541): XXII, 187; XXIV, 943
2 & 3 Edward VI, c. 13. An Act for Payment of Tithes (1548): XXII, 221; XXIII, 534-40:
XXIV, 816-17
1 Elizabeth I, c. 1. An Act to Restore to the Crown the Ancient Jurisdiction over the Estate
Ecclesiastical and Spiritual (1558): XXII, 47; XXVI, 269. 362
-- c. 2. An Act for the Uniformity of Common Prayer and Service in the Church
(1558): XXVI, 269, 362,422
8 Elizabeth I, c. 4. An Act to Take Away the Benefit of Clergy from Certain Offenders for
Felony (1565): XXXl, 70
18 Elizabeth I, c. 3. An Act for Setting of the Poor on Work, and for Avoiding of Idleness
(1576): XXI, 370
c. 7. An Act to Take Away Clergy from the Offenders in Rape or Burglary, and an
Order for the Delivery of Clerks Convict without Purgation ( 1576): XXXl, 56
35 Elizabeth I, c. 6. An Act against Converting of Great Houses into Several Tenements...
about the City of London and Westminster (1593): VI, 19-20
43 Elizabeth I, c. 2. An Act for the Relief of the Poor ( 1601 ): VI, 257-8,399; Xl, 301;
XVI, 1525; XlX, 609; XX, 127,348; XXI, 105; XXll, 216,218; xxm, 587,634-8,
673,685-6,708; XXlV, 775,863, 873,881,931,943-4, 993, 1006, 1068
1 James I, c. 27. An Act for the Better Execution... of Former Statutes Made against
Shooting in Guns, and for the Preservation of the Game ( 1603): XXVI, 282, 361,374
21 James I, c. 3. An Act Concerning Monopolies and Dispensations with Penal Laws and
the Forfeitures Thereof ( 1623): VI, 11
- c. 34. An Act for Three Intire Subsidies (1623): VI, 12
1 Charles I, c. 6. An Act for Two Intire Subsidies (1625): VI, 12
3 Charles I, c. 1. The Petition... Concerning Divers Rights and Liberties of the SubJects
(1627): VI, 17-18, 38
436 Index of Persons and Works

3 Charles I, c. 7. An Act for Five Subsidies f 1627): VI, 17

16 Charles I, c. 1. An Act for the Preventing of Inconveniences Happening by the Long
Intermission of Parliament ( 1640): Vl, 30
-- c. 7. An Act to Prevent Inconveniences by the Untimely Adjournment of
Parliaments ( 1640): VI, 35
--c. 8. An Act for a Subsidy Granted to the King of Tonnage, Poundage and Other
Sums Payable upon Merchandize Exported and Imported (1640): VI, 29
-- c. 10. An Act for Regulating of the Privy Council, and for Taking Away the Court
Commonly Called the Star-Chamber ( 1640): VI, 35
c. 11. An Act for a Repeal of a Branch of a Statute... Concermng Commissioners
for Causes Ecclesiastical ( 1640): VI, 35; XXII, 47
-- c., 14. An Act for the Declaring Unlawful and Void the Late Proceedings Touching
Ship-Money (1640): VI, 29
-- c. 20. An Act for the Prevention of Vexatious Proceedings Touching the Order of
Knighthood (1640): Vl, 29
-- c. 27. An Act for the Disinablmg All Persons in Holy Orders to Exercise Any
Temporal Jurisdiction or Authority ( 1640): VI, 45
c. 28. An Act for the Raising of Soldiers for the Defence of England and Ireland
(1640): VI, 38, 45
-- Private Acts, c. 1. An Act for the Attainder of Thomas Earl of Stratford of High
Treason ( 1640): VI, 33-5
An Act for Abolishing the House of Peers (19 Mar., 1649): Vl, 56
An Act for the Advancing and Regulating of the Trade of the Commonwealth ( 1 Aug.,
1650): VI, 56
An Act for Turning the Books of the Law, and All Process and Proceedings in Courts of
Justice, into English (22 Nov., 1650): VI, 56
12 Charles H, c. 18. An Act for the Encouraging and Increasing of Shipping and Navigation
(1660): VI, 124, 138; XXlI, 28
-- c. 24. An Act for Taking Away the Court of Wards and Liveries, and Tenures in
capite, and by Knights-Service, and Purveyance, and for Sealing a Revenue upon His
Majesty in Lieu Thereof ( 1660): XXV, 1233; XXIX, 417
13 Charles I1, Sess. 2, c. 1. An Act for the Well-Governing and Regulating of Corporations
(1661): Vl, 62-8,377; XXVI, 422
13 & 14 Charles II, c. 4. An Act for the Uniformity of Public Prayers, and Administration of
Sacraments (1662): XXVI, 422
-- e. 12. An Act for the Better Relief of the Poor of This Kingdom ( 1662 ): XXII, 216,
218,221; XXlV, 778
15 Charles II, c. 7. An Act for the Encouragement of Trade ( 1663): VI, 124, 138; XXII, 28
-- c. 17. An Act for Settling the Draining of... Bedford-Level (1663): XXlV, 938
18 Charles H, c. 2. An Act against Importing Cattle from Ireland and Other Parts beyond the
Seas (1666): XXVIII, 251
United Kingdom--Statutes 437

22 & 23 Charles II, c. 25. An Act for the Better Preservation of the Game, and for Securing
Warrens Not Inclosed (1670): VI, 99-120, 213,340, 483-4; XXII, 116-17; XXIII,
587; XXVI, 273,278,285,330, 335,378
25 Charles II, c. 2. An Act for Preventing Dangers Which May Happen from Popish
Recusants ( 1672): VI, 62-8,377; XXVI, 399,402-4,422; XXVIII, 250
29 Charles II, c. 3. An Act for Prevention of Frauds and Perjuries ( 1676): XXXI, 72
30 Charles 1I, Sess. 2, c. 1. An Act for the More Effectual Preserving the King's Person and
Government, by Disabling Papists from Sitting in Either House of Parliament (1677)
[1678]: VI, 62-8; XlI, 28; XXVI, 399,402-4,422: XXVIII, 250
31 Charles H, c. 2. An Act for the Better Securing the Liberty of the Subject ( 1679): XXI, 7,
26, 131n; xxm, 417
1 William and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 2. An Act for Declaring the Rights and Liberties of the
Subject, and Settling the Succession of the Crown (1688): VI, 78; XXII, 133
-- c. 20. An Act for a Grant to Their Majesties of an Aid of Twelve Pence in the Pound
for One Year (1688): V, 480
-- c. 32. An Act for the Better Preventing the Exportation of Wool ( 1688): XXVIII,
2 William and Mary, Sess. 1, c. 8. An Act for Restoring the City of London to Its Ancient
Rights and Privileges ( 1689): XXIX. 444
3 William and Mary, c. 2. An Act for the Abrogating the Oath of Supremacy in Ireland
(1691): XXV, 1097
4 William and Mary, c. 1. An Act for Granting to Their Majesties an Aid of Four Shillings in
the Pound for One Year ( 1692): XXV, 1233; XXIX, 417
5 & 6 William and Mary, c. 20. An Act . . . [to secure] the Sum of Fifteen Hundred
Thousand Pounds, towards the Carrying on the War against France [the Bank of England
Charter] (1694): XXIII, 575-6; XXIY, 845
7 & 8 William HI, c. 3. An Act for Regulating of Trials in Cases of Treason and Misprision
of Treason ( 1695): XXXI, 70
c. 20. An Act for Granting to His Majesty an Additaonal Duty upon All French
Goods and Merchandize (1696): XXII, 32
c. 27. An Act for the Better Security of His Majesty's Royal Person and
Government (1696): VI, 62-8; XXVIH, 250
c. 37. An Act for the Encouragement of Charitable Gifts and Dispositions ( 1696):
XXV, 1232
8 William HI, c. 4. An Act to Attaint Sir John Fenwick Baronet of High Treason ( 1696 ): VI,
8 & 9 William HI, c. 21. An Act for Laying a Duty upon Leather for the Term of Three
Years (1697): XXVIII, 251
c. 22. An Act for Granting to His Majesty Certain Duties upon Malt, Mum, Sweets,
Cycler and Perry (1697): XXIV, 859-62
9 & 10 William HI, c. 32. An Act for the More Effectual Suppressing of Blasphemy and
Prophaneness ( 1698): XXXI, 54
438 Index of Persons and Works

10 & 11 William IH, c. 10. An Act to Prevent the Exportation of Wool out of the Kingdom
of Ireland and England into Foreign Parts (1699): XXV, 1097; XXVIII, 251
11 & 12 William III, c. 2. An Act for Granting an Aid to His Majesty, by Sale of the
Forfeited and Other Estates and Interests in Ireland, and by a Land Tax in England
(1700): VI, 513
12 & 13 William m, c. 2. An Act for the Further Limitation of the Crown, and Better
Securing the Rights and Liberties of the Subject (1700): XXII, 133
5 & 6 Anne, c. 5. An Act for Securing the Church of England as by Law Established ( 1706):
VI, 271q, 491q
6 Anne, c. 6. An Act for Rendring the Union of the two Kingdoms More Intire and
Compleat (1707): VI, 78
7 Anne, c. 7. An Act for Enlarging the Capital Stock of the Bank of England, and for
Raising a Further Supply to Her Majesty ( 17081: XXIV, 848
9 Anne, c. 5. An Act for Securing the Freedom of Parliaments, by the Further Qualifying
the Members to Sit in the House of Commons (1710): VI, 184
-- c. 12. An Act for Laying a Duty upon Hops ( 1710): XXV, 1097
10 Anne, c. 2. An Act for Preserving the Protestant Religion, by Better Securing the Church
of England, as by Law Established; and for Confirming the Toleration Granted to
Protestant Dissenters ( 1711 ): XXVI, 422
c. 19. An Act for Laying Several Duties upon All Sope and Paper... and upon
Several Kinds of Stampt Vellum, Parchment, and Paper; and upon Certain Printed
Papers, Pamphlets, and Advertisements ( 1711 ): VI, 261,298; XXII, 268; XXIII, 499,
529, 546, 564-6,645; XXIV, 781
12 Anne, Sess. 2, c. 16. An Act to Reduce the Rate of Interest, without Any Prejudice to
Parliamentary Securities (1713): VI, 224, 471; XXIII, 583; XXVI, 273
1 George I, Stat. 2, c. 38. An Act for Enlarging the Time of Continuance of Parliaments
[1716]: XXIII, 492-3,504
4 George I, c. 11. An Act for the Further Preventing Robbery, Burglary, and Other
Felonies, and for the More Effectual Transportations of Felons ( 1717): XXXI, 56
5 George I, c. 27. An Act to Prevent the Inconveniences Arising from Seducing Artificers in
the Manufactures of Great Britain into Foreign Parts (1718): VI, 219
9 George I, c. 7. An Act for Amending the Laws Relating to the Settlement, Imployrnent
and Relief of the Poor (1722): XXII, 216, 218
11 George I, c. 7. An Act for Rating Such Uurated Goods and Merchandizes as Are Usually
Imported into This Kingdom ( 1724): XXV, 1097
c. 8. An Act for Continuing the Duties upon Malt, Mum, Cycler and Perry .... and
for Explaining a Late Act in Relation to Stampt-Duties on News-papers ( 1724): XXll,
268; XXIH, 499, 529, 546-7,564-6, 645; XXIV, 781
3 George II, c. 25. An Act for the Better Regulation of Juries (1730): XXll, 92
4 George H, c. 28. An Act for the More Effectual Preventing of Frauds Committed by
Tenants, and for the More Easy Recovery of Rents, and Renewal of Leases ( 1731 ):XVI,
1429; XXVIII, 357-8
United Kingdom--Statutes 439

5 George II, c. 21. An Additional Act for.., the More Effectual Preventing the Unlawful
Exportation of the Woollen Manufactures of the Kingdom of Ireland to Foreign Parts
(1732): XXV, 1097
6 George Ii, c. 31. An Act for the Relief of Parishes and Other Places from Such Charges as
May Arise from Bastard Children Born within the Same (1733): XXI, 370
9 George II, c. 36. An Act to Restrain the Disposition of Lands, Whereby the Same Become
Unalienable (1736): XXV, 1232
19 George H, c. 12. An Act for Granting to His Majesty Several Rates and Duties upon
Glass, and upon Spiritous Liquors (1746): XXV, 1097
22 George H, c. 46. An Act... for Allowing Quakers to Make Affirmation in Cases Where
an Oath Is or Shall Be Required (1749). XXII, 15, 31
25 George If, c. 37. An Act for Better Preventing the Horrid Crime of Murder ( 1752):
XXII, 48
26 George II, c. 33. An Act for the Better Preventing of Clandestine Marriages 11753):
XXI, 283
1 George III, c. 1. An Act for the Support of His Majesty' s Household ( 1760): XXIII, 617
2 George m, c. 10. An Act for Raising by Annuities . . . the Sum of Twelve Millions
(1761): V, 583
13 George m, c. 63. An Act... for the Better Management of the Affairs of the East India
Company (1773): XXX, 45, 48, 69, 81
-- c. 68. An Act to Impower the Magistrates Therein Mentioned to Settle and Regulate
the Wages of Persons Employed in the Silk Manufacture ( 1773): IV, 128
19 George HI, c. 56. An Act for Altering, Amending, and Enforcing . . . An Act for
Granting to His Majesty Certain Duties on Licences to Be Taken out by All Persons
Acting as Auctioneers (1779): XXII, 43; xxm, 564
c. 74. An Act to Explain and Amend the Laws Relating to the Transportation,
Imprisonment, and Other Punishment, of Certain Offenders (1779): XXXI, 56
21 George III, c. 70. An Act to Explain and Amend so much of... An Act... for the Better
Management of the Affairs of the East India Company... As Relates to the Admini-
stration of Justice in Bengal ( 1781 ): XXX, 81q, 111-12
22 George m, c. 48. An Act for Charging a Duty on Persons Whose Property Shall Be
Insured against Loss by Fire (1782): XXIII, 546,564, 566
23 George 111, c. 49. An Act for Repealing... An Act for Charging a Stamp-duty upon
Inland Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, or Other Notes ( 1783): XXIII, 546
c. 66. An Act for Granting to His Majesty Several Rates and Duties upon Waggons,
Wains, Carts, and Other Such Carriages (1783): XXVII, 599
24 George m, c. 25. An Act for the Better Regulation and Management of the Affairs of the
East India Company (1784): XXX, 77
26 George HI, c. 31. An Act for Vesting Certain Sums in Commissioners, at the End of
Every Quarter of a Year, to Be by Them Applied to the Reduction of the National Debt
(1786): XXlII, 406; XXlV, 766
440 Index of Persons and Works

28 George m, c. 26. An Act for Granting to His Majesty a Certain Sum of Money out of the
Consolidated Fund (1788): XXII, 265
31 George HI, c. 25. An Act for Repealing the Duties Now Charged on Bills of Exchange,
Promissory Notes, and Other Notes... and for Granting Other Duties in Lieu Thereof
( 1791 ): XXHI, 580
33 George ill, c. 4. An Act for Establishing Regulations Respecting Aliens Arriving in
This Kingdom or Resident Therein (1793): XXlX, 563
-- c. 52. An Act for Continuing in the East India Company, for a Further Term, the
Possession of the British Territories in India (1793): XXX, 77-8
34 George 111,c. 15. An Act for Granting to His Majesty Certain Additional Duties on
Bricks and Tiles Made in or Imported into Great Britain (1794): XXHI, 565-6
c. 54. An Act to Empower His Majesty to Secure and Detain Such Persons as His
Majesty Shall Suspect Are Conspiring against His Person and Governrnent( 1794): XXI,
35 George m, c. 63. An Act for Granting to His Majesty Certain Stamp Duties on Sea
Insurance (1795): XXIH, 546, 565-6
37 George 11I, c. 45. An Act for Confirming and Continuing, for a Limited Time, the
Restriction... on Payments of Cash by the Bank ( 1797): IV, 5-6, 184, 187-8; VI, 175;
XXII, 18; XXIV, 852
c. 91. An Act to Continue, for a Limited Time .... An Act for Confn'rning and
Continuing, for a LImited Time, the Restriction... on Payments of Cash by the Bank
(1797): IV, 5-6, 184, 187-8; VI, 175; XXII, 18; XXIV, 852
38 George HI, c. 60. An Act for Making Perpetual... the Several Sums of Money Now
Charged in Great Britain as a Land Tax for One Year (1798): V, 479-87; XXII, 265;
XXIII, 549, 567
39 George HI, c. 13. An Act to Repeal the Duties Imposed by an Act... for Granting an Aid
and Contribution for the Prosecution of the War (1799): V, 474, 479,591; XXI1, 265;
XXlII, 549,567
39 & 40 George HI, c. 28. An Act for Establishing an Agreement with the Governor and
Company of the Bank of England, for Advancing the Sum of Three Millions ( 1800):
XXIII, 575-6,582
c. 67. An Act for the Union of Great Britain and Ireland ( 1800): VI, 97-8, 153,
214-15; XXVl, 269,362; XXVIII, 250-1
c. 93. An Act for Regulating Trials for High Treason and Misprision of High
Treason (1800): XXXI, 70
-- c. 98. An Act to Restrain All Trusts and Directions in Deeds or Wills, Whereby the
Profits or Produce of Real or Personal Estate Shall be Accumulated, and the Beneficial
Enjoyment Thereof Postponed beyond the Time Therein Limited (1800): IV, 199
c. 106. An Act to Repeal . . . An Act to Prevent Unlawful Combinations of
Workmen; and to Substitute Other Provisions in Lieu Thereof ( 1800): HI, 929; VI, 210;
XVIH, 29; XXII, 142
41 George m, c. 109. An Act for Consolidating in One Act Certain Provisions Usually
Inserted in Acts of Inclosure (1801): XXlX, 427
United Kingdom--Statutes 441

42 George HI, c. 85. An Act for the Trying and Punishing in Great Britain Persons Holding
Public Employments for Offences Committed Abroad (1802): XXI, 425,429,433
43 George HI, c. 108. An Act to Promote the Building, Repairing, or Otherwise Providing
of Churches and Chapels ( 1803): XXV, 1232
c. 141. An Act to Render Justices of the Peace More Safe in the Execution of Their
Duty (1803): XXXl, 47
48 George HI, c. 22. An Act for.., the Prohibiting of Foreign-wrought Silks and Velvets
( 1808): XXlII, 369n
-- c. 55. An Act for Repealing the Duties of Assessed Taxes, and Granting New
Duties in Lieu Thereof (1808): XXlII, 546,564-6,613; XXIV, 864
-- c. 129. An Act to Repeal... An Act to Take Away the Benefit of Clergy from
Certain Offenders for Felony (1808): XXXI, 70
49 George HI, c. 68. An Act to Explain and Amend the Law of Bastardy ( 1809): XXI, 370
-- c. 102. An Act to Appoint Commissioners to Inquire and Examine... into the
Nature and Extent of the Several Bogs in Ireland (1809): XXIV. 928
53 George HI, c. 127. An Act for the Better Regulation of Ecclesiastical Courts in England,
and for the More Easy Recovery of Church Rates and Tithes ( 1813): XXXI, 55
-- c. 155. An Act for Continuing in the East India Company, for a Further Term, the
Possession of the British Territories in India (1813): XXX, 4, 78, 83
-- c. 160. An Act to Relieve Persons Who Impugn the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity
from Certain Penalties (1813): XXXI, 55
54 George HI, c. 52. An Act to Revive and Continue... [a] Restriction on the Governor
and Company of the Bank of England with Respect to Payments in Cash ( 1814): XXIV.
55 George HI, c. 26. An Act to Amend the Laws Now in Force for Regulating the
Importation of Corn (1815): VI, 340; XXII, 115-16,218,221; XXIII, 370,400, 547,
587,645; XXIV, 781,792, 809-10, 829,839-41; XXV, 1263; XXVI, 273,285,330,
335,360, 366, 378; XXVlI, 600; XXVIII, 57, 64, 67,321
-- c. 184. An Act for Repealing the Stamp Duties on... Legacies and Successions to
Personal Estate upon Intestacies (1815): XXIII, 539,546
c. 185. An Act for Repealing the Stamp Office Duties on Advertisements,
Almanacks, Newspapers, Gold and Silver Plate, Stage Coaches, and Licences for
Keeping Stage Coaches ( 1815): XXII, 268; XXIII, 499, 529,546.564-6,645; XXIV,
56 George HI, c. 65. An Act to Explain and Amend the Acts for Granting Duties on the
Profits Arising from Property, Professions, Trades and Offices (1816): XXlI, 265:
XXIII, 549
57 George HI, c. 19. An Act for the More Effectually Preventing Seditious Meetings and
Assemblies (1817): I, 600-1; VI, 207,209; XXII, 142; XXVI, 370, 385
c. 90. An Act for the Prevention of Persons Going Armed by Night for the
Destruction of Game (1817): VI, 101-20, 213, 340, 483; XXII, 117; XXIII, 587;
XXVI, 273,278,285, 330, 335,378
442 Index of Persons and Works

58 George HI, c. 34. An Act to Repeal the Several Bounties on the Exportation of Refined
Sugar from Any Part of the United Kingdom (1818): XXIII, 348
59 George HI, c. 49. An Act to Continue the Restrictions Contained in Several Acts on
Payments in Cash by the Bank of England, until the 1st May 1823, and to Provide for
the Gradual Resumption of Such Payments ( 1819): III, 567; IV, 186- 7,347; Vl, 176;
XXII, 18; XXIV, 852-3
60 George lI1 & 1 George IV, c. 1. An Act to Prevent the Training of Persons to the
Use of Arms (1819): I, 101 (100); KXH, 24; XXIII, 683; XXVI, 273,378,405
c. 2. An Act to Authorise Justices of the Peace, in Certain Disturbed Counties, to
Seize and Detain Arms Collected or Kept for Purposes Dangerous to the Public Peace
(1819): I, 101 (100); XXll, 24; XXHI, 683; XXVI, 273,378,405
-- c '4. An Act to Prevent Delay in the Administration of Justice in Cases of
Misdemeanour (1819): I, 101 (100); XXII, 24; xxm, 683; xxvI, 273,378,405
-- c. 6. An Act for More Effectually Preventing Seditious Meetings and Assemblies
(1819): I, 101 (100); XXH, 24; XXHI, 683; XXVI, 273,370, 378,385,405
-- c. 8. An Act for the More Effectual Prevention and Punishment of Blasphemous and
Seditious Libels (1819): I, 101 (100); XXII, 24; XXIII, 683; XXVl, 273,378,405
c. 9. An Act to Subject Certain Publications to the Duties of Stamps upon
Newspapers, and to Make Other Regulations for Restraining the Abases Arising from the
Publication of Blasphemous and Seditious Libels (1819): I, 101 (100); XVH, 1605;
XXII, 24,268; XKHI, 499,529,546, 564-6,645,683; XXIV, 781; XXVl, 273,378,
405-6; XXVIII, 287
1 George IV, c. 8. An Act to Allow a Drawback on Goods, Wares and Merchandise
Imported into Any British Colony or Plantation in America, on the Exportation Thereof
to Any Foreign Country to Which They May Be Legally Exported (1820): XXlI, 14,
31-3, 43
1 & 2 George IV, c. 37. An Act to Repeal the Duties of Customs on... Timber .... and to
Grant Other Duties and Drawbacks in Lieu Thereof (1821): VI, 153n
-- c. 47. An Act to Exclude the Borough of Grampound... from Sending Burgesses
to Serve in Parhament ( 1821 ): I, 119; XXVII, 618
c. 84. An Act to Grant Duties of Customs on Certain Articles of Wood Imported
into Great Britain (1821): VI, 153n
c. 106. An Act to Continue, until l Jul_ 1824, Several Acts... Respecting the
Duties of Customs ( 1821 ): XXlI, 25
3 George IV, c. 1. An Act to Suppress Insurrections and Prevent Disturbance of the Public
Peace in Ireland (1822): VI, 94n-Sn
c. 34. An Act for the Employment of the Poor in Certain Districts of Ireland
(1822): XXIV, 881
c. 40. An Act for Consolidating into One Act and Amending the Laws Relating to
Idle and Disorderly Persons, Rogues and Vagabonds (1822): XXII, 75-6; XXVl, 330
c. 44. An Act to Regulate the Trade between His Majesty's Possessions in America
and the West Indies (1822): VI, 123-6, 140-6; XXH, 28
United Kingdom--Statutes 443

c. 55. An Act for the More Effectual Administration of the Office of a Justice of
the Peace in and near the Metropolis (1822): XXII, 75-6
c. 60. An Act to Amend the Laws Relating to the Importation of Corn (1822): IV,
47-70passim, 87,109,134-6,143-59passim; VI, 178,340; XXII, 115-16,218,221;
XXilI, 370,400, 547,587,645; XXIV, 781,792, 809-10, 829,839-41; XXV, 1263;
XXVI, 273,285,330, 335,360, 366,378,399; XXVII, 600; XXVIII, 57, 64, 67,321
-- c. 84. An Act to Authorize Certain Temporary Advances of Money, for the Relief
of the Distresses Existing in Ireland (1822): XXIV, 881
-- c. 106. An Act to Continue for One Year So Much of an Act... as Increases the
Duties Payable on Sugar Imported from the East Indies (1822): XXII, 25
-- c. 112. An Act to Authorize the Further Advance of Money out of the Consolidated
Fund... for the Encouragement of the Fisheries in Ireland (1822): XXIV, 881
4 George IV, c. 77. An Act to Authonze His Majesty . . . to Regulate the Duties and
Drawbacks on Goods Imported or Exported in Foreign Vessels ( 1823): VI, 123
5 George IV, c. 1. An Act to Indemnify All Persons Concerned in Advising, Issuing or
Acting under a Certain Order in Council, for Regulating the Tonnage Duties on Certain
Foreign Vessels (1824): VI, 123
-- c. 21. An Act to Reduce the Duties on Importation of Raw and Thrown Silk ( 1824):
IV, 70, 127-8, 132, 134; XXII, 104-5; XXIII, 369n
-- c. 41. An Act to Repeal Certain Duties on Law Proceedings in the Courts in Great
Britain and Ireland (1824): IV, 70; XXlI, 76; XXllI, 623; XXXI, 8, 50, 57
-- c. 47. An Act to Alter the Laws Relating to the Duties on the Importation, and the
Prohibitions on the Exportation of Wool (1824): IV, 70; XXH, 104-5
-- c. 74. An Act for Ascertaining and Establishing Uniformity of Weights and Mea-
sures (1824): XIX, 602
-- c. 83. An Act for the Punishment of Idle and Disorderly Persons, and Rogues and
Vagabonds, in... England (1824): VI, 119; XXVI, 330
-- c. 95. An Act to Repeal the Laws Relative to the Combination of Workmen (1824):
IV, 128; V, 427; XXII, 142
6 George IV, c. 4. An Act to Amend Certain Laws Relating to Unlawful Societies m
Ireland (1825): VI, 70
c. 25. An Act for Defining the Rights of Capital Convicts who Receive Pardon...
and for Limiting the Effect of the Benefit of Clergy ( 1825): XXXI, 8, 57
c. 50. An Act for Consolidating and Amending the Laws Relative to Jurors and
Juries (1825): VI, 425
c. 59. An Act to Provide for the Extinction of Feudal and Seignioral Rights and
Burthens on Lands Held fi Titre de Fief and ,_ Titre de Cens, in the Province of Lower
Canada ( 1825): VI, 429n-30n
c. 68. An Act to Regulate the Conveyance of Printed Votes and Proceedings in
Parliament, and Printed Newspapers, by Packet Boats between Great Britain and Ireland,
and the British Colonies (1825): XXIII, 645q
c. 84. An Act to Provide for the Augmenting the Salaries of the Master of the Rolls
444 Index of Persons and Works

and the Vice Chancellor of England, the Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer, and the
Puisne Judges and Barons of the Courts in Westminster Hall ( 1825): XXXI, 8, 48
-- c. 96. An Act for Preventing Frivolous Writs of Error ( 1825): XXXI, 8, 45
c. 105. An Act to Repeal the Several Laws Relating to the Customs (1825): IV, 70;
XXII, 105
-- c. 107. An Act for the General Regulation of the Customs (1825): XXH, 105
-- c. 109. An Act for the Encouragement of British Shipping and Navigation ( 1825):
IV, 70; VI, 138, 144
-- c. 111. An Act for Granting Duties of Customs ( 1825): XX1H, 564
c. 114. An Act to Regulate the Trade of the British Possessions Abroad ( 1825): VI,
123, 126, 128-9, 135-9, 144, 146; XXVI, 407
-- c. 129. An Act to Repeal the Laws Relating to the Combination of Workmen (1825):
IV, 70
7 George IV, c. 6. An Act to Limit, and after a Certain Period to Prohibit, the Issuing
of Promissory Notes under a Limited Sum in England (1826): HI, 664; IV, 78; XXH, 219
c. 46. An Act for the Better Regulating Copartnerships of Certain Bankers m
England (1826): IV, 78-9, 105; VI, 487; XXIH, 581-2,590; XXIV, 849
7 & 8 George IV, c. 27. An Act for Repealing Various Statutes in England Relative to...
Malicious Injuries to Property (1827): XXH, 117
-- c. 56. An Act to Amend the Laws Relating to the Customs (1827): XXIII, 547
-- c. 57. An Act to Permit, until 1st May, 1828, Certain Corn, Meal, and Flour to
Be Entered for Home Consumptaon (1827): IV, 143; VI, 340, 358; XXH, 106, 115-16,
218,221; XXIII, 370, 400, 547, 587,645; XXIV, 781,792, 809-10, 829, 839-40,
841; XXV, 1263; XXVII, 600; XXVIII, 57, 64, 67, 321
c. 68. An Act for the Management and Improvement of the Land Revenues of the
Crown in Ireland (1827): XXIV, 960, 964
-- Private Acts, c. 35. An Act for Dividing, Allotting, Inclosing, and Exonerating
from Tithes, Lands in the Hamlet of Penge (1827): VI, 249
9 George IV, c. 17. An Act for Repealing So Much of Several Acts as Imposes the Necessity
of Receiving the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper as a Qualification for Certain Offices
and Employments (1828): VI, 186-8, 195,230, 377; XXIV, 821; XXVIH, 67, 75
-- c. 31. An Act for Consolidating and Amending the Statues in England Relative to
Offences against the Person (1828): XXI, 104
--c. 44. An Act to Provide for the Execution, throughout the United Kingdom, of the
Several Laws of Excise Relating to Licences (1828 ): XXHI, 546
-- c. 48. An Act to Repeal the Excise Duties and Drawbacks on Plate Glass, Broad
Glass, Crown Glass, Bottle Glass, and Glass Bottles, Payable in Great Britain and
Ireland (1828): XXIII, 541,566
c. 49. An Act to Amend the Laws in Force Relating to the Stamp Duties on Sea
Insurance (1828): XXlII, 546, 565-6
-- c. 60. An Act to Amend the Laws Relating to the Importation of Corn ( 1828): V,
762-3; VI, 153,183,186, 193, 198-9, 219,224, 252,340, 348,358,378,389,394,
United Kingdom--Statutes 445

397,400, 470, 472,475-6, 485; X, 152; XVIII, 199; XXII, 115-16, 218,221,266;
XXIII, 370,400, 523,534-40,547,587,619-20,645; XXIV, 781,792,804,809-10,
829, 839-40, 841; XXV, 1263; XXVII, 600; XXVIII, 57, 64, 67,321
-- c. 69. An Act for the More Effectual Prevention of Persons Going Armed by Night
for the Destruction of Game ( 1828): XVII, 1908; XXII, 117; XXII1, 587
10 George IV, c. 7. An Act for the Relief of His Majesty's Roman Catholic Subjects ( 1829 ):
IV, 196, 369; V, 706; VI, 186-8, 195,363,377, 511,530; XII, 27, 31; XIII, 544;
XXIII, 486; XXIV, 821; XXV, 1181; XXVIII, 52, 67, 75,249,251
c. 44. An Act for Improving the Police in and near the Metropolis ( 1829): XXVlII,
-- c. 50. An Act to Consolidate and Amend the Laws Relating to the Management and
Improvement of His Majesty's Woods, Forests, Parks, and Chases ( 1829): XXIV, 960,
-- Private Acts, c. 136. An Act for Improving the Approaches to London Bridge
(1829): XXII, 113-15
11 George IV & 1 William IV, c. 17. An Act to Alter and Amend an Act . . for
Consolidating and Amending the Laws of Excise on Malt Made in the United Kingdom
(1830): XX_I, 564; XXIV, 859-62
-- c. 72. An Act to Allow, before the 5th Day of July 1831, Sugar to Be Delivered
out of Warehouse to Be Refined (1830): XXIII, 348
1 William IV, c. 64. An Act to Permit the General Sale of Beer and Cyder by Retail
in England (1830): VI, 233
1 & 2 William IV, c. 4. An Act to Abolish Certain Oaths and Affirmations, Taken and
Made in the Customs and Excise Departments of His Majesty's Revenue (1831 ): XXIII,
-- c. 16. An Act to Discontinue or Alter the Duties of Customs upon Coals, Slates,
Cotton Wool, Barillo, and Wax (1831): XXIII, 541,547
-- c. 32. An Act to Amend the Laws mEngland Relative to Game (1831): XVII, 1908;
XXIII, 587; XXVIII, 331
c. 33. An Act for the Extension and Promotion of Public Works in Ireland ( 1831):
XXIV, 881, 1028
c. 37. An Act to Prohibit the Payment, in Certain Trades, of Wages in Goods, or
Otherwise than in the Current Coin of the Realm (1831 ): XXII, 212-13
c. 39. An Act to Repeal the Laws Relating to Apprentices and Other Young Persons
Employed in Cotton Factories and in Cotton Mills (1831): XXIII, 399
_c. 56. An Act to Establish a Court in Bankruptcy (1831): VI, 303; XX_II, 622
c. 60. An Act for the Better Regulation of Vestries ( 1831 ): XXIII, 588
2 & 3 William IV, c. 45. An Act to Amend the Representation of the People in England and
Wales (1832): I, 179 (178), 180, 185 (184), 202; IV, 191,195,369-70; V, 706; VI,
151-2, 155,161,186, 191,224, 232-3,250, 253,263---4,269, 283-6, 299,303,313,
321-2, 331,338-40,343,345,365,383-4,388,400,430, 467,470, 473,479-81; X,
78, 153; XII, 100, 166, 360; XIII, 380, 544; XIV, 103; XVII, 1991; XVIII, 34, 37,
446 Index of Persons and Works

125,194; XIX, 313-15,343,361,620, 635; XX, 192, 320, 329; XXII, 261,276-7,
283,288,316, 324, 327; XXHI, 348,358,485,488-9,493,499,508,512, 514, 534,
598,620-2; XXIV, 764-5,767-8, 790, 797-800; XXV, 1103, 1181; XXVII, 564,
574, 587,618,621-2; XXVIII, 57, 63, 64, 111,295; XXlX, 461,500q
c. 62. An Act for Abolishing the Punishment of Death in Certain Cases (1832):
-- c. 84. An Act to Amend the Laws Relating to the Customs ( 1832): XXIII, 541,
c. 92. An Act for Transferring the Powers of the High Court of Delegates, Both in
Ecclesiastical and Maritime Causes. to His Majesty in Council (1832): XXIII, 623
-- c. 107. An Act for Regulating for Three Years... the Care and Treatment of Insane
Persons i_ England (1832): XXIII, 622
-- c. 110. An Act for the Better Regulation of the Duties to Be Performed by the
Officers... of the Court of Exchequer (1832): xxm, 623
-- c. 11I. An Act to Abolish Certain Sinecure Offices Connected with the Court of
Chancery (1832): XXIII, 623
-- c. 119. An Act to Amend Three Acts . . . Providing for the Establishing of
Compositions for Tithes in Ireland ( 1832): VI, 169
-- c. 121. An Act to Enable His Majesty to Carry into Effect a Convention Made
between His Majesty and the King of the French and Emperor of All the Russias, and the
King of Bavaria (1832): XXIII, 611
3 William IV, c. 4. An Act for the More Effectual Suppression of Local Disturbances and
Dangerous Associations in Ireland ( 1833): I, 203 (202); VI, 156, 254, 264-5; XXHI,
-- c. 10. An Act to Reduce the Duty Payable on Cotton Wool Imported into the United
Kingdom ( 1833): XXHI, 565
-- c. 11. An Act for Repealing the Duties and Drawbacks of Excise on Tiles ( 1833):
XXHI, 565
3 & 4 William IV, c. 23. An Act to Reduce the Stamp Duties on Advertisements and on
Certain Sea Insurances; to Repeal the Stamp Duties on Pamphlets, and on Receipts for
Sums under Five Pounds; and to Exempt Insurances on Farming Stock from Stamp
Duties (1833): XXIH, 565
-- c. 27. An Act for the Limitation of Actions and Suits Relating to Real Property
(1833): VI, 224
-- c. 36. An Act to Diminish the Inconvenience and Expence of Commissions in the
Nature of Writs De Lunatico Inquirendo (1833): XXIII, 622
---- c. 37. An Act to Alter and Amend the Laws Relating to the Temporalities of the
Church in Ireland (1833): XXlII, 601,604-6, 608; XXIV, 821
-- c. 41. An Act for the Better Administration of Justice in His Majesty's Privy
Council (1833): XXlH, 623,626-7
-- c. 42. An Act for the Further Amendment of the Law, and the Better Advancement
of Justice (1833): VI, 224; XIH, 368; XXIH, 625
United Kingdom--Statutes 447

c. 73. An Act for the Abolition of Slavery Throughout the British Colonies ( 1833):
VI, 179,283,303; XIII, 379; XXI, 106, 112; XXlll, 601-4,610-11,642; XXIV, 980
c. 74. An Act for the Abolition of Fines and Recoveries ( 1833): VI, 224; X, 102;
XIII, 368; XVII, 1991
c. 84. An Act to Provide for the Performance of the Duties of Certain Offices
Connected with the Court of Chancery Which Have Been Abolished (1833): XXIII,
623 -4
c. 85. An Act for Effecting an Arrangement with the East India Company ( 1833):
VI, 283,303; XIV. 223; XXIll, 601,606, 61 l; XXV, 1193; XXX, 20-1, 30, 43, 45,
47-8, 51, 64, 69, 78, 83, 113-14
-- c. 93. An Act to Regulate the Trade to China and India (1833): XXIII, 601
c. 94. An Act for the Regulation of the Proceedings and Practice of Certain Offices
of the High Court of Chancery in England (1833): XXIII, 624
-- c. 96. An Act to Apply the Sum of Six Millions out of the Consolidated Fund to the
Service of the Year 1833 (1833): XlX, 609
-- c. 98. An Act for Giving to the Corporation of the Governor and Company of the
Bank of England Certain Privileges for a Limited Period (1833): XXIII, 575-83,590-2,
601,607,611; XXIV, 845-6,849-50, 859
-- c. 99. An Act... to Abolish Certain Offices in the Court of Exchequer (1833):
XXIII, 623
-- c. 100. An Act for the Relief of the Owners of Tithes in Ireland (1833): XXIII,
608-10; XXIV, 966-7
-- c. 101. An Act to Provide for the Collection and Management of the Duties on
Tea (1833): XXIII, 611
c. 103. An Act to Regulate the Labour of Children and Young Persons in the Mills
and Factories of the United Kingdom (1833): VI, 232; XIX, 592, 602; XXIII, 601,
633-4, 730; XXIX, 394
-- c. 104. An Act to Render Freehold and Copyhold Estates Assets for the Payment of
Simple and Contract Debts (1833): VI, 224; XIII, 368
c. 105. An Act for the Amendment of the Law Relating to Dower ( 1833): VI, 224;
XIII, 368
c. 106. An Act for the Amendment of the Law of Inheritance ( 1833 ): VI, 224; XIII,
4 & 5 William IV, c. 36. An Act for Establishing a New Court for the Trial of Offences
Committed in the Metropolis (1834): VI, 279
c. 38. An Act to Continue, under Certain Modifications, to the 1st Day of August
1835, an Act . . . for the More Effectual Suppression of Local Disturbances and
Dangerous Associations in Ireland (1834): Vl, 254, 264-5
c. 41. An Act to Regulate the Appointment of Ministers to Churches in Scotland
Erected by Voluntary Contribution (1834): VI, 245
c. 76. An Act for the Amendment and Better Administration of the Laws Relating
to the Poor in England and Wales (1834): I, 203; IV, 371,374; V, 437; VI, 171-2, 201,
448 Index of Persons and Works

203-5,213-14, 224, 235,238-41,252, 257-8, 265-6, 272, 279, 283,284n, 285,

323-4, 394, 398-9, 485; X, 153; XII, 233; XIV, 43-5; XV, 691,897; XVII, 1992;
XVIII, 64, 169; XIX, 540,542,594,599,606,609, 611; XXI, 105,213-14, 367,370;
XXIII, 708-12,743; XXIV, 775-7, 886-8,917,924-6, 930-1,942-5,987, 1006;
XXVIII, 136, 139; XXIX, 451,463-4,529, 535; XXX, 177; XXXII, 223
-- c. 84. An Act to Apply a Sum of Money out of the Consolidated Fund and the
Surplus of Grants to the Service of the Year 1834 (1834): VI, 249,328
-- c. 85. An Act to Amend an Act... to Permit the General Sale of Beer and Cider
by Retail in England (1834): VI, 233-5,255,271-2, 279
-- c. 94. An Act to Enable His Majesty to Invest Trading and Other Companies with
the Powers Necessary for the Due Conduct of Their Affairs (1834): VI, 248n
-- c. 95. An Act to Empower His Majesty to Erect South Australia into a British
Province or Provinces (1834): XXIV, 789
5 & 6 William IV, c. 53. An Act to Repeal an Act... for Regulating the Carriage of
Passengers in Merchant Vessels from the United Kingdom to the British Possessions on
the continent and Islands of North America (1835): XIX, 592,602, 611
-- c. 59. An Act to Consolidate and Amend the Several Laws Relating to the Cruel and
Improper Treatment of Animals (1835): XXIV, 953
-- c. 76. An Act to Provide for the Regulation of Municipal Corporations in England
and Wales (1835): VI, 301-3,317; XII, 270, 272; XV, 657; XVIII, 135; XXIV, 949;
XXVIII, 295,308; XXIX, 451,456
6 & 7 William IV, c. 71. An Act for the Commutation of Tithes in England and Wales
(1836): VI, 526-7
-- c. 76. An Act to Reduce the Duties on Newspapers, and to Amend the Laws
Relating to the Duties on Newspapers and Advertisements (1836): XVIII, 135
-- c. 77. An Act for Carrying into Effect the Reports of the Commissioners Appointed
to Consider.the State of the Established Church in England ( 1836): XVII, 1968
-- c. 86. An Act for Registering Births, Deaths, and Marriages in England (1836)'
--c. 96. An Act to Regulate Parochial Assessments (1836): XXIV, 863
-- c. 115. An Act for Facilitating the Inclosure of Open and Arable Fields in England
and Wales (1836): XXIX, 427; XXX, 220-1
1 Victoria, c. 2. An Act for the Support of Her Majesty's Household ( 1837): XXVIII, 215
-- c. 9. An Act to Make Temporary Provision for the Government of Lower Canada
(1838): I, 203 (202); VI, 405-35 rev, 442
c. 10. An Act to Make Good Certain Contracts Which Have Been or May Be
Entered into by Certain Banking and Other Copartnerships (1838): VI, 487
1 & 2 Victoria, c. 56. An Act for the More Effectual Relief of the Destitute Poor in Ireland
(1838): XIV, 37; XVII, 1992; XXI-v', 885,887,911,930-1,943-5
_c. 96. An Act to Amend... the Law Relative to Legal Proceedings by Certain Joint
Stock Banking Companies against Their Own Members, and by Such Members against
the Companies (1838): VI, 487
United Kingdom--Statutes 449

c. 109. An Act to Abolish Compositions for Tithes in Ireland, and to Substitute

Rent-Charges in Lieu Thereof ( 1838): X, 78, 149; XXVIII, 252
2 & 3 Victoria, c. 1. An Act to Amend an Act... for the More Effectual Relief of the
Destitute Poor in Ireland (1839): XXIV, 881,885,911,930-1,943-5
c. 3. An Act to Authorize the Immediate Distribution of a Portion of the Fund
Apphcable to the Relief of Persons Entitled to Certain Arrears of the Tithe Compositions
(1839): XXIV, 881
c. 37. An Act to Amend, and Extend until the 1st Day of January 1842, the
Provisions of an Act... for Exempting Certain Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes
from the Operation of the Laws Relating to Usury ( 1839): V, 422,461. 531
c. 47. An Act for Further Improving the Police in and near the Metropolis ( 1839):
XXIX, 529
c. 50. An Act to Extend and Amend the Provisions of the Acts for the Extension and
Promotion of Public Works in Ireland (1839): XXIV, 881
-- c. 52. An Act for the Further Regulation of the Duties on Postage until the 5th Day
of October 1840(1839): X, 153; XXX, 110
-- c. 54. An Act to Amend the Law Relating to the Custody of Infants ( 1839): XXI,
285; XXIV, 918
-- c. 73. An Act for the Suppression of the Slave Trade ( 1839): XIII, 412
3 & 4 Victoria, c. 29. An Act to Extend the Practice of Vaccination ( 1840): XXIX, 449
-- c. 96. An Act for the Regulation of the Duties of Postage ( 1840): XXVIII, 64
5 & 6 Victoria, c. 14. An Act to Amend the Laws for the Importation of Corn ( 1842): IV,
383-4; V, 763; XXIV, 860, 862; XXVIII, 57, 64, 67,321
-- c. 35. An Act Granting to Her Majesty Duties on Profits Arising from Property,
Professions, Trades, and Offices (1842): V, 465-98 passim. 592, 702; XVII, 1858:
XXIV, 860, 862, 864, 1076
-- c. 57. An Act to Continue... the Poor Law Commission; and. for the Further
Amendment of the Laws Relating to the Poor in England (1842): XXIV, 925
-- c. 99. An Act to Prohibit the Employment of Women and Girls in Mines and
Collieries, to Regulate the Employment of Boys, and to Make Other Provisions Relating
to Persons Working Therein ( 1842): XIX, 592
-- c. 102. An Act for the Better Discovery and Prevention of Bribery and Treating at
the Election of Members of Parliament ( 1842): XXVIII, 148,280
6 Victoria, c. 18. An Act to Amend the Law for the Registration of Persons Entitled to Vote
(1843): XXVIII, 60, 319
6 & 7 Victoria, c. 75. An Act for Giving Effect to a Convention between Her Majesty and
the King of the French for the Apprehension of Certain Offenders (1843): XXVIII,
116-17, 120-3 passim, 121q
c. 92. An Act for the Further Amendment of an Act for the More Effectual Relief
of the Destitute Poor in Ireland (1843): XXIV, 885, 911,930-1,943-5
7 & 8 Victoria, c. 15. An Act to Amend the Laws Relating to Labour in Factories (1844):
XIX, 592,602
450 Index of Persons and Works

-- c. 29. An Act to Extend an Act... for the More Effectual Prevention of Persons
Going Armed by Night for the Destruction of Game (1844): XVII, 1908
--c. 32. An Act to Regulate the Issue of Bank Notes (1844): m, 660, 665-6; IV,
343-62 passim; V, 501-47 passim, 607-8,610; XXXIV, 845
c. 101. An Act for the Further Amendment of the Laws Relating to the Poor in
England ( 1844): XXI, 370
-- c. 110. An Act for the Registration, Incorporation, and Regulation of Joint Stock
Companies ( 1844): V, 407-29 passim
8 & 9 Victoria, c. 4. An Act to Continue for Three Years the Duties on Profits Arising from
Property, Professions, Trades, and Offices (1845): XXIV, 1076
-- c. 25. An Act to Amend Two Acts Passed in Ireland for the Better Education of
Persons 4_rofessing the Roman Catholic Religion, and for the Better Government of the
College Established at Maynooth ( 1845): VI, 531; XIII, 710; XXIV, 1074; XXVIII, 18,
-- c. 37. An Act to Regulate the Issue of Bank Notes in Ireland ( 1845): V, 511
-- c. 38. An Act to Regulate the Issue of Bank Notes in Scotland ( 1845): V, 511
-- c. 118. An Act to Facilitate the Inclosure and Improvement of Commons and Lands
Held in Common (1845): V, 692; XXIX, 420, 427; XXX, 221
-- c. 120. An Act for Facilitating Execution of the Treaties with France and the United
States of America, for the Apprehension of Certain Offenders ( 1845): XXVIII, 116-17,
120- 3 passim
-- Private and Local Acts, c. 21. An Act for Better Ascertaining and Collecting the
Poor and Other Rates in the Parish of Battersea ( 1845): XXIX, 515-16,521
9 & 10 Victoria, c. 1. An Act for the Further Amendment of the Acts for the Extension and
Promotion of Public Works in Ireland (1846): XXIV, 932, 935-6, 1028
-- c. 4. An Act to Amend the Acts for Promoting the Drainage of Lands, and
Improvement of Navigation and Water Power in Connexion with Such Drainage, in
Ireland (1846): XXIV, 932
-- c. 22. An Act to Amend the Laws Relating to the Importation of Corn ( 1846): IV,
371, 384n; XIV, 52; XVI, 1103; XVH, 1596; XXIV, 860, 946, 966; XXV, 1263:
XXVIll, 57, 64, 67,321
c. 27. An Act to Amend the Laws Relating to Friendly Societies ( 1846): V, 408-9,
-- c. 95. An Act for the More Easy Recovery of Small Debts and Demands in England
(1846): XXIV, 945-6, 948-9; XXVIII, 293
-- c. 103. An Act to Make Further Provision for the Government of the New Zealand
Islands (1846): XIII, 733
c. 105. An Act for Constituting Comissioners of Railways (1846): XXX, 177
-- c. 107. An Act for Facilitating the Employment of the Labouring Poor in the
Distressed Districts in Ireland (1846): XIII, 715; XXIV, 932, 991
_c. 108. An Act to Provide Additional Funds for Loans and Grants for Public Works
in Ireland (1846): XIII, 715; XXIV, 932. 935-6
United Kingdom--Statutes 451

c. 109. An Act to Authorize a Further Issue of Money in Aid of Public Works of

Acknowledged Utility in Poor Districts in Ireland ( 1846): XllI, 715; XIV, 44, 46; XXIV,
932, 935-6
10 Victoria, c. 29. An Act to Limit the Hours of Labour of Young Persons and Females in
Factories (1847): xm, 713
c. 31. An Act to Make Further Provision for the Relief of the Destitute Poor in
Ireland (1847): I, 243 (242); ]Kill, 715,718; XIV, 47, 93; XXIV, 1058, 1066-73,
1076-7; XXV, 1098
10 & 11 Victoria, c. 90. An Act to Provide for the Execution of the Laws for the Rehef
of the Poor in Ireland (1847): XIII, 709
11 Victoria, c. 5. An Act to Suspend for Five Years the Operation of Certain Parts of
an Act . . . for Making Further Provision for the government of the New Zealand
Islands (1848): XIII, 733
-- c. 12. An Act for the Better Security of the Crown and Government of the United
Kingdom (1848): XXV, 1117-18
-- c. 20. An Act to Authorize for One Year... the Removal of Aliens from the Realm
(1848): XXI, 131n
11 & 12 Victoria, c. 35. An Act to Empower the Lord Lieutenant . . . of Ireland to
Apprehend, and Detain until the First Day of March 1849, Such Persons as He... Shall
Suspect of Conspiring against Her Majesty's Person and Government (1848): XXI, 131n;
XXV, 1114
-- c. 43. An Act to Facilitate the Performance of the Duties of Justices of the Peace out
of Sessions, within England and Wales (1848): XXVIll, 333
-- c. 63. An Act for Promoting the Public Health ( 1848): XIX, 592,602; XXIX, 529;
XXX, 177
-- c. 112. An Act to Consolidate and Continue in Force for Two Years . . . the
Metropolitan Commissions of Sewers (1848): XXXI, 398
-- Local Act, c. 153. An Act for the Establishment of the "Farmers" Estate Society of
Ireland" (1848): XXV, 1113
12 Victoria, c. 2. An Act to Continue until the First Day of September 1849 an Act of the
Last Session, for Empowering the Lord Lieutenant... of Ireland to Apprehend and
Detain Such Persons as He... Shall Suspect of Conspiring against Her Majesty' s Person
and Government (1849): XXI, 131n
12 & 13 Victoria, c. 29. An Act to Amend the Laws in Force for the Encouragement of
British Shipping and Navigation (1849): XIX, 611; XXVIll, 64; XXX, 109
c. 77. An Act Further to Facilitate the Sale and Transfer of Incumbered Estates in
Ireland (1849): II, 333; XXVIll, 52, 253
13 Victoria, c. 2. An Act to Restrain Party Processions in Ireland (1850): XVII, 1588
13& 14 Victoria, c. 23. An Act to Repeal an Exception in an Act... Concerning the Days
Whereon Fairs and Markets Ought Not to Be Kept (1850): XVllI, 288-9
c. 65. An Act for Enabling Town Councils to Establish Public Libraries and
Museums (1850): XXIX, 395
452 lndex of Persons and Works

c. 69. An Act to Amend the Laws Which Regulate the Qualification and Registra-
tion of Parliamentary Voters in Ireland (1850): XXVIII, 60
-- c. 93. An Act for Improving the Condition of Masters, Mates, and Seamen, and
Maintaining Discipline, in the Merchant Service (1850): XIX, 592,602
14 & 15 Victoria, c. 13. An Act to Regulate the Sale of Arsenic ( 1851 ): XIV, 63-4; XVIH.
-- c. 28. An Act for the Well-Ordering of Common Lodging Houses ( 1851 ): XXIX,
-- c. 36. An Act to Repeal the Duties Payable on Dwelling Houses According to the
Number of Windows or Lights, and to Grant in Lieu Thereof Other Duties on Inhabited
Houses (1851): V, 485,489-90, 496-7
-- c. 64. An Act to Repeal the Act for Constituting Commissioners of Railways
(1851): XXX, 177
-- c. 78. An Act to Continue and Amend an Act for Establishing an Office for the
Benefit of the Coalwhippers of the Port of London ( 1851 ): XIV, 89
15 & 16 Victoria, c. 31. An Act to Legalize the Formation of Industrial and Provident
Societies ( 1852): HI, 786; V, 407n; XIV, 94-5,187; XV, 840; XVI, 1200; XXVIH, 29
-- c. 50. An Act to Consolidate and Amend the Laws Relating to the Militia in England
(1852): XX'VHI, 293
-- c. 84. An Act to Make Better Provision Respecting the Supply of Water to the
Metropolis (1852): XXIX, 447, 463
16 & 17 Victoria, c. 30. An Act for the Better Prevention and Punishment of Aggravated
Assaults upon Women and Children (1853): XIV, 186; XXI, 101-8; XXV, 1197
-- c. 95. An Act to Provide for the Government of India (1853): XIV, 106, 147, 174,
179, 192; XXV, 1190-4, 1194-6; XXVII, 648; XXX, 78, 83, 86, 93, 113-14, 168,
-- c. 99. An Act to Substitute, in Certain Cases, Other Punishment in Lieu of Trans-
portation (1853): XXVIH, 272
-- c. 137. An Act for the Better Administration of Charitable Trusts (I 853): XIX, 599;
XXl, 213-14
17 & 18 Victoria, c. 81. An Act to Make Further Provision for the Good Government and
Extension of the University of Oxford (1854): IV, 214n; XVIII, 143n
-- c. 102. An Act to Consolidate and Amend the Laws Relating to Bribery, Treating,
and Undue Influence at Elections (1854): XVlI, 1872; XIX, 316, 333,496n; XXVIII,
148, 317
c. 104. An Act to Amend and Consolidate the Acts Relating to Merchant Shipping
(1854): XV, 916
18 & 19 Victoria, c. 63. An Act to Consolidate and Amend the Law Relating to Friendly
Societies (1855): XXVIH, 144
-- c. 116. An Act for the Better Prevention of Diseases ( 1855): XXlX, 445,451,462
c. 120. An Act for the Better Local Management of the Metropolis (1855):
XXVIH, 163, 275, 294-5; XXIX, 437-542 passim; XXXI, 392
United Kingdom--Statutes 453

c. 121. An Act to Consolidate and Amend the Nuisances Removal and Diseases
Prevention Acts, 1848 and 1849 (1855): XXIX, 445-6,451,462-3,488, 509
c. 122. An Act to Amend the Laws Relating to the Construction of Buildings in the
Metropolis ( 1855): XXVlII, 293
c. 126. An Act for Diminishing Expense and Delay in the Administration of
Criminal Justice ( 1855): XXI, 353
19 Victoria, c, 10. An Act for Punishing Mutiny and Desertion (1856): XXVlII, l13q,
19 & 20 Victoria, c. 58. An Act to Amend the Law for the Registration of Persons Entitled
to Vote in the Election of Members to Serve in Parliament for Burghs m Scotland ( 1856):
XXVlII, 60
-- c. 88. An Act to Make Further Provision for the Good Government and Extension
of the University of Cambridge (1856): IV, 214n; XVIII, 143n
-- c. 120. An Act to Facilitate Leases and Sales of Settled Land (1856): XXIX, 417-18
20 & 21 Victoria, c. 85. An Act to Amend the Law Relating to Divorce and Matrimomal
Causes in England (1857). XXI, 283,285; XXVIII, 285
-- Local Acts, c. 150. An Act for Enabling the Metropolitan Board of Works to
Form... Finsbury Park (1857): XXIX, 511
21 & 22 Victoria, c. 49. An Act to Provide for the Relief of Her Majesty's Subjects
Professing the Jewish Religion (1858): XXVlII, 67. 337
c. 106. An Act for the Better Government of India ( 1858): XVII, 1536, 1686-7
23 Victoria, c. 14. An Act for Granting Her Majesty Duties on Profits Arising from
Property, Professions, Trades and Offices (1860): V, 551-98 passim
c. 22, An Act to Amend the Laws Relating to the Customs (1860): XXVIII, 64
23 & 24 Victoria, c. 84. An Act for Preventing the Adulteration of Articles of Food or Drink
(1860): XXIX, 445-6,451,462-3
c. 125. An Act for Better Regulating the Supply of Gas to the Metropohs ( 1860):
XXlX, 445-6, 451,454,462-3
24 Victoria, c. 14. An Act to Grant Additional Facilities for Depositing Small Savings at
Interest (1861): XXVlII, 360, 365
c. 20. An Act to Continue Certain Duties of Customs and Inland Revenue for the
Service of Her Majesty ( 1861 ): XXVlII, 360, 365
24 & 25 Victoria, c. 100. AnAct to Consolidate and Amend the Statute Law of England and
Ireland Relating to Offences Against the Person ( 1861 ): XXI, 283,288q; XXVlII, 108,
25 & 26 Victoria, c. 47. An Act to Authorize the Inclosure of Certain Lands (1862):
XXVlII, 74
c. 102. An Act to Amend the Metropolis Local Management Acts (1862): XXXI,
c. 110. An Act to Enable Boards of Guardians of Certain Unions to Obtain
Temporary Aid to Meet the Extraordinary Demands for Relief Therein (1862): XXVlII,
454 Index of Persons and Works

-- c. 114. An Act for the Prevention of Poaching (1862): XVII, 1908

26 & 27 Victoria, c. 44. An Act for the Further Security of the Persons of Her Majesty's
Subjects from Personal Violence ( 1863): xxvm, 272
27 & 28 Victoria, c_ 43. An Act to Grant Additional Facilities for the Purchase of Small
Government Annuities (1864): XXVIII, 360, 365
-- c. 77. An Act to Repeal and in Part to Re-enact Certain Acts of Parliament Relating
to the Ionian States (1864): VI, 520
-- c. 80. An Act to Extend the Provisions of "The Criminal Justice Act, 1855" to the
Liberties of the Cinque Ports and to the District of Romney Marsh (1864): XXI, 353
-- c. 85. An Act for the Prevention of Contagious Diseases at Certain Naval and
Military Stations (1864): XXIX, 388, 411
28 Victoria_ c. 11. An Act for Punishing Mutiny and Desertion (1865): XXVIII, 112-13
-- c. 36. An Act to Amend the Law Relating to the Registration of County Voters
(1865): XXVIII, 60
28 & 29 Victoria, c. 63. An Act to Remove Doubts as to the Validity of Colonial Laws
(1865): XXVIII, 64
-- c. 66. An Act to Allow the Charging of the Excise Duty on Malt According to the
Weight of the Grain Used (1865): XXVH1, 31
-- c. 79. An Act to Provide for the Better Distribution of the Charge for the Relief of
the Poor in Unions (1865): XXlX, 464
c. 90. An Act for the Establishment of a Fire Brigade within the Metropolis ( 1865):
XXIX, 447
29 Victoria, c. 1. An Act to Empower the Lord Lieutenant... of Ireland to Apprehend, and
Detain for a Limited Time, Such Persons as He... Shall Suspect of Conspiring against
Her Majesty's Person and Government (1866): I, 277
-- c. 2. An Act to Amend the Law Relating to Contagious or Infectious Diseases in
Cattle (1866): I, 276n-7n; xxvm, 64
--c. 19. An Act to Amend the Law Relating to Parliamentary Oaths ( 1866): XXVIII,
-- c. 35. An Act for the Better prevention of Contagious Diseases at Certain Naval and
Military Stations (1866): XVII, 1681-2, 1688-9, 1706-7, 1715, 1744, 1789-91,1793,
1818, 1824, 1834-5, 1845-6, 1849-52, 1854, 1856-7, 1895, 1923-4; XXI, 351-71:
XXIX, 388-9, 411; XXXII, 226
29 & 30 Victoria, c. 28. An Act to enable the Public Works Loan Commissioners to Make
Advances towards the Erection of Dwellings for the Labouring Classes (1866): XVI,
c. 90. An Act to Amend the Law Relating to the Public Health (1866): XXXI,
c. 121. An Act for the Amendment of the Law Relating to Treaties of Extradition
(1866): XXVIII, 116-17, 122-3; XXIX, 543-5, 554, 562,570; XXXII, 171
30 Victoria, c. 3. An Act for the Union of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, and
the Government Thereof (1867): VI, 524
United Kingdom--Statutes 455

c. 6. An Act for the Establishment in the Metropohs of Asylums for the Sick,
lnsane, and Other Classes of the Poor, and of Dispensaries (1867): XXVHI, 334
30 & 31 Victoria, c. 102. An Act Further to Amend the Laws Relating to the Representation
of the People in England and Wales (1867): I, 275, 277-8, 283-5, 288-9; V, 689,
706-7; XVI, 1322, 1366, 1378, 1461, 1486; XXVIII, 273,282,288, 291,313,317,
320,336-9, 343,346-7,355-6, 359, 368; XXXII, 178, 180, 188,213
c. 146. An Act for Regulating the Hours of Labour for Children, Young Persons,
and Women Employed in Workshops ( 1867): XXVIII, 238, 354
31 & 32 Victoria, c. 48. An Act for the Amendment of the Representation of the People in
Scotland ( 1868): XXXlI, 193
-- c. 109. An Act for the Abolition of Compulsory Church Rates ( 1868 ): XXVIII,
-- c. 125. An Act for Amending the Laws Relating to Election Petitions, and
Providing More Effectually for the Prevention of Corrupt Practices at Parliamentary
Elections (1868): I, 283
32 & 33 Victoria, c. 24. An Act to Repeal Certain Enactments Relating to Newspapers,
Pamphlets, and Other Publications, and to Printers, Typographers, and Reading Rooms
(1869): XVlI, 1605
-- c. 42. An Act to Put an End to the Establishment of the Church of Ireland (1869):
V, 615; VI, 530-1; XVII, 1485, 1493, 1495, 1497, 1506-7, 1511, 1513, 1532;
XXIX, 382
-- c. 55. An Act to Shorten the Terms of Residence Required as a Qualification for
the Municipal Franchise (1869): XVII. 1618, 1624
--c. 68. An Act for the Further Amendment of the Law of Evidence (1869): XVH,
c. 70. An Act to Consolidate, Amend, and Make Perpetual the Acts for Preventing
the Introduction or Spreading of Contagious or Infectious Diseases among Cattle ( 1869):
XVII, 1789
_c. 96. An Act to Amend the Contagious Diseases Act, 1866 (1869): XVII, 1681-2.
1688-9, 1706-7, 1715, 1744, 1789-91, 1793. 1818, 1824, 1834-5, 1845-6, 1849-52,
1854, 1856-7, 1895, 1923-4; XXI, 351-71; XXIX, 388-9, 411; XXXII, 226
c. 99. An Act for the More Effectual Prevention of Crime (1869): I, 286n; XVII.
33 & 34 Victoria, c. 46. An Act to Amend the Law Relating to the Occupanon and
Ownership of Land m Ireland (1870): I, 280; V, 674
c. 52. An Act for Amending the Law Relating to the Extradition of Criminals
(1870): I, 283
c. 75. An Act to Provide for Public Elementary Education in England and Wales
(1870): I, 284; XVII, 1771, 1779; XXV. 1222; XXIX, 381-6,391-2,397,399-401
c. 87. An Act to Amend... An Act to Abolish the Annuity Tax in Edinburgh and
Montrose (1870): XXKII, 220
456 Index of Persons and Works




14 & 15 Victoria, 1861, No. 20. An Act to Provide for the Election of Members to Serve m
the Parliament of the Province of South Australia ( 1861 ): XXXII, 127


Gesetzartikel XII v.J. 1867, fiber die zwischen den Liindem der ungarischen Krone und den
iibrigen unter der Regierung Sr. Majest_t stehenden l_,_dem obschwebenden gemeinsa-
men Angelegenbeiten und iiber den Modus ihrer Behandlung: VI, 524-5


Code Civil ( 1822-26): XXXI, 91-2


1William IV, c. 52 (Lower Canada). An Act to Incorporate the City of Quebec ( 1832): VI,
c. 54 (Lower Canada). An Act to Incorporate the City of Montreal ( 1832 ): VI, 424
2 William IV, c. 22 (Lower Canada ). An Act to Regulate the Qualification and Summoning
of Jurors in Criminal and Civil Matters (1832): VI, 425
6 William IV, c. 30 (Lower Canada). An Act for the Encouragement of Education in This
Province (1836): VI, 427


Official Documents

Projet de loi sur les successions et les substitutions (5 Feb., 1826): XX, 190; XXH, 126
Projet de loi sur la police de la presse (27 Dec., 1826): XX, 190; XXII, 126
Projet de loi sur les communes (9 Feb., 1829): XXII, 189
Rapport an roi (25 July, 1830): XXII, 177
Projet de loi stir l'organisation communale (31 Aug., 1830): XXII, 189,207-8, 21 l, 2t5,
France--Official Documents 457

Proposition tendant _ rendre libre les professions de libraire et d'imprimeur (11 Sept.,
1830): XXII, 193,202
Projet d'adresse au roi (8 Oct., 1830): XXH, 164; XXIII, 373
Projet de loi qui dolt fixer la dotation de la couronne et la liste civile ( 14 Dec., 1830): XXH,
223; XXIII, 386
Projet de loi relatif _tl'arnortissement (17 Jan., 1831 ): XXH, 247
Projet de loi relatif _tla r6pression de d61itscommis par la voie des representations th6_trales
(19 Jan., 1831): XXH, 251
Projet de loi sur l'instruction prirnaire (20 Jan., 1831 ): XXII, 215, 251
Rapport de la commission charg6e d'examiner le projet de loi sur les 6lections _ la chambre
des d6put6s (22 Feb., 1831 ): XXH, 274
Proposition relative _tla r6vision de l'article 23 de la charte constitutionnelle (9 Aug.,
1831): XXIH, 339
Proposition relative _ la loi du divorce ( 11 Aug., 1831 ): XXHI, 379,439,479
Adresse de la eharnbre des d6put6s au roi (16 Aug., 1831 ): XXHI, 340
Projet de loi sur le transit et les entrep6ts (20 Aug., 1831 ): XXIII, 374-5, 378,478
Proposition tendant _ restituer aux titulaires les grades et d6corations accord6s pendant les
cent-jours (24 Aug., 1831 ): xxm, 352,367
Projet de loi destin6 _tremplacer l'article 23 de la charte constitutionnelle (27 Aug., 1831 ):
XXIII, 339,341-6, 354, 357-9, 363-5,379, 381,390
Projet de loi sur la libert_ individuelle (3 Sept., 1831 ): XXIII, 417
Rapport de la commission charg6e d'examiner le projet de loi sur le recrutement de I'arm6e
(12 Sept., 1831): XXIII, 354
P6tition... demandant que les cendres de Napol6on soient r6clam6s pour 6tre d6pos6s sous
la colonne de la place Vend6me (13 Sept., 1831): XXlH, 354
Projet de loi sur les attributions municipales ( 14 Sept., 1831 ): XXIII, 353-4, 385,391,
Projet de loi sur l'organisation des conseils-g6n6raux de d6partement et des conseils
d'arrondissement (15 Sept., 1831): xxm, 353,476-7
Projet de loi sur les attributions d6partementales ( 16 Sept., 1831 ): XXIH, 353,476-7
Rapport de la commission chargt_,ed'examiner le projet de loi sur la r6vision de l'article 23 de
la charte constitutionnelle ( 19 Sept., 1831 ): XXIII, 346, 354
Projet de loi stir les c6r6ales (17 Oct., 1831): XXHI, 359, 370, 377, 384-5,391,477
Projet de loi sur l'instruction primaire (24 Oct., 1831 ): XXIII, 360,385,391,476-7
Projet de loi relatif aux expropriations pour cause d'utilit6 publique (3 Nov., 1831 ): XXIII,
Projet de loi concemant les entrep6ts clans l'int_rieur et aux fronti_res (11 Nov., 1831 ):
XXm, 378,478
Proposition... relative _tla c616bration fore6 des dimanches et des f_tes (6 Dec., 1831 ):
XXm, 375
Proposition... relative au deuil public du 21 janvier (6 Dec., 1831 ): XXIII, 375-6, 421,
458 Index of Persons and Works

Proposition pour la reprise h une autre session des lravaux 16gislatifs non termin6s dans la
session pr6c6dente (7 Dec., 1831): XXIII, 376, 386, 391,409, 479,571,583
Projet de loi relatif au r6gime 16gislatif des colonies ( 16 Dec., 1831 ): XXIII, 476-7
Projet de loi portant modification au tarif g6n6ral des douanes ( 17 Dec., 1831 ): XXIH, 363,
Rapport de la commission charg6e d'examiner le projet de loi sur la liste civile (29 Dec.,
1831): XXIH, 386,391-2
Projet de loi relatif _ l'6tat des officiers de l'armde (19 Jan., 1832): XXHI, 476-7
Projet de loi sur l'avancement dans l'arm6e navale (19 Jan., 1832): XXHI, 476-7
Proposition... relative au travail des f_tes et dimanches ( 11 Feb., 1832): XXIII, 375,418
Rapport d_ela commission charg6e d'examiner le projet de loi sur les c_r6ales (5 Mar., 1832).
XXHI, 424
Adresse en r6ponse au discours du tr6ne (4 Dec., 1832): XXIII, 532
Projet de loi sur les douanes (5 Dec., 1832): XXIII, 533,540
Projet de loi sur l'organisation municipale (8 Dec., 1832): XXHI, 531
Projet de loi sur l'organisation d6partementale (8 Dec., 1832): XXHI, 569-70
Projet de loi sur les attributions communales (8 Dec., 1832): XXlII, 531,572
Projet de loi sur le conseil-g6n6ral et les conseils d'arrondissement du d6partement de la
Seine, et sur la municipalit6 de la ville de Paris (8 Dec., 1832): XXHI, 531,680
Projet de loi relatif h l'6tat de si_ge (10 Dec., 1832): xxm, 531,534,571
Proposition de loi sur la responsabilit6 des ministres et des agents du pouvoir ( 12 Dec.,
1832): XXIH, 531
Projet de loi sur l'expropriation pour cause d'utilit6 publique ( 12 Dec., 1832): XXHI, 569
Rapport de la commission chargde d'examiner le projet de loi sur les fortifications de la
capitale (22 Apr., 1833): XXIII, 593-4
Projet de loi relatif _tla fixation du budget des d6penses de l'exercice 1834 (29 Apr., 1833):
XXHI, 572
Projet de loi relatif h l'instruction primaire (31 Dec., 1833): XXIII, 531,571
Projets de loi relatif _tla fixation du budget des recettes et des d6penses de l'exercice 1835 (9
Jan., 1834): XXIII, 684
Projet de loi relatif _tl'ex6cution du trait6 sign6 le 4 juillet 1831 entre la France et les
Etats-Unis (13 Jan., 1834): XXIII, 699
Proposition . . . relative _ l'abolition des majorats et des substitutions (14 Jan., 1834):
XXIII, 680
Projet de loi stir les crieurs publiques (24 Jan., 1834): XXHI, 683-5
Projet de loi tendant _ accorder un or&lit suppl_mentaire pour 1834, au minist_re de la
guerre (3 Feb., 1834): XXIII, 684
Projet de loi sur les associations (25 Feb., 1834): XXHI, 685,688-9, 699
Projet de loi relatif aux d_tenteurs d'armes et de munitions de guerre (15 Apr., 1834):
XXIII, 705-6, 732
Projet de loi relatif Aun cr_lit extraordinaire sur l'exercice 1834 ( 15 Apr., 1834): XXIII,
705-6, 732
France--Statutes 459

Projet de loi pour un cr6dit additionnel au budget du minist_e de guerre pour 1835 ( 15 Apr.,
1834): XXIII, 705-6, 732
Projet d'adresse en r_ponse au discours du tr6ne (13 Aug., 1834): xxm, 746-7
Projet de loi relatif au trait6 du 4 janvier 1831 avec les Etats-Unis (9 Apr., 1835): XXIII,
Projet de d6cret sur l'instruction primaire (30 June, 1848): XXV, 1105

Statutes, Decrees, Ordonnances, and Regulations

Decree of National Assembly Abolishing Provincial Assemblies (untitled) (26 Oct., 1789):
XXII, 186
Decree of National Assembly Dividing France into 83 Departments (untitled) (15 Jan.,
1790): XXII, 186
Decree abolishing rifles (untitled) (20 June, 1790): XXVI, 277
Loi sur la constitution civile du clerg6 (24 Aug., 1790): XX, 73n
D6crets sur l'avancement militaire (20 Sept., 1790): XXIII, 616
Instruction de l'Assembl6e nationale, sur la contribution fonci_re (22 and 23 Nov., 1790):
XXIX, 442
Loi relative aux domaines nationaux (1 Dec., 1790): XXIX, 442
Loi concernant la contribution fonci_re ( 1 Dec., 1790): XXIX, 442
D6cret de l'Assembl6e nationale sur la contribution mobili_re ( 13 Jan., 1791 ): XXIX, 540
Constitution fran_aise (14 Sept., 1791 ): XX, 72n; XXEII, 360
Loi concemant la police de sfirel6, la justice criminelle, et l'6tablissement des jur6s (29
Sept., 1791): XXIII, 707
D6cret concernant les 6migrans (9 Nov., 1791 ): XX, 11
l)6cret relatif aux troubles excit6s sous pr_texte de religion ( 16 Nov., 1791 ): XX, 11
D6cret sur les pr_tres non-serment6s (27 May, 1792): XX, 102
Decree on Public Safety (1 June, 1792, and 14 Aug., 1792): XXIII, 418
l)6cret d'augmentation de vingt mille hommes pour l'arm6e (8 June, 1792): XX, 11,102
Declaration of the National Convention Abolishing Royalty (untitled) (21 Sept., 1792):
XXV, 1247
Acte constitutionnel de la r_publique (24 June, 1793): XX, 126; XXIII, 501,672
Decree of 31 July, 1793 (untitled): XXIII, 418
Decrees Concerning Education (untitled) (1793-4): xxm, 360
Loi sur le mode de gouvemement provisoire et r6volutiormaire (4 Dec., 1793): XX, 174
D6cret sur les f_'tes d6cadaires (7 May, 1794): XXIU, 478-9
Constitution de la r6publique fran_aise, propos6e au peuple fran_ais par la Convention
Nationale (1795): XX, 359; XXIII, 385,519; XXVI, 170
l_eret relatif aux l_res et rn_res des 6migr6s ( 1 May, 1795):/_Ill, 418
D6cret sur la restitution et les exceptions (9 June, 1795): XXIII, 418
Le bannissement per_tuel des 6migr6s (22 Aug., 27 Aug., 1795): XXIII, 482
460 Index of Persons and Works

Loi sur l'organisation de l'instruction publique (25 Oct., 1795): XXlII, 385,520; XXVI,

Loi concemant les mesures de salut public prises relativement it la conspiration royale (5
Sept., 1797): XXXI, 374
Loi qui ordonne la d6portation des journalistes royaux (8 Sept., 1797): XXXI, 374
Loi relative it la prohibition des agences 6tablies pour faire des ventes par forme de loterie
(23 Nov., 1797): xxm, 518
Loi concernant la division du territoire de la r6publique ( 17 Feb., 1800): XX, 174; XXII,
186,260; XXIII, 352, 385,476,681
Loi relative it l'organisation des cultes (5 Apr., 1802): XXII, 215
S6natus-consulte organique de la constitution du 16 thermidor an X (4 Aug., 1802): XXII,
186,260; xxm, 352, 385
Arr_t_ contenant une nouvelle organisation de l'Institut National (23 Jan., 1803): XXII,
154; XXIII, 520; XXVI, 170
Code civil des Fran_ais (Code Napol6on) ( 1803-04): I, 570; VI, 528; X, 104; XIV, 353;
XV, 822-3; xvm, 204; XIX, 619; XXI, 193n; XXII, 157; XXIII, 379, 380, 681:
XXIV, 950, 1037-8, 1047; XXVI, 22, 24, 30, 76; XXVIII, 274; XXX, 19
D6cret imp&ial concernant le cat6chisme (4 Apr., 1806): XXII, 154
Loi relative _ la formation d'un corps enseignant, sous le nom d'universit6 impdriale (20
May, 1806): XXII, 154-5
S6natus-consulte (14 Aug., 1806): XXIII, 681
D6cret imp6rial qui d6clare les iles britanniques en _tat de blocus (21 Nov., 1806): II, 111;
IV, 7; XV, 804; XXIII, 699
Loi qui d6termine le cas oit deux arr_ts de la cour de cassation peuvent donner lieu
l'interpr6tation de la loi (16 Sept., 1807): XXIII, 700
D6cret imp6rial portant saisie et confiscation des bittimens qui, apr_s avoir touch6 en
Angleterre, entreront clans les ports de France (23 Nov., 1807): XV, 804; XXIII, 699
D6cret imperial contenant de nouvelles mesures contre le syst_me maritime de l'Angleterre
(17 Dec., 1807): XXIII, 699
D6cret imlX_rialadditionnel aux d6crets contenant des mesures contre le syst_me maritime
de l'Angleterre (11 Jan., 1808): xxm, 699
D6cret imp6rial portant organisation de l'universit6 ( 17 Mar., 1808): XXII, 154-5; XXVl,
15, 24
Code d'instruction criminelle (17 Nov.-16 Dec., 1808): XXIII, 657,666,700; XXVlII,
115-17, 122
Code IxSnal (12-20 Feb., 1810): XVl, 1524; XXII, 142, 164, 185; XXIII, 373-4, 418,
511,688; XXVlII, 216
Loi sur l'organisation de l'ordre judiciaire (20 Apr., 1810): xxm, 482
D6eret imp6dal concernant le r6gime de l'Universit6 (15 Nov., 1811): KXVI, 15, 24
D6cret imp6rial relatif _tl'organisation et au service des 6tats-majors des places (24 Dec.,
1811): XXlII, 481-2
Charte constitutionnelle (4 June, 1814): XX, 128, 175-6, 192; XXII, 123-5, 127-8,
France--Statutes 461

131-3,135, 138, 144, 162. 171,197,202, 260; XXIII, 347,352-3,366-7,380, 386,

452, 454-6,476, 482q, 693-5,696n; XXVI, 14, 23
R_glement pour la chambre des d6putds des d6partemens (25 June, 1814): XXII, 215,235;
XXHI, 439; XXVI, 23
Loi relative _tla libert6 de la presse (21 Oct., 1814): XXII, 193; XXIII, 705
Ordonnance du roi qui maintient provisoirement l'organisation des Acad6mies ( 15 Aug.,
1815): XXVI, 15, 24
Loi relative au deuil g6n6ral du 21 janvier (19 Jan., 1816): XXIII, 376, 421,479
Ordonnance du roi portant qu'il sera form6 darts chaque canton un comitd gratuit et de
charitd pour surveiller et encourager l'instruction primaire (29 Feb., 1816): xxn'I, 361
Loi stir les finances (28 Apr., 1816): XXIH, 402,405-6,428,570,572
Loi sur l'abolition du divorce (8 May, 1816): XXIII, 379
Loi sur les 6lections (5 Feb., 1817): XXVI, 14, 23
Ordonnance du roi sur la formation des majorats (25 Aug., 1817 ): XXII, 200; xxm, 380
Loi sur la rdpression des crimes et d6lits commis par la voie de la presse ( 17 May, 1819):
XII, 65; XXH, 137; XXVI, 14, 23
Loi relative _tla poursuite et au jugement des crimes et d61itscommis par la vole de la presse
(26 May, 1819): XII, 65; XXII, 137; XXVI. 14.23
Loi relative h la publication des joumaux ou dcrits pdriodiques (9 June, 1819): XII. 65:
XXII, 137; XXVI, 14, 23
Loi relative _ la fixation du budget des recettes de 1819 ( 17 July, 1819): XXH, 131
Loi sur la publication des journanx et 6crits pdriodiques (31 Mar., 1820): XII, 65; XX, 178:
XXII, 137; XXVI, 14, 23
Loi sur les 61ections (29 June, 1820): I, 301; XX, 178; XXII, 125,139; XXVI. 14, 23, 26,
36, 50
Loi relative _ll'exportation des grains (4 July, 1821 ): XXIH, 370,477,533
Loi relative _tla censure des journaux (26 July, 1821 ): XII. 65; XX. 178; XXII, 137
Loi relative _tla fixation des ddponses et des recettes de 1821 (31 July, 1821 ): XXII, 131
Loi relative _tla police des journaux et 6cnts p6riodiques ( 17 Mar., 1822): XII. 65; XXII,
Loi relative _ la rdpression et _tla poursuite des d61its commis par la voie de la presse (25
Mar., 1822): XII, 65; XXII, 137
Loi contenant le budget de l'exercice 1822 (1 May, 1822): XXII, 131
Loi sur les douanes (27 July, 1822): XXII, 157
Loi relative _tla fixation du budget des depenses et des recettes de 1823 ( 17 Aug., 1822):
XXII, 131
Loi relative _tla fixation du budget des d6penses et des recettes de 1824 (10 May, 1823):
XXII, 131
Ordonnance du roi qui porte qu'_t l'avenir les titres accord_s par sa majestd serom
personnels, et ne deviendrom h6rdditaires qu'apr_s l'institution du major'at (10 Feb.,
1824): XXII, 200
462 Index of Persons and Works

Ordonnance du roi relative _ l'administration sup_rieure de l'instruction publique, aux

coll6ges, institutions, pensions, et 6coles primaires (8 Apr., 1824 ): XX, 189; XXII, 125,
137, 185; XXIII, 339-40, 361
Loi relative au renouvellement int6gral et septennal de la chambre des d6put6s (9 June,
1824): XX, 182, 189; XXII, 125
Ordonnance du roi qm cr6e un minist_re des affaires eccl6siastiques et de l'instruction
publique (26 Aug., 1824): XXII, 125, 137, 185; XXIII, 339-40, 361
Ordonnance du roi qui nornme rninistre secr6tatre d'6tat au d6partement des affaires
eccl6siastiques et de l'instruction publique, M. le comte Frayssinous, 6V&lUed'Hermo-
polis (26 Aug., 1824): XXII, 125, 137, 185, xxm, 339-40, 361
Loi pour la r6pression des crimes et des delits commis darts les &lifices ou sur les objets
consacr6s _tla religion (20 Apr., 1825): XX, 189; XXI1, 126
Loi concemant l'indemnit6 h accorder aux anciens propri6taires des biens-fonds confisqu6s
et vendus au profit de l'6tat (27 Apr., 1825): XX, 189; xxm, 367
Loi relative _tla fixation du budget des recettes de 1826 (13 June, 1825): XXII, 131
Loi sur les substitutions (17 May, 1826): XXII, 157
Loi relative aux douanes (17 May, 1826): xxm, 533
Loi relative _ la fixation du budget des d6penses et des recettes de 1827 (6 July, 1826):
XXII, 131; XXIII, 480
Ordonnance du roi qui licencie la garde nationale de Paris (29 Apr., 1827): XXII, 125-6
Loi relative _tl'organisation du jury (2 May, 1827): XXII, 163
Ordonnance du roi portant la remise en vigueur des lois des 31 mars 1820 et 26 juillet 1821
(24 June, 1827): XX, 190
Ordonnance du roi portant cr6ation de nouveaux pairs de France ( 5 Nov., 1827 ): XXII, 127
Loi sur les journaux et 6crits l_riodiques (18 July, 1828): xxm, 372,388,428
Ordonnance du roi qui suspend la libert6 de la presse I_riodique et semi-p6riodique (25
July, 1830): VI, 312; XX, 192; XXII, 275,297; XXIII, 518
Ordonnance du roi qui dissout la chambre des d6put6s des d6partemens (25 July, 1830): VI,
312; XX, 192; XXII, 275,297; XXIII, 518
Ordormance du roi qui r6forme, selon les principes de la charte constitutionnelle, les r_gles
d'61ection, et prescrit l'ex6cution de l'article 46 de la charte (25 July, 1830): Vl, 312;
XX, 192; XXII, 275,297; XXIII, 518
Ordonnance du roi qui convoque les coll6ges 61ectoraux d'arrondissement pour le 6
septembre prochain, les coll6ges de d6partement pour le 13, et la chambre des pairs et
celle des d_put_s pour le 28 du m_me mois (25 July, 1830): VI, 312; XX, 192; XXII,
275,297; XXIII, 518
Charte constitutionnelle (14 Aug., 1830): XII, 59, 62; XX, 175,323; XXII, 133, 144-5,
156-7, 161-2,214, 223; XXIII, 339, 347, 352-3,361,366, 380, 386, 452-3,482,
485, 518,524, 662, 667,692, 695,743
Modification au r_glement de la charnbre (24 Aug., 1830): XXII, 215,235; xxm, 355
Loi relative au serment des fonctiomaaires publics (31 Aug., 1830): XXIII, 695
France--Statutes 463

Loi sur la re_lection des deputes promus h des fonctions publiques salariees (12 Sept.,
1830): XH, 58
Loi sur le mode de pourvoir aux places vacantes dans la chambre des deputes ( 12 Sept.,
1830): XlI, 61; XXII, 139
Loi sur l'application du jury aux delits de la presse et aux delits politiques (8 Oct., 1830):
XXIII, 409, 707
Loi qui punit les attaques contre les droits et l'autorit6 du roi et des chambres par la voie de la
presse (29 Nov., 1830): XXIH, 747
Loi qui appelle quatre-vingt mille hommes sur la classe de 1830 (11 Dec., 1830): XXII,
214, 270
Loi qui ouvre des credits provisoires pour l'exercice 1831 (12 Dec., 1830): XXH, 207
Loi sur les recompenses nationales (13 Dec., 1830): XXII, 308
Loi sur le cautionnement, le drolt de timbre et le port des journaux ou ecrits penodiques ( 14
Dec., 1830): XXH, 191
Loi sur la restitution _ l'etat du fonds commun de l'indemnit6 des 6migres et condamn_s (5
Jan., 1831): XXII, 207
Loiqui met _ lacharge de l'etat le traitement des mimstres du culte israelite ( 10 Feb., 1831 ):
XXH, 212
Ordonnance du roi relative au retrait de la loi sur l'instruction primaire (23 Feb., 1831 ):
XXII, 215
Loirelative _ la composition des cours d'assises et aux declarations dujury (4 Mar., 1831 ):
XXH, 211,238
Loi concemant la repression de la traite des noirs (4 Mar., 1831 ): XXII, 223; XXHI, 349
Loi sur l'organisation municipale (21 Mar., 1831 ):XXH, 189,207-8, 211,215,237,261,
270; XXIII, 352-3,385,476,572
Loi sur la garde nationale (22 Mar., 1831): XXII, 177,214, 226
Loi qui autorise.., l'alienation des lois de l'etat jusqu'h concurrence de quatre milhons de
revenu net (25 Mar., 1831): XXII, 270
Loi relative aux contributions persormelle et mobili_re, des portes et feta_tres, et des
patentes (26 Mar., 1831): X2KII, 203,251
Loi sur les contributions extraordinaires de l'exercice 1831 (18 Apr., 1831 ): XXIII, 480
Loi sur les elections/l la chambre des deputes ( 19 Apr., 1831 ): XXII, 190-1,203,207-8,
211,215,225-7,235,237, 261,274, 278,283,302; XXIII, 339,388
Loi relative _tla futation definitive des recettes et des depenses de l'exercice 1831 ( 16 Oct.,
1831): XXII, 270; xxm, 732
Loi qui autorise la perception des imp6ts pour le premier trimestre de 1832, et ouvre aux
ministres un credit provisoire de trois cent quarante millions (16 Dec., 1831): XXIII,
Loi contenant l'article qui remplace l'article 23 de la charte (29 Dec., 1831): XX, 305;
XXIII, 341,346, 354, 357-9,363-5,379, 381,390,424,457,475,479
Loi sur le transit et les entrep6ts (9 Feb., 1832): xxm, 374-5,378,478
464 Index of Persons and Works

Loi relative aux pensions des militaires promus _tdes grades darts l'intervalle du 20 mars au
7 juillet 1815 (15 Feb., 1832): XXIII, 367
Loi relative _ la cr6ation facultative d'entrep6ts darts l'int6rieur et aux fronti_res (27 Feb..
1832): XXIII, 378,478
Loi sur la liste civile (2 Mar., 1832): xxm, 386, 391-2, 395,475
Loi sur le recrutement de l'arm6e (21 Mar., 1832): XXIII, 354, 364, 478
Loi relative _tCharles X et h sa famille (10 Apr., 1832): XXl/I, 478-9
Loi sur l'avancement dans l'arm6e de terre (14 Apr., 1832): xxm, 364, 478
Loi relative h l'importation et _ l'exportation des c6r6ales (15 Apr., 1832): XXIII, 359,
377, 384-5,424, 435,439,477
Loi stir la contrainte par corps (17 Apr., 1832): XXm, 390-1,478
Loi sur l'avancement dans l'arm6e navale (20 Apr., 1832): XXIII, 478
Lois portant fixation du budget des recettes et depenses de l'exercice 1832 (21 Apr., 1832):
XXIII, 346, 378, 391,402, 405-6, 410-11,417, 421,424. 435, 441,452, 474-5,
479-80, 584, 732
Loi portant allocation d'un cr6dit extraordmaire d'un million cinq cent mille francs pour
compMment des d6penses secretes de 1832 (21 Apr., 1832): XXIII, 474
Loi sur la p6che de la morue (22 Apr., 1832): xxm, 441,477
Loi stir la p6che de la baleine (22 Apr., 1832): XXIII, 449,477
Loi contenant des modifications au code p6nal et au code d'instruction criminelle (28 Apr.,
t832): XXIII, 351,372, 374, 478
Ordonnance du roi qui d6clare en 6tat de si6ge les communes comprises dans les
arrondissemens de Laval, Ch_teau-Gontier et Vitr6 (1 June, 1832): XXIII, 48 l
Ordonnance du roi qui d6clare en 6tat de si6ge les communes comprises dans les
departemens de Maine-et-Loire, de la Vend6e, de la Loire-lnf6rieure et des Deux-S_vres
(3 June, 1832): XXllI, 481
Ordonnance du roi qui met la ville de Paris en 6tat de si6ge (6 June, 1832): XX, 200; XXIII,
481,483,495,515,524. 532, 593,706
Ordonnance du roi qui l_ve l'6tat de si6ge de la ville de Paris (29 June, 1832): XXIII, 495
Ordonnances du roi (12 Oct., 1832): XXlII, 516
Ordonnance du roi qui r6tablit dans le sein de l'Institut Royal de France l'ancienne classe
des sciences morales et politiques (26 Oct., 1832): XXIII, 519-21
Loi qui fixe les contributions directes pour l'ann6e 1833... et ouvre aux ministres un cr6dit
provisoire de trois cent quarante millions (15 Dec., 1832): XXl][I, 570
R_glement relatif h la reprise des travaux Mgislatifs interrompus par la cl6ture des sessions
(31 Dec., 1832): xxm, 571,583
Loi portant r_glement d_f'mitif du budget de l'exercice 1829 (31 Jan., 1833): XXIII, 479
Loi qui autorise la perception des imp6ts pour les mois d'avfil et mai 1833, et ouvre aux
ministres un cr6dit provisoire de cent quarante-deux millions sur l'exercice 1833 (20
Mar., 1833): XXIII, 570
Lois portant fixation du budget des recettes et des d6penses de l'exercice 1833 (23 Apr.,
1833): xxm, 424, 570, 584, 732
France--Statutes 465

Loi concemant l'exercice des droits civils et des droits politiques darts les colonies (24 Apr.,
1833): XXIII, 569
Loi concemant le r6gime 16gislatif des colonies (24 Apr., 1833 ): XXIII, 569
Loi relative _ l'importation et _ l'exportation des sucres (26 Apr., 1833): XXIIL 569
LOi sur l'organisation des conseils g6n6raux de d6partement et des conseils d'arrondisse-
ment (22 June, 1833): XXIII, 569-70, 584,681
Loi sur l'instruction primaire (28 June, 1833): XX, 324; XXIII, 531,571-2,583-4
Lois portam fixation du budget des recettes et des d6penses de l'exercice 1834 (28 June,
1833): XXIII, 561,571-2, 584. 732
Loi sur l'expropriation pour cause d'utilit_ publique (7 July. 1833): XXIII, 569,584
Loi sur les crieurs publics (16 Feb., 1834): XXIII, 683-5,704
Loi stir les associations ( 10 Apr., 1834): VI, 208; XX, 128,300; XXIII, 685,688-9,699,
LOi sur l'organisation du conseil g6n6ral et des conseils d'arrondissement du d6partement
de la Seine et sur l'organisation municipale de la ville de Paris (20 Apr., 1834): XXIII,
680; XXIX, 533
LOi sur les d6tenteurs d'armes ou de munitions de guerre (24 May, 1834): XXIII, 705-6,
Loi qui ouvre au ministre de la guerre un cr6dit extraordinaire au titre de l'exercice 1834 (24
May, 1834): XXIII, 705-6, 732
Loi portant fixation du budget des d6penses et des recettes de l'exercice 1835 (23 and 24
May, 1834): XXIII, 732
Loi qui ouvre au mimstre de la guerre un cr6dit additionnel au budget de 1835 (24 May,
1834): XXIII, 705-6, 732
Ordonnance du roi qui convoque la chambre des pairs et la chambre des d6put6s pour le 31
juillet 1834 (30 June, 1834): XXIII, 743
Ordormance du roi qui nomme M. le mar6chal comte G6rard ministre de la guerre et
pr6sident du conseil des ministres (18 July, 1834): XXIII, 743
Loi sur les majorats (12 May, 1835): XXIII, 680
Loi relative au trait_ conclu, le 4 juillet 1831, entre la France et les Etats-Unis (14 June,
1835): XXIII, 699
Loi sur les crimes, d61its et contraventions de la presse et des autres moyens de publication
(9 Sept., 1835): XII, 270, 272; XX, 205,209, 211,329, 390n; XXV, lll6
Loi sur les cours d'assises (9 Sept., 1835): XII, 270, 272; XX, 205,209, 211,329,390n
Loi qui rectifie les articles 341,345,346, 347 et 352 du code d'instruction cnminelle, et
r article 17 du code p6nal (9 Sept., 1835 ): XlI, 270,272; XX, 205,209, 211,329,390n
Loi sur les chemins vicinaux (21 May, 1836): XX. 324
LOirelative au travail des enfants employ6s darts les manufactures, usines ou ateliers (22
Mar., 1841): XIX, 60In
Loi sur les sucres (2 July, 1843): XX, 301
Arr_t_s du gouvemement provisoire qui interdit aux membres de la chambre des pairs et de
rex--chambre des pairs h se r6unir (24 Feb., 1848): XXV, 1092
466 Index of Persons and Works

D_ret qui abolit tous les anciens titres de noblesse (29 Feb., 1848): XXV, 1092
D_ret qui diminue d'une heure, la journ6e de travail, et abolit le marchandage (2 Mar.,
1848): XXV, 1092
D6cret and Arr_t6s (4 Mar., 1848): XX, 339
D6cret qui convoque les assembl6es 61ectorales pour 61ire les repr_sentants du peuple _t
l'assembl6e nationale (5 Mar., 1848): XXV, 1092
D_ret relatif aux cautionnements des journaux et 6crits p6riodiques (9 Aug., 1848): XXV,
D6cret relatif _ la r6pression des crimes et d61its commis par la voie de la presse ( 11 Aug.,
1848): XXV, 1116-17q, 1118
Constitution de la r6publique fran_aise (4 Nov., 1848): XX, 358


Official Documents

Minute of Sir Thomas Munro (25 June, 1822): XXX, 144

Minute of Sir Thomas Munro (10 Mar., 1826): XXX, 144
A Penal Code; Prepared by the Indian Law Commissioners (1837): XXX, 17-30 rev,
22-8q, 69, 114
Memorial of the Inhabitants of Calcutta and Others (1837): XXX, 13-15
Circular Order of the Board of Revenue ( 13 Nov., 1837): XXX, 103
Report of the Committee on Prison-Discipline to the Governor General of lndia in Council
(8 Jan., 1838): XXX, 116
Engagements with the Raja of Biccaneer and the Nawab of Bahawulpore, Respecting
Transit Duties (1843 and 1844): XXX, 108
Letter from the Undersecretary to the Government of Bengal, to the Secretary to the Sudder
Board of Revenue (18 Dec., 1844): XXX, 144
Plan No. 80a Annexed to Letter No. 1089 from the Government of the North-western
Provinces to the Government of India (18 Nov., 1846): XXX, 143
Letter from the Government of the North-Western Provinces to the Government of India
(19 Apr., 1848): XXX, 143
Minute by the Honourable Sir George Clerk (28 Apr., 1848): XXX, 118
Directions for Revenue Officers in the North-Western Provinces Regarding the Land
Revenue (1 Nov., 1849): XXX, 156-7q
Minute. Board of Governors of the Madras University (2 July, 1852): XXX, 145
Circular Order (25 Nov., 1852): XXX, 103, 159q
Reports of the Commissioners of Public Works in the Madras Presidency (23 Dec., 1852):
XXX, 129-30
Report of the Council of Education Reviewing the State of Vernacular Education and
Proposing the Establishment of Model Vernacular Schools (3 Oct., 1853): XXX, 244
India--Official Documents and Statutes 467

Bombay. Notification Relative to the Establishment of Vernacular Schools (16 May,

1854): XXX, 145
Minute of the Right Honourable Lord Harris, on the Proposed General Survey and
Assessment (26 Oct., 1854): XXX, 103
Papers Relating to the System of Police in the Bengal Presidency (1857): XXX, 120
Report on the Administration of Public Affairs in the Madras Presidency ( 1857): XXX, 97q

Statutes and Regulations

Regulation VIII of 1793. A Regulation for re-enacting . . . the roles for the decennial
settlement of the public revenue payable from the lands of the zemindars, independent
talookdars, and other actual proprietors of land, in Bengal, Behar, and Orissa: XXX, 96
Regulation XLII of 1793. A Regulation for re-enacting with modifications, the existing
roles for the collection of the government and Calcutta customs: XXX, 108
Regulation I of 1827. A Regulation for forming into a regular code all roles that may be
enacted for the internal government of the territories subordinate to the Presidency of
Bombay: XXX, 113
Regulation XVII of 1829. A Regulation for declaring the practice of Suttee, or of burning or
burying alive the widows of Hindoos, illegal, and punishable by the Criminal Courts:
XXX, 123
Regulation VII of 1832. A Regulation for modifying certain of the provisions of Regulation
V 1831: XXX, 125
Act XI of 1836 (9 May, 1836): XXX, 11-15 passim, 30
Act XIV of 1836 (30 May, 1836): XXX, 107-8
Act XVII of 1837 (24 July, 1837): XXX, 108
Act X of 1840. An Act for the Abolition of Certain Pilgrim Taxes (20 Apr., 1840): XXX,
Act IV of 1840. An Act for Preventing Affrays Concerning the Possession of Land, and for
Providing Relief in Cases of Forcible Dispossession, within the Presidency of Fort
William in Bengal (17 Feb., 1840): XKX, 155
Act V of 1843. An Act for Declaring and Amending the Law Regarding the Condition of
Slavery within the Territories of the East India Company (7 Apr., 1843): XXX, 124
Act XIV of 1843. An Act for Regulating the Levy of Customs Duties, and the Manufacture
of Salt in the North-Western Provinces of the Presidency of Bengal (5 Aug., 1843):
XXX, 45
Act VI of 1844. An Act... for Determining the Price at Which Salt Shall be Sold for Home
Consumption within the Territories Subject to the Government of Fort St. George ( 16
Mar., 1844): XXX, 107-8
Act XVI of 1844. An Act for Increasing the Excise and Import Duties Heretofore Payable to
the Government on Salt Manufactured within or Imported into the Territories Subject to
the Government of the Presidency of Bombay (27 July, 1844): XXX, 107
468 Index of Persons and Works

Act VI of 1848. An Act for Equalizing the Duties on Goods Imported and Exported on
Foreign and British Bottoms, and for Abolishing Duties on Goods Carried from Port to
Port in the Temtories Subject to the Government of the East India Company (4 Mar.,
1848): XXX, 109
Act XIII of 1848. An Act for Limiting the Time within Which a Smt May be Brought to
Contest the Awards of the Revenue Authorities in the Presidency of Bengal (10 June,
1848): XXX, 156
Act V of 1850. An Act for Freedom of the Coasting Trade of India: XXX, 109
Act XXI of 1850. An Act for Extending the Principle of Section 9, Regulataon VII, 1832, of
the Bengal Code, throughout the Territories Subject to the Government of the East India
Company (11 Apr., 1850): XXX, 125
Act XXVII of 1852 (2 July, 1852): XXX, 118
Act XXVI_I of 1852 (2 July, 1852): XXX, 118
Act XVII of 1854. An Act for the Management of the Post Office, for the Regulation of the
Duties of Postage ( 12 Aug., 1854): XXX, 110
Act XV of 1856. To Remove All Legal Obstacles to the Re-Marriage of Hindoo Widows
(13 June, 1856): XXX, 125
Act XX of 1856. An Act to Make Better Provision for the Appointment and Maintenance of
Police Chowkeydars in Cities, Towns, Stations, Suburbs, and Bazaars in the Presidency
of Fort William in Bengal ( 14 Nov., 1856): XXX, 118
Act II of 1857. An Act to Establish and Incorporate an University at Calcutta (24 Jan.,
1857): XXX, 146
Act XXI/of 1857. An Act to Establish an University at Bombay ( 18 July, 1857): XXX, 146
Act XXVII of 1857. An Act to Establish and Incorporate an University at Madras (5 Sept.,
1857): XXX, 146
Act X of 1859. An Act to Amend the law Relating to the Recovery of Rent in the Presidency
of Fort William in Bengal (29 Apr., 1859): XXX, 225
Act XLV of 1860. The Indian Penal Code (6 Oct., 1860): XXX, 114


38 George HI, c. 19. An Act for Indemnifying Such Persons as Have Acted since the 3rd
Day of July, 1797, for the... Suppression of the Insurrections Prevailing in Some Parts
of This Kingdom (6 Oct., 1798): XXVIII, lllq


Allgemeines Landrecht ftir die Preussischen Staaten (5 Feb., 1794) [Prussian Code]: XXl,
193n; XXlII, 361,572,729-30
Allgemeines Gesetz wegen Anordnung der Provinziaist_mde, No. 810 (5 June, 1823):
XXIII, 589
Scotland--Statutes 469

Gesetz wegen Anordnung der Provinzlalst_nde fOr the Mark Brandenburg and das
Markgrafthum Niederlausitz, No. 811 (1 July, 1823): XXIlI, 589
Gesetz wegen Anordnung der Provinzialst_nde ftir das K6nigreich Preussen, No. 812 ( 1
July, 1823): XXIII, 589
Gesetz wegen Anordnung der Provinzialst_nde im Herzogthum Pommern und F0rstenthum
Rtigen, No. 813 (1 July, 1823): XXIH, 589
Verordnungen tiber die Bildung eines Ausschusses der St_de (21 June, 1842): XXIV.


