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Presbyterian Church of Australia


28 September, 2015
Assembly Emergency Meeting: At Surry Hills and within Committee Room No. 5,
Presbyterian Church Offices, 168-180 Chalmers Street, Surry Hills, at 2.00 p.m. on Monday 28
September, 2015 the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Australia in the State of New
South Wales convened for an emergency meeting in accordance with the requirements of The Code
Part II:8.12.
Constituted: The Moderator, Right Reverend Kevin Murray, constituted the
Assembly with the reading of scripture and prayer.
Ministerial Changes and Elders Commissions: The Clerk laid on the table the list
of ministerial changes made to the rolls of presbyteries and elders commissioned to the Assembly
since the last session of the General Assembly.
By the Presbytery of Sydney SouthA.R. Woodyatt, Minister without Charge to Riverwood ...............................................24.7.2015
By the Presbytery of Sydney NorthW.A. Williamson, Missionary (Vanuatu) to Beecroft.....................................................27.8.2015
M.J. Ham, Associate Gosford to Gosford........................................................................ 5.7.2015
Granted Seat due to appointment:
By the Presbytery of The Central Coast
M.V. Cropper, Associate Superintendent Ministry and Mission (Personnel & Cross
Culture) ...........................................................................................................................18.8.2015
Granted Seat by resolution of Assembly:
By the Presbytery of Sydney
C. Tucker, Minister without Charge ..............................................................................18.8.2015
Took up appointment:
K.J. Walker, Hospital Chaplain ........................................................................................ 6.7.2015
J.Y.W. Lin, Chinese Christian Bilingual Home Mission Station ....................................18.8.2015
Appointment resigned or terminated:
A.R. Woodyatt, Assistant at Abbotsford ........................................................................24.7.2015
Transfer of jurisdiction:
K.J. Walker, Minister without Charge, The Hawkesbury to Sydney North .................16.6.2015
A.R. Woodyatt, Minister without Charge, Sydney to Sydney South ..........................24.7.2015
J.Y.W. Lin, Minister without Charge, Sydney to Sydney North ..................................18.8.2015
N.S. Wilce, Minister Emeritus ........................................................................................14.7.2015


It was moved, seconded and agreed that the Assembly approve the necessary
adjustments to the roll.
Apologies for absence were received from the Rev. A.
Bartholomew, J. Bartholomew, J. Broadhead, G. Coleman, N. Davis, J. Elliott, the Rev. Dr
D.L. Ferrington, the Rev. G. Goh, P.G. Harris, D. Hassan, E. Hor, J. Ling, N. Kalada, J.
Macintyre, S. Mannyx, B. Merchant, the Rev. Dr P.C. Moore, the Rev. C. Pass, D. Powell, W.
Morrow, G. Self, L. Sims, R. Smidt, the Rev. Dr I.K. Smith, the Rev. S. Wong, D.G.M. Yu, Dr
C. Gault, Messrs. J. Currie, G. Dandie, R. Dunlop, J. Gibbons, P.J. Graham, J. Read, P.
Sanders, T. Hewitt, A. Macalpine, M. Norman, M. Quirk, C.C. Short, S. Smith, J. Van Every,
A. Ward, R. Watson, J. Wells, Mesdames M. Hill, H. Husking, F. McCurdy, E. Merchant and
Miss F. Perry.
Circular calling the Meeting: A copy of the circular sent to all members of
the Assembly requesting the emergency meeting of the Assembly was laid on the table by the
MONDAY, 28th SEPTEMBER 2015, at 2pm
In accordance with The Code 8.12, this is to intimate to all concerned that, having received a
requisition from 10 members (representing at least 3 presbyteries) of the General Assembly
of the Presbyterian Church of Australia in the State of New South Wales to call an Emergency
Meeting of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Australia in the State of New
South Wales to deal with
1) the appointment of a new General Manager (The Code 8.21),
2) the appointment of assessors to the Presbytery of The Riverina (The Code 5.05), and
3) a biblical response to the homosexual agenda by the Gospel, Society and Culture
I hereby call such a meeting to be held at the Presbyterian Church Offices, 168 Chalmers St
Surry Hills NSW, commencing at 2pm on Monday 28 September 2015.
Commissioners will be advised how to access the response by the Gospel, Society and
Culture Committee when it is available on the PCNSW website.
Kevin Murray, Moderator
9th September 2015
To The Assembly Clerk, Presbyterian Church (NSW)
Dear John,
At GANSW BB 2015 Min. 86, the Assembly approved the following resolution:
That the Assembly:
Empower the Commission of Assembly to make a determination on the recommendation from
the Trustees for the appointment of a new General Manager in accordance with The Code
It is now recognised that such a timeframe does not allow for a proper transition from the
incumbent General Manager to his successor. In order that this matter might be rectified,
the following signatories, being not less than ten members from three presbyteries (in
accordance with The Code II 8.12) now request the Moderator to convene an emergency
meeting of the Assembly.
Given that the Trustees will meet in the morning of 28 September, 2015 to confirm the
nomination of a new General Manager, and in order more readily to ensure a quorum for that

