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148 F.

3d 44

UNITED STATES, Plaintiff-Appellee,

Julio CONEO-GUERRERO, Defendant-Appellant.
UNITED STATES, Plaintiff-Appellee,
Juan Jose ARANGO-HERRERA Defendant-Appellant.
UNITED STATES, Plaintiff-Appellee,
Jesus A. VILLA-CONTRERAS, Defendant-Appellant.
Nos. 96-1764 to 96-1766.

United States Court of Appeals,

First Circuit.
Heard Feb. 24, 1998.
Decided July 14, 1998.

Zygmunt G. Slominski on brief for appellant Julio Coneo-Guerrero.

Carmen R. De Jesus on brief for appellant Juan Jose Arango-Herrera.
Jorge A. Toro-McCown on brief for appellant Jesus A. Villa-Contreras.
Jacabed Rodriguez Coss, Assistant United States Attorney, with whom
Guillermo Gil, United States Attorney, and Jose A. Quiles-Espinosa,
Assistant United States Attorney, were on brief for appellee.
Before TORRUELLA, Chief Judge, CAMPBELL, Senior Circuit Judge,
and SELYA, Circuit Judge.
CAMPBELL, Senior Circuit Judge.

After a jury trial, the district court convicted Julio Coneo-Guerrero, Juan Jose
Arango-Herrera, and Jesus A. Villa-Contreras of importing into the United
States and possessing with intent to distribute 543 kilograms of cocaine. 21
U.S.C. 952(a), 841(a)(1). The three Defendants appeal from their

convictions and sentences, citing many purported errors. We affirm. In so

doing, we discuss only the most salient points. We have, however, considered
carefully all the arguments Appellants raise.

In reviewing a judgment of conviction, we view the facts in the light most

favorable to the government. See United States v. Christopher, 142 F.3d 46, 48
(1st Cir.1998).

On the night of June 27-28, 1995, U.S. Customs pilots flying approximately
fifteen miles from the southern coast of Puerto Rico spotted a forty-foot boat
traveling rapidly north toward Puerto Rico with its lights out. Joined by other
agents on sea and in the air, the agents tracked the boat until it stopped at an
area within three miles of the coast of Puerto Rico known as Cayo Cabuzazos.
There, the agents used night vision goggles to observe the boat's crew dumping
objects overboard into the water.

To improve the scene's visibility, the agents summoned a helicopter equipped

with a powerful "night sun" searchlight, which they directed at the boat.
Realizing that they had unwanted company, the crew immediately sped away
toward the south. After a lengthy chase and with the help of a local marine
police unit, Customs agents apprehended the boat roughly thirteen or fourteen
miles from the coast of Puerto Rico. Agents boarded the ship and arrested all
four members of the crew: the three Appellants, plus the boat's captain, who is
now deceased.

While aboard, the agents made several discoveries. First, they observed that the
boat's dashboard lights were covered with opaque tape, obscuring their glow
from nighttime observation. Second, there were two hand-written notes on
board. One contained five sets of coordinates plotting a route from Colombia to
Puerto Rico. The other, written in Spanish, vaguely prescribed an allocation:
"399 for the office [oficina ]"; "85 for Nando"; "85 for Lindo"; and "5 for the
crew." A later search revealed a pair of burlap sacks.

The significance of the sacks became apparent after a contemporaneous search

of the Cayo Cabuzazos area, where Appellants had earlier been observed
dumping items from their boat. There, agents found several burlap sacks
floating in the water, along with hundreds of packages containing a total of 543
kilograms of cocaine. According to the trial testimony of a FBI expert, the
sacks found aboard Appellants' boat were of the same color, make,

composition, and construction as those found floating with the cocaine.

Moreover, a second FBI expert testified that both sets of sacks contained traces
of cocaine.

Upon their arrest, Appellants each explained that they had come to Puerto Rico
to pick up money, although they could not say when or from whom. However,
government agents testified at trial that neither Appellants nor their boat were
carrying any document that would permit them to make a legal entry into
Puerto Rico.

