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363 F.

2d 249

Parker L. HANCOCK, Warden, Respondent, Appellant,

Russell NELSON et al., Petitioners, Appellees.
No. 6524.

United States Court of Appeals First Circuit.

Heard September 14, 1966.
Decided July 8, 1966.

Alexander J. Kalinski, Asst. Atty. Gen., with whom William Maynard,

Atty. Gen., was on brief, for appellant.
Julius Soble, Boston, Mass., with whom Richard W. Leonard, Nashua, N.
H., was on brief, for Fred J. Martineau, appellee.
Leo Patrick McGowan, Providence, R. I., with whom John P. Bourcier,
Providence, R. I., and Richard W. Leonard, Nashua, N. H., were on brief,
for Russell Nelson, appellee.
Before ALDRICH, Chief Judge, J. WARREN MADDEN, Senior Judge of
the United States Court of Claims,* and JULIAN, District Judge.
MADDEN, Judge:

The United States District Court for New Hampshire has granted the appellees'
petition for a writ of habeas corpus. The warden who has the appellees in
custody has brought this appeal. We conclude that the writ should not have
been granted, and we reverse the judgment of the district court.

The appellees were tried and, on November 9, 1959, were convicted in the State
court of New Hampshire of the crime of murder, and were sentenced to death
by hanging. On November 30, 1961, their convictions were affirmed by the
Supreme Court of New Hampshire. State v. Nelson, 103 N.H. 478, 175 A.2d
814, cert. den. 369 U.S. 879, 881, 82 S.Ct. 1153, 8 L.Ed.2d 282, May 14, 1962.

On August 22, 1962, they filed in the United States District Court for New
Hampshire petitions for writs of habeas corpus. On October 22, 1962, these
petitions were denied for failure to exhaust state remedies.1 On October 28,
1962, the appellees moved, in the State trial court, for a new trial. The motion
was denied. They appealed to the Supreme Court of New Hampshire from the
denial. That court, in State v. Nelson, 105 N.H. 184, 196 A.2d 52, rejected the
appeals on December 20, 1963. The Supreme Court of the United States denied
certiorari, 377 U.S. 1001, 84 S.Ct. 1936, 12 L.Ed.2d 1050, on June 22, 1964.

On October 7, 1964, the petition for the writ of habeas corpus, here involved,
was filed in the United States District Court for New Hampshire. The writ was
granted on March 1, 1965. The warden's appeal to this court was timely.

The district court granted the writ because, it concluded, the appellees' federal
constitutional rights had been violated in the following regards: the admission
in evidence in the State court murder trial of evidence of blood and other
foreign matter on the clothing of each of the appellees, and, as to the appellee
Nelson, the admission in evidence of certain incriminatory statements made by

On February 9, 1959, at 12:51 a. m. the appellee Nelson, a resident of Rhode

Island, was picked up for questioning by the New Hampshire police in
downtown Nashua, New Hampshire. The circumstances of his being there were
sufficiently suspicious to justify his detention under an applicable New
Hampshire statute. The police booked him for "questioning" and held him in

At 3:50 a. m. on the same date the appellee Martineau, also a resident of Rhode
Island, and in Nashua under suspicious circumstances, was detained by the
police and similarly booked and jailed. The circumstances giving rise to the
suspicions which caused the appellee's detention are related in the decisions of
the Supreme Court of New Hampshire hereinabove cited.

At noon on February 9, the appellees still being in custody, the body of a man
who had apparently been murdered was found in a parked automobile not far
from the places where the appellees had been picked up by the police.

At 2 p. m. on the same day appellee Nelson was questioned by the police, was
asked to surrender his clothing for examination by the police, and did so
without manifest objection. At 4 p. m. on that day the same thing occurred with
regard to Martineau's clothing.

Laboratory examination disclosed that there was blood on the appellees'

clothing and also particles of materials from the floormats of the murdered
man's automobile and from his plastics factory in Rhode Island.


The appellees were indicted for the murder, and the evidence obtained from
their clothing, and other evidence, was introduced against them. They were
convicted and sentenced, as we have stated.