meeting, we propose that the emergency meeting of the Assembly be convened for 2.00 p.m.
that afternoon.
Secondly, the Presbytery of the Riverina may soon be at a point where it cannot meet, and
therefore needs assessors to be appointed at the earliest opportunity. The Presbytery is likely
to make this request when it meets on 17 September.
Thirdly, The Scots College has requested the Gospel, Society and Culture Committee to prepare
a statement on a biblical response to the homosexual agenda and wishes to be able to
respond rightly in the event that a same-sex couple might seek to enroll a boy within the
The following members of the Assembly, being drawn from at least three presbyteries, therefore
request the Moderator to call an emergency meeting at the date, time and place proposed
Sami Gerges (Hawkesbury)
Martin Spadaro (Sydney)
John Rolland (Sydney South)
Richard Keith (The Riverina)
Ian Warrell (Mid-North Coast)
Jeffrey Davis (Trustee)
Darwin Agahari (Sydney)
Jesse Huckel (The Riverina)
Jeffrey Read (Sydney North)
Matthew Oates (Sydney North)
Bruce Meller (Sydney South)
David Yu (Sydney North)
Maurie Cropper (Central Coast)
Action of Moderator approved: The Rev. J.R. Irvin moved:
That the Assembly:
Approve the action of the requistionists in requesting the meeting and the action of the
Moderator in convening this emergency meeting of the General Assembly.
The motion was seconded and approved.
Trustees: A report from the Trustees was laid on the table and received,
advising the Trustees recommendation of a new General Manager to succeed Mr. W.D.
Appointment of new General Manager: The Rev. B.M. Meller moved:
That the Assembly:
Appoint Mr. Jeoffrey Robert Falls, BEc, MBA to the position of General Manager on terms and
conditions approved by the Trustees to commence duties as the General Manager designate
on November 10, 2015 with the full responsibilities of the General Manager being assumed
as from the close of business November 20, 2015.
The motion was seconded and approved.
Communication (i): A communication was received from the Presbytery of
The Riverina requesting the appointment of assessors to the presbytery.
Appointment of Assessors to the Presbytery of The Riverina:
The Rev. J.R. Irvin moved:
That the Assembly:
Appoint the Rev. B.M. Meller, M. Cropper, R. Vandervelden and Mr M. Whitelaw as assessors
to the Presbytery of The Riverina with full powers of ordinary members until the next ordinary
meeting of the General Assembly.
The motion was seconded and approved.
Gospel, Society and Culture: A report of the Committee of Gospel, Society
and Culture, including a biblical response to the homosexual agenda, was laid on the table
and received.
The Rev. Dr J. McClean submitted the deliverance.
The deliverance as a whole was approved as follows:
That the Assembly:

Make the following declaration of its position on same sex relationships and sexuality,
recognizing that church agencies are to regard this declaration as a source document from
which policies consistent with this declaration can be developed in a manner appropriate to
the communities they serve:
The church is bound by the moral law of God in its behaviour, discipline and teaching.
Indeed, the moral law binds all people to obey God, not only because of the content of
its teaching but also because of the authority of God, the Creator, who gave it (WCF
19:5). So the church must instruct those under its care in the moral law and present
the demands of the moral law to wider society.
Office-bearers and members of the church are to live according to the moral law; and
its institutions are to conform with the moral law in their teaching and practices.
Marriage is the lifelong union of one man with one woman, voluntarily entered into,
excluding all others (Gen 2:24; Matt. 19:5; Mark 10:8; Eph. 5:31; WCF 24; GAA 2013
min.75(10)1). No decisions by human authorities can establish any other relationship
as marriage.
According to Gods moral law marriage is the only setting in which a sexual relationship
is permissible.
Homosexual sex is contrary to Gods law, and so is a sin (Lev. 18:22; 20:13; Romans
1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; 1 Corinthians 11:13-15; 1 Timothy 1:10; see
Westminster Larger Catechism A. 139; GANSW 1978 min.1562; GANSW 1984 min.
1073; GAA 2004 min. 54(2) 4; GAA 2013 min.75(10)(f) 1).
Same-sex sexual relationships are not marriage and are contrary to Gods moral law,
even when they involve promises of lifelong commitment and exclusive sexual
All humans, apart from the Lord Jesus, have broken the moral law and deserve Gods
condemnation. Homosexual sex is one of many ways in which people break Gods
moral law.
The church presents the demands of the moral law to the wider society, in part for the
sake of the common good which is promoted by a recognition of the moral law; yet the
church is not called to provide a moral discipline for society (1 Cor. 5:910), and the
priority in its mission is to proclaim Christ and to call people to salvation to him, not to
seek moral reformation of society.
The gospel of the Lord Jesus offers justification through faith in him (WCF 7:3) to all
because he has provided a salvation sufficient for all, and adapted to all, and offered
to all in the Gospel (DS ii). Therefore the church is commissioned by the Lord Jesus
to offer salvation in his name to all, including those in same-sex relationships and who
engage in homosexual sex.
All who come to Christ are required to repent, that is to grieve for and hate their sins
and to turn from them to God, committing and striving to walk with God (WCF 15:2).
While all believers struggle with sin and must constantly repent of particular sins (WCF
15:5), Christian repentance must include turning aside from a lifestyle which has
deliberately embraced a contravention of Gods moral law, including homosexual sex.
Temptation is not, in itself, sin: same-sex attraction is one of many forms of sexual
temptation and Christians who face this temptation need support and encouragement
not rejection or condemnation.
God promises to mature his people in Christ-like character so that their sinful nature is
more and more weakened and they are more and more alive and strengthened in
saving graces (WCF 13:1). Yet, this maturity is never complete in this life and the
struggle with sin continues for all believers (WCF 13:2). So while God promises to lead
his children to maturity, there is no promise of relief from any particular temptation.
Some believers find that particular sexual temptations, such as same-sex attraction,
are taken away from them; others find that these temptations remain. While it is
appropriate to support believers who seek to be free of same-sex attraction, it is
misleading and destructive to promote any therapy as holding a promise of removing
same-sex attraction.