A week after the arrest, a federal grand jury indicted Appellants for aiding and
abetting, 18 U.S.C. 2, two substantive violations: possessing a controlled
substance with intent to distribute, 21 U.S.C. 841(a)(1), and importation of a
controlled substance, 21 U.S.C. 952(a). Upon learning that a single attorney,
Miguel R. Calderon, planned on representing all Defendants, the magistrate
held a Foster hearing. See United States v. Foster, 469 F.2d 1 (1st Cir.1972).
The district court [ (Fuste, J.) ] held a second Foster hearing on August 22,
1995, about ten weeks before trial.

Calderon continued to represent all Defendants throughout the trial. The jury
returned a verdict of guilty as to all Defendants on both counts on December 15,
1995. Prior to sentencing and after a third Foster hearing, the district court
granted attorney Calderon's motion to withdraw from representing Defendants
and appointed each separate counsel for purposes of sentencing and appeal. The
district court sentenced each defendant to 235 months' imprisonment. This
appeal followed.

1. Ineffective Assistance of Counsel

Appellants argue that their convictions are procedurally invalid owing to the
district court's having allowed Calderon to represent all of them at the trial.
Because one defendant's interests may be adverse to another's, representation of
multiple defendants by the same attorney may lead to serious conflicts and
violate the Sixth Amendment's guarantee of effective counsel. See Wood v.
Georgia, 450 U.S. 261, 271, 101 S.Ct. 1097, 67 L.Ed.2d 220 (1981). On the
other hand, the Sixth Amendment right to choose one's own counsel includes
the right to choose as a lawyer the representative of a co-defendant. See Wheat
v. United States, 486 U.S. 153, 159, 108 S.Ct. 1692, 100 L.Ed.2d 140 (1988).
Balancing these two aspects of the right to counsel--the right to conflict-free
representation and the right to select one's counsel--requires that joint

representation be permitted only if each defendant knowingly and voluntarily

assumes the risk of potential conflicts.

Accordingly, Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 44(c) provides that the

district court must inquire into each instance of joint representation of multiple
defendants, and must advise each defendant of his right to separate counsel.1 In
Foster, this court spelled out the proper procedure for apprising a defendant of
his constitutional rights:

12 shall be the duty of the trial court, as early in the litigation as practicable, to
comment on some of the risks confronted where defendants are jointly represented
to insure that defendants are aware of such risks, and to inquire diligently whether
they have discussed the risks with their attorney, and whether they understand that
they may retain separate counsel, or if qualified, may have counsel appointed by the
court and paid for by the government. For the time being, at least, we leave to the
discretion to the trial court the exact time and form of the inquiry.

Foster, 469 F.2d at 5; see also Bucuvalas v. United States, 98 F.3d 652, 655
(1st Cir.1996). Without an appropriate Foster hearing, the burden of persuasion
shifts to the government to demonstrate the absence of any likelihood of
prejudice from the conflict of interest. See United States v. Hernandez-Lebron,
23 F.3d 600, 606 (1st Cir.1994). However, if the record shows a satisfactory
Foster hearing, the appellant bears the burden of "establish[ing] that an actual
conflict of interest adversely affected his lawyer's performance." Cuyler v.
Sullivan, 446 U.S. 335, 350, 100 S.Ct. 1708, 64 L.Ed.2d 333 (1980); see also
United States v. Mazzaferro, 865 F.2d 450, 454-55 (1st Cir.1989). Appellants
argue that none of the Foster hearings was adequate, shifting the burden of
demonstrating a lack of actual conflict to the government. They contend that
the court seriously erred in addressing them jointly, rather than separately, and
in failing to discern precisely who had retained Calderon to serve as their


We disagree on both scores. First, our review of the record indicates that the
district court conducted satisfactory Foster hearings. There were three such
hearings in this case, two prior to trial. The two pre-trial Foster hearings more
than sufficed to ensure that Defendant-Appellants' acquiescence in joint
representation comported with Rule 44(c).


The first hearing was conducted by the Magistrate just before the bail hearing.
The Magistrate granted each of four court-appointed attorneys' request to
withdraw from representing the four Defendants in light of Calderon's
appearance. The Magistrate instructed Defendants regarding their constitutional

right to adequate and independent representation, and that joint representation

was not necessarily proper. The Magistrate then asked all the Defendants
whether they understood the potential for conflicts and the difficulty of
avoiding such conflicts. The Magistrate then described potential conflicts that
could emerge during the course of proceedings, noting that the Defendants'
level of culpability could vary; that one or more of the Defendants could
cooperate in exchange for leniency; that the evidence might prove stronger
against one Defendant compared to another both as to guilt and as to sentencing.
The Magistrate also noted that if any of the Defendants wanted to testify at
trial, it would place their shared counsel in an untenable position. Following
these warnings, the Magistrate asked Defendants whether they desired
representation by Calderon; they answered in the affirmative.

