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Juan M.

Elementary School
520 Harmon Loop Road, Dededo, Guam 96929
Phone: (671) 632-1540

Superintendent of Education

Marites D.C. Garcia

Assistant Principal

Educator: Amber N. Tajalle
School & Assignment: Juan M. Guerrero, Kindergarten
Date: 1/28/16
Standard/Criteria: Please check the Standard(s) being addressed.
X I. Planning __II. Instruction __III. Management (must impact student growth)
__ IV. Reflection __ V. Learning Communities
Step 1 Professional Growth Goal (specific): To improve my teaching effectiveness in the Schools
Greatest Area of Need Subject and Indicators. The subject is Math and the Indicators are
Number Identification (0-30), Addition and Subtraction (within 10), and Composing (11-20) and
Decomposing (1-10) Numbers.
Standard Indicator #1.4: (identify) Plans lessons and activities that are aligned with the districts adopted
curriculum recognizing the needs, learning styles, and performance of diverse learners.

Step 2 Your rationale for choosing this goal.

If I improve my effectiveness in teaching Math and Indicators for Number Identification (0-30),
Addition and Subtraction (within 10), and Composing (11-20) and Decomposing (1-10) Numbers, then
my student outcomes improve.
Step 3 Student Growth Goal/Evidence (not applicable if goal cannot be measured by student growth)
_0_ % of my students at Tier I will be proficient according to Grade Level criteria in Number
Identification (0-30), Addition and Subtraction (within 10), and Composing (11-20) and
Decomposing (1-10) Numbers, as measured by Grade Level Assessment (SMART Goal
Assessment) by end of school year.
__0___% of my students at Tier II will be proficient according to Grade Level criteria in
Number Identification (0-30), Addition and Subtraction (within 10), and Composing (11-20) and
Decomposing (1-10) Numbers, as measured by Grade Level Assessment (SMART Goal
Assessment) by end of school year.
__70___% of my students at Tier III will be basic to proficient according to Grade Level criteria
in Number Identification (0-30), Addition and Subtraction (within 10), and Composing (11-20)
and Decomposing (1-10) Numbers, as measured by Grade Level Assessment (SMART Goal
Assessment) by end of school year.

We the faculty, staff and parents of Juan M. Guerrero Elementary School are dedicated to the educational growth and achievement of our students
within a positive learning environment in order to be productive citizens.

Step 4 Detailed Timeline for proposed activities


-Placement Assessments (Brigance)

September -Pre SMART Goal Assessment

Pre Brigance Assessment scores

Pre SMART Goal Assessment

scores / graph

-Group my students according to

placement levels


Monthly goal sheets and

-Plan monthly goals for students on each progress/assessments to see if
targeted goal was met.
GAN skill, using the data from the pre
SMART Goal Assessment

-Give semester assessments to see

student growth in the GAN in
kindergarten math skills

-Plan lessons and activities focusing on

the three GAN in math that are aligned
with the districts adopted curriculum
recognizing the needs, learning styles,
and performance of diverse learners.

Student Test Summary reflecting

each GAN scores from semester

Sample lesson plans / units for

each GAN in math. Pictures,
videos, etc. to support the
activities that aide in student

-Reflect on current practices, assess

Any notation of change in
student progress and make changes
lessons to meet students needs
accordingly to help students attain goals. who are not progressing

Communicate with parents in regards to

students in tiers 2 and 3 to provide
reinforcement assignments, practices to
gain improvement in GAN goals.

Communication log between

teacher and parents. Samples of
homework and supplemental
work as evidence, which help
reinforce the GAN of need.

Grade level meeting

-Collaborate with colleagues on lesson
plans, activities, strategies, interventions, minutes/notes showing
collaboration between
and practices that work
We the faculty, staff and parents of Juan M. Guerrero Elementary School are dedicated to the educational growth and achievement of our students
within a positive learning environment in order to be productive citizens.

-Meet with colleagues to assess student

data and progress

kindergarten team
Reflection on strategies,
interventions, etc. received and
how it impacted student learning

-Collaborate with curriculum coach/SPED

teachers/guidance counselor/ESL coaches
Written documentation of any
for as needed assistance
form of communication and/or
assistance given from curriculum
coach, guidance counselor, SPED
teachers, Speech therapist, ESL
coaches, etc.
-Professional Development: attend
professional developments, courses,
trainings, seek assistance from other
-Evidence and/or reflections from
teachers/specialists on-site, via the World
professional development
Wide Web or from other GDOE public
attended or sought out.
schools on practices, activities, lesson
plans to enhance the target math skills.

-Administer progress SMART Goal

Assessment at the end of 1st and 2nd
April - May

Results/test scores/graph from

progress SMART Goal
Assessments given at the end of
1st and 2nd semester

-Administer AIMS Web Fall, Winter and

Spring Assessment (number identification Results/test scores from AIMS
Web Assessment (number
-Administer post SMART Goal Assessment

-Evaluate/compare the scores from the

pre/post SMART Goal assessment to
measure student growth

Results from post SMART Goal


A graph comparing the scores

from the pre/post SMART Goal
-Plan next step, further strategies to see Assessment and written
effectiveness/ineffectiveness of practices reflection.
and goals set this SY 2015-2016
A self-reflection on the practices
and strategies that worked
and/or did not work and ways I
can improve myself as an
We the faculty, staff and parents of Juan M. Guerrero Elementary School are dedicated to the educational growth and achievement of our students
within a positive learning environment in order to be productive citizens.

What research will you need to do to address the focus area?

I will research other lessons and strategies used in teaching the three greatest area of need by other
What evidence will you use to document how your professional growth has positively impacted
student learning?
I will have documents from trainings to show attendance. I will show pictures and/or videos to
showcase my students and myself implementing the different strategies and lesson implemented to
improve student growth. I will then provide a reflection on the impact my professional growth had on
my students.
Step 5 Additional resources needed from Administration or Team
- Materials/manipulatives/assistance/guidance from SPED, Speech therapists, Autism CRTT in
regards to student with Autism (E.B.)

Support from Autism CRTT, monthly OR as needed

I will seek help from Administration, kindergarten Team, Curriculum Coach, ESL, SPED,
and/or others when needed, on a case-by-case basis.

Step 6 Collaboration with Your Professional Growth Team (Optional)

Arrange to consult with your Professional Growth Team and share your plan.
Acknowledgement of Plan: (Team members)

Date: _________________________


Date: _________________________


Date: _________________________

Concurred by:
Educators Name & Signature/Date

Marites D.C. Garcia

We the faculty, staff and parents of Juan M. Guerrero Elementary School are dedicated to the educational growth and achievement of our students
within a positive learning environment in order to be productive citizens.

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