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Table of Contents

Sr. Contents Page#

1 Acknowledgement 2
2 Introduction 3
3 Definition 5
4 Hypothesis and Aim and object of the study 7
5 Treatment 8
6 The Factors for white-collar crimes 9
7 Classification 11
8 Tax-evasion 14
9 White Collar Crime in certain Professions 16
10 White Collar Crime as a family resemblance 27
11 WCC distinguished from traditional crime 31
12 Judicial Attitude 36
13 Remedial Measures 39
14 In a Nutshell 44
15 Bibliography 47
16 Appendix 48

Crime and criminality have great influences on social,

political and economic condition of society. Being a member

of society I have observe numerous things around and I

realized that philosophical aspects of legal study how - Law

determines the human civilizations in various ways. All these

realizations get new dimensions when I got Dr. Shabib Ul

Hasan, as a course teacher of Research Report in fall 2010

semester. His guidance and motivational phrases boom our

world of thinking. The mode of his throwing the questions

and providing the logical answers opened doors towards a

different world of philosophy. I am grateful to him not only for

giving me the opportunity of taking initiative in this

dimension, but also for giving us a free hand to go and do it

in my own way.

Adnan Ul Haq


The shock and mental trauma felt when people learn all their

investments and life savings were stolen; is amplified when it

was someone they knew and trusted! When the thief turns

out to be their local banker; or their savings and loan

association manager, how could something like this even

happen? Today; criminals wear suits to work, travel first-

class, and portray/depict the life of a successful

businessman. Who would ever associate them with the

criminal profile the public has been conditioned to accept?

‘White collar crime’ is a crime committed by persons of

respectability and high social status, in course of their

occupation. A white collar criminal belongs to upper socio-

economic class who violates the criminal law while

conducting his or her professional qualities. Thus

misrepresentation through fraudulent advertisements,

offering and taking bribery, infringement of patents,

copyrights and trade marks etc, are frequently resorted to by

manufactures, industrialists and other persons of repute in

course of their occupation with a view to earning huge

profits. Not only the industrialist but people serving the

civilians who are already familiar with the set of rules are

also involved in numerous activities which violate the

criminal law.

White collar crime affects key areas of contemporary life.

Financial ‘scandals’ such as the collapse of major banks and

pension frauds question the legitimacy of the financial world,

and the climate of ‘sleaze’ has become a political issue. Tax

and public sector fraud reduces government resources for

health, education and welfare. The harmful activities of

corporations endanger the safety of workers, consumers and

passengers, and have a wider impact on public health and

the environment.


“An illegal act or series of illegal acts committed by non

physical kinds of means and by concealment or guile, to

obtain money or property or to obtain business advantage.”



“Crime committed by persons of respectability and high

social status in course of their occupation”



“Those illegal acts which are characterized by deceit,

concealment or Violation of trust and which are not

dependent upon the application or threat of physical force or


(Federal Bureau of Investigation)

White collar criminalities are: fabricated balance sheets and

profit and loss accounts of businesses, passing of goods,

concealment of defects in the commodity for sale, corrupting

the means of channels of communications, deliberate

swindling, etc. Sometime the white collar criminals wore a

mask of respectable profession to carry out the deceiving

activities for personal profit motives. These criminals have

only one agenda and that is to make money smoothly

without being caught because they know people will be

carried out by their fancy appearances, socio economic

position and their non criminal background. Furthermore

these white collar crimes were not considered harmful

crimes as it does not involve a sharp weapon to injure

someone to physical loss. It is probably for this reason that

till late these crimes did not attract much attention as they do

not carry with them any loss of social status of the offender

even if he is caught or detected.


These study of crooked white-collar offender’s delicacy their

explanations for involvement in criminal activities. It focuses

specifically on the techniques that are used to deny

criminality. The strategies used to accomplish this end are

detailed. In conclusion, some preliminary observations

concerning the causes of white-collar crime are made.

