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258 F.3d 35 (1st Cir.



No. 00-2408

United States Court of Appeals For the First Circuit

Heard May 8, 2001
Decided August 2, 2001


DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS [Hon. Joseph L. Tauro, U.S. District
Peter B. McGlynn, with whom Bruce D. Levin and Bernkopf, Goodman &
Baseman LP were on brief, for appellant.
Warren D. Hutchison, with whom Nancy M. Reimer and Donovan Hatem
LP were on brief, for appellees.
Before Boudin, Chief Judge, Selya, Circuit Judge, and Schwarzer,* Senior
District Judge.
Selya, Circuit Judge.

Audit reports and financial statements are staples of the accounting profession.
Accuracy is a paramount concern, for much can turn on a relatively minor
bevue. But mistakes occur, and courts have grappled with the extent of an
accountant's liability to third parties (i.e., non-clients) for such errors. This
appeal requires us to enter the fray.

The case at hand involves ostensible misstatements attributed to the

carelessness of the defendants (an accounting firm and one of its principals).
The court below, ruling on a motion for summary judgment, concluded that
even if the financial statement prepared by the defendants for their client
corporation contained negligent misrepresentations, the defendants were not

liable to the plaintiff (a third party) for those misrepresentations. Although our
appraisal of the governing law differs in one salient respect from that of the
lower court, we reach the same conclusion. Accordingly, we affirm.

A brief recitation of the facts suffices to put the pivotal legal issue into
perspective. Following the conventional summary judgment praxis, we recount
the facts in the light most favorable to the non-movant (here, the plaintiff).
Houlton Citizens' Coalition v. Town of Houlton, 175 F.3d 178, 184 (1st Cir.

In the 1980s, Jeffrey Canty formed Canty Roofing and Sheetmetal, Inc. (CRS).
As the name implies, CRS's principal business was the installation and repair of
roofs. For much of CRS's existence, the firm of Dias & Lapalme (D&L)
rendered accounting services to it. The partner in charge was David Lapalme.
For the most part, the work was mundane, involving, inter alia, the preparation
of annual financial statements and tax returns.

Over the years, CRS installed and repaired roofs on a variety of public and
private buildings. Contractors working on public construction projects in
Massachusetts are required by statute to post payment and performance bonds
on a project-by-project basis. See Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 149, 29. CRS
routinely bid on public works jobs and, thus, from time to time required bonds.

In 1994, Martin Donovan, an insurance broker, introduced CRS to plaintiffappellant North American Specialty Insurance Co. (NASI). At Donovan's
instance, NASI inspected CRS's financial records and Canty's personal finances.
Apparently satisfied with the results of its review, NASI entered into a bonding
relationship with CRS. Once this relationship commenced, NASI told Canty
that CRS would be required to provide updated financial statements, prepared
by an independent certified public accountant, for each succeeding calendar

In late 1995, Canty agreed to sell CRS to a group composed of three

businessmen, namely, Robert Cote, Paul Flynn, and David Beasley. The
transfer of ownership, structured as a sale of stock, occurred on December 29,
1995. Shortly thereafter, D&L prepared an independent, review-level financial
statement for CRS with respect to calendar year 1995. This statement, issued by
D&L on March 25, 1996, lacked specific information anent the change in
ownership. To make matters worse, the notes to the financial statement

contained three arguably misleading comments that implied Canty's continuing

participation as CRS's sole shareholder (or so NASI now contends). We
summarize these comments in the margin.1

CRS thereafter obtained new contracts for work on public buildings. To

facilitate these engagements, NASI wrote bonds (relying, it claims, on the 1995
financial statement) totaling $847,630 on June 14, 1996, and bonds totaling
$874,500 on August 21, 1996. But CRS foundered under the stewardship of its
new owners and eventually defaulted on these bonds. This calamity forced
NASI, qua surety, to step into the breach. Doing so cost it nearly $2,000,000.