James I. A Ratification of the Fyve Articles of the Generall Assemblie of the Kirk Holden at
Pearthe in the Moneth of August 1618 ( 1621 ): VI, 24, 26-7
Charles I. Submissions and Surrenders of Teinds, &c. with His Majestie's Decreets
Following Thereupon ( 1628 - 29): VI, 24
-- Ratification of the King's Decreets upon the Submissions ( 1630): VI. 24
-- Anent His Majesties Royall Prerogative and Apparell of Kirkmen ( 1633): VI, 24
--The Kings General Revocatione (1633): VI, 24
-- Domini electi ad articulos ( 1633): VI, 24
--Minutes Done in the Articles, Sept. 16-19, A.D. 1639 (1639): VI, 27
Domini electi ad articulos (1639): VI, 24
-- Act Statuarie Appoynting Parliaments to Be Holden Once Everie Three Yeir
(1640): VI, 27
Act Anent the Ratification of the Covenant and of the Assemblies Supplication Act
of Counsell and Act of Assemblie Concerning the Covenant (1640): VI, 25, 51
-- Anent the Ratification of the Actes of the Assemblie ( 1640): VI, 27
Act Anent the Choosing of Committies out of Everie Estate (1640): VI, 27
-- Act Anente the Election of the Officers of Estate Counselloures and Sessionars
(1641): VI, 38
Act Anent Outreik of the Levie of Horse and Foote with the List of the Collonellis
and Thair Proportiounes Thereof ( 1648): VI, 52


Partida H, Title xv, Law 2 (1263): XXXI. 379

The Spanish Constitution (1812): XXVI, 58; XXXI, 380
Decreto LV. Reglamento acerca de la libertad de imprenta ( 1820): XXII, 41
Decreto LXVII. Se prescriben los limites del derecho de petici6n de los Militates ( 1822):
XXII, 41
470 Index of Persons and Works

Decreto Lxvm. Ley en que se prescriben los justos limites del derecho de petici6n ( 1822):
XXlI, 41
Decreto LXIX. Ley adicional sobre libertad de imprenta (1822): XXII, 41
Decreto VII. Ley que prescribe las formalidades con que las personas pueden reunirse en
pfiblico para discutir materias politicas ( 1822): XXlI, 41
Pragmatica-Sancion en fuerza de ley.., que establece la sucesion regular en la corona de
Espafia (1789, 1830): XXXI, 380



A Declaration by the Representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress

Assembled (1776): XVI, 1052, 1119, 1288; XXl, 397q; xxm, 542
The Constitution or Frame of Government, for the United States of America: XXI, 132,
133n, 140, 161-3
1st Congress, Sess. I1, c. 30. An Act Imposing Duties on the Tonnage of Ships or Vessels
(1790): VI, 138,141-2
2rid Congress, Sess. II, c. 7. An Act Respecting Fugitives from Justice: (1793): XXl, 133n
14th Congress, Sess. II, c. 31. An Act Concerning the Navigation of the United States
(1817): VI, 138, 141-2
15th Congress, Sess. I, c. 70. An Act Concerning Navigation (1818): VI, 128, 135,
138-42, 145-6
16th Congress, Sess. I, c. 122. An Act Supplementary to an Act... Concerning Navigation
(1820): VI, 128, 135, 138-42, 145-6
17th Congress, Sess. I, c. 56. An Act in Addition to the Act Concerning Navigation ( 1822):
VI, 141
17th Congress, Sess. II, c. 22. An Act to Regulate the Commercial Intercourse between the
United States and Certain British Colonial Ports (1823): VI, 125-7, 138-45
18th Congress, Sess. I, c. 136. An Act to Amend the Several Acts Imposing Duties on
Imports (1824): VI, 139
22rid Congress, Sess. 1, c. 227. An Act to Alter and Amend the Several Acts Imposing
Duties on Imports (1832): XXIII, 541
31st Congress, Sess. I, c. 60. An Act to Amend, and Supplementary to, the Act . . .
Respecting Fugitives from Justice (1850): XXI, 133n
36th Congress, Sess. II, c. 68. An Act... to Regulate and Fix the Duties on Imports ( 1861 ):
XXl, 132
Constitution, Adopted Unanimously by the Congress of the Confederate States of America,
March 11, 1861: XXl, 127, 132, 135, 140
37th Congress, Sess. II, Resolution 26. Joint Resolution Declaring that the United States
Ought to Co6perate with, Affording Pecuniary Aid to Any State Which May Adopt the
Gradual Abolishment of Slavery (1862): XXI, 162
United States of America--Official Documents 471

37th Congress, Sess. II, c. 54. An Act for the Release of Certain Persons Held to Service or
Labor in the District of Columbia (1862): XXl, 132, 162
37th Congress, Sess. II, c. 111. An Act to Secure Freedom to All Persons within the
Temtories of the United States ( 1862): XXI, 162
37th Congress, Sess. II, c. 195. An Act... to Seize and Confiscate the Property of Rebels
( 1862): XXI, 139
37th Congress, Sess. III, c. 6. An Act for the Admission of the State of West Virginia into
the Union (1862): XXI, 162


Constitution of the State of Califorma ( 1849): XXI, 297; XXV, I 147, 1148- 51 q


Public Acts Relating to Common Schools in Force in the State of Connecticut (1846):
XXV, 1150


Constitution of the State of Georgia as Passed by the Constitutional Convention Assembled

at Atlanta ( 1868): XXl, 297


The Body of Liberties of the Massachusetts Colony in New England ( 1641 ): XXV, 1174
An Act of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts... to Provide for the Instruction of Youth;
Together with the By-laws of the Town of Groton, m Relation to Schools ( 1827): XXV,


Constitution of the State of Nevada ( 1864): XXI, 297

New York

Constitution of the State of New York ( 1846): XXV, 1148

South Carolina

An Ordonnance to Nullify Certain Acts of Congress of the United States... Laying Duties
and Imposts on the Importation of Foreign Commodities. No. 2557 ( 1832): XXIII, 543
472 Index of Persons and Works


Constitution of Texas (t 845): XXI, 297


An Act to Provide for the Support of Common Schools ( 1827): XXV, 1150
Subject Index

THISINDEXcovers the works of JSM in CW (with the exception of juvenilia and his
translations of the works of others), and works by others (such as his wife Harriet) printed m
appendices to CW volumes. It does not cover the introductions, editonal headnotes and
footnotes, or lists and bibliographies supplmd by the editors.
Political constituencies, inns, places, and geographical features mentioned incidentally
are not indexed.
Explanatory phrases are usually in alphabetical, but occasionally when appropriate in
chronological order. References take the form of volume number in capital roman numerals,
bold face, followed by page number in arabic numerals. References to appendices and the
early draft of the Autobiography are in italic type; those that repeat matter in a final text are
in parentheses after the text reference. References to pages are understood as including any
relevant notes on that page.
References in parentheses immediately after a headmg indicate JSi's chief treatment of
that topic. They are less specific than the subsequent references, frequently referring to an
entire essay of chapter in which the topic is discussed.
Indian names are generally in JSM's spelling, with the Indian Gazetteer form in square

The following abbreviations have been used.

C = John Elliot Cairnes
EIC = East India Company
ER = Edinburgh Review
G = Joseph Gergonne
HT = Helen Taylor (JSM's stepdaughter)
HTM = Harriet Taylor Mill (JSM's wife)
JM = James Mill (JSM's father)
JSM = John Stuart Mill
LWR = London and Westminster Review
MC = Morning Chronicle
MR = Monthly Repository
PPE = Principles of Political Economy
QR = Quarterly Review
WR = Westminster Review
A person's initials in parentheses following a reference means that the passage in question
was written by that person, or, in the case of Gergonne "(G)', was derived by JSM from
Gergonne's lectures.
476 Subject Index

A POSTERIORI THOUGHT.See under Expen- XI, 406, 421-2

ence, Knowledge, Method mentioned, I, 333; IX, 300, 369; XI,
A priori thought. See under Intuition, 380
Knowledge, Metaphysics, Method -as discussed by
Abassians, XXXI, 350 Bacon and most subsequent metaphysi-
Abbeville, XXVI, 6 clans, VII, 305
Aberdeen Town and Country Bank, IV, Berkeley, IX, 304
106n Esser, IX, 354
Aberystwyth, XlI, 355 Hamilton, IX, 302,309,310, 490; XVI,
Ability, as abstract name, IX, 449n 1323
Abolitionists Locke and Condillac, VII, 29 (VIII,
Carlyle hinders, XXI, 95 976); VIII, 1020; XI, 94
as leaders of women's movement, XXI, See also Generalization
395 (I_TM), 397 (HTM) Abyssinia
nobility of, I, 266 expedition to, XVI, 1330
persecution of, XVIII, 177 and war of 1868, XVI, 1412; XXVIII,
Wendell Phillips on principles of, XVI, 332
t 106; XXI, 133n Academic freedom. See under Liberty
and Republican Party, XXI, 133-4 Acaddmie des Sciences. See under Institut
mentioned, XXI, 129, 157 de France
Aborigines. See Maoris Acaddmie franqaise. See under Institut de
Absenteeism. See under Landlords France
Absolute, the (IX, 34-59) Academy of Moral and Political Science,
futility of speculation on, IX, 58-9 proposed, XVII, 1580-2
Hegel on, IX, 47, 65; XI, 500n Accidens. See under Classification
meaning of, IX, 37-41, 52n-3n Accumulation. See Capital, accumulation
and Parmenidean Ens unum, Xl, 381, of
382,426 Acre (France), XX, 36
-in Hamiltonian philosophy Acropolis, the, XIV, 426, 427,430
cannot be known, IX, 4, 33n, 34-59, Action
62,287,383;/ILl, 343; XV, 837 Aristotle on, IX, 349n-50n
consciousness of, IX, 119-20, 123n, associationist view of genesis of, XI,
447 354-9
must be believed in, IX, 64-5, 89-108 Bain on belief and, XI, 368-70
mentioned, XI, 381 Bain on emotions connected with, XI,
See also God 363
Abstinence (economic), remuneration for, causation of, see Causation, Free will,
II, 34, 37, 40, 216, 400; lii, 481, Necessity
736-7; V, 714 defined, VII, 55
Abstract ideas. See Ideas, abstract ends of, XXXI, 227
Abstraction freedom of, see Liberty
and formation of conceptions, VIII, Hamilton on, IX, 423-4n, 431-5
649-62; IX, 388,391n; XXVI, 135, motives for, often misunderstood, I, 426
161-3 (G) poor guide to character, XXVII, 658
and tendency to ascribe objective exis- and speculation, see Theory and practice
tence to abstractions, VIII, 756-7; spirit more important than, I, 329
a posteriori - agrarian law 477

springs of, see Motives reform of, ideal task for Chadwick, XVI,
three aspects of (moral, aesthetic, sym- 1311
pathetic), X, 112-13,221-2 science of, in France, XII, 33
word said to have no significance except Henry Taylor on improvement of, XIX,
as referring to an intelligent agent, 621-34
VII, 354 when people unsuited for representative
mentioned, I, 147 (146), 296; IX, 105n; government, XIX, 418-19
XI, 494 mentioned, XIX, 460
-morality of See also Bureaucracy, Civil service, Exe-
how related to character in utilitarian cutive, Government
scheme, X, 7-8, 55-6, 69,220-2 Administrative Reform Association, XIV,
not to be judged by motives, I, 51 (50), 495
113 (112), 323 Admiralty, VI, 207; XXVIH, 120
See also Conduct, Morality Admissions (legal), XXXI, 73-6
Actors (theatrical), judgment of, XXII, Adour, River, XXVI, 65-71 passim, 88-
310-11: XXIII, 465; XXVI, 415,438 102 passim
Acts of the mind Adullamites, XVI, 1423, 1463
Hamilton's view of, IX, 361-4 Adur, River, XXVII, 461
meaning of. VII, 53-4: IX. 174 Adverbs, JM on, XXXI, 137-8
mentioned, VII, 69 Aesthetics, VIII, 949; X, 112-13, 221
See also Will Aetna, Mount, XIV, 379-98 passim
Adam, opinions of on political economy, Affectation, X, 43-4, 399-400
IV, 26 Affirmation, logical
Addiscombe Military College, XXX, and negation, IX, 81,382,412
73-4, 212 principle of, IX, 373-6
Adelphi Club, XVI, 1393 Afghanistan, insurrection in, XIII, 507
Adge, XXVI, 123 Africa
Adjectives, JM on, XXXI, 125-6 cost of importing animals from, IV,
Administration 401-2
balance of centralization and local initia- expeditions to, XIII, 415
five in, XVIII, 308-10; XXX, 177-8, productiveness in, H, 100
188-90 slave trade of, XVI, 1124; XXl, 92, 141,
benefits and dangers of centralization in, 153, 157, 158; XXXII, 150
see Centralization mentioned, XlII. 456
combination of skilled, with popular Aggression, XV. 947
government, XIX, 440; XXVIII, Agniology, XV, 837
34-5,273, 291-2 Agora, significance of Greek. XI, 297-8
Duveyrier on civil, XVIH, 201; XX, Agra
305 Lieutenant-Governor at, XXX, 61,
local, see Government, local 65-6
machinery of, XIX, 391-2 mentioned, XXXII, 40-1
and payment by salary rather than by Agrarian law
fee, XXIII, 624-5,643 aristocratic fear of, I. 301
professional administrators better than nature of Roman, XI, 329-30; XXVI,
Parliament at, XIX, 424-8; XXXII, 383
232-3 young JSM defends Roman. I, 17 (16)
478 Subject lndex

Agricultural disturbances. Senior on, IV, 3-18, 99; XXII, 37-9

XXH, 217. See also Swing outrages value of produce of. III, 584-6
Agricultural labourers See also Corn Laws, Land, Land tenure,
condiUon of, IV, 371; XVI, 1454-5; Landlords, Peasant proprietorship
XVII, 1571 Aide-toi Society. See Soci6t6 Aide-toi
Fawcett on, XXVIII, 352 Aira Force, XXVII, 552
representation of, XIX, 319; XXVIII, Alabama. See Confederate States of
198-200 America
mentioned, XV1, 1137 A/abama case, XV, 827,885, 915-16,929;
See also Labouring class XVI, 1369; XVll, 1582, 1601, 1777,
Agriculture 1834, 1838, 1863, 1896, 1898;
careless, m United States, II, 175-6 XXVIII, 243-6
and characteristics of agricultural class, Albanians, JSM meets, XIV. 430
XVIII, 198-9 Albigenses (Albigeois), I, 238; XVIll,
compared with manufacturing, II, 33, 238; XX, 45, 50, 248-9
35-6, 43-4, 130, 142-3; IV, 42 Alchemy, X, 317
dependent on town population, II, 119- Alexandria, school of
22 adversaries of Christianity, X, 275; XI,
and distribution of produce, II, 39, 287
235-8; V, 765; XXXII, 137 establish Platonic canon, XI, 383
effect of improvements in, H, 94-5,107, mathematicians of, IX, 482; X, 353
176-81,190, 227-30, 423-6; Ill, mentioned, X, 487
713-14, 725-32, 826; IV, 175-7, Algebra
180; XXIV, 840; XXVI, 293-4,299 affirms equivalence of different modes
effect of land-revenue redemption on, of forming numbers generally, VII,
XV, 774 613-16
French, II, 113,146n-7n, 149-52, 184, application of to geometry, IX, 478-9
273-6, 441-4,449-51; Ill, 714, in Comte's scheme, X, 282
882; XIV, 255; XXlV. 1048-51, De Morgan illuminates, XVI, 988
1055-7; XXVI, 29-30; XXVHI, elementary, is mechanical, IX, 476
77-8 fast principles of, precarious, X, 205
in Ireland, VI, 514, 515; XXIV, 978, JSM studies, I, 15 (14)
992, 1000, 1027 Leibniz on symbolical thinking in, IX,
law of diminishing returns in, see Di- 319-20
minishing returns, law of truths of are true of all things whatever,
and manuring of soil, HI, 920; XIV, 52 VII, 255; IX, 271
and question of large or small farms, II, mentioned, IX, 11,376,482,486; XI,
142-52,261-2, 329, 443-4; V, 8, 344; Xll, 238; XXIII, 413
677-8,684-5; XXlV, 951-2, 1038; See also Calculus
XXV, 1112-14 Algeria, French government of, X, 350;
as state of society, II, 11-12, 15-17; XlX, 571; XX, 314; XXl, 119;
XVIH, 120 XXlII, 707
supposed claims of to protection, IV, Allegory, Greek legends and, XI, 287-8
49-50, 149-51; XXlII, 536-9; Allotment system, H, 362-6; IV, 387n-9n;
XXlV, 859-64 Xlll, 529, 661
Tooke on fluctuations of price in British, Almansa, XXXI, 304
agricultural - ancients 479

Almonde and Behrend, IV, 55, 56n, 67n, tends to weaken feeling, I, 113 (112),
68 141-3 (140-2)
Alps, JSM visits, I, 627 mentioned, I, 147, 153,154,332, 336,
Alsace and Lorraine 338,413,421
annexation of, XVII, 1767 Analytic and synthetic judgments. See un-
neutralization of, XVII, 1795 der Judgment
Altruism. See Interest, general Anarchy, XX, 25, 166, 278,288
Alum Bay, XXVII, 591-2 Anatomy
Amalgamated Societies, m, 931,933; v, comparative, XI, 353
664, 667-8 King on, XXXl, 323
Amazons, XXI, 270; XXXI, 351 need of corpses for study of, XXII,
Ambleside, JSM visits, XXVII, 515-27 48-50
passim, 555-6 mentioned, IX, 480
America. See United States of America Ancestors
American Academy of Arts and Sciences. respect for in ancient Greece. Xl, 281;
XV, 520 XXVI, 368,384
American Civil War. See Civil War. supposed wisdom of, XXII, 72-3. 258;
American XXVI, 260-1,267
American Equal Rights Association, XVI, Ancient history
1289, 1385; XVII, 1594, 1869 consists of organic and critical periods.
American Indians. See Indians (North I, 171 (170)
American) early, X, 321
American Revolution, I, 11 (10); IV, 18, of limited usefulness, X, 44-5
103; VI, 236, 417; Xl, 467; XXXI, in period of decline, XXII, 279; XXIII,
367 726
American Social Science Association, See also Athens, Greece, Rome
XVII, 1550-1, 1626, 1690, 1696 Ancients (Greeks and Romans)
Amnesty Committee for Political Prison- afterlife, their idea of, X, 427
ers, X'VII, 1559 civilization of, homogeneous, XX,
Amsterdam, banking at, IV, 348; V, 501, 267-8,381
520-1,523,533; XXIV, 858 courage among, X, 393-4
Anabaptists, XX, 250 cruelty among. XVIII, 130
Analogy (VII, 554-61 ) culture of, X, 140-1
fallacies of, VIII, 794-801 debt of Christianity to, XVIII, 255. 256
induction and, IX, 205n, 369n; X, 447; discipline among, X, 133
XXVI, 247-50 (G) feeling and, I, 51 (50)
nature of reasoning by, VII, 555-61; inequality among, XXI, 266, 294, 295,
VIII, 794-5, 1100-2 379, 384
various senses of. VII, 71,554-5 justice among, X, 244-5
Analysis their lack of freedom, XX, 273,384
JM's powers of, I, 591,592,595 legacy of, XX, 271-2
logical, XI, 9-10, 15-18 literature of, see Classics
opposite meanings of in mathematics and and moderns, I, 334-8; XI, 320-1; XIV.
philosophy, XII, 43 346; XXI, 220-1
and synthesis, IX, 496n; XI, 93; XXVI, morality of, I, 321
237-47 (G) patriotism among, X, 421
480 Subject Index

[Ancients] Anti-Gold-Law League, XVII, 2005-6

polytheism among, X, 272-8 passim Antinomies, in Hamilton's philosophy of
progress not believed in by, XI, 505 the conditioned, IX, 66, 82, 86,
teaching of rhetoric by, XI, 394 87n, 88n, 383n
mentioned, I, 45 (44), 476; IX, 151, Antipathy
350; XI, 273; XVIII, 26; XXIII, as common measure of guilt, X, 400-1
394 sources of, X, 194-5
Ancona, French expedition to, XXIII, 423, Antipodes, conceivability of, VII, 239;
429 VIII, 752-3; IX, 67, 74-5, 144-6n
Andorra Antiquity. See Ancient history, Ancients
botany of, XXXI, 318-20 Antwerp, XX, 247, 346
English knowledge of, XXXI, 317-18 Aphorisms, I, 421-4
Anglo-Catholicism. See Oxford Movement Appetite, Plato's view of as element of
Anglo Indian College. See Hindu College mind, XI, 77n, 418
Anglo-Saxons Arabia, deserts of, II, 101,417
historical presentation of, XX, 135,185, Arabs, I, 345; II, 20; X, 141,350; XX,
226 248,278
and liberty, XX, 292 Arbitration
mentioned, XX, 26; XXI, 327 international, XVII, 1798-9; XX, 314;
Animals XXlII, 632; XXIX, 615 (HT) (see
carnivorous, as argument against good- also International relations)
hess of Nature, X, 398-9 of labour disputes, whether should be
cruelty to. HI, 952; XXIV, 925,952-4; compulsory, 11I, 802; XVI, 1035;
XXV, 1173 XVII. 1568-9
hospital for birds and, V, 620-1 of lawsuits, XXIII, 625-6
JSM benefits in will, XXXI, 333,334 Arbroath Banking Company, IV, 106n
moral to consider pleasure and pain of, Arcachon, XIV, 252
X, 96, 185-7,214, 248,334 Arcadia, XI, 285
reasoning powers of, XXVI, 162-3 (G), Archaeological Society of Athens, XVI,
193-4 (G) 1097
Annihilation, conceivability of, IX, 288-9 Architecture
Annuities, JSM investigates, XXXlI, 83 and building of Gothic cathedrals, XXI,
Anschauung 316
in Kant's philosophy, IX, 313n, 320n elevation of feelings by noble, I, 57
mentioned, IX, 332, 362 of English churches and cathedrals,
Antagonism, necessary to progress, X, XXVII, 458-9,469, 484, 491. 504,
107-8, 146; Xffl, 502-3,508; 506-7,602-4, 608-9, 618,633,
XVIII, 253-4; XX, 269-70, 293-4, 634
358-9 of Italian cathedrals, XIV, 286,288,
Antalcidas, peace of, XI, 323 348-9, 485,488
Anthropological Society, XV, 840 poetry of, I, 354n
Anti-Corn Law League Sicilian, XIV, 345,357.374
JSM sympathizes with. XIII, 463, 641; of villages in Lake District, XXVII, 523
XXVIII, 3 Arginusae, battle of, XI, 165n, 327
publicized poverty of agricultural Aristocracy (XXVI, 326-35)
labourers, IV, 371 advantages of over despotism, XXVI,
Anti-Game-Law League, XVII, 1908-9 345-7
ancients - aristocracy, French 481

in America, XVIII. 55n, 105. 11 In democratic concessions by, XXVII, 662

in ancient Rome, see under Rome, gov- deteriorating position of, XVIll, 164-7,
ernment of 194
Coleridge's arguments for, X, 124 ER and, I, 293-307, 318. 320-1,321-2;
contempt for people by, XXVI, 369-70, XXXH, 5
384-5 and education question, XIX, 632
democracy and natural. XVIII, 151-2 Fonblanque on, VI, 354-9 passim
does not preclude commercial civiliza- and French Revolution, XX, 64, 77
tion, XVIII, 196 and fundholders, VI, 174
encourages stupidity, XXVI, 382 and Game Laws. VI, 101-2
in European history, I, 473; XX, 20, and law of libel, XXl, 7, 10
293,294; XXI, 273,379; XXll, and middle classes, VI, 476
255 their monopoly of offices, XIX, 633;
good government under, XVIII. 23 XXIII, 616,618-19,633
(XIX, 649), 26, 79, 174-5,269; morality of, I, 73 (72), 303-5
XIX, 347,349,436-8,604; XX, 307 as obstacle to good government. I, 109
ideal character of, XXVIII, 49 (108), 177-9 (176-8), 294-5. 300;
inevitable extinction of, XVIII, 50; VI, 353, 355; XVIII. 624,634-5
XXII, 280-1 people's deference to. VI, 339; XV, 553:
intellectual, XV, 631 XVIII, 193; XXI, 13; XXlI. 171,
in Ireland, VI, 65, 67, 70, 88n, 89-90, 207
216,277 political predominance of. I, 95 (94);
and land, XXV, 1231 VI, 101-2,447-8; XVIII, 26; XlX,
manners of feudal, see Chivalry 357; XXVI, 261,264-5,273-5,
and mental slavery, XXVI, 274 331-5, 338-40, 373-4.377-8
in Scotland, VI, 23,244 primogeniture among, see under Inheri-
Scott and, XX. 56-7 tance, laws of
selfish interest of, X, 109, 120; XIX, and Quarter Sessions. XIX, 537
441-2; XXll, 40, 66, 207; XXVI. and reform, VI, 291,300,322,338.
328-31,381 474; XII, 317; XXII, 275-6,277
supposed tendency towards, XXVI, 281 their scorn for the people. XXlI. 117-
theoretical foundation of. VI, 184-5; 19, 120; XXVI, 378-9
XXII, 64-5, 170-1, 173-5 in 17th century, VI, 39, 47
Tocqueville on, XVIII, 52-4.56, 68- and taste, VI, 328
70, 160, 172-3,182, 184, 186. as Tories, VI, 402-3
189 mentioned, I, 293,308,510; VI, 241;
mentioned, I, 486; XVIII, 254; XlX, XIX, 431,566
505; XXVI, 262 See also House of Lords
-English -French
bias of judges towards, XXll. 45, 63-4 Bourbons ally with ancient, XX, 175-6,
and Canning coalition. XXVI, 400-1, 192
407-8 Duveyrier on need to create new, XX,
characteristics of, XIII, 712-13; XVIII, 308-13
23 (SIX, 649). 26-7, 77-8, 79. Napoleon's creation of. xxm. 681
195; xIx, 346-7,438; xxu, 326 new, of Restoration and after, see
and Church of England. VI, 287. 325, Chamber of Peers
471. 474, 493 See also Landlords, Upper class
482 Subject Index

Aristotelians, IX, 152,291; X, 121, 125, reform of, XXIII, 478

268, 271,292. See also Realism, service in, as training, VIII, 307
Schoolmen Vigny's treatment of life in, I, 488-94
Arithmetic mentioned, V, 719; VI, 269; XVI, 1224;
character of truths of, IX. 271 XVH, 1718. 1726; XX, 37,182
in Comte's scheme, X, 282 See also Military life
and the inconceivable, IX, 71n Arsenic, bill to regulate sale of, insult to
JSM learns, I, 9 (8) women, XIV, 63-4. See also Poisons
JSM teaches sisters, XII, 10; XXVI, 44 Art
Leibniz on symbolical thinking in, IX, -fine
319-20 Comte's later views on, X, 355
teaching of, IV, 377; XXI, 67-8; XXIV, English neglect of, I, 354n, 466; XIII,
787; XXVI, 148 (G) 446; XXI, 252-3
Whately on logic and, XI, 8, 16 genius in, I, 333
mentioned, I, 115 (114), 336; XI, 344, in Germany, XIII, 450
419 inferiority of modems in, I, 338
See also Algebra, Mathematics, Number and intellect, XXVII, 647-8,667
Arkansas, XXI, 164 as investment, XXV, 1239-41
Armies JSM's feelings for, XHI, 555
aggressive nature of, XXVIII, 223 as language of feelings, XXIII, 436
growth of in Europe, XXVIII, 129, matter and form in. IX. 355
220-1,222 in 19th century, XXII, 234
mismanagement in, XXIX, 377 (607) as opposed to Nature, X, 375,380-1
reserve, and military drill in schools, Plato's view of representational, XI, 437
XVI, 1224-5 poetry and eloquence in, I, 350-4n;
Army XIII, 463-4
-British purpose of, I, 476-80
aristocratic dominance in, XXVI, 330 Ruskin's philosophy of, associationist,
discipline in, VI. 268-70 XI, 363-4
excessive spending on, XVI, 1034; value of, I, 147 (146). 376; XXI, 251-2,
XXVIII, 220-1 254-6; XXIII, 654
financing of pensions in, IV, 100-2,204 Whately on value of rules of, IX, 6-7, 8
ideal, composed of citizens, XVII, 1792, women and, XXI, 44-5,314-20passim
1805-6, 1808; XXVIII, 129-30; mentioned, Xl, 384; XIl, 314; XllI,
XXIX, 413-14 449, 466
in India, XVII, 1560, 1686; XXVIII, See also Paintings, Poetry
189 (see also East India Company) -as practice
ministers responsible for, XIX, 522 Plato on governing as, XI, 433-4
not idealistic, XXXI, 366-7 and science, IV, 312, 319-20, 331n.
reform of, XVI. 1034; XXIII, 615-17; 338-9; VIII, 943-52, 1155; IX,
XX1X, 411-12,414-15 348-52; XHI, 579
mentioned, XX, 37; XXXI, 372 mentioned, VIII, 889; IX, 138
See also British Legion -and role of artist
-French Carlyle and Mill in relation to, XII, 113,
Carrel and, XX, 172-3,179 163, 173,219
grades conferred by Napoleon in, xxm, in Saint-Simonian scheme, XII, 37
367 and scientist, XX, 161
aristotelians - association, role of 483

Art of living, Bain on, XXV, 1119-20 IX, 9-10, 140, 177-9,250; X, 23-7;
Artists' General Benevolent Institution, XI, 346-52; XXI, 242-3; XXXI,
XXXlI, 177 96-9, 102
Arun, River, XXVlI, 459,460 importance of, XXXII, 207
Arundel, XXVlI, 458-60 and induction, VIII, 664
Asceticism JM and, I, 71 (70), 111 (110), 288.
Comte's views on, X, 338-40 590,591; XVl, 1333; XXXI, 99.
opposed by theory of utility, I, 109 101-3, 115-16
(108); X, 175-6, 217 JM on inseparable, IX, 252-3; XXXl,
some value in, X, 339 158,159, 161-6, 175-9
Ashburnham House, XXVI[I, 469 JSM's mental crisis and, I, 141-3
Asia (140-2)
caste system in, XXI. 379 laws of, VIII, 852-3; IX, 177-8
civilization of, XIX. 550 and laws of obliviscence, IX, 211,257:
contact with, valuable, XII, 329, 348 XXXI, 115
despotism in, Xl, 313; XX, 24; XXl, Locke on. XXXI, 159
34, 119-20; XXII, 186 not by contrast, XV, 936; XXXI, 122
difficulty of studying, XXl, 227 pleasure and pain and, XXXl, 111- 12
economy of, II, 13, 15,112, 157, 172, poet and power of emotional, I, 356,
186-7,403,416; Ill. 674, 882 360, 362-4,413
English and Russian territorial gains in, by resemblance, IX, 251n; XI, 361;
XIII, 462 XVI, 1332-3; XXXl, 120-1, 158
fatalism in, IX, 465 Herbert Spencer and, XV, 935. 936
government of, XIX, 417, 570 Stewart on, vm, 676-7
language in, xxm, 393 synchronous and successive, XII, 237
population of, XXVI, 302-3 in trains of thought. XXXI, 117-19,
women in, I, 438.439; XX, 45, 46; XXI, 153,185,191-6
303n, 312, 321,382,401 (HTM), when impossible, XXXI, 112-14
406 (HTM), 413 (HTM) whether can be unconscious, IX, 277-85
mentioned, Vl, 447; Xl, 311. 322, 323, mentioned, I, 233 (232); IX, 6. 166,
381; XlI, 193; XIX, 397,576; XX, 167n, 212, 249, 300, 305,359n,
293 417,487; X, 297; Xl, 22.7n, 421,444;
Asia Minor, IV, 56n; XI, 315. 510; XXIV, XIII. 618; XVl, 1334
1085 -Hamiltonian school's criticism of insepa-
Assignats, m, 561-2; IV, 184, 344 rable (IX, 250-71 )
Association (of ideas) (XXXI, 95-253 inadequate, IX, 250-5
passim) and necessary truths, IX, cviii, 262-71,
advance of theory of in England, XV, 295
540, 645; XVlI, 1602 and question of parts and whole. IX,
advance of theory of in France, XV, 971; 255-9
XVI, 1218 and question of causation. IX, 259-61,
Aristotle and, Xl, 495-7 298
Bain and, Xl, 352-69 passim; XV, 936 -role of, in
compound, XI, 361; XXXI, 153,164, belief, IX. 75,145n, 261n-2n; XI,
192 367-9; XXXI, 159-66
by contiguity, XI, 360-1; XXXl, 120-1 fixing the attention, XXXI. 248-9
doctrine of school of, I, 71 (70),269-70; general names, XXXI, 144, 146
484 Subject Index

[Association-role of, in] 421; XX, 228; XXH, 73; XXVI, 43

idea of extension, IX, 225-35 passim, Ateliers nationaux
241; XXXI, 202-3 nature of, XVI, 1131
idea of resistance, IX, 215-16 and problem of payment by work done,
inconceivability, VII, 238-48; IX, 67, XIV, 44, 46
70-8 passim, 82, 144-6, 288-9 as recognition of right to work, XX,
language, VIII, 671,679-85; IX, 310- 348-50
15; X, 40 Athanasian creed, IV, 26
localization of sensations, IX, 246-9 Atheism
love of justice, XXXI, 90 absurdity of dogmatic, I, 41
moral sense, IX, 455,461,463-4; X, Berkeley's attack on freethinking and,
62; XI, 364; XVII, 1787; XXXI, XI, 463,465-7
220, 232-3,235-6, 239-42 despair not necessary consequence of,
motive_, VIII, 842; X, 13 XII, 192
perceptions of sight, XI, 249,253,256- of Diderot's school, XIII, 671
65 passim. 457; XXXI, 156 difficulties of expressing openly, Xlll,
pleasure and pain, XXXI, 220-33 492; XVI, 1499-1501
pleasure of music, XIH, 409 disqualifies for clerisy, XH, 76
rejection of idea of immortality, X. metaphysical scepticism does not neces-
461-2 sarily lead to, IX, 193
voluntary motion, XVI, 1212; XVII, and morality, XXII, 22-3
1722; XXXI, 224-6, 250-2 and parliamentary oaths, XXV, 1136-8
See also Experience persecution for, XXI, 14; XXII, 11-12,
Association for Promoting the Repeal of 16-18, 23-4; XXXI, 54-5
the Taxes on Knowledge, XIV. 169 question of JSM's, in 1868 election,
Association for the Reorganization of Aca- XVI, 1478-9, 1483-4
demical Study, XVII, 1936 Reasoner and./OilV, 1082-4
Association pour la libert6 des _changes, mentioned, IX, 440n; XI, 399
XIII, 710 Athenaeum Club, XII, 297,300; xm,
Association pour l'encouragement des 578; XV, 670; XXXII, 11
_tudes grecques, XVI, 1288, 1317; Athens (ancient) (XI, 315-28)
XVII, 1591, 1717 character of statesmen in, XI, 333-6;
Associations, voluntary, XVIII, 125, 165, XXV, 1122-8
305,306; XIX, 603,609 democracy in, XI, 324-8,329-30;
Assumptions, necessary, XI, 345-6 XXIV, 1088; XXV, 1161-2; XXVI,
Asfley's circus, XXVl, 36 367-70passim, 383-5 passim
Astrolatry, X, 273,317, 363-4, 473 early history of, XXIV, 1085-6
Astronomy economy of, H, 16, 102
in ancient world, X, 276 empire of, XI, 321-4; XIV, 113; XXV.
Comte's ideas on, X, 282,285n, 288, 1133-4
293,354-5,363-5 freedom in, XI, 318-21; XXV, 1129-31
Newton's method of discovery in, importance of, XI, 315-17,321,322,
XXlII, 414 324, 377; XIV, 17-18
Nichol on, XXIV, 795-6 justice in, XI, 159n, 169n; XXV,
treatises on, XIV, 29 1131-3
mentioned, I, 318; IX, 351,449n, 483; law in, XI, 297
X, 290, 301,313,314; XI, 5, 14,
association, role of-Australia 485

Plato's denunciations of, XI, 387 995-8); VIII, 1001-2, 1023n,

political restitutions of, XI, 165n, 241, 1024-5
242-3,435,436; XVIII, 110; XIX, Divine and human supposedly different,
411-12, 423,431,460, 490-1; IX, 104-7 (see also God)
XXII, 253,291-4 essential and accidental, VII. 110
slavery in, XI, 315. 505 and general names or concepts, VII,
and Sophists, XI, 43. 328-9, 387-8, 29-32 (VIII, 976-8); VIII, 1000-1;
392-3, 397,398-9; XXIII, 720 IX, 306-23,326, 329, 337n, 346-7,
subjugation of, XI, 309-12, 331-2; 352-4
XXV, 1157-8, 1160-1 inconceivable, see Inconceivability
Tory denigration of, XI, 336; XX, 224: of infinite and absolute, IX, 57, 83-6,
XXIV, 868 94-7
value of debate recognized in, XI, 411 in judgments, IX, 334-41 passim, 375.
mentioned, I, 23, 75 (22, 74); XI, 386-95 passim
53-4, 62, 130n, 152, 155n, 166n, Leibniz's doctrine of, IX, 500,502
188n, 282, 284,299n, 300, 303,395, as modes of naming sensations, VII,
415,505,510; XVIII, 110, 165; XX, 179n; IX, 6
172, 269; XXI, 231 question of our knowledge of, IX, 8-33
Athens (modern), JSM visits, XIV, 421- passim, 56, 135, 176, 355, 360;
35,451-3; XV, 768, 774, 776-84 XI, 343-4
Atomism, Hamilton on inconceivability of. things known by their, IX, 123n. 259,
IX, 427n 381-4
Atonement, doctrine of the, XIII, 452-3 mentioned, VII, 100; XI, 421
Attention See also Primary qualities, Secondary
and consciousness, XXXI, 139-40 qualiues
and formation of concepts, IX, 363 Auch, XXVI, 63
in Hamilton's theory of concepts, IX, Auctions, Dutch and English, V. 636
309-21 passim Australia
Hamilton's theory of simultaneous, IX, aborigines of, XXI. 406 (HTM)
280-1,473,490-1n advanced thought in, XV, 889
JM and nature of, XXXI. 213-14,247-9 capital and population m, II, 343-4
in Laromigui_re's psychological system, colonization of, I, 601; II. 65, 194; III.
XI, 355 966; Xll, 87,232; XIV, 212; XV,
and laws of obliviscence, IX, 257-8, 511,541; XVI, 1230; XXII, 270.272;
279 XXIII, 420,734,735-7,738-9,742,
meaning of, XI, 365 749-51; XXIV, 789, 914,973;
mentioned, IX, 475,476, 477 XXVIII, 16
Attraction, law of, IX. 198,423n-4n education m. XV, 503,510. 765;
Attributes (VII, 65-76) XXXII, 232
all grounded on states of consciousness, free trade in, XVI, 1150
VII, 74-6 gold production in, HI, 504.682; V,
Aristotle's view of, XI, 488, 503 516; XV, 541
and classification, Xl, 23-6, 458; government of, XV, 557-8.764-5;
XXXI, 131,144, 145, 147 XVII, 1639; XIX, 562; XXVIII. 210:
distributed usually under quality, quanti- XXX, 45
ty, and relation, VII, 65-76 (VIII, irrigation in, XVII, 1598
486 Subject Index

[Australia] and war with Prussia (1866), XVI, 1197

labouring class in, XV, 743; XVII, Authority (XXH, 241-4)
1599; XXIV, 792 Austin on, XXl, 59
land policy in, XV, 541-2; XVH, characteristics necessary for, XXVI,
1598-9; XIX, 563-4; XXXH, 232 444-5
proportional representation in, XV, Comte overemphasized role of, I, 219-
682n, 730, 777,791,940; XIX, 466n; 21; X, 301-3, 313-14, 326-7,344-
XXXH, 127 59
protectionism in, XVI, 989, 1043, 1396, decline of respect for, in modern age,
1419-20, 1515-16, 1520-1; XVII, XVIII, 195-6; XXII, 238-41,244-5
1589, 1598 of the instructed, I, 615-16; XlI, 40;
question of its separation from England, XVIII, 73n-4n; XIX, 382; XXI,
XXXII, 233 223-4 (418-19), 233; XXH, 241-4
saving in, H, 191-2 knowledge not derived from, I, 332
social climbers of, XXVHI, 10 liberty and, XVIII, 217,229-30, 243
mentioned, II, 44; XV, 619,809; XVI, majority must believe on, XII, 48; XIII,
1191; XXXII, 130 664
See also New South Wales, Victoria moral obligation a product of external,
Austria XI, 364
and failure of German Bund, XIX. 554 political, see Government, Law, Power
government in, IV, 374; XIV, 16; XIX, power and, earned by merit, XXI, 325-6
437, 548; XX, 348; XXIV, 1062 power of, X, 407-8
JSM visits, XV, 784, 786; XVII, 1888. rejected in America, reappears as public
1896, 1899, 1902-4, 1909, 1912, opinion, XVHI, 178-9
1914, 1924; XXXII, 131-2 resistance to in England, XIX, 421
labourers in. XXII. 83, 89 schoolmen's disputations and, XVIH,
persecution in, XVIH, 238 251
plants of, XXXI, 320 separation of spiritual and temporal,
revolution of 1848 in, XXV, 1106 XVIII, 226
slavery in, H, 248 undue deference to, XXI, 11,250; XXH,
taxation in, HI, 863 61, 77
mentioned, VI, 64,471; XIX, 406; XX, mentioned, IX, 61; Xl, 248,316, 369;
94, 314; XXl, 303; XXXH, 137 XVHI, 53, 54,259,265; XIX,
-foreign policy of 352, 378,397, 419,420
and Cracow, XVII, 1779; XXI, 344 -sources of moral
and Hungary, VI, 524-6 (540); XV, the aged, XXII, 293-5
739; XVI, 1329; XXl, 124; XXV, ancestors, XXH, 72-3,291-3
1202 Catholic Church, XXH, 305-6
and Italy, X, 136; XIV, 12; XV, 533, Protestant churches, XXH, 312-13
611, 619,627-8,634, 713; XVI, question of, in different states of society,
1033; XXH, 289, 301; XXHI, 423, XXlI, 252, 290-1
429; XXXI, 376; XXXH, 118, 119 rulers, XXH, 291,304, 313-14
(XV, 621 ) See also Received opinions
and Poland, XlV, 488 Auvergne, XX, 36
and Russia, XIV, 150 Aversion, nature of, XXXI, 215
treaties in, XVII, 1781; XX, 344; XXI,
Australia - Ballot Socie_ 487

Avignon Ballot (XIX, 331-8)

described, XIV, 264-5 change of circumstances now renders
HTM dies at, I, 249; XV, 573-5 undesirable, I, 261; XIV, 103, 126,
JSM at, I, 251,625,627; XIV. 117; 289; XV, 558-9; XIX, 331-8,
XV, 854-5; XXXII, 144 (XV, 883) 488-95
JSM's arrangements for his property in, destroys voting as accountable moral act,
XXXI, 336-43 XV, 607-8; XVI. 1033-4; XXV.
Mill grave at, XXXI, 328, 336,337-8 1213-17; xxvm, 172
papacy at. XX, 243; XXIV, 819 early arguments for, XXII. 194-5,
as publishing centre, XVI, 1468 204-7,209-11
See also St. V6ran in French Chambers, XXII, 194; XXIII,
Awe, distinguished from admiration, X, 355,439
383-4 in Ireland, VI, 88-9; XXV, 1218;
Axiomata media, VIII, 870-2,924-5; XXVIII, 172
XII, 312; XIII, 712; XXXII, 159-60 JSM questioned about opposition to,
Axioms (VII, 236-51) XXVIII, 31, 40, 331,340, 344
arithmetical, VII, 258 (VIII, 1095-6), a middle-class doctrine, XIII, 410
610 need for, to complete 1832 reform, VI,
geometrical, VII, 190-2 (VIII, 1069- 299-301,322,383-92 passim. 409-
70), 218 (VIII, 1085), 226-7,229-31 11,413,467,472-3,481; XII, 240,
(VIII, 1089-90), 616 241,317,325,326, 327; XIII,
Gergorme on, XXVI, 234-7 376; XVII, 1968, 1978. 1991; XXI1,
Herschel on, VII, 248n-51n 277; XXIII, 499,508
as inductions from experience, VII, 252 optional, opposed, XVI, 1076-7
JSM' s treatment of in Logic, I, 189-91 in other countries, XVII, 1639, 1651,
(188-90) 1655, 1662, 1696, 1723-4; XXXII,
of logic, VII, 161,176-82 (VIII, 1055, 213-14
1062-4); XI, 497 mentioned, I, 284; VI, 297,303. 313,
mathematical, VIII, 1090-1; XI, 481-2 338,342,354, 375,377,379, 404;
Taine on, XI, 446-7 XII, 260, 345; XVI, 1014, 1048,
Whewell on, VII, 236---48 1266, 1298-9, 1409, 1459; XVII,
2011; XVIII, 151; XIX, 357; XXVI,
BABYLOr_ 272, 453
Grote on, XXIV, 1087 -advocated by
Hebrew prophets on, XV, 896 Bailey, XVIH, 25-6
Baden, XIX, 466n. 597 Fonblanque, VI, 354, 376
Bagn_res-de-Bigorre, JSM visits. I, 59 Grote. I, 202; XV, 592
(58); XXVI, 65-76 passim, 94-102 Molesworth, XII, 323; XXIV, 798-800
passim Reform League, I, 278; XVI, 1151
Bagn_res-de-Luchon, JSM visits, I, 59 Henry Romilly, XXV, 1212-17
(58); XXVI, 104-10 passim -opposed by
Bagshot Heath, XXVII, 478,496-8 Hare, XIX, 367
Baldwin's Gardens, XXI, 67 Montesquieu and Cicero, XIV, 147
B_le, socialist congress at, V, 709 Palmerston, XIV, 218,221-2
BaUiol College, JSM recommends, XV, Russell, XII, 261
819 Sydney Smith, XIV, 227
Ballot Society, XIX, 463
488 Subject Index

Banishment, Jevons's scheme of, XXI, 77 346-7,356-61; XXIV, 845-7,

Bank notes 859
of Bank of England as legal tender, IV, mentioned, XXIII, 678
109 -after 1844 Act (V, 501-48)
benefits of issue of, IV, 307 bullion reserves of, and question of bul-
convertibility of, XVI, 1190 lion drains, HI, 677-82; V, 501-4,
as credit, m, 545-6,552-4; IV, 355- 507-8,513-14, 518-19, 521-4,
6; xxxI, 408 528-32,542-3,546; XXXl, 410
limitation of to denominations of £5 or as central bank, V, 533-5
more, IV, 78-80, 116-17,352n; deposits of, V, 534-7,547
V, 509-10, 511-12, 540,610-11; and general failure of division into two
XXIV, 849 departments, V, 505,512-13,528-9,
losses to holders of small caused by in- 542-4, 607-8
solvency of issuers of, IV, 79-80, management of, V, 530-1
104-5 rate of discount of, V, 504-5. 507-9,
rapidity of circulation of. IV, 96n-7n 513,520-1,524-8,537-9
right to issue, see under Bank of Eng- regulation of note issue of, HI, 658,
land, Banks 660, 665-82; V, 505-6,509,510-11,
See also Money, convertible paper and 514-15,532-3,543-7; XVI, 1214
inconvertible paper mentioned, XV, 515; XXX, 188
Bank of Bombay, failure of, XVII, 1733- See also Bank notes, Banks, Foreign ex-
4, 1736-9, 1757-8, 1883, 1886, change. Interest. Money
1887, 1888 Bank of France, V, 522, 607-10; XXII1,
Bank of England 701
-1797-1819 Bank of Hamburg. V, 520-1,523,533;
government loans from, XIX, 620 XXIV, 858
restriction on convertibility and sup- Bank of the United States, XXIV, 794
posed over-issue of notes by, III, Bankrupts and insolvent debtors
566-9, 660-1; IV, 4-6, 20-2, 184, defects of laws on, m, 906--12; v, 733:
187-8; xxII, 18-20, 34-5,219-20; xvII, 1602; xxvIII, 187,358
xxIv, 852-3 French law on, m, 912n
-1819-44 Banks
action of in commercial crises, IV, 346- in America, IV, 356n; V, 547; XV, 968
7,356, 359-60 in France, IV, 348; V, 607-11
and drain of 1839, V, 522-4 in Ireland, IV, 106, 117; V, 511-12
loans of, compared with Exchequer bills, issuing practices of, m, 660-5,684--5:
IV, 120-2 V, 606
loans of to government, IV, 100-2; and the joint-stock principle, II, 136-9
XXIH, 611 JSM's opinions on, whether changed,
note issue of, and crisis of 1825, HI, XIII, 621; XVI, 1214
655; IV, 78-82, 88-109passim, profits of, HI, 649-50; IV, 305-8
116 in Scotland, HI, 685n; IV, 105-7, 116-
renewal of Charter of (1833), and mo- 17, 192n, 306-7,355; V, 511-12,
nopoly question, XXIII, 576--83, 606; XXII, 221
590-2, 607; XXIV, 848-50 and speculation, HI, 657-8,664-5; IV,
renewal of Charter of (1844), IV, 344, 355
banishment - being 489

usefulness of, lII, 529 mentioned, XXXH, 39

mentioned, XH, 31 Barter, useful supposition in political eco-
-English private horny, HI, 595,630; XV, 859
and Bank of England notes, IV, 109 Basque Provinces
convenience of, V, 534 fueros of, XXXI, 361,377,379,381-4
under 1844 Act, IV, 347; V, 509,511, mentioned, XXXI, 365n
540 Bassenthwalte Lake, XXVII, 531
need for publicity regarding, IV, 107-8 Bastardy, law of, XXI, 370; XXIV, 917-
note issue of, IV, 82, 86-96 passim, 99, 19; XXXH, 42
349-58 passim; XXIII, 578-80; Bastille
XXIV, 850-2 disturbances on anniversary of destruc-
and rate of interest, IV, 306-8 tion of, XXIII, 372, 389-90
relaxation of restrictions on partnerships storming of, XX, 61n, 86-91,121,
in, III, 685; IV. 78, 105-7; XXIII, 143-7
581-2, 590-1; XXIV, 848-50 Bath, JSM visits, I, 55 (56)
suppression of small notes of (1826), Battle (Sussex), XXVII, 470
IV, 78-80, 117; XXIV, 849 Bayonne, JSM visits, I, 59 (58); XXVI,
See also Bank notes, Bank of England, 88-91 passim
Foreign exchange, Money B6arn, customs of, XXVI, 72, 79-81.
Barbarians 82-4
Aristotle on slave nature of, XXI. 269 Beaulieu, River and Abbey, XXVII. 597-9
conquest by, I, 436; XX, 24,230, 263, Beauty
265-6, 275-6 association theory of, XI, 363-4; XXXI.
legal system of, XXI, 185 223-6
relations of civilized nations with, XXI, elevating effects of, XXI, 255-6. 377
118-20 (HTM)
spirit of liberty among, XX, 274,383-4 JSM and, XIV, 322, 325
treatment of women by, XX, 46 of moral acts, jargon to JM, XXXI,
mentioned, XX, 227,240, 347 236-7
See also Savages women and, XXI. 43, 44-5
Barbarism mentioned, xm. 484
EIC's measures against, XXX, 121-4, Beauvals, XXVI, 6
151-5 Bedford College for Women. XVII, 1946
in law, XXI, 168, 173, 185,246: XXX, Bedford Level, draining of, II, 92, 179.
111 227,424; XXIV, 938-9
in society, XXI, 261,336 Beer houses. See Public houses
in southern U.S.A., XXI. 141,146, 150 B6fort. conspiracy at, XX, 178-9
Barcelona Begriff, distinction between Anschauung
plants in neighbourhood of, XXXI, and, IX, 320n
294-8 Behar, XV, 740
prosperity of, XXXI, 292-3 Being
Barden Tower, XXVII, 508 Aristotle on, XI, 493-5,497
Baree [Bad] Doab Canal, XXX, 128-9 frivolous speculations on nature of. VII.
Baring, fh-m of, XVI, 1214 79
Baroda as summum genus, VII, 10In
Resident of, removed, XXXH, 33-4 the word, VII, 49 (VIII, 990)
490 Subject Index

Belfast knowledge and, I, 332; IX, 63n-5n

growth of, V, 684n-5n live vs. dead. XVIII, 247-50 (see also
human rights movement at, XV, 683 Truth)
mentioned, IX, 225n and logic, VII, 9 (VIII, 964), 87-9, 99;
Belgium VIH, 969, 1005; XI, 35; XXXI,
cattle in, H, 145n-6n 128-30. 135
and colonies, XVII. 1628, 1637 man not responsible for mistaken, after
common nationality in. XIX. 546 honest endeavours after truth, XVII,
and 1830 rebellion against Holland, XX, 1963
346; XXI. 121,344; XXH, 192; meanings oL XXXI. 155
XXHI, 632,699; XXXI, 375 religious, see under Religion
and extradition, XXIX, 551,552,557 Socratic canon of, XI, 411,424-5
and France, XVII, 1754, 1761; XX. as subject of experimental psychology,
342; XXlI, 214, 250, 258-9, 300-1 VIII, 855-6
half-time schooling in, XVII, 1736 truth of, determined by fact, XI, 427,
JSM visits, I, 87 (86); XVII, 1782 501n
land tenure and farming in, V, 678, mentioned, I, 173 (172), 344, 349,365;
684-5; VI, 515; XXIV, 1054 IX. 47, 114, 116, 131,159, 226,
pauper colonies of, II, 417-18; XXIV, 270,350; XI, 277,279.411,452
776 -natural
peasant proprietorship in, II, 267-71, and existence of matter, IX, 159, 164-7,
291-2; XXIV. 911,912 204n-5n
mentioned, VI, 522; XIX, 468n; XXII, in Hamilton's philosophy, IX, 126,
184, 208 142-8,172,238-9,296,421-2,427,
See also Flanders 495
Belief (XXXI, 159-79) as natural prejudice, IX, 153-4, 162
association theory of, I, 590; IX, 166n, mentioned, IX, 30, 141,206n
260-2n, 285n See also Disbelief, Judgment
Bainon, XI, 368-70; XVII, 1613, 1617; Belizard, Messrs., XIII, 467
XXXI, 160, 178 Benedictines, XX, 220
and conceivability or inconceivability, Benefit societies, V, 426; XII, 31
IX, 75, 77-9, 99n, 145n Benevolence, X, 15, 193,310, 399. See
distinguished from imagination, XVI, also Interest, general; Sympathy
1333; XXXI, 166-74, 213,216 Bengal Lancers, V, 667
evidence and, VII, 564-5; XXXI, Bengal Presidency
175-9 education in, XXX, 142, 143-4, 146,
Grote on its independence from proof, 148
XI, 410 government of, after 1858, XXVIII,
Hamilton's doctrine of knowledge and, 234-5
IX, 60-5, 118-24, 157-8, 175; Governor-General as ruler of, XXX, 65
XV, 816-17 land settlement in, XXX, 95-6, 104,
JM on inseparable, VIII, 664n; XI, 155-6, 223
367-8; XXXI, 158, 159, 161-6, 175, pensions for officers in, XXXII, 68
179, 218-19 police in, XXX, 118, 120
judgment and, IX, 328-9, 333,376, roads in, XXX, 133-4
407; XVII, 1928; XXXI, 155 salt revenue in, XXX, 107, 160
Belfast - Blackheath Park 491

use of native talents in, XXX, 64, 112 Binstead, XXVII, 569
mentioned, XXX, 117; XXXII, 35 Biography
Benthamism (I, 103-15) and discretion in a biographer, XV, 629
belief of in selfish interest, see under history as, XX, 113
Interest. selfish JSM wants posthumous and authorized
JSM and, I, 67 (66), 225-7 (224-6), only. XXXI, 329. 334
235n, 237 (236), 239 (238), 268; Biology
XIII, 489,502,563 in Comte's scheme, X, 283,286n, 289-
in London Debating Society, I, 133 (132, 90, 307,360
160) Darwinian theory as hypothesis m, X.
nature of supposed school of, I. 103-11 448-50
(102-10); XXVl, 444 JSM knows something of, XIII. 697-8
neglects feelings and poetry, I, 113-15 not yet fully developed as scmnce, XIII,
(112-14) 566-7,589,590, 605
periodical organs of, I, 101 (100), 221 mentioned, XlII, 648
(220), 225 (224) See also Botany
and positivism, XIII, 489 Birkbeck Schools, XVl, 1092. 1470;
youthful followers of. I, 81 (80), 154, XXXH, 200
155 Birmingham
mentioned, XllI, 380 economic theory at, IV, 345; XVI. 1191
See also Radicals, Philosophic; Utilitari- economy of, IV, 273
anism; and, in Index ofPersons, Bentham and reform, VI. 312; XVI, 1193
Bequest Union, IV, 185
limitations of power of, H, 218, 223-6; mentioned, I, 285; XVl, 1397; XVIH,
HI, 811,887-8; V, 443-4, 750-1; 180
XVlI, 1740; XXIV, 754-5 Birmingham and Midland Counties Insti-
and question of perpetual endowments, tute, XVlI, 1674
IV, 198-9; V, 616, 618-19 Birth control
when eccentric, V, 620-1 attitudes to, II, 367-74; XX, 349-50
See also Endowments; Inheritance, laws books on, XVI, 1363;XVli, 1611. 1768;
of XXXII, 225-6
Berbera, XXXII, 104 moral restraint and, XVII, 1693
Berkeleians, IX, 183 See also Population
Berkshire, JSM visits, XXVII, 477-81, Biscay, Bay of, XXVI, 90-1
495-7 Bisham Abbey, XXVll, 493
Bermuda Bishops
banishment to, Vl, 440, 454 in House of Lords, XII, 75-6; XXlII,
scheme for college at, Xl, 468 600, 645-6; XXVIII, 331
Berne, Poor Law in, II, 258; XXIV, 775, oppose Reform Bill, XII, 75
986-7 Bishop's Stortford, VI. 105, 106
B6ziers, XXVl, 122, 123 Black and Young, XII, 261
Bhaugulpore [Bhagalpur] Hills, XXX, 153 Blackburn Bank, IV, 94
Bheels [Bhils], XXX, 153, 154 Blackdown Hill, XXVII, 456, 563
B_gamy, XXXI, 64 Blackgang Chine, XXVII. 578-9
Bigotry, Vl, 13, 19, 24, 501; XXVI, 446 Blackheath Park
Bilbao, XXXI, 382,383-4,388 JSM's house at (sinking). KV, 661-2,
492 Subject Index

[Blackheath Park] use of native talent in, XXX, 112

666,673,677; XVII, 1752-3 mentioned, XXX, 63
plants of, XXXI, 276, 279 Bonchurch, XXVII, 580, 585
scenery of compared to Avignon, XV, Books
663 Comte's proposed holocaust of, X, 357
Blasphemy, legal offence of, XXXI, 54-5 decay of reading and writing of, XII,
Blea Tam, XXVII, 522 191
Blencathra (Saddleback), XXVII, 529, early reviews of, important, XII, 316
530,549-51 JSM makes donations of, XIII, 533;
Board of Control XVII, 1772, 1774, 1820, 1921;
keeps copies of documents from India, XXXII, 138, 163,174-5, 194
XXXII, 96 JSM unwilling to edit others', XVI, 1114
receix_esand alters draft despatches from in JSM's library, XII, 120
JSM, XXXII, 13-14, 17, 25, 33-41, magic of, XXVII, 666
48-9, 51, 55-6, 63, 67-8, 79 ostensible reviews of, XHI, 671
relation of to EIC, XXV, 1190; XXX, trivial, more likely to be published than
35-6, 42, 44-5, 52-7, 77, 79, philosophical, XVII, 1680-1
87-8, 176, 190 writing of, vs. writing articles, XIII,
Board of Trade 711-12
in England, XVI, 1125; XXIII, 617 See also Literature, Writing
in France, XXII, 270 Booksellers' Association, and regulation of
Board of Works. See Metropolitan Board prices, XXV, 1188-9
of Works Bordeaux
Bodmin, XXVII, 636 economy of, IV, 274
Body JSM in, XIV, 251
all attributes of grounded on states of mentioned, XX, 95
consciousness, VII, 74 "Border ruffians" (U.S.A.), XXI, 150,156
compared with mind, VII, 63-4 Borneo, XXIX, 560
notion of, VII, 56-62 (VIH, 993-5), Boroughs
76, 77 electoral influences in smaller, XIX,
Body-snatching, XXII, 48-50 333,486, 492
Boeotia, XI, 315 and parliamentary reform, XIX, 315-19;
Bognor, XXVII, 457,466-7 XXVIII, 200
Bolton Abbey, XXVII, 506-8,608-9 rotten, XXVI, 275,333
Bolton Bridge, XXVII, 505, 509 mentioned, XIX, 366
Bombay, Bank of. See Bank of Bombay See also Towns
Bombay Presidency Borrowdale, XXVII, 536-7,540-1,
and Bombay Code, XXX, 112-13 548-9
education in, XXX, 145, 146, 148 Bosnia, XVII, 1601
land settlement in, XXX, 100-2, 104, Botallock Mine, XXVII, 631
105,157-9, 225n Botany
letters from, XXXlI, 35 in Comte's scheme, IX, 472; X, 280
police in, XXX, 118-19 and Comte's proposal to kill off weeds,
relation of to supreme government of X, 357
India, XXX, 61, 67-8 contribution of Phytologist to, XXXI,
roads in, XXX, 134-5 264-5
salt revenue in, XXX, 106-7,160
Blackheath Park -Brown, Shipley 493

JSM practises, Xll, 50, 67-8, 69-70; XVI, 1354; XXXII, 150-1
XIH, 399, 534-5,577,578,685, slavery in, H, 250; XXlll, 349, 741
732, 743; XIV, 41-2, 59,210, 216, Bribery. See Elecuons, bribery and corrup-
273,327-XV, 705 passim, 867; tion at
XVI, 1085, 1281; XVII, 1549, 1553, Bridewell, Fielding on, XXII, 114
._ 1620, 1826-7, 1946, 1952-3; XXXl, Bridport, election at, XXlH, 507
257-320 passim; XXXlI, 120 Brighton
JSM studies, in France, I, 69 (68); election at (1868), XXVIII, 350-5
XXVI, 66-75 passim, 94-143 passim passim
would be adversely affected by planned railway to, V, 735; VI, 328
contest of herbaria, XXXH, 146-7, Bristol
148 disturbances at, XXIII, 368
: mentioned, XXVII, 455-637 passim JSM visits, I, 57 (55n, 56)
See also Classification, scientific; Plants plants in neighbourhood of, XXXI, 279
Bouconne, Forest of, XXVI, 42 mentioned, I, 285; XXI, 73
Boulogne British and Foreign School Society, Xll,
election at, XXIII, 347 233; XXV, 1222-3. See also Lan-
JSM at, XXVI, 5 casterian schools
Bourbons British Associatmn for the Advancement of
character of rule of, XX, 174-6, 300; Science, XlII, 673; XV, 553,744,
XXII, 134-5 881,887
ER praises, I, 301,302n British Empire
fall of, XX, 192 abolition of slavery in, see under Slavery
and Smarts, XX, 186 administration of, XXX, 187-90
mentioned, I, 472; XX, 179,262 government of, see Colonies, British
See also, in Index of Persons, individual mentioned, XVIII, 100, 101; XIX, 367
monarchs British Legion, in Spain
: Bourgeois. See Middle class JSM seeks expert critique of, XVII, 1964
? Bowness, XXVII, 512-13 morality of its intervention, XXXI,
Bracknell, XXVII, 478 362-7
Brahminism. See Hindus unsuccessful, XXXI, 367-73,387-8
Brain British Museum, XXVIH, 27
Barn's view of, as self-acting instru- British schools. See Lancasterian schools
merit, XI, 355-6, 369, 370 Britons, XI, 273,284n; XX, 263
Comte's study of, Xl, 443-4 Brittany
function of within nervous system, XI, attractions of, for English botanists,
353-4 XXXI, 303-4
male and female, XXI, 310-12 Christianity in, XX, 247
relation of to mind, IX, 422; XI, 348 JSM visits, XIV, 214-25 passim; XVII,
mentioned, XI, 475 1642
See also Mind national character in, XX, 235,238
Bramber Castle, XXVII, 461 Broadwood and Sons, XVII, 1877
Brathay, River, XXVII, 521,524 Brobdingnag, king of, his creed in regard
Brazil to growing grass, IV, 186
bullion from, HI, 618 Brockenhurst, XXVII, 595,598
Christie's controversy over. XV, 955-6; Brown, Shipley and Co., HI, 1091 (C)
494 Subject Index

Brunswick Clubs, XXII, 116-20 Caen, I, 63 (62), 537

Brutality, domestic Cabots. JSM at, XXVI, 17, 18
horrifying examples of. VI, 267; XXIV. Calais, JSM at, XXVI, 4-5
925. 952; XXV, 1151-3. 1164-70. Calculus
1176-7, 1183-6. 1197 Comte on, X. 365
inadequate punishment of by law. HI. differential, and problem of infinites, IX.
761,765n-6n. 952; XXI. 49, 103-8. 428-9; XI, 467-8
271,287-8,296, 323. 386. 404n integral, XV, 963,973
(HTM); XXlV. 919,953-4; XXV. JSM studies, I. 15 (14)
1140-1, 1172-6; XXVIII, 158-9, as a science of number. VII. 253; IX, 474
272: XXIX. 388,403 mentioned, IX, 477. 480
not diminishing with progress of society. Calcutta
XXV., 1154-7 judicial system in, XXX, 14
and persecution of policeman Smith. as seat of government, XXX. 66
XVII, 1678, 1679; XXV, 1221-2; California
XXXH, 217-18 Chinese immigration to. XVII. 1653-5,
Buckinghamshire, JSM visits. XXVII. 1689, 1695-9, 1756-7
484-94 Constitution of, XXV. 1147-51
Buddhism gold mines of, III, 504,682; V, 516
teaching of on annihilation, X, 427-8 Calvinism
mentioned, XXV, 1136 errors of, X, 337-8; XVIII. 265
Building Societies. opposed to land re- and interference with liberty, XVIII, 286
form, XVII, 1844 mentioned, XX. 73n
Bullion controversy, I, 31 (30), 103 (102). Cambridge Union Debating Society, I. 79.
See also Bank of England, 1797- 129 (128), 131 (130)
1819; Gold Cambridge University
Bureaucracy admission of Dissenters to. VI. 196
as alternative to democracy, XIX, 437- Benthamism in. I, 79 (78), 105 (104).
40 133 (132); X. 170
curse of Russia. XV, 805 mathematics at, IX, 475-6: XIII. 663;
danger posed by powerful, VIII, XXVI, 351-2,357-8; XXVII, 653
306-8; XIX. 582 professorship of political economy in,
under despotism, XIX. 400 XV. 851; XXXII, 19
in Europe, leads to place-hunting, XIX, revival of philosophy in, XHI, 639
421 Sedgwick on curriculum of, X, 36-41,
French, XX, 174-5; XXH. 123-4, 45, 73n
158-9, 187, 188-9; XXIH, 480 mentioned, I, 161 (160); XI. 41; XIX.
See also Centralization, Civil service 454
Business, erroneously supposed by Ben- See also Universities, English
tham to be all of life, X, 99-100 Campan, JSM at, XXVI, 67-8, 73
Buttermere, XXVII, 540-4, 546-8,580, Canada
585 colonial status of, Vl, 524-5 (540);
Buzet, Forest of, XXVI, 58-9 XIX. 562-6; XXX, 45
Byzantine Empire, XVIII, 267 and Confederation. XV. 965
defence of, XXIV, 836
CAmNET.See Ministry emigration to, II, 194; XVII, 1571;
Cadiz, massacre at, XXH, 42 XXlI, 270, 272; XXlH, 420, 750;
Brunswick Clubs - capital 495

XXIV, 914, 915,973, 974, 1076-8 amount of in country, HI, 747-9: IV,
Fenian invasion of, XVII, 1559; 256,288; XXXI, 407
xxvm, 166-7 in associations of labourers, III, 769-76,
import of corn from. IV, 148 783-4,791-4; V, 407-29passim: VI,
Indians of, H, 164-6 486-7; XVI, 1439-40; XXVIII, 7-8
influence of on Roebuck, I, 154 in banking, IV, 305; V, 609
land tenure in, VI, 429n-30n; XVII, Caimes on, HI, 1042-9, 1058-68, 1090
1686 circulating and fixed, H, 91-9. 134; HI,
protectionism in, XVII, 1589 749-51
timber trade of, H, 409; VI, 148. 326: is consumed and reproduced, II, 70-8;
XXH, 267; XXHI, 612 m, 747-8
trade of with British West Indies, VI, definition of, XXXI, 410
143, 144 determines demand for labour or
unlike U.S.A., XVIII, 192 commodities, II, 63-8.78-80; IV,
value of musical snuff-box in, HI. 463; 49-50, 278-9
IV, 397-400 economizing of by paying wages in
wages in, XVH, 1841 goods, XXlI. 212-13
mentioned, I, 203 (204); HI, 462; IV, under free trade, XXX, 6-7
396; VI, 388,392,408; XVIII, 133n; as fruit of previous labour, II, 215-16:
XIX, 517; XXX, 30 V, 656; XXII, 52; XXVI, 309-12
-rebellion of 1837 in (VI, 413-64) influence of increased demand in
background to, VI, 420-8,456--7 activating, IV, 265-75
British Radical party and, VI, 413-14, inheritance of, II, 225n
434-5,447-9; XH, 336, 365; XIII, in Ireland, XXIV, 893, 1032, 1060
368-82 passim, 390; XVII, 1976. nature of, as element of production, II,
1987, 1989 55-62; HI, 477; IV, 131,266-7,
inaugurated new colonial policy, XIX, 290-1; V, 734; VI, 131, 132; XIV,
563 241-2; XXII, 97; XXVI, 289, 322
justness of, VI, 413-20 and population and wages (wages-fund
Lord Durham's mission after, I, 223-5 theory), see under Wages
(222--4); VI, 429-34, 439-43,447, ratio between land, labour and, II, 153.
449-59; XHI, 393,427; XXXH, 235-8,344; xxm, 737, 740-2;
43 XXIV, 788-9
and Lord Durham's resignation, VI, is result of saving, H, 68- 70, 160-1; IV,
459-64 17
mentioned, VI, 481; XII, 333; XlX, 563 returns to, in agriculture, see Diminish-
Canals, in India, XXX, 126-31 ing returns, law of
Candeish [Khundesh], XXX, 154 rights of, V, 653-4
Canterbury, JSM at, XV, 704; XXVI, 3 and stationary state, HI, 752-7
Capacity, not a real thing existing in taxation of, HI, 822-4; V, 701; XV, 756;
objects, VII, 337 XVI, 1338-9; XVH, 1905-6; XXIH,
Cape Cornwall, XXVII, 630 567-8
Capetians, XX, 289 used but not created by credit, HI,
Capital (II, 55-99) 527-30
advantages of possession of large, V. value of. XXIX, 423,429
410, 415-16, 422-4, 738; XVIH, mentioned, I, 175 (174,614), 257;
125, 136 XVIH, 135; XXII, 106; XXXI, 409
496 Subject Index

[Capital] mentioned, XX, 127; XXIII, 407,421,

-accumulation of 484, 512,670, 672
effect of on rents, profits, and wages, III, Carlists (Spanish), XXXI, 368-75passim,
722-3 380, 386, 387, 388
factors influencing, II, 161-72. 186-7; Carlovingians, XX, 25, 27, 290
XVIII, 98 Cartesiamsm
in middle classes, XVIII, 164 as anti-inductive school, X, 171
as modern phenomenon, XVIII, 124, banished some abstractions, X, 271
192 its doctrine of perception, IX, 501; XI.
and profit, II, 402; III, 736; IV, 50-1 462
restricted by tax on necessaries, IV, its idea of God, X. 444-6
49-50 imaginary axioms of, IX, 417
See also Savings mentioned, X, 47
-in money market Carthage, V, 592; XX, 269, 270
effect of government borrowing on, II, Cassell, Petter and Galpin, XVI, 1201,
75-8; III, 873-5; IV, 13-15, 22 1236
inducements to lending of. IV, 302-4 Castellamare, JSM at, XIV, 328, 329
international movements of and rate of Castres, JSM visits, I, 59 (58); XXVI, 116,
discount, V, 508-9.525-8 117n, 118, 119n
See also Capitalists, Competition, Inte- Catalonia
rest, Money, Profit, Umversal glut Carrel and, XX, 170, 180
Capital punishment. See Punishment. plants of, XXXI, 292-9
capital Catania (Sicily), JSM visits, XIV, 389-95
Capitalism. See Competition, as economic Categories or predicaments
system Aristotle's and the Schoolmen's, VII,
Capitalists 46-7 (VIII, 989-90), 48n, 77; XI,
limits to endeavours of, XXIV, 1060-1 493-5
moral obligations of, XIV, 50-1, 53 JSM's, VIII, 1003-4
motivated to good management, V, Catholic Association
739-42 activities of, VI, 68-70
role of in Comte's scheme, X, 326-7, English complaints against, VI, 71-6
347-9 mentioned, I, 121 (120); VI, 62, 82
uneasy relation of with working class, Catholic Church. See Roman Catholic
Ill, 767; IV, 380-2; VI, 486; XV, Church
857; X'VI, 1103, 1439-40; XIX, Catholic emancipation (VI, 61-8)
349-50, 591; XXVIII, 321-2 arguments against refuted, VI, 62-7, 83
Wakefield on need for, xxm, 741 discussed in House of Commons, I,
mentioned, I, 386; XVIII, 161 120n, 121; VI, 68, 76-84, 92-3
See also Capital significance of, IV, 369; V, 706; XII.
Capvern, JSM at, XXVI, 102 27-8; XIII, 544
Carbonari, XX, 178; XXIH, 407 mentioned, IV, 149, 196; XH, 31,232;
Carisbrooke Castle, XXVII, 575 Xlll, 486, 544; XXVI, 399, 403;
Carlists (French) XXXl, 382
and Duchess of Berri, XXlIl, 573 Cattle plague
electoral gains of, XXllI, 737 and compensation for slaughtered cattle,
uprising of, XXIII, 474, 487 XXVIII, 47-52, 64
valuable component of national mind, I, JSM slights debate on, XVI, 1147
capital, accumulation - centralization 497

and trade from infected countries, 403,442-53, 511-12,522,530

XXVIII, 332 Comte on final, XXXH, 159
Caucasus, Russia's relations with, XXXI, and continued action of causes, VII.
349-58. See also Circassia 509-15; SIT. 145-6
Causation (VII, 323-69) and effect, VIII, 765-72; IX, 180-2;
Berkeley's theory of, XI, 461-2 XVII, 1554, 1723; XXXI, 239-40
and conservation of force, VII, 348-53; and Hamilton's notion of God or
XV. 871-2; XVII, 1719 Absolute, IX, 38-9, 43-4, 52-4,
free-will vs. necessitarian views of, in 91-3, 94n-5n, 437-9
human volition, I, 177 (176); VII, idea of, and permanent possibilities of
347n; VIII. 836-43; IX, 146n, sensation, IX, 185-7
440-7,453,465-7n; X, 475; Xl, Leibniz's Sufficient Reason and, IX,
365-6; XVI, 1065; XVII, 1723 500-1
Hamilton's theory of, IX, 109, 147, and notion of a First Cause, X, 432-41
286-96; XV, 927 permanent or primeval, VII, 344-8,
and induction, I, 167 (166); VII, 326-7, 398-9, 513, 518,548,552
562, 582; IX, 369n and plurality of causes, VII, 434-53,
JM on word, XXXI, 198 525; VIII, 658,763,883
JSM's difference with Venn on, XVI, reasoning on, XXVI, 250-3 (G)
1361 m social phenomena, VIII, 879
m Kantian metaphysics, IX, 9. 355 speculations on, generally half-hearted,
law of, why believed, VII. 562-77 XXXI, 157
and"lawofparcimony,"IX. 418,420-1 and tendency, VII, 445-6
law of universal, examined. VII, as unconditional, invariable antecedent,
324-69; XI, 482-3; XlV. 149; XVI, VII, 338-42,390, 514-15; XXXI,
1213 156-7, 188
and miracles, X. 470-7 utility of term, VIII, 1118-19
in Positivism, X, 265-7, 269, 292-4, mentioned, I, 71,143; IX, 36.55n, 58n,
309 81, 89,166n, 203,254,276; XI. 345,
as proximate antecedent events rather 368,455; XVI. 1437
than states. VII, 331n-2n See also Causation
role of association in our idea of, IX, 9, Causey Pike, XXVII, 539-40
259-61,295. 298 Cavaliers, XX, 135. See also Royalists
volitional theory of. IX, 295-300 Cayenne, I, 490
Ward's criticism of JSM on, VII, Cefalonia. See Ionian Islands
575n-7n; IX, 271 Celts
mentioned, I, 169 (168), 229 (228); IX, character of, XX, 235-6
167n, 372; XI, 364; XVII, 1862, 1890 mentioned, XXIV, 909, 916, 958,966,
See also Cause, Necessity 974, 981, 1004
Cause Censorship. See Libel; Liberty, of thought
application of experimental method to, and speech
VII, 455-8 Centralization (XIX, 581-613)
Aristotelians and four meanings of, IX, Austin's defence of, Kill, 711; XXIV,
291 1063-6
and Brown's mental modifications, IX, benefits of, and Poor Law, XVIII.
155-64 passim 169-70; XXVIII, 143
and composition of causes, VII. 370-8, contrary to English practice. XlI, 199
498 Subject Index

[Centralization] and spirit of the nation, XXll, 214,301;

dangers of, IV, 217; V, 615-18,621-2; XXIII, 459,475
XXX, 175-6 young JSM describes, XXVI, 14
degrees of, in federations, XIX, 561 mentioned, I, 301; XX, 129, 189,297,
Dupont-White's arguments for, ques- 329
tioned, XV, 689, 690-2,726; XIX, Chamber of Peers (French)
598-610 composition of, XXll, 151, 196-202;
in education, XXIX, 392-6 XXHI, 339, 341-5,354, 358-9,
in England and France, VI, 206; XXlII, 364-6, 379-80, 516; XXIV, 780
587,710 as court of law, XH, 254; XX, 129, 198;
excessive, in France, XII, 277; XHI, xxm, 705,707
713; xIx, 582-4,586, 600-1,605, Duveyrier's ideas on, XVIH, 201-2:
608-9; XXH, 123-4, 185-9,260; XX, 304-8
XXHI, 352, 385,476; XXIV, opposes spirit of the nation, XXIH, 459,
1064-5; XXXH, 204 479
folly of unthinking condemnation of, suspension of (1848), XXV, 1092,
XXHI, 709-10 1093n
JSM's balanced position on, I, 201-3 under Vill61e, XX, 190; XXII, 126-7
mentioned, XV, 729 See also Aristocracy, French
See also Bureaucracy Chance (VII, 525-33)
Ceylon, judicial system of, XXX, 21 Aristotle's view of, XI, 483
Chaeronea, battle of, XI, 243. 297, 312, defined, VII, 526-30
313 elimination of, VII, 530-2, 545-7;
Chalcis, JSM visits, XIV, 438 VIII, 1148-50
Chalk hills, character of, XXVlI, 456-90 and theory of probabilities, VII, 533-47;
passim, 570 VIII, 1140-50
Chamber of Deputies (French) See also Improbability, Probability
attitude of French people to, XXII, Chancery. See Court of Chancery
193-4; xxm_ 656 Change, benefits of, XXVI, 446-8
under Bourbons, XX, 176, 182 Channel Islands
Duveyrier on peers and, XVIII, 201-4; as contented colonies, XIX, 566
XX, 304-8 interesting, XXXI, 303
of 1830, XXII, 134, 138-40, 143-4, JSM visits, XIV, 208-16
148,227 peasant properties in, H, 271-3
of 1831, xxm, 336-41,346-7,377 Character
elections to, see Suffrage, French contrasting types of, XIX, 388-9,
eligibility of candidates to, XXII, 406-10
153-4, 156-8 elevating of, XXI, 255,256-7,385
and Revolution of 1830, XII, 58-62 and love of equality, XXVII, 664
passim; XXH, 133; XXIlI, 366-7 marriage and enrichment of, XXI, 334
rules ofprocedurein, XXII, 194-5,215, modem, lacks strong individuality,
235; KXIII, 354, 355,376, 409,439, XVlll, 271-2; XX, 286; XXIV,
452, 571,583; XXVI, 23; XXVIII, 866
266 morality's connection with, X, 7-9, 15,
short working day in, XXIII, 386, 424, 55-6, 65, 70, 98
452 and motives, XXVll, 644-5,660
centralization - Chequers 499

need for variety of types of, I, 259; women and, XXI, 330-1,339
XVlII, 274,302 (see also Individuali- work should be required in return for,
ty, National character) XXV, 1170-2
noble or supenor, X, 15-16, 212-17; wry comments on. XXVl, 433; XXVIII,
XXl, 37-40 32
possession of, defined, XVIII, 264 mentioned, I, 318
possibility of changing one's own, See also Paternalism, Philanthropy, Poor
redeems doctrine of circumstances Laws
from fatalism, I, 175-7; VIH, 840-2, Chartists
932; IX, 466-7 and ballot, XlX, 333-4, 492
present ideal of female, XXI, 271-2, 1848 demonstration by, XXV, 1099,
293,413 (HTM) 1102
and self-image, XXVH, 661,667 HTM on, XXI, 397
seriousness and humour in, XXVII, 643 JSM's attitude to, XIH, 533-4
vanity in, XXVII, 646, 651-2 Palace Yard meeting of (1838), XlII,
mentioned, I, 536,198 (622); XI, 316 389
-formation of progress of, XIII, 529, 544
conflict and, XXV, 1106 and Radicals, VI, 478,482
influence of circumstances on, I, 111 six points of, XXV, 1107
(110), 175-7 (174-6), 270.591; upper class reaction to, IV, 369-70
KXl, 93,272, 277,305,312, 313, mentioned, VI, 489; XIIl, 410. 430,
321,387-8; XXII, 77-8, 256-7; 472,479, 563,641,717,727; XIX,
XXlII, 415 349, 369
influence of government and institutions Chastity, Owen on, XXl, 48-9
on. I, 384; XIX, 410-12 Chhteauroux, XXVI, 16
JSM's, and mental crisis, I, 145-53 Cheerfulness, X, 483-4
(144-52) Chelsea Botanic Gardens, XXXI, 320
men's, adversely affected by subordina- Chelsea Working Men's Parliamentary
tion of women, XXI, 324-5,335-6, Electoral Association, XVl, 1513
391,407 (HTM), 408-12 (HTM) Chemistry
not taken into account in Bentham's analysis and synthesis in, IX, 496n
system, X, 98 Comte on, X, 280, 282,283,286n, 289,
science of, see Ethology 294-5
women's influence on, XX1, 327-8 JSM studies, I, 21,59 (22, 58); XXVl,
See also Human nature, National character 32-57 passim, 132-43 passzm
Charity mental, IX, 284-5n
Biber on schools of, XXl, 73-4 method of, I, 167 (166); IX, 481; XI. 14,
no remedy for poverty, IV, 371-6, 379; XXI, 236-7
XVII, 1564 method of, not applicable to social
spheres of public and private, m, 960, science, VIII, 879-80, 886; XXVI,
962; V, 617 394
state administration of public, XIX, 544, standard of proof in, IX. 472, 473,480
596 mentioned, X, 455; Xl, 470; XX, 260;
and taxation of charities, X¥, 892, 897, XXII, 73
919 Chepstow, XlI, 353,355
use of for education, XXI, 64, 212-14 Chequers (house), XXVlI, 484-5
500 Subject Index

Cheques, as substitute for money, III, mentioned, X, 141; XVlII. 308; XIX,
536-7.551-2; IV, 354, 355. See also 511; XXIII, 394
Credit Chios (Greek island), XI, 291,323-4
Cherbourg, XX, 89, 93 Chiselhurst, plants near, XXXl, 276-8
Chichester, XXVII, 457,566 Chivalry
Children age of, actually morally depraved, XX,
education of, XXI, 43-4, 71-3,339, 20-3, 28-51
369; XXIII, 729-30; XXIV, 786-7 did not promote genuine welfare. XXVI,
(see also Education) 258
financial claims of, II, 219, 220-3; III, good influence of, XIII, 470
951-2 in modern society, XXl, 324, 328-9
their joy at becoming adults, XXI. 337 mentioned, XX, 245
legal right of mother or father over, XXI, Cholera epidemic, XXIII. 438-9,440-1,
285; XXIV, 917-19; XXV, 1020-3 446, 476; XXVIII, 142
limitation of their labour, XVI, 1432; Cholesbury, XXIV, 998
XVlI, 1568, 1735-6; XIX, 602; XXI, Chouans, XXlII, 474
404 fHTM); XXlII, 399-400; XXlV, Chrestomathic School, XXVI, 37n
822. 829 Christ Church (Oxford), VI, 347
prostitution of, XXl, 363-4, 367-9 Christchurch (Hants.), XXVlI. 599-604
and question of divorce, XXI. 47. 355, Christian Socialism
377 (HTM) JSM's differences with, XIV, 70.
relation of with parents, XXI, 286, 149-50
289-90. 294-5,324, 334 Maurice and, I, 161
too many, see Population Christianity (XVlII, 254-7)
violence against, see Brutality, domestic absorbs too much talent. XXVlI, 652
as witnesses, XXXI, 92 aims at elevating character, X, 65, 70,
Children's Aid Society, XVII, 1838 416-17,486-9
Chile. and extradition. XXIX, 553,557 asserts the unimaginable, IX, 146n
Chiltern Hills best thing, but gone, XlI, 182
botany of. XXVII, 490; XXXI, 267 Carlyle on, XXVII, 656
JSM visits, XXVII, 483-91 passim, 499 Coleridge's view of, X, 148-9, 158-62
China compatible with utilitarianism, X, 70.
behaviour of Europeans in, XIX. 571 211,218-19,224, 227
labourers from, XVI, 1137; xvn, 1599. and the Devil, X, 454-5
1653-5, 1689, 1695-6, 1756-7 and divine punishment. IX, 454
opium in, XVIII, 293 doctrines of, not acted on. XII, 48, 49;
and polygamy, XVlII, 290 XVI, 1492; XVIII, 248-9
production in, II, 167-70 and education, XXVlII, 4-5
as stationary society, X, 108; XIII, 502; English, VI, 247,251,260-1; XII,
XVlII, 197,273-4; XIX, 396, 439; 48-9, 301; XIII, 405,489, 492,567;
XX. 270, 273; XXV, 1119 XX, 375; XXVlI, 643
tea dispute with (1839), Ill, 548-9; IV, and equality, XXl, 294; XXIX, 375
358n-9n (605)
trade with, In, 769; IV, 131,132; v, in France, see under Religion
515,539-40; XXIII, 601,612 _ free discussion does not menace, XXII.
war with (1856) andArrow affair, XV, 15-18, 22
cheques - Church of England 501

and genius, I, 334-5 326; XXII. 48; XXV, 1181; XXVI,

historical evidence weak for, XV, 758 301; XXVII, 667
immoral God pictured by conventional. -history of
I, 43-5 (42-4); X. 423-5. 469; after decay of Roman empire, XX, 272
XXIV, 1083 early, I, 436-7; X, 274-8,357,479-80;
improving of, XV, 631,646 xm. 496
in India, XVIII, 240n-ln; XIX, 570; growth of bibliolatry in, X, 144-6
XXIII, 606; XXX, 125 growth of dogma in, I. 337
JM's view of, I, 41-3 (40-2), 108; XIV, in Middle Ages, XX, 44-5. 245-6.
30 247-51; XXII, 306
JSM's defended in press, XVl, 1069-70 and persecution, XVI, 1080; XVIII,
and law of England, XXlI. 7-8 236-8
in Letters from Palmyra, I, 443,445, unpredictable, XVIII, 191
448,461 See also Church of England, Protestants.
libels on. I, 89 (88); XXI, 29 Religion, Roman Catholic Church
meaning of, XXXII, 53 Christ's Hospital
might effect much, XVI, 1274 established for both sexes, V, 629;
and miracles, X, 479-81; XIV, 27, 28; XXVIII, 159
XV, 696, 895; XXVII, 651; XXXII, investigation into, XV, 919
53 Church
morality of, not complete, XVIII, alleged desirability of wealthy, XXII.
254-7,266; XXIV, 1084; XXXII, 170-1, 173-80
236 idea of a national, IV, 220-1; X,
and a national church, XII, 76 146-50; XII, 75-7
and nature, X. 376 and state, VI, 226-7; XXIV, 819-20;
need for unity in, XVI, 1499-1506 xxvm, 18, 38,358
and obedience to existing institutions. Tory attitude to, XXXI, 360-1
XXI, 296 mentioned, I, 598-9
and political economy, XIV, 92.93; Church of England
XXII, 328-9 as bastion of Tories and privileged
Positivism and, X, 321-4, 338,487-8 classes, V'I, 250, 287,402. 471,474.
Saint-Simonian view of, I, 171 (170) 477; XVIII, 128; XXH, 313
and slavery, XXI, 88, 129, 266 Bentham's encounter with, X. 81
and status of women, I, 461; XXI, and Catholic emancipation, VI. 80-1;
283-4, 293,294, 327,412 (HTM) XII, 28
Sterling and, Xll, 225 Coleridgeans' attitude to. I, 510; IV,
and Sunday observance. XXIH, 418-19; 220-1; X, t 46-51.155; XII, 221,265
XXVIII, 43, 191-2 control of universities by, X, 34-5,
its teachings moral not because come 167-8; XII, 233; XIV. 188; XXVI,
from GOd but because good, X, 27-9, 348-9, 350-- 1
145,416-17 difficulty of debating on, XXVI. 418.
mentioned, I, 73 (72); VI, 435; IX, 60; 423-4
X, 52, 132, 140, 333,341,429; Xl, doomed by opposition to Reform Bill,
273,287. 395; XII, 270; xm, 413, XII, 75-7
456,470; xvm, 290; XIX. 407,444; and education, X, 149-50; XVIII,
XX, 50, 69, 314; XXI, 70, 117.295, 140-1; XIX, 632; XXI, 67-8, 71;
502 Subject Index

[Church of England] XVI, 1435, 1450, 1463, 1465,

XXVIII, 362; XXIX, 381-5 (610- 1485-1522passim; XVII, 1968;
13) XXIV, 764; XXVIII, 18, 26, 247-8,
and empty parish churches, XXVI, 304 277,321,325,340. 356-7,360-I,
English gentleman's attachment to, VI, 365-6
270-1 reform of, VI, 97-8,253,301-2, 389,
Irish branch of, see Church of Ireland 394-5, 494; XXlII, 604-5; XXIV,
Maurice and, I, 161 (160) 763
need for tolerance in, XXI, 251 tithes of, VI, 67, 153,168-70, 262-3,
oaths of fidelity to, VI, 187-8 276-7,394-5; XII, 214, 215; XXIII,
and passive resistance, XXII, 11 608-10; XXIV, 966-7; xxvm, 252
and religious instruction, VI, 226-8, use of its funds for education, VI, 531
24_, 484 (543); XVI, 1368-9; XVII, 1579-80,
and rigidity of belief, XXVI, 349-50, 1588, 1593; XXIV, 755
355,419-23,426-7; XXVIII, 37-8 mentioned, I, 279, 601; VI, 63, 72, 97.
in 17th century, VI, 19, 20-2 252,286, 297,335n, 530; XVI, 1316;
somnolent in 18th century, X. 142-3, XIX, 551
145 Church of Scotland
support for JSM from, XVI, 1081 1843 schism in, XlII, 602
and Test Acts, XXVI, 422 as People's Church, VI, 244-5,397
and Thirty-Nine Articles, XXXl, 20 Church rates
tithes of, see Tithes abolition of, VI, 211-12
mentioned, I, 95 (94), 158, 429, 460; mentioned, XVI, 1504; XVII, 1968;
VI, 64, 86, 153,260, 279,286-7, XXXII, 220
340, 354, 378,435,479; X, 321; XI, See also Tithes
43; XVI, 1499, 1500; XVIII, 142; Cierp, XXVI, 103, 104
XIX, 506, 576; XX, 224; XXI, 60, Circassia
296, 392; XXII, 22; XXlV, 1020, character of its inhabitants, XXXl.
1021; XXVI, 360 350-2
-reform of Russia and, XVI, 1199; XXXI, 345-9
difficulties of, from within, XII, 225 passim, 358
in 1830s, VI, 325,389,393-5; XXlII. Circumstances
645 doctrine of, not equivalent to fatalism, I,
intellectual, XXII, 328; XXlII, 356 177 (176) (see also Necessity)
JM's article on, XII, 268 emphasized by philosophy of experience,
MR on, XXlII, 655,659-60 I, 269-70
and question of disestablishment, VI, influence formation of human nature,
194-5,211-12, 225-30 XXlI, 256-7
regarding endowments, IV, 205-10; VI, influence of on character, see under
250, 286; XXIV, 818-20 Character, formation of
supporters of, need to co-operate with and need for political leadership, VI,
Radicals, VI, 477,479, 481. 489-95 315,386, 519
mentioned, XII, 141 mentioned, I, 181 (180), 468
See also Bishops, Christianity, Clergy- Citizenship
men, Oxford Movement, Protestants studies relevant to, XXI, 243-7
Church of Ireland (Protestant) value of, XXI, 295, 390
disestablishment of, V, 615; VI, 494;
Church of England- civilization 503

women and rights of, XXI, 398 (HTM). English public opinion on, I, 267-8; II,
403 (HTM) 250; XV, 738,750-2,777,783,795.
mentioned, XXl, 324, 400 (HTM), 414 797,801-4, 810, 823,828-31,851,
(HTM) 869-70,885-6, 891,892-3,910,
Civil list 933-4, 956; XVI, 994, 1064, 1118;
English, XXll, 319-20 XXI, 127-31,145,157-60;XXVIII,
French. XXII, 223; XXIII. 386, 391, 32-3; XXXll, 132, 141-2
395-6 and English ship-building, XV, 910,
Civil service (XIX, 528-33) 913-17,957,961
annual reports for departments of, financing of, XV, 982
XXIV, 777 Gurowski on, XVI, 1113-14
competitive examinations in English. importance of, XV, 946; XXVIll,
XIV, 147-8, 157-8; XV. 829; XVI, 202-3; XXXII, 141,201
1353; XVII. 1548. 1572-3; XVIII, JSM's involvement with, I, 266-8
306-7; XIX, 524, 528-33; XXVll, patriotic army in, Ill. 754; XXVIH, 39.
648,662,666 129,414
of EIC, and introduction of competitive and reconstruction, XV, 886, 910; XVI,
examinations, see under East India 1052, 1066, 1098-1101, 1119, 1159,
Company 1164-5, 1508; XVII, 1540, 1691;
in India (1861), XlX, 523,574-6 XXlX, 379-80 (609)
inefficiency in, xxm, 633 Goldwin Smith on, XXVIII, 130
Jowett's recommendations regarding mentioned, V, 603
moral character in, KIV, 206-7; See also Alabama case. Sanitary Commis-
XVIII, 210; XIX, 654-6 sion, Trent affair
M.P.s not to be members of, XIX, 368 Civil War and Commonwealth, English
opening of to colonials, XIX, 566-7 and beheading of Charles I, XX, 69
patronage and overspending in, XXIII, failure of, XX, 357; XXIII, 408
618-19; XXVI, 329 Guizot on, XX, 187,221,227,375
Trevelyan-Northcote Report on, recom- mentioned, XIV, 68; XVI, 1275; XX.
mending examinations, KIV, 175, 331
178-9, 180, 183-4, 187, 188, 193, See also Puritans
205; XVIII, 201,207-11; XXVIll, Civilization (XVIll, 119-47)
88 and barbarism, XVIII, 178, 191,291;
in U.S.A., XVll, 1798 XlX, 376; XX, 275; XXI, 118-20;
mentioned, XIX, 517 XXII, 307
See also Administration. Bureaucracy, different assessments of, X. 123; XVHI,
Centralization 253; XXVI, 257
Civil War, American (XXI. 125-42) law as foundation of, XVI, 1411
causes of, VI, 522; XVI, 1275. 1279; meaning of, XVIII, 119-20; XX. 374
XlX, 553,557; XXI, 127, 131-8, potential and actual. XXXII. 74-5
146. 156-7, 159-61 preservation of in colonies, XVII, 1804;
course of, XV, 794-842 passim, 860, xxm, 739-42
877.890, 948,950, 966, 968-9, 974; so-called luxuries of, XXl, 91
XVI. 992-3; XVlI. 1608; XXI. 135, as triumph over animal instincts. II, 367;
138-42, 161-4; XXV, 1204-5 X, 315; XIV, 26-7
and death of Lincoln, XVI. 1057, 1063 women's influence on, XXI, 327-8
504 Subject Index