Aim and object of the study:

White collar crime is more threatening to society than the

ordinary crimes, because the financial loss from burglaries,

robberies larcenies etc. The most dismal aspect of white

collar crimes is that there is no effective program for the

enforcement of criminal law against them and the dominant

persons involved in these crimes are able to defend against

enforcement of law against white them.


White collar crime thrives because of public lack of

interest to it. The reasons of public lack of concern are:

• Such criminals operate with in the strict letter of the law

and exploit the trustworthiness of their sufferers.

• The legal battles involved are dragged out for years in

the court; with the result the significance of the offence is

totally lost in the unconsciousness.

• The members of the community themselves contribute to

the commission of various white-collar crimes willingly or

un-willingly. For instance, illegal fulfillment to public

servants to get the work done quickly In other words

bribery given by the civilians to public servant in order to

save their time rather than involving in the long hierarchal

process. To make it appear legal sometime people use a

word ‘donation’ given to public servant, black marketing

in times of scarcity, evasive price violations, rent – ceiling

violations etc.

The contributing Factors for white-collar crimes:

1. The changing socio – economic scenario of the society

coupled with increase in wealth and prosperity has

furnished opportunities for white-collar crime.

2. Demonstration effect prevailing in society forces the

offenders to commit such a crime as when the offender

sees that in his neighborhood every other person has

good life style, comforts and glories. It urges the offender

to have them all with a short cut.

3. The modern scientific and technological developments

and monopolistic trends in business world have led to

enormous increase in white-collar crimes.

4. Illegal fulfillment to public servants to get the work done

quickly In other words bribery given by the civilians to

public servant in order to save their time rather than

involving in the long hierarchal process.

5. The human wants are unlimited every time he satisfies

his one need, there are many other wants rising and

standing in the way to be fulfilled. After just fulfilling his

deficient need the want arises to have the comforts and

once the comfort is gain, his lust and desire moves

towards the luxurious items.

6. The economic and industrial growth through out the

world has been the most potential cause of increasing in

the White-Collar crimes.

7. The white-collar criminals are enjoying relatively high

socio-economical status. They belong to an influential

group which is powerful enough to handle their occupation

tactfully and persons affected thereby hardly know that

they are being victimized.

8. Criminal law administrators and Judges being members

of upper strata of the society are generally sympathetic

towards white – collar criminals while dealing with them

9. The competitive business community which tries to

drive out their rival competitors in order to earn huge

profits is the root cause of white-collar crime.


One of the major crises Pakistan is facing these days is of

corruption and white collar crimes are adding more to the

level of corruption and today Pakistan is equally in the grip

of white collar criminality. The reason for enormous

increase in white collar crime in recent decades is to be

found in the fast developing economy and industrial

growth of this developing country. The National

Federation Committee Report in its findings gave a bright

picture of white collar crimes committed by persons of

respectability such as businessmen, industrialists,

contractors and suppliers as also the corrupt public

officials. Highlighting the magnitude of white collar crime

in Pakistan, the Commission on ‘Prevention of Corruption’

in its report observed: “The advance of technological and

scientific development is contributing to the emergence of

‘mass society’ with a large rank of file and an small

controlling elite, encouraging the growth of monopolies,

the rise of a managerial class and intricate institutional

mechanism. Strict adherence to high standard of ethical

behavior is necessary for the even and honest functioning

of the new social, political and economic processes. The

inability of all sections of society to appreciate this need in

full results in the emergence and growth of white-collar

and economic crimes renders enforcement of the laws,

them selves not sufficiently deterrent, more –difficult. Tax

evasion and avoidance, share-pushing, malpractices in

the share market and administration of companies,

monopolistic control, hoarding, profiteering, substandard

performance of contracts of constructions and supply,

evasion of economic laws, bribery and corruption, election

offences and malpractices and some examples of which

collar crime These crimes have become a matter of global

concern and challenge for the law enforcement agencies

in the new millennium. Cyber – criminal’s have an

advantage of using computer technology to inflict damage

with out the risk of being apprehended or caught. The

areas affected by cyber-crimes are banking and financial

institutions, energy and telecommunication services,

transportation business, industries etc.