Invoking diversity jurisdiction, 28 U.S.C. 1332(a), NASI sued D&L and

Lapalme in the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts. It
charged the accountants with negligent misrepresentation and deceptive trade
practices. NASI grounded its complaint on the assertion that, but for the
accountants' omission of accurate ownership information in the 1995 financial
statement, it would not have continued furnishing bonds for CRS (and,
therefore, would have avoided the ensuing losses). After allowing an extended
period for pretrial discovery, the district court granted summary judgment in
the defendants' favor.


This timely appeal ensued. In it, NASI challenges the district court's
interpretation and application of the legal regime governing an accountant's
liability to third persons and maintains that, under a proper formulation of the
law, the existence of genuine issues of material fact would preclude the entry of
summary judgment.


We preface our discussion of the central issue with a reminder as to certain

threshold principles that inform our analysis. Summary judgment is appropriate
only when "the pleadings, depositions, answers to interrogatories, and
admissions on file, together with the affidavits, if any, show that there is no
genuine issue as to any material fact and that the moving party is entitled to a
judgment as a matter of law." Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(c). In reviewing an order
granting summary judgment, we construe the record and all reasonable
inferences from it in favor of the summary judgment loser. Grant's Dairy-Me.,
LLC v. Comm'r of Me. Dep't of Agric., Food & Rural Res., 232 F.3d 8, 14 (1st
Cir. 2000); Houlton Citizens' Coalition, 175 F.3d at 184. Our review is plenary,
so that we may, "if the occasion arises, reject the rationale employed by the
lower court and still uphold its order for summary judgment." Perez v. Volvo

Car Corp., 247 F.3d 303, 310 (1st Cir. 2001) (citation and internal quotation
marks omitted).

In this diversity case, we look to state law (here, the law of Massachusetts) for
the substantive rules of decision. Erie R.R. Co. v. Tompkins, 304 U.S. 64,
78(1938); Fithian v. Reed, 204 F.3d 306, 308 (1st Cir. 2000). In such matters,
we are bound by the teachings of the state's highest court. Blinzler v. Marriott
Int'l, Inc., 81 F.3d 1148, 1151 (1st Cir. 1996). "In the absence of a definitive
ruling by the highest state court, a federal court may consider analogous
decisions, considered dicta, scholarly works, and any other reliable data tending
convincingly to show how the highest court in the state would decide the issue
at hand . . . ." Gibson v. City of Cranston, 37 F.3d 731, 736 (1st Cir. 1994)
(citation and internal quotation marks omitted). Our duty is to make an
informed prophecy - to "discern the rule the state's highest court would be most
likely to follow under these circumstances, even if our independent judgment
might differ." Ambrose v. New Engl. Ass'n of Schs. & Colls., 252 F.3d 488,
497-98 (1st Cir. 2001).


Against this backdrop, we turn to the law pertaining to accountants' liability to

third parties for negligent misrepresentation and, in particular, the watershed
opinion of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) in Nycal Corp. v.
KPMG Peat Marwick LLP, 688 N.E.2d 1368 (Mass. 1998). We next examine
the decision below and discuss an area of disagreement. We then offer our
views on the meaning, under Massachusetts law, of the phrase "substantially
similar transactions" as that phrase relates to an accountant's liability to third
parties for negligent misrepresentations. Finally, we apply the discerned law to
the gleaned facts to complete our canvass.


A. The Watershed Case.


Nycal v. KPMG Peat Marwick LLP is the SJC's most comprehensive effort to
plot the borders of an accountant's liability to third parties for negligent
misrepresentations. In that case, the plaintiffs - purchasers of stock - alleged
that they had relied to their determent on financial statements prepared for the
acquired company by the defendant (a well-known accounting firm). Nycal,
688 N.E.2d at 1369. After studying the available options,2 the SJC adopted the
Restatement rule anent the scope of an accountant's liability to a third party for
negligent misrepresentations. Id. at 1370-71 (citing with approval Restatement
(Second) of Torts 552 (1977)). The SJC's description of the rule follows:


Section 552 describes the tort of negligent misrepresentation committed in the

process of supplying information for the guidance of others as follows: (1) One
who, in the course of his business, profession or employment, or in any other
transaction in which he has a pecuniary interest, supplies false information for
the guidance of others in their business transactions, is subject to liability for
pecuniary loss caused to them by their justifiable reliance upon the information,
if he fails to exercise reasonable care or competence in obtaining or
communicating the information.


