Islamic Culture

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Asia Pacific Management Review 17(1) (2012) 77-90

The Implementation of Islamic Leadership and Islamic Organizational

Culture and Its Influence on Islamic Working Motivation and Islamic
Performance PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk.
Employee in the Central Java
Abdul Hakim
Faculty of Economic, Sultan Agung Islamic University, Indonesia
Received 25 November 2009; Received in revised form 16 October 2010; Accepted 26 February 2011

The purpose of this study is to analyze and to proof that implementation leadership and
organizational culture have influences on working motivation as have influences on
performance employee as Islamic perspective of PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia in the
Central Java.
The population in this study is the total 268 employees of PT, Bank Muamalat Indonesia
Tbk in Central Java. The total amount of sample in this study is 60 despondences at
Muamalat Bank of Indonesia in Central Java. The hypothesis was examined by using Partial
Least Square (PLS) statistical method to obtain causality relational result of each variable
which was developed in the model.
The result of this study shows that the responsibility of PT, Bank Muamalat Indonesia
Tbk Employee in the Central Java in their working result is in good category quantitatively,
but qualitatively is in incomplete category (kaffah). It happens because conventional
employees performance indicators including ability, task execution, work discipline and
corporates standart working was looked like just to realize corporate organizational purpose
that is generally dominated by materialistic, capitalistic and even hedonistic concept without
including ruhiyyah values which according to mumin faith is absolute to be realized, because
a mumin is only work to find bless from Allah SWT. The Ruhiyyah aspect is connected with
ghirah (desire) or employees vision and mission. The measurement standard of that aspect is
level of synergy between ruhiyyah aspect or employees working result with the Islamic
Keywords: Islamic Leadership, Islamic organizational culture, Islamic working motivation,
Islamic Performance Employee
1. Introduction
One of the problems faced by the organization or company is the lower management
toward human resource management. A great number of human resources which can be
carried out effectively and efficiently will be useful to support the movement of further
development of the organization. The work drive of the company constitute me of the
stipulations must be fulfilled by the company in order to survive. The human resource quality
in Indonesia compared to some members of ASEAN countries is still low, so it causes the
productivity per hour still very low. According to the world Development Report the
productivity in Indonesia in 2002 per hour is US$1.84 and the highest is Singapore at
US$35.92 US$, followed by Malaysias US$4.72 $ and Thailands US$4.56. Many things

Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]


