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The Spellplague and the Sundering

Third Edition to Fourth Edition 1385 DR (approximately 100 years

When Ao the Overgod destroyed the Tablets of Fate at the conclusion of the Time
of Troubles, he instigated the Era of Upheaval. The Tablets defined the laws of
Realmspace and kept it relatively stable. Without them, chaos ensued and the
worlds of Abeir and Toril, separated many thousands of years ago, slowly started
to overlap.
The Spellplague, a disaster that struck Dungeons and Dragons third Edition
Realmspace 1385 DR, drastically sped up this process. This was caused by insert
witty comment here/Hasbro Midnight's assassination at the hands of Cyric and
Shar. With the goddess's death, the Weave, the universal structure of arcane
forces, convulsed. It continued for a decade, leading to the Wailing Years, during
which arcane magic ceased to function and the planet of Toril was transformed.
Thousands of mages were either destroyed or went insane due to the collapse of
the Weave after Mystra's death. Others were forced to relearn the Art from first

Effects on the Gods

Mystra as noted died becoming a vestige.

Velsharoon lost the spark of his divinity and his sole avatar became fully
mortal. Forced to relearn arcane magic Ranaghar fled from Thay and his
many, many enemies.
Savras died as a result of the dissolution of Mystra's home plane,
Azuth was thrown from Dweomerheart to the Nine Hells, where Asmodeus
stole his divine essence and became a god. Dweomerheart itself was
Cyric was tried by a conclave formed of Lathander, Sune and Tyr. They
found him guilty of Midnight's murder and sentenced him to imprisonment
in the Supreme Throne.
Lathander transformed back into Amaunator.

1479 DR Year of the Ageless One (10 years prior to current day)

Cormyr: Manshoon (long a Vampire) plans to conquer Cormyr via a

conspiracy of unsatisfied nobles he influences, as Cormyr is on the brink of
civil war. To further his goals he also secretly starts killing War Wizards.
Cormyr: Storm Silverhand travels through the Forest Kingdom, recruiting
new Harpers. Meanwhile her sister, the Simbul uses bluefire artifacts to
close planar rifts.

Cormyr: Castle Urlingstar, a prison for sentenced nobles, suffers a string of

murders. Events turn catastrophic as the southern tower is destroyed. In
the end the few surviving staff and noble inmates flee the castle,
teleporting directly to the royal gardens in Suzail. Rumours speak of a
black dragon attacking, mage duels involving the likes of Elminster and
Manshoon, Drow assassins, and even state-sanctioned killings of the
troublesome noble inmates
Cormyr: The Simbul sacrifices herself to restore Elminster. Empowered by
the collected magical energies and enraged over the losses he had to
suffer, Elminster goes on a rampage, killing and punishing several
deserving villains and ending Manshoon's plan for conquering Cormyr. In
the end he uses the power to restore the vestige of Mystra back to full
Storm, Elminster and Mirt the Moneylender start training the new Harpers.
Waterdeep: Samark's apprentice and heir Vajra Safahr assumes the
mantle of the Blackstaff.

1480 DR Year of the Deep Water Drifting

Lolth starts to create the Demonweave. Drow mages in good standing

with her (this excludes Ranaghar) rise in status.

1482 DR Year of the Narthex Murders

Duke Abdel Adrian of Baldur's Gate and son of Bhaal is attacked by his last
remaining sibling and as one slays the other, the god Bhaal returns to the
Realms in the body of the victor. One of the other three dukes of the city,
Torlin Silvershield, becomes Chosen of Bhaal.

1484 DR Year of the Awakened Sleepers

The Sembian armies of Netheril march against the Dalelands. Archingdale

is attacked and conquered.
The reborn Companions of the Hall are reunited with Drizzt on Kelvin's
Cairn on the night of the Spring Equinox. Clerics of Lolth sense the anger
of their goddess.
Menzoberranzan: On the Festival of the Founding, House Baenre and FeyBranche forge an alliance. An avatar of Lolth appears to show her
approval. The alliance is sealed by the secret marriage of Archmage
Gromph Baenre with Minolin Fey, now Fey-Baenre.
Jarlaxle is ordered back to Menzoberranzan by Matron Mother Quenthel
Baenre, leaving Bregan Daerths dealings in Luskan in the hands of
Beniago Baenre.
Menzoberranzan: House Do'Urden is to be recreated on the orders of Lolth
for the purpose of leading an army against the Silver Marches. House
Xorlarrin leaves Menzoberranzan for it's new-founded sister-city of
The Drow begin to darken the skies over the Silver Marches through the
ritual of the Darkening, preparing the battlefield for their warriors. The
Drow plan to fight a proxy war, with the reborn House of Do'Urden leading

