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General Engineering Assistance and Reference




Asian Center for Engineering

Computations and Software.
AIT, Bangkok, Thailand

May 2003

The computer program ACECOMS GEAR and all associated documentation are
proprietary and copyrighted products. Worldwide rights of ownership rest with
ACECOMS, AIT. Unlicensed use of the program or reproduction of the
documentation in any form, without prior written authorization from ACECOMS,
AIT., is explicitly prohibited.
Further information and copies of this documentation may be obtained from:

PO Box 4, Klong Luang
Pathumthani, 12120 Thailand.
Tel: (662) 524-5539
Fax: (662) 524-6059
E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright ACECOMS, AIT, 2003.

The GEAR Logo is a trademark of ACECOMS, AIT.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
AutoCAD is a registered trademark of AutoDesk Inc.




General Tools
Geometric Properties
RC Utilities
RC Members
Steel Members
How to Install GEAR?


Changing Authorization Level


Quitting the Program


Obtaining More Info and Technical Support


Isolated Footing
Initial Setup


RC Design Options


How to Use the Module


Status Information Bar


Save and Open Data Files


Designing Isolated Footings

Basic Concept
Designing a Single Isolated Footing
Designing Several Isolated Footings
Viewing Results
Graphics Display
2D View
3D View
Preparing Report
Pile Cap Designer
Initial Setup


RC Design Options


How to Use the Module


Data Input and Saving


Quick Tutorial
How to Design a Pile Cap Quickly
Designing Pile Caps
Basic Concept
How to Define the Structure
Graphics Display




2D View
3D View
Preparing Reports
Driven Pile Capacity
Initial Setup


How to Use the Module


Computing Pile Capacity


Capacity Table


Preparing Reports





ACECOMS GEAR is a software developed at the School
of Civil Engineering at the Asian Institute of Technology.
The software provides various tools of design, analysis
and general assistance for structural engineers. GEAR
stands for General Engineering Assistance and Reference.
The software consists of a variety of modules ranging
from basic unit converters to comprehensive designer
modules for individual members. These modules have
been logically grouped into six categories. This manual
describes in detail the Geometric Properties modules of
the software. A brief description of all the modules is provided in this chapter.

General Tools
Tools grouped under this category are the Unit Converter,
Engineering Constants, Dead Load Reference, Factored
Loads and Load Combinations. A brief introduction of
these modules is provided next.

Unit Converter
Unit Converter is a simple but comprehensive program
that can be used for converting values from one unit to
another, irrespective of their unit systems.


Engineering Constants
Engineering Constants is a program for easy reference to
common engineering constants such as density, viscosity,
energy, discharge, hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity,
power, temperature, water quality, modulus of elasticity,
coefficient of expansion, specific gravity, thermal expansion, thermal conductivity and Poissons ratio.

Dead Load Reference

Dead Load Reference is a program for easy reference to
the dead loads of common materials such as masonry, partition, roofing, false ceiling, flooring, metals and concrete.

Factored Loads
This tool readily computes the factored loads combinations from basic load cases in accordance with the ACI318-95 and AASHTO design codes.

Load Combinations
This module is used for the detailed calculations of load
combinations. Standard and user defined load combinations may be calculated.

Geometric Properties
Programs related to the determination of basic geometric
properties of various shapes and cross-sections have been
grouped into this category. These include the Triangle
Solver, Circle Solver, Polygon Solver, and the Property

What is ACECOMS GEAR 1 -2


Triangle Solver
Any general triangle can be solved using this module. Triangle dimensions, angles and properties can be computed.

Circle Solver
Properties of solid and hollow circles (full, semi and quarter) and part of circles such as segment, arc, sector, etc.
can be calculated using this program.

Polygon Solver
This module solves regular polygons, both solid and hollow. The polygons may have any number of sides between
3 and 12.

Property Calculator
Basic properties of various cross-sections can be computed using this module. The properties are reported about
the centroid or any other user-specified location.

RC Utilities
Modules that help in the design and analysis of RC beams
and columns have been grouped here. These include the
Rebar Calculator, K-Factor Calculator and the Moment

Rebar Calculator
This is a useful tool for calculating the required sizes, bar
spacing and bar combinations for standard and userspecified reinforcing steel bars.

What is ACECOMS GEAR 1 -3


KFactor Calculator
This module is meant for calculating the effective length
factor for columns. It can handle columns of various end
restrained conditions.

Moment Magnifier
This module helps in calculating the magnified moments
for columns to account for slenderness effects.

RC Members
Modules related to the design of RC members are grouped
into this category. These include Beam Designer, Column
Designer, Two-Way Slab designer and Flat Slab Designer.

Beam Designer
This simple, yet comprehensive tool can be used for the
design of reinforced concrete cross-sections subjected to
bending moment, shear force and torsion. The program
carries out a detailed calculation for computing the required reinforcement and for back computing the capacity
of a given section.

Column Designer
This is a simple, yet comprehensive tool for the design of
reinforced concrete cross-sections subjected to axial load
and moment about two axes. The program carries out a
detailed calculation for computing the required reinforcement and for back computing the capacity of a given section.

What is ACECOMS GEAR 1 -4


TwoWay Slab Designer

This module carries out a complete analysis and design of
two-way slabs using the coefficient method.

Flat Slab Designer

This module carries out the complete analysis and design
of flat slab, flat plate and beam slab structures using the
equivalent frame method. The program can handle slabs
with beams, drop panels, column capitals, and other types
of support.

Steel Members
Modules related to the design and analysis of steel structural members such as struts, beams and columns are
grouped here.

Strut Designer
This module designs steel members subjected to axial load
only. It recommends a cross-section for a given load. In
addition to design, it can also analyze a given crosssection to check if it is sufficient for a given loading. In
such a case it calculates the cross-section properties, effective length factor and slenderness ratio. The module
checks the allowable stresses by calculating the Combined
Code Stress Ratio. It also checks the adequacy of slenderness by checking the slenderness ratio.

Steel Beam Designer

This module designs steel members subjected to flexure
only. It recommends a cross-section for a given flexural
load. It takes into account the unbraced length to check
lateral deflection. The module recommends a crossWhat is ACECOMS GEAR 1 -5


section by calculating the coefficient of bending. In addition to design, this module also analyzes a given crosssection for a given flexural load. It calculates section
properties and slenderness ratio and checks the adequacy
of the section.

Steel Column Designer

This module designs steel members subjected to both axial
and flexural loads. It calculates the effective length factor
as well as the coefficient of bending and subsequently
recommends an adequate cross-section. It checks for the
Combined Code Stress Ratio. In addition to design, this
module also analyzes a steel column cross-section for a
given combination of loading. It calculates cross-section
properties, effective length factor, slenderness ratio, bending coefficient and column coefficient. It checks the adequacy of the cross-section by checking for the Combined
Code Stress Ratio and Slenderness Ratio.

The modules related to the design and analyses of foundations have been grouped under this category. These included the Iso-Footing Designer, Combo-Footing Designer, Pile Cap Designer, and Driven Pile Designer.

IsoFooting Designer
This module performs comprehensive design and analysis
of reinforced concrete isolated footings. The detailing of
the footing is also performed.

What is ACECOMS GEAR 1 -6


ComboFooting Designer
This module performs comprehensive design and analysis
of reinforced concrete combined footings. The detailing of
the footing is also performed.