A. Hakim / Asia Pacific Management Review 17(1) (2012) 77-90

can influence the work productivity, the company must be keen to know the factors which
influence the work productivity. To achieve the quality of human resource, they must cover
the leadership, working motivation, working circumference and organizational culture which
can be applied well.
Davis and Newstrom (2001) stated that the relationship between culture and framework is
depending on the leadership and working motivation of the employees. Leadership is one of
important factors in measuring both the framework among the employees and the
organization. Leadership is needed to manage and direct all of stakeholders to achieve better
frame work. The conclusion of the result of Michigan Research Study showed that the
employee oriented leader is preferred to product oriented. Some results of research showed
that a good leadership got positive impact forward the attitude and behaviour of the members
of organization. The research done by Nowack (2004) concluded that bad leadership caused
the employees tend to get out of the organization. Nawawi (2001) suggested the spiritual
leadership model as the solution of leadership crisis nowadays. Spiritual leader ship brings
secularizational dimension to spiritual dimension and he leads based on religious ethic and it
comes from the only God Allah the Almighty through his verses epistemologically studied by
human beings who believe in the very one God Allah and aksiologically in line with the
moral of Islamic Religion.
Nowack (2004) concluded that leadership creates the dynamical of organizational vision
which can give the urge to have a new creation and innovation. The leadership can give the
inspiration to have a sense of admiration, pride and faithfulness to the employees so that they
can be motivated to do the task more than its expected. Waldman, Bass, and Yammarino
(1989) stated that leadership is basically equipped what is lack of the leadership it self.
Hughes et al. (2002) explained that leadership is not only a certain position, but a complex
processes which involved the interaction between external leadership and his partners /
employees within the organizational circumference, the motivation and the framework can
not be separated. Generally when someone got something that he expected in the company,
he will work as well as possible. It is natural since he felt that he is worthy of the effort.
Human being is descended to the earth as the Servant of God while he is as the king who
manages on the earth for himself, his family, his society and his nation. By the moral values
of Islamic Religion based on Al-Quran and As-Sunnah (Hadits), human being as a perfect
creature supplied by brain and thought given by Allah the Almighty, commanded to be the
man with high moral value, he must not break the law on the other hand he must do a good
deed. A man is considered better than the others if he can give the benefit to others. The
higher and lower rank of mankind is not seen by the profession and the richness he has but
its seen by the higher moral value he has (Zadjuli, 1999).
The majority of the people in Central Java are Moslems. They have the opportunity to
develop and apply a leadership. They can also improve the spiritual motivation as well as
creating the working circumstances based on the values of the employees. The Moslems
society have potential to the human resource of the companies in Central Java. It is expected
that they can improve the framework among the employees based on Islamic Values. But in
reality their behaviour is not in line with the Islamic way. They do not apply Islamic rule
properly for example when they heard the calling prayer, they here to stop all activities and
they must do the five compulsory times of prayer on time, and they have to pray together. But
its not the case they go on their activities and they took the calling prayer for granted. Such a
case will give the impact of its companys culture.
Many companies compete to dominate the human resource nowadays. They exploit the
employees exaggeratingly. They do not pay any attention to their employees. Most of
employees tend to achieve the prime and second day needs. It is because at the understanding
of the company among employees. They havent applied Islamic rules totally. It is very

A. Hakim / Asia Pacific Management Review 17(1) (2012) 77-90

important to understand the Islamic spiritual motivations, including faith, devoting and
Islamic application rules. And they have to understand them completely (kaffah) spiritual
motivation will give the urge to do the job as well as possible. As a Moslem, he will consider
that working is devoting, so he will make an effort to give all of his assets, thought and
contemplate to have self actualization as the servant of God Allah. In return he must be able
to defeat the world by doing anything in the very good way. A Moslem must believe that he
does not do anything for himself but how to be able to contribute anything to other people.
He must be able to improve the community where he lives for example if he knows
something in his community, he does nothing while he can do something to improve the
situation God will blame him for his negligence. As Moslem he must poeses the Sense of
Satisfaction. He must satisfy with anything given from the only God Allah. The Islamic
organizational culture which is considered as conducive is the being able to support Islamic
working motivation well like: Good relationship between managers and workers the
relationship among workers. Good advice and urge from managers to workers. Convenient
atmosphere etc. such above condition can give the opportunity for altering managerial level
to run their program as expected.
This study used the object of PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk in Central Java which
have many reasons. First, describing strategic assets in PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk In
Central Java as business organization used its main assets in human resources. Human
resources as a key to success are facing the change which happened within the organization.
The human resources in the organization as the initiator and the never ending of the change
agent, process form and becoming the culture of improving the ability of organizational
change, such a change is expected to be able to create better condition. This condition needs
many supporting factors form many components involved both directly and indirectly. As the
above mention, it is very close to the purpose of the aim sure, Allah created human beings as
the servant of Allah SWT, to be the leader to manage the world and anything comes from it
with the purpose of making better life for all of mand kind and creatures live in the world, as
mentioned in the holy Al-Quran (QS. 2:30) and (QS. 51: 56).
Second, geographically the majority of the people in Central Java are devoted Moslems
having the potential of developing in improving Islamic values applied in their daily activities
among the employees. The potential of Moslems societies which become the resource of the
company in PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk in Central Java is expected to be able to
improve more in applying the Islamic value among the employees. Generally the employees
way of life tend to be seculeristic, materialistic or hedonistic which are very strong enough to
influence the employees to do as they like neglecting Islamic values. The third from 2001 to
2006 the labour turn over relatively very high, it is about 4% - 5% it means that total
comparation of PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk workers in Central Java from many
managerial level, both on managerial skill and technical skill which getting in or out or move
to the other Bank Syariah or Conventional are relatively very high so it influenced on the
role of managerial company very much for long terms. The forth seeing from parameter used
to evaluate the frame work of the employees is just only show the indicator of the success of
financial purpose (profit oriented), but if the parameter use is based on benefit oriented
according to Islamic law that PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk in Central Java as banking
institution which as managed based on Islamic religion hasnt been developed or impact.
PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk could stand from crisis, but in fact that it is frame
work was decreasing. In 1998 Bank Muamalat got operational lost about Rp. 105 billions. It
was infect a very big splashing. Seeing that the total capital received for the time being was
only Rp. 138.4 billions. But by struggling hard such a lost can be minimized even they could
get operational profit from the year 2000-2002 from Rp. 10.8 billions, Rp. 50.32 billions and
Rp. 32.15 billions, until all of the crews succeeded in returning the capital which was

