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67 F.

3d 334

UNITED STATES of America, Appellee,

Jesus M. ACOSTA, Defendant, Appellant.
No. 94-2047.

United States Court of Appeals,

First Circuit.
Heard May 1, 1995.
Decided Oct. 2, 1995.

Thomas G. Briody, Providence, RI, by Appointment of the Court, for

Michael P. Iannotti, Assistant United States Attorney, with whom Sheldon
Whitehouse, United States Attorney, was on brief for the United States.
Before BOUDIN, Circuit Judge, ALDRICH and BOWNES, Senior
Circuit Judges.
BOUDIN, Circuit Judge.

Jesus Acosta was indicted on two counts of possession of a firearm by a

convicted felon. 18 U.S.C. Sec. 922(g). A jury convicted Acosta on one count
and acquitted on the other, and Acosta was then given a mandatory minimum
sentence of 15 years' imprisonment under the Armed Career Criminal Act, 18
U.S.C. Sec. 924(e)(1). He now appeals, raising as his main issue a claim of
entrapment. The evidence at trial, taken in the light most favorable to the jury's
verdict against Acosta, United States v. Tuesta-Toro, 29 F.3d 771, 773 (1st
Cir.1994), cert. denied, --- U.S. ----, 115 S.Ct. 947, 130 L.Ed.2d 890 (1995),
revealed the following.

Acosta is a 42-year-old man, married, with a prior record of drug offenses but
no prior weapons convictions. Sometime in mid-1993--probably in early July-Acosta met Neal San Souci at a pawn shop in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, and the
two men engaged in small talk regarding gold jewelry. Acosta and San Souci
had apparently met once many years before. Unknown to Acosta, San Souci

either was then or soon thereafter became a government informant.


A few days after the pawn shop meeting, Acosta and his brother-in-law stopped
by San Souci's apartment to inspect some gold jewelry that San Souci had
offered to sell Acosta. Instead of providing the jewelry, San Souci asked Acosta
and his brother-in-law whether they could furnish San Souci with cocaine.
When they declined, San Souci asked whether the two men could provide a
gun. According to San Souci, Acosta said, "he'd check into it ... he didn't know
of anybody or anything at that moment."

By his own testimony at trial, San Souci was a former drug addict and present
alcoholic. Around the first week in July 1993 he began to work as an informant
for Special Agent Stephen Woods of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and
Firearms ("ATF"). Prior to working for ATF, San Souci had been jailed for
failing to pay child support; for his assistance on this case and other matters,
ATF paid San Souci approximately $4,000. San Souci conceded that he thought
that he would be paid only if he succeeded in persuading Acosta to sell him the

San Souci testified that following the visit to his apartment he called Acosta on
a number of occasions, usually leaving messages with Acosta's wife or Acosta's
answering machine. Acosta's wife also testified that the telephone calls were
very frequent, sometimes more than once a day, and that Acosta himself
appeared uninterested in the messages and often made dismissive gestures. The
purpose of San Souci's efforts to reach Acosta was to obtain firearms for San
Souci to purchase.

On July 21, 1993, San Souci spoke to Acosta by telephone, again asking to
purchase a firearm. Acosta told San Souci that he would "check into it" and
advise San Souci. On July 23 Acosta told San Souci that he had a .25-caliber
automatic pistol for sale. Later that day, after some bargaining, San Souci gave
Acosta $125 in exchange for the weapon, which was fully loaded and had an
obliterated serial number. San Souci asked for more guns, and Acosta said that
he would "get back" to San Souci. The conversation was taped but the tape was

At agent Woods' direction, San Souci did not call Acosta for a couple of weeks
because telephone records were being secured. On August 6, 1993, San Souci
called Acosta to ask for weapons and in the conversation--which was taped and
played at trial--Acosta said that he was going to get them but needed more time.
A similar conversation occurred on September 15, 1993, and on the following

day, Acosta telephoned San Souci to tell him that he had a .32-caliber revolver
for sale. The same day San Souci purchased the gun from Acosta for $130,
again after bargaining about price.

During this sale, San Souci asked Acosta if he could get more guns. Acosta
replied, "I'm going to get .38 specials" and "Maybe I can come up with an Uzi
for $200." This conversation was recorded, and the recording played at trial.
There is no indication that any other transactions were attempted or
accomplished. In January 1994, Acosta was arrested for the two weapons sales
and charged in two counts under the felon-in-possession statute.

At his trial, Acosta testified, admitting the transactions and his status as a prior
felon. He relied primarily on the entrapment defense. The judge gave an
entrapment charge, whose correctness is not challenged. The jury acquitted
Acosta on the count relating to the July 23 transaction and convicted him for
the September 16 transaction.


