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Workbook for

Interest Rate Derivatives
Certification Examination

National Institute of Securities Markets

This workbook has been developed to assist candidates in preparing for the National
Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) NISM-Series-IV: Interest Rate Derivatives
Certification Examination (NISM-Series-IV: IRD Examination).
Workbook Version: September 2015
Published by:
National Institute of Securities Markets
National Institute of Securities Markets, 2015
NISM Bhavan, Plot No. 82, Sector 17, Vashi
Navi Mumbai 400 703, India
All rights reserved. Reproduction of this publication in any form without prior
permission of the publishers is strictly prohibited.

NISM is a leading provider of high end professional education, certifications, training
and research in financial markets. NISM engages in capacity building among
stakeholders in the securities markets through professional education, financial literacy,
enhancing governance standards and fostering policy research. NISM works closely with
all financial sector regulators in the area of financial education.
NISM Certification programs aim to enhance the quality and standards of professionals
employed in various segments of the financial services sector. NISMs School for
Certification of Intermediaries (SCI) develops and conducts certification examinations
and Continuing Professional Education (CPE) programs that aim to ensure that
professionals meet the defined minimum common knowledge benchmark for various
critical market functions.
NISM certification examinations and educational programs cater to different segments
of intermediaries focusing on varied product lines and functional areas. NISM
Certifications have established knowledge benchmarks for various market products and
functions such as Equities, Mutual Funds, Derivatives, Compliance, Operations, Advisory
and Research.
NISM certification examinations and training programs provide a structured learning
plan and career path to students and job aspirants who wish to make a professional
career in the Securities markets. Till May 2015, NISM has certified nearly 4 lakh
individuals through its Certification Examinations and CPE Programs.
NISM supports candidates by providing lucid and focused workbooks that assist them in
understanding the subject and preparing for NISM Examinations. The book covers basics
of the interest rate derivatives, trading strategies using interest rate derivatives,
clearing, settlement and risk management as well as the regulatory environment in
which the interest rate derivatives markets operate in India. It will be immensely useful
to all those who want to have a better understanding of various derivatives products
available in Indian interest rate derivatives markets.

Sandip Ghose

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While the NISM Certification examination will be largely based on material in this
workbook, NISM does not guarantee that all questions in the examination will be from
material covered herein.
This workbook has been developed by NISM in consultation with the Examination
Committee for NISM-Series-IV: Interest Rate Derivatives Certification Examination
consisting of representatives of BSE Limited (BSE), Metropolitan Stock Exchange of India
Limited (MSEI), National Stock Exchange India Limited (NSE) and Fixed Income Money
Market and Derivatives Association of India (FIMMDA). NISM gratefully acknowledges
the contribution of all committee members.
About the Author
This workbook has been developed by the Certification Team of National Institute of
Securities Markets in co-ordination with Mr. A. C. Reddi.

About NISM
National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) was established by the Securities and
Exchange Board of India (SEBI), in pursuance of the announcement made by the Finance
Minister in his Budget Speech in February 2005.
SEBI, by establishing NISM, articulated the desire expressed by the Government of India
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schools to cater to the educational needs of various constituencies such as investors,
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professionals of securities markets.
NISM is mandated to implement Certification Examinations for professionals employed
in various segments of the Indian securities markets.
NISM also conducts numerous training programs and brings out various publications on
securities markets with a view to enhance knowledge levels of participants in the
securities industry.
About NISM Certifications
The School for Certification of Intermediaries (SCI) at NISM is engaged in developing and
administering Certification Examinations and CPE Programs for professionals employed
in various segments of the Indian securities markets. These Certifications and CPE
Programs are being developed and administered by NISM as mandated under Securities
and Exchange Board of India (Certification of Associated Persons in the Securities
Markets) Regulations, 2007.
The skills, expertise and ethics of professionals in the securities markets are crucial in
providing effective intermediation to investors and in increasing the investor confidence
in market systems and processes. The School for Certification of Intermediaries (SCI)
seeks to ensure that market intermediaries meet defined minimum common benchmark
of required functional knowledge through Certification Examinations and Continuing
Professional Education Programmes on Mutual Funds, Equities, Derivatives Securities
Operations, Compliance, Research Analysis, Investment Advice and many more.
Certification creates quality market professionals and catalyzes greater investor
participation in the markets. Certification also provides structured career paths to
students and job aspirants in the securities markets.

About the Workbook

This workbook has been developed to assist candidates in preparing for the National
Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) Interest Rate Derivatives Certification
Examination. NISM-Series-IV: Interest Rate Derivatives Certification Examination seeks
to create a common minimum knowledge benchmark for the approved users and sales
personnel of the Trading Members who are registered as such in the Currency
Derivatives Segment of a recognized stock exchange and trading in Interest Rate
The book covers basics of the interest rate derivatives, trading strategies using interest
rate derivatives, clearing, settlement and risk management as well as the regulatory
environment in which the interest rate derivatives markets operate in India.

About the NISM-Series-IV: Interest Rate Derivatives Certification Examination

The examination seeks to create a common minimum knowledge benchmark for the
approved users and sales personnel of the Trading Members who are registered as
such in the Currency Derivatives Segment of a recognized stock exchange and trading in
Interest Rate Derivatives.
Examination Objectives
On successful completion of the examination the candidate should:

Know the basics of fixed income securities markets and specifically interest rate
derivative markets in India and developed world

Understand the analytical framework required for Bond Futures market in India
along with trading and hedging strategies involved

Understand the clearing, settlement and risk management as well as the

operational mechanism related to interest rate derivatives markets

Know the regulatory environment in which the interest rate derivatives markets
operate in India.

Assessment Structure
The NISM-Series-IV: Interest Rate Derivatives Certification Examination (NISM-Series-IV:
IRD Examination) will be of 100 marks consisting of 100 questions of 1 mark each, and
should be completed in 2 hours. There will be negative marking of 25% of the marks
assigned to each question. The passing score for the examination is 60%.
How to register and take the examination
To find out more and register for the examination please visit

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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Fixed-income and Debt securities Introduction ...................................... 11
1.1 Financial Markets: Overview ...................................................................................... 11
1.2 Debt/Fixed-Income Securities: Introduction .............................................................. 12
1.3 Debt/Fixed-Income Securities: Classification ............................................................. 13
1.4 Fixed-income versus Fixed-return .............................................................................. 20
1.5 Debt versus Equity ...................................................................................................... 21
1.6 Relative Size of Debt and Equity Markets Globally ..................................................... 22
1.7 Relative Size of Debt and Equity Markets in India ...................................................... 23
1.8 Primary and Secondary Market for Debt Securities in India ...................................... 24
Chapter 2: Interest Rate Introduction ..................................................................... 29
2.1 Interest Rate: Concept ................................................................................................ 29
2.2 Risk-Free Rate versus Risky Rate ................................................................................ 29
2.3 Nominal vs. Real Interest Rate .................................................................................... 30
2.4 Term Structure of Rates: Shapes ................................................................................ 30
2.5 Term Structure of Rates: Shifts ................................................................................... 32
2.6 Conversion of Rate into Amount ................................................................................ 34
2.7 Accrued Interest .......................................................................................................... 36
Chapter 3: Return and Risk Measures for Debt Securities .......................................... 39
3.1 Return Measure: Spot Rate ........................................................................................ 39
3.2 Coupon, Current Yield and Yield-To-Maturity ............................................................ 40
3.3 Spot Rate, Bond Price and YTM .................................................................................. 41
3.4 Risk Measures ............................................................................................................. 44
Chapter 4: Interest Rate Derivatives .......................................................................... 49
4.1 Derivatives: Definition and Economic Role ................................................................. 49
4.2 Interest Rate Derivatives ............................................................................................ 52
4.3 OTC versus Exchange-traded Derivatives ................................................................... 54
4.4 Derivatives Market in India ......................................................................................... 55
Chapter 5: Contract Specification for Interest Rate Derivatives .................................. 59
5.1 Underlying ................................................................................................................... 59
5.2 Contract Amount (or Market Lot) ............................................................................... 63
5.3 Contract Months, Expiry/Last Trading Day and Settlement Day ................................ 64
5.4 Price Quotation, Tick Size and Trading Hours ............................................................. 64

5.5 Daily Settlement Price (DSP) ....................................................................................... 64

5.6 Final Settlement Price (FSP) ........................................................................................ 65
5.7 Delivery under physical settlement ............................................................................ 66
Chapter 6: Trading, Clearing, Settlement and Risk Management ................................ 71
6.1 Operational Guidelines of Exchanges ......................................................................... 71
6.2 Order Types and Execution ......................................................................................... 74
6.3 Spread Orders ............................................................................................................. 75
6.4 Margining and Mark-To-Market ................................................................................. 76
6.5 Clearing and Settlement ............................................................................................. 81
6.6 Procedure for Delivery ................................................................................................ 83
Chapter 7: Regulations and Compliance .................................................................... 89
7.1 Role of Various Regulators.......................................................................................... 89
7.2 Restrictions on Resident and Non-Resident Investors ............................................... 93
7.3 Limits on Open Interest .............................................................................................. 93
7.4 Regulatory Reporting .................................................................................................. 94
7.5 Role of FIMMDA in Fixed Income and Derivatives Markets in India .......................... 95
7.6 Accounting .................................................................................................................. 95
Chapter 8: Trading and Hedging ................................................................................ 99
8.1 Trading Strategies ....................................................................................................... 99
8.2 Hedging Strategies .................................................................................................... 100
8.3 Basis Risk, Yield Curve Spread Risk and Market Liquidity Risk ................................. 103


Chapter 1: Fixed-income and Debt securities Introduction

After studying this chapter, you should know about:

Different kinds of asset classes in financial markets

Different types of fixed-income or debt securities and their features

Concept of fixed-income versus fixed return

Concept of equity and debt capital

Primary and secondary market for debt securities in India

1.1 Financial Markets: Overview

Based on the asset type, financial markets can be grouped into three: underlying,
derivative and structured products. Besides these three, there are collective investment
schemes (e.g. mutual funds), physical assets (e.g. real estate, commodities, art,
antiques, wine, etc) and alternative assets (e.g. ETFs, managed futures, hedge funds,
private equity, etc). Strictly speaking, alternative assets are those whose returns are not
highly correlated with those from conventional assets. By this definition, only physical
assets are alternative assets and the so called alternative assets such as ETFs,
managed futures, hedge funds, etc are not because they are alternative strategies with
conventional assets rather than alternative asset types by themselves.
The underlying market consists of fundamental assets and there are four of them:
money, bond, equity and forex markets. They are fundamental because they are
independent. They are also called traditional asset classes because investors have
traditionally parked their savings and investments in them. Money and bond markets
together are called debt market or fixed income securities (FIS). Debt market and equity
market together are called capital market because they constitute the two parts of
capital of corporate bodies. Of the four underlying markets, money and bond trades are
borrow-lend trades and equity and forex trades are buy-sell trades.
The derivative products are not independent but derived (hence the name derivative)
from the underlying products. The relationship between underlying and derivative is like
the relationship between mother and child or between raw material and finished
product. There can be no derivative without underlying. Though derivatives can be
classified into the same four asset classes as their underlyings (i.e. money derivatives,
bond derivatives, equity derivatives and forex derivatives), the better way to classify
them is based on the pattern and type of their cash flows, according to which they are
grouped into forward, futures, swap and option. Derivatives can also be derived from
physical assets (e.g. commodities, metals, real estate) or economic variables (e.g.
inflation, unemployment rate) or weather and climate (e.g. temperature, rainfall,

The structured products market is further grouped into two: structured credit and
structured investment. Structured credit products (SCP) are derived from a pool of
bonds through a process called securitization, which redistributes the cash flows from
the pool of bonds to create new securities. Structured investment products (SIP) are
hybrid assets and derived by combining a bond with option whose underlying is one of
the four financial underlyings or a physical asset. For example, if the option is derived
from equity, the SIP will act partly like bond and partly like equity and is called equitylinked note (ELN). Similarly, there are rate-linked notes (RLN), forex-linked note (FLN),
commodity-linked note (CLN), etc. The following exhibit shows the three groups of
markets based on asset type.


capital market




(borrow-lend trades)



pool, grade, repack





(buy-sell trades)







hybrid asset



Economic role of underlying markets is financing, which means transferring cash from
the party who has it to the party who needs it. The financing is through borrow-lend of
cash in money and bond markets (together called debt or fixed-income securities); and
through buy-sell of business ownership in equity and forex market. Forex market
additionally serves the function of production-consumption in international trade.
Economic role of derivative markets is price risk (also known as market risk)
management. Structured products consist of bond and option and, therefore, their
economic function is financing (through bond) combined with price risk management
(through the embedded option).

1.2 Debt/Fixed-Income Securities: Introduction

Debt market, also known as fixed-income securities (FIS) market, consists of money and
bond markets. The essence of FIS transaction is borrowing/lending of cash. The

difference between the two markets is the period of borrowing/lending. In money

market, the period is less than one year; and in bond market, it is one year or more.
They are called fixed-income securities because of the following fixed features.

Their life is fixed: they will be redeemed on a specified future date because all
borrow-lend transactions are for a fixed period. The only exception to this rule is
the Consolidated Annuity (consol), which is a bond issued by the UK
Government, and which is a perpetual security with 3% coupon. The coupon is
paid for ever and the principal is never redeemed.

In most cases, their cash flows (what you pay and what you get and when) are
fixed, too. In other words, the timing and size of cash flows are known in
advance. In some securities (e.g. floating-rate bonds), the timing of cash flows is
known in advance but not their size because the amount is linked to prevailing
interest rate.

It should be noted that fixed-income security does not mean fixed-return security. It
merely means that the timing of cash flows (and in certain cases, the size of cash flows,
too) is fixed and known in advance. It does not necessarily guarantee a fixed return. For
example, consider a 7-year bond that pays 9% per annum interest and issued by a
company. The 9% per annum interest is not the guaranteed return for the following
1. Credit risk: The Company may not be able to pay interest and principal on
schedule. This is called credit risk in the bond.
2. Marker risk: The 9% per annum will be the guaranteed return if the
investor/holder holds the bond until its maturity of seven years. If the investor
wants his investment back at the end of five years, he cannot demand
prepayment from the issuing company but has to sell it in the secondary market
at the end of five years. The sale price may be higher or lower than the initial
purchase price, resulting in capital gain/loss, which is not known in advance. This
is called market risk (also known as price risk) in the bond, which remains in this
case even when the issuer does not default.
3. Reinvestment risk: If your investment horizon is seven years, there should be no
interim payments. If there are (such as interest payments in this example), they
are to be reinvested until the horizon at unknown future interest rates. In this
above example, the 9% coupon in the first year will have to reinvested for six
years at the end of one year; the 9% coupon in the second year will have to be
reinvested for five years at the of second year; and so on.
Only in certain cases (explained later), all the three risks disappear and the fixed-income
security is also a fixed-return security.

1.3 Debt/Fixed-Income Securities: Classification

FIS can be grouped into many categories, based on different parameters: cash flow
pattern, tenor, issuer, credit quality, interest rate type, etc.

Types of FIS based on Cash Flow Pattern

Based on the pattern of cash flows during the life of the instrument, they are classified
into coupon instrument, annuity and zero-coupon instrument.
Coupon instrument pays periodic fixed amount called coupon (C), representing the
interest rate; and a final fixed amount, representing the principal (P), which is also called
redemption amount.
Annuity pays coupon and part of the principal periodically in such a manner that the
cash flows are equal in size and equally spaced in time (e.g. equated monthly
installments). Most consumer loans and housing loans are structured as annuities. The
earlier payments contain more of coupon and less of principal while the later payments
contain more of principal and less of coupon. Since the interim payments are much
higher in annuity, it has the higher reinvestment risk (see Section 1.2).
Zero-coupon instrument (also called discount instrument or simply zero) does not
pay any amount before maturity date. The interest is accumulated, compounded and
paid along with principal at maturity as a single bullet payment. Therefore, there is no
reinvestment risk (see Section 1.2).
The following exhibit depicts the cash flow pattern for three types of instruments. All of
them have an implied interest rate of 5% a year, maturity of three years, redemption
value of 100. The amount shown against today in the exhibit is the price of bond,
which is an outflow for the investor.
Types of FIS by Cash Flow Pattern












= 36.72

= 36.72

= 36.72



= 100

Shaded box is principal

Un-shaded box is interest

Connected box is single payment

Separated box is separate payment


Types of FIS based on Tenor

Based on original maturity of borrowing/lending, FIS securities are classified into money
and bond instruments. Money market instruments are those with an original maturity of
less than one year; and bond market instruments are those with original maturity of one
year or more.
Money market products are further grouped into two: OTC and Exchange products. The
borrowing may be against collateral (called secured) or without collateral (called
clean). All exchange-traded money market products are clean instruments: they are
unsecured promissory notes. The OTC products may be secured or unsecured; and are
privately and bilaterally negotiated contracts between two parties. There is no
secondary market for these instruments, and hence lender cannot get his money back
before the maturity, unless the counterpartys status deteriorates to trigger loan recall.
All of them are borrow-lend trades in essence and for redemption by issuer at maturity.
However, the secondary market trades before redemption in Exchange products are
buy-sell between two investors.


Interbank money


Bankers acceptance

Treasury bill
Certificate of deposit
Commercial paper

Interbank money market

In the interbank money market, both lender and borrower are banks and the borrowing
is on clean basis. The period of borrowing is for standard tenors, which are:
overnight (ON), one week (1W), two weeks (2W), one month (1M) to one year (1Y) at
monthly intervals. There is no tenor beyond 1Y because the money market, by
definition, is only up to one year. It is possible to contract for odd tenors such as 45
days, 75 days (called stub periods), but they are less liquid.
The overnight is the most important and liquid. It is called call money in India and Fed
Funds in the US. The rate on overnight money indicates the liquidity status for the entire
economy. If the rate remains persistently high, it is an indication that there is a shortage
of money in the economy; and if the rate is persistently low, it indicates surplus money
in the economy. The central banks keep close watch on the overnight rate in the
interbank market for implementing monetary policy.
Repo/Reverse Repo
Repo/Reverse repo is secured money market product with three key features. First,
being a money market product, it is money borrowing/lending for a period of one year
or less. In practice, most trades are for overnight to one week. Second, it is a secured

lending against collateral, which is not any collateral but an actively traded, liquid and
less volatile instrument. For most trades, the collateral is treasury bills or sovereign
bonds, but some corporate bonds and some equity instruments are also accepted in few
cases. The amount of cash lent is less than the market value of the security, and the
difference is called haircut (in the US market) or margin (in other markets). However, in
some cases (called security financing transactions, which are security borrowing/lending
against cash collateral, the cash amount will be more than the securitys market value
(explained later). Third and most important, the trade is structured not as borrow-lend
trade but as buy-sell trade: simultaneous sale and repurchase (repo) of the collateral
security for different settlement dates. The leg that is settled first is called first leg or
near leg and that settled later is called second leg or far leg. The reason for
structuring it as buy-sell trade is to transfer the legal title of security to the money
lender. This enables the sale of security by money lender to make good the repayment
without cumbersome and costly legal process.
The cash borrower gives the security and takes cash in the first leg, which is structured
as sell trade for cash borrower. The second leg represents the repayment of loan and
structured as repurchase (repo) trade for cash borrower. We can turn the trade
around and analyze it from the perspective of security borrowing/lending. Cash lending
is security borrowing and vice versa. The following exhibit shows the flows in the trade.
first or near leg

second or far leg


Party A




Party B

The above flows can be viewed from different perspective: borrow-lend of money,
borrow-lend of security, buy-sell of security on start date and end date. The exhibit
below summarizes these perspectives.

