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Events Leading to Civil War Timeline

1820-Missouri Compromise:The missouri

compromise was an agreement brought up by Henry
Clay. This allowed Missouri to enter the union as a slave
state, and Maine as a free state. The compromise also
made a line across the territory, dividing the Louisiana
territory into two parts. Land north of the Louisiana
territory were free states.

The Compromise-1850:This
compromise abolished slave trade in
Washington D.C. This compromise also
altered changes in the Fugitive slave act.

1852-Uncle Toms Cabin:Harriet Beecher

Stowe wrote Uncle Toms Cabin to show slavery as
a cruel and brutal system. When she had published
her book in 1852, it quickly became a sensation. First
year she sold 300,000 copies. Her book was banned
in the South and many slaveholders said the book
was unfair.

Republican Party Forming-1854:In 1854,

Antislavery believers Whigs, and Democrats joined forces
with free-soilers. The purpose of the formation of the
Republican party was for the government. The government
was to ban the spread of slavery in the new territories.

1854-Kansas Nebraska Act:The

Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed by Congress
on May 30. This act stated any people in the
territory of Kansas or nebraska can decide
amongst themselves if slavery was allowed.
This action is also known as popular sovertiy

Bleeding Kansas-1855:When John Brown, a

fervent abolitionist, went crazy when he heard about the
attacks on Lawrence. John Brown, his four sons, and two
other men killed 5 pro-slavery supporters. There had been a
small war but there was a total of 200 deaths. The
newspaper called it Bleeding Kansas. For his actions, John
Brown was hung.

1857-Dred Scott Decision:Dred Scott is a slave and was bought by a

doctor. He was bought in a slave state, Missouri. Scott had gone to different
places but when he got back to missouri, the doctor died. In 1846, Scott sued
for his freedom, the reason for this is because he proves that he was once
living on free soil. 11 years later it met the supreme court, the Chief Justice
said that Scott was still a slave. Scott wasnt a citizen so he couldnt bring a
lawsuit. The 5th amendment protected property so the constitution protected

Harpers Ferry- 1859:On October 16, John Brown led 18 men

on a raid to Harpers Ferry, Virginia. The target in this raid was on an
arsenal, which was a storage for weapons. This raid was financed by
abolitionist from the North. This act was intended to be the first
step in a plan that would free slaves in the mountains of Maryland and

1860-Lincolns Election:In this election

Lincoln, won all of the Northern states. He got
180 out of 303. Lincoln won with 39% of the
votes. They didnt put Lincoln on the ballot for
some Southern states. If the 2 republican parties
were put together, they could have won the

South Carolina Secedes-1860:Lincoln won the

northern election, not the south. Lincoln didnt believe
slavery was congruent. On December 20, South Carolina
voted to secede. After they left, people still wanted to
keep the union. On February 1861, Texas, Louisiana,
Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, and Georgia agreed with
South Carolina and seceded as well.

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