On this appeal, Acosta's main argument is that a verdict of acquittal should

have been directed on count II on grounds of entrapment or, alternatively, that a
new trial should have been offered. It appears that the motion for a new trial
was made out of time, see Fed.R.Crim.P. 33; but in any case the district court's
denial of such a motion is reviewed only for abuse of discretion. We think,
therefore, that the central issue of this appeal is whether the evidence was
sufficient to permit a reasonable jury to reject the entrapment defense.


The legal tests for entrapment are well established. What is required is (1) that
the government induce the offense and (2) that the defendant not be
predisposed to commit it. See Jacobson v. United States, 503 U.S. 540, 112
S.Ct. 1535, 118 L.Ed.2d 174 (1992). The bare terms--inducement and
predisposition--do little to disclose the encrusting precedent. For our purpose,
the most useful discussion is the decision of then Chief Judge (now Justice)
Breyer in United States v. Gendron, 18 F.3d 955 (1st Cir.), cert. denied, --- U.S.
----, 115 S.Ct. 654, 130 L.Ed.2d 558 (1994). That decision, which is postJacobson, not only illuminates the entrapment concept but remains the
governing law in this circuit.


Gendron makes clear that despite some general strictures against the
government's "manufacturing" of crimes, inducement requires something more
than that a government agent or informant suggested the crime and provided
the occasion for it. Rather, inducement "consists of [providing] an 'opportunity'
plus something else--typically, excessive pressure by the government ... or the

government's taking advantage" of the defendant in an improper way. 18 F.3d

at 961 (emphasis added). There is no better means of getting a sense of what
the courts have regarded as "improper" inducement than the list of cases and
parentheticals set forth in the Gendron opinion. Id. at 961-62.

Although the entrapment doctrine is primarily concerned with curbing such

improper pressure by the government, a competing policy has led to the second
requirement, namely, that the defendant also not be predisposed to commit the
crime. The notion is that a defendant predisposed to commit the crime should
not get off merely because the government gave the defendant too forceful a
shove along a path that the defendant would readily have taken anyway.
Gendron suggests that one might ask whether defendant would have been likely
to commit the same crime without the undue pressure actually exerted. 18 F.3d
at 962.


Entrapment is called a defense, but it is settled that once the defendant has
made a threshold showing, the burden shifts to the government to prove beyond
a reasonable doubt either that there was no undue government pressure or
trickery or that the defendant was predisposed. See United States v. Rodriguez,
858 F.2d 809, 815 (1st Cir.1988). In this case, the facts were largely although
not entirely undisputed. Thus, the problem for the jury was primarily that of
applying a vague general standard--actually two such standards: inducement
and predisposition--to a unique pattern of facts.


Because the facts were largely undisputed, one might think that on review this
court necessarily decides as an issue of law whether the facts do or do not make
out entrapment. Yet, even where there are no credibility issues or tensions in
the evidence--and some do exist here--entrapment is treated as a issue of fact
for a jury. That does not mean complete freedom for the jury, see Jacobson; it
does mean that where a rational jury could decide either way, its verdict will
not be disturbed. United States v. Gifford, 17 F.3d 462, 467 (1st Cir.1994).


Starting with inducement, the problem (as it is so often) is one of degree. On

the one hand, the government does not disclaim responsibility for San Souci's
conduct even if it occurred before he was hired, and here that conduct went
some distance beyond "simply offer[ing] [defendant] the opportunity" to
commit the crime. Jacobson, 503 U.S. at 550, 112 S.Ct. at 1541. True, Acosta
did not close the door in the first discussion (Acosta, according to San Souci,
said "he'd check into it"). But it took a campaign of persistent calls by San
Souci before Acosta responded, apparently several weeks later.


On the other hand, there is no evidence that San Souci threatened Acosta or


On the other hand, there is no evidence that San Souci threatened Acosta or
even rebuffed an explicit request by Acosta to be let alone. Nor does this case
involve improper appeals to sympathy, cf. Sherman v. United States, 356 U.S.
369, 78 S.Ct. 819, 2 L.Ed.2d 848 (1958), promises of extravagant reward, or
the kind of relentless and extreme trickery engaged in by postal and customs
agents in Jacobson. See 503 U.S. at 543-47, 112 S.Ct. at 1537-40. In other
words, the facts fall somewhere in a middle ground between what is plainly
proper and what is plainly improper.


If the district court had refused to submit the entrapment issue to a jury for lack
of threshold evidence of inducement, we would have reversed. But we do not
think that the evidence was so overwhelming as to establish improper conduct
by the government as "a matter of law." San Souci's efforts, although far from
pristine, were dubious rather than flagrant, or at least a rational factfinder could
so determine. To assume that we are dealing with a sharp boundary rather than
a spectrum is an illusion.


