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TOSD Endorsement Program


Teacher Candidate: Abigail Erchick

Subject/Grade/Program Type: Math/ 3rd/


Date: 3/17/16

Title of the Lesson: Fractions on a


Lesson Essential Question: How can we

Topic or Big Idea: knowing the four
use fraction tiles on a number line? How
different ways that fractions can be
can we use sentence strips on a number
solved for on a numberline
line? How can shading be used to show
fractions on a number line? How can we
hop from one tick mark to another showing
parts of a whole on a number line?
Unit Essential Question: How can we
identify fraction on a numberline?

Extending Thinking

Assessment Lesson

**The delivery of your lesson is always contingent upon the content you intended to
deliver. Sometimes you may address all of the elements in the template and sometimes
you may not. This template is a guide to ensure you are addressing the essential
elements of a lesson plan to ensure students will be able to demonstrate enduring
This is an assessment and application lesson. The students will use what they have
learned to show the strategy that they like the most to the rest of the group applying it
on a larger scale. The will teach each other the strategies and how they can apply them
differently through their better understanding of them.

Student Learning Outcome(s): What should students know and do as a

result of the lesson? (Component 1C)


Student will be able to apply 1out of the 4 strategies of fractions on a

number line to model to teach other students their way of understanding it.
Students will be able to give 2 out of 4 correct examples when showing
their understanding of the strategies on the larger scale to their peers.


Include number
and text of each
standard being

Standard(s): What are the standard(s) addressed by this lesson? Does

the lesson have an interdisciplinary focus? (Component 1A)

{MA.3.CCSS.Math.Content.3.NF.A.2a}/Represent a fraction 1/ on a
number line diagram by defining the interval from 0 to 1 as the whole
and partitioning it into equal parts. Recognize that each part
/has size 1/ and that the endpoint of the part based at 0
/locates the number 1/ on the number line.
{MA.3.CCSS.Math.Content.3.NF.A.2b} Represent
a fraction / on a
/number line diagram by marking off a lengths 1/ from 0.
that the resulting interval has size / and
/ its endpoint locates the number / on the
number line.
{MA.3.CCSS.Math.Content.3.NF.A.1} Understand a fraction
/1/ as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is
partitioned into equal parts; understand a fraction
/ as the quantity formed by parts of size 1/.
{MA.3.CCSS.Math.Content.3.NF.A.3a} Understand two fractions as
equivalent (equal) if they are the same size, or the same point on a
number line.

Common Core

Relevance/Rationale: Why are the outcomes of this lesson important in

the real world? Why are these outcomes essential for future learning?
(Components 1A,1C)
It gives students a sense of purpose and pride that they are able to teach
others their way of learning. Using fractions on a number line will help
them with measurements and when they need to create something with
specific dimensions they will be able to, or when they are cooking
something, measuring out the correct fraction of an ingredient will help in
their independent living skills.

(Classes with
ESL Coteacher)

Statement of Language Objective: How will the student demonstrate

understanding using the four domains of reading, writing, speaking, and/or
listening? (Components 1B, 1C)

Students will in small group discuss with their group members their chosen

strategy to teach, they will read over their reference sheet as a group
going over what they will do. They will listen when their peers teach their
way of understanding and using the strategy, and when they are all
finished they will write at least 3 good strong reasons as a part of their exit
slip for why they believe their strategy is the better one to use.
Model of

Statement of Adult Roles: How will the other adults in the classroom
support students? (Component 4D)

Each teacher in the room will have a small group that they will provide
instruction for. They will facilitate the learning up to a point where the
students will then get a chance to show what they have learned through
the application of their thinking to a larger audience. The teachers will
guide the students by modeling an example of how to use the materials
and provide extra support for those students who need it to stay focused
and on task for the lesson.
Set /Activating

Do Now / Warm-up: How will you engage students in learning? How will
you connect the lesson to their prior knowledge? (Component 1E)
Students will watch a screencast of other students teaching a fraction of a
number line strategy. Using what they already know and what they have
watched they will apply it to how they would like to carry out their own
teachings in group. Students will also do math fact practice, as well as
mixed math skill practice to better their skills before the lesson.

