PGDM PT Brochure

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(Three year Part-time – AICTE approved)




1. Last date for submission of filled in applications 6 June 2009
2. Written Test 14 June 2009
th th th
3. Interview for shortlisted candidates 17 , 18 , & 19 June 2009
4. Last date for payment of Fees 15 July 2009
5. Inauguration and Course Commencement 18 July 2009
(Twenty-seventh Batch 2009-2012)
[Approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Government of India]

“The dream is to invest in quality students, and produce jewels. Over a

period of time we will create this reputation. The people who walk out
of this Institute will be the people who will create an intellectual
revolution in the country. This is the dream. And we will certainly To be the Institution of choice for
translate it into reality.” students and employers with a focus
– Excerpt from an address to students by Mr. N. Vaghul, Chairman, on management in general and the
Board of Governors, IFMR financial service industry in particular.

“What we offer in the MBA programmes should stay with you for the
next two or three decades. It should not be that when you walk out
of the institution, what you have learned is already dated information.
Sometimes, the concern is this: if the course is too academic, are the
To train and develop globally
students really relevant in the real world? It's a balancing act. And
competitive managers to serve the
what we're aiming for is a ‘finished product'”.
needs of Indian industry and to
– Excerpt from an address to students by Dr Nachiket Mor, Member, influence the practice of management.
Board of Governors and Chairman, Management Council, IFMR


“Management education is on the threshold of a major change. Over the last few decades, wealth was
created primarily by promoting consumption, credit expansion and aggressive leverage which now has
come to a halt due to the sub-prime crisis followed by industrial and banking bankruptcies. The old
system worked very well over a long period of time as long as the human greed was under control. Now
there is a paradigm shift. Prudency and conservatism have become the order of the day.
To succeed in this environment, courses in management education must be tailor-made and should deal
with contemporary issues. Further, globalization has opened up new doors hitherto not thought of
creating enormous challenges and opportunities.
We at the IFMR keep constantly revamping our existing courses and also create new ones to deal with
the current economic issues. The students are made to become familiar with the new market realities and
at the same time not compromising on the academic rigour. As some one said, I quote, “from the
moment you have selected your values, you will never compromise them. This is the measure of your
quality as a human being. As long as deep down you know you will never violate your highest value, you
will be in control and self confident”. We will spare no effort to meet this goal.
Dr. Bobby S. Srinivasan President, IFMR