Pile Cap Designer

This module assists in the design of pile caps by using the
beam design approach. Pile caps can be designed for various pile arrangements and numbers.

Driven Pile Designer

This module calculates the capacity of a driven pile based
on blow count using any of the 11 different methods. The
program prepares professional reports containing the data
and procedures followed. It can also compute the required
number of blow counts for a specified capacity. Several
standard pile types and hammer types are supported.

How to Install GEAR

Thank you for selecting ACECOMS GEAR to assist you
in your professional work. Please follow the steps below
to install the program for the first time. If you have any
problems, please contact ACECOMS.
Use Windows Explorer or My Computer to locate the
folder in which you have saved the GEAR download file.
Note: If you are installing from an ACECOMS CD ROM, please go to step 4.

How to Install GEAR 1 -7


Step 1: Double -click My Computer on your desktop

Double-click the download file to extract it and then specify the folder to which to save the extracted files. Locate
the setup.exe (setup application) and double-click to
start the setup process

Step 2: Double-click on the folder in which you saved the download


How to Install GEAR 1 -8


Step 3: Specify the folder to which to extract the file and then click

Step 4: Go to the folder in which the extracted files have been saved
and double-click on GEAR folders. If you are installing from an ACECOMS CD ROM, double-click on the CD ROM drive to display the
above screen.

How to Install GEAR 1 -9


Step 5: Double-click on Setup.exe or Setup (the view may differ from

computer to computer).

Step 6: Press OK to continue with the setup or Exit Setup to cancel the

How to Install GEAR 1 -10


Step 7: Press the installation button as shown here. Also note the directory to which the software will be installed. If you want to install to another location (say D:\, etc.), click Change Directory and specify the
desired path.

Step 8: Press Continue to complete this step.

How to Install GEAR 1 -11


Step 9: The Setup Status dialogue will display the setup progress.

Step 10: The setup has been completed successfully.

All the modules available in GEAR will be installed.

However, only those that have been purchased will be in
"FULL" Authorization mode. All others will be in
"DEMO" mode. To upgrade from Demo to Full version
please see "How to change the Authorization Level" section of the help file.

Changing Authorization Level

All ACECOMS GEAR modules are available in Demo or
Full versions. You can upgrade from Demo version to Full
version by using the following procedure:
Changing Authorization Level 1 -12


Get a New Authorization Code from ACECOMS
to upgrade the user level (Demo Version to Full Version).

Start the program.


Click on the Change Authorization command

from the File menu. This will open a dialogue box
as shown below:

Enter the User ID. (User ID number can be obtained from the About the Module dialogue box from the
Help menu or from the order form).
Enter the New Authorization Code (in capital letters) exactly as it appears on the instruction given by
ACECOMS and press the Apply button.
If you have entered the correct Authorization Code
and User ID, then the user level in the Current Authorization Level box will be changed and you will get
the message The authorization level has been upgraded, now press OK to Exit. Otherwise, you will
get a message Invalid Authorization, please try again
OR cancel at the bottom of the dialogue box.
Changing Authorization Level 1 -13


Click on the OK button if you get the first message. If authorization is successful the program will immediately change to the full version without the need to

Quitting the Program

Click on the X icon provided on the top right corner of the
program screen or,
Select the Exit command from the File menu.

Obtaining More Information and

Technical Support
If you have questions about the ACECOMS GEAR or Individual programs features and functions, first look in the
Help files. If you can not find the answer in the location,
please contact ACECOMS.

Mail ing Ad dress

Asian Institute of Technology (AIT),
P.O. Box 4, Klongluang,
Pathumthani 12120,
Ph: (662) 524-5539, 524-5533
Fax: (662) 524-6059, 516-2126
We also offer services through Internet. Demo versions of
these programs can be downloaded from our site. Our addresses are as follows:

Quitting the Program 1 -14


E-mai l
[email protected]

WEB s ite

Obtaining More Information and Technical Support 1 -15

Chapter 3
Isolated Footing Design


Isolated Footing Design

This module performs comprehensive analysis and design
of Isolated Footings. Detailing of the footing is also performed by this module.

Initial Setup
Setting Up Work Environment
ACECOMS GEAR initializes your work environment using appropriate value for different parameters. Once you
exit the program, values of important parameters such as
default work units, rebar set, design code etc are saved
automatically and are used to initialize these parameters
next time when you start the program.

Selecting Working Units

All GEAR modules can work in any of the three main systems of units (i.e., SI, Metric and US Customary (Imperial)).


Isolated Footing Design

Start the program.

Go to the Tools menu and select the Select Working Units command. There are three options available: SI, Metric and US.

NOTE: Working Units should be selected before starting the design. If you want to change the working unit
in the middle of the design, a new design is started and
a dialogue box appears with the message "Changing
the Working Units will start a new section. Do you
wish to save Current Data?". Click YES and save it in
a file if you want to save the data, or click NO if you do
not want to save the data and wish to start a new one.
A new set of default data in the new system of units will
be initialized. The previous data, if not saved, will be

RC Design Options
All RC Design modules in GEAR provide several options
related to the design of RC members. Options in each
module can be set independently of the other modules.
These include the selection of the Design Code, Design
Method, Rebar Set and Rules, etc. All these options, once
changed, affect all computations in that module. To
change or view the RC Design Options do the following:

Initial Setup 1-2

Start the desired program.

Go to the Tools menu and select the RC Design

Options command. This will open the RC Design
Option dialogue box to set the Design Code, Design Method, and Rebar Set.

Isolated Footing Design

This module supports three design Codes: ACI

318-95, AASHTO-1992 and the BS 8110-85. You
can select any one of them.

Choose the Design Method. There are two options

available: Ultimate Strength Design (USD) and
Working Stress Design (WSD) for ACI and
AASHTO codes, whereas for BS code, only the
Limit State Method is available.

Select the concrete Stress Strain Curve. Several

Stress Strain curves are provided, including ACE
Whitneys Rectangular, PCA Parabola and BS8110 Parabola.

Select the Rebar Set from the following options:

Metric, ASTM, Imperial. You may also define
your own rebar set for your convenience using the
'User' option and then pressing the Edit button.

Define the Rebar Selection Rules. These rules

govern the automatic selection of rebars by the
program and the use of the Rebar Calculator.
These rules can be customized for more specific
and quick design solutions.

Once you have selected the Design Code, Design

Method and Rebar Set, click OK to return to the
main design window.

Note: The GEAR design module allows you to change

the design code and design method even after you
complete data and design. If you change the design
code or the design method the previous results will
disappear from the Results List section and the results
for the changed design code or design method will be
calculated. You can compare the changes. When you
change the design method, the program treats the input

Initial Setup 1 -3

Isolated Footing Design

loads as ultimate loads for USD and ULS methods and
as Working Loads for WSD.

How to Use the Module

The Isolated Footing Design program has only one screen
and a simple menu system for operation. Whenever the
Isolated Footing Design program is activated, the following menu options are available on the form.