A. Hakim / Asia Pacific Management Review 17(1) (2012) 77-90

decreasing nearly one third in the year 1998 only Rp. 39.3 billions, even in the end of 2002
the total equity was exceeding the capital sent becoming totally Rp. 174.32 billions from the
total above, Rp. 66 billions was from new members. The rest of Rp. 108 billions was the gift
or alms giving from uamalats crew. If the total gift from it is crews until more than 500
people so the last four years each crew gave for their institution about Rp 216 millions. The
problem in the research was what kind of leadership and the organizational culture
insfluenced toward working motivation and Islamic values especially GS. Al baqoroh. 30 and
G.S. Adzariat 56 implemented and becoming the culture PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk
in central Java.
2. Purpose of study
The purpose of this research is to analyze and prove the influence of Islamic kadoeship
and the Islamic organizational culture and its influential forward Islamic working motivation
and Islamic performance employees at PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk in Central Java.
The research also tries to understand the implementation of Islamic leadership based on
human function as the representative of Allah and servant of Allah and also wanted to know
whether the decision maker or management of PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk in Central
Java in giving the evaluation forward the employees performance has been implemented and
cultured (QS-9:105).
3. Literature investigation and hypothesis
3.1 Islamic leadership
The understanding of leadership in Islamic perspective according to Nawawi (1993) is the
ability of prohibition from Allah SWT whether it is done together with other people or alone.
It means that leadership is the ability to realize all his messenger.
Islamic philosophy of life that leadership is considered a trust and responsibility which
has not been only responsible for the members under his leadership but also responsible in
front of Allah SWT as stated in Al quran (QS. 23 :8-110). From the character of Prophet
Muhammad we can understand that there were four dimensions of his leadership as follows:
(Nawawi, 1993).
A. Shiddiq / Honesty: Those who here the characters of honesty are always in line
between their soaking and their deeds, according to Islamic teaching. The honesty is
including: (a) The attitude, (b) in doing something / working, and (c) in financial purposes.
B. Amanah / Trust: Haring sense of responsibility, trust worthy, doing the task and duties
very well. As stated in (QS. 32: 8).
C. Fathonah / Smart: Able to solve any problems, having concept and broaden knowledge
it is also stated in (QS. 16: 125).
D. Tabligh: Not only the ability to inform but also give the action about what he has just
been in formed in this daily life activities and the ability of good negotiation.
3.2 Organizational Culture
Hotstede (1991) defined that the culture as in many interactions can influence other
people in their surrounding. According to Stoner (1996) that culture is the inaction of many
complex assumption, behaviour, stories. Myths end many other opinions which become one
to decide what the meaning to be one of many walks of live. The perspective of Islamic
culture according Sumarman (2003) was any value, thought and symbol based on Islamic
norms which influence behaviour, attitude, faith and the habit of someone in a certain walks
of life. The success of proket Muhammad in developing the working atmosphere


