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NEBOSH Level 6 Diploma

in OSH
Unit C Questions & Answers

(a) Outline a range of hazards associated

with the use of mobile elevating work
platforms (MEWPs). (4)
(b) Outline the general requirements for
the safe use of MEWPs. (6)

a) Hazards would include:

falls from the working platform of persons or
instability of the vehicle, because of such factors as
using the MEWP on uneven ground, or outriggers
not being extended properly
The MEWP being struck by other vehicles,
trapping of part of the body in the lifting machinery
of the MEWP,
Pedestrians being struck by the MEWP,
mechanical failure of the MEWP, leaving workers
stranded at height,
contact with overhead power lines or other
adverse weather conditions such as high wind
leading to overturning of the vehicle, or workers
exposed to extremely hot or cold weather and
excessive UV from sunlight.

b) General requirements would include:

a) The selection and training of operators;
b) guarding scissor mechanisms to prevent trapping;
c) correct positioning to prevent over-reaching and proximity
to dangers such as overhead lines;
d) maintaining stability by the use of fully extended and
locked outriggers on firm ground;
e) preventing the use of the equipment in adverse weather
f) keeping within the safe working limit (SWL) of the MEWP;
g) prohibiting the transfer of persons or materials to or from
the platform while it was in a raised position;
h) regular inspection and servicing of the equipment;
i) preventing falls from the platform by the use of hand rails
and harnesses;
j) controlling working areas by the use of barriers and signs
and providing head protection where appropriate.

Outline the process that must be followed before

a machine can be supplied under the Supply
of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 1992. (10)

Under the Supply of Machinery Regulations 1992, the machine

must satisfy certain Essential Health and Safety Requirements
(EHSRs) and must be safe for the intended use.
EHSRs cover factors such as the safety and reliability of control
devices, protection against mechanical hazards and other
hazards such as electricity, noise and vibration.
The responsible person (who might be the manufacturer of the
machine or the appointed representative in the Community)
must carry out the appropriate conformity assessment
procedures which involve:
the preparation of a technical file (containing information such as
full detailed drawings and calculations and a description of the
methods adopted to eliminate hazards presented by the
Ensuring that the machine complies with the requirements of
other relevant EC directives;
Issuing a declaration of conformity
Affixing the CE mark to the equipment in a distinct, visible,
legible and indelible manner.

State the main factors to be considered when

devising a scheme for the systematic
examination and testing of portable electrical
appliances. (10)

A study of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 and

accompanying Guidance Notes (e.g. HSG107) provides the
following strategy in devising a scheme.
An initial inventory of the equipment to be examined and tested,
ensuring that each item was provided with a unique means of
That completed, it would then be necessary to determine the
appropriate type and frequency of inspection for each item based
on factors affecting the level of risk, such as the type of appliance,
any protective systems provided such as earthing, double
insulation, or reduced voltage, the age and usage of the appliance,
the environment in which it was used and the experience and
competence of the user.
Additionally, historical data, such as previous faults or failures of the
equipment, and manufacturer's recommendations would need to
be taken unto consideration.
Criteria for each type of examination and test would have to be laid
down which would include issues such as the competence of the
tester, the calibration and maintenance of test equipment, the
format of records to be kept on the results of the tests and
examinations and systems to identify and take out of use
equipment that was found to be faulty.

a) Identify the sources of ignition from a typical dieselengined fork-lift truck. (4)
b) Outline the protection that should be provided on such
a truck in order to minimise the risk of explosion when
it is required to work in a potentially flammable
atmosphere. (6)

a) Sources of ignition would include flames or sparks

from the exhaust and inlet systems, sparks arising
from the truck's electrical system, static electricity
build-up between the truck and surroundings, or
through over speeding or overloading of the engine,
causing overheating of the block or exhaust.


b) An initial protection measure would be the fitting of flame and

spark arrestors to prevent flashback to atmosphere if vapour
was drawn into the inlet system and to prevent any flames from
the exhaust system escaping into the air of the workplace.
The engine and exhaust system should be designed to ensure
that their surface temperatures were below the ignition
temperature of the flammable substance and the use of a water
jacket on the exhaust system would provide additional
Electrical equipment on the truck should be suitable for zones 1
and 2 and mechanical alternatives (e.g. a mechanical fuel
gauge) should be fitted where possible.
The use of electrically conducting rubber composites for parts
such as tyres and drive belts would reduce static build up while
fitting speed and load limiters would help prevent over
speeding or over loading of the engine.


