The Doom Seeker 1

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Artwork by Hazkar

The Doom Seeker - Issue 1 - Autumn 2009

The New Slayer Brotherhood

Ravening Hordes

Editor: Bilbo Baggins

Artwork: Hazkar
Writers: Bilbo Baggins, Ironlord, Grimstonefire, Spinningpond
Photos: Bilbo Baggins, Kera Foehunter, detchevus,
Title Graphics and The Doom Seeker Logo: Bilbo Baggins
Submissions: [email protected]
Letters to Editor: [email protected]
Cover art by: Hazkar

From the Desk of Bilbo Baggins
Slayer Journal
Legend of Hargrim Bronzeaxe and his Legion of Slayers by Bilbo Baggins
Ketnia Garzak and the Pirate Wenches by Bilbo Baggins
Kera, Pirate Queen by Bilbo Baggins
Slayer Pirate Clan History by Spinningpond
Tales of Karak Kadrin
Trial Army List for the Slayer Army of Karak Kadrin by Bilbo Baggins
Sample Slayer Army Lists from Storm of Chaos Book by Bilbo Baggins
Expression in Runes
New Slayer Brotherhood Painting Contest
Slayer Fury by Grimstonefire
Painting Garagrim Ironfist by Grimstonefire
Guide to Sculpting Slayers by Grimstonefire
Letters to Karak Kadrin
Issue Question
Slayer Axe
detchevus from Ravening Hordes Slayer Army
Grimstonefires Slayers
Ravening Hordes
Bilbos 3000 Point Chaos Dwarf Army
A Great New Gift (A Chaos Dwarf Story) by Ironlord
Other Realms (List of Forums for Warhammer Armies)

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Images and artwork must be in JPEG (.jpg), GIF (.gif) or Bitmap (.tif and .bmp). All Articles, Stories and Battle Reports must be
submitted in MS Word (.doc) or Text (.txt) formats. Articles and Battle Reports should include images clearly marked of where they
would be in the article. Submissions can be sent to [email protected]. Deadline for submissions to be considered for the
next issue of The Doom Seeker is 1 November 2009.

DISCLAIMER: This webzine is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.
Chaos, the Chaos device, the Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, Darkblade, the Double-Headed/Imperial Eagle device, Eavy Metal, Forge World, Games Workshop,
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registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.
The Doom Seeker is property of Bilbo Baggins, The New Slayer Brotherhood and NSB is the property of NSB. Unless otherwise noted material is in short, ours. If you want to
reproduce or host some of the material contained within please contact the staff at [email protected]. - 2009 (C). This webzine is a free publication, no money is allocated
for advertising in any form. Any advertisements contained within are for non profit
Bilbos comments are his own and not necessary the viewpoint of the contributors or staff of The Doom Seeker.

The opinions expressed here are those of Bilbo Baggins and do not reflect those of the staff, contributors, advertisers, the
administrators and moderators of the New Slayer Brotherhood or Ravening Hordes Forums, and possibly any sane people in the

Hello and welcome all,

Yes, welcome to the first of hopefully many issues of the Webzine for the people who love the Warhammer and the Storm
of Chaos Army of Slayers, or for that matter any army that Games Workshop has decided not to support anymore. Im going
to give a little background of the army of we of the New Slayer Brotherhood love.
Now I think Ill do a good Dwarf grumbling, even though Im more of a Halfling to my friends. For those who dont know
but Games Workshop (GW) had released a Supplement Army book in 2004 for a world-wide campaign called Storm of
Chaos (SOC). The SOC book was releases and people looked at the 10 armies listed and many people gravitated to one
army or another to have a new build for their existing models. But there were a few that required people to make a major
investment in models to build the army. I know I asked GW staff from red-shirts to Managers to District Managers and even
heard what was being said at that years Games Day. It was the impression that the armies would remain legal for
tournaments even after the current tournament season was done. Since in typical GW fashion many of the models werent
released until the end of the campaign the players seemed to be happy.
The next year they released Lustria and the players were being told the same thing, but the models in the Lustria list could
work with the main armies of the book (Lizardmen and Skaven). There were a bunch of SOC armies in tournaments and
some were being tooled out for the Power Gamers, there were a lot of Daemon armies being fielded by GW staffers.
In 2006 the edict came down from on high that with the release of new army books for the 7th Edition of Warhammer
Fantasy that the SOC and Lustria armies would no longer be legal (their term) to play in tournaments. Now I dont know if
they expected the backlash they got, especially in America, but they got it in spades. They relented and allowed the SOC
armies in the tournaments in America (but not the UK) for that year. The one theory was that players who spent loads of
money making cool armies of Metal models (like the Slayer Army) may have threatened to sue but Im hoping that GW just
heard so many complaints they relented.
That lasted a year, and the new Orc and Goblin (O&G), Dwarf and Empire books came out and GW told the players for
2007 the SOC armies for them are now gone from the tournament list since updated books came out. Empires Cult of Ulric
and Middenheim, O&G Ard Boyz and the Slayers are Gone. Worse is they didnt put the cool units into the new books even
as Rare units.
OK, its been 3 years and people are complaining less because they have started new armies. There are a few die hard
players (like me) but it was less than previously and GW got their way.
But what about those Daemon players, GW rewarded them with a army book just for them that made the SOC list that
people complained about seem tame.
Now legal only means that they can be played in GW run tournaments, some independent (Indy) tournaments still allowed
the SOC armies to play. So Tournament Legal should be the term used instead. I get people every time I show up with my
Slayers (and even my Chaos Dwarfs) saying that its an illegal army. Its only not legal for tournaments. If you have a Slayer
Army, or any other unsupported army, pull them out and play them. Itll impress the people at the stores. I play at GW
Franklin Mills (Philadelphia, PA) and when the Slayers, or my Chaos Dwarfs, hit the tables people gather around.
PS: Im hoping to here more from you and see some submissions to The Doom Seeker in the future.