[Civilization] Bain on two meanings of, VII, 95n

mentioned, I, 11.27 (10, 26), 334; XX, in Berkeley's theory, Xl, 457-8
114, 213,215 conception of, VIII, 649-62
-progress of defined, VII, 28, 93 (VIII, 975, 1012);
and absorption of one nationality by XI, 18n, 94
another, XIX, 550 Plato's notions concerning, Xl, 84n,
Catholic emancipation and, XlI, 27 222-3
Comte's misrepresentation of, X, 357 and resemblance, VII, 102-4
EIC as agent of, XXX, 121-4, 151-5 Whately on premises and, XI, 17
econonuc, HI, 706-9; V, 729; XVlII, See also Classification, Kinds
197; XlX, 394-5; XXI, 116; xxm, Classes (social)
678,741,750 in America, XVIII, 75, 84-6, 181. 183,
ER on, I, 303,316 186; XXI, 150-1
effects of, m, 737-8; XVHI, 121-6, Austin on, XXI, 60
129-35, 146-7, 191-6; X1X, 457; character of agricultural, XVlII, 198-9
XXIX, 617 (FIT) and class morality, X, 109-10; XVIII,
and emancipation of women, XVI, 1261; 71,221; XX, 42; XXVI, 331-2
XX, 45-7; XXI. 42, 49.276, 335 in a democracy, xvm, 180, 184
in Europe, XX, 18, 229-31,254, distance between in ireland. XXIV,
266-81,293-4, 374-89 891-2, 931
and growth of morality, X, 232-3 division of in present age, XVIH, 152;
and institutions of education, XVIII, XXV, 1090, 1106; XXVI, 278
138-46 in France, XVII1, 168
and law of strongest, XXI, 264-9, 325 intellect in different, XXVI, 380
occurs through diversity, XII, 37,41.43; mixing of in education, XXIX, 393,396,
XVlII, 197,261,267; XIX, 613; XX, 397
266-70, 380-2 rigidity of m ancient world, XXl, 379
Saint Simonians leading, XII, 88 and selection of EIC personnel, XXX,
state intervention and, XIX, 588-9, 38-9
592-4, 602.603 significance of leisured, XHI, 713;
Tocqueville on democracy and, XVIII, XVIII, 84-6, 99-100, 107, 110, 111,
158, 161 199-200
when impeded by representative govern- system of in England, HI, 767; XVl,
ment, XIX, 415-20 1103-4, 1208-9; XVlII, 163,193-4;
mentioned, XX, 52, 135; XXI, 13; XlX, 637; XXH, 114-15
XXVI, 261 Wakefield on need for, XXHI, 741
-of different regions mentioned, X1X, 544, 573,589
England, Germany, Italy, Spain, and --educated
France, XX, 374-8 and educational test for suffrage, see
Indian territories (in U.S.A.), XXII, under Suffrage
236-7 extra votes for, I, 261-2,288-9; XV,
Ireland, XXIV, 903,973--4, 997, 1005 596,606,608,843; XIX, 323-6,356,
Slave States, XXI, 146, 153, 154 474-9, 508, 511
See also Progress of society, Spirit of the fear democracy, XlX, 363-4
age how to increase influence of, XV, 543
Clare (county), Vl, 516; XXIV, 964, 972 their ignorance, XXl, 389
Class (as term in philosophy) (VIII, role of, I, 615-16; Xll, 40; xvm,
civilization - Cobden Club 505

73n-4n; XIX, 382; XXI, 223-4 by resemblance, XXXI, 143-4

(418-19), 233,256-7; XXII, 241-4 in taxation, V, 471-2, 575-90 passtm
-in government value of, XXXI, 123, 142-3
and class legislation, X, 107; XHI, 533; Whately on predicables and, XI, 17,
XV, 608-9; XVIII, 70, 71, 78, 20-2, 28
171-3, 175; XIX, 335,441-4, mentioned, I, 229 (228), 338; IX, 253,
446-7,463,467,470, 473,493,505, 387; XI, 444,445; XXXI. 323
507,512,516 -scientific (VIII, 712-32)
a mixture of, beneficial in local, XXIX, general problem of, VIII, 712
437-542 passim natural, VIII, 713-25
need to transcend, XIX, 498,588,598; by series, VIII, 726-32
XXVI, 433 See also Class, Kinds, Names
theory of representation of, XVIII, Cleanliness as triumph over instinct, X, 394
43-6; XIX, 465; XXVI, 365-6. Clearing system, XXIV. 894-5,900-1
375-7; XXVIII, 30, 61-3 (XXIX. Cleopatra's Needle
600-2) prickly question raised by, IX, 74n
See also Aristocracy, Labouring class, shipping cost of, IV, 401
Middle class, Upper class Clergymen
Classics (XXI, 225-33) committed at present to rigid beliefs,
JSM's education in, I, 9 (8), 13-19 XXVI, 349-50, 426-7; XXVIII,
(12-16), 21 (20), 23-5 (22-4) 37-8
JSM's enjoyment of, XVH, 1585-6 influence of on women, XVII, 1638;
as subject of study at university, I, 287; XXIX, 389-90
XI, 39-40; XVIII, 139, 142, 144-5; subsidized education of, II, 389-90,
XX, 368-9; XXI, 220-2 (416-17), 392; m, 927
225-33 (421); XXVl, 351-6 passim vision of ideal, open-minded. XII, 75-6,
value of, I, 338; X, 41-5; XI, 241; 264-5; XXI, 251
XVIII, 195n; XIX, 624-5; XX, 268 mentioned, XXVI, 360-1
mentioned, XIX, 531 Clerisy, Coleridge's idea of a, IV. 220-1;
See also Ancients, Greek, Latin X, 146-50; XII. 75-6
Classification (VII, 118-32) Climate
Aristotelian contribution to, XI, 19-20, Guizot on influence of, XX, 281-2.
27,494-5 384-5
different views of genera and species in, influence of on economy, II, 101-2,103
XI, 34, 94-6, 222-3, 238,488 Cliveden, XXVII, 492-3
G-ergonne on, XXVI, 163,167-71, 174 Clowes (printers), XII, 339
Hamilton's view of, IX, 303,308, 315, Coaches and vehicles, JSM's experiences
334-5 with on his travels, XXVI. 3-4, 5, 13,
investigated in Plato's dialectics, XI, 14, 15, 16, 17, 32, 56, l15n; XXVII,
405-6 456, 475,496, 499, 599,636
JSM's interest in, I, 67-9 (66-8) Coal
methods of, IV, 283; VIII, 731-2 future exhaustion of British supply of.
nature of, and the five predicables XVI, 1362; XXVIH, 70-1
(genus, species, differentia, pro- as resource, fi, 102
prium, accidens), VII, 118-32 (VIII, mentioned, XXXII, 165
1030-9); VIII, 1089; XI, 23-7; Cobden Club
XXXI, 130-1 Chadwick proposed for. XVI, 1190
506 Subject Index

[Cobden Club] 26-7

inaugural dinner of. XVI, 1185; protection of trade with, Ill, 915,922;
XXVIII. 97 IV, 256-7; VI, 125, 128, 133; XVI,
publications by, V, 685; XVlI, 1658, 1150-1, 1520-1; XVlI, 1589
1728; XXXII, 209, 224 -British
utility of, XVI, 1350 appropriate government of less civilized,
mentioned, XVlI, 1590 illustrated by India, XIX, 567-77;
Codification, legal XXI, 119-20
Austin on, XXI, 188, 191-4 attitude of British to natives in, XVl,
Bentham and, X, 10-11,103-6; XXIll, 1136, 1196; XVlI, 1536, 1560-1,
471 1599, 1686; XIX, 571
of English law, XXXII, 2 combination of local self-government
feasibility of, XXII, 61, 70-2; XXHI, and federation in, XV, 784,965-6;
373,621-2; XXX, 19-20 XVII, 1685-6, 1691, 1758; XIX,
illustrated, XXX, 22-30, 114-15 562-7; XXX, 49-50, 51,165, 175-6,
mentioned, XXI, 56, 182 189,201; XXXlI, 145-6
Co-education, XVl, 1260; XVII, 1684. impossibility of uniform government in.
1774 XXHI, 405; XXVHI, 135-6
Co-existence Irish in, XXVIII, 250
as asserted in propositions, VII, 99-101. mismanagement and corrupt patronage
104-8 in. XIX, 633; XXIII, 615,618-19,
no universal axiom of, VII, 582-3 648; XXV, 1099
uniformities of, VII, 578-90: XVlI, Molesworth attacks policy on. XlII, 383
1833, 1862 movement for self-government of, I,
Cold-bath Fields, XXII, 68 203,223-5 (222-4)
Coleridgians possible Council for, XXX, 44-5
JSM and, I, 133 (160). 159-63, 169 question of their separation, XXXII, 233
(168), 253 mentioned, HI, 746
as represented by Milne, I, 509-13 See also Colonial Office, Colonization
passim Colonization
See also. in Index of Persons. Maurice, benefit of to labouring class, III, 748-9;
Sterling XlII, 641-2
Coleroon irrigation works. XXX. 129-30 JSM deletes his comments on, in ER
Colligation of facts, VII, 292-305; VIII, article, XilI, 661
647-8 loans for, XVI, 1155
Colonial Office Torrens on, XXIV, 840-1
innovations by, XXX, 21 Wakefield's scheme for financing. II,
narrowness of, Xil, 86 120-1,376,378; Ill, 958-60. 963-8,
policy of, XXVIII, 135-6 1046, 1087; XIl, 87, 88n; XIII, 737;
unbearable, XXX, 176 XV, 511,976-7 (HI, 1072); XVII,
Colonies (XIX, 562-77) 1992; XXII, 272-3; XXIII, 739-42;
government of, XIX, 562-77 XXIV, 788-9, 792-3,914; XXVIII,
land sales in, XV, 541-2 (see also 16
Colonization, Wakefield's scheme for mentioned, II, 195; IV, 387n, 394;
financing) XXII, 99n
limited utility of, XVII, 1628; XXII,
Cobden Club - communism 507

See also Colonies, Emigration, and See also Speculation, Universal glut
individual countries (esp. Australia) Commercial spirit
Colour as British characteristic, II, 170-1; XIX,
Berkeley on abstract idea of, IX, 304 620; XXl, 253 (see also Wealth, m
and perception of extension, IX, 224-6, England)
228-31,253-5,259; XV, 901 need to balance, XVIII, 169, 195n,
source of pleasure in, XXXI, 223 198-9
Combination Commissions, value of in government,
economic, see Co-operauon, Labour, XIX, 633; XXIII, 631-4
Partnership, Trade unions Common sense
and England's greatness, XVIII, 272 limitations of, XXII, 243-4
liberty of, m, 929-34; xvIIl, 226 and logical analysis, XI, 9-10
and political power in England, XVIII, relation of to intuition, XVII, 1868-9
163,165, 166 school of, XI, 247,477; XXXI, 162
Henry Taylor on importance of, XIX, no standard of morality, X, 85. 177; XI,
626 389-90
mentioned, XVIH, 305 systematic investigation superior to, XI,
Combination Act, IV, 70 6-7; XXII, 286
Comet of 1853, XIV, 110-11 Commonplace, Plato's main enemy, XI,
Commerce. See Industry, International 403-4
trade Commons (lands). See Commons Preserva-
Commercial Banking Company of Scot- tion Society, Waste lands
land, IV, 106n Commons, House of. See House of
Commercial crisis (IV, 73-123) Commons
as collapse following speculative period, Commons Preservation Society, XVI,
HI. 540-2,574, 651,654-5; IV, 1140-1; XVII, 1582, 1584, 1776,
274-9 1782; XXIX, 427
in France (1863-64) V, 601 Commonwealth. See Civil War and
regulation of currency and, Ill, 660, Commonwealth. Puritans
671-2,845; IV, 81-7, 89-99,354-7; Commune of Pans ( 1871 ), XVII. 1821,
V, 502, 519, 544-5,603-4 1865
repeal of Usury Laws and. IV, 108-9 Communication, improvements in
supposed to be diminished by 1844 Act, aid agriculture, II, 181
IV, 346-61 aid political life, XVII, 1592
-of 1825 decrease fluctuations in value, Ill, 715;
analyzed, Ill, 542, 671; IV, 73-7, 86-7, V, 601
190-1 increase social uniformity, XVIII, 275
hopes for ending, IV, 77-81, 116-17; lower rent, H, 425-6
V, 601 Communism (II, 203-9)
and silk industry, IV, 127-9 in France (1848), XIII, 732; XIV, 33
--of 1847 general evaluation of, H, 207-9 (m,
and Bank of England, Ill, 658,669-70, 978-80); V, 745-6; XXV, 1100
678n-9n; V, 502, 505-6, 513,519, JSM revises his views on, XIV, 8-23
522-5,529-30 passim (HI, 1027-31 )
nature of, HI, 543--4; V, 527 meaning of, II, 203
508 Subject Index

[Communism] socialist criticisms of, V, 441-2,444,

monotony of life and, XXV, 1179-80 713-36; XIV, 150; XV, 591-2
and population, V. 728-9 status of labourers under, V, 742-3
and question of justice, H. 206-7 (HI, Tocqueville on, XVIII, 180, 187, 188
977); V,743-5;X,244;XIV, 51;XV, See also Capital, Capitalists
749 -social
and question of motivation, II, 203-6 through examinations for civil service
(HI, 975-7); V, 739-43; XIV, 54; appointments, see underExanfinations
XIX. 404-5 in, a nation of place-hunters, XlX, 420
as reaction to worship of property, value of, XVIII, 292-3; XIX, 605
XXIV, 1031 Composition
Eugene Sue and, XXV, 1091 JSM's method of, I, 229-31
mentioned, XIII, 707; XIV, 5 On Liberty as specimen of, I, 259
See also Fourierism, Saint Simonism, Composition of causes. See under Cause
Socialism, and, in Index of Persons, Composition of forces, I, 167 (166)
Robert Owen Comprehension, logical
Community, law of, XIV, 50 extension vs., in general notions, IX, 83,
Comparison 303,317-18,322, 323n, 335,
Bain on, XI, 371-2 373n-4n, 473; XXVI, 163 (G)
Hamilton on, IX, 330-1,352-3, propositions in extension or, IX,
490n-ln 338-41,386-90, 40In
Hamilton on reasoning as mediate, IX, syllogisms in extension or, IX, 385,
342-3, 399n 390-6
and naming, VIII, 666 mentioned, IX, 326, 327,330
process of, described, VIII, 653-6 Compromise
mentioned, IX, 39, 40, 91,306; XI, 422 characteristic of ER. I, 293-303 passim
See also Abstraction characteristic of Englishmen, XXVII,
Competition 661
and monopoly, IH, 927-8; V, 433-4, essence of co-operation, XVIII, 122
730 JSM learns necessity of, I, 87
and prices, H, 242-3; HI, 460 necessity of in politics, XIX, 344-6,
and profit, II 409-10; HI, 733-4; IV, 514, 588
37-8 principles not subject to, XIX, 510
and rent, II, 313 mentioned, XIX, 596
restrained by custom, H, 239-40,242-4 Comtists. See Positivism
and trade unions, XIX, 442 Conacre. H, 313-14; XXIV. 1019, 1031
and wages, II, 216, 337, 356, 388-94; Conation. Hamilton on, IX, 430, 437,445n
XXVI, 312-13 Conceit, JSM's lack of when young, I,
mentioned, II, 297; XVIII, 199,254 35-7 (34-6)
-as economic system (capitalism) (V, Conceivability. See Inconceivability
711-36) Conceptions or Concepts (VIII, 649-62)
defence of, Ill, 794-6; V, 727-36 come from experience, IX, 268,270
passim; XXVI, 314-19, 325 Platonic Ideas and, Xl, 406,430
evil morality of, V, 625; xvm, 133 relation of to class names, IX, 310-11,
evils of to be mitigated by co-operation, 315-20, 324; XXXI, 141-2
XVIII, 136-7 Herbert Spencer on, XVI, 1110-11
injustice in, V, 446-7, 591-2
communism - consciousness 509

Whewell on general, VIII, 647-8, of politicians, I, 313-15; XIX, 441-2

652-3,656-8,672-5 question of regulation of by society,
mentioned, IX, 380, 381n; XI, 491 XVIII, 220-7,276-9, 292-305
-Hamilton's doctrine of (IX, 301-23 ) self-regarding and other-regarding,
contradictory and contrary opposition of, XVIII, 280-4
IX, 411-12 See also Action, Morality
expounded and criticized. IX, 302-17, Confederate States of America, XXI.
321,334-5,481 128-64passim
extension and comprehension in. IX. 83, Confliction, in comparisons, IX, 324-5,
317-18, 338-41,373n-4n, 473 329
of individuals, IX, 321-3 Conformity
in judgments, IX. 324-41 passim, 375 enemy to progress, XVIH, 269,272
and law of identity, IX, 373-4n modern characteristic, XVIH, 265:
Mansel's version of, IX, 337n XXIV, 866; XXV, 1179-80
and notion of clearness, IX, 323n, 494n Congregation of the Virgin, XXH, 159
in reasoning, IX, 342-7, 399n Congress (U.S.A.)
in theory of logic, IX, 352-5,360-71 powers of over slavery limited, XXI,
passim 132, 133n, 156, 161, 162
mentioned, IX, 372n and President, XVlI, 1542
See also Conceptualists, Ideas, Inconceiva- representation in, XXI, 140. 163-4
bility, Names Congruence, in comparisons, IX, 324-5,
Conceptualists 329
beliefs of, on abstract ideas. VIII, 649; Coniston, JSM visits, XXVII, 516-17
IX, 302, 317; XI, 222,488,491 ; XVl, Connotation
1323 and connotative and non-connotative
Berkeley's refutation of, XI, 452 names, VII. 30-41n (VIII, 978-85),
Hamilton and, IX, 303,305, 307,315, 133-6 (VIII, 1040-2)
335,336n, 495 fixing of in common use, VIII, 668-72
on logic, VII, 87-90, 95,109, 115n; IX, of general names, XI. 24,458
324, 327,342-5,399n See also Connote, Names
Conditioned, Hamilton's philosophy of Connote, JM's use of word, XXXI. 107,
(IX, 66-88) 132-3,145,148-51,188,190, 197-8
basic tenets of, IX, 4, 66, 79-88,130n, Conscience
146n, 427n-8n courts of, XXXI, 47
and causation, IX, 287,290, 294, 418 essential to increase of happiness, X.
and free will, IX, 437,441-2 15-16
Mansel's application of to religious ignored by Bentham as spring of action.
thought, IX, 89 X, 13, 15, 95
meaning of conditioned and uncondi- Mansel on authority of, IX, 104n
tioned in, IX, 39-44, 54-7, 58n nature of, IX, 451; XV, 649-50
mentioned, IX, 74n, 109, 142,385 and public opinion, X. 410
See also Absolute, Infinite as sanction in utilitarianism, X, 228-33
Conduct mentioned, IX, 456, 457n, 461
of Christians, XVIII, 248-9 See also Duty, Morality
considerations determining, XIX, 443-6 Consciousness (IX, 109-48)
need for individuality in, XVlII, 262-75 Bain on, Xl, 366-7, 371-2
510 Subject Index

[Consciousness] Conseils de Prud'hommes, V, 419

basis of all theories of the mind, IX, 110 Conservation. See Commons Preservation
Cousin on acts of, IX, 35-6, 55n, 136-7 Society, Waste lands
definitions of, IX, 114-17; XXXI, Conservation of force. See under Force
138-41 Conservatism
of external world, see Matter, Mind of agricultural interest, XXVlH, 127
inconceivability and, see Inconceiva- of Bright, XXVlII, 207
bility Burke as idol of, XVIII, 21
law of excluded middle and, IX, 381n and class theory of the Constitution,
law of parcimony and, IX, 182-3 XXVlII, 61-3 (XXIX, 600)
question of original dataof, IX, 139-41; and Coleridge, X, 77-8, 121-2, 135n,
XI, 454 137,138-63 passim; XXVlII, 82
in sensation, IX, 211-12 compatible with extended franchise,
Herbert Spencer on, XV, 818,927; XIX, 327; XXVlII, 93
XXXI, 207-10 compatible with reform of civil service,
testimony of, conclusive, IX, 125-6 XVIII, 207
testimony of, in question of free will, compatible with representation of minor-
VII, 347n; vln, 837,841 (see also ities, XV, 668,669; XXVIII, 177,
under subhead) t82-3, 211,281
mentioned, I, 331, 32,338,355,361; Comte on, X, 299-300, 310
IX, 42, 76, 82, 96, 97n; XI, 350, 351, and growing power of masses, XVlII,
461 126-9
-in Hamiltonian philosophy (IX, 109-24) historical, VI, 514
of concepts, IX, 306, 309-11, 312n, ill understood by Conservative Party,
325-6, 330-3, 343-6, 363,369 XV, 665,667,672; XlX, 452n
and distinction between knowledge and hterature of in France, I, 487
belief, IX, 61-2, 118-24, 157-8 of married couples. XXI, 412 (HTM)
as involving ego and non-ego, IX, 150, poet of, I, 467-71
210 of popular assemblies, XXVI, 368,384
as involving things outside the mind, IX, of privileged classes, VI, 468-75
32n, 110-18; XV, 817 Radicalism as true, Vl, 399-400, 407;
philosophers divided according to status XV, 672
of external world in, IX. 149-54, and resistance, XIII, 480
168-9 in a second chamber, XVIII, 203; XX,
and philosophy of the conditioned, IX, 307; xxm, 343-4; xxIv, 780
42, 43, 81, 93 and stupidity of Conservative Party, I,
and possibility of unconscious mental 277; XV, 737; XIX, 452n; XXVIII,
activity, IX, 272-85 85-6
question of original data of, IX, 141-8, Toc.queviUe taken as pillar of, XVIII,
182 156
question of testimony of, IX, 126-40 mentioned, VI, 194; X'IX, 397; XXV,
testimony of to free will, IX, 296,442, 1117, 1182
445-54, 461 See also Tories
mentioned, IX, 308, 373,383n, 391n, Consistency, logic of, IX, 370-1,373
494n, 498n Consolidated Mines, XXVlI, 619
See also Feeling, Intuition, Knowledge, Consols, IV, 103-4; V, 425,526-7. See
Mind, Perception, Sensations
consciousness - contracts 511

also Fundholders unwritten principles in, XVI, 1119

Conspiracy, law of criticized, V, 658-9 Walsh on, VI, 339
Constantinople, despotism at, XX, 243, and women's franchise. XXVIII, 151-3;
274 XXIX, 403-4
Constituent Assembly (French) mentioned, I, 29; VI, 95,240, 340; X,
-of 1789-91 143; XX, 252; XXI, 18, 32; XXII. 43;
compared with Chamber of Deputies, XXVI, 261
XXII, 155-6; XXIII, 454-5 See also Government, English; House of
JSM wishes he had written on, XV, Commons; House of Lords; Parliament
760-1 Constitutional Association, I, 302; XXI, 3;
and municipal institutions, XXII, 186 XXII, 23; XXVI, 421
pre-eminence of, XX, 115; XXIII, Constitutional Party (in French Revolution
541-2 of 1789), XX, 77, 81, 85n, 86, 100,
proceedings of, XX, 7-8, 71, 72n-3n, 101, 161
78-99 passim, 160 Constitutions, making of, XVIII, 41-2;
and property, XX, 127; XXIlI, 673 XX, 356-7; XXV. 1147-8
mentioned, XX, 12,183,353;XXII, 317 Consumption (IV, 262-79)
--of 1848, XX, 357-63 passim dominated by traders, V, 721
Constitution, British (XXVI, 358-85) effect of additional on capital, IV,
aristocratic character of, I, 95 (94), 265-75
177-9 (176-8); VI, 355-6; XXVI, fallacy that increase of adds to national
264-5,332-4 wealth, II, 80-8: IV, 262-5
class theory of, XVIII, 44-5n; XXVI, not part of political economy except in
375-7; XXVIII, 61-3 (XXIX, 600) regard to production and distribution,
Coleridge's idea of, X, 151-3 IV, 318n
as compromise, XX, 331 productive and unproductive. II, 52-7,
criticism of, and question of libel, XXl, 61, 71-2, 73n, 90; HI, 528,529-30;
23-7 IV, 14, 263,280-9; XXXI. 410
divided responsibility in, XXX, 188, 189 and saving, II, 69-70; IV. 17-18
ER and improvement of, 1,294-6 See also Demand, Production. Universal
haphazard growth of, XIX, 577; XXV, glut
1147-8 Contagious Diseases Acts, repeal of, XVII.
imitation of and admiration for in France, 1681-2, 1688-9. 1706, 1707, 1715,
XX, 7, 82-3, 85n, 129; XXII, 197, 1744, 1789-91, 1793, 1818-57
199; XXllI, 512-14,746 passim, 1895, 1923-4; XXI, 351-71
position of Ministers in, XXIV, 756-8, passim; XXIX, 388-9, 411; XXXII,
764-5 226-7
power in, X1X, 422-3,428, 514-15 Contempt, in English law, XXXI. 72
reform of, needed, XXII, 72-4; XXVI, Contiguity
262-85,358-66, 370-9 and association, IX, 177,251n, 264; Xl,
rights of subject under, XXI, 398 347; XXXI, 120-1
(HTM), 423--4; XXVIII, 215-17 Bain's treatment of, XI. 359, 360-1
tested in Jamaica case, I, 281; XXI, question of meaning of, IX, 423
423-33 passim Continent. See Europe
theory of, X, 143-4; XXI, 7, 19; XXII, Contracts
149, 196-7, 314 govemrnent role in enforcing, HI, 801-2
512 Subject Index

[Contracts] growing with progress of civilization,

oral evidence and written, XXXI, HI, 708,792-4; V, 441-2; VI,
77-82, 91 190-1; X, 231; XVHI, 122-4, 136
release from perpetual, Ill, 953-4; XXl. Thomas Hughes and, XVII, 1672, 1726
376 (HTM) JM's view of, XVII, 1948
and rights, XXI. 196, 197 objections to Owenite, XXVI, 308-9,
stamp tax on, lIl, 857-60; XXXI, 23 313-25 passim
See also Inheritance, laws of; Partnership and population principle. XXVI, 288-97
Contradiction, principle of progress of in Britain, III, 786-91; IV,
Aristotle on, XI, 492, 497-500 383n; V, 765; XIV, 94-5, 187; XV,
JSM writes on, XXXll, 134 (XV, 809) 527,529, 530, 545-6, 569,714,749,
meaning of, VII, 276-9; XXXII, 135 777,778,787,794, 840, 894,966-7;
-in Hamilton's philosophy XVI, 1264-5; XVIH, 29, 125,
and absolute, IX, 65, 98, 104 136-8; XXXII, 188-9
binding on things, IX. 424 relation of to capital and labour, XV,
and contrariety, IX, 412 857,859; XVI, 1103, 1439, 1442
and inconceivability, IX, 69-71 value of to working class, I, 240n, 241;
as law of thought, IX, 372-84 passim. HI, 791-2; IV, 382; V, 409-19
407 passim, 666-7; VI, 486-7; XIV, 157;
and philosophy of the conditioned, IX, XV, 749,813,832; XVI, 1389; XIX,
78-82, 87n-8n 559; XX, 351-2; XXVIII, 6-9,
mentioned, IX, 295 353-4
See also Contrariety and Wolverhampton Platelock workers,
Contrariety XVI, 1016, 1019, 1020, 1027-8,
meaning of, IX, 411-16 1077, 1163, 1482-3
mentioned, IX, 33n mentioned, I, 382n; H, 203; V, 427,658;
See also Contradiction XV, 892; XVI, 987, 1130; XVIH,
Convents and monastic institutions, investi- 254; XXVHI, 355
gation into, XIV, 175; XXVII, 658; See also Communism; Labour, division
XXVHI, 43 of; Partnership; Socialism
Conversion, Hamilton on logical, IX, 395, Co-operative Society
398,400n debates at, I, 127-9 (126-8)
Co-operation (economic) (XXVI, 308-26) mentioned, XXVI, 286-325 passim
in agriculture, V, 427-9,683,693,695; Copts, XXXI, 350n
XIV, 52; XVI, 1160-1, 1163, 1166, Copula verb
1275; XVII, 1716, 1749; XXIX, 421 ambiguity of, VII, 113 (VIII, 970-1.
as basic Positivist element, X, 312 1018); XXXI, 133-4
and co-operative stores, V, 732; XV, defined, VII, 21 (VIII, 970)
864, 960-1 nature and office oL VII, 78-81
definition of as simple and complex, II, Copyright
116-18 1841 bill for, XHI, 495
evolved from industrial partnerships, V, a feeble protection, I, 386
743; XVII, 1671 international, XVII, 1853
examples of in France, HI, 775-85 JSM bequeaths his, XXXI, 334
(1017-20); IV, 382n-3n; V, 414, mentioned, XXI, 187
415; XIV, 81, 166, 185n; XV, 907; Corfu, JSM visits, XlV, 405-21
XX, 353,354; XXXII, 81, 126
contracts - cotton 513

Corinth, XI, 304n, 321; XIV, 455-6 Cornell University, V. 621

Cork, XXII. 48; XXIV. 1013, 1014 Cornwall
Corn general description of, XXVII. 613-15,
benefits produced by dealers in. IIl. 618.621-2
717-18 JSM visits. I, 627; XII. 101. 117. 129;
difficulty of obtaining supplies of. II. XXVU. 613-37; XXXII, 27.55
191-3 mining in. Ill. 769-70 (1007-8); IV,
price of, III. 466 383n; V, 414-15
substitution of maize for. II, 193-4 representation of, VI, 473; XVI. 1471.
as supposed measure of value. Ill, 1476
579-80 mentioned. XXVII, 593
Corn Laws (IV, 48-70) Cornwall, Duchy of. XXlll. 617
agitation against. XXXII. 2-3.62 Corporal punishment. See under Punish-
arguments against, Ill. 918; IV. 48-53. ment
65-9, 148-50. 383; V. 762-3; XII. Correspondents. See Letters
222; XXIV, 804-6 Corrupt practices. See Elections. bribery
a correspondent's proposals regarding, and corruption at
XXIII. 522-3 Corsica. X, 350
effect of on economy, IV. 87-9, Cos (Greek island), XI. 323-4
109-10, 129, 134-5; XXIV, 862 Cost of living
1826 sliding scale for. IV, 143-51. 159 in America. XVII. 1837
and English politics (1826-46), VI. 153. in England and France. compared. XII.
193-4.224,358,389; XIII, 472.480, 190
486, 507.563.686; XVII. 1968. in England and Germany. compared.
1969; XXIll. 619-20; XXIV, XilI, 522
859-60 Cost of production (lII. 471-87)
good expected from repeal of. IV. components of. II. 31-2; HI. 477
53-64; XXIV. 839-40 determines value. Ill, 471-6.578-81,
importance of discussing. IV. 47-8. 582-6; IV. 33-4, 294; V, 634-5;
69-70 XVII, 1596. 1894-5. 1903
Senior on. XXII. 218 diminishes with advance of society. II.
symptomatic of landlords' ascendancy. 182; Ill. 710-11
VI, 378,470-1. 472,475-6 and international trade, m, 587-91.
tithes and, VI, 198-9; XXIll, 535-40 604-6; IV, 233-41
mentioned, Ill. 916; IV, 371; VI, 178. is mainly labour. HI, 477-81,691.
219,252, 340. 348,379, 389, 394; 699-700; X'VI, 1335
XII, 232; XIII. 463; XVIll, 199 of money, as determinant of its value.
-repeal of (1846) HI, 517-23
in Ireland, 11, 332-3 profit in, HI. 481-5
muted effect of, II, 190; Ill. 849-50; and rent, HI. 488-96; IV. 164-5,177-8
XIV, 51-2 taxation on, Ill, 838-9
reconciled agricultural and trading See also Labour, division of: Production;
interests, XVI, 1103, 1516 Value
and remaining duty, XVII, 1595-6, Cottier tenancy. See under Land tenure
1606 Cotton
working wonders, XI/I, 710 in India, II, 14; XXX. 103. 149;
514 Subject Index

[Cotton] metropolitan police, XXII, 43; XXV,

XXXII, 113-14 1155
production of by slave labour, XXI, 134, of natural procedure, XXXI, 46-8
138, 148-9, 153, 155 verdicts of in Jamaica case, I, 282; XXI,
mentioned, XXI, 128,164, 281 423-35passim
Council of Five Hundred, XI, 159n, 165n, vices of English, I, 91 (90), 119 (118);
241 XXIII, 622-3
Council of India mentioned, I, 301
appointments to, XV, 567; XVH, 1548; -local
XVIII, 288-9, 305 arrangements for in England, VI, 305-7;
importance of, XVII, 1561-2; XXVHI, XXlV, 945-9
233-6, 296-7, 306 Brougham and, XXHI, 621-2,627,629
JSM invited to serve on, I,249;XV, 576; need for, XXII, 115; XXIII, 588
XXXH, 115 Roebuck on, XXIV, 770-1
Council of Trent, xnl, 415 See also Judges; Justice, administration of;
Council of York, VI, 29, 32, 35 Law, English; Magistrates; and individu-
Counties al courts
electoral influences in, VI, 473; XIX, Coutts and Co., XIV, 392
333,492 Covenanters (Scotland), VI, 25-6, 36, 47;
franchise in, XIX, 370 XX, 57
government in, XIX, 537,607 Coventry
representation of, XXVIII, 197-201 manufactures at, XXHI, 369
Country gentlemen. See under Upper class, representation of, XXVHI, 63 (XXlX,
English 600)
Courage, X, 393-4 Cowdray Park, XXVII, 564-5
Court of Chancery Cowes, XXVII, 573
delay, vexation, and expense m, III, Cracow, extinction of Republic of (1846),
884,904; V, 408,685n; XIV, 95; XIV, 32; XVU, 1778, 1779; XX, 344;
XXlII, 507; XXVI, 361 XXI, 344, 348
and endowments, XXI, 213,214 Craigenputtock, XH, 129, 144, 153, 161,
and equity, XXI, 185; XXHI, 623 162, 172, 197
evidence from, XXXI, 44-5 Craven, mountains of, XXVII, 510
practice in, XXXI, 70 Creation
reform of, XXIII, 624-5,626; XXVI, and argument for a First Cause, X,
404 432-41
mentioned, XXI, 212 Genesis' account of explained away, X,
Court of Directors. See East India 162
Company, Court of Directors of Hamilton's arguments concerning, IX,
Court of Proprietors. See under East India 45n, 286-90, 434
Company and man's alterations to nature, X, 381-3
Courts of justice mentioned, X, 474-5,477
Bentham on, of equity and of common See also Natural theology, Good and evil
law, XXXI, 44-5 Cr6cy, XXVI, 5
French, xxn, 211,238; xxIn, 517, Credit (HI, 527-55)
666-70, 700, 745 bills of exchange as, HI, 531-5; IV,
in India, XXX, 13-15, 20, 30, 111-16 90-1
mediaeval, XX, 49-50, 243-4
cotton - currency 515

cheques as, HI, 536-7, 551-2; IV, 354, Croyden, enclosure at, VI, 249-50
355 Crummock Water, JSM at, XXVII, 541-3,
effect of on exchange rate, HI, 645-6 546-7
influence of in raising prices, Ill, Crusades
538-55,668; IV, 89n, 91-6,353-6; blunders of, XX, 39-40
V, 505-6; XV, 898-9 good effects of, XX. 245
promissory notes as, HI, 535-6 Michelet on last, XX, 251
role of, HI, 527-30; XXXH, 82 morality of, XX, 44-5
stability of as criterion of currency mentioned, XX, 153,247,253
legislation, IV, 361; V, 504, 544 Cuba, slavery in, II, 245,250; XIX, 560;
as substitute for money, IIl, 530-7 XXI, 140
mentioned, IV, 360; XV, 932 Culture
See also Banks, Money fast studied by German metaphysicians,
Crete X, 140-1
its insurrection against Turkey, XVH, JM's notion of individual, narrow. I,
1592; XXVHI, 214 592-3
mentioned, XI, 304n, 395,435 JSM learns importance of emotional, I,
Cricket, played by rich and poor, IV, 348, 113-15 (112-14), 147-57 _146-56),
383 198 (623), 376
Crime knowledge of, important for moral
Bentham's analysis of, X, 83-4 philosophy, X, 56
connection of with social arrangements, of the masses, I, 373. 384,615
V, 715; XIX, 386, 406 poet and intellectual, I. 355-64 passtm.
and improvements in criminal procedure, 413,414, 417
XVI, 1523-6; XVH, 1558 and representative institutions, I, 177
prevention of, limits liberty, XVIII, self-, X, 98; XII, 101. 207-8
294-5 mentioned, I, 241,260, 334
and punishment, XV, 711-12 See also Civilization
wider def'mitions of, XIX, 496. 593 Culver Cliff, XXVII, 581-2, 583
and withholding suffrage from criminals, Curnberland
XIX, 322n yeomanry of, II, 252-3; VI, 472; XXIV,
See also Brutality, Murder, Theft 941-2
Crimea, corn from, IV, 57 labourers of, H, 350
Crimean War See also Lake District
effect of on currency, HI, 673 Cumulative vote (XIX. 330-1 )
interrupts reform, XXVII, 665 arguments for, XIV, 102- 3; XIX, 330-1
prelude to, XIV, 143, 147 arithmetic of, XV, 605
progress of, XIV, 150. 153, 163-4, 166, in elections for London School Board. I,
253,256, 269, 282,320n, 334, 344, 284; XXIX, 397
376, 453,468,478; XV, 533 JSM suppo_s, I, 261; XV, 543.559,
and question of arbitration, XVII, 1799 585,586, 969
Critical periods, I, 171 (170) second best to Hare's plan, XVI, 1169,
Criticism, literary. See under Literature 1277-8, 1314; XXIX, 409-11
Crop failure (1845), XIII, 686 mentioned, XV, 940; XVI, 1256
Cross of St. Louis, XXII, 309 Curiales, XX, 264-5
Crown. See Monarchy, British Currency. See Money
516 Subject Index

Custom Dauphin6, XX, 93

and individuality, XVIII, 261-3, Dead weight, IV, 100-102; XiiI, 616
269-70 Death
and law, XXIX, 428 of a father, Xlll, 455
is a religion in the East, XVHI, 285n of JSM's brother, XHI, 425. 428,429,
and subjection of women, XXI, 41, 432,576; XXXlI, 52-3
263-4, 270, 271-2,387, 388, JSM's thoughts on his own and HTM's,
398--400 (HTM); XXVIH, 153 XXVH, 654, 661-8 passim
tyranny of, XVIII, 220,272-3; XlX, premature, prevented in future, XXVII,
418; XX, 331,359: XXl, 226 (420n); 664
XXVll, 649,665 as solemn loss, XlII, 455
mentioned, XXl, 242 Sterling's imminent, XIII, 635
-effects 6f Debating
on population, II, 348-50 JSM resolves to avoid, XII, 30. 183
on prices, H, 243-4; XXX, 227 value of, XVII, 1583
on profits, 1I, 409 See also Co-operative Society. Discus-
on rent and land tenure, II. 240-2, sion, London Debating Society
297-9, 320; XXX. 227 Debenham's, XVI, 1027
on wages, II, 337. 398-9 Debt, law of. See Bankrupts and insolvent
Custom-house oaths, XXII. 14, 31-2, 43, debtors
47; XXiiI, 695 Debt, national. See National debt
Customs duties Declaration of Paris, XV1, 1153, 1199,
economic effects of, HI, 848-56, 1315; XXVIII, 220-7; XXlX, 412
915-16, 1052-5; IV, 68-9.245-51, Deductive method (VH, 454-63)
257-8; XV, 976 (lIl, 1072); XVI, abuse of, by Descartes and his
1309 successors, IX, 485-6; XlI, 36
Gladstone's reform of, Ill, 871-2 complicated inquiries require, VII, 431,
in India, XXX, 3-6, 7, 108-9 439,446-53
as legitimate charge for expenses, XXX, direct and inverse, VIII, 895-8
7-9 geometrical or abstract, VIII, 887-94
Cuttack, revenue system of, XXX, 104 and hypothesis, VII, 492; VIII, 1097
Cynics inverse deductive or historical, I, 219;
JM shared outlook of, I, 49-51 (48-50) VIII, 911-30
saw only half, XXVII, 643 mathematics perfect type of, VII, 621;
mentioned, XI, 378,477 IX, 480-2,485
Cyrenaics, XI, 378,477 and nature of deductive sciences, VII,
214-23 (VIII, 1083-7), 253, 257,
OACOITS,XXX, 121-2 259, 481-3,496-7
Dame schools, I, 307 one of three methods, VII, 446-7
Dancing, JSM's lessons in, XXVI, 34-60 physical or concrete, VIII, 895-910
passim politics and. XXI, 237
Dantonists, XX, 12 relation of to induction, I, 167 (166);
Dantzic (Danzig), corn trade at, IV, 53-5, VII, 202-3; XIV, 30; XXI, 238
64, 68,267 schoolmen and, XI, 12, 14
Dark Ages, XX, 289-90, 393 three stages of, VII, 454--63,491-2
Dartrnoor, XXVII, 636 Tocqueville's use of, XVIII, 157
custom - democracy 517

usefulness of, where experiment impmc- does activate capital, IV. 268-74
ticable, VII, 384,452 does not increase demand for labour, II,
mentioned, I, 154; XI, 4 78-88, 120
See also Reasoning influence of price on, XVI, 986 (III,
Definition (VII, 133-54) 1089)
Aristotle's induction and, XI, 483 is not regulator of profits, II, 410
in arithmetic, VII, 257 (VIII, 1095-6), mentioned. XXXI, 407
258,610 See also Consumption. Demand and
and geometry, VII, 145-6 (VIII, supply
1046-7), 149-50, 192 (VIII, 1070), Demand and supply (Ill, 462-70)
218 (VIII, 1084), 224-9 (VIII, and competition, XXVI, 317
1088-9), 257 (VlH, 1095), 258 effect of on value or price, III, 462-70.
Gergonne on, XXVI, 171-9 473-6,486-94,582-6; IV, 29, 33-4.
Hamilton on, IX, 335,494n 61,164,353-5,395-401; V. 448:
libel law avoids, XXI, 22-4, 28 XVII, 1596; XXlI, 38, 55
nature of, and theories regarding, VII, in international wade, Ill, 596-617; IV.
133-54 (VIII, 1040-52) 237-43
only useful kind of essential proposition, of labour regulates wages, II, 337-45
VII, 114 (VIII, 1019) (see also Wages)
in Platonic dialogues, Xl. 93. 405-10 of loans determines rate of interest, Ill.
passim, 430, 431,480-1 515,647-55
principles of, VIII. 668-85 Malthus on, XXII, 58-9
schoolmen and, XI, 19-20 Thornton on, V, 634-42; XVII,
Whately's idea of, criticized, Xl, 27-9 1616-17
mentioned, IX, 328,329,337n; XI, and value of money, III, 509-12.
404n; XXXII, 135 514-16; IV. 302-7
Deighton and Co., XIII, 523 See also Demand, Universal glut
Deism, I, 41 (40), 47, 73 (72), 108; X, Democracy
404,434, 469; Xii, 76 advantages of, XVIII, 70-1,170-3
Delamarre, Martin Didier, and Co., Xii, in Australia, XV, 940
268-9, 287, 301,310; XIII, 636 and civil disobedience, XIII, 729
Delegation as coming era, XIV, 87; XVIII, 126-8,
danger of in representative government, 190-1; KEg, 353; XX, 297
XVIII, 79-80; XIX, 504-5 dangers of, XVIII. 71-4 (XIX, 650-3),
theory of, XIX, 511 79-80, 85-6,202-3,219; XIX,
See also Pledges 442-7; XX, 306-7; XXVIII, 11,
Delizy and Co., XIV, 156. 185 291-2
Delos, XI. 322 and duration of parliaments, XIX, 501-2
Delphi, XIV, 445 effect of on aristocracy, XHl, 713
Demagogism, XV. 830 and elections, SIX, 482-95
Demand and extension of suffrage, XIX, 467-81
cannnot be increased by depreciation of fittest often excluded from government
currency, IV, 189-91 in, XIII, 444
cannot be increased by government in France, XVIII, 159; XX, 335, 358;
expenditure, IV, 13-18, 22, 262-3; XXV, 1112
XXII, 35-6 Guizot on ancient. XX, 267,380-1
518 Subject Index

[Democracy] danger of stagnation in, XV, 835,

in Ireland, premature, XII, 365 886
JM and. I, 6, 29 (28), 109 (108), 211 division of powers in, XVIII, 64-8
(210), 536 ER praises, I, 300-1
JSM and, I, 177-9 (176-8), 199, 239, and election of judges, XIX, 528
288 fear of in Britain, XVI, 1052
LWR represents advanced, XH, 265 fittest often excluded from government
and local government, XVIII, 63-4; in, XVIII, 74-80, 109-11, 173-5;
XIX, 536 XIX, 457; XXVIII, 183
mediaeval Church and, XX, 241 importance of, in study of democracy in
moral and intellectual effects of, XVIII, general, XVIII, 49-50, 55-6, 97-9,
179-90 106-9, 155-6
needs guidance by superior leaders, incomplete, as excludes women and
XVIII, 79, 152,269; XIX, 347-8, slaves, XI, 324; XVI, 1289, 1385;
508,512; XXVI, 281 XVIH, 55n; XXI, 396-7
Plato on, XI, 434 local, XVIII, 58-63
and pledges, I, 180n mental development under, XVI, 1055;
progress of, XVIII, 159-67; XXVII, XIX, 468-9; XXVI, 381-2
662 noisy ferment belies fundamental sound-
and reform of Parliament, XXIII, 504; ness of, XVI, 1003; XXI, 129-31
XXV, 1103, 1104-5 practical workings of, XVIII, 68-70
representation of minorities essential to, protectionism not to be blamed on, XV,
XV, 559,668,672, 765; XVI, 1013, 942
1106; XIX, 448-52,457-60, 466n, Tocqueville on attitude to money in,
467;XXV, 1210;XXVIII, 37,182-5, XVIH, 183-8
186 unique, XXVI, 283
Walter Scott and, XX, 57 willing to correct errors, XXVIII, 66-7
Tocqueville's study of, I, 199-201; XII, (XXIX, 603)
272, 304; XIII, 434-5; XVIII, 18n, mentioned, XV, 672, 891
49-58, 156-9, 190-6 -Athenian
upper classes' continued dominance in, benefits of, XIX, 411-12
XII, 166; XVIH, 26 Grote on, Xl, 320, 324-8, 329-30,
and women's suffrage, XVI, 1385; XXI, 334-5; XXIV, 1088; XXV, 1130,
386 1161-2
mentioned, I, 65 (64), 181 (180), 473; limited, XXVI, 283
XI, 300; XII, 352; XIH, 457,502; Pericles on, XI, 318
XIV, 32; XV. 905; XVIII, 54, 147, safeguards in, XIX, 431,460
200, 254; XIX, 327,420, 505, 563; steadiness of the people under, XXVI.
XX, 141,157; XXVI, 261,262, 329; 367-70passim, 383-5 passim
XXVIII, 61; XXIX, 374 See also Government, representative
-American (XVIII, 49-90, 155-204) Democratic Party (U.S.A.), XV, 958;
advantages of, XVHI, 87-90; XIX, XVII, 1540
468-9; XXVIII, 39 Demonstrations, political, XV, 840
danger of majority domination in, XV, Demonstrative evidence, defined, VII,
765; XVIII, 80-5, 175-80; XIX, 460; 260-1
XXVII, 662; XXVIII, 210; XXIX, Demonstrative science, VII, 224-61. See
378-80 also Necessary truths
democracy - despotism 519

Denmark Desire
abolition of slavery in, II, 251 nature of. XXXI, 215
currency reform m, HI, 675 unsatisfied, XXXI, 249-50
extradition from, XXIX, 544-5 Despotism
invaders from, XX, 24 central preferable to local, XIX, 606
peasant proprietorship in, II, 236 contrasted with free government, XVIII,
population of, II, 287 171; XIX, 406; XXII, 168, 300
progress of liberal ideas in, XVII, 1874 evils of, XIX, 410, 436; XXVI, 345-7.
proportional representation in, XV, 952, 362
954,958; XIX, 465n-6n; XXIX, 481 false idealization of enlightened, XIX.
Prussian invasion of (1864), XVI, 1033; 399-403
XXV, 1206-8 history of, XVIII, 217-18; XX, 24
women's rights in. XVII, 1700 modern struggle to extirpate. XXI, 95,
mentioned, VI, 238; XXII, 186 122-4
Denominationalism, in education. See nature of, XVI1, 1799; XVIII, 266;
under Education; Ireland, education in XXI, 267; XXII, 65-6; XXVI, 265.
Denotation, VII. 46-77 (VIII, 989-1004); 331
XI, 24; XXXI, 148 Adam Smith on, XXl, 25
Deontology, XI, 177,186 Tocqueville believes only alternative to
Depreciation. See under Money, inconvert- democracy, I, 201; XVIII, 51, 57
ible paper when legitimate or necessary, XVIII,
Depression, economic. See Commercial 224; XIX. 377. 394-5, 415-17.551.
crisis 567
Derby mentioned, I, 65 (64), 308,473; XVlII,
silk mills at, IV, 133 66, 167,183,191,243; XIX, 327,
strike at, Vl, 210-11 384,414,547,554, 568. 581,588,
Derbyshire 589; XXI, 6-7, 10, 17, 34, 88,385.
JSM visits, XV, 563-6 386; XXII, 129, 130; XXIII, 657,
plants in, XXXI, 280-1 689,705,706
Derwent River, XXVII, 535 -specific instances of
Derwent Water (Keswick Lake), JSM at, Charles I, VI. 8
XXVlI, 531-4,549 China, XIX, 396
Description Comte's system, I, 221; XVIII, 227
and definition, VII, 137-41 (VIII. feudalism, XX, 284-5 (387-8)
1042-4) France, I, 301-2; XIX, 408,416,
by general terms is not induction, VII, 583-4; XX, 175,191,211,309,327;
292-305 XXII, 126, 135-7, 154-5, 169-70,
and observation, VIII, 641-8 173-4; xxm, 418,481-2, 520,
Design, argument from (X, 446-50) 691-2,745
as a posteriori method, X, 435 Indian princes, XXl, 119-20
analogy with human experience, IX, Roman Empire, I, 436; XIX, 443-4;
192 XX, 263-4
character of Creator as deduced from, X, Russia. XXV, 1203-4
398-9, 451-6 slaveholdmg states, I, 266; XXl, 136,
Coleridge rejects, X, 127 151, 155
probability of, IX, 439; X, 446-50 Spain, I, 293
mentioned, X, 39 See also Monarchy, Oligarchy, Tyranny
520 Subject Index

Destiny, XVII, 1554-5 m mining, II, 184-5; IV, 178-9

Destructives, XXII1, 607; XXlV, 761-3 Diplomatic service, uselessness of modem,
Determinism. See Necessity, doctrine of XXIII, 614-15
philosophical Disarmament, XVI, 1034
Devonshire Disbelief, VII, 622-38; VIII, 1151-3. See
lace-making in, IV, 131-2 also Belief
JSM visits, I, 57 (56) Discipline, role of in education, I, 53-5
Dialectic (52-4); X, 133
defined, XXVI, 214 (G), 215 (G) Discount rate. See under Bank of England
usefulness of, XI, 509 Discrimination, Hamilton on, IX, 490n
value of Aristotle's, XI, 478,505-9 Discussion
value of negative, XI, 310n freedom of, see Libel; Liberty, of thought
-Socratic or Platonic (XI, 404-12) and speech; Press
first employed by Zeno, XI, 222, 382 importance of, XXVI, 308,424; XXXII,
may not enforce a specific conclusion, 139
XI, 62, 186 limitations of, XII, 45-6, 153
nature of, XI, 93,404-6 politics and, XXVI, 403
Plato did not apply consistently to own See also Debate
doctrines, Xl, 412-15,421. 431 Disease, future reduction of, X, 216-17;
value of, I, 25 (24); X, 373; Xl, 44, XXVii, 664
382-3. 393,406-12, 431,480, Disestablishment. See under Church of
508-10; XXI, 229 England, Church of Ireland
mentioned, I, 69 (68); IX, 484; XI, Disjunctive, Hamilton's use of word, IX,
430 408-9
Diamond necklace, affair of the, XlI, 191, Disposition. See Character, Human nature
203,209 Dissection, XXll, 48-50; XXX, 147
Dictators, military, XVII, 1542 Dissenters
Dictum de omni et nullo, VII, 93 (VIII, admission of to universities, VI, 259-61,
1012), 170, 174-6 (VIII, 1060-2), 270; X, 35; XV, 776; XXIV, 755
182; IX, 374; XI, 17 and Church of England, VI, 211-12,
Dieppe, XXIII, 351 230, 394,490, 492-3,495; X, 150;
Diet of Worms. XIX, 381 XXHI, 659-60
Difference disabilities of, VI, 194-6; XVI, 1033
absolute and, IX, 43.51-2 and Evangelicals, XIII, 416
accidental and essential, VII, 123 LWR in touch with, XII, 364
as condition of knowledge, IX, 4, 50-1 and marriage ceremony, Vl, 232
general notion of, IX, 185 as natural Radicals, VI, 476-7
Differentia. See under Classification and religious education, XVII, 1732;
Diminishing returns, law of (H, 173-95) XXV, 1222-3; XXIX, 382-5 passim
as basic law of agricultural production, (610-13 passim)
1I, 173-7, 187-95,358; Ill, 711-13; religious prejudices of, XVl, 1499-1500
XIII, 659-60; XXVI, 290-5 Robertson on, XVII, 1977-8
counteracted by improvements, H, in social life, XXII, 313-14
177-85 and Test Act, XXVI, 403-4, 422
and determination of rent, II, 417-28; mentioned, Vl, 279,312, 341,479;
m, 488-92, 697-8; IV, 42-3, XXVl, 420
164-74 See also Voluntaries
destiny - drama 521

Distillation, young JSM observes, XXVI, perfect freedom of, XIV, 500; XXI,
61n-2n 376-7 (HTM)
Distribution (II, 199-429) reform of, XIV, 161, 196-7; XXI,
and general happiness, XXVI, 336-8 285-6; XXIII, 679
injustice in, HI, 755,758; V, 713-15 should not be restricted to higher classes,
labour employed in, II, 38-40 VI, 248
laws of in political economy, I, 255-7 and stabihty of society, XXV, 1180-2
(254); H, 20, 21, 199-200, 235-8; Whewell's arguments against Bentham
HI, 455; IV, 313-14,318; XHI, 626 on, criticized, X, 197-9
money does not affect, II, 7; III, 695- mentioned, XIV, 48; XVII, 1618" XXI,
701 293,298
socialist misapprehensions on, V, 734-6, See also Marriage
739 Doctors (medical). See Medicine
mentioned, H, 142 Doctrinaires
-retail beliefs of, XX, 192; XXII, 136-7;
and condemnation of middlemen, V, XXIII, 512-16, 531,746
721-5; XV, 961 Le National on, XXIII, 526, 527
co-operative stores avoid excessive cost and philosophy, XXlll, 520, 521-2
of, V, 411,412-13,416-17,732; mentioned, XXII, 190; XXHI, 589
XV, 864,960, 961 Dogmatism, I, 67 (66); IX, 138n, 383n;
prices and profit in, II, 242-3,404, XlI, 210, 264-5,270; XIII, 401;
409-10; HI, 460 XXXI, 16
See also Profit, Property, Rent, Wages Dominicans, XX, 249
District of Columbia, slavery in, XXI, 132, Dorchester, VI, 209
162 Dordogne, River. XXVI, 31
Diversity Dorians, XI, 302
and growth of European civilization, Dorking
XII, 37, 41, 43; XVHI, 197. 274; JM at, I, 71 (70)
XIX, 613; XX, 293-4, 380-2 JSM at, I, 84n; XH, 70; XXVII, 475
in propositions, IX, 325 praised, XXVII, 456, 593
and truth, XVIH, 250 Dorsetshire labourers
value of in human development, V, 617; sentencing of the six, VI, 207,209
XVIH, 252,254, 257,270, 275,302. as type of wretched peasant, XXIV, 893,
306 901,970, 974, 1010, 1078
Divine right, I, 293; X, 150, 299 Douay, college at, XI, 20
Division of labour. See Labour, division of Doubt. See Scepticism
Divorce Dover, JSM at, XXVI, 3.4
arguments for and against, XXI, 45-9 Draft, military, and voluntary enlistment,
passim XVII, 1792. See also Army, British
in cases of venereal disease, XXI, Drainage
354--5,363 of towns, XXIV, 825
Comte's view of, criticized, X, 310-12, of waste lands, see under Waste lands
345 Drama
effect of on women, xxm, 680 characterization in, XX, 115,134-5,
in France, XXIH, 379 137
JSM not fully decided on, XHI, 546, Home on state of, XHI, 402-3
587; XVII, 1634, 1751 and poetry, I, 346, 356; XIII, 466
522 Subject Index

[Drama] strong in English character, XV, 771

reviews of, XII, 318 utilitarians and, V, 650-1; X, 74,
mentioned, I, 155 (154); XX, 250 219-20; XVI, 1327-8
Dreams mentioned, I, 113 (112), 319, 335,510,
as delusions, X, 464-5 511,513
Hamilton's speculations on, IX, 490-1 See also Morality
JSM's odd, XlV. 255; XV, 523-4 Dynamics, I, 167 (166); IX, 357-8
Dress. XXI. 318. 319n. 338
Droit au travail. See Ateliers nationaux EASEDALE,XXVII, 527
Druid stones, JSM visits, XXVII, 535, Easement, XXI, 196, 198
624-5 East India College. See Haileybury College
Druids, X, 321; XIII, 453 East India Company (XXX, 33-74)
Drummgnd Professorship of Pohtical and annexation of Oude, XXI, 120
Economy (Oxford), IV. 198; XXII, army of, XVII, 1560, 1686; XXX, 89;
327; XXXII, 19 XXXII, 98
Dualism, Hamilton on philosophical, IX, ballot in, XXlI, 209
151, 152. See also Realism civil service of, XlX, 575-6; XXVIlI,
Dublin, Vl, 531; XXXlI, 189 135; XXX, 37-41, 61-5, 73-4, 85:
Dublin University. See Trinity College, XXXII, 17-18
Dublin competitive examinations in, XIV, 147,
Duelling, X, 413-14; XXII, 15; XXV, 179, 188,202-3; XVII, 1572;
1151 XXVII, 648; XXX. 60
Dundee, XXIII, 399 Court of Proprietors of, XXX, 35.36.
Dundee Commercial Bank. IV. 106n 40-1,46-7, 57-9, 7t
Dungeon Ghyll. XXVII. 523 courts of justice of. XXX, 14
Dunmail Raise, XXVII. 527 defence of its rule, XVII. 1536-7, 1983;
Duration and the infinite. IX. 47.57. See SIX, 523, 576, 577; XXX. 77-83.
also Time 93-160 passim, 163-4
Durham Mission. See under Canada. disposition of records of, XXXII, 85,
rebellion of 1837 in 86, 89, 96, 106
Dutch. See Holland drafting of despatches in, XVH, 1960-1,
Dutch auction, V, 636-7 1969-70; XXX, 42-4, 48, 54 (see
Duties, import and export. See Customs also subhead Examiner's Office of)
duties and 1833 Government of India Act,
Duty XXX, 4-5, 20, 83
Bentham undervalued as motive, X, 13 and 1853 Government of India Act, XIV,
characteristics marking idea of. X, 106, 192; XXV, 1190-5; XXX, 78.
246-8; XXXI, 241-2 83, 187
in Comte's scheme, X, 337-8 and 1858 transfer of authority to Crown,
conflict of, XVI, 1327-8; XXI, 343 I, 249; XV, 549-50, 560, 561-2,
Hamilton on, IX, 442 708; XXX, 77-9, 163-4, 175, 176,
inculcation of sense of, X, 407-12 178, 187-8, 190-1
JM's ideas of, I, 45 (44) employment practices of, XIII, 538;
Kant's ideas of, X, 445-6 XXXII, 108
legal, XXI, 55-6, 178-81,195-202 and extradition, XXIX, 561
origin of idea of, X, 47n, 171 franking of letters in, XXXII, 243
as religion, X, 332-5,488-9; xn, 207
drama - Edinburgh Philosophical Institution 523

JM's employment in. I, 7 (6), 29 (28); relation of to Board of Control, XXX,

XII. 9; XXXI, 99, 101 35-6, 42, 44-5, 52-7.79, 87-8
JSM's employment in, I, 83-7 (82-6). relation of to Court of Proprietors, XXX.
247-9, 263,272; XII. 198,200, 225, 57-9
322-3,324,329,340,346; XIII, 447. reorganization of, in 1833. XXX, 47-9
492,539,708; XIV, 131, 133, 142. reorganization of, in 1853, XXV,
146, 149, 151, 158, 163, 178; XXX, 1192-6; XXX, 83.86
33; XXXII, 54 superior to proposed Council of India,
monopoly of, XXII, 27 XXX, 85, 87
museum of. XIII, 435,436; XXX, 150 -Examiner's Office of
office hours of, XIII, 424 correspondence regarding drafts of
Presidency system of, XXX. 61, 65-6, despatches from. XXXII, 13-14, 17,
67-8 25, 33-41.48-9, 51.55-61, 63.
as protector of natives of India, XVII, 67-8, 79
1983; XXX, 15, 30, 82 JSM's concerns with premises of,
and relation between Home Government XXXII, 83-5,107
and government in India, XXX. 43-4, JSM's concerns with staff of, XXXII.
69-70, 87-8 84, 86-7, 90, 92.95, 97. 102.
Secret Committee of, XXX, 55, 58, 195, 105-6, 109-14
209-10; XXXII, 87-9, 92-5. searches for documents by, XXXII, 22.
98-105, 110-13 28, 38. 113-114
securities for good government in rule of, See also Haileybury College
XXX, 33-7, 42 East Indies. See India
trading practices of, XXX, 3-4 East Retford. XXII. 133; XXIV, 768
use of written records in, XIX, 628; Eastborne, XXVII, 468
XXX, 33, 71-3; XXXII, 34-5 Eaton Hall, XXIII, 613
mentioned, I, 93 (92); XII, 80, 162,292, Eclecticism
296,321,348; XIII, 399, 415. 540, JSM's, I, 156
649,669; XIV, 348; XVII, 1980-1, practical, XII, 42
2008; XIX, 603; XXIII, 611,678; Ecole Polytechnique, XIII, 554n, 585.
XXXII, 113-14 597,616, 635, 650,653,663. 698,
--Court of Directors of 737
and Canning's Proclamation, XXX. 195, Economic man, studied by political
196-7 economy, IV, 321-2, 326; V, 673
as check on government, XXV, 1190-1; Economics. See Political economy
XXVIII, 297 Economistes, I, 185; II, 29; IV, 25; X, 138.
committee system of, XXV, 1196 499
elected by Court of Proprietors, XIV, Edinburgh
180-1; XXX, 40-1,46-7 as a cultural centre, XII, 144; XVIII,
many opinions represented in, xxvm, 100-1
235-6 JSM at, I, 625
patronage exercised by, XXX, 37-41, McCulloch at, V, 759
59-60, 85 Whigs and, VI, 342
react to 1853 Act, XIV, 174, 177 mentioned, I, 129 (128), 285; VI, 254,
react to proposed transfer to Crown, 472
XXX, 163, 170-1,207-12 Edinburgh Philosophical Institution, XVI,
524 Subject Index

Editors, advice on, XVII, 1599-1600 imitative or dogmatic, I, 260, 364; X,

Education (XXI, 217-57) 107; XIV, 80; XX, 270; XXIII, 556-8
aim of, I, 338, 361,364, 376; VI, 228; importance of understanding, X, 56; XI,
XIV, 80; XXI, 218,388-9; XXVl, 510; XlII, 526; XXI, 217-18
434 and improvement, XXI, 223-3,256-7;
in art, XVlI, 1661-2 XXVI, 349,424-5,430-3; XXVlI,
Sarah Austin on importance of, XXIII, 645,668
729-32 in India, XIV, 88; XVlI, 1969-70; XlX,
Australian, XV, 765; XXXII, 232 570; XXX, 141-8; XXXII, 24, 30,
childhood, X, 40-1; XVI, 1469-70; 108
XXI, 43-4, 72 and individuality, XVlII, 136, 198,274;
of Chinese immigrants to U.S.A., XVlI, XlX, 403
16_4, 1695-6 Irish, see Ireland, education in
Coleridge's clerisy and. X, 147-51 in Italy, XXXlI, 130
cram or rote-learning in, I, 337-8,460; JM's view of, I, 111 (110), 591-2
XXl. 67-9; XXIV, 786-7 of juvenile delinquents. XVlI, 1798
endowments for, IV, 213-16; V, 617, leads to demand for politicial rights,
621-8; XV, 919; XIX, 603-4; XXI, XXlX, 378 (608)
209-14 local management of, XXI, 211; XXX.
English, poor quality of, I, 429; IV, 177
214-15,376-7; VI, 199-200; XI, of middle classes, XVII, 1663
402; XV, 790; XVI, 1288: XVII. military drill in, XVl, 1224; XVII, 1792
1549-50, 1770; XVIII, 27, 31, 138; national (universal), movement for, I,
XIX. 327; XX, 367-8, 371-2; XXl, 158,203; VI. 200-1,225,254; XII.
65-74,389; XXIII, 720; XXVI. 274, 145,171, 198-9, 233; XVI, 1442,
348; XXVIII, 322; XXIX, 397 1454; XVII, 1650, 1658, 1666; XIX,
English and French compared, see under 609; XXI, 63-7
subhead French Plato's scheme of, XI, 421,435-8
finances of, V, 592-3; XVII, 1658, of politicians, inadequate, IV, 111-16
1807-8; XXI, 209-10; XXVIH, population control and, I, 185 (184), 239
298-9, 349 Positivist ideas on, X, 302-3,312-15,
and Forster's 1870 Act, XVII, 1586, 339, 344-7, 355-6
1771, 1799; XXIX, 397 power of, X, 408-10; XIV, 45; XVIII.
and franchise, I, 261-2,288-9; XV, 282
543,596,606, 608,680, 843,905, professional, XXVI, 356
941; XVI, 1013, 1093-4, 1106; Prussian, XlX, 632; XXIII, 572, 730-1_
XVlII, 30-1; XIX, 323-8,356, 370, XXXlI, 23
470-1,474-9, 508.511-2; XXVlII, punishment, discipline, and reward in, I,
31 53-5 (52-4); IX, 459n, 463; X, 133;
and function of an educated class, see XXl, 68, 69-70
Classes, educated religious or secular. IV, 376-7; Vl,
in Germany, XXlII, 361; X.KXII, 234 226-9; X, 149; XI, 399; XIV, 38-40,
in Greece (ancient), I, 335-6; XI, 438 143-4, 169; XV, 552; XVI, 1087,
in Greece (modern), XIV, 431 1092-3, 1235-6, 1313-14, 1468-9;
half-time, XV, 720, 734; XVI, 1432; XVII, 1699, 1702-3, 1732;XXli, 16;
XVlI, 1735-6 XXlV, 1075; XXV, 1222-3; XXV1,
editors - education, of labouring class 525

349-50, 353-4, 427; XXVII, 653; 417-18,467-9, 535-6,545;

XXVIII, 3-5,361-2; XXIX, 381-5 XXVIII, 195
(610-13), 396-400 passim (see also professional gaining, XXXII, 221-2
Church of England) social arrangements, IV, 378-9; XXIV,
and Revised Code, XVI, 1097; XXVlIl, 955
68 -French
Scottish, IV, 377-8; XIII, 566,638; compared with English, XIII, 566,667;
XIV, 169,206; XVI, 1314; XVII, XVI, 1304; XXIlI, 362
1613, 1663; XXI, 221; XXII, 251; Duveyrier on, XX, 312
XXIX, 399 government control of, XXVI, 15, 24
of slaves, XV, 886; XXI. 152-3, 163 priests' influence on, XIX, 403; XXH,
specialization and general knowledge in, 125, 137, 154-5, 185; xxm. 361,
x, 312-13; xxI, 218,222-4 456
Herbert Spencer on, XV, 733; XVH, reform of, XIV, 33; XXII, 251; XXIII.
1746 360, 361-2. 385,572; XXV, 1105
state's role in, I, 191; III, 947-50. mentioned, XXlII, 339-40
968-70; V, 617-18. 628; VI, 226-9; -JSM's (I, 5-75)
XVI, 1347-8; XVlI1, 301-4; XIX. early, I, 7-39.41-53 (6-36.40-52),
609; XXI, 368-9; xxvm, 354 608-13; xII. 6-10
subsidized, II, 389-91 Forde Abbey and. I, 57 (56)
technical, XXVIII, 217-18 France, importance of year in, I. 57-63
in U.S.A., V. 616-17; XVII. 1690; (56-62)
XVIII, 84, 102, 111-12; XIX, 632; independent thinking fostered by, I. 189
XXV. 1150; XXlX. 376 (606) (I88)
mentioned, I, 51,83, 93, 173, 177 ( 172, last stage of, I, 65-73 (64- 72 )
176), 187,260, 318-19,417.427, mental crisis and, I, 139-43 (138-42)
466, 591; II, 205,208; m, 828; v, remarkable character of, I. 5 (4)
715,745; VI, 4; IX, 2,277,445,456, --of labouring class
492n; XI, 318, 325,349,468; XlII, aim of, I, 615-16; H. 374-5; Xll. 40;
647,713; XV, 691,732. 815; XVI, XIV, 80-1; XXVIII, 298-9; XXIX.
1125; XVll. 2002; XVIIl, 62, 80, 399
167, 188,261,273,277,299: XIX, attitude ofhigher classes to, I, 179(178);
355,511,583,595,619; XX, 173; XXlII, 652-3; XXVI, 368-9;
XXI, 167,203,339,376(HTM).392; XXVIII, 199; XXIX, 378 (608)
XXII, 285; XXV, 1264; XXVI, 331. in Birmingham, XVII, 1674n
404; XXXII, 124, 234 Chadwick and, XVI, 1432; XVII,
-agencies of, outside of schools 1724-5: XXVIII, 139; XXIX, 394-5
criminal law, XXl, 106-8 difficulties of, XXII. 89; XXIX. 394-6
discussion, XXI, 11 effect of Second Reform Bill on, XVI,
family relationships, XXI, 247-8, 1378-9
293-5, 325 importance of, II, 108, 183-4; III, 949;
fiction, I, 459-60 IV, 376-8; Vl, 484; XVII, 1820-1;
peasant proprietorship, ILl, 280-1 XlX, 623-4,632; XXIV, 1024;
political institutions, X, 16; XI, 324, XXVI, 259; XXVIII, 31.67-8, 195
334, 377; XVIII, 63,168-9,305; poor quality of, Vl, 200; XII, 176; XXI.
XlX, 322, 348, 393,411-12, 66, 73-4; XXIX, 400-1
526 Subject Index

[Education -of labouring class] narrow and inadequate, XHI, 594; XXl,
self-, HI, 763-5 41,305. 306,317,321,330, 335,375
mentioned, I. 239,615n; XVI. 1264; (HTM). 408-9 (HTM); XXVIII,
XVHI, 299; XXVIH, 36 156, 157
-moral physical, XXI, 308
aim of, IX. 453 submission inculcated by, XXI, 271,
difficulty of. X. 98; XIV, 19, 38-9; 334, 390, 413 (HTM)
XVI, 1304 mentioned, XIl, 160; XVlI, 1624, 1635,
general good to be prized through, I. 1695; XVlII. 56n; XXI, 270, 396
239-41 (238-40); V. 740, 746; X, See also Examinations, Schools, Teach-
133,218,232-3; XIV, 21-2 (III. ers, Teaching, Universities
1031-2); XX, 354; XXVlI, 646 Effects
importance of, VI, 227-8 intermixture of, VH, 434-53
through institutions, not schools, XXI, progressive, VII, 509-15
106-8,247-8,293-5 See also Cause
mother's role in, XXI. 44 Effort
private morality and, XVIII, 256 and power, IX, 299-300
self-interest and, XXVI, 304-5,320, and volition, IX, 452
324, 325-6 Ego
mentioned, X. 73 consciousness and, IX, 35-6, 110-11,
-subjects in liberal (XXI, 220-56) 117, 126-7, 150-2, 163n. 176, 188,
classics, X, 41-5; XVI. 1237, 1288; 210
XlX, 624-5 distinction between non-ego and, IX, 5,
enumeration of, I, 287; XIV, 80; XXI, 7-8, 148. 210n
220-56 and perception, IX, 61,158
logic. I, 23 (22); XI, 5 and sense of personal identity, IX,
mathematics. IX, 472-3. 475,486 188-95,204-9; XXXI, 138, 154,
Platonic method, I, 25 (24); XI, 241, 211-13
410, 414,415 mentioned, IX, 273n
science, IX, 486-9 See also Consciousness, Knowledge,
-women's Mind
co-education favoured for, XVI, 1260; Egypt
XVlI, 1684, 1774 antiquities in, II, 101; X, 354
endowments intended for, V, 629; XVl, and the Caucasus, XXXI, 350
1260, 1378-9; XXVlH, 159 debt of Greece to, XXI, 93
in France and Germany, XIH, 606; in European politics, xm, 451; xx,
XVli, 1637 346; XXl, 121
higher. XV, 787,864, 890; XVH, 1668; government of modem, XVlH, 167
XXIX, 378,379 (608); XXXII, priestly power in, X, 320n; XIX, 396;
233 XX, 267,268,270, 380-1
importance of, XVI, 1377-8. 1470, Saint Simonians in, XXIII, 676
1527-8; XXI, 42, 44,326-7; XXXH, mentioned, I, 438,439; IX, 69n; X, 141;
137 XI, 305n; XX, 251,346
JSM's will has provisions to further, Eighteenth century
XXXI, 333-4 arguments of nineteenth against, xm,
medical, XVI, 1390n, 1417-18; XVlI, 415
1755; XXVlII, 159-60
education, of labouring class - elections 527

ER representative of, XIII, 435,602 1799; XXIX, 396-400

JM representative of, I, 213 (212) not guarantee of good government, XIX,
philosophy and philosophers of, I, 133 378; XXVIII, 164; XXX, 169
(160), 227 (226); X, 80, 110, 121, and polling places, XIX, 496
131-8,499-501; XII. 35, 40, 42; power of money in, XVI, 1493. 1495,
XIII, 567,576,605; XX, 66-8, 73n, 1496, 1502, 1512, 1514-15, 1518-
102n, 183, 220 19; XIX, 316; XXVI, 339-40, 433;
and Salvador's pictures of the Jews, XXVIII, 10-11, 14-15.24-5
XIII, 496 (XXIX, 597-8), 32, 41, 44, 60
WR's inheritance from, XII, 312 (XXIX, 599), 147-8, 196, 280, 317
Elba, Napoleon's return from, IV, 6, 10 procedure of, XV, 741
Elections of representative peers, XIX, 518
canvassing at, XVIII, 38-9; XIX, 337, and rotten boroughs, XXVI, 275,333
525; XXIII, 492; XXV, 1193 Sterling on, XXIV, 806-11
of 1832, XXVII, 574-5,594-5,600 and three-member constituencies, XIX,
of 1837, XVII, 1976 330
and electoral districts, XVI, 1014; XVII, in U.S.A., XVIII, 183; XIX, 559
1968; XXV, 1107-9 of U.S. President, XIX, 451,524-5
expenses of, I, 273; XV, 587-8,654, mentioned, XIX, 439
716, 951; XVI, 1262, 1479, 1481; -bribery and corruption at
XIX, 319-21,339, 369,496-9; Bill on Election Petitions and (1868),
XXVIII, 304-5,313,326-8,330-1, XVI, 1337, 1348-9, 1380-92passim,
342-3,354; XXXlI, 165, 167 1397-9, 1403, 1404, 1409, 1421,
French, government influence in, XIX, 1425, 1522; XVII, 1871-2; XXVIII,
608 262-5,279-80, 300-31 passim, 343;
frequency of, XII, 240, 241; XIX, XXXII, 190, 192-3, 195
501-3 a Christian condemnation of, XVI, 1274
in Hare's plan, XV, 599; XVI, 1020-1, cumulative vote does not increase, XIV,
1249; XIX, 359-70 passim, 462, 102-3
463-4; XXV, 1208-10; XXVIII, and declarations of honour, XIX, 321
12-13, 179-81,209-10, 239-41, in 1835 elections, XXIV, 767-9
XXlX, 409-11,478-85 in 1868 elections, XVI, 1496
inappropriate for certain offices, XIX, and indirect elections, XIX, 486
523-4, 526-8; XX, 361-2; XXIII, investigations of, XVI, 1353
344-5 JSM supports movement against, XV.
indirect (two-stage), XV, 760-1,941; 924, 933,951; XVI, 1245, 1322,
XVII, 1864; XIX, 482-7 1331; XXXII, 165-6
JSM always votes at, XV, 593 penalties for, XVI, 1017
JSM as candidate at, see Westminster, the Standard's attitude to, XXII, 210-11
JSM and use of ballot and, XXXII, 213-14
landlords' influence in, VI, 87-8, 90 voting papers encourage, XV, 594.
local, XV, 682; XIX, 485,535-8,540; 604-5; XIX, 495; XXVIII, 232
XXVIl],264, 265,312,316-17,319, mentioned, XV, 654; XVI, 1215, 1355.
343; XXIX, 458 1371, 1466, 1488-9; XIX, 318, 333,
local, in London, XXIX, 498,505-8 492
to London School Board, I, 284; XVII, See also Ballot, Plural votes, Representa-
tion, Suffrage, Voting papers
528 Subject lndex

Elenchus. See Dialectic Empirical method. See Method. experi-

Elocution. as part of JSM's early education, mental
I. 25-7 (24-6) Empiricism
Eloquence. distinction between poetry and. as bad generalization a posteriori. VIII.
I. 348-53; XilI, 464. See also Oratory 792
Elphinstone College, XXX. 145 study of man to be rescued from. VIII.
Elter Water, XXVH. 523-4 834, 930; XIII. 493.631
Eltham, plants near. XXXI, 276-8 and unscientific surmise. VIII, 930
Emancipation. See under Slavery Enclosure movement, VI. 249-50; XXIV.
Embankment, building of Thames, XXIX, 903; XXVIH, 74; XXIX. 417,420-1.
438-9 426-8; XXX. 220-1. 222
Emigration Encyclopedists. I. 117 (116 ); XX. 67
of Chinese to America. XVIl. 1653-5. Endowments (IV, 195-222; V, 618-29)
1689, 1695-6 central superintendence of charitable.
and food supply. II, 194 XlX. 599.601
funding of by previous emigrants, XXII. defined, IV. 197
270-3; XXIII, 736-7.751: XXIV. in eighteenth-century France, IV. 211-
915.972 13
from Ireland. II. 325. 333. 378; III, extent of state's right to alter. I. 191
1076; XXIV. 898.913-16.972-4. (190); IV, 195-205,210-19, 221:V.
1071-2. 1075-8 615-16. 618-21. 694; XXIH, 605;
as remedy for over-population and XXIV. 754-5. 763-4
poverty, XVI, 1454-5; XVII. 1571, meant to benefit girls" education as well
1685. 1709-10; XXII. 218; XXIII. as boys', V, 629; XVI. 1260, 1378-9;
539 xxvm, 159
ways of encouraging. XII. 243 and question of perpetuity, IV, 198-201
women and, XXIII, 420 reform of, and land-tenure reform. XXV.
mentioned, Ill, 711; XIV, 45; XVI. 1232-5; XXIX, 422
1229; XVII, 1691. 1696-7 value of to education and culture. IV.
See also Colonization 213-21; V, 616-18.620-8; X.
Emigrds, XX, 75, 89n. 96, 101, 192 147-51;XVIl, 1690; XXVIII, 298-9
Emotion mentioned, XIX. 603; XXIII, 537
art and, I, 352-4 --of Church of England (IV, 205-10)
association and, I, 269,357; XI, 347-8. extent of state's control over, IV,
361-2 205-10; VI, 250,286; XXIV, 8 i8-20
Bain on, Xl, 357,361-4 MR on, XXUl, 655.660
expressions of, XXXI. 158 provisions for family fools, VI, 471
Greek myths and. Xl, 278 Puseyites' view of, XXIV, 816-18
Greeks and, XI, 438 Energy
music and, I, 350-1,499 human, and Hamilton's doctrine of
poetry and, I, 115 (114). 151. 344-9 pleasure and pain, IX, 431-5 passtm
passim. 356-65 passim, 399, 414-17 potential, and conservation of force. XV,
passim, 466, 498-9,505,509, 526; 902; XVH, 1719-20, 1755
XXVl, 434-42 passim mentioned, IX, 474, 503
mentioned, I, 73, 372,377 England
See also Feeling, Passion adherence to custom in, HI, 935
ascendancy of wealth in, I, 179 (178); 11,
elenchus - England and France 529

105, 170-2; XII. 31-2, 48; XVllI, literature in, I, 310-11,488; XI. 453;
193-4; XXIII, 719-27; XXVl, XIV, 480; XX, 260-1; XXIH, 445-7
373-4, 431,432 (XXV, 1253-5) (see also individual
attitude of settlers from to native peoples, authors in Index of Persons and
XVl, 1136, 1196; XVII, 1536, 1560- Works)
1, 1599, 1686; XIX, 571; XXX, love of freedom in, XXVlII, 98
14-15 mortality rate in, II. 345
backward intellectual and moral state of. national character in. see National
I, 245-7 (244-6); X, 14On; XlV, 45, character, English
93,243; XV, 700; XVl, 1205-6, neglect of art and beauty in, I, 354n, 466:
1321; XVlI, 1582; XXIII, 444,448, Vl, 328; xm, 446, 473; XXl, 252-3
724 Florence Nightingale on, XV, 711
de Beaumont on, XVlI, 1991-3 patriotism in, XX. 22
beauty of, XIV, 277; XXIX, 419 philosophy and intellect undervalued in,
commercial spirit in, II, 170-1; XIX, I, 590; XII, 112; XIII, 438-9, 517;
620; XXI, 253 XIX, 626; XX, 260,367-8; XXII,
Continental view of, Xlll, 687; XXI, 171-2; XXlll, 425; XXVII, 660
111-15; XXXI, 373 preoccupation with religion in, XXVII,
cosmopolitan, xm, 692 643
degree of freedom in, XVlH, 222-3, quality of life m, cramped, I. 57 (56),
240-1,274; XIX, 560 185 (184)
Dupont-White's treatment of, XV, 656 respect for property in, VI, 178,356:
economy of, compared with other XXI, 107; XXII, 116, 184; XXIII,
countries', H, 100, 149-50, 172, 460, 642; XXIV, 897,920-1,939.
235-6, 272-3; m, 689,746; xIx, 1002-3, 1031; xxv, 1140-1. 1153.
611; xxIv, 837-9; xxvIlI, 70 1155
and English abroad, XIV, 212 society of, similar to American. XVlll,
established governments supported m, 193-6, 200
XXlI, 184; XXVlI, 644 sooty atmosphere in, XXVII, 501,504
fit for representative government, XIX. workshop of world, I, 434
421 -history of
flora of, in spring, XXXI, 284-6 books on, XX, 51-2. 187,221. 226
Fonblanque on morality in, Vl, 363,364 boring, XIV, 6
foreign policy of, see Foreign policy; and Grote on legendary, XI. 284-5; XXIV,
individual countries 870-1
general society a bore in, I, 235 (234) influence of Protestantism on. X, 321
government of, see Government. Eng- JSM studies, I, 11 (10)
lish; Monarchy, British peculiarities of, XIll, 518; XX. 26
Guizot on civilization of, XX, 293-4. See also England and France, Great
374-5 Britain
improvement in mental climate of, XVI, England and France
1434 circulation of newspapers between, Vl,
individuals supported over governments 157-8; XXIH, 643-4
in, XIX, 571-2 England needs revolution like France's,
JSM contemplates leaving, Xll, 198 Kill, 713
JSM's perspective on, I, 264; XVI, English conception of French character,
1108-9 XX, 220, 332
530 Subject Index

[England and France] Entity

English ignorance of France, XII. 255, Plato and Aristotle's doctrine of, XI,
271; XIII, 434,509; XVIII, 155; XX. 487-9
4-5, 62-3, 77, 99. 110, 125, 127. the word, VII, 49 (VIII, 991)
129, 143n, 220, 229-30, 240, Entomology, JSM engages in, XXVI,
259-60, 370-2 42-71 passim
French view of England, X, 34 Entsagen, XH, 219
marriage better in France, XHI, 465 Environment, importance of preserving
misunderstanding between, XIII, 456, natural, Ill, 756; XVI, 1136-7,
465,570; XXIV, 844; XXXH. 229 1140-1; XVII, 1651. 1659
need for understanding between, XXIII, Epicureanism
443 (XXV, 1252), 718-19 assessed, X, 420
spirit of both needed, XIII, 508 defended, X, 209-11; XXVII, 666
sympathy between, XXH. 172-3; JM and, I, 49 (48)
XXHI, 466-7,530 and Nature, X, 376
threat of war between (1830-31), XXII, not scientific, X, 87
183,208,214-15,247-8,259,284, mentioned, I, 443; XI, 378
299-300 Epistemology
threat of war between ( 1840-41 ), XlII. a posteriori school of, see Experience,
445-68 passim; XVII, 1995 school of
--contrast of, regarding apriori school of, see Intuition, school of
amount of abstract speculation in See also Knowledge
writings, IX, 485; XX, 313; XXIII, Epping Forest, conservation of, XVII,
444-6 (XXV, 1253-5), 513-14. 697 1776
attitude to political language. XXIII, Equality
388,392-5 in America, Xlii. 741; XVIII, 49, 55,
attitude to riches, xxm, 343,493-4. 84, 99, 179, 181,187-8; XXI, 396-7
721,722 (HTM)
attitude to science. XHI, 566, 667; Cavaignac on, XlI. 196-7
XXII, 171-2 Comte on, X, 303-4
attitude to war, XXH, 259 dangers of, I, 259; xvm, 188; XlX,
educated classes, XXII, 164 478-9; XXlV, 1025
labouring classes, XXIII. 368-9,375 democracy and, not synonymous,
literature, I, 310-11,488 XVIII, 57, 159, 167; XIX, 448-9,
local government, I, 201-3; VI, 206, 453
231-2; XV, 691-2; XIX, 582; XXII, economic, H, 202-3,207,213; XV,
123-4, 187; XXlII, 587,710 749; XXHI, 674; XXVI, 336-9.340
national character, see under National in England, XV, 553; XVIH, 162, 163,
character, English 196
political history, X, 300; XXII. 132-4, in France, XII, 192; XVIII, 160-1,167,
151,224-5 184; XlX, 583; XXlH, 682, 695
press, see under Press growth of, as movement of history, III,
social graces, I, 235 767;X, 231-2;XVIII. 50-1,159-62:
women, XVH, 1643, 1714-15 XX, 297; XXl, 272,294, 325-6,
Ermerdale, X'XVII, 544 386-7; XXlX, 375
Ens Unum. See Absolute importance of, XVH, 2001-2; XX, 354
Entail. See under Inheritance, laws of
England and France - Europe 531

international, XXI, 346 and begging the question, VIII, 822-3

justice and, X, 243-4,257 and definition, VII, 137-41; XI, 28
natural law and, XXI, 187 and essential predication, VII. 110-16
racial, XXI, 93,396 (VIII, 1017-21); VIII, 1033; XI, 19
religious, XXIX, 392 fictional, X, 268,270-2, 289
in Sparta, XI, 301; XXIV, 872-3 individuals have no, VII, 114-15, 121
suffrage and, XlX, 323-4 (VIII, 1031)
Tocqueville on effects of, xvm, 181, meaning of, VII, 111n
185, 191-6 and the predicables, VII, 121-32; XI,
mentioned, XVlII, 254; XIX, 590; 21-7 passim, 95-6
XXVII. 664 the word, VII, 49 (vm 991)
-sexual (xxI, 261-340) Esthwaite Water, XXVII, 516
in communistic schemes, I, 175 (174) Established Church. See Church of England
growth of as civilization advances. III, Estoppels, XXXI. 73
765; XXI, 42, 49,386-8 Ethics
JSM's belief in, strengthened by HTM, I, Aristotelian view of, XI. 349n-50n
253n (252); XXI, 37 as art and science, IX, 348,350
in marriage, XXI, 42-9 passim. 281-2, Austin on future growth of, XXI, 58-9
292-6, 334, 336, 392,411 (HTM); feeling and, I, 113 (112)
XXIII, 680; XXVIII, 286; XXIX. need for reasoning in, XXXI, 16
386 still to be created, XIV, 235
Plato and, XXI, 270,399 (HTM) mentioned. I, 55. 162; IX, 485; X. 37;
principle of, XXI, 37,261,279, 299, X'I, 505; XVIII. 178; XXI. 244
375 (HTM), 389 (HTM). 396-400 See also Moral sciences. Morality
(HTM), 415 (HTM) Ethnological Society, XV, 840; XVI, 1110
suffrage and, XXIX, 374-5 (604-5), Ethology (VIII, 861-74)
380 (609) backward state of, XIII, 605
See also Rights; Women, equality and basis for social science, VIII, 907; xm,
emancipation of 604
Equation of international demand. See as deductive science, VIII, 865-70
International trade, equation of inter- JSM hopes to contribute to, xm, 510,
national demand in 616,617,626,698; XIV, 19; XV, 645
"Equitable adjustment," IV, 186; VI, political, VIII, 904-7
361-2 relation of to empirical laws of human
Equity (in law) nature, VIII, 861-5
Austin and, XXl, 185 relation of to psychology, VIII, 870-4
courts of, and hostility of common law See also National character
courts, XXXI, 44-5 Eton
mentioned, XXI, 83 defects of. XVl, 1305, 1320-1; XVlII,
Equivocal generation, hypothesis of, IX, 138
280 government of. XXVlII, 290
Eridge Castle, XXVlI, 472 mentioned, I, 336; XXI, 221
Eskimos, II, 20, 101; X, 390 Etruscans. XX, 268,381
Esquierry, Mount, XXVI. 107-9 Europe
Essence and America contrasted. XVIII, 49,
ancients' view of, XI, 223 (see also 81-2, 102, 108, 181
532 Subject Index

[Europe] reaction after 1848, I, 245; XIV, 32

art appreciated in, XXI, 252-3,254-5, Roman Catholic Church's role, XX,
318; XXHI, 446 (XXV. 1254) 239-40, 244; XXVI, 426
attitude to England in, XIII, 687; XXI, slavery, XXI, 151,264, 266-7
111-15; XXXI, 373 survey of, XVIII, 121-2; XIX, 590;
centralization m, XIX, 534,560, 582 XXI, 273,379; XXII, 186, 225-6
character in, XIV, 9 (HI, 1028) women in, XX, 46, 284; XXI. 264,
ER on constant war in, I, 316-17 406-7 (HTM)
English tourists in. I, 393 -intellectual movements in
and extradition, I, 283 ahead of England, XIV, 243; XVIII, 50,
flora of southern, XXXI, 284-9 155; XX, 260-1
growth of armaments in, XXVIII, 129. emphasize historical studies, XVIII, 94;
220-1,222 XX, 219, 260-1
and ititernational law, I, 263; XX, the French lead, I, 465; XV, 795; XX,
345-7; XXI, 120-4,343-5,347-8; 297-8
XXXI, 374-6 influence JSM, I, 57-63 (56-62), 169
JSM visits, (1836) XII, 306-8, 311, (168), 241 (240)
321,329; (1838) XIII, 392-400, in nineteenth century, I, 133 (160), 227
(1846) 702 (226), 270; XI, 342-3
north and south contrasted, XIII, 404 mentioned, I, 267; XVIII, 243
possible federation of, XV, 703; XVII, ...Evangelicals, XII, 86, 92; XIH, 416
1800 Evidence
sympathy with Ireland in, VI. 520 analogical, see Analogy
-economy of believing on, XXXI, 175-9
crop failures (1845), XIH, 686 importance of evaluating, XXI, 235,262
free trade. XIII, 687; XXVIH, 220 laws of historical, I, 527
growth of, II, 15-19 Logic examines canons of, I, 233 (232);
peasant farming, II, 175-6, 236, 237, XXXI, 177
252,260n-ln; XXVIH, 77 nature of, VII, 564; XXXI, 11
sugar supply, XXII, 26 mentioned, I, 417,592; XXI, 243
wages and profits, XV, 967-8 -judicial (XXXI, 5-92)
--history of (XX, 259-94) Bentham on adscititious, XXXI, 34-45,
dark and middle ages, I, 219; XIX, 406; 73
XX, 20, 24-5,278, 280; XXHI, Bentham on sine lite, XXXI, 13
586-7 conclusive or best, and exclusion of other
development of civilization, XVHI, evidence, XXXI, 70-83
121-2, 197,273,274; XIX, 612-13; exclusions of, XXXH, 158
XX, 229,230 JSM edits Bentham on, I, 117-19
future, envisaged, XIV, 87; XVIH, 57, (116-18); XXXI, 5-7, 10
88, 159 law of, often encroaches on substantive
Guizot on, XX, 259, 262, 266-81, law, XXXI, 87-90
293-4, 380-9 pitfalls of confining to points in issue,
legacy of Greece, XI, 273 XXXI, 84-7
monarchy, I, 473; XVIII, 218. 382; preappointed, XXXI, 23, 80, 90, 91
XIX, 437; XX, 291,332; XXI, 267 rules for, in Belgic Code, XXXI, 91-2
nineteenth-century revolutions, XHI, securities for truthful, XXXI, 18-21
732; XXII, 230-1
Europe - expectation 533

mentioned, XVII, 1558; XXI. 14 and disjunctive judgments, IX, 409

See also Witnesses Hamilton's exposition of, VII. 276-9:
Evils of society, IV, 213-14; V, 715-27; IX, 372, 378-82
XIII, 544,550. See also Good and evil Hamilton's use of, in philosophy of the
Evolution conditioned, IX, 79-81,442
Darwinian, VII, 498n-9n; XV, 695, not applicable to noumena, IX, 87n-8n
732; XVII, 1553-4, 1567, 1570; Executive
XXI, 242 Austin on, XIX, 351
geological, XV, 754 check on power of, XIX, 414,435
human social, XlII, 518,620 composition and duties of, XIX, 424,
and theory of survival of fittest, X, 428,520-8, 601,634-5
449-50 in a federal government, XIX, 559
Examinations local, XIX, 540-2
competitive, in civil service, XIV, and local governments, XIX, 545,606,
147-8,157-8,175,178-9, 188, 193; 607
XV, 829; XVl, 1353; XVII, 1548. paralyzing grasp of aristocracy on
1572-3; XVlII, 201,207-11,306: English, XIX, 624
XlX, 524,528-33; XXVII, 648,662, placed above laws in France, XIX, 587
666; XXVIII, 88 mentioned, XIX, 572,573
in EIC, XIV, 147, 179. 188, 202-3: See also Admmistration. Ministry
XVII, 1572; XXVII, 648; XXX, 60 Exeter. I, 57 (55n, 56)
inendowed schools, XXI, 210,213,214; Exeter Hall, XI!, 86; XXIII, 734
XXVIII, 304 Exhibition of 1851, XXVIII, 222
for fellowships, XVlI, 1937 Existence
Jowett on moral character and, XIX, 654 of matter, see Matter, existence of
limitations of, XXXII, 221-2 Plato's doctrine of pre-, XI. 423
matriculation, should be open to girls, Plato's doctrine of real, Xl. 422, 425-6
XXXH, 137 as predicated in propositions. VII,
for medical officers, XXVIH, 140 99-101, 104-8
public education and, XVIH, 303-4; subject for metaphysics, not logic, VII,
XXXII, 130 604-5
and qualification for plural votes. XlX, the word, VII. 48-9 (VIII, 990); IX.
325,474,476 303
in universities, XVI, 1094-5; XVIH, -Hamilton on
208; XIX, 475,530; XXX. 60 amount of in universe, constant, IX,
Excellence 287-91
ideal of, I, 45 (44), 49 (48); X, 486-8 consciousness as affirmation of, IX, 330
JM's idea of, I, 591-2 laws of thought and laws of, IX, 381-4
male and female, similar, I, 312; XH, relativity of knowledge of. IX. 17-18.
184 22, 27
Exchange. See Foreign exchange, Intema- Existence, classification of. See Categories
tional trade, Money Expectation
Exchangeable value. See under Value and belief, XXXI, 167-74 passim,
Exchequer bills, IV, 120-2; V, 526 178-9, 213,216
Excluded middle, law of and desire or aversion, XXXl. 215
as axiom, XI, 498,499 and permanent possibilities of sensation,
IX, 177, 193-4,203, 205,207
534 Subject Index

Expediency -school of (a posteriori school) (XI,

and justice, IX, 459n-60n; X, 255-6, 344-9)
259; XIV, 106-7 Aristotle and, XI, 484-7
and morality, X, 246 Berkeley's contribution to, XI, 461-2
in Paley's morality, X. 7.55-6. 170 Cazelles' publications regarding, XVI.
and utilitarianism, X. 7-9, 12-13, 62-7. 1218
180-3,223 Coleridgean critique of, X, 127-31
See also Prudence differences between intuitive school and,
Expenditure |, 233 (232), 269-70; IX, 139, 141n;
productive and unproductive, see under X, 125-7; XI, 341-52
Consumption Grote as supporter of, Xl, 440
taxatton ideally falls on, V, 478-9,565, history of, XXXI, 97-8
597; XV, 892 and idea of extension, IX. 227-39
See also Demand, Demand and supply passim, 255
Experience JM's Analysis and, I, 288; XVI, 1332-4.
belief and, XI, 369, 370; XXXI, 177-9 1506
and Berkeley's theory of vision, XI, JSM's Logic and, I. 233 (232); VII,
248-68 passim, 452-7 passim cxvi, 13-15; XIV, 239
as criterion of probability, XXVI, 305 and memory, IX, 166n; XV, 648
or empiricism, confounded with Bacon- and notion of self and other selves, IX,
ian method, IX, 485n 188-95
and inconceivability, IX, 67-82 passim, and permanent possibilities of sensation,
142-6n, 288 IX, 177-87,202-3,210; XI, 460,
and induction, I, 219; IX, 48; XI, 12, 464
479, 481 revival of, XV, 645,723
and inseparable association, IX, 260-71, and Taine's view of axioms, XI, 446-7
283-4; XI, 351-2 utility connected with, X, 171
politics not science of specific, I, 165 mentioned, VII, cxvi; IX, 10, 88n; X,
(164) 171; XI, 247, 361,499; XIV, 29:
teachings of, I, 374; IX, 122, 177, 185-6 XXXI, 157; XXXII, 115 (XV, 569)
and theory, XXVI, 268. 283-4, 392-3' See also Association
as wisdom of ages, I, 421 Experiment (VII, 379-87)
mentioned, I, 141, 187,332, 346, 423; acceptance of what is proved by, I, 615
IX, 136, 171, 173,244, 350, 417, distinguished from observation, VII, 382
469, 481; XI, 408,422,444, 467 not possible in political and moral
-in Hamiltonian philosophy sciences, IV, 327-9; XXVI, 394
and attributes of God, IX, 100-1 process of, discussed, VII, 379-87
consciousness as primary, IX, 62 and science, XXVI, 394
and Hamilton's fundamental laws of mentioned, I, 165 (164), 421
thought, IX, 380-1 See also Induction; Method, experimental;
and judgment, IX, 332 Observation
original data of intelligence not derived Experimenta
from, IX, 143-6, 147n crucis, VII, 254 (VIII, 1093), 560,624;
and question of free will, IX, 438,445, VIII, 882
448-50, 461 fructifera and lucifera, VIII, 875
expediency -family 535

Explanation and political offences, XVI, 1387;

defined, VII, 464 XXVIII, 117-23 passim, 227-8;
of empirical laws, VIII, 862-5 XXIX, 545-68 passim
how distinguished from description. VII, treaty of with France, XXVIII, 115-17,
299, 300n-2n 121-3,228-9; XXlX, 543-5,548-
-of laws of nature (VH, 464-508) 62 passim, 567-70
examples of, VII, 473-83 mentioned, XVI, 1408; XXXII, 171-2,
limits to, VII, 484-508; VIII, 786-8 196
three modes of, VII, 464-72 Eyre Defence and Aid Committee, XXl,
Exports and imports. See Customs duties, 428
International trade
Expropriation. See under Land FACTORIES
Extension Chadwick's reforms regarding, XVI,
association of with colour, IX, 288-9, 1432
253-5,259; XV, 900-1 improvement of system of IV, 381;
Berkeley on abstract idea of, IX, 304 XXIV, 829-30
Hamilton on direct perception of, IX, inquiry into, XIV, 156
14-32passim, 53, t42, 154, 167,421 regulation of child labour in, XVII,
Kant's doctrine of, IX, 355 1568, 1585 (see also under Labour)
and laws of force, IX, 479 See also Industry and manufacture
psychological theory of our perception Facts, matters of. See Propositions
of, IX, 201,213-14,216-49; XV, Faith, Coleridge on, X, 160-1
900-1 Fall of man, theory of, XV, 758
Reid's doctrine of, IX, 170-2 Fallacies (VIII, 735-830)
Herbert Spencer on, XV, 936; XXXI, classification of, VIH, 740-5
205-11 enumeration of, VIH, 735-830; IX,
mentioned, XXXI, 187 105n, 262n
-logical Gergonne on, XXVI, 226-31
comprehension and, in concepts, IX, 83, Whately's treatment of, XI, 29-32
303,317-18,322, 323n, 335, mentioned, I, 229 (228), 231,383; IX,
373n-4n, 473; XXVI, 163 (G) 453-4, 490n; XXXH, 134
propositions in comprehension or, IX, Falmouth
338-41,389-90, 401n JSM at, XXVII, 619-21,635-6
syllogisms in comprehension or, IX, Henry Mill's grave at, XXXH, 52-3
385,390-6 Fame
mentioned, IX, 321. 326, 327, 330, love of, X, 235-7
397n, 470, 477 posthumous, as motive, XXVI, 395-6;
See also Space XXXI, 229-30
Externality Family
Hamilton on, IX. 236n isolated patriarchal not ideal, IH. 768
JSM's notion of, XV, 816 Positivist ideas on, X, 310-12, 349-50
Kant's arguments respecting, IX, 27n, Salnt-Simonian treatment of, I, 175
154 (174)
not capable of proof, IX, 187n should be school of equality, XXI,
Extradition (XXIX, 542-71) 294-5; XXVIR, 286
JSM's contribution to consideration of, I, See also Children, Marriage, Parents
536 Subject Index