With the aid of a fully labelled diagram, identify the key

safety features of a building to be used as a facility for
the storage of highly flammable solvents in 200 litre
drums. (10)


Features should include:

Bunding to contain spills,
Collecting and disposing of spillages;
The building to be constructed of fire resistant materials
Light weight roof and/or blast panels directed away from other
Erected on an impermeable base,
Adequate separation distance from other buildings;
Provision to segregate different materials or full and empty
Adequate access and egress including a ramp to facilitate the
handling of drums;
High/low ventilation flow
Sprinklers/fire extinguishers to be used in the event of an
Security features such as the provision of locks and warning

The owners of a large distribution warehouse

business have secured a contract from a
stationery manufacturer. Their insurers have
recommended that the proposed storage
facility is sprinkler protected. Outline the design
factors to be considered in providing an
adequate sprinkler system for the facility. (10)


An initial design factor to be considered in the provision of an

adequate sprinkler system would be the capacity of water
required, the existence of an adequate and assured water
supply and the availability of an alternative if this was to
fail for any reason. The design of the pumping system
would also be important with a diesel back up if the
decision was taken to install electrically operated pumps.
Other factors would include the means of activating the
system (frangible bulbs or detector activated); frangible
bulbs would be preferable in order to limit stock damage.
Though in this case water would be the preferred
extinguishant, foam could also be considered.
Other factors would include: the linkage of the system to
alarms; the spray pattern required; the area to be covered
and the presence of other combustibles apart from the
stationery; the height of the storage racks and their
distance from the sprinkler heads; the provision of fire
stopping for sprinkler pipe-work passing through fire
compartments; the collection of fire water run off and the
arrangements to be put in place for testing the equipment.

A rectangular warehouse building (4Om x 100m ground area &

18m high) was constructed on a structural steel framework,
with a flat roof and coated steel walls. During a storm, the
warehouse suffered a catastrophic failure of one of its long
walls which in turn caused collapse of the roof and buckling of
the other walls.
(a) Describe the possible mechanisms of structural failure that
investigators would need to consider as potential causes of the
incident. (10)
Outline the health and safety issues to be considered when
planning the subsequent demolition of the damaged
warehouse. (10)


a) Possible mechanisms of structural failure include

adverse weather conditions exceeding designed wind

loadings; overloading of the structure by excess
weight on the roof caused by snow or rain water;
weakening of the steelwork by corrosion through roof
leaks or the inadequacy of rain water drainage from
the roof; alteration to structural members or increasing
the load on wall beams (e.g. installing a gantry crane
without due consideration for the increase in loading)
which had invalidated the original design calculations;
subsidence or nearby excavation or tunnelling
operations creating instability and vibration caused by
the volume of passing traffic; or wind variation which
would result in fatigue.


(b) Issues would include: the competence of the

demolition contractor; the method to be used for
demolishing the partially collapsed structure to
prevent premature collapse of the remainder;
precautions to be taken to prevent falls of people or
material; the identification and isolation of buried
services such as electricity water and gas; the risk of
contact with overhead cables by demolition plant; the
inspection, examination and maintenance of plant and
equipment to be used; procedures for the removal of
waste; the protection of adjoining property; the
exclusion of pedestrians and the public from danger
areas and the provision of appropriate personal
protective equipment for the employees such as hard
hats, boots and eye protection.