That liability is [(2)] limited to loss suffered (a) by the person or one of a
limited group of persons for whose benefit and guidance he intends to supply
the information or knows that the recipient intends to supply it; and (b) through
reliance upon it in a transaction that he intends the information to influence or
knows that the recipient so intends or in a substantially similar transaction.


Id. at 1371-72 (internal quotation marks omitted).


The SJC recognized that section 552 was not self-elucidating, and that courts
had been erratic in interpreting and applying it. Id. at 1372. This lack of
uniformity seemed most readily apparent in respect to the level of knowledge actual or constructive - required on the part of the putative defendant. The SJC
opted to demand actual knowledge. Id. In so doing, it interpreted section 552
"as limiting the potential liability of an accountant to non-contractual third
parties who can demonstrate actual knowledge on the part of accountants of the
limited - though unnamed - group of potential third parties that will rely upon
the [accountant's work product], as well as actual knowledge of the particular
financial transaction that such information is designed to influence." Id.
(citations and internal quotation marks omitted). The accountant's actual
knowledge, the court added, should be ascertained at the time the audit report
or financial statement is issued. Id. at 1372-73.


Despite this emphasis on actual knowledge, the SJC added a caveat. It

cautioned that accountants could not avoid liability by burying their heads in
the sand: "the Restatement standard will not excuse an accountant's 'willful
ignorance.'" Id. at 1373.


B. The Decision Below.


The district court appropriately acknowledged Nycal as the starting point for its
analysis. The fulcrum of the court's unpublished opinion is its determination
that the SJC had not fully embraced the Restatement rule, but, rather, had

rejected the language of section 552(2)(b) (which extends an accountant's

liability beyond particular transactions that the accountant knowingly intended
to influence to substantially similar transactions). In reaching this conclusion,
the veteran district judge relied on the fact that the Nycal court, at one point in
its opinion, referred to "actual knowledge of the particular financial
transaction," 688 N.E.2d at 1372, without including the Restatement's reference
to substantially similar transactions. Having embraced this narrow reading of
Nycal, the judge envisioned that the case at hand hinged on whether the
defendants "knew of the particular financial transaction that the [financial
statement] was designed to influence."3 Discerning no evidence that D&L
actually knew, in March of 1996, of a particular bonding transaction scheduled
to occur later that year, Judge Tauro entered judgment for the defendants.

In effect, then, the district court held that substantially similar transactions, by
definition, could not reach the level of particularity that Nycal required. NASI
vigorously attacks this holding, and we think that it may read too much into
what might well be an economy of words. After all, the SJC mentioned the
"substantially similar transactions" variant in its initial recital of the rule, Nycal,
668 N.E.2d at 1372, and we can think of three reasons why the court's omission
of this reference in its reprise may well lack decretory significance. First, the
language and structure of Nycal point toward outright acceptance of the
Restatement rule, uncurtailed. See, e.g., id. at 1371 (remarking that the
Restatement rule "comports most closely" with the standard of liability
traditionally imposed by the Massachusetts courts in other professional
contexts). Second, Nycal itself did not involve a dispute about whether
transactions were or were not substantially similar (and, thus, the SJC had no
incentive to discuss that aspect of the Restatement rule in any detail). Third, the
Nycal court's language requiring "actual knowledge of a particular financial
transaction," id. at 1372, just as easily can be read to incorporate substantially
similar transactions as to exclude them.4