Party A

Party B

Money borrow-lend



Security borrow-lend



Security buy-sell on Start Date



Security buy-sell on End Date



Security buy-sell on both dates



Reverse repo
The cash borrower (i.e. security lender) has done repo and is the repo buyer; and cash
lender (i.e. security borrower) has done reverse repo and is the repo seller. However,
the market practice is to designate the trade for both parties from the perspective of

dealer (i.e. bank). If the bank has borrowed cash, it is repo for both parties; and if the
dealer has lent cash, it is reverse repo for both parties. There will be confusion,
however, when both parties are dealers. In this case, it is better to specify the trade for
each party separately.
Based on the length of repo period, repos is classified into open repo (the period is one
day with rollover facility and overnight rate reset) and term repo (the period is specified
in advance and the interest rate is agreed for the whole of the term). The open repo is
more liquid that term repo. Based on the collateral, repo is also classified into general
repo and specific repo. In the general repo, any of the specified securities can be used as
collateral with facility for substitution of the securities during the repo period. In specific
repo, the collateral is restricted to a specific security with no facility of substitution.
The Exchange-traded money market instruments are treasury bills (TB), certificate of
deposits (CD) and commercial paper (CP). Treasury bills (TB) are issued by the central
government through RBI. They are issued with original maturity of 91-day, 182-day and
364-day and issued as zero-coupon (or discount) instruments: no stated coupon but
issued at discount to the redemption price. The 91-day T Bill is auctioned every week;
182-day and 364-day T Bills are auctioned every fortnight. The 182-day T bill is not being
issued now. Earlier, 14-day T bill was also issued regularly but is now discontinued.
Besides this regular issuance, there is also ad hoc issuance under market stabilization
scheme (MSS). The minimum and multiple amounts of issue for T bills is Rs 25,000.
CD is a negotiable, unsecured instrument issued by scheduled commercial banks
(excluding regional rural banks and local area banks) and select all-India financial
institutions. The minimum and multiple of issue is Rs 1 lakh. For banks, the maturity of
CD should be not less than seven days and not more than one year; and for all-India
financial institutions, not less than one year and not more than three years. They are
issued as discount instruments or floating-rate instruments.
CP is a negotiable, unsecured instrument issued by corporate bodies and primary
dealers. The minimum and multiple of issue is Rs 5 lakhs. The maturity of the CP should
be a minimum of seven days and a maximum of one year. The maturity should not fall
beyond the date for which the credit rating is valid. It should be issued as a discount
instrument and should not be underwritten or co-accepted. However, banks can provide
stand-by credit facility or backstop facility; and non-bank entities may provide
unconditional and irrevocable guarantee. A scheduled commercial bank will act as
Issuing and Paying Agent (IPA).
Bond market instruments are those with original maturity of one year or more. In some
markets, the term note is used if the original maturity of the instrument at the time of
issue is between one and 10 years; and the term bond is used if it is more than 10
years. In India, we also use the term debenture for bonds. Bonds can be further
classified based on issuer, interest rate type, credit quality, etc.
Based on the issuer, bonds are classified into sovereign bonds and corporate bonds.
Sovereign bonds are those issued by the governments and hence risk-free securities,

(the risk referred to here is the credit risk - see Section 1.2). They are called by
different names in different countries: Treasuries in the US, Gilts in the UK, Bunds in
Germany and G-Secs in India. Sovereign bonds have a regular issue calendar. Together
with Treasury Bills, they constitute the most important securities because the interest
rate on them is the benchmark for determining the interest rate on other debt
Corporate bonds are those issued by corporate bodies. Unlike money market, there is
no distinction for the instruments issued by banks/financial institutions and corporate
bodies. All of them are called corporate bonds in bond market.
Another way to classify bonds is by the interest type, based on which we can classify
them into fixed-rate, floater, and inverse floaters. If the bonds periodic coupon is
known in advance, it is called fixed-rate (or coupon) bond, and most bonds are issued as
fixed-rate bonds. The fixed cash flow does not necessarily mean a constant amount. For
example, the coupon may be 5% for first year, 5.25% for second year, 4.75% in third
year, and so on. The qualifying feature is that the timing and amount are known in
advance, but the coupon may not be constant and may have step-up or step-down
If the coupon is linked to a specified market interest rate, then only its timing but not its
amount is known in advance. Such bonds are said to be floaters. Its interest rate varies
periodically and is proportional to the market interest rate: if the market rates goes up,
it pays higher rate and vice versa. Inverse floater pays coupon linked to the market
interest rate, but links it inversely proportional to the market rate. That is, if the market
rate goes up, it pays lower amount, and vice versa. This is operationalized by setting the
periodic amount as the difference between a fixed rate (FXD) minus the market rate
(FLT). To avoid the negative interest amount, the difference between the FXD and FLT
rates is floored at zero. Thus,
Coupon = Max (0, FXD FLT)
The following table shows the interest rate payable by floater and inverse floater,
assuming that the FXD rate for inverse floater is 12%.
Market Rate




Inverse Floater
Max (0, fxd flt)

By far the most important feature of bond is its credit quality, which is specified by
specialist bodies called credit rating agencies. The well-known rating agencies are
Standard & Poors (operates in India through CRISIL), Moodys (operates in India
through ICRA) and Fitch. The rating agencies assign a rating based on financial position
of the borrower, anticipated revenues, outlook for the industry and the competition,

and the outlook for the economy. The table below shows the ratings of different
agencies and their significance.



Extremely strong
Very Strong

Strong, but susceptible to adverse changes in economic

Adequate, but is more susceptible to adverse changes in
economic conditions
Speculative and is susceptible to adverse changes in
business, financial and economic conditions
Speculative and is more susceptible to adverse changes in
business, financial and economic conditions
Speculative and currently vulnerable

Default has occurred

The credit ratings above are not numerical measures of default. They are relative
measures: AAA is stronger than AA, which in turn is stronger than A, and so on. The
ratings of BBB and higher are considered as investment grade and those with BB and
lower until C are considered speculative grades. Further, there may be modifiers to
ratings, with the modifier indicating as follows.
+ or

The modifier shows the relative standing within rating category
No rating has been requested and there is insufficient information to base
rating; or that the agency does not rate the instrument as a matter of policy
The modifier i indicates that it applies only to the interest rate portion of
obligation; and is always used with the modifier p. For example, AAAp
N.R. I means that the principal portion is rated AAA and the interest
portion is not rated.
The modifier p indicates that it applies only to the principal portion of
obligation; and is always used with the modifier i.



The rating is based on publicly available information and therefore is based

on less comprehensive information. Such ratings are reviewed annually
based on new years financial statements.
Indicates that rating is provisional, and relies on the assumption that the
project will be successfully completed.

Standard & Poors also defines rating outlook and credit watch. The rating outlook is
to indicate the potential direction a long-term rating may take in the next six months to
two years. The outlook is stated as:

Rating may be raised

Rating may be lowered
Rating is unlikely to change
Rating may be raised or lowered

The credit watch also relates to potential direction of both short-term and long-term
rating. It focuses on identifiable events and short-term trends that cause ratings to be
placed under special surveillance. It includes mergers, re-capitalization, regulatory
action, voter referendums, etc. It is stated as Positive, Negative or Stable, and these
have the same meaning as those under rating outlook.
Some bonds have a derivative called option embedded in it, and the embedded option
modifies the redemption date or type of the bond. Three such embedded options are as
Bond type

Redemption feature
Issuer has the right to prepay the bond
on specified dates before maturity (i.e.
issuer calls the bond before maturity)
Investor has the right to demand
prepayment on specified dates before
maturity (i.e. investor puts the bond
to issuer for cash)
Convertible Investor has the right to convert the
bond into issuers equity at specified
price at maturity

Issuer will exercise his right if
the interest rates fall so that he
can refund at cheaper rate
Investor will exercise his right if
the interest rates rises so that he
can reinvest at higher rate
Investor will exercise his right
only when the market price of
equity is higher than exercise

1.4 Fixed-income versus Fixed-return

As stated in Section 1.2, the fixed in fixed-income securities is with respect to timing
of cash flows, not with respect to return. However, in some cases, the fixed cash flow
will be also fixed return. Let us recap the three risks in fixed-income securities.
Credit risk: It disappears when the issuer is a sovereign government because, by
definition, the government cannot default in its home currency because it can always
print money and pay off creditors. For example, government of India cannot default on


rupee liabilities. However, this does not apply to borrowings in foreign currency because
it cannot print foreign money.
Market risk: It disappears if the investor holds until maturity date when it will be
redeemed directly by the issuer at face value.
Reinvestment risk: It disappears if the instrument is a zero-coupon instrument because
there is nothing to reinvest in the interim.
Thus, if you buy a zero-coupon instrument issued by a sovereign government in its
home currency and held it until maturity, there is no risk; and the fixed-income security
is also a fixed-return security.

1.5 Debt versus Equity

As stated earlier, the capital of corporate bodies consists of debt and equity. As long as
interest on debt is tax-deductible, every companys capital must consist of debt. Let us
examine a simplified case of two companies with same profit margin on sales but with
different capital structure, as follows. Company A has a capital of Rs 50 and no debt; and
company B has a capital of Rs 25 and debt of Rs 25. The debt has in interest rate of 10%.
The table below shows the return on equity (ROE) for both the companies.
A. Equity
B. Debt
C. Capital (A + B)
D. Sales
E. Profit before tax and interest (@ 10% of D)
F. Interest (@ 10% on B)
G. Profit After Interest (E F)
H. Tax (at 30% of G)
I. Net Profit (G H)
J. Return on Equity (I / A)

Company A

Company B

The ROE for Company A, which has no debt, is much less than that for Company B. The
reason for this was the interest on debt is tax-deductible. It may seem that the
companies should fund themselves predominantly with debt to maximize the return on
equity. However, this has a negative side because interest on debt becomes a fixed-cost
and will have serious repercussions in recession. Consider the scenario of recession in
which the volumes falls by 60% and the gross margin falls to 3% of sales. Working out
the figures again in the table below show that the Company A still has a positive ROE but
the Company B is in loss.
Company A

A. Equity
B. Debt
C. Capital (A + B)

Company B

D. Sales
E. Profit before tax and interest (@ 10% of D)
F. Interest (@ 10% on B)
G. Profit After Interest (E F)
H. Tax (at 30% of G)
I. Net Profit (G H)
J. Return on Equity (I / A)



We may say that equity is the cost of avoiding bankruptcy. For optimal results, there is
always an optimal level of debt-to-equity ratio. The optimal ratio is such that the
weighted average of cost of capital (WACC) should be minimal. The WACC is given as
(1 T ) RE

RD = cost of debt (which is the interest rate on debt)
= market value of debt
= market value of equity
= tax rate
RE = cost of equity.
The terms in parentheses give the proportion of debt and equity to the total capital.
When they are multiplied by their respective costs (after adjusting the tax effect on
debt), the result is the weighted average cost of capital (WACC). If WACC is at the lowest
point, then the return to the shareholder will be the highest. Accordingly, the main goal
of corporate finance is to minimize the WACC, not to minimize the cost or size of two
components in capital. All terms in the equation except the cost of equity (RE) can be
readily obtained. The cost of equity has to be estimated or derived from capital asset
pricing model (CAPM) or similar models.

1.6 Relative Size of Debt and Equity Markets Globally

The following shows the outstanding amount (or market capitalization for equity) and
the amount raised during that year in World bond and equity markets.
(in US$ trillion)


Market Cap



























Source: The City UK Research Centre (

As per Bank of International Settlements Quarterly Review, the size of global bond
market was around $90 trillion in 2014. It shows that bond market dominates the equity
market both in terms of the outstanding amount and the amount of capital raised
during each year.
The size of the debt market is proportional to the state of economic development. The
following shows the size of debt market outstanding and market capitalization of equity
market as a percentage of GDP.
(as a % of GDP)


NonHousehold Total





(Market Cap
as percent of

Source: McKinsey Global Institute ( and World Development

Indicators 2015 (

1.7 Relative Size of Debt and Equity Markets in India

In the Indian debt market, the government (central and state) is the predominant
borrower. During FY2014-15, the net borrowing by central and state government is,
respectively, Rs 4,532 billion and Rs 2,075 billion. The corporate debt market is also
substantial. The following shows the amount raised through equity and debt by private

For the advanced economies and China, data is pertaining to second quarter of 2014 and for other
developing economies, data is pertaining to 2013.

Equity Market Data is pertaining to 2012.


(in Rs billions)




Public offer



Private placement






Public offer



Private placement






Source: Reserve Bank of India (

1.8 Primary and Secondary Market for Debt Securities in India

Primary Market
The Reserve Bank of India acts as the merchant banker for debt to the government and
therefore conducts central and state government borrowing programs to raise funds for
the government to meet its annual borrowing program. The major factors that affect
the issuances of the government debt are:
1. Liquidity conditions in the market
2. Market Preferences for maturity versus the desired maturity
3. Yields in the primary and secondary market
Apart from this, the fiscal deficit of the country also plays a major role in determining
the issuances from the RBI. Keeping this is mind, the RBI releases an issuance calendar
for dated securities semiannually (March and September generally). This helps retail and
institutional investors to plan their investments, forecast their asset requirements and
imparts transparency and stability to the securities market. This calendar is modified
with respect to the tenor, issue size, etc. on the basis of the timing of the Governments
funding requirements.
The market issuances of government securities can be either reissuances of the existing
securities or fresh issuances of new securities. The RBI determines if there is to be a
reissue of an existing security or fresh issue of a new security on the basis of various
parameters. The reissue of existing securities has led to consolidation of debt, evolution
of the benchmark securities in the system and better liquidity conditions.
These auctions of securities vary in the case of a new security and the reissuance of an
existing security. In the case of a new security, the RBI announces the tenor and the
amount of the issuance. The market participants are then required to bid for the
security by quoting the desired yields. In the case of reissuance of an existing security,
the coupon and maturity are already known and therefore the participants bid for the


security on the basis of the desired price. The auctions of these securities are done in
one of the following ways:
1. Uniform Price Method: This is when the participants all get their bids at the same
price. This identical price is the highest price with the lowest yield that the issuer
can get their entire issue subscribed.
2. Multiple Price Method: This is when the bids are all accepted at different prices
and yields quoted in their individual bids. Successful bidders get the issue at the
price and yield they bid whilst the bidder at the cut off price or yield gets the
best price.
In the past, the RBI has used the uniform price auction mechanism to curb volatility in
the markets. However, it sometimes uses the multiple price auction mechanism also to
get a feel of the markets perception of interest rates. RBI uses both methods depending
upon prevalent liquidity in the money market, macro-economic conditions, global cues
and market feedback.
Secondary Market
The Clearing Corporation of India (CCIL) was set up in 2001 to provide exclusive clearing
and settlement for transactions in money, government securities and Foreign Exchange.
CCIL was set up with the objective of improving efficiency in the transaction settlement
process, insulate the financial system from shocks emanating from operations related
issues, and to undertake other related activities that help to broaden and deepen the
money, debt and forex markets in the country.
CCIL provides and maintains the Negotiated Dealing System (NDS) which is the
secondary market platform to trade in government securities. CCIL has also developed
and currently manages the NDS-CALL electronic trading platform for trading in call
money. It has also developed the NDS-Auction module for Treasury Bills auction by RBI.
CCIL guarantees settlements of all trades, thus eliminating counterparty risk. It is the
counterparty to both the buyer and the seller. It maintains a settlement guarantee fund
(SGF) that is made up of margin contributions from each participant with the CCIL. CCIL
also provides for Repo instruments for Government Securities termed as Collateralized
Borrowing and Lending Obligations (CBLO) and Clearcorp Repo Order Matching System
Once the RBI has issued the securities, they are available for secondary market trading
on the Negotiated Dealing System - Order Matching (NDS-OM), which is a platform
managed by the CCIL, that facilitates the buying and selling of GoI bonds. This platform
serves as the indicator of market sentiment (bullish or bearish), helps gauge the
requirements of the market (on the basis of demand for long term and short term
securities) and helps discover the true prices of traded Government securities at any
given point in time.
Trading volumes in the secondary market have gone up in recent years and much of this
trading is attributed to a small bucket of popular government securities. This trading

activity in the government securities market is captured and published by CCIL every
day. Typically, the 10-year On the run G-Sec is the largest traded security in the
secondary market. The trades on the CCIL platform gives us an insight into long term
and short term sentiment of the Indian market. The major participants in this market
are Primary Dealers, Banks (Public, Private and Foreign), Insurance Companies, Pension
Funds, Mutual Funds, FPIs and retail investors. The settlement for trades done on the
NDS-OM platform is on T+1 basis. However, bulk of the trading activity is intra-day.


Sample Questions
1. Which of the following instruments has no reinvestment risk?
a. Zero coupon bond
b. Annuity
c. Coupon bond
d. All of the above
(Hint: please refer to Section 1.3)
2. Which of the following has higher credit risk?
a. Bond rated AAA
b. Bond rated A
c. Bond rated BBB
d. All of them have same credit risk
(Hint: please refer to Section 1.3)
3. The fixed in fixed-income securities implies that
a. Return is fixed
b. Risk is fixed
c. Cash flows timing is fixed
d. All of the above
(Hint: please refer to Section 1.4)
4. Which of the following makes debt an essential component of capital?
a. Lower cost
b. Tax-deductibility of interest expense
c. Both (a) and (b) above
d. None of the above
(Hint: please refer to Section 1.5)
5. Which of the following bond pays interest in proportion to the prevailing market
a. Zero-coupon bond
b. Fixed-rate bond
c. Floater
d. Inverse floater
(Hint: please refer to Section 1.3)


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Chapter 2: Interest Rate Introduction

After studying this chapter, you should know about the following:

Risk-free rate versus risky rate

Nominal interest rate versus real interest rate

Term structure of interest rates

Conversion of interest rate into interest amount

Concept of accrued interest

2.1 Interest Rate: Concept

In buy-sell transactions, the exchange is an asset for money, and the rate of exchange
is called price; and the same price applies to all market participants. In borrow-lend
transactions, the exchange is money for money for different settlement dates. There
is no transfer of ownership but only use of the thing lent for a period, for which rent is
charged. The rent on money is called interest rate. Unlike the price in buy-sell trades,
the rate in borrow-lend trades is not the same for all borrowers but borrower-specific.
The reason for this is that borrow-lend trades have credit risk (see Section 1.2), which is
faced only by lender against borrower. Therefore, the price of credit risk (which is
borrower-specific) has to be priced and incorporated into the trade price, which makes
the trade price borrower-specific.

2.2 Risk-Free Rate versus Risky Rate

Consider that the borrower is a sovereign government and the borrowing is in home
currency. There is no possibility of default by the borrower because the sovereign can
always print money and pay off the lender. In other words, there is no credit risk in this
transaction. The interest rate applicable to such transactions is called risk-free rate,
the risk here being the credit risk.
For borrowers other than the sovereign government, there is some chance of default.
Therefore, the interest rate applicable to such non-sovereign borrowers must be higher
than the corresponding rate for sovereign borrower. The difference between them is
called the credit spread. In practice, all borrowers are grouped according to their
credit rating (which is a measure of credit risk), and the interest rate quotes to them as
an add-spread spread over risk-free rate. For example, if the risk-free rate is 8.25% and
the credit spread is 0.10% for AAA-rated borrowers and 0.25% for AA-rated borrower,
the interest rate applicable to the last two are, respectively, 8.35% (i.e. risk-free rate of
8.25 + credit spread of 0.10) and 8.50% (i.e. risk-free rate of 8.25 + credit spread of


The risk-free rate is the benchmark for all valuations because it represents the return
without risk. All other financial instruments have various risks (such as credit risk,
market risk, etc). To bear these risks, investors would demand premium, which is an
add-on amount to the benchmark return represented by risk-free rate. We may say that
risk-free rate is the opportunity cost of earning return without risk.

2.3 Nominal vs. Real Interest Rate

The nominal interest rate is the stated interest rate (coupon rate) of a bond. The
nominal interest rate denotes the rate that the bond issuer pays to the bond holder.
However, the inflation in the economy reduces the purchasing power of money.
Therefore, the nominal interest rate has to be adjusted for the rate of inflation in order
to understand the real growth of money for the bond holder. The nominal interest rate
so adjusted for the inflation is called Real Interest Rate. The relationship between real
and nominal interest rates can be described in the equation:
(1+r) x (1+i) = (1+R)
where r is the real interest rate, i is the inflation rate and R is the nominal interest rate.
This relation can be approximated as: r = R - i
i.e., Real interest rate = Nominal interest rate Rate of Inflation
For example, if the nominal interest rate on a bond is 9% and the inflation rate is 6%,
then the real interest rate will be around 3%. Therefore, if the rate of inflation exceeds
the coupon rate of a bond, the real interest rate on the bond will be negative. For
example, a bond with a 7% nominal interest rate will have a real interest rate of -2%
(approx), if the rate of inflation is 9%.

2.4 Term Structure of Rates: Shapes

What is the interest rate today? This question cannot be precisely answered because it
is incomplete in two respects. First, the rate depends on the term (or tenor) of
borrowing/lending period. Though the periods can be many, the market quotes rates
only for standard terms/tenors, which are as follows in money and bond market.
Money market: overnight (ON), 1-week (1W), 2-week (2W), 1-month (1M) to 1-year (1Y)
at the interval of a month. Of these, ON, 1M and 3M are more liquid than others.
Bond Market: 2Y, 5Y, 7Y, 10Y, 15Y, 20Y, 25Y and 30Y. Of these, 2Y and 10Y are more
Second, even for the same term, the rate differs from borrower to borrower because
the credit risk is priced and incorporated into the transaction rate. As explained in
Section 1.2, for the sovereign borrower, the rate is directly quoted for each term; and
for non-sovereign borrowers (grouped by credit rating), what is quoted is the add-on
credit spread, representing the price of credit risk. The following tables shows the
hypothetical interest rates for various terms and for various borrowers rated by their
credit rating (AAA, AA, A, BBB, etc.)




Credit Spread





















When the interest rate (on vertical axis) is plotted against the term (on horizontal axis),
it is called the term structure of interest rates (also known as yield curve). Thus, we have
risk-free curve, AAA curve, BBB curve, and so on.
The term structure of risk-free rate is the most important tool in any valuation because
it represents the ultimate opportunity cost. It is the rate an investor can earn without
any risk of default or loss for a given term. Any other competing alternative has a risk,
which has to be priced and added to the risk-free rate for the same term as the risk
premium. Without term structure of rates, valuation becomes speculative rather than
But what determines the interest rate? The answer is demand-supply for money of
different terms. For example, the demand-supply for money borrowing/lending for 1Y
term determines the 1Y interest rate, and so on. It is convenient to assess the demandsupply separately for short-term and long-term. The short-term rate is determined by
liquidity, which in turn is caused by seasonal demand-supply for credit, foreign portfolio
investment inflows and outflows, bunching of tax and government payments, etc. The
long-term rate is predominantly determined by inflation outlook and the capital
expenditure by industry and business.
In developed economies, central bank monitors and controls only short-term interest
rate, but in developing and emerging economies, central bank influences long-term
rates, too. The central bank uses the repo and reverse repo with commercial banks to
control the short-term rate. It uses repo (i.e. repo for commercial bank) to inject
liquidity into money market and reverse repo (i.e. reverse repo for commercial bank) to
drain excess liquidity. To control long-term interest rate, the central bank uses bank rate
(i.e. the rate at which the central bank lends to commercial banks), cash reserve ratio,
statutory liquidity ratio) and open market operations. In the Indian market, there is
distortion of free play of demand-supply forces for determining the interest rate. The
reason for this is that the statutory liquidity ratio (SLR) requires banks to compulsorily
invest 22% (in the current policy) of the time and demand deposits into sovereign debt,
and the government decides what interest rate is acceptable to it. This is somewhat
forced lending to the government at artificial interest rate. It also creates what is called
uncovered parity between the interest rates in India and other countries.
The term structure has different shapes but four of the following account for most of
the shapes.

normal (or positive)
humped (walking stick)
inverted (or negative)



Longer the term, the higher is the rate (the most prevalent shape)
Longer the term, the lower is the rate
Rate is the same for all terms
Rate is high for medium term and falls off on either side

Normal (or positive) term structure is the most prevalent of all and exists in normal
market conditions. The opposite of normal curve is the inverted (or negative) curve,
which may be an indicator of coming recession. In inverted curve, there is demand for
short-term money (i.e. working capital) and not for long-term money (i.e. capital
expenditure). Borrowers are not going for capital expenditure possibly because they
expect no economic growth in the future, which explains why inverted yield curve may
indicate recession in near future.