Menu and Toolbar System

The menu commands under File let you save and print
the results.
Start New Footings File: Choose this command to
start a new isolated footing.
Open Footing Files: This menu command allows you
to open data saved in your hard disk.
Save Footing File: This menu command allows you
to save the result you are working on.
Save Footing Data As: This menu command allows
you to save the result you are working on in a different name.
Print Current Results: This menu command allows
you to print the currently displayed results to the default printer.
Change Authorization: This menu command allows
you to modify the User Authorization level.
How to Use the Module 1-4

Isolated Footing Design

Exit: Choose this command to quit the program.

The Edit menu provides commands for copying and
cutting selected text, graphics or results. This option is
available for input data, the result list and the figure.
Copy: Selected information may be copied into the
clipboard and may then be pasted into other applications.
Cut: In addition to copying selected information, this
deletes that information from the screen.

This menu allows you to set some general parameters
for the program.
Design Current Footing: Carries out the design of the
currently displayed footing data for all defined load
Design All Footings: Carries out the design of all the
footings defined in the current data file. Each footing
is designed for all load combinations defined for it.
Working Units: Use this menu to choose the units to
US, Metric or SI.
RC Design Options: Use this menu to set some general parameters for the overall design that includes:
the design code, the design method and the rebar set.
You can also define the bar selection rules in the design options. For more details see section RC Design
How to Use the Module 1 -5

Isolated Footing Design

Repo rt
The menu commands under Report let you prepare,
format, preview and print the results.
Project Information: Select this command to provide
basic project information such as Project Name, Client, Job Title, Engineer and Organization.
Report Item Content: Choose this command to select
the content of the report from various options listed.
Report Format: Report layout, text styles and contents of the report can be specified using this command.
Print: This menu command prints the results that have
been added to the report.
Preview: Use this menu command to preview the
formatted report before printing.
Save Result Content: Choose this command to save
the report as a simple text file for future use.

This menu has all the commands related to help for
the program.
Help Topics: Use this command to get a list of Help
Contacting ACECOMS: Use this command to contact
ACECOMS for technical reference and learn about
ACECOMS activities.
About the Program: This menu command opens up a
dialogue box that contains information about the End
How to Use the Module 1-6

Isolated Footing Design

User License Agreement with a User ID Number for

Isolated Footing Designer program and the Copyright
Apart from the menu system, a Toolbar is available within
the program main window for easy operations to avoid
opening menus and choosing commands. The toolbar buttons are described below:
Starts a new problem.
Opens a previously saved file.
Saves the current file to a specified location.
Prints the currently displayed Result List to the
default printer
Cuts the selected graphic or text and places it on
the Clipboard.
Copies the selected graphic or text to the Clipboard.
Sets the working units to Metric System.
Sets the working units to US System.
Sets the working units to SI System.
Activates the 2D graphical view of the column
Activates the 3D graphical view of the column.

How to Use the Module 1 -7

Isolated Footing Design

Activates the Help file.

Status Information Bar

The Status Information Bar at the bottom of the screen
displays several kinds of information, including:

Mode indicator: This is located at the left bottom

corner of the screen. It shows the current status of
the program operation by means of three color
buttons: Green indicates that everything is OK
and program is waiting for the users action; yellow indicates the program is busy performing the
requested task; and red indicates the results are
not acceptable and need modification.

Message on the current status of the design process.

Design code display: This display box shows the

design code being used in the current project.

Units display: This displays the units being used

in the current project.

Rebar set: This displays the type of rebar set used

in the current project. ASTM, BS, and METRIC
are the available rebar sets.

Save and Open Data Files

In most of the GEAR modules, you can save the input data
in a file, which can be opened later for modification or rerun.
How to Use the Module 1-8

Isolated Footing Design

How t o Save the Da ta in F ile

for F uture U se

From the File menu, choose the Save Data Option.

In the File Name box, type a file name.

Under Save In, open the folder to which you want

to save the file.

Click the Save button.

If a file name has been specified already, this option

will directly save data without asking for a file name.

How t o Open Files

You can save data in a file by just entering the data
manually and then saving it for future use. Once the
data file is saved it can be retrieved later. The data that
have been entered lastly on the main screen will be
saved in this way. To open a previously saved file:

From the File menu, choose the Open Data Option.

Locate the file on your computer and click to select it.

Click the Open button.

The data file will be opened for the current module of

GEAR. All the data, including; loading, material properties, dimensioning, etc. will be reloaded.

How to Use the Module 1 -9

Isolated Footing Design

Designing Isolated Footings

Basic Concept
The GEAR Isolated footing Design module assumes a uniform pressure to develop on the soil surface below the
footing. However, the actual distribution of soil pressure
depends on many factors, especially the composition of
the soil and the degree of flexibility of the footing.
Footings must be designed to carry the column loads and
transmit them to the soil safely. The design should fulfill
the following requirements:

Area of the footing based on the allowable bearing

capacity of soil

Punching Shear

One-Way Shear

Steel Reinforcement for bending moment.

Area of Footing: The area of the footing is determined

using the following relationship:

Area of Footing =

total load
allowable soil pressure

Where, total load is the working (unfactored) design load.

Punching Shear: This shear is a measure of the diagonal
tension caused by the effect of the column load on the
footing. The critical section for punching shear in an isolated footing is located at a distance of d/2 from the face
of the column where d is the effective depth of the footing.
Designing Isolated Footings 1-10

Isolated Footing Design

One Way Shear: The critical section for one-way shear

for footings with moment in one direction is located at a
distance of d from the face of the column where d is the
effective depth of the footing. The depth of the footing is
often controlled by shear.
Steel Reinforcement for Bending Moment: The critical
section for moment is located at the face of the column.
Appropriate reinforcement must be provided for this moment in each direction in the footing.

Designing a Single Isolated


Start the Isolated Footing Designer program.

Set the working units and the RC Design Options.

Enter the Caption for the footing.

Enter the Material Properties including, concrete

strength fc, rebar strength fy, cover, allowable
bearing capacity of soil qa, and soil and concrete

Enter the required data under the Column and

Level heading. This data includes, column shape
and cross-section, dovel bars, height of overburden soil Hso, natural soil leve NSL, and the excavation level Excl.

Enter the load combinations for the footing (axial

load and moment values in both directions). All
loading values should be working loads. Specify
the Load Factor value for each load combination.

Designing Isolated Footings 1 -11

Isolated Footing Design

Specify the over Stress Factor. This is used to increase the bearing capacity for loading that have a
temporary loading part, like wind loads.

Click the Design button to start the design process.

Designing Several Isolated


Start the Isolated Footing Designer program.

Set the working units and the RC Design Options.

Enter the Caption for the footing.

Enter the Material Properties including, concrete

strength fc, rebar strength fy, cover, allowable
bearing capacity of soil qa, and soil and concrete

Enter the required data under the Column and

Level heading. This data includes, column shape
and cross-section, dovel bars, height of overburden soil Hso, natural soil leve NSL, and the excavation level Excl.

Enter the load combinations for the footing (axial

load and moment values in both directions). All
loading values should be working loads. Specify
the Load Factor value for each load combination.

Specify the over Stress Factor. This is used to increase the bearing capacity for loading that have a
temporary loading part, like wind loads.

Designing Isolated Footings 1-12

Isolated Footing Design

Click the New Button to add another footing. Repeat the above steps to define the geometry, material properties and loading on the new footing.
Add as many footings as required.

Click Design All button to start the design process.

