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709 F.

2d 122

Sarah RICHMAN, Plaintiff, Appellant,

UNITED STATES of America, Defendant, Appellee.
No. 82-1919.

United States Court of Appeals,

First Circuit.
Argued May 2, 1983.
Decided June 10, 1983.

C. Donald Briggs, III, Boston, Mass., with whom Bernard A. Kansky,

Boston, Mass. and Robert B. Rumrill, Boston, Mass., were on brief, for
plaintiff, appellant.
Nancy Serventi, Asst. U.S. Atty., Boston, Mass., with whom William F.
Weld, U.S. Atty., Boston, Mass., was on brief, for defendant, appellee.
Before CAMPBELL, Chief Judge, ALDRICH, Circuit Judge, and
BONSAL,* District Judge.
BAILEY ALDRICH, Senior Circuit Judge.

In this Federal Tort Claims action defendant filed a motion to dismiss, asserting
seven grounds, four of which were accepted by the court, without opinion, with
the following succinct order."Upon consideration of motion and supporting and
opposing memoranda, motion allowed and ordered that the case be dismissed
on grounds 1, 2, 3 and 6."

These grounds were, 1. The complaint fails to state a ground upon which relief
may be granted. 2. Jurisdiction is lacking because plaintiff failed to file a timely
administrative claim as required by law. 28 U.S.C. Sec. 2675, 2401(b). 3. The
claims are barred by the statute of limitations. 6. The complaint is barred by the
earlier rulings of the district court in C.A. No. 81-0059-Mc.

It is perhaps difficult, simply by reading the complaint, to find sufficient basis

for defenses 2 and 3, and, for that matter, 6. However, the "supporting and
opposing memoranda" agree on the underlying facts. We shall, accordingly,
treat the order of dismissal as a grant of summary judgment for the defendant.
So considered, it was correct.

The facts are these. On January 11, 1979 plaintiff, a woman entirely
unacquainted with one George Chalpin, while walking on a public sidewalk
was assaulted and seriously injured by Chalpin, apparently in a fit of temper
brought on by anger from learning that his wife intended to divorce him. In
December, 1980, while attending Chalpin's criminal trial, plaintiff's counsel
learned that he had been under treatment as an outpatient, and sometime
inpatient, prior to the occurrence, at a Veterans Administration hospital for
"nervous breakdown and emotional disturbances." On January 9, 1981, plaintiff
sued the United States and the Veterans Administration, but without having
previously filed the administrative claim required by 28 U.S.C. Sec. 2675(a).
That action was dismissed because of such failure. On September 28, 1981
plaintiff made the claim, appropriate except for the date, which, in due course,
the Veterans Administration denied. This suit followed.

Although suit was brought within the specified six months of the administrative
denial, it is manifest that the administrative filing was not made within the two
years as required by 28 U.S.C. Sec. 2401(b), viz., January, 1981. Plaintiff
would excuse this on the ground that this is an action for malpractice, which
she says does not accrue until the fact of malpractice is learned, and that she did
file administratively within two years of acquiring knowledge of the claim in
December, 1980.

Counsel's ingenuity doubtless deserves recognition, but it is misplaced. The

delayed accrual of a patient's claim against his physician for malpractice is an
exception to the general rule that, in the absence of fraudulent concealment,
minority, or other special excuse, a statute of limitations begins to run from the
date of the wrongful act. The present wrongful act, seemingly the failure to
place Chalpin in physical confinement, occurred no later than January 11, 1979,
and was not malpractice with reference to the plaintiff even if, for present
purposes, it be assumed to be actionable negligence. The postponement of the
running of the statute of limitations with respect to true malpractice, whether on
the theory that part of the misconduct caused the delay in its discovery, or on
some "humane" principle, is not applicable to plaintiff's claim. See United
States v. Kubrick, 1979, 444 U.S. 111, 122-25, 100 S.Ct. 352, 359-60, 62
L.Ed.2d 259. Plaintiff was not a patient, and her difficulty is not, and is not
comparable to, a malpractice injury; it is simply that she did not realize there
was another party she might be able to make a claim against. Indeed, the Court

held even in United States v. Kubrick that if the plaintiff knew of the injury, but
failed to inquire and learn of the doctor's fault, the statute was not tolled. So
here, plaintiff knew of her injury; there was no concealment that would toll the
statutory period. Davis v. United States, 9 Cir., 1981, 642 F.2d 328, 331-32,
cert. denied, 455 U.S. 919, 102 S.Ct. 1273, 71 L.Ed.2d 459.
mere failure of a wrongdoer to disclose his wrongdoing, where no fiduciary
relation exists, is not a fraudulent concealment of the cause of action ...." Norwood
Trust Co. v. Twenty-Four Fed. St. Corp., 1936, 295 Mass. 234, 237, 3 N.E.2d 826.

Thus, if a pedestrian were struck by a negligent driver, the statute would run in
favor of his undisclosed employer, and the barkeeper who allowed him to drink
too much, even if the pedestrian were ignorant of their existence. There would
be no limit to when the government might be sued if a plaintiff could assert
ignorance as an excuse for not pursuing her claim within the statutory period.

We may add that it is particularly inappropriate for this plaintiff to lament the
expiration of the statutory period. If, upon learning of her possible claim, she
had filed the statutorily required administrative papers instead of instituting this
suit there would have been no problem. Her failure destroyed the court's
jurisdiction to order a judgment against the government, and cannot be waived.
Employees Welfare Committee v. Daws, 5 Cir., 1979, 599 F.2d 1375, 1378.


We need not reach defendant's other grounds.



Of the Southern District of New York, sitting by designation

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