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No. R. 734

15 July 2009



The Minister of Labour has, under section 43 of the Occupational Health and
Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993), after consultation with the Advisory
Council for Occupational Health and Safety and the Minister of Finance, made
the regulations in the Schedule.


In these Regulations any word or expression to which a meaning has

been assigned in the Act shall have the meaning so assigned and, unless the
context otherwise indicates
"accreditation authority" means the South African National Accreditation
System (SANAS) established by section 3 of the Accreditation for Conformity
Assessment, Calibration and Good Laboratory Practice Act, 2006 (Act No. 19
of 2006);
"appliance" means an appliance as defined in SANS 1539;
"ASME" means the American Society of Mechanical Engineers;
"authorised person" means a person who is registered as competent within
the scope of work for which an organisation approved by the chief inspector
has registered that person;


a written


of conformance to


"construction" includes materials, design, fabrication, modification, repair,

installation, examination, inspection, testing and certification;
"dangerous substance" means a substance defined and classified as such
in terms of SANS 10228;

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"design pressure" means the gauge pressure used in the design formulae to
determine the dimensions of the component parts of the pressure equipment;
"design temperature" means the temperature used in the design formulae to
determine the dimensions of the component parts of the pressure equipment;
"design verification" means verification that .. the pressure equipment
complies with the applied design of the relevant health and safety standard
and the requirements of these Regulations;
"fire extinguisher" means a rechargeable container which has a fire
extinguishing substance that is expelled by the action of internal pressure for
the purpose of extinguishing a fire;
"fluid" means gases, liquids, vapours in pure phase and mixtures thereof and
may contain solids in suspension;
"gas" means gases, liquefied gases, gases dissolved under pressure,
vapours, and those liquids whose vapour pressure at the design temperature
is greater than 50 kPa above normal atmospheric pressure;
"gas system" means an assembly of tubes, pipes or similar ducts, fittings
and valves for the reticulation, circulation and conveyance of a gas, excluding
a pressure vessel or transportable gas container connected to the system;
"latent defect" means a fault inherent in pressure equipment, resulting from
deficiencies in the design or manufacturing process that may cause a health
and safety risk;
"manufacturer" means any person who has overall control and is
responsible for the construction of the pressure equipment;
"modification" means any change to the original design conditions of
pressure equipment, including re-rating, or the addition or removal of
elements that could affect the integrity of the pressure equipment, and
"modify" has a corresponding meaning;
"non-metallic" means glass, thermoplastic or thermosetting polymeric
reinforced and un-reinforced materials or combinations thereof;
"pipeline" means piping or a system of piping designed for the transport and
distribution of any fluid from an installation that is onshore or offshore, starting
from and including the last isolation device located within the confines of the
installation, including all the auxiliary equipment designed specifically for that
"piping" means pipes, tubes or flexible pressure hose elements intended for
the transport or distribution of any fluid at a pressure of 50 kPa or above when
connected together for integration into a system, including heat exchangers
consisting of pipes for the purpose of cooling or heating air;

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"pressure accessory" means devices with an operational function having

pressure-bearing housing;
IIpressure equipment" means a steam generator, pressure vessel, piping,
pressure accessory and safety accessory, transportable gas container, and
fire extinguisher and includes, but is not limited to, an accumulator, a hot
water geyser, and hyperbaric chambers;
"pressure vessel"" means a housing designed and manufactured to contain a
fluid under a design pressure equal to or greater than 50 kPa;
"provincial director" means the provincial director as defined in regulation 1
of the General Administrative Regulations promulgated by Government Notice
No. R. 1449 of6 September 1996;
"re-certification" means activities undertaken to determine appropriate
design parameters for pressure equipment where such data is unknown or
"repair" means restoration to original standard by the application of heat or
welding to any pressure equipment, or the replacement of expanded tubes,
and in the case of non-metallic equipment it means the application of heat,
welding, solvent cement, laminate or curing of thermo-set;
"re-rating"' means any change in the design parameters of pressure
equipment which affects the certification;
"'reticulation" means the conveyance of gas by pipeline with a general
operating pressure of no more that 200 kPa to the ultimate points of
IIrisk-based inspection" means an inspection scope based on the results of
a formal risk assessment, including inspection and test intervals;
"safety accessoryll means a device designed to protect pressure equipment;
"SANS 151 means the Standard Specification for fixed electric storage water