Finally, the Magistrate warned the Defendants that if any of them changed his
mind after trial, it would be too late to conduct a new trial. Following the
hearing, each Defendant executed an "Acknowledgment of Joint Representation
Admonishment" also signed by their attorney Calderon.


A few months before trial, the district court judge conducted a second Foster
hearing. There, the court specifically noted that it had to appoint each defendant
separate counsel "unless it appear[ed] that there [was] good cause to believe no
conflict of interest was likely to arise." The court also enumerated myriad
issues that potentially would give rise to a conflict of interest, including the
inability of counsel to conduct independent investigations, the inability of
counsel to enter into independent plea negotiations, the inability of counsel to
seek immunity for one defendant to testify against another, the inability of
counsel to communicate information gained from one client to another because
of attorney-client privilege, the inability to waive the right to jury trial for any
single defendant, the inability of counsel to represent individual interests in jury
selection or the introduction of evidence, the inability of counsel to present
evidence that is exculpatory for one defendant if inculpatory for another; the
inability of counsel to argue in the alternative as to the level of culpability of
each defendant, the inability of counsel to negotiate after trial on behalf of one
defendant against another, and the inability of counsel to argue the Defendants'
relative blame at sentencing. Calderon told the court, in the presence of
Defendant-Appellants, that he had discussed the potential for conflict with each
of them several times.


The court then inquired, ultimately with no clear answer, as to who was paying
counsel for the Defendants and where that person's loyalties lay. The court then
questioned each defendant as to his competency and capacity to understand
what was being explained. Finally, after warning the Defendants that the

emergence of a conflict "down the line" would not "stop the case," the court
permitted Calderon to continue representing all the Defendants. From the time
of the second Foster hearing in August, 1995, until after the trial and conviction
in December, 1995, neither a Defendant nor Calderon suggested that the joint
representation had led to a conflict of interest.

Between the verdict and sentencing, each of the three surviving DefendantAppellants requested the assignment of new counsel. The district court then
conducted a third Foster hearing, at which it ultimately granted the request for
new counsel during sentencing and appeal. At this hearing, the district court
questioned each of the Defendants about his choice of Calderon as attorney.
Arango-Herrera complained about Calderon's tactical decisions during trial and
his communication regarding the potential conflict. Each of the other two
Appellants said that he was satisfied with Calderon's performance. Indeed, each
said that they sought new counsel because they no longer had adequate funds
to pay for Calderon's representation.


Appellants now argue that these apparently thorough procedures were

inadequate. First, citing United States v. Gilliam, 975 F.2d 1050, 1053 (4th
Cir.1992), and United States v. Edwardo-Franco, 885 F.2d 1002 (2d Cir.1989),
they argue that the district court should have engaged Defendants in a
"narrative" colloquy. Second, based on the Advisory Note to Rule 44(c), they
claim that the district court should have addressed each defendant separately.
Finally, they suggest that the district court erred in failing to advise them of
their right to seek the assistance of an independent attorney in understanding the
risks of joint representation. See United States v. Romero, 780 F.2d 981, 985
(11th Cir.1986).


We do not think that the district court erred by failing to do more than we have
traditionally held a Foster hearing requires. While each of the procedures
Appellants suggest might serve the interests motivating a Foster hearing,2 their
absence is not error where, as here, the record shows that the district court
made a diligent inquiry--in this case, multiple inquiries--into whether the risks
of joint representation were clear.3