A. Hakim / Asia Pacific Management Review 17(1) (2012) 77-90

conductively caused by his attitude of feeling pity to other people as stated (QS. 3: 159).
Islamic teaching combined between the culture and profession. According to Didin
Hafidhudin and Henri Tanjung (2003) explained that professionalism is having full of
commitment in working very well and very hard (QS. 17: 84).
3.3 Islamic Working Motivation
According to ledge (1993), motivation is a process beginning from shortcoming or need
physiology or psychology as activities or giving the urgent to achieve the goal. According to
Anshori (1993), a moslem spiritual motivation decided into three: (a) Faith motivation, (b)
devote motivation, and (c) motivation of act purpose the faith motivation is a claim comes
from the heart, means that the motivation from the inner side caused by the strength of its
belief. Devote motivation showed how big the faith of a Moslem toward Islamic teachings
based on Al-Quran and As-Sunnah. A devote Moslem or strict Moslem will do the five
compulsory times of prayer one of the Islamic pillars. The manifestation of becoming a
devote Moslem is that the realization of relationship among the mankinds. He can live in
between, being not to be too luxurious or too modest.
3.4 Employees Islamic Performance
According to Byars (1984), performance is the result of someone effort to achieve a
certain goal. So performance is the ability to do the job based on certain knowledge. There
are some indicators for a Moslem considered good in implementing Islamic values. Zadjuli,
(1999) intention, plan or aim he gives anything he has done on the hand of Allah. He always
implements Islamic values. He does not think only the happiness in the world but also the
happiness in the here after looking after the balance of life, how to survive by doing
something in better way by working hard, and getting some wealth to the orphanage or to
those who need it.
4. Literature Observation
Nowack (2004) investigated the influence of leadership affectivities toward the health of
the employee psychology, including job satisfaction, motivation, stress, retention and
employees performance. The result concluded that the employee who thought that the leader
who had a very bad leadership caused the employees tend to get out from the organization,
lower working motivation, unhealthy working circumference, higher stress. The result of this
study supports the hypothesis that leadership give significant influential to ward working
motivations, including job satisfaction, stress and working atmosphere. Muafi (2003)
investigated about the influential of spiritual motivation of the employees toward religious
performance. Empirical study at Rangkut Industrial area in Surabaya (SIER) the result of the
investigation showed that: (a) Spiritual motivation is akidah, devoting and good deed
influenced toward religious performance, (b) Muamalat motivation, dominate toward
religious, and (c) no different religious performance between operational employees or non
operational at Rangkut Industrial Area Surabaya (SIER). Other investigation which becomes
the reference of this study was investigated by Yousef (2000). He investigated about the
relationship between leadership approach with organizational culture and performance. The
investigation was done by the survey and measure respondent perception toward leadership
approach with 22 items of questioners. The result obtained from this research is that the
participation can increase the employees. Such an investigation produced the conclusion that
organizational culture is moderator from the relation between the leadership and employees


A. Hakim / Asia Pacific Management Review 17(1) (2012) 77-90

Kotler JP and Heckett (2005), on journal: Leadership and organization development