Viewing Results

Once the design process is complete, the display

are on the right side of the form will be refreshed
showing the plan and section reinforcement details of the designed footing on the Figure tab.

Click on the Results tab to view the Footing Dimensions, Reinforcement Details along X and Y
and Soil Pressure for all load combinations.

The 3D View tab displays the 3D rendered view

of the footing. Various tools are available for
changing the view angle and zooming.

If you have designed more than one footing, select

the footing name from the Select Footing dropdown menu. Results for the currently selected
footing will be displayed in the result display area.

Graphics Display
This module of GEAR displays the interactive 2D and 3D
views, along with the 2D sketch in plan of the defined
slabs. These views can be activated by clicking


Graphics Display 1 -13

Isolated Footing Design

button. The following section describes the 2D and

3D View form individually.

2D View
Activate the form using the
button on the toolbar
while on the Sketch tab. The 2D view is interactive and
responds to most mouse movements. The screen of the
view will display the currently selected slab with the rebar
layout. The continuity of the slab is shown by and extra
line on the continuous edge. The following toolbar in
available on the form:
Resets the current slab 2D view.
Sets the view angle on the 2D display. View
angle can be changed by clicking on the display
and moving the mouse pointer.
Pans the currents display.
Changes the zoom of the display. Use the left
mouse button on zoom in and the right mouse
button to zoom out.
Adds the current display to the current report.
Copies the current display to the system clipboard.

Graphics Display 1-14

Isolated Footing Design

3D View
The 3D View form can be activated using the
on the toolbar while on the Sketch tab. The 3D view
shows the currently selected slab (selected on the Input
tab) along with the perimeter beams and slab continuity.
The following toolbar in available on the form:
Resets the current slab 3 view.
Sets the view angle on the 3 display. View angle
can be changed by clicking on the display and
moving the mouse pointer.
Pans the currents display.
Changes the zoom of the display. Use the left
mouse button on zoom in and the right mouse
button to zoom out.
Sets the 3D view options.
Adds the current display to the current report.
Copies the current display to the system clipboard.

Preparing Reports
Use the Report menu to create a comprehensive, formatted
report of selected data and results. The Report menu lets
you specify the project information, contents of the report,
target printer, paper size, margins, character formats and
header and footers, preview the report and also save the
Preparing Reports 1 -15

Isolated Footing Design

The Project Information dialogue box helps you to specify

the basic information about the project including name of
the engineer involved in the design, Project Name, Title,
Organization, etc. The information given here is applicable for all items in a particular module; however, the user
can check the contents of the items before clicking on the
Add to Report button. You may use the Remove button to
delete the most recently added item. The Remove button
become inactive until you add the next item to the report.
Use the Report Items Content to select the items and the
content of each to be included in the report. You can select
the contents of the items by checking them. For example,
you can include only the Calculation Procedure and the
Final Results for one item and some other contents such as
Detailed Calculation and the Final Results for another
Item. However, you have the option of removing some of
the contents or items from the report by using the Report
format dialog box or while previewing the report.
The Report Format dialogue box helps you to produce a
fully customizable and formatted report using style definitions, font selection, margins, footer/header, page layout,
etc. You can also view the items and contents that have
been added to the report and remove any unwanted items.
Apart from the above-mentioned options, the Report menu
also has options for Printing, Previewing and Saving functions. These functions are discussed in detail in the following paragraphs.

Preparing Reports 1-16

Isolated Footing Design

Adding Results to a Report

How t o Prepa re the Report
Use the Report menu to create a comprehensive, formatted
report of selected data and results. Follow the steps given

Choose the Project Information command from

the Report Menu.

Enter the data required in the Project Information

Dialogue Box such as Project, Title, Organization
and the name of the Engineer. Press OK.

Choose the Report Item Contents command from

the Report menu and check the contents of the
items to be included in the report. After the selection is complete press OK.

Click on the Report Format command from the

Report menu to format the report.

After the formatting is complete you can preview

the formatted report, print it or save it for future

Buttons are available to access Report Format,

Preview and Print in the Report Frame section.
You can also access Print and Report Format from
the Preview Form.

Preparing Reports 1 -17

Isolated Footing Design

How to Add Result s to th e Report

Once you complete the computation, click on the

Add button.

Now the results will be added to the Report. Two

sets of results will be printed on one page.

Click on the Clear button to remove result sets

from the report.

Click on the Print button to print the contents that

have been added.

Form atting a Repo rt

This dialogue box contains Contents, Styles and Layout
The Contents tab contains one list box to show the main
items that have been included in the report. You can remove any previously added items from the report by selecting them from the list and pressing the Remove button.
The contents of each main item should be checked before
starting to create the report.
The Styles tab contains different styles that can be applied
to different sections of the report (i.e. Main Title, Heading
1,2,3., Footer and Header). The styles have been already assigned for particular items. You can, however,
change the font size or type for these styles. A sample text
of the selected style can be previewed in the text box provided at the bottom of the form. In the Layout tab you can
set the page size, page orientation, margins and also the
header/footers. When done, you may print the report or
save it as a text file for use with other applications.
Preparing Reports 1-18

Isolated Footing Design

Previ ewing a Repor t

After adding the required results to the report you can start
printing the report. GEAR however, provides you with the
option of previewing the report before it is actually
printed. Using this feature you can make sure that the report contains everything you need.
Several buttons are provided on this preview window. Use
these buttons to move up and down in the report or to
view it with different magnification. You may also print
the report by pressing the Print button provided in this
window. The following is the list of available buttons and
their functions:

Display the first page of the report.

Display the previous page in the report.
Display the next page in the report.
Display the last page of the report.
Increase the magnification of the currently displayed page.
Reduce the magnification of the currently displayed page.
Close the preview window and return to the
main window.

To preview a Report do the following:

Preparing Reports 1 -19

Isolated Footing Design

Preparing Reports 1-20

Click on the Preview button or go to the Report

menu and select Preview Report.

The Print Preview window will be shown. You

can use the above given buttons to move around
in the report or change the magnification of the

Click the Print

the report.

Click Close to return to the main window.

button to get a hard copy of

Chapter 2
Pile Cap Designer


Pile Cap Designer

This module assists in the design of pile cap by using
beam design approach. Pile caps can be analyzed and designed for various pile arrangements and numbers.

Initial Setup
Setting Up Work Environment
ACECOMS GEAR initializes your work environment using appropriate value for different parameters. Once you
exit the program, values of important parameters such as
default work units, rebar set, design code etc are saved
automatically and are used to initialize these parameters
next time when you start the program.

Selecting Working Units

All GEAR modules can work in any of the three main systems of units i.e. SI, Metric and US Customary (Imperial).

Start the program.


Pile Cap Designer

Go to Tools menu and select the Select Working

Units command. There are three options available:
SI, Metric and US.

Once a selection is made, the menu disappears

and the new units are activated.

NOTE: Working Units selection should be done before

starting the design. If you want to change the working
unit in the middle of the design, a new design is started
and a dialogue box appears with the message "Changing the Working Units will start a new section. Do you
wish to save Current Data?". Click on the YES button
and save it in a file if you want to save the data, OR
click on the NO button if you do not want to save the
data and start a new one. A new set of default data in
the new system of units will be initialized. The previous
data if not saved will be lost.