About IFMR
The Institute for Financial Management and Research (IFMR), worked and consulted with both national and international
Chennai, is a leading business school with the objective of organizations. Students, too, are involved in these projects,
moulding bright and ambitious young managers into effective ensuring continuous interaction with industry. IFMR is also an
executives in a global setting. IFMR's curriculum offers a mix approved institution by the University of Madras for pursuing a
of theory and simulated real life exposure. Its graduates are Ph.D degree in Finance and Economics.
equipped to meet challenges from the day they are absorbed IFMR has close ties with the IIBF and the MMA, and has a
into the corporate sector. research collaboration programme with the London School of
Established in 1970 as a non-profit organization, IFMR was Economics. IFMR has also recently entered into a
sponsored by ICICI, the House of Kotharis and other major comprehensive three year partnership with the Massachusetts
industrial groups. The Board of Governors includes leaders of Institute of Technology (MIT-OCW) to redesign its entire
major corporations in India. The Finance Secretary, Government approach towards teaching and research in order to offer a
of Tamilnadu, and the Vice Chancellor of the University of world-class curriculum to their students. About 40 scholars
Madras are ex officio board members. from the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard Business
Recognized as a Social Science Research Institute by the School, Sloan School of Management (MIT), Yale University,
Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government etc., pursuing close to 20 research projects are in residence at
of India, IFMR is approved as an institution of national IFMR thereby creating a very stimulating academic environment
importance by the Ministry of Finance. Faculty members have on campus.
Research Centres
IFMR has a number of specialized centers engaged in research, • Center for Advanced Financial Studies (CAFS): CAFS
innovation, design of new models and advocacy in particular develops tools and concepts appropriate to market conditions
fields. Working at the centers are scholars from prestigious Indian in India and other emerging markets, provides research-based
institutions and foreign institutions such as the Kennedy School of unbiased policy advice, and conducts post graduate programs
Government at Harvard University, MIT and Yale University. that provide a comprehensive introduction to the theory and
Inputs from the centers are used to continuously update IFMR’s practice of modern finance. CAFS is also involved in
academic programs. Scholars from the centers also deliver executive education programs to bring the best current
lectures on campus and IFMR’s faculty is engaged with them in finance practices to professionals and tailor them to the
research projects. needs of specific organizations.
The centers thus provide a very stimulating academic environment • Centre for Innovative Financial Design (CIFD): CIFD works
on campus and give students an excellent opportunity to interact at the intersection of research and action to create and test
with international students and faculty. financial products that bridge the gap between the financial
Centers set up at IFMR are: needs and the financial access of the poor. To ensure the
success and scalability of ideas, CIFD’s work follows a cycle
• Centre for Micro Finance (CMF): CMF’s mission is to help
of design, pilot test and disseminate.
improve access to and quality of financial services for the
poor in India through rigorous research, knowledge • Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) South Asia: J-PAL
dissemination and evidence-based policy outreach. South Asia seeks to improve the effectiveness of poverty
programs in South Asia by providing policy makers with clear
• Centre for Development Finance (CDF): CDF is a
scientific results that help shape successful policies to
development economics research and action centre, with a
combat poverty.
mission to make development finance effective and create
sustainable models for financing development-supporting • NCDEX Centre for Research in Commodity Markets
infrastructure and services. (NCRCM): NCRCM, the dedicated Centre for research and
knowledge management in the area of commodity markets
• Small Enterprise Finance Centre (SEFC): SEFC seeks to
and derivatives, has been set up with the main objective to
d e v e lo p a v ib r a n t SM E se c t o r t h r o u g h s u st a in e d
widen and improve the understanding of commodity markets
advancement of research and practice of SME financing and
and deepen and improve its functioning through (a) research
growth in India by conducting and facilitating rigorous
(b) contribution to policy formulation, analysis and advocacy
research programs in cooperation with first class researchers
(c) disseminating information (d) providing a platform for
and institutions worldwide.
collaboration and (e) education, training and awareness and
• Centre for Insurance & Risk Management (CIRM): CIRM capacity building activities. The Centre will provide faculty
aims to develop risk mitigating instruments like insurance, support to other institutions for undertaking research and
derivatives and investments to reduce the vulnerability of the training in South India.
poor to the many risks they face.

MoU with Banyan: BALM – The Banyan Academy of Leadership in Mental Health was recently established for the purpose of aiding the
creation of highly competent and qualified human resources in the sector. An MoU has been signed between IFMR and BALM under which
BALM will offer short-term and long-term training programs to the MBA students of IFMR. This would also include an orientation to all
first year students at the time of joining.
In 2007 rating of business schools by the All India IFMR rated an outstanding 10th among
Management Association (AIMA), IFMR was rated “A”. all private B Schools in India as well as
IFMR was ranked 10th on an All India basis, and 1st in 10th in Intellectual Capital
Tamilnadu, in the Outlook-Cfore Business School Survey, by Outlook (September 17, 2007)
and placed 5 amongst all B-Schools in the South in the
Business World-Cosmode B-School survey. It is our intent
to further improve our excellent performance.