(LOD) investigated about corporated culture and impactful performance which used random
method survey toward 207 companies in united state of America and counted the strong
indicts of organizational culture and used correlation analysis. The result of this research are:
(a) Organizational culture got significant influential toward employees performance, (b)
organizational culture as an important factor in determining the success or failure of company
within the next decade, and (c) though its difficult to change, organizational culture can be
made to increase the achievement / employees performance. Elenkov (2002) on Journal
Business Research investigated the influence of leadership with working motivation in
employees performance. The result of research showed that: (a) Leadership influenced
directly toward employees performance, (b) leadership influenced indirectly toward
employees performance through working motivation, and (c) support of working motivation
was stronger as intervening variable of leadership toward employees performance. Shea,
(1999), on Journal: Of Business Research, investigated about the leadership influential
toward employees performance. The research method used quantitative research which
stressing on examination theory through measurement of research variable with number and
data analysis through statistic procedure. As statistical exam instrument used regress of
analysis test instrument. The research result showed that leadership style influenced toward
employees performance. Bernard (1995), on Journal: Leadership and organization
development (LOD) investigated about the relationship between organizational culture and
employees performance. Research method used quantitative which stressing on the theory
exam through measurement of research variable with number and doing data analysis through
statistic procedure. As statistical test instrument used correlation analysis. But the research
result showed that it was found that there was a clear relation between organization culture
and employees performance.
5. Hypotheses
Hypotheses preposed in this study include the following:
H1: Islamic leadership got influential toward Islamic working motivation at PT. Bank
Muamalat Indonesia Tbk in Central Java.
H2: Islamic leadership got influential toward Islamic performance of employees at PT.
Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk in Central Java.
H3: Islamic leadership got influential toward Islamic organizational culture of employees
at PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk in Central Java.
H4: Islamic organizational culture got influential toward Islamic working motivation at
PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk in Central Java.
H5: Islamic organizational culture got influential toward Islamic performance of
employees at PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk in Central Java.
H6: Islamic working motivation got influential toward Islamic performance of employees
at PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk in Central Java.
6. Research Methodology
The population in this research is all the 268 employees both the leaders and staffs at PT.
Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk in Central Java which spread in 5 cities including the
branches office all over Central Java. The sample size in this research is 60 respondents. The
respondent choice is done by using purposing sampling technique. Every respondent which
will become the sample should fulfil certain requirements. They are Moslem, D3 degree and


A. Hakim / Asia Pacific Management Review 17(1) (2012) 77-90

three years working experience at Bank Muamalat. The input data was done together for all
branches in all coverage area of PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk in Central Java.
7. Variable Operational Definition
7.1 Islamic Leadership
The character and behaviour of the leader described a process to influence the activities of
a group which was organized to achieve the goal by identifying himself as the changing agent,
trusting the leaders, the staff and overthing involved, which all of them were done by paying
attention the Islamic norms according to Al-Quran and Al-Hadits. The leadership variable
indicator in this research is as follows:
A. Shiddiq means: Honesty in a certain attitude / behaviour, within working hours, in
handling the financial, be have as a good justifying.
B. Amanah: Trust worthy: Full of responsibility, doing the task and duties very well.
C. Fathonah / smart: Able to solve any problems, having concept and broad knowledge,
D. Tabligh: Creating open management.
7.2 Islamic Organizational Culture
It is a value system taken and developed to be applied in daily life or activities using
Islamic values according to Islamic teaching or Islamic rule, Islamic way of life based on AlQuran and Al-Hadits. The variable indicators of organizational culture are as follows:
A. Smiling: To create the atmosphere of attention.
B. Greetings: To create welfare atmosphere.
C. Friendship: Good relationship among the employees both managers and staffs.
D. Helping among the others, having good cooperation.
E. Never telling a lie
F. Discipline: Using the time as well as possible.
7.3 Islamic Working Motivation
This involves in the activities which focus on the job target. If there is an appraisal on the
job achievement that the achievement showed very excellent and having self confidence that
all of the jobs done in accordance with Al-Quran and As-Sunnah. The variable indicators
used in this research are motivated by Islamic values approach, as follows:
A. Looking for happiness both in the world or in the here after.
B. Enthusiasm of being efficient and effective and give the advantageous to others.
C. Looking for a job intended as the servant of Allah.
7.4 Employees Islamic Performance.
The quality of the job results in doing all of the jobs given. The firmness toward the job,
being loyal to the introduction, mental responsibility of the job, all of them done caused by
the intention of implementing Islamic values based on Al-Quran and As-Sunnah. The
indicators of variables performance are as follows:
A. Achievement of the job.
B. Speed and exact in performing all of the job.
C. The intention of becoming servant or to serve other people.
D. Job quality.
E. Alms giving.