In the end, we need not probe this point too deeply. The extent to which
Massachusetts accepts the Restatement rule is a matter of state law, and the SJC
some day will resolve all doubt. For now, we assume arguendo, favorably to
NASI, that Massachusetts follows the rule of section 552 of the Restatement,
without reservation. That rule limits an accountant's liability for negligent
misrepresentation to those third parties who the accountant actually knows will
receive the information, and then, only for transactions that are the same as, or
substantially similar to, the ones which the accountant actually knows will be
influenced by the supplied information. In other words, an accountant remains
potentially liable in situations in which he actually knows that a third-party
recipient of his information will rely on that information in the course of a

specific transaction, even though the transaction itself does not transpire, as
long as it is supplanted by a substantially similar transaction.

C. Defining Substantially Similar Transactions.


Although substantially similar transactions can serve as a basis for an

accountant's liability to a third party under the Restatement rule, the dimensions
of that doctrine remain in doubt.5 Our interest, of course, is in how the
Massachusetts courts would define the term - but neither the SJC nor the
Massachusetts Appeals Court has addressed this issue.


The Restatement does not attempt to define the phrase "substantially similar
transactions." Nevertheless, the commentary offers some insight into what is
meant by the term. Thus, when a corporation seeking a bank loan asks an
accountant to audit the books and prepare a report for the prospective lender,
liability for negligence will attach even though the corporation delays for a
month in obtaining the loan. See Restatement (Second) of Torts 552 cmt. j.
The transaction, though later in time, remains substantially similar because its
"essential character" - the amount and terms of the credit - has not changed. Id.
So too if the amount of the anticipated loan varies slightly, the ensuing
transaction nonetheless will remain substantially similar; slight variances do not
affect a transaction's essential character. Id. If, however, after the accountant's
report is delivered the corporation seeks and receives a much larger loan, the
transactions will no longer be substantially similar and the accountant will not
be liable to the bank for a careless misstatement. Id.


In the last analysis, "[t]he question [is] one of the extent of the departure that
the maker of the representation understands is to be expected." Id. Minor
deviations are to be anticipated in complex business transactions, and such
deviations ordinarily do not allow the misinformer to escape liability to a
known third party. If the departure is major, however, a different result obtains;
the transaction actually consummated cannot then be regarded as essentially the
same as the transaction originally contemplated (and, therefore, cannot be
regarded as substantially similar).


Quite plainly, this definition is fact-sensitive and requires case-by-case

development. We think that, under it, an accountant's liability for substantially
similar transactions must be determined in two steps. First, the rule implicitly
recognizes that the risk perceived by the accountant at the time of the
engagement cabins the extent of the duty that he owes to known third parties.
Cf. Rusch Factors, Inc. v. Levin, 284 F. Supp. 85, 91 (D.R.I. 1968) (advocating

this proposition prior to promulgation of the final version of the Restatement

rule); Ryan v. Kanne, 170 N.W.2d 395, 401-02 (Iowa 1969) (same; citing draft
version of the Restatement). Thus, an inquiring court initially must consider,
from the preparer's standpoint, what risks he reasonably perceived he was
undertaking when he delivered the challenged report or financial statement.

Second, the court must undertake an objective comparison between the

transaction of which the accountant had actual knowledge and the transaction
that in fact occurred. This comparison cannot be hyper technical, but, rather,
must be conducted in light of "[t]he ordinary practices and attitudes of the
business world." Restatement (Second) of Torts 552 cmt. j. The goal of this
inquiry is to determine whether the two transactions share essentially the same
character. If so, the actual transaction is substantially similar to the
contemplated transaction (and, therefore, liability-inducing). Elsewise, the third
party has no recourse against the accountant for negligent misrepresentation.


