Learning Plan Semester 3

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Student name: Navjyoti Suri Week 12

Instructors Name:

Area that requires development:

- Body mechanics and transferring techniques.

Date: 23/11/15

Learning goal 1:

- To be able to use proper body mechanics and transferring

techniques by putting less strain on back before next semester
with collaboration with my peers and clinical staff members.

Strategies and resources to be utilized:

- Read body mechanics in Canadian Fundamentals of
Nursing book by Potter and Perry; pg. 773-779; Ch 35.
- Read transferring techniques in Potter and Perry, pg 11961198; Ch. 45 mobility and immobility.
- Watch videos for principles of body mechanics.
- Observe experienced staff for using proper body
mechanics and transferring techniques while working with
- Review clients chart for mobility-immobility pattern and
needed assistance.
- Watch videos regarding use of transferring device safely.

Evaluation Criteria:
- I will be able to transfer clients safely from
bed to wheelchair.
- I will apply proper body mechanic
principles while working and
- I will be able to safely transfer clients
in assistance of partner from bed to
- I will have less muscle fatigue during
use of body mechanics.
- I will demonstrate use of transferring
machine safely.
- I will demonstrate rolling and
pivoting methods alone safely.

Time line:


Student name: Navjyoti Navjyoti Week 12

Instructors name:

Area that requires development:

- Reporting and communication with Health Care Team
members and use critical thinking for taking care of my
client more effectively and learning therapeutic

Date: 23/11/15

Learning goal 2:
To be able to report relevant information regarding clients to
appropriate Health care team members and use critical thinking
regarding clients care and learn communication therapeutic skills
for client and family members.

Strategies and resources to be utilized:

Evaluation Criteria:
Time line:
ticipate in communication with in charge
- I will be able to communicate with health care 08/12/2015
team members clearly.
- I will demonstrate reporting relevant
communication between Health Care members.
information to incharge nurse
https://www.cmpa- I will have all assessments, planning and
acpm.ca/-/strengthening-inter-professionalinterventions for client in my hand before
- Review journals
- I will demonstrate therapeutic communication
- Observing my peer and nurse while reporting and
communicating with other nurse.
- Writing down all relevant data and information before
- Reading communication chapter 17 in Canadian
Fundamentals of Nursing by Potter and Perry for
therapeutic communication skills on pg. 242-253.


Student name: Navjyoti Navjyoti Week 12

Instructors name:

Area that requires development:

- Drug dose calculations especially I/V fluid calculations

Date: 23/11/15

Learning goal 3:

- Be able to do correct drug dose calculations manually without

using calculator and understand the importance of fluid orders
and administer correct amount of fluid even if the infusion pump
is used to calculate the flow rate.

Strategies and resources to be utilized:

Evaluation Criteria:
Time line:
Attend maths classes for general calculations tips
I will do right calculations in minimum time. 08/12/2015
Review Ch. 33 from Canadian fundamental by Peter and I will do calculations without calculator.
Porry; pg 672-679.
I will demonstrate no medication error in drug
Ask for peer and clinical instructor to give dose
calculation problems to solve.
I will be able to calculate the fluid orders, I
Do online course for math formula to do calculations.
will note the fluid volume at the start of my
Compare calculated dose with safer dose amount for client shift and while reporting I will do my input
and output charting to avoid errors.
factors like age, weight, and route.
Do the tutorials given on blackboard in pharmacology.
Practice I/V calculations on text book of Dosage
Calculations by Gloria D. Pickar etal. Canadian 1st edition,
Pg. 302- 345 chapter 12.

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