A. Hakim / Asia Pacific Management Review 17(1) (2012) 77-90

The research variables mention before, measured by using 5-poinr Likert scale ranging
from 1 to 5. The analysis used to test hypotheses is structural equal modeling by using partial
least square approach (PLS).
8. Result and Discussion

An Islamic


0.298 (Gama)

(2.114) t-statisti

0.567 (Gama)
(5.852) t-statistik

Isl, Working

0.298 (Beta)

e (Y3)


Rsq: 0.812
Rsq: 0.828
onal Culture

0.529 (Beta)
(6.365) t-statistic

0.414 (Beta)
(2.658) t-statistic

Figure 1. Path strip analysis.

If the significant level (alpha) 5% with the data of 60 respondents so the level of total t
table 1,6711. If the statistic level is bigger than the level of t table, so the hypothesis is
supported and can be accepted.
8.1 The first hypothesis
Finding significant positive influential from the variable of Islamic leadership toward
Islamic working motivation means that the Islamic leadership is well implemented, so it will


A. Hakim / Asia Pacific Management Review 17(1) (2012) 77-90

be better, the Islamic working motivation of the employees of PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia
Tbk in Central Java so that the first hypothesis is approved and can be accepted. The Islamic
leadership mention in this study is a concept of Islamic leadership. As the activities quide and
slow to the way where Allah will. Such activities expected to develop the ability to do oneself
among the people which directed to the way of Allahs will. This is done by considering of
balancing to get happiness whether in the world or in the hereafter, so the impact of Islamic
leadership will aim to Islamic working motivation of the employees in doing the job. The
success of Islamic working motivation of the employees influenced very much by how far
Islamic leadership can be done through indicators mentioned.
8.2 The second hypothesis
Based on the result of Partial Least Square test for examining the second hypothesis that
is the influential of Islamic leadership toward employees Islamic performance found the
significance of positive influence. It means that if the quality of Islamic leadership can be
implemented well, so it is becoming better for employees Islamic performance of PT. Bank
Muamalat Indonesia Tbk in Central Java. So the second hypothesis can be accepted. Islamic
leadership mention in this study is a concept of Islamic leadership. As the activities guide and
show to the way where Allah will. Such activities expected to develop the ability to do
oneself among the people which directed to the way of Allah will. This is done by
considering of balancing to get happiness whether in the world or in the hereafter, so the
impact of Islamic leadership will aim to Islamic working motivation of the employees in
doing the job. The success of Islamic working motivation of the employees influences very
much by how far Islamic leadership can be done through indicators mention. The influential
of Islamic leadership toward employees Islamic performance is in line with the research done
by Elenkov (2002). The research result explained that the experienced employees and the
high level of education, means that they have invested in a great number of value on the
organization till the sense of belonging among employees to the organization, is not only the
season just margly for survival but the sense of responsible toward the organization is more
important. The research result showed that leadership influenced directly toward employees
performance. Dessler (1997) stated that the success of an organization is depending very
much from the quality of the leadership within its organization.
8.3 The third hypothesis
Based on the result of partial least square test which examined the third hypothesis that is
the influential of Islamic leadership toward employees Islamic performance found influence.
It means that if the quality of Islamic leadership can be implemented well, so its becoming
better for employees Islamic performance of PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk in Central
Java so that the third hypothesis can be accepted.
The influential process of Islamic leadership toward Islamic organizational culture was
measured through indicators of: Shiddiq, amanah, fathonah and tabligh. The parameter
estimated the influential of Islamic leadership through Islamic organizational culture. So it is
concluded that Islamic leadership influenced positively toward Islamic organizational culture
of PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk in Central Java. The Islamic leadership mention to
show, guide to the way of Allah will. Such activities expected to develop the ability to do
oneself among the people which directed to the way of Allah will. This is done by
considering of balancing to get happiness whether in the world or in the hereafter. So the
impact of Islamic leadership will aim to Islamic working motivation of the employees in
doing the job. The success of Islamic working motivation of the employees influenced very
much by now far Islamic leadership can be done through indicators mention.