Global, industry oriented, integrated approach

with stress on ethical leadership.
Our approach to education
• Emphasizes the global perspective in all aspects
of management education to bring in best-in-
class international practices.
• Forges strong links with industry in the
development of teaching material, research,
student projects, placement and consultancy
services. OUTLOOK 17 September 2007
• Offers an integrated approach to management,
emphasizing the interrelationships between
business functions.
• Lays stress on leadership with ethical values.
Teaching Philosophy
Preparing for the challenge of change.
Management theory and practice as well as the external
environment are continuously changing. Our approach to
learning seeks to prepare students to be effective
managers in the face of these changes. Hence learning is
not confined to the classroom. Students are expected to
take responsibility for and be active participants in the
learning process. Students are thus equipped for life long OUTLOOK 17 September 2007
• Two labs - over 150 computers, Intranet, Internet,
students trained through computer-based Management
• Sophisticated software include Bloomberg Professional
FTS, Barra etc.
The intranet in IFMR is the medium of correspondence
between all members. The Knowledge Management portal
is uploaded on the intranet and discussion topics and
IFMR is located in the heart of the city in a well-developed current affairs are also posted in the site. The Clubs have
1.5-acre campus. The infrastructure provides the right their own websites on the intranet linked to the IFMR
opportunities for self-learning, knowledge building, honing website.
of skills and exploring one's potential to the fullest. Software Packages
Library Students use sophisticated software packages available on
• H.T. Parekh Library recognized as a Depositary the entire network in the Institute. These includes
Library for World Bank, WTO Secretariat etc. Bloomberg Professional, Financial Trading System (FTS),
• 39000 Titles Barra on Campus (containing Aegis and Cosmos), Prowess,
Capita Line, eViews, Statistics, Gauss Optimization
• 9000 volumes
software and Project Management software.
• 144 National Journals
• 65 International Journals
• The library is also a recommended reference library
for many B-schools and other colleges located in
• Corporates and academics have enrolled as members
of the library
• Access to boost online databases
IT Infrastructure
• Campus WI-FI enabled high bandwidth broadband
• Air-conditioned classrooms, equipped with audio visual
aids and internet-connected computers
G.L. Mehta Memorial Lecture
In honour of Shri G.L. Mehta, the great industrialist, personalities from the fields of Finance and Economics
Ambassador of India, and former member of the Planning have rendered their views on current topics of national
Commission, IFMR has been annually organizing the G.L. relevance. Over the years, some of the dignitaries who
Mehta Memorial Lecture, since 1975, where distinguished have graced the forum are:

Mr. R. Venktaraman, Former Vice President of India

Dr. M.S. Swaminathan, World-renowned Agriculture Scientist
Mr. P. Chidambaram, Union Minister for Finance, Govt. of India
Mr. B.K. Nehru, Former Governor, Jammu and Kashmir
Prof. Sukhamoy Chakravarty, Former Member, PM's Economic Advisory Council
Mr. R.S. Bhatt, Chairman of Indian Investment Center
Mr. L.K. Jha, Chairman, Economic Administration Returns Commission
Mr. C. Subramanian, Former Union Minister
Mr. A.K. Dasgupta, Professor of Economics, JNU, New Delhi
Lord Meghnath Desai, Professor of Economics, London School of Economics
Mr. Abhijeet Banerjee, Ford Foundation, Prof. of Economics, MIT
Mr. Herman Mulder, Independent Advisor & Former Chairman of ABN AMRO Group Foundation
Industry Interaction
Industry experts often visit IFMR to interact with the these guest lectures as they get to know the intricacies of
students to share and impart knowledge. This has become the corporate world. Some of the eminent business
a part of the curriculum for the students to meet and executives who have addressed IFMR students include:
discuss with the experts and students have benefited from

