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Angeles v.

Director of New Bilibid

Petitioner was charged with, and convicted of, selling and delivering 0.13 grams of
shabu, in violation of Section 15,2 Article III, of the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972
(R.A. No. 6425)
TC convicting accused; affirmed by SC.
Petitioner to suffer the penalty of life imprisonment and to pay a fine of P20,000.00.
Petitioner now filed petition for habeas corpus,
(a) R.A. No. 7659, has reduced the penalties prescribed under the original
provision of the Dangerous Drugs Act
only prision correccional.
(b) Ruling in People vs. Simon, which has confirmed the retroactive application
of RA 7659.
W/N writ of habeas corpus is proper - No.
Premature. Petitioner has only served the minimum of his sentence
If at all, qualified, he may only be released on parole pursuant to Section 5 of the
Indeterminate Sentence Law
Further, Court had the occasion to express concern over the plight of persons
convicted of said offence, who by virtue of of effectivity of RA 7659, could be entitled
to parole for having served their minimum sentences, or who may be due for release
from confinement after having served their maximum sentences
Court said that All courts of competent jurisdiction may entertain petitions for
habeas corpus to consider the release of prisoners convicted for violation of the
Dangerous Drugs Act who have served the maximum of the applicable penalties
newly prescribed by RA 7659.
That the formalities required for petitions for habeas corpus shall be construed
liberally, and such petitions, although de cient in form (e.g. in letter- petition
forms), may be entertained so long as they are suf cient in substance

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