, S.A.f'JS 151. published by the South African Bureau of Standards;

"SANS 347


means the Standard Specification for categorization and

8ssessment criteria for all pressure equipment SANS 347,
by th~~ South African Bureau of Standards;

"SANS 10227" rneans the Standard Specification for the criteria for the
operation of inspection authorities performing inspection in terms of the
Pl'essure Equipment Regulations, SANS 10227, published by the South
Bureau of Standards;

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"SANS 10228" means the Standard Specification for the identification and
classification of dangerous goods for transport, SANS 10228, published by
the South African Bureau of Standards;
"SANS 10254" means the Standard Specification for the installation,
maintenance, replacement and repair of fixed electric storage water heating
systems. S,t\NS 10254. published by the South African Bureau of Standards;
SANS/ISO 17020" means the Standard Specification for general criteria for
the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection, SANS 17020,
published by the South African Bureau of Standards:
"steam generator" means any apparatus to convert water continuously into
steam at a pressure higher than that due to the atmosphere and where the
heat ;s derived from a source other than steam, and includes any super
heater or economiser which is an integral part of a steam generator or is
separately fired there from, fired steam and hot-water boilers, waste-heat
boilers, waste-incineration boilers, and electrode or immersion-type
electrically heated boilers;
"the Act" means the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of
"transportable gas container" means any refillable vessel for the storage
and conveyance of liquefied, dissolved or compressed gases, of water
capacity from 0,5 litres to 3000 litres;
"unique mark" means the mark and accreditation reference number of the
approved inspection authority_

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Scope of application

These Regulations shall apply to the design, manufacture,
operation, repair, modification, maintenance, inspection and testing of
pressure equipment with a design pressure equal to or greater than 50 kPa, in
terms of the relevant health and safety standard incorporated into these
Regulations under section 44 of the Act.
Regulations 3, 4, 5, 9(1), 9(2) and 9(3) shall not apply to pressure
equipment in use or on order prior to the publication of these Regulations,
which equipment shall be designed and constructed according to the
requirements applicable at the time of order.
The following pressure equipment shall be excluded from these
Regu lations:

Piping for the supply, distribution and discharge of water below

its boiling point at atmospheric pressure and associated
pressure equipment and headraces such as penstocks,
pressure tunnels, pressure shafts for hydro-electric installations
and their related specific pressure accessories;


aerosol dispensers;


pressure equipment intended for the functioning of road and rail

vehicles, excluding a fuel gas system;


pressure equipment comprising casings or machinery where the

dimensioning, choice of material and manufacturing rules are
based primarily on requirements for sufficient strength, rigidity
and stability to meet the static and dynamic operational effects
or other operational characteristics and for which pressure is not
a significant design factor, and such pressure equipment may

engines, including turbines and internal combustion



reciprocating steam engines, gas turbines, steam

turbines, turbo-generators, compressor engines, pumps
and actuating devices;


open metal-making pots and blast furnaces


housing for electrical machinery such as switchgear, control

gear, transformers and rotating machines;


tyres and flexible pressurised casings used for recreational


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fixed electrical hot-water storage container of water capacity

from 15 litres to 450 litres operating at a maximum pressure of
600 kPa manufactured to the requirements of SANS 151, which
shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of SANS

General requirements
Any person who manufactures, imports, sells, offers or supplies
any pressure equipment described in these Regulations for use in the
Republic shall ensure that such equipment complies with these Regulations.
Any person who erects or installs any pressure equipment for use in
the Republic shall ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, that it is erected
or installed in a safe manner and without risk to health and safety when
properly used.
All pressure equipment for use in the Republic shall be categorized and
submitted to the applicable conformance assessments of SANS 347 in
addition to the requirements of the relevant health and safety standard
incorporated into these Regulations under section 44 of the Act.
Duties of manufacturers
The manufacturer shall have an obligation to ensure that all
equipment designed and manufactured for use in the Republic shall be
conformity assessed and subjected to the requirements set out in SANS 347.
Subject to the requirements set out in the relevant health and safety
standard incorporated into these Regulations under section 44 of the Act, the
manufacturer shall ensure that the pressure equipment as manufactured,
modified, inspected, tested or repaired is safe and without risks to health
when properly used.
Subject to the requirements of this regulation a manufacturer shall
issue a certificate of manufacture for all pressure equipment supplied, with a
verification signature by an approved inspection authority when so required.
Subject to the requirements of this regulation a manufacturer shall
comply with any other duty assigned to the manufacturer in these
A manufacturer who determines that pressure equipment in use has a
latent defect shall advise the chief inspector in writing forthwith thereof and of
measures being taken to correct the defect.
Duties of importers and suppliers
Importers and suppliers shall ensure that pressure equipment
sold complies with the requirements of these Regulations.

