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English (Inter) Part-I

Time: One Hour

Marks: 55
Name: --------------------------------------

Q#:1 Tick the correct synonym of underlined word?


Jesss father whiffed the smell of the wild dirt into his nostrils.
(a) Repressed (b) Smelled (c) Liked (d) Showed
(ii) Jess lost his plough in a furrow.
(a) Ditch (b) Valley (c) Feed (d) Barrow
(iii) Jess saw many species of hard and soft-wood trees. Plough
(a) Leaves (b) Branches (c) Types (d) Wrath
(iv) Jess father would do it if he had to craw.
(a) Move fast (b) Creep (c) Beg (d) Slaughter
(v) Jesss father climbed a bluff that rose abruptly.
(a) Dinosaur (b) Sapling (c) Trunk (d) Cliff
(vi) Jesss father climbed a bluff that rose abruptly.
(a) Suddenly (b) Slowly (c) Clumsily (d) Teasing
(vii) Jess stood on the path by holding to a little sapling.
(a) Cliff (b) A young tree (c) Weed (d) Stick
(viii) Jess was dark stalwart plants loaded with green n tomatoes.
(a) Feeble (b) Strange (c) Strong (d) Dry
(ix) Jesss curiosity was aroused.
(a) Temperature (b) Hatred (c) Interest (d) Indignation
(x) The fingers of trees were fondling the substance of clouds.
(a) Showing (b) Hiding (c) Caressing (d) Teasing

Q#:2 Answer any five of the following questions in (3-5) lines?



What had doctor told the old man?

Why did the old man take the steep path?
Why did the old man not follow the advice of the doctor?
What were the names of vegetables the old man grew on his farm?
Why the old man did planted his secret garden?
What were the feelings of the old man at the age of seventy?
Why did the old man take the steep path?
Describe the physical appearance of the old man?

Q#:3 Write a letter to your father about the progress in study?


Q#:4 Write a story on the moral Honesty is the best policy?


Q#:5 Translate the following passage into Urdu?


And something else, Jess he said, motioning form me to follow him to the upper edge of
the clearing, you wont understand until you reach three score and ten! Something goes
back. Something I cannot explain. You go back to the places you knew and loved. See this
steep hill slope. He pointed down from the upper rim of the clearing towards the deep
valley below. You mother and I, when she was nineteen and I was twenty-two cleared this
mountain slope together.

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