Federal district courts have only such jurisdiction as Congress, by statute, has
conferred upon them. This statement is as valid with regard to the district
courts' jurisdiction to grant petitions for writs of habeas corpus as it is with
regard to any other action which a district court is requested to take. Our text,
then, must be the federal statute conferring habeas corpus jurisdiction upon the
courts. Section 2241 of Title 28 of the United States Code is the pertinent
provision. It says:


(c) The writ of habeas corpus shall not extend to a prisoner unless


(3) He is in custody in violation of the Constitution or laws or treaties of the

United States.


We think the United States District Court allowed itself to be diverted from the
only question properly before it, viz., the constitutionality under the United
States Constitution of what the courts and the police of New Hampshire had
done with regard to these appellees. The district court's opinion contains many
references to the New Hampshire statutes. We quote the statutes in a footnote.2
But we think they are irrelevant. Whether these New Hampshire statutes, as
interpreted either expressly or sub silentio by the Supreme Court of New
Hampshire, were interpreted and applied as the United States District Court
would have interpreted and applied them, if that had been its task, is none of the
business of a United States court. For example, if the New Hampshire courts
choose to regard what is put down or not put down on the books at the police
stations as unimportant; if they choose to consider that, if one is already in
custody and facts are learned by the police which would justify his arrest for
murder, the fact that he is in jail and should be kept there makes it unimportant
whether there is a changed entry on the books or not these are not matters of
federal law.


When at 2 p. m. Nelson and at 4 p. m. Martineau were asked to surrender their

clothes, they were in custody; the police had and since noon had had grounds
on which they would have arrested them if they had been at large; if they had
been arrested at large and brought to the police station the police could have
taken their clothes for testing3 , because the murder, no matter who committed
it, had been a bloody affair. Whether the clothes were surrendered voluntarily
or not is unimportant. We conclude that the clothes evidence, obtained by
lawful search of arrested persons, was admissible, unless a contrary conclusion
is compelled by a circumstance which we now discuss.


To state the problem bluntly, it is urged on behalf of the appellees that all
evidence obtained from each of them after the four hours of detention for
questioning authorized by the New Hampshire statute was obtained in violation
of the Constitution of the United States and was therefore inadmissible. As we
have explained, the statutory four hour provision cannot be a constitutional
standard. The several states have various statutory times set for questioning, or
for taking an arrested person before a magistrate. If a specified length of time is
too long to be federally constitutional, it cannot make any difference whether
the delay occurred in New Hampshire, where the state statute was violated, or
in another state where it was not. In each state the State courts are, of course,
free to attach whatever effects they choose to violations of statutes of this kind.
But they are not free to attribute such judgments to the requirements of the
Constitution of the United States unless an equivalent judgment would be
constitutionally compelled in every other state on the same set of facts, no
matter what periods were set by the State statute.


The Supreme Court of New Hampshire did not discuss the problem we are now
discussing, which is, whether Nelson and Martineau, from the times when they
were picked up by the police at 12:51 a. m. and 3:50 a. m. respectively until
good cause for their arrest for murder was disclosed at noon, which periods of
detention considerably exceeded the four-hour period set by the New
Hampshire statute, were unconstitutionally detained during the intervening
excess period. We recognize that during that excess period the police had no
valid reason for holding them. Was it a violation of the United States
Constitution for New Hampshire to so hold these appellees?


We have it on the highest authority that it was not a violation of the

Constitution. In McNabb v. United States, 318 U.S. 332, 63 S.Ct. 608, 87 L.Ed.
819 (1943), the Supreme Court reversed a conviction because the accused was
not taken promptly before a magistrate, as the federal statute required, and
during the period of unlawful delay confessed the crime, and the confession
was used against him in his trial. The Supreme Court, in McNabb, expressly