The Doom Seeker - Issue 1 - Autumn 2009

The Legend of Hargrim Bronzeaxe and his Legion of Slayers

By Bilbo Baggins

Hargrim Bronzeaxe was a well-respected Dwarf. He led his clan of Dwarves that lived in the Empire on the
border of the Empire state of Stirland and land of the Halflings called the Moot. He was well known for leading
his clan of Dwarves in battles against many of the foes of the Empire. Many times he allied with the State Army
of Stirland when his friend and battle brother the Grand Master of the Blazing Sun Wilhem Eckstein led it. He
was also known for the treaties he negotiated, many times with both
sides feeling they got the better of the bargain.
After the Emperor allowed the Halflings of the Moot the chance to rule
their own lands the newly appointed Elector Count of the Moot Daniel
Longbottom realized that he would need a strong alliance to help protect
his homeland from incursions of nefarious tribes seeking Chaos and
Destruction. He Invited the Elector Count of Stirland, Tomas von
Corridan and Hargrim Bronzeaxe of the Dwarf clan of the Free Dwarves
of the Empire to sign a treaty of mutual defense. The meeting was
scheduled to meet at the Dancing Dragon a place known to all for the
Atmosphere, Dwarf Brew and Elegant Cuisine. It was also run by a
Human (Teddy Eckstein - Wilhelm's older brother) a Dwarf (Brew master
Grombar Stronghand - Hargrim's baby brother) and a Halfling (Chef
Perry Longbottom - Daniel's Cousin.)
On the day of the summit Wilhelm, Daniel and Hargrim were just
getting seated to formally sign the treaty when a band of Orcs attacked.
Quickly the leaders rounded their troops, leaving a token defense and
counter attacked the Orcs. The Orcs fled and were chased down and
slaughtered to a man.
As the troops returned they found that the Dancing Dragon was quiet
as a graveyard and soon they found out why. They found one Halfling
who was a waiter who somehow escaped. He informed them that three Skaven Assassins stealthfully entered
the in during the Orc raid and kill all they found, including the three owners of the Dancing Dragon Inn.
Upon hearing the news Wilhelm and Daniel tried to persuade Hargrim from doing something rash. But knowing
him as they did realize what he and his troops planned to do. They rent their clothes and took the Slayer Oath.
They found a quantity of dye and shaved the hair off the sides of their heads and colored their hair the orange
color of the Slayers. Wilhelm and Daniel pledged their support and Tomas Corridan made all the troops of
Stirland available to set right this horrible wrong that has committed. It took several months but they finally
tracked down the Skaven Clan Eshen and Hargrim killed several hundred himself including the Master Assassin
Swarg the Stealthy on the day Archaon retreated from the walls of Middenheim.
Image by Bilbo Baggins

Hargrim and his clan decided to leave the Empire for a pilgrimage to Karak Kadrin to speak to the Slayer King
Ungrim Ironfist. Not much is known of their journey except it is said that no enemy of the Dwarves or the Empire
survived any encounters with his Legion.
As soon as they arrived in Karak Kadrin they heard the name that may finally lead them to the doom they seek.
Lustria. Lustria the vast Jungle Continent. A place where it is rumored that there are creatures that are worthy
to die to.

The Doom Seeker - Issue 1 - Autumn 2009

Ketnia Garzak and the Pirate Wenches

By Bilbo Baggins

They are Daemons, Daemons I say. They stuck with a ferocity that is unparalleled to anything Ive ever
seen. Ive been to some of the most remote regions of the world and there is nothing that can compare to the
pure destructive power those women shown that night. Isabella von Condrick from her book Travels with
my Father
Ketnia Garzak was once a wife and
partner of the pirate Dimund. Constantly
traveling the seas with her husband
because she had an uncanny knack to
convince people (mainly women) they
needed what they were selling. Their ship
was crewed by many dwarf families
working for them. They made the looping
trip several times a year and only
occasionally did they run into any trouble.
When they did they always dispatched
them with little effort that their reputation
was usually enough to halt anyone from
trying. It didnt deter their trips and they
loved each other and their extended

Work in Progress Image by Kera Foehunter

Unfortunately when on a trip to

Miragliano all went wrong. A large group of Skaven snuck up on the while in port and attacked. The group
woke and went to repel the attack. Dimund grabbed his axe and ran directly into the largest group of Skaven.
Ketnia saw her beloved husband start killing all the Skaven in the range of his axe but some Rat Ogres came
from behind and grabbed him and tore him apart. Ketnia grabbed an ancient Cutlass her husband purchased
for her on a recent trip that was engraved with runes they thought beautiful but didnt understand their
meaning. Her faced was enraged and she threw herself into the fray. The Cutlass started to glow and Ketnia
swung at the closest Rat Ogee cleaving him in two. She when further into the fray and with each swing of her
Cutlass more Skaven and Rat Ogres fell before her.
Within a few minutes the few remaining Skaven retreated and Ketnia fell still. She turned around and saw the
damage that was done. All the men were
dead and the Caravan was burning and
she thought nothing could be saved. The
women all gathered around and all began
to wail, the wail of those who have lost all
and had nothing left to live for. They tore
their clothes and were thinking of what
they should do. Ketnia then saw a chest in
the middle of a fire that didnt burn. She
ran to it and kicked it from the embers of
the fire. She reached towards it and found
that the chest was cool to the touch. On it
was the rune of Grimnir and when opened
she found a large banner All felt that the
chest and banner were a sign and the
women began to take the oath of the
Slayer. They took what they could
Work in Progress Image by Kera Foehunter
salvage and left towards the seas.

The Doom Seeker - Issue 1 - Autumn 2009

Kera, The Pirate Queen

By Bilbo Baggins
OK in the fluff she isnt a Slayer, but she is a mean pirate if you cross her.

She fought like none Ive ever seen. Her followers fought like they were possessed but nothing compared to
their Queen. I personally have seen her take out over 3-dozen Ogres, including a couple of Bruisers, a Butcher,
a Slaughtermaster and finally a Tyrant by herself. Dont let her appearance fool you, she may be one of the most
beautiful women in the world but with a sword in one hand and a dagger she is a match to any warrior in any
army in the world, Tilean Explorer Tomas LaPointe from his report of an attempted Ogre invasion of Sartosa to
Merchant Families of Luccini.
No one knows from where Kera has come from before her ship was first seen arriving on Sartosa. She claimed
to be a Dwarf, and there were many Dwarfs as her crew, but she was taller and had a regal bearing. But it was
her beauty that stunned them all. Those who have met her face to face have stated that she may have a Dwarf
in her heritage but she is definitely more than just a Dwarf.
Her love of rum and good fight became well known, any that tried to beat her in single combat found that she
is a formidable warrior. She holds grudges against all whom have betrayed her, and very few have survived very
long. She became a pirate to survive after being betrayed during an expedition to Araby. After finding some
ancient artifacts her former friend Tobias Dreamweaver put her under a spell and sold her to a Sultan. When she
awoke she found that she was in the harems quarters and was expected to service the Sultan when he called.
She saw the treatment of the women and figured the Sultan didnt deserve her service. She also declared that
Tobias would pay for his part and she formulated a plan.
After a week in the harem the Sultan called for her. She came
before him and he wanted her to submit it his will. She stood tall
and wouldnt allow this man the satisfaction. After many minutes
he started screaming and then he made the fatal mistake, he
slapped her. Moving with a speed that he didnt expect she
grabbed him and with her bare hands she broke several of his
bones but stopping short of snapping his neck. She grabbed a
dagger he had sitting on an altar in the room and carved a K
into his chest, deep enough to scar but not enough to kill. She
did it to force him to remember no to harm a woman again. She
left the Sultans bedroom she decided to go back to the harem
room. When she arrived she dispatched the guards and opened
the doors to free the women. Some left with her but a few stayed
because they were afraid of what was outside because their
lives were only one theyve known. 10 women left the room with
Kera and they ran the corridors and courtyard until the hit the
stables. Kera and the women found 5 wagons that were sitting
there loaded for a trade with a Tilean captain. She persuaded
the wagon masters to allow them to ride to the sea; Kera had a
talent to persuade men do whatever she needed them to do for
After reaching the port she charmed the Pirate Captain
Wilhelm Eckstine to allow her and the women to join the crew,
since the captain lost some of his crew to other ships he took
Kera Foehunter by Kera
them on. She served him for nearly a year and they became
friends because he treated her and the woman with respect and in turn she helped him increase his holdings
and gold in his chest. The captain blessed he luck and thanked Stromfels for her assistance. As a reward the
captain purchased two larger ships and appointed Kera to be Captain of the one he called Glory, he called his
flagship Pride and appointed himself Admiral of his fleet. On the first voyage a rival Pirate captain who was
jealous of Wilhelm and his recent increase of fortune followed the Admirals fleet.
The rival captain happened to be Tobias Dreamweaver and he attacked the Pride while a second ship
attacked the Glory simultaneously. He shortly took control of the Pride, taking Wilhelm captive but his troops