By tradition issues associated with guilt or innocence (duress, insanity,

entrapment) are submitted to the jury. United States v. Gaudin, --- U.S. ----, ----,
115 S.Ct. 2310, 2313-14, 132 L.Ed.2d 444 (1995). Other issues, perhaps similar
in kind but related to collateral matters, are determined by the court (e.g., the
reasonableness of a search and, in many jurisdictions, the voluntariness of a
confession). In the former category of merits-related issues, the jury in close
cases effectively decides not only what happened but also whether what
happened deserves the legal label described in the jury instruction.


If the jury gets to make these middle-ground decisions on inducement,

deference is even easier to understand on the issue of predisposition. In large
part, predisposition turns on making a judgment as to how a defendant of a
given character, background, and behavior would have acted in somewhat
different circumstances. On questions of this kind, the joint common sense of a
jury is hard to best. At least as a composite body, the jury probably knows quite
as much as the judge, or more, about how human beings behave outside of


Except where a jury acquits in a criminal case, judges remain as a check on

juries in the extreme case--one where the judge thinks that a rational jury could
reach only one result. Acosta invokes this exception, arguing that he had no
known prior record of dealing in guns, did not hurry to accept San Souci's
initial overtures, and showed little enthusiasm throughout the venture. We
agree that in this case the trial judge could not have withdrawn the
predisposition issue from the jury by refusing to instruct on entrapment, and nor

would we have been surprised if the jury had chosen to acquit.


But there is another side to the coin. Acosta had a criminal record in drug
dealing, properly made known to the jury, and drug dealing is often associated
with access to weapons. He did not flatly rebuff the initial overture by San
Souci, and it is uncertain whether Acosta's delay in supplying a weapon
reflected inertia, suspicion, or a genuine reluctance to commit a criminal act.
The second gun was provided with less prompting than the first, and the
prospect of a third sale, possibly of an Uzi, was suggested at the end.


Thus, a rational jury could conclude that Acosta was predisposed to commit the
offense. His prior record with drugs would not be enough by itself; but, with
one qualification, the government was entitled to rely as evidence of
predisposition on Acosta's own behavior after he was approached by San Souci.
This included an initial willingness at least to consider supplying arms, the later
provision of two weapons with the suggestion that more would be available,
and a certain measure of professional finesse in making the transfers.


It is quite true (and this is the qualification just mentioned) that under Jacobson
predisposition does not count if it is itself the product of improper government
conduct. That could reasonably have been said in Jacobson. There, the
government, through its own mailings to the defendant, purporting to come
from others, encouraged the defendant to believe that procuring child
pornography was a blow against censorship and in favor of the First
Amendment. If there were predisposition, said the Court, the government
instilled it. 503 U.S. at 553, 112 S.Ct. at 1542-43.


In our case, the facts are more equivocal. San Souci was less persistent and less
deceptive than the agents in Jacobson. Further, San Souci did nothing to
encourage the defendant to alter his views of right and wrong; he just offered
money in exchange for weapons. On the present facts, the jury could have
concluded that Acosta was predisposed or that he was not, but it could not
easily have concluded that San Souci created in Acosta a predisposition toward
crime. Certainly it was not obliged to reach this conclusion.


As authority for a judgment of acquittal, Acosta points us to United States v.

Beal, 961 F.2d 1512 (10th Cir.1992). There, a government informant, to secure
relief from criminal charges against him, pestered Beal with telephone calls
until drugs were supplied; two sales were made by Beal within a twenty-four
hour period; and presented with an entrapment defense, the jury acquitted Beal
as to the first sale and convicted on the second. The district judge in Beal then

ordered an acquittal on the count of conviction. By a two-to-one vote, the

Tenth Circuit affirmed, saying: "Because the two counts were founded upon
one continuous course of conduct, it follows that the original inducement which
'beguiled' Mr. Beal carried over to the second charge." 961 F.2d at 1517.

The government says that unlike Beal the two sales in this case took place two
months apart and were not part of "the same course of conduct." Why this
should matter, either in Beal or in this case, is unclear. A jury in a criminal case
is not obliged to be consistent in its verdicts; on virtually the same evidence the
jury may acquit on one count and convict on the other. United States v. Powell,
469 U.S. 57, 65, 105 S.Ct. 471, 476-77, 83 L.Ed.2d 461 (1984). The only
question for the judges--district and appellate--is whether the evidence on the
count of conviction compelled an acquittal.


It is not clear to us whether Beal was rightly decided or whether there are
nuances in the evidence there that made it a stronger case for entrapment than
our own. What we do know--for reasons explained above--is that as to the
second count in our case, the jury was entitled either to find that Acosta was
entrapped or to reject the defense. Since the evidence permitted a conviction on
count II, it is irrelevant whether the conviction is logically consistent with
Acosta's acquittal on count I.