disclaimed laying down a rule of constitutional law. It based its decision upon
its supervisory powers over federal court trials. In Mallory v. United States, 354
U.S. 449, 77 S.Ct. 1356, 1 L.Ed.2d 1479 (1957), the Court based a similar
reversal, not on the Constitution, but on Rule 5(a) of the Federal Rules of
Criminal Procedure. In Crooker v. State of California, 357 U.S. 433, 78 S.Ct.
1287, 2 L.Ed.2d 1448 (1958), Mr. Justice Clark, in the opinion of the Court,
stating what does not make a confession involuntary and inadmissible, said,
"Neither does * * * the failure of state authorities to comply with local statutes
requiring that an accused promptly be brought before a magistrate." In Fikes v.
State of Alabama, 352 U.S. 191, 194, 77 S.Ct. 281, 1 L.Ed.2d 246 (1957),
Chief Justice Warren, for the Court, clearly recognizes that the consequences of
the violation of such a state statute are a matter for state law.

To the suggestion that it makes a difference whether, as in McNabb, Mallory

and Crooker, the detention originated in a lawful arrest or, as in the instant
case, in a lawful detention for questioning, we can only say that we cannot see
that the difference is material. In all the cases the accused was in jail in
violation of the statute when his defense collapsed around him. The event, for
Nelson and Martineau, was the discovery of the murder. In McNabb, Mallory
and Crooker it was their confessions. The evidence in all the cases was heavily
damaging to the accused persons, but the Supreme Court has repeatedly said
that it was not inadmissible on federal constitutional grounds.


As we have seen, the states are not obligated by the federal Constitution to
exclude evidence obtained during periods of detention in excess of the periods
set by their state statutes. A state could, of course, by its own judicial decision
or statute, exclude such evidence. We are not aware of any state's having done
so. In the case of Rogers v. Superior Court, 46 Cal.2d 3, 10, 291 P.2d 929, Mr.
Justice (now Chief Justice) Traynor, for the Supreme Court of California,
expressly refused to exclude evidence of a confession obtained during a period
of illegal detention by the prosecuting authorities. He cited 19 A.L.R.2d 1332,
1336 to 1346. The author of the A.L.R. material cites cases from Alabama,
Arkansas, Nevada, New Jersey, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Utah,
Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Wisconsin, all
in accord with the California decision.


In "Later Case Service" in the A.L.R. set, Volume III at page 107, under the
heading "McNabb rule inapplicable in state courts," cases from the 3d, 4th, 5th
and 6th circuits of the United States Courts of Appeals are cited, as are State
court cases from 21 states. They are all in accord with the California decision
cited above.


The unanimity of authority cited above related to the admissibility of

confessions obtained during periods of illegal detention. In our case there were
no confessions or incriminating statements made by the accused men during
these periods. In the confession cases there might arguably, in certain situations,
be a causal connection between the over-long detention and the confession. The
impatience, frustration and confusion involved in the delay might have tended
to induce the confession.


When, as in the instant case, the evidence obtained during the delay is the body
of a murdered man, the fact that his murderers were illegally detained in jail
had no causal relation to the existence or location of the body. We have held
above that at the time of the surrender by the appellees of their clothing, they
were under lawful arrest and subject to constitutional search of their persons.
But even if it were not so, and they were still under statutorily illegal detention
when they surrendered their clothes, the fact of the detention had nothing
whatever to do with the presence of blood and telltale bits of fabric and plastic
on their clothes and shoes. It may be noted in passing that if other requirements
of the New Hampshire statutes regarding notifying their relatives and friends,
and permitting consultation of a lawyer, had been complied with by the police,
which they were not, relatives, friends, and even lawyers would have been
impotent to remove the incriminating evidence.


The only event that would have been useful to the appellees, in their plight,
would have been to get out of jail and be out long enough to wash or burn their
clothes. They say that they had a federal constitutional right to do just that. That
puts the Constitution on a low level indeed. What the appellees had was an
apparent New Hampshire statutory right to go free after four hours. If the police
had set them free, and they had used the meantime prudently, the State would
have lost valuable evidence and they might be at large today. But all of that has
nothing to do with the Constitution of the United States, or with the habeas
corpus powers of a Federal District Court, unless there is a federal
constitutional right to destroy evidence. We repeat that, in our view, there is no
such right.