Fanaticism, VI, 8; XX, 44, 243 Radical and Conservative types of, I,
Farming. See Agriculture, Land, Land 468-9
tenure, Peasant proprietorship reason and, XXVI, 306-7; XXVII, 655,
Famham, XXVII, 557,559 656, 660
Fast day, national, XIII, 709; XXIV, sentimentalists and, I, 323-5
1073-5 as state of consciousness in philosophy,
Fatalism VII, 51-5, 75, 77 (vm, 1003); viii,
contrasted with doctrine of philosophical 644, 1000-1; XI, 427
necessity, I, 177 (176); VIII, 839-40, mentioned, I, 39, 78n. 185,201,423,
936; IX, 465-7 428,429,434, 435,459,485,537
and moral distinctions. IX, 455-6 See also Emotion, Passion, Sensation
and punishment, IX, 454 Fen district, V, 452n-3n; XXVII, 596
mentioned, IX, 383n, 439n Fencing, JSM's lessons in, XXVI, 46-60
See also Necessity passim, 112. 113, 114
Faversham Fenians
plants at, XXXI, 282 and bombing at Clerkenwell, XVI,
schools at, XXI, 212-13 1335n
Fear and disaffection with English rule, VI,
appeals to, in politics. XXVI. 380 508-11; XVI, 1328-9; XXVIII,
and belief, XXXI, 164 249-50
definition of, XXXI, 215,217 JSM's efforts for, I, 277; XXVIII,
effect of on reasoning, VI, 62 171-2
more natural than courage, X, 393-4 punishment of, XVI, 1272, 1274, 1282;
physiological effects of, XXXI, 116,221 XVII, 2015-16; XXVIH, 165-7.
and religion, X, 418 172-3,188- 90,310,315-16;XXIX,
vague, XXXI, 62 554-5
mentioned, X, 361 and punishment of political offences,
Federation (XIX, 553-61 ) XVII, 1559; XXVIII, 173
advantages of, XIX, 552,553-4, mentioned, VI, 531,532 (543)
559-60 Fentons and Roby, IV, 95
of Britain and colonies, XIX, 564-5 Ferns of Britain, XXXl, 284-5
for Canada, XV, 965 Fetishism
for Europe, XV, 703; XVII, 1800 Comte on, IX, 300; X, 269, 272-4,361
and federalism in France, XVII, 1865 Positivism's similarity to, X, 361,363-5
organization of, XIX, 554-9 as stage in evolution of religion, X, 418.
Feeling 442-3
analysis and, I, 141-3 (140-2) mentioned, X, 278
Benthamites undervalue, I, 113-15 Feudalism (XX, 281-93)
(112-14) character of, XX, 27-32, 281-90,
culture of, relieves JSM's depression, I, 384-9
147-53 (146-52) commutation of its dues, V, 479-82
English deficiencies of, I, 61 (60), Dupont-White on elevated sentiments in,
155-7 (156), 611-12 XlX, 612
HTM's strength of, I, 193-8 passim ending of, XVIII, 160-2; XX, 252
(192,617-24), 247 (246) in England, XX, 26, 291-3
JM and, I, 51 (50), 53 (52), 113 (112), nature of, V, 752; XXVI, 258,259-60
611 new, not viable ideal, IV, 380; V, 453-7
fanaticism-foreign exchange 537

new industrial, V, 716, 726-7 peasant farming in, II, 145,227,

origins of, HI, 880; XX, 23-6. 236, 279-80,292; XXIV, 1046, 1054.
279-81,309-10, 392-3; XXX, 218 1057, 1061; XXVIII, 261
remnants of, IV, 386; V, 689-93; X, 10, mentioned, XVIII, 238; XIX. 406; XX,
100-1; XXI, 83, 84; XXVI, 261 27, 138,248
subordination injurious in, XXI, 325 See also Belgium
supposed naturalness of, XXI, 269-70 Flattery, X, 182-3
mentioned, X, 132; XIX, 406; XXI, 379 Flogging. See Punishment, corporal
See also Chivalry, Middle Ages Florence
Fiction Byron's supposed adventures in, XI,
Carlyle on inappropriateness of to present 279-80
age, XX. 137 JSM at, XIV, 478-83; XV, 532
conventional, XX, 331 Fontainebleau, XXIII, 386
educative value of, I, 459-60 Food
English and French, I, 488 cost of, and wages. II. 340-2. 414
and history, I, 435,527 government regulation of price of, III,
and poetry, I, 344-6, 348 626-7
mentioned, I, 428 growing of. see Agriculture
Fictions, legal. See under Law, English and increase of population, H, 190-3;
Fictions, logical. See Logical fictions XXVI. 290-5
Figure increased production of, H, 19. 118
and conception of matter, IX, 201, Force
213-14 as logical fiction, not real entity, VII,
JM on solidity and, IX, 253 331,353; IX, 449n; XVI. 1065
our knowledge of, in Hamilton's conservation of, VII, 348-53; VIII.
philosophy, IX, 16, 18, 22, 26, 31, 1120-2; IX, 293n; XV, 818. 871.
53, 167 872.901-2,927.970-1; XVII, 1570,
notion of, in the blind, IX, 225n 1719-20
Herbert Spencer on, XXXI, 205-6. 207 conservation of, and First Cause. X,
mentioned, IX, 171 437-8
Financial Reform Association. XVI, 1221; laws of, IX. 479
XVII, 1858-9, 1921 tendency and, VH, 445
Finite theory of, XVII, 1755
knowledge limited to, in Hamilton's and vis viva dispute, VIII, 816
philosophy, IX, 36, 42, 55n mentioned, IX, 358,422
and infinite. IX, 48, 5On, 80-3, 97n, 98, Forde Abbey, I, 57 (56), 537,538; XII. 3n,
102,427n-8n 4-5, 6; XVII. 1662; XXVI, 127;
meaning of, applied to universe, IX, 88n XXVII, 509
mentioned, IX, 137 Foreign Affairs Committees, XVI, 1153,
Fisheries 1412
as natural resource, H, 30 Foreign exchange
rent of, HI, 493-4 bills of exchange as mechanism of, HI.
Fishmongers' and Mercers' Companies 623-9
estates, IV, 197 and bullion drains, m. 631-4, 637; IV.
Flanders 83-6,241-3,345-6; V, 515-18,
cities of, IH, 881; SIX, 600; XX, 38 539-40, 602-3,610
economic decline of, IV, 256 effect of rates of, on international
538 Subject Index

[Foreign Exchange] most sensible form of socialism in

movements of capital, V. 525-8 France, XIV, 34
fluctuations in (1793-1824), IV, 5- 12, view of women in, m. 1028; XlV, 9-10
89-90 (HI, 1028), 298; XVlI, 1609
influence of currency changes on, m, France (XX)
639-46 abolition of slavery in, II, 251; XXIII.
and international payments not onginat- 349
ing in commerce, m, 638 and American Civil War, XV, 750, 802;
and trade in bullion, III, 618-22 XXI, 157
mentioned, IV, 114 arbitrary government and deviousness in,
See also Bank of England, International XXXII, 218
trade aristocracy m, see Aristocracy, French;
Foreign policy Chamber of Peers
English lack of interest in, XlII, 459 army in, see Army, French
executive control over, XVl, 1208; art of, I, 353; X, 42
XXXI, 345-6 bureaucracy in, KIX, 437; XX, 174-5;
guiding principles of English, I, 263; XXII, 123-4, 158-9, 187,188-9;
XXI, 111-24; XXV, 1206-8, 1223-6 XXlII, 480
working men's interest in, XVI, 1153 censorship by Post Office of, XV, 909;
mentioned, XVI, 1209 XVI, 1139; XXXII, 218
See also Extradition; Law, international; centralization in, carried to extremes, see
Treaties under Centralization
Foreign trade. See International trade choice of correspondent in, XXXII,
Forgery, trials for, XXXI, 51-2 27
Form and matter climate of, XVI, 1217, 1235, 1271, 1283
Aristotle on, XI, 490, 502-3 Comte's proposals for government of, X,
mentioned, XI, 381 350,359
Forms, Platonic, XI, 84n, 406, 422, divorce in, XXIII, 379
425-6, 430, 487,488. See also Ideas ER on, I, 301-2,307-11
Forthcomingness in law, XXXI, 12, 21,81 education in, see Education, French
Fortnum and Mason, XVI, 1027 flora of, XXXI, 284-5
Foug_res, agriculture in, XXIV, 1057-8 foundling hospitals in, XVII, 1838
Foundling Hospitals, XVII, 1838 historical monuments in, XVII, 1905
Four hundred, revolution of, XI, 322,327, housing in, XV, 799; XVII, 1656
335; XXV, 1124 Indian possessions of, XXXlI, 87-9,
Four methods of experimental inquiry. See 94-5,102-3, 112
Induction, four methods of experimen- interpreter of ideas of Europe, XIII, 458
tal inquiry in JM plans move to, XII, 9
Fourierism (II, 212-13) JSM tours in, XIV, 4n, 17, 24, 113,
analysis of, as form of socialism, If, 203, 114-22,214-34, 246, 248-68; XV,
210, 212-13 (III, 982-5); V, 446, 506-9, 621-5,699-701,856; XVI,
737-8,747-8; XII, 134; XIV, 11; 1045, 1054, 1058, 1061, 1063,
KXV, 1100 1065-72; XVI1, 1642, 1657, 1879
its criticism of present economic system, JSM's boyhood visit to, I, 57-63
V, 719-24, 725-7; XV, 961 (56-62), 85 (84); XII, 10-12; Xi]],
and moral education, X, 192-3; XIV, 540, 568; XXVI, 3-143
21-2 (m, 1031-2)
foreign exchange- France, economy of 539

JSM's interest in, XII, 219, 309; XlII, Turgot and charitable foundations of, IV,
431,536, 571 211-13
JSM's later residence in, see Avignon, universal interest of events in, XX, 18,
St. V6ran 63, 118,230-1,298.373-4,378-9
labouring class in, see Labouring class, universities in, IV. 214; XVllI. 144
French women in, XVI, 1379; XVII. 1604,
land transfer in, XVl, 993-4 1637, 1642-3, 1704, 1712-13, 1714;
law of inheritance in, see under XVlII, 104; XXI, 271. 303,312. 314,
Inheritance, laws of 318
law of property in, XIX, 595 mentioned, I, 67 (66), 69 (68), 87 (86),
legal system of, see Courts; Judges; Law, 293; II, 236,237; III, 929; IV, 376; V,
French 690; VI, 17, 64,215,260.414. 471,
literacy in, V, 720 472,539; X, 136: XI, 95,283; XlI.
local government m, see under Govern- 148; XIll, 403,497; XV, 652, 667,
ment, local 674, 700, 884, 893,934; XVI, 1036.
mixture of races in, XIX, 549, 550 1261, 1277; XVII, 1639; XVlII, 53,
morality in, XVlI, 1864; XXIII, 388, 59, 75, 79, 100. I01,143. XlX, 345,
444 (XXV, 1253), 691,727 382,394,406, 466n, 503. 546. 551.
national character in, see National 566, 613,619; XXI, 116, 119, 124;
character, French XXII, 280; XXXI, 91,324, 367
place-hunting in, XIX, 420-1 -economy of
poor relief in, XV, 897; XVII, 1564 agriculture, see under Agriculture
population of, II, 159, 287-90, 342-3, ateliers nanonaux (1848), XIV, 44.46;
436-7; llI, 714; Vl, 528; XIII, 725; XVl, 1131; XX, 348-50
XV, 772; XXIV, 1042-3 bankruptcy law, IH. 912n
preference for town over country life in, commercial treaty with England, XV,
II, 184,443; XXIV, 1050 676,684
press in, see Press, French co-operation and profit-sharing, III.
proportional representation in, XV, 952; 770-85 (1011-20); IV, 382n-3n; V.
XVlI, 1729 414,415; XIV, 81, 95, 166, 185n.
prostitution in, XVlI, 1681, 1789 187; XV, 907
Protestants in, VI, 13; XIX, 329 currency and commercial crises, IV. 348;
question of decadence of ( 1871 ). XVH, V, 515,540, 601-11
1864-5 effect of sojourners, IV, 270-1,274
religion in, XII, 76,192,193; XlV, 257; government interference, Ill, 945-6;
XlX, 611-12; XX, 189, 220; XXII, XIX, 410
274-5 hoarding of money, III, 674-5
respect for property in, XX, 126-8, law of partnership, HI, 897. 904.912n;
199-200, 204-5; XXIll, 584, 671-3 V, 425
as ruler of colonies, XIX, 571; XXllI, mdtayer tenancy, lI, 298n, 302; VI, 515
569, 707 middlemen, XV, 961
suffrage in, see Suffrage, French national debt, XXII, 247: KXIII, 402,
theatre in, see Theatre, French 405-6, 480-1,570, 572
Tocqueville on growth of democracy m, peasant proprietorship, H, 273-6,279n,
XVlII, 51-2, 157, 159-62, 167-8, 292-6; m, 1004; Vl, 503; xv,
184 772-3; XXIV, 897.911,912,950-1,
540 Subject Index

[France - economy of] --government of

956-8,988-9, 1004, 1010, 1018; Druidical, X, 321
XXV, 1203, 1230; XXVIII, 259-60 under Roman Empire, XX, 236,263;
protection and free trade. IV, 256, XXI, 119; XXV, 1097
260-1; XIX. 583; XXII, 157-8,270; Charlemagne's, XX, 279
XXHI, 346, 359, 363,370, 374-5, feudal, XX, 27-32, 252, 279,292, 293
435. 456, 533, 540-1,569, 702; ancien rdgime, H, 183; XlI, 271-2;
XXlX, 371-2 XlX, 416, 438; XX, 6, 11, 69-74,
silk manufacture and trade, IV, 131-9 141-2, 148, 159
socialism, H, 203,210; V, 708-9; XIV, Revolution of 1789. See French Revolu-
10, 33-4; XX. 352-4 tion, of 1789
subdivision of land, see under Land Napoleonic era, XX, 174, 311-12;
ten,ure XXH, 154-5,186-7; XXHI, 355,
taxation, see under Taxation 367,418,659; XXVI, 269,282
trade unions, VI. 207-8; XXlII, 707 Bourbon restoration, I, 301-2; XX,
See also Bank of France 174-6, 177, 182. 189-92.224, 300;
-foreign policy of XXII, 122-8, 134-9, 156, 159-60,
and Belgium, XXII. 184, 214, 250, 170-1; XXIH, 455-6, 462-3,512-
258-9, 300-1; XXIII, 699 13,693-4,696
and breach of treaties, XVII, 1779, 1781 ; Revolution of 1830. See French Revolu-
XXI. 344, 345,348 tion, of 1830
Duveyrier's recommendations on, XX, July monarchy. See next subhead
313-14 Revolution of 1848. See French Revolu-
expedition to Haiti, I, 304-5 tion, of 1848
extradition treaty with England. National Assembly (1848-51), XX,
XXVIH, 115-17. 121-3,228-9; 340, 363; XXV, 1112, 1116-18
XXIX, 543-5,548-62 passim, rise of Louis Napoleon, XIV, 12, 32-3,
567-70 76
failure to acquire India, XlX, 603 rule of Louis Napoleon. I, 245; XIV. 95;
and Germany, XXV, 1224 XV, 534, 722,917, 929; XVII, 1597,
interference in Italy, XV. 593, 611,737, 1604, 1609, 1611, 1683, 1717-18,
798; XVl, 1033; XVlI, 1807; XXIII, 1726; XIX, 327; XXV, 1142;
423. 429; XXV, 1143; XXXII, 118, XXVIII, 216; XXXH, 82, 141
119 (XV, 621), 132-3 (XV, 795) Commune (1871) and after, XVII,
under Louis Philippe, XXII, 300-1 182t-2, 1864-5; XXXII, 231
and Poland, XXlI, 214-15. 258-9; -July monarchy, 1830-48 (XX, 322-30)
XXIH, 351,423. 518,532.698 character of, XX, 193, 198,211,212,
possible rule of Ireland, VI, 518,523 301-4, 308-12, 322-30, 370; XXII,
under Provisional Government (1848), 132-4, 224, 298-9; xxm, 338-41,
XX, 341-8 463,694-5,746
and right of search, XVI, 1199; XXVIII, constitutional arrangements of, VI,
225 221-2; XX, 129, 175,299-302;
and Spain, IV, 104; XHI, 570,649; XX, XXII, 143-6, 153-63, 196-202;
179-81; XXII, 125,137,139; XXVI, XXIH, 366-7, 481,485-6
72, 106-7; XXXI, 312, 376-9 disenchantment with, XIl, 278-9
and Suez Canal, XXI. 115 and evolution of national mind since
See also Franco-Prussian War
France, economy of-free trade 541

1814, XXIH, 453-9,692-7 poetry in, I, 349

proceedings of, XXII, 129-XXIII, 747 and printing of licentious books, XVI,
passim 1468
and Thiers' premiership, XI[I, 433 projected articles on, I, 599-600; XII,
See also Chamber of Deputies; Chamber 255
of Peers; Doctrinaires; Popular Party, and reading of novels, XII, 193
French; Republicans, French; Royal- realism in, XX, 183
ists royalist, historical school of, I, 470-501
-intellectual movements in passim; XII, 139
apriorischool, IX, 4, 250; XI, 341.342; mentioned, I, 602; XII, 262; XX. 63;
XIII, 517 XXI, 316
Cartesianism, IX, 485 See also England and France, Pans
Condillac, school of, X, 129; XI, 355 Franchise. See Suffrage
economics, IV, 25; X, 138,499; XV, Franciscans, XX, 50-1,249
961,968; XVII, 1664-5,1667 Franco-Prussian War (1870)
18th-century philosophy, X. 80, 110, end of, XVII, 1766-7, 1769-70
121, 131-3,136-40, 499-501; XX, and England, XVII. 1753-4, 1761,
66-8, 73n, 102n, 183. 220 1777, 1795, 1807; XXV, 1224
historical studies, XVIH, 94, 155; XX. French responsibility for, XVII.
5, 17-18, 19, 181, 184-5, 187. 1761-2, 1764-5, 1774, 1799
220-6, 229-30, 239-40. 260. 370; international law and, XVH, 1763. 1838
XXII. 256; XXIH, 448; XXIV. 867 and Paris Commune, XVII, 1816,
19th-century philosophy, xm, 438: XX, 1821-2
182-6, 220 mentioned, XXXII, 220
political philosophy, XX, 183-4, Frankfort, XXIX, 481
297-9, 313; XXIII, 446 (XXV. Franks
1254-5) conversion of, XXI, 327
psychology, XI, 443-4; XV, 971 mentioned, XI, 284n; XX, 235. 291
revival of interest in Greek, XV, 746; Free Religious Association, XVII, 1867
XVI, 1288 Free-soilers, XXI, 134, 135, 150
Rousseauism, X, 123,299 Free speech. See Liberty, of thought and
Royalism, I, 465 speech
utilitarianism, XV, 745 Free trade
mentioned, X, 289; XXVI, 424-5; and America, XVI, 1126-7, 1150-1,
XXVII, 660 1158-9, 1165; XVII, 1540, 1798,
See also Doctrinaires; Fourierism; Insti- 1802-5, 1840
tut de France; Positivism; Republicans, benefits of, HI, 711; IV, 47-8; XVIII,
French; Saint Simonians 293
-literature of cases where inappropriate, V, 622
character of, I, 488; XII, 173,192; XX, vs. duties for revenue, IV, 231
13, 17,260;XXIII, 442,446; XXXII, effect of on food supply, II, 190-3
132 (XV, 795) in England, I, 101-3 (100-2); IV,
conservative schools of, I. 487 257-8; VI. 312; XII, 31; XIH, 486:
ER on obscenity in, I, 309-11 XXI, 111; XXII, 323; XXIII. 619-20
influenced by politics, I, 466-7 farmers and, XIV, 51-2
JSM studies, I, 59 (58), 169 (168) in France, IV. 260-1; XIX, 583; XXII,
542 Subject Index

[Free trade] -in Hamilton's philosophy

157-8,270; XXIII, 346, 359, 363, arguments for, from testimony of
370. 374-5,435,456. 533,540-1, consciousness. IX, 445-53
569, 702 and necessity equally inconceivable, IX,
Goderich temporizes on, XXVI. 401 81-2, 87n, 146n, 383n. 441-5
growth of, XIII. 710; xxvm, 97,220; used to argue for existence of God, IX.
XXIX, 371-2 437-41. 493
international congress on, XVII, 1703 See also Causation; Necessity. doctrine of
meaning of. XXX. 6-9 philosophical; Will
and modem spirit, XXIX. 375 (605) Freedom, national
opposed in Europe, XIIl, 686-7 and armies composed of various
petition for. V, 761-3 (XXIV. 803-6); nationalities, XIX, 548
XIII, 478 British sympathy with, xxvm, 98
political economists generally favour. European, movement for, I, 245. 247
XXXII, 20 and extradition, I, 283
m silk, IV, 69, 70, 127, 129-32, 138-9 and federal unions, XIX, 553
mentioned, I, 245 (244). II, 178; VI, inspiring, XXVIII, 129-30
130; XII, 28; XV, 912,968,979; value of, XXI, 337
XVIII, 74n wars of, and aid of other nations, XX,
See also Corn Laws. International trade, 344-8; XXI, 121,122-4; XXXI, 374
Navigation Laws, Protection mentioned, I, 101 (100)
Free will (IX. 437-69) See also Liberty
ambiguities in controversy over, VIII, Freethinkers, XI, 286,387,465-7. See
814 also Atheism
Baln on, XI, 365-7 French (language)
and chance, VII. 366 character of, I, 500; XX, 379
doctrine of, denies history subject to importance of knowing, XX, 117. 371;
scientific laws, VHI, 931-2 XXI, 224 (420)
JSM stresses causation rather than, VII, JSM learns, I, 59 (58); XII, 180; XXVI.
347n; XIV, 194; XV, 710; XVI, 1065, 19-143 passim
1241-2; XVH, 1723; XXVII, 657 political, meaningful, XXIH, 394-5
JSM's belief in limited, through im- translation of, XVII, 1735; XX, 372-3
provement of one's character, I, 177 mentioned, XXXII, 147
(176); IX, 465-9 French Revolution
and judgment, XXVI, 195-8 (G) --of 1789 (XX, 58-109)
legitimacy of punishment depends on, aberrations of, not inseparable from
IX, 453-4, 458-65; X, 252 popular institutions, XVIII, 219
metaphysical theory of, VIII, 836-43 assignats in, 111, 561-2; IV, 184, 344
passim; X, 475,478 causes of, IV, 156n; XX, 63-76, 158-9,
moral distinctions not dependent on one's 166
view of, IX, 454-7 comparison of with Revolution of 1830,
physical science discourages belief in, XXIII, 453-5
IX, 486 and conservative literature in France, I.
and Providence, X, 397 487
and Radical poet, I, 467 course of, XX, 6-12, 77-109, 121,
mentioned, IX, 146n, 297; X, 439; XVI, 140-60
free trade-fundholders 543

difficulties of writing on, in England, JSM's enthusiasm for, I, 179 (178)

XII, 182 JSM's letters on, XII, 54-67
English ignorance of, XII, 21, 25; XX, punishment of perpetrators of, XXII,
4-5, 62-3, 77, 99, 110, 127, 143n 164-8,215,223-5
historians of, XX, 5, 58-62, 114-6 QR on. XXlI, 169-79
incident in, XXVI, 78 results of, XlI, 150; XX, 192-4,
JSM's article on, XVII, 1831 311-12; XXII, 129-34. 144-6, 151,
JSM's interest in, I, 65-7 (64-6), 135 214, 296-7,308-10; XXIII, 361,
(134); XIl, 22, 120, 139, 152 457,486-7,684, 691-7
legacy of, II, 183,365; VI, 503; XIX, times ripe for, xxm, 407-8
584; XX, 176, 332; XXII, 176-7; mentioned, I, 471,486; VI, 321
XXIII, 512-13,693; XXV. 1203 --of 1848 (XX, 319-63)
philosophy of, X, 136-8, 299,499 causes of, XX, 323-30
property respected during, VI, 401; XX, conservative results of, XXV, 1104-5
126-8; XXIII, 672-3. 754; XXIV, constitution established by, XX, 356-63
762; XXVI, 368,383 and emancipation of workers, III, 775,
Reign of Terror in, XX, 127,165; XXII, 1006; V, 419
317; XXIII, 408, 481,673; XXVIII, and establishment of ateliers nationaux,
109-10 XIV, 44, 46; XVI, 1131 ;XX, 348-50
significance of, VI, 482; XIII, 713; XX, impact of on public mind, I, 241 (240);
63, 118, 120, 158, 297-8; XXII, XX, 319, 322
292-3; XXXI, 373-4 JSM's defence of, I. 264; 2Kill, 731-5;
significant dates of, XII, 89 XX, 319-63 passim
superiority of men of, VI, 473; XXII, Provisional Government during. I, 264;
155-6; XXIII, 454-5,541-2, 716; II, 251; XIV, 33; XX, 320-1,332-55
XXVIII, 131-2 passtm, 363; XXV. 1091-3, 1110
and vague abstractions, XVII, 1911-12 George Sand and, XXV, 1094 (1260)
mentioned, I, 63.80, 173 (172,615), significance of, XXV, 1110-12
301,603-4; V, 520, 523,752; VI, socialism and, XIV, 23-4; XX, 350-4
322,368; X, 317,386; XI, 467; Xll, mentioned, XIV, 32; XIX, 598
89, 175,196, 257, 279; XVII, 1556; Freshwater Bay, XXVII, 587-90
XIX, 348,590; XX, 175, 190, 202, Freyburg, I, 525
206,212, 311; XXI, 11,267,286, Fribourg, XXlV, 986
379;XXli, 40, 152, 246; xxm, 525; Friendly Societies, XVI, 1390, 1393;
XXIV, 1039, 1050, 1052, 1056; XXXII, 216
XXV, 1262; XXXII, 32 Friends, Society of. See Quakers
See also Constituent Assembly, National Friendship, XII, 30, 123
Convention Fnmley, XXVII, 498
-of 1830 (XXII, 129-40) Fundamentum relatioms, VII. 68; XXXI,
Carrel and, XX, 170, 191, 194, 209 182, 188
compared with 1789 Revolution, xxm, Fundholders
453-5 pillage of, by payment in depreciated
conservative reaction to in France, I, currency, m, 567-8; IV, 186-9; vI,
465-6, 487 172-8
French character illustrated in, XX, 235 Radicals defend, VI, 347,400
good conduct of populace in, XX, 199, See also Consols
350; XXI[I, 166--7, 175-7
544 Subject Index

GAELS,XX, 235 legitimacy of, studied by logic, IX,

Gaillac, XXII, 263 368-9; XI, 479
Galignani's (reading room). XIV, 472,477 mathematics cultivates power of, IX.
Gambling, effects of, XXII, 78-9 474-5,480-1
Game Laws (VI, 101-20) in science, IX, 417; XI. 95,380,480-6.
and argument for a resident gentry. VI, XXXI, 95-6
117-18 mentioned, I, 161 (160), 167 (166), 413;
disobeying, not the worst crime, I, 304 IX, 143, 147n, 300, 485n; XI, 75n,
in 1870s, XVII, 1816, 1908-9 94, 406, 412, 421,446
evil effects of, VI, 103-13, 213; XXXI, See also Abstraction, Generalizations,
238 Induction
JSM's article on, XXXII, 8 Generalizations
landlords and, VI, 102, 114-16; XXVI, approximate, and probable evidence,
2"]3,278,335 VII, 591-603,622-38; VIII, 1100-
and magistrates' bias, XXIII, 587; 1; XXIH, 416
XXVlII, 199-200, 212-13 De Morgan's suggestions regarding
reform of, IV, 384; VI, 101, 109, 111, approximate, XV, 808; XVl, 1084,
114 1088, 1107
mentioned, I, 99; VI, 340,483-4; XXII, often some truth in, X, 90-1
117; XXVI, 285,330, 378; XXVIII, vague, attacked by Bentham, X, 83-8
331 See also Abstraction, Generalization,
Ganges Canal, XXX, 127-8 Induction
Gardesfranfaises, XX, 10, 145, 146, 153, Geneva
157 movement for proportional representa-
Garonne, River, XXVl, 30-60 passim tion at, XXVIII, 186; XXIX, 481
Gas companies, XVI, 1173-4, 1176 population of, XXIV, 827-9
Gatton, XXlI, 112, 133; XXVI, 400n socialist congress at, V, 709
Gaul Genius (I, 329-40)
and Druids, X, 321 competitive ability of persons of, I,
and Roman Empire, XX, 236,263; XXI, 496--7
119; XXV, 1097 contrasted with talent, VI, 352
mentioned, XI, 298; XX, 268 influence of, XXII, 323-4,330
General fast. See Fast day and originality, I, 330-3; XXII, 331:
General names. See under Names XXIII, 430; XXV, 1131
General notions. See Concepts; Ideas, poetic, I, 354-5
abstract and scorn for method, XXVI, 145-6 (G)
Generalization thrives only m atmosphere of freedom,
Bain on, XI, 370; XXXI, 178 XVIII, 267-8
and belief in existence of others, IX, 191, value of, xvm, 268-9
192 why modern age less rich in than ancient,
in Greek mythology, XI, 289 I, 333-9; XI, 320-1
Hamilton distinguishes from abstraction, mentioned, I, 193 (192,617), 352,386,
IX, 302; XVI, 1323 397,398,403,528,532; XI, 274,316
Hamilton on formation of notions by, IX, Genoa, XIV, 269-73 passim; XXXI, 357n
303 Genus. See under Classification
on insufficient evidence, XXVI, 361
Gaels - Germany 545

Geography German (language)

Grote on significance of Greece's, XI, JSM learns, I, 123 (126)
298-9; XXIV, 873-5 value of, XX1,224 (420), 379
teaching of, IV, 377; XXI, 224 (420) Germany
mentioned, I, 318; IX, 351 art in, Xlll, 450
Geology John Austin and. I, 185 (184); XXI, 57
as concrete science, IX, 472 Biblical criticism in, XI, 287; XIII, 497
of Isle of Wight, XXVII, 570-92passtm civilization m, XX, 375-6
speculations in, XII, 344, 345; XV, 754 classical scholars of, XI, 383,385;
uncertainty in, XXVI, 394 XXVI, 353
See also Chalk hills, Granite, Sand, education in, XXIII, 361
Sandstone English ignorance of, XII, 105
Geometrical or abstract deductive method. Gamier on, XXIII, 748-9
See under Deductive method Goethean period in, I, 260; Xlll, 582;
Geometry (VII, 224-36) XVIH, 243
application of algebra to, IX. 478-9 historians of, X, 140-1; XI, 330; XVIII,
assumptions of, analogous to those in 94; XX. 219-20, 261; XXII, 256;
political economy, IV, 326-7 XXIII. 448; XXIV, 867,868, 1086
Austin recommends method of. XXI, 58 intellectual liberty in, XXXII, 108 (XV,
axioms and definitions of, rest on 539)
induction, VII, 218 (VIII, 1085), JSM visits, XIII, 398,400; XVI, 1096,
616-18; XI, 446-7,481-2 1102-4, 1312-13; XVII, 1782, 1896
in Comte's scheme, X, 282, 283 mercenaries from, XXXI, 364
as deductive science, I, 167-9 (166-8); imddle ages in, XX, 26, 230
VII, 618-19; VlH, 887-8; XI, 33 national character in, X, 105: XII, 32.
evaluation of Legendre on, XXVI, 33, 41 112; XV, 771; XX, 236-7,274;
and geometric spirit in philosophy, IX, XXII, 444-5 (XXV, 1253 )
485-6 opinion of England in, X, 34; XIII, 507,
inconceivability and truths of, IX, 687
7 l n-4n, 144n, 268n philosophy in, see Metaphysics, German
JSM learns, I, 15 (14); XXVI, 26-73 Poles and, XXIH, 698
passim, 129 pohtical economy m, XIII, 458
mental powers demanded by, IX, 474-5; praise of, XlI, 109, 175; XIII, 522,543;
XXI, 235 XVlII, 94
and necessary truths, VII, 224-36, and Schleswig-Holstein, XV, 917; XVI.
240-1,245, 248n-9n 1197
objects of, not abstract but ideal, XXXI, universities in, IV, 214; XV_I, 144;
186-7 XXXlI, 186
and propositions asserting order in place, women in, XVlI, 1637, 1703-4; XX,
VII, 608-9 284, 387; XXXii, 229, 234
theorems of, I, 189 (188); XXXI, 136 mentioned, I, 87, 171 (86,170), 348n,
of visibles, Reid's, IX, 72n, 74n 476; V, 684; Vl, 13, 17,260; XI, 291,
mentioned, IX, 271,441,470, 482; X, 303,379, 391,443; XIII. 484; XV,
276; XI, 16, 29, 344; XXII, 74 598,628,763,902; XVII, 1806,
Georgia (Caucasus), XXXI. 349, 352,357 1965; XVIII, 100, 143, 261; XIX,
Georgia (U.S.A.). See Confederate States 406, 466n, 551; XX, 24, 183, 221,
of America
546 Subject Index

[Germany] Gloucester
314, 342; XXI, 147; XXII, 136, 280; Bank of England branch at, V, 534
XXIII, 679,727; XXXI, 324; XXXII, vale of, IV, 173
t49, 152, 204 Gloucestershire, poaching in, VI, 106
-economy of Glut. See Universal glut
commandite partnerships, V, 425 Glynde, River. XXVII, 466
co-operation, XV, 907 Gnosticism, Neoplatonism and, XI, 378
gold discoveries. XV, 893 God
land tenure, V, 428,752: XXI, 379; bad character of omnipotent, I. 43-5
XXX, 216-18 (42-4)
peasant proprietorship, II. 262-7: V, in Berkeley's philosophy, Xl, 454.456.
684; XXIV, 968-71,975-6,985, 462-5,467
988-9, 1038 character of, as deduced from his works,
socialism, V, 708-9 X, 398-9,456-9
-government and politics of character of Catholic, I, 354n
1848 rebellions, XIV, 32 Coleridgeans' attitude to, I, 510
failure of federalism, XIX, 546, 549, as creator with limited power, IX, 419:
554, 555 X, 388-91,397-8,451-5; XV, 709,
manhood suffrage, V, 706 754; XVI, 1195; XVII, 1829; XXIV,
paternalism, IV, 374 1083
proportional representation, XV, 779, and doctrine of atonement, XIlI, 453
919,969 and doctrine of predestination, IX, 469
mentioned, XXVI, 367 and ideal conception, I, 47-9 (46-8); X,
See also Europe, Franco-Prussian War, 485-9; XV, 650: XVI, 1414; XXl,
Prussia 254
Ghosts, X, 464-5 as Infinite to Cousin, IX, 35-6, 44-5,
Ghylls, XXVII, 524-5 137
Gibraltar, government of, XIX, 562; XXX, JSM declines to worship, if not good, IX,
188 103; XVI, 1070, 1079, 1195
Gig. gigmen, gigmanity (conventional laws of, distinguished from human laws,
respectability), XII, 154, 156, 182, XXI, 57, 176-7
192,253 in Leibniz's philosophy, IX, 419, 500,
Gimont, XXVI, 62 501
Girgenti (Sicily), XlV, 368, 372, 373-4 mercifulness of, IX, 393
Girondists and morality, X, 222
English, XIl, 165 and mystery of evil, XXVI, 295-6
JSM aspires to be one of. I, 67 (66) and potato blight, XXIV. 1073-5
Mignet on, XX, 11, 12, 14, 100 and prophets, xm, 496-7
and republicanism, XX, 78, 86, 98-109 and uniformity of sequence, XVI,
mentioned, XXIII, 524, 542 1240-1
Girton College, course in political economy worshipped for his power, XXU, 290
at, XVII, 1891-2 mentioned, I, 270, 329, 337,500; IX.
Glasgow 461,462n; XI, 84n, 95,420; Xll, 101;
representation of, XXVIII, 281,283 XV, 691; XX, 75; XXI, 129, 154,
"stench of trade" at, XII, 144 253,263,287, 296; XXlI, 32, 328;
mentioned, I, 285; VI, 488; XXXII, X/OIl, 393,433,434, 479
Germany - government 547

--existence of (X, 434-50) value of, and melting or coining, 11I,

and argument from causality, X, 432-41 518-19,525,557
and argument from design, IX, 439; X, mentioned, XV. 516.950; XVII, 1642;
127,446-50 XXXII, 164
Berkeley's argument for, VIII, 816; XI, Good
462-5 and the Beautiful, XXI, 255
Descartes' proof of, VIII, 813 cannot be so proved, only assented to, X,
JSM's explanation of his position on, 207-8
XII, 206; XV, 754-6 general, see Interest, general
miscellaneous arguments for, X. 441-6 unbelievers' ideal of, I, 47 (46)
and psychological theory of ego, IX, -and evil
192-3,204 all participate in struggle between. XXI.
mentioned, XVI, 1414 244,256
-in Hamilton's philosophy Christian vs. Manichaean view of, I, 43
as Absolute, unknowable, IX, 34-9, (42); X, 388-91,425-6,454-9.469
44-5, 52-3, 57-8n, 83, 89-101 and Christian view of afterlife. X, 70
passim, 441 consequences of. and question of good
as creator, in doctrine of causation, IX, coming from evil, X, 387-8
286-90, 293 general ignorance of meaning of, XI,
existence of, grounded on doctrine of free 403-4
will, IX, 437-41 God's arbitrary fiat does not define, X,
and Mansel's doctrine that attributes of 27-9, 53, 145, 184
are unknowable, I, 270; IX, 100-8; JM's view of, I, 51-3 (50-2), 594
XV, 817; XVII, 1653 mystery of existence of, XXVI, 295-6
tesumony of consciousness and veracity Plato's view of, XI, 61,390, 395,400.
of, IX, 132-5, 193 418-21,432,436, 439n
mentioned, IX, 8,418-19 utilitarian view of, X, 111
See also Absolute, Christianity, Miracles, mentioned, I, 319,597; XI, 438
Religion See also Improvement, Virtue
Godalming, XXVII, 455-6 Goodwill, payments for, IV, 268
Godavery [Godavari] Anicut, XXX, 130 Gtx_wood Park, XXVII, 566-7
Godstone, I, 55 (54); xm, 743 Goss and Co., xxm, 565
Gold Gossip, XXVII, 649-50
discoveries of, and their effects, II, 179; Gothic architecture. See under Architecture
V, 515-18,539-40,675; XIV, 91-2; Goths, XX, 291
XV, 515,541,766--7,881-2, 890, Government (X-IX, 383-98)
893,898-9,909, 912-13,976; art of, IX, 350-1; xvm. 308-9; XIX,
XXXI, 410; XXXII, 117-18 374, 380
price of, during Bank Restriction, IV, John Austin on, I, 185 (184); XIX,
6-10; XXII, 19-20, 34 344-5,352
as standard for currency, IH, 524-6; IV, Bentham on, X, 9, 16-18,99-100,
118-20, 345; V, 515 105-9, 153-5.195-6;XXVI,443-8,
traded as bullion without affecting 451-3
currency, m, 618-22; xxIv, 856-7 Berkeley's defence of passive obedience
usefulness of, as money, m, 503-5; IV, to, xI, 468-9
345 Coleridge on, X, 151-3
548 Subject Index

[Government] (164), 185 (184), 219-21,295,296,

colonial, see Colonies 300; XXVm, 164
Comte on, X, 344,350-1,358-9 simple and mixed, XHI, 444; XXVI,
conditions for maintaimng established 262, 329; XXVII, 661
forms of. XIX. 377-8 Henry Taylor on, XIX, 621-2,626-9
conflicting interests in, see Interest, Tocqueville's contribution to study of,
selfish, m government XVIII, 18n, 156-7
curtailment of free speech by. I. Tory vs. Liberal views of, XXVHI, 22-3
297-300, 302; XVIII, 228,229, 233; (XXIX, 596)
XXI, 6-19 passim, 34; XXII, 11 value of popular participation in, XVIII,
early forms of, H, 6, 11, 13 169; XIX, 412
ER on, I, 293-7 women and, XXI, 302-4, 337.396-7
feudal, XX, 285; XXVI, 259-60 (HTM), 401-2 (HTM); XXIX. 377,
forffaation of modem, XX, 252 387-8
importance of working administrators in, mentioned, I, 11 (10), 23 (22), 51 (50),
XII, 151 55 (54), 109 (108), 494; VI, 378;
inadequate French theories on, X, 131-8 XVIII, 146
influence of on character, XIX, 410-11, -English
467-9, 619; XXl, 337 John Austin on, I, 185 (184); XIX.
JM's views on. I, 165-7 (164-6), 535, 344-8
593--4 Sarah Austin on, xxm, 729
of law, XVII. 1608 becoming middle-class democracy.
Locke's view of, XVRI, 10-11 XVIII, 167
and morals, VI. 213-14, 229 compromising theory of, X, 142-5; XX,
organic qualities in, X, 17,132-6 331
Plato's theory of, XI, 432-9 passim control of by public opinion, XXI, 7, 34,
policy-making in, xvm, 174-5 64; XXX, 201-2
popular, XXlI, 64-6; XXVI, 366-70, divided responsibility in, XXX, 177-8,
379-85; XXlX, 395; XXX, 169 188-90
power m, XVIII, 189-90, 197, 268-9; ER on, I, 302
XlX, 380-2,505, 515; XXlI, 72, flaws of pre-1830, XIX, 619-20
73-4, 253-8,279-82,289-90, hypothetical Senate in, XIX. 516-17
313-15; XXIH, 631-3; XXVI, 280, increased functions of, XV, 691; XIX.
340; XXlX, 402-3 591-2, 601-2, 609
principles of good, VI, 203; XVIH, labouring class participation in, see
23-5 (XIX, 649-50), 152; XlX, Labouring class, parliamentary repre-
383-98,498,501,572; XX, 354; sentation of
XXII, 82; XXHI, 485,695 libels against, XXI, 16, 23-4, 27-31
relativity of to creators, I, 169 (168 ); X, local, see subhead local
323; XVIII, 41-3, 151; XIX, 355-7, not as obtrusive as Continental govern-
374-5,379-80,393-7,415-20; XX, ments, I, 201-3; V, 616; XVIII, 223;
183-4, 187; XXlI, 257-8,289; XIX, 603-4; XXIII, 710
xxm, 692 as oligarchy, VI, 470-1; XXlI, 123,
resistance to, I, 177 (176), 295; VI, 9 133-4, 149; XXlII, 493,497; XXIV,
role of philosopher in, I, 373; XHI, 902-3; XXV, 1104, 1109
502-3; XV, 769; XVI, 1047 particular ministries in, see under
securities for good, I, 109 (108), 165
government- government, role of 549

Liberals, Tories, Whigs XXXI, 405-6

and the Queen, XXI, 270 and local taxes, Ill, 862-3; XV, 657
reform of, see Reform, parliamentary principles of, XIX, 534-45
and rule of law, I, 281; XX, 191; XXI, in U.S.A., XVI, 992; XVIII, 58-63;
423-33 passim; XXVII, 657; XlX, 534-5; XXIX, 522-9
XXVIII, 107-8,204-5 See also London, Pans
under Stuarts, Vl, 10-11, 15, 19-20 -representative (XIX, 373-577)
transfer of power in, XVIII, 162-7,200 in colonies, XIX, 563
mentioned, VI, 321; XIX, 486n-7n compatible with misgovernment, XIX.
See also Constitution, British; House of 378
Commons; House of Lords; Monarchy, dangers of, XIX. 435-6,439-52,
British; Parliament 457-8,467
-financial operations of executive in, XIX, 520-33
control of currency and credit by, III, federations and, XIX, 553-61
505, 517-19,556-69,682-4, 803 and functions of representative bodies,
control of prices by, lII, 926-7 Xlll, 544; XIX. 422-34; XXXII,
effect of on industry, II, 64-6; Ill, 748; 232-3
IV, 262-3 ideally best, XVIII. 18-19: XIX. 398,
imposition of tariffs by, Ill, 619-21; IV, 403-12; XXVI, 281
249-50,256; V, 761-2; XXIII, improved by proportional representation,
803-4 see Representation, Hare's scheme of
issue of paper by, IV, 352n proportional
war-time expenditure of, and redemption JSM's work on, I, 265,625
of nauonal debt, II, 62, 75-8; In, and nationality, XIX, 546-52
652-3, 873-9; IV, 5-6, 13-18, Philosophic Radicals and, I, 109 (108)
21-2, 157, 304-5 principles of, VI, 221; XVIII, 22-3, 40,
-local (XlX, 534-45) 203; XIX, 321-5,422,471;XX, 160.
central government and, V, 435-7; 162-3,203,307-8, 337-8
XVIII, 33-4, 169-70; XIX, 534, relation between M.P. and constituents
541-5,561,581,598-9,606-7, in, XVlll, 39-41, 74; XIX, 351,
609-10; XXIV, 1064-6 404-12,504-12: XXII, 150-1:
contrast of Enghsh and French, I, 201-3; xxm, 488-94, 496-504
Vl, 206, 231-2; XV, 691-2; XIX, and second chamber, XIX, 513-19
582; XXII, 123-4, 187; x'xm, 587, in U.S.A., see Democracy, American
710 when inapplicable, XlX, 413-21
in England, VI. 301,302-5; XVlII. See also Representation
63-4; XIX, 411-12, 599, 607; xxm, -role of (III, 913-71 )
585-9, 628-31; XXIV, 755,770-4; arguments for limitation of, I, 201; Ill,
XXVIII, 163 937-47; XVIII, 217-19,223-6,
in France, XVIll, 168; XIX, 599, 607; 305-10; X1X, 545,581-3,601-10;
XXII, 186-90, 237-8,259-62; XXlI, 184-5; XXIIl, 384
XXIII, 352-4, 385,476,589; XXIV, authoritative and non-authoritative, HI,
1065; XXVI, 24, 25 936-7
importance of, V, 457; XVII, 1557; in charitable assistance, Ill, 960-2;
XIX, 535-6; XXlll, 404-5,585-6; XII1, 645,716-17 (see also Poor
XXVIII, 273-4; XXX, 175-6; Law)
550 Subject lndex

[Government - role of] in trade and industry, XXX, 7-8, 126;

in colonization, see Colonization XXXI, 408
in crime prevention, XVIII, 294 See also Centralization
discussed generally, as necessary or See also Administration, Aristocracy,
optional, HI, 799-804, 880-1, Constitutions, Democracy, Despotism,
913-14, 970-1 Legislation, Monarchy, Suffrage
Dupont-White on increasing, XIX. Gowbarrow Park, XXVII, 551-2
588-600 Grammar
in education, HI, 948-50; X, 16, 33; difficulties of teaching, XXVI, 148 (G),
XVIII, 199.301-4; XXI, 63-6, 106, 149 (G)
368,369 Smart on, XXIII. 429-35
regarding endowments, see Endowments and thinking process, XXI, 228-9
in framing economic laws, HI, 887-935, mentioned, XXI, 237
953-6 Grampound, I, 119; XXVII, 618
in JSM's Irish land scheme, I, 280; VI, Grand Pontiff, dictatorship of in Comte's
518; XXIV, 960-1, 1009, 1016-17, scheme, X, 351-8
1030-1, 1034-5, 1060-2 Grand Trunk Road, XXX, 132
in land ownership, L 626; V, 751-2; Granite
XXIX, 418-31 passim characteristics of, XXVII, 626, 628
as mediator between conflicting inter- origin of, XXVII, 633
ests, VI, 207 Grasmere, JSM visits, XXVII, 524-7
positive, in improvement and well- Grasmoor, XXVII, 542
doing, H, 99; HI, 747-8,968-71; X, Grave-robbing. See Body-snatching
156,303; XII, 36; XlX, 314, 348; Gravitation
XX, 325; XXI, 366; XXII, 320-1, and definition of matter, XVII, 1890
322; XXHI, 371,728-9,846; and forces opposing it, XXXI, 28, 32
XXVIII, 67,299. 321-3,362-3 and law of conservation of force, XV,
inprotecting minors and the helpless, HI, 928,970; XVII, 1719-20
950-3 as type of scientific discovery, XXXl, 95
as protector of persons and property, H, mentioned, IX, 76n, 264,297,358,422,
112-15,201,228-32; HI, 706-7, 434, 474
800-3,807,880-1,883-6; XVI, Great Britain
1338; XIX, 541; XXVI, 269,281-2, beneficial absorption of Welsh and Scots
336 into, XIX, 549
in public health, XXI, 357,358,367, as colonial power, see Colonies, British
370 Comte's planned dismemberment of, X,
regarding scientists and men of letters, I, 350
385-7; VI, 242-3; XXH, 318-22, constitution of, see Constitution, British
325-7 food supply of, H, 177; XXH, 97-8
in regulating labour, H, 355,357-9; HI, hired agricultural labourers peculiar to,
929-34, 953,956-8; VI, 486; XVII, H, 236n; XXIV, 916
1568, 1585, 1626, 1735-6; XlX, 592; importance of naval power to, XXVIII,
XX, 315; XXI, 404 (HTM); XXII, 220-7
213; XXIII, 369-70, 384, 399-401, influence of institutions of, XlX, 577
419-20, 633-4 and international trade, IV, 7-10, 20,
in regulating prostitution, XXI, 351-71 260--1; VI, 123-30, 132-47; XXl,
in relation to local governments, see 115; XXIV, 837-41
subhead local
government, role of- Greece (ancient), philosophers of 551

Irish severance from, discussed, I, slavery in, II, 245-6; XI, 314-15; XIX,
279-80; VI, 153,215-18, 520-6; 395; XXI, 151,265,269,286
XVI, 1328-9; XXI, 137, 161; soldiers of, II, 51
XXIII, 526; XXV, 1095-6 study of in France, XV, 746; XVI, 1288,
philosophical schools in, XI, 341 1317
resources of, If, 102 superstition in, XI, 153n
wealth of, XVIII, 124 women in, XXI, 270, 314
See also England, Ireland, Scotland, mentioned, II, 74; XV, 947; XVIII, 279;
Wales XIX, 397,406; XXI, 317
Great Deccan Road, XXX, 132 -history of
Great men and ancient historians, XX, 3. 368-9;
characteristics of, XX, 173-4, 213; XXVI, 341-2
XXIII, 430 early, XXIV, 1085; XXV, 1121
commemoration of, XXIII, 419 Grote as pre-eminent writer on. XI, 274,
election of, XXV, 1219 275,303-4, 305n, 313,328,330-4
need to be understood in context, XI, 387 passim, 336n-7n, 377; XXIV, 869,
role of in history, XX, 160,277,279-80 1086-7; XXV, 1134, 1158-60
value of, as inspiring examples. XX, influence of geography on. Xl, 298-9;
215; XXllI, 468,716-17; XXVI, XXIV, 873-5
395-7 JSM's reading in, I, 11 (10), 15 (14), 75
mentioned, XXIII, 528 (74)
See also Genius, Heroes in legendary period, XI, 196, 276-90,
Greece (ancient) (XI, 271-337) 297-8,437; XXIV. 869-71
art and architecture in, I, 353n-4n liberty and authority in, XVIII, 217
colonies of, xxm, 739 by modem historians, X, 45; XI, 79n,
competition in, XI, 506 275,336; XX, 224; XXIV, 867-9,
computation of time in, XI, 285 XXVI, 352-3
Comte on, X, 352,362; XII, 37 in period of decline, XI, 312. 323-4;
debt to negroes in, XXI, 93 XIX, 550; XXV, 1134
democracy in, XI, 324-6; XXVI, 283 unpredictable, XVIII, 191
(see also under Athens) mentioned, I, 99 (98), XI, 162n; XV,
education in, I, 335-6; X, 409-10; XI, 947; XXVI, 52n
438 See also Ancient history
government of, !I, 113-14; XIX, 418; -literature of
XXII, 65; XXVI, 283 compared to Roman, I, 531-2; XXI,
idea of Nemesis in, XI, 293,295 316; XXVII, 663
ideal of, XIV, 345-6; XVIII, 266; contribution of women to, XXI, 314
XXVII, 651-2 Homeric poems and, Xl, 290-7
importance of legacy of, XI, 273-4, judgment on, XIII, 469-70; XVIII, 145
313-14 lyric technique in, I, 412n
influence of in Sicily, XIV, 345-6,373, study and teaching of, see Classics,
375,386, 387 Greek
and injustice, Xl, 395-6 mentioned, I, 471; IV, 267; XI, 274,276
lawlessness in, XI, 53-4, 241 See also individual authors in Index of
music in, I, 499 Persons and Works
national character in, XXI, 309 -philosophers of
religion in, XI, 332 on the absolute, IX, 39-40.91
552 Subject Index

[Greece- philosophers of] Greek (language)

on chance, VII, 566 JSM's learning of, I, 9 (8), 8n; XXVI,
and circular motion, IX, 240 33-48 passim
and classification, Xl, 94 JSM teaches sisters. XII, 10
on efficient causation, VII. 364-6 literature in, see Classics; Greece,
failed in physical inquiry, VII, 359-60 literature of
Gomperz' work on, XXXII, 115 (XV, modem, XVII, 1597, 1603; XXVI,
569), 152 (XVI, 1040) 56-7, 58
Grote's knowledge of, XI, 377-8 relation of classical to modem. XVI,
induction and, XI, 33. 480 1045-6, 1053-4; XVII. 1725-6
influence of on JM. I, 49 (48) teaching of, I, 33 (32). 338; XX. 368;
were practical and theoretical, IV, 334n XXl. 221-2 (416-17), 232-3;
pre-Socratic, XI. 379-81 XXVII, 653
and Roman law, X, 299; XXI, 173, 186 value of study of, XXI, 228-9
science of. often an analysis of ordinary mentioned. I, 347n, 438
language, VIII. 760-2; XXI, 225-6 Greek Orthodox Church. and persecution.
and utility. X, 497 VI, 64
mentioned, IX. 494; XVI, 1040; XX. Greenhead Ghyll. XXVH, 524
248 Greenock. Christie as candidate for,
See also Dialectic, Epicureanism. XXXH, 195
Platonists, Sophists, Stoics; and, in Greenwich
Index of Persons, individual philoso- Gladstone as candidate for. XXV.
phers 1219-20; XXVIII, 363-7; XXXH.
See also Ancients. Athens. Sparta 198-9
Greece (modem) Natural History Society at, XXXI, 283
archeology in, XV. 780; XVI. 1096-7 school board election for, XXlX. 401
ballot in, XVH. 1639 Grenada, XXV, 1097
British loan to, XXlII, 611 Grenoble, disturbances at, XXHI. 427-8.
characteristics of, XlV. 431. 433,436, 435,441,518
440-1,451,460; XV, 780; XVII, Greta, River, XXVII, 535
1656; XXI, 277, 309 Grip, XXVI, 68-70, 95-100 passtm
government of, X1X, 415 Grosvenor estate, XXV, 1233; XXIX. 429
immigration to, XH, 243 Guildford
and insurrection at Nanplia, XV, 776-82 JSM at, XXVII, 455.498
passim plants of, XXXI. 258-60, 261
and Ionian Islands. XIX, 467n Guilt
JSM plans to visit (1860). XV. 659.680. commonly measured by antipathy. X.
682,684, 685 400-1
JSM visits, XIV, 401-70 passim; XV, and punishment, IX, 458-65
761,768,774, 776-89; XXXH,
129-31 HABIT.See Custom
needs of, XXXII, 136 Haileybury College, XII, 247,260; XXIII,
politics in, XV, 833; XVII, 1592 606; XXX, 64, 73; XXXll, 20
population of, XXVI, 302-3 Haiti, I, 304-5; XXI, 92
and Turkey, XIV, 434; XVII, 1763; XX, Hamburg, banking at, IV, 84; V, 508,
346; XXl, 121; XXXI, 375 520-1,523,533; XXII, 20; XXIV,
mentioned, XV, 867; XVII, 1643 858
See also Ionian Islands
Greece (ancient), philosophers of-Hindus 553

Hamiltonian method, JSM's learning Harlem, I, 525

German by, I, 123 (126) Harleyford, XXVlI, 493
Hampden House, XXVII, 485,490-1 Hartleianism, I, 209 (208)
Hampshire Harvard College, XVII, 1690
JSM visits, Xil, 108, 113, 114; XXVII, Hastings
559-63,567-611 battle of, XI, 273
plants of, XXXI, 263 JSM visits, XXVII, 470
See also Isle of Wight Hawes Water, XXVlI, 554
Hanover, I, 606; VI, 538 Hearing, JM on, XXXI, 105
Hanseatic League Heat, XV, 871,902, 927-8,971; XVlI.
personal security in. m, 881 1721
as trading community, Ill, 694 Hebrews. See Jews
Happiness Hedonism, Socrates and, XI, 378, 391.418
attainability of, X, 214-18, 339 Heligoland, XVI, 1368; XXXII, 186-7,
congenial work vital to, XXI, 339-40 192
crushing of by ascetics, XXIII, 556-9 Hell, JSM faces prospect of going to. IX,
general, as criterion of distribution of 103; XVl, 1079
wealth, XXII, 249; XXVl, 336-8 Hell-Fire Club, XXVH, 494
of higher natures, XXI. 37-40 Helm Crag, KXVII. 526
individuality as principal ingredient of. Helston, XXVlI. 622
XVHI, 261 Helvellyn, XXVH, 531. 554
JSM's own, I. 87, 137-9. 145 (136-8. Herat, XXXII, 92, 107. 113
144), 149, 247 (246) H6rault, River. XXVl. 123
in marriage, XXI. 40, 45-8,333-4 Heredity. XV, 901; XVlI, 1570
progress of knowledge increases, XXVl, Hemam, battle at, XXXI, 369. 370-1
257-8 Heroes
quality of, X, 210-14; XXVII, 663 mortality of, XXVlI. 649
sources of, I, 143-53 passim, 157; worship of, XXVII. 666
XXII, 285; XXVl. 397,441 See also Genius, Great men
and virtue, I, 330; X, 15; XI, 149, 416, Herstmonceaux Castle, XXVII, 469
432, 437 Hertfordshire, JSM visits, XXVlI. 486
Whewell's notion of, X. 184n High Wycombe, VII, 491
mentioned, I, 113 (112), 361,363. 373. Highbury, IV, 218
387,594; XV, 764; xvm, 57, 70, Hindhead, XXVII, 456, 563
270, 280; XXIl. 82 Hindu College, XXX, 142; XXXII, 23--4,
-greatest, principle of (X. 205-19) 30
Bulwer questions, X, 502 Hindus
Coleridge on, X, 159 beliefs of, IX, 198; X, 272, 431; Xl, 288.
as criterion of moral actions, I, 67 (66); 290; XVIll, 284
X, 5, 7, 51,207-19,234-9, 258n; character of, Vl. 519; XIX, 377; XXX,
XV, 762; XXXII, 185 30, 96
once supported by Plato, XI, 419n and hill tribes, XXX, 153
secondary ends and, X, 110-11 law courts of, XXXl, 50
and social and sympathetic feelings, X, reaction of to teaching of Christianity,
231-3,333-5 (see also Interest. XiX, 570
general) religious laws of, X, 320-1; XXX, 125
See also Pleasure, Utilitarianism as static society, XXII, 305; XXV, 1119
554 Subject Index

[Hindus] present age most important part of,

thought and literature of. XVII, 1687 XXII, 230
women rulers among, XVII, 1687; XXI, religious, X, 429-31; XV, 758
303n Saint-Simonian philosophy of, I, 171
women thought voluptuous by, XVII, (170), 174n
1695; XXI. 312 science of, VIII, 931-42; XX, 117-18;
mentioned, I, 27 (26): XVIII, 240n, XXII, 287
290; XIX, 397,569; XXI, 296.379; William Smith on law and, XXI, 84
XXV, 1136; XXX, 121, 158 as source of inspiration, XXI, 254;
Historical method, outlines of, VIII, XXVI, 396-7
925-8. See also Deductive method in university curriculum, XVIII, 145;
Historical monuments, preservation of. V, XXI, 224-8 (420-1), 244,249;
695; XVII, 1741-2, 1905-6; XXV, XXVI, 352-3
1241n value of studying, XVIII, 93-4; XX,
History (VIII, 931-42; XXVI, 392-7) 261-2; XXVI, 44, 52n
Bentham's contribution to, X, 109-10 mentioned, I, 99 (98). 197 (196,620);
causation in, VIII, 931-4; X, 315-17; XII, 259; XVIII, 159; XIX, 397,
XVIII, 197-8 401; XX, 51, 104; XXI, 113,262,
Comte's view of, I, 219; X, 269-79, 315,394; XXII, 293
298-300, 307, 315-24, 361-2 -lessons of
course of, as struggle against oppression, abilities of women, XXI, 302-4,401-2
XXI, 87.272-5,294, 378-80 (HTM)
and desire to sympathize, XXVI, 343 difficulty of spontaneous improvement,
Doctrinaires and. XXIII, 513,515 XXI, 93
and fiction, I, 435,527 docility of populace. XXI, 13
in German metaphysical thought, X, dominance of law of force, XXI, 265-8.
125, 138-41 399-.400 (HTM)
ignorance of in England, XX, 229, 260, force of passionate characters, XXI, 309
367-9; XXI, 159 misgovernment by few, I, 374; XXII, 72
JSM studies, I, 11 (10), 15-17 (14-16), noisiest periods not necessarily most
26 important, XKXII, 235
laws of society discovered from, by relativism, XXX, 215-16
inverse deductive method, I, 219; transience, XXVII. 649
VIII, 914-17 value of freedom of opinion, XXI, 11
legend and early, XI, 284-6; XXIV, variety in human nature, I, 45 (44). 187
869-71 (186); XXI, 277
of limited usefulness as source of -writing of (XXI, 219-26)
knowledge, IV, 333n; X, 44-5; XXII, among ancients, I, 532; XXVI, 341-2
39-40; XXVI, 392-4 bias in, XX. 19, 95,224; XXVI, 344
Montesquieu's contribution to, XXVI, Carlyle on importance of biography in,
450 XX, 113
and morality, XXVI, 342, 395-7 characterization in, XX, 12-13, 114-15,
and nationality, XIX, 546 134-7, 158
philosophy of, and philosophy of conjecture and proof in, XI, 330; XXIV,
progress, VIII, 930 1086-7
predictability in, VIII, 941; XVI, different modes of, XX, 3-4, 222-6
Hindus - House of Commons 555

in England, XIII, 509; XX, 219, 220, XXIII, 632n; XXV, 1 t43
239, 243,261-2; XXIV, 814 Home Office, XXI, 103
English, indebted to Frenchmen, XX, Honesty, importance of in commerce, II,
187,221,226 110-11, l12n-13n
in France, XVIII, 94, 155; XX, 5, Hong Kong, XXXII, 98
17-18, 19, 181,184-5, 187. 220-6, Honister Crag, XXVII, 541,542
229-30, 239-40, 260, 370; XXIV, Honour, Plato's viewofas element ofrmnd,
867 XI, 77n
general reflections in, XX, 13, 161- 2 Hope, definition of, XXXI, 215, 217
in Germany, XII, 109; XX, 219-20, Horses
261; XXIV, 867,868, 1086 cruelty to, see Animals
narrative in, XX, 5-6, 19, 76-7, 158; DeQuincey on value of race- , IV, 402-3
XXIV, 868-9. 1087; XXV, 1122 Hospitals
nature of Grote's superiority in, XI. for animals and birds, V, 620-1
303-4; XXV, 1158-60 and asylums under Poor Law, XXVIII,
a new art, XI, 328 136-43
philosophical, XX, 185,228-9, 261-2, in India, XXX, 150-1
370-2,384,389; XXII, 256; XXlII, taxation for, XVII, 1589
448 taxation of, XXVIII, 334
qualifies necessary for, XX, 55-6, House of Commons
58-61, 138 attendance in, not a paramount duty of
use of sources in, VI, 5-6; XX, 61-2, M.P.s, VI, 158-60
116,233-4, 264 Coleridge's view of, X, 152-3
Hobson's choice, XV, 737; XXI, 281-2 and co-optation of members, XV, 941
Hog's Back, XXVII, 456, 557 dominated by landed element, I, 95 (94);
Holland VI, 102, 170, 184,470; XXHI, 377.
Belgic Code in, XXXI, 91-2 628; XXV. 1109; XXVI, 264-5.
and Belgium, XX, 346; XXI, 121,344; 273-5,332-3,359. 375-7,377-8;
XXIII, 632,699; XXXI, 375 XXIX, 416
carrying trade of, III, 917; IV, 256 education needed to improve, XII. 145
government of, XVIII, 23 (XIX, 649); elections to, see Elections
XlX, 504; XXI, 303; XXH, 188; faulty representation in, XXVI. 363-6.
XXVI, 367 449
interest rates in, 171,170, 172 influence of public opinion on, XXVI,
JSM visits, XVII. 1942 265-6, 378
land tenancy in, II, 235; XVI, 1406: insincerity in, VI, 93--4; XXII, 21;
XVH, 1656 XXIH, 388
law of, XXVI, 387 and interest of the whole, XXVI, 375.
pauper colonies of, XXIV, 776 452
prosperous without agriculture, IV. 150 Irish influence in, VI, 508,523-4; XVI,
taxation and decline in, IH, 828, 892-3 1329
war of independence of, I, 11 (10), 17 JSM in, see under Parliament
(16) labounng-class presence in, desirable,
mentioned, V, 425,685; X, 136; XIX, VI, 489; XVI, 1130, i 198, 1464,
406, 468n, 546; XXII, 186 1478, 1485, 1514; XVII, 1758-9;
Holy Alliance, I, 101 (100); XX, 109n; XIX, 405; XXV, 1106-7;
556 Subject Index

[House of Commons] imitation of in France, XXH, 197, 199

XXVIII, 66 (XXIX, 603) landed interest dominates, VI, 101-2,
librarian of, XVI, 1264 170, 470
and money matters, XVI, 1221; XIX. life members proposed for, XV, 941;
424; XXVIH, 119-20 XVII, 1594-5; XlX, 518
moral atmosphere, of. XXVIII, 297, 351, Melbourne and. VI, 344
359-60 power of, XVII. 1613; XX, 82-3
need for class representation in, XXVIII, private pecuniary interests less powerful
30, 33, 39, 42-3, 347 in, XVI, 1177
parties in, see Conservatives, Liberals, proposed Legislative Commission m,
Radicals, Tories, Whigs XIX. 431
Peel and, VI, 404 and question of a second chamber, XlX,
Peers as members of, XXIV, 759 513-19 passim
possible use of ballot in, XXV, 1216-17 reform or abolition of, VI, 253-4, 276,
private bills in, VII. 248-9; XXIII, 588 312,313,317; XIl, 272, 283; XXIV,
private interest in, XXII, 30 762, 779-85; XXVIII, 331
reform of, see Reform, parliamentary rejection of Reform Bill by, Xll, 75-6;
and representation of minorities, XV, XXIII, 358
653-4; XVI, 1249;XIX, 515 (see also mentioned, VI, 302,315,389; XII, 270,
under Representation) 327; XVH, 1968, 1969; XVIII, 66,
Roebuck in, I, 156-8 108; XIX, 405; XX, 129,304-5, 330
rules of procedure in, XXVIH, 219,266 See also Parliament
size of, XVIII, 34 House tax. See under Taxation
and Speaker's dinners, XVI, 1149 Housing
Speaker's Gallery of, XXXII, 162 Chadwick on, XVI, 1292; XVlI, 1630
as supreme power, XlX, 422-3,514; Hare and, XV, 799
XXVI, 264, 272 public loans for, XVI, 1155
vulgarity of, VI, 162-3 for workers, XVl, 1142; XVIl, 1630;
working hours in, XX-IH. 386; XXXH, XXVHI, 294; XXXI, 397-8
177 Howard Association, XVI, 1362
mentioned, VI, 357; XI, 43,301; XHI, Howell, James, and Co., XVI, 1027
645; XVIII, 46, 204; XlX, 517,518, Hull, XXllI, 509
626;XX,57;XXV, I193;XXVI,419; Human nature
xxvm, 194 causes of wickedness in, XXH, 77-8
See also Parliament difficulty of improving, XIV, 19; XIX,
House of Lords (XXIV, 779-85) 388; XXI, 335,412 (HTM); XXIX,
appelate jurisdiction of, VI. 277-8 403
bishops in, XXIII, 600, 645-6 dwarfed by specialization, XXI, 223
Brougham and, VI, 279; XXIII, 627 female, difficulty of determining, XXI,
Coleridge's views of, X, 152-3 271-2, 276-80, 304-5,312-13,375
Commons not subordinate to, XVI, 1252 (HTM), 387-8, 401 (HTM)
deference paid to, XVIII, 163 history and, XVlII, 145; XX, 59, 122.
diminished power of, XVIII, 194; 163,384
XXVI, 272; XXVIII, 337-8 importance of thinking well of, XXII,
Fonblanque on, VI, 357-8, 365-6 253; XXVI, 390-1,396-7
Grey and, VI, 265 influence of circumstances on, XXII,
ignorance in, VI, 202
House of Commons - Hungary 557

256-7 (see also Character) ethology as exact, VIII, 870

innate differences in, I, 591 importance of, II. 200; X, 94; XXI. 93,
liberty essential to, I, 259-60; XVRI, 242; XXII, 39-40,294-5
263,266 in politics, I, 314; IX, 350-1; XXVI.
literature and, I, 345-6, 417,459, 393
479-80; XXVI, 439 and social science, VIII, 913-15; X,
perfection of, I, 329,592; XVIII, 307-12, 315-18; XXVI, 451
265-6; XIX, 410; XX, 213; XXI, -as viewed by
217,220, 255-6 Aristotle, I, 15 (14); Xl, 505
primitive, X, 393-6 associationists, Xl, 349
progress and, XI, 313; XVIH, 197 John Austin, I, 185-7 (186)
and sexual equality, I, 622; XXI, 324-6 Bentham and Benthamites, I, 115 ( 114 ),
training of, to love morality and the 143 (142), 590; X, 6-9, 12-17.91 - 3,
common good, I, 241; IX, 453,457n; 94-9, 112-14. 120, 173-4
X, 50--2,216-18,230-3. 393-9, Burke, XVIII, 21-2
408-9,421-2 Calvinists, XVIII, 265
variety in, see under Character, National classical authors, XVIII, 195,266; XXI,
character 229
mentioned, I, 195 (194,619-20), 253n Comte, X, 352
(252), 266,325,331-2,333,434-5; conservatives, I, 468.470, 513
IX, 104n, 105n, 108n, 182, 336,435, ER, I, 316-17
487; X, 23, 37, 74, 110-11; XI, 274, Englishmen, XXI, 313
361,362-3,370,415; XVIII, 21,57, French authors, I, 423-4; X, 25-6
83, 106, 119, 137, 157, 196; XIX. innate-principle philosophers, I, 269-
612; XXI, 8, 185, 363; XXlI, 255; 70; X, 47n, 61-2, 230
XXIII, 426; XXVI, 284, 350, 366, JM, I, 591-2,594; XXXI, 220-2,
412 238-9
-fundamental principles of metaphysicians, I, 357
abuse of power, XVIII, 227; XIX, 445, Puritans, XXI, 253
610; XXI, 19, 289; XXIX, 416 (see Radical poet, I, 468
also Power) traditional wisdom, I, 421
aversion to change, XI, 313; XXI, 11, Vigny, I, 472, 488-9
12-13 Wordsworth, XXVI, 440
fallibility, XVIII, 222, 229-30, 260 See also Character, Ethology. Improve-
fear, X, 393-4 merit of mankind, National character
need of religion, X, 418 Humanity (humaneness)
power for good, XXl, 286 deficient in present age, XXI, 94
progressiveness, VIII, 913-14; XIX, growing in present age, XXXI, 366n
619; XXlI, 234; XXVI, 349, 424-5, m Jamaica question, XXl, 423,433,434
428-33 Humour
reverence for ancestors, XXII, 292 definition of, XX, 163-4
selfishness, X, 394-7 value of, XXVII, 643
willingness to accept welfare, XXIV, mentioned, XXII. 310
999, 1005 Hungary
--science of Austria and, VI, 524-6; XV, 739; XVI,
defined, VIII, 844-8 1197; XlX, 548; XX, 348
558 Subject Index

[Hungary] Idealism
contrasted with Ireland, XVI, 1329 Aristotle's opposition to, XI, 487
nationalism in, XIX, 549; XXV, 1201-2 basis of, IX, 137n-8n
revolution of 1848-49 in, II, 248n; V, Berkeley's, XI, 348,453-4, 458
699; XIII, 734; XIV, 32; XV, 533; cosmothetic, or hypothetical dualism,
XXI, 124; XXV, 1142-4 Hamilton's arguments against, IX,
mentioned, II, 20n, 192n; Ill, 745 17n, 28n-9n, 152-62, 163n, 168-76,
Hunting, XVII, 1673-4, 1701, 1908-9 239
Hurst Castle, XXVII, 591 Kant's so-called refutation of, IX, 27n
Huslee [Hasli] Canal, XXX, 128 O'Hanlon on JSM's pure, IX, 203n
Hyde Park Plato as founder of, XI, 388
reform meeting in, I, 278; XVI, 1186; and question of existence of matter, VII.
XXVIII, 96, 99-104, 114 59; IX, 6-7, 140, 152, 196
mentioned, I, 37 (36) Spencer on, XVI, 1090
See also Parks mentioned, IX, 23, 151
Hyderabad, XXXII, 60, 67-8 Ideas (VIII, 649-62)
Hydropathy, XXIV, 875-7 appropriate and clear, VIII, 653,656-62
Hydrostatics, IX, 351 association of, see Association of ideas
Hy_res, JSM sentimental about, XIV, 181, comparison of in mathematics, VII,
186 233-6, 607,616
Hygidne c_rdbrale, Comte's doctrine of, X, complex, VII, 57 (VIII, 993); XI, 347.
330-1 407-9;XXXI, 121-2,124-5,141-2,
Hypotheses 145-7
in all propositions concerning number, cosmothetic idealists on, IX, 155
VII, 258 doctrine of perception by means of, VII,
Comte's influence on JSM's treatment 235n; VIII, 768-9
of, I, 255n fallacy of Berkeley's argument on Divine
conflicting, VII, 5130-3 Mind and, VIII, 816; XI, 461-5
defined, VII, 490-1 fallacy that things conform to, VIII.
and formation of idea of a class, VIII, 747-56; XI, 227n
661-2 Gergonne's theory of, XXVI, 141,
and hypothetical method of deductive 150-60, 187-9, 191
sciences, VII, 259 (VIII, 1097), 492; how distinguished from sensations when
VIII, 900 recalled, XXXI, 109-10, 171-4
role of, VII, 296-9, 431-3,496-505, innate, X, 47n-8n
560; VIII, 648; XX, 162; XXVI, JM on consciousness of, IX, 116
251-2 (G) may be produced by physical state of
so-called definitions in geomelry as, VII, nerves, XVI, 1333; XXXI, 115-16
226-9, 252-3 names name things rather than, VII, 24
See also Theory and nature of definition, VII, 149
Hypothetical dualism or Cosmothetic origin of, as question of philosophy, IX,
idealism. See under Idealism 139-41; XI, 344-7
Hythe, XXVII, 608 Platonic, VII, 49 (VIII, 991); VIII, 815;
XI, 84n, 95, 189n, 222-4, 406,
l, ambiguity m the pronoun, VIII, 813 412-30passim, 480, 487; XXXI,
Iberians, XX, 235,237 141-2
Icaria, XXV, 1145
Hungary - immortality 559

propositions concerned with things rather Grote on mythology and, XI. 278
than, VII, 87-9, 95,606-7; IX. Hamilton on act of, IX. 362n
315-17 in Hamilton's philosophy, can represent
suggested by a general name. different particulars but not concepts, IX,
philosophical views on. VIII, 649-50; 305-8, 312, 320n, 322
XI, 94-5,301-3,458,490-1; XXXl, how distinguished from reality, in
141-2, 144-5 (see also Conceptual- philosophy, XXXI, 154-5. 166-74,
ists, Nominalists, Realism) 216
Taine on, Xl, 445-6 importance of in historical writing, I,
visual, Xl, 258-60 480-1,526; XX, 114-15, 134-7.
and word "idea," XI, 251,464 158,224-5,233; XXVI, 343
and word "ideas," XIII, 661-2 and the inconceivable, IX, 41, 71n, 74.
-abstract 264n
Berkeley on, VII, 203n; IX, 155,304-5, and poetry, I, 345-6, 347,413n, 414,
362; X, 46; XI, 452,457-8 415n; XX, 137-8
Gergonne's theory of, XXVI, 135, and reason, X, 42, 48-50
161-6 and religion. X, 419,485-7; XV. 755
Lockean, VII, 115 (VIII, 1020), 175 representations of, and external reality,
(VIII, 1061); IX, 15, 28n, 155, 169, IX, 155, 271
302, 324, 362, 447-8; XXXI, 144-5 and truth, I, 157 (156); X, 127
Platonic dialogues clarify, XI, 410 value of cultivation of, I. 460; X, 483-5;
mentioned, IX, 302 XI, 150, 416; XVIII, 195n; XIX, 645
See also Conceptions, Names mentioned, I, 42n, 109 (108), 195 (194,
Identity 619), 332, 333,338, 357.360. 376,
of concepts, IX, 325, 327 377,397,417,434, 479; IX. 30n. 85,
exact similarity and, XI, 447,465n 313n, 314, 315, 325,352,363,435;
law of, IX, 372-6, 380-2 XI, 281; XVIII, 184. 186; XlX, 461
personal, see under Ego See also Poetry
and resemblance, VII, 71 Imitation
mentioned, IX, 33n. 55n, 80. 104n, 152 of Christ. X, 485-9
lgnoratio elenchi, as fallacy, VIII, 827-30; of classical models, X, 41
IX, 426; XXVI, 229 European taste perverted by, X, 43-4
Ilchester Gaol, XXII, 68 Immaculate conception, declaration of
L'IUe en Jourdain, XXVI, 61 doctrine of, XlV, 291. 343,346. 350
Illusion, defined, XXVII, 642 Immigration. See Colonization
Images Immortality (X, 460-7)
logic of, IX, 314--15 Aristotle on, XI. 504
poetic, I, 347, 354n, 360, 361-2 conception of, IX. 48
in Teunyson's poetry, I, 399-401,408, different attitudes towards, X, 426-8
414-15,416 Plato, Socrates, and. XI, 423-5
mentioned, I, 363 possibility of, X, 460-7; XlI, 207; XVI,
Imagination 1414; XXVI, 193 (G); XXVII, 654,
in actors. XXII, 310-11; XXIII, 465-6 662,663
Benthamites undervalue, I, 115 (114); psychological theory of ego and. IX.
X, 17, 91-3, 96 190, 193
and fancy, I, 415 undesirability of, XXVII, 665
560 Subject Index

Impartial Suffrage Association, XVI, 231-4; XXVI, 411-12; XXIX, 375

1278-9 (605)
Impartiality need to continue, XXVIII, 128
and greatest happiness, X, 218-19 religion often hostile to, XXII, 11;
and justice, X, 243,257-8n XXVI, 349-50, 425-7; XXVII,
Impenetrability, in Hamilton's philosophy, 656-7
IX, 16, 216n scepticism regarding, XXX, 19
Imperialism, European, Xlll, 462 Goldwin Smith and, XXVIII, 132-3
Impossibility by state intervention, XIX. 592-4
and improbability. I, 117 (116); VII, Tory attitude to, XXVIII, 34, 342, 345
622-3,629; XXX1, 24-34 in United States, XVIII, 107-8
inconceivability not equated with, IX, value of all contributions to, XXVIII,
64n, 66-9, 145-6,293-4, 298 202-3
only sufficient warrant for attributing, Walsh on innovation and, VI, 331-3
VIII, 785-6 mentioned, XXXII, 207
Impressment, VI, 178,180-1; XXI, 281; See also Improvement of mankind,
XXHI, 600, 616. 638-42.655 Progress of society, Reform
Improbability Improvement of mankind (XXVI. 428-33 )
Butler on miracles and, XV, 814,831-2 ancients did not believe in. XI, 505
and grounds of disbelief, VII, 622-38; begins with character and modes of
VIII, 1151-3 thought, I, 245-7 (244-6); VIII,
and impossibility, I, 117 (116); VII, 926-7; XIH, 553, 563; XXIII, 692
622-3,629; XXXI. 24-34 Bentham's ideas and, I, 69 (68), 147
ordinary and mathematical, XXXI, (146), 227 (226); X, 97-100
17-18 civilization and, XVHI, 119
Improvement Greece's contribution to, XI. 313.
aristocracy discourages. XXVI, 382 315-16,321
through emulation, XXIV, 1025 history of, XXI, 87, 93,378,386-7;
in England, modest progress of. I, 245-7 XXV, 1181
(244-6), 267, 315; IV, 227; V, 625; as JSM's goal in life, I, 69, 137 (136),
XIH, 544; XIX, 314, 348,632--4; 145-7 (144-6), 193 (192); XIII, 612;
XXIV. 846-7; XXVI, 226-7; XXVI, 324
XXVII, 665 not all change promotes, VIII, 913-14;
asexcuse for moral tyranny, XVIII, 271, XVIH, 252-3,273; XX, 297
273 not an inevitable law, VIII, 790-1
in France, a touchstone, XXV, 1110 possibility of, XXVI, 424-5,428-33;
intellectual, XH, 112; XHI, 502 XXVII, 643, 661 (see also Human
in Ireland, XXIV, 907,912,930- l, 933, nature)
955, 1024, 1033-4, 1067. 1073 slavery and, I, 266-7; XI, 315; XXI,
of labouring class, see Labouring class, 146, 151-6
improvement of condition of in stationary state, continues, Ill, 756
Louis Philippe's government opposes, and women's position, I, 621; XHl, 736;
XX, 324-5; XXH, 298 XXI. 261,272-6, 326,398 (HTM);
and manufacturing classes, XIII, 409; XXVII, 664; XXlX, 405; XXXII,
xxm, 338; XXVIII, 127-8 207
and modern age, XIX, 479-80; XXll, as worthy goal of individual, X, 333-4,
Impartial Suffrage Association - inconceivabili_. ' 561

488-9; XXI, 256-7; XXVII, 668 admirers of feudal system, IV, 397-80;
mentioned, I, 77 (76), 151 (150), 168n, V, 453-7
179 (178), 213,253n (252); XVIlI, John Austin, I, 185 (184)
217,261,281; XIX, 412.413,416, Cavaignac, XII, 196
462, 475,601,612,621; XX. 359; Comte, X, 315-18,323-7,335-6,
XXII, 74; XXVI, 414; XXXH, 352-3
74-5 ER, I, 316-19
-promoted by Guizot, XX, 266,374,392-3
antagonism, X, 107-8, 146; XlII, HTM, I, 257 (256)
502-3,508; XVIII. 253-4; XX, intuitioinsts, I, 269-70
269-70, 293-4. 358-9 JM, I. 105 (104); XXXl, 99
art, I, 376; XXlII, 654 Liberals and Tones, XXVIII, 23 (XXIX,
Catholic Church in Middle Ages, XX. 596-7), 97-8
239, 245 MR, XXIII, 656
democracy, XIX, 468-9 Owenites and Benthamites, XXVI,
despotism, in certain circumstances, 324-5
XVIII, 224; X1X, 394,417-20, 550. Plato, I, 373
567 Saint Simonians, I, 171 (170), 175 (174,
education, I, 111 (110), 113-15 614)
(112-14), 615n; XIX, 327; XXI, 223 Adam Smith, IV, 26
(417-18); XXII, 241 socialists, I, 239-41 (238-40); V, 749
emulation, II, 104-5; XIX, 612 See also Civilization, Human nature,
great men, XX, 280 Progress of society, Reform
institutions and government, I, 169 Improvements, in agriculture and in-
(168), 177 (176), 373; X, 16; XIX, dustry. See under Progress of Society
394-8,403,478-9, 588,592-4, Income
595-8 calculation of country's, II, 9
leisured class, XVIII, 99 sources of, m, 825
liberty, XVIll, 272-3; XlX, 406; taxation of, see Taxation, of income
XXVII, 661 Inconceivability (VII, 262-79)
literature, XXII, 321-7 of the antinomies in Hamilton's
MC articles, I, 91 (90) philosophy. IX, 82-7
political economy, V, 757-9 of contradictory attributes, IX, 64n, 99n
revolution, XX, 63, 119-20; XXVII, how discussed by Ferrier, XV, 838
644 Mansel on concepts', IX, 337n
science, X, 352-6; XXlI, 287 meanings of, VII, 269-70; IX, 69-79,
social science, XXXII, 122-3 80n; XXXII, 207
trade and commerce, !11,594; XVIII, and necessary truths, VII, 238-48,
197 262-79; IX, 142-6, 264n-7,270:
variety, V, 616-18, 745; XVIII, 93-4, XVI, 1090; XXXI, 165
197, 273-4; XIX, 459, 613; XXI, not test of truth, VIII, 752-6; IX,
266; XXIII, 443 (XXV, 1252) 64n-5n, 66-9, 130n, 144n-6,293-4,
vigorous characters, XIX, 407,409-10 298; X, 301; XIV, 29; XVI, 1110-11
WR, I, 215,227 (214,226) and theory of causality, VII, 356-61;
--as viewed by IX, 287-94 passim; XVI, 1144
William Bridges Adams, I, 373 See also Necessary truths
562 Subject Index

Inconvertible currency. See Money, press in, XXX, 70-1

inconvertible paper prison reform in, XVH, 1990; XXX,
Incredible, distinction between unimagina- 116-17; XXXII, 199
ble and, IX, 145n-6n proposed exchange of English and
Indefinite, infinite and, IX, 49n-50n French territories in, XXXII, 87-9.
Independents, of 17th century, VI, 47-57 94-5, 102-3, 112
passim. See also Popular Party public works in, furthered by EIC, XXX,
Indexes, to philosophical works, XVI, 989 135-6
India (XXX) and question of Resident of Shorapore,
barbarous customs in, suppressed by xm, 680-1; XXXII, 73
EIC, XXX, 121-4, 151-5 as stationary civilization, XX, 268,
ceremonial use of language in, XVI, 380-1
1023 telegraph to and within, XVI, 1291;
Christianity in, XVIII, 240n-1n; XIX, XXX, 140-1
570;xxm, 6o6:xxx, 125 rifles in, XXXH, 60-1
culture of, XVII, 1686-7 women in, XXX, 123, 125, 148
defence of, xxm, 665-6 mentioned, I, 55 (54), 387,437; VI,
education in, XIV, 88; XVII, 1969-70; 392, 524; XV, 660, 666, 899; XVI,
XXX, 141-8; XXXH, 23-4, 30, 108 1208; XVII, 1985; XVIII, 23 (XIX,
English attitude to natives of, XVII, 649), 123,285n; XIX, 517,530,603,
1536, 1560-1, 1686; XIX, 571; XXX, 628; XXIX, 430, 561; XXXH, 31
13, 14-15, 20, 30 -economy of
JM's history of, I, 7 (6), 1On, 16, 27-9 agriculture, H, 121-2
(26-8); XXXI, 99 cottons and fibres, II, 14; XXX, 103,
JSM's projected article on, XIV, 106. 149-50; XXXH, 113-14
111-12, 163, 172 foreign trade, XIV, 99, 100; XXX, 3-7,
legal system of, XXX, 13-15, 20-30, 109, 111
69, 111-16 importation of silver, V, 515-18,
libraries in, XXX, 151 539-40; XV, 766-7
medicine in, XXX, 147, 150-1 improvidence, H, 168-9
mutiny of 1857 in, XV, 537,560; XVI, inflation, XV, 766-7
1206, 1282; XVH, 1536, 1562; interest rate, H, 170, 403
xvm, 240n; xxvm, 189; xxx, internal customs and transit duties,
78-9, 81-2, 89, 164, 196, 224, 226 XVII, 1830; XXX, 108-9; XXXII,
mysterious visitors from, XXXH, 212 101
nationalcharacterin, XXX, ll7(seealso irrigation, XVH, 1598; XXX, 126-31
Hindus) public works, XXXII, 198
native princesses as rulers in, XVII, railroads, V, 517,525; XXX, 136-40
1634-5, 1687; XXl, 303n revenue and taxation system, XXX,
native religion in, and EIC, XXX, 81, 93-110, 155-60, 170, 211-12,
124-5, 142 222-7
Orissa famine in, XVI, 1307 roads, XXX, 131-5
police in, XXX, 117-21 silk trade, IV, 131, 132, 137-8
Post Offme in, XXX, 110 sugar trade, XXH, 26-9
postal communications with, XXXH, tea growing, XXX, 150
243 See also Bank of Bombay
inconvertible currency - indifference 563

-English government of, to 1858 by Governor-General. subordinate Go-

and Dalhousie's annexation policy, XVI, vernors, and their Councils. XIX,
1202 522-3; XXVIH, 234-5
dangers of English Parliament's interfe- Maine's impressions of. XVII, 1560-3
rence in, XXX, 30.33-4, 36-7, 50, and Straits Settlements, XXVIH, 135-6
57 See also Council of India
as double government, by Court of -land tenure in (XXX, 94-104)
Directors and Board of Control, XXV, and British revenue settlements (ryotwar,
1190; XXX, 35-6, 42, 44-5, 52-7, zemindaree, or village), II, 319-23;
77, 79, 87-8, 176, 190 XXV, 1196; XXX, 94-104, 222-7
as example of government of a less and British revenue surveys, XXV, 1243;
civilized dependency, VI. 216; XIX, XXX, 155-9
550, 562; XXIV, 966; XXV, 1099; by British settlers, XV, 541-2.740-1
XXX, 49-50, 164, 176, 201 compared to Irish, II, 237,327 (III,
and Governor-General's appointment 993); XXIV, 890; XXXII, 209,214,
and powers, XXX, 55-6, 61, 65-7 216
and Governor-General's Council (Legis- Dalhousie's pohcies regarding, XXVII.
lative Council), XXX, 67-9, 113, 656
203,209 new British policy regarding, in late
outlook for its continuing, XXX, 15, 65 1860s, XVII, 1536-9, 1560, 1813
and problem of English insularity, VI, and payment of rent, II, 240-1 ; XVI,
519 (537); XXVII, 647 1407; XXVIII, 357; XXX, 104-5
relations with native states, VI, 217; ryotwar system of, XIV, 114
XXI, 119-20; XXX, 151-3; XXXII, village system of, similar to ancient
55-6, 60 European, XXX, 216-17
use of native talents, XXX, 51, 63-5, mentioned, IV, 226; XVII, 1749
112 India House. See East India Company
See also East India Company India Office, JSM receives pension from,
-new constitution for. proposed m 1858 XXXII, 151
(XXX, 163-212) Indian Law Commission, XXX, 20-2, 28.
EIC unreasonably excluded from, XXX, 30, 69, 113-15
77-83,164, 175, 176, 278, 187-8 Indian States. See Native States
influential Council needed for, XXX, Indians (North American)
83-7,164-70, 171, 181-2,202-4, civilization of, IV, 154; V, 455; X, 16;
207-11 XIII, 456
minister and Parliament insufficient for, government of, XXVI, 451,453
XXX, 165, 176, 182-3,190-2, lands of, XXII, 236-7
195-8, 202 Nichol on, XXIV, 795-6
miscellaneous considerations on, XXX. religion of, X, 274
169-70, 210-12 reverence for aged by. XXII, 294
-English government of, after 1858 (XIX, weak desire of accumulation by. II,
568-77) 164-7
and annexation of Mysore, XVl, women of, XX, 46; XXI, 406
1202-3; XVII, 1562 as workers, !I, 103
difficulties of, increased by abolition of mentioned, XXV, 1149
EIC, XIX, 568-77 Indifference, dangers of political, XXH,
564 Subject Index

Indigestion. XXXI. 109. 115-16 Herschel and, XXII. 285-7

Individual entities improperly so-called. VII, 288-305
have no essences. VII. 114-15 (VIII, 1103-5)
ideas of, stand as representatives of JSM works out theory of, for Logic. I.
classes. Xl, 457-8 167 (166), 191 (190). 215-17
as objective reality to Aristotle. XI. 488 (214-16). 231
Individualism (in character). See Indivi- nature of. VII. 203,284. 288 (VIII.
duality 1103). 306,377. 390; XXVI, 247-52
Individualism (economic). See Competi- (G)
tion as part of logic, IX, 370; XXI, 240
Individuality (XVIII, 260-75 ) in scientific history. XXII. 256
doctrine of. upheld in Liberty, I, 260; by simple enumeration, VII. 311-13
XVII. 1831-2 (VIII. 1108-9). 404, 542. 569-72.
development of through participation. 583,588,609
XVIII, 305-6; XlX. 410-12,605 as stage in deductive method, VII, 454-8
importance of. XVII, 1801-2; XVIII. Tocqueville's use of. XVlII, 157
93-4, 260-75. 302 and uniformity of course of nature. VII.
potential dangers to. under Communism, 307-14 (VIII, 1106-10); IX, 482n
V, 745-6 uses and limitations of. XXIII, 411-16
threatened by advance of civilization. Whewell's conceptions of. VII, 294-
XVIII. 126, 129-34. 189-90.227 305,429-33. 503; VIII, 645-8
mentioned. I, 221. 468,469; XVII1. mentioned, I. 154. 332.386; IX. 144n.
254; XIX, 396. 439 238,239. 265n, 396. 417. 418. 480.
See also Individuals 491; XI, 274, 350, 351,380, 446.
Individuals 454. 499
accountable for actions, XVIII. 292-305 -four methods of experimental inquiry in
limits of state's right to interfere with. (VII. 388-433)
HI, 938; XVII, 1736; XVIII, 217-27. application of to cases of composition of
276-91. 305-10; XIX, 581,586, causes, VII, 455-6
601-2, 609-10 application of to social science, VIII.
See also Individuality; Interest. selfish 880-6
Induction (VII, 288-314) examples of, VII. 407-29
and analogical reasoning, VIII. 1100-2; laws of mind ascertained by, VIII. 853
IX, 369n; XXVl. 247-9 (G) method of agreement, VII, 388-90, 392,
Aristotle and. XI, 480-7 435-8,448,520, 525,540; VIII, 883
Bacon's conceptions of, VII. 312-13 method of concomitant variations, VII,
(VIII, 1109), 392,482,582-3; VIII, 233n, 398-406, 582
763-5,769; IX, 368,485n; XI, method of difference, VII, 391-4, 451.
12-13,483 492-3
and belief in existence of other minds, method of joint agreement and
IX, 192, 205n-6n difference, VII. 394-7, 425,438
contrasted with ratiocination, syllogism, method of residues, VII, 397-8
and deduction, VII, 162-3 (VIII. not applicable to uniformities of
1055-6), 202-3;XI, 6, 12-15, 32-3, coexistence, VII, 582-3
479; XIV, 30; XXI, 238 Whewell's objections to, VII, 429-33
experimental sciences teach, XXI, mentioned, X, 448
indigestion - infinity 565

Industry and manufacture Infanticide, suppressed m India, XXX,

and character of industrial civilization, 122-3
X, 312; XVIII, 192. 275 Inference (VH, 158-63)
as civilizing influence. XVIII. 123-4, in induction, IX, 369n
197,305-6; NIX, 394, 397 and intuition, I, 355; VII, 6-9 (VIII,
classification of, II. 43-4 963--4); VIII, 784
corn laws and, IV, 66-7 in perceptions of sight. IX, 178. 285n;
extractive, II, 35-6 XI, 249-57,266, 452,457
government influence on, II, 64-6 principal subject of logic, VII, 19
growth of, II, 238; XVIII, 160 role of in knowledge, VIII, 641-4; IX,
human qualities beneficial to, II, 161, t62, 188, 192,205n-6n, 208,
102-15, 137 212,238-9; XI, 343,459
and industrial civilization in Britain, in syllogistic logic, VII, 158-63 (VIII,
XVIII, 193; XXVIII, 321 1053-6), 186-93 (VIII, 1067-70);
influence of progress of, on rents, profits, VIII, 1099; IX, 401-3,405-7,416;
and wages, HI, 719-32 XI, 479
influence of progress of, on value and Whately on, XI. 34
prices, Ill, 710-18 whatever relates to God is, IX, 36
leaders of, in Comte's scheme, X, 318, mentioned, IX, 390, 394; XI, 14, 412,
325,347; XIII, 552-3,554 444
hmited by capital, II, 63-6 See also Reasoning
and Poor Law, XIX, 611 Infidelity. See Atheism, Freethinkers.
productivity of labour in, compared to Scepticism
agriculture, II, 130, 182; IV, 42 Infinite
relation of to conservatism and to Anaximander on, XI, 381
progress, VI, 472; X, 152; XIII, 409; and indefinite, IX, 49n-50n
XXIII, 338; XXVIH, 127-8 as predicated of God, IX, 37-8, 52n.
Saint-Simonian view of, XII, 37 89-90, 102, 108n; XVII, 1652-3
state regulation of, X, 54; XIX, 591-2 -in Hamiltonian philosophy
mentioned, XIX, 442; XXI, 111 cannot be known, IX, 34-59 passim
See also Co-operation; Factories; Interna- consciousness of, IX, 119, 123n, 447
tional trade; Labour, division of; must be believed in, IX, 61, 64-5,
Management; Partnership 89-99
Inequality as one of inconceivable antinomies, IX,
artificial and natural, XVIII, 51; XIX, 80-8,383n, 427n-8n
591 mentioned, IX, 137; XV, 963
between Britain and colonies, XIX, 564 See also Infinity
in England, XVIII, 163 Inf'mitives (of verbs), XXXI, 152
in pre-Revolutionary Europe, XVIII, Infinity
52-3 ambiguity of, in Eleatic paradoxes, VIII,
and systems of voting, XIX, 355,448-9, 816; IX, 425-6
478 idea of, regarding space and time, IX,
See also Equality 199,285n; Xl, 346-7, 351-2; XH,
Inertia, XV, 871 237; XXXI, 202-3,204
Infallibility, HTM's, I, 261; XXI, 394 impressiveness of, XXXI, 226
Infant schools. See under Schools in mathematics, IX, 428-9; X, 289n; XI.
566 Subject Index

[Infinity] Inquisition, Holy, HI, 935

467-8; XV, 960 Insanity
See also Inf'mite defects of English law of, HI, 951 n;
Inflation. See Prices XXV, 1198-9
Inheritance, laws of (II, 218-26; HI, as fraudulent defence in criminal cases,
877-95) XXIV, 865-6
in America, XVIH, 99 in paupers, XXIV, 924-5
Bentham's recommendation for in cases Insolvency, laws of. See Bankrupts and
ofintestacy, II, 220; HI, 811; XII, 34; insolvent debtors
XXHI, 410 Inspiration, XIII, 497
Comte's views on, X, 349-50; XII, 34 Instinct (X, 392-401 )
equal partibility in French, II. 224, 437, invoked by Bailey regarding judgment of
440; HI, 888, 891,894-5; V, 681; distance, XI, 254-5,257n, 261-3,
XIV, 337; XV, 773; XVIII, 99, 266
124-5, 167; XXII, 126, 157; XXIV, modern idolatry of, X, 392; XXI, 263
951, 1037, 1042-3. 1045, 1047; and questions of virtue and God's
XXVI, 24, 30 purpose, X, 392-401
evils of primogeniture, settlement, and supposed existence of a gratification for
entail in English, I, 99 (98), 239 all, X, 464
(238); II, 222, 229; HI, 889-94; IV, use of term to describe some beliefs, IX,
199; V, 681-3; VI, 430; XIII, 713; 135, 159, 169; XI, 370
XXV, 1229-31; XXVI, 336-40; and vagueness of Sedgwick's term
XXVIII, 40, 346; XXIX, 418 "rational instinct," X, 40
in France, changed to allow entail, XX, and voluntary movements, XI, 356
190, 323--4; XXH, 126, 199-200; mentioned, IX, 350, 455; XI, 361,421,
XXIII, 380, 681-2 452
general rules for, HI, 887-9 See also Intuition
government administration of, HI, Institut de France (Institut National)
800-1 academies of, as possible model, XVII,
and legal claims of children, H, 218-23; 1581-2
HI, 811-12 founding of, XXIII, 385
and probate duty, XVI. 1034 organization of, XXVI, 170 (G)
and succession duties, HI, 823-4; V, Tocqueville addresses Academic Fran-
491-5,497-8,565-6, 569, 702; _aise of, XHI, 536
XIV, 105; XVI, 1034, 1221, 1339; mentioned, X, 149,353,362; XV, 745;
XVH, 1848 XXIII, 354
and technical requirements for wills, -Academic des Sciences Morales et
XXXI, 72-3, 79-81n Politiques of (XXHI, 519-22)
mentioned, XIII, 736; XVI, 1130; Chadwick elected correspondent of, XV,
XVIH, 201,217; XIX, 446; XXI, 920
392; XXXlI, 6 Comte as perpetual secretary of, XlI,
See also Bequest 165, 190
Innate ideas, X, 47n-8n. See also Ideas, JSM, Chadwick and. XVI, 1401-2
Intuition, Metaphysics JSM becomes correspondent of, XXXH,
Inner Temple, XXI, 169 122-3
Inns of Court, I, 127 (126), 129 (128) JSM sends work to, XXXH, 123, 139
infinity - interest, rate of 567