RC Design Options
All RC Design modules in GEAR provide several options
related to the design of RC members. Options in each
module can be set independently of the other modules.
These include the selection of the Design Code, Design
Method, Rebar Set and Rules, etc. All these options, once
changed, affect all computations in that module. To
change or view the RC Design Options do the following:

Initial Setup 2-2

Start the desired program.

Go to the Tools menu and select the RC Design

Options command. This will open the RC Design
Option dialogue box to set the Design Code, Design Method, and Rebar Set.

Pile Cap Designer

This module supports three design Codes: ACI

318-95, AASHTO-1992 and the BS 8110-85. You
can select any one of them.

Choose the Design Method. There are two options

available: Ultimate Strength Design (USD) and
Working Stress Design (WSD) for ACI and
AASHTO codes, whereas for BS code, only the
Limit State Method is available.

Select the concrete Stress Strain Curve. Several

Stress Strain curves are provided, including ACE
Whitneys Rectangular, PCA Parabola and BS8110 Parabola.

Select the Rebar Set from the following options:

Metric, ASTM, Imperial. You may also define
your own rebar set for your convenience using the
'User' option and then pressing the Edit button.

Define the Rebar Selection Rules. These rules

govern the automatic selection of rebars by the
program and the use of the Rebar Calculator.
These rules can be customized for more specific
and quick design solutions.

Once you have selected the Design Code, Design

Method and Rebar Set, click OK to return to the
main design window.

Note: The GEAR design module allows you to change

the design code and design method even after you
complete data and design. If you change the design
code or the design method the previous results will
disappear from the Results List section and the results
for the changed design code or design method will be
calculated. You can compare the changes. When you
change the design method, the program treats the input

Initial Setup 2 -3

Pile Cap Designer

loads as ultimate loads for USD and ULS methods and
as Working Loads for WSD.

How to Use the Module

The Pile Cap Design program has a wizard-like setup a
simple menu system for operation. Whenever the Pile Cap
Design program is activated, the following menu options
are available on the form.

Menu and Toolbar System

The menu commands under File let you save and print
the results.
Start New Pile Cap: Choose this command to start a
new pile cap.
Open Data: This menu command allows you to open
data saved in your hard disk.
Save Data: This menu command allows you to save
the result you are working on.
Save Data As: This menu command allows you to
save the result you are working on in a different name.
Print Current Results: This menu command allows
you to print the currently displayed results to the default printer.
Change Authorization: This menu command allows
you to modify the User Authorization level.

How to Use the Module 2-4

Pile Cap Designer

Exit: Choose this command to quit the program.

The Edit menu provides commands for copying and
cutting selected text, graphics or results. This option is
available for input data, the result list and the figure.
Copy: Selected information may be copied into the
clipboard and may then be pasted into other applications.
Cut: In addition to copying selected information, this
deletes that information from the screen.

This menu allows you to set some general parameters
for the program.
Working Units: Use this menu to choose the units to
US, Metric or SI.
RC Design Options: Use this menu to set some general parameters for the overall design that includes:
the design code, the design method and the rebar set.
You can also define the bar selection rules in the design options. For more details see section RC Design

Repor t
The menu commands under Report let you prepare,
format, preview and print the results.

How to Use the Module 2 -5

Pile Cap Designer

Project Information: Select this command to provide

basic project information such as Project Name, Client, Job Title, Engineer and Organization.
Report Item Content: Choose this command to select
the content of the report from various options listed.
Report Format: Report layout, text styles and contents of the report can be specified using this command.
Print: This menu command prints the results that have
been added to the report.
Preview: Use this menu command to preview the
formatted report before printing.
Save Result Content: Choose this command to save
the report as a simple text file for future use.

This menu has all the commands related to help for
the program.
Help Topics: Use this command to get a list of Help
Contacting ACECOMS: Use this command to contact
ACECOMS for technical reference and learn about
ACECOMS activities.
About the Program: This menu command opens up a
dialogue box that contains information about the End
User License Agreement with a User ID Number for
Pile Cap Designer program and the Copyright information.
How to Use the Module 2-6

Pile Cap Designer

Apart from the menu system, a Toolbar is available within

the program main window for easy operations to avoid
opening menus and choosing commands. The toolbar buttons are described below:
Starts a new problem.
Opens a previously saved file.
Saves the current file to a specified location.
Prints the currently displayed Result List to the
default printer
Cuts the selected graphic or text and places it on
the Clipboard.
Copies the selected graphic or text to the Clipboard.
Activates the 2D graphical view of the pile cap.
Activates the 3D graphical view of the pile cap.
Activates the Help file.

Data Input and Saving

Interactive Input
The Pile Cap designer modules offer a convenient and
simple way for the design of pile caps.

How to Use the Module 2 -7

Pile Cap Designer

The Interactive Data Input and Design mode is a wizardlike form with data input for one pile cap with many loadings. Design is done one by one for each loading, for all
sections specified.
The Interactive Data Input and Design mode is a simple
way of designing pile caps and it requires the least amount
of data. Most of the data values are given by the program
as default. The wizard like setup guides you through the
entire process of analysis and design ensuring that no step
is missed. Moreover, graphical illustrations on design section location, and 2D and 3D views of the pile cap system
itself helps you check the accuracy of the input data.
In most of the modules of GEAR, you can save the input
data in a file, which can be opened later for modification
or re-run.

Save and Open Data Files

In most of the GEAR modules, you can save the input data
in a file, which can be opened later for modification or rerun.

How to Sav e the D ata in File

for Future Use

How to Use the Module 2-8

From the File menu, choose the Save Data Option.

In the File Name box, type a file name.

Under Save In, open the folder to which you want

to save the file.

Click the Save button.

Pile Cap Designer

If a file name has been specified already, this option

will directly save data without asking for a file name.

How t o Open Files

You can save data in a file by just entering the data
manually and then saving it for future use. Once the
data file is saved it can be retrieved later. The data that
have been entered lastly on the main screen will be
saved in this way. To open a previously saved file:

From the File menu, choose the Open Data Option.

Locate the file on your computer and click to select it.

Click the Open button.

The data file will be opened for the current module of

GEAR. All the data, including; loading, material properties, dimensioning, etc. will be reloaded.

Quick Tutorial
How to Design a Pile Cap
Pile Cap Design has a wizard kind of setup with 5 steps to
be completed. This wizard guides you to design the pile

Start the Pile Cap Beam Design program.

Press the Next Button to go to Step 1

Quick Tutorial 2 -9

Pile Cap Designer

Step 1: Basic Data

1. First, set RC-Design Options by clicking the Set RC
Design Options button. Select Design Code, Design
Method and Concrete Stress Curve Type. As the Design Method; Ultimate Strength Design, USD or
Working Strength Design, WSD, affects the calculations for load combinations (load factors) user should
specify the design method before moving to the next
step. In Rebar Set, the program provides ASTM, Imperial and Metric rebar sets. In addition, you can also
specify your own rebar set. The Bar Selection Rules
are used to set the smallest and largest size of main
and stirrup bars; minimum and maximum number of
bars in a selection and excess area.
2. Input the Pile Cap title (Optional) and Minimum
thickness. The minimum thickness can be checked
later by the program in Step 4
3. Input the concrete strength fc', reinforcing steel
strength fy, and stirrup steel strength fys.
4. Self Load can be included automatically to every load
combination if you select the Automatically include
self load option. This option only effects the pile reaction.
5. Press the Next button to go to Step 2.