Mr. Arjun Anand, Executive VP, Sanmar Engineering Dr. Nachiket Mor, President, ICICI Foundation for Inclusive Growth
Corporation, Chennai Mr. N. Lakshmi Narayanan, President and COO, CTS
Mr. R. Ashok, Former General Manager, ORG-MARG Mr. M. Narayanan, Head–Operations, Sundaram Home Finance Ltd.
Mr. Anil Arjun Krishna, General Manager, Reliance Infocomm Mr. Lant Pritchett, Social Development Group, The World Bank
Mr. G.N. Bajpai, Former Chairman, SEBI Mr. K. Pandia Rajan, CEO, Mafoi Consultants, Chennai
Mr. K. Bharathan, Regional Head, ICICI Lombard Ltd. Mr. Harsha Ram, Product Management Group, Satyam Infoway
Mr. Amit K. Biswas, SOC&OR Unit, Indian Statistical Institute Mr. Krishna Raman, Regional Manager–South India, Metlife Insurance
Mr. P.K.C. Bose, MD & CEO of Saertex India Ltd. Mr. K.S. Ramesh, Executive Director and CEO, Cavinkare
Mr. Chandra Sekaran, MD & Executive VP, CTS Mr. C. Ramulu, Director (Finance), HPCL, Mumbai
Mr. M. Damodaran, Chairman, SEBI Mr. C.K. Ranganathan, CMD, Cavinkare Ltd.
Mr. Sridip Ganguli, Corporate Global Marketing, Polaris Mr. K.R. Ravi, Management Consultant, Chennai
Ms. Uma Krishnan, COO, Polaris BPO Dr Y. Venugopal Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Mr. A. Satish Kumar, MD, Henkel India Limited, Chennai Mr. D. Sundaram, Vice Chairman, Hindustan Unilever Limited, Mumbai
Mr. C.K. Mohan, Chief of A F Ferguson and Co., Chennai Mr. Muthukumar Thanu, Group VP - HR, Murugappa Group
Mr. S. Mohanakrishnan, GM, Sundaram Clayton Ltd. Mr. David I. Wallack, CEO Sound Strategies, LLC
Mr. Nicolas Gravel, Head, Economics Department, Centre de Sciences Humaines, French Ministry, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, New Delhi
Overseas Guests
Dr. Viral Acharya, Assistant Professor, London Business School, UK
Dr. G. Anandalingam, Ralph Tyser Professor of Management Science University of Maryland, USA
Prof. Abhijit Banerjee, Ford Foundation Professor of Economics, MIT, USA
Prof. V.V. Chari, University of Minnesota and Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, USA
Dr. Ellen Frost, Visiting Fellow, Institute of International Economics, Washington DC, USA
Ms. Melinda Gates, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, USA
Prof. Anurag Gupta, Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, USA
Prof. CNV Krishnan, Case Western Reserve University, USA
Prof. Sendhil Mullainathan, Harvard University, USA
Prof. V.G. Narayanan, Harvard University, USA
Prof. Antoinette Schoar, MIT Sloan School, USA
Prof. K.V. Subramanian, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago, USA
Prof. Rangarajan K. Sundaram, Stern School of Business, New York University, USA
Prof. Suresh M Sundaresan, Chase Manhattan Bank Professor of Finance and Economics, Columbia Business School, USA
Dr. Meenu Tewari, University of North Carolina, Cagle Hill, USA
Prof. Ravi Jagannathan, Northwestern University, USA
Prof. Raghuram Rajan, International Monetary Fund, USA
Prof. Eric Maskin, Institute for Advanced Study, School of Social Science, USA
Prof. Esther Duflo, MIT Poverty Action Lab, USA
Three Year Part Time
Postgraduate Diploma
in Management (PGDM) – Details
Three Year Part time Postgraduate Diploma in experience for successful careers in management.
Management (PGDM) Participants can choose to specialize in one or more areas
To cater to the requirements of continuous learning for such as finance, marketing, human resources management
working executives, IFMR offers a three-year part time and information technology / operations management.
Postgraduate Diploma in Management (PGDM). Since 1982, The program's innovative design includes six terms of
twenty six batches have completed the programme. intensive instruction and one assignment resulting in a
The Government of Tamilnadu has recognized the Diploma detailed project report. The industry-oriented curriculum's
programme and directed the Chief Executive Officers of State objective is to groom working executive MBA aspirants to
Public Sector Undertakings/Boards to consider prescribing the take on higher responsibilities and to advance their career
Diploma as an additional or alternative qualification for progression. Twenty six batches from a variety of leading
recruitment or promotion to suitable posts in their finance companies have successfully graduated through this
departments. programme.
The Madras Chamber of Commerce and Industry has also Apart from the in house faculty of 20, visiting faculty
recommended to its members that such a recognition may be from leading B schools and senior managers from industry
given to this Diploma. interact with our students through their course of study,
Objective of the Diploma Programme making the programme truly industry-oriented in character.
IFMR's Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) is an A unique feature of the programme is that all teaching
AICTE accredited programme over three years duration. It is material is available to students on an internal web, the
intended to impart functional and management skills to entire design of the subjects being IT-led. The intention is
working executives with a minimum of 2 years work to produce a global Indian manager.
Indicative Course details : Elective - Finance
Valuation and Mergers & Acquisition
FIRST SEMESTER International Financial Management
Basic Financial and Cost Accounting Financial Reporting & Analysis
Organisational Behavior - I Derivatives & Risk Management
Managerial Economics Investment Management
Management Information Systems Project Financing & Management
Quantitative Analysis for Business Decisions Banking & Financial Services
Corporate Taxation
SECOND SEMESTER Insurance & Risk Management
Management Accounting
Organisational Behaviour - II Elective - Marketing
Macro Economics International Marketing
Management Science B2B Marketing
Written Analysis & Communication Sales and Distribution Management
Product Policy and Management
THIRD SEMESTER Analytics for Marketing
Corporate Financial Management Advertising & Brand Management
Marketing Management Consumer Behaviour
Operations Management Services Marketing
IT Enabled Enterprise Retail Management
Human Resources Management Elective IT & Operations
Supply Chain Management I
FOURTH SEMESTER Software Project management
Strategic Cost Management Financial Technology
Research Methodology in Marketing Supply Chain Management-II
International Business Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management
Strategic Management Financial Modelling
Working Capital Management CRM & Data Mining
Current Economic Crisis and Resolution Lean Manufacturing & Total Cost Management