2.5 Term Structure of Rates: Shifts

Term structure is a snapshot of rates at a point of time, and there are many theories and
economic arguments to explain the shapes. What is more important is, not the shape,
but how it changes over time, which is called term structure shifts. The shits describe
the relative moves of long-term rate (LR) and short term rate (SR), and they are grouped
into three: parallel, steepening and flattening, as summarized below.



Difference between LR and SR rises or widens (from positive to more

positive or from negative to less negative). The curve shifts in anticlockwise direction.


Difference between LR and SR falls or narrows (from positive to less

positive or from negative to more negative). The curve shifts in clockwise


All rates move in the same direction by same extent


Steepening and flattening can occur in three ways: both rates move in opposite
direction; both rates move in the same direction (either both rise or both fall) but to
different extent; and one rate remains and the other changes (either rise or fall). The
first is called twist and the last two are called convexity change.
The following example illustrates the shifts:
7.00% 8.00% +1.00%
7.00% 8.00% +1.00%



8.10% +1.20%
8.20% +1.10%


7.00% 8.00%







7.00% 8.00%







7.00% 8.00%















8.00% 7.00%







8.00% 7.00%







8.00% 7.00%















7.00% 8.00%







7.00% 8.00%







7.00% 8.00%







8.00% 7.00%
8.00% 7.00%







8.00% 7.00%







8.00% 7.00%







8.00% 7.00%







8.00% 8.00%






Steepening twist
Convex change
Convex change
Convex change
Convex change
Steepening twist
Convex change
Convex change
Convex change
Convex change
Flattening twist
Convex change
Convex change
Convex change
Convex change
Flattening twist
Convex change
Convex change
Convex change
Convex change

8.00% 8.00%
8.00% 8.00%







8.00% 8.00%






8.00% 8.00%
8.00% 8.00%







8.00% 8.00%






8.00% 8.00%






Convex change
Convex change
Steepening twist
Convex change
Convex change
Flattening twist

2.6 Conversion of Rate into Amount

The market practice is to always quote interest rate as percentage per annum, but in the
settlement of transaction, the interest rate is converted into interest amount. The
conversion requires the following parameters to be specified: payment frequency,
compounding frequency, day count fraction and payment timing.
Payment frequency
It specifies whether the payment is monthly, quarterly, semiannual, annual or at the end
of the term. For money market instruments, the market convention is to pay interest at
the end of the term. That is, for 3M instrument, interest is paid at the end of 3M; for 6M
instrument, at the end of 6M; and so on (M indicates month here).
Compounding frequency
It specifies whether the interest is compounded or simple. If compounding is applicable,
the compounding frequency must be higher than and an integral multiple of payment
frequency. For example, if the payment is quarterly, the compounding frequency must
be monthly or weekly or daily, but cannot be semiannual or annual. For most
settlements, compounding is not applied because it is settled periodically (e.g. monthly
or semiannual) over the life of the instrument. Compounding is applied only in
Day count fraction (or day count basis)
It specifies how to convert the payment period into year fraction (e.g. 6M = 0.5Y). For
this conversion, we must agree on counting the number of days in a year and in the
interest accrual period. It is expressed as a fraction. The numerator indicates the
method of counting the number of days in the payment period; and the denominator
indicates the total number of days in a year or full coupon period. There are different
conventions, but only three are used in India: actual/360, actual/365 and 30E/360.
It is the convention in all markets to include the first day of the period and exclude the
last day of the period for interest accrual. For example, in the period from 30-April-2006
to 05-May-2006, there is one day in April and four days in May.


Count the actual number of days in the given period and divide it by the constant of 360
regardless of leap or non-leap year. For example, the day count fraction for the payment
period of 30-April-2006 to 05-May-2006 is: 5/360.
Count the actual number of days in the given period and divide it by the constant of 365
regardless of leap or non-leap year. For example, the day count fraction for the payment
period of 30-April-2006 to 05-May-2006 is: 5/365.
30E/360 (also known as 30/360 or Eurobond basis)
The method assumes that every month has uniformly 30 days so that full year has 360
days. If the day of either start date or end date is 31, it is arbitrarily set to 30. After the
day of start date and end date are shortened when required, the period as year fraction
is computed as:
[360 (Y2 Y1) + 30 (M2 M1) + (D2 D1)] / 360
where Y, M and D are the year, month and day, respectively; and 1 and 2 refer to the
start date and end date, respectively. For example, the accrual period is from 31-Dec2004 to 25-Jan-2005. The day of the start date, being 31, needs to be shortened to 30,
while the day of the end date requires no adjustment. After the adjustment, the Y2, Y1,
M2, M1, D2 and D1 are 2005, 2004, 1, 12, 25 and 30, respectively.
[360 (2005 2004) + 30 (1 12) + (25 30)] / 360 = 25/360.
Payment timing
It specifies whether the interest amount is paid upfront (in which case it is called
discount yield) or in arrears (in which case it is called investment yield) of the
payment period.
FIMMDA rules in India
Fixed-income and Money Market Derivatives Association (FIMMDA) is the selfregulatory organization in India for money, bond and derivatives markets. According to
FIMMDA rules, the following are the market conventions.
Round-off of Interest Amounts
All interest amounts must be rounded off to the nearest whole rupee.
Round-off of Price and Yield
Price (per face value of 100) and yield (in percentage format) quotes must be rounded
to the nearest fourth decimal place when used in interest amount calculations. The
exception is the second leg of repo/reverse repo transaction for which price can be
quoted up to the nearest eighth decimal point.
Day Count Basis
Day count basis for all transactions is Actual/365 Fixed except for the accrued interest
calculation in the secondary market for sovereign bonds, for which is it is 30E/360.

Yield Quote on Money Market Discount Instrument

Yield on money market discount instruments (T Bill, CD, CP) must be quoted on true
yield (Y) basis and not on discount yield basis; and for bill rediscounting, it should be in
discount yield (DY) basis.
The following example illustrates the interest amount for the following loan/bond: face
value is 100,000; payment period is March 31 to June 30; interest rate is 10%. (Note
payment frequency is quarterly)
Case A: Simple interest, day count fraction is Actual/365, payment timing is in arrears.
Day count for accrual is 91 (consisting of 1 for March, 30 for April, 31 for May and 29 for
1,000 10% 91/365 = 2,493.15 2,493 (paid on June 30)
Case B: Simple interest, day count fraction is 30E/360, payment timing is in arrears. Day
count for accrual is 90, consisting of 1 for March (which is March 30, not 31), 30 for
April, 30 for May (and not 31) and 29 for June.
1,000 10% 90/360 = 2,500 (paid on June 30)
Case C: Simple interest, day count fraction is Actual/360, payment timing is in advance.
1,000 10% 91/360 = 2,527.78 2,528 (paid on March 31 and is called discount yield)

2.7 Accrued Interest

Accrued interest is a market practice peculiar to bond market. Accrued interest applies
only when a bond is a coupon bond (or any other instrument for which coupon for the
current interest period is known). For the secondary market trades of such bonds, there
are two prices. They are clean price: the price at which the bond is negotiated; and
dirty price (also known as invoice price): the price at which the bond is settled. Dirty
price is always higher than the clean price by the amount of accrued interest rate. In
other words, dirty price is clean price plus accrued interest. Accrued interest is the
interest accrual at coupon rate from the previous coupon date to the settlement date of
the trade. Let us see the timeline of different dates in the following figure:
Previous coupon date

Settlement date(SD)

Next coupon date


Buyer is entitled for this


Seller is entitled for this


The settlement date of the secondary market trade falls between two coupon date,
which we will designate as previous coupon date and next coupon date. Between
previous coupon date and settlement date, it is the seller that owns the bond and
therefore is entitled to receive the interest accrual for this period. Similarly, it is buyer
that owns the bond between settlement date and next coupon date and therefore he is
entitled to the interest accrual only for this period. However, the issuer does not keep

track of who owns the bonds for which period during the coupon period. Whosoever
owns the bond on next coupon date, he gets the coupon for the full period. Accordingly,
the buyer gets the coupon for the full period, which means that the seller is deprived of
his entitlement. To make the trade fair to both parties, buyers computes the interest
accrual from previous coupon date to settlement date, and pays to the seller as an addon amount of accrued interest at the time of settlement, and gets it reimbursed on
the next coupon date.
A logical question is why not include accrued interest in the market price or clean price
of the bond so that the negotiated price (or clean price) recorded in the deal ticket is
the same as the settlement price (or dirty price)? If we incorporate the accrued interest
in the market price of bond itself, the result will be a periodic rise-and-fall pattern in
bond price between two coupon dates. Because the daily interest accrual is constant,
the price will rise smoothly every day by daily accrual amount from one coupon date
(CD) to the next, and falls abruptly by the full coupon amount on the next coupon date.






This is how the bond price will change between two coupon dates if accrued interest is
incorporated in market price. And this pattern of change will repeat in all other coupon
periods. This saw-tooth like price change is in addition to two other sources of price
change, which are price change due to change in interest rate; and price change due to
change in credit rating of the issuer. The former affects all bonds, and the latter will
affect only the bonds of a particular issuer. Of the three sources of change in bond
price, that due to accrued interest is known in advance, but that due to interest rate
and credit rating changes are not known in advance. The known changes are called
deterministic and the unknown changes are called stochastic. Traders would like to
monitor only the stochastic changes. There is no use of monitoring deterministic
changes, which are already known. Therefore, accrued interest is removed from the
market price, and is made an add-on amount in the settlement.
Accrued interest is peculiar to bond market. Its equivalent in equity market, which is
accrued dividend does not exist. One may argue that dividend is contingent and not
known in advance. However, after the company announces the dividend payout, the
amount is known. Therefore, for all trades in secondary market between announcement
date and ex-dividend date, the concept of accrued dividend can be implemented.
Dividends contribution to the total return from equity is negligible. Therefore, the
concept of accrued dividend is ignored. Coupons contribution to total return from
bond may be 50 100%. Therefore, the concept of accrued interest cannot be ignored.


Sample Questions
1. Credit spread is the price of
a. Credit risk
b. Reinvestment risk
c. Price risk
d. All of the above
(Hint: please refer to Section 2.2)
2. If the long-term rate is 10% and short-term rate is 8%, the shape of term structure of
rates is
a. Normal/positive
b. Inverted/negative
c. Flat
d. None of the above
(Hint: please refer to Section 2.4)
3. If both the long-term rate and short term rate is 10%, the shape of term structure of
rates is
a. Normal/positive
b. Inverted/negative
c. Flat
d. None of the above
(Hint: please refer to Section 2.4)
4. If the spread between long-term rate and short-term rate has changed from +0.75%
to +1.25%, the shift in term structure is
a. Steepening
b. Flattening
c. Parallel
d. None of the above
(Hint: please refer to Section 2.5)
5. The concept of accrued interest applies to which of the following
a. Zero coupon bond
b. Coupon bond
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of the above
(Hint: please refer to Section 2.7)


Chapter 3: Return and Risk Measures for Debt Securities

After studying this chapter, you should know about:

Return measure: spot rate

Concept of coupon, current yield, yield-to-maturity, spot rate, bond price

and yield-to-maturity

Measures of price risk of fixed income securities - duration, rupee

duration, PVBP and convexity

3.1 Return Measure: Spot Rate

Return on investment is the most important measure of performance. It has the
following properties.
Expressed as a rate per annum
If there is income before the investment term, the income has to be reinvested
until the term
Compounding at less than yearly intervals, if required, is incorporated
If there is no interim income, then it is simple to compute the return as follows.

F = final amount received (i.e. face value)
P = initial amount invested (market price)
N = number years
C = compounding frequency
The first term, (F/P), is the growth factor: it indicates how much the unit amount has
grown into over the entire investment term. For example, if Rs 100 grows into Rs 150
over three years, the growth factor is 1.5: one unit has grown into 1.5. The exponent
term, the reciprocal of (N C), converts the growth factor from per investment period
to per compounding period.
The third term, deducting unity from the per
compounding period growth factor, converts it from growth factor to growth rate. The
fourth term, C, converts the per compounding period growth rate into annualized
compounded growth rate, which is how the return is expressed. Using the same
example of Rs 100 resulting into Rs 150 after three years, the return measure with
different compounding frequency is:
With annual compounding:

= 14.4714%.

With semiannual compounding:

= 13.9826%.

With quarterly compounding:

= 13.7464%.

With monthly compounding:

= 13.5919%.

The above is the true and realized return. In the above example, we can say that we
have earned 13.5919% per annum for every month for the next three years, and the
interest earned every month is automatically reinvested at the same rate of 13.5919%
per annum until the end of three years. This return, which is the realized return, is also
called zero rate or spot rate. A 5Y zero rate of 7.5% means that the return on initial
investment is 7.5% for first year, which is reinvested automatically for four more years
at the same rate of 7.5%; the return for the second year is 7.5%, which is reinvested
automatically for three more years at the same rate of 7.5%; and so on.
For zero-coupon securities (i.e. discount instruments), it is possible to readily compute
the true return or zero rate because there are no interim cash flows. The redemption
value corresponds to the F and the initial purchase price corresponds to the P. For
coupon bonds and annuities, it is not possible to compute true return because of
interim cash flows, which need reinvestment until maturity. The reinvestment rates are
not known until the reinvestment time (except when the future cash flows are locked
through interest rate derivatives), and therefore true return is not known at the
beginning (ex ante) but known only at the end of investment period (ex post). At the
end of investment period, all the reinvestment rates are known, and we can compute
the true return, which is called holding period return (HPR). Since HPR can be computed
only ex post and not ex ante, some other approximate measures of return are
developed for coupon bonds and annuities. They are coupon, current yield and yield-tomaturity.

3.2 Coupon, Current Yield and Yield-To-Maturity

The commonly used interest rates in FIS market are coupon, current yield and yield-tomaturity (YTM), none of them is a true return measure but only approximation.
Coupon cannot be considered the return because it does not consider the
premium/discount in bond price and the capital gain/loss at redemption. For example, a
3Y 8% coupon bond purchased at a price of 103. We cannot consider coupon of 8% as
the return, because the bond pays the following amounts during its life.

8 + 100

8 / 103 = 7.7670%
8 / 103 = 7.7670%
(108 /103) 1 = 4.8544%

In the third year, there is redemption and therefore we must convert the growth factor
into growth rate. We find that the return is 7.7670% per annum for the first two years
and 4.8544% for the third year. We cannot consider these as true return because the
first year coupon must be reinvested for two more years; and the second year coupon
must be reinvested for one more year. Unless these reinvestment rates are known, we
cannot compute the true return even for a single year except for the last. And then we
need to blend all three true returns into a single return measure. Thus, coupon is not a
return measure because it ignores: (1) the premium/discount in bond price; (2) capital
gain or loss at redemption; and (3) reinvestment rate of periodic cash flows.
Current yield
Current yield is defined as coupon divided by bond price. For the bond in the earlier
example, the current yield is:
8 / 103 = 7.7670%
Current yield is better than coupon but is still unsatisfactory. It considers the
premium/discount in bond price but ignores the capital gain/loss and reinvestment rate;
and therefore cannot be a true return.
Yield-to-maturity (YTM) is the most widely used measure is simply called yield.
However, it is still not a true return measure. YTM considers the premium/discount in
bond price and capital gain/loss at redemption and even handles the reinvestment in a
rough way. What it does is: (a) amortizes the capital gain/loss at redemption over the
bonds life and adds it to the current yield; (b) averages the returns for all periods in a
complex way; and (c) assumes that interim cash flows are reinvested at the same
average return. A crude method to compute YTM using the same example is as follows.
The capital loss is Rs 3, which, when amortized over three years is: 3 /3 = 1. The loss of
1% is added to the current yield of 7.7670, resulting in the YTM of 6.7670%. And it
assumes that the periodic coupons are reinvested at the same 6.7670%. The more
precise way of computing YTM is explained in Section 3.4.
YTM in bond market is also called internal rate of return (IRR) in corporate finance and
effective yield (EY) in accounting/tax jargon.

3.3 Spot Rate, Bond Price and YTM

Spot rate (also known as zero rate) is the true return on investment, as explained in
Section 3.1. It considers premium/discount in bond price, capital gain/loss at
redemption and reinvestment of interim income. It is computed according to the
formula give at the beginning of this chapter. It is also called zero rate because it can
be readily computed from the market price of zero-coupon bond, using the formula in
the beginning.
Since the zero rate (Z) is the true return, the present-value of any future cash flow will
be its discounted value, the discounting being at the zero rate relevant to the timing of
the cash flow. Bond (or any financial instrument) is a set of cash flows occurring at

different times during its life. The current market price of bond should be its cash flows
discounted at the appropriate zero rates from the prevailing term structure of zero
rates. Consider the earlier 3Y 8% coupon bond. The current market price of the bond
should be
Price =


1 Z1 1 Z 2 1 Z 3 3

where Zi is the zero rate for the ith year. For the above example, what is the true
return? The answer is that there is no single answer but there are three answers. For
the first year, the return is Z1 on a final amount of 8; for the second year, Z2 on a final
amount of 8; and for the third year, Z3 on a final amount of 108. Assuming that the term
structure of zero rates is 7.75%, 8.00% and 8.25%, respectively, for the first, second and
third years, the market price of the bond will be as follows.


rate Cash flow

Discounted value


8 / (1.0751) = 7.4246


8 / (1.082) = 6.8587



108 / (1.08253) = 85.1413



The above brings in two important facts. First, the bond price is determined, not by
demand-supply for bond, but by term structure of zero rates. It should be noted that the
demand-supply forces do have a play, but that is demand-supply for money, not for
bond. The demand-supply for money determines the zero rates, which in turn
determine the bond price. Second, in a coupon bond (or annuity), there is no single
return measure but multiple of them. In the above example, the return is 7.75% for one
year for a final amount of 8; 8% for two years for a final amount of 8; and 8.25% for
three years for a final amount of 108. The interpretation of 2Y zero rate of 8% means
this: you earn 8% for one year, which will be automatically reinvested at the same 8%
for one more year. Similarly, the 3Y zero rate of 8.25% implies that in the first year, the
return is 8.25%, which is reinvested at the same rate for two more years; and in the
second year, the return is the same 8.25%, which is reinvested for one more year at the
same rate. If there is a 10Y coupon bond with semiannual payment, there will be 20
different return measures, each corresponding to the cash flows. To make it easier for
interpretation, we average all the rates into a single number, which is called YTM. For
the earlier 3Y 8% coupon bond, the YTM is derived from the bond price as follows:
99.4246 =




1 YTM 3

It can be solved through trial-and-error method by starting at a guess rate and

progressively increasing or decreasing it. For the above example, YTM has to be 8.2241%
for the above equation to be satisfied.

The above shows that YTM is not a return measure but another way of quoting bond
price (because it is derived from bond price). Alternately, given YTM, the bond price can
be derived from the above equation. Both bond price and its variant of YTM cannot be
used as judgment tools to determine the mispricing, as shown by the following example.
There are two bonds issued by the same issuer and with the same maturity of 3Y. One
bond has a coupon of 8% and the other 9%. The market prices of these bonds, given the
following term structure of zero rates, and the translation of price into YTM will be as
Bond A

Bond B




Disc Amount


Disc Amount


















Both bonds have the same maturity and issued by the same issuer. Therefore, maturityrelated price risk and issuer-related credit risk are the same for both bonds. Which bond
is better? Bond A would seem under-priced at 99.4246 and Bond B would seem
overpriced at 101.9983. However, this is incorrect because we are comparing apples
with oranges. Both bonds are priced correctly at the same term structure of zero rates.
The price cannot be used as a judgment tool for determining the mis-pricing. Since YTM
is another way of quoting price, it cannot be used as judgment tool, too. Only if the
actual market price of the bonds is different from 99.4246 (for Bond A) and 101.9983
(for Bond B), we can say that there is a mispricing or cheapness/richness of bonds.
Investor may still have preference for the bonds, which is decided by factors other than
price or YTM. These factors are tax considerations and expectations about future
interest rates for reinvestment. If you expect interest rate would rise in future, then you
may prefer Bond B because higher amount of Rs 9 will be reinvested at higher rate.
Similarly, if capital gains are taxed at lower rate than income, then investor will prefer
Bond A because it has lower income of Rs 8 a year and a capital gain at redemption.
To sum up, the following are the drawbacks in using YTM as a true return measure.
By using the same rate for all cash flows, it assumes that the term structure of
zero rates is flat, which is inconsistent with reality.
Bond with different coupons but with same maturity will have different YTMs
(which is called coupon effect). In other words, YTM is inconsistent because it
simultaneously assumes different levels of term structure of zero rates at the
same time. In the above example, YTM assumes that term structure of zero rates
is flat at 8.2941% for Bond A and 8.2215% for Bond B, whereas the actual rates
are 7.75%, 8% and 8.25% for 1Y, 2Y and 3Y, respectively.