1GAA 2013 min.75(10)
That the Assembly make the following declaration:
We, the Commissioners of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Australia here
assembled declare that:
the true definition of Marriage is found in Gods Word when it reports Him as saying:
For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become
one flesh. [Genesis 2:24]. It is the lifelong union of one man with one woman, voluntarily entered into,
excluding all others.
the purposes of marriage in Gods design are lifelong companionship, social stability
and the natural procreation and nurturing of children [Genesis 2:18, Ecclesiastes 4:9-11; Deuteronomy
6:1-7, Ephesians 6:1-4; Proverbs 14:1, Psalm 127 & 128.
despite any actions by human governments, so called same-sex marriage will never
be truly marriage.
the introduction of so called same-sex marriage will not contribute to the good of
society but will reduce the respect in which marriage is held and further legitimise the production of
children for same sex couples when a child should as far as possible have a mother and father.
the introduction of so called same-sex marriage will be very likely to encroach on
freedom of religion in Australia since it will be unacceptable to express criticism of homosexual
God condemns homosexual behaviour along with all forms of sin and provides
forgiveness of and redemption from all sin through Christ and commissions his church to proclaim this
message to all people.
all Christians struggle with various sins throughout their lives and depend on Gods
help, including the support of fellow Christians, to serve Christ faithfully; so Christians who experience
same sex attraction should receive compassionate support from fellow believers as they seek to live
faithfully either as celibate or in marriage as God has de-signed it.
2GANSW 1978 min.156
That the Assembly oppose any change to the laws of N.S.W. whereby homosexuality in any
respect, is accepted as a valid alternative life style for such lifestyle would be contrary to the revealed
will of God in the Scriptures.
3GANSW 1984 min.107
That the Assembly express opposition to any changes to the law which would convey approval
of homosexual activities, or regard homosexuality as a valid alternative to heterosexuality, or which
would place homosexuality on the same basis in law as heterosexuality, especially in relation to the
teaching of school children and the welfare system.
4GAA 2004 54(2)
That the Assembly:
We, the Commissioners of the 2004 General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Australia,
affirm our commitment to the Bible's message of the love of God for sinners and the good news of the
forgiveness of sin, of a new beginning, and of eternal life. This is God's gift to those who repent of their
sin and trust in the saving work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We affirm our commitment to the Bible's message that those who experience this forgiveness
and new beginning gladly seek to live a life that pleases God. This means choosing a lifestyle that
conforms to God's standards, which includes abstinence from sexual intercourse before marriage and
faithfulness within marriage. Marriage consists of one man and one woman in a lifelong and exclusive
We affirm our commitment to the teaching of the Bible that condemns homosexual activity and
desire, and therefore absolutely precludes the ordination of those continuing to practice or endorse
homosexual activity and desire.
We express our deepest regret at the decisions of other denominations that allow for the
ordination of those continuing to practice or endorse homosexual activity and desire, and we declare
this to be a most grievous departure from the Bible's message concerning the nature of sin and the
repentance necessary for salvation.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the answer to the underlying problems of those who struggle
with homosexual activity and desire - such as the problem of loneliness, the longing for loving
relationships, the meaning and control of our sexuality, and the quest for personal identity. As our
Creator-God Jesus Christ is also our Saviour and Friend who is able to restore our humanity at every


level by healing us in our inner dispositions and social relationships.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we call upon all those who profess faith in Him to stand
with us in this commitment to God's Word and we offer any assistance that we are able to give to this

Minutes Commission: The Rev. J.R. Irvin moved:
That the Assembly:
Appoint a Commission consisting of the Clerk (Convener), the Business Convener, the Rev.
D. Maher, and Mr M. Mitchell to scrutinize the minutes of this emergency meeting of the
Assembly, with power to correct them and approve such minutes.
The motion was seconded and approved.

Close: The meeting was closed with prayer.

KEVIN D. MURRAY, Moderator.


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