The Doom Seeker - Issue 1 - Autumn 2009

were quickly repelled from Glory. Kera seeing the trouble on Pride and the Flag of Tobias being unfurled filled
her with immense hatred. She readied her crew and went on the attack.
She had the Dwarfs on her crew firing their handguns laying covering fire while the rest of the crew prepared
to board the Pride. Once the Glory was alongside the Pride she unleashed the firepower on to Tobias Flagship
the Rapier. Within two minutes the Rapier was heading to a watery grave and Keras crew were now onboard
the Pride. She saw that Tobias had tied Wilhelm to the mast and was torturing him. Keras eyes flashed with
Rage and Hatred and she waded through the fighting to get to Tobias. Tobias saw her and his mind was reeling
that she was here. It took him a second to comprehend that the woman he betrayed and sold into slavery was
here now. He barely got his sword up in time to fend off the first blow. He and Kera started to go after each other,
Tobias with reckless abandon and Kera with pure hatred. The clash of swords was heard throughout the ship
and all fighting stopped to see this beauty and beast going after each other. After 20 minutes of fighting over the
entire deck they were back at the main mast. Tobias thought he saw and opening and pressed an attack but
Kera got he sword up to defend the blow. They were locked with swords above them; Tobias was about to
release one hand from the sword when Kera did so first. They were off-balance for a second and with blinding
speed Keras free hand took a dagger from her belt and pushed it deep into Tobias heart. He felt the pain
stepped back and looked down not believing that a woman could beat him. He pulled the dagger out and the
blood flowed from his body and his heart quickly stopped pumping. He dropped the dagger and fell backwards
over the side of the ship. None bothered to go after the body; all felt that his body would better be served as shark
The sun peered though a cloud and fell upon Kera and all that looked upon her thought that she was the most
beautiful woman they had ever seen. This beautiful warrior went back to Wilhelm to find him badly injured but
still alive. She ordered the ships to return to Wilhelms homeport. After seeing Tobias body fall off the Pride the
remaining of his ships waited to see what the outcome of the battle was. Kera sent the first mates of the Pride
and Glory onto those ships and had them follow the Pride back to port.
Once back at the unmarked homeport of Wilhelm she
arranged for medical attention for the injured. Wilhelms
injuries were so bad that he decided to retire with the
riches he had and gave the ships to Kera for saving his
life. He vowed to spend the remainder of his days
maintaining the port for Kera and her fleet.

The crews on the ships that were of Tobias fleet

were brought before Kera. She was wondering what
to do with them but to a man when they came before
her they swore loyalty to their Queen. Kera never
thought of herself as beautiful let alone as royalty
but after a few prostrating former combatants she
grew to like it. She accepted their oaths and
assigned them to duties, mixing them with the crews
of the Pride and Glory. She accepted their oaths but
she had the wisdom not to allow them all cause
trouble on one ship. This happened many years ago
and she has since increased the size of her fleet to
over 30 ships, and some of those former
combatants are now her most loyal subjects and
serve as captains on ships in her fleet.
Kera Foehunter by Kera

The Doom Seeker - Issue 1 - Autumn 2009

Slayer Pirate Clan History

By: Spinningpond

Grab a seat and have ale. Sit back to here the story of the Pirate Slayer Clan. Ever since that day a dwarf first
sailed across the waves they became one with the sea. They soon found that the sea had many gold and riches
that could be profitable to the adventurous dwarf. Most of the pirates were merchants in the beginning, but some
were in the dwarf navy and others plain dwarfs that just fell in love the sea. Through some misfortune, grievous
error or bad luck they decided to take the Slayer Oath and become Pirate Slayers.
There are three different types of Pirate Slayers, the Pirates
(the best know in Long Drong), the Blockade-runner and
The pirates of the Pirate Slayers are rough-cut rouges. They
are the type that hangs out at taverns looking for battles. They
are easy to find and most are ex navy folks, are drunk most of
the time and personal hygiene is nearly nonexistent. These are
the ones that are most commonly used as dogs of war troops.
They are sometimes deformed, but always heavily scarred and
tattooed. They also would go out of their way to sink an Elven
ship, not caring which race of Elves. For the Pirate Slayer the
Pirate Slayers - Image by :Kera Foehunter
only good elf is a drowned elf.
The blockade-runners are the Slayers that have the fastest ships, twice as fast as any ship made by elf or man.
They excel in their main job of getting goods to the drop-off location as quickly as they can. They will carry
anything or anyone and have been know to smuggle contraband into many lands. They have been known to
attack larger ships, and to liberate merchant ships of their cargo. Most of these Slayers still wear their old dwarf
navy outfits to confuse the other ships so they do not think that they are pirates unit the moment before boarding.
They have the most cannons then any of the other Pirate Slayers. They make explosives out of gunpowder to
help when they are boarding other ships to acquire their cargo. This group tends to have the oldest dwarves
because they are the most successful out of all the Slayers.
The rumrunners will kill you on the spot; they are the meanest of all the Pirate Slayers. They usually carry twice
their weight in guns then other slayers, preferring Dwarf Handguns instead of the more common pistol. This
group is more of a business than the other Pirate Slayers because they want to run the entire run market. They
will destroy other rum dealers just to get ahead of the game. Rumrunners have iron clad ships with armour that
is thicker than a dwarf is tall. They commonly deploy Ogres as guards on their ships. The Ogres are willing to
work because they just want the dwarfs to continue delivering rum to their people. The rumrunners will hire
blockade-runners as scouts because they have faster ships and to engage the enemies that might try to stop
The Slayers Clan has confiscated an island off the coast of Lustria where they now use to honour the Slayer
Pirates that have gone before them. It is said that a couple times a year a thousand rum bottles are lit with
candles in honour of the fallen, the smoke rising from them could be seen several hundred miles out to sea. In
reality it is usually just a two day alcohol fuelled drunk-fest that includes bonfires and lots of shooting.

Blockade Runners - Image by :Spinningpond

Rumrunners - Image by :Spinningpond

Artwork by Hazkar

The Doom Seeker - Issue 1 - Autumn 2009

We shall discuss Sample Army Lists, Trial Rules, Game Play, as well as New Regiments of Renown and
Heroes that have arrived to meet the Slayer King Ungrim Ironfist seeking favour and orders to meet their doom.

Trial List for Slayer Army Karak Kadrin

By Bilbo Baggins

The goal is to make a list that can be submitted to both Games Workshop and the Independent tournaments
for a Slayer Army. Yes, making Slayers a legal list for tournaments. I know the odds are long and most likely will
not happen but one can always dream of a field of Orange facing your enemies.