The instant case may be the first case in which litigants have had the occasion,
combined with the temerity, to urge, in effect, that they had a constitutional
right to be set free to destroy evidence rather than be held in jail where they
could not destroy evidence. Since destroying evidence is the only activity they
could have, to their advantage, engaged in during their relatively short period of
freedom, that is not an unfair statement of what they lost by being detained.


If the appellees had been released promptly at the end of their four hour


If the appellees had been released promptly at the end of their four hour
periods, they could have been arrested when the body was discovered at noon.
Whether the clothing evidence would still have been available would have
depended on how they had used their free time. If they had been released at 11
a. m., several hours after the expiration of the four hour period, and they had
immediately set out for Rhode Island but had been intercepted by police
responding to an "all points" broadcast made at noon and brought back to
Nashua under arrest, their clothing could have been taken from them and used
in evidence. Yet they would have the same argument for exclusion which they
present here. They were detained over-long by New Hampshire police in
violation of a New Hampshire statute. If they had been released not later than 8
a. m., as the statute required, they would not have been intercepted, pursuant to
the noon broadcast, before they had reached home in Rhode Island and had
destroyed their clothes. The "but for" argument presented in the instant case
would be equally applicable, and equally unsound, if the facts had been as we
have just stated them instead of as they actually were.


Our conclusion is that the admission in evidence of the defendants' clothes

violated no federal constitutional rule.


An additional contention is made, applicable only to Nelson's case. On

February 11, at noon, two days after the beginning of their detention, the
appellees were for the first time allowed to "contact" counsel. Early in that
afternoon the Attorney General of Rhode Island, Mr. Nugent, visited Nelson at
the prison. They were already acquainted, and Nelson made some incriminating
statements to Nugent. These statements were not confessions. Later in the
afternoon, Nugent again visited Nelson. In answer to Nelson's question whether
he could talk to Nugent as a lawyer, and not as Attorney General, Nugent
advised him that he could not, that what he might say and what he had said at
the earlier visit would be used against him. Thereafter Nelson said nothing
more. The incriminating statements which he had made were admitted in
evidence at the trial.


At the time Nelson made his statements, the police had probable cause for
arrest quite apart from the clothing evidence which, we have said above, was
admissible evidence. He was, we think, "under arrest," though the police
bookkeeping did not show it. When one is in jail and the police have probable
cause to keep him there, and an apparent intent to do so, he is in reality "under
arrest," whatever the police record may say.


In Escobedo v. State of Illinois, 378 U.S. 478, 84 S.Ct. 1758, 12 L.Ed.2d 977
(1964), the Supreme Court decided that when a person in the custody of the

police demands an opportunity to talk to his lawyer, the lawyer being available
at the police headquarters, and the prisoner's demand is refused, and he
thereafter confesses to the police, his confession is not admissible against him
at his trial.

As we have seen, the convictions of these defendants were affirmed by the

Supreme Court of New Hampshire on November 30, 1961, and their petitions
to the Supreme Court of the United States for certiorari were denied on May
14, 1962. The June 20, 1966, decision of the Supreme Court of the United
States in the case of Johnson et al. v. State of New Jersey, 384 U.S. 719, 86
S.Ct. 1772, 16 L.Ed.2d 882, that the requirements of Escobedo do not apply to
a case in which the trial began before June 22, 1964, the date of the Escobedo
decision, makes the Escobedo doctrine, as federal constitutional law,
inapplicable to Nelson's case. There is no claim that any compulsion other than
the Escobedo type of compulsion was exerted upon Nelson in connection with
his incriminating statements.


The United States District Court was in error in granting the appellees' petition
for a writ of habeas corpus. Its decision is reversed, with a direction to dismiss
the petition.


