United States v. Robert Almonte, United States of America v. Michael P. Ricapito, Joseph F. Corrigan, JR., 594 F.2d 261, 1st Cir. (1979)

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594 F.

2d 261

UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff, Appellee,

Robert ALMONTE, Defendant, Appellant.
UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff, Appellee,
Michael P. RICAPITO, Joseph F. Corrigan, Jr., Defendants,
Nos. 77-1539, 77-1540.

United States Court of Appeals,

First Circuit.
Argued Dec. 5, 1978.
Decided Feb. 21, 1979.

John J. Bevilacqua, Providence, R.I., for Robert Almonte, defendant,

Charles J. Rogers, Jr., Alton W. Wiley, Providence, R.I., and William M.
Kunstler, New York City, with whom Jacob R. Evseroff, Brooklyn, N.Y.,
was on brief, for Michael P. Ricapito and Joseph F. Corrigan, Jr.,
defendants, appellants.
Edwin J. Gale, Sp. Atty., Dept. of Justice, Providence, R.I., with whom
Paul F. Murray, U.S. Atty., Providence, R.I., and Gerald E. McDowell,
Sp. Atty., Dept. of Justice, Washington, D.C., were on brief, for plaintiff,
Before COFFIN, Chief Judge, CAMPBELL and BOWNES, Circuit
COFFIN, Chief Judge.

Appellants were convicted of fraudulent possession and sale of counterfeit

Federal Reserve Notes and of conspiracy. On appeal, some or all of the
appellants challenge the sufficiency of the government's affidavit supporting its

application for a wiretap, alleged multiplicity in the conspiracy count, the trial
court's refusal to reread large amounts of testimony to the jury, and raise the
spectre of prejudicial influences on jurors. We affirm.

The facts of this case, read in the light most favorable to the government, See
United States v. Gabriner, 571 F.2d 48, 50 (1st Cir. 1978), can be briefly
summarized as follows. On November 11, 1976, an undercover Secret Service
Agent purchased $3000 in counterfeit $50 dollar bills from appellant Almonte
at a tavern in Providence, Rhode Island. On November 18, the agent again met
with Almonte and purchased another $7000 in counterfeit $50's. At that time
the agent met Almonte's colleague, Hanrahan, who was sent outside the tavern
to obtain the bills once the deal was firmed up. On December 23, the agent and
another Secret Service man met Almonte at a Holiday Inn in Providence.
Almonte took the agents to Hanrahan's home near the tavern, entered the
dwelling, and returned with $50,000 in counterfeit $50's.

In order to determine the source of the counterfeit, the government sought and
obtained a wiretap order authorizing interception of calls by Almonte and
Hanrahan. Meanwhile, the undercover agent began negotiations for a $400,000
purchase of counterfeit. The wiretap soon showed that Almonte obtained his
counterfeit from Corrigan and that Corrigan approved Almonte's transactions.
Specifically, on January 20, 1977, the agent arranged to purchase another
$10,000 in counterfeit from Almonte. Almonte immediately called Corrigan to
advise him of the deal. The sale took place on January 21, and, as arranged in a
recorded phone conversation, Corrigan arrived shortly after the sale to meet

On February 11, the agent ordered $300,000 from Almonte. Almonte

immediately called Corrigan, who approved the sale and stated that delivery
would be in $100,000 lots. Almonte informed the agent the following morning.
The agent expressed extreme displeasure at the staggered delivery, backing out
of the deal. Almonte then conferred with Corrigan by phone. Corrigan told
Almonte the delivery plans were firm, saying, "we're not doing anything bigger
than that." That afternoon, Corrigan called Ricapito to advise him of the status
of the group's counterfeit dealings.