Slayer Army Special Rules

Look Snorri, Trolls!: Only change to move from 2D6 inches to 6 inches plus D6 inches.
A Glorious Death: Same as SOC book
Dispel Dice: Same as SOC book
First among Slayers: Same as SOC book
Limited Specialists: Slayer Engineers and Runesmiths are rare because most that choose the path of the
Slayer abandon their old lives. To represent this you must have at least 2 Slayer heroes for each Slayer
Engineer or Runesmith. If you wish to have both that means you need 4 regular Slayer heroes in the army first.

Slayer Skills
Wards of Grimnir: Same as SOC book
Deathblow: Same as SOC book
Killing Blow: Same as SOC book
Beastslayer: Same as SOC book
Monsterslayer: 40 points - This gives Killing Blow capability on models up to and including Unit Strength 3.
Vampireslayer: Same as SOC book
Skavenslayer: Same as SOC book
Master Rune of Grimnir: Same as SOC book

Slayer King Ungrim Ironfist: Same as SOC book
War-mourner Garagrim Ironfist: Same as SOC book
Hargrim Bronzeaxe
Hargrim Bronzeaxe 3
Equipment: Dragon Axe (Runic Weapon with Master Rune of Swiftness, 2 Runes of Fury)
Slayer Abilities: Monsterslayer, Beastslayer
Daemon Slayer: Same as Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs


250 points

The Doom Seeker - Issue 1 - Autumn 2009

(Slayers can take one more hero than normally allowed in an army)
Snorri Deathseeker

175 points

Equipment: Battle Standard bearing the Master Rune of Grimnir, Rune of Battle, Rune of Stoicism
Slayer Ability: Killing Blow

Dragon Slayer: Same as Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs

Slayer Master Engineer





70 Points




Equipment: Slayer Axes

May take one Slayer Ability
May choose a pistol (+5 points), Brace of Pistols (Two Pistols +10 points), or Dwarf Handgun (+10 points)
May choose Runic Items from Weapons List.

Slayer Runesmith

70 Points









Equipment: Slayer Axes

May take one Slayer Ability
May choose Runic Items from Weapons and Talisman Lists.

Troll Slayers: Same as Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs (Except Unit Strength: 10-30)
0-1 Slayer Rangers








14 points/model


Giant Slayer
Equipment: Slayer Axes
Unit Strength: 10-30
Special Rules: Scouts (Do not get to use Look Snorri, Trolls rule), Skirmish
May take throwing axes (+1 point/model)
May upgrade one Slayer Ranger to Musician for +6 points
May upgrade one Slayer Ranger to Standard Bearer for +12 points
May upgrade any number of Slayer Rangers to Giant Slayers for +15 points/model
Doomseekers: Changes from SOC book, 1 for each troll slayer unit of US 10 and 2 for each troll slayer unit of US 15. So you
need 10 models in a single troll slayer unit to get 1 Doomseeker and 15 models to get 2 Doomseekers.

0-1 Long Drong's Pirate Slayers: From SOC book
Brotherhood of Grimnir: Changes from SOC book, +1 point per model for Killing Blow. Banner may take Master Rune.
Ogre Slayers
14 points/model
Ogre Slayer
Giant Slayer
Equipment: Slayer Axes
Unit Strength: 10-30
Special Rules: Killing Blow against models up to and including Unit Strength 3
May upgrade one Ogre Slayer to Musician for +6 points
May upgrade one Ogre Slayer to Standard Bearer for +12 points
May upgrade any number of Ogre Slayers to Giant Slayers for +15 points/model
May upgrade any number of Slayer Rangers to Giant Slayers for +15 points /model


The Doom Seeker - Issue 1 - Autumn 2009

Slayer Miners

12 points/model

Giant Slayer
Equipment: Slayer Picks (Counts as Slayer Axes)
Unit Strength: 5-20
Special Rules: Underground Advance
May take throwing axes (+1 point/model)
May upgrade one Slayer Ranger to Musician for +6 points
May upgrade one Slayer Ranger to Standard Bearer for +12 points
May upgrade any number of Slayer Rangers to Prospector Slayers for +15 points /model
May have one Prospector Slayer take Steam Drill for +25 Points
A unit of Miners may be equipped with Blasting Caps at a cost of +30 points
Quarrellers: Same as Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs, Cannot Look Snorri, Trolls and if more than one are taken army loses Look
Snorri, Trolls! rule.

0-1 Ketnia Garzak and the Pirate Wenches

260 Points

Pirate Wench
Ketnia Garzak
Ketnia Garzak: Skaven Slayer Cutlass, Dwarf Handgun
Pirate Wench: Hand weapon, Brace of Pistols
Unit Strength: 10+
Special Rules: Slayers, Resolute and Relentless: See Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs
Chest of Grimnir: This chest covered with runes of Grimnir provides protection of the unit against all attacks. The
unit gets a 5+ WS against all attacks.
Skaven Slayer Cutlass: This well-balanced runic weapon that is armor piercing and grants Ketnia a killing blow
special ability against all enemies (up to and including Unit Strength 3).
Points: The regiment may be increased at a cost of 14 points for each additional model.

0-1 Malakai Makaisson's Goblin Hewer (SOC)

Thunderers: Same as Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs, Cannot Look Snorri, Trolls and if more than one are taken army loses Look
Snorri, Trolls! rule.

Dwarf Cannon: Changes from Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs, crewed by Slayers and +5 points
Dwarf Bolt Thrower: Changes from Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs, crewed by Slayers and +5 points
Gotrek and Felix: From Regiments of Renown part 2 PDF and Warhammer Annuals.

Please PM BilboBaggins at New Slayer Brotherhood or send an email to [email protected] with

play testing results, comments, suggestions and impressions of the army and how it plays and what your
opponent thought about playing it. With this information we can alter the list to make it a balanced, fair and
competitive army to play with and against.


The Doom Seeker - Issue 1 - Autumn 2009

Sample Slayer Lists

Using Storm of Chaos army book - Bilbo Baggins

There are still people you are intrigued by the Army that hails for the Dwarf hold Karak Kadrin. The Slayer army
of Karak Kadrin has been called evil, broken, unfair by opponents of players that took the list and made a list to
win at all costs. I dont believe in the win at all costs philosophy but I love my Orange Haired Freaks of Nature
army. To help new players I have made up some sample lists that are a good starting point for a fair and
competitive list using the Storm of Chaos book. These are just a starting point and you use or modify to fit your
playing style.

500 Points (Flash rules - Unit Champion can be General)

15 Troll Slayers - 1 is Giant Slayer (General) - Banner
12 Troll Slayers - 3 are Giant Slayers
2 Doomseekers
Notes: The 500 point level there are 2 (really 3) rule sets you can use. You can use the Normal Warhammer
rules or the War bands (and Warhammer in a Flash) rule sets. In most cases people will agree to the
Flash/War Bands rules for these small games. Technically you could put 3 Doomseekers in the list but that is
pure overkill in small games. I might even drop one Doomie and replace with Dragon Slayer to be the General.

