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An Overview of The Re-Creation of the Self

by Jon Eisman

The Re-Creation of the Self (R-CS) model of

human dynamics is a comprehensive, synergistic
collection of several more specific models. Each
describes some aspect of human experience,
behavior or interaction. All of these models
operate at the same time - describing, defining,
generating, assisting, conflicting and evolving
each other. They apply to all human situations,
whether you are meditating, tying your shoes or
painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. One
participant in an R-CS training called them an
instruction manual in how to be a human
R-CS begins with the fact that we Incarnate into
separate human form from the unity of the
greater existing whole, which we refer to as the
Divine. Without attempting to define the
Divine precisely, R-CS holds it as being
creative, expansive, and basically loving,
connective and harmonious. By Incarnating, we
move from a diffuse world of wholeness into one
of specifics and duality.
This duality engenders two defining qualities for
us. First, because of the variety of forms that are
present, this is a world organized around
experience: our lives are based on the ongoing
engagement with and perceptions of the
diversity of events. Ultimately this means that
what will determine the quality of our lives is the
quality of experiences that we are having.
Secondly, since we are simultaneously Divine
and yet in human form, we hold impulses to
manifest both of these natures. We have within
us two basic drives: to connect and share (the
Divine Imperative); and, simultaneously, to
separate and maintain boundaries (the Human
As a reservoir for these impulses, we have innate
structures of consciousness, that serve as
headquarters for each: the Jewel, which seeks
only to radiate Divine lovingness and

connection, and the Self, from which we

continuously and
inevitably engage
experiences and relationships. Our perception
of reality is defined by the kind and quality of
experiences we are having. To the degree that
we create our experiences, we can have a
different or better reality by shifting the
experience we are creating.
The most pure and primal form of Self is a
unique-to-each-of-us sense of beingness called
the Organic Self. The Organic Self is the
incarnation of the Divine spirit or consciousness
into human form. It is at once our bridge to the
world of formless spirit, and the most basic and
genuine expression of our humanity. It is who,
on the personal level, we actually are, and also an
impulse towards who we wish to become. We are
born with this Organic Self, and it is our
incarnate mission to manifest this Self fully,
while in harmonious relationships with the world
and others around us.
It is important to note that the Organic Self is
not a fixed entity, not, if you will, a psychological
object. Rather, it is an ongoing, evolving
process of fluid consciousness. That is to say,
the Self is not a thing, like a kidney, but a river of
sustained experiential states.
The Organic Self has an innate sense of values
which guide its manifestation. This intrinsic
information is called Core Knowledge, and
includes such notions as the rightness of
freedom, the assumption that expansion of Self
is a good thing, and an entitlement to
sustenance and pleasure. Core Knowledge is a
built-in Bill of Rights that each of us is born
with. At our most primal level, each of us expects
to live by this knowledge and to be treated
according to its vision.
Although the Organic Self is the essence of who
we truly are, it is immature as an incarnate entity,
and thus must develop over time into a fully

R-CS Overview

human, psychological being, or personality. The

Organic Self is the blueprint from which human
experiences of all kinds build, over time, a
psychological Self, or state of Selfhood. Though
we are all born with Core Knowledge, we must
acquire throughout our lifetimes the wisdom and
empowerment that comes from human
experience and learning. R-CS calls this evolved
state of Selfhood the Big I.
This synthesis of Divine origination, incarnate
spirit, physical form and psychological
development creates both the richness and the
confusion of being human. R-CS invites us to
embody fully all of these realms at once: to be
Divine; to be Divine in human form; to be fully
and solely human; to be fully animal; and to
recognize the elemental physicality of ourselves
and our environment. All of these are true and
equal expressions of ourselves. Each must be
honored on its own terms, and held with
celebration, compassion and respect when
compared to the others.
Because the incarnate world is founded on
experience, the Organic Selfs primary mission
is to recognize and pursue whatever possible
experience might next be most self-relevant
and fulfilling. Moment by moment, then, we
generate an Organic Wish for the next
meaningful (on some level)encounter. Our
purpose is to recognize this Wish, and to
participate in the world so as to accomplish its
goals, whether they be eating lunch or building
an empire. Once accomplished, we then notice
and pursue our next Wish, and so on. In our
complexity, we generate both immediate wishes
(eat, sleep, scratch an itch...) and long term
wishes (raise a child, build a house, learn
piano...). Similar to Maslows description, these
wishes maintain a hierarchy of priority, relative to
the security and manifestation of the Organic
Self. While driving home, if I become overly
tired, my wish for safety will override my desire
to get back sooner, and I will pull into a rest
stop. R-CS would define mental health as the
on-going, unambivalent pursuit of ones Organic
The fuel for accomplishing our Wishes is
Aliveness. Aliveness is the portion of the
infinite, Divine life force that we are each
individually able to channel. When the Organic
Self recognizes its current Wish, holds the

