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218 F.

2d 308


F. C. DUMAINE, Jr., et al., Appellee.
KOPPERS COMPANY, Inc., Appellant,
Nos. 4852, 4853.

United States Court of Appeals First Circuit.

Dec. 31, 1954.

William H. Timbers, General Counsel, Washington, D.C., with whom

Myron S. Isaacs, Associate General Counsel, Washington, D.C., Myer
Feldman, Special Counsel, Pittsburgh, Pa., and Coleman J. Lesser,
Attorney, Washington D.C., were on brief, for Securities and Exchange
Harold B. Dondis, Boston, Mass., with whom John J. Burns and Burns,
Blake & Rich, Boston, Mass., were on brief, for F. C. Dumaine, Jr.
Carleton M. Crick, Pittsburgh, Pa., with whom Edmund S. Ruffin, Jr.,
Pittsburgh, Pa., was on brief, for Koppers Co., Inc.
Before MAGRUDER, Chief Judge, and WOODBURY and HARTIGAN,
Circuit judges.
WOODBURY, Circuit Judge.

These two appeals from a Supplemental Order of the United States District
Court for the District of Massachusetts present, respectively, questions with
respect to allowance of a fee and questions with respect to disallowance of
expenses both connected with the reorganization of Eastern Gas & Fuel
Associates under 11(e) of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935.
49 Stat. 822, 15 U.S.C.A. 79k(e).

Eastern Gas & Fuel Associates came into being under the laws of

Eastern Gas & Fuel Associates came into being under the laws of
Massachusetts as a voluntary association in July 1929. It was created by the
Koppers Company,1 for the purpose of combining the properties of two of its
subsidiaries, Philadelphia Coke Company and The Connecticut Coke Company,
with the properties of a holding company also controlled by Koppers interests
called Massachusetts Gas Companies which owned all of the securities of two
local operating utilities, Boston Consolidated Gas Company and Old Colony
Gas Company. Prior to Eastern's reorganization Koppers owned 78% of
Eastern's outstanding common stock and 13.4% of its 6% cumulative preferred
stock. Thus Eastern, by reason of its ownership of all of the outstanding
securities of two operating gas companies, Boston Consolidated and Old
Colony, was a holding company as defined in 2(a)(7) of the Act. So also was
Koppers since it owned more than 10% of the voting securities of Eastern. Both
Koppers and Eastern registered with the Commission under 5(a) of the Act
and thus became subject to the provisions of its 11.

In May 1945, the Commission instituted proceedings against Eastern under

11(b) (2)2 of the Act and in June 1945, Eastern filed a plan under 11(e).
Extended hearings were held, amended plans were filed, the evidence was
reopened after the record had once been closed, and numerous participants filed
statements of views, until at last in February 1950 the Commission issued its
Findings and Opinion in which it concluded that Eastern's plan as amended
could be approved if it were further amended to provide, among other matters,
that Eastern would pay on the application of interested persons such fees and
expenses in connection with its reorganization as the Commission should award
or allocate. Eastern amended its plan accordingly and the plan as modified was
approved by the Commission. The District Court ordered the plan enforced and
it has been consummated.

There is no need here to describe the details of Eastern's plan of reorganization.

It will suffice to say that the Commission in approving the plan, and the
District Court in ordering it enforced, both specifically reserved their respective
jurisdictions with respect to the determination of the persons entitled to fees or
expenses, the reasonableness of the same and their appropriate allocation.