Napoleon eliminates, XXH, 154 divine and human, IX, 438,440-1; XI,
re-establishment of, XXIII, 519-22 502
mentioned, XVI, 1326, 1458; XXXH. greatness of, connected with morality, I.
130 335; XVlII, 209
Institutions Hamilton on legitimate bounds of, IX,
W. B. Adams' treatment of, I, 373,383, 383n
384 Hamilton unfitted to give laws to. IX.
aim of, to unite representative govern- 470
ment with skilled administration, Hamilton's appeal to veracity of, IX.
XIX, 440 132,293,294
continuity of, XVlII, 42-3 Jacobi on modem admiration of, IX, 487
doctrine of intuition, supports bad, I, 233 love of virtue not effected through. XI.
(232) 150
ER on crime and, I. 303-4 mathematics wains, IX. 472-3.480
educational value of, XIX. 348,412 narrowness of English. VI. 154; XVlII.
effects of. VI, 61-2,227; XIX. 478 155
English, abused by Tories, XVlII, respect for, VI. 241-3 (see also
128-9 Authority)
Greek, XI, 241,242,273,300-2, respect for in France, I, 495
313-14, 324-5 role of in history, I, 473; XI, 321; XVIII,
Jewish, XIX, 397 50, 160
modern, foster selfishness, I, 241 (240) role of in history, and Comte's scheme,
need to encourage compromise by, XIX, X, 315-17, 322, 351-8; XIII, 738
345-6,514 slow improvement of human. Xl, 379,
political, see Government 411 - 12
possible good from evil, XII, 41, 43 Socratic respect for individual, XI,
reform of, I, 87, 103 (102), 139 (138), 424-5
180n, 245 (244); XVlII, 207 suborned by most religion, X, 404-5,
relative nature of questions of, I, 169 423-6
(168), 177 (176) superior, needed in government, XIX.
representative, without representative 392,506 (see also Classes, educated)
government, XIX, 417-18 mentioned, I, 113 (112), 385; Vl, 315;
mentioned, I, 27 (26), 69 (68), 132,239. IX. 286,447n, 503; XI. 93.222,250.
255,310n, 513,536, 593; VI, 241; 252, 257,274, 290, 299, 315. 363,
XVlII, 292, 299; XIX, 587,594,629 378,379, 418,421. 432, 444, 487.
Insurance 488
and the joint-stock principle, II, 136-9 See also Knowledge. Reason, Thought
for working classes, XVI, 1390 Intention, how different from motive. X.
Intellect 219n-20n; XXXl, 252-3
in America, and influence of democracy, Interest (in economics)
XVlII, 84, 107-9, 178-81, 188 attacked by socialists, V, 708-9
Aristotle on active and passive, Xl. negligible burden on labouring class, V.
503-4 735-6
culture and training of, I, 338,364, 376. -rate of (m, 647-59)
413-14; XVlIl, 144-6, 232, 252 and Bank of England operations after
demands of science on, IX, 369, 486 1844, IV, 357-61; V. 504. 512-13.
518,520-1,524, 537-9
568 Subject Index

[Interest - rate of] 324, 325-6

defined, II, 405-6; HI, 508-9 mentioned, XVIII, 168, 189, 190; XIX,
and demand and supply of loans, HI, 598, 599,625,627, 629, 635,637;
515,647-50; IV, 98-9, 302-5; V, XX, 63
610; XII, 222 See also Happiness; Interest, selfish
determines price of land and securities, Interest, selfish
m, 658-9, 669 Bentham's theory of, as determinant of
effect of banks on, IV, 305-8 action, VIII, 889-90; X, 12-15, 54,
factors affecting, HI, 648-58, 1058-64 94-7, 120
(C); V, 602; XV, 975-6 (HI, 1072), best protected by the individual himself,
983 (IlI, 1073-4) XIX, 404-5; XXI, 46
and government loans, HI, 874; IV ..... and class morality, X, 109-10; XVHI,
18'-19, 304-5 221; XX, 42
as incentive, If, 169-70,403;V,413-14 and communism, XXV, 1145
in London money-market (1783-1824), Comte unduly deprecates regard for, X,
IV, 100-4 335-8
and profit, II, 400-2; IV, 300-2; V, 411 _. enlightened, may be beneficial, XVIII.
in U.S.A., XXXl, 410 184-5; XXIV, 829-30
and usury laws, HI, 923-4; IV, 108-9 of the few, preferred to general interest,
Interest, general Vl, 3-4; XXI, 59-60; XXII, 114-15,
and despotism, XIX, 400, 401 XXIII, 582
Duveyrier on, XVIII, 201; XX, 305, 314 how considered in suits at law, XXXI,
ER mocks calculations on, I, 322,324 51-3, 74-5
English government thought to be immediate sometimes preferred to
opposed to, XVIII, 223; XXIV, 841 ultimate, VI, 185; X, 154
in fostering goodness, X, 396 Louis Philippe's government appealed
government as upholder of, I, 109 (108), to, XX, 324-7
384; XVIII, 169; XIX, 412, 595-8; may become identified with general
XXIII, 400-1; XXV. 1105; XXVI, interest, see under Interest, general
433; XXVIII. 164 not the basic principle of English foreign
of humanity as worthy goal, X, 333-5 policy, XXI, 111-17; XXHI, 466;
JM devoted to, I, 49 (48), 53 (52), 105 XXV, 1206
(104) not to be ascribed to Oxford Movement,
JSM and, I, 113 (112), 143-5 (142-4) XXIV, 812-14
necessitates some control over individual------- power of, as spring of action, VI, 61,64,
liberty, X_qlI, 224, 276-7,292-3, 80, 112,469; XXI, 31; XXII, 74, 93;
296-7 XXIII, 457
and private ownership of land, H, 231; i prominent in English character, XXI,
V, 451,672-5; XXV, 1236-7; 253
XXlX, 417,425 mentioned, I, 179 (178), 276, 322; Vl,
problem of defining, XIX, 383 81,190, 214,476; XVlIl, 228; XIX,
respected in America, XXVIII, 67 390,463,473-4, 50On, 553,601; XX,
in security, X, 251 354; XXl, 25, 151,268,289; XXII,
__._._-selfish may become identified with, I, 25-6, 39; XXlll, 349,423,456, 582;
113 (112), 239-41 (238--40); II, XXIV, 804, 952; XXVI, 312, 433;
205-6; X, 184, 231-3; XVIII, 169; XXIX, 615 (I-IT)
XlX, 412, 592-3; XXVI, 304-5,
interest, rate of- international trade 569

-in government (NIX, 441-7) 389, 405-6 (HTM)

of classes, supposedly balanced in House nations, VI, 130-1; XXI, 343; XXIX,
of Commons, XVIlI, 43-6; XIX, 615 (HT)
358; XXVI, 363,365-6,375-7,452; periodical writers, XXH. 101-2
XXVIII, 33, 39, 65 (XXIX, 602), police, XXII. 76, 79
158-9, 198 politicians, XXIV, 765-6
of the few, needs to be guarded against, I. Post-Office clerks, XXIII. 644
109 (108); XIX, 441-2; XXII, 40, 66; priests. XXVI, 260
XXIH, 695; XXVI, 265. 280, the rich, XXVI, 340
329-32,359-60, 374, 381 ruling classes, and press restrictions,
government as arbitrator between XXl, 6, 8-12, 14-19 passim
conflicting, VI, 207; XIX. 588,600 teachers, XXI, 209
of the majority, and need to protect wealthy classes, in overpopulation,
minorities, XVIII, 176; XIX, 467, XXH, 83, 84, 88-9
516,519, 536-7 women, in having children, XXI. 377
problem of conflicting. XIX, 441-7 (HTM)
of the rulers, theory of its identification women, not identical with men's. I, 107
with that of ruled, I, 165 (164); VIII, (106); XVIH. 28n-9n; XIX, 334:
891-4; X, 106-9, 153-4; XVIII, XXI, 301,385-6: XXIX, 402-3
19-24 (XIX, 648-51 ), 27, 30, International Education Society. XVI,
69-72, 89, 171-3,218; XIX, 573-4; 1087, 1184
XXIX, 402-3 International law. See Law. international
of voters, and ballot question, XIX, International relations
332-6, 486,490-5; XXH, 194-5, and arbitration, XVII, 1798-9; XX, 314;
206-7,210; XXV, 1214 XXIX, 615
of voters, and pledges from M.P.s, XIX, and compromise, XXIV, 833-5
507, 511 moral police in, XXIH, 632; XXV,
--of particular groups 1206-8, 1224; XXXI, 374-6
aristocracy, in government of law, and selfish interest, XXllI, 349.423.
XXVI, 345-6 429, 5.66; XXV. 1206
children, XVllI. 27n-8n mentioned, Xlll. 467
disadvantaged classes, VI. 478; XIX. See also A/abama case; Extradition;
469-70 International trade; Law. international;
English governing classes, in opposing Non-intervention; Treaties; Trent affair;
reform, Vl, 68, 186, 353, 357-8, War; and individual countries
474-5; X, 55, 152-3; XKII, 30; International Schools, XVI, 1087, 1092;
XXlV, 805 XXXlI, 170
the family, schemed for by wives, XXI, International Society, V, 708
321,329, 331-3,384,411 (HTM); International trade (III, 587-617)
xxvm, 155-6, 157-8; XXIX, benefits of, m, 591-4; IV, 67-8,
404-5 130-1,261; Vl, 129-34; xxI, 116
judges, XXI, 32-3; XXII, 44 Britain's dependence on, XXI, 115;
lawyers, Vl, 224; XXII, 70, 76 XXlV, 837-41
literary women, XXI, 414 (HTM) cost of production and, Ill, 587-91
married couples, XXI, 40,290,333,335 dispute with U.S.A. over colonial, VI,
men, in dominating women, XXl, 299, 123-9, 134-47
570 Subject lndex

[International trade] Intestacy

effect of wages on, XVI, 1127, 1439 Bentham on, II, 220; 111, 811; XII, 34;
between England and France, IV, XXIII, 410
260-1,271 example of, XXIV, 1020-3
and import and export duties, HI, 871- 2, Intolerance
915-16; IV, 68-9; XVI, 1309 (see English, XVIII, 240-2
also subhead) mentioned, XVIH, 222, 229, 271,283,
Malthus on, XXII, 59 289
payment for, by bills of exchange, IlI, Introspective method in metaphysics
623-9 distinguished from psychological, IX,
profit and, 111, 743-5 138, 139, 141, 147-8, 183,343
reciprocity in, I, 121 (120); VI, 123, mentioned, IX, 177,250
12'8-47 passim; XIII, 624 Intuition
regulation of in federations, XIX, 558, as Anschauung, IX, 313-14, 332, 362
559 and the artist. XII, 163, 173
Ricardo on laws of exchange in, IV, Berkeley and, XI, 461-2
10-12, 30, 232-3 and consciousness, IX, 125-6, 136-8
and slavery, XXI, 152-3 external world not necessarily known by,
statistics of British (1782-1823), IV, IX, 177-8, 182-3, 188,239,250
7-10, 20 inference and, I, 355; VII, 6 (VIII,
--equation of international demand in (IV, 963-4); VIII. 784; XI, 249, 250
232-61 ) investigation of question of, IX, 139-41
explained in a barter situation, HI, and mathematical truths, VII, 233-6;
595-600, 601-17; IV, 232-41, Xl, 481
253-4 memory and, IX, 165n-6n; XV, 648
extended to include cost of carriage and supposed, of existence of God, X, 441-2
use of money, HI, 600-1,630-6; IV, supposed, often based on forgotten
241-5 experience, XVII, 1868-9
and import and export duties, Ill, women and, XXI, 305
848-56,1052-5;IV,245-51,257-8; mentioned, l, 183(182), 197(196,621),
XV, 976 (IH, 1072) 623; IX, 320,485; XI, 369,406, 423,
and improvements, HI, 604-7; IV, 440,444, 446, 50In
251-2; XXXII, 116 -in Hamilton's philosophy
JSM develops from Racardo, I, 123-5 and belief, IX, 63, 64n, 122
(122-4); IV, 232-5 and causation, IX, 287, 295,298
and payment of tribute, HI, 638; IV, does not give direct knowledge of God,
258-60 IX, 34-7, 59, 100, 132
and question of underselling, III, gives direct knowledge of things in
686-94; IV, 234, 254-7 themselves, IX, 15, 53, 113, 114,
and variations in value of money, HI, 167, 176
639-46 as necessity of thought, IX, 154, 147,
mentioned, XXXI, 407, 408 267-70 (see also Consciousness)
See also Corn Laws, Foreign exchange, and reasoning, IX, 343
Free trade, Mercantilism, Protection mentioned, IX, 73n, 74n, 75n, 77n, 131,
International Working Men's Association, 139, 156, 333,346, 365,441
X'VI, 1439; XVII, 1874-5, 1910-12;
XXXII, 220
international trade - Ireland 571

-school of (a priori school) HI, 928-9

attacked in Logic as pernicious, I, 233-5 labour of, II, 41-3
(232-4); XIV, 239 See also Patents, Progress of Society
controversy over, not entirely germane to Inverse deductive or historical method. See
Logic, VII, cxvi, 63n; XIlI, 406 under Deductive method
difference of from school of experience, Ionian Islands
IX, 139, 14In; X, 125-31 (see also British government of, VI, 520; XIX,
under Metaphysics) 567n
Hamilton as modem representative of, I, Napier and, I, 601; xxm, 615,647-51
269-70; VII, 63n; IX, 109 mentioned, XXI, 137
ignore association, IX, 250 See also Corfu
Spenser's relation to, VII, 263; IX. Ionians, XI, 315
143n, 228 Ireland (VI, 507-32)
mentioned, XI, 247; XXXI, 157 administration of justice in, VI, 94-6;
See also Instinct, Intuitive moral sense, XXII, 48; XXIV, 850
Necessary truths agriculture of, II, 95n, 179n; XXIV,
Intuitive moral sense, notion of (X, 57-70) 840; XXXII, 137
Bain's attack on, XI, 364 and anti-reform intrigues at Dublin
Bentham on, X, 85-6 Castle, XXXI, 386
Bentham unfair to, X, 5-6 ballot in, XXVlII, 172
characteristic of metaphysical stage, X, banking in, IV, 106, 107; V, 511-12;
300 XXlV, 850
contrasted with utility, VIII, 951; X, 51 compared to India, VI, 519; XII, 365
difficulties of, V, 650-2; X, 176-9, compared to West Indies, XXl, 88, 94
193-5,206-7,240 Cairnes on, see under subhead land
historical development of, X, 169-71 tenure
not inconsistent in practice with utility, Catholic emancipation in, VI, 62-8,
X, 229-30 76-84. 92-3; XII, 27
often depends on utility, X, 193-5,249 Charles I and, VI, 48-9, 50
Plato perceived as champion of, Xl. 388 Church in, see Church of Ireland, Roman
Sedgwick's inadequate argument for, X, Catholics
57-70 elective franchise in, VI, 87-91;
Ward's, IX, 165n; XV, 649 XXVIII. 288
Whewell on, X, 171-2, 190 emigration from, II, 194, 325,334; III,
mentioned, vIn, 1155; IX, 454; xIv, 967, 1084; v, 677; XVIl, 1599, 1992
30; xIX, 611 English rule of, root of disaffection, VI,
Invention 499-503,507-32 passim (535-43
cannot be reduced to rule, VII, 285 passim); X, 135n-6n; XIII, 730;
Whewell confounds proof and, VII, 305 XIX, 550-1; XXIII, 398; XXIV,
See also Induction 880-1,903,966-7,979; XXV,
Inventions 1096-9; XXVl, 268-9,362-3;
commercial production of, Ill, 902n XXVIII, 75-7, 172, 248-54,299,
discouraged by co-operation, III, 976-7: 357,361,366
XXVI, 294 Fenians in, see Fenians
encouraged by co-operation, V, 414 JSM asked to stand for constituency in. I,
exporting of, IV, 251-2 272; XlV, 57-8
and fair rewards to inventors, I, 385-6;
572 Subject Index

[Ireland] XIII, 663; XIV, 46, 71,303; XV,

JSM's speeches on in Parliament, I, 728,920; XVI, 994, 1137, 1230,
276-7,279-80(seealsosubheadland 1326, 1363, 1370, 1398, 1408-33
tenure) passim, 1452; XVII, 1613, 1667,
Lamartine and, XX, 342-3 1900; XIX, 442,565,570, 596,600;
local government in, VI, 324-5; XXIV, XX, 166, 247,283, 348,386; XXI,
773-4 145; XXIII, 486, 595,615; XXIV,
migrant labourers from, XXII, 267; 780, 845; XXVI, 381,387; XXIX,
XXIV, 887-8,932,944; XXVI. 322; 382 (610); XXXI, 381
XXXII, 3 --education in
mortality in, II, 345 college and university system, and
national character in. II, 319; XX, 235; religious question, XVI, 1094-5,
XXI, 309; XXIII, 388,397-8; 1101-2, 1133-84passim, 1293,
XXIV, 887-8,916,955-6,958,973, 1313-14, 1386, 1405-6, 1465, 1507;
1003-4, 1076-7 XVII, i892-3, 1896; XXVIII. 252
and parliamentary parties, VI, 314, national schools, XIV, 38-9; XVII,
477-8.490. 495. 508; XVI, 1207-8 2004
peerage of, XIX, 518 use of church funds for unsectarian, VI,
penal laws in, XXV, 1097 531 (543); XVI, 1368-9; XVII,
poor law in, XIV, 93; XV, 979; XVII, 1579-80, 1588, 1593; XXIV, 755;
1992-3 (see also subhead relief of) XXVIII, 340
population of, XIII, 710; XXII, 89, 96; mentioned, XV, 728; XVH, 1900
XXIV, 793; XXVI, 302, 305 -land tenure in (XXVIII, 247-61 )
Protestant ascendancy in, VI, 94-6, and allotment system, IV, 389
335n-7n; XXIV, 966 basic problem in Ireland, VI, 502,
question of its separation from England, 512-14 (536); XIII, 717-18; XIV,
VI, 153,215-18,520-6 (538-41); 36-7, 58; XVI, 1316, 1366, 1369,
XVI, 1328-9; XXI, 137, 161; XXIII, 1372-3
526; XXV, 1095-6 Cairnes' notes on, for PPE, lII, 1040,
reforms proposed for, VI, 527-32; XVI, 1074-84, 1089, 1094; XV. 949. 959
1316; XVII, 1990-3; XXVIII, 366 (III, 1039), 975; XVI, lO09passtra
Roman Catholics in, see under Roman (1II, 1072-94 passim)
Catholics and character of landlord class, see
1798 rebellion in, XXVIM, 111 Landlords, Irish
suspension of habeas corpus in, XVI, by cottier tenancy, ruinous, lI, 313-19,
1207; XXVIII, 52-4 324-36 (Ill, 988-1005, 1056-7); Ill,
tithe in, VI, 67, 153, 168-70, 262-3, 1075-86 (C); V, 677-9; VI, 529
276-7,394-5; XII, 214, 215; XXIII. (542); XV, 967 (HI, 1055); XXIV,
608-10; XXIV, 966-7; XXVIII, 252 889-93,1031, 1034, 1059-60; XXV,
wages in, II, 249 1114-15
women's suffrage movement in, XXXII, English system not adapted to, V, 672;
182-3 V'I, 514-17; XV, 965 (HI, 1041)"
mentioned, I, 203 (202), 287; 11, 216, XXIV, 893-4,900-1,916, 1014-15;
231,351; III, 1044; VI, 28, 153, XXVIII, 76-7; XXXII, 209
188n, 279, 340, 348,388, 402, 410, JSM's articles on, see next subhead
411,413,422,431,468,488; X, 350; JSM's involvement with, I, 279-80;
XI, 468; XII, 34, 115,270, 273;
lreland- ltaly 573

XVI, 1170; XVII, 1665 Islam

and land debentures, V, 428 beliefs of, IX, 469; X, 274n
large and small farms in, XXV, 1112-14 and crusades, XX, 245
Leslie on, V, 675-9, 683n-5n fortunate for Africans, XIH, 456
others' ideas for reformof, XIV, 71; XV, law of, X, 253,417; XVIII, 284-5;
920-1; XVI, 1130, 1134-5; XVII, XXII, 15
1667, 1676-7; XXXII, 214-16 and Mohammedan character, xvm, 103
reform of, by creation of peasant question of theocracy in, X, 319; XX,
proprietary, II, 253-4, 334-6; IH, 270
1081-3 (C); VI, 518-19 (536-7), as stationary civilization, XXI, 296
526-30 (541-2); XIII, 730; XVII, women rulers and, XVII, 1687
1665-6; XXIV, 896-1035 passzm, mentioned, X, 427; XV, 759; XVIH.
1058-62, 1071-2; XXVIH. 252-3; 240n, 290; XX, 248,315; XXV, 1136
XXXII, 209,214-15 Isle of Wight
reform of, by fixity of tenure, V, 674; beauties of, XXVII, 593,599,607
XXIV, 895-8, 904-7, 934-5, 937-8, Charles I in, VI, 51, 54
1001-2; XXVIII, 76-83, 100, 247, JSM visits, XXVII, 568-92
254-61,357; XXXI, 409 plants of, XXVII, 588-9; XXXI.
mentioned, I, 272; II, 183,237; IV, 226; 262-3, 267
V, 448,690; XVI, 1406, 1465; XVII. mentioned, XXl, 137
1545, 1588; XXIV. 1047: XXVIII, Italy
361,366; XXX. 96, 223 art in, X. 42
-relief of 1846-47 famine in (XXIV, assassination in. XXVIH. 270
879-1033) Austrian rule of. X, 136; XIV, 12; XV.
by creating a peasant proprietary, see 532-3; XXXI, 376
previous subhead botany of, XXXI, 287-9
by emigration, XXIV, 898,913-16, cities of, m, 881
972-4, 1075-8 education in, XVII, 1807
by fasting and contrition, farcical, 1848 rebellion in, XIV, 32, 281. 292,
XXIV, 1073-5 353
JSM's articles on, ignored by English interest in, XXXII, 130-1
government, I, 243 (242); XIII, 705. exiles from, XXXII, 41-2
707,709, 710; XIV, 21; XV, 919 French interference in, XlII, 732; XV,
by poor law and public works, 610-11, 619.621,627,628.634:
misconceived, Xlll, 715; XIV, 37, XXII, 301; xxm. 423,429; xxv.
44, 47; xv, 979; XVIl, 1992-3; 1143
XXlV, 881-2, 885-8,930-4, 936, Guizot on civilization of. XX, 376-7
942-5,964, 978-80, 991-3,997- intellectual growth in, V, 699; XVII,
1000, 1005-8, 1027, 1066-73, 1077; 1872
XXXl, 408 JSM visits, XlI, 321; XlII, 395-9; XIV,
summary of failure of, H, 324-6; XXIV, 268-334, 470-90; XV, 532, 777;
935-6, 1027-30; XXV, 1098 XVII, 1966; XXXII, 43-4 (see also
See also Catholic Association Sicily)
Irony, Socratic, XI, 40-1,394 literature of, XVII, 1978; XXI, 316
Irrigation, XVII, 1598; XXX, 126-31 and Malta, XXIX, 558-9, 571
Is. See Copula verb nu_.tayertenure in, II, 298,302-10, 350;
574 Subject Index

[Italy] 1205-7, 1404-5, 1410-12, 1416-17,

IV, 389n; V, 752; Vl, 515 (see also 1521, 1523; XXVlII, 91,93-5,
Tuscany) 105-13,118,218
Mont Cenis tunnel in, IX, 495 and Jamaica Committee, I, 281-2; XVI,
music in, I, 350; XIV, 302; XXI, 318 1191-2, 1236, 1281, 1364-5,
national character in, II, 108; X, 105; 1366-7, 1458; XVII, 1604-5,
XIV, 289, 316; XXl, 309 1606-7; XXI, 424-35 passim
painting in, XIV, 270; XXI, 317 negroes of, II, 104
peasant proprietorship in, lI, 146-7, notice of rebellion in, XVI, 1117
236-7; XXIV, 988-9 Goldwin Smith on, XXVIII, 130
poetry of, XXIH, 573 Wilberforce on, XVI, 1238
silk manufacture in, IV, 131-3 mentioned, XXIII, 569; XXVIII, 123-4
unification of, XV, 651-2,712,713, See also West Indies
79_; XVII, 1759-60, 1807, 1879; Jansenists, XX, 73n
XlX, 379-80,417n, 546-7,560; XX, Japan, II, 104n; X, 320; XIX. 571
341,342,345,348; XXII, 289; Jersey (island), JSM at, XIV, 210, 212
XXXII, 132-3 (XV, 795-6) Jesuits
women in, XIV, 306; XVH, 1684; XXI, foundation of, XX, 249
271 and French education, XIX, 403; XXI,
mentioned, I, 87 (86), 247,483,542; 250; XXlI. 125, 137,185; XXIH,
IV, 256; XI, 298, 315; XIV, 271,301; 456; XXVl, 353-4
XV. 680; XVI, 1033, 1275; XVlI, hostility to in Paris, XXII, 274
1878; XVlH, 143,238; XlX, 406, influence of during Bout_n Restoration,
438,548,551,600; XX, 226,230, XX, 189; XXII, 224; XXIII, 463
240; XXI, 147; XXVI, 58, 90, 367; in Paraguay, II, 166-7, 211 (HI, 981);
XXVIH, 89 XIX, 396
Itching, JM on, XXXI, 108 the spirit of their order, XVIII, 308;
Ivinghoe, XXVII, 486, 487 XIX, 439
mentioned, X, 52
Burke's definition of, XXII, 122 and crucifixion of Christ, XVIH, 236
Coleridge on, XXI, 187 in France, XXH, 212
Huskisson and, XXII, 140-1 government of ancient, X, 320, 412:
Mignet on, XX, 12 XVII, 1997-8
Waiter Scott on, XX, 77, 95, 98, 99 and law of master and servant, V, 454
and sovereignty ofthe people, XXH, 151 and law of property, V, 751
mentioned, I, 467; IV, 158; XX, 5, 13, in Middle Ages, XX, 29, 34n, 248
75, 76n, 8On, 88,100n, 109n; XXII, political disabilities of, VI, 251,276;
41, 124 KIV, 13, 18, 20, 185; XXV, 1135-8;
Jaequeries, XX, 250 XXVHI, 337
Jamaica (XXI, 422-35) and prophecy, XIII, 496-7; XV, 896;
atrocities in (1865), Vl, 520; XXI, XIX, 397
422-3,428, 430-1; XXVlH, 54; and public education, XXVlII, 4-5
XXXH, 160-1,203 religion of, X, 65,134, 245,253,274-5,
Louis Blanc on, XVl, 1123 421
Carlyle on, XXI, 92 and slavery, XXI, 151,266
Eyre affair and, XVI, 1126, 1131,
Italy -juries 575

and town of Marazion, XXVH. 632 See also Courts of justice; Justice,
mentioned, VI, 192; X, 415; XVIII, 289; administration of: Magistrates
XX, 44, 50; XXVIII, 38 Judgment (in logic)
Joint-stock companies analytical and synthetical, VII, 116n;
advantages and disadvantages of, H, IX, 334-7,345,375-6, 394-5
135-40 and belief, XXXI, 155
as banks, HI, 685; V, 511 Gergonne on, XXVI, 191-8
influence of on interest rate, HI, 652 logic and, VIII, 1005; IX. 342, 352-3.
and limited liability, HI, 897-900; V. 360-7
421,424; XIV, 107 McCosh's implied or transposed, IX,
management of. III, 9.54-5, 1046-7; V, 374n-5n
425-6; XlX, 354,425; XXVI. 320-1 propositions as expressions of, VII,
as modern phenomena, XVIH, 125,136 87-9; VIII, 1010; IX, 123n. 324,336
taxation of, V, 581-2 Reid on word "conceive" and, IX, 69n
mentioned, II, 212; XIX, 601 mentioned, IX, l18n, 301,315,368.
See also Partnership 372n, 407
Joke, contributor praised for inserting a, -Hamilton's theory of
XXXH, 36 in comprehension and extension, IX,
Journalism. See Press 373n-4n, 386-90, 394
Jubbulpore School of Industry, XXX, 121 disjunctive, IX, 379,408-10
Judges explained, IX, 324-41,346-7
choice of, for local courts, XXHI, and quantification of predicate. IX, 385,
628-9; XXIV, 771-2,947-9 396-403
criticism of needed, XXl, 33-4; XXlI, mentioned, IX, 75,380
44-6 See also Propositions
female, suggested, XXI, 398 (HTM) Judgment of Paris, Termyson's poetic
French, XVII, 1558; XX, 340; XXlI, treatment of, I, 412
211,238; XXlH, 480, 667-8,688 Judicial procedure. See under Justice,
and hypothetical English Senate, XlX, administration of
517 July Revolution. See French Revolution of
and law of libel, I, 297- 8; XXI, 5-6, 15, 1830
17, 20-34passira; XXH, 91-2 Jurnna canals, XXX, 126-7
mediaeval, XX, 50 Jura (France), V, 723; XXH, 263
popular election of, XIX, 526-8 Juries
popular removal of, XXII, 62-4; xxm, Canadian, VI, 425-6
629 decisions of, XXII, 14, 47
role of in making law, XXI, 188, 190, English and Irish, VI, 75
192-3; XXVI, 386; XXXI, 78-9 in France, XXII, 163; XXHI, 409,
single, superior to bench of, VI, 278; 666-7,688,707
XXH, 211,238; XXIII, 626-7; Grand, XXII, 95
XXXl, 47 Grote on advantages and disadvantages
and trial of election petitions, I, 283; of, XXV, 1132-3
XXVIII, 302, 310 imbecile decisions by, XXIV, 865-6;
and witnesses, XXXI, 14, 54 XXV, 1169-70
mentioned, I, 294-5. 385; XIX, 391; in lunacy cases. XVIII, 271n; XXV.
XXl, 309; XXVI, 386 1198-9
576 Subject Index

[Juries] meaning of, X, 241-8, 255; XI, 403-4

oaths of, XXII, 13-15, 95 as modem characteristic, XVII. 1618:
packed, in libel cases, I, 297,299,300; XIX, 593-4; XXI, 265,294, 380
XXI, 6, 23, 32; XXH, 91-4 Parisian populace's sense of, XXII, 167
as asecurity, XXI, 353,424, XXV, 1191 Platonic conception of, XI, 106n, 407,
service on, educative, XIX, 411,527 416-17,418-19,439,463
women should be on, XXI, 398, 403 and punishment, IX, 458-65
(HTM); XXXII, 233 sentimentalists on, I, 323
mentioned, XVIII, 177; XXI. 7; XXIII, mentioned, I, 195 (194,618). 319,457,
571,685,705,745,747 621; XI, 409, 432; XVIII, 266, 272,
Jurisprudence (XXI, 167-205) 282; XIX, 349, 385,442,544, 590;
Austin' s contribution to, I, 77 (76), 268; XXI, 329; XXVIII, 113n
XII, 51-3; XIX, 343-4; XXI, 54, 57, -administration of
167-9, 174, 202-3. 245-6; XXX, cost of, in England, II, 114; V, 408,
227 418-19,685n
Bentham's contribution to, see under divided responsibility for. XXX, 178,
Legislation 189
and classification of laws, XXI, 55-6, in Greece, XIV, 431
170-4, 194-202 and judicial procedure. XVIII, 11-12;
complications of, XXI, 84 XIX, 389. 391; XXll, 13-15.31-3,
JSM attends Austin's lectures on, Xll, 43-8
51-3, 107, 134, 141, 147; XXXII. libels against, XXl, 23, 32-4
12, 14, 21 by ministers, XIX, 627-8
nature of, XXI, 54-5. 168-72, 176-8 taxes on, lII, 862; IV, 70; XXll, 61;
talent wasted on, XXVII, 652 XXIII, 623-4; XXXI, 23, 50, 57
value of studying, XVIII, 146; XIX, mentioned, XIX, 399,535
624; XXI, 245-6 See also Courts of justice; Judges; Law,
See also Law, Legislation English
Justice (X, 240-59) -JSM'sjudgments about, in particular cases
absolute, IX, 37n-8n abolition of slavery, XXI. 88
available only if paid for, XXVI, 282; American Civil Wax, XXI, 142, 157, 159
XXXI, 42 cases of cruelty, XXI, 104
determination of, by utility or by moral division into rich and poor, I, 239 (238),
sense, X, 64, 193,240-1,248-55, XVI, 1318-20
396, 459; XIV, 106-7; XV, 853-4; government power, X, 108; XIX, 350
XXVIII, 152 international relations, XIX, 564; XXI,
enshrined in greatest-happiness prmci- 130
pie, X, 257-8 Ireland, V'I, 66-7, 74-5, 94-5,254;
frontier sense of, XVIH, 106n XIX, 551
God's, question of, IX, 100-6 passim; Jamaica, I, 281; XXI, 422-35 passim
X, 459 land, XXIX, 424
Greek view of, XI, 396 marriage, XXI, 293,324-6,336
importance of to society, X, 255-9 universal education, XIX, 470
in India, difficult to attain, XXX, 117 women's rights, I, 621; XXI, 264, 275,
in JM's value system, I, 49 (48), 113 380, 396-415 passim (HTM); XXIX,
juries - knowledge, in Hamilton's philosophy 577

374 (604-5) Kirkstone Pass, XXVH. 555

work and its produce, XXl, 91-2 Kistna Anicut, XXX, 130-1
Justices of the Peace, X1X, 536-7; XXX, Knights of Malta, I, 11 (10)
178. See also Magistrates Knole Castle, XXVII, 474
Jyepore [Jaipur], XXXll, 55 Knowledge
a priori vs. a posteriori view of sources
KAUSAS,XVI, 1278--9; XXI. 132, 149. 156 of, I, 233 (232); IX, 139-41,
Kattywar, XXXII, 34, 39-40 165n-6n; X, 125-7; XI, 343-7
Kedah, XXXH, 13 acquiring of, I, 33 (32), 429: XI,
Kendal, XXVII, 511 509-10; XXI, 54, 67-9, 71-3
Kensington, XH, 86,308; XIV, 60; XXIV, advance of in 19th century. XXll, 231-2
803 Aristotle on inducUon as foundation of,
Kent XI, 12,481,484-7
JSM visits, XV, 704-5; XXVH, 470-4 begins in particulars, XI, 491,503
mentioned, VI, 472; XXII, 116 is of co-existences, IX, 217n
Kentucky, XXI, 147, 148 Comte's view of, X, 265-7,296-7
Keswick, JSM visits, XXVII, 532-40, dangers of a httle, XXIH, 717-18
548-51 by deduction from axioms, IX, 485
Khoonds [Khonds], XXX, 154 ER on advance of. I, 316, 318
Kilmarnock Boroughs, Chadwick's candi- general, needed, XXI, 223-4 (418-19),
dacy for, XVI, 1423, 1427-8, 1429. 306
1453, 1455, 1484. 1489. 1490 God's, IX, 37, 49, 94. 100
Kinds (VII, 579-89) Hume on. IX, 498n
definitions of, VII, 140-1 and leisured class, XXVI. 338-9
and nomenclature, VIII, 704-7,723-5 Locke's examination of, X, 48-50
ordering of in series, VHI, 727-32 philosophy of, as university study, XXI,
real as distinguished from other classes, 219
VII, 122-30, 579; VIII, 703-4, Plato's views regarding, XI, 41,44, 61,
718-19 95,106n, 393,402-6,411-17,
theory of, andJSM'sLogic, I, 191 (190), 422-3, 428,430-2,463,487-8
229 (228) relativity of human, IX, 4-12, 50-1,
-properties of 144n, 208; XI, 426-7. 501n; XV,
choosing those to be connoted by names 817-18 (see also subhead)
of kinds, VIH, 671-2, 720 Socrates on, IX, 130; Xl, 310n, 402-3
determinable only by induction by simple Taine's analysis of, XI, 444-7
enumeration, VII, 583,588 value of, XXI, 44; XXVI, 257-9, 261
estimating evidence for, VII, 583-4 mentioned, I, 146, 173,197,310, 311,
some derivative, some ultimate, VII, 338,385; IX, 2,300, 301,481: XI. 8,
581-2 261,407,409, 476, 494,499; XV,
are uniformities of co-existence, VII, 839; XXI, 247; XXVI, 268
579 -in Hamilton's philosophy
See also Class, Classification of Absolute and Infinite. impossible, see
King's College, London, XV, 552; XXXH, under Absolute and Infinite
18-19 belief and, IX, 60-5,118-24, 157-8.
Kingwilliamstown, XXlV, 964 175
578 Subject Index

[Knowledge - in Hamilton's philosophy] in Positivist scheme, X. 310, 340-1,

and question of intuitive knowledge, IX, 348-9
113,136-9, 152-8, 167n in prisons, XVlI, 1839; XXI, 104-5;
relativity of, I, 269; IX, 4, 13-33.89, XXH, 67-70
109, 167, 188-9, 382,495; XV, and production, II, 25-9, 31-43,
816-17 103-11; Ill, 691; IV, 290
representative, IX, 155-64 passim productive and unproductive, II, 45-54;
unconscious or latent, IX, 273-4 IV, 228, 270-1,280-9; XXXI, 410
mentioned, IX, 305.331,342,348, 351, regulation of by government, see under
353 Government, role of
See also Consciousness; Experience, in return for charity or relief, XXII, 271;
school of; Intuition, school of; XXIll, 603,712; XXIV, 888, 933;
Perception, Sensations, Thought, Truth XXV, 1170-2
Kuria Muria islands, XXXII, 100-1 reward of, see Wages
Kymri, XX, 237 in Saint-Simonian scheme, I, 175 (174,
LABASTIDEST. AMAND,XXVI, 117-120n self-interest as stimulus to, XXIV, 916.
Labour (II, 31-54) 934
abridgement of, Ill, 756-7; XXI, 91. sharing of profits with, see under
116 Labouring class, improvement of
Cairnes on, Ill, 1042-50 passim condition of
Carlyle on, as "gospel of work," XXI, slavery as form of, Il. 247-9; XXI.
89-91 89-90, 93-4, 134, 146-7.281
is chief cost of production, m, 477-81; under socialism, how motivated, II,
XXII, 4-6 204-7,210-14; Ill, 976-80, 983-4;
claims and rights of, see under Labouring V, 742-9
class socialist criticism of wastefulness and
combination of, see subhead division of boredom of, V, 719-21,726
compulsory, abolished in India, XXX, value of, XXVlII, 28-9
124 of women, XXI, 42-5,297-8,338-9
cost of, determines profits, 1I, 411-15; mentioned, I, 257; II, 114, 153; IV, 180;
HI, 699-701; IV, 292-3; XV, 967-8; XXl, 370; XXV, 1235-6; XXXI, 409
XVI, 1009 --division of(H, 116-30)
demand for not increased by increased in agriculture, limited, 1I, 130, 142-3
consumption, II, 78-88, 120 as branch of co-operation, II, 116
demand for not increased by expanding and combination of, as civilization
currency, IV, 189-90 advances, XXIll, 678,741,750
freedom of, V, 453-7 (see also and large factories, II, 131; Ill, 768
Occupation) in Plato, XI, 439
importation of, XVII, 1599, 1654-5, results of, II, 118-20, 122-30; IV, 268;
1689, 1696 X, 312
law of diminishing returns to, see between town and country, II, 120-2
Diminishing returns, law of -relation of to capital
as measure of value. HI, 580-1; XIII, in associations of labourers, Ill, 769-76.
659; XXII. 51-60 783-4, 791-4; V. 407-29 passim
"organization of," XX. 315; XXV. in production, n. 55-9, 63-8, 78-80.
1100. 1146-7
knowledge, in Hamilton's philosophy - labouring class, French 579

215-16; m, 529-30; IV, 49-50; v, 1630, 1847; xxvIIi, 294

654; XXVl, 309-12,322 inappropriateness of term, II1, 758;
should be proportioned to land available, XXVIII, 28-9
H, 153,235-8,344; XXIII, 736-7, and insurance, V, 426-7; XVI, 1390
740-2; XXIV, 788-9 interested in foreign policy, XVI, 1153
See also Co-operation, Labouring class, and JSM's Logic, XVII, 1756, 1765
Socialism, Trade unions, Wages JSM's relations with, I, 274-5,277-9,
Labour rate, XXIII, 634-7 289; XV, 813; XXVI, 312, 371;
Labour Representation League, XVII, XXXH, 171
1673 and lying, I, 274; XIX, 338; XXVIII,
Labourer's Friend Society, IV, 372 35-6
Labouring class in Middle Ages, XX, 27-8,241-2,245,
alienated from employers, Ill, 767; IV, 284-5,292,387
380-7; Vl, 485-7; XVI, 1103, in prisons, little worse off, XXI, 104-5
1439-40; XVII, 1577; XIX, 591; progress of, XVlll, 122, 125, 163-5,
XXVIII, 321-2 166; XlX, 333,491; XXI, 152, 404
alienated from ruling class, VI, 153,207, (HTM); XXIII, 652-4
214,218-20; XH, 1134-5; XHI, 641; question of, as great social question,
XVI, 1442; XlX, 349-50 XIII, 497; XVII, 1837-8; XX, 315
and beer houses. VI, 213-14,234-5: rights of, and justice or utility, I, 239
XVIII, 298-9 (238); V, 654-6; XVI. 1318-20
brutality among, XXl, 287, 296, 404n in school-board elections, XVll, 1771-2
(HTM); XXV, 1156-7 strikes among, see Strikes
chapter in PPE on futurity of, I, 255 and Sunday work, XVIH, 289
(254); XlV, 85, 87,149,162-3,166, upper-class attitude to, VI, 213-14;
172, 185-7 (Ill, 1032-7) XVI, 1208-9
character of, in different countries, II, in U.S.A., H, 414; XIV, 169; XVII,
103-11; XXIV. 967-70, 977 1837; XVIII, 98; XIX, 469
character of English, XVI, 1103; XXIV, and U.S. Civil War, I, 267; XV, 810,
837, 838-9 813; XXXlI, 141-2
condition of, 1I, 209,367; llI, 979; Xll, use of savings of, V, 410-12,423-6
148; XIII, 414, 550; XlV, 28; XVI, wages of, see Wages
1454-5; XXlV, 789-90, 822-30 WR and, XlI, 364
destitute among, XXl, 366-7 mentioned, I, 257,382n, 383; VI, 233,
education of, see Education, of labouring 256, 479; XH, 244; xm, 389, 734;
class xIv, 89; xv, 743, 897; XVl, 991,
in 1868 election, XVl, 1496, 1507, 1034, 1063. 1198, 1206, 1322, 1372,
1511, 1513-15, 1534;XVII, 1542-3, 1393, 1456; XVIl, 1718, 1773-4,
1548n 1816; XIX, 598; XXl, 154, 224 (420)
exhibitions for. XVI. 1146-7 -French
and Franco-Prussian War, XVII, 1795, burden of taxation on, XXlII, 370-1,
1798 383-4, 401-2, 410
Gladstone and, XXVIlI, 42, 58,365 condition of, V, 713; XXII, 83, 89;
growing sympathy with. IV, 365-71 XXVI. 14
not homogeneous. XVI, 1456-7 contrasted with English. XXIll. 368-9.
housing for, XVI, 1142, 1155-6; XVII. 375
580 Subject Index

[Labouring class - French] education, H, 374-5; III, 949; IV,

and 1848 Provisional Government. XIII, 376-8; XXHI. 652-3; XXIV, 1024;
732; XX, 334.348-53 XXVIII, 31, 67-8
in French Revolution (1789), XX, 58-9, land-tenure reform. V, 427-9; X, 157-8,
64-6, 142-3, 147-50 XVII, 1644, 1650-1, 1716-17, 1749,
under Louis Philippe. XX0 204. 206, 1756, 1757, 1847, 1899; XXIX,
299n, 311-12; XXIII, 372, 389-90 420-31 passim
in Paris, XH, 192; XVII, 1865; XXIII. limiting population, I, 107-9 (106-8),
440 185 (184), 374, 388-9; H, 157-9,
in Revolution of 1830, XII, 55-7, 60, 283-5,343-54, 358, 367-74; HI,
62; XX, 199 765-6; IV. 368-9. 374--5,379; V,
and slogans, XVII, 1912 449-50; XXII, 80-8.96; XXIV, 974,
merttioned, XVH, 1718 977,989-90, 1017, 1042-3; XXVI,
-how affected by 304-6; XXVIH, 36
Corn Laws, XXIII, 535; XXIV, 804-5 parliamentary representation, see next
improvements and machinery, H, 94-9; subhead
m, 749-51; xv, 609; XXlV, 840 participation in public affairs. XVHI,
manufactures, XXIV, 863, 1052 169; XIX. 478-9
Poor Laws, VI, 203-4; XXII, 286-8; paternalism, misguided, HI, 758-62;
XXIII, 538-9,603,635-6, 708-9; IV, 372-6,379-82; V, 453-7; XIII,
XXlV, 774-6, 887, 987,993 640-5 passim, 711, 716-18; XIV,
taxation, II, 88-90; V, 567-70. 581-2; 186; XXIV, 926,945 (see also
XXIl, 81, 82 Charity, Philanthropy)
war loans, II, 76-8 peasant proprietorship, see Peasant
-improvement of condition of, by proprietorship
allotments and gardens, H, 362-6; IV, reform of laws and taxes, IV, 383-7; VI,
387n-9n; XIR, 529, 661 483; XXI, 107
association with capitalists and sharing of reform of Poor Laws, see previous
profits, If, 140; IH, 766-75 subhead
(1007-13, 1015-17); IV, 382n-3n; sanitary measures, XXIV, 823
V, 415,743; XV, 735,857; XVlI, socialism, see Socialism
1671-2; XX, 315; XXV, 1092-3; trade unions, V, 667-8; VI, 188-91
XXXI, 408 women's participation, HI, 765-6; XVI,
change in laws of partnership, HI, 1246, 1252; XVII, 1658
903-4; IV, 385-6; V, 407-29 -parliamentary representation of
Chartism, see Chartism Austin on drawbacks of, XIX, 350-1
colonization and emigration, H, 376; HI, and danger of their political dominance,
748-9; XVI, 1454; XXH, 271-2; XVl, 1252, 1322; XVlll, 176; XIX,
XXIV, 791-3 363-4, 442-3,450, 477-9, 486-7,
co-operation, In, 775-96; vI, 190-1; 512
XlV, 70, 81,157; xv, 813, 859; labouring-class belief in, xm, 553
XVI, 1439-40; XVIH, 51,125; and labouring-class candidates, XVl,
XXVIII, 6-9, 29, 354 1427, 1479, 1484-5, 1486, 1488;
development of character and mind, I, XVlI, 1568, 1697
239-41 (238-40), 384; m, 763-5; need for, I, 289;XV1, 1130, 1450,1452,
XIV, 81; XVII, 1869-71; XXXII, 1462, 1464, 1478, 1485; XVH, 1673,
labouring class, French- land 581

1697, 1716-17. 1758-9; XlX, 405; Lancasterian schools

XXVlII, 33, 42-3, 158,347 Biber on, XXI, 68-71
and payment of labouring-class mem- Church hostility to, XXVI, 427:
bers, XIX, 369 XXVlII, 362
by proportional representanon, XV, dissenters favour, XXV, 1222-3; XXIX,
839-40, 974; XVI, 997, 1013-14, 383
1032, 1039, 1301, 1372; XIX, 319, in France, XX, 189; XXIII, 360-1,456
364-5,460; XXVIII, 184, 185 mentioned, XXI, 385
Radicals as spokesmen for, VI, 396-7, See also British and Foreign School
467,470, 478,481-9; X, 107; XII, Society
317; XIII, 380 'Land
and a reformed suffrage, VI, 481-9; XV, colonial, sale of, lII, 958-9; XV, 541;
905; XVI, 998, 1246, 1252; XIX, XVII, 1598-9; XXIII, 544-5,736,
327-8,334,350,492; XXV, 1104-7; 741-2, 750-1; XXIV, 792-3;
xxvm, 29-31, 39, 55-6, 59-69 XXXII, 232
(XXlX, 599-603), 88,339 expropriation of, XXIII, 476, 569, 584,
and Second Reform Bill, V, 706-8; 673; XXIV, 906
XVl, 1247-8;XXVIII, 198-200. 320 improvement of, and capital, II, 92-3,
See also Agricultural labourers; Labour; 107
Masses in London, V, 453n; XXV, 1233-4:
Lace manufacture, XXVlI, 484 XXIX, 422,438-9, 441-3,521,
Ladies' National Association, XVII, 1681, 540
1715 and manufactures, question of conserva-
Ladies' Sanitary Association (Birming- tive and progressive tendencies of, VI,
ham), XVlI, 1794 472; X, 152; XIII, 409; XXIII, 338:
Lady Place, XXVII, 493,494 XXVlII, 127
Laissez-faire system, III, 937-47; XII, as natural agent, in production. II, 29,
152; XV, 556, 888 30, 153-4
Lake District price of, III, 659; IV. 403; V, 690;
JSM visits, XII, 80; XV, 535-7; XXVII, XVII, 1847
511-56; XXXII, 12 production on, governed by law of
waterfalls of, XXVII, 584 diminishing returns, see Diminishing
See also Cumberland, Westmorland returns, law of
Lake Regillus, battle of, I, 527-8 ratio between capital, labour, and, II,
Lamoma Cove, XXVII, 625 153,235-8, 344; xxm, 736-7,
lancashire 740-2; XXIV, 788-9
distress in, m, 763; xv, 810, 813; marion of, V, 479-84, 486-7,555-9,
XXVlII, 31,349 700-1; XlV, 105; XV, 812; XVll.
Gladstone and, xxvm, 364, 366 1926; XXII, 261-2,265,266; XXIII,
land taxes in, V, 481-2 539,549-50, 566-8; XXVIII,
money in, m, 535; IV, 93-5 277-8; xxIx, 417 (see also under
and U.S. Civil War, XV. 836 Land tenure, reform of)
mentioned, XV, 536; XXVIII, 127 taxes on transfer of, III, 858-9; IV, 386.
Lancaster, Duchy of, XXIII, 617 427-9; XVI, 993-4, 1034
Lancaster Public School Association, titles to, vexatious question, 11I, 884-6;
xxvm, 5 VI, 222-4; XXII, 61-2; XXVII, 656
582 Subject Index

[Land] by peasant proprietors, see Peasant

transfer of by will, see Bequest. proprietorship
Inheritance peculiarities of English system of, VI.
mentioned. V. 716 514-17
See also Agriculture. Land tenure, and public duties, XXXll, 167
Landlords, Property, Rent. Waste lands and question of large or small farms, see
Land and Labour League. XVll. 1643. under Agriculture
1650-1, 1659; XXIX. 418-19 in Russia, V. 752; XV, 805
Land tenure (H, 252-336) in Sicily, XIV. 337
by absolute ownership, only permissible in Switzerland, XVil. 1919-20
for its utility, I, 387; H, 226-32; V. in United States. see under United States,
450-2, 652-3.672-5,689-91. 736. economy of
75,1-2; VI, 512; X, 157-8; XVI, varieties of, H, 19-20, 236-7; IV, 226
1320, 1407, 1442; XVIl. 1702, 1757; by village communities. XXX, 216-21
XXIll. 459-60; XXIV. 908-10, mentioned, XIV, 484; XVII, 1686.
961-2,979-80;XXV. 1233. 1236-7; 1708, 1746, 1838
XXVIH. 81-2; XXIX. 417-20, 424. -reform of (XXV. 1228-43)
425-6; XXX, 221-2, 224 JSM's involvement with, I, 626. 627;
in Belgium, V, 678. 684-5; VI, 515 XXXI, 333,334
Cobden on, XV, 912.919 Land Tenure Reform Association's
by cottier tenancy, H, 313-19. 324-36 programme for. V. 689-95. 766-7;
(Ill. 988-1005.1056-7); HI. VII, 1628-9, 1741-2, 1749, 1844.
1075-86; V, 677-9; XV. 967 (HI, 1899; XXV, 1228-9
1055); XXI , 889-93, 1019. 1031, and preservation ofcommons, IV, 384-5
1034, 1059-60; XXV. 1115-16 by prohibiting ownership by corporations
in different countries, XXXH. 209 and endowed institutions, IV, 222; V.
English laws of, bad. I, 99 (98), 239 694; XXV. 1228.1232-5; XXIX, 422
(238); II, 183,222,229; m, 889-94; and question of nationalization, XVII.
IV, 199; V. 679-83,689; VI. 430. 1757, 1839-40, 1847-8, 1885
502; X. 10; XXV. 1229-31; XXIX. by taxation of unearned increase in value
416-18 of land, HI, 819-22; V, 690-2; XVII.
and English yeomanry. H, 252-3; VI, 1750, 1840; XXV, 1233-4, 1238-43;
472; XXIV. 940-2 XXlX, 422-3,426. 428-30
in France, and subdivision, H, 150, See also Landlords, Waste lands
273-6,292-6,433-51; IH, 888,891, Land Tenure Reform Association, I, 626;
894-5; IV, 226, 389n; V, 681,683, V, 689-95,766, 767; VII,
684--5; XV, 772-3; XVII, 1558; 1628-1716passim, 1741-2. 1749.
XXIV, 1037-58; XXVI, 24 1756, 1808-47passim, 1884, 1899.
in Germany, V, 428,752; XXX, 216-18 1926; XXV, 1229, 1238-9, 1241n.
in Holland, XVI. 1406 1243; XXIX, 416-31 passim; XXXI.
in India, see India, land tenure in 333, 334
influence of custom on. H. 240-2 I.andes (France), XXVI, 88-9
in Ireland, see Ireland, land tenure in Landlords
by ra_tayers, H, 297-312, 389n; Eli, absentee, effect of, IV, 258-60, 271.
752; XIV, 440; XXIV, 1011, 1018, 273-4; XXII, 103-6
1050 and compound householders, XXVIII,
in Middle Ages, II, 18; XXI, 379
land- language 583

146, 168-9 900, 902-4, 932-3,934.936-7,

as dominant class in England, VI. 170, 959-62, 981-2. 1028-35
174-5,219-20. 470-4, 515-16; grinders of poor, VI, 66-7
XVIII, 63; XX, 305; XXlV, 959; regulation of their rents, essential, Vl,
XXVl, 273,282, 400n; XXIX, 416; 527; XXIV, 890-1,896-7,905-6,
XXX, 219-20; XXXII, 216 1115
future of, X, 347; XIII, 563; XXV, and subdivision, VI, 89
1114-15 and tithe, VI, 168-70.263.508; XXIII,
and improvement of land, II, 228-9; 610
XXlV, 909; XXV, 1230-1, 1234, unpopularity ofm England, XXIV. 902,
1237-8, 1242 965-6, 980, 981
influence of over tenants in elections, See also Ireland, land tenure in
XIX, 317,332-3. 491-2; XXII, See also Agriculture, Aristocracy, Land,
210-11 Land tenure, Rents, Upper classes
and lodgers' goods. XVI, 1429; Land's End, XXVII. 627-30
XXVlII, 357-8 Langdale, JSM in, XXVlI, 521-3
Perronet Thompson ridicules, IV, 158 Langdale Pikes, XXVII. 511-12.514,523
and population, II, 158,350; XXII, 84, Language
88-9; XXIV, 1006. 1068 dispute over, may be dispute over things,
supposed burdens of, XXlII. 637; XXlII, 449-50
XXIV, 859-64 effective, see Eloquence, Oratory,
supposed distress among, IV. 3-4: VI, Rhetoric, Style
170-2; XVIII, 124 expression of thought in, VIII, 645; IX,
and tenants, customary tie between, 311-14, 318; XXVl, 179-81 (G)
XVlII, 194, 198 and inductive inference, VIII, 664-6
mentioned, XIX, 319, 572 learning of one's native. X, 40-1
-interests of logic and examination of. VII, 19-23
and Corn Laws, IV, 48-53, 60-5, (VIII, 969-73); IX. 316n, 375. 390,
148-51; VI. 183-6; XXII, 106-7 400n, 402-3; XI. 35; XVIII, 6-8;
and Game Laws, VI. 102, 114 XXlII, 449-52
how affected by progress of society, IV, origin and growth of, VIII, 679-95; IX.
175-7 252-3,388-9; XV, 825,834; XXVI,
not representative of those of agricultural 184-6 (G)
labourers, XXVIII, 198-200 Smart's theory of, XXlII. 431-4
and registration of land, Vl, 223-4 specific comments concerning, XVl.
and tithes, VI, 196-9 1023, 1107, 1323, 1333; XVII, 1721,
and Usury Laws, IV, 122-3 1755; XXI, 19, 113-15
mentioned, V, 656 and spelling reform, XVlI, 1549-50
-Irish teaching of, XVl, 1093; XXI, 224 (420)
as absentees, IV, 260; XXII, 103-6 translations of, reveal national differ-
alien class, Vl, 513 ences, XI, 53,408; XVII, 1735
barrier to improvement, II, 229-30; Vl, truth and conventions of, VII, 96, 109.
515-17; XXlV, 892 127, 150--4 (VIII, 1048-52); VIII.
beneficiaries of famine relief, XXIV, 760-3; IX, 171, 197-8; XL 29
885,920, 966-7 universal, suggested, XXVl, 183--4 (G)
and establishment of small farms, XXlV, value of knowing foreign, XXI, 225-6
584 Subject Index

[Language] bad, mitigated in practice, XXI, 286;

(420n, 421); XXVI, 387 XXXI, 58
mentioned, IX, 5, 7, 41, 81, 194, 352, Bentham's contribution to, see under
387; XI, 93,444; XXI, 10; XXVI, Legislation; see also Law. English
356-7 Berkeley and passive obedience to, XI.
-philosophical or scientific (VIII, 668- 468
711) civil and criminal, XXI, 181-2, 199-
distinguished from ordinary, VH, 151; 202; XXVIII, 108-9; XXX, 22;
XXVI, 207 (G), 213-14 (G) XXXI, 88
formation of, XXVI, 172-3 (G), 175-6 and civil disputes, HI, 802-3
(G), 181-3 (G) codification of, see Codification
needs to be clear, X, 378; XI, 250-1, co-operation with, mark of mature
253,428; XXI, 203-4; XXHI, 471; society, XVIII, 53, 88-9; XIX,
XXV, 1163-4 377-8
needs to respect popular usage, H, 49; courts of, see Courts of Justice
XI, 25 and custom, XX, 356; XXI, 183
requisites of. VII/, 668-79,696-711 different systems of, in a single state,
See also Conceptions, Definition, Ideas, XIX, 560-1
Names effect of, on production, H, 115; lII, 886
Languedoc, XXVI, 374 of evidence, see Evidence, judicial;
La Rochelle, XIV, 230 Witnesses
Latin extension of sphere of, see under
has improved since classical times, Legislation
XVII, 1725 Indian, XXX, 13-15, 20-30, 69,
JSM teaches sisters, XH, 9-10 111-16
JSM's studyof, I, 13 (12);XXVI, 33-55 individual liberty, how much to he
passim, 112 restrained by, HI, 938; XVIII, 220-7
literary men and, XXII, 321 passim, 228n, 234, 259, 264,276,
teaching of, I, 33 (32), 338; XX, 368-9; 280-2, 287-9,303; XXI, 368,388;
XXI, 221-2, 232-3; XXIV, 786; XXVIII, 227
XXVII, 653 intention as criterion in, XXXI, 253
value of, XXI, 228-9 and justice, X, 245-6
mentioned, I, 9 (8), 347n, 438; XXI, 54 justification for disobeying, X, 242;
See also Classics XIH, 729
Latin America, I, 374, 376 and liberty, I, 296; XXVIII, 130-1
Latrigg (Cumberland), XXVII, 535 Maine on history of, XXI, 169-70, 182,
Launceston, XXVII, 636 246; XXX, 215
Lav6rune, XXVI, 127, 128 making of, in a democracy, see under
Law (XXI, 54-60) Legislation
abuses in, screened, XIX, 634 marriage should not be regulated by,
adjective and substantive, XXXI, 11 XXI, 290-2,376
administration of, see Justice, adminis- martial, XYd, 424, 430, 43 I, 434;
tration of XXVIII, 110-13,203-5
analysis of, see Jurisprudence meanings of word, IX, 358n-9n, 372;
in Athens, XI, 241,297,316-22passim, XXI, 57, 176-8; XXII, 7, 9
326; XIX, 431; XXV, 1161 Montesquieu's study of, XXVI, 450--1
Austin's contribution to, see under and morality, X, 187-90,196-200,218;
language - law, French 585

XVIII, 8-10. 12-13; XXI, 106-8. XXIII, 393; XXXI. 39

187.360, 368. 370, 371; XXIV. 955; no compensation for victims in. XXI.
XXV, 1157 182
morality of alterations in. IV, 207 Peel's reforms of. XXIII. 621: XXXI.
movement towards rule of, in France. 8, 9.45
XX, 191.192.209-10 popular subject at University of London.
national differences of, and use of foreign XXXH. 21
courts' decisions. XXVIII. 115-17. presumption of innocence in. XXVIH.
121-2,228; XXlX. 542-71 passim; 271
XXXI, 43 presumption of self-interest in. XXI. 31
natural. X, 299. 375-7; XXI. 184-8: prisoner's evidence on preliminary
XXXI. 15-16 examination excluded by. XXXI.
penal, XVIII. 20-1; XlX, 611; XXl. 66-8
4-5 property favoured in. XXV, 1140-1.
Plato on, XI. 407.409, 417n, 433-4 1153. 1155
as protector of the weak, XIX. 589 provides against illegal exercise of
respect for rule of. vital. Vl, 217; XVI. authority. I. 281-2; XXI, 422-35
1205, 1411-12; XXIII, 485; XXVI. passim; XXVIII, 107-8. 113
346 quashing for technicalities in. XXII.
Socrates' obedience to, XI, 241,417n 60-2; XXXI, 84-6
statute vs. judiciary, XXI. 188-93 reform of. XXX, 28-9; XXXI. 7-9;
in U.S.A., XVIII, 174, 176-7; XIX. XXXII. 1-2
557 soft on brutality, see Brutahty, domestic
women and, XXI, 321 statute, defects of. XIX, 429-30; XXIV.
written and unwritten, XXI, 182-3 772
mentioned. I, 29 (28), 55 (54). 299, 318. treatment of women by. see Brutality.
319,467. 469; Xl, 53; XVIII, 10-11; Property
XIX, 395,399.405,410. 479.569; mentioned. I. 93 (92). 103 (102); XIV.
XXI, 390, 391; XXlX, 407 147; XVIII, 162. 175. 204. 223: XIX.
-English 428; XXXII. 42
Bentham's contribution to reform of. llI. -French
862; X, 78-82, 100, 103-5,495-502 codified in part, XXX, 19
passim; XXlII, 469-70 compensation to victims of crime m,
Brougham's reforms of, Vl, 277-8, 303; XXl, 182
XXHI, 620-7 criminal procedure in, XVI, 1524: XVII,
and Christianity, XXII, 7-8 1558; XXIX, 442,555,568-9.
as common-law system, XXI, 20, 171 ; 570-1; XXXI, 66-7
]Oil]K. 428 despotism in, XXlll, 418. 481-2.
defects of, I, 67 (66), 91 (90). 119 (118); 667-8,688, 745
II, 114-15; III, 882-6; V. 619n; X. executive above. XIX. 586-7; XXII.
100-3; XII, 303; XXI, 83-4, 173n- 188; XXIH, 485,511
4n; XXII, 70.76, 95; XXIII, injustice in adminstration of, XXIII.
468-9; XXVI, 267-8,269,282,378. 517,666-70, 700. 745
386-7,431-2; XXIX, 416; XXX, and natural law, XXI. 187
111; XXXI, 45-50, 71-2, 78-9; possession in, XXVI. 76
XXXH, 7 and qualifications for jurors, XXH, t63;
legal fictions in, XXI, 21-2, 184; XXIII, 409
586 Subject Index

[Law - French] nature; Lawyers; Legislation; Punish-

and religion, XIX, 611-12 ment; Rights
respect for property in, XXIII, 584 Law Amendment Society, XV, 584, 590,
mentioned, XVIII, 160; XXXH, 43 592, 933,951
-international Law of diminishing returns. See
and blockades, XXXI, 346, 378 Diminishing returns, law of
and breaking of treaties, XXI, 343-8 Law of force. See Strength, law of superior
and doctrine of non-intervention. XVI, Laws of nature (physical) (VII, 464-96)
1033; XXI, 118-24; XXII, 215,259, apparent exceptions to, XXXI, 28-33
284, 299-301; XXV, 1143; XXVIII, confused with human laws, X, 5, 67-8,
17, 39, 214 85, 376-83; XXI, 177-8; XXH, 9;
as international morality. XX, 345-6; XXIII, 469 (see also Nature,
Y_XI. 177,246 following of)
JSM's views on, I. 263-4 early speculations on, XI, 379, 486-7.
model for, XXIX, 615-16 (HT) 490, 503
and national interests, XXI, 115, 117, empirical, VII, 516-26
13In existence of, XVH, 1935
and neutral countries in wartime, XV, explanation of, VII, 464-508
804.913. 919; XVII, 1762-3, 1838; JSM's Logic on, I, 229 (228)
XXVIII, 243-5, 246 meaning of, VII, 318; X, 374; XVII,
and right of search, XVI, 1153, 1199, 1935
1315; XVII, 1763; XXIV, 842-4; and miracles, X, 473-7; XVII, 1546
XXVIII, 221-7; XXIX, 412-13 no exceptions to, IV, 338; VII, 446-7
and slave trade. XIII. 413 and population control, XXH, 84-5,
university study of, XXI, 246-7 90-1, 96
uses concept of natural law, X, 299, 376; in Positivism, X, 266-70, 279-81,
XXI, 186 294-6
mentioned, XV, 765; XVI, 1350; XXI, Spencer's elucidation of, XVII, 1570
184 study of, IX, 486; X, 38-9; XXI, 233,
See also Alabama case, Extradition, 235-6; XXIII, 412-15
International relations, Neutrality, uniformity of, see Nature, uniformity of
Treaties, Trent affair course of
-Roman whether imply a Creator, XV, 710
John Austin's judgment on, XXI, 173-4 mentioned, I, 67, 141 (140), 255,615;
in Belgic Code, XXXI, 92 IX, 48,358,482; X, 24; XI, 343;
classification in, XXI, 194-7,201-2 XVIH, 158; XIX, 577
decay of, I, 436 --derivative
in Europe, XXXII, 43 depend on ultimate law, VII, 518
growth of, X, 101, 102 as distinct from ultimate, VII, 484
of inheritance, II, 224 not all resolvable into one ultimate law,
JSM studies, I, 67 (66) VII, 484-5
legacy of, XX, 271,275,383 signs that unresolved laws are, VII, 522
natural law in, X, 299, 376; XXI, 184-6 See also Method, Nature, Science
types of law in, XXI, 183-4 Laws of thought.. See under Thought
mentioned, XX, 252;XXI, 57, 246, 284; Lawyers (XXVI, 386-91)
XXVI, 451 conservatism of, XVIII, 85
See also Government, role of; Laws of
law, French - libel 587

contrast of 17th-century and modem, 176; XIX. 335,350.446-7,473. 476,

xxn, 282 505
French, XXII, 164 drafting of, not fit task for popular
income of, should compensate for assemblies. I. 265; XVIII, 175,201,
expenses, II, 384 203-4; XlX, 428-33. 440-1: XX,
and law of libel. XXI. 15, 18 308,337,358
learning of, XXI, 174n, 189-90. 194; enquiry commissions for, XV, 590
XXVl. 387-9 extension of as society progresses, XIX,
morality of, questionable, XXVl, 601-2
389-91; XXXI, 63-4 often ill-conceived. XVIII. 77, 174
supported by mankind's dishonesty. II, and payment of legislators, see under
110 Parliament. members of
testimony of. should be admitted, XXXI, philosophy of distinguished from
57-64 jurisprudence, XXI, 54-5,168
vested interest of, XXII. 48, 61.70, 76; mentioned, I, 23 (22), 325,593,616;
XXVI, 365,386-7; XXXI, 9 XIX, 354, 485,620
mentioned, I, 95 (94). 385;XXI, 183-4. See also Law
203,218; XXVl, 360 Leipzig, battle of, XXIII, 695
Leadership Leisure
mediocre quality of, in England, XlI, 33 true meaning of, XlI. 347
role of intelligent classes in, XII, 27 vs. incessant work, XXI, 91
League of North and South. See Tenant Leith Hill. XXVII, 463
League Lesghians, XXXI, 352-7
Leamington, XH, 351 Letters
Leeds JSM burns HTM's, XIV, 140
co-operation at. V, 416 JSM longs for from home (1820). XXVI,
JSM passes through, XXVlI, 504 25, 32.38, 53, 71
Molesworth as candidate for. XXIV, JSM receives abusive, XVI. 1405
797,801 JSM receives many, I, 282.286-7; XIV,
representation of, XXVl, 449 53; XVlI, 1591-2
mentioned, XXIV, 826 JSM's testamentary dispositions regard-
Legal fictions. See under Law, English ing his. XXXI, 334.336
Legends publication of, XV, 628; XVl, 1531;
Grote on Greek myth and, XI, 276-90 XVlI, 1539-40, 1556, 1690, 1703,
passim, 297,414; XXIV, 869-71 1947
Plato's prescription of immoral, XI, 437 significance of XII, 98-9, 102
Roman deities and Greek, XI, 305n mentioned, XXVl, 60
mentioned, Xl, 196 Lewes, JSM visits, XXVlI, 464-5
Legion of Honour, XXlI, 309 Lez, River, XXVI, 126-40 passtm
Legislation Libel (XXI, 3-34)
Bentham's contribution to philosophy of, against the administration of justice,
I, 67-71 (66-70); VI, 306; X, 7-12, XXI, 32-4
99. 103-5, 195-6, 495-8; XXI, against the constitution, XXI, 23-7
167-9, 245; X_Kill, 468-71; XXVl, against the government, XXI, 27-32
451; XXX, 227 House of Commons publications and,
in a democracy, XVlII, 77-8, 171-3. XXI, 32; XXVIII, 194
588 Subject Index

[Libel] Fonblanque on, VI, 377

truthnot always ajustificationin private, m France, XIX, 582; XX, 109, 127,
VI, 166-7, 192-3; XII, 214, 215; 176-7; XXII, 148, 177; xxnI,
xxx, 29 455-6, 463,737; xxv, 1116 (see
mentioned, I, 99 (98); V'I, 261; XXIII, also Popular Party, French)
409 and Gladstone, XVI, 1463; XXVIII,
-law of 364, 366
ER compromises on, I, 298-300, 302 and Hate's plan, XV, 668,672
instrument of misgovernment, as lacks histories by, XX, 224
definition, I, 297-8; XXI, 5-23; JM and early struggles of, XXVIII, 15;
XXII, 91-3 XXXI, 100
need to reform, VI, 166 JSM's relation to advanced, I, 275-90
not 6nforced, XXV, 1117-18 passim; XVI, 1197; XXVIII, 15-17,
Whigs support, XXVI, 405-6 22, 41, 97
works on, XXI, 3 in London Debating Society, I, 131
Liberal Party. See Liberals (130), 133 (160)
Liberalism Francis Place and, XXV. 1263-4
advanced vs. Palmerstonian, XXVIII. as a Reform Party (1830s), see Reform
350-1 Party
Coleridge and, X, 162-3 mentioned, I. 93. 158.227; VI. 342.
Comte's views on, criticized. X. 301-4. 520; X, 122,146; XV, 676,909: XVI.
313-15 1123, 1208; XVII. 1585, 1730, 1783;
Durham and, VI. 450; XHI, 391 XIX, 347,452n, 464, 506; XXI. 123,
European, XVIII. 218; XIX. 382; XXI. 226, 333; XXIII, 672; XXV, 1137,
157 1228
and half-knowledge. XXVIII, 86 -and Liberal Party policy
JSM's debt to Continental, I, 63 (62) on bribery, XVI, 1322, 1325, 1337,
meaning of, XH, 84; X-IX. 373; XXl. 1354. 1371
383; XXVHI, 22-3 (XXIX, 596-7), on Civil Service reform. XVIH. 207
34-5, 97-8; XXXI, 386 disagreements about, XVI, 1122. 1266
in opposition and in power, XIII, 480 on foreign affairs, XIII, 456-7,459;
rise of, I, 101-3 (100-2) XX1V, 830-1
mentioned, I, 79 (78), 132,173 (172), on Ireland, XVI, 1316; XXVIII, 277
466; VI, 523; XVIII, 56 on Irish universities, XVI, 1148, 1180,
See also Liberals, Radicalism 1184, 1313-14
Liberals on labouring-class candidates, XVII,
and American Civil War, I, 267-8; XV, 1697; X1X. 498
801; XXI, 157, 158 on land reform, XXIX, 428
ER as organ of, XIII, 483 on neutral rights in wartime, XV, 804;
in 1865 elections, XVI, 1067, 1072, XXVIII, 222
1076, 1082; XXV, 1211-12, 1217- and Peel, xm, 486, 642
18; XXVIH, 34, 45 on reform, XV, 627; XVI, 1138, 1215;
in 1868 elections, XVI, 1291-2. 1423, XXVIII, 57-61, 87-90, 170-1,
1431, 1435. 1441, 1450-65 passim, 355-6
1478-9, 1488-9, 1494. 1503, 1507, and Russell, XIV, 59-60
1514-15, 1519, 1526, 1534; XVII, on women's suffrage, XVII, 1731;
1543; xxvnI, 320, 323-4. 335-70 XXVllI, 93
libel - liberty, of thought and speech 589

See also Improvement, Liberalism, philosophical, see Free Will; Necessity,

Political parties, Radicals, Reform, doctrine of philosophical
Whigs political, VI, 87; XVI, 1344; XVIII,
Liberation Society, XIX, 463 188; XIX, 377,600; XXVIII, 128,
Liberia, XXIII, 349 154 (see also Democracy)
Liberty (XVIII, 217-310) in Positivism, lack of, I, 221; XIII, 739
academic, XIII, 476, 631 of the press, see subhead of thought and
of action and occupation, XIX, 479; speech; see also Press
XXI, 272-4,280-1,299-300, Protestantism and, XV, 771
326-7,379, 387--405 passim in relations between the sexes, I, 109
barbarians' love of, I, 436; XIX, 401; (108)
XX, 274,383--4 religious, see under Religion
centralization as threat to, XVIII, 308; in savage state, XIX, 394-5
XIX, 586, 600-1,607-8 Tocqueville on municipal institutions
and Communism, II, 208; XXVI, 321 and, XVIII, 60-I
Contagious Diseases Acts interfere with, Toryism hostile to, XXI, 129
XXI, 351-69passim in U.S.A., XIV, 173; XVIII, 64-5, 68,
defence of, JSM's motive in his writing, 81-3,168
XXXII, 191 (XVI, 1380) value of. and women's state, XXl, 262,
under despotism, XIX, 402 336-8, 340. 381-2,387
of discussion, see subhead of thought and mentioned, |, 161 (160), 213 (212). 239
speech (238), 282, 295,298,301,302. 317.
does not extend to right of unlimited 384,473,489; II, 239; VI. 23; IX,
multiplicauon, H, 358-9; IV, 374-5; 106n; XVIII, 129; XIX, 387,408n,
XVI, 1124; XVIlI, 304; XX, 349-50; 416,420, 432,443,527,608; XXI,
XXVIII, 36 392
English, VI, 161,206; XV, 553; XIX, -of thought and speech (XVIII. 227-59)
535,565; XXI, 423-34 passim in Biblical times, XIII, 496-7
equality and, XVIII, 159. t67, 184 British right to, XXVIII, 215-17
in France, XVIII, 161, 168; XIX, clergy oppose, XXVI, 426
583-4; XX, 71, 76, 90 defended in Bradlaugh case, XVI, 1492
and genius, XVIII, 267-8 distrusted by elders, XI, 399
m Greece, XI, 273,274, 313-21 passim, in France, notable, XH, 192
377; XVIII, 191; XIX, 490 Greek and Roman legacy of, XX, 271-2
HT on, XXIX, 616-17 importance of, I, 300; HI, 934-5; XH.
HTM to retain in marriage, XXI, 99 77; XIH, 449, 568,664; XVII, 1802;
and ideas of JSM's On Liberty, I. XVIII, 227-59; XIX. 396,436; XXI,
257-61; XXXII, 108, 120 (XV, 625) 4-18; XXII, 10-12, 15-18; XXVI,
individual, only to be interfered with 327,424-5; XXVll, 661-2
when harms others, III, 938; XVII, JM's belief in, I, 109 (108)
1736; XVIII, 220-7,260-1,279- as modem characteristic, I, 47 (46), 89
305; XXI, 79 (88); XIII, 580
and law, I, 296-7; XXVIII, 130-1 and science, XV, 769
meaning and significance of, XVIII, and separation of temporal and spiritual,
217-19; XlX, 610-11; XXIX, 385 XX, 273
(612-13) Socrates upheld, Xl, 424-5
in Middle Ages, XX, 69, 241,247 in U.S.A., lack of, XVIII, 81-3
590 Subject Index

[Liberty - of thought and speech] state support for, I, 385; XXII, 318-22,
mentioned, I, 45 (44), 53 (52), 173 325-7
(172); VIII, 142, 146; XIX, 391, study of, as part of history, XVIII, 145
587; XXVI, 403 Taine on philosophy of, XI, 443
See also Freethinkers, Libel, Press temptations of popular, XI, 402; XXV,
See also Freedom, national; Individuality; 1089-91
Individuals; Majority, tyranny of women and, XHI, 396, 590, 610; XXI,
Libraries 270, 278-80, 282, 314-17,382,414
circulating, XVII, 1660 (HTM); XXV, 1095 (1260-1);
in India, XXX, 151 XXVII, 663
value of, IV, 378; XXIX, 395 mentioned, I. 79 (78), 418; XI, 332,
See also London Library 453; XVHI, 161; XX, 117, 122
Lies. 3_eeLying -modem
Life, origin of, XVH, 1554 compared with classic, I, 338; XIX, 625;
Ligue Intematlonale de la Paix. XVI, 1317; XX, 268
XXXH, 181 how superior to that of previous ages,
Likeness. See Resemblance XXVII, 642-3,644, 652
Limerick, VI, 507; XXIV, 828n new naturalness in, XX, 165
Limited liability. See under Joint-stock periodical, bad influence of, I, 95 (94),
companies, Partnership 303; XXVI, 415-17
Limoges, XX, 36n; XXVI, 16 suffers from multiplicity of books and
Limpsfield, XH, 158 readers, XVlH, 134-5, 195; XXI,
Linnean Society, XXXI, 264 53-4; XXVl, 411-15
Llskeard superficial, XX, 51
election at, xxm, 508 unoriginal, XXVII, 645
JSM at, XXVH, 618 See also Books, Fiction, Periodicals.
Literary Union, XII, 156 Poetry, Reading, Style, Writing, and
Literature individual countries
as a career, precarious, II, 391-2; XV, Lithography, XXXI, 38
793-4; XVII, 1659-61; XXV, 1264; Littlehampton, XXVII, 458
XXXII, 247 Liverpool
criticism of, XII, 280, 314,318; XIII, co-operative movement in, XV, 832
469, 470; XXIH, 748-9 mortality in, XXIV, 828n
an emanation of its period, XIH, 484; opinion in, on slavery and American
XXVI, 410-11 Civil War, XV, 810, 828-9, 831,835,
exaggeration of functions of, XXVII, 961
653 trade in, IV, 349; V, 417, 523; XII. 144
historical, I, 472, 480-5,526; XI, 274 mentioned, VI, 304; XVIII, 100, 101;
importance of titles in, XXVII, 655 XIX, 461; XXIV, 762
influence of, XXII, 294, 318-27, Liverpool Financial Reform Association.
329-31 See Financial Reform Association
journalism not a career compatible with, Liverpool Mechanics' Institute, XXXII,
I, 85 (84) 222-3
meaning of term, XXVI, 409-10 Liverpool Philomathic Society, XVI, 1342
and nationality, XIX, 546 Lizard, the (Cornwall), XXVII, 632, 635
Platonic dialogues as, XI, 410, 423 Local government. See Government, local
reading of, improves JSM's style, I, 119 l.,ocrians, XVIII, 238
liberty, of thought and speech - London 591

Lodore, cataract at, XXVII, 534, 536.548 15-18

Logan Rock, XXVH, 625-6 mentioned, I, 65 (64), 69 (68), 113
Logic (112), 181 (180), 197,251,286,338;
applied to law, XXI, 55,168-9, 172. IX, 121,387; Xl, 298,405,461,509;
175-6, 182, 198 XII, 211,366; XIII, 453; XIV, 30.
Aristotelian, see Schoolmen XXVII, 649; XXXI, 188
George Bentham's book on, XII, 23 -contribution to, of
Boole's and De Morgan's systems of, Aristotle, Xl, 476-95; XVII. 1925
XXXII, 153 Hamilton, IX, 385,490, 492n, 494-5
and contrast between logician and artist, Plato, XI, 93-4
XII, 113, 163. 173,219 Venn, XVI, 1360-1
deductive, see Deductive method Whateley, I, 231; Xl, 3-4, 30-2
definition and sphere of, VII, 3-6 (VIII, -Hamilton's view of (IX, 348-71 )
961-2),9, 12-16.46, 157;IX, 316n, as concerned with laws or forms of
342,474; Xl, 14-15; XII. 347; XXI, thought, IX, 352-65
237-8; XXXI, 177 extent of province of, IX, 365-71
discussion with Bain on, XVII, 1718-21 laws of thought relevant to. IX, 372-80
examples used in, often puerile, XI, 30 as science or art, IX, 348-52
faults of Ferrier's book on, XIV, 246-7 -JSM's work on
formal, how related to logic of truth, avoids metaphysics, XII1, 406, 412
VII, 16, 206-8; IX, 404-8 De Morgan's corrections of, KV, 808-9;
Gergonne's introductory remarks on. XVI, 1436-9
XXVI, 145-9 discussed in British Controversialist,
grammar as elementary, XXI, 228-9 XKXII. 155-6
inductive, see Induction J SM discusses with Comte, Xlll, 491-2,
JSM studies, I, 21-3 (20-2), 31-3 530-1
(30-2), 59 (58), 125 (124); XII, 8, origin of, I, 125
11; Xl][I, 469; XXVI, 46, 48, 71,112. reception and significance of, I, 231-3
127. 131-43 passim (230-2)
language of, differentiated from ordm- Stebbing's analysis of, XXXII. 116-17
ary, XXVI, 207 (G), 213-14 (G) writing of, I, 167-9 (166-8), 189-91
and method, XVII, 1680 (188-90), 215-19 (214-16), 229-31
relation of to other sciences, VII, 9-11. (228-30), 255n, 627; xm, 525
13-15 (viii, 964-5,967); xxvI, See also Deductive method, Propositions.
145-7 (G) Reasoning, Syllogism
relation of to psychology, IX, 301, Logical fictions or artifices of language
357-9, 361-2, 417 attribute, VII, 179n
Smart on, XXIII, 429-35 passim capacity, VII, 337
teaching of at English universities, Xl, force, attraction, VII, 331
20; XVIII, 139, 146; XXVI, 351 properties and powers, VII, 345,353
uses names and images rather than state of an object, VII, 335,337
concepts, IX, 315-17, 324; XI, 445. Lombardy
452 cattle in, II, 145n
utility of, VII, 11-12 (VIII, 965), 19; land tenure in, II, 260n, 261,303; IV,
XI, 4-9; XVIII, 3--4, 6-8, 251; XXI, 389n
238-40; XXIII, 450 London
Whately's analytical outline of, Xl, and building of new London Bridge,
592 Subject Index

[London] XV, 799; XVI. 1125, 1139-40,

XXII, 114-16 1502; XVII, 1555-7; XXVIII,
centralization of English government in, 162-5,230-1,273-6,290-5. 301,
XXIII, 587 349-50; XXIX, 437-542 passim;
church architecture in, XXVII, 491 XXXI, 389-406 passim; XXXII,
court and economy of, IV. 273 173-4. 177. 178-9, 216
cultural significance of. XVIII, 101,180 JSM's committee work on reform of. I,
and Edinburgh compared, XH, 144 276; XVI, 1131, 1162, 1166, 1178-9.
food supply of, XXIV. 1053 1180, 1185, 1262; XXXH, 168-9,
histories of. XX, 18 176-7
JSM lives in. I, 5 (4). 85 (84), 290 as model for Municipal Corporations
land ownership in, V, 453n; XXV, Bill, VI, 305; XXIH, 629,630
1233-4; XXIX, 422,438-9. 441-2, and Poor Law administration, XVI,
443,521,540; XXXI, 395-7, 402 1250;XXVIII, 137-8,141-3;XXIX,
living costs in, compared with Paris, XII, 463-5
190 mentioned, XVl, 1129
merchants of, V, 590-1 See also Housing, Public Health
mortality rate in, II, 345 London, University of. See University of
open spaces of, threatened. VI, 249-50 London
population of, how calculated, XXXI, London Association for the Promotion of
391 Co-operation, XV, 864
proportional representation applied to, London Conference ( 1830-31 ), XXHI,
XV, 682; XXV, 1208-10; xxvm, 632
13,242; XXIX, 478-85 London Corresponding Society, XXV,
representation of, XIX, 352; XXVIII, 1262
197-8. 201 London Debating Society
smoke in, XXVII. 501 debates at. I, 143 (142), 153-5 (152-4);
street noises in, XXV, 1189 XXVI, 326-463 passim
taxation in, IV, 386n; XXIX, 439-518 formation and character of, I, 129-35
passim (128-34)
traps to unwary in, XXII, 79 JSM's involvement with, I. 163 (162):
wages in, II, 382 Xll, 20, 21, 24.25
water supply of, V, 433-7 Sterling and friends at, I, 159 (158); XII,
working classes in, Vl, 486; XIX, 598 29; XVII, 1898
mentioned, XXVI. 355,362 London Institution. Xll, 94, 110
-as a financial centre London Library, I, 134n; XVI, 1158
and clearing-house system, m. 536-7 London National Society for Women's
money market at, IV, 84-6, 88-9, 90, Suffrage
93-4, 305-6 JSM addresses, XXlX, 373-4 (604),
and monopoly of Bank of England, 379-80 (608-9), 386
XXRI, 577-9, 592,607; XXIV, JSM's letters on business of, XVl, 1284.
849-50, 851-2 1299, 1300, 1301, 1302-3, 1308,
See also Bank of England, Banking 1315, 1316, 1373-4, 1382; XVII,
-government of (XXVIH, 273-6, 290-5) 1636, 1648, 1697-9, 1708, 1710,
condemned, V, 435; IX, 538,539 1742-5, 1755, 1805
estates of, IV, 197,203n meetings of, XVII, 1627. 1701
JSM's and others' plans for reform of,
London - Madras Presidency 593

organization of, XXXlI, 182-3 Lying

and split in women's suffrage movement, among British classes. I, 274; X1X, 338;
XVlI, 1818-67passim, 1880, 1886, XXVIII, 35-6
1895, 1900, 1913-27 passim, 1928 and equivocation, XXV, 1215-16
mentioned, XVI, 1352, 1379; XXXII, as moral vice, and utility. X, 7, 112, 193,
208 223
See also National Society for Women's Paley on permissible, XXXI, 19
Suffrage and polite lies, X, 182
London School Board, elections to ( 1871 ), mentioned, X, 86
I, 284; XVII, 1799; XXIX, 396-400 See also Truth
London Society for Promoting Co- Lymington
operation, XXVlII, 6 JSM at, XXVlI, 594, 596-7. 599;
London Stereoscopic Society, XVI, 1092n XXXII, 16
London Working Men's Association. VI, representation of, XXIII, 508
485,488 Lyndhurst, JSM at, XXVII, 596.605,606
Looe Lyon
JSM at, XXVlI, 613,615-16 economy of, IV, 274
representation of West. XXIII, 508 insurrection of 1831 in, XXIH, 367-9.
mentioned, XXVII, 576 370,372,373-4,377,381-4, 387-8,
Lords, House of. See House of Lords 410
Lords of Articles, VI, 24, 27 insurrection of 1834 in, XXHI, 704
Lostwithiel. XXVlI, 618 silk industry at, IV, 133, 135, 137
Loughrigg Tam, XXVlI, 524 silk-weavers' strike at. VI. 208; XX, 128
Louisiana, X, 196; XXI, 153,281 mentioned, XX, 246, 280; XXIX, 372
Lourdes, XXVl, 93, 94
Louvre, The, XXIII, 654-5,660; XXVI, MACARONI,JSM's diet of, XIH, 395;
7-8 XXXII, 44
Love Macedonia
JSM doubts his capacity to, XlI. 143-4 Greek conquest by. XI. 312; XVIII, 191
JSM's for HTM, XXVlI, 641,652,660, mentioned, XIX, 550
663,664 Machinery
Loweswater, XXVlI, 547 considerations regarding export of. IV,
Loyal Publication Society, XV, 946; XVI, 251-2
1466 effect of on labour, II, 96-7, 134;
Loyalty, necessary attribute in society, X, XXVl. 317-18
133-4 importance of, II, 106-7
Liibeck, marriage practices in, II, 348 See also Progress of society
Lucca, XIV, 283,296 Madras Presidency
Lucerne, JSM at, XXXII. 228,230 army in, XXXII, 98
Ludlow, election at, XXIII, 507 canals in, XXX, 129-31
Lugano, XIV, 490 colleges and schools in, XXX, 144-5,
Lunacy. See Insanity 146
Lun6ville, XXIII, 347 land settlement in, XXX, 95, 97-8,
Lutheranism, X, 161 102-4, 105, 159,225n
Luxembourg Gallery, XX1H, 660 police in, XXX, 118, 120-1
Luxembourg Palace, XX, 353 relation of to supreme government of
594 Subject Index

[Madras Presidency] see Representation, Hare's scheme of

India, XXX, 61, 67-8 proportional
roads in, XXX, 134 in Bentharn's system, X, 107-9
salt revenue in, XXX, 106-7,160 encourages intolerance, XVIII, 222,
silver hoarding in, V, 518 286; XXVll, 662
tobacco revenue in, XXX, 107-8 precautions needed against, XVill, 200,
use of native talent in, XXX, 112 219-20; XIX, 353,442-3,448,467,
mentioned, XXX, 109 486-7,514-16, 519,544,599
Madrid as capital, XXXI, 291,304-5 in U.S. democracy, XV, 672, 765;
Madrid Botanical Garden, XXXI. 290 XVIH, 80-5, 156, 175-9, 286-7:
Magistrates XIX, 460, 558
and extradition, XXVIH, 116. 121-2 See also Minority
favouring of paupers by, XXHI, 709 Malacca, trade of, XXX, 6-9 passim
Fonblanque on, VI, 358-61 Malta, XXlX, 559,571; XXXH, 42
functions of, VI, 306-7; XXIX, 456-7 Malthusianism. See Population, Malthusian
in Ireland. VI, 67, 79, 95n doctrine of
London police, VI, 245-6; XVI, 1125; Man
XXI, 104; XXIV, 948; XXV, as measure of all things, XI, 425,426-8,
1139-40 500n-ln
in prostitution cases, XXI, 361-2 science of, X, 291
unjust power of, I, 91 (90); VI, 118-20, Management
213,267-8, 272-3,274; XXII, 44, by an individual or by a collective, Ill,
63-4; XXHI, 587-8; XXVI, 269, 792; V, 739-42, 748-9; XXVI,
273-4, 330; XXVIII, 199-200. 320-1
212-13; XXXI, 47-8; XXXII, 7 by owners or by hired servants, in
mentioned, I, 385; VI, 247; X, 245; joint-stock companies, II, 137-40.
XXI, 103,351,432,433,434 401-2; Ill, 954-5
See also Judges Manchester
Magnetism. IX, 351 bills of exchange at, IV, 94; V. 523
Magnitude, Herbert Spencer on, XXXI, Emancipation Society of, XV, 860
206,207 "massacre" at, VI, 367
Mahomedanism. See Islam meat consumption in, XXIV, 826
Mahratta [Maratha] States, XVI, 1202; Oxford and, XXVIII, 132
XXX, 151 representation of, Vl, 312; XXVI, 449
Mahratta [Maratha] Wars, XXX, 98, 101 silk manufacture in, IV, 131, 135
Maine Law. See Prohibition and U.S. Civil War, XV, 810-1 l
Majorca, XXVl, 57-8, 106, 107 working classes of, XVl, 997, 1013
Majority mentioned, I, 285; IV, 218; XVIII, 101.
coming rule of, in Britain, XVIII, 165-6 180; XXI, 89; XXHI, 435
and just representation, XV, 626; XIX, Manchester New College, XIII, 476
325,329, 330, 364, 448-60 passim; Manchester Public Free Libraries, XXXII,
XXVIII, 207-11 174-5
when likely to be right, XVIII, 283 Manchester Women's Suffrage Society,
mentioned, XVIII, 223,261; XIX, 605 XVI, 1508-10; XVII, 1842, 1856
-tyranny of (XVIII, 175-9) Maniehaeamsm, I, 43,448; IX, 419; X,
avoided by Athenians, XI, 319-20 425. See also God; Good, and evil
avoided by proportional representation,
Madras Presidency. - masses 595

Mankind 404-5
devotion to, X. 333-5 and property of married women, XVI,
future of, XV, 843 1413; XVII, 1624; XlX, 334, 479,
improvement of, see Improvement of 492; XXI, 41,284, 297,403--4
mankind (HTM); XXV, 1149-50; XXVlII,
See also Interest, general; Religion of 160-1,283-6; XXIX, 379 (6091
humanity and prostitution, XVlI, 1693
Manufacture. See Industry and manufacture settlements in, XVI, 1466
Maoris, treatment of, XVI, 1136, 1196 and social position of women, XXI,
Mapledurham, XXVII, 480 40-2, 44,376 (HTM)
Marathon, battle of. Xl, 273,313,315 socialist views on, XIV, 9-10,298;
Marazion, XXVlI, 623,632-3 XXHI, 678-9
Marbort, Mount, XXVI, 95-6.98, 100 and work of married women. XXI, 43-5,
Marlow, XXVlI, 491-2,494 298
Marriage (XXI, 37-49) mentioned, VI. 153; XIII. 465,736;
absurdity of present laws of, XIII. XlV, 175; XVII, 1822, 1831; XVlII,
586-7; XVlI, 1693-4, 1751; XXl, 193
42,281-90, 323,392; XXIII, 557, See also Brutality, domestic; Divorce;
558-9; XXVlI, 658; XXVIH, 285-6 Women
and birth control, XVI, 1363 Marsala (Sicily), XIV, 362
as contract, and moral obligations, Marseilles, II, 102; XX, 95; XXIII, 461,
XVlII. 300-1 474
customs of in Btarn, XXVI, 79-80, Martial law. See under Law
82-3 Martyrdom
with deceased wife's sister, XXVlII, 26 heroism of. XVI, 1327-8
differing opinions in, XXI, 383-4, 391 motives for, X, 217-18,415
ideal of, as free and equal partnership, mentioned, X, 387
and present reality, demeaning to both Maryland, IV, 58; XXI, 140
sides, XXI, 39-49 passim, 290-8, Marylebone
331-6, 375-7 (HTM), 408-12 government of, XXVlII, 293; XXIX,
(HTM); XXVHI, 155-6; XXIX, 405 458, 493
JSM recommends forbearance in, XVII, land taxes in, V, 487
1715 Massachusetts
JSM renounces odious powers on his, anti-slavery party and, XV, 870
XXl, 99 establishes Negro regiment, XV, 876-7
and judicial evidence of husband and intellectual society of. XXVlII, 33
wife, XXXI, 64-6, 68-9, 91 women's rights convention m, XXl,
legal restrictions on, are acceptable, If, 395-7 (HTM), 414-15 (HTM)
346-8; IV, 374-5; XVI, 1124; See also New England
XVlH, 304 Masses
and Mormon polygamy, XVlII, 290 and deference to more instructed or
permanence of, questioned, V, 453-5, gifted. XVIH, 24, 73n (XlX, 652),
456n 268-9; XIX, 458
and power of married women, XXI, 41, growing power of, XVlII, 121-2.
289,290,293,338,376 (HTM), 390, 125-7, 162, t94
410 (HTM); XXVIII, 157-8; XXIX, indirect elections as check on, XIX, 482
596 Subject Index

[Masses] 351-2, 355,356-8; XXVII, 653

need for opinions different from those of, women and, XXI, 315
XVIII, 198 mentioned, I, 23,331; IX, 376,399n; X,
vulnerable to flattery, XIX, 368 (50On) 37,293; XI, 43,274, 411,465; XII,
mentioned, XVIII, 159; XIX. 589,635 235; XX, 260; XXH, 249
See also Labouring class, Majority See also Algebra, Arithmetic, Calculus,
Materialism Geometry, Number, Probability
and belief in creation ex nihilo. IX, 146n Matlock, XV, 564-5; XXXI, 280-1
doctrine of necessity not necessarily, IX, Matter
439-40 annihilation of, conceivable, IX, 288-9
and investigation of the mind, XI, 348 constant quantity of, IX, 291,293n
Plato perceived as enemy of, XI, 388, divisibility of, IX, 37n, 88n
4_8 Ferrier on, XV, 837
sufficiency of, XXVII, 659 and force, XV, 871-2
theories of perception of. IX, 23, 152 and form, XI, 381. 490, 502-3
Mathematics (VII, 608-21 ) and form, applied to logic. IX. 354-6,
authority in, I, 615; XXII, 240, 242 360, 364-5
axioms of, rest on induction, I, 233 Hamilton's classification of philosophers
(232); VII. 608-9; IX, 144n; XI. regarding theory of, IX, 151-3
481-2 (see also under Geometry ) Hamilton' s theory of (primary qualities
Berkeley's controversy over, XI, 453, knowable), IX, 13-21, 26-32, 163n,
467-8 167
Comte on, X, 363-6; XII, 363; XIII, JSM's Hamilton on question of, I, 271;
562,580-1 XV, 816, 817
as "formal truth" to Hamilton, IX, 407 and mind, their interaction, VII, 360-1;
function of truths of in other sciences, IX, 501; X, 460-3; XXVI. 189-90
VII, 620-1 (G)
inductions improperly so-called in, VII, Plato on, IX, 419; XI, 424
290-1 primary and secondary qualities of, see
infinity and other mysteries in, IX, 47n, Primary qualities, Secondary qualities
48,428; X, 289n; XI, 467-8. XV, mentioned, IX, 100,298,358,419,438,
959-60,962-3,973 440; X, 439,440; XI, 446, 466
JSM studies, I, 15 (14), 59 (58); XXVI, -existence of (IX, 177-87)
21,26,33-57passim, 112, 127-43 Berkeley's denial of, VIII, 829-30; IX,
passim 163n, 424; Xl, 368,452,453,459-61
meaning of improbability in, XXXI, consciousness and belief in, IX, 126-7,
17-18 140, 147, 150, 158, 188
methods of, VII. 609-19 Gergonne on, XXVI, 166-7
in Plato's later speculations, XI, 421 psychological theory of our belief in, IX,
and printing of logarithmic tables, XVI, 177-87, 196-205,210-14
1467-8 Reid on, XI, 343-4
supplies principal laws of resemblance, as substratum, cannot be proved, VII,
VII, 607-8 58-9 (VIII, 994), 6On; IX, 6
and syllogism, Xl, 10, 14, 33 mentioned, IX, 42, 61, 126, 134, 193
as university subject, and question of See also Body, Non-ego
usefulness, IX, 470--86; X, 38, 43n; Matterdale, XXVII, 551
XIII, 663; XXI, 220, 234-6; XXVI,
masses - mental latency 597