(a) Describe the factors that may cause instability of a

mobile crane. (8)
(b) Outline the measures that should be taken to
reduce the likelihood of overturning during a lifting
operation. (12)


(a) Factors affecting crane stability would include:

incorrect initial selection of the crane; incorrect
slinging; unstable ground that is incapable of bearing
the weight of the crane and its load; sloping or uneven
ground; obstructions being struck by the crane or
causing the load to snag; exceeding the safe working
load; incorrect operation of the crane (for example in
the non use of outriggers); incorrect tyre pressures;
mechanical failure and adverse weather conditions.


(b) Controls would include: carrying out an area survey

including a full assessment of the environment and
the load to be lifted; procedural controls such as the
preparation of a lifting plan, selection of the
appropriate crane, ensuring the regular inspection and
maintenance of the crane and appointing a competent
person to supervise the lift; engineering controls such
as ensuring the outriggers are fully extended and that
the capacity indicator and alarm system, the motion
and performance limit device and overload limit switch
are in good working condition; and behavioural
controls such as the competence and training of the
driver, slinger and banksman.


Construction work is to take place in a rural area where

electrical power for the site is to be gained from an
existing 11kV overhead supply that cuts across the
site on wooden poles. Outline the control measures to
ensure electrical safety in relation to:
(a) the overhead supply; (8)
(b) the provision and use of electricity on the site. (12)


(a) Pre-planning of safe working procedures is important. The first step in

avoiding danger is to find out whether there is any overhead electric line
within or immediately adjoining the work area, or across any route to it.
For work at or near overhead power lines, the HSE recommends the
application of a hierarchy consisting of the following actions:
(a) find out if the work has to be carried out under or near overhead lines
(can it be avoided altogether) or, if this cannot be done;
(b) divert all overhead lines clear of the work area or, if it is not reasonable
for this to be done;
(c) make lines dead while the work is in progress or, if this cannot be done;
(d) work around the live overhead lines using the precautions outlined in this
In some cases it may be necessary to use suitable combinations of these
Liaison between the persons responsible for the work and the owner(s) of the
lines should be continued until the work has been completed.
Control measures
As follows plus safe systems of work, supervision, warning signs and training
for plant operators.





(b) Issues that are relevant include planning and

assessment for the development of the electricity
supply by a competent person, considering the size of
electrical supply and possible generation on-site; the
safe positioning of transformers; the routeing, marking
and protection of cables; the use of protective
measures such as multiple earthing arrangements on
the site, reduced low voltage systems, residual current
devices, double insulated equipment; arrangements
for identifying, inspection and testing of the fixed
supply and portable equipment; the development of
safe systems; and the use of competent persons for
installation of and work on the electrical supply.


A serious accident occurred when a threaded

steel rod in the braking mechanism of a hoist
broke. An investigation revealed that the cause
of the breakage was fatigue failure.
(a) Describe the mechanism and characteristics
of fatigue failure. (6)
(b) List THREE factors which can contribute to
such a failure and for each factor describe one
circumstance in which it may occur. (6)
(c) Describe the measures that could have been
taken to minimise the likelihood of such a
failure. (8)

(a) Fatigue

is a form of failure that occurs in materials subjected to

fluctuating stresses for example, solder joints under
temperature cycling. Under these circumstances, it is possible
for failure to occur at a stress level considerably lower than the
tensile or yield strength for a static load.
Although failure is slow in coming, catastrophic fatigue failures
occur very suddenly, and without warning.
Fatigue failure is brittle-like in nature. The process occurs by the
initiation and propagation of cracks. Crack growth is brought
about by the application of cyclical stresses.
The effect of fatigue failure will be aggravated in the case of
components which contain a crack introduced during
The appearance of a fatigue fracture surface is distinctive and
consists of two portions, a smooth portion, often possessing
conchoidal, or mussel shell, markings showing the progress of
the fatigue crack up to the moment of final rupture, and the final
fast fracture zone.