The white – collar crimes which are common to Pakistan

trade and business world are hoarding, profiteering and

black marketing. Violation of foreign exchange regulations

and import and export laws are frequently resorted to for

the sake of huge profits. That apart, adulteration of

foodstuffs, edibles and drugs which causes irreparable

danger to public health is yet another white – collar crime

common in Pakistan. The Law Commission of Pakistan

has suggested drastic measures against such offenders.

In the commission’s observation the tedious prosecution

process involved in the trail of such cases frustrates the

cause of justice and often results into unjustified acquittal

due to defective report of the analyst or delay in

examination of samples or lack of legal expertise etc.

Tax – Evasion

Complexity of tax laws in Pakistan has provided sufficient

scope for the tax-payers to evade taxes. The evasion is

more common with influential categories of persons such

as trades, businessmen, lawyers, doctors, engineers,

contractors etc. The main difficulty posed before the

Income Tax Department is to know the real and exact

income of these professionals. It is often alleged that the

actual tax paid by these persons is only a fraction of their

income and rest of the money goes into circulation as

‘black money’. Despite frequent modifications in the tax-

laws of the country the menace of tax-evasion continues

unabated and it is causing considerable loss to

Government revenue. The main intention was to unearth

‘black money’ so as to prevent further loss of government

revenues. It may be pointed out that the problem of

generation of black money and its proliferation is not new.

It is significant to note in this context that what constitutes

crime is ‘tax evasion’ and note the ‘tax avoidance’. It may

be stated that the government has introduced various

regulatory legislations, as amended from time to time, the

branch of which results in white collar criminality ‘A large

majority of white collar crimes are, however, operating

within the letter and spirit of the law and, therefore do not

call for legal action’

White Collar Crime in certain Professions:

The professions which have opportunities to white collar

criminality are, medical profession, engineering, legal

practice, private educational, civil servant etc. some how

by either directly or indirectly the white color criminals are

involved in these respectable professions taking full

advantage of their socio economic status to violate law,

manipulate needy one and suffocate the means.

Medical profession

Sometime parents give high donation in medical colleges

for their children to get admissions and recently doctors

are the most controversial aspect as the statistic suggests

that out of 531 students who got their degree from china,

Ukraine, etc only 53 students passed their test from

National Medical of Professionals. These doctors are

associated with the name ‘China-made’ doctors. The

majority of silly mistakes while carrying out the major

operations are done by these premature doctors and the

root cause lies in the bribery given by their parents to

ignore merit and buy the position. This is one of the white

color crime and not to forget the life of patients on stake.

Other White collar crimes which are commonly committed

by persons belonging to medical profession include

issuance of false medical certificates, helping illegal

abortions, secret service to dacoits by giving expert

opinion about selling sample-drugs and medicines to

chemists adopted by the members of this profession in

treatment of there patients with a view to extracting huge

sums from them has become an accepted norm,

particularly with those medical men who do not have a

good practice or have only a marginal earning. The

persons employed in essential services of the government

or other undertaking are often confronted with the problem

of getting leave due to shortage of staff. They, therefore,

procure medical certificate regarding their false sickness

and produce it to the department to justify their absence

from duty. In return, they have to pay certain amount to

the concerned medical staff.

These persons may not break the letter of the law but, by

violating its spirit, they commit crimes which are not only

anti-social, but also injurious to public health.

White-Collar crimes in insurance business

White-Collar crimes also operate in insurance business

where both the insured as well as insurer earn

considerable profit by making false and fabricated claims.

Instances are not wanting when intentional house-burning,

automobile destruction and even murders are planned by

the persons of respectable community i8n order to make

good fortunes from the manipulated insurance claims.