In due course applications for allowance of fees and reimbursement for

expenses were filed by numerous participants in Eastern's reorganization
proceedings and hearings were held on the applications after appropriate notice.
The Commission's Division of Public Utilities filed a statement of views, to
which various applicants filed exceptions supported by briefs, and the
Commission heard oral arguments. As a result the Commission in the exercise
of its reserved jurisdiction over fees and expenses filed its Findings of Fact and
Opinion, in accordance with which it issued a Supplemental Order in which,

inter alia it denied the application of F. C. Dumaine, Jr., appellee in No. 4852,
for a fee, and the application of Koppers Company, Inc., appellant in No. 4853,
for expenses. Both Dumaine and Koppers filed objections to the Commission's
action in the court below and that court after hearing entered a Supplemental
Order wherein in accordance with the views expressed in a memorandum
opinion it ordered the portions of Eastern's plan covering the matter of fees and
expenses enforced except as to Dumaine's fee. The court disagreed with the
Commission as to this and ordered that Dumaine be paid a fee of $5,000 by
Eastern. Wherefore the court remanded the matter to the Commission for the
purpose of modifying Eastern's plan and its Supplemental Findings and
Opinion accordingly. Both Koppers and the Commission have appealed from
this Supplemental Order of the District Court.

The Supplemental Order of the District Court, 120 F.Supp. 460, from which
these appeals were taken is not final in form. Nevertheless, nothing remains for
the Commission to do in carrying out the District Court's order but to amend its
Supplemental Findings and Opinion and Eastern's plan of reorganization to
provide for the payment of a fee of $5,000 to Dumaine. This is a purely
ministerial act not calling for the exercise of any discretion on the
Commission's part. The District Court has adjudicated Dumaine's right to a fee
with all the finality it can, and it has taken the only means it has available to
enforce its adjudication. Under these circumstances we think the District
Court's order in spite of its form constitutes a 'final decision' appealable under
Title 28 U.S.C. 1291. See Buscaglia v. District Court of San Juan, 1 Cir.,
1944, 145 F.2d 274, 281. See also S.E.C. v. Central Illinois Corp., 1949, 338
U.S. 96, 69 S.Ct. 1377, 93 L.Ed. 1836, wherein the Supreme Court in a
comparable situation did not even mention the existence of any question of
appellate jurisdiction.

We shall first consider the appeal of Koppers Company, Inc. in No. 4853.

Koppers applied for reimbursement of expenses in excess of $200,000 for the

services of counsel, a financial advisor, several expert witnesses, and for
miscellaneous items, which it had incurred in connection with its participation
in Eastern's reorganization. The Commission found that the amounts applied for
were 'not unreasonable,' and for the protection of Koppers' stockholders
approved its payment of these amounts. But the Commission denied Koppers'
application for reimbursement from Eastern. It said that Eastern's
recapitalization was required to simplify its capital structure and rectify an
unfair and inequitable distribution of voting power, complexities created while
Koppers had control of Eastern, and that since holding companies were charged
by statute with bringing their systems into compliance with the terms of the

Act, it felt that 'they should bear their own costs incurred in connection with
system proceedings for effecting such compliance rather than shift such costs to
the subsidiaries.' In addition the Commission pointed out not only that Koppers'
large holdings of both classes of Eastern's securities and its dominant position in
Eastern's affairs differentiated its participation in Eastern's reorganization from
the participation of an individual security holder, but also that Koppers' own
compliance with the Act was directly related to Eastern's compliance. The
Commission said:

'* * * During these proceedings Koppers was subject to our order issued
pursuant to Section 11(b)(1) of the Act requiring it to divest itself of its
holdings in Eastern. This divestment by Koppers was not feasible prior to
Eastern's recapitalization and in all probability could not have been effected
until Eastern's recapitalization was accomplished. Thus, Koppers' participation
had the dual aspect of facilitating its own compliance with the Act and
protecting its investment in Eastern.'


The District Judge dealt only briefly with Koppers' objection to the denial by
the Commission of its application for reimbursement. He merely said, citing
S.E.C. v. Chenery Corp., 1947, 332 U.S. 194, 67 S.Ct. 1575, 91 L.Ed. 1995 and
In re Niagara Hudson Power Corp., D.C., 114 F.Supp. 683: 'I cannot interfere
with the determination of the Commission denying reimbursement of expenses
in the amount of $206,299.51 to Koppers, since in my opinion this conclusion
has the necessary rational and statutory foundation to allow it freedom from
judicial disturbance.' (120 F.Supp. 461.)