D. The Merits.


With these guideposts in place, we turn to the case at hand. To recapitulate, the
district court granted summary judgment for the defendants because it found
insufficient evidence to show that they had actual knowledge of the critical
transactions (i.e., the issuance of several bonds on which CRS eventually
defaulted). In so holding, however, the court employed a "same transaction"
standard, to the exclusion of substantially similar transactions. We now employ
the more inclusive standard (assuming, albeit without deciding, that the SJC
would adopt it in an appropriate case).


The Restatement rule has six elements. A finding of liability requires (1)
inaccurate information, (2) negligently supplied, (3) in the course of an
accountant's professional endeavors, (4) to a third person or limited group of
third persons whom the accountant actually intends or knows will receive the
information, (5) for a transaction that the accountant actually intends to
influence (or for a substantially similar transaction), (6) with the result that the
third party justifiably relies on such misinformation to his detriment. See Nycal,
688 N.E.2d at 1371-72. The third party has the burden of proving each of these
elements. Consequently, he must create a trial worthy issue on all six in order to
avoid the entry of summary judgment. See McIntosh v. Antonino, 71 F.3d 29,
33 (1st Cir. 1995) (discussing the burden of production that devolves upon a
non-movant who bears the ultimate burden of persuasion on an issue underlying
a summary judgment motion). Creating such an issue necessitates the
production of "specific facts, in suitable evidentiary form." Id. (citation and
internal quotation marks omitted).


Assuming, for argument's sake, that the evidence, viewed in the light most
favorable to NASI, suffices to limn genuine issues of material fact on five of the
six elements,6 the question reduces to whether NASI's issuance, in 1996, of the
particular bonds upon which CRS defaulted constituted transactions that D&L
actually sought to influence, or, alternatively, substantially similar transactions.
NASI would have us answer this question affirmatively for three reasons. We
examine these reasons separately.


First, NASI argues that the bonds which it issued in 1996 were part of a regular
"bonding program" and that D&L prepared the financial statement with this
program in mind. To buttress this argument, NASI describes its relationship
with CRS as common in the industry, explaining that sureties typically
"prequalify" contractors for underwriting purposes, establishing maximum
limits on both individual and aggregate bonds. Such bonding programs, NASI
tells us, usually stay in place for a year at a time.


While this trade usage might be conventional - NASI neglected to offer any
evidence of trade usage below - the proper focus is on the accountant's actual
knowledge and intent to influence. See Nycal, 688 N.E.2d at 1372; Spencer v.
Doyle, 733 N.E.2d 1082, 1087 (Mass. App. Ct. 2000). Regardless of how NASI
perceived the situation, the critical issue is what the defendants actually knew,
when they released the financial statement, about NASI's intent to use the
statement in deciding whether to maintain a bonding program which involved
writing new bonds for CRS in 1996. See Nycal, 688 N.E.2d at 1372-73. The
evidence here, even when viewed in a light favorable to NASI, does not support
a conclusion that the defendants intended to undertake the risk of a full year's
worth of bonds.


To establish the defendants' actual knowledge and intent to influence, NASI

relies most heavily on Cote's deposition. Cote testified in substance that once he
and his partners had acquired the stock of CRS, he met with Lapalme to discuss
the preparation of the 1995 financial statement. At that time, he informed
Lapalme that CRS's new owners planned to use the financial statement to meet
the corporation's obligations for "ongoing" bonds (which he described as
"projects that were currently being worked on by [CRS] for which bonds had
been issued"). Cote specifically disclaimed having told Lapalme that the
financial statement would be used to obtain future bonds, and NASI points to no
other hard evidence to fill this gap.


Taken at face value, Cote's testimony does not support a conclusion that the
defendants knowingly undertook the substantial risks inherent in the issuance of
future bonds. To the contrary, an objectively reasonable accountant in

Lapalme's position doubtless would have thought, based on Cote's request, that
he was subjecting his firm to possible liability for NASI's inventory of bonds
previously issued (those that related to CRS's "ongoing" construction
contracts), not for NASI's forward-looking bonding program. Since no
reasonable jury could have concluded otherwise, NASI failed to show facts
sufficient to support its "bonding program" hypothesis.