After further negotiations between Almonte and the agent, all of which were
approved by Corrigan, a deal was struck on February 20 for the purchase and
sale of $150,000 two days later. On February 21, Almonte, Hanrahan, and
Corrigan met at Corrigan's home. That evening, Corrigan telephoned Ricapito
to advise him that the two would probably have to meet the following day,
assuming that the buyer's final telephone confirmation was received in the


As agreed, the agent called Almonte on the morning of February 22 to verify

the planned purchase. They agreed to meet between 12:30 p. m. and 1:00 p. m.
Almonte immediately called Corrigan to indicate that the sale was set. Corrigan
told Almonte to have Hanrahan stay at home. Corrigan then called Ricapito to
indicate that he would need an additional eleven packages of $10,000 and
advised him that the deal was set for one o'clock. Almonte then called
Hanrahan and told him to wait at home for Corrigan, who would bring the
counterfeit. Hanrahan called Corrigan to confirm his instructions. Corrigan then
called Ricapito at his office and arranged to meet there at 11:30 a. m. Ricapito
indicated that he had not yet obtained the necessary counterfeit.

At 10:30 a. m., Corrigan left his home carrying a black briefcase and drove off.
He was later seen leaving Ricapito's office. Ricapito then left his office carrying
the black briefcase. He took it to the home of his girl friend's daughter. Ricapito
then drove to his girl friend's beauty shop and placed a brown briefcase in her
locked car parked out front. Corrigan then arrived, obtained the keys to the
locked car, took out the brown briefcase, and departed.

An hour later, the Secret Service purchased $150,000 in counterfeit from

Almonte and Hanrahan at the latter's residence.

Arrests and searches began. The brown briefcase was at Hanrahan's home,
empty. The black briefcase left with the daughter of Ricapito's girl friend
contained $13,000 in counterfeit and papers belonging to Ricapito. The
counterfeit $50's purchased on November 11 and November 18 were identical
to those in the briefcase secreted by Ricapito. All of the counterfeit $50's
showed the same cutting blade striations, indicating they were produced by the
same counterfeiter. With the exception of the $13,000 found in Ricapito's
briefcase, all of the counterfeit bills were packaged in the same way.


Based upon this evidence, the jury returned a verdict of guilty on all counts
against all defendants.

The Wiretap Application


Appellants Ricapito and Corrigan attack the decision of a district judge to issue
an intercept order, arguing that the Secret Service affidavit supporting the
application failed to provide "a full and complete statement as to whether or not
other investigative procedures have been tried and failed or why they

reasonably appear to be unlikely to succeed if tried or to be dangerous." 18

U.S.C. 2518(1)(c). Appellants unsuccessfully moved to suppress the fruits of
the wiretap before the trial court.

We think that the affidavit allows us to "decide (that) the facts set forth in the
application were minimally adequate to support the determination made" that
an intercept order should issue. United States v. Scibelli, 549 F.2d 222, 226 (1st
Cir.), Cert. denied, 431 U.S. 960, 97 S.Ct. 2687, 53 L.Ed.2d 278 (1977). A four
month investigation of Almonte and Hanrahan preceded the wiretap
application. More important, the affidavit recited Almonte's indication that the
counterfeit was coming from someone higher up in the chain of distribution and
provided the further information that following each of his numerous arrests,
starting in 1947, Almonte had refused to cooperate in identifying his suppliers.
The location of Almonte's home made physical surveillance to determine his
source difficult if not impossible. The allegations setting forth the difficulty in
penetrating beyond the retail level in a counterfeit distribution scheme were
nothing like the bare conclusory statements of past experience that we abjured
in United States v. DeMuro, 540 F.2d 503, 510 (1st Cir. 1976), Cert. denied,
429 U.S. 1038, 97 S.Ct. 733, 50 L.Ed.2d 749 (1977). Rather, the affiant set
forth that the Secret Service had failed to penetrate past the retail level of the
very same counterfeiting ring producing the same bills in other cities. It was
reasonable to believe that the secretive organization encountered in other cities
was the same organization encountered in Providence, and normal investigative
techniques were likely to produce the same failures. Finally, analysis of toll call
records had failed to identify Almonte's supplier a predictable result because
there was a central distributor located in Providence.