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The importer shall assume the liability of the manufacturer in terms of
these Regulations.
Any pressure equipment that requires a permit to be issued by an
organisation approved by the chief inspector shall ensure that such approval
is obtained by the importer or manufacturer before the pressure equipment is
placed in the market: Provided that such equipment shall comply with the
relevant health and safety standard incorporated into these Regulations under
section 44 of the Act.
Duties of users

The user shall ensure that the pressure equipment is operated
and maintained within its design and operating parameters.
The user shall, subject to the relevant health and safety standard
incorporated into these Regulations under section 44 of the Act

provide the manufacturer, repairer or modifier with

comprehensive information of the operating or intended
operating conditions of the pressure equipment, including the
characteristics of the fluid and operating parameters of other
connected pressure equipment, where reasonably practicable;


ensure pressure equipment has a certificate, issued by the

manufacturer, including a verification signature by an approved
inspection authority when required, which certi'fies that the
pressure equipment has been designed and manufactured in
accordance with the relevant health and safety standard
incorporated into these Regulations under section 44 of the Act;


ensure pressure equipment has a certificate issued by the

repairer or modifier, including a verification signature by an
approved inspection authority when required, which certifies that
the pressure equipment has been modified or repaired in
accordance with the relevant health and safety standard
incorporated into these Regulations under section 44 of the Act;


ensure that pressure equipment has a certificate issued by an

approved inspection authority before commissioning, where
applicable; and


ensure that a gas system has a valid certificate issued by an

authorised person.

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Approval and duties of approved inspection authority

Only an organisation holding an approval certificate from the
chief inspector shall perform the duties of an approved inspection authority
within the scope of accreditation.
An application for approval in terms of subregulation (1) shall include
the applicant's proof of accreditation prescribed by paragraph (a) or (b) of
subregulation (3), including full contact details and address.

The chief inspector's approval


of inspection bodies operating in the Republic shall be subject to

the submission of an accreditation certificate issued by the
accreditation authority in accordance with the requirements of
SANSIISO 17020 and SANS 10227: Provided that the chief
inspector may set additional requirements before granting
approval; or


of foreign inspection bodies shall be subject to the submission of

an accreditation certificate issued by an International Laboratory
Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) or an
Accreditation Forum (IAF). Mutual Recognition Arrangement
signatory in accordance with the requirements of ISOIIEC
17020: Provided that

the foreign inspection body shall ensure compliance with

all the duties assigned to an approved domestic
inspection authority in terms of these Regulations and
within their scope of accreditation together with the
applicable health and safety standards; and


the chief inspector may set additional requirements

before granting approval.

Imported pressure equipment stamped by an ASME authorised
manufacturer in compliance with the full ASME Code of Construction shall be
deemed to meet the requirements of these Regulations.
In the event of a dispute of a technical or safety issue, which could not
be reasonably resolved between an approved inspection authority and any
interested party, including the user, modifier, repairer or manufacturer, an
interested party may refer the case to the chief inspector in writing for
arbitration, setting out the full details of the dispute.
Upon receiving such a dispute in terms of subregulation (5), the chief
inspector may appoint an arbitrator mutually agreed upon between the
A case referred to the chief inspector in terms of subregulation (5) shall
be investigated and arbitrated within a maximum of 90 days.