There can be no doubt, indeed, it is not disputed, that the Commission has
implied power under 11(e) of the Act to award and allocate fees and expenses
as a factor or element of the fairness and equitableness of a plan of
reorganization. In re Public Service Corp. of New Jersey, 3 Cir., 1954, 211 F.2d
231, 232. The statute, however, nowhere names the persons or describes the
services entitled to compensation. nor does its give any hint as to how the
amounts that may be awarded are to be determined. But it does not follow from
the fact that the Commission's powers with respect to fees and expenses are not
specifically spelled out or limited in the statute that the Commission may act
arbitrarily or capriciously in the premises. Obviously its awards must be
reasonable in amount, In re North American Light & Power Co., 3 Cir., 1953,
202 F.2d 638, 639, certiorari denied sub nom. S.E.C. v. Masterson, 1953, 346
U.S. 818, 74 S.Ct. 30, and it is equally obvious that the persons or services
entitled to receive awards must be selected on some rational basis. The power
of the Commission in the field of fees and expenses, stemming as it does from,
and being part and parcel of its general power to approve plans of

reorganization under 11(e), must be as broad as its power to determine

whether such a plan is fair and equitable to the persons affected and necessary
to effectuate the provisions of the Act. Therefore it follows that the judicial
function with respect to Commission action on fees and expenses is the same as
the judicial function with respect to Commission action on any other aspect or
feature of a plan.

With these general principles in mind we turn to the specific problem presented
by Koppers' appeal.


The Commission did not purport to deny reimbursement to Koppers by the

application of some rule of law or principle generally recognized in courts of
equity. Thus the rule of the first Chenery case for which Koppers contends does
not apply. S.E.C. v. Chenery Corp., 1943, 318 U.S. 80, 63 S.Ct. 454, 87 L.Ed.
626. Clearly the Commission denied reimbursement to Koppers in the exercise
of its administrative judgment or discretion. Wherefore, under the rule of the
second Chenery case, 1947, 332 U.S. 194, 67 S.Ct. 1575, 91 L.Ed. 1995 and
S.E.C. v. Central Illinois Corp., 1949, 338 U.S. 96, 69 S.Ct. 1377, 93 L.Ed.
1836, the judicial function is only to determine whether the Commission's
action is supported by adequate evidence and accords with legal standards. In
other words, the record and the Act must be judicially examined to see whether
the action taken by the Commission has 'any rational and statutory foundation.'


This was the approach taken by the District Court, and we think it reached the
correct result. Certainly denying reimbursement to Koppers does not run afoul
of any statutory command. And the evidence in the record, taken as a whole,
supports the findings of fact upon which the Commission based its conclusion.
Universal Camera Corp. v. National Labor Relations Board, 1951, 340 U.S.
474, 71 S.Ct. 456, 95 L.Ed. 456. Whether on those basic facts a corporation in
Koppers' position ought, or ought not, to be reimbursed for its expenses by its
subsidiary under reorganization is a matter for the Commission to decide in its
administrative discretion and we see nothing unreasonable or irrational in the
decision reached by the Commission.


Moreover, the Commission did not decide Koppers' application ad hoc. Its
decision was in conformity with prior rulings of the Commission in comparable
situations, and those rulings insofar as they have been judicially reviewed have
been sustained in every instance of which we are aware. See In re Public
Service Corp. of New Jersey, 3 Cir., 1954, 211 F.2d 231, 234, 235, certiorari
denied sub nom. United Corp. v. S.E.C., 1954, 348 U.S. 820, 75 S.Ct. 32; and
Standard Gas & Electric Co. v. S.E.C., 8 Cir., 1954, 212 F.2d 407, 410, 411,
certiorari denied 1954, 348 U.S. 831, 75 S.Ct. 52, and the cases cited therein.