In sum, the affidavit sufficiently explained why this was an appropriate

situation to use wiretaps to locate the source and ultimately the producer of
contraband. We are not impressed by appellants' argument that there was no
difficulty in obtaining evidence against Almonte and Hanrahan. An
investigation of a counterfeiting ring need not stop with the retailers. United
States v. Staino, 358 F.Supp. 852 (E.D.Pa.1973). Finally, appellants' objection
to the use of wiretap evidence against persons not named in the application is
frivolous. Conspirators whose conversations are to be intercepted need only be
named if "known". 18 U.S.C. 2518(1)(b)(iv).

"Multiple" Conspiracies

Appellants Ricapito and Corrigan next argue that their conviction for
conspiracy was fatally defective because there was no evidence to link them to
the pre-wiretap sales of counterfeit. Appellants rely on Kotteakos v. United

States, 328 U.S. 750, 66 S.Ct. 1239, 90 L.Ed. 1557 (1946) in arguing further
that the unclear and confused evidence of their later involvement was made
more convincing by the impermissible implication of their involvement with
the earlier sales.

We see the matter differently. As to Corrigan, there was overwhelming

evidence from the wiretaps that he was the man controlling Almonte's
operation from the beginning. As to both Corrigan and Ricapito, there was
sufficient evidence in the nature of the counterfeit, in its consistent packaging,
and in the well coordinated and obviously experienced cooperation of the
defendants as a distribution team on February 22, for a jury to find beyond a
reasonable doubt that all of the sales were made through the medium of a
classic chain conspiracy.


Finally, even if we were not convinced that the evidence showed the
involvement of Ricapito and Corrigan from the beginning, we could say
without hesitation that "(t)his was not a case involving 'the dangers of
transference of guilt from one to another across the line separating conspiracies,
subconscious or otherwise . . . .' " United States v. Rivera Diaz, 538 F.2d 461,
465 (1st Cir. 1976) (Quoting Kotteakos v. United States, 328 U.S. 750, 774, 66
S.Ct. 1239, 90 L.Ed. 1557 (1946)). The existence of a single conspiracy having
been adequately proven, appellants' further evidentiary arguments also fail.

Refusal to Reread Testimony


Appellants next argue that the trial court erred in failing to reread the trial
transcript to the jury upon their request. After several hours of deliberation the
jury asked to rehear all of the taped telephone conversations and the foreman
further stated: "(W)e wanted to know February 22 the timing of all the the
timing of all the events that happened that day, February 22." The trial court
conferred with counsel, and all but Corrigan's counsel objected to fulfilling the
jury's request. The court expressed its concern that setting forth the timing of
events on February 22 would require culling the testimony of a large number of
witnesses and would, in effect, make the court a fact finder. The court then
acceded to the jury's request to rehear the tapes but denied the request for a
review of evidence about " timing".


As an initial matter, we note that appellate counsel for Ricapito and Corrigan
urge the application of a plain error standard since only Corrigan objected to the
trial court's refusal to read back testimony. We see no plain error. The decision
to reread testimony rests in the sound discretion of the trial court. United States
v. Pollack, 474 F.2d 828, 832 (2d Cir. 1974). In exercising that discretion, the

court can and should take into consideration the reasonableness of the jury's
request and the difficulty of complying therewith. Id.; United States v. Price,
447 F.2d 23, 31 (2d Cir.), Cert. denied, 404 U.S. 912, 92 S.Ct. 232, 30 L.Ed.2d
186 (1971). Complying with the request in this case would have required either
reading back the testimony of seventeen witnesses or culling the evidence and
thereby risking placing undue weight on the evidence reread. See United States
v. Baxter, 492 F.2d 150, 175 (9th Cir. 1973), Cert. denied, 416 U.S. 940, 94
S.Ct. 16, 38 L.Ed.2d 38 (1974). We see no error in asking the jury to sort out
the facts for itself. Finally, we are unimpressed by appellants' further argument
that acceding to the jury's specific and limited request for the tapes placed
undue importance on that evidence. The trial court merely granted a reasonable
and denied an unreasonable request.
Jury Impartiality

Appellant Almonte urges two grounds for reversal: first, that the trial court
abused its discretion by refusing to excuse the foreman of the jury when he
became aware of a contact between another juror and a witness called by the
government; and, second, that the court erred by permitting the jury to interrupt
their deliberations and return home for an evening when the foreman's wife
became ill. Finding no merit to either claim we affirm his conviction.