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An approved inspection authority shall ensure compliance with all the
duties assigned to an approved inspection authority in these Regulations
within its scope of accreditation and the relevant health and safety standard.
Registration of a steam generator

No user may use a steam generator unless such user IS In
possession of a certificate of registration issued in terms of subregulation (3)
for that steam generator.
Application for registration to use a steam generator shall be made
prior to use to the provincial director in the form of Annexure 2. including
copies of a certificate from the manufacturer and from the approved
inspection authority after installation prior to commisSioning: Provided that this
subregulation shall not apply in respect of the re-erection of a steam
generator on the same premises.
On receipt of an application for registration in terms of subregulation
(1). the provincial director shall forward that application to an inspector who
may issue a certificate of registration in the form of Part C of Annexure 2 in
respect of that steam generator, subject to the conditions that may be
speci'fied on the certificate.
Any user of a steam generator for which a certificate of registration has
been issued shall cause the certificate of registration to be made available on
request to an inspector or an approved inspection authority.
A user shall. within seven days after discovering that the certificate of
registration has been lost, defaced or destroyed. apply to the provincial
director in the form of Part A of Annexure 2 for the issue of a duplicate
certificate, and affix the fee of R100,00 in the form of uncancelled revenue
stamps to such an application.
On receipt of an application in terms of subregulation (5), the provincial
director shall issue the duplicate certificate if he or she is satisfied that the
original certificate has been lost, defaced or destroyed.
A user of a steam generator shall immediately notify the provincial
director in writing when

such steam generator is no longer in use;

the right of control over the use of the steam generator is
transferred by the user to any other user; or
the user moves the steam generator to premises other than the
premises reflected on its certificate of registration.

A certificate of registration issued in terms of subregulation (3) shall


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upon the transfer of the right of control over the use of the steam
generator to another user; or
when a steam generator is removed from the premises reflected
on its certificate of registration.

Pressure equipment marking

Every manufacturer of pressure equipment shall cause the
pressure equipment to be marked in accordance with the relevant health and
safety standard incorporated into these Regulations under section 44 of the
Every manufacturer shall cause a data plate to be permanently fixed in
a conspicuous place to any steam generator or pressure vessel with the
following minimum particulars:

Name of manufacturer;


country of origin;


year of manufacture;


manufacturer's serial number;


reference number, date and edition of the health and safety



design pressure in units of Pascal;


design temperature for both minimum and maximum in degrees



capacity in cubic metres;


unique mark of an approved inspection authority as applicable;



the hazard category in accordance with the requirements of

SANS 347.

In the case of composite pressure equipment the following information
shall be included in addition to that referred to in subregulation (2):

The resin system of the corrosion barrierllining;

the resin system of the structural wall; and
the name and specific gravity of the medium for which the
vessel was designed.

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No person may remove a marking or data plate referred to in this
regulation or wilfully damage or alter the particulars marked thereon, except
as provided in this regulation.
A user shall ensure that any modification that changes the original
design conditions is identified by affixing an additional data plate.
A user shall ensure that a data plate is affixed to any steam generator
or pressure vessel that has been re-certified: Provided that where the
manufacturer is unknown, the user responsible for the re-certification shall be
deemed to be the manufacturer.
Pressure and safety accessories

No user may require or permit pressure equipment to be used
unless it is provided with all the pressure and safety accessories required by
the relevant health and safety standard which is incorporated into these
Regulations under section 44 of the Act and used in the design, construction
and manufacture of such pressure equipment: Provided that alternative safety
accessories other than those required by the standard may be fitted with the
written approval of an approved inspection authority.
In the absence of a requirement referred to in subregulation (1) in the
relevant health and safety standard which is incorporated into these
Regulations under section 44 of the Act and used in the design, construction
and manufacture of such pressure equipment, safety accessories shall be
provided by the user as required by the approved inspection authority and
those safety accessories shall be so selected, arranged and installed as to be
safe for the particular purpose for which the pressure equipment is to be used.
Every user of a steam generator or pressure vessel shall ensure that
the steam generator or pressure vessel in use is fitted with at least one
pressure measuring device.
Every user of a steam generator or pressure vessel shall ensure that
the steam generator or pressure vessel in use is fitted with at least one safety
valve and that safety valve is kept locked, sealed or otherwise rendered
inaccessible to any unauthorised person.
The number and capacity of the safety valve referred to in
subregulation (4) shall comply with the requirements of the design standard
for the steam generator or pressure vessel or as required in terms of
subregulation (2).
Every user shall ensure that the automatic controls and indicators of a
steam generator, pressure vessel or piping are arranged, installed,
maintained and operated in accordance with the relevant health and safety
standard which is incorporated into these Regulations under section 44 of the
Act and used in the design and manufacture of the steam generator, pressure
vessel or pressurized system: Provided that in the absence of such