As it happens, the two verdicts in our case are not inherently inconsistent.
Merely as an example, the jury could rationally have concluded that Acosta was
not predisposed as to either sale; that the degree of badgering in connection with
the first sale did constitute inducement; that the lack of further badgering
distinguished the second sale; and that therefore entrapment was established as
to the first sale but not as to the second. Whatever reasoning the jury adopted,
the evidence as to count II permitted a conviction.


Acosta's remaining claims of error on the appeal are much weaker. First, we
reject the suggestion that the government did not prove the commerce element
in the case. The statute prohibits a prior felon from possessing a firearm "in or
affecting commerce." 18 U.S.C. Sec. 922(g). Here the government offered
evidence from an ATF expert that both of the firearms sold by Acosta were
made in specific states other than Rhode Island. The jury was therefore entitled
to conclude that both weapons had traveled in interstate commerce before
Acosta possessed them.


Acosta makes no constitutional claim but argues that the statute should be read
leniently to require that a defendant possess the weapon, if not actually during

its interstate travel, at least close in time to such travel. But this court has
already held that the terms "affecting commerce" were used as "jurisdictional
words of art" reflecting an intent to exercise the commerce clause power
broadly. United States v. Gillies, 851 F.2d 492, 493-95 (1st Cir.), cert. denied,
488 U.S. 857, 109 S.Ct. 147, 102 L.Ed.2d 119 (1988). Given Congress' inferred
intent, it is hard to doubt Gillies was correct and, in any case, it is binding.

Second, Acosta objects to the trial court's handling of a note from the jury. On
May 27, 1994, a few hours after the jury began deliberations, the court advised
counsel for both sides that the jury had submitted a note reading: "If we play
the tape/conversations that were not introduced during the trial, are heard, are
they allowed?" At the request of both sides, the court summoned the jury back
to the courtroom to inquire further, it not being evident that there were any
taped conversations except those introduced at trial.


Before counsel could reassemble, the jury sent word that it had reached a
verdict. Prior to taking the verdict, the court asked the jury in open court
whether the jury no longer wished to have its written question answered. The
foreman stated that that was correct. Then the verdicts were received and the
jury was discharged, without objection by either side, either before or
immediately after the taking of the verdicts. Four days later, Acosta's counsel
filed a motion to recall the jury for voir dire regarding the note.


The district judge's denial of the motion to recall is now challenged on appeal,
but the denial was plainly correct. While the jury's inquiry is puzzling, there is
no proof that the jury considered anything outside the evidence. More
important, if defense counsel wanted a further inquiry, the time to ask here--as
with any curable defect or doubt--plainly was before the verdict. United States
v. Mosquera, 63 F.3d 1142, 1156 & n. 7 (1st Cir.1995) Trial judges must
manage juries in the face of all kinds of problems and perplexities. When trial
counsel acquiesce in a proposed solution, it is rare indeed that an appeals court
will engage in second guessing.


Third, the district court sentenced Acosta to an enhanced sentence under the
Armed Career Criminal Act, because he had three previous convictions "for a
violent felony or a serious drug offense," specifically three drug trafficking
convictions that met the statutory definition of "a serious drug offense." 18
U.S.C. Sec. 924(e)(1). Acosta urged that one of the prior convictions was
invalid because no inquiry was made in that case as to the factual basis for his
guilty plea. On procedural grounds the state court refused to set the conviction


Acosta admits that under Custis v. United States, --- U.S. ----, 114 S.Ct. 1732,
128 L.Ed.2d 517 (1994), a defendant has no right collaterally to attack his prior
convictions during a sentencing under the Armed Career Criminal Act. But, he
says, Custis does not prevent the trial court from considering such a collateral
attack as a matter of discretion. We think that the reasons given by the Supreme
Court in Custis apply with equal force, whether the reexamination of the state
conviction is sought by the defendant or the trial judge. See --- U.S. at ----, 114
S.Ct. at 1738-39.


One further word is in order. Whether or not the government unduly

encouraged Acosta to commit the offense is a close call, but it is the kind of
close call that a jury is equipped to make. What may be even more troublesome
in cases of this kind is the possibility of undue encouragement to the informant,
as a result of compelling government inducements (here, money; in Beal,
dismissal of criminal charges) to overstep the bounds in the field, or in the
courtroom, or both.


In his dual role as both instigator and witness, the informant has a special
capacity--as well as strong incentive--to tilt both the event itself and his
testimony about it. If the government is going to use its informants in a role just
short of provocateur, it would be well advised to consider devising restrictions
that will at least lessen the likelihood for abuse. Otherwise, the lesson of history
is that the courts themselves are likely to take precautions and their adjustments
are usually more rigid and far-reaching.



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