Observation Task 4

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Observation task 4: Planning and preparation for

Focus: The importance of planning and preparation
The objective of this task is for student teachers to begin to understand the
relevance of planning and preparation as well as gain insight into how
teachers do this.

Before the observation

Discuss the task with the teacher and arrange a good time to observe her
teaching. (This could be for as little as 15 min)
During the observation, record and make notes on what the teacher and the
learners are doing.

Teacher activity

Learner activity

The teacher asks the child to

get helping hand Calculate the
number of disappeared
children according to
mathematical problems.

Students learn how can

cooperate with the parameter
and operates rational thinking

The teacher gives the child

Activity practical to change the
colors of Venus using some of
the required materials.

The student's lesson to the

teacher, and give materials for
that, their feeling so happy and
doing this one in the time to see
how we can change the color

4 mins

10 mins

Note: This is only an example, the aim of this is to observe what is happening in the learning
environment you are in.

Find out how the teacher planned and prepared for

the section you observed.

After the observation general questions related

to planning and preparation for learning.
Arrange a time to discuss the following points with the teacher. It
is important that you ask these questions as they will help you with
your reflection later.

How do you plan? Do you plan weekly, daily, as part of a team or


Daily, Group activity, after that Move to groups according to the different levels
of children (excellent, average, needs to be improved).
Example: Plan lessons (unit plants) by the unit identify all the lessons and lasts
for two weeks.

Do you do anything you havent planned to do?

yes, Activity kinesthetic - a new game fit unit.

What is important to you when planning a lesson?

- Suit different levels for children.

- Deliver information to the child commensurate with the level of life.
- Interaction that will attract the child theme of the seminar.
- The link between the lesson and the environment and previous
Example: litter ,, Camel of a ship called the desert.

Do you plan to do the same thing with all the children in the classroom?
(Why/Why not?

Collective activity for all the kids (Loop Activity 1).

Activity 2, Activity groups fits each group according to their level.

Another activity, called Mixed groups (the integration between the three

Suad Taleb / H00283472

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