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Cell group notes

w/c 2nd May 2010


What would be a perfect way for you to spend a Bank Holiday?


Gather together a collection of kitchen tools/utensils and put them on a small table in
the centre of the group. Ask everyone to select a tool/utensil which says something
about what God is doing in their life at the moment. Ask everyone to say why they have
chosen the utensil they have – and then turn these things into short prayers of thanks
for God’s presence with us.

This is the second week of our series examining the 10 commandments –‘Framework for
Freedom’. So this week its Ex 20:4-7 – ‘make for yourselves no idols’. The passage
we’re going to look at together is Acts 17:16-31. Pray for the Lord’s help as you
discuss together, and then read out both passages.

1. If we are capable of misrepresenting God by picking and choosing what we think

about him – how do we make sure we are getting an accurate understanding of
who he is? How have you discovered what God is really like?
2. What are the things which appear to be idols for the society around us?
3. Are there things which could be idols for us as a church?
4. (You might want to break down into groups of three for this) Which of the good
things you enjoy which could become an idol for you? (i.e. filling the place of
devotion that only God can fill?) How can you make sure that they don’t become
an idol? What do you do to ensure they take (at least) second place to God?
5. How can we help each other to grow in wholehearted devotion to the one true

It if helps- here are the statements I used on Sunday to explore the things which can become
• God gives purpose, meaning, and fulfilment to my life.
• God governs the way I act.
• God is the focal point around which my existence hangs.
• God is often in my thoughts, and I get enthusiastic about God.
• Thoughts of God comfort me when I’m down.
• I read about God, I talk about God, I make friends with those who are also committed to
• I desire more of God.


What is the next occasion your cluster is doing something to which not-yet-Christians
will be invited? Who will they be? How can you pray for them? How can you pray for
each other as you invite them, serve them and seek to share Jesus with them?

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