In light of the adequacy of the Foster hearings, Appellants bear the burden of
showing that the joint representation caused an actual conflict of interest. In this
regard, Appellants point to the fact that the district court never pinpointed
exactly who was paying Calderon to represent them; the source of those funds
still remains a mystery. However, Appellants have failed to adduce any
evidence of an actual conflict, though they hypothesize a number of potential
conflicts relating to "the inherent dangers that arise when a criminal defendant

is represented by a lawyer hired and paid by a third party." Wood, 450 U.S. at
268-69, 101 S.Ct. 1097. For instance, they point out that a conflict could have
arisen if one of them had accepted the government's offer of a plea bargain.
However, there is no credible suggestion that this or any other potential conflict
ever occurred. Indeed, the problem with Calderon's representation appears not
to have been disloyalty, but rather his lack of success and his cost. At the third
Foster hearing, Arango told the district court that he did not become dissatisfied
with Calderon's performance until they lost the case; the two other Appellants
stated that they sought new counsel only because they could no longer afford
Calderon. Accordingly, Appellants have failed to meet their burden of showing
that an actual conflict arose adversely affecting Calderon's performance. See
Carey v. United States, 50 F.3d 1097, 1100 (1st Cir.1995) ("[T]he defendant
must demonstrate that the alleged conflict is more than 'some attenuated
hypothesis having little consequence to the adequacy of representation.' "
(quoting Brien v. United States, 695 F.2d 10, 15 (1st Cir.1982))); Mazzaferro,
865 F.2d at 454.
2. Jury Instruction Regarding Reasonable Doubt

Appellants fault the district court for not giving an unrequested jury instruction
that reasonable doubt exists when upon viewing the evidence a reasonable juror
would "hesitate to act" in finding the defendant guilty. Their theory is that the
absence of such an instruction inappropriately reduced the government's burden
of proof. We disagree.


"Reasonable doubt instructions are erroneous when, taken as a whole, they

have a 'reasonable likelihood' of misleading the jury to believe that it can
convict on some lesser standard of proof than that required under the reasonable
doubt standard." United States v. Romero, 32 F.3d 641, 651 (1st Cir.1994). The
trial court's instruction was in this regard quite clear:

that the defendants are presumed by law to be not guilty or innocent.
The law does not require defendants to prove that they are not guilty or produce any
evidence at all. The government has the burden of proving their guilty beyond a
reasonable doubt. And if the government fails to do so, you must acquit the

Later, the court defined reasonable doubt as "a real doubt based upon reason
and common sense after careful and impartial consideration of all the evidence
in the case." Nothing in these passages, nor in any cited by Appellants, shifted
the burden of proof from the government. Much less was the instruction's
definition of "reasonable doubt" inadequate. We cannot find Appellants'

preferred instruction plain error, see United States v. Olano, 507 U.S. 725, 737,
113 S.Ct. 1770, 123 L.Ed.2d 508 (1993) (defining plain error standard),
particularly given the district court's "considerable latitude" in charging the
jury, see United States v. Cassiere, 4 F.3d 1006, 1022 (1st Cir.1993).3. Jury
Instruction Regarding the Elements of Importation

Next, Appellants criticize the court for failing to instruct the jury that the
offense of importation, 21 U.S.C. 952(a), requires that the defendant have
brought contraband within the twelve-mile outer limit of the United States'
customs territory. See United States v. Alvarado, 982 F.2d 659, 662 (1st
Cir.1992) (explaining scope of 21 U.S.C. 952(a)). Because Appellants did not
object nor raise this contention at trial, our review is confined to plain error.
See United States v. Sullivan, 85 F.3d 743, 748 (1st Cir.1996).


We have ruled that "[a] critical element of the offense of importation is that a
defendant imports or causes to be imported a controlled substance into the
customs territory of the United States." Alvarado, 982 F.2d at 662. In
explaining the U.S.'s "customs territory," the district court here instructed the
jury that

30 term United States when used in the geographic sense that we are dealing with
here, means all places and waters continental or insular subject to the jurisdiction of
the United States. The territorial waters of Puerto Rico are territorial waters of the
United States.

While the district court did not explain, as it might have, that the territory of the
United States extended only twelve miles from the shores of Puerto Rico, in the
present context its omission was not "plain error," i.e., the sort of error that
warrants correction as a matter of the fairness of the proceedings below. See
Olano, 507 U.S. at 737, 113 S.Ct. 1770 (instructing Courts of Appeals that Rule
52(b) requires reversal only if error "seriously affect[s] fairness, integrity or
public reputation of judicial proceedings" (quoting United States v. Atkinson,
297 U.S. 157, 160, 56 S.Ct. 391, 80 L.Ed. 555 (1936))). The jury received
adequate guidance on the point from testimony at trial from a U.S. Customs

32 Can you explain to the members of the jury the difference between international
waters and Custom's territories?
33 Custom's waters are those waters that are up to twelve miles from the coast of the
U.S., including Puerto Rico. Anything beyond the twelve miles is considered
international waters.