A. Hakim / Asia Pacific Management Review 17(1) (2012) 77-90

8.4 The forth hypothesis

Based on the calculation result of Partial Least Square (PLS) test which examined the
forth hypothesis is the influential of Islamic organizational culture toward Islamic working
motivation, got the result on influential from Islamic organizational culture through Islamic
working motivation. It means that the better Islamic organization culture implemented by PT.
Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk in Central Java, so the better Islamic working motivation of
employees. So the forth hypothesis can be acceptable. Islamic leadership was influenced very
much by how far Islamic organizational culture can be implemented through the indicators of
smiling, greeting, good relationship, helping among the others, never telling alie and having
good time management. The influential of Islamic organizational culture toward Islamic
working motivation was in line with the research result done by Marcoulides and Heek (1993)
mention that there were 8 main values which become the principle of company culture. They
are: (a) Purpose principle, (b) consensus principle, (c) competitive edge principle, (d) unity
principle, (e) achievement principle, (f) empirical principle, (g) closeness, and (h) integrity
8.5 The fifth hypothesis
Based on the calculation result of Partial Least Square (PLS) test which examined the
fifth hypothesis is the influential Islamic organizational culture through employees Islamic
performance, got influential from Islamic organizational culture toward employees Islamic
performance. It means that the better Islamic organization culture, the better employees
Islamic performance of PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk in Central Java. So the fifth
hypothesis approach can be accepted. It can be concluded that Islamic organization culture
influenced positively through employees Islamic performance of PT. Bank Muamalat
Indonesia Tbk in Central Java. Islamic organizational culture mention on this study is all of
the value, thought, and symbol based on Islamic norms which influence behaviour, attitude,
faith, and the habit of someone in working ultimately and full of commitment and seriousness.
Employees Islamic portion culture could implement through indicators of: Smiling, greeting,
good relationship and helping among the others, never telling a lie and discipline of time
management. So employees Islamic performance influenced very much by how far Islamic
organizational culture can be implemented through such indicators.
8.6 The sixth hypothesis
Based on the result of Partial Least Square (PLS) test for examining the sixth hypothesis,
its result gets influential from working motivation toward its variables. It means that the more
increasing of employees working motivation, will be able to improve employees Islamic
performance of PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk in Central Java. Therefore the sixth
hypothesis can be accepted. It can be concluded that Islamic working motivation overall
influenced positively toward employees Islamic performance of PT. Bank Muamalat
Indonesia Tbk in Central Java. The Islamic working motivation mention in this study is
looking the benefit whether in the world or in the hereafter. It means that man proposal God
disposal. In this case Islamic working motivation constituted the effort to make the
employees to do the job of company organization with full of self awareness not
compulsorily. The motivation in this contest comes from the soul of somebody. Therefore
employees Islamic performance influenced very much by Islamic working motivation can be
done through the indicators of looking for benefits in the world and in the hereafter,
seriousness efficiency and benefits.