By designation

28 U.S.C. 2254


Arrest: is the taking of a person into custody in order that he may be
forthcoming to answer for the commission of a crime.
(a) A peace officer may stop any person abroad whom [sic] he has reason to
suspect is committing, has committed or is about to commit a crime, and may
demand of him his name, address, business abroad and whither he is going.
(b) Any person questioned as provided in subsection (a) who fails to identify
himself and explain his actions * * * may be detained and further questioned

and investigated.
(c) In no case shall the total period of detention provided for by subsections (a)
and (b) exceed four hours. Such detention shall not constitute an arrest and
shall not be recorded as such in any official record. At the end of any such
detention period the person so detained shall be released unless arrested and
charged with a crime.
The officer in charge of a police station to which an arrested person is brought
shall immediately secure from the prisoner, if possible, the name of the parent
or nearest relative, or friend or attorney with whom the prisoner may desire to
consult, and immediately notify such relative, friend or attorney of the detention
of the prisoner, when possible. Notice shall be given by telephone or messenger
when practicable.
Such officer shall permit the prisoner to confer with his relatives, friends and
attorney at all reasonable times.

Robinson v. United States, 1960, 109 U.S.App.D.C. 22, 283 F.2d 508, cert.
den. 364 U.S. 919, 81 S.Ct. 282, 5 L.Ed.2d 259; Dawson v. United States, 365
U.S. 827, 81 S.Ct. 716, 5 L.Ed.2d 707, and Williams v. United States, 365 U.S.
830, 81 S.Ct. 718, 5 L.Ed.2d 708, see United States v. Guido, 7 Cir., 1958, 251
F.2d 1, cert. den. 356 U.S. 950, 78 S.Ct. 915, 2 L.Ed.2d 843. See also
Schmerber v. State of California, 384 U.S. 757, 16 L.Ed.2d 908, 86 S.Ct. 1826


ALDRICH, Chief Judge (dissenting).


The court's recitation of the facts, otherwise quite acceptable, might have been
clearer if, after stating that the circumstances under which appellees were
picked up were sufficiently suspicious to justify detention under the New
Hampshire statute, the court had immediately made its important concession
that during the subsequent hours of appellees' detention "the police had no valid
reason for holding them." This was true not merely because the statutory four
hours for investigation had long expired, but because the grounds on which the
suspicion, and hence the detention, had been predicated, had been dispelled
even within those four hours. The necessary driver's license had been
forthcoming; the possibility that the car had been stolen had been disproved. I

cannot believe that the mere fact that a nonresident was on a city street after
midnight made him a suspicious person obliged to account for his conduct to
the satisfaction of the police or be incarcerated.1 The court's assertion that New
Hampshire could have enacted a statute comparable to some other state's, with
a period longer than four hours, seems to me highly questionable, but, in any
event, entirely beside the mark. No matter what a statute could provide as a
reasonable period for investigation, it could hardly be proper to permit the
detention to exceed the existence of the grounds of suspicion. After the police
had resolved the question of the car they were detaining appellees without any
semblance of grounds, in mere Micawber-like optimism that something would
turn up.

I will assume that a stop and frisk statute would be constitutional. See
generally, Police Power to Stop, Frisk, and Question Suspicious Persons, 65
Colum. L.Rev. 848 (1965). I could even assume, for present purposes, that a
very brief period of detention while the investigation was proceeding, would
also not be unconstitutional. This was assumed, without discussion, in
Commonwealth v. Lehan, 1964, 347 Mass. 197, 196 N.E.2d 840. But it is
fundamentally contrary to all principles of probable cause to say that, by statute
or otherwise, a state can convert what is, concededly, not probable cause into
something "just as good." However my brethren may state it, they are
performing an act of self-levitation. In seeking support from the cases finding
no unconstitutional impropriety in delayed arraignments, they are overlooking
the fact that prior to and underlying the custody in those cases there was
probable cause. This is a basic difference. Probable cause is the constitutionally
erected pale that fences in those in whose lives the police may interfere, and
protects the rest. It is one thing to say there is no strict constitutional timetable
once a defendant is in full, lawful custody It is another to parlay what was, at
best, an ephemeral right to temporary detention, any claim to which had long
disappeared, into the equivalent of lawful custody. I would go further. Even if
the original grounds for suspicion remained, suspicion is not probable cause,
and no more than the briefest detention on mere suspicion can be
constitutionally justifiable.