YTM is inconsistent in another way: it assumes different reinvestment rates

simultaneously. In the above example, it assumes the reinvestment rate to be
8.2941% for Bond A and 8.2215% for Bond B, while the actual investment rates
are unknown.

For zero-coupon bond, YTM is the true measure of return because there are no interim
cash flows to be reinvested and there is a single zero rate used.

3.4 Risk Measures

As stated in Section 1.2, there are three risks in FIS, which are
Credit risk: The possibility of default by issuer and therefore the source of risk is
the issuer.
Price risk (also known as market risk): The possibility of change in bond price
before maturity because of change in market interest rate and therefore is also
called interest rate risk.
Reinvestment risk: The uncertainty of reinvestment rate for cash flows received
before maturity (e.g. coupons).
If the issuer is a sovereign government, there will be no credit risk because government
will not default in its own currency. If the bond is held until maturity, there will be no
price risk because of pull-to-par effect of bond price at maturity. If the bond is a zerocoupon bond, there will be no reinvestment risk because there are no interim cash flows
to be reinvested until maturity. Since most bonds are issued by non-sovereign issuers
and are coupon bonds, all the three risks are present in the bond. We will consider only
price risk and reinvestment risk and ignore the credit risk.
Price risk and reinvestment risk always work in the opposite way. For example, if the
market rate rises, the bond price falls but reinvestment income rises. The bond price
falls because of discounting at a higher interest rate results in lower present value; and
reinvestment income rises because the interim cash flows are reinvested at higher than
the original interest rate. Similarly, if the market interest rate falls, the bond price rises
but reinvestment income falls. The change in bond price is instant after the change in
interest rate but the effect of reinvestment income is slow over a period of time.
Macaulay Duration
Macaulay was the first to measure the price risk. He proposed that bond maturity is a
rough measure of price risk. Consider a change of 1% rise in the interest rate. The price
of 1Y zero-coupon bond will fall by roughly 1%; that of 2Y zero-coupon bond will fall by
roughly 2%; that of 3Y zero-coupon bond will fall by roughly 3%; and so on. Thus, the
change in the bond price is roughly proportional to the maturity. The periodic coupon
will make the effective maturity less than the legal maturity because of coupon
payments before the legal maturity. The reduction in effective maturity will
correspondingly bring down the riskiness of the bond. The measure of risk is the
weighted average of years in bonds life, the weights being the cash-flows discounted at
YTM. Macaulay explained this with an intuitive example such as the one below. Consider

a 10% 2Y coupon bond currently priced at 101.7125, corresponding to YTM of 11%. Let
us derive the discounted cash flows and the time-weighted discounted cash flows.
Time YTM Factor
1 / (1+b)a
11% 0.900901
11% 0.811622


Discount Cash
Flow (DCF)
(b) (c)

(a) (b) (c)

The sum of (DCF) is the current price of the bond, of course. If we divide the sum of
TDCF with the sum of DCF, what we get is T or time, which Macaulay called it as
Duration (D), which he considered the effective maturity of bond and a measure of
price risk. For the above example, Macaulays Duration (D) is:
192.6142 / 101.7125 = 1.89
Notice that the units for Duration are the time units (in this example, years). Thus the
effective maturity is brought down from 2Y to 1.89Y. For zero-coupon bonds, since there
are no interim cash flows, D will be exactly the same as bonds maturity. An intuitive
interpretation of duration is that it points to the centre of gravity. Imagine a plate on
which are placed a series of glasses filled with water. The glass corresponds to the year
of cash-flow; and the amount of water in it, to the amount of cash-flow. The pointer,
which corresponds to Duration, indicates the place where you hold the plate to
maintain balance.

The first is annuity (equally-sized and equally-spaced cash flows) whose D is half-way in
its legal maturity. The second is a coupon bond whose D will be slightly less than its
maturity. The third is a zero-coupon bond whose D is the same as its maturity.
Modified Duration
Subsequently, a better measure for price risk is derived by computing the sensitivity of
bond price to changes in YTM. This measure is called Modified Duration (MD) and is
related to Macaulay Duration (D) as follows.



where n is the frequency of compounding in a year. For the above example, MD will be,
assuming annual compounding,
1.89 / (1.11) = 1.71.

MD gives the percentage change in bond price caused by a small change in YTM. For
example, if MD is 1.71 and YTM changes by a small amount, then the bond price
changes by 1.71 times the change in YTM. Designating the changes as ,

where P is the bond price. We can solve the above equation for absolute change in bond
price, P, which is also called sensitivity, as follows.

Applying these measures to the earlier example bond (whose price is 101.7125) and
assuming that YTM changes by 1% from 11% to 10%, the MD will indicate the following
changes in bond price.
101.7125 1.71 1% = 1.74
MD is additive, meaning that the MD for a portfolio of bonds is simply the algebraic sum
of the weighted average of each bonds MD, the weights being the amount of bonds.
For example, a portfolio consists of the following two bonds.





Weighted MD
















Portfolio MD = 49,760.62 / 28,458.72 = 1.75.

Thus, if the YTM changes by 0.1%, the portfolios value would change by 0.175%. MD is
a better measure of price risk than D but is not a perfect measure for three reasons.
First, it holds good only for small changes (say, changes in YTM of 0.01% to 0.10%).
Second, the relationship between bond price and YTM is not linear but convex while MD
assumes a linear relationship. To capture the effect of convexity, we require a second
derivative of price to yield, which is called convexity. Third, by using YTM rather than the
term structure of zero rates, MD assumes flat term structure at the level of YTM and
assumes parallel shifts in term structure. If the shift is steepening or flattening, MD does
not hold good even for small changes in rates.
MD is affected by YTM, coupon, and maturity. It is inversely proportional to coupon and
YTM: higher the coupon or higher the YTM, the lower is the MD. It is proportional to
maturity: the longer the maturity, the higher the MD, but it flattens (or even decreases)
as maturity extends beyond 30 years. The following table summarizes the effect of these
factors on MD.




Effect on MD










Coupon frequency



Price value of basis point (PVBP) and rupee duration (RD)

Senior management and risk managers are interested in change in the total market
value of the bond portfolio for a given change in the YTM. For that, they need to replace
bond price with the market value of the bond portfolio in the equation, as follows.
Change in portfolio market value = Portfolio market value Portfolio MD Change in YTM

This is called rupee duration (RD). For example, if the portfolios current market value of
Rs 987.89 Cr and the portfolio MD is 5.68, then change in market portfolio for a change
of 0.10% in YTM will be:
987.89 5.68 0.10% = Rs 5.61 Cr.
Unlike in equity and forex markets, daily changes in YTM are very small and are about
0.01% to 0.10%. The change in YTM of 0.01% (or 0.0001) is called a basis point (BP) or
bip. Bond traders would like to know what would be the change in bond price for a
change in YTM of one BP, which is called price value of basis point (PVBP or PV01). Since
one BP is 0.0001 in YTM, PVBP can be derived from MD as follows.
PVBP = P MD 0.0001
For example, if the current price of bond (P) is 101.7125 and its MD is 1.71, then PVBP
will be
101.7125 1.71 0.0001 = 0.0174.


Sample Questions
1. Which of the following is a true measure of the realized return for a coupon bond?
a. Current yield
b. Yield-to-maturity (YTM)
c. Coupon
d. None of the above
(Hint: please refer to section 3.3)
2. Which of the following is a correct measure of the realized return for a zero-coupon
a. Current yield
b. Yield-to-maturity (YTM)
c. Coupon
d. None of the above
(Hint: please refer to section 3.3)
3. Bond A and Bond B are issued by the same issuer and have the same maturity. Bond
is priced at 99 and Bond B at 101. Which of the two bonds is a better investment?
a. Bond A
b. Bond B
c. The one with the higher coupon
d. Bonds cannot be judged based on their prices
(Hint: please refer to section 3.3)
4. Yield-to-maturity (YTM) assumes which of the following?
a. Term structure is flat
b. Shift in the term structure is parallel
c. Reinvestment rate is the same as YTM
d. All of the above
(Hint: please refer to section 3.3)
5. If yield-to-maturity rises, then
a. Bond price falls
b. Reinvestment income rises
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of the above
(Hint: please refer to section 3.4)


Chapter 4: Interest Rate Derivatives

After studying this chapter, you should know about:

Definition and economic role of derivatives

Functioning of Interest rate derivatives

OTC versus Exchange-traded derivatives

Derivatives Market in India

4.1 Derivatives: Definition and Economic Role

Derivative is something that is derived from another called the underlying. The
underlying is independent and the derivative is dependent on and derived from the
underlying. The derivative cannot exist without the underlying. This is the general
definition of derivative.
However, accounting standards like FAS 133 (in the US), IAS 39 (in the EU) and AS 30 (in
India) impose more qualifications for derivatives. For example, IAS 39 and AS 30 require
the following three criteria to be satisfied for financial derivatives.
1. Value of derivative is linked to the value of underlying
2. Trade settled on a future date
3. On trade date, there should be no full cash outlay
FAS 133 requires an addition qualification:
4. Trade must settle (or capable of being settled) on net basis and not on gross
The first requirement implies that the price of derivatives is determined by the price of
underlying, and not by the demand-supply for derivative. The underlying is the raw
material and derivative is the finished product. If the underlying price goes up (or
down), the derivative price will go up (or down) regardless of demand-supply for
The future date in the second requirement means that the settlement of the
derivative must be later than that for underlying. For example, if the underlying settles
on two business days after trade date (T+2), the derivative on that underlying must
settle later than T+2; if the underlying settles in T+5, the derivative on that underlying
must settle later than T+5; and so on.
The third requirement provides leverage: ability to buy the underlying without fully
paying for it immediately or sell it without delivering it immediately.
Each of the four underlying assets (see Section 1.1) gives rise to four derivatives asset
classes. However, derivatives are classified in another way, based on the cash flow
pattern, into four generic types: forward, futures, swap and option.

Forward and Futures are functionally similar and involve buying or selling of a specified
underlying asset at specified price for specified quantity for delivery on a specified later
date. The difference between them is that the forward is an OTC market instrument (i.e.
privately negotiated bilateral contract) and the futures is publicly-traded Exchange
instrument. Accordingly, they differ in the institutional arrangement for conducting the
Trade and Settlement parts of the transaction.
Swap differs from all other derivatives in the sense it does not involve exchange of cash
for an underlying asset: it involves exchange of returns from the underlying against
return from money. In other words, the cash-for-asset exchange is replaced with returnfor-return exchange. The return from money is interest rate and that from the
underlying asset is another interest rate (if the underlying is money or bond) or dividend
and capital gains/loss (if the underlying is equity) or foreign currency interest rate and
capital gain/loss (if the underlying is currency). Swap is traded only in OTC market.
Option does not buy or sell the underlying or its returns: it involves buying or selling
certain right on the underlying. It is traded both in OTC and Exchange markets. The
following table summarizes the key feature of four generic types of derivatives.
Key feature



To buy or sell the underlying with cash for settlement on a OTC

future date


To buy or sell the underlying with cash for settlement on a Exchange

future date


To buy or sell returns from the underlying with returns from OTC
cash over a period


To buy or sell a right on underlying with cash for settlement OTC and
on a future date

The four asset classes and four generic types give us sixteen types of derivatives as
follows, of which bond swap does not exist.







Interest rate

Interest rate swap2

Interest rate


Bond forward

Bond futures



Equity futures

Equity swap

Equity option


FX forward

FX futures

Currency swap3

FX option

Bond option

Forward rate agreement (FRA)

The underlying for swap is money (and not bond) and the tenor of swap is between one year and 25
years. Thus, the swap is typically a long-tenor (or bond market) instrument. Though there is an instrument


called bond swap, it is not a derivative but a cash market instrument; and involves exchange of one
bond for another, which is more like a barter trade.

Currency swap is different from similar-sounding forex swap. The former is a derivative and the later is
a cash market product and the forex counterpart of repo/reverse repo in FIS market.

Economic Role of Derivatives

The economic role of underlying markets is financing and consumption. In contrast, the
economic role of derivatives is risk management, and the risk they manage is price risk
(also known as market risk).
Price risk is the uncertainty about future return (or future price changes). The future
return may be positive (called profit) or negative (called loss). Thus, risk is a neutral
concept: it does not necessarily mean loss (it only signifies the uncertainty). Risk merely
says that in future there will be either profit or loss.
Derivatives are tools to manage price risk. How you manage risk depends on your
attitude to risk, and there are two attitudes: love and hate. When you love risk, you take
risk, which is called speculation, but that word is avoided and instead we use trading
in banking industry and investment in asset management industry. When you hate
risk, you manage it one of the three ways: elimination (called hedging); insurance and
minimization (called diversification). The following table summarizes the approaches to
market risk management.



Taking risk (more formally called trading or investment)

It results in the possibility of positive return (i.e. profit) or negative
return (i.e. loss) in future


You are already exposed to risk and hedging eliminates that risk and
locks in the future return at a known level


You are already exposed to risk and insurance selectively eliminates

the negative return but retains the positive return. It has an explicit
upfront cost, unlike speculation and hedging, which do not have any
cost. It requires a particular derivative called option to implement it.

Diversification It reduces both return and risk but in such a way that risk is reduced
more than return so that risk is minimized per unit return (or,
alternately, return is maximized per unit risk). It does not require
derivatives to implement it.
Different underlying assets have different price risk. The prices of money and bond
instruments change due to changes in market interest rate and in the credit quality of
the issuer. The first is called the interest rate risk (and is the price risk in these
instruments) and the second is the credit risk, whose source is the issuer, not the
market. Equity and forex instruments change in their prices because of changes in
demand-supply for them and are called equity risk and currency risk, respectively.
Different derivatives deal with different price risks. For example, interest rate

derivatives deal with interest rate risk; currency derivatives with currency risk; and so

4.2 Interest Rate Derivatives

Interest rate derivatives are the most important among all derivatives, as shown in the
following tables of notional outstanding amount:
Notional Amount Outstanding (USD Billion) in Exchange Traded Derivatives as of March 2015
Exchange Traded Products
Interest rate
Equity index
Total - All markets



Source: Bank for International Settlement

Notional Amount Outstanding (USD Billion) in OTC Derivative Products as of Dec 2014
Foreign exchange contracts
Interest rate contracts
Equity-linked contracts
Commodity contracts
Credit default swaps


Source: Bank for International Settlement

We can see that the outstanding notional of OTC derivatives is 9 times more than that
for Exchange-traded derivatives; and together they are more than 10 times the total
worlds GDP.
The interest rate derivatives market is the largest derivatives market in the world. The
Bank of International Settlements estimates that the global OTC derivatives market as of
December 2014 was US$ 630 trillion out of which around US$ 500 trillion was
contributed by the Interest rate derivatives market.
We can see that interest rate derivative outnumber their counterparts in other
underlying markets. The reason is quite obvious: every business or corporation faces
interest rate risk (and therefore need to use interest rate derivatives) while they need
not necessarily face other risks like equity risk, currency risk, etc. In contrast, equity risk
is faced only by investment companies with exposure to equity market; currency risk is
faced only by those with exports and imports; and commodity risk is faced only by those
with exposures to commodities. It should be noted that interest rate derivatives are
different from bond derivatives, as summarized in the following table:



Interest rate derivative

Bond derivative


Interest rate on money; and the tenor A specific instrument issued

can be short term (less than 1Y) or by a specific borrower
long term (more than 1Y and up to


Very high


Compulsory cash settlement (i.e. no May be physical or cash

borrowing/lending takes place because
they are not financing tools)

Very low

The following table summarizes the four generic types of derivatives among interest
rate and bond derivatives. In the table below, the terms used have the following
Tenor: period of notional borrowing/lending in the contract
Term: The distance of commencement date (of notional borrowing/lending period) from
trade date.
Short: Less than one year
Long: More than one year
Thus, short-tenor and short-term rate means that the borrowing/lending will be for
period of less than one year (short tenor) and that it commences within one year
(short term).
Derivative Interest rate



Forward rate agreement

It is a contract to pay or
receive a short-tenor shortterm rate

Bond forward
It is a contract to buy or sell a short-tenor
or long-tenor instrument, usually in


Interest rate futures (IRF)

Bond futures
It is a contract to pay or It is a contract to buy or sell a short-tenor
receive a short-tenor rate for or long-tenor instrument, usually in
short-term or long-term


Interest rate swap

Does not exist
It is a contract to exchange a
fixed long-tenor rate for a
variable (floating) shorttenor in the long term


Interest rate option

It is a contract to pay or
receive a short-tenor rate in
the short term or long term


Bond option
It is a contract to buy or sell a short-tenor
or long-tenor instrument, in short-term or

4.3 OTC versus Exchange-traded Derivatives

Based on the style in which a transaction is negotiated and settled, the market can be
classified into two segments: over-the-counter (OTC) and Exchange.
OTC derivatives (OTCD) are privately negotiated and settled contracts between two
parties whereas Exchange-traded derivatives (ETD) are publicly negotiated and settled
contracts with the aid of Exchange (which conducts the trade negotiation and
execution) and Clearing Corporation (which conducts the settlement). There are other
differences, too. OTCDs can be customized to the specific requirements of the parties
where are ETDs are standardized in the sense that the trade amount (called market
lot or Contract Amount) and the settlement date (called expiry date) are predetermined by the Exchange. Another difference is that OTCDs have counterparty credit
risk (which is the risk of failure of the counterparty before settlement date) and
settlement risk (which is the risk of default by the counterparty on settlement date), but
both risks do not arise in ETDs because of trade guarantee by Clearing Corporation.
The trade guarantee is provided by Clearing Corporation becoming a common party,
called central counterparty (CCP), to the buyer and seller through the process of
novation, as shown below. We say that both buyer and seller novated the original trade
to Clearing Corporation so that Clearing Corporation becomes the buyer to the seller;
and the seller to the buyer.
Role of Exchange is to bring a buyer and seller together and enable a trade between them




Clearing Corp


Role of Clearing Corporation is to settle trade with trade guarantee by becoming CCP

Clearing Corporation protects itself from the counterparty credit risk and settlement risk
from both buyer and seller by implementing two processes called margining and markto-mark, which are discussed in Unit 6.
Due to increased competition between OTC and Exchange markets, the differences
between them are slowly fading. For example, today many derivatives Exchanges
abroad offers customized contracts through the facilities of request-for-quote (RFQ) and
Exchange-for-Physical (EFP); and OTC market offers both standardized (called vanilla
products) and customized (called exotic products). There are electronic
communication networks called e-trading platforms in OTC market that does the
functions of an Exchange for price discovery and trade execution. Many OTC markets
are going through central counterparty (CCP) clearing for multilateral settlements, like in
Exchange markets. In India, Clearing Corporation of India Ltd (CCIL) is offering CCP

services for settlement with trade guarantee for many OTC derivative products in India.
The margining and mark-to-market processes of Exchange markets have proved so
useful that OTC market implements them today where it is called collateral

4.4 Derivatives Market in India

Though OTC derivatives have had a long history in India, particularly in forex market,
Exchange-traded derivatives are introduced only in the last decade. The following table
shows the important milestones in the development of Exchange-traded financial
derivatives in India:


June 2000

Index futures

June 2001

Index options

July 2001

Single stock options

November 2001

Single stock futures

June 2003

Bond futures on 10Y bond (abandoned later)

August 2008

Currency futures

August 2009

Bond futures on 10Y bond (re-launch) Cheapest to deliver from a basket

March 2011

Treasury Bill futures

December 2011

Additional bond futures on 2Y and 5Y bonds

December 2013

10 year IRF on notional GoI Securities.