1000 Points
Dragon Slayer - General - Killing Blow, Master Rune of Swiftness
Dragon Slayer - BSB - Killing Blow, Master Rune of Grimnir
11 Troll Slayers - 1 is Giant Slayer - Banner
11 Troll Slayers - 1 is Giant Slayer - Musician
2 Doomseekers
10 Long Drong's Pirate Slayers
Malakai Makaisson's Goblin Hewer
Notes: At the 1000 point level three things show up in the list that for me are nearly mandatory, the Goblin
Hewer, Long Drongs Pirate Slayers and the BSB (Battle Standard Bearer). The Hewer is a weapon that
can thin big blocks of ranked units. Its effectiveness is limited against things like Ogres and Skirmishers but
few armies you meet in combat that dont have a block of warriors for this to decimate. Long Drongs Pirate
Slayers are odd for Slayers because they have guns (lots and lots of Pistols) and everyone loves a good
shooting phase. Now the BSB with the Master Rune of Grimnir is to protect your troops from all those
pesky blow pipes, javelins, arrows and bullets. The 5+ ward save against shooting helps get you Slayers
where they want to be, fighting in close combat.

1500 Points
Dragon Slayer - General - Killing Blow, Master Rune of Swiftness, Rune of Fury
Dragon Slayer - BSB - Killing Blow, Master Rune of Grimnir
16 Troll Slayers - 2 are Giant Slayer - Banner, Musician
16 Troll Slayers - 2 are Giant Slayer - Banner, Musician
15 Troll Slayers - 1 is a Giant Slayer - Musician
2 Doomseekers
2 Doomseekers
10 Long Drong's Pirate Slayers
Malakai Makaisson's Goblin Hewer
Notes: You can choose to increase the size of units or add another unit of 10 Troll Slayers.


The Doom Seeker - Issue 1 - Autumn 2009

2000 Points
Daemon Slayer - General - Killing Blow, Beast Slayer, Master Rune of Swiftness, Rune of Fury, Rune of Fire
Dragon Slayer - BSB - Killing Blow, Master Rune of Grimnir
Dragon Slayer - Skavenslayer, Master Rune of Alaric the Mad
20 Troll Slayers - 2 are Giant Slayer - Musician
19 Troll Slayers - 2 are Giant Slayer - Banner, Musician
20 Troll Slayers - 3 are Giant Slayer - Banner, Musician
2 Doomseekers
2 Doomseekers
12 Long Drong's Pirate Slayers
Malakai Makaisson's Goblin Hewer
Notes: You may say, only 4 Doomies, WHY. I find that at 2000 points taking more than 4 Doomseekers will
get you evil glances and people refusing to play you.

2250 Points
Daemon Slayer - General - Killing Blow, Beast Slayer, Master Rune of Swiftness, 2 Runes of Fury
Dragon Slayer - BSB - Killing Blow, Master Rune of Grimnir
Dragon Slayer - Skavenslayer, Master Rune of Alaric the Mad
Dragon Slayer - Killing Blow, Rune of Fury, Rune of Speed, Rune of Striking
20 Troll Slayers - 3 are Giant Slayer - Banner, Musician
20 Troll Slayers - 3 are Giant Slayer - Banner, Musician
18 Troll Slayers - 2 are Giant Slayer - Banner, Musician
3 Doomseekers
2 Doomseekers
13 Long Drong's Pirate Slayers
Malakai Makaisson's Goblin Hewer
Notes: The current tournament size army is 2250 points and if the tournament allows the Slayers, the Last
Midwest Rampage did as long as you submitted the list for review, this is what I would go with.

2500 Points
Daemon Slayer - General - Killing Blow, Beast Slayer, Master Rune of Smiting, Rune of Fury, Rune of Fire
Dragon Slayer - BSB - Killing Blow, Master Rune of Grimnir
Dragon Slayer - Skavenslayer, Master Rune of Alaric the Mad
Dragon Slayer - Killing Blow, Master Rune of Swiftness, Rune of Fury
Dragon Slayer - Killing Blow, Rune of Fury
18 Troll Slayers - 2 are Giant Slayer - Musician
19 Troll Slayers - 3 are Giant Slayer - Banner, Musician
19 Troll Slayers - 3 are Giant Slayer - Banner, Musician
3 Doomseekers
3 Doomseekers
2 Doomseekers
12 Long Drong's Pirate Slayers
Malakai Makaisson's Goblin Hewer
Notes: Yes, you are seeing the list correctly. There are a total of 5 heroes in the 2500 point list. The Slayer
army like the Bretonnians are allowed an extra hero than normal for Warhammer.
These are the lists I keep printed and packed up with my Slayer Army and the rule books I take to the tables
with me. You will not win every game, you arent supposed to win every game, but you and your opponent will
have a fun day at the tables.


The Doom Seeker - Issue 1 - Autumn 2009

New Slayer Brotherhood Painting Contest

The submissions came in and the voting is Completed and the members of The New Slayer Brotherhood have Spoken.

And the Winner is...

Second Place - Kyderdog

Reaper 02924 Bertok, Barbarian

First Place - mousekiller

West Wind Dwarf (from Dwarf Hero Pack)

Third Place - Pyrostick

Games Workshop Skaven Warplock Engineer

First Place:

Second Place:

Third Place:
We at The Doom Seeker want to thank all the the entrants for submitting their models into the contest. It was The New
Slayer Brotherhoods first contest and we are impressed with the quality of the entries. We will announce a new contest
on our site in the future.

Lord Marcus


Kera Foehunter



The Doom Seeker - Issue 1 - Autumn 2009

Slayer Fury
Article and Images By Grimstonefire

The article will hopefully be the first of

three looking at the various projects and
models on my workbench, the others being
the growing Dwarf and Chaos Dwarf

I have always been fascinated by

Slayers, both for their incredibly
evocative background and their
beautiful models.
Although part of a larger Dwarf army,
eventually they will be a full Slayer
Army in their own right, but for now they
are covered by the same theme: i.e.
Dwarfs fighting Skaven deep under the
The Small unit to the right is an
example of this, the deep shading all
over being more realistic for being
underground than their typical bright

An example of a model being

themed specifically towards being
a Skaven Slayer, This model is
based on one of the Mordheim
The rats ere made by sculpting
them in a wire with a small L
bend on the end so they could be
pinned later to the model. The
wire being filed and bent later to
form their tails. The largest
hammer was from Thorgrims
Throne bearers and the smaller
being made from a 6th Edition
Dwarf one.
I love the way the model came
out, the theme being one I have
wanted to do for years.


The Doom Seeker - Issue 1 - Autumn 2009

Painting Garagrim Ironfist

Article and Images by Grimstonefire

As it might prove interesting, here is a guide to how

I painted the Citadel Miniature Garagrim Ironfist. The
same method can be applied to all Slayers.
To start with, the model was assembled on the base.
As I had removed the existing base, I had to use
greenstuff to fill the gaps necessary for the model to
be secured on the base. I also had to decide that I
wanted something a little bit different anyway, so I
gave him a personal Grudge Book made from
plasticard and greenstuff. The arms were left off at this
stage. The model was base coated white, then all the
skin and hair areas were undercoated with Dark Flesh.

I dry brushed many times over the hair with Blazing
Orange until it was nice and bright. I then gave the hair
a wash with slightly watered down Brown Ink up to
about half-way up. The once dry a quick drybrush
again with Blazing Orange on the top half, followed by
painting Blazing Orange onto the tips and ridges.
Lastly a painted highlight mix of Blazing Orange and
Sunburst Yellow is applied.

