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Overview of Oracle Business Intelligence Cloud Service (BICS)

(Responder todas las preguntas de esta seccin)


Why is Cloud disruptive to IT ? Marcar para Revisin

(1) Puntos
(Seleccione todas las respuestas correctas)
IT will focus less on Software and Infrastructure (*)
LOB's do not want governance over their data
LOB's will demand IT to maintain the Software and Hardware
LOB's will create their own analytical solutions (*)

Correct! LOB's will create their own analytical solution
s & IT will focus less on Software and Infrastructure

How does the Cloud help the LOB's

Marcar para Rev

(1) Puntos
Cloud integrates all applications like PBCS
It serves the LOB's with governed analytics (*)
Cloud makes integration with Excel easier
Cloud does not help the LOB's


Correct! It serves the LOB's with governed analytics

Which of the following two factors best describes the pr
ofile for mid-market net new BICS customers?
Marcar para Revisin
(1) Puntos
(Seleccione todas las respuestas correctas)
Customers who have many on-premise applications and the required support
Customers without a BI Infrastructure or BI tool in place (*)

Customers who are looking to increase their IT infrastructure headcount

Customers who do not have hardware and/or IT resources to support on-pre
mises implementations (*)
Customers who have had non-positive experiences with cloud service imple

Correct! Customers without a BI Infrastructure or BI too
l in place & Customers who do not have hardware and/or IT resources to support o
n-premises implementations
The reality of today's BI is as follows, Pick two valid
answers Marcar para Revisin
(1) Puntos
(Seleccione todas las respuestas correctas)
BI is inflexible and slow (*)
BI is pervasive among all the companies
BI is standardized across the organization
Multiple Complex BI tools (*)


Correct! BI is Inflexible and Slow & Multiple Complex BI


Marcar para Revisin

(1) Puntos
Commodity hardware is cheap and this is the time to switch to the cloud
LOB's have greater control of IT Spend (*)
LOB's want IT to support them irrelevant of the cost
Cloud is the new Buzz word


Correct! LOB's have greater control of IT Spend

Cloud Computing: Business Intelligence Cloud Service

(Responder todas las preguntas de esta seccin)
Which of the following two statements are true for Busin
ess Analytics and Business Intelligence Cloud Service? Marcar para Revisin
(1) Puntos
(Seleccione todas las respuestas correctas)
Customers can only run on-premise applications or cloud implementations
and not both at the same time
BICS extends the feature set and functionality of on-premise Business An
alytics to the Cloud (*)
If an application is developed on the Cloud, you cannot deploy to on-pre
mise solutions
Customers can implement a hybrid of both on-premise and cloud service (*

Correct! Customers can implement a hybrid of both on-pre
mise and cloud service & BICS extends the feature set and functionality of on-pr
emise Business Analytics to the Cloud
According to market research, which of the following two
uses is not a high priority for cloud use cases?
Marcar para Revisin
(1) Puntos
(Seleccione todas las respuestas correctas)
Applications used by employees
Extension of existing applications
Removing applications (*)
Increasing IT budget (*)
Creating new applications


Incorrect! Removing applications & Increasing IT budget


Which best describes the definition of a customer's "pri

vate cloud" implementation?

(1) Puntos

Marcar para Revisin

Oracle owns and provides the cloud service solution

Customer owns and Oracle operates the cloud service solution
Customer owns and operates their cloud service solutions (*)
Customer neither owns nor operates

e solutions

Incorrect! Customer owns and operates their cloud servic

s Cloud Service?
(1) Puntos

Which of the following is not a key component of Oracle'

Marcar para Revisin

Platform Services
Common Infrastructure Services
On-Premise deployment services (*)
Applications Services
Social Network Services

Correct. On-Premise deployment services is not a key com
ponent of Oracle's Cloud Service.
Organizations are concerned with SaaS (Software as a Ser
vice) on public cloud implementations for which two of the following reasons?
Marcar para Revisin
(1) Puntos
(Seleccione todas las respuestas correctas)
SaaS has not been proven to work long term
Saas requires extensive in-house hardware purchases

It increases security risks by having sensitive data in the cloud (*)

IT may be difficult to integrate with existing on-premise systems (*)
It will significantly increase short term costs