If more were needed - and we doubt that it is - the surrounding circumstances

suggest how improbable it is that D&L would have been willing to undertake
liability for future bonds. Lapalme was keenly aware that the preparation of the
1995 financial statement was likely to be D&L's last engagement for CRS. Cote
testified that he and his partners had begun looking for a new accountant by the
time that D&L completed its work on the 1995 financial statement. This was to
be expected: D&L had been retained to handle the CRS account by the former
owner, Canty, and the purchase-and-sale agreement obligated the new owners
to retain D&L only until the firm had completed the tax returns and other
financials necessary to close out calendar year 1995. It strains credulity to
believe that an experienced C.P.A. would undertake liability for indeterminate
amounts of bonds not yet written when he had no reasonable anticipation of
working for the principal in the future.


NASI next contends that the defaulted bonds represented transactions which
were substantially similar to those that the defendants intended to influence.
Here, however, as we shortly will show, the 1996 bond transactions plainly did
not share the essential character of the earlier transactions about which the
defendants knew (and which they intended to influence). Accordingly, the two
sets of transactions cannot be considered substantially similar.


To be sure, determinations of this type involve matters of degree. If, for

example, D&L had agreed to release the 1995 financial statement in
anticipation of allowing NASI to review it before issuing a $500,000 bond for a
specific future project, and NASI thereafter issued a bond for that project in an
amount that varied by, say, $50,000, D&L would be liable to NASI for any loss
occasioned by a negligent misrepresentation.7 See Restatement (Second) Torts
552 cmt. j. Similarly, if D&L had agreed to provide the 1995 financial
statement in anticipation of allowing NASI to review it before bonding a project
that was slated to start on May 1, but the project did not get underway until June
15, D&L would still be liable. Id. In each instance, the key is the accounting
firm's actual knowledge of the surety's intention to rely on the financial
statement for a specific purpose - deciding whether to issue a bond in a known
amount for a known project. The firm thus could anticipate its likely exposure
from attempting to influence the surety's decision, and the imposition of

liability for negligence should not be defeated by modest variances that the
firm, given the way in which business transactions typically develop,
reasonably could have anticipated. See id.

In this context, there is no scientific formula for ascertaining substantial

similarity. Even if the change involves a new transaction, rather than merely a
modification of the earlier (known) transaction, the accounting firm might still
be held liable if the identity of the third party is unchanged, the type of
transaction pretty much the same, and the firm's exposure relatively constant.
Imagine, for example, that D&L agreed to provide the financial statement in
anticipation that NASI would review it in deciding whether to write a $500,000
bond referable to a specific roofing contract that CRS hoped to secure. Imagine,
too, that the project fell through, but CRS instead obtained a different, roughly
comparable roofing contract, likewise requiring a $500,000 bond, and NASI,
relying on the financial statement, provided the bond. In that hypothetical
situation, D&L likely would be liable to the surety for misinformation. See id.
cmt. j, illus. 15.


There is an obvious difference between these examples and the case at hand.
The examples presume that the accountants knew the general nature of the risk
they were taking and the approximate dollar amount of their potential liability.
In this case, however, D&L accepted potential liability only for ongoing work known projects in various stages of completion - but NASI seeks to hold the
firm liable for unknown future projects not yet begun (or even bid) when the
financial statement was delivered. The increased degree of risk is patent. By
like token, D&L accepted potential liability only for bonds previously issued bonds with fixed, easily ascertainable dollar limits - but NASI seeks to hold
D&L liable for bonds which, at the relevant time, were not yet issued (and
which, therefore, had no monetary limit). Those bonds would be written for
whatever sums the contract documents might require. Once again, the increased
degree of risk is patent. Consequently, the liability that NASI wishes us to
impose on the defendants is well beyond the outermost frontier of
Massachusetts law. It is not liability for transactions substantially similar to the
ones which D&L knowingly undertook to influence, but for new transactions
that differ in their essential character and entail a new, unanticipated level of