Maurel, Blanchard, and Co., XIl, 269 Members of Parliament. See Parhament.
Mauritius, VI, 326; XXXII, 203 members of
Maynooth College Memory
grant to, XIII. 662-3,710; XVI. 1406, Aristotle's treatise on, XI, 496-7
XXIV, 1074: XXVIII, 18.31 cases of latent, IX, 274
mentioned, IV, 218 doctrine of school of experience
Meaning regarding, IX, 144n-5n, 164n-6n,
and definitions, VII, 133-6 (VIII, 193-4, 205-7; X. 23-5; XV, 648
1040-2 ) in education, dangers of mere, I, 35 (34),
history of changes in, VIII, 686-97 336-8
of names, VII, 91 (VIII, 1011 ), 94-5 Hamilton's doctrine of. IX, 111-12.
(VIII, 1013), 99; VIII, 698-703 114, 127, 160-1
of propositions, VII, 91 (VIII, 1011 ), 99 how distinguished from imaginauon,
Measure, Plato's concept of, XI, 419-21 XXXI, 154-5, 166-74 passim. 216
Mechanics, IX, 351. 479,496n; X, 282, and laws of obliviscence. IX, 256-7,
283 258,278-80, 282
Mechanics' Institution, XXIll, 660 necessary for sense of self, IX, 206-7;
Medicine XXXl, 138, 154, 212-13
Comte's prescription for, X, 346 powers of, before age of books, XI, 291
and dissection, XXII, 48-50 unresolved fact of psychology. XVI,
doctors of compared with legislators, 1333
XXIII, 491,500-1 mentioned, I, 499; IX. 64n, 141. 151.
liability of doctors of, XXIV, 875-7 155, 175,251n, 310, 359n. 491n; X,
popular study at University of London. 296-7
XXXII, 21 M6nilmontant, XII, 106; XXIII, 510. 689
provisions for in Poor Law, XXVIII, Men
136-7, 139-43 character of, adversely affected by wives"
scientific aspects of, XXIII, 416; XXVI, subordination, XXI, 324-5. 355-6,
146-7 (G) 391,407 (HTM), 408-12 (HTM);
teaching and practice of in India, XXX, XXVIII, 155-6, 157-8; XXIX,
147, 150-1 404-5
women in, XV, 710-11; XXVIII, contrasted with women as rulers, XXIX.
159-60; XXIX, 377-8 (607-8) 387-8
mentioned, XXI, 278 dominance of in laws, XXVIII, 158-61
See also Hospitals, Physiology domination of women by, XXI, 268-9,
Medina River, XXVII, 574 271,287-9, 299, 322,389, 405-6
Mediocrity (HTM)
bureaucracy and, XIX, 439 have little knowledge of women, XXI,
democracy tends towards collective, 278-80
XVIII, 202; XIX, 457-8 and prostitution, XXI, 354-64 passim
growing ascendancy of, XVIII, 268-9 the word, XXI, 397
intellectual, in America, XVIII, 84, 107 Mental crisis and dejection, JSM's, I,
occupation for, XVIII, 210-11 137-53 (136-52); XlI, 29. 144, 149,
source of, XlX, 644 154
Medrnenham Abbey, XXVII, 494 Mental latency, Hamilton on, IX, 273-5
Megarics, Xl, 378,477
598 Subject Index

Mental modifications ontological, innate principles, or a priori

Brown's theory of, IX, 15, 155-7, 164 school of, vs analytical, I, 231-3
Hamilton on, IX, 22-3, 112, 116-17, (230-2); IX, 36, 139-48, 150, 267;
160-1,272-84 X, 125-31; Xl, 247,341-4,482,488;
Locke's theory of, IX, 362 XIII, 489, 530; XIV, 239; XV, 825;
mentioned, IX, 152 XVII, 1683
Mercantilism ontological school of, and existence of
Berkeley and, XI, 469 God, X, 444-6
exploded theory of, II, 4, 6-7; HI, 592, place of in liberal education, XXI, 242-3
914-15; XXlI, 105 Plato's, Xl, 93,406, 421
underselling in, lii, 686 province of, VII, 8-9 (VIH, 964): VIII,
Merit 644, 746
reward of, XXVI, 346-7 (see also relation of logic and, VII, 14 (VIII,
Exanunations) 965n); VHI, 1005
and wealth, XXVI, 340 mentioned, I, 59, 65, 107 (106), 162,
Messina, XIV, 400, 403; XX, 35 251,271,286, 338, 355; VIII, 1091;
Metaphysical Society, XVII, 1583-4 IX, 10, 11, 39n, 53, 63, 88, 99n, 115,
Metaphysical stage (in Comte's theory) 280, 334,437,485,498n; X, 205; XI,
nature and growth of, IX, 300; X, 12, 84n, 329,362, 365,366,424; XII,
267-79 163; XlH, 631; XV, 871,889,907,
in the sciences, X, 287-90 960; XVI, 1065, 1117, 1334; XXXII,
in social science, X, 298-306 8
mentioned, I, 173 (172,615) --German
Metaphysics a priori school of, I, 233 (232); IX,
Aristotle's, XI, 476-7,490,495, 251n; X, 6, 23, 170-1; XI, 341,342;
501-3,504 XlII, 530, 562, 574-5,652; XIV,
Bentham eschews, I, 590; X, 5-6 239; XV, 723
Berkeley's contribution to, Xl, 451-2 benefits of, as reaction to 18th century,
early Greek, XI, 379-81 X, 128-31,138-41
French, IX, 4; XI, 355,443 and Berkelean theory of matter, IX, 196
Grote's command of, XI, 377 Coleridge and, X, 121-2, 125-9; XII,
Hamilton's, IX, 4, 89, 109, 128, 160, 168; XlH, 408
471,490, 492n, 494, 495 and distinction between acts of mind and
importance of, IX, 2; XXIII, 425-7 passive states, VII, 54
imprecise terminology in, IX, 39n, 69, geometric spirit in, IX, 485-6
354; XI, 251 influence of on psychology, VIII, 859
JM and experience school of, I, 287-8, JSM's debt to, I, 161 (160), 253; XHI,
595 576
JSM's, XH, 180, 237; XVII, 1652-3 Kantian, IX, 355,493n; X, 207, 249
JSM's Logic eschews questions of, VII, on principle of contradiction, VII, 277
cxvi, 13-15, 62n-3n; VIII, 967, 994 transcendental, IX, 4, 33, 47; XI, 380-1
modem, suborns intellect in favour of as waste of time, XXVII, 652, 660
religion, X, 404-5 mentioned, I, 181 (180), 185 (184); IX,
morals and, X, 37, 51,229-30 19, 46n, 166n, 447,494; X, 80; Xl,
nominalist and realist schools of, IX, 95; XII, 231; XHI, 412, 450, 455,
301-2; Xl, 94-5 (see also Nominal- 509; xxm, 425
ists, Realism)
mental modifications - Middle Ages 599

See also Being, Ontology, Philosophy election to, XXlX, 472,505-6

M_tayer tenancy. See under Land tenure property owners should be more involved
Meteorology, IX, 351; XXIII, 415 in, XXXI, 395-7
Method (IV, 324-39) work and powers of, XXVIII. 163,274.
apriori and aposteriori as basic types of, 275,294. 295; XXIX, 438-9,455;
IV. 324-35; VII, 446-7; X, 171, XXXI, 399.401
434-5 mentioned, XXVIII, 230, 231; XXIX,
a priori and a posteriori, illustrated in 476; XXXI, 389, 390; XXXII, 198
proofs of God, X, 444-50 Metropolitan government. See London,
Comte on, X, 291-4 government of
deductive, see Deductive method Metropolitan Sanitary Association, XIV.
of detail, applied by Bentham to morals 55
and politics, X, 83-9, 173-4 Metz, XX, 139, 149
importance of, XII, 79; XXII, 284-7 Meurthe, XXII, 251,263
inductive, see Induction Mexico
inverse deductive, see under Deductive American conflict with, XIX, 560, 571;
method XXI, 149, 156
Macaulay and JM disagree on, I, t65-7 French war with, XVI, 994
(164-6) Macaulay on conquest of, I, 528
philosophic, basic question of JSM's mentioned, XXI, 92. 139; XXIII, 615
Logic, xm, 491 Meze. XXVI, 125
question of appropriate, in different Mhairwarra [Merwara], XXX, 131, 153,
sciences, XXVI, 232 (G), 250 (G) 154
Socratic or Platonic, see Dialectic, Middle Ages (XX. 17-52)
Socratic or Platonic aristocracy in, XX, 28-50 passim
--experimental authority, in, XX, 240-2,252; XXll,
described and evaluated, VII, 447, 305-6
449-53 economy of, II, 17-18. 102,403; III,
inapplicable to social sciences, VIII, 880
879-86 government in, XXII, 255-8,280. 289
sciences using, and how transformed into guilds in, II, 238,348-9n
deductive sciences. VII, 218-23 Guizot on, XX, 268,293,382
(VIII, 1085-7), 481-3,496-7 histories of, XX, 51-2. 226, 231,
-of physical sciences 232-3,289-90
applied to philosophy, I, 173 (172,615); JSM's views of, Guelphic. XlII, 505
IX, 217n lack of freedom in, XXI, 273,295,399
applied to psychology, IX, 141; XI, 452 (HTM)
importance of spreading knowledge of, Michelet on symbols in, XX, 253-4
xnI, 646 morality in, XX, 42, 50
mentioned, Xlll, 589 philosophy in, IX, 301-2,497 (see also
See also Experiment, Hypotheses, Nominalists, Realism, Schoolmen)
Observation in poetry, I, 471,472
Methodism, I, 137; VI, 73; XIII, 416,452; Roman Catholic Church in, I, 219; X,
XXIII, 556 42n, 299,408; XVII, 1692; XVIII,
Metropolitan Board of Works 160; XX, 32,239-54 passim, 272-3,
attendance at, XXIX, 538 290, 383,388, 389-92: XXI, 266,
283; XXlV, 819
600 Subject Index

[Middle Ages] Military life

women in, XX, 45-8,246-7,284; XXl, and refusal of military service, XIH,
401-2 (HTM) 728-9
mentioned, I, 338,403; XII, 37; XXlV, as stage m history, X, 319
1038 value of, X, 339, 341; XIH, 553
See also Chivalry, Feudalism Vigny on, I, 488-9
Middle class See also Army
and American Civil War, I, 267 Mind (IX, 188-95)
American people as, XVIII, 99, 193--4, all attributes of grounded in states of
196,200 consciousness, VII, 74-5 (VIII, 999)
character and moral condition of English, analogy with, as source of knowledge,
I, 57 (56), 280; XH, 32; XIV, 93,495; XI, 343
XVIII, 169,240, 286; XIX, 411 analysis of, see Association, Experience,
and Chartism, XIII, 389,529 Intuition
common attitudes of, XVIH, 101-2, causes of states of, VIII, 849-52; IX,
11 In 274n
education of, XIX, 530; XXI, 65-6, definition of, VII, 64; VIII, 849
210, 213-14 existence of, and arguments for theism,
Fonblanque on, VI, 355-6 IX, 438; X, 439-41; XI, 462-5,470
freemen in Middle Ages as, XX, 27 Hamilton's classification of philosophers
French. XII, 60; XIII, 732; XX, 205, regarding theory of, IX, 151-3
325,333,354 and immortality, X, 460-1
and government of India. XXX. 38.85 investigation of, XI, 350-2
growing dominance of, XVIII, 121-3, and knowledge, see Ideas, Knowledge,
125, 163-7, 192-6, 200; XlX, 333, Perception, Primary qualities, Second-
491-2 ary qualities, Sensations
and House Tax, VI, 161-2 our knowledge of, limited to conscious-
interests of, may be identical to hess, VII, 63-4 (VIII, 999-1000), 76
community's, XVlll, 32 and matter, VII, 360-1; IX, 501; X,
preferences of constituencms dominated 460-3; XI, 424; XXVI, 189-90 (G)
by, XlX, 352 psychological theory of our belief in
and reform, VI, 218-20, 389, 402, existence of, I, 271; IX, 188-95,
475-6, 482-3,487-9; XII, 317; 204-9
XlU, 380, 410; XIX, 364; XXH, 89 Plato on, XI, 77n, 418,419
in Roman Empire, XX, 264-6 purification of, I, 337
Wakefield on, XXlV, 789 reality of, see Idealism, Materialism,
mentioned, I, 282,383-4; VI, 479, 508; Nihilism, Scepticism
XVIII, 28, 199; XIX, 334, 469; XX, relation of to brain, IX, 422
319 science of, see Metaphysics, Philosophy,
Midhurst, XXVU, 464-5 Psychology
Midi de Bigorre, Pic du, XXVI, 95-100 and spirit, XIR, 520
Midwifery, College for, XVI, 1418 unconscious states of, IX, 272-85
Milan See also Acts of the mind, Consciousness,
freedom of, XX, 345 Ego, Mental modifications
JSM at, XIV, 486-90 Mineralogy, X, 280
Military drill in schools, XVI, 1224
Middle Ages - monarchy 601

Mining 470-2, 477

in Cornwall, XXVII, 619, 631,634 JSM's views on, XlII, 387; XV,
cost of production in, II, 184-5; III. 813-14, 831-2,895-6; XVII.
492-3, 711-13 1545-6
as "extractive" industry, H, 35 mentioned, XXVII, 651
of gold, III, 520 Missenden, Great and Little, XXVII, 488
profit-sharing in, HI, 769-70 Mississippi, repudiation of bonds by state
rent for, IV, 179 of, Xl/I, 486, 506, 573
taxation of, V, 470-1,585 Mississippi River
Ministry (political) as boundary, XXI, 163,164
divergent opinions in, XIX, 637-8,639; fertility of basin of, II. 101,191; IV, 58n
XXVI, 398-400 Mississippi scheme, IV, 184
last resort of errors, IV, 48 Missouri
relation of to Parliament, XIX. 630-1; emancipation of slaves in, XV, 827,877
XXII, 210; XXIV, 756-8,764-5; slavery in, XXI, 148, 156, 164
XXVI, 333; XXXI, 345-6 Mitylene, XI, 243,284. 323
selection of, XIX, 427-8, 524 Mixed modes, problem of. XI, 53,407-9.
specific, in England. see Liberals, 418; XXXI, 124-5
Tories, Whigs Mob, characteristics of, XXVI, 384
Taylor on business of. XlX, 627-8 Modality, VII. 81
See also Executive Modena, XXII. 289
Minority Modems and ancients, I, 334-8; XI,
disfranchised at present, XIX, 357,448, 320-1; XIV, 346; XXI, 220-1
535 Modes, essential and accidental, XXVI,
oppression of in America, XVIII, 176- 7 164-5 (G)
and religious toleration, XVIII, 222 Mohammedanism. See Islam
-representation of Molecular adhesion, XVII, 1719-20
by cumulative vote, I. 262; XV, 559, Monadology, Leibniz's. IX, 500. 502
585,586, 969 Monarchy
and 1866-67 Reform Bills, XVI, 1169, absolute, XXI, 267,269, 286
1215, 1322 Bentham's opposition to, I. 109 (108)
Hare's plan for, see Representation, conditions undermining, XIX, 378
Hate's scheme of proportional constitutional, XX, 199,331-2
necessary for democracy, XIV, 101-2; in federations, XIX, 556, 563
X-V, 543-4, 765; XVI, 1013, 1032, feudal, XX, 33, 48-50, 242, 292-3
1094; XIX, 328-31,448-53.511, French, see France, government of;
515-16; XXVIII, 62, 84-5, 281 Republicans, French
working men support, XVI, 1301 hereditary principle in, XXI. 274-5. 325
mentioned, XV, 667,698, 826, 834; limited and unlimited, XX1], 65-6
XVI, 991, 1091, 1450, 1458, 1501; mental capacity of, declining, XIX,
XVII, 1540, 1832, 1838, 1912; XIX, 436-7; XXII, 278-81
519 sinister interest of, XIX. 441-2.443
Miracles and theory of divine right, XXII. 150,
Christianity and, X, 479-8t; XIV, 27-8; 151,224; XXIII, 376
X'V, 696; XXXII, 53 threatened by French example, XXII,
doctrine of impossibility of, IX, 136n 300
Hume on, VII, 625-6, 630--2; X,
602 Subject Index

[Monarchy] wages, rent, and profits not altered by use

Tocqueville on, xvm, 52, 81, 87, of, m, 695-9
160-1 mentioned, II, 410-11; XlI, 148
usefulness of, as stage in history, XlX, -convertible paper
416-19 advantages of, ILl, 641-3; IV, 307; V,
of women, XXI, 302-4,382,401-2 604-5; XXII. 221-2
(HTM) bullion reserves required for, V, 608-10
mentioned, I, 472; XVIII, 178; XIX, gold or silver as standard for, III, 524-6;
397,415,505,525,553; XXI, 383; IV, 118-20, 345; V, 515
XXVI, 262, 329; XXXII, 120 (XV, objections to, refuted, IV, 78-104
625) and question of single body of issue, HI,
-British 682-5; V, 509-11,533-4; XXIII,
constitutional position of, XlX. 422-3, 578-80; XXIV, 851-2, 855-9
424,428,524, 537,556; XX, 331; regulation of by Act of 1844, not
XXII, 149 advantageous, lII, 665-82, 1068-72
and government of India, XIX, 576 (C); IV, 343-8,357-61; V, 543-5;
growth of, XX, 26 XXIV, 847
limited powers of, XXVI, 264, 272, securities against insolvency of issuers
333-4, 360 of, XXIV, 848-52
relation of to Ministers, XXlV, 756-8. supposed liability of to over-issue, and
764-5 rise of prices, HI, 660-5; IV, 81-6,
social influence of, XlII, 381 345-56; XXIV, 852-6
unlikely to be abolished, XXIV, 762 mentioned, XVI, 1190
mentioned, I, 295,296; XVIH, 208; -inconvertible paper (IIl, 556-69)
XlX, 351 arbitrary value of, HI, 556-60
See also Despotism depreciation of, a fraud, HI, 505,565-9;
Monasteries IV, 183-92,307; VI, 172-8; XII, 130
impropriety of dissolution of, V, 484 during Bank Restriction, increase of,
and religious revival, XX, 249 XXII, 19-20, 34-5, 60, 219-20;
See also Convents and monastic XXIV, 852-3
institutions false arguments for, HI, 560-5; XV,
Money (in economic theory) (HI, 502-26) 514-15
as circulating medium, HI, 502-7, and rate of interest, m, 656
552-3,1064-8 (c); Iv, 90; xv, 859, in U.S.A., undesirability of illustrated,
983 XV, 982; XVI, 1376, 1445-6
JSM reads Ricardo's pamphlets on, I, 31 -in international trade (m, 618-46)
(30) and bills of exchange, HI, 623-9
JSM agrees with Tooke on, XIII, 444 effect of variations in value of, Ill,
and mechanism of bills of exchange, III, 639-46
531-5,623-9; IV, 90-6, 354; V, and equation of international demand,
522-3 m, 600-1,630-6; Iv, 241-3; v,
not equivalent to capital, H, 55; XIV, 603-4
241-2; XXVI, 289 and payment of tribnte, m, 638; IV,
not equivalent to wealth, H, 4-5, 7, 258-60
71-2; m, 505-6, 592 when waded as a commodity, III,
and prices, see subhead value of 618-22
supply of, and payment of wages in See also Foreign exchange
goods, XXH, 212-13,219, 221
monarchy - morality 603

-value of natural, skilled employments as. II,

affected by cost of production, III, 385-91
517-23 public utilities as, II, 141-2; V, 434
affected by demand and supply, III, in silk trade, condemned, IV, 129-35
508-12,514-16,539-40, 572, 1045 value and, m, 491; IV, 170; xIII, 659
(c), 1065-8 (c); IV, 37,350-6; mentioned, II, 30, 139
XIV, 93-4; XVII, 2006 See also Patents, Protection
alterations in, III, 459 Monotheism, IX, 300; X, 268-9,274-8,
effect of Corn Laws on, IV, 86-9, 431-2
109-10 Monserrat, Mount, XXXl, 307-11
and rapidity of c_rculation, llI, 512-14; Mont St. Michel, XXVH, 623, 634
IV, 37, 96n-7n Montagne party, XX, 12, 106, 109, 177,
and rate of interest, III, 653-7, 1058-64 353. See also Jacobins
(C) Montauban, I, 59 (58); XXVI, 18.20-1
relation of to purchasing power, IV, Montpellier
352-5 JSM's boyhood visit to, I, 59 (58);
two meanings of, IV, 98 XXVI, 125-43 passim
and universal glut, IV, 276-9 JSM revisits, XIV, 259-62
See also Bank notes, Bank of England, mentioned, I, 249; XXVI, 10, 11
Banks, Capital, Cheques, Credit, Wealth Montreal, VI. 426,453n, 457
Money (in society) Montr6jan, XXVI, 102, 103, 104
civilization rests on, XVI, 1444 Montreuil, I, 491; XXVI, 5
constitutional appropriation of, XIX, 424 Moral sciences (VIII, 833-74)
daily acquisition of, see Occupations Austin on future of, XXI, 58-9
JSM's attitude to, I, 112n Comte's later vision of, X, 360-1
power of in elections, see under Elections distinguished from physical, IV, 316-21
women's management of, XXVIII, 154; in Institut de France, XXIII, 519-20
XXIX, 377 (607) JSM projects essays on, XII, 179
-love of logic or method of, I. 169 (168), 255n,
and happiness. X, 235-7 272n; IV, 327-9; VIII. 833-74; XIV,
as predominant passion of provincial 239
middle class, XVIII, 101 and mathematics, XXVI, 356-7
as spring of action, XXVI, 330-2 in 19th century, XXII, 234,240
as spur to civilization, U, 104-5; XVIII, not recognized as sciences, XII, 53
129-30 Plato's contribution to, XI, 61,282-3
in U.S.A., XVIII, 107, 186-7 professorship of, XVI, 1211
See also Commercial spirit, Wealth psychology the basis of, I, 213
Monists, ego and non-ego as understood by, relation of ethics or morality to, VIII,
IX, 152 943
Monopoly teaching of in university. XXI, 220
artificial, and supply and demand, m, See also Social science
468-9 Morality
artificial, condemned. HI, 927-8; IV, and accountability (free will), IX, 438,
66-7 442, 448,453-7, 461,463n; XIV,
government regulation of, V, 433-5, 25-6
672, 690-1,730 as art not science, IV, 319-20; VIII,
natural, raises profits, II, 405 943, 1155; IX, 350; XIII. 579
604 Subject Index

[Morality] and Locke's social compact theory,

association as origin of, IX. 455,461, XVlII, 10-11
463-4; X, 62; Xl, 364; XVlI, 1787; Mansel on God and human, IX, 38n,
XXXI, 220, 232-3, 239-42 101-8
backward subject, X, 205 means and ends in, XXVII, 650
Blakey's survey of, X, 21,267 modern movement in, XXI, 325-6,
Christian, X, 338; XII. 101; XV, 640, 328-9; XXVII, 666
762-3; XVIII, 254-7; XXIV, 1084 most philosophies advance, XXVI, 445n
class, X, 109-10; XVIII, 71,221; XX, nature no guide to. X, 375-83,391,
42; XXVI, 331-2; XXXI, 18 396-402
Coleridge on, X, 159 new. task of building, XXXII, 235-6
Communism requires high, V, 746 permanent tie not necessarily conducive
Comte's, X. 335-40, 361 to, V, 454-7
conflict of duties in, XVl, 1327-8; XXI, physiology and, XXI, 241
343 political, I, 313-16; XIX, 366-7, 490,
and divorce, XXl, 48; XXlIl, 679 504-6,510, 637-41,644; XXlII,
and dogmatism, XXXI, 15-16 388,559; XXIV, 766
of ER and Whigs, I, 312-25 popular, XXI, 37-40; XXV, 1215-16
English, XXI, 253; XXIII, 726-7 and population control, II, 368-70
feudal, XX, 42, 50 power and, XXI, 387, 406 (HTM)
and freedom of speech, XVIII, 234,259; public opinion and, X, 194, 407-13
XXI, 21 religion and, I, 43-5 (42--4); X, 27-9,
of French philosophers, I, 320; XX, 53-4, 145,413-17; XIV, 53; XXII,
67-8 22-3, 305-7,312-13; XXIII, 559
French political, XX, 326-7; xxm, 388 of revolution, XX, 118-20; XXl.
and history, XXVI, 342, 395-7 136-7, 160; XXVI, 343
importance of classification in. XI, 96 rules of, often agreed on by differing
improvement in, I, 245-7 (244-6); schools, X, 29, 55, 63-6, 83-4.
xm, 560; XXVI, 258-9, 430-3; 90-1,110-11,159, 180-3, 192-3,
xxvII, 656-7,666; xxxI, 410 206, 224-5,227,483-4
influence of laws and institutions on, I, of St. Louis, XX, 44
373; XlX, 386-7,393,412; XXI. sanctions of, X, 227-30, 246; XII, 43;
155-6 XIV, 190; XXVII, 667
international, see Law, international of Shakespeare, I, 319-20
intuitive moral sense doctrine in, see slavishness of present, XIII, 741
Intuitive moral sense Socrates' contribution to, XI, 309n-IOn:
JM's view of, I, 49-53 (48-52), 109 XXV, 1163
(108), 591-2; XXXI. 233-8 Sophists' view of, XI, 329, 389-93,397;
in labour question. V, 647-58,713-27; XXV, 1162-3
XVI, 1319 sources of authority in, XXII, 243-4,
law and, X. 188-9; XXI, 107-8, 290-5, 304-7, 312-13
177, 183. 186-7, 360, 368, 370-1; Stoics on, Xl, 419
XXII, 7 supposed geographical variations in,
lawyers' influence on. XXVI, 389-91 KXXI, 359-62
legislation on private, condemned, teaching of, XIV, 36; XXI, 247-9
XVIII, 283-9 and trade union question. V, 662-8
and limits of duty of truth, XXXH, 185
morality - murder 605

as triumph over natural propensities, See also Happiness, Utilitarianism

XXVIII, 36 See also Ethics, Moral sciences, Virtue
Whewell on source of rules of, X, Morlaix, XIV, 215
187-95 Mormonism
women's, I, 312; XXI, 320-1; XXIX, lesson of, XXVI, 667
389, 390 persecution of, XVIII, 290-1
women's influence on, XXI, 327-33, Morval, XXVII, 616, 617
411-12 (HTM); XXVIII, 155-6, Moslems. See Islam
157-8; XXIX, 404-5 Motherhood, women's careers and, XXI,
Wordsworth's contribution to, XXVI, 281,402-3 (HTM)
441-2 Motion
mentioned, I, 6, 11 (10), 233 (232), 260, force and, XV, 927-8; XXXI, 28-9
296,305, 310, 387,468, 511; V, 445, gravity and, XV, 970
558; IX, 2,439,442,484,490; X, 46, heat and, XV, 871
127; XI, 14; XI], 319; XIII, 449,708; idea of, IX, 240-1,304; XXXI, 207-10
XVII, 2002; XVIII, 144, 172, 187, paradoxes respecting, IX, 45n, 424-7.
282; XIX, 337,422. 544, 565,597. 443
625; XXIll. 444 (XXV, 1253), 691, Tyndall on, XV, 902
727; XXVII, 659 mentioned, XXXI, 187
-Utilitarian (X, 205-59) Motives
Austin's discussion of, XXI, 57. 177 acts not to be judged by, I, 51 (50), 323;
basic tenets of, X, 209-10 X, 219n-20n; XXVII, 645
Bentham's contribution to, evaluated, X, Bentham's treatment of. I. 590; X, 8-9,
5-9, 13, 15-16, 83, 86-7, 96-100. 12-14, 16-17, 94-7
110-13, 173-4; XXIII, 471 and free will, VIII, 842-3; IX, 442,444.
Berkeley supports, XI, 467 463n, 465-9
contrasted with innate school, X, 50-2, and legitimacy of punishment, IX,
170-1,205-7 458-65 passim
greatest happiness of greatest number the often not avowed, I, 426
end in, VI, 4; XVI. 1234; XXVII, 663 public opinion and. X. 410-11
JSM inspired by, I, 67 (66), 81 (80) role of pleasure and pain in forming.
miscellaneous objecuons to, answered, XXXI, 226-31,250-2
X, 219-26 in utilitarianism, not confined to duty, X.
and notion of moral duty, V, 650-1; X, 219-20
247-8,251-9; XV, 825; XVI, mentioned, I, 363
1327-8 Mountains, as picturesque objects, XXVII.
Paley misunderstood, X, 52-7 505,510-12. 514, 524-5,531,
Plato sometimes upholds, X, 205; XI, 541-3,553-4. 614
391,417-18, 419n Movement party. See Popular Party,
sanctions of, X, 227-33; XV, 650 Radicals, Reform Party
Sedgwick's attack on, answered, I, 209 Mudie's Library. XVII, 1660
(208); X, 36, 57-74; XII, 238 Municipal government. See Government.
Whewell's condemnation of, answered, local; London. government of
X, 169-87.200-1; XXXII, 115 (XV. Murder
570) and control of population, XXlI, 89-90
mentioned, I, 325 legal definition of, XXV, 1167,
1169-70, 1173-4; XXX. 23-7
606 Subject Index

[Murder] Mythology, popular, I, 415n. See also

Nature engages in, X, 385 Legends
and political assassination, XXVIII,
117-18; XXlX, 545-56 passim, NAGPORE [Nagpur]. XXX, 104; XXXH,
567-8 60
punishment of, XXII, 166; XXIV, Names (VII, 19-45)
865-6; XXVIII, 266-72 are of things, not of ideas. VII, 24-5;
and suppression of rebellion, xxvm, xxxI, 123
91 connotation of class or general, IX,
Utilitarians' view of, X, 83, 181-2 336-7, 346, 353-4,388-90; XI, 24.
mentioned, XXH, 78 458; XXXI, 123, 125, 126, 130,
See also Brutality, domestic 142-51
Muret, XXVI, 111 and definitions, XI. 28
Music dispute regarding general, IX, 301-2;
Biber on, in infant schools, XXI, 72 XI. 223,488,491; XXXl, 141-2.
few women composers of, XXl, 317-18 144-5, 181 (see also Conceptualism,
Eliza Flower's, XXII, 331-3; XXIII, Nominalists. Realism)
436-8,554-5,563,660-1,702-3; and the five predicables, XI, 21
XXIV, 760 function of, in induction, VIII, 665-7
Greek philosophers prized, I, 499 importance of theory of, VII, 19-20,
JSM's lessons in, XXVI, 35-60passim, 22-3 (VIII, 972-3); VIII, 1005; XI,
137 19; XXXI, 180
language of, XXVI, 183.(G) propositions regarding general, XXXI,
of Meyerbeer's operas, XIV, 489 25-6
"poetry of," I. 343,350-1 relation of to concepts, IX, 310-20, 324;
in present age, XXVII, 647-8 XI, 445
as source of pleasure, I, 147-9 (146-8); requirements of, in a philosophical
XIH, 409; XXXI, 222, 223 language, vm, 668-72, 698-707
mentioned, I, 155 (154); XRI, 466; XV, things denoted by, VII, 46-77 (VIII,
602 989-1004)
Musselmans. See Islam mentioned, IX, 185, 303,339, 376,
Mutiny of 1857 (Indian). See under India 380; XI, 17; XXXl, 122-3
Mutual Improvement Society, XXVl, --classification of
257-85 passim collective, VII, 28-9 (VlH, 975-6)
Myhee Caunta, XXXII, 33-4, 63 concrete and abstract, VII, 29-30 (VIH,
Mysians, XI, .145n 976-7), 43, 49 (VlH, 991), 96,
Mysore 105-8, 134-6; VIII, 668-70,
annexation of, XVl, 1202-3; XVlI, 1021-7; XXXI, 151-2, 186, 197
1562 connotative and non-connotative, VII.
mentioned, XXXII, 51 30--41n (VIII, 978-85), 133-6 (VRI,
Mysticism 1040-2)
good side of, XlI, 219 general and singular, VII, 27-9 (VIH,
Michelet on, XX, 249-50 975); XI, 223
as substitution of fantasies for realities, of names, XXXI, 137, 180-1
VIII, 757; X, 127 of numerals, XXXI, 199-200
mentioned, I, 329; XI, 223,381 positive and negative, VII, 41-2 (VIII,
murder- national character, English 607

985-6) success of, XV. 925

privative, VII. 42 (VIII, 986); XXXI, women at, XV. 683,925
200-2 mentioned, XXVIII, 284
proper. VII, 33-6 (VIH, 979-81); IX, National Bank of Scotland, IV, 106n
322-3 National character
relative and absolute, VII, 42-4 (VIII, American, XVIII, 82, 102, 107-9.
986-8); XXXI, 181-91, 197-9 111-12, 114, 157; XIX, 409.478
of sensations, VIII, 977, 984; XXXI. Athenian, XXV, 1129-31
104-9, 123, 190 effects of bureaucracy on. XIX, 582.
univocal and aequivocal, VII, 44-5 583
(VIII, 988) emphasis on in German metaphysical
See also Classification, Terms thought, X, 140-1
Nantes, XXlII, 517,518 English, Scottish, and Irish, XXIV, 973
Naples German, English and French compared.
JSM at, XIV, 315-34 XXIII, 444-5 (XXV, 1253)
and Sicily, XIV, 338 ignored by Bentham, X, 9, 16-18, 99,
mentioned, IV. 274; XXXI, 262 105
Napoleonic Wars importance of studying, VIII, 904-7;
effect of on Britain, I. 101 (100); 11, XIII, 510
75n-6n; IV. 3-10, 20-1, 99; XXlI, improvement and variety of, XVIII, 94;
35-6; XXVI, 373 XXIII, 443 (XXV, 1252)
mentioned, I, 603 influence of race on, XV, 691; XVII,
Narrative 1563; XX, 235-7
m art, I, 351,352-3,354n Irish, II, 319; XX, 235; XXI, 309;
in history, XX, 5-6, 19, 76-7, 158; xxm, 388,397-8; XXIV, 887-8,
XXIV, 868-9. 1087; XXV, 1122 916, 955-6,958,973. 1003-4,
National Agricultural Labourers' Union, 1076-7
XXIX, 431 Irish, French, and English compared,
National Assembly XXIII, 397-8
1789-91. see Constituent Assembly in labourers of England and Continent,
1848-51, XX, 328,340, 353, 363 11, 108-9; XXIII, 368-9. 375;
National Association for Promoting the XXIV, 838-9. 969-70; XXVI, 14
Political and Social Improvement of language and, XX, 272-3
the People, xm, 533 need to know more than one's own,
National Association for the Promotion of xvm, 93, 94; XXI, 226
Social Science and political and social institutions. II,
Chadwick at, XV, 906; XVI, 1097, 1424 319; X, 16, 99, 105,132 (504); XIX,
and corruption at elections, XXVIII. 11 375,379, 404, 418,478
Hare at, XV, 618,626, 632,642, 672, Spartan, XXIV. 873
787; XVI, 1021. 1030o 1060, 1215 varieties of, illustrated, XIX, 408-9;
JSM and, XV, 553,648,701 XXl, 252-3.277, 309
meetings of, XV, 706, 736, 787,887, mentioned, I, 436; XVIII, 18, 182, 199
890. 894; XVI, 1021, 1030. 1060, -English (XXHI, 717-27)
1141; XXlX, 391; XXXH, 158, accepts criticism, XIII, 683; XVIII, 114
171-2 compromising, I, 280; X, 131, 141-2,
Phimmer and, XVI, 1424 716; XXVII, 661
608 Subject Index

[National character- English] full of sound and fury, XII, 150-1

contrasted with French, I, 61 (60); X. generous, XXIII, 560
105; XII, 31-2, 192; XVII, 1643; impetuous, XX, 201; XXII, 246-7
XX, 173,184,294, 313,331-2; XXI, and love of glory, XIII, 536-7; XIX,
309, 313 (see also England and 594; XXlI. 215; XXIV, 1051
France, contrast of) and mania for regulation, X, 343; XIX,
Emerson on, XIV, 15-16 599
energetic. XIX, 409 mocked by ER, I, 308-9
hard-working, II, 104n; XXIV, 838,916 not excessively envious. XIX, 408-9
hypocritical, XXIII, 393 racial and geographical influences on,
ill-mannered, IV. 380-1 XX, 235-8
independent, XXIV, 887 thrifty, II, 282,444; XXIV, 1050-1
insular, I, 63,243 (242), 307-11; XIII. unreliable, XII, 343
518,571;XVII, 1599; XX, 60; XXII, not warlike, xm, 701; XVI, 1288
137; XXVlI, 647 mentioned, XXI, 277
intolerant, XVIII, 240 See also Ethology
JSM's antipathy to, XllI, 696-7 National Complete Suffrage Union, XIII,
materialistic, II, 105, 170-2, 187; XI, 533
40; XlI, 31-2.37; xvm. 200; National Convention (1792-95), French
xxm. 719-27 decrees of, XXlII, 418,482
moral, XV, 771 government by, XXXl, 374
practical not theoretical, VI, 339,392-3; respect for property by, XX, 126-8,205;
X, 34-5; XII. 47-8; XIII, 413; XIV, XXIII, 672-3
95; XXl, 385; xxm, 445-6 (xxv, mentioned, XX, 165, 177,206, 336,
1253--4), 534, 697; XXIV, 762; XXII, 152
XXVII, 641-2,657,666 National debt (m, 873-9)
respectful of law, VI, 217; XVI, 1411; advisability of, questioned, II, 77-8;III,
XX, 191; xxm, 485 873-6; V, 727
self-satisfied, XIV, 34; XX, 17 depreciation not an acceptable way of
shaped by commerce and Puritanism, retiring, IV, 157-8. 186-9
XXI, 253 French, XXIII, 570
suppresses feelings, I, 53 (52), 155-7 provisions against in Californian
(156), 611-12; XXI, 313 Constitution, XXV, 1150-1
virtues of, VI, 267; XIX, 338; XXVIII, redemption of, m, 876-9; IV, 221; xII,
36 130-1; XVl, 1171, 1362; XXllI,
mentioned, X, 113; XIV, 9, 18, 22; XXl, 551-2; XXVIII, 70-2
309, 389; XXlI, 316 of U.S.A., XV, 831; XVI, 1100, 1376,
See also England 1434, 1441-8, 1466; XVII, 1540;
-French XXIII, 545
averse to hereditary rank, XXII, 201; mentioned, I, 101 (100), 191 (190), 277;
XXIII, 344, 682, 693-4 IV, 352n; V, 736; XXVI, 273; XXXl,
Carlyle on, XX, 150 408, 409-10
carried away by abstractions, XVII, See also Government, financial operations
1911-12 of
contrasted with English, see under National Education League, XVII, 1650,
subhead English 1658, 1666, 1702-3; XXIX, 392,393
national character, English - nature 609

National Guard (French) Natural agents and objects

abolition of (1827), XXII, 125-6 as fixed capital, II, 92-3
Brougham on, XX, 324 role of in production, II, 25-30. 102,
legislation regarding. XXII. 177,226 153
mentioned, XX, 87, 151-7 passim; scarcity value of. III, 486-7
XXII, 223,248,273; XXIII, 351, See also Land
363,367. 368, 474,654. 738 Natural beliefs. See Belief, natural
National Labour Union. XVlI, 1540 Natural law. See under Law
National Party (Ireland), XVI, 1170 Natural laws. See Laws of nature
National Public School Association, Natural theology
XXVlII, 3-5 and argument from design, X, 398-9,
National Reform Union, XV, 944; XVI, 446-59
1284-5 and causality, X, 432-41
National Schools. See under Schools mistakes of, X, 388-9
National Society for Promoting the and moral attributes of God, X. 455-9
Education of the Poor, Xii. 233 and predictability of universe, XV. 696
National Society for Women's Suffrage and supposed naturalness of instructs. X.
Birmingham branch, XVI, 1397 391-9
Edinburgh branch, XVI, 1521-2 writers on, full of wonder. X. 39-40
and HT, I, 285 mentioned, X. 431
London Committee, JSM and HT See also Design, argument from; God,
members of, XVII, 1551 existence of; Nature
Manchester branch, XVl, 1508-10; Nature (X, 373-402)
XVlI, 1551 art and, X. 375,380-1; XXVlI, 656
meetings of, XVII, 1627, 1647, 1648, Berkeley's idea of, XI, 463
1694, 1695 can thwart human endeavours. XIV, 272:
petitions of, XVII, 1575, 1636 XXI, 217
mentioned, I, 290; XVl, 1409, 1476; Comte on polytheistic and metaphysical
XVII, 1710; XXXlI, 206 views of, IX, 300; X, 268.272-8,299
See also London National Society for contemplation of. HI. 756; XXI, 255:
Women's Suffrage XXVII, 665
National Sunday League, XV, 512 deification of, I, 73 (72); XXII, 8-9
Nationality (nationalism) and existence of God, X, 432-4,
in good sense, a principle of cohesion, 446-59; XVI, 1195; XXIV, 1083;
VIII, 923; X, 135-6 (507) XXVlI, 659
in Ireland, VI, 509 fallacious use of word, VIII. 822-3
and liberty, XX, 347-8 and Greek polytheism, XI, 288-90
representative government and problem as groups of possibilities of sensation,
of, XIX, 546-51 IX, 181-2, 198-201,209n
vulgar, I, 415n meaning of word, X. 373-8,399-400
See also Patriotism in paintings, I, 352n, 353n-4n
"Nationalty," Coleridge on, see Clerisy in poetry, I, 469; XXVl, 437
Native States (Indian), Vl, 217; XVl, and population control, XXVI, 295-6
1202-3; XVlI, 1634-5, 1687; XXI, Reid on signs and, IX. 171-4
119-20, 303n; XXX, 151-3; XXXII, supposed rules of, IX, 417-21; XXI.
55-6, 60 246, 263
610 Subject Index

[Nature] effect of on trade, III, 916-17

what is possible in, see Inconceivablity. relaxation of, VI, 124; XXII, 105;
Impossibility XXVI, 406-7
mentioned, I, 45 (44), 141 (140), 143 mentioned, HI, 694; IV, 70; VI, 138;
(142), 195 (194,619), 270, 337,344, XXII, 28
361,413,459, 467,468; IX, 100, Navy, British
133,135,164,438. 472; XI, 420,422; aristocratic dominance of, XXVI, 330
XIV. 107; XIX. 380, 404, 411,461, defence by, overrated, XVII, 1806
591; XXI, 219, 306 importance of, XXVIII, 220-7; XXIX,
-following of 412-13
absurdity of, in view of nature's loss of ships in, XVII, 1828
shortcomings, X. 383-8,391-402; ministers responsible for, XIX, 522
,XlV, 53 reform of, XXIII, 616
as excuse for subjection of women, XXI, mentioned, XXII, 28
269-70; XXIX, 407 Necessary, the word, XI, 22, 25.26, 27
meaning of the doctrine, X, 378-83 Necessary truths (VII, 224-79)
and supposed law of nature (natural law), a priori and a postertori views of, XI,
X, 299, 375-7; XXI, 184-8; XXXI, 345-6
15-16 account of in Logic, I, 233 (232)
-study of and doctrine of association, IX, cviii,
does not annihilate wonder. IX, 487-9; 259-71 passim, 295; XXXI, 161-2,
XI, 349 165, 203
and mathematics, IX, 479-82 Hamilton on, as intuitive, IX, 143
process of, XI, 12, 13, 33, 93-4,368, mathematics and, VII, 224-30 (VIII,
369, 379,483,490 1088-97); XV. 647-8
religious suspicion of, X, 381-3 and test of inconceivableness, VII,
See also Science 238-48,262-79
-uniformity of course of Whewell's arguments for examined,
assumed by induction, VII, 306-13 VII, 231-51n
(VIII, 1106); VIII, 1105; IX, 482n See also Inconceivability
Bain on, XI, 369 Necessity
as basis of belief in evidence, XXXI, ambiguity in word, VIII, 814
177-8 Bailey's view of, XVI, 1334
Berkeley on, XI, 462,464 Hamilton on laws of thought and, IX,
and free will question, IX, 447n 358
not a necessary truth, IX, 267,269 means unconditionalness when involved
partial truth to Aristotle, XI, 482-3 in notion of cause, VII, 339, 346;
mentioned, IX, 167n, 298 XVII, 1890
See also Environment, Human nature, not apprehensible, XV, 824
Laws of nature, Matter, Natural theology only sense in which can be ascribed to
Navarino, XX, 346 conclusions of a science, VII, 227
Navarreins, XXVI, 85-6 (VIII, 1089), 252
Navigation of thought, see Necessary truths
analogies to, X, 66, 191,225,317 mentioned, IX, 419; XI, 420, 470
artof, I1, 42-3; IX, 351-2 -doctrine of philosophical (IX, 465-9)
Navigation Laws Bain on inappropriateness of term, XI,
abolition of in India, XXX, 109 365
nature -New York 611

does not annihilate moral distinctions or Net produce, defined, IV, 288-9
punishment, IX, 453-65 passim; XV. Netherlands. See Holland
711-12 Netley Abbey, XXVII, 608-9
Hamilton's discussion of, IX, 438-45 Nettlebed, XXVlI, 481
how understood by JSM, I, 175-7 Neutrality
(174-6); VII, 347n; VIII, 814, England's, in American Civil War, XV,
836-43,932; IX, 446-7,452n, 803,804
465-9; Xlll, 477,612; XIV, 194; Loring on, XV, 909-10. 913-15.917,
XVl, 1065; XVlI, 1723 929
Leibniz's belief in, IX, 440, 502 mentioned, XV, 957
mentioned, IX. 383n; XII, 237; XV. 710 See also Alabama case; Law, international
See also Determinism, Free will New Brisach, XX, 178-9
Needles, The (Isle of Wight), XXVII, New England
590-1 and abolition of slavery, XVl, 1055
Negation constitutions in. XXV. 1174
and distinction between contradictory co-operatives in, III, 905-6; V, 414,416
and contrary propositions, IX, 411-12 education in, X, 322; XXV, 1150
Hamilton on, IX, 81,382 first settlers in, XV, 826; XXI, 146
and law of contradiction, IX, 377 local government in, XVIII. 58-63,309;
and negative conceptions, IX, 84 XlX, 534-5
Negroes (XXl, 87-95) public benefactors in, II, 226n
in American army, XV, 811,820, Puritans in, XVIII, 286
876-7, 890 respect for intellectual and moral
capacity of for Improvement, XXI, 93 superiority in. XVIII, 77
character of, XHI, 404; XV, 886 See also Massachusetts
Jamaican, see Jamaica New England Loyal Publication Society,
physical strength of, XVl, 1261 XVI, 1375
political rights of, XVI, 1052, 1066, New England Woman's Suffrage Associa-
1098-1101, 1106, 1117-18, 1165; tion, XXV, 1221
XXI, 138; XXIX, 379-80 New Forest, XIl, 114; XXVlI, 595-6.
right of, to work freely, XXI, 87-95 604-8
slavery and emancipation of, see Slavery New Orleans, XXl, 147
The Times on, XVl. 1123-4 New South Wales
white American attitude to, XV, 910, climate of, XXIII, 739
917; XVlII, 29, 55n, 95, 96, 177 land in, XXII, 273; xxm, 741
mentioned, XVI, 1325 representation in, XV, 825-6, 844
Nemesis mentioned, I, 11; VI, 107; XIX, 566
Greek idea of, Xl, 293,295 New Speculative Society, XVI, 1308
mentioned, XI, 311 New York (city)
Neophyte Writers' Society, XIV, 205 Chamber of Commerce at, XV, 810
Neoplatonism, XI, 287, 378,470 corn trade at. IV, 57-8
Nervous system corruption in. XVlI, 1848
action of, XXXI, 221,243 outrages at, XVlII, 177
Bain on, Xl, 352-4 a provincial city, XVlII, 100
mind and, IX, 422; Xl, 348 New York (state)
mentioned, XI, 363,445 constitution of, XXV. 1148
f'mances of, Vl, 328
612 Subject Index

New York City Free College, XXXII, 144; IX, 302; X, 271; XI, 491
231-2 and principle of contradiction, VII, 277
New York Liberal Club sought meaning of words only in
JSM elected to, XVII, 1801-2 denotation, VII. 91 (vm. 1011 )
mentioned, XVII, 1841 mentioned, IX. 418; XX, 246; XXXI,
New Zealand 144
aborigines of, XVI, 1135-6 Non-ego
colonization of, HI, 966; XIII, 643; consciousness and, IX, 35-6, 111,
XXIV, 915-16, 974 126-8, 137, 176, 182, 188, 195,207
earthquake in, XIV, 32 distinction between ego and, IX, 5, 7-8.
independence of, XVII, 1685 148,210n
JSM owns land in, XHI, 687 perception of, IX, 150, 158, 162, 163n,
politics of, XIII, 642, 684, 685,732-3; 166
XVI, 1196 mentioned, IX, 112, 195n, 308
Newington Green, JSM lives at, I, 9 (8), See also Matter
54n, 56n, 193 (192) Non-intervention, doctrine of, XVI, 1033;
Newport (Isle of Wight), XXIII, 509; XXl, 118-24; XXH, 215,259,284.
XXVII, 573-5 299-301; XXV, 1143; XXVIII, 17,
Newspapers. See Press 39, 214; XXXI, 364-6, 373--4,376
Newton Valence, XXVII, 560 Nootka Sound, XXXI, 346
Nice, French government of, X1V, 271; Nord (France), agriculture in, XXIV, 1057
XV, 679 Norfolk, VI, 113,495
Nihilism, Hamilton on Hume's, IX, 134. Normal schools. See under Schools
151 Norman Conquest, and English feudalism,
Nineteenth century. See Spirit of the age XX, 25, 26, 291-2
Niton, XXVII, 576 Normans, XX, 24, 47, 185,226
No_, XXVI, 111 North Carolina. See Confederate States of
Nomachc state, II, 11-12, 20 America
Nomenclature North-Western Provinces (of India)
in algebra, VII, 614 financing of roads in, XXX, 134
and classification, XI, 23-4 land settlement in, XXX, 98-9, 100,
and kands, VIII. 703-7,723-5 104, 105, 156-7
logic viewed as mere, XI, 30 police in, XXX, 118
Nominalists progress of education in, XXX, 142-3,
arithmetic and algebra strongholds of, 146-8
VII, 254 (VIII, 1093) salt revenue in, XXX, 160
Berkeley and, XI, 452,458 use of native talents in, XXX, 64-5
and Conceptualists, regarding general Norway
names, VIII, 649; IX, 302, 303,305, peasant proprietorship in, II, 236,
307,315,316n, 495; Xl, 491; XVl, 259-60, 285; XXIV, 897,911,912,
1323 984, 1008, 1011
doctrine of, VII, 176 (VIII, 1061-2); restraints on peasant marriage in, II,
XI, 488 347-8
JM and, XVI, 1333 mentioned, H, 35; XXII, 186
mediaeval, battled with Realists, VII, Norwich
Bank of England branch at, V, 534
New York City Free College - observation 613

JSM at, XII, 13 XXXI, 20

weavers at, IV. 128. 131 parliamentary. VI, 186-8; XVI. 1086;
mentioned. XXIV, 762 XVII, 1630-1; XXV, 1135-8
Norwood. IV, 378n promissory. VI, 188n
Nota notae. VII, 182 of trade umomsts, VI, 209-10
Notions. See Cor_ceptions. Ideas mentioned, I, 600
Notre Dame Cathedral. XV, 659; XXVI. 8 Obedience
Notre Dame de M6tharram. XXVI, 93 Calvinism and, XVIII. 265
Nottingham. allotments at. IV, 387n-9n of citizen, not to be unconditional. XIX.
Noumena 384
and phenomena. VII, 59 (VIH. 994). to lawful authority, enjoined by Socrates.
63n, 100.272.276,278. 326-7; VHI. XI, 241-2
830; XI. 381 to moral law. see Morality, Utility.
question of knowledge of, XV. 837: Virtue
XVI, 1096 necessary for civilization. XIX. 415
Nova Scotia, XXII. 83 passive, XI, 468-9; XVIII. 255-6;
Novel and lustory, XXVI. 342 XIX. 402,414
Number of slaves. XIX, 395-6
Comte on mystical significance of. X. Object. JM's use of word, XXXl. 203
365-6 Obliviscence, laws of
conception of large, IX, 84-5 important part of the laws of association.
language of, XXVI. 182-3 (G) IX, 211; XXXI. 115
and names of numbers. XXXI, 199-200 and question of unconscious mental
Platoon transcendental properties of, XI. modifications, IX, 272, 278,279
421 workings of, IX, 257-8,319
mentioned, IX. 16 Observatton (VII. 379-87)
-science of Bain on fallibility of. XI, 366-7
in algebra, affLrms equivalence of and description. VIII, 641-8
different modes of forming numbers fallacies of, VIII. 773-84
generally, VII, 613-16 inductive logic gives rules of, XXI, 238.
in arithmetic, affirms modes of forming a 240
number, VII, 610-13 of mental phenomena, XI, 344, 350
in Comte's scheme, X, 282 method of pure, VII, 447-8,449
hypothetical, in what sense, VII, 258-9 poet and, I, 346,413
(VIII, 1095-7) process of, discussed, XXI, 236-7,241,
propositions of are generalizations from 242
experience, VII, 253-7 (VIH, and reasoning, as two roads to truth.
1093-5) XXI, 234-5
See also Algebra, Arithmetic, Calculus, relation of to experiment, VII. 381-7
Geometry. Mathematics rules for belong to theory of education.
VII, 380-1; vm. 641
OATHS use of theory in guiding, XX. 161-2
of allegiance, XXII, 309-10; XXIH. mentioned. I, 332, 338; XI, 369, 503;
695-6 XXl, 306
inutility of, X, 413-14; XVIII, 239-40; See also Experience. Experiment.
XXII, 13-15, 30-3, 43, 46-8, 95; Induction
614 Subject Index

Occam's razor, IX, 418 Plato's distinction between knowledge

Occupations and, Xl, 41,402,428,430
and education, XVIII, 139 political, not a disqualification from
hazards of, XVII, 1554-5 judicial office, XVI, 1198
may be narrowing, XVIII, 169 sincerity of, XVI, 1204-5
opening of to all, XIX, 479; XXI, See also Public opinion
273-4,280-1,299-300,326-7,379, Opium trade, Indian, XXX, 105-6
387-405 passim Opposition, contradictory and contrary, IX,
See also Wages 325, 411-12
Odessa, corn trade at, IV, 56-7, 60, 64 Optics
Ohio, women's convention at, XXI, 395 laws of, XI, 253,457
Okehampton, XXVII, 636-7 mentioned, IX, 35 l; XI, 8
Old Safum, XXII. 112; XXVI, 400n Optimism, Leibniz's doctrine of. IX, 419,
Ol6ron, XXVI, 79-85 passim 502
Oligarchy Orangemen
had form of government. XXVI, 329 and Catholic emancipation, V1, 76-7;
bureaucratic. XIX, 437 XXXI. 382
characteristics of, XXI, 151 Christian principles of, VI, 73
in England, see under Upper class, Molesworth's articles on, XlI. 274,299
English and Peel, XIII, 374
in France afer 1830, see under Upper Walsh on, VI, 336n
class, French mentioned, VI, 71,322, 411,412, 430;
Roman, XIX, 490 XXlV, 920
and self-interest, XIX, 443 Oratory
mentioned, I, 384; XVIII, 27; XIX, 406 effect of, XVI, 1532
Olympics, XI, 169n, 285,296, 506 importance of in Greece, XI, 274,297-8
Omnipotence as part of JSM's education, I, 15 (14), 23
laws of thought and, IX, 270, 380 (22), 73-5 (72-4)
Leibniz's mistaken use of word, IX, 419 and poetry, I, 350-2, 354n, 467
nature of divine, IX, 104, 106n-7n mentioned, I, 132; XI, 394
not to be attributed to a good Creator, I, See also Eloquence, Rhetoric, Style
43-5 (42-4); X, 388-9, 451-5; XV, Order, progress and, XVIII, 253-4; XIX,
754, 755,758-9 384-8; XX, 325
mentioned, IX, 7In, 501 Ordnance Survey, XXVII, 538
Ontology Organic periods, Saint-Simonian view of,
beyond province of logic, VII, 62n-3n I, 171 (170)
and distinction between a priori and a Organization of labour. See under Labour
posteriori schools, XI, 343-5 Orient. See Asia
of Crennan transcendentalists, Xl, 380-1 Oriental Company of Amsterdam, V, 722
nature of, VII, 6On; IX, 494n Originality
Plato's, XI, 405-6 in Eastern nations, XVIH, 272
mentioned, IX, 208; XI, 224, 377,501 genius and, I, 332; XI, 320-1
See also Metaphysics importance of fostering, XVIII, 267-8:
Oo, River, XXVI, 105-9 passim XIX, 386
Opinion of Romans, I, 532
freedom of, see Libel; Liberty, of thought society's reaction to, I, 496
and speech; Press Von Humboldt on, XVIII, 261
Occam's razor - painting 615

women's deficiency of. XXI, 314-16 XX, 261-2; XXIV, 814

mentioned, I, 260, 423 should be tolerated. XXVIII, 37-8
Orissa mentioned, VI, 490; X, 150; XIII, 413,
famine in, XVl, 1307 497,563,621. 641
pacification of, XXX, 124. 154 Oxford United Debating Society. I, 131
Orleanism, XX, 78-81 (130)
Orl6ans, XXVI, 15 Oxford University
Orphanage. JSM recommends candidate Bentham attends, X, 81
for, XIII, 548, 564, 569-70,603 classics at, XXVI, 352-3
Orth_s, XXVI, 91-2 Gladstone defeated in election at, XVI,
Orvieto, JSM at, XIV, 288 1082
Oude [Oudh] history at, XX, 369
annexation of, XV, 561-2; XVlI, logic at, Xl, 20
1536-7; XXI, 120 oaths at, XXII, 14, 32, 43, 47; XXIII,
Canning's Proclamation to insurgents of, 695
XXX, 195-8 and peculiarities of English lettered class,
land policy in, XXX, 101, 104, 224-5, XV, 858
226 political economy at, IV, 198; XXll,
money-lenders and, XXV, 1191; XXX, 216, 327, 328; XXXII, 19
56 progress of reform at, XXVIII, 132-3
proposed removal of King of, XXXII, Toryism at, Vl, 250, 255n
37 W.G. Ward ousted from, XIH, 665
mentioned, XXX, 101; XXXll, 56, 59 weak in mathematics. XllI. 663
Ought, meaning of, XV, 649 mentioned, XI, 451; XlX, 325
Ouse, River, XXVlI, 465-6 See also Oxford Movement; Universities.
Overend and Co., V, 538 English
Over-population. See Population Oxfordshire, JSM visits, XXVlI. 479-84,
Over-production, Malthus's doctrine of, 495
XXlI, 58-9. See also Demand and
supply, Universal glut PAGANISM,morality of, contrasted with
Owenites, JSM's debates with, I, 127-9 Christianity, XVIII, 255,256, 266.
(126-8). See also Co-operation See also Polytheism
(economic) and, in Index of Persons Pain
and Works, Robert Owen as deterrent, IX, 455,459n, 462-3
Owens College, XXXII, 165 mentioned, IX, 31,226
Oxford (city) See also Pleasure and pain
JSM invited to, XXXII, 137, 141 Painting
JSM visits, I, 55 (56); XXXII, 219 the English care little for, XXI, 252
Oxford Movement (XXIV, 811-22) golden age of, XXl, 317
defence of, XXIV, 811-15 Italian, XIV, 278-9,281,286,291,298,
doctrines of, XIII, 415-16, 509; XXlV, 303,312, 411
816-20 JSM visits galleries of, XXVI, 7-8.
importance of, Xlll, 385; XX, 261 10-11; XXVlI, 474, 565-6; XXXl.
JSM and Comte praised by a leader of, 304
XIII, 603,617, 664-5 at the Louvre, XXlII, 654-5,660
origin of, XIV, 16; XXIV, 821 poetry and eloquence in, I, 351-4n;
and philosophy of history, XIII, 509; Xlll, 471
616 Subject Index

[Painting] cost of living in, XII, 190

should be available to public, XXV, dominant position of, in regard to
1241n provinces, XVIII, 101; XIX, 598;
sublimity in, XXVII, 632 XX, 174-5,360; XXII. 161
value of, XXI, 254-5 Dulaure's history of, XX, 18, 22-3
Venetian and Flemish schools of, XIH, effect of sojourners on economy of, IV,
450 270-1,274
mentioned, I, 343,408; XIII, 466; XXI, as a financial centre, IV, 84-5; V, 508,
316 525
See also Art food supply of, H, 444-7,448; XXIV,
PalarAnicut, XXX, 131 1051-3, 1055
Palermo, JSM visits, XIV, 335-55,401 fortification of. xm, 446, 472; XXIII,
Palmyra, I, 433-61 passim 593-4
Pangbdurne, JSM visits, I, 150n; XXVH, freedom of expression in, XII, 192
479-80, 495,496 hospitals of, xxvm, 140
Pantheon (French building), XXIH, 419, JSM hopes HTM will write on, XII, 189
510 JSM visits, (1820) I, 61 (60); XXVI,
Papacy, Papists. See Roman Catholic 6-15; (1830) I, 179 (178); Xll,
Church 54-67; (1833)XH, 174, 180, 184;
Papal States, revolution in, XXII, 301 XXIII, 672; (1836) XII, 307-9;
Paradoxes XXXH, 32; (1854) XIV, 249; (1860)
dealing in, XXVI, 392, 413-14 XV, 659
Gergonne on, XXVI, 212 literature of, that of despair, XII, 173
Zeno's, respecting motion, VHI, 817; LWR closes agency in, XXXII, 32
IX, 45n, 424-7 mortality in, XXHI, 438-9,440
Paraguay, Jesuits in, II, 166-7,211 (III, municipal government of, V, 435; XVll,
981); XIX, 396 1557; XXHI, 681; XXIX, 533,534;
"Parcimony," law of XXXI, 394
application of, IX, 182-3,204n, 235-6, newspaper correspondents in, XX, 125
422, 461 popular press in, XXII, 152-3
Hamilton's formulation of, IX, 147, population of, 11, 15In, 437-8; V, 718,
418-21 XXIV, 1043
Parents racial heritage of, XX, 238
and children's marriages. XXI, 46, 283, Republicanism in, XXHI, 338
284 trade unions in, XII, 192-3
duties of, H, 219-23 University of, see University of Paris
as educators, XXI, 43-4, 248, 249 mentioned, V, 419; VI, 208,321; XI,
and English school system, IV, 215; 284; XXVI, 23
XXI, 65, 66, 210 --historical events in
and juvenile delinquency, XX, 79 death of Louis XV (1774), XX, 139
often do not know children well, XXI, French Revolution (1789), XVIH, 177;
278-9 XX, 8-10, 61n, 86-102passim, 140,
See also Children, Family, Marriage 141,145, 155
Paris Revolution of 1830, XII, 55-6, 60; XX,
anti-clericalism in, XXII, 274-5 199; XXII, 166-7, 175-7,223,226,
best place for observation of realities, 373
XII, 175
painting - Parliament, members of 617

disturbances, (1831) XXH, 269, 273. 85 (84), 272; XIV, 57-8

274; (1832) XXHI, 473-4, 485-6. JSM's career in, I, 272-90; XVI,
495, (1834) 704-5 1196-7; XVII, 1535 (see also
Revolution of 1848, XX, 333-4, 336, Westminster)
351; XXV, 1100 JSM's refusal of a new candidacy for, I,
exhibition (1855), XXX, 150 289-90; XVII, 1649; XXXII, 178
world exhibition (1867), XVI, 1277 labouring-class representation in, see
commune ( 1871), XVII, 1821, 1865 Labouring class, parliamentary repre-
See also Declaration of Paris, Treaty of sentation of
Paris as oligarchy after 1688, XXH, 224
Parks opportunities for social philosopher in.
for children of poor, XXXH, 210 XIII, 503
opening to public of private, XVII. proceedings of, supposedly secret. XXI.
1815-16; XXIX, 419 32; XXXI, 49
question of public meetings in. I, 279; reflects average opinions of society,
XVI. 1294; XXVIII, 215-17, 237-8 XIX. 604-5
value of public, IV. 384-5; V, 693. 696 reform of. see Reform. parhamentary
See also Hyde Park relation of Ministry to. XIX, 427-8,
Parliament (XIX, 422-34) 525,630; XXH, 210; XXIV. 756-8.
as check on executive government. 764-5; XXVI. 398-400; XXXI.
XXX. 175,201 345-6
committees of, compared with special role of parties in. see Political parties
commissions, XIX, 633n; XXI, 67 slow growth of power of. XXI. 271,322
conduct of individual parties in, see special interests in, V, 762-3; VI. 68;
Conservatives. Liberals. Radicals. XXIV, 805
Tories, Whigs struggle of with Charles I. VI. 3-58
debates in, reported in Parliamentary. passim
History andReview, I, 121 (120) in time of Stuarts, XXH. 132-3. 281-2
duration of, XVIII, 41n; XIX, 501-3; value of, XI, 411; XIX, 348-9
XXIII, 600;xxvI,452;xxvm, 43, mentioned, I. 91 (90). 103 (102). 249;
332 IV, 127.365,385; XIl, 238,245,246;
effect of Catholic emancipation on, VI. XIX, 420, 573; XXI. 23.31
65-6 -members of (XIX, 504-12)
effect of women's suffrage on forecast, calm temper of. XIX, 345
XXIX, 387-8 desired qualifications of. XVIH, 35-9
functions of. in regard to legislation. 1. disqualifications for, XIX. 367-8; XXI.
265; XIX, 422-34. 601-2; XX, 308 274.380,402 (HTM)
immoral voting in, VI, 155-7; XV. 612 journalists shunned as. VI. 164
inadequacy of, as governor of Indian life tenure of, opposed, XV, 585,588
affairs, XXX, 30, 33-4, 36-7, 50, 57, oaths of, and religious exclusions, VI.
165,176, 182-3. 197-8, 202 186-7; XXV. 1135-8
incapacity of, because of shortcomings of payment of, I. 384-5; XII, 167; XVIH.
legislators, IV, 110-17; VI, 368-9; 34-5; XlX, 368-9,499-500; XXIII.
XII, 151, 166-7 493,498; XXVIII, 347
jobbery in, V, 436 property qualification for, XII, 328
JSM excluded from by employment, I, question of pledges from, VI, 361;
618 Subject Index

[Parhament - members of] role of in politics, XXIX, 428

XVlII, 39-41; XIX. 351,504-12; See also Emotion, Feeling
xxm, 488-94, 496-504; XXVI. Pastoreaux, XX, 50, 250
275-6; XXVIII, 323-4 Patents
the rich as, XlX, 498 and extra profits, IH, 494-5
women as, XVl, 1251-2; XXI, 300, right of, I, 385,386
301,339.403 (HTM) value of, HI, 928-9
mentioned, XXXI, 405-6 mentioned, XXXH, 211
See also Constitution, Elections, Govern- See also Inventions, Monopolies
ment, House of Commons, House of Paternalism, misguided doctrine of, III,
Lords 758-62; IV, 372-3,379-82; V,
Parma, XXII, 289 453-7; xm, 64{)-5 passim, 711,
Particulars 716-18; XIV, 186; XXIV, 926, 945
not realiues to Plato, Xl, 422 Patras, XIV, 422-3
and universals in Aristotle's thought, XI, Patriotism
489-91 a characteristic of French Revolutionists.
Partnership (economic) (III, 895-906) XX, 93
in banking, HI, 685; IV, 78, 105-7; lack of in despotism, X1X, 401
XXIII, 581-2, 590-1; XXIV, as motive, XXXI, 228
848-50 narrow, condemned, XVI, 1108
in commandite, HI, 901-3; V, 420-2, possibility of disinterested, X, 15,
424-5,461-2 409-10, 421; XXVI, 344
industrial, XVlI, 1671 subjects of study that develop
among labourers, IH, 775-94 statesman's, XIX, 625
laws of, improved in 1852, In, 786, Tocqueville on, XVHI, 61-3, 83, 87,
904n; XIV, 94-5; XVI, 1200 182, 195n
laws of, need reform, In, 896-7; IV, mentioned, I, 324; X, 112; XX, 67,284
385-6; V, 407-24 passim; VI, 487 See also Nationality
and limited liability, HI, 773-4, Patronage
897-901; V, 409,420; XIV, 106-7, aristocracy's corrupt use of, XIX, 633;
185,332; XV, 856-7 XXVI, 329
marriage compared to, XXI, 290-1,392 and Civil Service reform, XVIII, 208
in New England, HI, 905-6 and colonial appointments, XIX, 574;
value of, HI, 895-7,903-4; V, 410-12, XXHI, 618-19
742 danger to liberty from increase of
of workers and capitalists, HI, government's, XIX, 601,607-8
769-75 Indian, XIX, 576; XXXII, 40
mentioned, V, 457 Patterdale, XXVII, 553-4
See also Co-operation, Joint-stock Pau, JSM visits, I, 59 (58); XXVl, 77-8,
companies, Socialism 92
Parts of speech, Smart on, XXHI, 433-4 Peace
Pas-de-Calals, XXVl, 5-6 meaning of, XXIX, 616-17 (HT)
Passion movement for, XlII, 728; XVI, 1317
Comte's for a woman, ennobling, X, 331 and national rivalries, XVlI, 1799, 1800
as element of mind in Republic, XI, 418 Women's International Congress on,
as moving force in life, I, 363-4; XXVI, XVlI, 1786
Parliament, members of-perception 619

Peasant proprietorship (II, 252-96) military and naval, IV, 100, 204; XXIII,
benefits of, II, 148,252-82.377-8; III. 616
767-8; V, 684-5; XVII, 1656; state, for literary men and scientists, I,
XXIV, 949-51,956-8,968-71, 386-7; XXII, 318-22, 325-7
975-7,984-91, 1010-11; XXV, taxation of, V, 570, 572-4, 585
1229-30; XXVIII, 259-61 Penzance, JSM visits. XVI, 1084-5;
and division of produce, II, 236 XXVll, 624,632,634-5
effect of on increase of population, II, People or Populace, the. See Labouring
283-92 class, Majority, Masses
JSM's article in MC on, 1, 243 (242) People's Editions of JSM's works, I, 272
and Polish revolution (1863), XXV. People's Garden Company, XXXH. 222
1202-3 Peppercorn and Price, XV, 663,867
and question of subdivision of land, II, Perception
292-6,433-51; XXIV, 1037-58 (see association's role in, IX, 257-8,285n
also under Land tenure) Bailey's Letters on, XV, 824
as remedy for Irish destitution, II, Berkeley on, IX, 304; XI, 459-62,
334-5; HI, 1081-3 (C); VI, 518-19 464-5
(536-7), 526-30 (541-2); XVII, confusion m word, Xl, 251,253,257
1665-6; XXIV, 896-1035 passim, of the inconceivable, IX. 72n-4n.
1052-62, 1071-2, 1077-8 264n-5n
should exist in conjunction with some inference mistaken for. VIH. 782-4
large farms, H, 329; XXIV, 951-2, question of mind's influence on, IX,
1038 11-12, 24-8
theory of value not applicable to. IH, and question of truth, XI, 427
499-500 and sensation, VII, 52-4: IX, 5-11,
and town population, II, 121 144n, 169-75,178-9, 184, 212-13,
yeomanry and, in England, XXIV, 216-46 passim, 259; XXVI, 150 (G)
940-2 (see also Extension)
mentioned, XV, 772 visual, VII, 7-8 (VHI, 963); XI,
Pedantocracy 247-69 passim, 451-8 passim
in China, XHI, 502 mentioned, IX, 199, 305,352, 427;
Comte admires the word, XIll, 524 XXIII, 574
Peerage. See Aristocracy -Hamilton's discussion of
Pegu, roads in, XXX, 133 as conditioned, IX, 56
Pelagians, XX, 249 of contiguous objects, IX, 421
Peloponnesian wars, XI, 321,326. 327, direct, of primary qualities, IX, 13-33,
337n; XXV, 1158 53, 61, 163n, 167, 238
Penang, trade of, XXX, 6-9 passim of harmony, IX, 490n-ln
Pendeunis Castle, XXVII, 620 mediate. IX, 152, 154-60, 165-7
Penley Hangings, XXVII, 482-3 question of parts and whole in. IX,
Pennsylvania, VI, 328 251-9
Penryn Reid on sensation and, IX, 169-76
JSM visits, XXVII, 620, 621 role of unconscious in, IX, 275-7
as rotten borough, XXIV, 768; XXVI, visual, IX, 112-13, 137, 154, 162
448 See also Consciousness, Knowledge,
Pensions Sensations
endowments for, IV, 201-2
JM on, XII, 299
620 Subject Index

Perdurability, idea of, IX, 179 is syllogism a?, VII, 183-4 (vm, 1065),
Perfection 200, 205n-6n (VIII, 1111-17); IX,
and the absolute, IX, 94n-5n 416
individual, as motive, X, 70, 95 mentioned, VH. 563
religious image of, X, 486-9 Petworda, XXVII. 456, 565-6
of the species. X, 15-16 Pevensey, XXVII, 468
Periodicals Peyrehorade, XXVI. 86, 87, 88, 91
influence of, I, 95 (94), 303; XXVI, P6zenas, XXVI, 124
415 - 17 Phenomena
JSM's ideas for new. XXVII, 647; laws of, xm, 411-12
xxxI, 334 and noumena, VII, 59 (VIII, 994). 63n,
problem of anonymity in, I, 370 100,272,276,278.326-7; VIII, 830;
provide access to a public. I, 372 XI, 381
pulpit for JSM and Carlyle, XII, 145 Philanthropy
treatment of foreign countries in English, and admirable character of philanthro-
I, 599 pists. XXVIII. 266-7
See also Press Carlyle rails against, XXI, 87-8
Perjury, XXXI. 53, 69 characteristic of English public, XIX,
Permanence, progress and, X, 152, 155; 572,603
XIII, 409; XIX, 384-9 misguided, XIII, 640-1; XXI, 330-1
Perpignan, XX, 32; XXVI, 132 and modern spirit, XXIX, 374 (605)
Persia (ancient) and prohibition, XVIII, 287
as enemy of Greece, XI, 321-2, 323, Tocqueville on growth of with social
327; XIX, 419; XXIV. 1086; XXV, equality, XVIII, 181
1121, 1133, 1134 mentioned, I, 305; xm, 655; xvIII,
as theocracy, X, 321 129; XIX, 594; XXVI, 447
mentioned, I, 447,448,449,451; XI, See also Charity; Paternalism
147n, 299, 336n; XIX, 406; XX, 269 Philological Society, Furnivall and, XVI,
Persia (modern) 1264
British relations with, XXXII, 93, 98-9, Philology
101 in JM's Analysis, I, 287; XVI, 1333
and the Caucasus, XXXI, 349 women and, XXI, 315
mentioned, XXXII, 41, 113 mentioned, XXXII, 8, 108
Persian (language), XXX, 113 Philomathic Society (Liverpool), XVI,
Personal representation. See Representa- 1531-2; XVII, 1543-5
tion, Hare's scheme of proportional Philosophers
Personal Representation Society, XVI, ascendancy of in Comte's scheme, I,
1314 219; X, 312-15,326-7,346
Perth Banking Company, IV, 106n question of, as rulers, I, 373; XIII,
Peru, 111, 975; XIX, 396 502-3; XV, 769; XVI, 1047
Peterborough, XV, 522 state support of, I, 387
Petitio principii true vs. conventional, X, 54, 168-9
in doctrine of social compact, VIII, 827, unpopularity of, I, 496; XI, 43, 399;
889 XlII, 510
fallacyof, Vlll, 819-27;XXVI,229-30 the word, XI, 397
perdurability - philosophy 621

Philosophes (French), I, 111 (110), 213 inJSM'seducation, l,49(48), 115(114)

(212); X, 131,139 language of, XI, 428; XXIII, 449-50,
Philosophic Radicals, see Radicals, 452; XXV, 1163-4
Philosophic of life, XIII, 425-6; XXVll, 645-6
Philosophy merit in most systems of, X, 158; XXVI,
advances through half-truths and 445n
contraries, X, 18, 120-5, 138, 146, moral, see Ethics, Morality
158-9; XI]I, 411 and the poet, I, 363-4,417
associationist, see Association (of ideas ) as purpose of endowed universities, X,
and axiomata media. VIII, 870-2, 33
924-5; XII, 312; XIII, 712; XXXII. and religion, X, 160; XXXII, 53
159-60 respects popular usage, I, 343-4
as a career, XV, 793 so-called, XXVII, 656
of the Conditioned, see Conditioned social, Xll, 48; XIII, 458,493
and correspondence of microcosm and and traditional wisdom, I, 421-3
macrocosm, IX, 68 women and, XXI, 306-7,314, 315-16,
dangers of arrogance in, X, 90-4 319; XXV, 1095 (1261)
deductive spirit perverted modern, IX, wonder and, IX, 487
484-6 writing of surveys of, X, 22
definition of. X, 291 mentioned, I, 195 (194.619), 209,257,
in disrepute in England, X, 33-5 286, 325,418,527,599; IX, 449n;
early stages of, XI, 223 XI, 382, 407; XII, 312; XIII, 497,
of 18th century, see under Eighteenth 615, 651; XV, 818; XVI, 1084; XX,
century 294; XXI, 293; XXVI, 341
English, X, 141-6; XI, 341-2; XV, 745, -contribution to, of
771 Aristotle, XI, 495-8 (see also under
established churches unsuitable teachers Logic)
of, X, 167-8 Bentham, X, 9-10, 80-94
evolution of theories in, IX, 109-10 Berkeley, Xl, 451-3
experience or a posteriori school of, see Brown, XIII, 44 1
Experience, school of Coleridge, X, 119-20; XIII, 406
Femer's errors in, XIV, 246-7; XV, Comte, X, 263-5,290-1,298; XIII.
817,837-8 490, 501,561
French, X, 131-8, 139; XI, 443-4; Descartes, IX, 417,484-6
XIII, 438,517; XX, 17, 66-8, 73n, Grote, XI, 440
102n, 183-4, 220 Hamilton, IX, 1-2, 4, 36, 109, 411,
Greek, see Greece (ancient), philoso- 490-504; XV, 901-2; XVI, 1223
phers of Helvetius, X, 110
growth of, X, 42, 127, 144 Hume, IX, 498n-99n; X, 80
Hamilton on, IX, 23, 138, 141-2, 293 JM, I, 535,590; XII, 312
Hamilton's division of into schools, IX, Locke, X, 46-50
149-54, 168-9 John Penfland Mahaffy, XXXII, 184
of human knowledge, see Knowledge Plato, XI, 41-2, 93-6,383,404-6 (see
importance of, X, 77, 79-80, 82 also under Dialectics)
importance of method in, XXII, 285-6 Socrates, XI, 41
intuitiouist or a priori school of, see Herbert Spencer, XVII, 1570
Intuition, school of; Metaphysics See also Logic, Metaphysics
622 Subject Index

Phoenicians, Grote on, Xl, 299; XXIV, 212; XXVII, 663

874, 1087 Irishman's, compared with Disraeli's
Phrenology followers. XXVIII, 345-6
Bain on, XV, 640,645 Piracy, suppression of. XXX. 122
Comte's study of mind by, X, 297,360; Pisa, JSM at, XlV, 277-82
Xlll, 492,504, 511 Plants
difficulties of, XII, 275; XIII, 525-6, extirpation of rare British, XXXII,
531-2, 605 146-7
Gergonne on, XXVI, 196 JSM's location lists of, XXXI, 257-320
subject of, recommended to Martineau. passim
XVII, 1966 odour of. XXXI, 257
Physical or Concrete deductive method. See physiology of, XXXI. 324
under Deductive method See also Botany
Physics Platonic method. See Dialectic, Socratic or
Bacon's contribution to, Xl, 309n- 10n Platonic
Berkeley and, Xl, 470 Platonists, IX, 152; X, 87, 121,271,278.
in Comte's scheme, X, 280, 283. 285n, 391,425,437,460; Xl, 40, 223,463
286n Pleading, legal, XXII, 195; XXXI, 84-6,
Greek, XI, 380 88; XXXII, 2, 7
laws of, XV, 871 Pleasure
no private judgment in, I, 615 JM's attitude to, I, 49-51 (48-50)
use of term on Continent, X, 37n as object of desire, X, 237-9
value of studying, IX, 486-7; X, 38; quality of, X, 210-14
XXI, 236 -and pain (XXXl, 215-52)
mentioned, I, 2 I, 167 (166), 375; IX, associations with, as basis of morality, I.
280, 496n; XI, 274,329,452,497 141-3 (140-2); X, 50-1; XXXI, 220,
Physiognomy, XXVI, 197 (G) 232, 239-42
Physiology in Bain's theory of voluntary actions, XI,
Carpenter on, XVII, 1869; XXXl, 356-8, 369
323-4 Bentham considered sole determinants of
in Comte's scheme, IX, 472; X, 280, behaviour, X, 5, 12-13, 94-7
289, 290 conducive to association. XXXI, 111-12
experiments in, IX, 237n Hamilton's theory of, IX, 430-6
and mind, VIII, 849-52,858n; IX, idea of others', produces both in us, X,
274n, 282; XI, 348,352, 362, 454; 60; XXXI, 219-20
XVI, 1323-4, 1333; XVlI, 1602, JM's discussion of, XXXI, 215-52
1786-7; XXXI, 221 passim
value of studying, XXI, 241-2 as measure of right and wrong, I, 49; X,
mentioned, IX, 246n, 495; XI, 14; XXI, 111; XI, 61,391,418; XV, 764
278; XXXI, 323 and possible purposes of a Creator, X,
Piecework, V, 743; XIV. 186; XV, 857, 457-9
960; XIX, 442 role of in motives, vm, 842-3; xxxI,
Piedmont. See Sardinia 226-31,246, 250-2
Pig in sensations, IX, 212; XXXI, 214-15
contented, compared with Socrates, X, mentioned, I, 69 (68), 590; IX, 226,
459n, 468; XI, 365,419
Phoenicians - Poland 623

See also Happiness, Utilitarianism 554-5,702-3

Hedges (XXIH, 488-504) not the time for writing, XHI, 473-4;
Austin on evils of, XIX, 351 XVI, 1517; XXVII, 647
Bailey's condemnation of, XVIH, and obsolete beliefs, XIH, 557
39-40 Plato restricts, XI, 437
JSM's Examiner articles on, I, 180n; Positivist ideas on, X, 324, 357
XII, 121,288; XVIII, 4In of present age, XXVI, 410
question of, VI, 361; XIX, 504-12; problem of fact in mythical, XI, 277-86
XXHI, 488-94,496-504; XXVI, spirit in which to approach, I, 403
275-6; XXVIH, 323-4 study of philosophy of in university,
mentioned, XIl, 310 XVIII, 146
See also Delegation unity in, I, 333
Plotinists, XI, 463,470 value of, I, 113 (112), 147 (146), 376;
Plural votes (XIX, 474-9) X, 56; XXI, 251-4
in local elections, XIX, 536 mentioned, I, 155 ( 154 ), 162, 181 (180),
as a safeguard. XXVIII, 84-5 183 (182), 185; XI, 506; XII, 303
scheme for, XV, 941-2 -nature of
should be given for superior education, I, and beauty, XXVII, 581
261-2, 288-9; XV, 596, 606,608, and character of the poet, I, 355-65,
843; XIX, 323-6. 356, 474-9,508, 413-14, 467-71,494-7; XII, 163;
511 XXI, 377 (HTM); XXVII, 609
should not be given for property or social description and, I, 347
standing, XV, 905; XVI, 998, 1039; eloquence and, I. 348-54n
XIX, 353-7 feeling and, I, 344, 414; XIH, 470-1:
mentioned, XV, 597; XIX. 364, 487 XXVI, 434-42 passim
Plurality, in Hamilton's philosophy, IX, fiction and, I, 344-6
43, 50-2, 95n, 99n Milton on, I, 414n
Plymouth, I, 57 (55n, 56) philosophy and. I, 417
Pneumatics, IX, 351 prose and, I, 498-9; XIII, 463-4,466
Poaching. See Game Laws recent definitions of, I, 348
Poetry (I, 343-65) religion and, X, 419-20
Bentham and Benthamites on, I, 115 Wordsworth's ideas on, XII, 81-2;
(114); X, 113-14; XII, 312; XXV, XVIII, 4n-5n
1264 See also individual countries
difficult to gain living by, I, 496 Poisons, sale of, XVIII, 293-5. See also
in England, not taken seriously, I, 466-7 Arsenic
in historical writing, XX, 133-4, 137-8, Poland
219, 224-5,231 British attitude to, VI, 520 (538); XV,
JSM's articles on, I, 205 (204); XH, 533
133, 149, 162, 177, 178, 181,231, corn-growing in, IV, 54-7, 68
245,247; xm, 449, 463 exiles from, XXllI, 554-5,698; xxv,
inJSM's life, I, 17-21 (16-20), 73 (72), 1263
149-53 (148-52), 623 and extinction of Cracow, see Cracow
modern compared to ancient, XHI, and French Provisional Government of
469-70; XIX, 612; XXI, 230-2 1848, XX, 342, 344
musical setting of, XXlI, 331-3; XXlII, insurrection in (1830), VI, 414; XXH,
624 Subject Index

[Poland] French school of, XlIl, 687; XV, 968;

214-15,258-9; XXHI, 351,423, XVII, 1664, 1667; XIX, 583
518,532 history of, XV, 907
insurrection in (1863 ), XV, 845,847-8; JSM's early studies in, I. 31-3 (30-2),
XVI, 1275; XXI, 344; XXV, 1201-4, 55 (54,614), 123-5 (122-4); XII, 8;
1206-8 XXVI, 46, 48, 54, 137-8
weak desire of accumulation in, II, 192 JSM'sessayson.l,89(88).99(98). 189
mentioned, XIV, 488; XV, 917; XVI, (188), 234n; XH, 79, 178-9, 211,
1033, 1123; XlX, 549; XX, 348; 235-6
XXH, 186; XXIH, 659; XXXI, 376 JSM's wide correspondence on, I, 286;
Police XIV, 243; XV, 555
functions of, XVI, 1523-4 not all-important, XIII, 453
inadequacy of British, VI, 258 Philosophic Radicalism and, I, 107
Indian, reformed, XXX, 117-21 (106), 129 (128)
institution of promotes order and and Poor Laws, VI, 266
progress, XIX, 386 practical questions of, XIlI, 660; XIV,
JSM's letter to Beal on functions of. I, 87
286n; XVII, 1556, 1661 progress of, XXXII, 219
and local administration, XIX, 541. 542 Ricardo lectureship in, V, 759
payment and perquisites of, XVl, 1526-6 women writers of, XXI, 315
to protect women, XVII, 1677-9, mentioned, I, 83, 128, 129,132,181
1705-6 (180), 197 (196,620), 251,306n; IV,
mentioned, XVIII, 297; XXII, 76, 79 152n; VI, 131,486; IX, 1 IOn; X, 290:
Political economists XI, 7,509; XH, 136, 230; XVI, 1127,
criticisms of, VI, 91-2, 328; XIII, 644; 1287; XVII, 1925; XVIII, 98, 176:
KIV, 93; XXII, 106-7,220, 240, XIX, 479; XXI, 330, 357,364; KXII,
248-50 30; XXXl, 408
unduly deprecate stationary state, IH, --contribution to, of
752-4 Berkeley, XI, 469
See also Political economy Caimes, XXI, 145
Political economy Carey (negligible), xm. 658-60: xv,
attacked, I, 113 (112);IV, 25, 29, 31-43 968; XVII, 1713
passim, 117,368; XXH, 39; XXIV, Courcelle-Seneuil, XXXH, 82
1062; XXVI, 312,325 (see also De Quincey, IV, 393-404
Political economists) Fawcett, XV, 859,860
begins to influence public affairs, I, Italians, V, 699
101-3 (100-2), 245 (244); V, 757-8 JM, 1, 593; V, 758; XXXI, 100
Chairs of, in England, IV, 198; XXII, Malthus, II, 419; IV, 30; V, 758
327-8; XXXII, 18-20, 21 Harriet Martineau, IV, 225-8; XXlII,
and Christianity, XIV. 92, 93; XXII, 638
328-9 Francis Newman, V, 441-2, 447
Coleridge drivels on, X, 155 Ricardo, H, 419; IV, 30, 394; V, 758
English people's views on, XXXII, Saint Simonians, I, 175; XlI, 109
20-1 Say. I, 311; V, 758; xxm, 524; XXXII,
English school of, XIII, 458; XXXH, 9-10
10 Thornton, V, 633-4, 641-2
French chair of, Xll, 164-5
Poland- political science 625

-principles of (IV, 309-39) Political Economy Society (French), XXII,

and a priori or a posteriori methods, IV, 251
323-6, 329-35; X, 290 Political meetings
and economic man. IV, 321-3,326; V, British right to hold public, XXVIII,
673 99-100, 215-17, 237-8
elementary, easily taught, XXII, 243 as demonstrations. XXVIII, 103-4
and framing of definitions, IH. 1064 (C) Political offences
and improvement of mankind, H, 367; amnesty for, XVII, 1559
HI, 752-7; V, 757-60; XXII, 287 extradition for, XXVHI, 117-23
nature and scope of the discipline. II, 3. passim, 227-8; XXIX, 545-68
21, 199-200, 235; IH. 705; IV, passim
311-23; VIII, 900-4 punishment of, XVI, 1272; XXII, 164,
and obsolete or erroneous doctrines, I. 166, 167; XXIV. 801-3; XXVIII,
175 (168n. 174); II, 4-5, 28-9.60, 165-7, 172-3,189-90
66-7, 76, 80, 155-6,239; III. 455-6, Political parties
458,461,479. 575-6,577,913; IV, and administrative appointments, XIX.
152-8; VI, 528; VIII. 781-2; XIV. 420, 427,574
241; XVI, 1320 American, XVIII, 88; XIX, 528n. 557
questions on, for course at Girton, XVII, in aristocracy, consist of those in and out
1891-2 of office, I, 95; XXVI. 273,364
study of, XVIII, 146; XIX, 624; XXI. desirable relation of, to chief executive.
245 XIX, 525
teaching of, to Japanese students. XVII, ER's treatment of question of. I, 313-16
1810, 1812-13, 1814 have excessive influence in selection of
three chief doctrines distinguish. IV, 30 candidates, XIX, 362-3. 456,463-4;
treatment ofinPPE, I, 243-5 (242--4). XXVIII, 12, 178-9
255-7 (254); XHI, 626,630-1,642, of order and of progress needed, XVIII.
708-9, 731 253-4
truths of, relative, H, 239, 422-3; IH. representation of Liberal and Conserva-
1050 (C); V, 672, 674-5; X, 305-6; tive, not sufficient, XXVIH, 181-2,
XVIH, 20-1; XXVIH, 255-6 208-9, 241-2
two approaches to, V. 671-2 mentioned, I, 293,489; XVIII, 176-7;
Political Economy Club XIX, 421,502
Millicent Fawcett as potential member See also Conservatism, Liberalism,
of, XVII, 1797 Liberals, Radicals, Tories, Whigs
JSM concerns himself over members for, Political science
XlI, 315; XV, 675,767, 778, 787; association for, proposed, XV, 924-6
XVI, 900, 1061, 1174, 1239 Bailey on, XVIII, 36
JSM's questions at, XXXI, 407-10 dangers of deduction in, IX, 485; XII, 36
meetings at, XH, 323; XV, 807, 851-2, as deductive science, I, 167-9 (166-8);
857,865,907, 918,920. 921; XVI, XXI, 237; XXIII, 415-16
1002, 1009, 1058, 1071, 1143; XVII, in England, exclusively practical, X,
1601, 1667, 1708. 1805. 1929-30: 300; XIX, 619; XX, 294, 298-9;
XXH, 3; XXXII, 47, 64, 126, 154, XXIII, 445 (XXV, 1254)
166-7 as engrossing study of present age,
J.F. Stephen sleeps at, XVII, 1600 XXIII, 448
626 Subject Index

[Political Science] as art and science, IX, 348-51

everyone thinks easily understood, XXH, co-operation and compromise in, VI,
240-1 492-3; XVl, 1204
French superiority in, XIII, 458; XX, discussion of, in London Debating
183-4, 313; XXlII, 446 (XXV, Society, I, 132,162
1254-5) Duveyrier on two types of French, XX,
Herschel on future of, XXH, 287 303-4
history as verification, not source of, X, importance of discussion in, I, 89 (88);
44-5; XXVI, 393-4 Vl, 166; XXVI, 350, 425-6
importance of studying, XXI, 224 (419), importance of language in, XXIII.
244-5; XXHI, 519-20 394-5
JSM hopes to contribute to, XIII, 613 JSM's articles on, I, 99 (98), 179 (178);
JSM's beliefs in. I, 169-73 (168-72), XIII, 397
177-9 (176-8), 197 (196,620), 274, JSM's involvement with, I, 198 (624),
616 223-5 (222-4), 235 (234). 264; XII,
knowledge of law important to, XXI, 203 134, 145, 151,345-6; XIH, 503,544
main questions in, X, 106; XIX, 621-2; (see also Parliament, Radicals,
XXVI, 395 Westminster)
relative nature of truths in, X, 323; less noble than art, XH, 314
xxm, 341-2, 404 modem movement in, XXI, 325-6
terms in, XVlH, 4-13 passim; XXllI, need for participation in, XXI, 383,
449, 451-2 384-5
Tocqueville on need for new, XVlH, 51, new eras in English, IV, 369; V, 707-8
126 Pericles on Athenian, XI, 318
mentioned, XI, 14, 274 and poetry, I, 466-7
-contribution to, of as a profession, XVH, 1592
Aristotle, XI, 505 role of passions in, XXIX, 428
Bentham, X, 16-18n, 87-9, 153-5; women in, XXI, 382-3.384,402-3
XXVI, 452-3 (HTM); XXVIII, 153-4
Benthamite school, I, 103 (102) mentioned, I, 7 (6), 63 (62), 81 (80),
Coleridge, I, 510; X, 152-3; xm, 158, 189 (188), 233,245, 329,487,
408-9 599; Vl, 168, 206; IX, 2, 160, 166n;
Comte, I, 221; X, 301-6; XII, 36 XI, 298, 330; XX, 109
Hare, I, 262-3 See also Government, Political science
JM, I, 165-7 (164-6), 594 Polvellen, XXVII, 576, 613,616
JSM, I, 251-3 Polygamy, XVIH, 290
Montesquieu, XXVl, 450-1 Polynesia, labour from, XVH, 1599
Philosophical Radicals, I, 109 (108) Polytheism
Plato, XI, 382-3,432-9 Comte's thoughts on, IX, 300; X,
Tocqueville, XIII, 434, 444; XVHI, 268-9, 272-8
156-7 Greek, I, 171 (170); X, 42n; XI, 287-90
See also Government, Politics, Social morality and, X, 415-17
science natural to human mind, X, 431-2
Political Unions, Vl, 486; XH, 77,108, See also Paganism
115,118, 122, 171,210 Pompignan, XXVl, 11, 18-32passim, 46
Politicians. See Statesmen Pondicherry, XXXH, 87-9, 94-5, 103
Politics Poona College, XV, 556; XXX, 145
W. B. Adams' view of, I, 373-5,383-5
political science - Poor Law, New 627

Poor principle of (right to work), XX, 127,

education of, I, 179 (178); XXIH, 653 348; XXHI, 673
may see justice in dividing goods of rich. mentioned, VI, 152; XVI, 1525; XXIV,
XVI, 1319-20 873
relation of to rich, not to be one of -New (1834) (XXHI, 707-16)
dependence, HI, 759-61; IV, 376; abuses under, XXIV. 924-5
XIII, 640-1,645; XIV, 186 administration of, XXIV, 776-8;
state duties to, XIX, 594 XXVHI, 322, 334; XXIX, 376-7
treatment of in England and France, XV, (606-7), 463-5
897 agitation against, IV, 371; VI, 224-5,
mentioned, XVII, 1771 398-400, 485; XXIV, 886-7,925-6
See also Charity, Labouring class, Boards of Guardians of, XIX, 338,495n,
Philanthropy, Poor Law, Poverty 536-7, 540, 606; XXVIII, 138, 141,
Poor Law 312; XXX, 177, 189
Black on, XV, 979 Central Board of, VI, 205-6, 239; XV,
defence of, VI, 266; XXl, 359 691; XVI, 1255, 1256; XVHI,
demoralizing effect of, unless combined 309-10; XIX, 609; XXHI, 714-16
with incentives to self-help, II, Chadwick's controversy with Commis-
359-60; HI, 960-2; IV, 227-8; V, sioners of, XIH, 720, 721
449; VI, 214; XXlH, 686 (see also choice of Commissioners for (1834),
under subhead New, and Poor Law XXHI, 743-4
Inquiry Commission) fallacies regarding, XIX, 611
expenditure on, compared with unpro- machinery of, useful for local
ductive consumption, H, 84-5n adnunistration, VI, 323-4; XVIH.
foreign, H, 258,347; XXIV, 774-6,987 64, 169-70; XXl, 214
in France, XVII, 1564 (see also Ateliers medical services of, XXVIH, 136-7,
nat/onaux) 139-43; XXlX, 378 (607-8)
proposal to introduce Elizabethan into passage of through Parliament, VI,
Ireland, ruinous, Sill, 709, 715; 171-2,203,238-40, 265-6, 283-4n,
XXIV. 881-2, 885-8,926, 930-4, 285; X, 153; XXIII, 713-14
942-5,978-9, 991-3,997 - 1000, and pauper education, XXI, 213; XXIX,
1005-8, 1066-73, 1077; XXXI, 408 394
and settlement laws, XHI, 722; XIV, and power to grant temporary loans,
147; XXH, 221; XXHI, 778; XXXI, XVI, 1390
42, 52-3 principle of (right to relief, but relief
mentioned, II, 108, 183; XlI, 34; XHI, undesirable), HI, 961; XlV, 43-6;
414n, 710; XVH, 1992; XXI, 105; XV, 897; XlX, 594; XXlV, 944-5;
XXlII, 587; XXV, 1098 XXXll, 74--5,223---4 (see also under
-Elizabethan (XXIH, 634-8) Poor Law Inquiry Commission)
and allowance system, ruinous, II, and prostitution, XXI, 367
360-2; XXlI, 216-18 and question of separation of sexes in
effect of on population, H, 158-9; IV, workhouses, IV, 374-5; XlV, 45;
227; XXIV, 1006, 1068 XXVIH, 358
is pauperizing agricultural labourers, and variations in poor rates, XXIV,
XXIH, 538-9, 603,634-8, 708-9 862-4; XXVIII, 324, 340, 349
poor administration of, VI, 213,257-8; mentioned, I, 203; V, 437; VI, 235,279,
XlX, 609; XXlI, 271; XXlV, 775 394; XVI, 1262; XVII, 1571, 1978;
628 Subject Index

[Poor Law - New (1834)] XV, 772; XXIV, 1042-3

XIX, 599; XXI, 105n; XXIX, 535 importance of limiting, I, 185 (184), 239
See also Charity, Philanthropy, Poor, (238), 388-9; II, 187-95,367-74;
Poor Law Inquiry Commission HI, 765-6; IV, 379; XIII. 713; XIV,
Poor Law Inquiry Commission 45; XXVI, 325
and creation of a Central Board, VI, and improvements, IIl, 709, 712-14,
205-6; XXIII, 709-13 745; IV, 299-300
educational recommendations of, XVI, of Ireland, III, 1075-6(C), 1086(C);V,
1431-2; XXVIII, 139; XXIX, 394 678; XXIV, 889-90, 913
recommendations of, enforcing principle JM on, XXII, 97-100
of "less eligibility," II, 360; VI, peasant proprietorship encourages re-
203-5; XXIII, 637-8,686-8 straint of, II, 283-92; VI. 528-9;
revelations of, VI, 201; XII, 148, 156, XXIV, 974, 977,989-90, 1017
176; XXlII, 538,686; XXIII, 635, Poor Law and increase of, II, 357-62;
774,789-90 IV, 227,374-5; V, 449; XX, 349-50;
mentioned, IV, 277; XlI, 233,317 XXIV, 1006, 1068, 1069
Poor Law Reform Association, XIV, 43, relief of through emigration, see
45-6 Colonization, Emigration
Popular Party and rent, in cottier system, ii, 314
-English restraints on. through restrictions on
in the 1830s, see Liberals, Radicals, marriage, II, 346-52
Reform Party stagnation of rural, XXIV, 863
in the 17th century, VI, 19, 25, 38, 39, Thornton on, XVII, 1587-8
43, 47; XX, 178 (see also wages and, see under Wages
Independents. Presbyterians) and women's emancipation, HI, 765-6
-French mentioned, I, 424n; II, 249; XIII, 600,
in Bourbon Restoration, XX, 177-8. 741; XlV, 52; XVI, 1141, 1229;
190, 192, 206, 211; XXIII, 693-4 XXXII, 8.1.2, 3
in French Revolution (1789), XX, 80, -Malthusian doctrine of (l I, 154-9)
84-6.91. 121 basic to political economy. IV, 30
in Louis Philippe's monarchy, XXII, explained, II, 154-9, 344-6,353-4;
130-1, 138-9, 145-63, 183, 189, IIl, 753; XIII, 661; XXVI, 286-96.
192,246, 261-2,288, 299-301; 289-304
XXIH, 336-41,343-4, 483-4, 531; JSM supports, I, 127 (126); XIV, 26,
XXlV, 831 88-9; XVI, 1458
mentioned, I, 487 as modified by later thinkers, IV, 366-9;
See also Liberals V, 449-50, 728-9
Population (XXVI, 286-307) Philosophical Radicals and, I, 107-9
changing attitudes to restraint of, XXVI, (106-8 )
304-6; XXXII, 75 upheld by Bradlaugh, I, 289; XVI, 1450,
under Communism, I1,206; V, 728-9 1501, 1508
effect ofgrowth of, on rents, profits, and mentioned, I, 113 (112); HI, 1047 (C);
wages, 1]I, 719-32 IX, ll0n; XlII, 641; XIV, 91; XVII,
effect of sanitary measures on, XXIV, 1665; XXIV, 1070
825,826-9 Pornic, XIV, 226, 230
of France, II, 342-3,436-7; xm, 725;
Poor Law, New - power 629

