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- E s t a b l i s h e d

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Merced High School

H o m e

o f

S c h o l a r s

a n d

205 West Olive Avenue, Merced CA 95344

C h a m p i o n s

(209) 385-6465

October 8, 2014

To Whom It May Concern,

I am pleased to offer this recommendation on behalf of Alexis De Los Reyes. Alexis has
completed 2 years at Merced High School maintaining a 4.28 grade point average. This
was accomplished while taking rigorous academic courses, participating in Band and in
Young Life.
As her Pre-Calculus and Algebra 2 teacher, it had been my observation that Alexis always
conducts herself in a professional manner, performing her duties with the utmost
efficiency and ability. Alexis demonstrates a great deal of natural ability. She is innovative
and dynamic in a group setting, infusing motivation and leadership in each of her goals.
She is well organized and has demonstrated a mastery of math skills. She is popular with
fellow students because she provides positive encouragement, listens to her fellow
students, and helps them in many capacities. She gives her time unselfishly, for the good
of her peers.
In closing, I consider Alexis De Los Reyes an outstanding candidate for any college and/or
scholarship. Ive been fortunate to know her. She possesses the qualities necessary for
excellence in any profession she chooses and has my wholehearted support. If I can
provide additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (209) 385-6465.

Greg McKinstry
[email protected]

Every Bear Counts

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