Step 2: Pier and Pile Group

1. Select a type of pier by clicking the button on the right
side. Click the "..." button to edit the cross section of
piers. The Cross-Section Properties Editor window
will appear and allow you to edit the properties of
Quick Tutorial 2-10

Pile Cap Designer

whole set of piers. After completion, click the OK button to go back to the Step 2 window. Regenerate
Piers option should be checked if you edit piers at first
time or you modified pier type. If you just come back
from Step 3 and do not want to change properties on
Step 2 please do not forget to uncheck Regenerate
Piers option before going to another step.
Note: You can edit individual pier in Step 3.

2. Select a type of pile group. Click the "..." button to

edit the cross section of piles. The default pile is circular so you can input the diameter of pile directly. The
program also provides the button if the user want
to modify the cross-section of pile.
3. Input the Edge Clearance that is the distance from the
outer face of the edge pile to the pile cap edge.
4. Input X and Y spacing, the centerline to centerline between adjacent piles.
5. Regenerate Pile Group option should be checked if
you edit pile group at first time or you modified its
type. If you just come back from Step 3 and do not
want to change properties on Step 2 please do not forget to uncheck Regenerate Piers option before going
to another step.
6. Press the Next button to go to step 3.

Step 3: Pier Data

1. This window shows and allows you to edit or modify
properties, Location and applied loads (Pier Load PZ,
Shears VX, VY, Moments MX, MY, and Torque TZ)
of individual pier. After you finish the modification,
press Refresh button to refresh the picture on the left.
Quick Tutorial 2 -11

Pile Cap Designer

2. You can enter ultimate load cases directly in the table.

If you want the program to compute the factored loads
for you, you can click the Compute Factored Loads
button to display Mini Load Combination Factor window.
3. Basic Load data Tab in Mini Load Combination Factor windows, allow you to input basic loads applied on
individual pier in the table, click Option... button to
set load combination options that you want the program to include in calculation. Then click Compute
button to calculate the load combinations and the program will show the Load combination results.
4. Click the OK button to go back to Pier Data window.
5. Click the Next button to go to Step 4.

Step 4: Pile Data

1. Click on the cell of the Pile Data table that you want
to edit, after that click the Refresh button to refresh
the picture on the left.
2. Click the Compute button to check the required minimum thickness of the pile cap. If you do not accept
the given thickness, you can modify the thickness in
the Final Thickness box provided.
3. Press on the Next button to go to Step 5.

Step 5: Location of Design

1. You can add the location of sections that you want the
program to design by moving cross hair on the picture
and read the location X and Y of section then typing X
Quick Tutorial 2-12

Pile Cap Designer

and/or Y coordinates of section in the table. The default sections are at distance d and at the face of pier.
2. Press on the Next button to finish inputting data and
go to next screen.

Analy ze Pile Cap a nd Disp lay

Resul ts
1. Press the Analysis and Display Results button to display results from analysis onto the screen at location
that you specified. The results include Pile Cap reactions and maximum and minimum reactions due to
load combination cases.
2. On this screen, select Design the Pile Cap Reinforcement button to design and view the reinforcement on
the cross-section. Change size and the number of reinforcement (if you like) in the box specified on the
screen and click refresh to view the new picture.
3. Press the Next button to go to the Report window.
4. Click the Add button to include results in the report
5. Print the current results display using the button OR
use the Print Current Report option from the File
menu. To print a report, select the Print Report option
from the Report menu OR click on the Print button
provided in the Print Report section. You can also
preview the contents of a report by pressing Preview
button OR choosing the Preview Report option of the
Report menu.
6. You can also Cut or Copy the results list OR the
graphic view of the cross-section to paste it in documents in other Windows compatible applications.
Quick Tutorial 2 -13

Pile Cap Designer

7. Use the Save Result option from the tool bar to Save
the results in a file. These results are saved in a simple
text format.
8. If you want to design another pile cap, press on the
Enter Data for Another Pile Cap button and then
choose the axis.
9. Once the computation is complete, quit the program
by clicking on the button or choose Exit from the File

Designing Pile Caps

Basic Concept
The GEAR Pile Cap designer module designs the pile
caps using the beam design approach. The pile cap is converted to 1D beams (one beam in each direction) supported at piles. These beams are then design for the pier
loading, and self-weight using the simple beam design approach. Reinforcement is then provided for moment, shear
and torsion.

How to Define the Structure

Designing Pile Caps 2-14

Start the program.

Select the Working Units (SI, Metric, US) and

Design Options using the Tool menu.

Press Next button to go to Step1.

Pile Cap Designer

Enter the following data:
Basic Data: Pile Title, Concrete Strength, Steel
fy, Steel fys, cover to bars and the option to include the self-weight of the pile cap.
Pier: Default Data: Pier Cross-section Shape,
Size and Dimensions, number of Piers and their
arrangement. Various pier arrangements are
shown as icons. Click on either one to select it.
Pile Group: Default Data: Pile Cross-section
Shape, Size and Dimensions, number of Piles and
their arrangement, their spacing, and the minimum
pile to pile cap edge distances. Various pile arrangements are shown as icons. Click on either
one to select it.

Click the Next Button to go to Step 2

Step 2
Here you define the loads on the piers. Several load combinations may be defined for each pier.
Pier Number: Select the pier number for which
you want to define the loading. Use
navigate through the various piers.


Position: Specify the X and Y coordinate of the

pier with respect to the axis system shown on the
figure. The cross-section shape and size for the
pier may also be altered here.

Designing Pile Caps 2 -15

Pile Cap Designer

Loads: Define the loading for the selected pier.

Several load cases may be defined for each pier.

Press Next to go to Step 3

Step 3
Individual Pile Data: The location and dimension of the piles can be altered here. Click the Refresh View button to view the updated arrangements.
Pile Cap Thickness: The default value is the one
provided in Step 1. You can change the pile cap
thickness or click the Compute button for the program to calculate it. The calculated thickness is
based on Punching Shear.

Press Next to go to Step 4:

Step 4
Sections Along X and Y: Specify the section location for which you want to program to carry out
the design. The default sections represent the section at face of column for flexural design and at
d/2 for shear design. Additional section locations
may be specified by the user. Click the Refresh
View button to view the updated the section locations on the view.

Designing Pile Caps 2-16

Press Next to go to Step 5:

Pile Cap Designer

Step 5
This step reports that the required data for the Pile Cap has
been completed. Choose the next action to be performed
by the program. You can view the 3D view of the pile cap,
go to the previous step to alter data, or analyze and design
the pile cap.

Step 6
Clicking the Analyze and Design the Pile Cap or the Next
button on Step 5 will show the analysis results for the pile
cap. The results include the moment, shear, and torsional
values for all load combinations at all specified sections
along the x and y directions. The pile reactions for all load
combinations, including the minimum and maximum reaction values are also reported for all piles.

Click Next to go to Step 7

Step 7
Clicking the Next button on Step 6 starts the design process. The design results are reported on this step. Results,
including top and bottom reinforcements, and the stirrupps, are reported for all sections in the x and y directions. Use
to navigate between the design sections.
Click the Refresh View button the update the graphical
display. Click the View Detailing Plan button to view the
reinforcement plan of the pile cap.

