Oral TM 1

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1. What is the purpose of knowing the individual characteristics of your trainees?

To know the suited learning characteristics of the trainee, their ability level,
learning style and preferences, motivation and interest.
2. What is current competency?
The skills and knowledge obtained thru formal training, work experience or life
3. How will you determine the training needs of your trainees?
Identifying the training gaps (the gap between the required competencies and
current competencies.
4. What is a session plan?
A simply stated, clearly written and flexible trainer aid for conducting a session or
5. What is the main basis of your session plan?
6. What training delivery mode is most appropriate for your qualification?
7. What training methods are appropriate for your competency?
Discussion, observation/ demonstration
8. What training methods are appropriate for the skills training requirement of
your curriculum?
Demonstration/ Observation
9. How do you plan for your skills practice of your trainees?
Establishing industry linkages
10. How will you make sure that your session plan captures the assessment
criteria in your CS?
Transfer criteria to session plan/ assess performance using performance criteria
checklist on the institutional competency evaluation tools.

11. What are the characteristics of a good information sheets?

Free from violation of copy right law;
Contains information essential to the attainment of the learning outcome;
Has a title that gives some idea of the coverage of the sheet
Approach in terms of content and presentation is appropriate to the interest and
reading level of the learning
The layout, text and drawings are attractive in appearance and legible
Has in common terms marked for further defining
Has acknowledgement per copied part of the sheet
12. When do you say that an objective is smart?
Specific very clear and detailed
Measurable always use verifiable verb and describe an action that can be seen
and measured
Time bound
13. What are the elements of a good performance objective?
14. When can you conclude that a trainee is competent?
When he/ she achieve the knowledge, skills and attitude needed in the
15. What is the purpose of preparing an evaluation plan?
Serve as a planning tool/ guide in making evaluation tools
Basis that conform from the performance criteria
16. What is the basis of your evidence requirements in your evidence plan?
Competency Standards/ Performance Criteria
17. When is observation with questioning most appropriate as an assessment
method? How is observation different from demonstration?
Observation done in the actual job in the actual site
Demonstration when we do structured learning exercise/ can be done actual in
the shop or field

18. What are the components or areas of a CBT facility or laboratory?

Practical work area, Learning Resource Area, Institutional Assessment Area,
Contextual Learning Laboratory, Quality Control Area, Trainers Resource
Area, Distance Learning Area, Computer Laboratory and Support Service
19. How do you characterize a good CBT lab?
Complete components
Aligned with the competencies of the qualification
Well sequence
20. How do you ensure the validity of evaluation tool?
Make a table of specification
21. How do you increase the reliability of your written test?
Do item analysis that is analyzing the degree of difficulty and index of
discrimination of the test items
22. What is weakened when the answer key of your written test got into the hands
of your students, reliability or validity?


1. What are the means of recognizing Prior Learning?
Refers to the acknowledgement of skills and knowledge held as a result of
formal training, work experience and or life experience.
Portfolio, self- assessment check, interview, demonstration, written test
2. In your trainees complain about the ineffectively of the methods you are using,
what would you do?
Change the training method
Review the trainees training requirements
3. How would you manage limited training resources?
Distribute trainees in each Unit of Competencies
4. In case the training materials for the session did not arrive on time, what
remedies can you suggest?
Do substitution, example: hand tractor is under repair/damage, do carabao
plow manually
5. If the pre- test/ post test analysis revealed that there are no significant
difference between pre- test and post test scores, What does this means?
Null hypothesis no increase of knowledge, no additional learned by the
trainee, repeat the training if necessary
6. Why is there a need to evaluate training session?
To know if the training objectives are met, which is the basis to make
adjustment/ improvement
7. Why is there a need to do institutional competency evaluation instead?
To check whether the objectives in the TR are met in the training


1. What are the goals or objectives of work- based learning? Give at least three.
To expand and enhance the trainees learning thru planned career experiences
in an actual work setting
To help the trainees make the transition from school to work and career.
To teach the environment of work
2. What are components of training plan? Explain.
Trainees training requirement these are the competencies or learning outcome
that the trainees need to learn based on the results of the training needs
Training activity/ task these are the activities/ task that the trainees need to
perform to learn the competencies or learning outcome.
Mode of training this refers to the medium used to deliver the training/ facilitate
the learning
Staff the personnel involved in the training (trainer, training coordinator,
Facilities/ tools and equipment the resources that would be needed during the
conduct of the program.
3. How do you ensure that the training arrangement are met before conducting
the work- based training?
Build the correct range of resources
Check with the person concerned the availability of these resources
Identify the required tools, equipment, materials and facilities that the trainees
would use to attain the required competency based on training plan.
4. How do you differentiate job shadowing from internship?
Job Shadowing a school- supervised career exploration activity where in
trainees visit work sites and shadow employees as they perform their jobs.
It emphasizes the workplace, not participating as a productive worker.
Internship help trainees move from school to the workplace by offering hands
on learning, in real work settings, over a relatively long period of time.
5. What are the guidelines in providing constructive feedback? Give at least 3 and
explain each one.
Relates performance to the standards shows how the performance compares
to the standard, exemplar or goal
Relates performance to strategies Give trainees feedback about how well they
apply specific strategies or steps