Cash settlement for 10Y interest rate futures

June 2015

Exchange traded cash settled IRFs on 6Y and

13Y GoI securities permitted

Derivatives are essential for risk management, especially hedging. Though, theoretically,
underlying securities can be used for hedging, such a process is cumbersome, costly and
non-optimal. In the Indian market, the OTC forex market has had a long-history of using
the forward contract for hedging currency risk by exporters and importers; and, in
recent years, currency swaps and currency options have been introduced to provide for
diverse and flexible hedging strategies. Exchanges have started in 2008 the currency
futures to compete with the OTC market, and they were received very well. In the
equity market (which is predominantly an Exchange market), derivatives were
introduced a decade ago and have overtaken the cash market in daily turnover shortly
after they were introduced.
For banks, financial institutions and businesses, the exposure to rupee interest rate risk
is much more severe than that to currency risk and equity risk. Accordingly, one would
expect that the interest rate derivatives market would be larger than that for currency

and equity derivatives. However, interest rate derivatives were the last to be introduced
in India and took off only in the third attempt in 2014. Though the OTC interest rate
derivatives market has been successful with good volumes for interest rate swaps
(Overnight Index Swaps), Exchange-traded interest rate derivatives had not been so
The first attempt in June 2003 launched three futures contracts on 91-bill Treasury Bill,
6% 10Y bond and zero-coupon 10Y bond of Government of India. The launch was a
failure and the contracts were withdrawn soon thereafter. The second attempt was
made in August 2009 with launch of bond futures on a notional 7% 10Y GOI bond. As the
settlement for the futures was on the basis of a cheapest-to-deliver methodology, this
was also not adopted by the market. In March 2011, another futures on 91-day Treasury
bill was introduced, followed by two more futures on 2Y bond and 5Y bond.
The product design of interest rate derivatives launched prior to December 2013
suffered from the following drawbacks which led to their failure:
Cheapest to Deliver: The seller of the futures contract can deliver any one of the
designated Deliverable Bonds in the basket. In theory, the introduction of Conversion
Factor for each Deliverable Bond should make the seller indifferent to any preference
for particular bond. In practice, however, there is a particular bond (called the
cheapest-to-deliver or CTD bond) that every futures seller will prefer to deliver. The
reason for this preference is that the Conversion Factor does not change during the
Delivery Month while the prices/yields of Deliverable Bonds do change during trading
hours. Accordingly, the futures price will be tracking the cash market price of the CTD
bond. In the Indian scenario, sellers chose to offload their cheapest i.e. the most illiquid
bonds in favor of the liquid ones as a result of which buyers were not keen on taking
positions in the interest rate futures market. Moreover, trading preference in the Indian
market is skewed towards the ontherun security which contributes almost 70-80 per
cent of traded volume. The other bonds in the basket were sparsely traded and at prices
which were at high discounts relative to the on-the-run bond.
Physical Settlement: The other reason for its failure was earlier IRF products required
physical settlement and not cash settlement. Physical settlement is when people have
to give the bond at settlement where-as in cash settlement, one adjusts the differences
against cash.
Zero Coupon Yield Curve (ZCYC Curve): When IRF was first launched in 2003, it was based
on the ZCYC curve whilst the Indian market was more in tune with Yield to Maturity.
Additionally, zero coupon bonds are generally not available across the entire spectrum
of time and hence statistical estimation processes are used which the Indian market was
not very proficient in. The market participants were not familiar with the computation
methodology for ZCYC and the Term Structure of Interest Rates.
Based on revised guidelines from SEBI and RBI in December 2013, the Exchanges have
introduced Cash settled interest rate futures (IRF) on 10-year Government of India
Securities. This product is a cash settled single bond futures, based on the ontherun

10-year GOI bond, and has been a success. Further to this, in June 2015, SEBI and RBI
have permitted to launch Interest rate futures on 6-year and 13-year GOI securities.
Over all, Exchange-traded derivatives have been more successful in equity and currency
than in interest rate markets, as the following table shows. However, the Interest Rate
Futures market is growing at a slow yet steady pace.
Growth of Turnover in various segments of Indian securities markets (in Rs Crores)

Equity Spot



Interest Rate





















Source: SEBI


Sample Questions
1. Which of the following is the role of derivatives?
a. Financing
b. Cash or liquidity management
c. Risk management
d. All of the above
(Hint: please refer to Section 4.1)
2. Which of the following derivatives have the largest market size globally?
a. Equity derivatives
b. Interest rate derivatives
c. Currency derivatives
d. Commodity derivatives
(Hint: please refer to Section 4.2)
3. Which of the following derivatives have the largest market size in India?
a. Equity derivatives
b. Interest rate derivatives
c. Currency derivatives
d. Commodity derivatives
(Hint: please refer to Section 4.5)
4. Bond futures usually are settled as follows __________.
a. Cash settlement
b. Physical settlement
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of the above
(Hint: please refer to Section 4.2)
5. Which of the following correctly describes hedging?
a. Risk reduction
b. Risk minimization
c. Risk insurance
d. Risk elimination
(Hint: please refer to Section 4.1)


Chapter 5: Contract Specification for Interest Rate Derivatives

After studying this chapter, you should know about following:

Underlyings on which interest rate derivatives are traded in India

Market lot for IRD contracts

Contract Month, Expiry/Last Trading Day and Settlement Day for IRDs

Price Quotation, tick size and trading hours for IRDs

Daily and Final Settlement Price

Delivery under physical settlement

The interest rate derivatives traded on Exchanges in India are not truly interest rate
derivatives but bond derivatives (see Section 4.2). The underlying for interest rate
derivatives is the interest rate on money, typically, the interbank money; and the
underlying for bond derivatives is a specific debt security issued by a specific borrower.
Globally, interest rate derivatives dominate bond derivatives because the interest rate
market is one large market while the market for debt securities is fragmented into
specific instruments, which are not fungible with each other. However, the name
interest rate derivatives has become stuck in India to what actually are bond

5.1 Underlying
Reserve Bank of India (RBI), whose permission is required for all derivatives on interest
rate and debt instruments (whether traded in Exchange or OTC market), has permitted
futures on the following underlying securities and on the following terms:

Features of futures contract

91-day Treasury Settlement method: cash

Security: actual (i.e. real, traded security)
Final settlement price (FSP): weighted average price/yield
obtained in the weekly auction on the Expiry Date of futures
2-year and 5year central

Settlement method: cash

Security: notional (i.e. imaginary, non-traded) with a coupon of
7% per annum (with semi-annual compounding)
FSP: Yield on a basket of securities specified by Exchanges for
each futures contract based on SEBI guidelines. Yields shall be
polled in accordance with the RBI guidelines.

10-year central

Settlement method: cash

Security: actual or notional
1) Actual security: The security shall have a remaining maturity between
8 years and 11 years from the Expiry Date of futures. The actual


underlying security shall be determined by Exchanges in consultation

with Fixed Income and Money Market Derivatives Association
FSP: Weighted average price of the underlying security during the last
two hours of trading in the Negotiated Dealing System Order
Matching (NDS-OM) platform of RBI. If less than five trades occur during
the last two hours of trading, then FIMMDA price shall be used for final
2) Notional security: The underlying shall be a weighted basket of
Government of India securities, with residual maturity between 8 years
and 11 years from the Expiry Date of futures. Exchange shall determine
the criteria for securities and their weights in the basket.
FSP: First, obtain the weighted average yield for each security from the
trades during the last two hours of trading in NDS-OM. If less than five
trades occur during the last two hours of trading, then FIMMDA price
shall be used. Next, take a weighted average yield for all securities in
the basket. This is the yield for FSP.

RBI has delegated powers to further define the futures contract terms (e.g. contract
amount, expiry months, etc, defined below) to SEBI.
According to SEBI guidelines, interest rate derivatives are to be traded in the Currency
Derivatives segment of Exchange. Members of Currency Derivatives segment are
allowed to participate in the interest rate futures market.

91-day Bill futures

10-year single Bond futures


security, Two actual securities, currently (in September
which is 91-day 2015): 8.40% bond due on July 28, 2024 and the
Treasury Bill.
7.72% bond due on May 25, 2025.


Cash settlement

Cash settlement

Further to this, on 12th June 2015, SEBI in consultation with RBI has issued guidelines to
allow cash settled interest rate futures contracts to be launched on 6 years and 13 years
Government of India Securities. The contract terms read as follows:

Features of futures contract

6-Year cash
settled Interest
Rate Futures

Security (Actual or Notional):

Option A - Actual security:
The underlying shall be a coupon bearing Government of India
security of face value Rs. 100 and residual maturity between 4
and 8 years on the expiry of futures contract.
The underlying security shall be decided by stock exchanges in
consultation with the Fixed Income Money Market and
Derivatives Association (FIMMDA).
Currently, the GoI security identified in consultation with
FIMMDA is the 8.27% GoI 2020 based on which the interest rate

futures contracts are available.

Option B - Notional Security:
The underlying shall be coupon bearing notional 6-year
Government of India security with a face value of Rs. 100. For
each contract, there shall be basket of Government of India
securities, with residual maturity between 4 and 8 years on the
day of expiry of futures contract, with appropriate weight
assigned to each security in the basket.
The underlying security shall have coupon with semi-annual
Exchanges shall disclose criteria for including securities in the
basket and determining their weights such as trading volumes in
cash market, minimum outstanding etc.
Trading Cycle: Three serial monthly contracts and Three serial
quarterly contracts of the cycle March / June / September /

13-Year cash

Option A:
(a) The contract shall be cash-settled in Indian rupees.
(b) The final settlement price shall be arrived at by calculating the
volume weighted average price of the underlying security based
on prices during the last two hours of the trading on Negotiated
Dealing System-Order Matching (NDS-OM) system. If less than 5
trades are executed in the underlying security during the last two
hours of trading, then FIMMDA price shall be used for final
Option B:
(a) The contract shall be cash-settled in Indian rupees.
The final settlement price shall be based on average settlement
yield which shall be volume weighted average of the yields of
securities in the underlying basket. For each security in the
basket, yield shall be calculated by determining weighted average
yield of the security based on last two hours of the trading in
NDS-OM system. If less than 5 trades are executed in the security
during the last two hours of trading, then FIMMDA price shall be
used for determining the yields of individual securities in the
Security - Actual or Notional:
Option A - Actual security

settled Interest
Rate Futures

The underlying shall be a coupon bearing Government of India

security of face value Rs. 100 and residual maturity between 11
and 15 years on the expiry of futures contract.
The underlying security shall be decided by stock exchanges in
consultation with the Fixed Income Money Market and
Derivatives Association (FIMMDA).
Currently, the GoI security identified in consultation with
FIMMDA is the 7.88% GoI 2030 based on which the interest rate
futures contracts are available.
Option B - Notional security
The underlying shall be coupon bearing notional 13-year
Government of India security with a face value of Rs. 100. For
each contract, there shall be basket of Government of India
securities, with residual maturity between 11 and 15 years on the
day of expiry of futures contract, with appropriate weight
assigned to each security in the basket.
The underlying security shall have coupon with semi-annual
Exchanges shall disclose criteria for including securities in the
basket and determining their weights such as trading volumes in
cash market, minimum outstanding etc.
Trading Cycle: Three serial monthly contracts and Three serial
quarterly contracts of the cycle March / June / September /
Option A:
(a) The contract shall be cash-settled in Indian rupees.
(b) The final settlement price shall be arrived at by calculating the
volume weighted average price of the underlying security based
on prices during the last two hours of the trading on Negotiated
Dealing System-Order Matching (NDS-OM) system. If less than 5
trades are executed in the underlying security during the last two
hours of trading, then FIMMDA price shall be used for final
Option B:
(a) The contract shall be cash-settled in Indian rupees.
The final settlement price shall be based on average settlement
yield which shall be volume weighted average of the yields of

securities in the underlying basket. For each security in the

basket, yield shall be calculated by determining weighted average
yield of the security based on last two hours of the trading in
NDS-OM system. If less than 5 trades are executed in the security
during the last two hours of trading, then FIMMDA price shall be
used for determining the yields of individual securities in the
SEBI and RBI, in an effort to help strengthen and deepen the markets, have amended
the contract specifications in June 2015 to allow for the residual maturity of the 10 year
underlying bond to be 8 to 11 years as against 9 to 11 years earlier. Additionally, they
also permitted interest rate futures contracts to be launched on two new tenor bonds
namely the 6 year GoI security (with a residual maturity of 4 to 8 years) and the 13 year
GoI security (with a residual maturity of 11 to 15 years). This allows for a continuous
bucket wherein a security that was in the 10 year bucket, once off-the-run can move
into the 6 year tenor interest rate futures bucket. Similarly, a security that was in the 13
year bucket, once off-the-run can move into the 10 year bucket. This will also ensure
that a yield curve can be discovered through the Interest Rate Futures Market.
Notional security does not exist and is not traded. Accordingly, for the purpose of
delivery, any of the eligible securities (explained in Section 5.7) are allowed to be
substituted for the notional underlying after adjusting the delivery quantity through a
Conversion Factor (explained in Section 5.6). However, currently no Exchange trades a
notional security with physical settlement and therefore the procedure for physical
settlement is only for reference. All the three Exchanges (NSE, BSE and MSEI) trade bond
futures with actual underlying securities only.

5.2 Contract Amount (or Market Lot)

Contract Amount (or Market Lot) is the minimum and multiple of trade size. It is Rs
200,000 of face value. Because the face value will always be an integral multiple of Rs 2
lakhs, we cannot buy or sell for amounts like Rs 3 lakh, Rs 5 lakh, etc. In contrast, the
market lot in the cash market of wholesale debt market is Rs 5 Cr (which is equal to 250
futures contracts).
The face value and market value are linked by the market price. In both cash and futures
markets, the prices are quoted for Rs 100 face value so that the relation between face
value and market value is:
Market Value = Face Value (Market Price / 100)
or the market value of one contract is 2,000 times the quoted price. Thus, if the price is
106.10, the face value of 200,000 will have a market value of:
200,000 (106.10/100) = 212,200 or 2,000 106.10 = 212,200.


5.3 Contract Months, Expiry/Last Trading Day and Settlement Day

Contract Month (also known as Expiry Month) is the month in which the contract ceases
trading. On any trading day, there will be multiple Contract Months that expire in
different months. Expiry Date (also known as Last Trading Day or LTD) is the day in
Contract Month on which trading ceases. Settlement Day (SD) is the day on which the
contract is settled. (NOTE: in overseas Exchanges, Expiry Date corresponds to the
Settlement Date and is different from LTD. However, in India, SEBI uses Expiry Day and
LTD as synonyms and they are distinguished from SD). The following table shows the
particulars allowed by SEBI:



91-day bill
Three nearest
serial months
and three nearest
Last Wednesday
of Contract
Month (or
previous day if it
is a holiday)

Last business
day of Contract

10-year bond
Three nearest
serial months
and three
Last Thursday
of Contract
Month (or the
previous trading
day if it falls on
a holiday)
Next working
day following

6-year bond
Three nearest
serial months
and three
Last Thursday of
Contract Month
(or the previous
trading day if it
falls on a
Next working
day following

13-year bond
Three nearest
serial months
and three
Last Thursday
of Contract
Month (or the
previous trading
day if it falls on
a holiday)
Next working
day following

5.4 Price Quotation, Tick Size and Trading Hours

Price quotation refers to the style of quoting the contract price; and tick size is the
minimum change in price. The tick size for both contracts is Rs 0.0025. The price
quotation for T-bill is 100 minus the discount rate (which is different from investment
yield, see Section 2.6) and that for GOI security is price per 100 face value. For example,
if the discount yield is 5%, then the price of T-bill futures will be: 100 5 = 95.0000.
Given that the face value of one contract is equal to Rs 200,000 and given that tick size
is 0.0025, the minimum change per contract will be:
200,000 0.0025 / 100 = 5.
Trading hours are aligned with those of NDS-OM, which is currently between 9 AM and
5 PM.

5.5 Daily Settlement Price (DSP)

Daily settlement price (DSP) is the price at which margining and mark-to-market (see
Unit 6) is implemented. Because of daily mark-to-market, the carry price of the contract
changes every day. The following is the procedure for determining the DSP.

For 91-day bill futures

DSP is determined in one of the following ways in that order of preference:
(a) If there are at least five trades in the last 30 minutes of trading:
DSP = 100 0.25 Y
where Y is the weighted average yield price of trades, the weights being the
number of contracts in the trade.
(b) If there are at least five trades in the last 60 minutes of trading:
DSP = 100 0.25 Y
(c) If there are at least five trades in the last 120 minutes of trading:
DSP = 100 0.25 Y
(d) Theoretical price will be determined by the Clearing Corporation in accordance
with the disclosed procedure from the rates published by Fixed Income and
Money Market Derivatives Association (FIMMDA).
For 6-year, 10-year and 13-year bond futures
DSP is the volume weighted average price (VWAP) during the last 30 minutes of trading
in the futures market. If there is no trading during the last 30 minutes, DSP will be the
VWAP during the last two hours in the cash NDS-OM market. If there are no trades
during that period in the NDS-OM, DSP will be the price determined by FIMMDA.

5.6 Final Settlement Price (FSP)

Final settlement price (FSP) is the price at which the contract is settled on the SD. For 91day bill futures, FSP is the weighted average discount yield (Y) in the auction of 91-day
T-bill conducted by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on the expiry date. The FSP is
(100 0.25 Y)
Note that 91 days is considered exactly one-fourth of the year (i.e. 0.25) in the formula
above. For example, if the weighted average discount yield (Y) in the RBI auction is 5%,
then the FSP will be
(100 0.25 5%) = 99.9875
The value of one contract, given its face value of 200,000 and given that the price is for
100 face value, will be
(200,000 / 100) 99.9875 = 199,975
For the cash-settled 6-year or 10-year or 13-year actual bond, FSP will be the VWAP of
the actual bond during the last two hours of trading in the cash market of NDS-OM. If
less than five trades occur during that period, FSP shall be the price determined by
For the cash-settled 6-year or 10-year or 13-year notional bond, the following is the
SEBI-specified procedure. It may be noted that since no Exchange currently trades such
a contract, the discussion below is only for reference.

Step #1: Find the weighted average yield of each bond in the underlying basket
during the last two hours of trading in the cash market of NDS-OM. If less than
five trades occur during that period, use the FIMMDA-determined yield for each
Step #2: Weigh the yields from individuals bonds from Step #1, the weights being
the weights assigned to each bond in the basket by the Exchanges. Let this be
settlement yield (Y), which is rounded to four decimal places.
Step #3. Convert the settlement yield (Y) into final settlement price (FSP), using
the following formula.

2 (100 )
2 ]
= [
] + [

(1 + )
where C is the notional coupon for the underlying notional bond, n is 6 for 6-year
IRF, 10 for 10-year IRF and 13 for 13-year IRF.

5.7 Delivery under physical settlement

Currently, no Exchange trades in physically settled bond futures. Therefore, the
following discussion is for reference purpose only.
To enable physical settlement for imaginary notional bond, other bonds of the central
government are to be made eligible for delivery and are designated as Deliverable
Bonds, which must satisfy specified criteria.
It is desirable to allow multiple securities for delivery because of two reasons. First,
institutional investors generally adopt buy-and-hold strategy. Since the outstanding
stock of a bond is much less compared to floating stock of equities, the bond will quickly
lose liquidity in cash market, which in turn will affect the liquidity of futures. Second,
given the low outstanding stock of bonds, market manipulators can easily create
squeeze by simultaneously buying the bond in cash market and buying futures. It must
be noted, however, that the facility to allow multiple securities for delivery will be
effective only when they are not much different in their cost of delivery.
To make the notional bond and a Deliverable Bond equivalent in value, a Conversion
Factor (also known as Price Factor) is employed, which is specific to each Deliverable
Bond. Conversion Factor (CF) is the clean price (i.e. without accrued interest) of one unit
face value of Deliverable Bond computed at the yield-to-maturity of 7% (semi-annual
payment, 30E/360 day count) on the first calendar day of Delivery Month, after
rounding down its remaining maturity to the nearest quarter-year. If there is a single
quarter in the remaining maturity (i.e. broken period or stub), it is placed at the
beginning (i.e. front stub). This is a technical calculation and the Exchange will announce
the CF for each Deliverable Bond when the contract is introduced for trading or few
days before the trading for Contract Month commences. We may notice the following
features of CF.


For the same bond, the CF will be different for different Delivery Months because of
change in remaining maturity of the Deliverable Bond from the first calendar day of
different Delivery Months.
CF will remain constant for a Delivery Month regardless of changes in yields over
time. Changes in yield will drive changes in the price of Deliverable Bond (and
futures price), but do not change the CF.
For Deliverable Bonds whose coupon is less than the notional coupon (NC), the CF
will be less than unity; for those with coupon of more than NC, the CF will be more
than unity; for those whose coupon is NC, the CF will be unity.
CF works perfectly only when the term structure is flat and at the level NC. If the
term structure is flat and at this level, then the ratio of price-to-CF will be 100 for all
deliverable bonds. Term structure is rarely flat and its shape will affect which of the
Deliverable Bond will be delivered by the futures seller.
As the term structure moves away from the NC, then the CF no longer adjusts the
prices perfectly. As the yields rise above the NC, the prices of all bonds fall, but the
price of the bond with the highest Modified Duration (MD) falls more, making it the
candidate for delivery. As the yields fall below the NC, the prices of all bonds rise,
but the price of the bond with the lowest MD rises the least, making it the candidate
for delivery. In general, higher-MD bond will likely to be the candidate for delivery
when the term structure steepens; and lower-MD bond, when the term structure
As stated above, the MD of futures increases with the rising yields and falls with
falling yields. This is called negative convexity, which is more pronounced when the
deliverable basket contains bonds with wide range of MD and when the futures
expiry is farther. This is the reason for curtailing the maturity of deliverable bonds
into a narrow band. If the notional coupon is away from the current yields in the
market, the switch in the deliverable bond unlikely and the futures contracts
becomes virtually a contract on single underlying, and shows positive convexity.
Seller must notify the Clearing Corporation of his intention to deliver by 6 pm on the
second business day prior to the Expiry Date (which is the last business day of the
Contract Month).
The delivery must be through SGL A/c or CSGL A/c (explained in Unit 6), and the
intention to deliver must be notified on the last trading day. The settlement amount is
computed after taking into account the Deliverable Security, Conversion Factor and
accrued interest relevant to that security; and the final settlement price fixed by the
Exchange. The amount of cash payable by buyer to seller, called invoice amount (IA), is
computed as follows:



Final settlement price (per 100 of face value)


CF: Conversion factor applicable to that Deliverable Bond

AI: Accrued interest (per 100 of face value) on the Deliverable Bond
CA: Contract amount (or market lot), which is 200,000
The term in parentheses represents the settlement price (which is the market price) per
unit of face value adjusted for the quality of Deliverable Bond with multiplicative CF. The
second term in the square brackets is the interest accrual on the Deliverable Bond from
the previous coupon date to the futures settlement date. The term outside the square
brackets converts the settlement amount per one unit of face value (in the first
equation) or per 100 units of face value (in the second equation) to the contract amount
of one futures contract.
Cheapest-to-Deliver (CTD) Bond
The futures seller can deliver any of the Deliverable Bonds. In theory, the introduction of
Conversion Factor for each Deliverable Bond should make the seller indifferent to any
preference for particular bond. In practice, however, there is a particular bond (called
the cheapest-to-deliver or CTD bond) that every futures seller will prefer to deliver.
The reason for this preference is that the Conversion Factor does not change during the
Delivery Month while the prices/yields of Deliverable Bonds do change during trading
hours. Accordingly, the futures price will be tracking the cash market price of the CTD


Sample Questions
1. The underlying for 10-year bond futures under the current regulations can be
theoretically ______________.
a. Notional bond
b. Actual bond
c. Can be either (a) or (b) above
d. None of the above
(Hint: please refer to Section 5.1)
2. Which of the following is the last trading day for 10-year bond futures?
a. Two business days after the first business day of the Expiry Month
b. Two business days before the last business day of the Expiry Month
c. Seven business days before the last business day of the Expiry Month
d. None of the above
(Hint: please refer to Section 5.3)
3. Which of the following is the settlement day for 10-year bond futures?
a. Last business day of the Expiry Month
b. Two business days after the last trading day
c. Both (a) and (b) above
d. None of the above
(Hint: please refer to Section 5.3)
4. Which of the following is correct about the Conversion Factor?
a. It adjusts the quantity of Deliverable Bond
b. It adjusts the price of Deliverable Bond
c. Both (a) and (b) above
d. None of the above
(Hint: please refer to Section 5.7)
5. What is the settlement method for 91-day bill futures?
a. Cash
b. Physical
c. Can be cash or physical
d. None of the above
(Hint: please refer to Section 5.1)


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Chapter 6: Trading, Clearing, Settlement and Risk Management

After studying this chapter, you should know about:

Trading, clearing and settlement of interest rate derivatives on exchanges

Order types and execution

Margining and mark-to-market

Clearing and Settlement

Procedure for delivery

6.1 Operational Guidelines of Exchanges

Bill and bond futures (called interest rate derivatives in the circulars issued by the
regulators) are traded, not as a separate segment, but as a part of Currency Derivatives
segment. Currently, three Exchanges, namely, Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), National
Stock Exchange of India Ltd (NSE) and Metropolitan Stock Exchange of India (MSEI) are
authorized by the regulator to trade in interest rate derivatives.
As is the norm for all derivatives Exchanges, the trading and settlement are conducted
by two distinct legal entities: trading by Exchange and settlement (along with the
associated process of Clearing) by Clearing Corporation (CC). The following are the
clearing entities associated with different Exchanges in India.

