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Setting up Smart Digital Theatre, Powered by MOVIEMANGOESSS.

Welcome in the fascinating world of Entertainment Industry and your ultimate destination
for making dream project of setting up a Cinema/ movie theater in your area. We at
MOVIEMANGOESSS believe in profound principles of planned approach in availing the
best business results for our clientele. Setting up a Cinema/ Movie Theater in early 1950s
remained a Premium Sector Service offering perspective.
India has revolutionized in last few decades and technology has ushered new dawn for
Entertainment Industry to grow manifold with rising focus on entertainment as key element
in social life. We at MOVIEMANGOESSSare glad to pioneer in standardizing, simplifying and
modernize this entertainment industry arena with our set of offerings. :
Market Research & Budgeting: Understanding your planned Location Locality, demands,
expectations, current market scenario, young generation life style, society and overall
factors helps in estimating your planned Theater. We do intensive local level researches to
arrive at budgetary aspects for such proposals so as our prospective clients get best Returns
on Investment.

Business Model: There is a myth in Entertainment industry with reference to earning

estimation for running a Cinema Theater that
Cinema Theater/ movies hall runs and avails
good profits only in big cities (tier-2 onwards)
where population is above 5Lakhs.
We at MOVIEMANGOESSSmark distinguish
change in this understanding and we strongly
believe that Cinema Theater/ Movie Hall can
give good returns on investment even in
Mandal level with population in range of
80,0000 to 100,00,000. (5/8 km Circle from
Cinema Point). A single
screen theater runs well on average with 2,500 viewers a week taking per day count to
350+ visitors a day in 4 shows.

License(s) and various Legal perspectives: Being large public area and entertainment
resource, Cinema Theaters attracts mandatory need of various Liceneses and
permissions from Local governments (Council/ Municipal Council/ Corporation), Public
Works Department (PWD for Plan Approval), District Authorities (Health and Fire
departments), State Electricity Company (for Electricity connection), District Collect
orate Entertainment department.

Design and Construction: Building Architecture is the most important and vital element
of this entire setup. Modernised Building Architecture, plush interior look, glamourous
eye-catching color schemes, kids friendly areas, waiting lounge with cheerful ambience,
ample secured in-house parking space are amongst various key elements that we look
forward with utmost excitement as a viewer to avail the best of your feel.

Seating and Air-conditioning: A visitor spares 3+ hours in a cinema theater and hence it
is really important that the seating arrangements and Air-conditioning of the entire
cinema hall keeps clear focus on availing the best comfort and pleasant joy.

Seats are broadly categorised in fixed seats, push back seats, recliner chairs and we look
forward to avail multiplex level comfort by offering best cushioned, PU foam chairs on
lowest levels and have recliner sofa setup for royal treats. Air conditioning is yet
another enhancement aspect wherein you could offer Split, Cassette/ Ceiling or
centralised air conditioning systems in your planned theater based on your budgets/

Screen: Technology has made a revolutionary change in screen viewing. We can choose
from Silver Screen, White Screen, to project/ Cinema/ Movies in theater. Screen size can
be best decided based on your Hall Size, Project room distance and various other

Projection: Showing Cinema in theaters demand dynamic understanding of changing life

style and use of technology in showing
the latest released movies at earliest
span of time for getting best revenues.
The super hit mantra of First day First
show (FDFS) is practically possible now
with use of Satellite projection
techniques. These projection systems
equally offers crystal clear picture
viewing, excellent digital sound quality and light effects for uninterrupted joy of viewing
cinema in theaters. We strongly recommend our prospective clients to adopt this ultramodern technology tool for delivering latest pictures/ movies in their halls.
This technology has outdated traditional film based projector systems wherein one has
to depend solely on prints and time taken to reach and again various quality concerns
and resources requirement. Satellite projection cinema technology has equally reduced
resource requirement to lowest extent.

Sound: Use of Dolby Processors, Amplifiers and best sound speakers for utter joy of best
hearing quality is amongst most significant perspective to get your visitor enjoy the best
of movie.

Booking Window: We avail complete reference, support and services for staff feeding,
office setup, work planning, resources training and computerized ticket/ online ticketing
requirements of theaters.