1. Refusal to excuse the foreman


During the course of the trial, the jury foreman asked to speak to the trial judge.
The judge met in chambers with the foreman who informed him that juror Alba
had told him that when she and another juror, Antonelli, had left the courthouse
the day before, they had seen Ricapito's girl friend, a government witness, wave
heartily at Antonelli. Antonelli then remarked that she had recognized the
witness when she took the stand as someone who had done her hair five years
ago. Alba also told the foreman that the incident had upset her, and asked him
to inform the court.


The court then told counsel of the occurrence, and at their suggestion,
interviewed Alba in chambers. She confirmed what the foreman had said and
stated that other than Antonelli, the foreman and herself, none of the jurors had
been told about the incident. The court advised her not to discuss it with
anyone. With agreement of all the parties, the court decided that any corrective
action would be delayed until the taking of evidence had been concluded at
trial. At that time, upon defense motion, the court excused jurors Antonelli and
Alba, although "just out of an abundance of caution", finding "no cause here to
remove anybody". He refused to excuse the foreman as also requested by the

defense for "(a)ll the man did was deliver the message, he has no connection,
no association with the incident whatsoever."

As we stated in United States v. Doe, 513 F.2d 709, 711-12 & n. 3 (1st Cir.
1975), if the court finds that a communication between jurors and a third party
has occurred, it must determine whether or not it was prejudicial and develop a
record that affords "an adequate basis for review". The district court, however,
is endowed with considerable discretion in determining the scope and nature of
the investigation needed to evaluate the effect of an impermissible jury contact,
See e. g., United States v. Corbin, 590 F.2d 398, at 400-401 (1st Cir. 1979);
United States v. Boscia, 573 F.2d 827, 831 (3d Cir.), Cert. denied, 436 U.S.
911, 98 S.Ct. 2248, 56 L.Ed.2d 411 (1978); United States v. Parker, 549 F.2d
998, 1000 (5th Cir. 1978); United States v. Doe, supra, 513 F.2d at 712, and we
find that the court here properly investigated and remedied the incident which
was reported to it.


Appellant's attempts to depict the waving incident as highly prejudicial and the
foreman's involvement in it as so "intimate" that his continued presence on the
jury tainted its deliberations are unpersuasive. The district court's comment that
"the whole thing is a gross exaggeration from beginning to end" strikes us as
accurate. No attempt was made by the witness to influence any juror;
apparently she and Antonelli did not even speak, and their contact upon leaving
the courthouse was completely inadvertent. Compare United States v. Lubrano,
529 F.2d 633, 638 (2d Cir. 1975) and Helmick v. Cupp, 437 F.2d 321, 322 (9th
Cir. 1971) With United States v. Harry Barfield Co., 359 F.2d 120, 124 (5th
Cir. 1966). The previous relationship between the two, that of hairdresser and
customer, was far from a close one and had occurred some five years before the
trial. The foreman did no more than calmly relay the incident second-hand to
the court. Finally, counsel's present assertion that "(i)t should have been
incumbent on the prosecution to show that (the foreman) remained unaffected
by his involvement in the witness/juror communication", is an about-face from
his position below. The court offered to call in the foreman and ask, "Now that
you have delivered the message, will that in any way affect your deliberations
in this case at all?", but counsel requested that he not do so, preferring that the
foreman's attention not be called to the incident again. Given the relatively
minor nature of this incident and the foreman's tangential involvement in it, the
court clearly did not abuse its discretion by refusing to remove him from the

