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Settlers of Catan

60 Road Pieces (15 each of red, blue, white, & orange)

20 Settlement Pieces (5 each of red, blue, white, & orange)
16 City Pieces (4 each of red, blue, white, & orange)
1 Robber Piece (gray)
2 Dice (1 red & 1 yellow)
4 Building Cost Card Tiles
2 Special VP Card Tiles (Largest Army & Longest Road)
6 Ocean Frame Tiles (Length three)
19 Terrain Hexes/Tiles
3 Hills (Brick)
4 Pasture (Wool)
3 Mountain (Ore)
4 Fields (Grain)
4 Forest (Lumber)
1 Desert
9 Harbor Tokens (small)
4 (3:1) Universal
1 (2:1) each of Brick, Wool, Ore, Grain, & Lumber
18 Number Tokens/Chits
1 each of (#s 2 & 12); 2 each of (#s 3-6 & 8-11)
6 Blank Tokens/Chits (large circle)
95 Resource Cards
19 each of Brick, Wool, Ore, Grain, & Lumber
25 Development Cards
14 Knight
5 VP (Chapel, Library, Market, Palace, University)
2 each of Monopoly, Road Building, & Year of Plenty

Settlers of Catan 5-6 Player Extension

30 Road Pieces (15 each of green & brown)
10 Settlement Pieces (5 each of green & brown)
8 City Pieces (4 each of green & brown)
2 Building Cost Card Tiles
4 Ocean Frame Tiles (Length one; 1 with wool harbor & 1 with universal harbor)
12 Terrain Hexes/Tiles
2 Hills (Brick)
2 Pasture (Wool)
2 Mountain (Ore)
2 Fields (Grain)
2 Forest (Lumber)
1 Desert
1 Blank
2 Harbor Tokens (small)
1 (3:1) Universal
1 (2:1) Wool
4 Blank (2 with ocean on both sides)
28 Number Tokens/Chits
2 each of (#s 2 & 12); 3 each of (#s 3-6 & 8-11)
8 Blank Tokens/Chits (large circle)
25 Resource Cards
5 each of Brick, Wool, Ore, Grain, & Lumber
9 Development Cards
6 Knight
1 each of Monopoly, Road Building, & Year of Plenty

2 Blank Cards (1 resource & 1 development)

60 Ship Pieces (15 each of red, blue, white, & orange)
1 Pirate Ship Piece (black)
6 Ocean Frame Tiles
(2 Length two, 2 Length one, 2 special)
30 Terrain Hexes/Tiles
2 Hills
1 Pasture
2 Mountain
1 Fields
1 Forest
2 Desert
2 Gold Mine
19 Ocean
10 Harbor Tokens (large)
5 (3:1) Universal
1 (2:1) each of Brick, Wool, Ore, Grain, & Lumber
10 Number Tokens/Chits (1 each of #s 2-6 & 8-12)
50 Catan Tokens/Chits

Seafarers 5-6 Player Extension

30 Ship Pieces (15 each of green & brown)
2 Ocean Frame Tiles (2 Length two)
10 Terrain Hexes/Tiles
1 Desert
2 Gold Mine
7 Ocean
2 Harbor Tokens (large)
1 (3:1) Universal
1 (2:1) Wool
2 Blank (ocean on both sides)
43 Catan Tokens/Chits
15 Blank Tokens/Chits (large circle)
6 Blank Tokens/Chits (small circle)

Cities & Knights

12 City Wall Pieces (3 each of red, blue, white, & orange)
24 Round Disc Pieces (6 each of red, blue, white, & orange)
3 Metropolis Pieces (yellow)
1 Barbarian Ship Piece (black)
1 Merchant Piece (purple)
1 Event Die
4 Progress Charts
1 Barbarian Tile
3 Metropolis Tokens (1 each of yellow, blue, & green)
1 Blank Metropolis Token
36 Commodity Cards
12 each of Cloth, Coin, & Paper
18 Blue Progress Cards
3 Spy
2 each of Bishop, Deserter, Diplomat, Intrigue, Saboteur, Warlord, & Wedding
1 Constitution

18 Green Progress Cards

2 each of Alchemist, Crane, Inventor, Irrigation, Medicine, Mining, Road Building, & Smith
1 each of Engineer & Printer
18 Yellow Progress Cards
6 Merchant
4 Resource Monopoly
2 each of Commercial Harbor, Master Merchant, Merchant Fleet, & Trade Monopoly
6 Defender of Catan Victory Point Cards