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provisions, where automatic controls and indicators are installed, they shall be
selected, arranged and installed subject to the written approval of an
approved inspection authority.
Inspection and test

Subject to the requirements of the relevant health and safety
standard incorporated into these Regulations under section 44 of the Act, the
user shall cause

steam generators or pressure vessels, including pressure

and safety accessories, after they are installed or re
installed and before they are commissioned, to be
subjected to a witnessed internal and external inspection
of a hydraulic pressure test to 1,25 times the design
pressure by an approved inspection authority: Provided
that Category I equipment as categorized in terms of
SANS 347 may be inspected, tested and witnessed by
the user: Provided further that the user may, subject to
the written approval of an approved inspection authority,
dispense with the internal inspection and hydraulic
pressure test where it could have an adverse effect on
the operation or integrity of the pressure equipment;


piping to be inspected and tested by the manufacturer

after manufacture, installation, modification or repair and
before commissioning in accordance with the relevant
health and safety standard incorporated into these
Regulations under section 44 of the Act, and, where
applicable, to be witnessed by an approved inspection
authority: Provided that Category I equipment as
categorized in terms of SANS 347 may be inspected,
tested and witnessed by the user;


every fire-tube steam generator to be subjected to an

external inspection every 12 months and a witnessed
hydraulic test and crack detection of critical welds every
36 months, by an approved inspection authority for in
service inspection appointed by the user in writing;


every pressure vessel and steam generator, excluding

those referred to in subregulation (3), to be subjected to
an internal and external inspection and a hydraulic test to
a pressure of 1,25 times the design pressure by an
approved inspection authority for in-service inspection
appointed by the user in writing, at intervals not
exceeding 36 months: Provided that Category I
equipment as categorized in terms of SANS 347 may be
inspected and tested by the user: Provided further that
where the pressure equipment is not subject to

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deterioration processes, the user may dispense with the

internal inspection and hydraulic pressure test, subject to
a maximum period of nine years for that pressure vessel
or steam generator and written approval by an approved
inspection authority: Provided further that the chief
inspector may require a specific steam generator or
pressure vessel to be inspected or tested more
frequently; and

all piping and pipelines to be inspected and tested in

accordance with the relevant in-service health and safety
standard: Provided that where the health and safety
standard does not prescribe in-service inspections and
test intervals, such intervals shall be determined by a
risk-based inspection applying sound engineering
practice: Provided further that such inspection and test for
Category II equipment and higher as categorized in terms
of SANS 347 shall be performed by a competent person
referred to in regulation 1 of the General Machinery
Regulations, 1988.

Where it is impracticable to use a liquid for the hydraulic pressure test
referred to in subregulation (1)(d) or (e), the test may, subject to the prior
written approval of an approved inspection authority, be carried out with an
inert gas to a pressure of 1,1 times the design pressure: Provided that, where
reasonably practicable, the test shall be preceded by an internal inspection
and any conditions and precautionary measures determined by the user and
approved by the approved inspection authority.
(3) Where an inspection or test carried out in terms of subregulation (1)(c),
(d) and (e) reveals any weakness or defect whereby the safety of persons
may be endangered, the weakness or defect shall be reported forthwith to the
user by the person carrying out the inspection or test and the user shall
forthwith cease the use of the pressure equipment until such weakness or
defect has been rectified to the satisfaction of the person who carried out the
inspection and the approved inspection authority concerned in cases of
modifications or repairs, as the case may be, or the steam generator,
pressure vessel or storage vessel has been re-rated to the satisfaction of the
approved inspection authority_
Risk-based inspection

The user may, as an alternative to the in-service inspection and
testing interval requirements referred to in regulation 11 (1 )(d), implement a
risk-based inspection management system in accordance with the relevant
health and safety standard incorporated into these Regulations under section
44 of the Act.
A risk-based inspection process and implementation shall be verified
by a certification body accredited by the accreditation authority in terms of ISO

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17021 specifically for risk-based inspections and approved by the chief