Incorrect! It increases security risks by having sensiti
ve data in the cloud & IT may be difficult to integrate with existing on-premise
Cloud Computing: Business Intelligence Cloud Service
(Responder todas las preguntas de esta seccin)
What is the highest concern for CEOs when implementing c
loud computing solutions within their organization?
Marcar para Revisin
(1) Puntos
Data Integrity
Data Security (*)
Decline in customer satisfaction
Increased costs
Job Security


Correct! Data Security

Which of the following is the key factor for organizatio
ns in deciding to implement a private cloud service?
Marcar para Revisin
(1) Puntos
Implementation time is reduced significantly compared to other solutions
Security and sensitivity for external exposure to financial information
The cost to implement is significantly higher to implement
The cost to implementing is significantly lower than other solutions
Data access is quicker compared to public cloud implementations

Incorrect! Security and sensitivity for external exposur
e to financial information
Which of the following deployment scenarios is defined b
y the customer owning and operating their hardware and software required in runn
ing their cloud service?
Marcar para Revisin
(1) Puntos
Public deployment model
Hybrid deployment model
Platform as a Service (PaaS) model
Software as a Service (SaaS) model
Private deployment model (*)


Correct! Private deployment model

as a Service (Saas)?
(1) Puntos

Which of the following is not an advantage for Software

Marcar para Revisin

Lowering operational expense

Faster implementation
Lower short term total cost of ownership (TOC)
Limited infrastructure overhead
Security and compliance concerns (*)


Incorrect! Security and compliance concerns

Which of the following defines the "managed" deployment
choice for customers implementing on Oracle's Cloud solutions? Marcar para Rev
(1) Puntos

Customer owns and operates the solution and technology

Customer neither owns nor operates
This is the same as a "private cloud"
This is the same as subscription model
Customer owns the solution and Oracle operates the technology (*)

s the technology

Incorrect! Customer owns the solution and Oracle operate

Cloud Computing: Business Intelligence Cloud Service

(Responder todas las preguntas de esta seccin)
Which of the following is not part of Oracle's Enterpris
e applications Cloud Service?
Marcar para Revisin
(1) Puntos
Planning and Budgeting
Human Capital Management
Talent Management
Business Intelligence
Endeca Information Discovery (*)


Correct! Endeca Information Discovery

According to a CEO research survey, what are the top two
benefits for widespread adoption of cloud-based systems?
Marcar para Rev
(1) Puntos
(Seleccione todas las respuestas correctas)
Meaningfully improve IT function's ability to innovate (*)
Maintain budgets and headcount

Meaningfully increase IT headcount

Meaningfully improve IT function's ability to focus on high-value activi
ties (*)
Meaningfully increase IT budget spending

Incorrect! Meaningfully improve IT function's ability to
focus on high-value activities & Meaningfully improve IT function's ability to
Utilizing cloud service solutions by Oracle allows IT or
ganizations to spend less on "A" and more on "B":
Marcar para Revisin
(1) Puntos
A: Maintaining Budgets, B: Adding New Capabilities
A: Maintaining Systems, B: Adding New Capabilities (*)
A: Maintaining Systems, B: Adding Fewer Capabilities
A: Removing Obsolete Systems, B: Adding New Capabilities
A: Maintaining Systems, B: Adding Older Capabilities


Incorrect!A: Maintaining Systems, B: Adding New Capabili

Which of the following is not a key component of Oracle'
s Cloud Service for ease-of use?
Marcar para Revisin
(1) Puntos
Additional IT resource required (*)
Monthly subscription
Instant Provisioning
Self-service management

Self-service sign-up


Correct! Additional IT resource required

What key term describes the limitation and difficulty of
changing to another vendor or switching to different cloud applications by an o
rganization after they committed to a Saas (Software as a Service) provider?
Marcar para Revisin
(1) Puntos
SaaS Quatching
Vendor Lock-In (*)
IT Dependency
Buyer Lock-in
IT Independency


Correct! Vendor Lock-In

Cloud Computing: Business Intelligence Cloud Service

(Responder todas las preguntas de esta seccin)
Which of the following defines the service model where a
3rd party provides a platform to organizations so they can develop and deploy t
heir own applications? Marcar para Revisin
(1) Puntos
Software as a Service (SaaS)
Deployment as a Service (DaaS)
Hybrid as a Service (HaaS)
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Platform as a Service (PaaS) model (*)

Correct! Platform as a Service (PaaS) model defines the
service model where a 3rd party provides a platform to organizations so they can
develop and deploy their own applications.