Click Next to prepare and preview report.

Designing Pile Caps 2 -17

Pile Cap Designer

Graphics Display
This module of GEAR displays the interactive 2D and 3D
views, along with the 2D sketch in plan of the defined
slabs. These views can be activated by clicking


button. The following section describes the 2D and

3D View form individually.

2D View
Activate the form using the
button on the toolbar
while on the Sketch tab. The 2D view is interactive and
responds to most mouse movements. The screen of the
view will display the currently selected slab with the rebar
layout. The continuity of the slab is shown by and extra
line on the continuous edge. The following toolbar in
available on the form:
Resets the current slab 2D view.
Sets the view angle on the 2D display. View
angle can be changed by clicking on the display
and moving the mouse pointer.
Pans the currents display.
Changes the zoom of the display. Use the left
mouse button on zoom in and the right mouse
button to zoom out.
Adds the current display to the current report.
Copies the current display to the system clipGraphics Display 2-18

Pile Cap Designer


3D View
The 3D View form can be activated using the
on the toolbar while on the Sketch tab. The 3D view
shows the currently selected slab (selected on the Input
tab) along with the perimeter beams and slab continuity.
The following toolbar in available on the form:
Resets the current slab 3 view.
Sets the view angle on the 3 display. View angle
can be changed by clicking on the display and
moving the mouse pointer.
Pans the currents display.
Changes the zoom of the display. Use the left
mouse button on zoom in and the right mouse
button to zoom out.
Sets the 3D view options.
Adds the current display to the current report.
Copies the current display to the system clipboard.

Graphics Display 2 -19

Pile Cap Designer

Preparing Reports
Use the Report menu to create a comprehensive, formatted
report of selected data and results. The Report menu lets
you specify the project information, contents of the report,
target printer, paper size, margins, character formats and
header and footers, preview the report and also save the
The Project Information dialogue box helps you to specify
the basic information about the project including name of
the engineer involved in the design, Project Name, Title,
Organization, etc. The information given here is applicable for all items in a particular module; however, the user
can check the contents of the items before clicking on the
Add to Report button. You may use the Remove button to
delete the most recently added item. The Remove button
become inactive until you add the next item to the report.
Use the Report Items Content to select the items and the
content of each to be included in the report. You can select
the contents of the items by checking them. For example,
you can include only the Calculation Procedure and the
Final Results for one item and some other contents such as
Detailed Calculation and the Final Results for another
Item. However, you have the option of removing some of
the contents or items from the report by using the Report
format dialog box or while previewing the report.
The Report Format dialogue box helps you to produce a
fully customizable and formatted report using style definitions, font selection, margins, footer/header, page layout,
etc. You can also view the items and contents that have
been added to the report and remove any unwanted items.
Apart from the above-mentioned options, the Report menu
also has options for Printing, Previewing and Saving funcPreparing Reports 2-20

Pile Cap Designer

tions. These functions are discussed in detail in the following paragraphs.

Adding Results to a Report

How t o Prepa re the Report
Use the Report menu to create a comprehensive, formatted
report of selected data and results. Follow the steps given

Choose the Project Information command from

the Report Menu.

Enter the data required in the Project Information

Dialogue Box such as Project, Title, Organization
and the name of the Engineer. Press OK.

Choose the Report Item Contents command from

the Report menu and check the contents of the
items to be included in the report. After the selection is complete press OK.

Click on the Report Format command from the

Report menu to format the report.

After the formatting is complete you can preview

the formatted report, print it or save it for future

Buttons are available to access Report Format,

Preview and Print in the Report Frame section.
You can also access Print and Report Format from
the Preview Form.
Preparing Reports 2 -21

Pile Cap Designer

How to Add Result s to th e Report

Once you complete the computation, click on the

Add button.

Now the results will be added to the Report. Two

sets of results will be printed on one page.

Click on the Clear button to remove result sets

from the report.

Click on the Print button to print the contents that

have been added.

Form atting a Repo rt

This dialogue box contains Contents, Styles and Layout
The Contents tab contains one list box to show the main
items that have been included in the report. You can remove any previously added items from the report by selecting them from the list and pressing the Remove button.
The contents of each main item should be checked before
starting to create the report.
The Styles tab contains different styles that can be applied
to different sections of the report (i.e. Main Title, Heading
1,2,3., Footer and Header). The styles have been already assigned for particular items. You can, however,
change the font size or type for these styles. A sample text
of the selected style can be previewed in the text box provided at the bottom of the form. In the Layout tab you can
set the page size, page orientation, margins and also the
header/footers. When done, you may print the report or
save it as a text file for use with other applications.
Preparing Reports 2-22

Pile Cap Designer

Previ ewing a Repor t

After adding the required results to the report you can start
printing the report. GEAR however, provides you with the
option of previewing the report before it is actually
printed. Using this feature you can make sure that the report contains everything you need.
Several buttons are provided on this preview window. Use
these buttons to move up and down in the report or to
view it with different magnification. You may also print
the report by pressing the Print button provided in this
window. The following is the list of available buttons and
their functions:
Display the first page of the report.
Display the previous page in the report.
Display the next page in the report.
Display the last page of the report.
Increase the magnification of the currently displayed page.
Reduce the magnification of the currently displayed page.
Close the preview window and return to the
main window.

To preview a Report do the following:

Click on the Preview button or go to the Report

menu and select Preview Report.
Preparing Reports 2 -23

Pile Cap Designer

Preparing Reports 2-24

The Print Preview window will be shown. You

can use the above given buttons to move around
in the report or change the magnification of the

Click the Print

the report.

Click Close to return to the main window.

button to get a hard copy of

Chapter 3
Driven Pile Designer


Driven Pile Designer

This module calculates the capacity of a driven pile based
on blow count using any of the 11 different methods. The
program prepares professional report containing data and
procedure. It can also compute required blow counts for
specified capacity. Several standard pile types and hammer types are supported.

Initial Setup
Setting Up Work Environment
ACECOMS GEAR initializes your work environment using appropriate values for different parameters. Once you
exit the program, values of important parameters such as
default work units, rebar set, and design code are saved
automatically and are used to initialize these parameters
the next time you start the program.


Driven Pile Designer

How to Use the Module

Menu and Toolbar System
The Driven Pile Capacity program has only one screen
and a simple menu system for operation. Whenever the
Driven Pile Capacity program is activated, following
menu options are available on the form.

The menu commands under File let you save and print
the results.
Start New Problem: Choose this command to start a
new problem.
Print Current Results: This menu command allows
you to print the currently displayed results to the default printer.
Change Authorization: This menu command allows
you to modify the User Authorization level.
Exit: Choose this command to quit the program.

The Edit menu provides commands for copying and
cutting selected text, graphics or results. This option is
available for input data, the result list and the figure.
Copy: Selected information may be copied into the
clipboard and may then be pasted into other applications.

How to Use the Module 3-2

Driven Pile Designer

Cut: In addition to copying selected information, this

deletes that information from the screen.