forces of all Drow noble houses and the orcs of Many-Arrows against the
Silver Marches.
Dhalia, Drizzt's former lover and companion is named Matron Mother of
House DoUrden, 8th House of Menzoberranzan.
The chromatic dragons begin to gather a hoard in a ritual to reach the
Nine Hells.
The Dales have already endured months of attacks by Sembian forces.
The god Mask returns into the Realms through his Chosen Riven. Shar's
Cycle of Night is broken and the Ordulin-Maelstrom is closed.
Netheril: The High Prince Kas orders the capture of the Chosen.
Luskan: The Arcane Brotherhood is revived in Luskan.
Silver Marches: Heroes from Luruar stop Lolth from creating the
Icewind Dale: The People of Icewind Dale are threatened by the
machinations of the Arcane Brotherhood, the Wight of Akar Kessel and
Hedrune the Ice Witch, Chosen of Auril.
Sea of Fallen Stars: After months the 'Great Rain' comes to an end. The
waters of the Sea of Fallen Stars have swollen so greatly, that its shores
now resemble something akin to the shoreline from before the Spellplague
The Earthmotes begin to drop from the sky.
Cormyr: The shadow fiends of the prison-city Wheloon escape their prison
and march on Marsember.
Myth Drannor: The elven city is under siege by the forces of Netheril.
Underchasm: The god Helm returns to the Realms due to the faith of his
Chosen Kleef Kenric.
Lady Arietta Seasilver, Chosen of Siamorphe and her fellow Chosen
convince the primordial Grumbar to remain in the Realms and block
Shar's attempt to bring the Shadowfell into the Realms via the
Underchasm. The Underchasm is filled with earth in the process.
Cormyr: Shadowwalkers from the Hall of Shadows reinforce the Shadovar
army besieging Suzail. Suzails walls are briefly breached by the shades.
Although the shadow warriors kill many not one of them is able to open
the gates before being slain.
Cormyr: War wizards close the portal within the Forgotten Keep, cutting of
Netheril's supplies in the region, breaking the siege of Arabel.
Cormyr: At dawn the Army of the Western Marches rides down from
Arabel, crushing what remains of Netheril's army against the walls of
Suzail. Not a single soldier of the Shadovar is spared. The siege of Suzail

1487 DR Year of the Rune Lords Triumphant

Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions abound as Abeir begins to separate

from Toril.
Stars fell reportedly from the sky, gods long thought dead walk the land
and armies lead by Chosen clash everywhere.
Kas becomes Chosen of Shar. Chosen of other gods are to be destroyed
by Netheril

Elminster enters Candlekeep to secretly look for writings of Khelben

Arunsun on the Weave.
Netherese agents start slaying the baelnorn of Myth Drannor and draining
the ancient elven magics.
Cormyr: Rumours that Myth Drannor and the Dales have fallen reach
Suzail, but not everyone believes in them.
Shade Enclave: The flying enclave-city of Shade itself is moved against
Myth Drannor.
The Battle for Candlekeep
Netherese sleeper-agents among the monks of Candlekeep are activated
and attack the other monks, only to discover that among these are agents
of the Moonstars and Red Wizards. Laeral and Alustriel of the Seven
Sisters are revealed to be among those monks. Elminster tricks the
Netherese by posing as Kas. Elminster is convinced by Vecna to help him
use the energies of Candlekeeps wards to strengthen the Weave.
The wards of Candlekeep are destroyed, but their energies absorbed by
Vecna. Vecna leaves for Myth Drannor with the betrayed Elminster, Laeral
and Alustriel in pursuit.
The Second Fall of Myth Drannor
Vecna attacks the baelnorns and magics of Myth Drannor.
Terrible monsters appear within the lines of the Netherese mercenaries.
The Srinshee appears and defends Myth Drannor.
As the baelnorn of Myth Drannor fight the mercenary army, the dead of
Myth Drannor begin to sing.
Vecna shatters the minds of many of Shade's finest arcanists.
The Srinshee orders the baelnorn to protect the 'Tree of Souls'. They form
a magical shield around the tree, that even shields the tree from the later
impact of the Shade Enclave.
The Srinshee sacrifices herself to wrest the magical energies from both
Vecna and High Prince Kas and strengthens the Weave with the power of
the city's Mythal and the wards of Candlekeep.
Shade Enclave crashes onto Myth Drannor. Elminster ensures the death of
High Prince Kas Tanthul as the Shade Enclave crashes onto Myth Drannor.
Elminster himself is saved by Mystra, who gains full control over the
Weave again, stopping Shar from turning it into a new Shadowweave.
The last remaining defenders of the City of Song, among them Coronal
Ilsevele Miritar and her consort Flar Starbrow, are rescued by the spirit of
the Srinshee and transported to Semberholme. The living elves
temporarily abandon Myth Drannor.
Only a few Shadovar survive the fall of their city, among them the sisters
Manarlume and Lelavdra Tanthul and the arcanist Gwelt who form a secret
society within the 'Court of the Three', which is located within the least
damaged ruins of the former Citadel of the Raven. There they plan to
retake surviving Netherese cities.
Vangerdhast of Cormyr is returned to human form by Mystra.
Abeir and Toril are apart again. The Sundering has ended.

Fifth Edition starts here

What is known is that the Sundering signalled the coming back of many gods
believed dead including Mystra, Helm, Mask, Lathander and others, and on the
other side Shar losing most of her power in the wake of the defeat of the
Netherese. Vecna and Kas (whom many in the realms knew as Larloch and
Telamont Tanthul respectively) are missing, believed dead. This may even be

1489 DR Year of the Warrior Princess - Current Year

Waterdeep: Laeral Silverhand becomes Open Lord of Waterdeep.

Lord Dagult Neverember, after losing Waterdeep, consolidates his power
by concentrating his efforts as Lord-Protector of Neverwinter.
Well of Dragons: An army of unlikely allies, led by heroes, thwart the
machinations of the Cult of the Dragon and Red Wizards of Thay who
conspired to free Tiamat from the Nine Hells and bring about an new age
of dragons

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