We think that the Commission's decision as to Koppers was clearly within the
scope of its discretion in carrying out the congressional policy underlying the
Act, and in support of that view we have nothing to add to the reasoning of the
cases last cited.


We turn now to the Commission's appeal from that part of the District Court's
order in effect requiring Eastern to pay a fee of $5,000 to Dumaine which
invokes quite different principles in that the interpretation of one of the
Commission's General Rules and Regulations is involved.


F. C. Dumaine, Jr., had a direct or indirect interest in a substantial block of

Eastern's 6 percent preferred stock when proceedings for its reorganization
were initiated, and in 1946 he became a member of a committee duly qualified
under the Commission's Rule U-62 to represent the holders of that issue of
stock. The Commission found that the Committee through its counsel and
experts 'contributed materially to the proceedings and the development of the
plan,' and that Dumaine worked closely with the Committee's counsel, 'was
consulted on all major issues of the case, and performed many administrative
duties in connection with the Committee's work.' The Commission did not in
any way intimate that it thought the fee requested by Dumaine was excessive or
unreasonable in view of his services.3 It nevertheless denied Dumaine's
application for a fee on the ground of a sale of 200 shares of the 6 percent
preferred stock made by Dumaine's wife while Eastern's reorganization was in
process. It found that Mrs. Dumaine had purchased these shares with her own
funds in 1941, that she sold them with her husband's knowledge at a profit after
the preferred stockholders' Committee was formed, and that she used the
proceeds of the sale to 'reduce a bank loan made by her for the purchase of the
family residence, thus benefiting her husband.' This, the Commission said,
constituted a violation of its Rule U-62(g)(2), quoted in material part in the
margin,4 and disqualified Dumaine from an award of compensation from


The Commission frankly admitted that its Rule does not specifically forbid
stock transactions by a committee member's wife with her own funds. It said:


'* * * While the Rule does not specify that members of the immediate family
are within the Rule, we consider that the clear intendment of Rule U-62 is that
trading by members of the immediate family of any person connected with a
committee falls in the category of prohibited trading by that person. In our
opinion, a person connected with a committee has such an interest in any profit
which might result from his immediate family's trading, even though such
interest may be indirect, that it can influence his activities and conduct as a

committee member. Accordingly, we think that, as in bankruptcy cases, our rule

must be considered as applying the same prophylactic treatment with respect to
trading by the immediate family of a committee representative as to his own
trading. Any other practice could lead to widespread abuse by applicants who
sought to circumvent the trading prohibition by a fictitious separation of actions
and interests of family members.'

The District Court disagreed. It felt that the Rule would not stand the
interpretation put upon it by the Commission. In the court's view the
Commission's construction of its Rule as requiring, without 'plain forewarning,'
either that Dumaine sacrifice a fee for valuable services or that his wife freeze
valuable assets for an indefinite time was 'unwarranted and unreasonable.'
Wherefore it ordered the Commission to require Eastern to pay a $5,000 fee to
Dumaine and the Commission appealed.


We are not here called upon either to accept or to reject the Commission's broad
interpretation of its Rule as embracing within its sweep without any attempt at
definition the 'immediate family of any person connected with a committee,'
whoever such persons may be. Cf. Nichols v. Securities and Exchange
Commission, 2 Cir., 1954, 211 F.2d 412. The specific question before us is
whether the Rule is violated when during a reorganization the wife of a
member of a stockholders' committee, with her husband's knowledge, sells
shares of stock represented by her husband's committee which she purchased
with her own personal funds before reorganization, and uses the proceeds of the
sale to reduce a loan incurred in the purchase of a family residence. Our
discussion is confined to the precise question before us; we express no opinion
on any other.


