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William C.

Pro Se Litigation
P.O. Box 4823
Baltimore, Maryland 21211
[email protected]

Amended April 13, 20161

April 12, 2016
The Hon. Ellen Lipton Hollander via FedEx
U.S. District Judge
C/o Clerk of the Court
United States District Court for the District of Maryland
Baltimore Division
101 West Lombard Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
RE: Civil Action No.: 14-02627-ELH
Dear Judge Hollander:
I ask that you treat this letter as a limited motion to intervene.
I write to you over great concern about both recently learned and long-standing issues in the
above-titled case.
As you know, I run Baltimore Corruption Wire, which is a public policy initiative focusing
upon attorney & judicial misconduct in the federal court arena.2 As you also know, our focus
does not discriminate between judges, lawyers, the government, or errant citizens. We are led by
the facts.3

This amended filing was served upon the court via FedEx & the parties via email this
same day.
To be clear: This action is filed in my name as a concerned member of the public.
Corruption Wire is simply the P.R. promotional vehicle for my pro se litigation & other
Baltimore anti-corruption efforts.
Recently, we were able to put a stop to the misuse of USMS U.S. courthouse gun ranges
by Article III judges in all of the nations 94 federal districts. See, 15-cv-00199-DAF (D. Md.).
Presently, we are pursuing unsealing allegations of misconduct by the Freddie Gray law firm in
the pending prosecution of an alleged Jamaican drug lord who has seen his 6th Amendment rights
eviscerated going on now for two years. See, 14-cr-00186-RDB-1 (D. Md.).

Today, I came across a very disturbing video of an April 11, 2016, public hearing
that was posted by a Baltimore Sun reporter on Twitter. 4 This video featured activists chastising,
insulting, threatening assault upon, etc., Baltimore City States Attorney Marylyn J. Mosby.5
Most prominently, the charge that Tyrone West was murdered was repeatedly made. The West
family, their activist surrogates -- such as Morgan State University professor Lawrence Brown,
who masquerades on Twitter as @BmoreDoc -- and many, many others, also make this charge
repeatedly in public, sometimes even at public expense.
Murder is a legal term. The constant and incessant invocation of this false term against the
police and/or individual officers regarding the West case is the definition of defamation of a
public entity and/or figures. Further, there is a great societal interest in this court clarifying this
matter for finality.
Clearly, this case has had at least three (3) investigations and the fine-tooth comb of analysis that
very few get. Nevertheless, ignorant and uneducated voices who appear to have a great profit
motive keep flaming the fires of falsity against the known facts: (1) Had Mr. West stayed seated
upon the curb, he would still be alive.6 (2) Had Mr. West not fought with the police, he would
still be alive. And (3) had Mr. West visited a doctor regularly and had a proper physical, he
would not have died from a hidden heart condition. Tellingly, the plaintiffs bring no new facts
whatsoever to counter any of the straightforward story the known facts of this case tell.7
This case is also an example of the bad lawyering permeating the minority community. The
court, in an earlier order, has already questioned the actual legal craftsmanship of the plaintiffs
filings. But, more importantly, the actual counsel in this case is very poor.8 Sometimes a lawyer
has to tell a client or a family to look in the mirror. That has not happened in this case. Not only
is this a wrong that ill-serves the clients, but also it is a violation of the Rules of Professional

The video appears to have been made by the activist group Baltimore BLOC & can be
viewed here:
No one who knows me would ever say I am a present ally, friend, or even approve of
the States Attorneys job performance.
Ironically, the police, in this instance, were too nice to Mr. West at the beginning of his
detainment by not immediately handcuffing him, according to docket no.: 55-10 at pages 2-3 &
10-11, if not also at other parts.
Like the famous Mike Brown case in Ferguson, Mo., the plaintiffs here prefer to rely
upon made up witnesses & facts, none of which have shown a scintilla of truth.
For example, lead plaintiffs counsel believed his story from a different era & place was
relevant to a recent terrible episode of a Baltimore City special needs student being half-killed
and left with permanent brain damage by a juvenile predator just released from jail and
unknowingly -- to school administration -- put back into their school with no warning. Please see
this news story for more:
Please see: The Maryland Lawyers Rules of Professional Conduct, Preamble: A
Lawyers Responsibilities, especially at Parts 5 & 6.

This motion to intervene is limited. It seeks to relay to the court public interests & events of
which it may not be fully aware. Therefore, for finality, we ask the court to state in their final
opinion & order upon this matter that, as a matter of law, (1) Tyrone West was not murdered by
the police, nor (2) was he even killed by the police. We also (3) ask that this court sanction the
plaintiffs for bringing this frivolous lawsuit and wasting the state and federal taxpayers time &
money. We (4) ask that plaintiffs counsel be sanctioned the actual costs of all the states
litigation expenses in this matter. Finally, (5) because of the clear volatility of this case, its clear
potential for present & future violence, and the continued & constant defamation of honorable
public servants, we ask that this court expedite their decision in this matter on a fast track,
including expediting any additional scheduling orders for sanctions motions.
Thank you very much for your consideration.
I hope this letter finds you well.
Very truly & respectfully yours,

William C. Bond
cc: The below parties were all served this filing via email this day,
A. Dwight Pettit
Allan B. Rabineau
Latoya Andrea FrancisWilliams
Michael L. Marshall
Chaz Romeo Ball
Thomas Faulk
Ashley Elaina McFarland
Dorrell Antone Brooks
Kristen Elissa Hitchner

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