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Training Plan Format


Date: 9th May

Number in Group:

Venue: Sacre Coeur Centre




TYPE OF TRAINING: Interval Training
1. maintaining fitness
2. working on accuracy when fatigued (like towards the end of a game)
3. Work on general team communication
Markers, Netballs, Netball Hoops, Singlets

2 slow laps of the netball court
Stretches from side line to middle of court: Lunges, sumo squats, high knees,
butt kicks, arm swings (feet planted, swing arms around one side, back to the
other, etc), arm circles (starting off small and getting larger), triceps stretch.
Up and Back Drill
(3 sets of 1 minute intervals. The sprinter becomes the passer after the
first minute, providing them with a rest period).
Attack Move Drill
(3 sets of 2 minute intervals, 1 minute rest between)
Passing Drill
(3 sets of 5 minute intervals, 2-3 minute rest between)

Pass Follow Drill

(3 sets of 5 minute intervals, 2-3 minute rest between)

Cool Down
Static stretches

Up and Back Drill: done in pairs, one player stands on the baseline with
the ball, with the other approx. 4 metres away. This person sprints to the
baseline and taps the ball. Once this has occurred the person with the ball
throws it over the sprinters head in an attempt to make them run to catch
the ball on the full. Once caught the ball is passed back to the player on the
line and the process is repeated.
(3 sets of 1 minute intervals. The sprinter becomes the passer after the first
minute, providing them with a rest period).
Attack Move Drill: requires 3 players. One player is stationary holding the
ball. Approx. 5 metres in front are 2 cones 5 metres apart, with the
remaining 2 players another 5 metres away from these cones, making an x
shape. One of the two players is the attacker, and the other is defending.
Starting at the other end of our x shape, the attacker will sprint towards the
player with the ball and suddenly change direction and continue to sprint to
evade the defender, allowing the ball to be passed. Done with high intensity
for 2 minutes, in a set of 3, at the end of this 2 minutes the attacker
becomes the passer, the defender becomes the attacker and the passer
becomes the new defender.
(3 sets of 2 minute intervals, 1 minute rest between)
Passing Drill: 3 cones are put into a triangular shape. Having at least 3
players on each cone helps, but it can be done with 2's or even just different
numbers of players. One person starts with the ball, and they throw it to
either of the two cones, and sprint to the opposite cone. The person who
has just received the ball does the same, continuing the process. This
should be done for 5 minutes at high intensity, with 3 sets, and a break in
between sets of around 2-3 minutes.
Pass Follow Drill: 4 cones in a square approx. 5m x 5m. One player on
each cone. Ball is passed clockwise, the person who passed follows the ball
to the cone, sprints back to the original cone and the ball will have come
around the square by this time and they will receive the ball once again,
repeating the process.
(3 sets of 5 minute intervals, 2-3 minutes break between)

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