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File # 4-BETA 621.5 (CHARGE-OFFs)-Affiliates ONLY!

Item #A-623-P Bifurcated DIRECT DISPUTE (above the line)-MAIL USPS 1st Class Mail on DAY #01
Julie costin
300 golden isles dr apt 104
Hallandale fl 33005
Chase bank
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing this letter in response to the phone call I received from a collector
representing your agency last week. Your collector informed me that I owed YOU an
alleged debt (see enclosed). When I questioned the collector regarding your rights
to pursue this, I was curtly informed that YOUR FIRMS policy DID NOT permit any
validation of the information regarding this alleged debt and under YOUR corporate
policy representative WERE NOT required to provide me with ANY documentation
supporting its validity.
After being threatened with DIRE legal actions by your employee, I contacted the
representative who explained my rights and the fact that your firm has received
NUMEROUS complaints regarding your procedures and compliance standards. The
representative also pointed OUT that YOUR Firm IS REQUIRED BY THE FDCPA to
PROVIDE all of the FOLLOWING information this is NOW FULLY REQUIRED by tort law
precedent - Haddad v. Alexander, Zelmanski, Danner & Fioritto, PLLC, --- F. 3d --(6th Cir. 2014), 2014 WL 3440174 (6th Cir. Mich. 2014). He also provided me with a
link to their site where I took this information from verbatim and the procedure to
report and initiate a regulatory action against your company for violation of the Fair
Debt Collection Practices ACT!
Please supply the information below because I believe that your firms handling of
my payment and account information has been negligent and in violation of the Fair
and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (15 U.S.C. chapter. 41, subchapter. I
1601 et seq).

Provide verification and documentation that there is a valid basis for your
firms charge-off of this debt. For example, can you provide a copy of the written
agreement that created the requirement to pay and stipulates your terms for
delinquent account?
The amount and age of the debt, and specifically who this debt is assigned

A copy of the last billing statement sent at the time of the transfer or
allocation of the goods, services, or money associated with this debt.

State the maximum delinquency and when it was charged-off.

Tell me according to your records when this debt became due and when it
became delinquent.
Please provide the five personal identifiers associated with this account
including full legal name, address of record, date of birth, zip code and Social
Security number (not truncated).

Identify the date of the last payment made on this account and the amount of
that payment.

Have you made a determination that this debt is within the statute of
limitations applicable to it? Tell me when you think the statute of limitations expires
for this debt, and how you determined that.
Please describe in detail your firms charge-off procedures as they apply under
the SarbanesOxley Act of 2002 (Pub.L. 107204, 116 Stat. 74).

If there have been any additional interest, fees, or charges added since the
last billing statement, provide an itemization showing the dates and amount of each
added amount. In addition, explain how the added interest, fees or other charges
are expressly authorized by the consumer agreement creating the debt or are
permitted by law.

If there have been any payments or other reductions since the last billing
statement, provide an itemization showing the dates and amount of each of them
and how those reductions or payments were accrued in your firms charge-off
Provide an updated Terms of Service Agreement for this account including
specific amended sections and why those sections were changed.
Please describe your Credit Bureau Reporting system and the credit reporting
mechanism your firm utilizes in regards to Metro-2 compliance between your firm
and your contracted reporting entity (CRA).
Include a comprehensive explanation of the process and description of who
handles the data entry, how that information is transmitted and whether the data
entry function is outsourced.
If your firm OUTSOURCES your METRO-2 data-entry provide the name,
contact address and location of that firm.
Does the responsible data-entry firm or department prescribe to the
International Organization for Standardization IOS 9000 standards for quality and if
so what is the adjunct certification number and date?
Please describe how your firm ensures comprehensive accuracy and input of
all consumer data into the Metro-2 format and if there have been any recent issues

(last 4 years) with data consistency or breaches in information transmission quality

reported to you under your firms CRB agreement with any Credit Reporting Agency.
Based upon information provided by at least one credit reporting agency, the
probability of an end trace error in your report concerning the delinquency on this
account is very high, therefore, please provide the LAST 4 Complete METR)-2
updates submitted to all three Credit Reporting Agencies on this account (In METRO2 format including COMPLETE J-Segments and K-Segment with FULL End-Trace).
If you fail to provide all parts and requests of the information or
documentation I have asked for, please stipulate why to each request including the
authorized party that is refusing to comply or make such information available. I will
understand that you are unable to confirm or document your claims but the reason
or motive must be made clear including the responsible party under the tort law
precedents of Respondeat superior.
If your firm CANNOT produce ALL of the above noted documentation in the allotted
time frame, I will accept a written NOTIFICATION that you are suspending this
account status. Said notification must INCLUDE a formal stipulation withdrawing
your claim to this consumer account and your firm must note that you WILL not
continue reporting the alleged debt or sell this debt. The WRITTEN NOTIFICATION
must also be provided to all the major Credit Reporting Agencies (Trans Union,
Equifax, and Experian). If you provide such written notification I will agree not to
pursue immediate regulatory action and drop any further legal actions.
I have consulted with an attorney and know full well that YOUR firm was put on
notice of the enforcement of Haddad v. Alexander, Zelmanski, Danner & Fioritto,
PLLC and that YOUR firm WILL MEET all these requirements or FACE a possible
regulatory action leading to the suspension of your operating rights for NONCOMPLIANCE . YOUR Firm has 30 days to PRODUCE ALL of the requested
documentation of your reporting procedure and standards. If your firm cannot or
chooses not to respond to this VALIDATION demand and its conditions I will NOT
hesitate to FILE suit and SEEK my own payday against your firm for malicious and
inaccurate activities-see Fields v. Wilber Law Firm, Donald L. Wilber and Kenneth
Wilber, USCA-02-C-0072, 7th Circuit Court, Sept. 2004.
Julie costin

See Enclosed:
Copy of SS Card
Copy of State Photo ID
Copy of Collection Item

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