"Prothonotary and Senior Master Shall Transfer The Amount To The Account of The 1

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Ltd. The Honourable Supreme Court vide its Judgement dated 17 th July 2014 in No.

90 of
2006 has also confirmed the same.
Subsequently, the Contempt Petition bearing No.39 of 2010 came to be filed before this
Honourable Court.

By further

Order dated 14th March 2016 in the abovementioned

Contempt Petition, his Lordship Justice Oka and Justice Kulkarni had directed that the
Prothonotary and Senior Master shall transfer the amount to the account of the 1 st
Respondent-Society on such undertaking being filed.

A copy of the Undertaking be

furnished to the Advocate for the Petitioner.

(a copy of the same is enclosed for you ready reference- Annexure B).
Pursuant to the said Order, the Registry has transferred an amount of Rs.84.00 Lacs on
1.6.2016. The same has been acknowledged by the Respondent-Society. The Respondents
informed my office that the interest accrued towards the same on this investment has not been
transferred. On enquiry by my office with the concerned Department, the Officer-in-Charge
Madam Surve has informed as that there is no order in respect of transfer of the Interest
amount. The Interest amount will not be released unless the same is directed by the court.
Therefore, in the light of the above, it is prayed that necessary direction be given to the
concerned Department to release the said amount that has accrued towards Interest.

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