That ends this aspect of the matter. Without some evidence that the defendants
knew that they were undertaking additional, open- ended liability with respect
to future bonds by releasing the financial statement, NASI's second argument
founders. Simply because transactions are of the same general nature (e.g.,
"bonds") is not enough to render them substantially similar for purposes of the

Restatement rule. Any other conclusion would make a mockery of a basic

premise that underbraces the Restatement rule: that an acquiescent accountant
is only deemed to accept the risks of specific transactions that were made
known to him in advance (or substantially similar ones). See Bily v. Arthur
Young & Co., 834 P.2d 745, 769 (Cal. 1992) (holding that an accountant is
liable for negligent misrepresentation to a third party only if he knowingly
supplies the information for the benefit of the third party, and the information
is relied on by the third party in a transaction previously identified to the
accountant, or a substantially similar transaction).

In a last-ditch effort to impose liability, NASI lodges a claim of willful

blindness. It asserts that D&L, through Lapalme, closed its eyes to commercial
realities in a struthious attempt to avoid liability for future transactions. The
legal foundation on which this argument rests is impeccable. See Nycal, 688
N.E.2d at 1373 ("[T]he Restatement standard will not excuse an accountant's
'willful ignorance.'"). However, the record does not lend substance to NASI's


NASI points to three facts which it claims show willful blindness. First, it notes
that the dollar amount of the bonds issued for CRS in 1996 was on the same
order of magnitude as the aggregate dollar amount of the bonds underwritten
for CRS in 1995. This proves nothing of significance. The defendants were not
made privy to CRS's plans for the future. Without such knowledge, the past
year's experience was not likely to be a reliable indicator of a future course of
dealings (especially given the changes in CRS's ownership and management).
In all events, there is no evidence that the defendants were informed either that
CRS, as reconstituted, would continue to use NASI as its principal bonding
source or that NASI intended to use the 1995 financial statement as a basis for
evaluating the advisability of issuing future bonds. Absent such forewarning,
knowledge of past practice would be irrelevant in this context.


NASI next suggests that D&L should have asked the new owners what types of
bonds CRS might need in 1996. The problem with this suggestion is that D&L
was retained to do a retrospective account of CRS's finances as of December
31, 1995. Hence, any inquiry into CRS's future plans would have been


Finally, NASI harps on D&L's practice of asking Canty how many copies of
the financials he would need. NASI argues that the incidence of multiple copies
should have put D&L on guard. We are at a loss to follow NASI's logic. D&L
knew all along, through Lapalme's conversation with Cote, that CRS would
supply a copy of the 1995 financial statement to NASI. The relevant question,

therefore, was not who received the financial statement but for what purpose it
was tendered.

We need not paint the lily. NASI has failed to identify any plausible evidence of
willful blindness or otherwise to demonstrate the existence of a genuine issue of
material fact as to the defendants' actual knowledge of a substantially similar,
loss-inducing transaction. Accordingly, we uphold the district court's entry of
summary judgment in the defendants' favor on the negligent misrepresentation
claim. See Perez, 247 F.3d at 310 (explaining that the court of appeals may
affirm a summary judgment on any ground made manifest by the record).


NASI originally pleaded a claim, arising out of the same facts, for deceptive
trade practices. See Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 93A, 2(a). The district court
granted summary judgment for the defendants on that claim. In its opening
brief to this court, NASI offered no developed challenge to the correctness of
that ruling. In its reply brief, however, NASI attempts to remedy this omission.
Its attempt fails.


