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The Salesforce Certied Platform App Builder exam is

for individuals who want to demonstrate their skills
and knowledge in designing, building, and implementing
custom applications using the declarative customization
capabilities of
This book will build a strong foundation in to
prepare you for the platform app builder certication exam.
It will guide you through designing the interface while
introducing the Lightning Process Builder. Next, we will
implement business logic using various point and click
features of We will learn to manage data
and create reports and dashboards. We will then learn to
administer the application by conguring the
object-level, eld-level, and record-level security.
By the end of this book, you will be completely equipped to
take the Platform App Builder certication exam.

Who this book is written for

Learn the basics of the

cloud platform
Learn how to build objects that align with
your business
Understand the process of building an
application on the platform

Focus on important topics that help you

accomplish your Certication goals

professional expertise distilled


P r o f e s s i o n a l

E x p e r t i s e

D i s t i l l e d

Learn to secure your application with the

Salesforce security model
Manipulate and process large amounts
of data using the data tools
Prepare for the exam with sample
mock questions

$ 44.99 US
28.99 UK



Kick-start your Certication journey with

this basic, easy-to-follow guide

Siddhesh Kabe

Salesforce beginners who need to prepare for the

Salesforce Platform App Builder Certication exam will
benet from this book. This book is ideal for developers
and admins who are new to Salesforce CRM and the platform.

What you will learn from this book

Salesforce Platform App Builder

Certication Handbook

Salesforce Platform App Builder

Certication Handbook


Salesforce Platform App Builder

Certication Handbook
A handy guide that covers the most essential topics for Salesforce
Platform App Builder Certication in an easy-to-understand format

Prices do not include

local sales tax or VAT
where applicable

Visit for books, eBooks,

code, downloads, and PacktLib.

Siddhesh Kabe

professional expertise distilled


In this package, you will find:

The author biography

A preview chapter from the book, Chapter 1 'Getting Started with'
A synopsis of the books content
More information on Salesforce Platform App Builder Certification

About the Author

Siddhesh Kabe calls himself the monk who sold his computer for the cloud.

He has had a rock-solid career in consulting, training, designing, developing,

and advocating the platform for 8 years. He has five certifications in
Salesforce. He likes to break into thingscode and gadgetsand believes that,
given enough coffee, anything can be hacked into.
His other published work includes a science-fiction satire called Ragnarok and a
fantasy graphic novel entitled Agatya. Apart from this, he is an active member of
the community and owns an active blog ( He is also the leader of the Pune Users Group.

This book will assist you in building a strong foundation in to prepare for
the Platform App Builder Certification Exam. It will help you to design, build, and
implement custom applications using the declarative customization capabilities of
the platform.

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Getting Started with, helps you understand the application life
cycle of an application build using
Chapter 2, Creating a Database on, helps you start with building a database
model to support our application.
Chapter 3, User Interface, focuses on how to create user interfaces and user
Chapter 4, Implementing Business Logic, focuses on the declarative syntax used to write
business logic and connect our database to the user experience.
Chapter 5, Data Management, covers the cloud-based import wizard and the utility
data loader to import data. It also gives a brief overview of automatic data loading.
Chapter 6, Analytics and Reporting, teaches you how to generate reports and display
maximum information using colorful charts.
Chapter 7, Application Administration, discusses how to configure the application for
multiple users.
Chapter 8, Exam Guide and Practice Test, helps you understand the exam and answer
the frequently asked questions. This chapter also includes a practice test that will
help refresh the skills we have learned throughout the book.

Getting Started with
This chapter will introduce you to the platform. We will understand the
life cycle of an application build using We will define a multi-tenant
architecture and understand how it will impact the data of organizations stored on
the cloud. And finally, we will build our first application on
We will cover the following topics in this chapter:

The multi-tenant architecture of

Understanding the platform

Application development on the platform

Discussing the maintenance and releases schedule by

Types of applications

Discussing when to use point-and-click customization and when to use code

Discussing IDs

Developer resources

So, let's get started and step into the cloud.