Intention of achieving it, and uses its Aliveness to

Participate according to that Intention, we feel
Empowered and whole.
Invariably, when we feel dissatisfied with our
lives, there is some aberration in either our
channeling of Aliveness, our holding of our
Organically informed Intention, or the way in
which we are Participating to achieve that
Intention (or some combination of these...).
As vehicles for experiencing the world, the
Organic Self has seven bodies: Cognitive;
Sensational; Emotional; Energetic; Spiritual;
Generative; and Erotic. These bodies both
create our experiences and serve as a place for
the experiences to happen. They may be briefly
described as follows:
Cognitive Body:

thinking,knowing, imaging,
wondering, analyzing, etc.

Sensational Body:

all the senses; movement;

physical sensations;
tensions, etc.

Emotional Body:

our feelings and moods

Energetic Body:

the flow of energy; vibes;

Generative Body:

experiences of pure

Erotic Body:

merged and/or expanded

experiences of loving unity
and beauty

Spiritual Body:

experiences of Divine

In addition to various kinds of experiences, the

Organic Self has access to various states of
consciousness. Each State has its own vision of
whats real and how things work. The most
obvious example is our dreaming state compared
to our waking state. Other states of
include meditative states;
emotional immersion states such as blind rage
or unbridled joy; and trance states ( more on
these later...).
Similarly, though the Self remains itself, it also
has the ability to experience any moment from
different perspectives. It can see the world from

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R-CS Overview

the vantage point of I (whats going on with

me); or You (what another is experiencing); or
We (whats going on with both of us at once).
In each of these perspectives we are actually
engaged in a distinct state of consciousness that
views reality through its own filter. This ability to
Locate in different perspectives can happen in
both mature and immature ways. For example,
setting healthy boundaries is a mature
expression of I-consciousness; while selfishness,
being based on feeling somehow deficient,
represents an immature sense of Self, or iconsciousness (noted by the lower case letter i).
Similarly, charity reflects a mature Youconsciousness state, while codependency does
We-consciousness contains within it both I- and
You- Consciousness. In We-consciousness, a
person is able to Locate in both oneself and the
other at the same time while still maintaining
individual boundaries, and is willing to pursue
the Wishes of both simultaneously. This is a
state that brings harmony to relationships, for it
seeks the full manifestation of all parties
involved. Gandhi was in We-consciousness
when he pursued his own wish of national
uncompromisingly refusing to do any harm to
the British.
Although we do have choice about Locating in
space, R-CS holds that we have no choice about
time: it is always Right Now. Granted, we have
the ability to perceive other time zones - to
remember the past or imagine the future.
However, such remembering or imagining
actually takes place in the present. The Self can
only manifest its Wish in the present, and thus
to dwell on any other time (except as a
reference) is actually a betrayal of ourselves.
Of course, rarely does anyone live their life
purely from their Wish. Stuckness happens
when, for a variety of reasons, the Organic Self
gets impassably blocked in its pursuit of its
Wish. The unstoppable force of the Organic
Self meets the immovable objects of limiting
human experiences.
Because the mission of the Self is to manifest
itself, such stalemated situations are painful. If
the stalemate persists or is strong enough - if
the Self is unable to succeed - we experience

ourselves as a failure, and begin to perceive

ourselves as wounded and needing to contract,
rather than feeling whole and wishing to expand.
To resolve this stalemated situation, the Organic
Self (retaining the original ability to fragment
consciousness, as the Divine did when the Self
incarnated) divides its consciousness into various
perceived parts, each holding some aspect of the
perceived reality, and representing some aspect
of the conflict. These fragmented states of
consciousness are held as neural patterns,
creating habitual and limited trance states. R-CS
calls these Self-generated trances Self-states.
Each Self-state, or little i, is a distinct state of
consciousness, and has its own strategic purpose
and agenda, its own vision of reality, and its own
strategically directed wish. Those that represent
our woundedness are called Hurt Selves, while
those that defend against our pain are Strategic
Selves. They generate Hurt and Strategic Wishes
(for example, to wallow in our suffering and to
distract ourselves from our pain). They are still
manifestations of the Organic Self - for at the
core, that is all that exists. However, to resolve
the impossible situation, the Organic Self, able
to shift consciousness, werewolves itself into
these other, more limited Self-states.
These Hurt and Strategic Selves and Wishes,
while originally created to support the Organic
Self in its stuck situation, are by design focused
on a single isolated aspect of being - such as
protection from pain, or insuring that a certain
emotion gets (or doesnt get) expressed.
Appropriating Aliveness to fuel their Wishes,
our Hurt and Strategic Selves function in pursuit
of their own limited, narrowly defined purposes
(to surrender to inadequacy or to prevent
wounding from happening again), usually without
regard for the needs of the rest of the Self. If
reinforced repeatedly, they will, over time,
become habitual expressions of the Self, and will
arise in any situation that is perceived as related,
whether warranted or not. For example, crushing
criticism in our childhood may engender neural
patterns that cause us years later to cringe and
defend whenever someone merely offers
To avoid the stuck experience of pain and
inadequate feelings, the Organic Self will also
similarly create two other self-states. First, it will