If the twelve-hour detention was not constitutionally permissible, then I believe

the seizure of appellees' clothes cannot be supported. By any analysis this
evidence would seem the direct fruit of the poisonous tree. The clothes were
brought within the ambit of police custody by the original detention, and were
retained by the unlawful holding of the petitioners. Concededly, not everything
that bears any causal relation, however remote, to unlawful police action is
attributable thereto. Cf. United States v. Close, 4 Cir., 1965, 349 F.2d 841, cert.
den. 382 U.S. 992, 86 S.Ct. 573, 15 L.Ed. 2d 479; Commonwealth v. Palladino,

1964, 346 Mass. 720, 195 N.E.2d 769. The purpose of the "fruits" doctrine is to
remove the incentive for police violations of constitutional rights, and if the
evidence discovered is so incidental as to preclude even a suspicion that the
reason for the detention was the hope of obtaining some such evidence, there
may be no reason to exclude it. See generally Developments in the Law
Confessions, 79 Harv.L.Rev. 935, 1024-26 (1966). However, this was not the
case here. I cannot go along with the implication in the court's opinion that
because the fruit was in a certain sense a windfall, it was not forbidden. The
police, doubtless, did not realize that they had obtained custody over bloody
clothes. On the other hand, clearly they were not detaining petitioners until
noontime simply to thwart some as yet unperpetrated offense. They must have
felt that evidence of a crime already committed might be forthcoming, and
must, in turn, have intended, by detaining the petitioners, to prevent suchever
activities as petitioners would otherwise have engaged in to hamper discovery.
This should not be condonable by saying that the police did not know what
these activities might be, or precisely what evidence might be involved.

Nor can the court whitewash police misconduct by condemning petitioners as

asserting "a constitutional right * * * to destroy evidence." The petitioners'
claim might be reduced to this if the court could cite a case holding that police
violation of fundamental liberties can be vindicated by the later discovery that
cause in fact existed. This it cannot do. Wong Sun v. United States, 1963, 371
U.S. 471, 484, 83 S.Ct. 407, 9 L.Ed.2d 441; cf. Rogers v. Richmond, 1961, 365
U.S. 534, 542, 81 S.Ct. 735, 5 L.Ed.2d 760. I am frankly shocked by the court's
holding at this date that a detention without pretence of right can be used to
produce usable evidence.


The present decision is, of course, a desirable result with respect to convicting
these petitioners, for whom, possibly, little can be said. This, however, is not
the point. The constitution exists for the unjust as well as the just.


The question whether Nelson's oral statement, made to Nugent after the
discovery of probable cause, should also have been excluded is less clear. I
might agree with my brethren that the unlawful detention was probably not
aimed at eliciting statements after probable cause should appear. Although it
may be assumed that but for this detention Nelson would not have been
apprehended, and in custody, at this particular time and place, it does not follow
that he would never have been arrested, nor that if he had been, he would not
have given the same answer to the same question. Nevertheless, the statement
was in some sense a product of the unlawful detention. For example, because of
the prior twelve-hour incommunicado detention in an out-of-state jail, Nelson
may have said something that he would not have said had he been arrested

later. These are imponderables, not like the easy situation in Wong Sun v.
United States, supra, where, some days after release from an unlawful arrest, a
defendant came himself to the station, or the perhaps relatively simple case of
Commonwealth v. Palladino, supra, where the defendant was first briefly held
by officers of the wrong municipality. I need not, however, resolve this
question. If my brethren do not accept what seems to me the obvious case, little
purpose is to be served by an academic discussion of the more difficult one. If
the petitioners were to be given new trials because of the improper use of the
clothing evidence, I assume this oral statement would then be interdicted by


The statutory and, I believe, common, definition of a suspicious person, is a

"person abroad whom [the officer] * * has reason to suspect is committing, has
committed or is about to commit a crime * * *."

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