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SOP for Receipt of Material at Ambernath Factory

Check points to be satisfied before gate entry Stamp is affixed:

1) A delivery challan / Tax Invoice must accompany the material.
2) The delivery challan / Tax Invoice should be addressed in the name
of the comp any.
3) Pu rchase Order Number is mentioned on the challan / Tax Invoi ce.
After the Gate entry stamp is affi xed:
1) The Stamped Challan / Tax Invoice / Excise Invoice to be handed
over to Stores Keeper.
2) The store keeper shall ensure the following :

Conduct a physical check of the material received and tally the

items received with the documents accompanying the same for
corre ctness.
In case material is received against an Excise Invoice, ensure
Duplicate copy for Transporter is available before generating a
Goods Received Note.
The Material Receipt (MR) is then to be punched in the Baan if
the receipt is against a valid Pu rch ase Orde r.
After the MR is done in the system, the material is handed over
to Quality Inspection team for physical verifi cation and quality
inspection along with a GRN copy signed by the Store Keepe r.
On completion of physical verifi cation and acceptan ce of the
material the quality team shall put his remarks on the GRN so
re ceived from the Store Keeper and do the necessary entry in
Baan to confi rm or reject the material received either partially
or completely.
After making the entry in Baan the Quality team shall
regenerate the GRN which shall be the fi nal GRN copy after
re ceipt and Inspection is completed.
This fi nal GRN be printed in two copies and the same shall be
countersigned by Store Keeper and the Quality In-charge.
One copy to be retained by store-keeper and the other copy to
be attached with the Tax Invoice and sent to Accounts Team for
booking the Tax invoice.
In cases where GRN is not generated due to defi ciency in
documentation, the instances to be captured separately and
reported to purchase team for corre ctive action.

3) Time lines for completion of activity is as follows :


Creation of Initial GRN by store

Time Limit
Day of Receipt or
next day.


Physical Verifi cation


Updating GRN in Baan post

Quality Inspection

Within two working

days f rom the date
of receipt.
Daily activity
(Everyday two
hours to be
allocated for
updating the
details in Baan)

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