After the hair came the metals, I'm not too fussed
about painting these, so silvers (except the axe) were
done in Mithril Silver base, a watered down wash of
Chaos Black and a highlight of Mithril Silver again. The
axe was just Boltgun Metal (my Gromil colour), with
Mithril Silver highlights painted like the sharpened
edges of a Samurai Sword, and watered down Chaos
Black on top. The Golds were undercoated with
Shining Gold, then a wash of undiluted Chestnut Ink
and a further highlight of Shining Gold. Lastly any
sharp edges were painted with an even mix of Shining
Gold and Mithril Silver.

After tidying the Dark Flesh, this was layered up with
pure Dwarf Flesh. Then a mix of Dwarf Flesh and Elf
Flesh, followed by a watered down wash of dark flesh
to bring the colours together.

Slayer Below
This is a model completely sculpted by me. It was
initially made to represent a Daemon Slayer who had
been lost to time in the Chaos Wastes and had
returned to the Old World crazy and rather angry.


The Doom Seeker - Issue 1 - Autumn 2009

Guide to Sculpting Slayers

Article and Images by Grimstonefire

As with painting, Slayers do not have to present a challenge

when it comes to building variety into a unit.

Sculpting Hair
For the purposes of this example the model being worked upon
is an old Dwarf Flame Cannon Crew. I thought he would make an
excellent Slayer Musician for a bit of variety.

Stage 1 - Preparing the model

As with any conversion, the trick to make life easier later on is
to have the best groundwork possible don before you even touch
the greenstuff. Here I had an easy job as there was not much hair
anyway, but on other models I first saw off the bulk of the material
I wish to remove then go in with a craft knife and needle files.
Giving the area a lick of paint afterwards allows you to see if it
looks flat.

Stages 2-4 - Build the Base

After scraping off the paint on the area to receive the hair (the
greenstuff sticks better) glue down a piece of plasticard to shape.
Looking through this article you will see a few different styles I
have used. Next put some greenstuff down either side and let dry,
this will secure the join. After this bulk up the hair with greenstuff,
being careful not to go too wide at the base.

Stage 5 - Sculpt the Hair

Once the Base layer is completely dry, carefully go along
sculpting the hair strands. Generally avoid having parallel lines
and do the detail on the top first. Add a few deeper cuts in places
for realism.

Sculpting Beards
As with hair, beards need bases to work from. Long thin strands
to avoid 'flat plaits,' or large flat bases for loose beards. Plaits can
be done by first evenly covering the base with a long sausage of
greenstuff, then doing a series of heart shaped cuts into it. Finally
press down into it lightly for texturing and deeper to make in a
realistic plait (look for examples of this). Details should only be
added on once the beard is dry.

Although the model to the left was scratch sculpted, perhaps beyond
those new to sculpting, is serves as an example what can be achieved
with a little practice.


The Doom Seeker - Issue 1 - Autumn 2009

Hello all, this is were we answer questions you have for the editor of The Doom Seeker. Questions can be
about the Webzine or questions on rules of armies and the game of Warhammer Fantasy. Warhammer 40,000
and Lord or the Rings will also be considered. All submissions must be in text (.txt) or Word (.doc) format and
photographs must in JPEG (.jpg) GIF (.gif), or Bitmap (.tif or .bmp) format. We reserve the right to edit for content.

This Issues Question: How did you get drawn into war gaming?
Bilbo Baggins: I'll start by saying it was when the Lord of the Rings movies were in the theaters me and my darling wife walked into
the Games Workshop in the Franklin Mills Mall. While I was looking a the tables in the back and painted models on display my wife was
standing by the demo table for Lord of the Rings. One of the employees asked if she wanted to try it and she brought me over to go
against her. After a couple of turns she wiped the table of me and we were asking about the starter set. Nearly 10 years later and I still
have the LotR models and we now have several Fantasy armies (me Empire, Dwarfs, Slayers and Chaos Dwarfs and wife has Orcs
and Goblins, Bretonnians, High Elves and Lizardmen) to play.
Hazkar: Im not a war gamer. When I was in elementary school (15 years or so ago) I saw a box of space marines in a hobby store and
bought it, just because they looked so cool. Years later i found a white dwarf in an other store with all this beautiful painted minis inside
and that one was my entrance to the hobby. Unfortunately I found no other gamers in my town so main part for me was doing and
painting miniatures and to be honest :thats enough for me, I dont miss the gaming
Pyro Stick: At my old school some kids used to have a Warhammer club in one of the classrooms so thats where I first heard about
Warhammer. I didnt ever go because I thought it was stupid at the time. But one day I saw some guy reading a WD and I saw some
LotR articles and I asked to read it. So I looked through the issue and thought that the models were actually pretty cool so I decided to
get into the hobby. That was 5 years ago (I was 19 a few days ago and I bought my first models on my 14th birthday).
Spinningpond: My kids!! I have been a war gamer since 1975 American civil war the dwarfs in 1976 and in the 80s I kind of got out of
it and got into micro armour then in the 90s my children got me into Warhammer and I been in it since Ive been playing dwarfs for 34
years and they are better figure now than the first.
Kneecap: A buddy of mine got me into 40k about 12 years ago, showing me some of his stuff. We went to the store to see what army I
wanted to try and as soon as I saw it, the Space Wolves codex was it. He then beat me for the next year or so while I learned the
game. I got into Fantasy about 7 years ago with Dwarves. Once I heard there was going to be a Slayer Army I started snapping up
Slayers for cheap. Before Storm of Chaos was released I had over 100 of them. In 2005 I won a GT with them. I have ventured into
many armies both 40k and fantasy, but have stuck with the first armies for each system. Fantasy I currently have Dwarves, Slayers,
Ogres, Dark Elves, Orcs and Goblins, and Daemons. After typing this, I did not realize I had that many
the_anti_santa: About 20 years ago a GW store opened up in Edinburgh. My dad took me and my brother as we were both into LOTR
and the Fight & Fantasy novels. That was also the time of heroquest and space crusade.
First models i bought were some marauder Dwarfs with spears and I've been hooked ever since. I have managed to acquire close to
500 dwarfs and have had several fantasy armies since then including empire, high elves and wood elves. I got into many of the other
games a bit such as Warhammer quest, WHFR, Blood Bowl and space hulk. Later i got into LOTR as i liked the difference in the
models and painting and still think it is a better skirmish game than 40K.
Went through a big 40k phase in my teens, collected squats until they were killed off and then went for marines of both loyalist and
chaos leaning (they'd never get killed off) and ended up going to the 1st ever 40k Grand tournament.
Tournaments encouraged me to spend more time painting and converting than trying to build a super competitive list, though sadly they
seem to have the opposite effect on most gamers today. I ended up studying model making at university and did it as a job for a couple
of years.
In recent years I've kind of lost interest in gaming as my local GW ended up filled with teenagers who only wanted to play the same 40K
games over and over so mostly play Blood Bowl online and make a few extra quid painting teams for my online buddies.
Kera Foehunter: Well my dad and uncle and brother are war gamers so i kind of fell into the game that way. I would watch them and I
remember my dad getting me a small box of clan dwarfs ( the little fat ones version 3) I think he did that so I leave them alone!! He
showed me how to paint them!! Then in 2005 i got my first box of Slayer then i was hooked and then when I joined the Slayer
Brotherhood I started converting figures. There was a lot of cool guys here that gave me idea and help this is why I like this site it was
like family.