In the engineering profession underhand dealings with

contractors and suppliers, passing of sub-standard works

and materials and maintenance of bogus records of work-

charged labor are some of the common examples of white

collar crime. Scandals of this kind are reported in

newspapers and magazines almost every day.

Construction of buildings, roads, canals, dams and

bridges with sub-standard material not only endangers

public safety but also results into huge loss to public

exchequer. The mixing of low quality elements in

construction material has recently resulted in collapse of

the flyovers (for instance liyari bridge) and important

public sector buildings. Even to gain the tenders for mega

profitable projects builders pay heavily to authorities.

Educational Institutions:

Yet another field where white collar criminals operate are

the privately run educational institutions in this country.

The governing bodies of these institutions manage to

secure large sums by way of government grants or

financial aid by submitting fictitious and fake details about

their institutions. The teachers and other staff working in

these institutions receive insufficient salary far less than

what they actually sign for, thus allowing a big margin for

the management to grab huge amount in this illegal

manner. The Victimized teachers can hardly afford to

complain about this exploitation to high ups because of

the fear of being thrown out of job. They are, therefore,

compelled to compromise with the situation. That apart,

fake and bogus enrolment of students who are residing far

away from the place of location of these institutions is yet

another source of illegal earning for them. They charge

huge amounts byway of donations or capitation fees from

such needy students. These dishonest and unscrupulous

practices have damaged the standard of education in

Pakistan to such an extent that it is causing an irreparable

loss to the younger generation.

More often these white color criminals are enabling the

students to get degrees on payment of huge sums in

blatant violation of the Government rules, regulations and

norms. The magnitude of this white collar criminality has

adversely affected the standard of education in all four of

the states.

Legal Profession:

In Pakistan the lawyer’s profession is not looked with

much respect these days. There are two obvious reasons

for this. The deteriorating standards of legal education and

unethical practices resorted to by the members of legal

profession to procure clientage are mainly responsible for

the degradation of this profession which was once

considered to be one of the noblest vocations.

Generally, professional crooks and criminal gangs have

their own trusted lawyer who can be depended upon to

arrange things and keep himself ready with bail bond or

habeas corpus writ to avoid arrest of the gangster. If the

members of the gang are arrested, the lawyer has to find

out ways and means to arrange or ‘fix’ their release.

Quite a large number of them are not most sincere and

honest in their profession commanding great respect from

all sections of society.

White Collar Crime in Business Deals:

White–Collar crimes are also widespread in business

world. There have always been instances of violation of

trust. Sutherland made a careful study of a number of

large corporations and business houses and found that

they were involved in illegal contract, combinations or

conspiracies in restraint of trade, misrepresentation in

advertising, infringements against copyrights and trade

marks, unfair labor practices, bribing public officials and

son. The public hardly knows the trickery of business

criminals as they treat it as not too important for their

purpose. Sutherland attributed the highest degree of

criminality to business world which includes traders,

businessmen and industrialists. It has been held that

“business communities in Pakistan or large and small

merchants are basically dishonest bunch of crooks….

Nowhere in the world do businessmen get rich as quickly

as they do in Pakistan”. In time of shortage and scarcity of

consumer commodities, the traders withdraw the stock

and subsequently dispose it of at exorbitant prices.

Although bribery is an offence under the Prevention of

Corruption Act, 1988 and both, bribe-taker as well as the

bribe-giver are equally punishable, but commercial agents

and public officials indulge in illegal gratification for their

personal gain and the legal restraints provided for the

purpose are hardly adequate to cure this menace. White

collar criminality is confined to only those illegal activities

which the persons of prestigious group, high social status

commit in course of their legitimate business or

occupation for financial gain. The sale and production of

forged drugs and sub-standard medicines by

manufacturers is yet another white-collar crime which

enables businessmen to earn huge illegal profits. A

number of deaths are reported every year due to

consumption of bogus liquor or food poisoning.