A. Hakim / Asia Pacific Management Review 17(1) (2012) 77-90

9. Conclusion
Based on the evidence either quantitatively or qualitatively, we can draw the conclusion
integratively that the implementation of Islamic leadership and Islamic organizational culture
which implemented Islamic values comprehensively (kaffah), good, right and consistent
(istiqomah) at PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk in Central Java proved in producing the
increase of a good Islamic working motivation. The implementation of Islamic leadership
applied Islamic values comprehensively (kaffah) good, rightness and consistent at PT. Bank
Muamalat Indonesia Tbk in Central Java proved in producing the increase of a good Islamic
organizational culture too. Furthermore the Islamic working motivation which is considered
as good, right and consistent are also proved giving an influence toward the increase of
employees Islamic performance of PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk in Central Java.
The study is considered to be useful, as it can be used as further consideration on making
deciasion and comparison study in problems solving faced by PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia
Tbk. in Central Java, the implementation of the Islamic basic management (Al-Quran and
As-sunnah) in the operational of PT, Bank Muamalat Indonesia. Tbk. in Central Java of
cultured and that is the implementation of the leadership and the organizational culture and
Its influence on the working motivation and Islamic performance of Employee. The research
variables inspiring by the scoring measurement (SIZ, 2008) using Likert approach
measurement on a 1-5 scale adjusted by the syariah approach. Based on scoring by SIZ, this
measurement includes understanding, attitude and practice of field. It is divided by halal /
have to (very good), sunnah (good), mubah (ordinary), makruh (bad) and haram (pure bad).
The studi explanatory research, which mean that it explains the influence of free or
independent variable (exogen variable) to endogen variable as intervening function and to
united one or dependent variable (endogen variable) is the dependent variable.
The Islamic leadership gives influence on the Islamic working motivation. It means that
the hypothesis of this is proved. It means that if the Islamic leadership is more implemented
in of PT, Bank Muamalat Indonesia. Tbk in Central Java, the employees Islamic working
motivation increases.
The Islamic leadership gives influence on employees Islamic performance. It means that
the hypothesis of this is proved. It means that if the Islamic leadership is more implemented
in of PT, Bank Muamalat Indonesia. Tbk in Central Java, the employees Islamic
performance increases.
The Islamic leadership gives influence Islamic organizational culture. It means that the
hypothesis of this is proved. It means that if the Islamic leadership is more implemented of
PT, Bank Muamalat Indonesia. Tbk in Central Java, Islamic organizational culture increases.
The Islamic organizational culture gives influence on Islamic leadership. It means that if
Islamic organizational culture is more implemented of PT, Bank Muamalat Indonesia. Central Java, Islamic leadership increases.
The Islamic organizational culture gives influence on employees Islamic working
motivation. It means that if Islamic organizational is more implemented of PT, Bank
Muamalat Indonesia. Tbk in Central Java, the employees Islamic working motivation
The Islamic Organizational culture gives influence on employees performance. It means
that the hypothesis of this study is proved. It means that if the Islamic organizational culture
is more implemented of PT, Bank Muamalat Indonesia. Tbk In Central Java, the employees
performance increases.
The Islamic working motivation gives influence on employees Islamic performance. It
means that he hypothesis of this study is proved. It means that if Islamic working motivation


A. Hakim / Asia Pacific Management Review 17(1) (2012) 77-90

is more of PT, Bank Muamalat Indonesia. Tbk. in Central Java, the employees Islamic
performance increases.
The result of this study shows that the implementation of Islamic leadership in of PT,
Bank Muamalat Indonesia. Tbk in Central Java, quantitatively in good category but
qualitatively is not in complete category (kaffah). It was caused by some answers from the
respondents that give the answers for the question that was asked which is 30%.
The result of this study also shows that principle of dividing between risk and benefit
according to values in Islamic concept, especially in As-Sunnah that says a man is better in
front of Allah SWT if his/her existence can give benefit to his/her society, quantitatively in
good category but qualitatively is not in complete category (kaffah). It was caused by some
answers from the respondents that give in answers for the question that was asked which is
The result of this study also shows that the responsibility employee of PT, Bank
Muamalat Indonesia. Tbk in Central Java in their working result is in good category
quantitatively, but qualitatively is in incomplete category (kaffah). It happens because
conventional employees performance indicators including ability, task execution, work
discipline and corporates standard working looked like just to realize corporate
organizational purpose that generally dominated by materistic, capitalistic or even hedonistic
concept with not include ruhiyyah values which according to mumin faith is absolute to be
realized, because a mumin is only work to find bless from Allah. Ruhiyyah aspect is
connected with ghirah (desire) or employees vision and mission. Measurement standard of
that aspect is level of synergy between ruhiyyah aspect or employees working result with
Islamic concept.
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