Getting Started with

The cloud computing model of is a cloud computing platform used to build enterprise applications. The
end user does not have to worry about networks, hardware, software licenses, or any
other things. The data saved is completely secure in the cloud.
The following features of make it a 100 percent cloud-based system:

The multi-tenant architecture: The multi-tenant architecture is a way of

serving multiple clients on the single software instance. Each client gets
their own full version of the software configuration and data. They cannot
utilize the other instance resources. The software is virtually partitioned into
different instances. The basic structure of the multi-tenant architecture is
shown in the following figure:

Just like how tenants in a single building share the resources of electricity
and water, in the multi-tenant system tenants share common resources
and databases.


Chapter 1

In a multi-tenant system, such as, different organizations

use the same shared database system that is separated by a secure virtual
partition. Special programs keep the data separated and make sure that no
single organization monopolizes the resources.

Automatic upgrades: In a cloud computing system, all the new updates

are automatically released to its subscribers. Any developments or
customizations made during the previous version are automatically
updated to the latest version without any manual modification to the
code. This results in all instances of Salesforce staying up to date and
on the same version.

Subscription model: is distributed under the subscription model.

The user can purchase a few licenses and build the system. After the system
is up and successful, further user licenses can be purchased from Salesforce.
This model ensures that there are no large startup fees and we pay as we go,
which adds fixed, predictable costs in the future.
The subscription model can be visualized like the electricity distribution
system. We pay for whatever electricity we use and not the complete
generator and the infrastructure.

Scalability: The multi-tenant kernel is already tested and runs for many
users simultaneously. If the organization is growing, there is always room
for scaling the application with new users without worrying about load
balancing and data limitation. provides data storage on a per-user
basis, which means that the data storage increases with the number of users
added to the organization.

Upgrades and maintenance: releases three updated versions

every year. The new releases consist of feature updates to
and the platform with selected top ideas from IdeaExchange.
IdeaExchange is the community of Salesforce users where the users submit
ideas and the community votes for them. The most popular ideas are
considered by Salesforce in their next release.

All instances hosted on the servers are upgraded with no additional cost.
The Salesforce maintenance outage during a major release is only 5 minutes.


Getting Started with

The sandboxes are upgraded early so there can be testing for compatibility with the
new release. The new releases are backward-compatible with previous releases, thus
the old code will work with new versions. The upgrades are taken care of by Force.
com and the end user gets the latest-version running application.

Understanding the new model of the

Salesforce1 platform
In the earlier edition of this book, we discussed the platform in detail. In
the last couple of years, Salesforce has introduced a new Salesforce1 platform. It
encompasses all the existing features of the platform but also includes the
new powerful tools for mobile development. The new Salesforce1 platform is built
mobile-first and all the existing features of cloud development are automatically
available for mobiles. From Winter 16, Salesforce has also introduced the lighting
experience. The lighting experience is another extension to the existing platform.
It provides a brand new set of design and development library that let developers
build applications that work on mobiles as well as the Web.
Let's take a detailed look at the services that form the platform offered by
The following section provides us with an overview of the platform. platform is the world's first cloud application development platform where end
users can build, share, and run an application directly on the cloud. While most
cloud computing systems provide the ability to deploy the code from the local
machine, lets us directly write the code in the cloud.
The platform runs in a hosted multi-tenant environment, which gives the
end users freedom to build their custom application without hardware purchases,
database maintenance, and maintaining a software license. provides
the following main products:

Sales force Automation, Sales Cloud

Service and Support Center, Service Cloud

The Exact Target Marketing Cloud

Collaboration Cloud, Chatter


Chapter 1

The following screenshot shows the platform:

The application built on is automatically hosted on the cloud platform. It

can be used separately (without the standard Sales, Service, and Marketing cloud) or
can be used in parallel with the existing Salesforce application.
The users can access the application using a browser from any mobile, computer,
tablet, and any of the operating system such as Windows, UNIX, Mac, and so on,
giving them complete freedom of location.
For a complete list of supported browsers, visit:

Model-View-Controller architecture
The most efficient way to build an enterprise application is to clearly separate out the
model: the data, the code (the controller), and the UI (the View). By separating the
three, we can make sure that each area is handled by an expert. The business logic is
separated from the backend database and the frontend user interface.