Clearing Corp
Indian Clearing Corporation Ltd (ICCL)


MCX-SX Clearing Corporation Ltd (MCX-SX CCL)


National Securities Clearing Corporation Ltd (NSCCL)

Both the Exchange and CC do not deal with the buyers and sellers directly but through
their members. The members of Exchange are called Trading Members; and those of
CC, Clearing Members. The following types of memberships are permitted under current
Membership type


Trading Member (TM)

Member of Exchange but not CC so that it can

only execute trades but settle them through a
designated Professional Clearing Member
(PCM). Trade execution can be for own
account (called proprietary trading) or for
clients (called client trading)


Member Member of both Exchange and CC so that it



can execute as well as settle trades. It can

settle trades executed by other TMs, too.

Self-clearing Member (SCM)



Same as TCM but can settle the trades of own

account or its clients but not the trades of
other TMs.
Member Member of CC only and settles trades of TMs.

The legal form of members can be individuals, partnerships, corporate bodies or banks,
except for PCM, who can be only corporate bodies or banks.
The Clearing members have to meet the minimum net worth requirements set by the
regulator from time to time. Besides the regulatory minimum net worth, Exchange/CC
has additional requirement of deposit to be placed with them. The deposit is partly in
cash and partly in qualified securities which are specified in advance and vary over time.
If the member has membership of other segments (i.e. capital market, debt market,
futures and options on equities), the deposit requirement may be less.
Staff must qualify the NISM Certification program on interest rate derivatives.
For the cash side of settlement, CC will pay or receive cash only through designated
branches of designated banks called Clearing Banks. Therefore, TCM/SCM/PCM must
open an account with one such designated branch. This account is called Clearing
Account, which is subject to the following.
1. It should be used exclusively for making and receiving payments with CC
2. Members should authorize the Clearing Bank to allow CC to directly debit or
credit amount to the Clearing Account of the member.
3. The shifting of Clearing Account to another Clearing Bank will require prior
approval of CC
Like stocks and non-sovereign debt instruments, government securities are held in
electronic book entries by a depository. However, the depository for government
securities is the Public Debt Office (PDO) of RBI, and not the National Securities
Depository Ltd (NSDL) and Central Depository Services (India) Ltd (CDSL).
PDO holds accounts only for Schedule Commercial Banks (SCB), Primary Dealers (PD)
and few select financial institutions that maintain current account (for cash) with RBI;
and this security account is called Subsidiary General Ledger (SGL) Account, which is the
equivalent of demat account with NSDL and CDSL for equity and non-government debt
instruments. Entities other than SCBs and PDs that want to hold government securities
must open an account with a designated SCB or PD and this account is called Gilt
Account. The SCB or PD holding government securities in Gilt Account for their
constituents must in turn open a separate second account with PDO, which is called
Constituent SGL (CSGL) Account or SGL II A/c. In other words, SCBs and PDs must
separate their own holdings in government securities from those held on behalf of their
constituents. The former are held in SGL A/c and the latter, in CSGL A/c. In other words,
SCB/PD is the equivalent of Depository Participants (DP); and PDO is the equivalent of

Not all branches of SCBs/PDs open Gilt Accounts for holding government securities by
their constituents. This is in contrast to the wider reach of Depository Participants of
NDSL/CDSL. To enable wider participation of retail investors to invest in government
securities, PDO has allowed NSDL and CDSL to maintain CSGL Account with it so that
NSDL and CDSL can include the government securities of retail investors in their regular
demat accounts through DPs. The following shows how the investors can hold
government securities.
Investors can hold government securities in two ways
open Gilt Account with

open Demat Account with


DP maintains account
with Depository


A/c with

Depository opens CSGL
A/c with

PDO requires that cash and securities are to be settled on delivery-versus-payment

(DvP) mode: that is, both cash and securities are simultaneously settled by debit and
credit to respective cash and securities accounts held with PDO and RBI. Similar DvP
mode must be applied to the Gilt Account with SC, to enable which the same Branch of
SCB must maintain both Gilt Account and cash account of the investors. PDs and DPs do
not maintain any cash account for investors. Therefore, if the investor holds
government securities in Gilt Account with a PD or in demat account with a DP, the DvP
settlement cannot be implemented and therefore DvP norm does not apply. However,
PD or DP must maintain a record of the particulars of cash account of the investor
maintained with a bank.
Government securities can be also held as physical certificates. However, all entities
regulated by RBI must hold their securities compulsorily in electronic book entry form in
SGL Account (with PDO) or Gilt Account (with SCB/PD). When held in physical form, the
ownership cannot be transferred by mere endorsement and delivery alone, but every
transfer must be additionally registered in the books of PDO for the legal transfer of
Trading activity on the Exchanges in the IRF contracts will be synchronized and aligned
with the secondary market trading on the NDS-OM platform. If there is any extension or
early closure of the NDS-OM (as directed by RBI), a similar change will be effected in the


6.2 Order Types and Execution

Investor can control the price, time or circumstances in which the order is executed by
specifying the order type. The following order types are permitted,
Parameter of control
Order types
To control the price at which order is Market order, limit order
To control the time of order execution

Immediate or cancel, good till day

To control the circumstances of order Stop-loss, stop-loss limit

Market order
It is an order to buy or sell at the prevailing market price. It must be specified as a
combination of two inputs: market side + quantity. For example, buy [market side] 2
contracts [quantity]
The advantage of market order is the guarantee of execution: it will be executed
immediately. The disadvantage is the price: you have no control over the price at which
it is executed.
Limit Order
It is an order to buy or sell only at the specified price or better. It must be specified as a
combination of three inputs: market side + quantity + price limit. For example, buy
[market side] 2 contracts [quantity] at 101.10 [limit]. For buy orders, the limit must be
less than the current market offer price; and the order must be executed at the limit
specified or lower. For sell orders, the limit must be higher than the current market bid
price; and the order must be executed at the limit specified or higher. For example, if
the current market price is 101.40/101.50, then
For buy order: the limit must be lower than 101.50 (say, 101.45) and the order must be
executed at or lower than the limit (in this case, at or lower than 101.45)
For sell order: the limit must be higher than 101.40 (say, 101.45) and the order must be
executed at or higher than the limit (in this case, at or higher than 101.45)
The advantage of limit order is that you can control the price at which it is executed. The
disadvantage is the possibility of non-execution: the order may not be executed at all, if
the limit specified is not tested.
Immediate or Cancel (IOC)
It is an order to execute the trade immediately. If it cannot be executed, it should be
cancelled. It can be combined with limit order and partial execution is permitted. For
example, the order is Sell 10 contracts at 101.50 IOC. If there are buyers at 101.50 for
only for 6 contracts, the order will be executed at 101.50 for 6 contracts, and the
balance of 4 contracts will be automatically treated as cancelled.

Good Till Day

Also known as day order, it is a limit order that is kept in the market until the close of
trading hours, at which any unexecuted portion will be automatically cancelled.
Stop-Loss Order
It is an order to exit from an existing trade if the market moves against the trade at a
pre-defined loss. The stop-loss buy order is to exit from the short position currently
held; and the stop-loss sell order is to exit from the long position currently held. The
stop-loss requires a trigger price to be specified, which should be higher than current
market offer price for stop-loss buy order; and lower than current market bid price for
stop-loss sell order. The stop-loss order is activated only when the trigger price is hit in
the market, and once it is activated it becomes a market order.
For example, consider the buy trade already executed at price of 101.50. To ensure that
you should not lose more than 0.50 on the trade, you will place a stop-loss sell order
with trigger price at 101.00 (stop-loss sell 2 contracts trigger price 100.00).
You can also combine stop-loss order with a limit price, which is called stop-loss limit
order. For example, you may specify stop-loss sell 2 contracts trigger price 100, limit
price 99.90. This order will be activated when the market bid price touches 100 and
will be executed at a price of 99.90 or higher. Stop-loss limit order has the risk of not
being executed at all, if the market moves quickly, after hitting the trigger price.
When the order is input, the following information is required to be specified.
1. Contract ID, which consists of the derivative type (i.e. futures or option), underlying
(i.e. bill or bond), and expiry month.
2. Market side (i.e. buy or sell)
3. Quantity (i.e. number of contracts)
4. Order type
5. Whether it is proprietary (pro) trade of the Trading Member or client (cli) trade.
If it is a client trade, the client code that is available with the Exchange.

6.3 Spread Orders

Spread order consists of simultaneous buy and sell of two different instruments. For
futures, there are two kind of spread orders: inter-commodity spread and calendar
Inter-commodity spread consists of buying futures on one underlying and selling futures
on another for the same expiry month and for the same quantity. For example, buy 5
contracts March-2015 bill futures and sell 5 contracts of March-2015 bond futures.
Calendar spread consists of buying and selling futures on the same underlying but
different expiry months and for the same quantity. For example, buy 5 contracts
March-2015 bill futures and sell 5 contracts of April-2015 bill futures. Calendar spreads

are more popular than inter-commodity spreads and Exchanges allow the facility to
enter calendar spread as a single order (instead of entering two separate orders for
each expiry month). Recall that there are three expiry months on any trading day. The
contract with the shortest expiry date is the near month; that with the longest expiry
date is the far month; and that whose expiry date is between the near and far is the
mid month. Similarly there are three expiry quarters on any trading day.
Calendar spreads have lesser margin requirements (see Sec 6.4). The margin for both
trades in the spread will not be double but less than the margin required for one of
them. The reason is that the risk in calendar spreads is less than the outright trade. Both
contracts tend to move in the same direction, though not by the same extent. Since one
is bought and the other is sold, the profit on one will more or less offset the loss on the

6.4 Margining and Mark-To-Market

Margining and mark-to-market are tools to mitigate counterparty credit risk and
settlement risk of derivatives. Counterparty credit risk is the failure of counterparty
before the trade is due for settlement; and settlement risk is the failure of counterparty
when the trade is due for settlement. In other words, counterparty credit risk arises
between trade date (TD) and settlement date (SD); and settlement risk arises on SD.


Counterparty credit risk

Settlement risk

The size of counterparty credit risk is equal to the replacement cost of the trade because
if one party fails before the settlement date, the other party will have to replace the
trade in the market with another party at the prevailing market price. The size of
settlement risk is equal to the trade value because one party performs (by paying cash
or delivering security) while the other does not. We may say that counterparty credit
risk transforms itself into settlement risk on settlement date. Settlement risk is
mitigated by delivery-versus-payment mode of settlement: both parties simultaneously
exchange cash and security. If one party does not perform his obligation, the other will
withhold his.
Counterparty credit risk is mitigated by mark-to-market and margining. Mark-to-market
consists of daily valuing the position at the official Daily Settlement Price (see Sec 5.5).
The difference between the carry price and Daily Settlement Price is settled in cash, and
the position is carried forward to the next day at the Daily Settlement Price. In other
words, any profit/loss made is settled on daily basis instead of accumulating it until the
settlement date. Because of this daily mark-to-market, the maximum loss from
counterparty credit is limited to the price change over a single day instead of price

change over the life of the contract (which could be much higher). Even this reduced
size of counterparty credit risk (equal to the price change over a single day) is eliminated
by collecting it upfront from each party to the trade, and this is called initial margin.
Both buyer and seller will have to pay initial margin upfront before the trade is initiated.
Initial margin is computed through a model called value-at-risk (VaR) for each trade,
and the total initial margin required for all trades in an investor account is computed
through what is called SPAN margining methodology.
Value-at-risk (VaR)
Value-at-risk (VaR) is a measure of maximum likely price change over a given interval
(called horizon) and at a given confidence level (called percentile). Two facts about
VaR should be noted. First, VaR does not tell about direction of price change. Second,
VaR is not an exact measure but a equal to or less than measure. For example,
VaR (1-day, 99%) = Rs 10.
The correct interpretation of such statement is that in the next one day (horizon), the
price change will be:
Less than or equal to Rs 10 in 99 out of 100 days (percentile); or equivalently
More than Rs 10 in the balance 1 out of 100 days.
VaR for each security is then converted into scan range by multiplying with the
Contract Amount (or market lot) of the futures contract. For example, if VaR (1-day,
99%) = 10 for the security and the market lot is 1,000 securities, then the scan range for
the futures is: 10 1,000 = 10,000. This is the amount of maximum likely change in
contract value over next one day in 99 out of 100 days. Therefore, this is the upfront
initial margin the Clearing Corporation would demand from the investor. However, the
margining process is much more refined under SPAN margining system.
VaR will be slightly higher for short positions than for long positions. The reason is that
the price can theoretically rise to infinity but cannot fall below zero. As a result, the
possible loss on short positions is infinity (because price can rise to infinity) while the
possible loss on long positions cannot be higher than current price (because price
cannot fall below zero).
SPAN margining: initial margin and variation margin
SPAN is an acronym for Standard Portfolio Analysis, which is a margining system that is
devised and owned by Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Group, the largest
derivatives Exchange in the world, but is allowed to be used for free by others. Most
derivatives Exchanges follow SPAN margining today.
SPAN margining uses VaR to compute initial margin but improves upon it with two
modifications. It generates 16 what-if scenarios. Remember that VaR is not an exact
measure but the maximum likely change at a given confidence level. To make it realistic,
SPAN assumes that: (1) price may not change at all; (2) price may go UP by one-third of
scan range; (3) price may go DOWN by one-third of scan range; (4) price may go UP by
two-thirds of scan range; (5) price may go DOWN by two-thirds of scan range; (6) price

may go UP by full scan range; (7) price may go DOWN by full scan range. These seven
scenarios are considered separately for volatility UP and volatility DOWN cases, giving a
total of 14 scenarios, as follows.
Price change
No change
Up by 1/3 of scan range
Up by 2/3 of scan range
Up by full scan range
Down by 1/3 of scan range
Down by 2/3 of scan range
Down by full scan range

Volatility UP

Volatility DOWN

Volatility is relevant only for options, not for futures. Therefore, for futures, both
columns (volatility up and down) will have the same value. Two more scenarios are
extreme price moves: extreme UP and extreme DOWN. Remember that VaR indicates
the maximum likely change in 99 out of 100 cases. It does not tell the change in all 100%
of cases. To account for the balance 1% of the case, extreme price move is assumed. The
extreme price moves are defined by Exchanges. It is usually set at a specified percentage
of specified multiples of scan range. For example, 35% of two scan ranges, etc. Thus, if
the scan range is 10,000 and extreme price move is 35% of two scan ranges, then the
extreme price move will be 35% (2 10,000) = 7,000.
The second and more important feature of SPAN margin is that it considers the entire
portfolio of an investor for computing the portfolio-wide margin. The margin is not
computed for each position separately. The portfolio-wide margin incorporates the
benefits of diversification, which are particularly important for inter-commodity and
calendar spreads (see Sec 6.3). If the investor is long in one instrument and short in a
related instrument, there will be risk offset because profit on one will be offset by loss
on the other in every scenario. In other words, the margin requirement for spread
should not double the margin for one but should be less than the margin for one of
All the outstanding positions of an investor is analyzed in the 16 scenarios. The largest
loss is the initial margin required for the portfolio of outstanding positions. Three more
adjustment are made to the portfolio-wide margin derived as above: calendar spread
charge, inter-commodity spread credit and short option minimum margin.
Calendar spread charge is the amount added to the margin derived as above. This
amount is an adjustment for the fact that long and short positions on the same
underlying but for different expiry months may not change in value by the same extent.
For example, you are long on first month and short on second month. The first month
price moves DOWN by 1% but the second month price moves DOWN by only 0.9%. The
loss and profit on the first and second months, respectively, are fully offset but there is a
residual loss of 0.1%. The calendar spread charge is meant for such risk.

Inter-commodity spread credit is the amount that is deducted from the portfolio-wide
margin derived as above. The credit reflects the facts that the related underlying tend to
move together in the same direction (called positive correlation). For offsetting
positions in different but related underlyings, the actual risk is lowered and therefore
inter-commodity spread credit is given.
Short option minimum margin applies only if there are short option positions in the
portfolio. Because short options have higher risk, a minimum margin is specified
regardless of the portfolio-wide margin derived as above.
There is a contract-level minimum margin specified by the regulator. If the initial margin
requirement under SPAN margining is less than the regulatory-specified minimum
margin, the margin requirement is set at the regulatory-specified minimum margin.
Summary of SPAN margining
1. Compute the VaR (1-day, 99%) for each underlying in the portfolio
2. Compute the scan range for each futures contract
3. Generate 16 what-if scenarios for the entire portfolio of investor (only seven of
them are relevant for futures contracts)
4. Find the largest loss in each scenario and select it as the initial margin for the
5. Add the calendar spread charge (if applicable) to the amount in Step #4
6. Deduct the inter-commodity spread credit to the amount in Step #5
7. Find the short option minimum margin and set the margin at the minimum of
short option minimum margin and the amount in Step #6. (It applies only if there
are short options in the portfolio)
8. Find the minimum margin specified by regulator and set the initial margin at the
minimum of regulatory minimum margin and the amount in Step #7.
Example of SPAN margining
For simplicity, we will assume that there is only one futures contract in the portfolio.
The initial margin for the futures contract is 10 for long positions and 11 for short
You bought 10 contracts at a price of 101. The upfront initial margin you would have
already paid before the trade execution will be: 10 10 = 100.
At day-end, the Daily settlement price is 102. The mark-to-market process results in a
profit of: 10(102100) = 20. This amount is credited to you account and the contract is
carried forward to next day at the price of 102. The balance (called equity) available in
the margin account will be 120, consisting of initial paid earlier of 100 plus the mark-tomarket profit of 20.
VaR model is updated at day-end, and the new initial margin for next day is Rs 13 for
long and Rs 14 for short positions. The initial margin has gone up since yesterday
because the riskiness of the security has gone up. The initial margin required for the
outstanding position will be: 10 13 = 130. As against this latest margin requirement,

the equity in margin account is 120, the short fall of 10 has to be paid by next day, and
this amount is called variation margin.
Extreme loss margin and delivery margin
Besides the initial margin and variation margin under SPAN margining, there are two
more margins implemented by the Clearing Corporation. They are extreme loss margin
and delivery margin. Extreme loss margin is applicable to the Clearing Member and is
the amount deducted from liquid assets in real-time. It is specified as a percentage of
Open Position (explained in Sec 6.5). Delivery margin is applicable for physical delivery
of security (explained in Sec 6.6).
The following are the current margins for 91-day bill futures and cash-settled 6-year, 10year and 13-year bond futures:

91-day bill
VaR (99%, 1-day)
margin subject to a
minimum of
0.10% on the first
day of contract
and 0.05%
Extreme 0.03% of the
value of the gross
margin open positions

10-year bond
VaR (99%, 1-day)
subject to a
minimum of 2.8%
on the first day of
trading and 1.5%

6-year bond
VaR (99%, 1-day)
subject to a
minimum of 2.8%
on the first day of
trading and 1.5%

13-year bond
VaR (99%, 1-day)
subject to a
minimum of 2.8%
on the first day of
trading and 1.5%

0.50% of the
value of the gross
open positions

0.50% of the
value of the gross
open positions

0.50% of the
value of the gross
open positions

For calendar spread positions, the following are the initial and extreme loss margins:

91-day bill
Rs 100 for 1
margin month;
Rs 150 for 2
Rs 200 for 3
months; and
Rs 250 for 4
months and
Extreme 0.01% of the
value of the far
margin month contract

10-year bond
Rs 1,500 for 1
Rs 1,800 for 2
Rs 2,100 for 3
months; and
Rs 3,000 for more
than 3 months

6-year bond
Rs 1,500 for 1
Rs 1,800 for 2
Rs 2,100 for 3
months; and
Rs 3,000 for more
than 3 months

13-year bond
Rs 1,500 for 1
Rs 1,800 for 2
Rs 2,100 for 3
months; and
Rs 3,000 for more
than 3 months

0.01% of the
value of the far
month contract

0.01% of the
value of the far
month contract

0.01% of the
value of the far
month contract

Margining between client and Trading Member: maintenance margin


Clearing Corporation revised the SPAN risk parameters six times within a day: at the
beginning of day, at 11:00am, at 12:30pm, at 2:00pm, at 3:30pm and at the end-of-day.
It pays and receives variation margin with the Clearing Members daily. However, such
daily payment and receipt of variation margins from between clients and Trading
Members is not practical because there are thousands of clients for each trading
member; and the logistics of margin calls and payments on a daily basis becomes almost
impossible. Therefore, a different form of margining is applied between Trading
Member and its clients, which is different from SPAN margining.
If the SPAN margining says that initial margin is 10, the trading member will collect from
client more than that amount, say Rs 20; and defines another margin called
maintenance margin, which may be set at lower amount, say, Rs 15. There will not be
any margin calls on the client as long as the equity remains at higher than the
maintenance margin. The trading member will make a margin call on the client only
when the equity falls below the maintenance margin. This reduces the administrative
work of margin calls and payments. In contrast, SPAN margining has no concept of
maintenance margin.