Next Issues Question:

How and why did you choose your first Warhammer Fantasy Army?
Send your responses and home Forum to [email protected].


The Doom Seeker - Issue 1 - Autumn 2009

Welcome to the Slayer Axe
were we put the best images of
readers units, armies and single
characters, and armies. We may
be Slayers here but we will
accept images of all armies
To submit your images send
them as an attachment (limit of
10 megs of images and files
please) to
[email protected].
All submissions must be your
own and by sending them you
give us permission to use them in
the Doom Seeker.

This beautiful example of a slayer army is from Detchev Romain a member of Ravening Hordes know as
Top Left: A full shot of detchevus beautiful Slayer Army on its display board.
Top Right: A very fine example of the Slayer King Ungrim Ironfist
Bottom: Is an gorgeous example of Dragon Slayer and his Tattoos are some of the best Ive ever seen.


The Doom Seeker - Issue 1 - Autumn 2009

Grimstonefire's Slayers
This model (left) is my Brotherhood of Grimnir
Standard Bearer, but I also use it from time to time
as a regular Troll Slayer. It was made from a
Doomseeker, with some details cut off the back, a
new haircut and hand swaps. The banner was the
hardest part; the knot work trolls head required a
lot of planning. The Runic writing reads Born to
The Banner itself was made from the Chaos
Warriors one, with axes from the Dwarf Warriors
I am particularly pleased with the overall effect.
If came together very well and combined several
ideas I had always wanted to use.

Yet again, this is another member of my

Brotherhood of Grimnir unit. (Right) I have
a few Slayer Musicians, so this one is kept
only for that unit. I am fairly certain its one
of my top 3 hardest conversions, but it
ranks as one of my favourites.
The Base model is a regular Slayer
Musician. I first carefully carved and sawed
off all the existing hair, filing it back to be
presentable and rebuilding the damaged
horn. Here the model was left and forgotten
for many months whilst I worked on other
Then in recent months I bent down his old
arm, re-sculpting the muscles, gave him a
decent haircut (he was bald), sculpted a few
details and gave him an axe.
The runes painted on the skin were very
carefully done, washing the brush between
each stroke. The horn was also the most
involved bone I have ever painted, but for
such a large area was necessary.
This ranks as one of my favourite models
Ive done. The painting and conversion
came out really well and was worth all the
work involved.


The Doom Seeker - Issue 1 - Autumn 2009

Images and Stories of the armies that players still love but GW seems to have forgotten about. Submissions can be sent to
[email protected]

Bilbos 3000 Point Chaos Dwarf Army

Here are images of Bilbo Baggins other favourite army, his Chaos Dwarfs. Even though the army hasnt had
an update since the temporary White Dwarf issued Ravening Hordes list it is still a fun army to field. The Dark
side of the Dwarfs can use Magic (Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers) and have an interesting relationship with the Green
Skins, They created the Black Orcs and use Orcs as slaves, the most numerous are the Hobgoblins. Some of
them, Sneaky Gits, are particularly untrustworthy to the other Green Skin races.

Left: The army (inset Chaos Dwarf

Sorcerer Lord on Lammasu.
Above and Below: Units of

Above Left: Hobgoblin Archers, Center: Hobgoblins with hand weapon shield, Right: Sneaky Gits.
Below Left: Chaos Dwarf Warriors, Center: Astragoth (Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer Lord), Right: Earth Shaker, Bolt Throwers and Death Rocket.


The Doom Seeker - Issue 1 - Autumn 2009

A Great New Gift

by: Ironlord

Burulk Var Glorth stood back from his forge, sweating in the heat but ignorant of the searing pain in his
arms as he dropped the rune coated metal into the water. It splashed and hissed for a moment before it
stopped and sat there, black in the clear water and curved too resemble a face, an angry face, a God's face.
With trepidation he removed the mask using his blackened tongs. Holding it in front of the fire he admired
the fire's flicker through the eye holes, it would be a marvel too see. How he wished he could see it. But it
was his duty to remain here, shackled to this forge because of his father's failure in the battlefield. His
bloodline would no longer be trusted. That much was evident when the master Forger came to collect the
death mask from his Forge, after taking the mask he spat on Burulk. He was no better to them than the
legion of slaves who laboured beside him for the Chaos dwarves.

The Mask was carried through the corridors of the mountain halls, too the construction area a few
hundred feet away from the Slaves forges. They, the untrustworthy, the traitors and scum, were not allowed
too view this new marvel, this new avatar of death and destruction that they had created. It would be the
toast of many a victory celebration for years to come. Master Forger Germnal Zrugfol shouldered aside a
sniveling goblin slave, much too the amusement of the Dwarf handler, he carried on his journey.
Approaching the gate as it swung open to his approach, the sturdy, battle armoured warriors straining
against the stone and metal doors. His gloved hands cradled the mask as he entered too the hush of his
peers. They stood around a score of giant humanoid constructs. They were perfect killing machines, all
cogs, gears and pistons, powered by the arcane magic long lost too the foolish beings who do not follow
the chaos gods. They had used similar magic only to enslave daemons into the Hell Cannon for Archaon
during the Storm of Chaos, but now they were using the magic to power their own device. The Ruling
Council of the Hold had commissioned the constructs. The engineers had spent years on the sketches
alone. Then they had waged a three-year campaign to acquire the slaves needed to forge the pieces of
basic armour. The construction had taken ten years to make these twenty beings. Each one would be a
labour of love, if slaves knew such a thing, taking many years. Three generations of goblin slaves had been
sent to war in the time taken to construct them, only to buy the hold enough time to finish them. Now the
moment was almost upon them. Three more carriers stood ready, masks waiting in their hands. There
anticipation lay heavily in the air. Standing on a sturdy ladder Germnal attached the facemask using a trio
of bolts to hold it in place after aligning it with the gem eyes that were some twelve feet above the ground.
He descended, almost scraping his large nose on the ladder steps, to join his fellow fifty engineers on the
floor. The ladder was carried away by two doubled over humans, their backs red and raw from their master's
just whips. The lowly creatures hid in the corner as a white bearded Sorcerer stood before them, a heavy
tome under one arm and a mighty golden staff, tipped with a miniature gargoyle daemon.
"Brothers of Clan Firewolf!" He bellowed, his voice rumbling the chamber, "We have laboured long and
hard too bring our dreams to life."
A cheer erupted from his listeners; fists punched the air in joy.
"We have brought this vision to life as the gods brought us to life a millennia ago."
Another cheer.
"And now bare witness, to the breathing of new life into these iron lungs, bare witness to our imminent
triumph and bear witness to the conquering of the old world." As he read the cheering began, spreading like
wild fire through the halls and corridors of the Hold. Cheers erupted as a smell of fire and brimstone spread
from the cannons sitting atop the hill, they were not the god given weapons known as hell cannons, just
simple cannons, cheap and flimsy things, "a dozen for a gold piece" as was said. And a dozen he had. They
unleashed volley after volley into these rebellious goblins. This was the first obstacle on the road to the
clan's domination. A horde arranged by an upstart goblin warlord, to far gone on mushrooms grown in a
dank dark cave to realize the error in facing the clinical efficiency of the Chaos Dwarves. The cannon volley


The Doom Seeker - Issue 1 - Autumn 2009

leveled maybe a hundred of the green skin scum but they were like sand in the wind that whipped the black
beards of the Host. They were legion. Unstoppable. Neither side was willing to move too the other.