Getting Started with

It is also easy to upgrade a part of the system without disturbing the entire structure.
The following diagram illustrates the model-view-controller of

We will be looking in detail at each layer in the MVC architecture in

subsequent chapters.

Key technologies behind the

platform is a hosted multi-tenant service used to build a custom cloud computing
application. It is a 100 percent cloud platform where we pay no extra cost for the
hardware and network. Any application built on is directly hosted on the
cloud and can be accessed using a simple browser from a computer or a mobile.


Chapter 1

The platform runs on some basic key technologies.

The multi-tenant kernel

The base of the platform forms a multi-tenant kernel where all users share a common
code base and physical infrastructure. The multiple tenants, who are hosted on a
shared server, share the resources under governor limits to prevent a single instance
monopolizing the resources. The custom code and data are separated by software
virtualization and users cannot access each other's code.
The multi-tenant kernel ensures that all the instances are updated to the latest
version of the software simultaneously. The updates are applied automatically
without any patches or software download.
The multi-tenant architecture is already live for one million users. This helps
developers easily scale the applications from one to a million users with little or no
modification at all. The following figure illustrates the multi-tenant architecture:


Getting Started with

Traditional software systems are hosted on a single-tenant system, usually a clientserver-based enterprise application. With the multi-tenant architecture, the end user
does not have to worry about the hardware layer or software upgrades and patches.
The software system deployed over the Internet can be accessed using a browser
from any location possible, even wide ranges of mobile devices.
The multi-tenant architecture also allows the applications to be low-cost, quick to
deploy, and open to innovation. Other examples of software using the multi-tenant
architecture are webmail systems (such as and and
online storage systems, such as, or note-taking applications, such
as Evernote, Springpad, and so on. metadata is entirely metadata-driven. The metadata is defined in XML and can be
extracted and imported. We will look into metadata in detail later in this chapter. Webservice API

The data and the metadata stored on the server can be accessed
programmatically through the Webservice API. This enables the developers
to extend the functionality to virtually any language, operating system, and
platform possible.
The web services are based on open web standards, such as SOAP, XML, and JSON
REST, and are directly compatible with other technologies, such as .Net, Java, SAP,
and Oracle. We can easily integrate the application with the current
business application without rewriting the entire code.

Apex and Visualforce

Apex is the world's first on-demand language introduced by Salesforce. It is an
object-oriented language very similar to C# or Java. Apex is specially designed to
process bulk data for business applications. Apex is used to write the controller in
the MVC architecture.
Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL) gives developers an easy and
declarative query language that can fetch and process a large amount of data in an
easy, human-readable query language. For those who have used other relational
database systems, such as Oracle, SQL Server, and so on, it is similar to SQL but does
not support advanced capabilities, such as joins.


Chapter 1

Apex and SOQL together give developers powerful tools to manage data
and processes for their application, leaving the rest of the overhead on the platform.
The following screenshot shows the page editor for Visualforce. It is easy to use and
splits a page into two parts: the one at the bottom is for development and the other
shows the output:

Visualforce is an easy-to-use, yet powerful framework used to create rich user

interfaces, thus extending the standard tabs and forms to any kind of interfaces
imaginable. Visualforce ultimately renders into HTML, and hence we can use any
HTML code alongside the Visualforce markup to create a powerful and rich UI to
manage business applications.
Apart from the UI, Visualforce provides very easy and direct access to the server-side
data and metadata from Apex. This powerful combination of a rich UI with access to
the Salesforce metadata makes Visualforce the ultimate solution to build powerful
business applications on Salesforce.
As the Certified Developer Certification does not include
Apex and Visualforce, we won't be going into Apex and Visualforce in detail.


Getting Started with

The Developer Console

The Developer Console is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for tools to
help write code, run tests, and debug the system. The developer console provides an
editor for writing code. It also provides a UI to monitor and debug Unit test classes,
as shown in the following screenshot:

AppExchange is a directory of applications built on the platform.
Developers can choose to submit their developed applications on AppExchange.
The applications extend the functionality of beyond CRM with many
ready-made business applications available to download and use.

