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Day 11

Module IV

Exemptions and Other Miscellaneous


Chapter 11

Exempted Organisations

Chapter Scheme
 List of Abbreviations / Acronyms.

 Exempted Organisations of Central


 The Second Schedule.

 Exempted Organisations of State


List of Abbreviations / Acronyms

CPIO Central Public PAs Public Authority /

Information Officer Authorities
DoPT Department of PIO(s) Public Information
Personnel and Training Officer(s)
FAA(s) First Appellate Authority RTI Right to Information
/ Authorities
IC(s) Information Ss Section(s)

Exempted Organisations of
Central Government…
 S. 24(1) of the ‘RTI Act, 2005’ states that

“Nothing contained in this Act shall apply to…

intelligence and security organisations specified
in the Second Schedule, being organisations
established by the Central Government…

or information furnished by such organisations to

that Government”

Exempted Organisations of
Central Government…………………….……….....II
 S. 24(1) further states that

… the information pertaining to the allegations of

corruption and human rights violation shall (however)
not be excluded…

…(and) that information… in respect of allegations of

violation of human rights…

…shall only be provided after the approval of the

Central Information Commission, and… within 45 days
from the date of the receipt of request.

The Second Schedule…
Note: The original 2nd Schedule specified 18
“Intelligence and security organisations established
by the Central Government”…
[Please refer to the original copy of the Bare Act provided – to peruse the list]

 The Central Government may by notification in the

Official Gazette amend the schedule… including
any other intelligence or security organisation or
omitting any organisation… (the change would deemed to
have taken place on the publication of such notification) [S. 24(2)]

 Each notification shall be laid before each house of the Parliament

[S. 24(2)].
The Second Schedule …………………….………II

 The 2nd Schedule has been amended 3 times.

 The 1st amendment to the 2nd Schedule of the RTI

Act substituted 15. Special Services Bureau with 15.
Sashastra Seema Bal

 The amendment added 4 organisations (with

corresponding serial numbers) in the 2nd Schedule:
19. Special Protection Group.
20. Defence Research and Development Organisation.
21. Border Road Development Board.
22. Financial Intelligence Unit, India.

The Second Schedule …………………….……III

 The 2nd amendment to the 2nd Schedule omitted 3

organizations (with corresponding serial numbers in the
Second Schedule prior to the 2nd amendment):
16. Special Branch (CID), Andaman and Nicobar.
17. The Crime Branch-C.I.D.- CB, Dadra and Nagar Haveli.
18. Special Branch, Lakshadweep Police.

 It added following two organisations (with corres-

ponding serial numbers in the 2nd Schedule after the 2nd
16. Directorate General of Income-tax (Investigation)
17. National Technical Research Organisation
The Second Schedule …………………….….…IV

 The 3rd amendment to the 2nd Schedule added 1

organization (with corresponding serial numbers in the
Second Schedule after the 3rd amendment):
22. National Security Council Secretariat

 Note: The Department of Personnel and Training (DOPT)

issued a circular on 14 November 2007 advising all the
organisations specified in the Second Schedule to
designate Central Public Information Officers (CPIOs) and
First Appellate Authorities (FAA) within the organisations
and publish the details immediately.

Exempted Organisations of State
 S. 24(4) of the ‘RTI Act, 2005’ states that

“Nothing contained in this Act shall apply to

…intelligence and security organisation…
established by the State Government as that
Government may, from time to time, by
notification in the Official Gazette specify:

provided that the information pertaining to the

allegations of corruption and human rights
violations shall not be excluded…

Exempted Organisations of State
 S. 24(4) further states that

…(and) that information… in respect of allegations of

violation of human rights…

…shall only be provided after the approval of the

State Information Commission, and… within 45 days
from the date of the receipt of request.

 Every notification issued under S. 24(4) shall be laid

before the State Legislature.

 ‘Right to Information Act’, 2005 – Bare
Act. A soft copy is available on this website. It is downloadable.

End of Chapter 11

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proceeding to the next Chapter!


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