Computer Related White-Collar Crimes

The latest developments in information technology and

electronic media especially have given rise to a new

variety of computer related white collar crime which is

commonly called cyber-crimes. The widespread growth of

these crimes has become matter of global concern and a

challenge for the law enforcement agencies in the new

millennium. Because of the peculiar nature of these

crimes, they can be committed anonymously and far away

from the victim without being, physically present there.

Further, cyber criminals have a major advantage; they can

use computer technology to inflict damage without the risk

of being caught. The cyber crimes cover a wide range of

illegal computer-related activities, which include offences

such as, theft of communication services, industrial

spying, dissemination of pornography and sexy offensive

material in cyber-space, electronic money laundering and

tax evasion, electronic vandalism, terrorism and extortion,

etc. Notable among them are: -1.Pheakering:- It is a way

to circumvent the billing mechanism of telephones

allowing anyone to call anywhere in the world literally

without any cost

2. Internet frauds: Cyber space now provides a wide

variety of investment opportunities opening new areas for

deceit or fraud. Electronic funds transfer systems have

begun to proliferate. Hence there is risk of transactions

being intercepted or diverted. Now-a-days valid credit card

numbers can be intercepted electronically as well a

physically and the digital information stored on a card can

be counterfeited. Stalking, unwanted mail virus, hacking

servers of banks and big organizations etc are the

common threats of 21st century.

White Collar Crime as a family resemblance:

The term “white collar crime” might provide a useful label

in criminal law theory. Given the substantial disagreement

over its meaning, one might well wonder whether it would

make sense to abandon the term entirely and rely instead

on some alternative term or collection of terms, such as

“economic,” “business,” “corporate,” or “occupational”

crime. To put it another way, one need to ask whether

there is some defining group of family resemblances that

is characteristic of white collar crime and is not adequately

captured by the alternatives. In approaching this question,

my aim is not to offer yet another alternative definition of

white collar crime. Instead, I want to suggest an

appropriate Methodology for developing such a definition.

And, inasmuch as legal theory is concerned with the moral

content of criminal offenses, it is in that realm that we will

want to look in developing such a methodology.

As I have described elsewhere, the moral content of

criminal offenses can be divided into three basic


1. Culpability

2. Harmfulness

3. And moral wrongfulness

Moral content
of criminal

Culpability Harmfulness wrongfulness

Culpability reflects the mental element with which an

offense is committed, such as intent, knowledge, or belief.

Harmfulness reflects the degree to which a criminal act

causes, or risks causing, harm to others or self. And moral

wrongfulness involves the way in which the criminal act

entails a violation of moral norms. Following this

approach, then, one way to determine which offenses

should be included within the category of white collar

crime would be to ask whether—in terms of culpability,

harmfulness, and wrongfulness—a particular offense

“resembles” other offenses within that category. Drawing

on work I have published elsewhere, I would argue that

white collar crime does differ from non-white collar crime

in all three of the dimensions identified: First, the harms

that white collar crimes cause (think, for example, of

bribery, tax evasion, and insider trading) tend to be more

diffuse and aggregative than in the case of conventional

crime; and it is often harder to say who (or what, in the

case of governmental institutions or corporations) has

been victimized, and how. Second, white collar crime

tends to involve certain distinctive forms of moral

wrongfulness: not only deception and breach of trust,97

but also cheating, exploitation, coercion, promise

breaking, and disobedience. Third, white collar offenses

frequently reflect a distinctive role for men’s era: They

either require no at all (as is the case with many

regulatory offenses), or make proof of mens rea so

important that conduct performed without it not only fails

to expose the actor to criminal liability, but may not be

regarded as wrongful at all. My point, of course, is not that

all white collar offenses (and only such offenses) exhibit

such qualities. If we expect to find some fixed and

universally-agreed–upon collection of necessary and

sufficient conditions that define the category of white collar

crime across all disciplines, we are bound to be

disappointed. I believe that it would be a mistake to give

up on the term entirely. Provided that we recognize its

context-specific, family resemblance- like-quality, “white

collar crime” remains for the legal theorist a term both

powerfully evocative and ultimately indispensable.