[ 10 ]

Chapter 1

AppExchange is available at sites
Using sites or, we can build public-facing websites that use the
existing Salesforce data and browser technologies, such as HTML, JavaScript, CSS,
Angular JS, Bootstrap, and so on. The sites can have an external login for sensitive
data or a no-login public portal that can be linked to the corporate website as well. helps create websites using drag-and-drop controls. Users with little or no
HTML knowledge can build websites using the editor. development
Like any other traditional software development process, the platform
offers tools used to define data, business processes, logic, and rich UIs for the
business application. Many of these tools are built-in, point-and-click tools
simplified for users without any development skills. Any user with no programming
knowledge can build applications suitable for their business on
[ 11 ]

Getting Started with

The point-and-click tools are easy to use, but they have limitations. To extend the
platform beyond these limitations, we use Apex and Visualforce.
Let's now compare the tools used for traditional software development

Dot Net

Building the database Oracle,

MS-Access, SQL,
or any third-party
database setup

SQL, or any
database setup

Salesforce metadata

Connection to the


Salesforce metadata API

Developing the IDE

NetBeans, Eclipse, Visual Studio

and so on

Online Page Editor and

App Setup,
IDE, Maven's Mate, and

environment for
development and

Local servers,
remote test
servers real-time

Local servers,
remote test
servers metadata
Everything on such as data models, objects, forms, tabs, and workflows
are defined by metadata. The definitions or metadata are made in XML and can be
extracted and imported. The metadata-driven development also helps users with no
prior development experience to build business applications without any need to
code. We can define the objects, tabs, and forms in the UI using point-and-click.
All changes made to the metadata in App-Setup are tracked. Alternatively,
developers can customize every part of Salesforce using XML files that control
the organization's metadata. The files are downloaded using the Eclipse IDE or IDE.
To customize metadata on Salesforce UI, go to Setup | Build:

[ 12 ]

Chapter 1

As Developer Certification is about using point-and-click, we will explore

setup details in upcoming chapters.

Metadata API
The metadata API provides easy access to the organization data, business logic, and
the user interface. We can modify the metadata in a controlled test organization
called the sandbox. Finally, the tested changes can be deployed to a live production
environment edition. The production environment is the live environment that is
used by the users and contains live data. The production instance does not allow
developers to code in them directly; this ensures that only debugged and tested code
reaches the live organization.

Online page editor and the Eclipse IDE provides a built-in online editor that helps edit Visualforce pages in
real time. The online editor can be enabled by checking the Development Mode
checkbox on the user profile, as shown in the following screenshot:

[ 13 ]

Getting Started with

The online page editor splits the screen into two parts with live code in the bottom
half and the final page output in the top half. also provides an inline
editor for editing the Apex code in the browser itself. IDE is an IDE built over Eclipse. It provides an easy environment to write
code and offline saving. It also comes with a schema browser and a query generator,
which helps in generating simple queries (select statements) by selecting fields and
objects. The code is auto-synced with the organization.

Sandboxes provides a real-time environment to develop, test, and train people in the
organization. It is a safe and isolated environment where any changes made will not
affect the production data or application. These sandboxes are used to experiment on
new features without disturbing live production in the organization. Separating the
test and dev instances also ensures that only the tested and verified code reaches the
production organization.

[ 14 ]

Chapter 1

There are four types of sandbox:

Developer sandbox: This environment is specially used to code and test the
environment by a single developer. As with the configuration-only sandbox,
this also copies the entire customization of the production organization,
excluding the data. An added feature of a developer sandbox is that it allows
Apex and Visualforce coding.

Developer pro sandbox: Developer pro sandboxes are similar to developer

sandboxes but with larger storage. This sandbox is mostly used to handle
more developer and quality-assurance tasks. With a larger sandbox, we can
store more data and run more efficient tasks.

Partial copy sandbox: This is used as a testing environment. This

environment copies the full metadata of the production environment and a
subset of production data that can be set using a template.