This menu allows you to set some general parameters
for the program.
Working Units: Use this menu to select the units.
There are three units available: SI, Metric and US.
Generate Capacity Table: Activates the Capacity Table form. For more information see section Capacity

Repor t
The menu commands under Report let you prepare,
format, preview and print the results.
Project Information: Select this command to provide
basic project information such as Project Name, Client, Job Title, Engineer and Organization.
Report Item Content: Choose this command to select
the content of the report from various options listed.
Report Format: Report layout, text styles and contents of the report can be specified using this command.
Print: This menu command prints the results that have
been added to the report.
Preview: Use this menu command to preview the
formatted report before printing.

How to Use the Module 3 -3

Driven Pile Designer

Save Result Content: Choose this command to save

the report as a simple text file for future use.

This menu has all the commands related to help for
the program.
Help Topics: Use this command to get a list of Help
Contacting ACECOMS: Use this command to contact
ACECOMS for technical reference and learn about
ACECOMS activities.
About the Program: This menu command opens up a
dialogue box that contains information about the End
User License Agreement with a User ID Number for
Driven Pile Designer program and the Copyright information.
Apart from the menu system, a Toolbar is available within
the program main window for easy operations to avoid
opening menus and choosing commands. The toolbar buttons are described below:
Starts a new problem.
Opens a previously saved file.
Saves the current file to a specified location.
Prints the currently displayed Result List to the
default printer.
Activates the Capacity Table

How to Use the Module 3-4

Driven Pile Designer

Activates the Help file.

Computing Pile Capacity

Start the program.

Choose New from the File menu OR click on the

button to start a new problem.

Set the Units.

Choose the Hammer type from the Pile and

Hammer Data section. There are three types available: Drop type, Steam Single type, Steam Double
type. The figure will change according to the selection of the hammer type.

Now, you can enter the data for weight, efficiency, drop, length, section area, and the material
in the text boxes available with the figure.

Select the method: Canadian, Danish, Eytelwin,

Gates, Janbu, AASHTO, Navy-Mckay and Pacific
Coast codes etc.

Enter data for Total and Average Penetration for

last 10 blows in the Penetration section

Now choose either the Pile Capacity OR the Blow

Count according to your need and then press on
Compute button.

Detailed results of Pile Capacity will be displayed

in the Results box.

Computing Pile Capacity 3 -5

Driven Pile Designer

Now click on Add button to include the results to

a report. Every time you add a set of results, a
message will appear in the status bar indicating
the number of cross-section result sets that have
been added to the report so far.

Print the current results display using the

button or use the Print Current Section option
from the File menu.

To print a report select the Print Report option

from the Report menu or click on the Print button
provided in the Print Report section. You can also
preview the contents of a report by pressing Preview button or choosing the Preview Report option of the Report menu.

You can also Cut or Copy the results list or the

graphic view of the cross-section to paste it in
documents in other Windows compatible applications.

Use the Save Result option from the tool bar to

Save the results in a file. These results are saved
in a simple text format.

Once the design is complete, quit the program by

clicking on the X button or choose Exit from the
File menu.

Capacity Table
As the name implies, The Driven Pile-Capacity
form generates tables for driven pile capacity. A
variable input is required. The input includes the
mum, minimum and step value for penetration
Capacity Table 3-6

set of

Driven Pile Designer

weight of hammer, and drop height. The depth of penetration step for which the blow count is required is also provided. The table reports the capacity ratios for various
hammer drop height, pile penetration, and the blows required to attain that penetration for each hammer weight

Preparing Reports
Use the Report menu to create a comprehensive, formatted
report of selected data and results. The Report menu lets
you specify the project information, contents of the report,
target printer, paper size, margins, character formats and
header and footers, preview the report and also save the
The Project Information dialogue box helps you to specify
the basic information about the project including name of
the engineer involved in the design, Project Name, Title,
Organization, etc. The information given here is applicable for all items in a particular module; however, the user
can check the contents of the items before clicking on the
Add to Report button. You may use the Remove button to
delete the most recently added item. The Remove button
become inactive until you add the next item to the report.
Use the Report Items Content to select the items and the
content of each to be included in the report. You can select
the contents of the items by checking them. For example,
you can include only the Calculation Procedure and the
Final Results for one item and some other contents such as
Detailed Calculation and the Final Results for another
Item. However, you have the option of removing some of
the contents or items from the report by using the Report
format dialog box or while previewing the report.

Preparing Reports 3 -7

Driven Pile Designer

The Report Format dialogue box helps you to produce a

fully customizable and formatted report using style definitions, font selection, margins, footer/header, page layout,
etc. You can also view the items and contents that have
been added to the report and remove any unwanted items.
Apart from the above-mentioned options, the Report menu
also has options for Printing, Previewing and Saving functions. These functions are discussed in detail in the following paragraphs.

Adding Results to a Report

How to Pre pare th e Repor t
Use the Report menu to create a comprehensive, formatted
report of selected data and results. Follow the steps given

Preparing Reports 3-8

Choose the Project Information command from

the Report Menu.

Enter the data required in the Project Information

Dialogue Box such as Project, Title, Organization
and the name of the Engineer. Press OK.

Choose the Report Item Contents command from

the Report menu and check the contents of the
items to be included in the report. After the selection is complete press OK.

Click on the Report Format command from the

Report menu to format the report.

Driven Pile Designer

After the formatting is complete you can preview

the formatted report, print it or save it for future

Buttons are available to access Report Format,

Preview and Print in the Report Frame section.
You can also access Print and Report Format from
the Preview Form.

How t o Add R esults to the Report

Once you complete the computation, click on the

Add button.

Now the results will be added to the Report. Two

sets of results will be printed on one page.

Click on the Clear button to remove result sets

from the report.

Click on the Print button to print the contents that

have been added.

Forma tting a Repor t

This dialogue box contains Contents, Styles and Layout
The Contents tab contains one list box to show the main
items that have been included in the report. You can remove any previously added items from the report by selecting them from the list and pressing the Remove button.
The contents of each main item should be checked before
starting to create the report.
Preparing Reports 3 -9

Driven Pile Designer

The Styles tab contains different styles that can be applied

to different sections of the report (i.e. Main Title, Heading
1,2,3., Footer and Header). The styles have been already assigned for particular items. You can, however,
change the font size or type for these styles. A sample text
of the selected style can be previewed in the text box provided at the bottom of the form. In the Layout tab you can
set the page size, page orientation, margins and also the
header/footers. When done, you may print the report or
save it as a text file for use with other applications.

Prev iewing a Repo rt

After adding the required results to the report you can start
printing the report. GEAR however, provides you with the
option of previewing the report before it is actually
printed. Using this feature you can make sure that the report contains everything you need.
Several buttons are provided on this preview window. Use
these buttons to move up and down in the report or to
view it with different magnification. You may also print
the report by pressing the Print button provided in this
window. The following is the list of available buttons and
their functions:
Display the first page of the report.
Display the previous page in the report.
Display the next page in the report.
Display the last page of the report.
Increase the magnification of the currently disPreparing Reports 3-10

Driven Pile Designer

played page.
Reduce the magnification of the currently displayed page.
Close the preview window and return to the
main window.

To preview a Report do the following:

Click on the Preview button or go to the Report

menu and select Preview Report.

The Print Preview window will be shown. You

can use the above given buttons to move around
in the report or change the magnification of the

Click the Print

the report.

Click Close to return to the main window.

button to get a hard copy of

Preparing Reports 3 -11

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