White collar crime distinguished from traditional


It must be noted that white collar criminality has a close

affinity to the attitudes and values of culture in a particular

society. This is evident from the fact that white collar

criminals are intelligent, stable, and successful and men of

high social status as compared with the ordinary criminals.

They are foresighted persons belonging to the prestigious

group of society. White collar crimes which are committed

in commercial world are indirect, anonymous, impersonal

and difficult to detect. As against this, ordinary criminals

commit crimes which are direct and involve physical

action such as beating, removal of property or use of

force, etc. which can be easily identified and detected. It is

often said that ordinary crimes which are otherwise called

‘blue collar crimes’ are more common with the under-

privileged class while the white collar crimes are

committed by the members of privileged group who

belong to upper strata of society. Edwin Sutherland,

however, suggests that status alone is not the determinant

factor of white collar or blue collar crime. This is evident

from the fact that even the most privileged and prestige

persons may commit heinous crime such as assault,

murder, rape or kidnapping for which they can be severely

punished, while on the other hand, most under-privileged

persons may be involved in a white collar crime like tax

evasion, corruption or misrepresentation which may not

be looked as serious offence. This however, does not

mean that white collar crimes are petty offences because

they do not carry major punishment. There is much

resemblance between white collar and the blue-collar

crime. Both owe their origin to common law and are

adaptations of principles of theft, fraud etc. to modern

socio-economic institutions and in fact there is no basic

difference between the two. The only peculiarity of white

collar crime is that it is committed by the persons of

relatively high status of society. The criminal content in

both the types is more or less common. It must, however,

be noted that guilty mind is an essential ingredient of

every blue collar crime but many statutes dealing with

white collar crime do not require guilty mind in strict sense

of the term. More often than not, these criminals are

friendly with the top ranking public officials. That apart,

impact of white collar crime is so widely diffused in a large

number of people that is does not aggravate the feelings

of one single individual. Therefore, the public cry against

white collar criminality is far less than for the predatory

crimes. Commenting on the preponderance of white collar

crime in the modern time Edwin Sutherland rightly

comments that, “social disorganization on account of

individualistic policies and competitive economy are the

root causes for this type of criminality”. It is rather a

reflection on society’s attitude towards different types of

crimes and the accepted values of its culture.

The financial cost white collar crime is probably several

times greater than that of all the crimes taken together. In

a recent study it has been concluded that the financial

loss to society from white collar crime is far greater than

the financial loss from the predatory crimes committed by

persons of lower socio-economic status. It has been

further concluded that the average loss per burglary is

less than ten thousand rupees and a burglary which yields

as much as one lakh of rupees is exceedingly rare. On the

other hand, there may be several corers rupees

embezzlements reported in one year. Notable, these

embezzlements are nothing as compared with the large

scale crimes committed by corporations, investment trusts

and public utility concerns. It can, therefore, be inferred

that white collar criminals violate trust and create distrust

which lowers social morale and results into social

disorganization to a large extent while other crimes

produce relatively little effect on social institutions.

By way of generalization it may be stated that like other

criminal behavior, white collar criminality can best be

explained through the process of differential association. It

is a generic explanation for both white collars as also the

blue collar criminality. Those who become white collar

criminals generally start their career in good

neighborhoods and good homes, well educated with some

idealism and get into peculiar business situations in which

criminality is practically a routine way of life. Another

explanation for white collar criminality is to be found in the

process of social disorganization in the community.

Judicial Attitude:

The courts generally have been giving differential

treatment to white-collar criminals. Sometimes, instead of

punishing the guilty, the courts have used cease-and-

desist orders in case of white-collar criminals, a technique

which is not resorted to for ordinary criminals. The

Magazine reporting the story in the ‘Business’ and not in

the ‘Crime’ columns.37 The trial courts in Pakistan

sometimes fail to realize the gravity of white-collar

criminality and, therefore tend to be contented by

awarding light or even token punishment to white-collar

criminals. The Law Commission has been fully aware of

the judicial smugness vis-à-vis white-collar crimes and the

dangers inherent in it. In its Forty-seventh Report the

Commission observed.