Full copy sandbox: This copies the entire production organization and all its
data records, documents, and attachments. This is usually used to develop
and test a new application until it is ready to be shared with users. Full copy
sandbox has the same IDs of the records as that of production only when it
has been freshly created.

[ 15 ]

Getting Started with application types

There are some common types of applications that are required to automate an
enterprise process. They are as follows:

Content-centric applications: These applications enable organizations to

share and version content across different levels. They consist of file sharing
systems, versioning systems, and content management systems.

Transaction-centric applications: These applications focus on transactions.

They are banking systems, online payment systems, and so on.

Process-centric applications: These applications focus on automating the

organization's business process in the organization such as a bug tracking
systems, procurement processes, approval processes, and so on. is
suitable for building these kinds of applications.

Data-centric applications: These applications are built around a powerful

database. Many of the organizations use spreadsheets for these applications.
Some examples include CRM, HRM, and so on. is suitable for
building these kinds of applications.

Developing on the platform

There are two ways to develop on one is to use point-and-click without
a single line of coding, called the declarative development. The other way is to
develop an application using code, called programmatic development. Let's take a
look at the two types of development in detail.

Declarative development
The declarative type of development is done by point-and-click using a browser.
We use ready-to-use components and modify their configuration to build
applications. We can add new objects, define their standard views, and create
input forms with simple point-and-link with no coding knowledge. The declarative
framework allows the rapid development and deployment of applications.

[ 16 ]

Chapter 1

The declarative development also follows the MVC architecture in development. The
MVC components in the declarative development using are mentioned in
the following table:





Workflow rules



Validation rules


Page layouts

Assignment rules

Record types

Programmatic development
Programmatic development requires prior coding knowledge. This method allows us
to extend the platform beyond declarative capabilities. This method gives
us the control and flexibility over the application we build.

[ 17 ]

Getting Started with

The programmatic development also uses the MVC architecture, as shown in the
following table:



Web services API Visualforce pages

Metadata API
External object


Apex controllers
Apex triggers
Web service API

Choosing between declarative and programmatic

There is no hard and fast rule to help us choose between declarative and
programmatic solutions.
Declarative solutions supply ease of development and maintenance. They are
automatically upgraded with new releases of Salesforce. They are not subject to
governor limits. They are faster and cheaper to build.
However, not all declarative features are capable of building specialized and
complex business processes. We cannot build highly customizable user interfaces
and click-through them with declarative methods.
You can also prefer to build Salesforce solutions without code first, and then, use the
code to extend it beyond its limitations.

Exercise creating a developer account

The easiest way to get your hands on Salesforce is to log in through a developer
account. Developer editions are free, two-user-only accounts that can be used
for exercises.
If you already have one, log in to it now or perform the following steps to create one:
1. Go to
2. Click on Join now.
3. Fill out the form and validate the e-mail address you provided.

[ 18 ]

Chapter 1

Salesforce editions
In addition to the free developer editions, there are different paid editions that
Salesforce offers. The four common types of edition are as follows:

Starter: The starter edition is for up to five users.

Professional: The professional edition provides limited customization and

enhancement opportunities. It is used as a basic CRM with no facility to
extend it beyond what is provided out of the box.
[ 19 ]

Getting Started with

Enterprise: This is the most commonly used edition. It provides the ability to
extend Salesforce CRM with code.

Unlimited: This is the advanced version of the Enterprise edition is mostly

used by large organizations, which require a lot of data space. It provides
unlimited customizations.

Authentication on
We can log in to from any standard web browser or third-party
application. As a security measure, Salesforce tries to prevent unauthorized access to
your account as it requires verification whenever you log in from a new IP address.
The user is authenticated using the username, password, and the IP address of the
system. The IP address where account is created is automatically white-listed for
the user:

Every time the user logs in from a separate IP address, the application verifies the
IP by sending an e-mail to the registered e-mail address in the personal profile.
Alternatively, the system administrator can enable access by setting the trusted IP
ranges. Users who log in from the white-listed IP ranges are not asked to validate
their IP address or the security token.
The username is in the format of an e-mail address: xyz@abc.
com; the username is unique across the global organization of Salesforce.
If you already have a developer organization with [email protected],
you won't be able to create another one in with the same username. You
can give a separate username ([email protected]) and a valid
e-mail ([email protected]) in this case.