6.5 Clearing and Settlement

Clearing Corporation conducts the multilateral netting of obligations for both cash and
securities. The netting is applied at the level of Clearing Member (CM). The net position
(separately for cash and securities) for each Clearing Member is called the Open
Position, which is settled with the Clearing Corporation. The following are the rules for
deriving the Open Position for a Clearing Member.
a) For each Trading Member attached to the CM, separate the proprietary and
client trades.
b) For the proprietary trades of the Trading Member, offset the long and short
positions into a single net position. The net position will be either long or short,
but not both.
c) For client trades of the Trading Member, offset the long and short positions into
a single net position for each client separately, but not across the clients. In
other words, the buy trades of one client cannot be offset with the sell trades of
another client. If one client has net buy position and another client has net sell
position, they must be shown separately. Accordingly, every client will have
either net long or net short position.
d) Sum the net position at (b) and (c) above separately for net long and net short
e) Repeat the above steps from (a) to (d) for all other Trading Members of the CM
f) Sum the Trading Member-wise net long and net short positions across at (d)
above. This is the net long and net short positions for the CM.


The following example illustrates the Open Position for Clearing Member A (CM-A), who
clears and settles for Trading Member A (TM-A) and Trading Member B (TM-B). TM-A
has Client #1 and #2 and TM-B has Client #3 and Client #4.



Proprietary Client #1 Client #2 Proprietary Client #3 Client #4




































Given the above trades, the Open Position for the CM-A is computed as follows.
Buy / Long

Sell / Short





4+7 = 11

3298 = 130



1+3 = 4

413 = 17






The above is repeated for all Clearing Members, and the Open Position for each is
derived as above. Consider the following example.
Buy / Long
Securities Cash

Sell / Short
Securities Cash
































The total long position (for securities as well as cash) must be exactly equal to the total
short position (for securities as well as cash). If not, there is an arithmetic mistake in
netting calculations. The total long position must be exactly equal to the total short
position because every trade requires a buyer and a seller so that the market as a whole
has neither net long nor net short position.

Settlement follows clearing and consists of payment of cash versus delivery of securities
after multilateral netting in the clearing. Physical settlement means exchange of cash for
the security. Physical settlement does not mean that every sell trade during contracts
life results in physical delivery. The seller can always close (square up) his position
with an offsetting buy trade, but it must be done before the close of business on the
Last Trading Day (see Sec 5.3). In case of physical delivery, the Open Position at the close
on Last Trading Day must be settled with physical delivery of any of the Deliverable
Securities (see Section 5.7).
Bond futures can be either cash settled or physically settled as per the current
guidelines. However no exchange has physical settlement of Bond Futures available. The
Bond futures that are currently traded are all cash settled. All open positions on the last
trading day of the futures contract shall be marked to the final settlement price for the
relevant futures contract and shall be cash settled. The profit / loss resulting there from
shall be paid to / received from such member in accordance with the laid down
settlement procedures in this regard.
Every Clearing Member must discharge his obligation i.e.:
(i) In case of Physical Settlement: Deliver securities for sell trades and pay cash for buy
trades before he is entitled to receive securities or cash from the counter-party (i.e.,
pay-in before pay-out), and
(ii) In case of Cash Settlement: Settle his cash obligations first before he is entitled to
receive his cash receivables (i.e., pay-in before pay-out).
This is called pay-in first and pay-out later, both occurring on the same day with few
minutes or hours between them. Thus, the settlement is not the delivery-versuspayment (DvP) type practiced for the settlement of government securities which are
settled in the SGL A/c at PDO (see Section 6.1).

6.6 Procedure for Delivery

Currently all Bond Futures are all cash settled, hence the following is only for study and
For the Open Position on the Last Trading Day, the seller must notify the Clearing
Corporation his intention to deliver by 06:00PM on the Last Trading Day (which is two
business days prior to the last business day of Contract Month), which is also called, for
the purpose of settlement, the Day of Intention. The deadline of 06:00 PM is for the
Clearing Member, who may advance this deadline to its Trading Members, who in turn
may further advance it to its Clients.
The Notice of Intent to Deliver must include the details of the Deliverable Bond. Seller
may deliver different Deliverable Bonds, provided each of them is in multiples of
Contract Amount (or market lot), which is Rs 2 lakhs in face value. For example, if the
seller has to deliver two contracts (i.e. total face value of Rs 4 lakhs), he can deliver Rs 2

lakhs of Deliverable Bond A for one contract and another Rs 2 lakhs of Deliverable Bond
B for the other. He cannot deliver Rs 3 lakhs of Deliverable Bond A and Rs 1 lakh of
Deliverable Bond B. In practice, of course, all sellers will be delivering the same
Deliverable Bond, which is the Cheapest-to-Deliver (CTD), as explained in Section 5.7.
If the seller fails to serve the Notice of Intent to Deliver by the stipulated time either for
full Open Position or part of it, the failed quantity will be taken into Auction Settlement
(explained below).
Allocation to Buyer
At the client-level, Clearing Corporation will assign the intentions from the sellers to the
buyers, at the client-level, starting from longest maturity/age. If for a maturity/age, the
total deliveries are less than the total buy quantity, then the allocation is done
Clearing Corporation will finalize and announce the security delivery Open Position at
the Clearing Member level by 08:00PM on the Day of Intention (which is also the Last
Trading Day for the contract).
Delivery Margin
Delivery margin is collected on the Day of Intent (which is the Last Trading Day) after the
intention to deliver and allocations are completed. The margin amount is the VaR
margin computed on the invoice price (which includes the accrued interest and
conversion factor, unlike initial margin that does not include them) plus 5% of the face
value of the security to be delivered. The delivery margin is applicable from the Day of
Intention and released after the settlement is completed, and is collected from both
buyer and seller. The mark-to-market margin is applied on the closing price of the
security that is delivered.
If the seller fails to deliver the notice of Intention to Deliver, the VaR margin is
computed on the invoice price of the costliest security in the basket of Deliverable
Bonds, and the mark-to-market is applied on the price of this security.
Security Settlement
Clearing Corporation will receive and deliver Deliverable Bonds either in SGL Accounts
with PDO or through the demat accounts system of NDSL/CDSL.
Procedure for pay-in of securities through SGL:
On the settlement day, Clearing Member (or its Bank holding CSGL Account)
must transfer the security through the Negotiated Dealing System (NDS)
operated by PDO.
Clearing Corporation will confirm each such transfer in the NDS; and the pay-in
for securities must be completed before 11:00 AM on the settlement day.
For the pay-out, Clearing Corporation will transfer the securities through the
NDS, and the Clearing Member (or its Bank holding CSGL Account) must accept

the transfer in the NDS.

Procedure for pay-in of securities through NSDL/CDSL:
On the settlement day, Clearing Member must transfer the security in its
Settlement Pool Account maintained with a Depository Participant (DP) before
the cut-off time specified by NDSL/CDSL. Clearing Member can use the same
Settlement Pool Account of Capital Market segment for bond futures, too.
For the pay-out, Clearing Corporation will transfer the securities in its Settlement
Pool Account of the Clearing Member.
The timing for pay-in and pay-out are the same as those applicable for Capital
Market segment.
Seller can early pay-in (EPI) the securities before the scheduled pay-in time, which will
help reduce the delivery margin.
Settlement of Cash Leg
Cash is settled through the Clearing Banks in the same account applicable for the
currency derivatives. The timings of pay-in and pay-out are the same as that applicable
for the Capital Market segment.
Auction Settlement
Auction settlement is a special settlement and distinguished from normal settlement.
It applies on two occasions. First, seller fails to notify the Intent to Deliver. Second, there
is a short-delivery of securities on the settlement day (that is, seller notifies the delivery
but fails to deliver the full quantity).
When there is a failure to notify the Intent to Deliver, the auction is conducted on the
first business day after the Day of Intention, and the result of auction is added to the
settlement obligation due on the settlement day (which is one business day after the
auction day).
When there is a short-delivery on the settlement day, the shortage is auctioned on the
same day. This is called buy-in in which the Clearing Corporation initiates (hence
called the Initiator in the buy-in) the auction; and any Trading Member can participate
in the auction as Solicitor. Trading Member can place only sell order and only Limit
Order (see Sec 6.2) in the auction. The price range applicable for the auction market is
plus or minus 5% of the Base Price (explained in Section 7.1); and the Base Price is the
latest price for that security published by Fixed-income and Money Market Derivatives
Association (FIMMDA) and broadcast by the Clearing Corporation. The result of the buyin is settled on the first business day after the auction date. The following shows the
time line for settlement of securities.
Day of Intent (T)

This is also the Last Trading Day, which is two business days prior
to the Settlement Day. Clearing Member must submit the Intent to
Deliver by 06:00 PM; and Clearing Corporation will publish the

Security Delivery Settlement Report by 08:00 PM

Auction for failure to notify the Intent to Deliver. Obligations from
the auction are added to the Security Delivery Settlement Report
published on the Day T
This is the Settlement Day, which is the last business day of the
month and two days after the Day of Intention (T). Pay-in and payout of securities and cash occurs on this day, and buy-in auction is
held for short-deliveries.
This is the first business day following Settlement Day (or third
business day after the Day of Intent) on which the buy-in auction
(held on T + 2) is settled.
In case of auction, the invoice amount for the short-delivery, which is called Valuation
Debit, is debited to the defaulting members account from the Security Delivery
Settlement Report. Further, the defaulting member will pay the sum of following
amounts in cash.
1. Amount at the auction price with accrued interest computed up to auction
settlement day (T+3);
2. The difference between the original invoice amount and the auction amount, if
the latter les less than the former. This ensures that the defaulter will not benefit
from any favourable price change to him between T and T+2 days.
3. A penalty of 2% of the face value of the short-delivery amount, which shall be
passed on to the buyer-client
It is possible that the auction is unsuccessful: that is, there is no seller in the auction for
the short-delivery amount or auction is successful but the seller in auction failed to
deliver the security. In such case, the transaction is financially closed-out by the
Clearing Corporation, as follows.
(1) Unsuccessful auction
The defaulting members account is debited for cash at the original invoice
amount plus a penalty of 5% of the face value of short-delivery amount, which
will be passed on to the original buyer-client.
(2) Auction successful but the seller in auction fails to deliver
The defaulting members account is debited for cash at the invoice amount in
auction plus a penalty of 3% of the face value of short-delivery amount, which
will be passed on to the buyer-client.


Sample Questions
1. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Clearing precedes settlement
b. Settlement precedes settlement
c. Settlement precedes trade
d. None of the above
(Hint: please refer to Section 6.5)
2. Which of the following statements is true for Netting?
a. Proprietary trades are offset
b. Buy and sell trades of the same client are offset
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of the above
(Hint: please refer to Section 6.5)
3. Which of the following statements is true for Netting?
a. Buy and sell trades of the different clients are offset
b. Client trades are offset with proprietary trades
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of the above
(Hint: please refer to Section 6.5)
4. Initial margin is paid by _____________.
a. Buyer alone
b. Seller alone
c. Both buyer and seller
d. None of the above
(Hint: please refer to Section 6.4)
5. Mark-to-market margin is paid by _______________.
a. Buyer
b. Seller
c. Whichever party that have negative value on Open Position
d. None of the above
(Hint: please refer to Section 6.4)


This page has been

intentionally kept blank


Chapter 7: Regulations and Compliance

After studying this chapter, you should know about:

Role of various regulators in interest rate derivatives market

Restrictions on buying and selling of interest rate derivatives by residents

and non-resident investors

Position limits for T-bills and T-bond futures

Role of FIMMDA in fixed income and derivatives markets in India

Accounting standards for derivatives contracts

7.1 Role of Various Regulators

Like currency derivatives, interest rate derivatives are jointly regulated by Reserve Bank
of India (RBI) and Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). Within the statutory
regulations of RBI and SEBI, the Exchanges and Clearing Corporations will frame the
operational rules and procedures under their bye-laws. In addition to these, there are
rules and procedures governed by various statutes and administered by specified
bodies, including the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). The following
shows the summary of statutory regulations and operational rules.





Act All dealings in government securities

Reserve Bank of India Act All dealings

1934; and Banking Regulation entities
Act 1949




Contract All exchange-traded contracts
(Regulation) Act 1956; and
SEBI Act 1992


Bye-laws of the Exchange

Operational rules and procedures for


Depositories Depositories Act 1996


Demat accounts

Chartered Accounts Act 1949; Accounting and disclosure on use of

and Companies Act 1956
derivatives by corporations

RBIs role in regulation of government securities is primary and fundamental and covers
all activities while that of SEBI is limited to the Exchange-traded contracts on them.


Anything related to the government securities, both in primary and secondary market, is
primarily regulated by RBI. In addition, RBI regulates the investment in debt securities
by foreign institutional investors.
Product: The product features, deliverable bonds and settlement method are jointly
defined by RBI and SEBI.
CSGL Account: Under the Government Securities Act 2006, the following entities are
allowed to open Constituent Subsidiary General Ledger (CSGL) Account (see Sec 6.1)
with Public Debt Office (PDO), RBI on behalf of their constituents, who maintain Gilt
Scheduled commercial banks
Primary dealers
Scheduled urban cooperative banks that satisfy the following three criteria: (a)
minimum net worth of Rs 200 Cr; (b) minimum capital to risk-adjusted asset ratio
(CRAR) of 10%; and (c) belong to the States that have signed MOU with the RBI
Scheduled state cooperative banks that have a minimum net worth of Rs 100 Cr
Two depositories in India (namely, NSDL and CDSL)
Clearing Corporation of India Ltd (CCIL) and other Clearing Corporations notified
by RBI
Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd (SHIL)
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)
The CSGL Account Holder must ensure the following:
The Know Your Customer norms are applied to the Gilt Account Holder (GAH)
GAH is entitled to hold government securities under the General Loan
Notification and specific loan notification issued by RBI
GAH maintains only one Gilt Account. A suitable declaration to this effect must
be obtained from the GAH before the account is opened. However, GAH may
open an additional depository account with the depositories.
Every debit in Gilt Account would require authorization from GAH, and the right
to set off cannot be applied in the Gilt Account.
Prior permission of RBI is required for the following value-free-transfer (VFT): (a)
transfer to own account with depositories; (b) transfer for margining purposes;
(c) transfer of Gilt Account from one CSGL holder to another
Restrictions on resident and non-resident investors: as specified in Sec 7.2.
Within the broad regulatory framework specified by RBI, SEBI will further specify the
regulations governing the Exchange-traded interest rate futures, as follows.
Membership Eligibility

There is no separate membership facility for interest rate futures, and membership in
the Currency Derivatives Segment of Futures & Options will automatically enable trading
in interest rate futures. The minimum net worth as of the latest balance sheet should be
Rs 1 Cr for Trading Member (TM) and Rs 10 Cr for Clearing Member (CM).
Product Features: as specified in Unit 5
Position Limits: as specified in Sec 7.3
Margining and risk management: as specified in Sec 6.4 and 6.5.
Surveillance and Disclosure: The Exchange and Clearing Corporation will conduct the
back-testing for the effectiveness of margining method twice in a year and communicate
the results to SEBI.
Exchange and Clearing Corporation
Within the regulatory framework specified by SEBI, the Exchange and Clearing
Corporation will specify the detailed rules and procedures for trading, clearing,
settlement (including auction settlement) and risk management. They are described in
Unit 6.
It may be noted that Exchange may further tighten but cannot dilute the scope of SEBI
Regulations. The following examples illustrate the tightening of regulations by
Exchange/Clearing Corporation.
Number of contracts and their maturity: Regulations allow a maximum of four
contracts with the longest expiry date up to a year, but Exchange may list only
one or two contracts for the nearest Expiry dates, depending on the liquidity.
Delivery Period for Settlement: Regulations allow that delivery can be made on
any business day during the Contract Month with prior notice of two business
days, but Exchange may restrict the delivery to the last business day.
Margining: Regulations may specify a minimum amount of, say, Rs 100, but the
Clearing Corporation may specify more than Rs 100.
Exchange will also specify Base Price, Price Range and Quantity Freeze. Base price is the
price that is used to compute the price range for the opening trade on any trading day.
The base price is calculated by Exchange differently for the first day of contracts life (i.e.
when it is introduced newly) and for subsequent days in its life, as follows.
For the first day of contracts life: theoretical futures price computed according to
the model specified by the Exchange.
For subsequent days during contracts life: the daily settlement price of the
previous trading day.
Price Range is specified as plus or minus the specified percentage of Base Price, rounded
to the nearest tick size, within which the opening price must trade. For example, if the
base price for the trading day is 103.0000 and the price range is 3% of the base price,
then the opening price range (after rounding to the nearest 0.0025) will be:

Lower bound:

103.0000 / 1.03

= 100.0000

Upper bound:

103.0000 1.03

= 106.0900

In other words, the opening price must fall within the Price Range of 100.0000 and
For bond futures contracts (on 6-year, 10-year and 13-years), Stock Exchanges sets an
initial price band of 3% of the previous closing price thus preventing acceptance of
orders for execution that are placed beyond the set band. Whenever a trade in any
contract is executed at the highest/lowest price of the band, Exchange may expand the
price band for that contract by 0.5% in that direction after 30 minutes after taking into
account market trend. However, not more than 2 such expansions in the price band are
allowed in a day.
Quantity freeze is not a limit on the trade size (or limit on the outstanding trades, which
is called Position Limit and explained below). Like Price Freeze, it is a check to ensure
that the order entry is not erroneous. The Exchange will specify the Quantity Freeze,
and any order input with quantity higher than the Quantity Freeze will not be executed
automatically unless the Trading Member separately confirms to the Exchange that the
order is genuine and without errors. The Quantity Freeze limit is periodically revised by
the Exchange, depending on the liquidity in the contract. The current limits on Base
Price, Price Range and Quantity Freeze for IRF contracts are as follows:
Parameter 91-day T-Bill
10-year Bond
6-year Bond
13-year Bond
7,001 lots or 1,251 lots or 1,251 lots or 1,251 lots or
Base Price

Theoretical price
on the first day
of the contract;
daily settlement
price of the
previous day for

Theoretical price
on the first day
of the contract;
daily settlement
price of the
previous day for

Theoretical price
on the first day
of the contract;
daily settlement
price of the
previous day for

Theoretical price
on the first day
of the contract;
daily settlement
price of the
previous day for


Plus or minus Plus or minus Plus or minus Plus or minus

1% of the base 3% of the base 3% of the base 3% of the base

Fixed-income and Money Market Derivatives Association (FIMMDA)

FIMMDA is a self-regulatory organization for cash and derivatives markets in money and
bond instruments. It publishes yield curve for bonds, which is used by Clearing
Corporation to update the SPAN margining risk parameters. It also publishes the cash
market prices for various bonds, which are used in calculation of theoretical prices to
determine Base Price and Daily Settlement Price.