With a click of his calloused fingers General Hurloth Ferion, favoured of the council, summoned his
herald. One of the few dwarves he allowed within five feet of him. He was ever wary of the jealous minions
he commanded and their desire for his power and to take his favoured place in the eyes of the council. The
herald arrived with his brass horn.
"First signal," Hurloth grumbled, tiring of this war already, he wanted a real challenge.
"First signal, aye sir!" The herald nodded, returning to his place, on the left of Hurloth before he let fly a
single blast, just long enough to hear but not long enough to annoy his beloved general. A dozen other
lesser heralds replicated the call. A wall of spears appeared behind the slave battalions and they were
pushed forward. Corralled like cattle towards the rushing horde of goblins while the cannons kept booming
overhead. The two waves clashed in a frenzy of clawing, stabbing, slashing, clubbing, brawling and dying
that Hurloth couldn't care less for. He really was growing bored on this hill. Cannon fire normally brought out
a better, more bloodthirsty side of him than he was showing today, but not when he had a much better
advantage waiting in the wings. This was something special. Something his brothers in the Firewolf clan
had been working on for several years, something he had wanted for several more. The wave of slaves had
checked the advance of the goblin horde and the two had come to a stand still. With a sudden rush of dust
to the east begat the arrival of a wave of chariots. They sliced through the collision zone of the two waves,
tearing up their own lines and the slaves with cruel compassionless murder. There came a series of barked
orders and the cannon battery altered its projections. The next blast took out three of a score of chariots.
Then another five as the gunners found their range. Soon the cannons were gone and Hurloth laughed at
the foolish goblin warlord who had revealed one of his assets to quickly. He had to wonder what the goblin
warlord was doing. Why was he on the march with such a large army? Where was he going?
He dismissed it before it could trouble him and simply returned to his golden seat, a gift of the council to
watch the broiling melee below, wondering when it would be right to reveal his new weapons.
The battle was a tiresome thing.
This one had worn on for some three hours. The field of stone and patchy grass had become red with
blood hours ago and Hurloth was yet to send in his own warriors. The slaves were still mindful of their
master's whips but they were being slowly ground down to blood and guts on the stone. Hurloth had
watched a lazy attempt to flank his army made by a hundred slaves, only to dispatch some of his Bull
Centaur warriors to counter them with a charge of their own. Spears met flesh in a hellish collision of epic
scale. The fifty warriors rode down the goblins before breaking off, up hill, to safety and then back into the
main army of cheering dwarves. The warriors were proud to have bloodied their blades in this fight, earn
some respect and experience before the campaign really got underway and the goblins were reminded of
where they could and could not go. The gain was worth the loss of two riders. He noticed that the goblin
leader, was getting more desperate, his own horde was diminishing and he still had four thousand armoured
and battle hardened Chaos Dwarves to fight. He was seen appearing in the thick of the fighting, taking on
several slaves at once then disappearing into his horde, trying to push his line forward by force alone.
Cannon fire continued too thud and boom. It gave Hurloth a migraine. He ordered the cannons to stop. It
was time for him to bring on his latest plaything. He brought forward a sorcerer now, rather than the herald,
knowing that the constructs could not hear normal sound, which was a shame Hurloth knew that such things
would love the screams of the dying, but needed to be commanded by magic. He couldn't trust the Sorcerer
yet, so the young apprentice would stay five feet away, far enough to allow Hurloth to draw his weapon, as
he addressed the magic wielding dwarf.
"Bring out the constructs!" He barked.
The sorcerer made some attempt at flattery that he ignored until the sorcerer opened his book and began
chanting the incantation he had been taught. It would activate the constructs and set them on a path to
There was a sudden rumble from the west flank as a hill started to shake. The goblins rightly drew back
in fear. But it was not far enough. It never would be. There was an explosion of motion as the rocks


The Doom Seeker - Issue 1 - Autumn 2009

covering a cave mouth exploded out, ten charging constructs following the smattering of rocks that
crushed goblins on impact. Terrified by the arrival of the unknown monsters the goblins began to fall back
but were crushed by their own numbers, compressed and slowed. Then killed as the constructs were
among them. Hands made from ancient metal crushing their green bodies like over ripe fruit. Metal
blades, crafted onto limbs and bodies, ripped the goblin bodies into pieces, impaled them and threw them
away like cheap meat. The bull centaurs were told to charge into the flanks on the other side while slaves
were pushed faster into the fray with a now very confused and scared goblin force. The cannons were
still kept on hold to allow the constructs to be evaluated without cannon interference. Hurloth noted the
note taking of an engineer, probably ordered too report back to his masters in Clan Firewolf.
Now Hurloth's blood was up, he marveled at the sight of such destruction as the Constructs carved
through the enemy. Taking down scores of goblins each with every step. They were a vision of beauty. The
reason why the dwarves who had chosen the ways of the Northern gods were so well blessed by their gods.
It was a passion for death and destruction that almost had Hurloth leaping for joy as severed limbs a
screaming filled his senses. He watched the constructs draw closer too the goblin warlord in charge of this
ram-shackle horde. "You kill a serpent by chopping its head off," He mused to no one in particular, "But with
goblins you can tear out the heart and remove their heads with a single blow."
No one seemed to note it down and Hurloth didn't care if they did. He was a commander not a poet. Let
poetry fall too the lesser races of men and elves. He relished the thought of unleashing these beautiful
beasts of destruction and chaos onto those arrogantly tall races. He had a few chips in his shoulder he
planned to fill with the blood spilled by these constructs. He wondered what it would be like to watch the
world through their gem made eyes. He knew it was lovely. It had to be. So blood drenched and simple.
Was it perfect? Hurloth would never know.


The Doom Seeker - Issue 1 - Autumn 2009

Beasts Of Chaos

Orcs & Goblins


Da Warpath



The Round Table of Bretonnia

Under Empire *

Chaos Dwarfs

Tomb Kings (Khemri)

Chaos Dwarfs Online *

From the Sands of Khemri

Hand of Hashut *

Tomb Kings of Khemri Forum

Daemons of Chaos

Vampire Counts

The Daemonic Legion

Carpe Noctem *

The Blood Keep

Dark Elf

Druchii Net *

Warriors of Chaos

Chamber of the Everchosen

Dogs Of War

Dogs of War Online *

Wood Elf



Bugman's Brewery *

Battle Glade Forum


Warhammer General Forums

Warhammer Empire *

Bell of Lost Souls Lounge *

Warhammer Alliance

High Elf

Ulthuan Land of the Asur

Ravening Hordes *


Rites of War *

The Pyramid Vault

Warhammer 40k

Lustria Online

Warhammer Alliance

Ogre Kingdom

Warseer *

Ogre Stronghold *

Shanty Town (Gnoblars) *
* - Editor Bilbo Baggins often visits these realms.


Next Issue
Slayer Army Tactics

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