“Suggestions are often made that in order that the lower

magistracy may realize the seriousness of some of the

social and economic offences, some method should be

evolved of making the judiciary conscious of the grave

damage caused to the country’s economy and health by

such anti-social crimes… We hope that the higher courts

are fully alive to the harm and we have no doubt that on

appropriate occasion, such as judicial conference, the

subject will receive attention. It is of utmost importance

that all State instrumentalities involved in the investigation,

prosecution and trial of these offences must be oriented to

the philosophy which treats these economic offences as a

source of grave challenge to the material wealth of the

nation.” Besides prescribing stiffer punishments for white-

collar offenders, the Supreme Court has also held in a

number of cases that liberal interpretation must be given

to the penal laws dealing with social welfare legislation to

see that the legislative object is not defeated. Considering

the case of the manager of the bank, who has shown the

dreams of profitability to the retiring employee ageing

seventy years and has taken Rs. 500000 which was

employee’s life time earning. Taking another example is of

Urooj Zehra, who was accountant in private company for

last seven years. She has transferred six hundred millions

to her sister’s account and is underground since then. The

FIR number is 191/10 for this recent case. In most

circumstances, the defense is faced with two competing

and difficult alternatives: accept the prosecution’s offer

and plead guilty to certain charges, or proceed to trial and

allow the court to decide the outcome. Neither choice is

easily made; each can have life-altering consequences.

Remedial Measures:

In a country like Pakistan where large scale

malnourishment, mass illiteracy, and ignorance affect the

life of the people, white collar crimes are bound to multiply

in large proportion. Control of these crimes is a crucial

problem for criminal justice administration in this country.

However, some of the remedial measures for combating

white collar criminality may be stated as follows:--

1.Creating public awareness against these crimes through

the media of press, platform and other audio-visual aids.

Intensive legal literacy programs may perhaps help in

reducing the incidence of white collar criminality to a

considerable extent.

2. Special tribunals should be constituted with power to

award sentence of imprisonment up to ten years for white

collar criminals.

3. Stringent regulatory laws and drastic punishment for

white collar criminals may help in reducing these crimes.

Even legislations with retrospective operation may be

justified for this purpose. Senior journalist of Pakistan, in

this context once observed: “the practitioner of this evil

(i.e. white collar and socio-economic crimes) the hoarders,

the profiteers, the black marketers, and speculators are

the worst enemies of our country. They have to be dealt

with sternly, however well placed, important and influential

they may be, if we acquiesce in wrong-doing, people will

lose faith in us.” The penalty for white collar crime which

are a potential risk to human lives may even be extended

to the imprisonment for life or even to death if the

circumstances so demand.

4. A separate chapter on white collar crimes and socio-

economic crimes should be incorporated in the Pakistan

Penal Code by amending the Code so that white collar

criminals who are convicted by the court do not escape

punishment because of their high social status.

5. White collar offenders should be dealt with sternly by

prescribing stiffer punishments keeping in view the gravity

of injury caused to society because of these crimes.

6. There is an urgent need for a National Crime

Commission which may squarely tackle the problem of

crime and criminality in all its facets (one of the many side

of a cut-stone or jewel).

7. Above all, Public vigilance seems to be the cornerstone

of anti white collar crime strategy. Unless white collar

crimes become abhorrent to public mind, it will not be

possible to contain this growing menace (to threaten). In

order to attain this objective, there is need for

strengthening of morals particularly, in the higher strata

and among the public services. It is further necessary to

evolve sound group-norms and service ethics based on

the twin concepts of absolute honest and integrity for the

sake of national welfare. This is possible through

character building at grass-root level and inculcating a

sense of real concern for the nation among youngsters so

that they are prepared and trained for an upright living

when they enter the public life.