34 So anything within twelve miles from the coast of Puerto Rico would be
considered United States waters, is that correct?
A: Yes, ma'am, Customs' waters.

The same investigator, who was at the arrest scene, testified that he tracked
Appellants' boat as it made its way to within three miles of the Puerto Rico


This testimony indicated to the jury that, in order to convict Appellants of

importing contraband into the United States, it had to find that Appellants
brought the contraband within twelve miles of Puerto Rico. It also provided
evidence that Appellants had imported contraband into waters well within the
twelve-mile limit. Taken together, these pieces of testimony show that the jury
was adequately advised of the relevant legal standard relating to the importation
element as well as being furnished credible evidence establishing the
importation element. We have no reason to believe that the court's purported
omission affected Appellants' substantial rights or denigrated judicial

4. Sentencing

Appellants argue that the district court erred by not granting them a two-level
downward adjustment for a minor role in the offense under U.S.S.G. 3B1.2.
Appellants' claim in this regard rests on their purported role as mere
transporters of cocaine, less responsible than other, unnamed participants.
However, as the district court noted, Appellants produced no evidence to show
that their role was necessarily minor. All were aboard a boat transporting
cocaine from Colombia to Puerto Rico. There is little evidence of their specific
duties. A now-deceased individual served as captain, but that does not indicate
that others on board had a less significant function relative to the criminal
activities. Quite possibly, persons uninvolved in the operation of the boat had
greater responsibilities for acquiring and distributing the drugs. Reviewing the
district court's factual determinations for clear error, see United States v.
Brandon, 17 F.3d 409, 460 (1st Cir.1994), we conclude that none occurred in
the district court's rejection of a role-in-the-offense reduction.


Finally, Appellants suggest that the district court erred in failing to depart
downward under U.S.S.G. 5K2.0 based on a variety of personal hardships
that, in Appellants' view, reduced their culpability for their crimes. However,
this court will entertain an appeal from such a decision only if the district court
erroneously believed it lacked the legal authority to depart downward. See

United States v. Romolo, 937 F.2d 20, 22 (1st Cir.1991). As Appellants

nowhere allege that the district court was under such a misapprehension, their
challenge fails for want of appellate jurisdiction.

We have carefully considered Appellants' other arguments, and conclude that

they are without merit.



Rule 44(c) provides in pertinent part:

Whenever two or more defendants have been jointly charged ... and are
represented by the same retained or assigned counsel or by retained or assigned
counsel who are associated in the practice of law, the court shall promptly
inquire with respect to such joint representation and shall personally advise
each defendant of the right to the effective assistance of counsel, including
separate representation. Unless it appears that there is good cause to believe no
conflict of interest is likely to arise, the court shall take such measures as may
be appropriate to protect each defendant's right to counsel.
Fed.R.Crim.P. 44(c).

Regarding Appellants' objection that the court failed to address each Defendant
separately, the short answer is that Appellants misconstrue both the record and
Rule 44(c). That Rule provides that the court must "personally advise each
defendant" of his rights. The record demonstrates that the district court did so in
this case on three occasions, engaging each Appellant individually. Appellants,
however, would read the rule to require that the trial judge repeat the same
admonishment for each defendant. This hyper-literal reading of the Rule's text
would serve no purpose, other than dragging out Foster hearings. Moreover, the
"personal" nature of the colloquy becomes important only when each defendant
answers the judge's questions; in this regard, there is no suggestion that the
district court ignored the plea of any individual defendant, making the hearings
sufficiently "personal."

Appellants also claim in passing that the district court did not give them
adequate time to consider the waiver of their rights. We reject this argument as
only cursorily argued, see United States v. Zannino, 895 F.2d 1, 17 (1st
Cir.1990). Moreover, Appellants had ample time to consider their lot, as the
first Foster hearing preceded their bail hearing, and the second occurred over
two months before trial

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