According to market research, which of the following are
the top two use cases for public cloud service?
Marcar para Revisin
(1) Puntos
(Seleccione todas las respuestas correctas)
Increasing IT budget
Removing applications
Applications used by employees (*)
Enterprise class applications (*)
Legacy applications

ed by employees

Correct! Enterprise class applications & Applications us

What are two of the advantages of SaaS (Software as a Se
rvice) for organizations?
Marcar para Revisin
(1) Puntos
(Seleccione todas las respuestas correctas)
Companies eliminate the IT resources to manage additional infrastructure
Companies eliminate the requirement to run their own hardware (*)
Companies have to eliminate their on-premise applications
Companies have no choice on which applications can be implemented by Saa
Companies need to hire additional IT resources for infrastructure manage

Incorrect! Companies eliminate the requirement to run th
eir own hardware & Companies eliminate the IT resources to manage additional inf

BICS Customer Requirements and Target Markets

(Responder todas las preguntas de esta seccin)
Which scenario is true for a customer that wishes to dep
loy an application on-premise that was developed on Business Intelligence Cloud
Service ?
Marcar para Revisin
(1) Puntos
It is not possible to deploy on-premise if an application was developed
on the Cloud
Customers cannot deploy their application on-premise if it has been deve
loped on the Cloud
Customers can develop and deploy on-premise but not on the Cloud
A customer can develop any application on the Cloud and decide to deploy
on-premise (*)
Customers can only deploy on the Cloud for the Pre-Production environmen
t only and not in the Production environment

Incorrect. A customer can develop any application on the
Cloud and decide to deploy on-premise

loud Service ?
(1) Puntos

How do you load data to a new table on Oracle Database C
Marcar para Revisin

You have to connect to the Oracle Database using SQL Data Tools
You use the Data Loader on the Home Page of the BI Cloud Service (*)
You have to connect to the Oracle Database using DB Connect
You have to use an ETL tool to load the data

BI Cloud Service

Correct! You use the Data Loader on the Home Page of the

BICS Customer Requirements and Target Markets

(Responder todas las preguntas de esta seccin)

Which of the following statements is true for BICS (Busi

ness Intelligence Cloud Service)?

(1) Puntos

Marcar para Revisin

The overall goal of BICS is to lower the adoption barrier for Business A
nalytics. (*)
Increase the adoption barrier for Business Analytics
Require the customer to implement both on-premise and cloud services bas
ed BI solutions
Increase the processing time to migrate from on-premise to cloud service
Eliminate the need for all on-premise solutions and replace them by Clou
d Services

Incorrect! The overall goal of BICS is to lower the adop
tion barrier for Business Analytics.
One of the competitive advantages for Oracle's BICS (Bus
iness Intelligence Cloud Service) is the following?
Marcar para Revisin
(1) Puntos
With many customers that have successfully implemented OBIEE, this makes
a strong and compelling story for the cloud (*)
Competitors only offer on-premise solutions
All other cloud solutions require equal IT resources across all environm
All other products offered increase the adoption barrier for Business An
Other competitors do not offer any Saas (Software as a Service) offering
s for the mid market

Incorrect! With many customers that have successfully im
plemented OBIEE, this makes a strong and compelling story for the cloud
Which of the following is not perceived as a competitor
for BICS (Business Intelligence Cloud Service)? Marcar para Revisin
(1) Puntos

Adobe (*)


Incorrect. Adobe is not perceived as a competitor

The Oracle Data Centers operate and are monitored during
what parts of the day? Marcar para Revisin
(1) Puntos
From 5:00 AM to 12:00 AM local time.
The data centers are setup and monitored 24 hours, 6 days a week.
From 3:00 AM until 2:00 AM the next day - maintenance is scheduled from
2:00 AM - 3:00 AM local time.
The data centers are closed for maintenance once a month during the last
day of the month.
The data centers are setup and monitored 24 hours, 7 days a week. (*)

rs, 7 days a week.