Recruitment & Selection
Students will be offered a variety of elective courses Performance Management Systems
during their fifth and sixth semesters. The electives are in Change Management
the areas of Finance, Marketing, HR and IT & Operations Strategic Human Resource Management
and could include the following: Cross Cultural Relations
Eligibility The Institute will call the short-listed candidates for a
group discussion followed by an interview.
Admission is open to
Other important dates relating to the program are
i. Graduates in any discipline with a minimum of 50%
indicated under Dates to Remember appearing on the
aggregate marks.
inside wrapper of this prospectus.
ii. A minimum of 2 years of full-time work experience
in an organization / institution of repute. Method of Instruction and Evaluation
The age of candidates should not normally exceed 40 The method of instruction provides for a synthesis of
years at the time of admission. Admission will be limited theory and practice through lectures and discussions.
as prescribed by AICTE to facilitate personalised Relevant background material will be supplied, and
guidance to the participants. emphasis will be on oral exposition and active
participation by the participants through Case Discussions,
Programme Venue and Duration Seminars and Assignments.
The program will be conducted at the premises of the During the progress of the Course, the participants will be
Institute at #24, Kothari Road, Nungambakkam, evaluated for their initiatives, understanding and
Chennai 600 034. effectiveness and will be advised as to the areas in which
Fridays: 6.30-8.30 p.m. & Saturdays 9.00 a.m. 6.00 p.m. they need to do further study. Periodic Tests will be
conducted and assignments will be given in the topics
Programme Structure covered in each subject. Thus the internal assessment will
This program takes six semesters to complete. Each be by way of Seminars. Assignments, and periodic Tests.
semester is 20 weeks long and 2 semesters are There will be a final semester examination in each subject
completed each year. Core subjects are covered in the at the end of the semester.
first four semesters. In addition project work will be
taken up after the fourth semester and completed by the
end of sixth semester. Electives/Functional courses will The grading will be on a 9 level scale. Grade A signifies
be covered in the fifth and sixth semesters. outstanding achievement. This would reflect performance
both on an absolute and relative scale. On the other end
Method of selection of the scale, Grade D signifies unsatisfactory performance.
Candidates will have to appear for a Written Test to be This is the equivalent of a 'FAIL'. Ds would be awarded
conducted at the IFMR Campus on Sunday, 14 June where the instructor feels that the candidate has clearly
2009. not understood the material.
Grades Numerical Values work will be permitted to re-submit a revised project only
A 4.00 after six months of the declaration of results.
A– 3.67 Prizes are awarded to the students obtaining first Three
B+ 3.33 Ranks.
B 3.00
B– 2.67 Attendance, Progress and Conduct
C+ 2.33 The Institute is particular about regular and punctual
C 2.00
attendance of the participants during sessions and
C– 1.67
seminars. Assignments given should be completed in time.
D 0.00
Irregular attendance/unsatisfactory progress/misconduct on
Students are required to maintain a numerical grade of the part of the candidate would result in the removal of
2.00 (C) to remain 'in good standing'. Students whose the candidate's name from the roll list.
average falls below 2.00 will be given one term to
A minimum of 70% attendance in each subject is
improve their average to 2.00, failing which they would