2. Interruption of the jury's deliberations


Toward the end of the first day of the jury's deliberations, the court was

informed that the foreman's wife was ill and upset and wanted him home.
Although the jury had been sequestered, the court informed counsel that it
believed the appropriate response was to allow the jurors to return to their
homes for the night and to reconvene in the morning. The defendants objected,
noting that an article appeared in the morning paper about counterfeiting in the
area in which the defendants allegedly had been active, and moved for a
mistrial. The court denied the motion and called in the jury. In response to the
court's questions, the foreman stated that if he were not permitted to return to
his home that evening, his concern "would take my concentration away to
some degree", but that if he spent the night at home and returned to court the
next day, he had no doubt that he would be able to devote his full concentration
to the deliberations. The court then delivered a lengthy and forceful charge to
the jury, cautioning them to discuss the case with no one, and to abstain from
reading the newspapers either that night or in the morning and from watching
television programs or listening to radio broadcasts that "in any way deal with
law enforcement". He further informed them they would be placed under oath
in the morning and individually questioned about their adherence to his
instructions, and dispersed the jury. The next morning, the court followed that
procedure, questioning each juror under oath whether he had discussed the
case, read, seen or heard anything about this case or anything involving
"criminal laws or criminal prosecution or anything of that nature". Each juror
responded in the negative.

Appellant does note allege any specific prejudice resulting from allowing the
jury to separate, nor does he point to any acts of misconduct by the dispersed
jurors. Although he notes the supposed existence of a newspaper article on a
related subject, there is no suggestion that any of the jurors disregarded the
court's instructions, and contrary to their responses under oath, saw or discussed
it. See Cardarella v. United States, 375 F.2d 222, 227 (8th Cir. 1967). In effect,
then, appellant urges us to adopt a rule, apparently consistent with the Seventh
Circuit, See United States v. Panczko,353 F.2d 676, 678 (7th Cir. 1965); United
States v. D'Antonio, 342 F.2d 667, 670 (7th Cir. 1965), but in opposition to
every other court of appeals that has addressed the issue, See, e. g., United
States v. Piancone, 506 F.2d 748, 749-51 (3d Cir. 1974); Blackmon v. United
States, 474 F.2d 1125, 1126 (6th Cir.), Cert. denied, 414 U.S. 912, 94 S.Ct.
252, 38 L.Ed.2d 150 (1973); United States v. Harris, 458 F.2d 670, 674-75 (5th
Cir.), Cert. denied, 409 U.S. 888, 93 S.Ct. 195, 34 L.Ed.2d 145 (1972); United
States v. Eskridge, 456 F.2d 1202, 1205 (9th Cir.), Cert. denied, 408 U.S. 926,
92 S.Ct. 2507, 33 L.Ed.2d 338 (1972); United States v. Siragusa, 450 F.2d 592,
595 (2d Cir. 1971); United States v. Weiss, 431 F.2d 1402, 1407 (10th Cir.
1970); Cardarella v. United States, supra, 375 F.2d at 227, that a court must
sequester a jury during its deliberations, particularly if the defendant objects to

their separation. We decline to do so and thereby join with the majority of the
authorities by holding that it lies within the trial judge's discretion to decide
whether or not to allow the jury members to disburse before they have
completed their deliberations and reached a verdict. We see little to commend a
rigid per se rule such as the appellant advocates, which in effect would vest
control over the decision to sequester in the defendant rather than the trial court.
To the contrary:
27 problems of prejudicial publicity, possibility of harassment or approaches to
jurors, the presence or absence of suitable quarters, and difficulties with local
transportation to disperse the jury, emphasize factors which are particularly within
the competence of the trial judge to evaluate." United States v. Piancone, supra, 506
F.2d at 750.

There was no abuse of discretion here. After questioning the foreman, the court
examined its options and determined, quite properly we believe, that it was
better to allow the sequestered jurors to separate for the night than to compel
the foreman, who stated that he could not concentrate fully until he returned
home and attended his wife's problems, to continue to deliberate. The court
gave thorough cautionary instructions to the jurors and when they returned the
next day, questioned each of them under oath about their compliance. Appellant
has made no showing whatsoever of any harm occasioned by the separation of
the jury, let alone "the gravely prejudicial effect" which he alleges.


Finally, appellant maintains that the "cumulative prejudicial effect" of these

two incidents, the contact between a witness and a juror and the court's refusal
to sequester the jury during deliberations, both of which involved the foreman,
deprived him of a fair and impartial jury. As we have found no prejudice
resulting from either event, their combined effect was insignificant as well.



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