Portland estates, XXV, 1233 in India, XXX. 110

Portman estates, XXV, 1233; XXIX, 429 and intellectual communication between
Portsea, XXVll, 568 England and France, VI, 157-8; XlIl.
Portsmouth, I, 57 (55n, 56); XXVII. 568 580; XXIII, 643-5
Portugal as justified monopoly. IIl. 860
and Quadruple Alliance. XXXI, 376-9 and letters to the East. XXXII, 98-9,
revolutions in, XXI, 121; XXVI, 90 243
and slave trade, xm, 412-13; XXllI, mentioned, XXlII. 600
349 Posterity, importance of considering,
wine from, XII, 31 XXVI, 395-6; XXVIII, 72-3
Posforth Ghyll, XXVII, 509 Postulates, XXVI, 234 (G). 237 (G)
Position "Potatoes and point," XXXII, 55
Herbert Spencer on, XXXI, 206- l0 Poverty
mentioned, XXXI, 187 evils of, I, 305; KXVI, 278
Positive thought (in Comte's theory) extinguishable, X, 216
as basis of Positivism, X, 265-70 modern charitable movements against,
and causation, X, 292-4 IV, 371-2
and laws of nature, X, 280 and population principle. IV. 366-8,
stage of, yet to come, I, 173 (172,615) 374-5; V, 729; XXVI, 303
Positivism (X, 263-368) See also Labouring class, improvement of
classification of scmnces in. VIH, condition of; Poor; Poor Law
833-4, 917-19; X, 279-91,359-61; Power
XV, 935 abuse of, likely, VI. 72; XVlII, 227;
criticism of, X, 291-8; XIl, 35-6; XIX, 435; XX, 306-7; XXI, 5, 19,
XIV, 237; XV, 768-9 111,352, 361; XXII, 63, 65, 72,
doctrines of, I, 173; X, 263-7 93-4,256; XXVI, 265, 330-2;
history as viewed by, X, 267-79 XXIX, 402,416
ideas of on progress and future corruption by, I, 374; XVl, 1103; XlX,
unattractive, X, 324-41 445; XXI, 288-9,295-6. 320-1.
JSM's encounter with. XHI. 489, 323,325. 410 (HTM)
560-1,567,575,586-7, 631. 693. and creation, IX, 288-9
742 divine, see God, Omnipotence
problems of diffusing ideas of, XIII, in England, wealth is, I, 179 (178); Xll,
490, 518,625,637-8,646-7,653. 48
655-7,667,671. 678,692-3. 696. of the fittest, XIII, 444; XXlI, 253-8.
703 279-82.289. 313-14
religion of, increasingly ridiculous, X. JSM renounces in marriage, XXI, 99
341-68; XVl, 1085-6 love of. X. 235-7, 339; XIX. 610-11;
sociology of, evaluated. X, 298-324 XXI, 338; XXXI, 220, 231-2
mentioned, xm, 652; XVII. 1795 modern doctrine of. through merit. XXI.
See also Positive thought, and, in Index 325-6
of Persons, Auguste Comte and morality, XXI, 387, 406 (HTM)
Post hoc, propter hoc, fallacy of, VIH, muscular, and idea of extension. IX,
792--4; XXVI, 229 (G) 217-19
Post Office polarity of, xm, 411-12
and election circulars, xxvm. 304-5
630 Subject Index

[Power] Prediction
separation of spiritual and temporal in and conflicting hypotheses, VII, 500-1
Saint Simonism, XlI, 37, 40-1; XIII, of individual's actions, VII, 347n; VIII,
501-3,554 837,846-8 (see also Necessity)
sexual, see under Marriage, Men, one of three purposes of scientific study
Women of facts, VII, 299
source of idea of causation and, IX, and physical sciences, XVI, 1241
295-300,448n and social science, VIII, 898,909-10,
the word, XXXI, 198 914-15,941; XVI, 1376-7
worship of, I, 373; XXII, 290; XXVII, Pre-established harmony
656 Leibniz' theory of, IX, 499-502
mentioned, I, 294,354, 359, 384, 469; Mansel on, IX, 297
IX, 181,420; XXI, 41 Pr_fet, role of in French government, V,
See also Authority; Strength, law of 436
superior Pre-Raphaelitism, a dandyism, XIV, 312
Powers (of objects). See Properties Presbyterians
Practical men Irish, favour mixed education, XVI,
compared with theorists, IV, 324-5, 1148
334-5 JM and, I, 41 (40)
ignorance of, IV, 19, 98,121,127,130, in struggles of 17th century, VI, 10, 24,
184, 190 47, 49-54, 57
JM's scorn for, I, 593 mentioned, VI, 64, 83; XXIH, 606
in Parliament (1826), IV, 110-18 See also Popular Party
Roebuck on defects of, XXIV, 772 Prescott, Grote and Co., XII, 310; XIV,
Practice. See Theory, and practice 132; XV, 636; XVII, 1573
Pragmatism in politics, XVI, 1204-5 Presentation. See Anschauung
Praise and blame, JM on power of, XXXI, Presentationism, Hamilton on, IX, 13-14,
229-31,235 173
Prayer Press
Comtean ideas on, X, 341-2 democratic influence of, XVIII, 125,
effect of, XVI, 1414 162, 165; XIX, 501-2
JM on, XVII, 1963 effect of reviews in, XII, 318
Predestination, IX, 469 formidable modem power, VI, 163-4;
Predicables, five. See under Classification XVIII, 134-5; XXI, 53-4 (see also
Predicaments. See Categories Public opinion)
Predication importance of liberty of, HI, 935; XVIll,
Aristotle on, XI, 489 (see also 228; XIX, 391,595; XXI, 4-18 (see
Categories) also Liberty, of thought and speech)
essential, VII, 110; VIII, 1031, 1033 in India, XXX, 70-1
and five predicables, see under and interchange of newspapers between
Classification France and England, VI, 157-8;
JM's theory of, XXXI, 128-36, 175 XXIII, 643-5
nature of, VIII, 1014-15; XI, 35 JSM's advice on, XVI, 1194
necessary and accidental, VII, 130 and JSM's plan for a newspaper, XII,
and quantification of predicate, VII, 38-40
170n, 172n-3n; IX, 385,395-403 JSM'S writings for, I, 89-91 (88-90),
See also Judgment, Propositions
power - prices 631

179-81 (178-80), 205 (204) Carrel and, XX, 171-2. 194-5,197-8,

liberty of, not a sufficient security, 206, 212-13
XXVI, 378 high stature of. Xll. 38-9; X.X. 197.
local. XIX. 542 298; XXII. 179-80; XXlH, 527-8.
role of, in disseminating political 529,723-6
intelligence, I, 264.300; HI, 763; Parisian, XXH, 152-3
XlX, 378; XX, 172; XXVlII, 31 prosecutions of. XII. 122; XXH, 204;
in U.S.A., XII, 256; XXI, 129. 131, xxm. 363.372, 388-90. 402-3,
158-9; XXH, 179-80 408-9.417.428,481,486, 505.510,
use ofinelections, XXVlII. 240,304-5. 518,571,666-70, 685,688, 700,
318 705,733,745, 747-8
as watchdog, XX, 242 restrictions on, XlI, 270.272; XX.
writing for, a poor career. I. 85 (84) 69-70, 190, 192, 211. 329. 391-2;
writings in, ephemeral, VI. 183. 352 XXII, 126, 137, 154, 191-2. 193.
mentioned, I. 158, 295,298,424n. 429; 203; XXIII, 339.683.684; XXV.
Vl. 189, 297,314. 315,321. 331. 1116-18; XXVI. 14
342,430; XVlII, 306; XIX. 397,402, Saint-Simonian influence on, XXIII.
415,587; XXI, 431; XXII. 73; XXV. 677
1181 mentioned, XX, 260; XXVI. 23
-English -on specific issues
Black's contribution to freedom of, XV, American Civil War, XXI, 129, 141,
979 157, 158
hostility of, to JSM, I, 278-9 Canada, VI, 430n, 450
low prestige of, compared to French, Franco-Prussian War. XVI. 1197
XII, 38-9; XX, 197.298; XXII, Irish landlords, XXIV, 981
179-80; XXIII, 527-30. 723-6 Louis Philippe, XXIII. 691-2
personal enmity in, VI. 202-3 Mormonism, XVlII. 290
Radical, Vl, 174-5,400; XlI. 359 Poor Law reform, VI, 204-5. 224-5,
reform of, XVII, 1793 240-1
religious bigotry in, XlV. 16-17.22.23 reform ministry, VI, 182-3. 252, 273.
and repeal of security system, XVlI, 316-17,390, 408
1605; XXVlII, 287 Revolution of 1848 m France, XX. 319.
repoRing of French affairs in. XX, 125. 322,338-9; XXV. 1110-12
129; XXII, 172-3, 182-3,192.202, socialism, XXV, 1144-5
225,246,259,283-4; XXIII. 483-4. trade unions, V-I, 207, 218.220
525-7,661-2 war with Russia, I, 626; XVII, 1776.
restriction of, by law of libel, XXI, 1777, 1780
18-34passim; XXII, 91; XXV, See also Libel, Periodicals, Publicity
1117-18 Prices
servility of, XXVl, 406 agricultural, and cost of raising food, see
taxation of, by newspaper stamp, HI. Diminishing returns, law of
861; V'I, 237, 261-2, 297-9, 302, controversyovercausesoffluctuationsin
326; XlI. 166, 325,327; XIV, 169, (1793-1824), Ill, 660-5; IV, 5-18.
332; XXIII, 645 99; XXII, 18-20, 34-9
-French distinction between value and, HI,
under Bourbons, XX, 177 457-9. 479, 1050 (C)
632 Subject Index

[Prices] resistance as most fundamental of. IX,

effect of, on wages, II, 339-41; HI, 214
696-7; XIV, 52 mentioned, IX, 188
in foreign trade, see International trade, See also Extension, Figure, Resistance
equation of international demand in Primogeniture. See under Inheritance, laws
general level of, not affected by wages, of
m, 479, 691-3,699; v, 661; XVl, Prince's Risborough, XXVII, 484, 489
1335; XVH, 1734-5, 1909-10 Principles
government regulation of, Ill, 926-7 assertion of by reformers, XXlH, 589,
how determined under socialism, V, 446 600,605-6,630; XXV. 1103-4, 1109
and profits, 11, 410-11; III, 733-4; IV, English distrust of, XXHI, 445 (XXV,
37; V, 660-2 1254), 513-14
rise of, in India, XV, 766-7 importance of in national institutions,
trend to equalize, XV, 881-2, 890, XXV, 1137-8, 1231
898-9, 912-13 may be misused, XXII, 222; XXIV.
mentioned, XXXl, 408, 410 1060; XXX, 6, 9
-how affected by in politics, not immutable, XXIII.
bank notes, cheques, and credlt, HI, 341-2,404
530-1,538-52,669.1065-8(C);IV, Whig lack of, XXIH, 514,597-8; XXV,
81-2, 87-97,350-6; XXlV, 854, 1135-6
857-8 mentioned, XXHI, 424, 470
competition and custom, II, 242-4; Ill, Prison Association of New York, XVl,
460-1; XXX, 227 1419
cost of production, see under Value Prisons
demand and supply, IV, 61; V, 448, English, make prisoners worse, VI, 105,
634-42; XVI, 986; XVlI, 1596, 107
1616-17 (see also Corn Laws) improvement of, XXI, 94, 107,385
gold discoveries, V, 675; XV, 766-7, Jevons on, XXI, 77
898,912 productive labour in, XVlI, 1839; XXII.
money incomes, XIV, 93-4 67-70; XXV, 1172
progress of industry, lIl. 710-18 reform of Indian, XVII, 1990; XXX,
quantity of money in country, m, 116-17; xxxll, 199
510-12; IV, 37; xv, 515 role of, and hard labour, XXI, 104-5
strikes, XVI, 1102 mentioned, XVI, 1419, 1523
tithes, HI, 843-6 Privation, in Aristotle's Metaphysics, XI,
mentioned, XVII, 1606 502-3
See also Value Privilege, gradual elimination of, XXI,
Primary qualities 378, 379, 386-7
Cousin on, VII, 62n Privy Council, Education Committee of,
distinction between secondary qualities XXI, 211,214
and, IX, 26n, 211 Probability (VH, 534-61)
Hamilton's theory of direct perception abstract science and, IX, 471-2
of, IX, 13-33passira, 163n, 167,238, of approximate generalizations, see
382 under Generalizations
psychological theory of perception of, calculation of, VII, 540-2, 548-53
IX, 187 concerning properties of kinds, VII,
Reid on perception of, IX, 21,170, 173, 585-90, 626-30
prices - profit, rate of 633

derived from analogy, VII, 554-61; natural advantages, II, 101-2; XXVI,
VIII, 1100-2 317
Laplace's theory of, VH, 534-40; VIII. private property, XXVI, 319, 336
1140-7, 1151-3 securits', II, 112-15
Verm's book on, XVI, 1360-1, 1376 size, see next subhead
See also Chance, Improbability superiority of labourers, II, 102-11
Problems in science, XXVI, 233-4 (G) -large-scale (II, 131-52)
Production (ii, 25-195) advantages of, II, 131-5; IH, 768
and capital, II, 55-62, 91-9; IV, 290-1; in agriculture, II, 142-52
VI, 131-2 and joint-stock principle, II, 135-40
definition of, II, 36-7, 46 necessary conditions of, II, 140-2
and definition of net produce, II, 161; See also Cost of production
IV, 288-9 Professors, retirement of aged, XVI. 1397
and definition of "productive" and Profit (II, 400-- 15)
"unproductive," IV, 280-9; XlI, 231 as remuneration for abstinence, II, 34,
distinction between laws of distribution 161
and, I, 255-7; H, 20-21; III, 455-6 capitalists' right to keep, XIV, 50
and fallacy of general over-production, in colonies, XXXI, 410
see Universal glut composed of interest, insurance, and
increase of, does not necessarily lower wages of superintendence, H, 400-2;
prices, XIV, 93-4 IV, 270, 300-2; V, 411. 735
increase of, not paramount goal, III, effect of additional demand on, IV.
755,758 268-70
law of diminishing returns in agricultu- effect of commodity tax on. HI, 838-9
ral, see Diminishing returns, law of element of cost of production, m, 481-5
laws of, II, 3,100, 199, 235,416; HI, extra, HI, 494-5
481,495; IV, 314-15,317-18 in international competition, XXIV, 838
not increased by consumption, IV, nation benefits from high, IV, 50-1
262-75 sharing of, with labour, II, 140; HI,
as a purpose of society, Xll, 36-7; XHI, 769-75 (1007-13, 1015-17); IV,
626 382n-5n; V, 743; XIV, 54; XV, 735,
question of relative efficiency of, in 857; XVH, 1671-2; XX, 315; XXV,
agriculture and manufacture, IV, 42 1092-3; XXXl, 408
requirements of, II, 25-6, 55,100, in silk manufacturing, IV, 134-5
153-4 socialist misapprehensions on, V,
role of labour in, II, 25-9, 31-43, 734-6; XVII, 1901
103-11 taxes on, III, 826-8; XVII, 1901
and stationary state, II, 169 value and, XXH, 4-5, 51-60
mentioned, m, 1044 (C) mentioned, I, 257; IV, 29; XIV, 91; XV,
-increased by 859; XVlI, 1600; XXVI, 325
association and co-operation, H, 213; -rate of
III, 791-2; XXIH, 741 in banking, IV, 305-8; V, 510, 514-15,
division of labour, H, 116-30 533
credit, HI, 528-30 defined, IV, 290-2
improvements and inventions, H, 180- 5; depends on cost of labour (Ricardo' s
IH, 710-14 theory), I, 123-5 (122-4); H,
international Wade, HI, 590-3,608-12 411-15; HI, 479-80, 692, 698-701,
634 Subject Index

[Profit - rate of] reality of, XXVI, 257

1048-50 (C); IV, 34-5,292-300; relation of, to improvement, VIII,
XII, 231; XXlII, 400 913-14; XVlII, 252-3,273; XX, 292
does not depend on prices. II. 410-11; role of labouring class in, V, 710
V, 660-1 social science studies laws of, VIII,
effect of progress on, III. 575, 719-32; 912-17,924-30; X, 308; XVllI, 151;
IV, 299-300 XXl, 244; XXlI, 287
factors affecting, II, 402-5 Tocqueville's view of, XVlII, 158
and rate of interest, II, 400-1; III, 647; mentioned, II, 200; XIX, 376, 378,432,
IV, 18,300-5; XVl, 1002, 1012 435,601,605; XX, 238; XXXI, 409,
tends to a minimum, III, 733-53, 410
843-5; IV, 37-41 See also Civilization, Human nature,
tends to equality, II, 405-10; Ill, Improvement, Improvement of mankind,
471-2, 587-9, 838-9 Reform
in U.S.A., III, 1086-7 (C), 1090 (C); Progressive Party, French. See Popular
IV, 293; XV, 967-8; XVI, 985-6, Party
993, 1002, 1009 (Ill, 1055-6, Prohibition (Maine Law), XV, 686-7;
1088-9, 1092. 1093-4), 1018-19 XVlii, 287,293,297; XIX, 463
See also Capital, Interest Proof
Progress Berkeley provided new standard of, XI,
as growth in time. see Progress of society 452
as improvement, see Improvement, conditions of, I. 217 (216)
Improvement of mankind conjecture and, in history, XI, 330
Progress of society (III, 705-96) and evidence of consciousness, IX, 134,
in agricultural techniques, II, 94-5,107, 138n
176-81, 190, 227-30, 423-6; 11I, by experience, IX, 450n
713-14, 725-32, 826; IV. 175-7, Grote on belief and,/ILl, 410
180; XXlV, 840; XXVI, 293-4, 299 science and standard of, IX, 473,486-7
causes of, VIII, 934-42 Whately on, XI, 34
Comte's view of laws of, X, 309-27 mentioned, IX, 136,439
and incidence of crime, XXV, 1154-6 See also Axioms, Induction, Syllogism,
effect of, on economy, Ill, 714-15, Verification
719-32,737-8; IV, 175-7, 299-300 Properties or powers of objects, VII, 345,
falsely idealized by economists, llI, 353; IX, 10
752-5 Property
and increased state intervention, XIX, better and more equal distribution of,
602-4 needed, II, 207-8; III. 754-5; V,
in manufacturing techniques, 11, 180-4, 415-16,712-15; XlII, 713; XlV, 33;
188-9; III. 604-7,632-6, 710-13, XX, 355-6; XXIll, 674; XXVl, 336
723-4, 749-51,756-7 and conservatism, XXIII, 458
nature of. Ill. 705-9, 719 diffusion of, as civilization advances,
permanence or order and, X, 152, 155; XVllI, 121-1,124, 160, 162, 163-4,
XlII, 409; XVlll, 253-4; XIX, 192
384-9; XX, 325 dominant question in present age, XXV,
principle of antagonism and, X, 107-8, 1106
146; XlII, 502-3,508; XX, 269-70, end of, is the general good, VI, 108
293-4, 358-9
profit, rate of- propositions 635

English law of, chaotic. XXI. 83, 84, 107; XXV, 1140-1, 1153, 1155
184 have varied in different societies. V.
fluctuations in value of. XXIX. 422-3 750-3
government regulation of. III, 800-1; meaningof, II. 215-17;V.443-4;XIX,
XlX, 590, 595 ( see also Endowments ) 595; XXIV, 908-9; XXV. 1235-6;
inadmissible types of, II, 232-3 XXVlII, 256-7; XXIX, 425
of married women, see under Marriage popular respect for, VI, 401; XXVI. 368,
m Plato's Republic. XI, 438 380, 383; XXVlII, 83
as power in England. VI, 218-20. 356 respect for in France, XX. 126-8,
prescription as title to. II. 217; V. 653-4 199-200. 204-5; XXIII. 584.671-3
private vs. community of. I. 175 (168n. superstitious reverence for in England.
174), 179 (178). 239 (238); II. VI, 178; XXlI, 116; XXIII. 460. 642;
201-3,207-8 (IIl. 986-7). 214; V. XXIV, 920-1. 939. 1002-3. 1031
441-4, 708-11,750; XIII, 739-40; and testamentary disposition, see
XIV, 50-51; XV, 517; XX. 351; XXI. Bequest; Inheritance. laws of
77; XXIII, 677-8; XXVI. 313. See also Land, Land tenure. Landlords.
314-15 (see also Communism, Wealth
Co-operation. Socialism) Proportional representation. See Represen-
Radicals and, VI, 398-402; XXIII. tation. Hare's scheme of proportional
761-2 Propositions (VII. 78-117)
real vs. personal. XXI. 173n-4n; XXVI. aequipollency or equivalence of. VII.
387-8 158-9 (VIII. 1053), 207
representation of, in govemrnent. XVlll. Aristotelians on, Xl. 18-19. 491-3
152; XXVI, 449 contradictory. IX, 373. 376-80, 412;
and right to a vote or extra vote. I. 261. Xl. 500n
288-9; XV, 905; XVI. 998. 1039; conversion of. VII, 159, 167-8 (VIII.
XVIII, 30-2; XIX. 316, 369-70. 1053-4, 1059)
474, 481; XXI. 391,396; XXII, 262 definition of, VII. 21 (VIII. 970). 78.
security of, benefits society. !I, 114, 80 (VIII, 1006); XXVI, 198-9 (G)
403; In, 880-1; VI. 175; xI, 316; Hobbes on. VII. 90-3.95-6 (VIII.
XVlI, 1739-40; XVlII. 80, 120. 176; 1010-12, 1013-14). 177; VIII.
XIX, 355. 386, 442; XXVI. 346 1023n-4n. 1028
as stimulus, Vl, 190-1 ( see also Peasant import of. VII, 97-108 (VIII. 1015).
proprietorship) 116-17. 157-8. 180. 604; VIII,
supposed equality of, in Sparta, XI. 1016. 1024n, 1028
300-1 JSM's Logic on theory of. I. 125. 167
taxation of, see under Taxation (124,166). 191 (190)
mentioned, I, 171 (170), 281. 294. 385; nature of true, VI_, 971-2; IX, 329.
Vl, 258,354; XllI. 586; XIV, 21; 405-7
XVlII, 51,54. 129. 166, 171, 178, opposition of, VII, 161 (vm. 1054).
254; XXI, 187,385-6; XXII, 184; 207
XXIII, 722; XXIV, 897 Plato on false, XI. 429
-rights of question of whether expression of
John Austin on legal, XXI, 195-6, 198, judgments, VII, 87-90; IX, 123n,
202 324, 336
English law zealous to safeguard, XXI, Whateley on, XI, 17-18, 27
636 Subject Index

[Propositions] of colonial trade, HI, 915,922; IV,

mentioned, XI, 7, 8, 94 256-7; VI, 125, 128, 133; XVI,
-Hamilton's theory of 1150-1, 1520; XVII, 1589
disjunctive, IX, 379,408-10 erroneous theory of, II, 64-5n; HI,
extensive and comprehensive, IX. 913-21; IV, 65-6,231. 249-50,256;
338-41,386-91 V, 761-2; XIII, 528,659; XIV. 52;
and quantification of predicate, IX, 385, XVII, 1798; XXII, 105-6; XXIII,
395-403 540-1,547; XXIV, 803-4
transposition of, in syllogism, IX, 392, in Europe, IV, 256; XXIV, 839
416 expediency and, XVI, 1204
-types of in France, XXII, 157-8
affirmative or negative, universal or in United States, IH. 918, 921, 1055-6,
particular, VII, 80-1, 84-6 (VIII, 1091-4; IV, 67. 132,256; Vl, 139;
1006, 1008-9), 165-7n; XXVI, XVI, 1420, 1516; XVII. 1589-90,
199-208 (G) 1802-5, 1837; XXI, 131-2; XXIH.
analytical or synthetical, IX, 337; XI, 543-5
446 mentioned, XXI, 112
essential (verbal) or accidental, VII, See also Corn Laws, Customs duties, Free
109-16 (VIII, 1017-21 ); VIII, trade, Mercantilism, Reciprocity
I014, 1022n, 1027; IX, 394-5; Protestants
XXXI, 25-6 attitude to ministers among, XXII,
general, m ordinary language, I, 422; 312-13
XXVI, 213-14 (G) and the Bible, X, 161-2; KXI, 379
paradoxical, XXVI, 212 (G) and Catholic emancipation, VI, 63-6,
simple or complex, VII, 81-2 (VIH, 83, 84
1006-7); XXVI, 198 (G) Comte's view of, I, 173 (172,615); X,
varieties of complex, VII, 82-4 (VIII, 310, 317,321,323n
1007-8); IX, 54; XXVI, 208-13 (G) in France, XIX, 584n; XX, 73n
See also Judgment, Predication, Syllo- Guizot on, XX, 391
gism as historians, XX, 220, 239
Proprium. See under Classification and individual judgment, X, 321; XV,
Prose, poetry and, I, 343,344, 356,377. 759; XVIH, 244, 246
498-9; XIII, 463-4,466 in Ireland, VI, 94-6, 335n-6n, 508,
Prostitution 522-3,540; XVII, 1588; XXIV, 966
legalization of, XVI, 1524 (see also Church of Ireland)
and marriage, XXI, 43,375 (HTM), 377 Oxford Movement's view of, XHI, 415.
(HTM) 509
Owen on, XXI, 48-9 and persecution of Catholics in America,
question of, discussed, XVII, 1692-5 XVIH, 177
See also Contagious Diseases Acts and sense of duty, XV, 763, 771
Protection in Switzerland, XXIV, 986
arguments against, in silk trade, IV, theological morality of, XVIII, 255
129-39 mentioned, I, 383; VI, 524; X, 471;
in Australia, and doctrines of PPE, XVI, XVII, 1633; XVIH, 161; XX, 253,
989, 1043-4, 1388, 1396, 1419-20, 390; XXI, 123,333
1515-16, 1520-1; XVII, 1589 See also Church of England, Reformation
in Canada, XVII, 1589, 1841
propositions-public health 637

Provisional Government, French ( t 848 ). experience school of, see Experience,

See under French Revolution of 1848 school of
Prudence, X, 63-4, 97-8, 180. 246, 340 Femer on, XV, 837
Prudery, XIV, 317 formation of character as yet little studied
Prussia by. XIV, 235-6; XXI, 277-8, 312
army in, VI, 269; XVI, 1224-5; XXIX, Hamilton and, IX, 109, 138n, 188,273,
412-15 passim 430,437,490, 493n
and Austria, war with (1866), XVI, 1197 importance of, IX, 2
constitution of, XV. 905; XXIV, in Italy, XVII, 1683
1079-82 JM and, I. 109-11 (108-I0), 213,
corn in, IV, 54-5 287-8,590. 595; XXXI. 97, 99,
and Cracow, XXI. 344 101-2
and Crimean War, XIV, 150 JSM studies, I, 71 (70), 125-7 (124-6)
education in, VI, 200; IX, 277; XVIII, JSM defends Hartleian, I. 209 (208)
31; XIX, 632; XXI, 63; XXIII, 572. Laromigui_re and, XVI, 1323
730-1 laws of, VIH, 852-6; XXXI, 96-7
good government in, XVIII, 23, 24 and logic, IX, 301,357-9, 361-2,417
(XIX, 649); XIX, 619-20; XXIII, and memory, XVI, 1333
589, 728-9; XXIV, 1064 and phrenology, XII, 275
Laing on, XIII, 622 positive. XIII, 492
land reform in, II, 329; V, 752; VI, 513, and psychological method of studying
515; XVIII, 124-5; XXIV, 897 metaphysical problems, IX, 139-41,
Napoleon and, XX, 344; XXI, 345 148.228,250, 262
peasant proprietors in, II, 286; xxvm, and psychological theory of belief in
259 matter, IX, 177-87, 194-203. 216.
relation of with rest of Germany. XIX. 220-5
549, 554 and psychological theory of belief in
religion in, VI, 229 mind, IX, 190-4,204-7
slavery in, II, 248 and physiology, VIII, 849-52, 858n;
Stein and Hardenberg's reforms in. XI, 348, 352, 362; XVI, 1323-4,
XXIII, 728 1333; XVII, 1602, 1786--7, 1869;
mentioned, I, I 1 (10); VI, 37; XV, 628. XXXI, 221
634; XVII, 1776; XX, 314 question of intuition in, see Intuition
See also Franco-Prussian War, Germany Taine's contribution to, XI. 444
Psychology value of studying, XXI, 242-3
a priori and a posteriori schools of, Xl. mentioned, I, 197 (196,620), 269,271,
341-8 354; IX, 11, 36, 109, 138n, 146; XI,
Aristotle's, XI, 476-7,495,501,503-4 96, 248,250,251,377,408,454.509;
association, see Association (of ideas) XXI, 263
bad influence of Gerrnan metaphysics on. See also Character, Human nature,
VIII, 859 Metaphysics. Mind, Philosophy
Comte and, X, 296-8, 360; XIH, 697; Public health
XV, 824, 825 Chadwick on, XXIV, 824
Condillac's, I, 64n-5n Chadwick's contribution to, XVI, 1432;
in England, XI, 341,443 XXIX, 529-30
and ethology, VIII, 869-70 government role in, XXI, 357.358, 367,
638 Subject Index

[Public Health] decisions, XXHI, 342

370; XXVIII, 322, 362; XXX, 177 Whigs and, I, 95 (94); VI, 181,299
in London, XXIX, 451,462-3,497, mentioned, I, 293,304; VI, 151,223;
500, 509, 529-31,540-1 XVHI, 129, 165,235,301; XIX, 314.
physiology and, XXI, 241 378,390,391,418,448,485; XX, 37,
Sanitary Commission's recommenda- 242; XXI, 18, 64, 103,177,183,298,
tions for, XXXlI, 223 317,323; XXII, 41; XXIII, 633
Public houses, regulation of, VI, 213-14, -role of
233-5,255,271-2; XV. 686; XVI, as check on government, I, 294-5,
1480;XXVlH, 31,191. 339-40, 344, 305-6; XX, 358-9; XXI, 7, 34;
357 XXH, 91; XXVI, 265-6, 378-9;
Public offices. See Bureaucracy, Civil XXX, 33-4, 201
service in Comte's system, I, 221
Public opinion in enforcing right conduct, I, 113 (112):
becoming supreme power, XV, 700; X, 183-5; XVIH, 132-3,276,281;
XVHI, 126-7, 132-5, 162,268 XX, 42; XXVI, 430-3; XXVHI, 36
danger of despotism of, I, 259; III, 935; and function of the enlightened few,
X, 106-8;XVlH, 198,220,223,227. XXI, 223-4 (418-19), 247,256-7
229,268-75 passim, 285; XIX, 459 in present-day party politics, I, 314
in a despotism, XIX, 402; XXI, 383 in restraining mercantile dishonesty, HI.
difficulty of opposing entrenched, XXI, 884
261-3 in socialism, H, 205-6, 209; HI, 976;
in France, XIX, 608; XX, 187.200,300, XXV, 1179-80; XXVI, 319
302-3; XXH, 128, 143; XXIII, 457, in suppressing electoral corruption, XIX,
683 321,497n
and government of India, XIX, 570,573 in voting, see under Publicity
influence of women over, XXI, 327-33 -on various topics
local, XIX, 542-3,598 American Civil War, I, 267; XXI,
not a guide to virtuous actions, X, 194-5 128-9, 141, 145, 157-9
not competent to assess judicial dec_- Canning ministry, XXVI. 406, 407-8
sions, XIX, 528 centralization, in France, XIX, 582-4
peaceful expression of, admirable, VI, divorce, XXl, 48, 49
321 Dorsetshire labourers, VI, 207
power of, X, 410-13; XXII, 14-15, foreign policy, XXI, 117, 120, 344
31-2 House of Lords, VI, 317
power of, in America, XVIII, 81-3, 85, Jamaica, XXI, 433, 434
99, 178-9 military flogging. VI, 268-70
power of truth and reason over, XXHI, population control, H, 370-3
714 quality of education, XXI, 64-5
rapid movement of, in present age, VI, subordination of women, XXL 262,279
311,313 See also Press, Publicity
reaction of aristocracy to, XXH, Public schools. See under Schools
117-18, 119-20; XXVI, 334-5 Public Works, departments of in India,
and representative government, XIX, XXX, 135
413-14, 348, 547,620, 629, 634-5; Publicity, as a safeguard
XXIV, 757; XXIX, 395 in administration of justice, XIX, 391;
state of, must enter into political
public health - Pyrenees 639

XXll, 43-6; XXXI, 47 role of reward and, in forming moral

in Bank of England transactions, XXIII, sense, XXXI, 235-6
582 secondary, XVII, 1979, 1988, 1990
in commissions for lunacy, XXV, 1199 sense of moral obligation associated with
in government, XIX, 432 idea of, IX, 453-6; X, 246; XI, 364;
in Hate's scheme, XIX, 462 XV, 650
increases with size of public bodies, sentimentality and, I, 322-3
XXVIII, 142-3, 164, 293-4 by tread-wheel, XXll, 67-9
in joint-stock companies, II, 136-7; Ill, vicarious, XXIV, 1067-9
899, 900-1 mentioned. XVIII, 20-1 ; XXI, 176
in open voting (ballot question), XIX, -capital (XXVIII, 266-72)
331-6passim, 488-94passim; XXII, JSM opposes abolition of, I, 275; XVI,
195,206; XXV, 1213-15 987, 1362; XXVIII, 266-72
mentioned, XIX, 415,426, 501-2, 544, opposition to, in Paris, XXlll, 373
587 and purpose of punishment, XXII,
Publishers, XVll, 1660, 1680-1 165-6, 168
Puffing (by publishers), Xll, 183, 212 sometimes justified, XIII, 474; XXVIII,
Punishment (XXI, 77-9) 27
Bentharn and, I, 69 (68); X, 11, 104, writers against, XXII, 322-3
197; XXlII, 471 mentioned, XVI, 1417; XXIII, 351;
of brutality, should be sterner, XXI, XXVI, 374
103-8,271,287-8; XXIV, 919, See also Prisons, Sanctions
952-4; XXV, 1153-6, 1164, 1169- Punjab
70, 1184-5. 1186; XXVIII, 158-9, canals in, XXX, 128-9
272; XXIX, 388,403 customs duties in, XXX, 109
in civil and criminal law, XXI, 181-2, government of, XXX, 63
201 judicial system of, XXX, 115-16
corporal, XVI, 1034, 1116; XXI, 105-6; land settlement in, XXX, 100, 104
XXlV, 882; XXV, 1138-41, 1177-8; police in, XXX, 119
XXVIII, 53, 272 roads in, XXX. 132
for debt, XXVIII, 358 salt revenue in, XXX, 160
divine, X, 412-15 Purchasing power, IV, 16,350-6
ineffectiveness of present, XXVIll. 272 Puritanism
Jevons' scheme of, and purpose of in America, XV. 826; XVIII. 98; XXV.
punishment, X/ILl, 77-9 1174
justice and, X, 248-50, 252-3,259, and English character, XI, 409; XV, 771;
385; XXXI, 241-2 XXl, 253
legitimacy of, IX, 458-65; XV, 711-12 in 17th century. VI, 10, 13; XVIII, 283
Molesworth's article on, XVll, 1975, spirit of, XVlll, 227,286
1979 mentioned, IV, 371; XlI, 352; XXIII,
object of, XXlI, 67, 69-70; XXV, 1138 356
of political offences, XVI, 1272; XXII, Puseyites, state, IV, 371. See also Oxford
164, 166, 167; XXIV, 801-3; Movement
XXVIII, 165-7, 172-3, 189-90 Pyrenees
role of, in education, I, 53-5 (52--4). JSM recomends travel in, I. 393
141 (140); XXI, 69-70
640 Subject Index

[Pyrenees] XVII, 1563; XX, 235-7,292

JSM visits, I, 59 (58), 151 (150); XXVI, and oppression of minorities, XV_I, 177
61-112 as uniting factor in nations, XIX, 546,
plants of, XXVI, 126; XXXI, 311-20 553
Pythagoreanism, Plato's mystical, XI, 421 and variations in character, XXI, 309
mentioned, XVIII, 80
QUADRUPLE ALLIANCE,and Carlist wars, Radical Club, XVII, 1698-9, 1711, 174 l,
XXXI, 367, 376-9 1746, 1747, 1748, 1806, 1808, 1871,
Quakers 1941
beliefs of, XlI, 101; X_I, 453,474 Radicalism
equality of women among, XXI, 399 and Bentham's idea of government, X,
(HTM) 106-7
and !bhilanthropic movements, XIII, and Coleridge, I, 133 (160); X, 146, 150
548; XV, 771; XXI, 385 Cornish, XII, 129
treatment of, by legal system. XXII, 15, growth of after 1815, I, 101 (100)
31, 33; XXXI, 55 meaning of, I, 383-4; VI, 154, 407
mentioned, I, 11,316; xm, 513,544; in a poet, I, 467-71
XXIII, 403 and political agitation, XXVIII, 147-8
Qualities. See Attributes, Primary qualities, type of, in LWR, I, 207-9 (206-8),
Secondary qualities 221-3 (220-2); XII, 198,216, 297.
Quality and quantity 312-13,364; XIII, 400, 410
in Aristotle's logic, XI, 491-4 varieties of, I, 374; VI, 353; XIII, 370
JM on, XXXI, 189-91 mentioned, I, 29. 198: VI, 312: XII,
Quantification of the predicate, Hamilton 107, 199,218
on, VII, 170n, 172n-3n; IX, 385, See also Radicals
395 -403 Radicals
Quarter Sessions Brougham, Romilly and, XXVI, 275
shortcomings of, VI. 272; XIX, 537 Duke of Wellington and, XVII, 1979-80
mentioned, XIX, 540, 606, 607 Durham and, XII, 241-2; XIII, 390
Quebec, city of, Vl, 450 of 1860s. XVl, 991, 1063, 1226, 1329,
Queen's University (Ireland) 1449-50, 1489, 1493, 1496; XVII,
and mixed education, XVI, 1094, 1101, 1697; XXVIII, 353
t 134, 1148, 1177-8, 1179, 1183, Examiner as organ of, I, 179 (178), 205
1314, 1465 (204); XII, 200-1
parliamentary representation of, XVI, and fundholder, VI, 174-6, 347,400
1405 journalism of, XII, 359
Queenborough, XXII, 108-9 JSM offends, XlII, 515
Questions, Whately on verbal and real, Molesworth and, XII, 319, 323-4,
XI, 34 334-5
and religious education, XII, 264
IO,CE Roebuck and, I, 154, 158
black and European complementary, as term of abuse, I, 294; VI, 161,377; X,
XIII, 404 301; XXIV, 761
English arrogance to supposedly inferior, views of. on commerce, XXXII, 20
XVI, 1136 WR and LWR as organ of, I, 93-101
importance of studying, XIII, 456 passim; XIV, 68; XVII, 1552;
influence of, XV, 691,889; XVI, 1093;
Pyrenees - reading 641
XXXII, 46 Chadwick on, XV, 961; XVI, 988-9:
young JSM meets, XII, 13 XVII, 1999
mentioned, I, 227,259; IV, 183; VI. and cost of production, II, 181; V, 675
164, 194, 243, 250, 317,341,342, divided responsibility in administration
469,481;XII, 83, 121,127,320;XV, of British, XXX. 177-8. 189
669,672; XVI, 1129, 1315. 1325, in France, XII, 192, 193
1355, 1396, 1409; XXI, 397; XYAII. in India, V, 517,525; XXX, 136-40
471,605,606.665,714: XXIV, 793; in Ireland, VI, 531; XVI, 1326
XXVIII, 364 and joint-stock pnnclple, II, 135-6
-as party m Parliament (1832-40) (VI, and progress of democracy, XVIH, 165,
467-79) 196
Canadian policy of VI, 413,434-5,451; public control of, necessary, II, 142; V.
XII, 336; XIII, 371 690, 730; VI, 327-8; XVII, 1598;
a disappointment, I, 203-5 (202--4); VI, XIX, 593
165,191,212, 345-7; XII, 223 return on capital in, V, 735; XXV, 1241
in 1837 elections, XII. 345; XVII, 1976 smoking in carriages of, XXVIH, 328,
elements constituting natural, VI, 333
406-7,467-79 passim, 495 speculative mania for (1845), II, 97; IH.
JSM attempts to form. I, 204. 221-3 653,750-1; XIII, 685-6
(220-2); XII, 323-4; XHI. 377. mentioned, XVIII, 290, 306; XIX. 601
380-3,396-7,426,430, 479; Rajpoot [Rajput] States, XVI, 1202; XXX,
xxvm, 29 153
leaderless and disorganized, VI, 165-6. Ramette, Forest of, XXVI, 49
314-15; XI1, 165,314 Rampore [Rampur], XVI, 1202; XXX,
members of, judged, VI, 327; XII, 166, 64-5, 152; XXXH. 290.1,294.1
170-1,242 Rankin, Messrs., XV, 639
principles and beliefs of, VI, 396-404 Ranters, XIII, 452
relation of to Whig ministry, VI, 383-9, Rathbone, Messrs., HI, 1091 (C)
395-6, 408-13; XlI. 240, 261, Ratiocination
316-17, 326, 327, 338, 360, 365; fallacies of, VIII, 803-8
XIII, 374, 376,400, 472; XVII, as second stage in deductive method,
1968, 1978; XXIV, 791 VII, 454,458-60, 462
-Philosophic See also Reasoning, Syllogism
character of, I, 103-11 (102-10) Rationalism, and religion. XII, 265; xm,
definition of, VI, 353 416,497
Fonblanque and, VI, 353-4, 361, Rationalists. Mansel's term for his
378-80; XII, 326; XIII, 369-70, 373 opponents, IX, 100, 101,107-8n
JM and, I, 213 (212), 594 Reading (Berks.), JSM visits, I, 150n;
in London Debating Society, I, 132, 133 XXVII, 478,495,496
LWR as organ of, I, 207-9 (206-8), Reading (of books)
221-3 (220-2); XII, 216; XIII. 370 character of, in England, XXII, 326-7.
See also Benthamism; Radicalism; 330; XXHI, 445-7 (XXV, 1253-5)
Reform, parliamentary; Reform Party; habits of superficial, in present age,
Utilitarianism XVIII, 134-5, 195; XXl, 53-4;
Railways XXVI, 411-12
Brazilian, XV, 956 and importance of a sympathetic reading
public, XXI, 58-9.60
642 Subject Index

[Reading] 392-3; XXl, 263

influence of periodicals on. XXVI, 416 not end in itself, X, 50
physical process of, IX, 257-8; XXXI. physiology of, XVII, 1786-7
139-40, 195 Plato's view of. X, 172; XI, 77n. 418,
suggested programme of, XVI, 1472-5 419
teaching of, XVII. 1549-50 poetry and, I, 417
value of, XVI, 1470; XXIX, 395, 399 in politics, IV, 369; VI, 154, 179, 469
Realism (literary), XX, 165 and religion, IX. 60-1, 135. 437,493;
Realism (philosophical) XI, 467
Berkeley and, XI, 458,463 Socrates' view of, XI, 309n, 424-5
and definition, VII, 144 (VIII, 1046) sufficient, VIII, 757-60; IX, 77n, 372.
developed from Aristotle, XI, 487,489, 407,445, 500-2
490 mentioned, I, 165-7 (164). 173 (172),
Hamilton's distinction between types of, 233 (232), 270, 332, 337; IX, 84,
IX, 151-2, 168 105n, 417,483,485; X, 397; XI, 431
and matter, IX, 196, 197, 198 See also Intellect, Rationalism, Rational-
still implicitly maintained. XI. 34. 227n ists, Ratiocination, Reasoning
-mediaeval Reasoning (VII, 157-279)
and essential qualities, IX, 336n Aristotle's treatise on dialectic, XI,
and existence of universals or general 505-9
substances, VII, 110-12 (VIII, Bentham on common modes of, I, 67
1017), 118, 174-5; IX, 301-2, 502; (66)
XI, 94-5 doctrine of, as comparison of two ideas
opposed by Nominalism, X, 271; XXVI, through medium of a third, VII, 606;
163-4 (G) IX, 342-7; XXXI, 175
mentioned, XI, 19,452; XXXI, 144 Hamilton's doctrine of, IX, 340, 342-7,
-natural 360-5
Hamilton on, IX, 13-14, 151, 153n, limitations of, I, 375-6
168-9, 173-5 logic as science and art of, VII, 4; IX,
and perception of primary qualities, IX, 316n, 342, 348,371; XI, 14-15, 30;
29n XXI, 237-8
mentioned, IX, 153 mathematical, I, 331; IX, 48,472-80
See also Aristotelians, Schoolmen passim; XI, 467-8; XXI, 235-6;
Reason XXVI, 356-7
appeal to, X, 74 Platonic, see Dialectic, Socratic or
Coleridge on understanding and, X, Platonic
125-6 as a road to truth, XXI, 234
and feeling, XXVI, 307 role of, in Hamilton's view of perception,
Hamilton on, IX, 61, 65n, 383n IX, 112, 119, 162
Heracleitus' doctrine of universal, XI, specific laws of, IX, 133, 374-80
426 syllogism not the type but the test of, VII,
and imagination, X, 42, 483-5 196-9 (VIII, 1073-5); IX, 370,
JM's confidence in, I, 105 (104), 109 390-1; XXXl, 175
(108) trains of. VII, 209-14 (vm, 1079-82)
JSM's confidence in, less, I, 615n, 616 two senses of word, VII, 4 (VIII, 961),
modem glorification of instinct over, X, 158 (VIII, 1053)
reading - reform, parliamentary 643

universal type of process of, VII, 202-3 Canning and. XXVI, 402-3
(VIII, 1077) and character of ideal reformer, XXVI,
Whately on, XI, 6-7, 32-3 344-5
mentioned, I, 338,421,615; IX, 301, conservative considerations on. X,
324, 338, 372n, 391n, 424; XI, 29, 151-3, 163
150, 344, 430 English and French contrasted, XX,
See also Deductive method, Induction, 297-300,329-30: XXII, 134,261-2,
Inference, Logic, Reason, Syllogism 283-4,288,303; XXIII, 358,457-8,
Rebellion. See Revolution 485-6,594-5,697
Received opinions by extension of suffrage, see Suffrage
difficulty of questioning, XVIII, 259; Gladstone and, XXVIII, 57-8,356,
XXI, 261-2 360, 365
value of questioning, XI, 248; XXVI, gradual effects of, V, 706-7
341,350,425-6 Gray's suggestions for. XV, 940-2
writers who flatter or outrage, XXVI, Hiekson on, XXIII, 404-5
413-14 in Ireland, XVI, 1397; XXVIII, 288
See also Authority, Custom JSM's commitment to, XXVI, 370-1 ;
Reciprocity (commercial), I, 121 (120); XXVIII, 15-17, 21, 30
VI, 123, 128-47 passim; XIII, 624 JSM's idea of acceptable, XVI, 1032,
Reconstruction. See under Civil War, 1215, 1266
American JSM's suggestions for in 1859, XlX,
Record Commission, XXlll, 617 313-39
Reflection, JM on, XXXI, 213-14 JSM's writings on, I, 261-3; XlV, 126:
Reform XV, 584, 731
importance of high goals in, XXII1, by measures against bribery, see
589-90,598-90,600,605-6; XXIV, Elections, bribery and corruption at
800, 947,948; XXV, 1103-4, 1109 by proportional representation, see
may injure private interests, XX, 119; Representation, Hare's scheme of
XXII, 25-6, 42 proportional
must not attempt more than people ready Reform League's plans for, XVl, 1151
for, VI, 482 Russell and, XXVIII, 57
revolutionary, often the most permanent, in Scotland, XVI, 1397; XXVIII, 281-3
XIV, 68 mentioned, I, 75 (74), 119 (118), 165
suggestions for articles on, XVI, 1221 (164), 263,279; IV, 191,195; XV,
and times of excitement, XXII, 145-6 977,979; XVI, 997, 1006, 1129,
See also Improvement; Reform, parlia- 1131, 1148, 1189; XVIII, 97, 162;
mentary; Reform Party XXII, 266, 268; XXIII, 502,556;
Reform, parliamentary (XXVI, 261-85) XXVI, 348
arguments for, before 1832, XXII, -movement for
64-6, 72-4; XXVI, 262-85.358-66, upto 1832, I, 101-3(102-4);VI, 312,
370-9 377-8; XXII, 80, 86.89; XXIH,
John Austin on, XIX, 348-52 461-2; XXV, 1262-3; XXVI, 270,
by ballot, see Ballot 400n
basic requirements of, XVIII, 25 1832-40, IV, 183; VI, 154-5, 185-6,
Bentham's role in initiating, X, 17, 263-4, 291-3,297, 301,321-2,
78-81, 102-4; xvm, 42n-3n 341-8,383-404 passim, 467-95
644 Subject Index

[Reform, parliamentary - movement for] -1867 Bill and Act for

passim; XIl, 238,240, 241,317; and candidates' committees, XXVIII,
XIII, 376; XXIII, 488,507-9, 205-6
534-5,600, 620; XXIV, 767-8, and compound householders, XVI,
797-801 1267, 1268; XXVIII, 146-51,
in 1848, XXV, 1101-9 167-70, 175-6
in 1850s, XIV, 103, 147, 157, 160-1, JSM's speeches on, I, 284-5
174-5,186; XV, 607,626-7,654-5; Liberal responsibility for, XXVIII,
XIX, 343; XXVII, 662 170-1,355-6
in 1860s, I, 278; XV, 699,904; XVI, and payment of election expenses,
1012-13, 1154, 1167-8, 1186, 1193, XXVIII, 194-6
1247-8, 1262, 1284-5; XVII, and redistribution, XXVIII, 197-201
2012-13; XXVIII, 34-5,100-4, 114 and representation of minorities, XVI,
(see also Hyde Park) 1253, 1256--7; XXVIII, 176-7,
-1831-32 Bills and Act for 186-7,211; XXXII, 188
agitation for, XlI, 77-8, 100 results of, V, 706-7; XVI, 1366, 1378,
anticipated results of, XXlI, 276-7, 1486; XXVIII, 273,291-2, 320-4,
326-7 336, 338-9,359. 368
effect of, VI, 151, 161,191,284, 299, tactics during debate on, XVI, 1276;
312-13; XlX, 635; xxm, 601; xxvIII, 143, 145
xxIv. 846 and use of voting papers, XXVIII, 232
and election at Christchurch, XXVII, and women's suffrage, XXVIII, 161
599-601 See also Constitution, Improvement,
as final measure, XII, 360; Xlll, 377; Radicals, Reform League, Reform Party
XVII, 1991 Reform Club, XII, 298
rejection of, by House of Lords, XII, 75; Reform League
XXIH, 358 1866 meeting of in Hyde Park, I, 278;
and spirit of innovation, IV, 369; XXIV, XVI, 1186; XXVIII, 96, 99-100,
846 101-4, 114
Tory view of, criticized, VI, 338-40, and Hare's scheme, XVI, 1341
342; XXIV, 764-5 JSM supports work of, XVI, 1291-2
Wakefield on Parliamentary reception of, its programme, partially endorsed by
XXIV, 790 JSM, XVI, 1151, 1154, 1247-8;
mentioned, XIII, 544; XX. 192 XVII, 2010, 2011-12
-1866 Bill for (XXVIH, 54-69) mentioned, XVI, 1429, 1458, 1471,
demand for, XXVIII, 54-6 1479, 1484, t497; XXVIII, 219
and enfranchisement of labouring class, Reform Party (1830s) (VI, 467-503)
XXVIII, 59-69 (XXIX, 599-603), Durham as leader of, VI, 443,447-9,
85 463,481; XII, 241-2; XIII, 390, 391
JSM's speech on, I, 277-8 falsely called Destructives, XXIV,
as makeshift, XVI, 1169 761-3
prospects of, XVI, 1138-9 JSM's idea of a, VI, 467-503
tactics during debate on, XXVIII, 56-61 JSM's idea put aside, Xlll, 429-30
(XlX, 599), 68, 84, 87-90 as Movement Party, VI, 191,194-5,
mentioned, XXXII, 165-6, 169 284-5, 346, 347-8
relation of to Radicals, VI, 389
reform, parliamentary. - religion 645

The Times and, VI, 224-5 meaning of, IX, 54

mentioned, VI, 353,385,386,389,390, See also Attributes
461,463 Relativity of human knowledge. See under
See also Liberals; Radicals; Reform, Knowledge
parliamentary; Whigs Religion (X, 369-489)
Reformation (Protestant) affectation of, in national fast, XXIV,
basically struggle for liberty of thought, 1073-5
I, 45 (44); III, 762; XVIII, 243; in America, XVIII, 90, 99, 177, 178
XXII, 306 of ancient Greeks, XI, 274-90 passim,
Catholic reaction to. VI, 491; XX, 249 332,335-6; XXIV, 869-71
and Church lands, VI, 23 associated with calumny. XXVI, 422
distinguished women during, XXI, 402 attitude of, to study of nature, X. 381-3
(HTM) changing attitude of critics of. X, 429-32
and doctrine of necessity, IX. 440 as crust encircling mind, I, 337
era of eminent monarchs, XIX, 437 decay of, and rise of philosophy, X, 42n.
historical significance of, I, 171 (170); 127, 144
XVIII, 162; XX, 244; XXU, 313 and doctrine of immortality, see
and Reform Act, IV, 369 Immortality
religion and politics during, XX, 346 dogma condemned in, XII, 210. 264-5,
suppressed many times before Luther, 270
XVIII, 238 as enemy to human progress, XXVI,
mentioned, I, 473; X, 317, 32 l; XIV, 68; 260, 349-51,353-4,425-6; XXVII.
XVIII, 143; XX. 230. 240; XXI, 228, 653,657
315; XXII, 70; XXV, 1181; XXVI. English, see under Chrastianity
426; XXXI, 373 in France, XII, 76, 192, 193; XIV, 257;
Refugees, political, XVII, 1883 XIX, 611-12; XX, 189,220; XXII.
Registration 274-5
of births, deaths, and marriages, VI, 153, freedom of belief and discussion in, I, 47
180, 196,231,323 (46), 89 (88); VI, 63, 166; XV, 979;
for elections. VI, 232; XVI, 1129; XVI, 1033; XVIII, 222, 226-7,
XXVIII, 147, 289 237-41n, 259,284-6, 289-90; XIX,
of land, HI, 885; VI, 223-4 586, 611-12; XXI, 6, 8, 13-14,275;
of seamen, VI, 180 XXII, 10-13; XXIV, 1020-3
of workmen, XIV, 89 functions of, fulfilled by non-
Reigate, plants in vicinity of, XXXI, 261n, supernatural religion, X, 332-3,
269-75 422-8; XlH, 560
Relation hope rather than belief appropriate in. X,
and the Absolute, IX, 38-41,43, 53, 482-9
91-4, 99n and human development, XVIII, 265
in Aristotle's Categories, VII, 47: XI, imaginative conjecture rather than belief
494 appropriate in, XVI, 1195-6
Bain on knowledge and, XI, 372; XV, an immoral God the saunbling-block in,
936 I, 270; IX, 90, 103; XV, 754, 758-9;
concepts and, IX, 305,306, 308 XVI, 1079
JM on terms of, XXXI, 181-91,197-9 in India, European attitude to native,
646 Subject Index

[Religion] unbelievers in. may be moral. I. 47-9

XVIII. 240n-In; XIX. 570; XXX. (46-8); VI. 245-7; X. 200; XVIII.
81. 124-5. 142 239-40; XXII. 22-3; XXV. 1182-3
in Irish education question, see Ireland. usefulness of. I. 73 (72); X. 403-22
education in weak security for trustworthy evidence.
invalidity of tests and exclusion on XXH. 14-15.46-8; XXXI. 19-21.
grounds of. XIV. 40. 206-7; XVI. 54
1033; XVlII. 210; XlX. 655-6; women and. XXI. 330. 339; XXIX.
XXV. 1135-8; XXVI. 403-4. 422 389-90
(see also Catholic emancipation) mentioned. I. 7 (6). 69 (68). 162. 181.
JSM declines to answer questions on his. 185. 233. 423.424n. 427.466. 468.
I. 274; XVI. 1478. 1483-4; XXVIII. 488.497; X. 125; XIH. 465. 663;
3'8 XIV. 190; XV. 759; XVll. 1563;
JSM's discussed by Press. XVI. xvm. 77.80. 179. 187. 194; KIX.
1068-70. 1081 382.394. 407.413.551; XX. 232;
JSM's ideas on. XII. 168; XV. 709. XXI. 21. 293.379. 383; xxvm. 36
754-5 -attitude to. of
JSM's lack of. when young. 1.45-7 Berkeley. XI. 465-7
(44-6); XIII. 560 Bradlaugh. I. 289; XVI. 1449. 1492.
and nationality. XIX. 546. 553 1500. 1522-3
natural, see Natural theology Coleridge. X. 158-62
need for universal. XVI. 1499-1500 Comte. X. 269-70. 332-3; XIV. 126
neither science nor art. IX. 350 W.J. Fox. XXIII. 555-6
new controversies m. XV. 889 French philosophers. XX. 66-7.73n.
old being discredited, new needed. I. 102n. 183. 220
245-7 (244-6) Hume. IX. 499n
open attack on. to be avoided. XIII. 657. JM. I. 41-5 (40--4). 49. 109 (108).
671 211 (210)
and philosophical realism. IX. 302 Mansel. IX. 90
and poetry. XlH. ,166 Plato. XI. 406. 413. 415
proof of. IX. 132. 134. 193. 439. 493 Saint Simonians. XH. 194
(see also God. existence of) Herbert Spencer. XVI. 1210-11
question of. in education, see under See also Atheism. Christianity. God.
Education ,_ Religion of humani_ty. Theology. and
question of outward conformity to tests individual religions
of. XXXII. 180-1. 185 ._..Religion of humanity
selfish. XIX. 401 capable of replacing supernatural
so-called, perverts morality. XIV. 53; religion. X. 420-8; xm. 560.738-9;
XXIII. 558-9 XXVII. 646. 654. 661
as source of morality formerly, XXII, Comte's ridiculous elaboration of, I,
305-7, 312-13 221; X, 341-68passim
state's role in, see under Church and figure of Christ, X, 486-9
and superstition, XXVII, 651,659 noble ideal, X, 332-41
teaching of, I, 460; VI, 226-9; XH, 264; mentioned, X, 328
XIV, 38-9; XVI, 1134, 1468-9; Reminiscence
xvm, 144, 146, 303; XXI, 67.72, Aristotle on, XI, 496-7
247-8,249-50; XXHI, 731; XXIV, Cardaillac on, IX, 281n; XXXI, 193-6
818-20; XXVI, 355
religion - representation, Hare's scheme 647

Plato's doctrine of, XI, 422-3,430 1010, 1019

Renaissance mentioned, XXIV, 895-6,965,981,
value of, XXVI, 257-8 993, 1032
mentioned, XXI, 316 Representation (political) (XVIII, 17-46)
Rent (H, 416-29) of agricultural labourers, XIX, 316:
a consequence of the limited quantity of XXVIII, 198-200
land, II, 29, 416-17 Bailey on need for popular, XVHI.
and cost of capital improvements. IV, 17-23
178-9; V, 452n-3n of classes, XV, 600; XVIH, 43-6; XIX,
determination of, in London, XXIX, 326n, 355-7,465; XXVI, 365-6,
439-42 375-7; XXVIII, 30, 61-3 (XXIX,
effect of custom on, II, 240-2; XXX, 600-2)
227 and delegation, XH, 288; VIII, 74.80,
expenditure of, I, 388 83; XIX, 504, 511
extra-profit analogous to, HI, 494-5 of labouring class, see Labouring class.
ground, IH, 494, 833-5; IV, 268 parliamentary representation of
how affected by tax on agricultural of minorities, see Minority, representa-
produce, HI, 841-3; IV, 50-2 tion of, and subhead below
in India, II, 240-1,320; XVI, 1407; of rehgions, XVI, 1457
XXVIH, 357; XXX, 104-5,222-3 should be co-extensive with taxation,
in Irish cottier system, II, 313-19; VI, XV. 609; XVI, 1163-4; XIX, 471-2.
501,502, 527; XXlV, 889-97.900. 536; XXV1H, 152-3; XXlX, 403-4
905-6, 997, 1012-13, 1015; XXV. should involve plural voting, see Plural
1115; XXXl, 409 voting
Malthus on value and, XXII, 51, 57 of towns, XXVIII, 197-8,200-1
in mining and fishing, HI, 492-4; IV, virtual. XXVI, 449; XXVHI, 158-9
179; XXXI, 408 See also specific constituencies
not part of cost of production. II, 58, -Hare's scheme of proportional (personal)
428-9; HI, 487,490-2; IV. 177-8 (XIX, 453-66)
under peasant proprietorship, HI, 500; and counting of votes, XV, 599, 613
V, 448 and cumulative vote, XXIX, 409-11
and progress, III, 719-23,729-32; IV, cures main drawback of present
174-7 representative institutions, I. 262-3;
Ricardian theory of, II, 417-28; HI, XV, 598,653-4, 839-40. 843; XV1,
697-8; IV, 30, 42-3,151n-2n. 1105-6, 1514; XXVIH, 37
164-74, 179-80; V, 447-8 and 1866-67 Reform Bills, XVI. 1t69,
Adam Smith's theory of, defective, IV, 1215, 1322; XXXH, 188
163-4, 168-9 ensures government by majority, XV,
taxation of, HI, 825-6, 833-7 626; XXVIH, 207-11
taxation of unearned increase in, HI, explained and defended, XIX, 358-70,
819-22;V, 690-2;XVII, 1750, 1840; 453-65; XXVHI, 12-13,176-87,
XXV, 1233-4, 1238-43; XXIX, 239-42
422-3,426, 428-30 JSM's support for, I, 276.284,288; XV,
mentioned, I, 257; IV, 50; XXVI, 325 668-9, 672,969; XVI, 1243-4, 1253,
See also Land tenure, Landlords 1273, 1277; XVII, 1535; XIX, 339n;
Repeal Association (Irish) XXXII, 159
waste land scheme of, XXIV, 994-7, and local representation, XV. 620
648 Subject Index

[Representation - Hare's scheme] Repudiation

practical modifications of. XVI, 1249; of U.S. national debt, proposed, XVI,
XVII, 1729 1100, 1376. 1434, 1441-8, 1466;
progress of, XV, 682, 693-4,919, 940, XVII, 1540
952,954-5,958; XVI, 1015-16, of U.S. states' bonds, Ill, 813, 865;
1020-1, 1060, 1063, 1132, 1301, Xlii, 506, 516; XV, 741; XVI, 1445;
1420; XIX, 465n-6n; XXXlI, 126-7, XlX, 336, 494; XXI, 140-1
188 Repulsion, Hamilton on, IX, 423n-4n
in U.S.A., XV, 844, 891; XVI, 1016, Resemblance
1216, 1314, 1322 as asserted in propositions, VII, 102-5;
mentioned, I, 289; XV, 618.905,966; VIII, 1023n, 1025, 1027-8
XVI, 998, 1039, 1048, 1129, 1260, association by, IX, 251n, 264, 312; XI,
1284, 1342, 1532; XIX, 373n, 477, 347,359-61; XXXI, 120-1, 158
495,536; XXVIII, 21 (XXlX. 595), and classification, XXXI, 143-4
347; XXXII, 151,233 Hamilton on, in concepts. IX, 303, 308
See also Elections; Government, represen- JM on, XXXI, 183-5
tative; Suffrage mathematics provides principal laws of,
Representative Reform Association, XVII, VII, 607-8
1717, 1770; XXIX, 397 nature of, VII, 70-2, 74, 76; VIII, 1002
Republican Party (U.S.A.) statements of inherent in descriptions,
beliefs of, XXI, 132-4 VIII, 645
mentioned, XVI, 1466 as subject of science, VII, 605-7
Republicans See also Comparison, Similarity
in England, VI, 240-1 Resentment. X, 249
JSM's group called, XXVI, 359 Resistance (physical)
-French and existence of matter, IX, 167n, 201,
in French Revolution (1789), XX, 213-16
77-81, 85, 94--5, 98-109 JM on, XXXI, 108-9
in July monarchy. XII, 193, 195; XX, Herbert Spencer on, XXXI, 205
198-202, 203-9; XXlI. 149, 151-2, voluntary motion and, IX. 299-300
208,298,309; XSIII, 338,407, 658, mentioned. IX. 5.217,293n
661-2, 696-7,704. 737-8 Resistance (political)
persecution of by Louis Philippe, Y.XII, ER's attitude to, I, 294-5
302,303; xxm, 396-7,403,482-4, Charles Fox on. I, 177 (176)
505,683 need for, X, 108-9
in Revolution of 1848, XI/I, 731. 733; Resources, natural, XVI, 1319
XX, 330-3,335-7, 354, 357; XXV, Respectability, XXl, 333
1111, 1117 Restinclitres, I, 59 (58); XXVI, lln,
subsequent to 1848, XlV, 12; XV, 929; 41-2, 130-t, 134-5, 140
XVlI, 1913 Restoration (English), VI, 56, 58
mentioned, XX, 127; XXIII, 671,672 Restoration (French). See under France,
Republics government of
palriotism in. XVIII, 182 Retailers. See Distribution, retail
role of aristocracy in, xvm, 26 Revelation (X, 468-81 )
selection of executive in, SIX, 428, arguments for, IX, 192-3,439
524-5 authenticity of, IX, 107n-8n
mentioned, XVIII, 87, 226
representation, Hare's scheme - rights 649

Coleridge's views on, X, 159-60 Rewards

evidence for, examined, X, 468-81 Biber on, in education, XXI, 68, 69-70
example of unaccomplished prediction of intellectual endeavour, XXI, 257 (see
in. X, 412 also Patents)
and man's alterations to nature, X, 381-2 less efficacious than punishments, IX,
practical morality of, indefinite, X, 65 459n
mentioned, I, 41 (40), 73 (72); IX, 103 Rhetoric
See also Christianity. Religion Aristotle's theory of, IX, 350n; XI, 478,
Reviews (of books). See under Books 504-5
Revolution in House of Commons, XXVI, 36,*-5
English hostility to, X, 142; XXVII, Milton on poetry and. I, 414n
644,662 Plato's attitude towards, XI, 394-7. 407
fear of, XXII, 296-7 Smart on, XXIII, 429-35
a French abstraction, XVII, 1910-12 mentioned, XI, 288,298,330, 393;
hero's role in, XX, 160 XXI, 175
for an idea, VI, 509 See also Eloquence, Oratory, Style
justification of, VI, 416; X, 137-8; XVI, Rhineland
1248, 1275; XX, 118-20; XXII, agriculture in, H, 265-6, 291n; XXIV,
176-7; XXV, 1118; XXVI, 343, 968-71,975-6, 1047
347-8; XXVIII, 166; XXXI, 365 JSM visits, I, 87; XH, 267
moral and social, XVIII, 126, 161; XX, Rhodes, Xl, 323-4,510
297-8; XXH, 245,253; XXV, 1203 Rich, their relation to poor, see under Poor
punishment of, XXIV, 802-3 Riding
suppression of, XXVIH, 111 - 12 (see exhibition of, XXVI, 36, 37
also Jamaica) JSM practises, XXXII, 44
threat of as check, XVIH, 218; XIX, JSM's lessons in, XXVI, 46-60 passim
608; XXVI, 332, 334,379 Right of search (naval), XVI, 1153, 1199,
times of, XX, 200, 359-60; XXVIII, 1315; XVII, 1763; XXIV, 842-4;
211 xxvm, 221-7; XXIX, 412-13
mentioned, XIX, 313,415; XX, 14, 178, Right to work, possible in future, XXXH,
204n; XXII, 42 75. See also Ateliers nationaux and
See also Political offences Poor Law
Revolution of 1640s (English). See Civil Rights
War and Commonwealth, English Bentham on collation and non-collation
Revolution of 1688 (English) of, XXXI, 12
and criticism of government, XXI, 17, Blackstone on absolute, XXI, 195
18 codification of, XXII, 61, 70-2
Doctrinaires' admiration for, XXIII, and expediency, XXVIH, 152
512,513 of the individual, XVIII, 222
effects of, XXH, 132-4, 151,224-5 JSM repudiates tyrannical, XXI, 99
nature of, XXIX, 417 legal, XXI, 55-6, 178-81, 195-202;
mentioned, VI, 56,244; XIV, 68; XVI, XXXI, 88
1275;XX, 81,186; XXIV, 797; XXV, meaning of, VIII, 817-18; X, 250;
1181; XXVI, 269,427 XVIH, 8-10
Revolutions of 1789, 1830, 1848 (French). of nations, see Law, international
See French Revolution natural or abstract, VIII, 889; X, 299;
XVIH, 43
650 Subject lndex

[Rights] in controversy with Sardinia, XIV, 299

of property, see Property, rights of doctrines of, VI, 82; X, 382,480; XVIII,
punishment as protection of just, IX, 232, 246; XXVI, 260
459-62 in election of 1868, XVI, 1507
reciprocal, and general happiness, XV, and Elizabeth I, XVII, 1633
762 and exclusion of confessional evidence,
recognition of, as society progresses, XXXI, 65
XIX, 593; XXI, 264, 266 in France, XIX, 408; XX, 73n, 174,189;
society's enforcement of respect for, XXII, 132, 215,224, 274-5
XVIII, 276,279,288; XXI, 329 in Ireland, see under Roman Catholics
of the state, XIX, 597; XXI, 91-2 JSM's impressions of, while travelling,
mentioned, XIX, 586; XXI, 152 XIV, 291,297,346-7
-of particular groups in Middle Ages, I, 219; X, 42n, 299,
British subjects, XXI, 423-4,434 408; XIII, 602; XVII, 1692; XVIII,
husbands, XXV, 1173-6. 1186 160; XX, 32,239-54 passim, 272-3,
Negroes, XXl, 87, 90, 92, 93 290, 383,388, 389-92; XXI, 266,
slaves, XXI, 138. 266 283; XXII, 305-6; XXIV, 819
states in America, XIX, 484,556; XXI, and morality, XXII, 23; XXXI, 19
136-8, 160 and over-population, II, 292, 368
women, XXI, 270-1,284-6, 292-3, persecuted, XVIII, 177; XXIV, 1020-3
297,386-8,396-404 (HTM), 415 property of, IV, 209-10, 211-12
(HTM) and Protestantism, X. 161,321; XV,
-political 759, 763,771; XVIII, 255
democracy and, XVIII, 53, 184, 188, seeks exclusive devotion, XI, 438
190; XIX. 404 in Spain, xvm, 285; XXXI, 291
educative effect of, XIX, 322-3 spiritual account-keeping in, XIV, 284
growth of, XVIII, 218 as state church, XXVI, 426
for labouring classes, XVIII, 166 under the Stuarts, VI, 10, 12-13, 20-1,
qualification for, XIX, 327-8,472,479 24, 25
mentioned, XIX, 316, 345 in Switzerland, XXIV, 986
See also Suffrage Tory attitude to, XXXI, 360-1
Ritualists, XVI, 1500 universities of, XXI, 250
Rlsqu6, for once JSM is, VIII, 696n women and, XKI, 333,412 (HTM)
Roads, construction of in India, XXX, mentioned, I, 173 (172), 383,465,615;
131-5 IV, 49; VI, 88n, 491; XVIII, 191;
Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers, XIX, 442, 570; XX, 186, 223,346;
m, 786-90, 794n; XV, 546,569; XXII, 317; XXllI, 606; XXVI, 24,
XXVIII, 29 422
Rockism, VI, 513; XXIV, 892, 895,956, See also Catholic Association, Catholic
992 emancipation, Christianity, Religion,
Roman Catholic Church Roman Catholics
authority of, XXII, 305-7, 312 Roman Catholics
and Canon Law on legitimacy, XXXII, and Church of England, VI, 394,
42-3 489-90; XIII, 415
Comte and, X, 309, 310,324, 338, 343, devotional feelings of, I, 354n
345 of England, VI, 77
rights - Rouen 651

of Ireland, VI, 84-7, 169,335n-7n. philosophers of, and practicality, IV,

495. 507-8,523-4; XVl, 1101-2, 334n
1313-14, 1134, 1184, 1284, 1465; slavery in. H, 17, 246; XIX, 395; XXI,
XVII, 1588, 1593; XXI, 309; XXIV, 151-2,286, 294,379
986; XXVIII. 277 mentioned, I, 412n, 471; IX, 17, 321; X,
mentioned, IV, 422; VI, 312,479,493, 34n-5n; XI, 170n, 274, 284,289,
494,521,530; IX, 165n; XVI, 1156, 313,321,337n, 510; XIX, 514; XX,
1499 269; XXH, 294. 321
See also Catholic Association, Catholic -government of
emancipation, Ireland, Roman Catholic aristocracy and Senate in, Xl, 324;
Church XVlII, 23 (XIX, 649), 79, 110, 175,
Roman Empire 203; XIX, 347.437-8,439,516,
benefits of, XX, 236; XXI, 119; XXV, 604; XX, 176,282-3,307,385-6;
1097 XXVI, 283,342-3,345-7
Charlemagne and, XX, 280,393 ballot in, XIX, 490; XXII, 194-5; XXV,
Christianity in, XVIII. 238, 249 1215
and city of Palmyra, I, 437-61 passim decline of, XXH. 279; XXIII, 726
conquest of, by barbarians, I, 436; rule of fittest in, XXH, 253, 291-4
XVlII, 191; XIX, 376 mentioned, XXVl, 367
decline and fall of, H, 16-17,114, 164; -histories of
XIX, 401; XX, 263-6 by ancient historians, XXVl, 341
and effect of despotism of Caesars, XIX, evaluated, XX, 136, 232,368-9
443-4 JSM reads, I, 11 (10), 15 (14-16). 26
and feeling of common country, X, JSM's, I, 17 (16), 542-6
135n-6n and Macaulay's poems, I. 526-8
legacy of, XX, 271-2. 382-3 Niebuhr's, XI, 276-7,304,328,
mentioned, X, 34n-5n, 132; XVIII, 329-30; XX, 232
123; XX, 246; XXVI, 424; XXX, 164; Wilson's, XXIII, 663-4
XXXI, 289 See also Ancient history, Ancients,
See also Ancients, Rome Classics, Latin, Roman Empire
Romance Rome (modern)
and history, Vl, 3; XX, 48, 55, 76, 104, and conception of On Liber_, I, 249;
108, 184-5,225,226 XIV, 294
view of chivalry in, XX, 28, 33-4, 43 JSM at, XlV, 290-314
Romanticism, I, 465; XX, 183 republic of, XVl, 1033
Rome (ancient) and united Italy, XV, 798
Cataline's conspiracy in, XXVI, 342-8 view from, XXXI, 287-8
Comte's view of, X, 362; XII, 37 mentioned, IV, 274
education in, I, 335 Romping Downs, XXVII, 498
gods of, XI, 305n Roorkee, Thomason Civil Engineering
law of, see Law, Roman College at, XXX, 136
liberty and authority in, XVIII, 217 Rothay, River, XXVH. 519
literature of, and Greek literature, I, Rothschild, house of, V, 526
531-2; XXI, 316; XXVH, 663 Rotterdam, corn trade at, IV. 58-60
national character of, XIII, 484; XXI, Rouen, effect of sojourners in Paris on, IV,
309 274
652 Subject Index

Roundheads, XX, 135 expected war with (1859), XV, 619,628

Royal Academy of Art, XXVIII, 160 exports of corn from, H, 32; IV, 56-7,
Royal Geographical Society, XXXII, 60, 64
104-5 and France, XIII, 452; XX, 314
Royal Horticultural Society, XV, 937,948; and Hungary, XV, 533; XXI, 124; XXV,
XXXII, 146-7, 148 1142-4
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty improvement in, XV, 805-6
to Animals, XVI, 1285, 1423-4; lack of chivalry in history of, XIX, 612
XXXI, 333,334 and Poland, XXlII, 423,659; XXV,
Royal Society of Literature, XXH, 318 1202-4; XXXI, 376
Royal Society of London protection in, IV, 67, 256
and Charles 1I, Vl, 255 repudiation of Treaty of Paris by (1870),
and_ational culture, X, 149 I, 626; XVII, 1775-84 passim; XXI,
mentioned, XXVI, 25n 343-8; XXV, 1223-6
Royalists seizure of British ship by, XXXI, 345-9,
British, in 17th century, VI, 36, 46, 53 358
in France of Bourbons and Lores serfs in, II, 17, 248; IV, 373: V, 752
Philippe, I, 465-6; XX, 176-8, 179. and Turkey, XII, 31; XIV, 136; XXIII.
189-91; XXII, 125-7. 139,269; 423,659,665
XXHI, 513. 516, 524 weak desire of accumulation in. H, 192
in French Revolution (1789), XX, 71. women in, XVI, 1527-28; XXI, 271
76n. 81, 85n. 86-96passim, 101,109 mentioned, I, 490; VI, 326,520 (538);
mentioned, I, 487; VI, 50, 54, 56 IX, 64n; XVI, 1123, 1126; XVII,
Rules 1806, 1983; XVIII, 123; XIX, 346,
dominance of, in England, XXI, 313 550,567n; XX, 344; XXIV, 891,950:
judicial, XXI, 84, 188-93; XXX, 73, XXX, 217; XXXH, 188
77, 78, 82 See also Crimean War
moral, superfluous for higher natures, Rydal, JSM visits, XXVII, 519-20
XXI, 39 Ryde, JSM visits, XXVII, 568,570
value of, XXI, 239-40 Ryotwar [Ryotwari] system of land tenure,
Ruling classes. See Aristocracy. Upper XIV, 114; XXV, 1196; XXX, 97,
classes 101, 102
as agricultural country, VI, 514 SABAEISM.See Manichaeanism
Asiatic or European power? XXXII, Sabbatarianism. See Sunday
101-2 Sabines, I, 542-3,545
bureaucracy in, XVIII, 307; XIX, 437, Sadism, X, 398
439 Saffron Walden, JSM at, XVI, 1280-1
and the Caucasus, XVI, 1199; XXXI, St. Andrews, University of
345-58 Bain candidate for professorship at,
Church in, despotic, XX, 243,270, 273 XVII, 1999
at Congress of Vienna, XV, 652 JSM elected Rector of, XVI, 1122-3,
emancipation of serfs in, XIX, 382,417, 1127-8
590; XXVIII, 257 prize essays for, XVII, 1552-3, 1573-4
expansion of in Asia, XIH, 451,462; rectorial address to, I, 287; XVI, 1162,
XVII, 1980; XXXI, 347 1227-8, 1230, 1235, 1237, 1238;
R oundheads - Sardinm 653

XVII, 1674; XXI, 217 108-10; XXlII, 442-7 (XXV,

mentioned, XV, 639, 670; XVI, 1308, 1251-5) passim
1332, 1396 reception of in England, XII, 50, 71,
St. Austell, XXVII, 618 72-3, 90-6 passim
St. Blazey, XXVII, 617 supposed rebirth of (1834), XXIII,
St. Catherine's Hill (Isle of Wight), 674-5,689-90
XXVII, 586 on women, XIV, 298; XVII, 1609;
Saint-Chinian, XXVI, 121 xxm, 678-80
st. Cloud, XXlII, 418 mentioned, I, 179 (178), 372; Xll, 49,
St. Cyr, XX, 172, 178 76, 95,105,125,203,223,231; XIII.
St. Domingo, I, 308 363,413,415,473,502, 590; XIV,
Saint-Gaudens, XXVI, 110, 111 105; XV, 870; XlX, 396; XXIII,
St. Helier. JSM at, XlV, 209-11 653,722
St. Jean d'Acre, XX, 346 See also Saint Simonians
St. John's River, XXIV, 835 St. V6ran, JSM's house and property at,
St. Just, XXVII, 631 XV, 575,582, 604, 613,663,747,
St. Lawrence (Isle of Wight), XXVII, 580, 791-2,904; XVI, 1141, 1347,
585 1354-5; XVII, 1548-9
St. Lawrence River, navigation of, VI, 433. Salt, taxation of in India, XXX, 106-7, 160
458 Same
St. Mark's School, XVI, 1304 ambiguity in word, VII, 71-2 (VIII,
St. Mawes, XXVII, 621 1002); VIII, 814-16; XI, 447,465n
St. Michael's Mount, XXVII, 622-3, as applied to attributes, VII, 178n-9n
632-4 Sanctions
St. Pancras (parish), XXlX, 394, 494-7. John Austin on legal, XXl, 176, 181.
498 183,199
St. Paul's Cathedral, XXIII, 419 of morality, X, 227-33; XXI, 329
St. Peter's (Rome), XlV, 294, 295. 297, seen by Bentham as political, rehgious,
300 and moral, X, 97
St. Ports, I, 59 (58); XXVI, 118, 119, 120n See also Punishment
Saint Simonians Sand (in geology), XXVII, 572,582,
at M_nilmontant, XII, 106 583-4
their prosecution and trial (1832), XIl. Sandhnrst, Royal Military College at, I, 21;
119-20, 129, 133, 146; XXIII, 403, XVI, 1367; XXVII, 478,497
417,418,509-10 Sandown, XXVII, 572,581-4
their subsequent careers, XII, 139-40, Sandstone (in geology), XXVII, 504-5
150, 193-4; XXIII, 676-7 Sanitary Commission (U.S.A.), XV, 938.
See also Saint Simonism 961; XXV, 1205; XXIX, 406
Saint Simonism (xxm, 674-80) Sanitary Movement. See Public health
Comte and, XlI, 35, 37-8 Sanscrit College (India), XXX, 144
evaluation of, II, 203,210-11 (III, Saracens, XI, 284; XIV, 344; XX, 44,277;
980-2); XI1, 40-3.88-9, 150-1; XXXI, 352-3
XV, 869; XVII, 1726; XXlII, 403, Sardinia, Kingdom of Piedmont and
675-8 controversy of, with Church, XIV, 299
JSM's attitude to, I, 171-5 (168n, in Crimean War, XIV, 301; XV, 533
170-4,614), 257; XII, 45-7, 71, and France, XV, 593,737
654 Subject lndex

[Sardinia] Schleswig-Holstein question, XV, 917;

and Milan, XX, 345 XVI, 1197
and Savoy, XXIV, 989 Scholasticism. See Schoolmen
Sattara, deposition of Rajah of, XXX, 34-5 School boards. See under Schools
Savages, always liars, X, 395. See also School inspectors, XXI, 211,212, 213-14
Barbarians Schoolmen
Savings (V, 408-29) their conception of logic, VII, 5 (VIII,
banks for, V, 426; XII, 31 962); Xl, 18-20
and consumption, IV, 17-18,263,278 their superiority in technical language.
fund from which taken, II, 160-1 VII, 18, 29 (VIII, 976); VIII, 815
and rate of interest, V, 610 theory of logic retrograded since their
taxation of, V, 476-9,491-4,498,553, time, VIH, 1013
558,564-70, 586-9,592, 597-8; usefulness of their logic, XXI, 239-40
XV, 746-7,756, 757; XVI, 1338; mentioned, I, 335-6; IX, 7,151,485,
XVII, 1933 494; XXI, 235
use of labouring class's, V, 410-12, -their ideas on
423-5 classification, VII, 46-7 (VIH, 989);
mentioned, XVI, 1389 XI, 23-7, 94-5; XVI, 1438
See also Capital, accumulation of concrete and abstract, VII, 29 (VIII,
Savoy 976)
France threatens, XV, 676, 679 connotation, VII, 4Oh-In (VIR, 978);
peasant proprietors in, XXIV, 989 VIII, 985
Saxons, VI. 353; XI, 273,301: XX, 263, deduction and induction, XI, 11-14
277,278; XXIV, 915. See also definition, VII, 140; VIII, 674; XI, 28
Anglo-Saxons essential and accidental, VII, 110-12,
Sca Fell, XXVII, 546.548 114 (VIII, 1017, 1019); IX, 336n, 502
Scale Force, XXVII, 547 fallacy, VIII. 805
Scandinavia. See Denmark, Norway, predicables, VII, 119-32; XI, 22, 23,
Sweden 27n
Scepticism relation, VII, 68 (VIH, 997)
Berkeley against, XI, 463 substances, VII, 55-6, 58 (VIII, 992,
Heraclitus', XI, 426 994), 110, 112; VIII. 815
Hume's, IX, 498n-9n true propositions, VII, 971
meaning of philosophical, IX, 6-7.383n words, VII, 25 (VIII, 974)
Plato and, XI, 431,438 See also Aristotelians, Nominalists,
rarity of true, XXVI, 302 Realism
and validity of knowledge, IX, 125-30, Schools
134, 140 and centralization of school boards,
mentioned, I, 447; XI, 248,370 XXIX, 393-6
-religious charity, XH, 233; XXI, 73-4
defence of, XXV, 1182-3 function of, distinguished from universi-
Hamilton distinguishes from philosophi- ties'. XXl, 219
cal, IX, 134n, 193 infant, I, 31)6-7; XXI, 70-3; XXVI,
JSM's, I, 73 (72), 181 (180), 197 (196, 326, 427; XXVII, 465
620) international, XVI, 1087, 1184
modern, often truly religious, I, 47 (46) Lancasterian, XX, 189; XXI, 68-71,
See also Atheism, Freethinkers
Sardinia - science, physical 655

385; XXIII, 360-1,456; XXV, and the inconceivable, VII, 239-40;

1222-3; XXVI, 427; XXVIII, 362; VIII, 753-6; IX, 67-8, 145,288-9:
XXlX, 383 X, 301; XXXI, 165
large, advantage of, V, 627; XV, 721; in JSM's development, I, 21 ( 20 ), 123- 7
XXL 212-13; XXIX, 392-3 (122-6)
National, XIV, 39; XV. 552; XXl. logic and, IX, 368-9; XXVI, 131-2
67-8, 71; XXVlII, 362 (G), 145-7 (G)
normal, VI, 199, 201; XII, 233; XXI, of man, see Positavism
214; XXIII, 731-2 mathematics and, IX, 474; XXVI,
public, XVI, 1321, 1381; XXVIII, 290, 356-7
298-9, 304 metaphysics as foundation of, IX, 2
and school-board elections. XVII, 1768, method of, see Method
1770, 1799; XXIX, 396-401 origin of, II, 12; XXVI, 172 (G), 231-2
Taunton Commission on, V, 624-9; (G)
XVI, 1168, 1172, 1187, 1190; XVII, and probability, IX, 472
1586; XXI, 209-14 progress of, Ill, 706; XVlll, 196; XXll,
mentioned, XXI, 385 73,234,239-40, 287; XXIII, 430;
See also Education, Eton, Teachers, XXV, 1119-20; XXVI. 258-9
Teaching proof in, XXVI, 300-1,394
Science questioning and, XI, 248
abstract, JSM's field, I, 251; XII, 78-9 role of, m Positivism. X, 355-6, 363-4:
Aristotle's contribution to, XI. 481-2, XIII, 646
485-7 Herbert Spencer's contribution to. XVII,
and art, I, 344; IV, 312, 319-20, 331n, 1570
338-9; VIH, 943-52. 1155; IX, and study of consciousness, IX, 139, 147
348-52; XII, 113,163, 173,219; as system of truths, IX, 481
XIII, 579; XX, 161 vocabulary of, IX, 415-16; XXVI, 172
Comte on philosophy of, X, 291-6, (G), 175-6 (G), 181-2 (G)
306-9 women in, XXI, 314,315-16
Comte's classification of, X. 279-91, mentioned, I, 287. 311. 357,382, 421,
359-61 591; IX, 284n, 301,356; X, 9; XI, 42,
conclusions of, entitled to prevail over 43,433. 456, 479,490; XVIII, 179,
other opinions, X, 431 191,209,303; XIX, 624; XXVI, 149
def'mition of a particular, IV, 225, (G); XXXI, 11
309-11,323---4; VII, 3-4, 140 -physical
divided into physical and moral, IV, in ancient Greece, XI, 286, 298, 315,
316-21 379-80
empirical, see Method, experimental Bacon's contribution to. XI, 310n, 483;
and feeling, XXVII, 655 XXV, 1163
first principles of, often uncertain, X, Bain's knowledge of, I. 255n; XI, 352;
205 XXV, 1119
in France, XIIl, 566, 667; XXII, 154 Hamilton's undervaluing of. IX, 368,
as generalization, Xl, 95,485-6; XXXI, 486-8,495-6
95-6 and prediction, XVI, 1241
government support for, m, 968-9; process of discovery in, XKIII, 413-15
XlX, 603 social now more important than, XXXII,
656 Subject Index

[Science - physical] JM in, I, 5-7 (4-6), 41 (40), 55 (54)

and supposedly intuitive truths, IX, JSM in, I, 627; XVll, 1826-7
417-18 Liberals and Radicals in (1839), VI, 472,
and theory advanced in the Logic, I, 477,495
215-17 (214-16), 233 (232); XIV, mathematicians of, XXVI, 352, 357
239 national character in. XXHI, 388,397,
mentioned, I, 615n XXIV, 973
-study and teaching of natives of. in EIC, XXX, 38
in England. I, 338,460; XHI, 566. 647, peerage of, XIX, 518
667 philosophy of (school of Reid ), IX, 109,
m India, XXXII, 108 166n, 195; XI, 3, 341-2; XX, 183
of limited value in encouraging reform in, XVI, 1397; XXVIII, 281-3
independent thought, XIV, 80 religion in, X, 322; XV, 771: XVII,
place of in liberal education, I, 287; X, 1993; XXII, 312-13
38-9; XVIH. 146; XXI, 219-21, schools and public education of. IV,
233-43 377-8; XHI, 566, 638; XVII, 1663;
See also Experiment. Moral sciences, XXl, 221; XXII, 251; XXIX, 399
Philosophy, Scientists. Social science union of with England, XIX, 556. 560
Scientists universities of, XVI, 1386, 1470; XXI,
English and French mutually respectful, 219-21,224; XXXH, 19-20
XlH, 509 women in, XXIX, 409
esteemed in France, XXH, 171 mentioned, I, 80n, 181 ; Ill, 893; VI, 40,
French, ridiculed by ER, I, 308-9 43, 57,215,389,392,404.411. 495.
not esteemed in England, XXlI, 172; 525; XI. 284; XVI, 1308, 1332; XIX.
XXIII, 724 549,565. 575; XXII, 32, 136, 186;
pensions for, I, 385; VI, 241-3 XXIV, 754, 780, 795, 944, 1053;
and quacks, IV, 111,115 XXVIH, 166; XXXII, 43
Scilly Isles, XXVII, 629.631 See also Covenanters, St. Andrews
Scotland University
anti-Catholicism in, VI, 524 Scratchell's Bay, XXVII, 590
banking in, Ill, 685n; IV, 105-7, Sculpture
116-17, 192n, 306-7, 355: V, ancient, XIV, 317; XVII, 1661-2
511-12,606; XXII, 221; XXIII, 579, disdain for, in England, XXI, 252
580; XXIV, 850, 851 Italian, XIV, 279,286, 305-6, 479
Charles I and, VI, 24-8, 36-7, 50-2 poetry and, I, 343, 352,408; XHI. 471
clans of, XX, 283 (386); XXII. 254 mentioned, I, 623
constituencies of, XVI, 1371, 1386, Sea, its effect on imagination, XXVII, 593,
1507; XIX, 316 631-2
education policy for, XIV, 169,206; Seaford, XXVII, 467
XVI, 1314; XVII, 1613 Second chamber, theory of, XIX, 513-19;
evictions in, XVII, 1537 XXII, 200-1; XXHI, 342-4; XXIV,
farming in, I, 306; H, 95n, 101, 177, 780, 783--4
228,235,260; XXIV, 840, 1020 Second substances. See Substances,
hypothetical separation of from England, Universals
X, 350; XVl, 1315; XXI, 161 Secondary qualifies
Jalncs I and, VI, 10, 24 distinction between primary qualities
science, physical - Servia 657

and, IX, 26n, 211 109-10, 171-4

Fraser's view of, IX, 31 of extension and resistance, IX, 214-49
and Hamilton's category of secundo- JM on consciousness of, IX, 115-16;
primary qualities, IX, 15, 19, 26, 27n, XXXI, 138-9, 155, 168
163n likeness and unlikeness in, VII, 70-I
Hamilton's theory that our knowledge of (VIII, 998); XXXI, 183-4
is relative, IX, 13-20 passim, 27n, locahzation_of, IX, 237-8n, 244-9
156, 167 names of, VII. 52 (VIII. 977); VHI,
psychological theory of our perception 984; XXVI, 176-7 (G); XXXI,
of, IX, 187 104-9, 123, 190
mentioned, VII, 62n; IX, 21,188 and nervous system, XI, 352-3
Secret voting. See Ballot and perception, VII, 52-4; IX, 5-11,
Sectarianism. See Bigotry, Intolerance 26n-7n, 144n, 169-75, 212-13,259;
Selborne, XXVII, 559-62, 567 XI, 344, 371-2
Self. See Ego permanent possibilities of, IX, 177-214
Self-consciousness passim, 388; XI, 452,460; XXXI,
characteristic of age, X, 92 168-70, 190, 211
rejected by Carlyle, I, 145 (144) pleasure and pain in, XXXI. 214
rejected by Comte, X. 296 and qualities, VII, 65-7 (VIII, 995-6)
mentioned, X, 184n, 237 Herbert Spencer on, XV, 936-7; XXXI,
Self-control, unnatural virtue, X, 395 207-10
Self-defence Taine on, XI, 445
Holt on libel and, XXl, 23 visual, IX, 226-34, 314-15; XI,
nations' right of, XXl, 114, 123, 131n 250-65 passim, 360, 455
society's right of, XIX, 597; XXI, 79 vividness in, I, 360, 413n; XXXI, 111
Self-mortification. See Asceticism whether they can be unconscious, IX,
Self-sacrifice, X, 217-18 279-85; XXXI, 117-18
Sematology. XXIH, 431 mentioned, I, 331; IX, 88n, 136, 140,
Sennen, XXVH, 627,630 254n, 261n, 314, 360, 362, 364; XI,
Sensations (IX, 177-249) 44n; XXXI, 243
a posteriori school maintains ideas See also Consciousness, Perception
derived from, I, 34n; IX, 165n-6n, Sensuality
252-3 (JM); XI, 347-50 passim; of all but loftiest-minded men, XXI, 375
XXVI, 152-8 (G) (HTM)
association causes recall of, IX, 251n, and marriage, XXI, 40, 41, 45
271; XXXI, 120-1 See also Sexual relations
and attention, IX, 257-8; XXVI, 150-2 Sensuous, meaning of, I, 414n
(G); XXXI, 139-40, 214, 247 Sentimentality
Bain's addition of active element to of ER, I, 322-5
theory of, XI, 354-60 error of, X, 113
Berkeley on God's role in, Xl, 454, mentioned, I, 336
462-5 Sequence, as asserted in propositions, VII,
classing of, VII, 103-4 99-100, 104-6, 108. See also
Condillac on, I, 64n-5n; XI, 355; Succession, Uniformities
XXVI, 178 (G) Servia
distinguished from ideas, XXXI, HT's article on, XV, 858
mentioned, XVII, 1601
658 Subject lndex

Settlement mentioned, IX, 336; XI, 262

laws of, Xlll, 722; XIV, 147; XXll, Sikhs, XXV, 1099; XXX, 100
221; XXIII, 778; XXXI, 42, 52-3 Silk (IV, 127-39)
of property, see under Inheritance, laws arguments for free trade in, IV. 129-32.
of 137-9, 258n
Seven Years' War. I, 471; XX, 165 consequences of free trade in, XXIII,
Sevenoaks, XXVII, 473-4 369n
Sexual relations manufacture of, in France and England,
illicit, X, 413-14; XVII, 1695 IV, 132-7
modem revolution in, XXVIII, 155; prohibition against its import, expires,
XXIX, 405 IV, 69, 70, 127
need for new attitude to, XXVlI, 664 Silver
reg_arized as society advances, X, 311; and double standard. III, 524-6; IV,
XVII, 1692-4 119-20
See also Marriage, Sensuality drain of to India, V, 515-18,539-40;
Shakers, X, 52 XV, 766-7
Shanklin, XXVII, 581,584 Similarity
Shareholders. See Joint-stock companies exact, distinguished from identity, XI,
Sheffield, XXl, 415 (HTM) 447,465n
Sherbom Sands, XXXI, 279 Hamilton on, IX, 33n
Shibboleth, the word, XV. 736-7 Simpkin and Marshall, XII, 218,341
Shipping. See International trade, Naviga- Simultaneousness, VII, 69, 74, 76,323;
tion Laws IX, 320-6 passim
Shorapore, XIII, 680-1, XXXII, 73 Sin, XIV, 25-6
Shropshire, Eyre in, XXI, 432,433 Sind
Shoreham, XXVII, 461,462 conquest of, XXV, 1191
Sicily customs duties in, XXX, 109
Athenian expedition to, XI. 334-5; pacification of its frontier, XXX, 154-5
XXV, 1124, 1134, 1158, 1161 public works in, XXX, 129, 135
Grote on history of, XI, 311 Singapore, trade of, XXX, 6-9 passim
JSM visits, I, 247; XIV. 335-404 Sinking fund
nationality in, XIX, 546 English, XIII, 378-9; XXIII, 406;
mentioned, I, 77 (76). 542; IV, 56n; XI, XXIV, 765-6
310, 315; XV, 736 French, XXII, 247; XXIII, 402,405-6,
Siena, XIV, 286 480-1,570, 572
Sight, JM on, XXXI, 105-6. See also Skiddaw, XXVII, 528,530-1,537-9
Vision Skipton Castle, XXVII, 509-10
Signs Slave States. See Confederate States of
Hamilton's and Mansel's doctrine of America
concepts and, IX, 310-15,318-19 Slave trade
Leibniz on, IX, 319-20 British interference with, Xlll, 412-13;
Reid on, IX, 169-74, 257-8,323 XIV, 24; XXllI, 348-50; XXXII,
Tmne on, XI, 445 150
in theory of vision, XI, 249,254-60 economics of, XV, 820-1; XXI, 267
passim, 262, 351,360, 452,454-6 England's abolition of, XXI, 88, 111,
127, 158, 162; xxn, 29-30
settlement - smoking 659