compulsory. Continuous absence without
have to leave the programme. In addition, students would
intimation/approval, for 10 days would result in the
not be allowed to have more than two Ds during their
removal of the candidate's name from the roll list.
programme of study. Failure to meet this would once
However, re-admission would be considered in special
again mean leaving the program.
cases with genuine
For the overall programme, a cumulative grade point reasons on payment of a
average will be calculated as the weighted average of the re-admission fee of
grades for the individual courses, where the weights Rs. 2500/.
reflect the number of credits assigned to each course. Candidates will need to
The overall grade will be stated in the diploma as schedule their work
commitments keeping
A 3.34 4.00 the attendance
B 2.67 3.33 requirements in mind.
C 2.00 2.66 Candidates not meeting
A candidate who gets a ‘D' grade in any subject will be this requirement will not
allowed to take one supplementary examination (which be permitted to take the
will be held only once for each semester subject). A final examination.
candidate who does not get minimum grade in the project
Course Fee General
Fees will be collected at the beginning of each semester The syllabus for each subject, time table etc. will be
as indicated below: provided at the time of admission.
Fees per semester Amount Further particulars can be had from Mr. K. Paul
Tuition Fees Rs. 45,000 Chandramohan (PGDM-PT Office), Institute for Financial
Library Fees* Rs. 1,000 Management and Research, #24, Kothari Road,
Alumni Fees** Rs. 1,000 Nungambakkam, Chennai – 600 034.
Phone No. : 044-2830 3509 / 2830 3400
* Library Deposit (Refundable) of Rs.1000/- is a one time payment
due at the time of admission. Four library tickets will be issued for
Fax : 044-2827 9208
borrowing text books in addition to two tickets for general books. E-mail : [email protected] / [email protected]
** Alumni Fees one time non-refundable. Visit us at:
IFMR Faculty
Bade Kucukoglu Small & Medium Enterprise Finance M.A., (Sustainable International Development, Heller School for Social Policy
and Management, Brandeis University
G. Balasubramanian Finance & IT Ph.D (Madras), AICWA
Bobby S. Srinivasan Finance Ph.D. (Case Western University)
Deepthi Goel Development Economics Ph.D., Economics (Boston University)
Jessica Wallack Development Finance Ph.D., (Stanford University)
Jijo Lukose P.J. Finance & Accounting M.B.F. (Cochin University); Grad.CWA.; Ph.D (SoM, IIT Bombay)
Justin Oliver Micro Finance M.A., (Harvard University)
R. Kannan Banking & FInance M.Tech (IIT, Bombay); Dip. In Fin Mgt (Bombay);
Chartered Financial Analyst (ICFAI)
S. Maheswaran Financial Econometrics Ph.D (University of Minnesota); PGDM (IIM-C)
Nilanjan Banik Econometrics & Trade Ph.D (Utah State University); M.A. (Delhi School of Economics)
S. Raghu Raman HR & Organizational Behaviour MBA (OUBS, UK); PGDFM (IIFM, Bhopal)
L. Ramprasath Quantitative Finance Ph.D (Rutgers University); Mstat and B.Stat-Hons. (ISI)
Ratul Lahkar Micro Economics Ph.D. (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
Rupalee Ruchismita Micro Finance / Insurance Master in Social Work (Tata Institute of Social Sciences)
Bachelor in Sociology and Geography (Utkal University)
R.L. Shankar Quantitative Finance B.Tech., (IIT Madras), MS (Carnegie Mellon University)
R. Venugopal Marketing & Strategy F.I.I.M (IIM-A); B.Tech (IIT, Madras)
P.K. Viswanathan Statistics & Marketing MBA (FMS, Delhi); MS (University of Manitoba, Canada)
S. Ganapathy Head – Placement & External Relations MBA (Madras), PGDFM (IFMR)
S. Gangadharan Economics & IT Ph.D (Madras); MA; PGDPM; PDM (OUBS, UK)
Lakshmi Kumar Economics Ph.D (IIT, Madras); MA (Econometrics)