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R-CS Overview

contain whatever Wish or Wishes led to the

stuckness by imprisoning that desire. This
Spirit in Exile holds the original Wish, but dares
not let it express itself. At the same time, since
such Wishes are fueled by the need to expand
and be pursued, a fourth self-state, the Survivor,
is also created. The Survivor's purpose is to
insist on the Organic Self being returned to
safety and primacy, regardless of the
consequences. Like the other little is, these
states produce their own agenda and
perceptions of reality.
When any or all of this happens, we experience
ourselves as fragmented. We are unsure how to
live or what to do, because we have so many
viewpoints, each experienced as real. The Self
comes to be ruled by an Inner Committee of
selves, and the overall effect is intermittent
confusion and disharmony. For example, at a
party we may be torn between the excitement of
approaching new people and feeling a shyness
that keeps us aloof.
The Inner Committee typically develops in
childhood, and the Self is created in a way that
feels chaotic. Such chaos can manifest both in
life-defining situations, such as deciding
whether to stay in a relationship, or to take a
career risk; as well as in everyday events like
choosing what to do on Saturday night.
Harmony can be restored within us by reempowering the Organic Self to direct our
functioning. This Re-Creation of the Self
happens through awareness of the limitations in
how the Self has been operating, and by support
for the viability of the Organic Self in its
undivided form as master of the persons Wish
and Aliveness. As with the story of Robin Hood,
only by the return of the true Monarch are the
land and its people restored to a state of wellbeing.
As a method of psychotherapy, R-CS assists the
client in recognizing the presence and inherent
discomfort of all fragmented states, and gently
guiding the client to shift his or her state of
consciousness from fragmented back to
Organic. The experiential content of the
fragmented states (story, thoughts, emotions,
beliefs, etc.) is viewed as a product of those
states - and therefore illusory. Less emphasis is
therefore placed on resolving historical impacts

and their seemingly important psychological

issues, and more focus is directed towards the
instant adjustment of consciousness and the
repatterning of neural pathways. An essential
aspect of this process is the recognition that the
client is innately whole, and that the expansive
consciousness of wholeness is invariably already
present within the client.
This basic contention that empowerment and
harmony result from the honoring of the Organic
Self is the foundation of all R-CS applications.
From parenting to athletic performance, from
marriage counseling to spiritual pursuit, the full
embodiment of the Organic Self in its Bodies
and in synergy with all the other models will
invariably result in the expansion and satisfaction
of the person.
These models (including several others not
described in this brief overview) provide a series
of maps for evaluating the sources of our pain
and conflict, and for returning to our natural
wholeness. In the moment that anyone shifts
from the illusion of a fragmented self into the
full, innate present experience of Organic
embodiment, she or he returns to her or his
natural state, and experiences wholeness. R-CS
sees change happening not primarily by
exploring the content of our fragmented
experiences, but by shifting deliberately into a
preferred state of consciousness, and thus
expansive feeling-state.
As a method of personal growth, R-CS
encourages clients to find and live from their
Organic Selves; to pursue their Wishes; to
embody fully all of their bodies; to choose I and
You and We consciousness appropriately; to live
in the Now; to honor their humanness and Spirit;
and so on. R-CS provides both a map to chart
disharmony, and guidelines for transformation to
As stated before, our human mission in this
world is to manifest fully and continually our
Organic Selves, in the context of the
relationships we form with the world and others.
The separateness of the various parts of the Self
is a mirror for the way in which the Cosmos has
divided itself into infinite parts. As we gradually
re-embody the wholeness of the human Self, we
become a container for - and available to
embrace - our next evolutionary step, the pursuit

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and embodiment of our spiritual beingness

beyond form, and a return to awareness of the
undivided spiritual wholeness of Divinity.

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