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To live a life with purpose, to be well-read and to seek new knowledge” I have always

applied this axiom as the guiding principle of my academic endeavors. I belong to that
generation of university students in Pakistan who graduated in the first decade of 21st
century, when the country is already implementing a market economy. As products of the
educational system governed by market economy, most students have become
correspondingly pragmatic-minded and regarded academic pursuit as a means of
achieving material wealth. As far as I am concerned, I have stubbornly adhered to my
deeply-entrenched belief that the purpose of intellectual endeavors and the meaning of
life is to speculate on the ultimate, to create and to contribute. With such a long-cherished
motivation, I would like to apply for admission into the world renowned Law School of
your university to embark upon International Commercial Law. I believe, that, I am a
competitive applicant for your program based on my 3-year systematic education in law
as an undergraduate, 3-year work experience in the related fields, as well as, the skills
and the ample potential to undertake legal practice and research that my education and
work experience have endowed me with.

I was born in 1986 in Pakistan’s small city Moro, of Sindh Province.. I finished my secondary
education at Mehran Degree College, Moro. And I passed my graduation in 2005. At only nineteen, I
attended the highly prestigious faculty of law at the S.M. Law College for 03 years where I graduated
with the LLB Degree (Bachelor of Law - LLB). Graduating in 2010, I was one of the youngest
graduates. I attribute my success early on in life to a great deal of hard work. This is one of my
greatest personal assets, my determination to always keep working long hours. I am driven to succeed
not only for myself, but perhaps most of all for my family. Family honour is a big part of my value
system. And my parents have instilled in me early on the value of service, the joy of working for
others rather than oneself, being of service to one’s people. I have never stopped studying. Currently, I
am working towards my M.A in English literature at Khairpur University in Pakistan, where I have
already finished about seven months out of 24 months for M.A. If I were to be accepted to Nottingum
University, then I would not anticipate finishing this degree. I am especially interested in doing
postgraduate work in the area of International Trade Law. My short term plans, after achieving the
LLM Degree, would be to continue to acquire experience by working for a law firm as a junior
corporate attorney and in the coming years to eventually become a senior attorney.
I feel strongly that, in addition to my education, that I also have valuable professional experience that
has helped to prepare me for your program,

I have started legal practice as an assistant in a private law firm. The firm deals with
almost all fields of law including Banking Law, Contract Law, Family Laws, Corporate
Law, and Intellectuals Property Law etc. By consulting and translating a large amount of
legal literature and doing extensive on-the-spot sampling investigations, I assist my
senior attorneys. My responsibilities are to co-ordinate with the clients, corporations,
employees, and others. Further more, I am wholly responsible to prepare legal drafts such
as ‘Sell deeds’,’ Bail Applications’, ‘Written Statements’, ‘Legal Notices’, etc. I am
highly encouraged by my seniors to pursue my career in International Trade Law. For I
am fully equipped with the required skills such as motivation, analytical approach,
persistency, indiffidence, curious to learn new knowledge and much more. And apart
from this my academic ‘TEN CASES REPORT’ for taking the Bar Exam has been my
great effort towards my success at ‘Bar exam’. The cases I focused on were of the most
social in nature. The cases touched on very sensitive investigations with foresight and
pioneering spirit. My report was ranked among top ten law aspirants.
Upon graduation, I availed myself of various opportunities to undertake legal practice. I
have worked at the private firm in the region where I am examining and checking the
foreign-related legal cases undertaken by lawyers across the province. Then I have also
launched my own company where I am involved in providing legal consultations to local
enterprises and organizations. I also serve as a voluntary legal advisor to Domino English
Language Center. I derive immense satisfaction and a strong sense of personal
achievement every time I offer legal aid to the people and the society with my
professional knowledge and wisdom.

To promote Pakistan’s perfection of its legal system regarding the business of

international nature and on the same time local, it is imperative to learn advanced
knowledge of International Commercial Law from western countries and to assimilate
useful experiences from western legal systems for International Trade. As home to the
International law system and to modern capitalism, Britain is reputed for its time-honored
legal system and for its unparalleled research in International Trade Laws, with a wealth
of in-depth literature and data collection. For a young man like me who is bent on the
study of International law, it is inevitably the best place where to seek an advanced
education. I wish to receive an overall education in International Commercial Law while
focusing on the legal regulation of the financial market, which is closely connected with
my instinctive interests. It is my expectation to comprehensively and perceptively study
the legal spirit and the legal system of the International Trade law so that I may be fully
equipped to contribute my knowledge and expertise in International law to the
construction of Pakistan’s forthcoming legal civilization and to the improvement of
Pakistan’s legal system for International Trade.
I Will highly be thankful to consider my purpose on its true spirit and originality.

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