Introductory /
Short Lecture/

Teacher Directed Activities: (Teaching of the new concept): How will

you aid students in constructing meaning of new concepts? How will you
introduce/model new skills or procedures? What instructional strategy(ies)
will you introduce, re-introduce or utilize to ensure comprehension?
(Component 1E)
Teachers will help the students go over the reference sheet of the different
strategies that they can use for fractions on a number line. They will
remind the students of the strategies that they chose at the ones that they
liked the best to use and that those are the ones that will be focused on
during their teachings.

Teacher Guided

Teacher-Monitored Activities: What will students do together to use

new concepts or skills? How will you assist students in this process?
(Component 1E)
Students will be put into partners or stay together as a whole small group

to teach their strategies.On a larger number line, students will demonstrate

and teach their chosen strategies to their peers showing with movement
and materials how they will use the strategy to solve for fractions on a
number line. Each student will get a chance to go, the order being
determined by a roll of dice to be fair to each student. After students have
taught their strategies, they will be brought back together to then complete
an exit slip.
Practice or

Practice Activities, Refinement, and Extension: What opportunities will

students have to use the new skills and concepts in a meaningful way?
How will students expand and solidify their understanding of the concept
and apply it to a real-world situation? How will students demonstrate their
mastery of the essential learning outcomes? (Components 1E, 1F)
Students will teach their strategies to their peers using materials and
movement on a larger number line. They will teach the others their favorite
strategy to use, showing their full understanding of the topic. They will
learn from their peers how they see the other strategies and how to better
apply them to their work. They will also do math practice in leveled
programs on their computers, and will have the choice to complete
additional screencasts afterwards along with other fraction on a number
line practice sheets and fraction puzzles.

What does
success on
this lessons
outcomes look
What is the
evidence of

Assessment: How
will you & your
students know if they
have successfully met
the outcomes? What
specific criteria will be
met in a successful

Closure Activities:
How will you assist
students in reflecting
upon what they
learned today and
are preparing for
tomorrows lesson?
What homework will
be assigned to help
students practice,
prepare, or elaborate
on a concept or skill

Assessment: How will
you ensure that all
students have mastered
the identified learning
indicators? How will you
assess their learning
daily? How will you
assess their learning at
the end of a unit?

Students will accurately

demonstrate their
understanding of one
of the 4 strategies of
fractions on a number
line to their group
peers, and they will be
able to give 2 correct

Students will
complete an exit slip
that will have they
rate their chosen
strategy and state at
least 3 good reasons
for why it is the better
one to use.

Students will
demonstrate their
mastery of the strategies
by showing that they are
able to explain it so that
their peers are able to
better understand it to be
able to use it more

examples of their
strategy to show their


A fraction practice
homework sheet that
will be assigned to
know that they are
understanding the

effectively in their
work.They will also be
able to answer the
questions of the exit slip
with accuracy and with
good support of
evidence for their
answers. Daily their
learning will be assessed
through self assessment
on owl sheets, as well as
the independent class
work that will be
completed during the
lesson, checked for

What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in this lesson?
(Component 1D)
Large number lines
Index card labels
Frog hoppers
Math reference sheet from previous lesson
Teacher created exit slip
Teacher created owl sheet self assessment
Screencasts of other students or themselves

Access for

How will you ensure that all students have access to and are able to
engage appropriately in this lesson? Consider all aspects of student
diversity ELL, IEP, & Gifted, etc. (Components 1B, 1C, 1E)
All students will have access to the hands on materials. They will be able
to work at their own pace and move around their small group area to
explain in their own way how they understand the strategy that they have
chosen and will be able to demonstrate it using materials of their choice.
The wording of the exit slip and reference sheet are vocabulary that has
already been gone over, and how the students teach their peers is up to
them. There are three possible ways to carry out the students teaching,
whole group, partners or two at a time. Depending on the students in the

group, which one is chosen is left up to teacher discretion as to which best

fits their students needs in group.

What curriculum modifications and/or classroom accommodations will you

make for Students with learning differences in your class? Be as specific
as possible. (Component 1B, 1D)
There are three possible ways that the students teaching and
demonstrating their chosen strategies could be carried out in small group.
Whole group small group, partners or two at a time. The decision on which
will be used during small group will be left up to the discretion of the
teachers as to which best fits their students needs during the lessons.


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