England's complicity in, XXV, 1097 -abolition of

French bill to abolish, XXII, 223 by Britain, II, 19, 252-3; XII, 80, 159,
Southern Confederacy and, XXI, 141, 167; XIX, 382, 590; XXI, 88.95,
153,157 106, 112,385; XXll, 207; XXIII,
The Times favours, XVI, 1124 602-4,611; XXV, 1181
Tocqueville on right of search and. in Circassia, XXXI, 352
XXIV, 842-4 by European nations, II, 250-1; XlX,
See also Slavery 597; XX, 339-40; XXII, 317; XXV,
Slavery (II, 245-51 ) 1146
in Brazil, XXXII, 150-1 in India, XXX, 124
Carlyle on. XXI, 89, 92 -in U.S.A. (XXI, 143-64)
Chinese labour in U.S.A. as, XVII. abolition of, XV. 795-842 passim, 890,
1654-5, 1689, 1696 966,968-9,974; XVl, 993, 1055-6;
in classical world, II, 17, 245-6; X, 45; XVlI, 1608; XXI, 135,139-42,
Xl, 273,314-15,324,505;XIX. 395; 161-4; XXV, 1200-5; XXXII, 132
XXI, 151-3,265,269. 286, 294,379 British public opinion on, II. 250; XV,
conditions associated with, XVlII, 122; 750-2,783,797,810. 828-9,
XIX, 336,395 869-70, 934,956; XVI, 1051; XXI,
despotism and, XVlII, 57; XIX. 402, 127-9, 141, 145, 157-60; XXVIII,
403 32-3
economics of, 1I, 9, 69,236-7, 245-7, California prohibits, XXV, 1148-9
249; m, 690; xv, 980, 981. 982; as cause of Civil War, I, 266-7; XV,
XXII, 29: XXIII, 74t-2 738-9; XVI, 1275. 1279; XIX, 553.
ER on Haitian, I, 304-5 557; XXI, 127, 131-5, 146, 156-7,
history of, XXI, 264. 266, 267,386-7 159, 161
impressment as, VI. 178-81; XXIII. economics of, III, 690; XV, 821; XVIII,
642 100. 111; XIX, 560; XXI, 134, 139,
intellectual, I, 615; XVlII, 178,243; 146-50, 155, 162-3
XXI, 234, 250 as exception to equality, XVlII, 55n,
JSM's opposition to, XXXII, 191 105,181; XIX, 346; XXI, 138
justification of by slaveholders, XXI. and reconstruction. XV, 886, 910; XVl,
269,281,399 (HTM) 1052. 1066, 1098-1101. 1165, 1508;
morality under systems of, XXXI, 18 XXIX, 379-80 (609)
place of, in barbaric society, XlX, 394-5 social organization of, XXl, 150-6
repugnant nature of, XVI, 1380; XXl. supposed naturalness of, X, 186, 196
136 mentioned, XV, 860: XIX, 345
and serfdom, II, 17-18,241-2, 248; See also Abolitionists, Slave trade, West
XlX, 590; XXV, 1202 Indies
theory of value modified under, HI, 501 Sleep, Hamilton's speculations on, IX.
voluntary, question of. XVlII, 299-300 490-1
women's condition compared to, XXI, Smell
284-6, 301,321,323,380,387,390, JM on, XXXI, 104-5,106
397 (HTM); XXIII, 608-10, 741 of flowers, XXXI, 257
mentioned, VI, 340; XIII, 481; XVIII, Smoke nuisance, XXVII, 501,500
159, 168,255; XIX, 583; XXVIII, Smoking (of tobacco), another nuisance.
130, 268; XXIX, 372 XXVIII. 328, 333
660 Subject Index

Social contract, doctrine of geometrical method, erroneously taken

circular reasoning in, VIII, 827, 889 for, VIII, 887-94; XII, 36
a fiction, X, 252-3 inverse deductive, VlH, 911-30
no good purpose in inventing, XVIII. See also Ethology; History; Human
276 nature, science of; Moral sciences;
reason for inventing, XVHI, 10-11 Political science
Social dynamics and statics. See under Social Science Association. See National
Social science Association for the Promotion of
Social science Social Science
authority in, I, 615n, 616; XXII, 242-4 Socialism (V, 705-53)
branches of, VIII, 900-7 John Austin on, I, 185 (184); XIV, 5;
Comte's view of, I, 173 (172,615), XIX, 349-50
217-19; X, 282-3,290, 298-306, and communal settlement of Icaria,
325-7, 360-1; XIII, 518,531,552, XXV, 1144-5
619-20, 739 credit misunderstood by, XXXII, 82
founded by Economistes, X, 138 criticisms of competition by, V, 711-27
as general science of society, VIII, criticisms replied to, III, 794-7; V,
906-7,911,916; XIV, 68 727-36
German school's contribution to, X, and 1848 Revolution in France, HI,
138-40 1006-7; XHI, 739; XIV, 33-4; XX,
in Inst_tut de France, XXII. 154; XXIII, 352-4; XXV, 1118, 1146
519-20; XXXII, 122-3 growth of, with suffrage reform, V,
nature of, IV, 319-21; VIII, 875-8 705-8
needs more profound theory of human inextinguishable, XIV, 21
nature, VIII, 907; XHI, 604, 698 JSM's adoption of qualified, I, 199, 239
in 19th century, XXII, 234,240-1,285 (238); XIV, 53
and prediction, IV, 335-9; VIII, 898. JSM's late work on, I, 625; V, 705
909-10, 914-15,941 just claim of, to be tried or discussed, II,
social dynamics in, VIH, 924-5; X, 213; V, 708-11,748; XX, 352
315-27; XHI, 586, 604, 616 meaning of, H, 203,210; m, 775; v,
social statics in, VIII, 917-24; X, 737-9; XX, 351-2
309-15; XHI, 560,586,604, 613, meeting legitimate demands of, V, 628,
616, 620 750, 753; XIII, 641; XX, 354
superiority of France and Saint miscalculates capitalist's profits, V,
Simonians in, XXHI, 444-6 (XXV, 734-6; XVlI, 1901
1252-5) Francis Newman's arguments against, V,
teaching of, XIV, 80 441-7
mentioned, xm, 510, 612; xv, 805, opposes conspicuous consumption,
899, 958 XVIII, 286-7
-method of (VIII, 875-930) PPE's treatment of, I, 241 (240), 257
chemical method, erroneously taken for, (256); XHI, 740-1; XIV, 9, 24, 85,
VIII, 879-86 86-7, 88; XV, 517; XVl, 1389
Comte on, I, 219; X, 306--9 probable outcome of immediate introduc-
is deductive on model of complex tion of, V, 748-50
physical sciences, vm, 895-910 and women's rights, II, 209
erroneous conceptions of, VIII, 878 mentioned, I, 260; IV, 376; XHI, 446,
social contract - society 661

563,717; XV, 592,749; XVII, 2010; justice in, V, 650-5

XIX, 588; XXIV, 1031 literature in different states of, I. 345
See also Communism, Co-operation, Lorimer on legislature as reflection of,
Fourierism, Property, Saint Simonism XIX, 355
Socitt6 Aide-toi modem, moving towards equality, XXI,
aims and organization of, XII, 55, 58, 273,294, 326, 386
59, 64-6, 95n modem, problems of, I, 259-60; XIV,
and Martignac Ministry, XX. 190 32; XVIII, 190 (see also Spirit of the
mentioned, XXIII, 511 age)
Socitt6 de 1789, XXII, 141 natural state of, XXII. 252-8,279-80,
Soci_t6 des Amis du Peuple, XXII, 185; 281-2,290-5,304-6, 314
XXII1, 396,402, 418,421,422 natural to live m, X. 231-3,309-10;
Socitt6 des Droits de l'Homme XV, 649-50
Cavaignac and, XII, 196 permanence vs. progression m, X,
nature and beliefs of, XX, 125-7, 151-5; XIX, 383-4
204-5; XXIII, 657,661-2, 670-4 poet's relation to, I, 495,497
prosecution of, XX, 128-9; XXIII, 707 progress of (material), see Progress of
mentioned, XX, 207 society
Socitt6 des Sciences, des Arts, et des proper limits of its power over individual.
Lettres de Hainaut, XVII, 1727 XVIII, 217,219-27. 264-5,276-
Society 305 passim, 308
Bentham's philosophy, what it can do reform of, see Reform; Reform.
for, X, 99-100, 106-9 parliamentary
cohesion m, increased by unselfish regeneration of, see Human nature;
causes, XXI, 385 Improvement; Improvement of man-
competing powers in, aid progress, X, kind; Labouring class, improvement of
107-8; XX, 269-70 condition of
Comte's vision of, see Positivism requirements for stability of, VIII,
Continental state of, preferable to 920-4; X, 133-41 (504-8), 313-14;
English. XIII, 622 XX, 389-90
economic state of, see Communism, rights of, XXI, 79, 91-2
Competition, Political economy, science of, see Social science
Socialism Herbert Spencer on role of feelings m,
ER on, I, 303-4 X, 316
ends of, XlI, 36 transitional state of, XXII, 230-1.
evils of, caused by ignorance and want of 252-3,255,280-2,291,293-5,304,
culture, IV, 213-14; V, 715 306--7,316, 330
form of government related to state of. value of criticism of, XX, 126; XXIII,
VIII. 919-20; XVIII, 18; XIX. 670-1; XXV, 1180-1
377-8,380-3,394-8,567 Vigny and, I, 487-8
great men and, XX, 277,279-80 women's position in, I, 253n (252);
ideal of, uniting liberty with equality, I, XVIII, 55n-6n; XlX, 479; XXl,
239 (238); XVII, 2000-2; XX, 355-6 41-2, 281. 283,300, 318,320-1,
ideal of, valuable, I, 175 (174,614); 326-7,332, 338-9, 387, 400-1
XXlII, 678 (HTM)
JSM has no taste for, I, 235 (234); XVI, See also Civilization; Classes, social;
1089; XXXII, 175 Government; Social contract
662 Subject Index

Society for Distressed Needlewomen, IV, Solitude, XXVII, 488,520, 545-6, 609,
372 629
Society for Promoting the Employment of Somaliland, British relations with, XXXH,
Women, XV, 864, 939 104-5
Society for the Diffusion of Moral and Somersetshire
Political Knowledge, Xll, 165-6 JSM in, I, 57 (56); XVI, 1170-1
Society for the Diffusion of Political mentioned, XXIV, 863
Knowledge, XII, 234-5 Sophists
Society for the Diffusion of Useful characteristics of, XI, 43,328-9
Knowledge disputations of, educational, I, 335-6
activities of, XII, 33; XVIII, 138 Greeks' contempt for, XI, 79n, 144n
JSM offers tract to, XIII, 742 importance of Grote's chapter on, XI,
mistaken tone of, XXIII, 653 309, 377; XXV, 1162-3
useful publications of, XXIV, 786 Plato's attitude to, XI, 44,210,238,329.
wise advice of, to labouring class, IV, 387-404 passim, 407,425
385 mentioned, XI, 303,423,433
mentioned, XIII, 549; XX, 321,324 Sorbonne. See University of Paris
Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Sorites, IX, 392n-3n, 410-11; XI, 10
Commerce and Manufactures (Society Souls, Aristotle's theory of, XI, 503-4
of Arts), XIV, 125, 152; XXV, 1227 South Africa, XIX, 565; XXII, 272;
Society for the Extension of Suffrage to XXIII, 740, 741
Women, XVI, 1276 South America, XIX, 415,571
Society for the Protection of the Liberty of South Australian Association, XII, 232
the Press (France), XX, 207 South Carolina, XXI, 132, 134, 138, 146,
Society for the Relief and Employment of 154, 281; XXIII, 543
Political Refugees, XVII, 1882-3 South Downs, XXVII, 456-68 passim,
Society for the Suppression of Vice, XXII, 557,562-8
63; XXVI, 420-2 South London Working Men's College. See
Society of Apothecaries, XXVIII, 159-60 Working Men's College
Society of Arts. See Society for the South Place Chapel, XII, 228
Encouragement of Arts, Commerce South Sea Islanders, X, 272
and Manufactures Southampton
Society of French teachers, XXXII, 147 Eyre at, XXI, 428
Society of Friends. See Quakers JSM at, XXVII, 607-8,610-11
Socinians, VI, 490; XII, 76 railroad to, VI, 327
Sociology, convenient barbarism for social Southwark Radical Association, XVII,
science, VIII, 895. See also Social 1768
science Sovereignty of the people, XXII, 117,
Socratic method. See Dialectic, Socratic or 149-51; XXIlI, 445 (XXV, 1253)
Platonic Space
Solidity association theory of our concept of
JM on figure and, IX, 253 infinite, IX, 199, 285n; XI, 346-7,
knowledge of, in Hamilton's philosophy, 351-2; XII, 237; XXXI, 202-3
IX, 16-17, 32, 167 conceptsandconditionofoccupying, lX,
mentioned, IX, 170 312-13
divisibility of, IX, 86, 221n, 424-6
Society for Distressed Needlewomen - spirit of the age 663

empty and filled, IX, 221,288 as type of backward nation, I, 301n; II,
God and, IX, 57 250; VI, 514,517; XXI, 92
and Hamilton's law of the conditioned, mentioned, I, 11 (10), 528; IV, 104; VI,
IX, 80-1, 87-8,427n 64; XI, 283,284n, 298; XII, 280;
our idea of, whether from experience or XIII, 488. 537; XV, 685; XVHI, 238;
mind, IX, 9, 10, 29-30, 154n; XI, XIX, 601; XX, 182, 189,248; XXI,
345; XXXI, 207-10 147; XXII, 186, 280; XXVI, 10
infinite, IX, 37, 48, 50n, 69, 71, 82-6, Sparta (XI, 300-3)
94. 102,428 education in. X, 409; XI, 318
JM on, as abstract term, XXXI, 202 empire of, XI, 323
laws of, XIII, 412 Grote on, XI, 300-3. 309, 311. 320,
and truths of geometry, IX, 268n-9n 325; XXIV, 871-3; XXV, 1130,
mentioned, I, 590: IX, 41, l12n; XI. 1131, 1132, 1134
253,444 JSM visits modern, XIV, 459-60
See also Extension source of moral authority in. XXII,
Spain 291-4
barbarian conquest of, XX, 230, 263 women in, XI, 314; XXI, 270
behaviour of, in South America, XIX, mentioned, X, 141,394; XI, 315, 316;
571 XX, 69,269; XXI, 309; XXVI, 361.
border of, with France, XXVI, 72, 374
106-7 See also Greece
botany of, XXXI, 289-317 Specialization, dangers of narrow, X,
Carlist wars of, XXXI, 362-73,379-88 312-13,352-3; XXI, 218. 223-4
Charles I and, VI, 12, 15 (417-18), 389; XXXII. 186
common purpose weak in, X, 136; Species. See under Classification
XVIII, 123 Speculation (economic)
conquest of, by Romans, XXI, 119; as cause of commercial crises, llI,
XXV, 1097 540-2; IV, 73-7,348-9
French interference in, XIII, 570, 649; in China tea, IV, 358n-9n
XX, 179-81; XXII, 125, 137, 139 in coffee and spices, IV, 92n
Guizot on civilization of, XX, 377 effect of, on currency and prices, III,
housing in, XVII, 1656 546-50, 564, 664-5
improved state of (1860), XXXI, 290 and rate of interest. Ill, 650
Inquisition in, HI, 935 usefulness of, 111, 715-17
JSM visits, XV, 628,684; XXXl, See also Commercial crisis
291-317 Speculative Society (Edinburgh), I, 129
language in, XVII, 1549 (128)
manumission of slaves by, XXIll, 604 Spelling, reform of English, XVII,
national character in, XIX, 408; XX, 1549-50
235,237; XXXI, 365n Spenceanism, I, 387
and Quadruple Alliance, XXXI, 375-9 Spezia, JSM at, XIV, 274-6
religion in, XVIII, 285 Spirit of the age (XXII, 227-316 passim)
political climate in (1869), X'VII, 1542 capturing of, in histories, XX, 61-2,
struggle for freedom in, I, 293; X'VII, 137,233; XXII, 293
1964; XX, 178,179-80; XXII, 40-2, folly of opposing, VI, 253,264; XXII,
193; XXVI, 58, 90 307; XXVI, 348
664 Subject Index

[Spirit of the Age] Spiritualism, XV, 782; XVI, 1375; XVlI,

importance of understanding, XXII, 1869
229-30 Spontaneity
influence of, on literature, XXVI, Aristotle on, as cause in nature, Xl, 483
410-11 in human character, see Individuals,
as modem term, XXII, 228 Individuality
need for counterpoise to, VI, 259, 348 mental, XI, 354, 357-8
--characteristics of contemporary (XXII, nmntioned, KIX, 599,600
228-34) Springs of action. See Motives
accumulation of knowledge, XXI, 315 Squatter sovereignty, XXI, 156
apotheosis of instinct, XXI, 263 Stamp tax, nature of, IH, 857-61
association, XXV, 1100 Stanley estates, XXIX, 429
criticism, xxm. 450-1 State
destructiveness, XXVIII, 222 in philosophy, VII, 331,332n, 335,337
domesticity, XXI, 335,407 (HTM) of society, meaning of, VIII, 911-12
efficiency, XXV, 1109 -political
equality, XXI, 272-3. 294. 328-9; centralization in, see Centrahzation
XXIX, 407 and Church, VI, 226-7; XXIV, 819-20:
Greek ideal unsuited to, XXVlI. 651-2 XXVlII. 18.38,358
growth of public opinion, Vl, 311 duties of, see Government, role of
hypocrisy, XXlI, 21; XXV, 1073 duty to, in pagan and Christian morality,
interest in history, XX, 219 XVill, 255-6
lack of reverence for authority. XXI, proper limits of its power over individual,
251,399; XXil, 238-41,244-5: Ill, 938; XVII, 1736; XVlII,
XXVl, 269-70 217-27,276-91. 305-10; XIX, 581,
lack of strong characters, VI, 173, 347; 586, 601-2, 609-10
XXlV, 865-6; XXV, 1131 States General, XX, 6-7, 72n, 74, 75, 80,
philanthropy, XXI, 87-8, 94-5 86, 121, 140-2
prose not poetry suited to, XXVlI, 647 Statesmen (XIX, 617-47)
a reading age, see Reading ambition and, XlX, 641
and reform, Vl, 263-4, 291 John Austin on, XIX, 346-7
rejection of old values, XXII, 230-4 England's lack of, VI, 151-2, 160,
self-consciousness, XXI, 230 368-9; XIX, 619-21
sense of change, XXll, 228-9; XXllI. inadequate training of, IV, 110-17
425; XXVIII, 185-6 interviews granted by, XIX, 642-3
uncertainty, XXVlI, 642-3,644,645-6 and knowledge of men, XXVl, 393
unoriginality, XXVU, 645 mental indolence of, II, 138
and women's suffrage, XXlX, 374-5, morality and, XlX, 635-41
378-9 (605,608) requisites of, Vl, 292, 467-8; XIX,
mentioned, Vl, 62, 82, 243,244, 250; 618-19, 622-31,641-2
XIII, 502; XXI, 388; XXII, 136,277; subjects of study beneficial to, XIX,
XXlII, 362, 508,598,720; XXVI, 624-5,636
405 Tocqueville on U.S.A.'s lack of, XVIII,
See also Civilization 174
Spiritual power, Comte's idea of, X, 309, Whigs as, Vl, 196
312-15,326-7, 344-7,351-9; XV, mentioned, VI, 298; XIX, 576
768-9; XVl, 1047
spirit of the age - substances 665

Statics, IX, 482 new way of conducting, VI, 190

Stationary state (economic) of Parisian printers, XXll, 141-2
described, H, 169-70 of silk-workers at Lyon, VI, 208; XX,
as desirable successor to progressive 128; XXIII, 369,704-6
state, HI, 752-7 mentioned, XV, 749, 794; XVlI, 1910
Statutes of Labourers, HI, 929; XXII, 87 Strood, XXXI, 282
Sterling Club, XIV, 22-3; XXXlI, 53 Stuarts
Steyning, XXVlI, 460-1 French histories of, XX, 186-7,221
Stockghyll Force, XXVlI, 518-19, 584 and House of Commons, XXII, 132
Stockport, election at, XXIH, 508 mentioned, Vl, 525; XXI, 253; XXIV,
Stoics 764
beliefs of, VII, 824-5; X, 176,218, 221, See also individual kings in Index of
376; Xl, 419; XXl, 266 Persons and Works
JM and, I, 49 (48) Style (literary)
mentioned, X, 87,211,212; XI, 378, advice on, XII, 350
395,477 of ancients, as a model, XXI, 230-2
Stokenchurch, XXVlI, 482,483 Comte's remarkable ideas on, X, 366-7
Straits Settlements, XXVlII, 135-6 "European," for translations, XX. 372-3
Strasburg French as egotistical, X'XIII, 442
replacement of destroyed library at, HTM on vague, XXI, 415
XVII, 1820 JSM's thoughts on revising his, XXXH,
mentioned, XX, 44n, 93; XXlll, 371 54
Streatley, XXVII, 480-1,495-6 meretriciousness of, in modem literature,
Strength, law of superior XXVl, 414-15
Carlyle as advocate of, XXI, 87 not valuable for own sake, XX, 171, 195,
gradual abandonment of, in modern 255
society, XXl, 42,264-9,293-4,325, mentioned, XXI, 60, 84,396
329,386,399-400 (HTM) -comments on that of
punishment suitable to misusers of, XXI, John Austin, XXI, 54, 58, 175,203-4
105 Bentham, X, 114-15; XXIII, 472
mentioned, XIX, 548 Bulwer, XXIH, 722-3
Strikes Calrnes, XXI, 145-6
cannot be legislated about. XVI, 1034-5; Carlyle, XIII, 449; XX, 133-4, 139.
XVlI, 1577 164-5
co-operation better than, XIV, 157 Carrel, XX. 187-8, 195-6
cost of, to trade unions, XVII, 1809-10 Dulaure and Sismondi. XX. 51
at Derby (1834), VI, 210-11 Duveyrier, XX, 316
diminished appeal of (1850), V, 427 Grote, XI, 336
effect of, XV, 735; XVI, 1102 Junius, XX, 196
Fawcett on, XV, 686,692, 735; XVl, Michelet, XX, 255
1130 Scott, XX, 55
law on, in France, XXlll, 707 Smart, XXlll, 431. 434-5
limits of intimidation during, and See also Rhetoric
pickets, V, 659-60; XVI, 1326 Sublime, the, XXVII, 632; XXXI, 224-6
M.P.s see only master's view of, XIX, Substances
405 Aristotle on first and second (substannae
666 Subject Index

[Substances] household, VI, 467, 481; Xll, 325; XVI,

primae and secundae), XI, 488-90, 1266; XVII, 1968
494 local, XIX, 536
as denoted by names, VII, 55-64 for lodgers, XVI, 1263; XVII, 2012;
as form in Kantian metaphysics, IX, 355 XXVIII, 289
general or universal (substantiae manhood, see under subheads French,
secundae ), VII, 110-12 (VIII, 1017), and universal
118, 174; VIII, 757; IX, 301,502 moral responsibility of, XXVIII, 323;
Hamilton on relativity of knowledge of, XXIX, 405
IX, 17, 19n-22, 28, 31. 160 for Negroes, XVl, 1066, 1099, 1101,
and modes, XXVI, 164-5 (G) 1165; XXV, 1149
and permanent possibilities of sensation, question of other reforms and (1866),
IX, 179-80, 184, 185 XVI, 1128-9, 1138-9; XXVIII,
and phenomena, VII, 100; IX, 198 60-1
mentioned, IX, 9, 97n, 193. 206, 291 and reasons for neglecting to vote, XV,
See also Matter, Non-ego, Universals 697-8
Substratum, VII, 58 (VIII, 994), 63n mentioned, xm, 410; xv, 840, 958;
Succession (in philosophy), VII, 69, 74, XVlII, 159; XIX, 436, 448: XXI,
76,323; XXXI, 185-6, 188. See also 392; XXVIII, 43
Sequence, Uniformities -French
Succession duties. See under Inheritance, departmental, XXH, 189; xxm,
laws of 569-70, 572.584, 681
Sudder Adawlut [Sadr Adalat], XXX, 14 in election of President, XVII, 1864
Suez Canal importance of extending, XX, 209;
English opposition to, I, 263; XV, 646, XXII, 148,153,158-63,190-1,208,
655; XXI, 115-18 227,273-4,278,283,302; XXIII,
Saint Simonians and. XII, 193; XXIII, 662-3
676 and law of double vote, XXII, 125,136;
Sufficient reason. See under Reason XXVI, 14-15, 23, 36
Suffolk, Vl, 113; XVI, 1161 local, XXII, 237,261; XXIII, 353,572,
Suffrage 681
of attorneys, XVl, 1268 manhood, adopted in 1848, V, 705-6;
and compound householders, XXVIII, XVII, 1730; XX, 360; XXV, 1112
146-51, 167-70, 175-6 narrowness of, XXII, 131, 138; XXIII.
desirable extent of, xvm, 27-33; XIX, 737-8
466-73; XXXII, 151 mentioned, XXII, 122; XXIII, 347
educational test for, XV, 543,608,680, -universal
905,941; XVI. 1013, 1093-4, 1106; John Austin on evils of, XIX, 349-50
XVIII, 30-1; XIX, 326-8, 370, JSM supports, with safeguards, I, 289;
470-1; XXVIII, 31 XVI, 1032, 1317
effect of extension of, XVI, 1103-4 manhood suffrage as unacceptable
1854 Bill to lower, XIV, 160-1 alternative to, XV, 558; XVI, 997-8,
extension of, desirable, XII, 240, 241; 1013, 1151, 1246; XVII, 2012;
XV, 591,655; XVl, 1128-9; XXV, XXXII, 151
1104-7; XXVlII, 29-31, 39, 55-6, need for, XVIII, 24 (XIX, 650), 27;
59-69 (XXIX, 599-603), 88,339 XIX. 322-3,473
and house tax, XVl, 1017, 1276
substances - Sweden 667

place of. in Bentham's system, XXVI, Tories and, XVII. 1917, 1938
452 and Women's Political Disability Bill,
Radical opinions on, VI, 397,479-89 XVII, 1712, 1727-8
passim works on, XVI, 1476
in U.S.A., XVIII, 74-5, 88, 167 mentioned. I, 625; XIV. 15; XV, 557.
whether conducive to wise choices, 600, 680,683,748; XVI-XVII
XVIlI, 151-2 passim; XXI, 403 (HTM); XXXII,
mentioned, I, 301,465, VI, 389; XVI, 127
1259; XVII, 1728 See also London National Society for
-women' s (xxvm, 151-62) Women' s Suffrage, National Society
arguments for, I, 107 (106); XVI, 1278, for Women's Suffrage
1340-1, 1343-6; XIX, 334, 353n, See also Ballot, Plural votes, Representa-
479-81,492; XXI, 301,381-92 tion
passim, 396-7 (HTM); XXV, 1182; Sugar
XXVIII, 39, 151-62; XXIX, 373-80 duties on, XXII. 25-30; XXIII. 611;
(604-9), 402-7 XXX, 5-6
in Australia, XVI, 1516 and slavery, XIH, 481; XXI, 89, 149,
Bailey on, XVIII. 28n-9n 153, 155. 281; XXHI. 348
Chartists and, XIII, 727 Summum bonum, Stoics on, glll, 824-5
Hare on, XIX, 370 Sunday
JSM's motion on property qualification observance of, in France. XXIII, 375.
and (1866), XVI, 1175. 1179. 1216, 418-19
1235; XXVIII, 91-3 recreations on, XV. 512-13; XVIII,
JSM's speech and motion on (1867), I, 289; XXVIII, 27, 31, 38, 43, 190-3,
285; XVI, 1260, 1271-2, 1276-7, 324, 340. 357
1280, 1284, 1289, 1521; XXXH, Sunday Lecture Society, XVII, 1571-2
178 Superstition, XIII, 401; XX, 49-50
JSM's support for, I, 274,276,278,285; Supply. See Demand and supply
XIV, 103,186; XV. 588; XVI. 1285, Suppositio, doctrine of, IX, 398
1317, 1400, 1458; XVII, 1730-1, Suppositto materialis, VH, 25
1789, 1794, 1796, 1933; XXVIII, 21 Supreme Court (U.S.A.). XIX, 557
(XXIX, 595); XXXII, 151 Surrey
as moral duty. XVI, 1340-1 beauties of, XXVII, 471. 606
movement for, XVII, 1646-7, 1742-5; JSM in, XXVII, 455-6, 475,477,
XXI, 270-1; XXIX, 373-4, 386 497-9, 557
movement for in U.S.A., XVI, 1278-9, plants of, XXXI, 258-61,267-75,280
1289, 1325, 1352;XVII, 1594, 1670. Survivai of the fittest, theoryof, X.449-50
1801, 1834; XXV, 1221 Sussex
and municipal franchise, XVII, 1618, JSM in, XXVII, 456-70, 563-7
1624 mentioned, VI, 113
petitions on, XVI, 1164, 1216, 1336, Suttee [Sail], XXX, 123
1342, 1382, 1394, 1427, 1503-4; Sweden
X'VII, 1551, 1575, 1584-5, 1606, life expectancy m, XXIV, 825
1636, 1646, 1672-3; XXVIII, 91-2; peasant proprietorship in, H, 236
XXXII, 206 mentioned, XXH, 186
probable effects of, XXIX, 387-91
668 Subject Index

Swimming, JSM engages in, XXVI, 33-59 (VIII, 1062-4)

passim and induction, VII, 162-3 (VIII,
Swing outrages, XVIII, 166; XXII, 267; 1055-6); IX, 14-15, 32-3,481
XXVII, 600-1 JM's theory of, XXXI, 135-6, 175
Switzerland Krug's view of, IX, 356
as a federation, XIX, 546,553, 554, 555 Logic propounds new theory of, I,
and France, XX, 341,342; XXII, 301 189-91 (188-90)
JSMin, I, 87 (86), 627; XII, 321;XIV, not the type of reasoning, but a test of it,
490-4; X'V, 506-7,770, 784; XVII, VII, 196-9 (VIII, 1073-5); IX, 370.
1782, 1827-8, 1912; XXXH. 228, 390-1; XXXI, 175
230 a petitio principii?, VII, 183-4 (VIII,
marriage and population restraint in, II, 1065), 200, 205n-8n (VIII, 1111-
286, 348 17); IX, 416
military system of, XVII, 1805, 1808; and schoolmen, XI, 11-14, 18
XXIX, 413 Smart's condemnation of, XXIH, 434
peasant manufactures in, HI, 690-1 specific laws of, see Contradiction,
peasant proprietorship in, II, 236, Dictum de omni et hullo, Excluded
254-9; XXIV, 897, 911,912, 976, middle, Identity
984-9, 1015-16, 1047, 1054 Whately on, VII, 185, 186n; XI, 17, 20
Polish refugees in, XXHI, 698 mentioned, I, 167 (166), 217 (216); IX,
and poor laws in Berne, II, 258; XXIV, 338,367; XI, 480,481
775,987 -Hamilton's doctrine of (IX, 391-416)
proportional representation in, XXXII, in comprehension and in extension, IX,
188 391-5
religion in, XVII, 1563 innovauons in, IX, 385
socialism in sober, V, 708-9 and petitio principii, IX, 416
mentioned, I, 393; X, 136; XI. 298; and quantification of the predicate, IX,
XVII, 1950; XVIII, 182; XIX, 406, 395-403
466n; XX, 87, 147; XXI, 309 and question of truth, IX, 404-8
Syllogism (VII, 164-208) and sorites, IX, 410-11
analysis of, VII, 164-73 (VIH, and use of word contrary, IX, 411-16
1057-60); XXVI, 214-23 (G) See also Logic. Propositions, Ratiocina-
Aristotle and, XI, 477-9,497-8 tion
Brentano on, XVII, 1929, 1934-5 Symbols, XX, 253-4
categorical and hypothetical, IX, 365, Sympathy
410 Bain's treatment of, XI, 362-3,364;
complex forms of, XXVI, 223-5 (G) XXXI. 232
and correct reasoning, XI. 9-11 in Benthamism, X, 13-14, 96-7, 175-6
definition of, XXVI, 215 (G) as feeling to be cultivated for moral
fallacies in, see Fallacies progress, X, 231-3,394-5,421
function of major and minor premises in. Smith's theory of, X, 26, 28
VII, 193, 199-200, 209 (VIII, 1071, as source of feeling of justice, X, 248
1075, 1079) mentioned, I, 113 (112)
functions and logical value of, VII, See also Benevolence; Interest, general
183-208 (VIII, 1065-79) Syncategorematic terms, VII, 25-7, 82
fundamental axiom of, VII, 176-82 (VIII, 974, 1006)
swimming - taxation, of income 669

Synthesis V, 567-70, 581-2; XXII, 81, 82

and analysis, IX, 496n; XI, 93; XXVI, as element in cost of production, HI, 486
237-47 (G) to equalize wealth, V, 569
has opposite meanings in mathematics evils of English, XXIII, 545-8,564
and philosophy, XH, 43 in France, H, 183; III, 822, 863; XVI.
Taine's use of, XI, 445-7 993-4; XlX, 561; XXII, 162-3,189,
Whately's use of, Xl, 15, 17-18, 20, 29 260, 261-2; XXIII, 370-1,383-4,
Syracuse 401-2, 410; XXIX, 442
ancient, XI, 243,326, 332 fundamental requirements of just, HI,
JSM visits modem, XIV, 383-9 805-8, 815-19; V, 700-2; VI,
Syria 161-2; X, 254-5; XVII, 1830, 1926;
question of, XHI, 465,467 XXX, 94
mentioned, XVIH, 127 in India, of commodities, XXX, 106-8,
TAILORS'GUILD,V, 426 local, m, 862-3; v, 485; XVl, 1498-9:
Tamar, River, XXVII, 636 XIX, 544,561,606: XXIII, 586:
Tamworth Manifesto, Xll, 245; XXIV, XXVIII, 227-9; XXIX. 439-44,
755,764 473-5,512-24 passim, 539--40
Taormina, XIV, 396, 397,407 in Napoleonic wars, IV, 12-13; XXII.
Tarbes, XXVI, 65.76 35
Tariffs. See Customs duties, Free trade, to pay off national debt, II, 66; HI,
Protection 878-9; VI, 175; XVI, 1361-2; XXII,
Tarns of Lake District. XXVH, 521. 550 265; XXHI, 551-2; XXVIII, 72
Tarragona, plants of, XXXI, 299-301 to promote order and progress, XIX,
Tartars, I, 345 386-7
Tar-water, Berkeley on, Xl, 469-70 for religious teaching, XVII. 1732
Taskwork. See Piecework and representation, XV. 609; XVI,
Taste 1163-4; XIX, 471-2,536; XXVIII,
criticism of, X, 113 152-3; XXIX, 403-4
Ji on sensation of, XXXI, 106-7 role of House of Commons in, XIX. 424
Taunton Commission. See under Schools and squandering of tax money, XVI,
Taxation (Ill, 805-79) 1034; XXVI, 329, 361,365
for benefit of upper classes, Vl, 170-1, in U.S.A., XVlH, 176
184-5; XIX, 441 mentioned, H, 6, 416; IV, 70; XV, 610,
for cattle disease compensation, 733,741,982; XVI, 1348; XVII,
XXVIH, 48-53 1564, 1598-9, 1685, 1839; XVllI,
and danger of plundering the rich, XIX, 164; XIX, 446,564,566,599; XXXI,
350, 442 407, 409, 410
detrimental when excessive, m, 882-3, -of income (V, 465-98,551-98)
1042 and distinction among temporary,
direct vs. indirect, HI, 825,864-8; V, permanent, and precarious incomes,
474, 496-7; XVI, 1032-3, 1447; HI, 813-19, 1051-2 (C);V, 465-71,
XVII, 1857-9; xxm, 547-8 488,533-61,570-1,575-86,594-5;
does not increase general demand, IV, XXlH, 549-50, 553-4
22, 262-3 evasion of, V, 495-6, 590-2, 702;
effect of, on working classes, II, 88-90; XVII, 1858
670 Subject Index

[Taxation - of income] contracts, Ill. 855-60; IV, 386; XXXI,

fairness of, III, 830-3; V, 471-9,485. 23
487,490, 495-6,551-2; XV, 976 corn, see Corn Laws
(Ill, 1073) expenditure, V, 478-9,565. 597,700;
graduated scale of, HI, 808-11, 1050-1 XV, 892
(C); V, 497; XXIII, 552-4 hospitals and asylums, XXVIII, 334
is ideally a tax on expenditure, V. 478-9. houses, III, 833-7,867-8; V, 489,496.
565,597,700; XV, 892 578; VI, 161-2; XXIII, 613-14,646;
miscellaneous questions on, V, 595-8 XXIV, 864; XXVIH, 278
mode of calculating, XV, 742, 756-7 imports and exports, see Customs duties
political difficulty of altering, V, 562-4, inheritances, HI, 823-4; V, 491-5,
592-3 497-8,565-6,569, 702; XIV, 105;
as property tax, XXIII, 549 XVI, 1034, 1221, 1339; XVII, 1848
whether should include savings, V, interest, V, 476-8
491-4, 498,564-70, 586-9; XV, investments in funds, XXII, 264-6;
746-7,756, 757; XVI, 1338; XVII. XXIII, 548
1933 justice and law proceedings, Ill, 862;
mentioned, XXVIII, 43; XXXI, 409 IV, 70; XXII, 61; XXIII, 623-4;
-of land XXXI, 50, 57
fairness of, IH, 821-2; XIV, 105; XVII, knowledge, see newspapers below
1750, 1926; XXII, 261-2,266; luxuries, m, 869-71; v, 473-4; xxIII,
XXIll, 539; xxvIll, 277-8 554; xxIV, 861
in India, XV, 740-1; XVII, 1830 mines, IV, 290; V, 470, 585
inequalities in, V, 487 necessaries, HI, 840-3, 1052; IV,
might vary with different tenures, V, 49-50; V, 497
555-9 newspapers and communications, m.
mode of calculating, XV, 812 860-2; VI, 237-8,261-2,297-9,
paid by owner or occupier, XXIX, 302,326; XII, 166, 325,327; XIV,
439--42 169, 332; XXHI, 645
as replacement for feudal obligations, V, pensions, V, 570, 571-5,585
479-84,486-7; XXIX, 417 profits, HI, 826-8,838-9; V, 468-70;
of unearned increase in value of, m, xvn, 1901
819-21;V, 690-2;XVII, 1750, 1840; property, V, 487,490-2, 700-2; XV,
XXV, 1233-4, 1238-43; XXIX, 597; XVI, 1104, 1221, 1338-9;
422-3,426, 428-30 XVII, 1899, 1925-6, 1932; XXIII,
mentioned, V, 700; XVII, 1933; XXII, 548-52, 566-8
265 realized property, HI, 812-13; V, 475
See also Tithes rent, HI, 825-6
-of other items savings, see subhead of income
agricultural improvements, HI, 826 stimulants, XV, 684,686,687; XVI, 986
American bonds, XVI, 1443, 1448, 1454 (11I, 1089-90); XXVIII, 31
capital, HI, 822-4; V, 700-2; XVII, wages, HI, 828-30
1933 -at particular times
charities, XV, 892, 919 1831 budget, XXlI, 263-9
commodities, II1, 838-40, 847-8, 1833 budget, XXIII, 565-6, 610-13
866-7,868, 1052; XXII, 35; XXX, 1834 budget, VI, 160-3
taxation, of income - theism 671

1854, XIV, 180 Tendencies

1860, XV, 676 and composition of causes, VII, 444-5,
1866, XXVIII, 71-2 465
1867, XVl, 1276 and deductive method, VH, 454-8
Tea cultivation in India, XXX, 150 ethology affirms, VIII, 869-70
Teachers sociology studies, VIII, 898
inspection of, XXl, 211,213-14 Terms
payment of, II, 390-1; V, 624-5; XXI, absolute and relative, XI. 224
209-10 Aristotelians on general, XI, 18-19, 21,
restrictions on beliefs of, XIV, 40 22, 27
women as, XXIX, 375-6 (606). 401; Aristotle on ambiguities of, XI, 493-5
XXXH, 234 inquiry into meaning of, Xl, 96
See also Schools, Teaching legal, XXI, 55-6, 170-2, 174, 182, 191,
Teaching 193n
Thomas Arnold's contribution to, XVI, logic and ambiguity of, XI, 7-9
1246; XXI, 222 Logic on, I, 167 (166)
art of, XXIX, 400 philosophy of general, remains undisco-
of classics, wretched, XXI, 221-2 vered, XI, 35
(416-17). 232-3 in reasoning, see Propositions, Syllogism
economy of, XXI, 43-4, 212 Whately on, XI. 17. 18
good, qualities of, VI, 228-9 mentioned, XI, 491
importance of, VI, 200; XV, 725 See also Names
of infants, XXI, 73 Territories (U.S.A.), and slavery question,
See also Schools, Teachers XXl, 132. 139, 140, 141. 150, 156,
Telegraph 157, 162, 164
Atlantic, XXI, 116 Test Act
to and within India, XVI, 1291; XXX, Church of England and, XXVI, 422
140-1 repeal of, VI, 62-8; XXVI, 402-4
nationalization of, XVII, 1598 mentioned, VI, 377; XXVI, 399;
Teleology, VIII, 951-2 XXVIII, 250
Temperance Tests, religious. See under Religion
JSi's attitude to, KV. 686; XXVlII, 27 Teutonic races, XXI, 309
social effect of societies for, V, 427 Texas. See Confederate States of America
See also Prohibition; Public houses, Thames, valley of, described, XXVII,
regulation of 479-81,492-3
Templars Theatre, French
Michelet on. XX, 251,253-4 character of, XXlI, 251,307, 311
mentioned, XX, 50; XXIV, 819 JSi attends, XXVI, 19.54-5, 72, 73,
Ten Thousand, retreat of, XI, 311 113
Tenant League, XIV, 57-8 Thebes, XI, 243, 311,315n, 337n
Tenant right Theft
English, XXV, 1238, 1242 law of, and reputed theft, XXII, 75-7
Ulster, II, 315n-16n; m, 996; xxIv, legal definition of, XXXl, 89
1013; XXVHI, 261 why a vice, X, 7, 83
mentioned, XXXH, 214-15. 230 Theism (X, 429-89)
See also Landlords arguments for, examined, IX, 439; X,
672 Subject Index

[Theism] as two types of reasoning, IV, 324-5

Berkeley's arguments for, XI, 465,466 united in Greece, I, 336
JSM's attitude to, I, 625; XV, 754-5 women and men have differing aptitudes
mentioned, IX, 99n in, XXI, 305-6, 307
See also Natural theology, Religion See also Hypotheses, Practical men
Theocracy, X, 319-21,361-2 Thermology, IX, 472
Theological stage (in Comte's theory), I, Thing, the word, VII, 48-9 (VII1, 990)
173 (172,615); X, 267-79,298-9, Thirlmere, XXVII, 527,528-30
361-2, 418,431-2 Thirty Tyrants
Theology Athenian, Xl, 155n, 166n, 309; XXV,
Bain on decline of. XHI. 611 1158, 1161
dominance of over social thought, XHI, of Roman Empire, I, 447
493 Thirty Years' War, XX, 137
natural, see Natural theology Thought
open attacks on, impossible, XIII, 625 defined, VII, 51
and philosophy, XHI, 656-7 European, influences JSM, I, 169 (168)
place of in education, XVI, 1087, 1092 and feeling, XXVII, 660
See also Religion and feeling in poetry, I, 357-63,413-
Theorems, XXVI, 233 (G), 234 (G) 15,498,505,509
Theory French, German, and English contrasted,
is based on experience, XXII, 40; XXVI, IX, 485-6; XXVII, 660
268,283-4, 392-3 JSM evaluates his contribution to, I,
defence of, XXVI, 361-2,364.397,401 251-3
derision for among uneducated, XXH, laws of, IX, 104, 391n; XI, 345-6
240-1; XXIV, 1062 liberty of, see Liberty, of thought and
differing attitudes to, in Germany, speech
England, and France, XXIII, 444-6 Mansel on, IX, 298
(XXV, 1253-5) necessities of (supposed), see Inconceiv-
JSM unable to give JM correct defininon ability, Necessary truths
of, I, 35 (34) necessity of, for action, VI, 69
JSM's, influenced by experience in East trains of, how produced, XXXI, 191-6
India House, I, 87 utility of logic in, I, 23 (22)
JSM's strength lies in region of, I, 197 -in Hamilton's philosophy
(196, 620) concepts and, IX, 307-9,314-21,
a necessary guide to observation, XX, 362-3
161-2 definition of, IX, 352-4
popular need for, XXIV, 1066 language and, IX, 311-14, 375
role of, m Benthamite speculations, I, laws of, IX, 16-17, 42, 56-7, 80-1,83,
165 (164) 87, 13On, 159,287,357-9, 372-84
Scott scorns, XX, 60, 69, 79, 81-2 logic and forms of, IX, 354-7,360-71,
and women's rights, XXI, 264, 276 407-8,481
mentioned, I, 593, XXIV, 772 truth of, IX, 162n, 384
-and practice See also Ideas, Knowledge
advantages of union of, IV, 333-5,393; Three-member constituencies, XVI, 1169;
XX, 173--4,313,331-2,377,378-80 XlX, 330; XXVIH, 209-10,281,347
theism - Tories 673

Threlkeld Tam, XXVII, 549-50 See also Church rates

Thugs (in India), XXX, 27, 121 Titles
Tibet, X, 320 French, XXIII. 374; XXV, 1092, 1093n
Timber duUes, XXH, 267; XXIII, 547, to land, a vexatious question, III, 884-6:
566,612 VI, 222-4; XXH, 61-2; XXVII, 656
Time legal, when not to be disputed, XXXI, 76
association theory of our concept of Tobacco
infinite, XI, 346-7. 351-2; XlI, growing of, XXI, 148, 149; XXVI, 18
237; XXXI, 204 mentioned, XXX, 107-8
at basis ofideaofextension, IX, 219-25, See also Smoking
243 Tobago, XXHI. 350
divisibility of, IX, 424-6 Tokay as monopoly product, IV, 154, 170
enters into concepts, IX, 312-13 Tolerance
God and, IX, 57-8n Athenian, Xl, 318-20; XXV, 1129-31
and Hamilton's law of the conditioned, for diversity of taste and action, XVIII.
IX, 81, 86, 87n-8n, 427n 270
our idea of, whether from experience or importance of antagonistic philosophies
mind, IX, 9, 29-30: XI, 345; XXXI, as basis of, X, 122
207-10 limits of, VI, 17; XVIII. 296-7
as indefinite succession of successions, religious. XVIII, 222. 227, 240n- In.
IX, 199, 242 290
infinite, IX, 37, 48, 50n, 69, 71.84-5, religious, in America, XVIH, 178
428 towards superior minds, X. 107-9
JM on, as abstract term. XXXI, 204 mentioned, VI, 13; XVIII, 285n; XIX.
laws of, XILI, 412 560
mentioned, I, 590; IX, 41,276n, 313; Tonbridge, XXVII, 472-3
XI, 444; XXXI, 203 Tories
See also Memory and administrative reform, XIX, 623.
Tipperary Bank, V, 512 633n
Tithes and American Civil War, XV. 801,909;
abolition of, XXIII, 536-40 XXI, 157, 158
commutation of, m, 846-7; v, 483, beliefs of, I, 299-300; VI. 184-5,225,
487; VI, 196-9, 325-6, 526-7; XH, 335,396,478-9; XIX. 373; XX, 120;
167,237 XXI, 15,129; XXIV, 945; XXVIII,
effect of, on agricultural prices, Ill, 22-3 (XXIX, 596), 34-5; XXXI,
843-6; V, 448-9 360-2; XXXlI, 20
a good tax, VII, 1589 Blackwood's organ of, XII, 91
in Ireland, VI, 67,153,168-70,262-3, and Catholic emancipation, VI. 68, 69,
276-7,394-5; XH, 214,215; XXIII, 90-1; XH, 28
608-10; XXIV, 966-7; XXVIII, 252 fear Chartists, xm, 529
laws imposing, XXII, 221 and the Church, VI, 493
Malthus on, X/ill, 57-8 conservative principles not understood
as property, XXlV, 817 by, XV, 665,667,672; XIX, 452n
taxation of, V, 570 on democracy, I, 288; XVIII, 107,
mentioned, I, 388; VI, 153, 170, 188n, 126-9, 156
340 and Duke of Wellington, XVII, 1980
674 Subject Index

[Tories] XVlII, 34, 96, 97, 105, 142; XIX,

and Lord Durham, I, 223; Vl, 443,451, 506; XX, 157,170; XXI, 226; XXII,
459-60; XVlI, 1987 122,231; XXIII, 469. 497,504, 508,
on Education Bill, XVlI, 1699 529,530, 593.607,619.631,673;
Fonblanque on, VI, 365-6, 375-6 XXIV, 763; XXV, 1144, 1262;
and France, XXIII, 530, 691,696n; XXVlII, 222; XXXII, 5
XXV, 1111-12 -and fortunes of Conservative Party
on French Revolution, XX, 5, 110, 127 ministries of 1820s, XXII, 109-14, 119;
as historians, Xl, 79n, 144n; XX. 115, XXVI, 408
224; XXV, 1136-7 Reform Bill annihilates (1832), XII,
as incumbents, Vl, 181 100, 106
on intervention in Spain, XXXl, 362-3, rally of, after First Reform Act, I, 204,
365n, 367, 379 223 (222); VI, 299, 448-9
and labouring class, II. 352n; XVII, and reform movement of 1830s, Vl, 285,
1548n, 1697; XlX, 498 291-3,300-1,321-2,326,338-41.
on land reform, XXIX, 428 343,383-93 passim, 398-400,
in London Debating Society, I, 131 410-12; XXlV. 761,799-800;
(130), 133 (132), 158; XVlI, 1898; XXXI, 386
XXVl, 448-50 and Peel's ministries ( 1834-35, 1844),
natural adherents of, VI, 401-2,468-75 XII, 238,240-2,246, 256; xm,
oppose popular education, XIX, 632 642; XXIV, 753-8,764-7
origin of term, XXIV, 761 in 1837 elections, XII, 345; XVII, 1976
in Oxford, VI, 250 and Peel's move to free trade (1840s),
QR as organ of, I, 293 XIII, 486; KXIV, 859-60
and reformed House of Lords, XXIV, 1858-65, XV, 560, 627,654, 686,687
780-2 in 1865 elections, XVl, 1050, 1059;
Scott and, XX, 57 XXVIII, 24-6 (XXIX, 598), 45
Spartans as, XI, 303 1865-68, see next subhead
Sterling's portrait of, XXIV, 808-10 in 1868 elections, I, 288-9; XVI, t433,
as stupidest party, I, 277; XV, 737; 1435, 1450, 1455, 1478-1503
XIX, 452n; XXVlII, 85-6 passim, 1518-19, 1526; XXVIII,
Wakefield on, XXIV, 790 335-70 passim
Whigs adopt principles of, VI, 182,275, -in 1865-68 Parliament
299; XXIII, 512, 535,600, 620 and electoral corruption, I, 284-5; XVl,
and women's suffrage, XVlI, 1728, 1322, 1380, 1515; XXVlII. 147,
1730, 1917; XXVIlI, 93 279-80, 316, 327-8,329-31
Young England party of, XlH, 631 foreign policy of, XXVlII, 89
mentioned, I, 187,306, 509, 602; Vl. and Ireland, XXVlII, 247-8
154, 202,213,231,233,252, 262, and Irish education, XVI, 1148, 1156,
297,308,313,317, 324,345,361, 1184, 1313-14
379, 380, 389, 431,443,451,482, and Jamaica, XXVlII, 106-113 passim
489; XII, 122, 261,263,272,297, and reform, XVI, 1215; XXVlII, 87-9,
317,327,338; xIn, 371,374, 382, 147-51,169-71,355-6
389, 390, 410, 416,434, 439, 456, See also Conservatism, Political parties
459, 480; XV, 684,836; XVl, 1063, Torqtmy, JSM at, Xln, 388
1129, 1170, 1298, 1314, 1355, 1459, Tors, XXVlI, 617,621,636
1462, 1463; XVlI, 1613, 1729, 1829;
Tories - treaties 675

Totality, metaphysical difficulties of idea Plummer and, XVI. 1253

of, IX, 251n restrictive practices of, II, 374; HI,
Touch, River, XXVl, 49-50 933-4; V, 662-6; VI, 189; XVII,
Touch, sense of 1871; XIX, 442
and Berkeley's theory of vision, XI, Royal Commission of lnquiry into, XVl,
248-64 passim 1231-2, 1236, 1242-3; XVlI, 1577,
distinguished from muscular sensations, 1582, 1622, 1726; XXVIII. 133-4
XI, 360 support North in American Civil War,
JM on, XXXI, 107 XV, 851
mentioned, XI, 267n-8n, 420 Thornton on, V, 663,667-8; XVII,
Toulouse 1576
JSM at, I, 59 (58); XXVI, 18, 31-60 will not heal feud between capitalists and
passim labourers, XVI, 1439
local government of, XXVI, 24 workingmen on school boards could be
unrest at. XXVI. 23 paid by, XVII, 1771
Touraine, I, 471 mentioned, XVlII. 125; XXV, 1264;
Tower Hamlets, XXIX, 489-90 XXVIII, 344
Towns See also Strikes
alleged liberalism of, xxm, 336-8 Transcendentalists
character of northern English, XXVII, on absolute, IX, 47, 58n, 100
501,504 on noumena, IX, 7
in county elections, Vl, 473 return to earliest stage of philosophy, Xl.
economic functions of, II, 120-2; IV, 380-1,426
272 on space and time, XI, 3,*6
in feudal system. XX, 282,385 use of prepositions by, IX, 83,353
growth of, XX, 42-3 mentioned, IX, 4, 46n, 494: XI, 349,
representation of English, XIX, 317-19; 405n; XXXI, 162
XXVIII, 197-8,200-1 See also Metaphysics
in Roman Empire, XX, 264-5, 271 Transition, age of, XII, 77; XIII, 404,553.
sanitation of, XXIV, 824-6; XXVIII. 564, 586; XXII, 230-1,252-3. 255,
322,362 280-2,291,293-5,304,306-7,316,
Tract societies, xm, 563 330
Tractarians. See Oxford Movement Translation (of languages), XV, 715; XVI,
Trade between ctr-operative communities, 1194; XX, 372-3; XXI, 225-6. 227,
XXVI, 318. See also Free Trade, 232; XXXII, 125,144-5
International trade, Protection Transportation, XVlI, 1975, 1976. 1979,
Trade unions (V, 657-68) 1988
effect of, on wages, 1I, 396-8; HI, Tread-wheels, evils of, XXlI, 67-9
929-33; V, 646,657-62; XVI, 1335; Treason, English law of, XXI, 5-6, 22,
XVII, 1734 283,424,427; XXXI, 70
in election of 1868, XVI, 1458 Treaties (XXI, 343-8)
and the law, V, 427; VI, 188-90, breaking of, XX, 343-4; XXI, 343-8;
206-11; XVII, 1809-10; XXVIII, XXV, 1223-6
144-5,341 fixed terms for, XVII, 1776, 1778-9
middle-class unfairness to, VI, 220 question of authority of ambassador in
movement for, in Paris, XII, 192-3 making, XVI, 1182
676 Subject Index

Treaty of Paris, Russia repudiates. I, 626; Hamilton on. IX. 127. 130-5, 149,
XVlI, 1775-84passim; XXI, 343-8; 162n, 382, 384. 407,503
XXV. 1223-6. See also Declaration of inconceivability of negation no test of,
Paris see under Inconceivability
Trees, comments on, XXVII, 509, 513, interconnection of all. I, 371; IX, 480
522,525,537,551,565,568-9,583, intuition as supposed road to, see
595-6, 604, 606-7,609,614, 624 Intuition
Trenant Park, XXVII, 616 JSM and, I, 251-3; XII, 78-9, 111
Trent affair, XV, 764, 765,767, 783-4, in law of libel, I, 299, 300; XII, 214,
803; XXI, 127-31 215; XXI, 14-15
Tribunal of Commerce (Pads), V, 419-20 lawyers and, XXVI, 389-90
Trimmers. in Scotland. Vl. 36 limits of moral obligation to. XXXII.
Tring_ XXVlI. 486 185
Trinidad, XXlI. 26; XXIII. 350 living. I. 427-8; XVlII. 242-3
Trinity College, Dublin. Xl. 453; XVI, logic and, I. 189 (188); VII. 16.206-8;
1283. 1386, 1405. 1406, 1465; XVII. IX, 365-71,380, 391,404-8; XI.
1893, 2004 13-14, 18-19, 33. 479; xm, 406;
Trinity House, Corporation of the, XXX, XXI, 237-40
177, 188 many-sided, XII, 181
Trojan War necessary, see Necessary truths
Grote on, XI, 276, 277,292-7 passim not derived from clash of debate, XII,
mentioned, I, 525; XI, 281,283-4 153
Troutbeck. XXVlI, 515. 527. 555 one-sided or half-, X. 91.94; xxm.
Trover, actions for, XXXI, 89 426-7,472; XXVIII, 64 (XXlX,
Truce of GOd, XX, 32-3,241 601-2)
Truck system, XXII, 212-13. 219-22 and persistence in error, XXVl, 402-3.
Truro, XXVlI. 618 413; XXVII, 649,655
Trusts, law of, IV. 203n poetry and, I, 346-8,355. 417
Truth politics and, VI, 93-4; XIX, 637-40;
aphorisms and. I, 421-3 XXIII, 341-2. 404
in art, XII, 113. 163, 219; XXVII. 667 portion of, in errors. I, 156, 253; XII,
of consciousness, XI, 366 41-2.46; XXI, 249; XXIV, 812.815
and dialectic. XI, 44, 411, 415,505-9 power of, XXlII, 714
passim; XXI, 229-30 religious, X, 403-5,430-1
difficulties of speaking, XII, 111 science as model for ascertaining, XXI.
discussion important to, XVlH, 229, 233-7; XXlI, 285-7
231-4, 243-60; XlX, 585; XXI, 8; subjective, XI, 424-8,501n; XV, 818
XXII, 10--12, 15-18,233-4; XXVl, utility of, XVI, 1234; XVlII, 233-4
327,403,424 as virtue, X, 395-6
effect of persecution on, XVlII, 237-9 mentioned, I, 374, 426; Vl, 3,262,
as end of education, XVlII, 140-1, 144 354-5; IX, 301; XI. 44n. 94; XII,
expediency and. XXIII, 503 161; XlX, 642,645; XXI, 58;
genius and, I, 330-2,334,496 XXXlI, 236
grounds of, can be known by few. XXlI, See also Knowledge, Lying. Philosophy
241-4 Tiibingen, school of theology at, XV, 903;
Treat), of Paris - Unitarians 677

XVI, 1046 Tyre, XX, 270

Tudors, Vl, 10; XX, 293; XXIV. 765,940 Tyrol, JSM visits. I, 87 (86)
Tunbridge Wells, XXVII, 471-2,505
Turin, silk manufacture at, IV, 133 ULI.SWATER,XXVII, 551-5,577
Turkey Ulster
Asiatic or European power? XXXII. less wretched than other parts of Ireland.
101-2 XXIV, 1007
and the Caucasus, XXXI. 358 tenant right in. II, 315n-16n; III. 996;
and Crimean War, XIV, 116, 118, 136. KXIV, 1013; XXVIH, 261
163; XVII. 1799 mentioned, VI, 522
European interference in, XIII, 467; XX. Ultra faction, XXII. 119-20
346; XXI, 121 Ulwar [Alwar], XXX, 152-3
Hungarian refugees in, XXV, 1142-4 Unbelief, Carlyle denounces age of, I. 173
insecurity of rulers in, XXII, 65; XXV1, (172)
379 Unbelievers. See Atheism; Freethinkers;
JSM visits, I, 268; XV, 766,774, 781, Religion; Scepticmm, religious
784-5 Unconditioned. See Conditioned
national character in. XXl, 277 Unconscious, Hamilton's doctnne of, IX,
and question of Sultan's Ball, XVI, 1291 272-85
and Russia, XVIII. 123; XXIII, 423. Undercliff(Isle of Wight), XXVII, 576-7,
659, 665 580-1,584-5
as stationary society, XXII, 305 Understanding
and Treaty of 1856. XVII. 1781; XXV, the bodily eye of the spirit, Xlll, 520
1224 categories of, in Kantian metaphysics.
Wiseman's appointment to, XVI, 1290; IX, 9.56, 140, 355
XXVIII, 213-14 Hamilton on concepts and, IX, 307-8,
women in, X, 66; XXI, 376 (HTM); 309,320n, 331
XXV, 1181 Hamilton on logic as nomology of, IX.
mentioned, I, 11 (I0), 334; IX, 454; 361
XX, 50n, 314; XXI, 7; XXXI, 18 mentioned, IX, 41.79.312.374n; XII.
Tuscany, land tenure in, XXIV, 916. 976, 206
1011, 1050 Uniformities
Types, Whewell on, VII1, 717-23 of coexistence, VII, 323,578-90
Tyrannicide, XVIII, 228n of succession, VII. 323-5
Tyranny Uniformity of nature. See Nature,
of bureaucracy, XVIII, 308; XIX, 582 uniformity of course of
of custom, XVIll, 220, 272-3; XlX, Unimaginable, distinction between incredi-
418; XX, 331,359; XKI, 226 (420n); ble and, IX, 145n-6n
XXVII, 649,665 Union and Emancipation Society. XXXII,
of the majority, see Majority, tyranny of 142
of society over the individual, XVIII, Unitarian Association. XXIII, 556
219-20, 266, 269,290-1,302 Unitarians
subordination of women as, I, 621; XIX, beliefs of, X, 159
481; XX1, 282, 285-6, 288,294-5 a conceited sect, XlI, 126
See a/so Despotism, Monarchy, Oligarchy and MR, XII, 117-18,157; XXlII, 556
mentioned, X, 130, 160; XI1,210
678 Subject Index

United Kingdom Alliance, XVI. 1163; public opinion in, XVI, 1434
XVIII, 287-8 respect for property in, XXIII, 672-3
United States of America (XVIII, 93-115) slavery in, see Slavery, American
characteristics of, XVIII, 95-115 Supreme Court of, XIX, 557
as commercial civilization, XVIII, teachableness of people in, XXVIII,
192-200 passim; xxm, 446 (XXV, 66-7 (XXIX, 603)
1254) Tocqueville's analysis of, I, 201; XlI.
early settlement of, XV, 826-7 259,613; XVIII, 168
education in, V, 616-17; VI, 260, 484; tourists from, XIV, 486
XVII, 1661-2, 1690; XVIII, 84, 102; women of, XVIII, 104
XIX, 632; XXV, 1150; XXIX, 376 women's rights movement in, XIV, 49,
(606), 392,399 56; XV, 510; XVI. 1107, 1278-9,
emigration to, II, 194. 325; VI, 529 1325; XVII, 1618, 1631-2. 1670,
(542); XVII, 1571, 1653-5, 1689, 1700-1, 1748; XIX, 334. 492; XXI.
1695-6 270,297,394-7 (HTM), 400 (HTM),
equality in, XVI, 1209; XVIII, 49; XIX, 414-15 (HTM); XXXH, 233
478 WR in, XVII, 1672
feelings between Britain and, VI, 521-2 mentioned, I, 374; VI, 216, 423,431,
(539), 523; X, 45; XV, 830, 885-6; 432,447,471,517, 522,539; XIV.
XVI, 1002-3, 1019, 1051-2, 1109, 169; XV, 840; XVI, 1315, 1486;
1369;XXI. 129, 131,158-9(seealso XVIII, 79, 159, 161, 199,202, 286;
subhead foreign relations of; and Civil XIX, 466n, 471,486, 571,577,582,
War, American) 604, 619; XX, 127, 151,297,307;
gambling in, II, 409 XXlI, 20,245; XXlII, 542; XXX, 77,
importance of, XII, 266; XIV, 173; 149, 165; XXXI, 82, 364,381,383;
XVI, 1109 XXXII, 5
Irish in, XXIV, 973; xxvm, 250 --economy of
JSM writes letter of introduction to, for banking, IV, 356n; V, 547
traveller, XVII, 1624; XXXII, 211 bankruptcy, XVIII, 102-3
JSM's invitation to, XVII, 1550-1 commercial crises, IV, 348-9; XXIV,
lawyers in, XVIII, 85 794
literature of, I, 433-4, 435n, 459 co-operation, V, 406,416; XVII, 1672
national character in, XVIII, 82, 102, corn production, IV, 57-8
107-9, 111-12, 114, 157; XIX, 409, cotton production, II, 408; III, 690
478 desire of accumulation, II, 191-2; m,
periodical articles on, I, 300-1; XV, 890
891; XVI, 990 and economic theory, XIII, 660; XVII,
population of. II, 194, 344; IV, 389n; 1713
XXVI, 302 free trade and protection, m, 918, 921,
power of mediocre majority in, X, 108; 1055-6, 1091-4; IV, 67, 132, 256;
XVIII, 84-5,268-9; XX, 270 VI, 123-9, 133-47; XlII, 710; XVI,
press in, XII, 214; XXlI, 179-80 1126-7, 1150-1, 1158-9, 1165,
progress in, HI, 754; XVII, 1798, 1837; 1420, 1516; XVII, 1540, 1589-90,
XXVI, 425 1798, 1802-5, 1837, 1840; XXI,
prohibition in, XVIII, 287 131-2; XXRI, 541,543-4; XXlX,
United Kingdom Alliance - unity 679

gold mines, m, 504, 505,682 Carrel and, XX, 202,206,210

hunting communities, II, 20 caucuses in, XXVI, 281
labour, profit, and wages, II, 216, 414; choosing of Executive of, XVlI. 1864;
m, 688-9, 1055-6, 1086-7 (c), xIx, 428,451,484,524-5; xx, 362
1088-9,1090 (c), 1092,1093-4; iv, compromise in, xIx, 345-6
288,293; v, 449,602; xv, 967-8; Constitution of, I, 266-7; xvI, 1119;
XVl, 985-6,993, 1002, 1009. 1127; XVll, 1608;xxI, 132-4, 140,161-2
XVIl, 1626, 1803-4. 1837, 1840-1; as democracy, see Democracy, Ameri-
XXH, 83, 86; XXIV, 792,838, 839; can
XXVI, 322 and election of judges, XIX, 525
land and settlement policy, H, 175-6, and election of Senators, XIX, 484-5.
236,426: IH, 738: V, 451: XIII, 660; 518
XVI, 1407; XXH, 272-3; XXHI, federalism in, XV, 965; XIX, 554-9
544-5,740, 741,742; XXIV, 792, by fittest, XXII, 253,254; XXV. 1265
928, 1026; XXIX, 429 language of, XXIII, 394
laws of partnership, HI, 905-6; V, 425 Lincoln uncharacteristic of, XV, 911-12
national debt, XV, 831; XVI, 1100, local, V, 457; XV, 992; XVHI, 58-63;
1376, 1434, 1441-8, 1466; XVII, XIX, 534-5; XXIX, 522-9
1540; XXRI, 545 mediocrity in, XI, 436; XV, 654; XVI,
railways, I1, 52, 426 1493; XVII, 1535; XVIII, 76; XXVI,
rate of interest, XXXI, 410 382
repudiation of state bonds, IH, 813,865; minimal, XVIII, 76, 175,307-8
XIII, 506,516; XV, 741; XVI, 1445; and minority rights, XV, 844, 891,
XIX, 336, 494; XXl, 140-1 892-3;XVI, 1016. 1105, 1132. 1216,
taxation, HI, 865; XVI, 1338-9 1314, 1322
trade with Great Britain, VI, 123-9, and partisan appointments, XVII,
133-47,143-5 1572-3, 1798
-foreign relations of party system in, XIX, 463-4
inAlabamacase, XV, 827,885,915-16. private interest in, XVII, 1592
929; XVI, 1369; XVII, 1582, 1601. and state constitutions, XXV, 1147-8
1777, 1834, 1838, 1863, 1896, 1898; and suffrage, V, 705; XI, 324; XVI,
XXVIII, 243-6 1278-9, 1284, 1289, 1385; XVlI,
and boundary dispute, XXIV, 831-6 1594, 1834; XlX, 346
with Canada, VI, 432, 450, 451,454, vindicates Bentham's ideals, XXVI, 453
462, 464; XXVI, 166-7 See also Congress, Democratic Party,
and compensation after Napoleonic wars, Republican Party
xxm, 699 See also American Revolution; Civil War,
with Ireland, VI, 520, 523 American; Indians (North American);
with Mexico, XIX, 560 Negroes; New England
in Trent after, XV, 764, 765. 767, Unity
783-4, 803; XXI, 129-31 absolute, in Hamilton's philosophy, IX,
in warof 1812, XXVIII, 226 43, 51, 95-6, 293
-government of in Bentham's thought, X, 111
attitude of citizens to, XlX, 643 in Comtean thought, inordinate fascina-
and ballot, XVII, 1639, 1651, 1662, tion with, X, 336-7,356, 359-60,
1696, 1723-4; XXlI, 209; XXXII, 364
680 Subject Index

[Unity] curriculum of, XI, 39-40; XX, 368-9;

Hamilton on, IX, 311 XXVl, 351-3,355-8
mentioned. IX, 55n, 210, 251n, 252 examinations at, XVlII, 208; XIX, 475,
Universal, the word, XI, 22, 27 530; XXX, 60
Universal Franchise Association, XVl, influence of JSM's Logic at, I, 233
1352 JSM's advice on, XV, 819-20
Universal glut and national life, XV, 858
fallacy of, IH, 570-6; IV, 15-18, 41-2, reform of, Vl, 259-61; X, 33-5; XIV,
275-9 147; XVI, 1279; XVII, 1937; XVlII,
and Nichol's theory of glut, XII, 236 128, 138-46; XXI, 250; XXII, 328;
Universal postulate, Spencer on, VII, XXIV, 763
262-76 revival of, IX, 492n; X, 167
Universal suffrage. See Suffrage, universal mentioned, I, 429; XH. 225; XVI, 1406;
UniVersals XIX, 529
Aristotle's view of, XI, 476-7,487-91 University College London
debate over real existence of, VII. 174--5 Cairnes's professorship at, XVl. 1293,
(VIII. 1061-2); IX. 301-2 1295-6, 1297; XVlI, 1663
Hamilton on imagination and, IX. 306 JSM and, XVl. 1324; XVlI, 2008
Plato's view of, XI, 222-3. 480n JSM recommends Examiner for, XXXII,
See also Conceptualists, Nominalists, 147
Realism, Substances James Martineau and, XVl, 1181, 1211,
Universities (XXI, 215-57) 1219
admission of women to, XV. 787; XIX, recommended, XV, 819
334,492; XXXl, 333--4 mentioned. XVl, 1293, 1295, 1297,
curriculum of, X, 41-5; XI, 509; XXl. 1298
223-56 See also University of London
endowments for, and advancement of University College School. XV, 819
knowledge, IH, 969; IV, 196, 202-4, University of Aberdeen. XV. 670; XVI,
214-15; V, 617,628; X, 33; XXH. 1211
327 University of Chicago, XXXII, 233
German, compared with English. University of Dublin, XXXH, 19
XXXH, 186 University of Edinburgh. I, 5 (4); XXXII,
in India, XXX, 142, 144-5, 146 19-20
not necessarily best training for life, University of London
XXXII, 221-2 John Austin and, I. 185 (184); XII. 72.
parliamentary representation of. XV. 87; XXI, 54, 169
544 comparative failure of, XVH. 1663;
purpose of, VI, 259; XXI, 218-20. 248, XVlH, 102
250; XXVI, 354-5 establishment of, XH, 26, 71-2; XXVI,
Scottish. XVI, 1386, 1470; XXl, 427
219-21,224 JSM and, XVl, 1209-11
mentioned, XI, 443; XVIII, 306; XIX, and Manchester New College, XIII, 476
325,475,477 parliamentary representation of, XV.
-English (Oxford and Cambridge)(XXVl, 544; XVI, 1292, 1294, 1296, 1298-9,
348-58) 1310-11; XXXII. 178, 180
clerical domination of, X, 167-8; XlI, political economy at, XXXII. 18
233; XXVI. 348-51
unity - Utilitarianism 681

state of (1833), XXXII, 21 and house tax, Vl, 162

students of, arrive ignorant, Vl, 199 and labouring class, VI, 153,207, 214.
mentioned, IV, 198; V, 620; VI, 250; 220, 486; XVlII, 54
XVl, 1314; XVlII, 5n, 208; XXI, and large families, XXVIII, 36
214; XXXH, 217 and lying, XXVlII, 35
See also University College monopolize Civil Service, XVIII, 208-9
University of Montpellier, XXVI, 131-43 need regeneration, XVIII, 138. 146-7
passim as oligarchy, VI, 191,469-71,473-4;
University of Paris, Xl, 443; XX, 248,262 XVI, 1208-9; XIX, 333,491-2;
University of Pisa, XIV, 279; XV, 652 XXII, 123, 133-4, 149,207,255-6,
University of Siena. XIV, 279 281-2, 290, 313-14; XXIII, 493,
University of Sydney, XXXII. 233 497-9; XXIX, 416
Upper class oppose population control, XXlI, 84
American slave-holding, XXI, 149-50 andreform, Vl, 151,155,389,474;XII,
conservative role of, XXVIII, 127 83-4; Xlll, 544; XV, 904; XVlH,
diminishing power of, XVIII, 162-5; 127,162; XIX, 364; XXV, 1104;
XXH, 278-9, 314-16 XXVlII, 67
duty of to poor, often misconceived, HI, and U.S. Civil War, I, 267; XXVlII,
759-61; IV, 376; XHI, 640-1,645; 32-3
X1V, 186 (see also Charity. Philan- and universities, XXVl, 356
thropy) mentioned, I, 186,316, 383; VI, 508;
in Ireland, VI, 522 XX, 319; XVlII, 51
JM's view of, I, 536 -French
in Middle Ages, a cutthroat gang, see in ancien r_gime, XX, 65, 74-5,158-9
Chivalry under Bourbon restoration, XX, 175-6,
physical deterioration of, XV, 734 177
popular deference to, XXVI, 383 under Louis Philippe, new oligarchy.
potential good influence of, II, 184,226 XX, 192-3, 198; XXII, 132-4, 224,
women of, XXI, 284,307-8,318-19, 262,298-9; XXIII, 531,681,694-5
324-5,402 (HTM) in Middle Ages, XIX, 612
-English See also Aristocracy, Landlords
and ballot, XVIII, 25-6; XlX, 332-3, Urgel, XXXI, 314, 316-17
491-2 Usury Laws
and Burke, XXVl, 450 condemnation of, m, 923-6; IV,
as buyers of land, XXV, 1230 108-9, 122-3; V, 422; XXIII, 583
character of, I, 280; VI, 190; XIV, 320; origin of. HI, 922
XV, 700, 711; XVIII, 125-6, 128, repeal of, V, 461,531
130, 131; XlX, 338; XXIII, 721; mentioned, VI, 224, 471
XXIV, 789; XXV, 1179 See also Interest (in economics)
character of schools for, XXI, 65-6,214 Utilitarian Society, I. 81-3 (80-2), 123
country gentlemen of, IV, 114-15; (122); XlI, 14-15
XXVl, 327-8,360, 365,374, 380, Utilitarianism (X, 205-59)
381; XXIX, 417 John Austin on, XXI, 57, 59, 177,204
Disraeli and, XXVIII, 149 basic tenets of, X, 209-11,213-14
and education of the poor, I. 179 (178); Bentham's development of, X, 5-9,
XXHI, 653 86-7, 110-13
682 Subject Index

[Utilitarianism] Utility, principle of

Berkeley and, XI, 467 Berkeley on, XI, 467
Cairnes on, XV, 751 as criterion for judging acts, V, 650-1;
happiness as standard in, X, 213-14, X, 257-9; XV, 853-4; XVI, 1318,
218-20; XVI, 1234 1327-8; XXXI, 241-2; XXXlI, 115
history of, X, 86-7. 169-71; XV, 745; (XV, 570)
XXIII, 471 sentimental objection to, I, 322, 325
JM's, I, 49 (48), 589; XXXI, 236-7 used as standard, by opposing schools.
JSM and, I, 69 (68); XII, 81,153,181, X, 26-7,192-4, 207,249
204-5,207,312; XIII, 370 mentioned, XlX, 352; XXI, 90, 186;
James Martineau's view of, XlI, 236 XXII, 100, 101
miscellaneous objections to, answered, See also Utilitarianism
X, 220-6 Utopianism
rhorality of, distinguished from intuitive JSM's version of, IV, 382
school, X, 50-2 meaning of, XXII, 40
MC as vehicle of, I, 91 (90) paternalism as, IV, 373
not popular in French Academie des Saint Simonism and, XXIII, 510, 678
Sciences, XXXII, 139 mentioned, XX, 205,210; XXIH, 445
origin of term, I, 81-3 (80-2); X,
209n-10n VACCINATION, in India, XXX, 151
Paley and, X, 52-7 Vagrancy laws
in Plato's Protagoras, X, 205; XI, 61, Bentham on, XXXI, 83n
391,417-18; XV, 764 injustices of, XXH, 75-6
proof of, X, 207-8, 234-9 Valencia, plants of, XXXI, 301-2
sanctions of, X, 227-33 Value (Ill, 455-501 )
Sedgwick's attack on, answered, I, 209 and cost of production, H, 179; HI,
(208); X, 36, 57-74; XII, 238 471-6, 479-96; V, 635; XVII,
Thornton on, XVH, 1765, 1781-2 1894-5, 1903
utility as criterion of duty orjustice in, V, and demand and supply, Ill, 462-70,
650-1; X, 257-9; XV, 853-4; XVI, 473-6; IV, 29, 33-4, 164, 395-401:
1318, 1327-8; XXXI, 241-2 V, 634-5
Whewell's condemnation of, answered, importance of, in political economy, HI,
X, 171-87, 200-1 455-6
writings on, XVlI, 1875 in international trade, m, 587-9,
mentioned, I, 113 (112), 181 (180), 185 596-609, 612-17; IV, 237-41
(184), 330; IX, 454; Xl, 388; XHI, JM's theory of, XXlI, 3-6
511; XVII, 1665, 1683; XVllI, 235 meaning of exchangeable, and its
See also Benthamism; Happiness; distinction from price, III, 456-61
Morality, Utilitarian; Pleasure and pain; money does not affect, HI, 506-9
Utility natural, defined, HI, 472-3,476
Utilitarians peculiar cases of, HI, 582-6; IV, 401-3
debate Owenites, I, 127-9 (126-8) progress diminishes fluctuations in, HI,
as a group in 1820s, I, 81-3 (80-2), 117 714-15
(116); XXXII, 1-7 rent does not enter into, IV, 177-8
outgrow early sectarianism, XII, 128 Ricardo's meaning of, IV, 293-5
view Carlyle, XlI, 202 Say on wealth and, XXVI, 137-8
mentioned, I, 155; Vl, 328; XII, 145, theory of, recapitulated and qualified,
Utilitarianism - vision 683

m, 497-501,582 163; XXlX, 394, 445-542 passim;

mentioned, XV, 859 XXXI, 393,394
-measure of Vibrations, theory of, X, 26
Malthus on, IV, 30-7; XXH, 51-60; Victoria (Australia), political prospects of,
XXXH, 6 XXXH, 232-3
meaning and difficulties of, HI. 577-81 Vienna (city), XXXII, 131,144 (XV,
Ricardo's, XIII, 659 883)
See also Prices Vienna, Congress of, XXI, 343, 348
Van Diemen's Land, XXII, 273; XXHI, Vierzon, XXVI, 15-16
741 Village communities
Varennes, Louis XVI's flight to, XX, 78, ancient Teutonic, XXX, 216-19
79n, 97, 99, 101 in India, XXV, 1196; XXX, 98-9, 101,
Vatican, XIV, 297 223,226-7
Vaudols, I. 238; XVIH, 238: XX. 248 Violence, reform through, XVI, 1248
Velocity, XV, 928 Virginia
Vend6e, La and English settlers, XV, 826, 827
in French Revolution, XX, 65 mentioned, IV, 58
JSM in, XIV, 227-9 See also Confederate States of America
land tenure in, XXIV, 1050 Virtue
mentioned, XXIII, 474 in ancient Greece and in Britain, Xl, 314
Venereal disease. See Contagious Diseases anecdote regarding teachers of, XI, 401
Acts of citizens, element of good government,
Venice XIX, 390, 392
character of aristocracy in, XVIH, 23 consists in actions, not feelings, I, 323
(XlX, 649), 79, 175; XIX, 347, distinguished from duty, V, 650-1
437-8,604; XX, 270 enlightened self-interest and, XVIH,
as trading community, H, 102; HI, 684 185
mentioned, I, 627; XX, 345 inspiring a love of, I, 115 (114); X,
Ventnor, xm, 602-3; XXVH, 585 15-16;XI, 150, 415-16; xvm, 195n
Vera causa and hypothesis, VII, 495,499 as pan of happiness, X, 235-9
Verbs, JM's theory of, XXXl, 126-7, Plato's view of, XI, 106n, 388-91,
152-3. See also Copula verb 417-21,431-2, 435,437
Verification product of training, not nature, X,
in ethology, VIII, 874 393-7, 401
in social science, VHI, 896-7,908-10, Socrates as teacher of, XVIII, 235
917 Stoic concept of, X, 221
as third stage in deductive method, VII, superiority of life of, cannot be proved by
454, 460-3 argument, XI, 149-50
when fulfils conditions of an induction, Henry Taylor on wisdom and, XIX, 644
VII, 492-6 mentioned, I, 143 (142), 330,426.594;
Verona, JSM visits, XIV, 483,486-7 Xl, 44, 345,404,407,409; XVIII,
Versailles 129, 166, 184, 264; XIX, 612. 635
in French Revolution, XX, 8, 86.91,94, See also Morality
151-7 passim Vision
mentioned, xxm, 386 Berkeley's theory of, Xl, 247-69,
Vestries, XVII, 1556-7; XXVIII, 138, 451-7; XXXI, 156
the word, XXXl, 106
684 Subject Index

Volition. See Will (wages-fund theory), I, 374.388; II.

Voluntaries, Vl, 477,479,481,490, 216,284,337-46, 351-4,356,
491-2. See also Dissenters 361-2,378,385; m, 695-6,719-23;
Voting. See Ballot, Cumulative vote, IV, 35-6, 38-41; V, 449-50, 634,
Elections, Plural votes, Suffrage, 643-6, 664-5,675-6, 717-8; XVI,
Voting papers 1389; XVII, 1587, 1616; XXIl,
Voting papers 80-4, 86-9, 95-7; XXVI, 306,
in Hate's scheme, XV, 599,613; XIX, 312-13. 325; XXVIII, 36
360, 366,367,453-4, 456,462,495 should be proportional to efforts, V, 714;
JSM opposes, XV, 587,594, 604; XIX, XXVI, 319-20
338-9; XXVIH, 232 as source of accumulation, IV, 288;
necessary precautions in use of, XIX, XVI, 1389-90
495 of superintendence, IV, 270, 300-2; V,
mentioned, XVH, 1770 411,735
supplementing of, by allowances and
WAOES(H, 337-99) allotment system, H, 360-6
in Canada, XVII, 1841 supposed tendency of to diminish, V,
causes of inequalities in, II, 380-99 727-8
determination of, as moral question, V, taxation of, HI, 828-30, 841
446-7, 647, 657-8 in U.S.A., XV, 967-8; XVI, 1009;
distinguished from cost of labour, H, KVII, 1803-4, 1837, 1840-1; XVIII,
413-15 98, 99, 102
effect of guaranteeing, through poor mentioned, I, 107 (106), 255-7; V, 708;
laws, XXII, 216-18; XXIII, 635,637 XV, 912; XVI, 1339; XVIII, 122,
government interference with, XXIH, 166; XIX, 405; XXIII, 687; XXIV,
369-70, 384 974; XXVI, 325; XXXl, 407, 409,
high, do not cause general high prices, 410
HI, 479, 691-3,699; XVII, 1734-5, -how affected by
1909-10 absentee landlords, XXH, 103-4
idea of minimum, H, 355-60; VI, 486 cheap labour, XVII, 1654
influence of, on value, HI, 479-81,485 improvements, HI, 719-32; XXVI,
and payment by piecework, xvm, 287 317-18
and payment by the hour, XV, 735 price of necessities, H, 339-41; m,
powerful labouring class might wish to 696-7; XIV, 52
legislate on, XVI, 1103-4; XVIII, prohibition of child labour, XXIII,
176; XIX, 350, 442 399-400
and profits, II, 412-14; m, 698-701, strikes, XVI, 1102, 1439-40
1055, 1093; IV, 290-300; V, 660-2; taxation of commodities, HI, 840; IV,
XlI, 231; XV, 749, 967-8; XV1, 1(I)2, 49-50
1130-1; XVH, 1603, 1895; XXVI, trade unions, 1I, 396-8; Ill, 929-34; V,
322 646, 658-62; XVI, 1335; XVII,
protection does not increase, XVII, 1802 1576, 1734
rate of, and international competitive- truck system, XXII, 212-13,219-22
_ess, m, 688-93; IV, 134-6; XVI, See also Consumption, Labour, Labouring
1127; SIX, 611; XXlV, 837-8, 839 class
ratio between capital, population and Walcberen expedition, I, 308
volition - wealth 685

Wales Waste Land Improvement Society, II, 330

constituencies in, XIX, 316 (HI, 993)
national character in, XX, 235 Waste lands
offences against Game Laws in, VI, 119 drainage and reclamation of Irish. II,
mentioned, VI. 389.474; X. 350; XIX, 330n-ln; HI, 992-3.996-1000;
549 XXIV, 898-1035 passim, 1058-9,
Walton-on-Thames, XXVII. 496,499 1061-2, 1071-2
War enclosure of, condemned, Vl, 249-50;
among early communities, II, 16 XXIV, 903; XXVHI, 74; XX1X, 417.
attacks on enemy's commerce legitimate 420-1,426-8; XXX, 220-1. 222
in, XXVlH, 223-5 sale of, in colonies, XXH, 272-3
avoidance of, XXV, 1206-8, 1224; state should administer for the people,
XXIX, 615-17 (HT); XXXI, 374-6; XXlX, 419-21
XXXII, 224 use of to relieve distress. XXIII, 539
benefits aristocracy, XXlV, 830-1; value of, as uncultivated natural space.
XXVI, 267. 330, 373 HI, 756; XVl, 1140-1; XVlI, 1651.
and competition, XXVI, 316, 317 1659
ER on, I, 316-17,318 mentioned, XVII, 1889-90
and enforcement of treaties, XXV, 1224, See also Commons Preservation Society
1225 Water supply
and federations, XIX, 553,555,559-60, private and public. IV, 396; V, 452
564, 565,566 as regulated monopoly, H, 141; V,
interest rate in time of, HI, 652-3; IV, 433-5
18, 304-5 Waterdown Forest, XXVH, 472
justification of, XHI, 729; XXI, 118, Waterford (Ireland), XXlV, 959-62
120-1, 141 - 2,344, 347,348; XXIV, Waterloo, battle of, I, 490. 491; VI, 321;
834; XXXI, 364-5,373-4 XXIII, 695
modern attitude to, XXI, 330; XXVHI, Wealth
222-3; XXXl, 366n conservative tendency of, XXHI, 338
and power of co-operation, XVlH, equal distribution of, XIV. 81; XVI.
122-3; XIX, 415 1319-20; XXVI, 313,315,336--40
question of intervention in foreign, see fair distribution of, XXH. 249: XXIH,
Non-intervention 674
short-lived effect of, H, 74-5 growth of, as civilization advances, H,
as unproductive expenditure, II, 75-7; 10-21; HI, 705-9; XVIH. 120, 127
IV, 12-18; XXH, 35-6 (see also Civilization, progress of)
Vigny's view of, I. 488,493 and improved morality, XXVI, 259;
mentioned, HI, 686. 707; XVIH, 160. XXXI, 410
161,175 love of, as motive. XXXl, 220,231-2
See also Law, international; Napoleonic nature of, H, 3-10, 46; IV, 42, 281-4
Wars; Revolution and poverty, see under Poor, Upper class
War of 1812, XXVlII, 226 a product of both capital and labour.
Warehousing system, XXHI, 374-5,378 XXVI, 309-12
Warren and Co., xxm, 565 in stationary state, HI, 752-7
Warrenites, I, 261 as subject of political economy, I,
Wastdale, XXVH, 545-6 255-7; H, 21,199-200; IV, 314-15,
321-3; V, 673
686 Subject Index

[Wealth] Westminster
working-class prejudice against, XVIII, choice of candidates for (1865), XVI.
286-7; XIX, 350 999-1000, 1067; XXV, 1211-12
and worldly power, XXH. 255,278,289 franchise in, XXII, 277
mentioned, XIV, 44; XVIII, 159, 160: local government of, XXVIII, 293
XIX, 350, 619 originated plan for local government of
-in England London, XXVIH, 163, 165
disparities of, striking, XVHI, 193 Place and reform of elections in, XXV,
new aristocracy of, XVIII, 164 1263
worship of, I, 179 (178); If, 105,170-2; W.H. Smith and, XXVIII, 24-6 (XXIX,
Nil, 31-2, 48; XVIH, 193-4; XXIII, 597-9)
719-27; XXVI, 373-4, 431,432 mentioned, XVI, 1068, 1129
See also Commercial spirit -JSM and
-national 1865 candidature, I. 272-5; XVI, 999,
and accumulation of capital, IV, 50-1 1005, 1026-41 passim, 1050-79
and financial system, XIX, 386-7 passim; XXVIH, 13-15, 19-22
increased by productive but not (XXlX, 594-6), 28, 32, 41; XXXII,
unproductive expenditure, II, 71-3; 155,157,160
HI, 1043; IV, 263-4 elected, XXV, 1217-18; XXVIII, 44-5
and net produce, IV, 288-9 as member, I, 286; XVI, 1154; XXVHI,
and private property, XVII, 1739-40 89-90; XXXII. 178
See also Capital, Money, Property 1868 candidature. XVI, 1449, 1458-9,
Weather, Tooke on effect of on prices. 1483-4; XXVIH, 320,335,339,342,
XXH, 36-9 347-8; XXXII. 194
Weavers, handloom, XXXI, 409 defeated, I, 288-90; XVI, 1486-1519
Wendover, XXVII, 484-9 passim passim, 1529- 31; XVII, 1535,
West Indies 1541-2; XXVHI, 369-70; XXXII,
Carlyle on Negroes in, XNI, 88, 91, 92 201
discriminating duties favouring, XXX, See also under Parliament
3-6 Westminster Abbey, burial in, XXIII, 419
property in, IV, 64n Westminster Infant School, I, 306-7; XXl,
slavery in, I, 267; II, 19,237,249-50; 221
IV, 374; XI, 314; XV, 828; XIX, 590; Westminster School, I, 336
XXI, 112, 385; XXlH, 350, 741; Westmorland
XXXI, 18 in effect a close borough, XXII, 276
sugar monopoly in, XXII, 25-30; labourers of, II, 350
XXIH, 348, 611 peasant proprietors of, II, 252- 3; XXIV,
trade of, with North America, VI, 941-2
125-6, 135, 137, 143-5 See also Lake District
as trading community, HI, 693-4 Westrop House, XXVH, 493
white supremacy in, XVI, 1123-4 Weymouth, JSM at, XIH, 388
mentioned, I, 120n, 305; H, 66; IV, 90; Wharfedale, XXVII, 505-9
XIX, 566;XXI, 129, 157;XXIII, 610 Whigs
See also Jamaica and ballot, XVII, 1991
West lame. See Lame and Catholic emancipation, VI, 68,
West Virginia, XXI, 162 89-90
Westerham, XXVII, 475
wealth - will 687

and Coalition Ministry of 1827, XXVI, and Corn Laws, XIII, 472
399-408 dismissal of(Nov. 1834), XlI, 238,240,
as coterte, not party, VI, 342-4, 471, 241. 245; XV, 836
495; XXIII, 514 Durham and, I, 223 (222); VI, 430;
and Duke of Wellington, XVII, 1985 XIII, 374,390; XVII, 1987, 1989
ER as organ of, I,95(94),293,294,296, Fonblanque and, VI, 379-80
313-15; XXIII, 574-5; XXXII, 5 measures of, evaluated, VI, 323-8
in 1868, XVI, 1455, 1489 and reformed House of Lords, XII, 283;
in 1870, XVII, 1697 XXIV, 780-2
Fonblanque on, VI, 365-6, 377 relation of to thorough reformers, VI,
and French Doctrinaires, XXII, 137; 297-303,315-17,322, 344-5,
XXIII, 512,514, 589 384-95,408-13,463,473-4; XlI,
have annihilated Tories (1832), XlI, 107 261, 316-17,324,338,345,360;
and literary fund, I, 387 XlII, 369, 371-2, 375-6, 397,423,
origin of term, XXIV, 761 430, 472,478-9,481; XVII, 1968,
and Palmerston, XIII, 456, 459; XV, 1978; XXIV, 791,797-801
627,654 temporary dissolution of (1839), XIII,
philosophy of, VI, 184-5,291,335, 399,400
396; XXV, 1135-6; XXXlI, 20 See also Liberals, Political parties
Radicals and (1830s), I, 205 (204) Whitebeyism, VI, 513; XXIV, 956, 992.
as Reformers, VI, 291,467 1032
in Scotland, VI, 477 Whitsand Bay, XXVII, 630-I
similar to Tories, VI, 182, 275. 299; Wholeness, IX, 40n
XXIlI, 512,535,600, 620 Will
weak, XII, 256 and attention, IX, 309,363,491n
mentioned, I, 91 (90), 602; VI, 308n, Bain on, XI, 356-9, 365-9; XVI, 1212,
402, 443,482; XlI, 83,235,323; 1334; XVII, 1617, 1722; XXXI,
XlII, 380, 382,410, 642; XVI, 1059, 251-2
1063, 1129, 1423, 1459; XVII, 1980; determined by sentiment, X, 50
XX, 127, 157; XXII, 149, 231; freedom of, see Free will
XXIII, 469, 535,673; XXIV, 769; Hartley's theory of, XI, 354-5; XXXI,
XXV, 1111; XXXII, 31 224-5
--Grey Ministry of (1830-34) (XXIII, human and divine, X, 474-6
597-646) JM's theory of, XXXI, 245-6,250-1
changes in, VI, 243-4, 263-4 originating in desire but more like habit,
as disappointing reformers, VI, 151-5, X, 238-9
192, 194-5,283-6, 312-13,343-4; and pleasure and pain, IX, 432
XXlII, 540, 577 as source of idea of cause. VII, 354-5;
and Ireland, XXXl, 386 IX, 295-300; X, 437-9
isolation of departments in, VI, 273-5 as source of idea of power, IX, 107n, 297
measures of, evaluated, VI, 155-280 strength of, not fostered by JSM's
passim; XXlII, 597-646 education, I, 613
and public opinion, VI, 181-3 mentioned, I, 590; IX, 37n, 38n, 93,
Walsh on, VI, 339 105n, 182, 350; XI, 288,303,460;
-Melbourne Ministry of (1834, 1835-41) XVII, 1613; XXXI, 215
(VI, 291-328)
advice to prospective, VI, 291-3
688 Subject Index

Wills. See Bequest; Inheritance, laws of improper commitment of, for lunacy,
Wiltshire, XXIV, 828n, 863,901 XXV, 1198
Windermere, Lake, XXVlI, 512-15, 517, improvement of mankind depends on
533,555-6 position of, I, 621; XIII, 736; XXI,
Windsor Great Park, XXVlI, 477 261,272-6, 326,398 (HTM);
Wine XXVlI, 664; XXIX, 405; XXXII,
JSM views making of, XXVI, 124 207
price of in France, XV, 856 in India, XXX, 122-3,125, 148;
Wisdom XXXH, 209
aphoristic, I, 421,424 influence of on morality, XXl, 327-33,
ER expects no improvement in, I, 316 411-12 (HTM)
mentioned, I, 317,330, 494 insulted by provisions of arsenic bill,
Witchcraft, X, 462,502; XXX, 123; XIV, 63-4
' XXXI, 30, 34 laws concerning labour of, m, 953;
Witnesses XVlI, 1736; xxm, 400, 419n-20n
admissibility of, XIII, 507; XVII, 1558 literature on, XVlI, 1700, 1875
Bentham's scale of credibility of, XXXI, low wages of, II, 394-6
13-15 in medicine, XV, 710-11 (see also under
confmement of, XXXI, 22-3 Education, women's)
cross-examination of, XXXl, 22 in Middle Ages, XX, 45-8,246-7,284,
exclusions of, in English law, XXXI, 387
50-69 and peace congress, XVlI, 1786
oaths of, XXlI, 13-15, 31-3, 43, 47 property of married, see under Marriage
obtaining of, XXII, 44 rights of widowed over children, XXIV,
requirement of two, XXXl, 69-70, 92 1020-3
two types of impossibility in testimony in Rochdale Society, HI, 794n
of, XXXI, 33-4 asrulers, I, 460-1;XLII, 610-11; XVII,
See also Evidence 1634-5, 1687; XXI, 303n
Wokingham, VII, 478,496 in Russia, XVl, 1527-8
Women (XXI, 259-340) Saint Simonians on, I, 175 (174,614);
in ancient Greece, KI, 314 XlI, 119,193; XIV, 298; XVII, 1609;
in Asia, XX, 45, 46 XXlII, 678-80
aversion of men to instructed, I, 311 on school boards, XVII, 1799; XXlX,
beauty of British, XXVI, 277 401
brutality towards, see Brutality, domestic under Socialism, H, 209
Comte's view of, X, 311,341-2,344-7; as teachers, XXIX, 375-6 (606), 401
XIII, 592, 606, 739 in Turkey, X, 66
Dickens ridicules fights of, XIV, 190 inU.S.A., Xl, 324; XVlII, 55n, 104-5n
and division of labour, H, 118,127-8; (see also subhead equality of)
XXI, 43-5,298 and womanly pity regarding Jamaica,
education of, see Education, women's XVI, 1521-2
in France, XV, 671,772; XVH, 1642-3, as writers, xm, 396, 590, 610; XXl,
1712-13, 1714 270, 279-80, 282, 314-17,382,414
in Germany, XXXlI, 229, 234 (HTM); XXV, 1094-5 (1260-1);
and illegitimate children, XXIV, 917-19 XXVlI, 663
mentioned, I, 438; XlV, 306; XV, 677,
wills - Wye 689

680; XIX, 469: XXVI, 73 I, 253n (252), 265,621-2; XVII,

--character of 1670-1; XXI, 37; XXXll, 128
HTM on, XXI, 375 and over-population, II, 372-3; Ill,
innate, question of, Xlll, 592-4, 765-6; XIV, 45, 88-9
605-11,697; XlV, 12-13; XVlI, and slavery, XIII, 608-10; XXI, 284-6,
1633, 1635; XXI, 276-80, 304-22 321,323
not necessarily different from men's, I, William Thompson and, I, 129 (128);
460-1; XI, 275n-6n; Xll, 184; XVll, XXVI, 321
1694-5; XXI, 401 (HTM) mentioned, I, 195 (194,618), 384; XIII,
power of endurance in, I, 429 587
present ideal of, I, 312; XXI, 271-2, See also Divorce, Marriage, Prostitution
293,406 (HTM), 413 (HTM) Wonder, compatible with scientific
true and false ideals of, XVII, 1645-6 knowledge, IX, 487-9
-equality of Woolmer Forest, XXVll, 561,562-3
JSM supports, Ill, 953; XIII, 736, 741; Work. See Labour, Occupations
XIV, 15, 48; XVI, 1257-8, 1261-2; Workhouses. See Poor Law
XVII, 1751, 1838, 1912 Working class. See Labouring class
as members of Parliament, XVl, 1251-2; Working Men's Club and Institute Union,
XXI, 339 XV, 852-3
movement for, XV, 683; XVII, 1695, Working Men's College, XV, 615; XVI,
2016 1301, 1400, 1470; XVll, 1645;
movement for in U.S.A., XIV, 49, 56; XXXll, 184, 193-4
XV, 510; XVI, 1107, 1289; XVII. Working Men's National Emigration
1618, 1631-2, 1670, 1700-1, Association, XVII, 1696--7
1747-8; XXI, 394-7 (HTM), 400 Working Women's College, XXXll, 172
(HTM), 414-15 (HTM) Writing
political rights basic to, XXXII, 204 of advanced thinkers, XXVII, 660
in professions and occupations, XV, advice on, xm, 711-12: XV, 793; XVI,
707,864,939; XVI, 1273-4, 1343-6; 1356; XXXll, 148-9
XVll, 1623, 2010; XXI, 43-5,274, anti-religious views ham_r, Xlll, 492
280-1,299-309, 326-7, 338-40, historical, see History, writing of
387-8, 398-405 passim (HTM): JSM and HTM make plans for, XIV,
XXVll, 664; XXXll, 199-200 142, 152, 168, 348
and right to vote, see Suffrage, women's JSM's aim in his, XXXII, 191 (XVI,
mentioned, XV, 813; XVI, 1442; XVll, 1380)
1535, 1604, 1774, 1912; XXI, 377 JSM's thoughts on his own, XIII, 426;
(HTM), 392 XXVll. 641,644, 654-5,655-6;
-subjection of XXXI, 328-9, 334
condemned, XVll, 1614-15, 1642; of no value for its own sake, XIV. 205
XVllI, 55n-6n; XXI, 261-5.270-6, as part of JSM's education, I, 73-5
323,380-8,398-415 (HTM); XXVI, (72-4)
314 value of system in, XXVII, 657-8
encouraged by present ideal of female See also Books, Literature
character, I, 312; XXI, 271-2,293, Wye, River, XVll, 1782
406 (HTM), 413 (HTM)
HTM's contribution to JSM's views on,
690 Subject Index

VAgMOUTH(Isle of Wight), XXVII, 587,

Yarmouth (Norfolk), XII, 13
Yeomen, English, II, 252-3; IV, 386; V,
679-81; VI, 472; XXIV, 940-2,970
Yewdale, XXVII, 517-18
York, JSM visits, XV, 521-2
cloth from, IV, 64
elections in, VI, 472,473
JSM visits, I, 627; XV, 536-9; XXVII,
Young England Movement, IV, 371n,
383n; XIII, 631
Young Ireland Movement, XXIV, 922

ZARAGOZA,plants of, XXXI, 305--6

Zemindars, H, 320-1; XXV, 1196; XXX,
as concrete science, IX, 472; X, 280
JSM studies, I, 59 (58); XXVI, 132-43
Zoroastrianism, X, 454; XV, 754

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