Fatigue Fracture


(b) Fatigue failure is caused by

design faults such as sharp corners or holes which act as a focus for stressors
irregularities, for example surface occlusions, which provide points of weakness
in the material structure
incorrect choice of materials for the environment and working conditions, so
that the components are operating outside the materials capabilities;
residual stresses imposed during manufacture or assembly, which would again
act as weak points susceptible to stresses
Corrosion changing the characteristics of a material, generally weakening or
embrittling it
In an accident at the Markham Colliery, a descending cage carrying men failed
to slow down as it approached the bottom of the mine shaft and 18 miners
were killed by the impact. The accident was caused by fracture of the brakerod, when a slowly growing fatigue crack reached a critical size and the
brake-rod parted.
Metal fatigue came strongly to the notice of aircraft engineers in 1954 after
three Comet passenger jets had broken up in mid-air and crashed within a
single year. Investigators told a public enquiry that the sharp corners around
the plane's window openings acted as initiation sites for cracks. The skin of
the aircraft was also too thin, and cracks from manufacturing stresses were
present at the corners. All aircraft windows were immediately redesigned
with rounded corners.

(c) In order to minimise the likelihood of fatigue

failures, measures would include: ensuring that

the design, manufacture and installation
involves the correct specification of materials
and components to match service conditions;
correct assembly and quality assurance; the
maintenance, inspection and examination (with
NDT) particularly of critical components and
their replacement at planned intervals; and
measures connected with use such as avoiding
abuse and remaining within designed
operational limits, the provision of training and
instruction for those involved in the use and the
keeping of service history records.

The horizontally sliding gate at the bottom of a

construction site hoist used for raising and
lowering both persons and materials is
electrically interlocked.
(a) Illustrate, by means of a schematic diagram, a
suitable interlocking arrangement and give
reasons for the level of protection shown. (10)
(b) Outline the factors that could prevent effective
operation of the interlocking mechanism and
the measures that would be needed to ensure
continued effectiveness. (10)


Gate Open

Gate Closed



(a) The type of system chosen is illustrated in

the diagram - two limit switches in opposite
modes linked into the control circuitry of the
lifting mechanism. The safety advantage
offered by this system is that it compensates
for failure or sticking of one of the switches. If
normally closed or open switches were used on
their own, failure might result in continued
operation of the lift when the gate was open.
The switches should be fixed in a position
where they cannot be deliberately wedged
open by workers who wish to shortcut the

(b) On a construction site, the arduous

conditions, dirty environment, and exposure to
adverse weather conditions must be taken into
account. The equipment will be used by a
variety of employees some of whom may not
be adequately trained. Some may wish to
defeat the safety measure. Measures to ensure
continued effectiveness should include the
selection of robust components, circuit design
to minimise the risk of earth faults,
arrangements for regular inspection and
maintenance, protection from the environment
and effective supervision.

State the statutory periods within which a

thorough examination of must be carried out
for the following types of work equipment:
1. Air Pressure Plant with a air receiver of a
capacity of 300 bar litres
2. Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) equipment
3. Power Presses as defined in Part IV of the
Provision and Use of Work Equipment
Regulations 1998 (PUWER)
4. Lifting Equipment


1. Under the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations

2000, the type and frequency of examination are
defined by the written scheme. Typical period would
be 12 months unless the system was being used in
a hostile environment.
2. The COSHH Regulations require that LEV is
examined thoroughly by a competent person within
14 months of the last test
3. Under Part IV of PUWER, power presses with fixed
guards must be thoroughly examined at 12 monthly
intervals, others (with for example interlock guards)
every 6 months.
4. Under LOLER, thorough examinations should be
every 6 months for lifting equipment used for lifting
or lowering people; every six months for lifting
accessories such as slings, hooks and eyebolts; and
every 12 months for all other equipment such as
cranes or lift trucks.