7.2 Restrictions on Resident and Non-Resident Investors

Under the current regulations of the RBI, the following are the regulations on buying
and selling of T Bill and T Bond futures.
Residents non-supervised entities
Residents (as defined in Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999) are allowed to freely
buy or sell interest rate futures for hedging and speculation.
Residents supervised entities
RBI-supervised entities (i.e. banks, primary dealers and urban and state cooperative
banks) should obtain prior permission from the RBI to deal in interest rate futures; and
naked short-sale is allowed only for banks and primary dealers. Entities such as Mutual
Funds, Insurance Companies, Housing Finance Companies, NBFCs who are supervised by
other regulators (e.g. SEBI, Insurance Regulation and Development Authority, etc.)
should similarly obtain prior permission of the concerned regulator.
Non-residents and Foreign Institutional Investors (FII)
The following exposure limits will apply to FIIs registered with SEBI
Purchase/Long Position: total position in cash and interest rate futures should
not exceed the limit specified for investment in government securities
Sold/Short Position: short position can be maintained only for hedging (and not
for speculation) and the gross short position should not exceed the total long
position in government securities in cash and interest rate futures

7.3 Limits on Open Interest

Position Limit is the limit on an investors share in the total open interest. Under the
current regulations of SEBI, the following are the position limits for both T Bill and T
Bond futures. The limits are set as a percentage of gross open positions across all
91-day bill
10-year bond
6-year bond
13-year bond
Client /
6% of total
3% of total open 3% of total open 3% of total open
Category III
open interest or interest in the
interest in the
interest in the
FPI / Scheme Rs 300 Cr,
of Mutual
whichever is
maturity bucket
maturity bucket
maturity bucket
Fund Level* higher
or Rs 200 Crore, or Rs 200 Crore, or Rs 200 Crore,
whichever is
whichever is
whichever is
15% of total
10% of total
10% of total
10% of total
Member /
open interest or open interest in
open interest in
open interest in
Category I & Rs 1,000
the respective
the respective
the respective
maturity bucket
maturity bucket
maturity bucket
Mutual Fund whichever is
or Rs 600 Crore, or Rs 600 Crore, or Rs 600 Crore,
/ Insurance
whichever is
whichever is
whichever is

Companies /
Funds Level*
No separate
No separate
No separate
No separate
member level position limit
position limit is
position limit is
position limit is
is prescribed
25% of the
25% of the
25% of the
25% of the
outstanding of
outstanding of
outstanding of
underlying bond underlying bond underlying bond
* Additional restriction for FPIs: The total gross short (sold) position of each FPI in IRF
shall not exceed its long position in the government securities and in Interest Rate
Futures, at any point in time. The total gross long (bought) position in cash and IRF
markets taken together for all FPIs shall not exceed the aggregate permissible limit for
investment in government securities for FPIs.

7.4 Regulatory Reporting

For the RBI-supervised entities, the following reporting applies.
CSGL Holder

To Periodicity
RBI Weekly

Transactions between its constituents; and between
itself and its constituents
CSGL Holder RBI Quarterly
Constituent-wise holdings
RBI Half-yearly Total turnover in interest rate futures separately for
purchases and sales
RBI Monthly
Activity during the month; outstanding positions at
month-end; hedges that are highly effective and
For banks and all-India financial institutions, the following reports are to be submitted
to the RBI at monthly intervals.
1. Outstanding futures positions and share in open interest
2. Activity during the month (opening notional, notional traded, notional reversed,
and notional outstanding)
3. Analysis of effective hedges
4. Analysis of NOT effective hedges
In addition, the following disclosures must be made as part of the notes on accounts to
the balance sheet.
1. Notional amount of futures traded during the year (instrument-wise)
2. Notional amount of futures outstanding on balance sheet date (instrument-wise)
3. Notional amount of futures outstanding and not effective for hedge (instrumentwise)
4. MTM vale of futures outstanding and not effective for hedge (instrument-wise)

7.5 Role of FIMMDA in Fixed Income and Derivatives Markets in India

The Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India (FIMMDA) is an
association of Scheduled Commercial Banks, Financial Institutions, Primary Dealers and
Insurance Companies. FIMMDA is a voluntary market body for the bond, money and
derivatives markets. FIMMDA has members representing all major institutional
segments of the market. The membership includes Nationalized Banks, Private sector
banks, Foreign Banks, Financial institutions, Insurance Companies and all Primary
As an industry association, FIMMDA addresses issues that affect the entire industry and
is engaged in the development of Fixed Income and Derivatives market in India.
FIMMDA performs the following roles:
Functions as the principal interface with Regulators
Mandated by the Reserve Bank of India for valuation of Government Bonds,
Corporate Bonds and Securitized Papers for valuation of investment portfolios of
Banks and Primary Dealers
Undertakes developmental activities such as introduction of benchmarks and new
Suggests Legal and Regulatory framework for the development of new products
Training and Development Support to the Debt & Derivatives Market
Standardisation of market practices
One of the main objectives of FIMMDA is to recommend and implement healthy
business practices, ethical code of conduct, standard principles and practices to be
followed by the members in their dealing of securities. For this, FIMMDA has prepared a
handbook (FIMMDA Handbook of Market Practices) which can be accessed on
FIMMDAs website (
FIMMDA has also prepared a code of conduct (FIMMDA Code of Conduct for
Derivatives Transactions) in respect of derivative transactions particularly those
involving end users to ensure a minimum common standard of market practices. This
code of conduct lays out guidelines to be followed by all FIMMDA members and other
market participants while undertaking derivatives transactions. These guidelines would
broadly address issues relating to (a) Suitability and Appropriateness standards and
procedures, (b) standards for reasonability of rates, (c) guidelines to avoid transactions
that could result in acceleration/deferment of gains or losses and (d) guidelines for
introduction of new products in the market.

7.6 Accounting
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is a statutory body to define the
accounting, presentation and disclosures by corporations. Its accounting Standard, AS
30, specifies the accounting for all derivative transactions. The summary of derivatives
accounting treatment is as follows:


All derivative transactions must be brought into the balance sheet though they
are to be settled after the balance sheet date

The value of derivative in the balance sheet is its fair value, which is its current
mark-to-market (or liquidation) value, and not its notional amount. For example,
if the notional is Rs 10 Cr and the mark-to-market value is Rs 2 lakhs, then the
derivative would be accounted for in the balance sheet at Rs 2 lakhs.

The fair value will be taken to the Profit/Loss Account except for transactions
qualifying as Hedging Transactions

Hedging Transactions are those that eliminate the interest rate risk in the asset
or liability or highly forecast transaction. To be qualified as a hedging
transaction, it must pass the hedge effectiveness test, which is test to prove that
the derivative will effectively offset the profit/loss in the underlying hedged item
within the limit of 80 125%. The hedge effectiveness test must be passed at the
beginning of hedge (prospective test) and during the life of the derivative
contract, based on the past changes in the price/value of hedging item and
hedging derivative (retrospective test). The profit/loss on the underlying
hedged item and hedging derivative must be taken together into the Profit/Loss
Account. If the underlying hedged item is a highly forecast transaction, its
profit/loss will not be accounted in balance sheet. In such cases, the profit/loss
on the hedging derivative need not be taken to Profit/Loss Account but stored in
a separate account under Equity, which will be taken into Profit/Loss Account
when the forecast transaction materializes. This facility is provided to avoid
volatility in earnings caused by realized profit/loss in hedging derivative and
unrealized profit/loss on the forecast transaction. This is called hedge
accounting. If the hedge effectiveness test is failed, the hedge account has to be
discontinued, and the profit/loss on the hedging derivative will have to be taken
into Profit/Loss Account.

For the RBI-supervised entities, RBI has restricted the scope hedge accounting as below:
Hedged item can be only government security that is categorized in either
Available-for-Sale (AFS) or Held-for-Trading (HFT). It cannot be any other security
or in other category.

If the hedge effectiveness test is passed, the changes in the value of hedged item
and hedging instrument can be offset. If the net amount is loss, it should be
taken into Profit/Loss Account; and if it is profit, it should be ignored.

If the hedge effectiveness test is not passed, the setoff between hedged item
and hedging instrument is not allowed. The hedged item must be marked to the
market, as per the norms applicable to the category (i.e. AFS or HFT), and the
hedging derivative should be marked to the market on a daily basis with losses
provided for and gains ignored for the purpose of Profit/Loss Account.

Gains from close-out or settlement of derivative cannot be taken into Profit/Loss

Account but carried forward under Other Liability and is to be used for meeting
depreciation provisions on the investment portfolio.

Sample Questions
1. The regulator for the primary market of government securities is _________.
a. Reserve Bank of India
b. Securities and Exchange Board of India
c. Government of India
d. Stock Exchanges
(Hint: please refer to Section 7.1)
2. The regulator for the secondary market of government securities is _________.
a. Reserve Bank of India
b. Securities and Exchange Board of India
c. Government of India
d. Stock Exchanges
(Hint: please refer to Section 7.1)
3. The regulator for the Exchange-traded interest rate derivatives is __________.
a. Reserve Bank of India
b. Securities and Exchange Board of India
c. Clearing Corporation
d. Stock Exchanges
(Hint: please refer to Section 7.1)
4. Which of the following category of market participants can use interest rate
a. Mutual funds
b. Foreign institutional investors
c. Retail investors
d. All of the above
(Hint: please refer to Section 7.1)
5. Which of the following category of market participants can short-sell bond futures?
a. Mutual funds
b. Foreign institutional investors
c. Retail investors
d. All of the above
(Hint: please refer to Section 7.2)


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Chapter 8: Trading and Hedging

After studying this chapter, you should know about:

Trading strategies with T-Bills and T-Bond futures

Hedging strategies and adjustment to portfolio modified duration

Basis risk, yield curve spread risk and market liquidity risk

8.1 Trading Strategies

Trading is taking market risk (or speculation). Market risk in bond consists of credit risk
and interest rate risk with the latter arising in two forms: price risk and reinvestment
risk (see Sec 3.4 and 4.1). T Bill and T Bond are issued by a sovereign government and
therefore there is no credit risk. In the cash market, T Bill has no reinvestment risk
because it is a zero-coupon instrument but T Bond has reinvestment risk. However, in
the futures market, both T Bill and T Bond futures have no reinvestment risk because
the time to expiry is a maximum of one year during which the effect of reinvestment risk
(for T Bond futures) is negligible.
To sum up, what we trade with T Bill and T Bond futures is the price risk component of
interest rate risk. The relationship between changes in interest rate and the price of
rate-sensitive instruments is inversely proportional. That is, of the rate goes up, the
price of rate-sensitive instrument goes down, and vice versa.
For trading, we must decide three parameters: (1) instrument; (2) market size; and (3)
Contract Month.
Instrument (i.e. T Bill or T Bond futures) will depend on the tenor of interest rate we
want to trade. T Bill price is determined by short-term rate of three months (because
the underlying has a maturity of 91 days) and T Bond price is determined by long term
rate of 10 years (because the underlying is a 10Y bond).
Market side (i.e. buy or sell futures contract) will depend on our expectation about the
direction of rate change in future. If we expect the rate to go up in future, then the
instrument price will fall in future, implying that we should sell futures contract now and
subsequently buy it later when its price falls. Similarly, if we expect the rate to go down
in future, then the instrument price will rise in future, implying that we should buy
futures contract now and subsequently sell it later when its price rises.
Contract Month will depend on the timing of expected rate change. If we expect the
rate change to occur in one month, we should chose a contract that expires in one
month; if we expect the rate change to occur in three months, we should choose a
contract that expires in three months; and so on. The following summarizes the
selection of these parameters.





Linked to tenor of rate being traded

For 3M rate, use T Bill futures;
For 10Y rate, use 10Y T Bond futures

Market side

Linked to expected change in the direction of rate

For up move in rate, sell futures; for down move in rate, buy futures


Linked to when we expect the change in rate to occur

The timing of expected change in rate should be the same as
Contract Month of futures

Example 1
We are in January and the current 3-month interest rate is 5% so that current price of 3month T Bill will be 98.75. If we expect the 3-month rate to go up to 5.15% by end of
March, the expected price of 3-month T Bill at the discount rate of 5.15% will be
Accordingly, we should sell March T Bill futures now and square it during March when
the price is expected to fall to about 98.7125, realizing a profit of 0.0375 per 100 face
value. Given that one contract is for 200,000 notional, the profit on one contract will be:
200,000 (0.0375/100) = 75.
Example 2
We are in March and the current 10Y interest rate is 6.75% so that current price of 7%
10Y T Bond will be 101.7975. If we expect the 10Y rate to go down to 6.50% by end of
December, the expected price of 7% 10Y T Bond at the yield-to-maturity of 6.50% will be
Accordingly, we should buy December T Bond futures now and square it during
December when the price is expected to fall to about 103.6350, realizing a profit of
1.8375 per 100 face value. Given that one contract is for 200,000 notional, the profit on
one contract will be:
200,000 (1.8375/100) = 3,675.
NOTE: the prices in the above example are for cash market prices. The futures prices will
be slightly different from the above on trade date but the prices on settlement date will
be the same as above since the futures price and cash price will converge on the
settlement date.

8.2 Hedging Strategies

Hedging is the opposite of trading: eliminating the existing price risk. It is important to
note that risk is defined as the uncertainty about the future cash flows. If the futures
cash flows are fixed and known (in terms of their size and timing) at the outset, there is
no risk. If you have taken a fixed-rate loan, there is no risk because you know in advance
how much you will have to pay in future. On the other hand, if you have taken a

floating-rate loan, there is risk because you do know in advance how much you will have
to pay in future for the interest. Thus, converting a floating-rate loan into a fixed-rate
loan is hedging; and converting fixed-rate loan into floating-rate loan (in the expectation
that the rate in future will be lower) is speculation/trading.
To understand the application of hedging with bond futures, we must recall the concept
of Modified Duration and other risk measures explained in Section 3.4. Let us recall the
following definitions.
Modified Duration (MD): it is a dimensionless number that tells us the percentage
change in bonds price caused by a given change in the yield. For example, if MD is 5.5
for a bond, then it implies that if the yield changes by Z%, the percentage change in
bond price is 5.5 Z%.
Rupee Duration (RD): it is the absolute change in the total market value of bond for a
given change in the yield. For example, if MD is 5.5 for a bond, change in the yield is Z%,
market price is P and the face value quantity is Q, then RD is:
Q (P / 100) 5.5 Z%
Price Value of a Basis Point (PVBP): it is the same as RD except that the change in yield is
considered at one basis point (or 0.01%).
Q (P / 100) 5.5 0.01%
To hedge a bond or bond portfolio in futures market, we must match the PVBP of both
bond position and the futures position in an offsetting manner: gain on one will be
offset by the loss on the other. Bond futures derives its Modified Duration or PVBP from
the underlying Cheapest-to-delivery (CTD) bond (see Sec 5.7) it tracks and the link
between the PVBP of bond futures and that of CTD bond is the Conversion Factor (CF).
The relation between equivalent prices in cash and futures market is
Adjusted futures price (or equivalent cash price) = Futures Price CF
Adjusted cash price (or equivalent futures) price = Cash Price / CF
Accordingly, the PVBP (or MD) of futures contract is
Futures PVBP or MD (per contract) =
Cash PVBP or MD of CTD bond per futures contract / CF
Buying futures will add to the portfolio MD and selling it will reduce it. The number of
futures contracts to be bought or sold for adjustment of portfolio MD will be computed
as follows. Let
PVBPC = Current price value of basis point (PVBP) of the cash portfolio
PVBPF = price value of basis point (PVBP) per futures contract

= Current portfolio MD


= Target portfolio MD

To match the sensitivity of the portfolio, the number of futures contract on the opposite
market side must therefore be
Since the portfolio sensitivity is to be changed from MDC to MDT, their ratio would be
the scaling factor and the number of futures contract required would be
Example on hedging
We have a bond portfolio whose current market value is Rs 5.74 Cr and its Modified
Duration is 6.28. How will you hedge this portfolio against interest rate risk?
Step #1: Determine the PVBP of cash position (PVBPC)
PVBPC = 5,74,00,000 6.28 0.01% = 36,047.20
Thus, if the yield changes by one basis point, the market value will change by Rs
Step #2: Determine the PVBP of one futures contract (PVBPF)
The futures price is currently 95.2375 and the CTD bond that is currently tracked by
futures contract has a MD of 7.62 and current market price of 104.6523. The Conversion
Factor for this CTD bond is 1.0949. Since the contract amount is Rs 200,000 for futures,
the futures PVBP per contract is
PVBPF = 200,000 (104.6523/100) 7.62 0.01% / 1.0949 = 145.67
Step #3: Determine the number of futures contracts required for hedge
Number of futures contracts = 36,047.20 / 145.67 = 247.46
Rounding of the nearest integer, the number of futures contracts will be 247. Since we
are long on cash bonds, to hedge the interest rate risk, we must sell 247 futures contract
so that profit (or loss) on cash will be offset by the loss (or profit) in the futures
Adjustment of Modified Duration for a bond portfolio
In some cases, we do not want to hedge but keep the Modified Duration of bond
investment portfolio at a desired target level. We will use the same example as in the
previous section. The aim now is to reduce the risk of bond portfolio from MD of 6.28 to
MD of 3.5. How many futures contracts should we sell to reduce the MD to the desired
target of 3.5?
We have already computed the PVBPC and PVBPF to be 36,047.20 and 145.67,
respectively. Given that the current MD is 6.28 and the desired MD is 3.5, the scaling
factor for this adjustment is 3.5/6.28. Therefore, the number of futures contracts
required for this adjustment is
(36,047.20 / 145.67) (3.5 / 6.28 1)

= 109.54 110.

If the sign is positive, we need to buy the required number of futures contracts; and if it
is negative, we need to sell them. Thus, if we sell 110 futures contracts at the current
price of 95.2375 (see the previous section), then the PVBP of the portfolio will be such
that it corresponds to the target MD of 3.5. Note that this would work only when there
is a parallel shift in the yield curve.
In adjusting the portfolio MD, if we expect parallel shift (i.e. change in the rate level
without change in the slope) in the term structure, we may use a single futures contract
on the underlying of any maturity. For example, we can use futures on 2Y-maturity
underlying, 10Y-maturity underlying, etc. However, if we expect steepening or flattening
(i.e. change in the slope or shape) in term structure, we should use multiple futures on
underlying bonds with different maturity, corresponding to the key points in the curve.
For example, if the key maturity points are 2Y, 5Y and 10Y, then we must use three
different futures contracts whose underlying has maturity of 2Y, 5Y and 10Y. For each of
the maturity bucket, the number of futures contracts to be bought or sold is given by
the formula above. The strategy of multiple-maturity futures overlay corresponds to the
gap analysis for duration-balancing in the cash market.

8.3 Basis Risk, Yield Curve Spread Risk and Market Liquidity Risk
Hedging with futures cannot eliminate the price risk completely, but reduces it and
transforms it into less serious basis risk.
Basis risk
Basis risk arises from standardization of futures contract for amount and expiry date.
Since futures contract can be bought or sold only in multiples of 200,000 notional, any
amount that needs to be hedged but is not a multiple of contract amount leaves a
mismatch between exposure amount and hedged amount. For example, you need to
hedge an exposure of 900,000, which requires the futures contracts of
900,000 / 200,000 = 4.5.
Since we can buy or sell only in integral multiples, we need to buy or sell either four or
five contracts. The former leads to under-hedging and the latter, to over-hedging.
Second, the futures contract expires on the last business day of contract month. If the
exposure to be hedged has maturity of some other day in the month, there will be
mismatch in the maturity. For example, the exposure has a maturity of November 15,
and the futures contracts are available for March, June, September and December, all of
which expire on the last business day of their months. The nearest futures contract
suitable to the hedge is December contract. On the due date of exposure, which is
November 15, we square up the December futures contract.
The discrepancy in the amount and maturity of exposure and the futures contract leaves
a residual risk called basis risk. There is a third source of basis risk, which is the
differential price change in the exposure and futures contract. If the exposure changes
in value by, say, 1%, the futures contract may change by 0.9% (or 1.1%). The difference
in the price changes leads to third source of basis risk.

Yield curve spread risk

Yield curve spread risk arises when the term structure shifts are not parallel (see Sec
2.5) but steepening or flattening. For example, the 10Y rate may change by 0.25% but
the 15Y rate may change only by 0.15%. This poses problem when the tenor of exposure
to be hedged is different from the tenor of futures contract.
For example, you have a 20Y floating rate housing loan with yearly interest rate resets.
To hedge the interest rate risk and avoid the uncertainty about future interest
payments, you will sell the futures contract. If the interest rate goes up, your interest
payment on the loan goes up but you gain on the futures contract because its price
would have fallen when the rate has gone up. There is a problem in tenor of rate in the
loan and the futures hedge. Though the loan is for 20 years, the reset is yearly, implying
that the rate you are paying in the loan has a tenor of 1Y. The futures contract you sold
has a tenor of 3M (if it is T Bill futures) or 10Y (if it is 10Y T Bond). The change in 1Y rate
and 3M (or 10Y) rate may not be same, which is the yield curve risk.
In practice, the futures hedge is simultaneously exposed to both basis risk and yield
curve spread risk. Yield curve risk is the differential movements in the rates of different
tenor; and basis risk is the differential movement in the loan rate and futures contract
price. The loan rate is typically linked to the lending banks prime rate, which may not
move in tandem with the market rate implies in the futures contract.
Market liquidity risk
Market liquidity risk is the inability to quickly buy or sell futures contract without
disturbing the futures price. If there is no market liquidity, the futures price is de-linked
from the price of cash markets, and determined by demand-supply in futures market
and liable for squeeze. It will be dangerous to trade in market that has no market


Sample questions
1. Which of the following risks can be hedged with T Bill and T Bond futures?
a. Credit risk
b. Price risk
c. Reinvestment risk
d. All of the above
(Hint: please refer to Section 8.1)
2. For hedging or speculation, which of the following features of futures contract will
be relevant?
a. Underlying for the futures
b. Contract Month
c. Market side
d. All of the above
(Hint: please refer to Section 8.1)
3. If you expect the interest rate will go up in future, today you should _________.
a. Sell futures
b. Buy futures
c. Either (a) or (b)
d. None of the above
(Hint: please refer to Section 8.1)
4. Basis risk arises from _____________.
a. Mismatch between the amount of exposure and futures notional
b. Mismatch between the maturity/expiry of exposure and futures contract
c. Differential price changes in the exposure and futures contract
d. All of the above
(Hint: please refer to Section 8.3)
5. Futures contracts can be used to modify the exposure portfolios Modified Duration
in the following way/s: ______________.
a. To increase portfolios Modified Duration
b. To decrease portfolios Modified Duration
c. Either (a) or (b)
d. None of the above
(Hint: please refer to Section 8.2)


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