Quizo Vs Sandiganbayan

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In Quizo vs Sandiganbayan1

petitioner successfully overthrew the presumption of guilt. He

satisfactorily proved that not a single centavo of the missing
funds was used by him for his own personal interest, a fact
conceded by the Tanodbayan 'the bulk of the reported shortage
actually referred to the items disallowed by the Audit Team
representing cash advances extended to co-employees. In
fact, evidence disclosed that the itemized list of the cash
advances xxxxxxx was verified and found to be correct by an
Auditing Examiner, Petitioner explained that the granting of the
cash advances was done in good faith, with no intent to gain and
borne out of goodwill considering that it was a practice tolerated in
the office. Such being the case, negligence evidentiary of malice
or intent to defraud the government cannot be imputed to him.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Significantly, in the recent case of Villacorta vs.
People, G.R. No. 68268, November 12, 1986, the Court
acquitted the accused. the municipal treasurer of Pandan,
Catanduanes. of the crime of malversation of public funds on
grounds that he did not put the missing funds to personal uses,
that his having "allowed others to freely participate of the
chits/vouchers" was a practice which seemed to have been
tolerated even during the time of his predecessor and that there
was no negligence approximating malice or fraud because the
wrong payments were made in good faith;

1 Quizo vs Sandiganbayan G.R. No. 77120 April 6, 1987

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