Cities & Knights 5-6 Player Extension

6 City Wall Pieces (3 each of green & brown)
12 Round Disc Pieces (6 each of green & brown)
2 Progress Charts
18 Commodity Cards
6 each of Cloth, Coin, & Paper
2 Defender of Catan Victory Point Cards

Traders & Barbarians

24 Knight Pieces (6 each of red, blue, white, & orange)
12 Bridge Pieces (3 each of red, blue, white, & orange)
4 Wagon Pieces (1 each of red, blue, white, & orange)
36 Barbarian Pieces
22 Camel Pieces
1 Special VP Card Tile (Harbormaster)
3 Ocean Frame Tiles
(Length three: substitutions for 1-2, 4-5, & 5-6)
6 Terrain Hexes/Tiles
1 Lake (containing #s 2, 3, 11, & 12)
1 Oasis
1 Castle (with 6 die faces)
1 Castle (with 4 paths)
1 Glassworks (with 4 paths)
1 Quarry (with 4 paths)
1 (4 Hex two part) River Tile (Mountain, Hill, Pasture, Swamp)
1 (3 Hex) River Tile (Mountain, Hill, Swamp)
6 Fishing Ground Tiles (#s 4-6 & 8-10)
21 Catan Tokens/Chits
30 Fish Tokens (11 Single, 10 Double, 8 Triple, 1 Boot)
25 Small Gold Tokens
15 Large Gold Tokens
1 Wealthiest Settler Token
4 Poor Settler Tokens
12 Castle Commodity Tokens (6 Tools & 6 Sand)
12 Glassworks Commodity Tokens (6 Tools & 6 Glass)
12 Quarry Commodity Tokens (6 Marble & 6 Sand)
2 Blank Tokens/Chits (large)
4 Fish Cost Cards (+ 1 Cover/Title Card)
27 Barbarian Attack Development Cards (+ 1 Cover/Title Card)
15 Knighthood
4 Black Knight
4 Intrigue
4 Treason
25 Traders & Barbarians Development Cards (+ 1 Cover/Title Card)
16 Knight
3 Road Building
3 Swift Journey

3 Victory Point (Glass Making, Quarry, Tool Making)

20 Baggage Train Cards (+ 1 Cover/Title Card)
(5 each of red, blue, white, & orange)
2 Advertisement Cards
Set of 38 Event Cards
Rule Card
New Year Card
12 [6] Calm Seas
11 [6], 11 [5] Neighborly Assistance
10 [6 & 5], 10 [4] Neighborly Assistance
9 [6] Calm Seas, 9 [5 to 3]
8 [6 to 3], 8 [2] Epidemic
7 [6 to 1] Robber Attacks!
6 [5 & 4], 6 [3] Good Neighbors, 6 [2] Earthquake, 6 [1] Epidemic
5 [4] Trade Advantage, 5 [3] Tournament, 5 [2 & 1]
4 [3 & 2] Robber Flees!, 4 [1]
3 [2], 3 [1] Conflict
2 [1] Plentiful Year

Traders & Barbarians 5-6 Players Extension

12 Knight Pieces (6 each of green & brown)
6 Bridge Pieces (3 each of green & brown)
2 Wagon Pieces (1 each of green & brown)
12 Barbarian Pieces
11 Camel Pieces
2 Ocean Frame Tiles (Length one)
8 Terrain Hexes/Tiles
1 Lake (containing #s 4 & 10)
1 Oasis
1 Castle (with 6 die faces)
1 Castle (with 6 paths)
2 Glassworks (with 6 paths)
2 Quarry (with 6 paths)
1 (3 Hex two part) River Tile (Mountain, Pasture, Pasture)
2 Fishing Ground Tiles (#s 5 & 9)
14 Fish Tokens (4 Single, 5 Double, 5 Triple)
8 Small Gold Tokens
8 Large Gold Tokens
2 Poor Settler Tokens
6 Castle Commodity Tokens (3 Tools & 3 Sand)
6 Glassworks Commodity Tokens (3 Tools & 3 Glass)
6 Quarry Commodity Tokens (3 Marble & 3 Sand)
8 Blank Tokens/Chits (square)
2 Fish Cost Cards
12 Traders & Barbarians Development Cards
6 Knight
3 Road Building
3 Swift Journey
10 Baggage Train Cards (5 each of green & brown)

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