Repairs and modifications
Subject to the requirement of the relevant health and safety
standard incorporated into these Regulations under section 44 of the Act

any person who intends to modify or repair any pressure

equipment shall cause such modification or repair to be
carried out in accordance with the relevant health and
safety standard, and in accordance with the assessment
procedure, as specified by the relevant hazard category
as determined by SANS 347;


any modifier or repairer carrying out any modification or

repair, referred to in paragraph (a), shall issue a
certificate in which the extent of the modification or repair
is described and certify that such work is in accordance
with the relevant health and safety standard incorporated
into these Regulations under section 44 of the Act:
Provided that such certificate shall be countersigned by
the approved inspection authority, where applicable, as
evidence that the design of such modification has been
verified and that it has been modified or repaired and
tested under its supervision in accordance with the
original health and safety standard where reasonably


any user requiring re-certification of any pressure

equipment shall ensure that the re-certification is
performed under the supervision of an approved
inspection authority, as applicable; and


whenever it appears "from any inspection or test that

pressure equipment cannot be used safely in accordance
with its design criteria and the user chooses not to have
the necessary repairs effected immediately, the user
shall, subject to approval by an approved inspection
authority, ensure that the pressure equipment is re-rated,
the amended data plate added and the pressure
equipment operated within the re-rated criteria: Provided
that, in the case of a steam generator, the registration
certificate, together with a copy of the approved
inspection authority's design verification report, shall be
forwarded to the provincial director for updating of the
steam generator registration.

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Every user of pressure equipment shall keep a record, which
shall be open for inspection by an inspector, in which the certificate of
manufacture, and the results, after manufacturing, of a" inspections, tests,
modifications and repairs shall be recorded.
When pressure equipment is sold, the manufacturer shall ensure that it
is accompanied, where relevant, with instructions for the user, containing a"
the necessary safety information relating to

mounting, including the assembling of different pieces of

pressure equipment;


putting into service; and


maintenance, including checks by the user:

Provided that those instructions shall cover information affixed to the pressure
equipment in accordance with these Regulations and the relevant health and
safety standard incorporated into these Regulations by section 44 of the Act,
with the exception of serial identification, and be accompanied, where
appropriate, by technical documents, drawings and diagrams that are
necessary for a full understanding of the instructions: Provided further that, if
appropriate, the instructions shall also refer to hazards arising from misuse of
the pressure equipment.
The manufacturer shall keep the original manufacturing records of the
pressure equipment for a minimum period of 12 years.
The user shall cause pressure equipment to be erected and maintained
in such a manner that access to and exit from any chamber, flue, manhole,
inspection opening, control or accessory is safe and unobstructed.
Door interlocks
Any user of pressure equipment shall cause such pressure
equipment which for operational purposes is equipped with a quick-actuating
opening, to be provided with an interlock or other effective means for

a rise of pressure inside the pressure equipment before the

quick-actuating openings are in the fully closed and locked
position; and
the release of the quick-actuating opening from the locked and
closed position before the pressure inside the pressure
equipment has been reduced to atmospheric pressure or the
pressure across the openings has been equalised.

Gas reticulation equipment and systems

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No. 32395




No person shall


handle, store or distribute any gas in any manner. which

includes the filling of a container, other than in accordance with
the relevant health and safety standard incorporated into these
Regulations under section 44 of the Act;


install or remove an appliance, pressure equipment or system

for gas in any manner other than in accordance with the relevant
safety standard incorporated into these Regulations under
section 44 of the Act;


install or remove a gas appliance, or a gas system or a gas

reticulation system, unless such person is an authorised person;


use pressure equipment or systems for gas in any manner other

than in accordance with the relevant safety standard
incorporated into these Regulations under section 44 of the Act.

After installation or re-installation. and before commissioning a gas
system. the user shall ensure that an external inspection and a leak test are
performed by an authorised person or an approved inspection authority as
applicable in terms of subregulation (1 )(c).
An authorised person or an approved inspection authority shall issue a
certificate of conformity after completion of a gas installation. modification.
alteration or change of user or ownership in the form of Annexure 1.
Transportable gas containers
No user shall
container to be used, and no
repair, inspect or test any
compliance with the relevant
under section 44 of the Act.

use. require or permit a transportable gas

user shall fill. place in service, handle, modify,
transportable gas container, other than in
standards incorporated into these Regulations

The inspection and test referred to in subregulation (1) shall be carried
out by an approved testing station.
Applications for approval of a testing station shall include proof of
accreditation as prescribed in subregulation (4), and shall include full contact
details and address information.
The chief inspector's approval is subject to a valid accreditation
certificate issued by the accreditation authority: Provided that the chief
inspector may set additional requirements before granting approval.