Clearly the phrase 'any beneficial interest, direct or indirect' covers every
property or contract right, legal or equitable, in securities traded by any of the
persons specified in the Rule. But we do not think that the Rule must
necessarily be construed as limited in its reference to recognized legal or
equitable rights. By the Rule the Commission, quite properly and very
obviously, was attempting to implement and enforce the wholesome principle
that committee members should wholeheartedly serve only one master, the
holders of the stock represented by the committee, without any of the purely
personal distractions necessarily incident to trading in the stock for individual
gain. We think the Rule should be construed with its obvious purpose in mind,
and that so construed its language is broad enough to cover trading in the stock
by a wife with her husband's knowledge, even though she uses her own funds
for the purpose.


This does not mean, and is not to be taken for one moment as even indirectly
implying, that a husband today still retains some vestigial remnant of his
ancient rights in his wife's individual property. We rest our conclusion on the
proposition that as a practical matter an economic benefit to a wife is indirectly
an economic benefit to a husband, at least when husband and wife are living
together as a family unit, and on the further proposition that when a wife with
her husband's knowledge trades in a stock represented by a committee of which
the husband is a member, the husband cannot possibly be as disinterested in his
role of committee member as one in a fiduciary capacity ought to be. Cf.
Helvering v. Clifford, 1940, 309 U.S. 331, 335-336, 60 S.Ct. 554, 84 L.Ed.


Perhaps the Commission might by rule categorically forbid a wife's personal

trading in securities represented by a committee on which her husband was
serving even when she did so without her husband's knowledge, since evidence
of collusive action by husband and wife is ordinarily inaccessible and only by
such a rule could disinterestedness on the part of committee members be
assured. But however that may be, certainly the Commission could, in the
application of what it calls 'prophylactic treatment,' forbid a wife's trading in
such securities with her husband's knowledge. And we think this is what the
Commission did in its Rule U-62, construed with its obvious purpose in mind,
by the use of the phrase 'any beneficial interest, direct or indirect.' Furthermore,
we think this construction of the Rule is clear enough to give Dumaine, as a
fiduciary, fair warning as to the possible consequences to him of his wife's


Moreover, this interpretation of the Rule is in harmony with the interpretation

put upon the comparable, but if anything less compelling, language of 249 of
the Bankruptcy Act, 11 U.S.C.A. 649,5 by the Court of Appeals for the Third
Circuit in In re Midland United Company, 1947, 159 F.2d 340, 347 and by the
Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in In re Central States Electric
Company, 206 F.2d 70, certiorari denied sub nom. Henis v. Egan, 1953, 346
U.S. 899, 74 S.Ct. 225. Nor does our interpretation of the Rule conflict with the
holding of the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in the Nichols case cited
above, for in that case the wife's transactions were unknown to the husband.


The order of the District Court is vacated and the cause is remanded to that
Court for the entry of an order in conformity with the views expressed in this

This corporation merged with related corporations in 1944 to form the

This corporation merged with related corporations in 1944 to form the

appellant, Koppers Company, Inc., referred to herein as Koppers, a Delaware

At the same time the Commission issued an order of divestment under 11(b)
(1) of the Act against Koppers which at Koppers request the Commission held
in abeyance until after the consummation of Eastern's plan of reorganization

Reimbursement by Eastern for expenses of the Committee in the amount of

$9,599.51 was ordered by the Commission and approved by the District Court

'No securities of the company * * * in reorganization, * * * shall be bought or

sold by or for the account of (whether as principal, agent, trustee, or otherwise)
any of the persons specified in clauses (A) to (E) below, or in any transaction in
which any such person has any beneficial interest, direct or indirect; * * *
'(B) Any person connected with any committee or other organization formed to
act under the authorization so solicited; * * *.'

'No compensation or reimbursement shall be allowed to any committee or

attorney, or other person acting in the proceedings in a representative or
fiduciary capacity, who at any time after assuming to act in such capacity has
purchased or sold such claims or stock, * * *.'

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