Finally, it must be stated that a developing country like

Pakistan where population is fast escalating, economic

offences are increasing by leaps and bound besides the

traditional crimes. These are mostly associated with

middle and upper class of society and have added new

chapter to criminal jurisprudence. To a great extent, they

are an outcome of industrial and commercial

developments and progress of science and new

technology. With the growing materialism all around the

world, acquisition of more and more wealth has become

the final end of human activity. Consequently, moral

values have either changed or thrown to winds and

frauds, misappropriation, misrepresentation, corruption,

adulteration evasion of tax etc. have become the

techniques of trade commerce and profession. It is for the

criminal law administrators to contain this tendency by

stringent legislative measures. It is rather disappointing to

note that thought white collar crimes such as black market

activities, evasive e price violations, rent-ceiling violations,

rationing-law violations, illegal financial maneuvering etc.

by businessmen are widespread in society; no effective

program for pressing them has so far been launched by

the law enforcement agencies. Perhaps the reason for

white collar crimes being carried on unabated is that these

crimes are committed generally by influential persons who

are shrewd enough to resist the efforts of law enforcement

against them.

In a Nutshell:

To put it in a nutshell we know that the existence of white

collar criminal is not a new phenomenon. Now after

completing this research I am able to identify few of the

prominent as well hidden characteristics of the psychology

of white collar criminals such as these individuals are from

not exactly the criminal background, Infact they belong to

fine socio economic class with respectable status. They

wore good dress and people trust them because of their

post. The demonstration effect has a key role to play in

enlightening their psychology as the lust and desires

dominate them and for their profit motives they deceive

other. One of the main features of such individuals is that

they have silver tongue means quality of convincing the

people to vest trust in them. Another feature of white collar

criminal is that these crooks are only interested in

swindling but they don’t use sharp weapons to cut throats

nor they have any intensions to physically injure their

victims. They only theft and leave their targets to suffer

and keep searching for these criminals in mob of

strangers. These economic offences may either be

cognizable or non-cognizable in nature. Local police deals

with a considerable number of economic offences falling

under the board category of ‘Cheating’, ‘Counterfeiting’

and ‘Criminal Branch of Trust’. A number of special laws

regulating customers, excise, taxes, foreign exchange,

narcotic drugs, banking, insurance, trade and commerce

relating to export and import have been enacted in the

country. These laws are enforced by the respective

departmental enforcement agencies created under the

statutory provisions. Legal powers for investigation,

adjudication, imposing of fines, penalties and under

special circumstances arrest and detention of persons are

derived from the same legislation. The officers of the

enforcement agencies are also vested with powers to

summon witness, search and seize goods, documents

and confiscate the proceeds. Despite special laws and

independent enforcement agencies for handling these

crimes there is no decline in the crime rate, on the country

it is constantly raising, which is a serious cause of concern

for all those who are associated with the administration of

criminal justice.


1. Understanding white collar crime by Hazel Croall,

Open University Press, Buckingham · Philadelphia, page#
1-6, 13-14 & 17

2. Entrusted Criminals: White Collar Crime by Gary A

McAvin (AKA Gavin), page# 1 & 8

3. The Color of Crime, Race, Crime and Justice, New

Century Foundation, Oakton, VA, page # 1-3

4. Concept of white collar crime by Stuart P Greon, Unit

III, page# 27-35, Unit V, page# 56-89, Unit VIII, page#

5. Criminal Psychology by Ray Bull, Richard W. Nice,

6. Criminology by Alferd, Maller and Valler, Chapter III,

page# 104, Chapter IV, page# 107-109.

7. White collar Crimes by MI Chael L Benson

8. Newspaper Articles from DAWN news, Sunday news,

EXPRESS urdu daily newspaper.

9. Internet e-books Services,,, and


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