1. Calculate the stress on a cable of length 20

metres and cross-sectional area 0.03 cm 2
under a force of 3 MN
2. If under this force the cable stretches by 1 cm,
calculate the strain on the cable.


1. Calculate the stress on a cable of length 20

metres and cross-sectional area 0.03 m 2
under a extensive force of 3 MN
Stress = Force / Area = 3/0.03 = 100 MN/m 2
2. If under this force the cable stretches by 1 cm,
calculate the strain on the cable.
Strain = Change in length / Original length
= 0.01 / 20 = 0.005


A household electrical circuit is used for a cooker

which is power rated at 10 kilowatts. If the
household supply voltage is 250 Volts, what
should be the current rating of a mini circuit
breaker installed in the circuit to protect it
against over-current?


A household electrical circuit is used for a cooker

which is power-rated at 10 kilowatts. If the
household supply voltage is 250 Volts, what
should be the current rating of a mini circuit
breaker installed in the circuit to protect it
against over-current?
Power (Watts) = Volts x Amperes
Therefore Amperes = Watts / Volts
= 10000 / 250 = 40 amperes
The MCB should have a rating of, say 45 Amps
to allow for initial power surge.

Explain the phenomenon of impedance to

alternating current in an electrical circuit.


Impedance in a circuit is the resistance to the

passage of alternating current, and is a
composite of the resistance, capacitance and
inductive properties of the circuit and its


An organisation which manufactures flammable solvents

has to equip a new warehouse for its products, and
also multi-storey office block, with portable fire
(a) State the type of extinguishers that should be
installed in the warehouse AND the offices (3)
(b) State the guidelines give in EN 3 1996 for the
number of extinguishers that should be provided on
each floor of the office block (3)
(c) State the guidance formula given in EN 3 1996 that
should be used to calculate the rating of extinguisher
which should be provided to deal with a burning pool
of solvent which might result from a typical spill in
the warehouse (4)
(d) List the factors to be considered in the suitable and
effective siting of portable fire extinguishers in the
workplace. (10)

(a) State the type of extinguishers that should be

installed in the warehouse AND the offices.
Class A portable extinguishers would be adequate
for the office, where only combustible materials
such as paper, furniture and fitting are likely to
be present. Where electrical equipment is
used, a CO2 extinguisher should be provided.
If the staff are provided with cooking facilities,
powder type, Class F type or a Fire Blanket
may be appropriate.
In the Warehouse, portable extinguishers should
be suitable for Class B fires. Foam or powder
types would be preferable.

(b) State the guidelines given in EN 3 1996 for the

number of extinguishers that should be
provided on each floor of the office block.
The Standard states that, where a Class A fire is
the most likely, a minimum of 2 extinguishers
should be provided per floor, unless the upper
floor area is 100 sq.m. AND has only one
occupant. In any other case, the fire rating
required is calculated from the formula:
Floor Area covered (sq.m.) x 0.065.
e.g. to cover 200 sq.m. you would require a Class
A extinguisher with a rating of at least 13A


(c) State the guidance formula given in EN 3 1996

that should be used to calculate the rating of
extinguisher that should be provided to deal
with a burning pool of solvent which might
result from a typical spill in the warehouse
The Standard recommends that the Rating of a
Class B portable extinguisher should be as
Rating Required = 10 x Volume of Spillage.
i.e. for a 3 litre spill, a Class B extinguisher with a
rating of at least 30B would be required.
Note: In practice e.g. a standard extinguisher
with a 34B rating would be available

Extinguisher Ratings


(d) List the factors to be considered in the suitable and

effective siting of portable fire extinguishers in the
On the line of escape routes
Near to possible site of fires
Near room exits
In multi-storey buildings, at the same location on
each floor.
Grouped at Fire Points where possible
In wall recesses where possible, if site in corridors
So that no person need travel more than 30
metres to reach an extinguisher
With the carrying handle about one metre from
floor level
Away from excesses of heat or cold.
Protected from dust and other contaminants

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