There are few principles more securely settled in this court than the principle
which holds that, absent exceptional circumstances, an appellant cannot raise
an argument for the first time in a reply brief. E.g., Aulson v. Blanchard, 83
F.3d 1, 7 (1st Cir. 1996); Pritzker v. Yari, 42 F.3d 53, 71 n.19 (1st Cir. 1994);
Mesnick v. Gen. Elec. Co., 950 F.2d 816, 829 n.11 (1st Cir. 1991); Sandstrom
v. ChemLawn Corp., 904 F.2d 83, 87 (1st Cir. 1990). NASI flagrantly violated
that established principle. At any rate, the belatedly asserted claim is weak and
NASI has cited no exceptional circumstances which might excuse the claim's
omission from its opening brief. Given those verities, we see no basis for
overlooking NASI's procedural default.


We need go no further. This is a novel case, made easier because it was well
presented by able advocates on both sides. In the end, we are confident that the
law is not so elastic as NASI maintains, and that the core claim asserted here
falls beyond the scope of an accountant's liability to a third party. Accordingly,
we uphold the entry of summary judgment in the defendants' favor.




Of the Northern District of California, sitting by designation.

In "Note D - Notes Payable," D&L indicated the CRS's line of credit was
secured, inter alia, by "a personal guarantee by the Corporation's sole
stockholder." In "Note F - Related Party Transactions," D&L reported both that
"[t]he Company is involved in a related party transaction through the rental of
equipment from a corporation wholly owned by the same stockholder," and that
"[t]he Company is involved in a related party transaction through the rental of
real estate owned by the stockholder."

Other possible tests for determining the scope of an accountant's liability to

third parties include the foresee ability test (imposing broad liability) and the
near-privity test (constricting liability). See Bily v. Arthur Young & Co., 834
P.2d 745, 752-57 (Cal. 1992) (discussing these theories).

To reach this point in its analysis, the court first found that the record contained
sufficient evidence to create trial worthy issues as to whether the accountants, at
the time they issued the financial statement, knew that CRS would forward it to
NASI and that NASI would rely on it for some underwriting purpose.

The SJC quoted this language from First Nat'l Bank of Commerce v. Monco
Agency Inc., 911 F.2d 1053, 1062 (5th Cir. 1990), in connection with a
discussion of the level of knowledge required under the Restatement rule. In
Monco Agency, the Fifth Circuit, applying state law, found that Louisiana
followed the Restatement rule. The court then opined that section 552 imposed
an "actual knowledge" requirement. Id. at 1061- 62. The court made clear,
however, that such a requirement did not eliminate liability for substantially
similar transactions. See id. at 1061 (explaining that "the misinformer must
know that its client intends to use the inaccurate information to influence a
particular business transaction, or a 'substantially similar transaction,' to

We have located only a single case that explores the reach of this rule. In that
case, an audit had been performed and a report developed with knowledge that
Creditor "A" would rely on it. Creditor "B" later sued the accounting firm,
asserting that the audit report contained a negligent misrepresentation. The
court refused to impose liability, finding that the transaction's essential
character had changed. ML-Lee Acquis. Fund, L.P. v. Deloitte & Touche, 463
S.E.2d 618, 628-29 (S.C. Ct. App. 1995), rev'd in part on other grounds, 489
S.E.2d 470 (S.C. 1997).

On these five elements, NASI has proffered evidence aimed at showing that the
notes to the financial statement contained misinformation about whether Canty
remained the sole stockholder of CRS; and that D&L, which knew the true
facts, negligently prepared and released the misleading financial statement to
CRS in the ordinary course of D&L's business, knowing that CRS planned to
submit it to NASI (and intending to influence NASI's consideration of the status
of the bonds outstanding on ongoing projects). NASI also proffered some
evidence tending to show that it relied on the misinformation in writing the
1996 bonds (although this issue, in particular, is hotly disputed).

This and subsequent examples are merely our best predictions, based on the
sparse case law now available, as to how the "substantially similar transactions"
rubric will unfold in specific situations. The examples are subject to
reconsideration if actual cases presenting the same facts arise or if further
enlightenment emerges from the Massachusetts courts.

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