[ 20 ]

Chapter 1

Exercise adding trusted IP addresses

Use the following steps to whitelist an IP address:
1. Go to Setup | Administer | Security Controls | Network Access.
2. Add your IP address to Trusted IP Ranges, as shown in the following

If you are within a LAN network of your office, university, and so on, the IP address
given by the ipconfig command in DOS will give you the internal network-specific
IP. This IP address is not seen by; you need the public domain IP address
to whitelist the address. To find your public domain IP address, you can visit
Whitelisting the IP address has its own pros and cons; the main benefit is that when
logging in via the API, such as with Data Loader or the IDE, you aren't
challenged to provide the security token. The disadvantage is that the security token
challenge and IP address verification challenge are not enforced, thus lowering the
security threshold of a malicious login attempt.
When you log in to from a third-party tool, such as the IDE,
Outlook Edition, Data Loader, or the API, you need an additional security token
along with a username and password. Every login user gets a security token tied to
the password. We need to reset the security token the first time. It is automatically
reset whenever the password is changed.

[ 21 ]

Getting Started with

Exercise resetting security tokens

Reset your security token in the new org.
To reset your security token, navigate to Your Name | My Settings | Personal |
Reset My Security Token, as shown in the following screenshot, and click on Reset
Security Token:
Along with a developer account, provides additional
resources for developers. The developer website is your one-stop place to learn more
about Salesforce and its features.

[ 22 ]

Chapter 1

It provides the following features:

Additional documentation

Online forums

Code share

[ 23 ]

Getting Started with

All these resources can be accessed free of charge with a single developer account.
Additional community blogs and recourses are available in the final chapter of
this book.
The first place to get help is from the developer forums available at
If you are on Twitter, additional help can be found using the #AskForce
hashtag with the Salesforce Community. You may also address the Tweet
to @sforceNinja.

One of the coolest new learning resources provided by Salesforce is the Trailhead.
It provides free training, tutorials, and interactive learning paths through the basic
building blocks of the Salesforce1 platform. We can test our knowledge while
earning points and badges to celebrate our achievements.
To begin your learning journey, visit

[ 24 ]

Chapter 1

In this chapter, we became familiar with the platform. We have seen
the life cycle of an application build using We saw the multi-tenant
architecture and how it is different from the web hosting server.
We have a fresh new developer account, and now in further chapters we will be
using it to build an application on

Test your knowledge

Answer the following questions:
Q1 Out of the following tasks, which can be done using the platform?
(Select two)
1. Data warehousing
2. Creating applications via point and click and not code
3. Applications can be upgraded without loss of customization
4. Using a code version control system
Q2 Which of the following statements are true concerning e-mail activation?
(Select one)
1. The e-mail activation feature requires that the user click on an activation link
before logging in from a new computer
2. The e-mail activation feature cannot be disabled
3. The e-mail activation feature can be disabled by sending a request to support
4. The e-mail activation feature can be disabled through the UI
Q3 A security token is required for API access when connecting from an IP address
within the list of trusted networks.
1. True
2. False

[ 25 ]

Getting Started with

Q4 Out of the following, which applications are suitable for (Choose)
1. Time card application
2. Word processor
3. Online auction management
4. Inventory management
Q5 Which of the following refer to the data model of Salesforce? (Choose 2)
1. The API
2. metadata API
3. Sandbox
4. The IDE
Q6 What paid Salesforce editions are available?
1. Enterprise edition
2. Unlimited edition
3. Trial edition
4. Developer edition
Q7 Where are IDs identical?
1. Production and full copy sandbox only
2. Production and dev sandbox only
3. Two developer orgs
4. Two sandbox org

[ 26 ]

Get more information Salesforce Platform App Builder Certification Handbook

Where to buy this book

You can buy Salesforce Platform App Builder Certification Handbook from the
Packt Publishing website.
Alternatively, you can buy the book from Amazon,, Computer Manuals and most internet
book retailers.
Click here for ordering and shipping details.

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