Correct. The data centers are setup and monitored 24 hou

Differentiation between BICS and On-Premise Business Intelligence Implem

(Responder todas las preguntas de esta seccin)
(1) Puntos

How do you sign in to BICS ( Business Intelligence Cloud
Marcar para Revisin

Sign in to Oracle Cloud (*)

You need be within your companies firewall

You need a link from your on premise OBIEE
You need to create a link from your enterprise Database


Correct! Sign in to Oracle Cloud

Differentiation between BICS and On-Premise Business Intelligence Implementation

(Responder todas las preguntas de esta seccin)
e two main components
(1) Puntos

Oracle Business Intelligence Cloud Service contains thes

Marcar para Revisin

It contains the BI Cloud Service and PBCS

It contains the BI cloud service and you will have to have a Database on
premise or on the cloud
It contains the BI Cloud Service and the Oracle Database Cloud Service (
It contains the BICS license for On Premise and Cloud

Correct! It contains the BI Cloud Service and the Oracle
Database Cloud Service

How do you load the data for your Model Marcar para Rev

(1) Puntos
You will upload the data using a data connection
You will use the Data Loader tool within BICS (*)
You cannot load any data within BICS
You will have to use Oracle Data Integrator


Correct! You will use the Data Loader tool within BICS

and On premise OBIEE
(1) Puntos

What is the key difference between the BI Cloud Service

Marcar para Revisin

Thin Client Admin Tool (*)


Correct! Thin Client Admin Tool

Marcar para Revisin
(1) Puntos

What are the two BICS workflow to create applications

(Seleccione todas las respuestas correctas)

Organize the data with the Data Modeler (*)
Create a link to your database on premise
Load your data with the Data Loader (*)
Validate the data against your Cloud Applications

Incorrect! Load your data with the Data Loader & Organiz
e the data with the Data Modeler

BICS Deployment and Architecture

(Responder todas las preguntas de esta seccin)
Choose one of the following statements that is a design
element for BICS(Business Intelligence Cloud Service) specific to accelerating u
sage for customer implementations?
Marcar para Revisin
(1) Puntos
Modeling tool that is easy for LOB business users to be able to create d

ata models (*)

Data Centers that are closer to the customers Organization
Only a single user is allowed to access the application at any given ins
Deep Excel integration
Data Loaded by Oracle

Incorrect! Modeling tool that is easy for LOB business u
sers to be able to create data models
BICS Deployment and Architecture
(Responder todas las preguntas de esta seccin)
A customer wants to move an existing on-premise BI appli
cation to the cloud utilizing BICS, which of the following is required for a suc
cessful deployment?
Marcar para Revisin
(1) Puntos
The customer must create the application a second time (re-create the ap
plication) for on-premise prior to moving to the Cloud.
Verify that the customer's on-premise OBIEE is a minimum of version 11.1
.1.7 or above to insure successful migration to the cloud. (*)
You are not allowed to move an existing on-premise application to the Cl
There is no minimum version required to move an existing on-premise appl
ication to the Cloud.
You can only copy the rpd.

Incorrect! Verify that the customer's on-premise OBIEE i
s a minimum of version or above to insure successful migration to the c
Which of the following features and functions are not in
cluded for a customer's BICS implementation?
Marcar para Revisin
(1) Puntos
Unlimited data storage space (*)

Flat file loads and data integration

Thin Client Admin Tool


Correct! Unlimited data storage space

BICS Demonstration
(Responder todas las preguntas de esta seccin)
How will you create an Analysis and use the Analysis Edi
Marcar para Revisin
(1) Puntos
On the Oracle BI Cloud Home Page, Click Reports>New Analysis
On the Oracle BI Cloud Home Page, Click Dashboard>New Analysis
On the Oracle BI Cloud Home Page, Click Users>New Analysis
On the Oracle BI Cloud Home Page, Click Pages>New Analysis
On the Oracle BI Cloud Home Page, Click on Create an Analysis (*)

te an Analysis

ing steps
(1) Puntos

Correct! On the Oracle BI Cloud Home Page, Click on Crea

To create a new dashboard you will have to do the follow
Marcar para Revisin

On the Oracle BI Cloud Home Page, Click Analyses>Dashboard

On the Oracle BI Cloud Home Page, Click Reports>New Dashboard
On the Oracle BI Cloud Home Page, Click Users>Dashboard

On the Oracle BI Cloud Home Page, Click New>Dashboard (*)

On the Oracle BI Cloud Home Page, Click Pages>Dashboard


Correct! On the Oracle BI Cloud Home Page, Click New>Das

What best describes the "provisioning" process for BICS
- Business Intelligence Cloud Service? Marcar para Revisin
(1) Puntos
Provisioning BICS simply means to "Activate" the BICS service for use. (
Email notifications sent only to the Account Administrator
Submitting an order for BICS for the first time prior to usage
Submitting multiple orders for BICS for the first time
Email notifications sent only to the Buyer

Incorrect! Provisioning BICS simply means to "Activate"
the BICS service for use.

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