Indicates progress - by placing the feedback in the context of previous expected

6. What is the difference between the trainees progress chart and the trainees
record book?
TRAINEES PROGRESS CHART Can be for individual trainee, for a group of
trainee, more appropriately used in a workshop where all trainees train. This is a
record and monitor of the learning outcomes accomplished by the trainees.
TRAINEES RECORD BOOK To record achievement of competencies agreed
within the training plan while in the industry.
7. What is the important to observe safety practices in work- based training?
To ensure them that they are free from any incidents that might be happen while
the training is ongoing.
8. How do you analyze the performance and learning achievements of trainee?
Evaluate thru trainees progress report
9. How do you evaluate the effectiveness of the work- based the stated
Review of the training plan
Evaluate trainees progress report
Feedback from the trainees
Self evaluation
10. If majority of the trainees rated the trainer under the item training
methodologies are effective to be poor, what recommendation can you suggest,
Change training method/ mode of delivery


1. Why do we need to maintain training facilities?
To ensure that facilities, equipment, and tools are adequate, available and in
operating condition.
This is premised that a healthy, safe and worry- free working environment
promotes good performance and well being of the students and the whole school
Ensure safe environment, improved morale of human resources, reduced
operational cost, increased production, prolonged life of facilities.
2. What is the rationale in reporting and documenting the maintenance facilities?
Collecting data shall be the 1st job data collected shall be used as reference for
technical information or as a basis to structure the equipment and facilities
To collect data that can be use to optimize efficiency and enable cost effective
decisions and actions.
3. As a CBT facilitator, how will you prepare your plan in the competency
By preparing a maintenance program
4. In your respective schools/center, how do you maintain your facilities?
Keep it in safe places, be sure that the tools, materials, and equipment are clean,
free from rust, dust before you keep in proper places.
Implement the 5 S ( seiri- sort, seiton- systematize, seizo- sweep, seiketzu
standardize, shitsuke- self discipline) always,


1. What must you do if the equipment breaks down or if the equipment breaks
down or if there are irregularities in its operation?
Stop, If you cannot remedy it bring to the technicians
2. If the computer hanged during the operation, what are you going to do? What
key combination should be pressed in the key board?
Ctrl Alt Delete
3. What should be done when the computer cannot detect the LCD projector?
Check the connections
4. What are the causes of running sound when using the microphone?
Defective microphone
Broken cords
The speaker is very near
5. Why do you have to let the LCD projector to cool down before you have to
unplug it?
To protect the projector lamp
To prolong the life of lamp
6. What are the safety handling procedures for a digital video camera recorder?
Avoid wetness
Do not focus lens in direct sunlight
Do not handle it with spare parts/ do proper handling


1. How could you prove that the evidence you collected is reliable?
Proceed/ review the rules of the evidence
2. Why is confidentiality important in the evaluation process?
Protect the integrity and validity of the test package
3. What would you do if the trainee cannot understand the language used in the
evaluation documents?
Translate language that is understandable
4. How do you ensure the confidentiality of the evaluation?
Secure the test package
Whatever result should kept it secret
5. What would you do if the workplace is unsafe for evaluation?
Stop the assessment immediately to avoid accident
Re- schedule
6. What would you do if the trainee exhibit unsafe practices during evaluation?
Same in no. 5
7. How did you know that the evidence you collected was valid?
Basing from the competency standard
When it conform with the requirement of the unit of competency thru performance
When it reflects current industry standards
8. How did you know that the evidence collected was valid?
When all the aspect of competency has been satisfied as to its quality and
quantity of evidence assessed.
9. How did you know that the evidence collected is sufficient to make an
evaluation decision?
Same in no. 8

10. How did you ensure that all elements in the unit of competency were covered
in the evaluation?
Prepare evaluation/ evidence plan
11. How did you evaluate task management skills in the evaluation activity?
(dimension of competency)
When the candidates perform the task/ manage multiple task To achieve/
complete the whole activity
12. Did the evidence gathered cover all the dimensions of competency?
Yes, using the different assessment method and it covers all the 4 dimension of
13. What evidence did you use to evaluate the underpinning knowledge of the
Written test
Oral questioning
14. How did you gather evidence on each of the critical aspect of competency
identified in the evidenced guide?
By using performance criteria checklist
15. How did you ensure that the evaluation decision is correct?
There are corroboration of evidences, rules of evidence, covers the dimension of


1. Gain attention
2. Inform learners of objectives
3. Stimulate recall of prior learning
4. Present the material
5. Provide guidance for learning
6. Elicit performance
7. Provide feedback
8. Assess performance
9. Enhance retention and transfer
1. Task Skills performance of the task (s) to the required standard.
2. Task Management Skills captures the skills used as people plan and integrate a
number of potentially different tasks to achieve a complete work outcome.
3. Contingency Management Skills the requirement to respond to irregularities and
breakdowns in routines.
4. Job/Role Management the requirement to deal with the responsibilities and
expectations of the work environment.
Learner Motivation
Adults must want to learn
Adults have a concept of being responsible for their own decisions
Learner Orientation
Adults will learn only what they feel they need to learn
Adults learn by comparing past experience with new experience
Orientation to learning
Adults need immediate feedback concerning their progress
Adults want their learning to be practical

Disposition barrier
Adults try to avoid failure
Learning styles
Adults do not learn the same way
Adult have their own style of learning
1. Relevant
2. Task oriented
3. Participatory (two way communication)
4. Friendly
5. Varied
6. Built on past experience
Factors to be considered when developing CBLM
1. Principles of CBT
2. Training regulations
3. Trainees characteristics
4. Characteristics of adult learners
5. Learning styles
- nine events of instruction
- dimension of competency
1. Front page
2. List of competencies
3. Module content
4. Learning outcome summary
5. Learning experiences
6. Information sheet
7. Self check
8. Self check answer key
9. Operation/ task/ job sheet
10. Performance criteria checklist
11. Reference/ further reading


1. Industry Sector
2. Qualification title and level
3. Unit of competency
4. Module title
5. Learning outcomes
6. Introduction
7. Learning activities
8. Evaluation
9. Teachers reflection

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