Distributor Linkup: Linking up with best distributors to get continued films with FDFS
priority is most attentive perspective. We at MOVIEMANGOESSSgive extensive training,
distributor linking and knowledgebase sharing for this important aspect.

Cafeteria: Theater's major second revenue comes from cafeteria wherein most of
visitors enjoy dedicated seating with their families and
loved ones while watching movies. Hence having clear
display of cafeteria services, uniformed staffing,
popcorns, cold drinks, pizza, burger, sandwich, and
machinery setup are keenly reviewed and availed.

Management and Business Planning Consultation: As you are all set to enter in
MOVIEMANGOESSSSmarti Digital Theatre, we are here to assist you with the best
professional experience to avail quality all around. We offer Theater Launching plan,
Resources Training, Internal Accounting, Tax Accounting and Planning, Auditory reviews
services for your Theater plan.

Key Advantages of Smarti Digital Theatre:

Build A Smarti Theatre:
Key advantages of setting up a MOVIEMANGOESSS Smarti Digital Theatre is lower
investment as compared to Single Screen and ability to sustain for a longer period with
lower per day visitors.
A MDT is a modernized cinema hall wherein it balances visitor's feeling with Cinema and
Multiplex levels finely mixed into one. India's large segments of family cinema viewers
broadly prefer such halls for outing and viewing cinema on routine basis. Such Smarti digital
theaters largely attracts uneven visitors who left viewing movies in cinema halls because
of lack of quality of services like sound, acoustics, cleanliness and quality of audience.
MDT has following key advantages:

Lower Investment as compared to Single Screen cinema

Lesser maintenance cost
Can be setup in small space of Smartimum 2,500sqft for hall and 1,500sqft for cafeteria
and lounge (With separate ample parking space for two-wheelers and four wheelers)
Good occupancy of above 50% in average as compared Single Screen cinemas
Earning areas include Movies Tickets, Cafeteria, In-House Advertisement campaigns at
various points in the location,
Other Amenities like Retail Set up, E Learning, & MDT to be used for conducting personal

Why MOVIEMANGOESSSfor building a Smarti cinema hall?

One stop genuine solution for entire range of requirements

Experienced and qualified resources for execution and timely completion
Offers specialised Training to Owner and rest of team members for smooth conduct of
Knowledgebase sharing for best performance
Client friendly approach for pre and post launch service requirements
Promotion of our client projects through our website
Helps in identifying and establishing multiple screens requirement based on local level
survey and feasibility study. Multiple screens can be setup in combination of 100 to 300

Cinema Hall Management:

Running a Cinema Theater with consistent returns on Investment, good market rapport,
smoother office and resources management and building brand identity for cinema theater
are key elements in management of Cinema Hall. It equally involves timely compliance of
various legalities and above all getting hit films and shows to display at your Theater on first
day first show remains limelight aspect.
MOVIEMANGOESSS have proven experience in the best management of Cinema Halls. We
believe in professional and knowledge sharing driven approach in entertainment industry
and have laid this fundamental perspective change in operational process in Industry.
We are proud to acclaim catalysing role in healing on Indian entertainment industry's myth
and belief of not sharing operational/ management information and sources with
complexity in Smartd for opening up field for other competitor or leading others estimate
the field revenues. Our entire operation and communication in services is knowledge
sharing driven and with soulful objective of availing best returns on investment to our
prospective client/ associate.
A new entrepreneur having plans to setup Cinema Theater have numerous questions in
Smartd, which largely includes:

Cinema Hall investments have no/ very low profits?

Involves lot of legal compliances thereby troublesome and tiring
Need critical approach in handling mass public during shows
Need to pay large advances to Distributors and they never refund back
Inconsistent Hit Cinemas and many flop cinemas adversely affect revenues
What should be expected Cinema Hall seating capacity?
What is best and latest method available for Cinema Projection?
What are different qualities of seating available in market and which one to choose?
What are different Distributor/ Cinema terms for running shows?
Marketing, Resource Management, Media relations?

MOVIEMANGOESSSis glad to be pioneer consulting initiative that has answers to all these
questions and believes in profound and proven power of communication and transparency.
We offer complete Management of Cinema Halls and offer assured and 100% satisfaction in
getting best out of your venture.

Do you have any queries and questions in this reference?

We look forward to hear you to serve you.
[email protected]

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