Visiting Faculty
Abhijit V. Banerjee MIT Ph.D., (Harvard University)
Adel Verghese UTA Ph.D- University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Antoinette Schoar MIT Ph.D., (University of Chicago)
Esther Dulfo MIT Ph.D., (MIT)
Rangarajan Sundaram Stern School of Business Ph.D., (Cornell University)
Sendhil Mullainathan Harvard University Ph.D., (Harvard University)
T.V. Subramanian Consultant M-Stat., Fellow IIMA.,
C. Vijayalakshmi IFMR Trust Fellow (MDI, Gurgaon); PG Dip in Rural Mgt (IRMA, Anand)
IFMR Board of Governors
Mr N Vaghul, Chairman, ICICI Bank Ltd., Chairman

Mr R Seshasayee, Managing Director, Ashok Leyland Ltd Member

Mr K Gnanadesikan, I.A.S., Finance Secretary, Government of Tamilnadu Member

Mr B H Kothari, Chairman, HCK Group of Companies Member

Mr N Kumar, Vice Chairman, Sanmar Group Member

Prof S Ramachandran, Vice Chancellor, University of Madras Member

Dr Nachiket Mor, President, ICICI Foundation for Inclusive Growth Member

Mr D Sundaram, Vice Chairman, Hindustan Unilever Ltd Member

Mr V Narayanan, Director, Sanmar Advisory Board Member

Ms Surekha P Kothari, Former National President, FICCI Ladies Organisation Member

Mr Gopal Srinivasan, Director, TVS Electronics Ltd Member

Mr Narayan Sethuramon, Managing Director, W.S. Industries (India) Ltd Member

Dr Ashok Jhunjhunwala, Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Madras Member

Mr R Subramanian, Subhiksha Member

Dr T N Srinivasan, Samuel C. Park, Jr. Professor of Economics, Yale University Member

Ms Neelima Khetan, Chief Executive, Seva Mandir Member

Mr Rajiv Lall, MD & CEO, IDFC Ltd Member

Mr V Srikanth, MD – Head of Fixed Income, Currencies & Commodities Member

(for India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh), Citibank, NA
Some distinguished Alumni

Mr R Aravindan
CEO – Alufit (India) Ltd.

Mr S Devanathan
Manager, Fixed Income Division, Genpact

Mr Manivannan R Rajan

Dr M S Narasimhan
Professor – IIM-B

Mr Rajesh Raghavan
Financial Controller & Company Secretary, Intimate Fashions

Mr H Ramachandran
Financial Controller, Areva T&D India Ltd.

Mr P Sridhar
Head – Research, Cholamandalam Securities Ltd.

Mr K Sriram
Senior Manager – H.O. Sales, Siemens Ltd.
Why will I recommend IFMR?
I will recommend IFMR, because
• IFMR transformed me from a Professional to an Entrepreneur
• IFMR opened my eyes to visualize my fullest potential
• IFMR provided an opportunity to connect with Professors who
are domain experts in their respective subjects
• IFMR gives access treasure of knowledge by providing World
Bank depository library.

Venkat Badri
Class Coordinator Ex-Class Coordinator
IFMR PGDM Part time IFMR PGDM Part time
2008-11 2008-11

All applications should be mailed to the following address:

PGDM Admissions Office (Part-time)

Institute for Financial Management and Research
24, Kothari Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai 600 034, India
Phone : (Board) +91 44 28303400
(Direct) +91 44 28303509
Email : [email protected] / [email protected]

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