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Fire extinguishers
No user shall use, require or permit the use of a fire extinguisher
unless designed, constructed, filled, recharged, reconditioned, modified,
repaired, inspected or tested in accordance with the relevant safety standard
incorporated into these Regulations under section 44 of the Act.
No person shall fill, recharge, recondition, modify, repair, inspect or test
any fire extinguisher unless such person is an authorised person employed by
a permit holder: Provided that a permit is issued by an organisation approved
by the chief inspector.
Applications for approval shall include proof of accreditation as
prescribed in subregulation (4), and shall include full contact details and
address information.
The chief inspector's approval shall be subject to a valid accreditation
certificate issued by the accreditation authority: Provided that the chief
inspector may set additional requirements before granting approval.
Offences and penalties
Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with any of the
provisions of regulations 3, 4, 5,6, 7(1), 7(2), 8(1), 8(2), 8(3), 8(4), 8(5), 8(7),
9,10,11(1).11(3),12(2). 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18(1), 18(2), 19(1) and 19(2)
shall be guilty of an offence and liable upon conviction to a 'fine or to
imprisonment for a period not exceeding 12 months and, in the case of a
continuous offence, to an additional 'fine of R200,OO for each day on which the
offence continues or additional imprisonment of one day for each day on
which the offence continues: Provided that the period of such additional
imprisonment shall not exceed 90 days.
Repeal of regulations and annexures
The Vessels under Pressure Regulation, 1996, published under
Government Notice No. R. 1591, dated 4 October 1996, is hereby repealed.
Short title
These Regulations shall be called the Pressure Equipment
Regulations. 2009, and shall come into effect on 1 October 2009: Provided
that approved inspection authority for in-service inspections shall come into
effect on 1 April 2011 on condition that the inspection shall be carried out by
an authorised person.

Creamer Media Pty Ltd +27 11 622 3744 [email protected]





Annexure 1



Regulation 17(3) of the Pressure Equipment Regulations, 2009

Certificate of conformity by an authorised person

, declare that I am an authorised

person for gas installations with registration number

and 10

number _ _ __

Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Telephone number (

) _ _ _ _ _ _ __

I further declare that I inspected and tested the installation at

Street _________________
Stand number

Name of building _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Name of farm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Number of farm

Township/Municipality/District _ _ _ _ _ __
Name of gas supplier _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'Typeofgas _______________
Amount of gas stored on premises


and that, in terms of regulation 17(3), the installation complies with the
provisions of 17(2) and that the installation is safe.
I am aware that I am liable,to prosecution in the case of a false declaration.



Creamer Media Pty Ltd +27 11 622 3744 [email protected]



Annexure 2



Regulation 8(2) of the Pressure Equipment Regulations, 2009

Registration of a steam generator




To: Provincial Director

Department of Labour

From: (Postal Address)

Tel. _ _ _ _ _ __
Fax - - - - - - I (user) (legal persona)
hereby apply for a registration/duplicate
registration certificate of a steam generator, particulars of which are reflected in Part B below.

Signature of applicant


Name of applicant (in block letters)

Designation of applicant



Physical address of installation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Type of steam generator_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Name of manufacturer
Country of origin _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Year of manufacture:----:-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Manufacturer's serial number_ _-:---:---:----:-_ _ _ __
Name, number and date of the standard of design,_ _ __
Design gauge pressure in pascal_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Maximum permissible operating pressure in pascal_ _ __
Operating temperature_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
Source of energy (oil, coal, gas, electricity or nuclear) _ __
Steaming capacity of steam generator
kg of steam per hour from and at
100 degrees Celsius
Name of approved inspection authority (during manufacture)_ _ __
Copy of certificate from manufacturer attached ---:----:-_ _~
Copy of approved inspection authority's commissioning report
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __



Creamer Media Pty Ltd +27 11 622 3744 [email protected]








The steam generator, the particulars of which appear in Part B, has this day _ _ _ __

been registered with the official number _~_ __

Permission is hereby granted to use the boiler at a maximum permissible pressure of

_ _ _kPa.

Signature of inspector

Official stamp

Issue of duplicate steam generator registration certificate

Revenue stamps for duplicate

Creamer Media Pty Ltd +27 11 622 3744 [email protected]

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